Update Dates 1509

1509 * *Editorial of Special Issue on Shape Representations Meet Visual Recognition
* *HandNet Hand Images
* *SAVAM, Visual Salience Dataset
* 3-D Facial Landmark Localization With Asymmetry Patterns and Shape Regression from Incomplete Local Features
* 3D-MAD: A Full Reference Stereoscopic Image Quality Estimator Based on Binocular Lightness and Contrast Perception
* Aboveground-Biomass Estimation of a Complex Tropical Forest in India Using Lidar
* Accelerometer-Based Gait Recognition by Sparse Representation of Signature Points With Clusters
* Acceptability of driving an equipped vehicle with drive recorder: The impact of the context
* Accuracy and Precision of Head Motion Information in Multi-Channel Free Induction Decay Navigators for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Accurate Determination of Glacier Surface Velocity Fields with a DEM-Assisted Pixel-Tracking Technique from SAR Imagery
* Accurate eye localization in the Short Waved Infrared Spectrum through summation range filters
* Accurate glottal model parametrization by integrating audio and high-speed endoscopic video data
* Active Batch Selection via Convex Relaxations with Guaranteed Solution Bounds
* Active Learning in Context-Driven Stream Mining With an Application to Image Mining
* Activity Sequence-Based Indoor Pedestrian Localization Using Smartphones
* Adaptive facial point detection and emotion recognition for a humanoid robot
* Adaptive fuzzy intensity measure enhancement technique for non-uniform illumination and low-contrast images
* Adaptive Metric Learning for Saliency Detection
* Adaptive Spot Detection With Optimal Scale Selection in Fluorescence Microscopy Images
* Adaptive Visual Tracking Control for Manipulator With Actuator Fuzzy Dead-Zone Constraint and Unmodeled Dynamic
* Adaptive-Rate Compressive Sensing Using Side Information
* Adaptive-Window Polarimetric SAR Image Speckle Filtering Based on a Homogeneity Measurement
* Advanced free-form deformation and Kullback-Lieblier divergence measure for digital elevation model registration
* Adversarial Biometric Recognition: A review on biometric system security from the adversarial machine-learning perspective
* Aerosol Optical and Microphysical Properties of Four Typical Sites of SONET in China Based on Remote Sensing Measurements
* Airborne SAR Moving Target Signatures and Imagery Based on LVD
* Algorithm and code optimizations for real-time passive ranging by imaging detection on single DSP
* Analysing traffic fluency from bus data
* Angular-Similarity-Preserving Binary Signatures for Linear Subspaces
* Anil Jain: 25 Years of Biometric Recognition
* Annihilating Filter-Based Low-Rank Hankel Matrix Approach for Image Inpainting
* Application of Multispectral Sensors Carried on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to Trophic State Mapping of Small Reservoirs: A Case Study of Tain-Pu Reservoir in Kinmen, Taiwan
* Approximate message passing-based compressed sensing reconstruction with generalized elastic net prior
* Architectural Aspects of Self-Aware and Self-Expressive Computing Systems: From Psychology to Engineering
* Assistive Image Comment Robot: A Novel Mid-Level Concept-Based Representation
* Assistive Navigation Framework for the Visually Impaired, An
* Asymmetric Features of Oceanic Microwave Brightness Temperature in High Surface Wind Speed Condition
* aTrunk: An ALS-Based Trunk Detection Algorithm
* Attentive Monitoring of Multiple Video Streams Driven by a Bayesian Foraging Strategy
* Audio visual isolated Hindi digits recognition using HMM
* Audiovisual Fusion: Challenges and New Approaches
* Augmenting bag-of-words: a robust contextual representation of spatiotemporal interest points for action recognition
* Autism Blogs: Expressed Emotion, Language Styles and Concerns in Personal and Community Settings
* Autolanding Control Using Recurrent Wavelet Elman Neural Network
* Automated Detection of Activity Transitions for Prompting
* Automated real-time video surveillance summarization framework
