Index for si__

Si, A.[Alu] Co Author Listing * Regional Landslide Identification Based on Susceptibility Analysis and Change Detection

Si, B.[Bo] Co Author Listing * ABNet: An Aggregated Backbone Network Architecture for Fine Landcover Classification
* Impacts of Urban Expansion Forms on Ecosystem Services in Urban Agglomerations: A Case Study of Shanghai-Hangzhou Bay Urban Agglomeration
* Local Autoencoding for Parameter Estimation in a Hidden Potts-Markov Random Field
* Moving Object Detection Technology for Intelligent Police Based on ViBe Algorithm, A
* Moving Target Tracking Technology for Intelligent Police Based on Kalman Filter Method, A
* NIDALoc: Neurobiologically Inspired Deep LiDAR Localization
Includes: Si, B.[Bo] Si, B. Si, B.[Binghe] Si, B.[Bailu]

Si, B.C.[Bing Cheng] Co Author Listing * Determining Regional-Scale Groundwater Recharge with GRACE and GLDAS
* Spatiotemporal Variation in Driving Factors of Vegetation Dynamics in the Yellow River Delta Estuarine Wetlands from 2000 to 2020
Includes: Si, B.C.[Bing Cheng] Si, B.C.[Bing-Cheng]

Si, B.F.[Bing Feng] Co Author Listing * Novel Hierarchical Model in Ensemble Environment for Road Detection Application, A
Includes: Si, B.F.[Bing Feng] Si, B.F.[Bing-Feng]

Si, C. Co Author Listing * Multistage Adversarial Losses for Pose-Based Human Image Synthesis

Si, C.J.[Chong Jie] Co Author Listing * Tendency-driven Mutual Exclusivity for Weakly Supervised Incremental Semantic Segmentation
Includes: Si, C.J.[Chong Jie] Si, C.J.[Chong-Jie]

Si, C.Y.[Chen Yang] Co Author Listing * Adversarial Self-supervised Learning for Semi-Supervised 3d Action Recognition
* Attention Enhanced Graph Convolutional LSTM Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition, An
* Contrast-Reconstruction Representation Learning for Self-Supervised Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Freeinit: Bridging Initialization Gap in Video Diffusion Models
* FreeU: Free Lunch in Diffusion U-Net
* FSAR: Federated Skeleton-based Action Recognition with Adaptive Topology Structure and Knowledge Distillation
* HPFF: Hierarchical Locally Supervised Learning with Patch Feature Fusion
* MetaFormer Baselines for Vision
* MetaFormer is Actually What You Need for Vision
* Momentum Auxiliary Network for Supervised Local Learning
* Semantic Prompt for Few-Shot Image Recognition
* Skeleton-based action recognition with hierarchical spatial reasoning and temporal stack learning network
* Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Spatial Reasoning and Temporal Stack Learning
* Towards Language-Driven Video Inpainting via Multimodal Large Language Models
* VBench: Comprehensive Benchmark Suite for Video Generative Models
* VideoBooth: Diffusion-based Video Generation with Image Prompts
Includes: Si, C.Y.[Chen Yang] Si, C.Y.[Chen-Yang]
16 for Si, C.Y.

Si, D.[Deyi] Co Author Listing * Fast Reflectional Symmetry Detection Using Orientation Histograms
* Skew and Slant Correction for Document Images Using Gradient Direction
Includes: Si, D.[Deyi] Si, D.

Si, F. Co Author Listing * First Year On-Orbit Calibration of the Chinese Environmental Trace Gas Monitoring Instrument Onboard GaoFen-5
* Pre-Launch Radiometric Characterization of EMI-2 on the GaoFen-5 Series of Satellites
* Preflight Evaluation of the Performance of the Chinese Environmental Trace Gas Monitoring Instrument (EMI) by Spectral Analyses of Nitrogen Dioxide
Includes: Si, F. Si, F.[Fuqi]