* Automated segmentation of the epidermis area in skin whole slide histopathological images
* Automated Vehicle License Plate Recognition System, An
* Automated Vessel Segmentation Using Infinite Perimeter Active Contour Model with Hybrid Region Information with Application to Retinal Images
* Automatic Contrast Enhancement Technology With Saliency Preservation
* Automatic Coronary Calcium Scoring in Non-Contrast-Enhanced ECG-Triggered Cardiac CT With Ambiguity Detection
* Automatic false edge elimination using locally adaptive regression kernel
* Automatic Generation of Tailored Accessible User Interfaces for Ubiquitous Services
* Automatic high-speed video glottis segmentation using salient regions and 3D geodesic active contours
* Automatic Identification of Miscarriage Cases Supported by Decision Strength Using Ultrasound Images of the Gestational Sac
* Automatic image-based detection and inspection of paper fibres for grasping
* Automatic In Situ Calibration of a Spinning Beam LiDAR System in Static and Kinematic Modes
* Automatic method for white matter lesion segmentation based on T1-fluid-attenuated inversion recovery images
* Automatic Music Mood Classification Based on Timbre and Modulation Features
* Automatic Optical-to-SAR Image Registration by Iterative Line Extraction and Voronoi Integrated Spectral Point Matching
* Automatic Orthorectification of High-Resolution Optical Satellite Images Using Vector Roads
* Automatic Sea-Surface Obstacle Detection and Tracking in Forward-Looking Sonar Image Sequences
* Automatic Soccer Player Tracking in Single Camera with Robust Occlusion Handling Using Attribute Matching
* Basis Construction for Range Estimation by Phase Unwrapping
* Battery Aware Video Delivery Techniques Using Rate Adaptation and Base Station Reconfiguration
* Bayer Pattern CFA Demosaicking Based on Multi-Directional Weighted Interpolation and Guided Filter
* Bayesian Inference for Neighborhood Filters With Application in Denoising
* Bayesian Joint Modelling for Object Localisation in Weakly Labelled Images
* Benefits and challenges of multi-driver simulator studies
* Bimodal Co-sparse Analysis Model for Image Processing, A
* Biometric Feature-Type Transformation: Making templates compatible for secret protection
* Biometric Key Generation Method Based on Semisupervised Data Clustering, A
* Biometric Template Protection: Bridging the performance gap between theory and practice
* Biometric verification with eye movements: results from a long-term recording series
* Biometrics Security and Privacy Protection, From the Guest Editors
* Biometrics Systems Under Spoofing Attack: An evaluation methodology and lessons learned
* Blind Low Complexity Time-Of-Arrival Estimation Algorithm for UWB Signals
* Block Region of Interest Method for Real-Time Implementation of Large and Scalable Image Reconstruction
* Block world reconstruction from spherical stereo image pairs
* Both Minimum MSE and Maximum SNR Channel Training Designs for MIMO AF Multi-Relay Networks with Spatially Correlated Fading
* Breaking the 99% barrier: Optimisation of three-dimensional face recognition
* Building Façade Recognition Using Oblique Aerial Images
* Calibration of the L-MEB Model for Croplands in HiWATER Using PLMR Observation
* Cancelable Biometrics: A review
* Cascaded Collaborative Regression for Robust Facial Landmark Detection Trained Using a Mixture of Synthetic and Real Images With Dynamic Weighting
* case study in identifying acceptable bitrates for human face recognition tasks, A
* Categorical image retrieval through genetically optimized support vector machines (GOSVM) and hybrid texture features
* Challenges and Opportunities of Multimodality and Data Fusion in Remote Sensing
* Challenges of Remote Monitoring of Wetlands, The
* Characterizing the Aerosol and Surface Reflectance Over Australia Using AATSR
* Classification of Remotely Sensed Images Using the GeneSIS Fuzzy Segmentation Algorithm
* Closed form line-segment extraction using the Hough transform
* Cloud-Assisted Live Streaming for Crowdsourced Multimedia Content
* Clustering of multivariate binary data with dimension reduction via L1-regularized likelihood maximization
* Co-Saliency Detection via Co-Salient Object Discovery and Recovery
* Coarse-to-fine outlier correction with applications in structure from motion
* Codesign Lessons Learned from Implementing Graph Matching on Multithreaded Architectures
* Coding Local and Global Binary Visual Features Extracted From Video Sequences
* Collaborative Linear Coding for Robust Image Classification
* Color Channel Fusion Approach for Face Recognition, A
* Color constancy by combining low-mid-high level image cues
* Color Constancy Using Double-Opponency
* Color Image Denoising via Discriminatively Learned Iterative Shrinkage
* Color Sparse Representations for Image Processing: Review, Models, and Prospects
* Colour-feature dual discriminating correlation analysis for face recognition
* Combined EMD-ICA Analysis of Simultaneously Register EEG-fMRI Data, A
* Combined HO-CPF and HO-WD PPS estimator
* Combined Sparse and Collaborative Representation for Hyperspectral Target Detection
* Comparison Between an HVS Inspired Linear Filter and the Bilateral Filter in Performing Vision at a Glance through Smoothing with Edge Preservation
* Comparison of ASCAT Soil Moisture Data With In Situ Observations Over the Indian Region: A Multiscale Analysis, A
* Comparison of Incoherent and Coherent Wave Field Measurements Using Dual-Polarized Pulse-Doppler X-Band Radar
* Complex event recognition using constrained low-rank representation
* Compressive Bilateral Filtering
* Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging for Stellar Spectroscopy
* Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging via Sparse Tensor and Nonlinear Compressed Sensing
* Compressive Regularization Imaging Algorithm for Millimeter-Wave SAIR, A
* Computation and dissipative dynamical systems in neural networks for classification
* Concept of controlling the usage of nomadic devices in highly automated vehicles
* Conceptual knowledge-based modeling of interactive 3D content
* Connection Discovery Using Big Data of User-Shared Images in Social Media
* Consensus Analysis and Modeling of Visual Aesthetic Perception
* Consistency between In Situ, Model-Derived and High-Resolution-Image-Based Soil Temperature Endmembers: Towards a Robust Data-Based Model for Multi-Resolution Monitoring of Crop Evapotranspiration
* Consistent Video Saliency Using Local Gradient Flow Optimization and Global Refinement
* Constrained Multi-View Video Face Clustering
* Constructing a Nonnegative Low-Rank and Sparse Graph With Data-Adaptive Features
* Content-based image retrieval using fuzzy class membership and rules based on classifier confidence
* Content-based image retrievals based on generalised gamma distribution and relevance feedback mechanism
* Continuous Depth Map Reconstruction From Light Fields
* Convergence analysis of the zero-attracting variable step-size LMS algorithm for sparse system identification
* Cooperative ITS communications architecture: the FOTsis project approach and beyond
* Coordinated ramp metering with priorities
* Correction of Stray-Light-Driven Interslot Radiometric Discrepancy (ISRD) Present in Radiometric Products of Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI)
* Correlation, Kalman filter and adaptive fast mean shift based heuristic approach for robust visual tracking
* Coupled Ground- and Space-Based Assessment of Regional Inundation Dynamics to Assess Impact of Local and Upstream Changes on Evaporation in Tropical Wetlands
* Covariance-Based Descriptors for Efficient 3D Shape Matching, Retrieval, and Classification
* Cross-Calibration of GF-1/WFV over a Desert Site Using Landsat-8/OLI Imagery and ZY-3/TLC Data
* Cross-View Action Recognition Over Heterogeneous Feature Spaces
* Cross-view face recognition via structured dictionary based domain shift
* Cryptanalysis of a video encryption method based on mixing and permutation operations in the DCT domain