Si, F.Q.[Fu Qi] Co Author Listing * Diffusion Height and Order of Sulfur Dioxide and Bromine Monoxide Plumes from the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Volcanic Eruption
* First Retrieval of Total Ozone Columns from EMI-2 Using the DOAS Method
* High-Resolution Nitrogen Dioxide Measurements from an Airborne Fiber Imaging Spectrometer over Tangshan, China
* Preflight Evaluation of the Environmental Trace Gases Monitoring Instrument with Nadir and Limb Modes (EMI-NL) Based on Measurements of Standard NO2 Sample Gas
* Preflight Spectral Calibration of the Ozone Monitoring Suite-Nadir on FengYun 3F Satellite
* Record Low Arctic Stratospheric Ozone in Spring 2020: Measurements of Ground-Based Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy in Ny-Olesund during 2017-2021
* Retrieval and Comparison of Multi-Satellite Polar Ozone Data from the EMI Series Instruments
* Sensitivity Analysis of Ozone Profiles Retrieved from SCIAMACHY Limb Radiance Based on the Weighted Multiplicative Algebraic Reconstruction Technique
* Successful Derivation of Absorbing Aerosol Index from the Environmental Trace Gases Monitoring Instrument (EMI)
* Total Ozone Columns from the Environmental Trace Gases Monitoring Instrument (EMI) Using the DOAS Method
* Unusual Enhancement of the Optical Depth on the Continental Shelf Depth Latitudinal Variation in the Stratospheric Polar Vortex
* Validation of EMI-2 Radiometric Performance with TROPOMI over Dome C Site in Antarctica
Includes: Si, F.Q.[Fu Qi] Si, F.Q.[Fu-Qi]
12 for Si, F.Q.

Si, G.[Gao] Co Author Listing * Real-Time Video Super-Resolution on Smartphones with Deep Learning, Mobile AI 2021 Challenge: Report

Si, G.J.[Guo Jun] Co Author Listing * Landslide Mapping and Causes of Landslides in the China-Nepal Transportation Corridor Based on Remote Sensing Technology
Includes: Si, G.J.[Guo Jun] Si, G.J.[Guo-Jun]

Si, G.X.[Gui Xing] Co Author Listing * Clutter Removal Method Based on the F-K Domain for Ground-Penetrating Radar in Complex Scenarios, A
* Study on the Relationship between Topological Characteristics of Vegetation Ecospatial Network and Carbon Sequestration Capacity in the Yellow River Basin, China
Includes: Si, G.X.[Gui Xing] Si, G.X.[Gui-Xing] Si, G.X.[Guo-Xin]

Si, G.Z.[Guang Zhen] Co Author Listing * Hybrid Spectrum Prediction Model Based on Deep Learning, A
Includes: Si, G.Z.[Guang Zhen] Si, G.Z.[Guang-Zhen]

Si, H.[Huaiwei] Co Author Listing * HKGAIL: Policy shaping via integrating human knowledge with generative adversarial imitation learning

Si, H.J.[Hua Jian] Co Author Listing * AGConv: Adaptive Graph Convolution on 3D Point Clouds
* SMD-Net: Siamese Multi-Scale Difference-Enhancement Network for Change Detection in Remote Sensing
Includes: Si, H.J.[Hua Jian] Si, H.J.[Hua-Jian] Si, H.J.[Hong-Jie]

Si, H.P.[Hai Peng] Co Author Listing * Low-Dose CT Denoising via Sinogram Inner-Structure Transformer
* Mapping Wheat Take-All Disease Levels from Airborne Hyperspectral Images Using Radiative Transfer Models
Includes: Si, H.P.[Hai Peng] Si, H.P.[Hai-Peng] Si, H.P.[Hai-Ping]

Si, H.Y.[Hong Ying] Co Author Listing * Feature extraction and representation learning of 3D point cloud data
Includes: Si, H.Y.[Hong Ying] Si, H.Y.[Hong-Ying]

Si, H.Z.[Hao Zhe] Co Author Listing * Fully Self-Supervised Depth Estimation from Defocus Clue
Includes: Si, H.Z.[Hao Zhe] Si, H.Z.[Hao-Zhe]

Si, J.[Jiahe] Co Author Listing * Assessment and Dynamic Prediction of Green Space Ecological Service Value in Guangzhou City, China
* Bi-directional gradient labeling and registration for gray-scale image segmentation
* Bidirectional Labeling and Registration Scheme for Grayscale Image Segmentation
* Dual Attention Matching Network for Context-Aware Feature Sequence Based Person Re-identification
* Online Reinforcement Learning Control for the Personalization of a Robotic Knee Prosthesis
* Orthogonal Rotation-Invariant Moments for Digital Image Processing
* Spatial Pyramid-Based Statistical Features for Person Re-Identification: A Comprehensive Evaluation
* Toward Task-Independent Optimal Adaptive Control of a Hip Exoskeleton for Locomotion Assistance in Neurorehabilitation
Includes: Si, J.[Jiahe] Si, J. Si, J.[Jennie]
8 for Si, J.

Si, J.B.[Jiang Bo] Co Author Listing * Proactive Eavesdropping via Jamming in UAV-Enabled Relaying Systems With Statistical CSI
* Proactive Eavesdropping via Jamming Over Multiple Suspicious Links With Wireless-Powered Monitor
* Proactive Eavesdropping With Jamming Power Allocation in Training-Based Suspicious Communications
* Secure Wireless Communication via Movable-Antenna Array
Includes: Si, J.B.[Jiang Bo] Si, J.B.[Jiang-Bo]

Si, J.H.[Jian Hua] Co Author Listing * Assessment of Land Desertification and Its Drivers in Semi-Arid Alpine Mountains: A Case Study of the Qilian Mountains Region, Northwest China
* Monitoring Spatial-Temporal Variability of Vegetation Coverage and Its Influencing Factors in the Yellow River Source Region from 2000 to 2020
Includes: Si, J.H.[Jian Hua] Si, J.H.[Jian-Hua]

Si, J.J.[Jun Jun] Co Author Listing * Adaptive frame level rate control in 3D-HEVC
* Adaptive rate control for High Efficiency Video Coding
* Laplace Distribution Based CTU Level Rate Control for HEVC
* study on the rate distortion modeling for High Efficiency Video Coding, A
Includes: Si, J.J.[Jun Jun] Si, J.J.[Jun-Jun]

Si, J.L.[Jian Lou] Co Author Listing * Person re-identification via region-of-interest based features
* Regularization in metric learning for person re-identification
Includes: Si, J.L.[Jian Lou] Si, J.L.[Jian-Lou]

Si, J.M.[Jian Min] Co Author Listing * Content-Based Gastric Image Retrieval Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Includes: Si, J.M.[Jian Min] Si, J.M.[Jian-Min]

Si, J.W.[Jian Wei] Co Author Listing * full-reference stereoscopic image quality assessment index based on stable aggregation of monocular and binocular visual features, A
* no-Reference Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment Network Based on Binocular Interaction and Fusion Mechanisms, A
Includes: Si, J.W.[Jian Wei] Si, J.W.[Jian-Wei]

Si, J.X.[Jia Xin] Co Author Listing * BPJDet: Extended Object Representation for Generic Body-Part Joint Detection
* Small and accurate heatmap-based face alignment via distillation strategy and cascaded architecture
Includes: Si, J.X.[Jia Xin] Si, J.X.[Jia-Xin]

Si, J.Y.[Jian Yang] Co Author Listing * Speckle Noise Spectrum at Near-Nadir Incidence Angles for a Time-Varying Sea Surface
Includes: Si, J.Y.[Jian Yang] Si, J.Y.[Jian-Yang]

Si, J.Z.[Jin Zhao] Co Author Listing * Formative Period Tracing and Driving Factors Analysis of the Lashagou Landslide Group in Jishishan County, China
* Interpretation of the Spatiotemporal Evolution Characteristics of Land Deformation in Beijing during 2003-2020 Using Sentinel, ENVISAT, and Landsat Data
* Surface Deformation of Expansive Soil at Ankang Airport, China, Revealed by InSAR Observations
Includes: Si, J.Z.[Jin Zhao] Si, J.Z.[Jin-Zhao]

Si, L.[Luo] Co Author Listing * Binary Codes Embedding for Fast Image Tagging with Incomplete Labels
* Discriminative Data-Dependent Mixture-Model Approach for Multiple Instance Learning in Image Classification, A
* Dual Polarization Modality Fusion Network for Assisting Pathological Diagnosis
* FCHP: Exploring the Discriminative Feature and Feature Correlation of Feature Maps for Hierarchical DNN Pruning and Compression
* General, Nested, and Constrained Wiberg Minimization
* Integrated Drought Index (Vapor Pressure Deficit-Soil Moisture-Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Dryness Index, VMFDI) Based on Multisource Data and Its Applications in Agricultural Drought Management, An
* Learning to Hash with Partial Tags: Exploring Correlation between Tags and Hashing Bits for Large Scale Image Retrieval
* LiCHy: The CAF's LiDAR, CCD and Hyperspectral Integrated Airborne Observation System
* Robust Deconvolution Method of Airborne LiDAR Waveforms for Dense Point Clouds Generation in Forest, A
* Sixth Visual Object Tracking VOT2018 Challenge Results, The
* Taxonomy and Evaluation of Dense Light Field Depth Estimation Algorithms, A
* Varied channels region proposal and classification network for wildlife image classification under complex environment
Includes: Si, L.[Luo] Si, L.[Lu] Si, L.[Liang] Si, L.[Lulu] Si, L.[Lin] Si, L.[Liu] Si, L. Si, L.[Lei]
12 for Si, L.

Si, L.L.[Li Li] Co Author Listing * Neugebauer Model of a Four-Color Inkjet Printer
Includes: Si, L.L.[Li Li] Si, L.L.[Li-Li]

Si, L.P.[Li Peng] Co Author Listing * Dense Depth-Map Estimation and Geometry Inference from Light Fields via Global Optimization
* Generation of High Temporal Resolution Fractional Forest Cover Data and Its Application in Accurate Time Detection of Forest Loss
* Knee Cartilage Defect Assessment by Graph Representation and Surface Convolution
* Quantitatively Assessing the Impact of Driving Factors on Vegetation Cover Change in China's 32 Major Cities
* Reconstructing scene depth and appearance behind foreground occlusion using camera array
* Reconstruction of a Monthly 1 km NDVI Time Series Product in China Using Random Forest Methodology
* Reducing magnetic resonance image spacing by learning without ground-truth
Includes: Si, L.P.[Li Peng] Si, L.P.[Li-Peng] Si, L.P.[Long-Ping] Si, L.P.[Li-Ping]
7 for Si, L.P.

Si, L.Y.[Ling Yu] Co Author Listing * Part-Aware Correlation Networks for Few-Shot Learning
* Polarimetric Scattering Characteristics-Guided Adversarial Learning Approach for Unsupervised PolSAR Image Classification, A
Includes: Si, L.Y.[Ling Yu] Si, L.Y.[Ling-Yu]

Si, M.H.[Ming Hao] Co Author Listing * Indoor Positioning Method Using WiFi RTT Based on LOS Identification and Range Calibration
Includes: Si, M.H.[Ming Hao] Si, M.H.[Ming-Hao]

Si, M.L.[Meng Lin] Co Author Listing * Artificial Neuron Network With Parameterization Scheme for Estimating Net Surface Shortwave Radiation From Satellite Data Under Clear Sky: Application to Simulated GF-5 Data Set, An
* Feasibility of Urban-Rural Temperature Difference Method in Surface Urban Heat Island Analysis under Non-Uniform Rural Landcover: A Case Study in 34 Major Urban Agglomerations in China
* Spatiotemporal pattern and long-term trend of global surface urban heat islands characterized by dynamic urban-extent method and MODIS data
Includes: Si, M.L.[Meng Lin] Si, M.L.[Meng-Lin]

Si, N.[Nianwen] Co Author Listing * Improving Speech Translation by Understanding the Speech From Latent Code

Si, N.W.[Nian Wen] Co Author Listing * Exploring global sentence representation for graph-based dependency parsing using BLSTM-SCNN
Includes: Si, N.W.[Nian Wen] Si, N.W.[Nian-Wen]

Si, P.[Peng] Co Author Listing * Comparisons of the Urbanization Effect on Heat Stress Changes in Guangdong during Different Periods
* Deep reinforcement learning and ant colony optimization supporting multi-UGV path planning and task assignment in 3D environments
* Infrared and visible image fusion for ship targets based on scale-aware feature decomposition
* SMMP: A Stable-Membership-Based Auto-Tuning Multi-Peak Clustering Algorithm
Includes: Si, P.[Peng] Si, P.[Pengbo]

Si, Q.[Qi] Co Author Listing * 3D Geometry Modeling and Safety Compliance Assessment of In-Service Roads Using Massive LiDAR Point Clouds

Si, R. Co Author Listing * Framework of Cognitive Indoor Navigation Based on Characteristics of Indoor Spatial Environment, A

Si, R.X.[Run Xuan] Co Author Listing * MOOD 2020: A Public Benchmark for Out-of-Distribution Detection and Localization on Medical Images
Includes: Si, R.X.[Run Xuan] Si, R.X.[Run-Xuan]

Si, S.[Si] Co Author Listing * Active contour model based on hybrid signed pressure force function
* Evolutionary Cross-Domain Discriminative Hessian Eigenmaps
* How Does Noise Help Robustness? Explanation and Exploration under the Neural SDE Framework
* Pushing the Efficiency Limit Using Structured Sparse Convolutions
* robust system for text extraction in video, A
* You Look Twice: GaterNet for Dynamic Filter Selection in CNNs
Includes: Si, S.[Si] Si, S. Si, S.[Shijing]

Si, S.H. Co Author Listing * Quadric Curve Based Stereo

Si, S.M.[Shu Ming] Co Author Listing * Multiscale Feature Fusion for the Multistage Denoising of Airborne Single Photon LiDAR
Includes: Si, S.M.[Shu Ming] Si, S.M.[Shu-Ming]

Si, S.T.[Son Tong] Co Author Listing * Monitoring Lake Volume Variation from Space Using Satellite Observations: A Case Study in Thac Mo Reservoir (Vietnam)

Si, T.Z.[Tong Zhen] Co Author Listing * DATFuse: Infrared and Visible Image Fusion via Dual Attention Transformer
* Hybrid Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* Spatial-Driven Features Based on Image Dependencies for Person Re-Identification
Includes: Si, T.Z.[Tong Zhen] Si, T.Z.[Tong-Zhen]

Si, W.[Wen] Co Author Listing * Diverse Batch Steganography Using Model-Based Selection and Double-Layered Payload Assignment
* Fast Vanishing Point Estimation Based on Particle Swarm Optimization
* Illumination Modeling Method for Office Lighting Control by Using RBFNN
* Novel Lambertian-RBFNN for Office Light Modeling, A
* Retrieval of Water Quality from UAV-Borne Hyperspectral Imagery: A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Algorithms
* Thin-Feature-Aware Transport-Velocity Formulation for SPH-Based Liquid Animation
Includes: Si, W.[Wen] Si, W.[Wa] Si, W.[Wei] Si, W.

Si, W.G.[Wei Guang] Co Author Listing * Poet: Prompt Offset Tuning for Continual Human Action Adaptation
* Super Resolution Enhancement of Satellite Remote Sensing Images of Transmission Tower Based on Multi-map Residual Network and Wavelet Transform
Includes: Si, W.G.[Wei Guang] Si, W.G.[Wei-Guang] Si, W.G.[Wei-Guo]

Si, W.J.[Wei Jian] Co Author Listing * Few-Shot Learning for Radar Signal Recognition Based on Tensor Imprint and Re-Parameterization Multi-Channel Multi-Branch Model
Includes: Si, W.J.[Wei Jian] Si, W.J.[Wei-Jian]

Si, W.W.[Wen Wen] Co Author Listing * Angelic Patches for Improving Third-Party Object Detector Performance
* Semi-supervised Color Image Segmentation Method, A
Includes: Si, W.W.[Wen Wen] Si, W.W.[Wen-Wen] Si, W.W.[Wen-Wu]

Si, W.X.[Wei Xin] Co Author Listing * Synergistic Digital Twin and Holographic Augmented-Reality-Guided Percutaneous Puncture of Respiratory Liver Tumor
Includes: Si, W.X.[Wei Xin] Si, W.X.[Wei-Xin]

Si, X. Co Author Listing * Detection and Rectification of Distorted Fingerprints
* TACO: Benchmarking Generalizable Bimanual Tool-ACtion-Object Understanding
* Target recognition via discriminant information and geometrical structure co-learning using radar sensor network
Includes: Si, X. Si, X.[Xu]

Si, X.B.[Xuan Bin] Co Author Listing * Dense registration of fingerprints
Includes: Si, X.B.[Xuan Bin] Si, X.B.[Xuan-Bin]

Si, X.L.[Xiao Long] Co Author Listing * Improved Vicarious Calibration Method Based on Multi-Grayscale Targets, An
* novel camera calibration method based on known rotations and translations, A
Includes: Si, X.L.[Xiao Long] Si, X.L.[Xiao-Long] Si, X.L.[Xue-Long]

Si, X.M.[Xiao Meng] Co Author Listing * Consistent and diverse multi-View subspace clustering with structure constraint
Includes: Si, X.M.[Xiao Meng] Si, X.M.[Xiao-Meng]

Si, X.P.[Xiao Peng] Co Author Listing * EEG Microstates and fNIRS Metrics Reveal the Spatiotemporal Joint Neural Processing Features of Human Emotions
Includes: Si, X.P.[Xiao Peng] Si, X.P.[Xiao-Peng]

Si, Y.[Yidan] Co Author Listing * Assessment and Improvement of MISR Angstrom Exponent and Single-Scattering Albedo Products Using AERONET Data in China
* Assessment of Atmospheric Correction Algorithms for Correcting Sunglint Effects in Sentinel-2 MSI Imagery: A Case Study in Clean Lakes
* CD-MQANet: Enhancing Multi-Objective Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images through Channel Creation and Dual-Path Encoding
* Context-Associative Hierarchical Memory Model for Human Activity Recognition and Prediction
* Curve Evolution Approach for Unsupervised Segmentation of Images With Low Depth of Field, A
* Dynamic Changes and Driving Factors in the Surface Area of Ebinur Lake over the Past Three Decades
* Dynamic Tracking Matched Filter with Adaptive Feedback Recurrent Neural Network for Accurate and Stable Ship Extraction in UAV Remote Sensing Images
* Estimation of Satellite-Based SO42- and NH4+ Composition of Ambient Fine Particulate Matter over China Using Chemical Transport Model
* Evaluation of the Radiometric Calibration of FY4A-AGRI Thermal Infrared Data Using Lake Qinghai
* FY-4A/AGRI Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval Capability Test and Validation Based on NNAeroG
* Ground-Level Particulate Matter Concentration Estimation Based on the New Generation of FengYun Geostationary Meteorological Satellite, The
* Interference of Heavy Aerosol Loading on the VIIRS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) Retrieval Algorithm
* Low-Grade Road Extraction Method Using SDG-DenseNet Based on the Fusion of Optical and SAR Images at Decision Level, A
* MQANet: Multi-Task Quadruple Attention Network of Multi-Object Semantic Segmentation from Remote Sensing Images
* Novel Algorithm of Haze Identification Based on FY3D/MERSI-II Remote Sensing Data, A
* PSA-YOLO: License Plate Detection Method Based on Pyramid Segmentation Attention in Complex Scenes
* Radiometric Calibration Evaluation for FY3D MERSI-II Thermal Infrared Channels at Lake Qinghai
* Regional Land Subsidence Analysis in Eastern Beijing Plain by InSAR Time Series and Wavelet Transforms
* Remote Sensing of Aerosols and Water-Leaving Radiance from Chinese FY-3/MERSI Based on a Simultaneous Method
* Scene classification-oriented saliency detection via the modularized prescription
* Specular Reflections Removal for Endoscopic Image Sequences With Adaptive-RPCA Decomposition
Includes: Si, Y.[Yidan] Si, Y.[Yunrui] Si, Y.[Yu] Si, Y. Si, Y.[Yang] Si, Y.[Yuge] Si, Y.[Yuan] Si, Y.[Yanna]
21 for Si, Y.

Si, Y.J.[Yuan Jie] Co Author Listing * Denoising of Photon-Counting LiDAR Bathymetry Based on Adaptive Variable OPTICS Model and Its Accuracy Assessment
* Fast Inter Mode Decision Algorithm for H.264/AVC
* novel brain image enhancement method based on nonsubsampled contourlet transform, A
* Novel computer-aided lung cancer detection based on convolutional neural network-based and feature-based classifiers using metaheuristics
* Novel Method for Constructing EEG Large-Scale Cortical Dynamical Functional Network Connectivity (dFNC): WTCS, A
* Remote Sensing Image Enhancement Based on Adaptive Thresholding in NSCT Domain
Includes: Si, Y.J.[Yuan Jie] Si, Y.J.[Yuan-Jie] Si, Y.J.[Yu-Juan] Si, Y.J.[Ya-Jing]

Si, Y.Q.[Ya Qing] Co Author Listing * Real-time simulation of electrocautery procedure using meshfree methods in laparoscopic cholecystectomy
* Spatial Distribution Pattern and Influencing Factors of Sports Tourism Resources in China
Includes: Si, Y.Q.[Ya Qing] Si, Y.Q.[Ya-Qing] Si, Y.Q.[Yu-Qi]

Si, Y.S.[Yong Sheng] Co Author Listing * Method for Predicting Canopy Light Distribution in Cherry Trees Based on Fused Point Cloud Data, A
Includes: Si, Y.S.[Yong Sheng] Si, Y.S.[Yong-Sheng]

Si, Y.X.[Yu Xuan] Co Author Listing * Disentangled Sequential Autoencoder with Local Consistency for Infectious Keratitis Diagnosis
Includes: Si, Y.X.[Yu Xuan] Si, Y.X.[Yu-Xuan]

Si, Y.Z.[Yu Ze] Co Author Listing * COCCON Measurements of XCO2, XCH4 and XCO over Coal Mine Aggregation Areas in Shanxi, China, and Comparison to TROPOMI and CAMS Datasets
* comprehensive benchmark analysis for sand dust image reconstruction, A
* RFSC-net: Re-parameterization forward semantic compensation network in low-light environments
Includes: Si, Y.Z.[Yu Ze] Si, Y.Z.[Yu-Ze] Si, Y.Z.[Yao-Zhong] Si, Y.Z.[Yun-Zhong]

Si, Z. Co Author Listing * AP-CNN: Weakly Supervised Attention Pyramid Convolutional Neural Network for Fine-Grained Visual Classification
* Hard exudate segmentation in retinal image with attention mechanism
* Unordered Image Stitching Method Based on Binary Tree and Estimated Overlapping Area, An
Includes: Si, Z. Si, Z.[Ze]

Si, Z.C.[Zhi Chao] Co Author Listing * Temporal-Spatial Traffic Flow Prediction Model Based on Prompt Learning
Includes: Si, Z.C.[Zhi Chao] Si, Z.C.[Zhi-Chao]

Si, Z.L.[Zi Lin] Co Author Listing * ObjectFolder 2.0: A Multisensory Object Dataset for Sim2Real Transfer
Includes: Si, Z.L.[Zi Lin] Si, Z.L.[Zi-Lin]

Si, Z.W.[Zhi Wei] Co Author Listing * DIC-ST: A Hybrid Prediction Framework Based on Causal Structure Learning for Cellular Traffic and Its Application in Urban Computing
* Urban Area Characterization and Structure Analysis: A Combined Data-Driven Approach by Remote Sensing Information and Spatial-Temporal Wireless Data
Includes: Si, Z.W.[Zhi Wei] Si, Z.W.[Zhi-Wei]

Si, Z.Y.[Zheng Ye] Co Author Listing * Novel Architecture for Image Vectorization with Increasing Granularity, A
Includes: Si, Z.Y.[Zheng Ye] Si, Z.Y.[Zheng-Ye]

Si, Z.Z.[Zhang Zhang] Co Author Listing * Deformable Template As Active Basis
* Learning Active Basis Model for Object Detection and Recognition
* Learning and parsing video events with goal and intent prediction
* Learning AND-OR Templates for Object Recognition and Detection
* Learning explicit and implicit visual manifolds by information projection
* Learning Hybrid Image Templates (HIT) by Information Projection
* Learning mixed templates for object recognition
* Unsupervised learning of event AND-OR grammar and semantics from video
* Unsupervised learning of stochastic AND-OR templates for object modeling
* Using High-Level Semantic Features in Video Retrieval
Includes: Si, Z.Z.[Zhang Zhang] Si, Z.Z.[Zhang-Zhang]
10 for Si, Z.Z.

Index for "s"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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