* CSI-EPT: A Contrast Source Inversion Approach for Improved MRI-Based Electric Properties Tomography
* data-driven approach for tag refinement and localization in web videos, A
* Deblurring Saturated Night Image With Function-Form Kernel
* DECAF: MEG-Based Multimodal Database for Decoding Affective Physiological Responses
* Demonstration of OpenFlow-Controlled Network Orchestration for Adaptive SVC Video Manycast
* Depth Map Coding Optimization Using Rendered View Distortion for 3D Video Coding
* Design and Analysis of Multimodel-Based Anomaly Intrusion Detection Systems in Industrial Process Automation
* Design of a cryptosystem for DCT compressed image using Arnold transform and fractional Fourier transform
* Design of Positive-Definite Quaternion Kernels
* DESRM: a disease extraction system for real-time monitoring
* Detecting Curvilinear Features Using Structure Tensors
* Detecting Humans in Dense Crowds Using Locally-Consistent Scale Prior and Global Occlusion Reasoning
* Detection of defects in fabrics using topothesy fractal dimension features
* Detection of Glottal Activity Using Different Attributes of Source Information
* Detection of highly articulated moving objects by using co-segmentation with application to athletic video sequences
* Deterministic Analysis of Decimation for Sigma-Delta Quantization of Bandlimited Functions, A
* Deterministic Construction of Compressed Sensing Matrices from Protograph LDPC Codes
* Dictionary Learning for Fast Classification Based on Soft-thresholding
* Dictionary Learning Level Set
* Dictionary Pair Learning on Grassmann Manifolds for Image Denoising
* Diffusion Sign Subband Adaptive Filtering Algorithm for Distributed Estimation
* Digital image watermarking using partial pivoting lower and upper triangular decomposition into the wavelet domain
* Digital Topology and Geometry in Medical Imaging: A Survey
* Direct blue noise resampling of meshes of arbitrary topology
* Discovering salient objects from videos using spatiotemporal salient region detection
* Discriminative and Compact Coding for Robust Face Recognition
* Diseased Region Detection of Longitudinal Knee Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data
* disembodied predictor stance, The
* dissimilarity representation for finding universals from particulars by an anti-essentialist approach, The
* Distributed Autoregressive Moving Average Graph Filters
* Distributed Sequential Estimation in Asynchronous Wireless Sensor Networks
* Divergence of Gradient Convolution: Deformable Segmentation With Arbitrary Initializations
* Does HDR Pre-Processing Improve the Accuracy of 3D Models Obtained by Means of two Conventional SfM-MVS Software Packages? The Case of the Corral del Veleta Rock Glacier
* Domain Adaptation for Remote Sensing Image Classification: A Low-Rank Reconstruction and Instance Weighting Label Propagation Inspired Algorithm
* Domain Mismatch Compensation for Speaker Recognition Using a Library of Whiteners
* Dot-Diffused Halftoning With Improved Homogeneity
* Double Line Image Rotation
* Douglas-Rachford Splitting Approach to Compressed Sensing Image Recovery Using Low-Rank Regularization, A
* Driving simulator-based study of compliance behaviour with dynamic message sign route guidance
* Dynamic Response of Satellite-Derived Vegetation Growth to Climate Change in the Three North Shelter Forest Region in China
* Early search termination for fast motion estimation
* Eco-driving strategies in battery electric vehicle use- how do drivers adapt over time?
* Eco-driving strategies in battery electric vehicle use- how do drivers adapt over time?
* Edge-moment-based color constancy using illumination-coherent regularized regression
* Edges and Corners With Shearlets
* EEG signal analysis using spectral correlation function & GARCH model
* Effective Image Retrieval System Using Dot-Diffused Block Truncation Coding Features
* Effectiveness of advisory warnings based on cooperative perception
* Effects of Precipitation Intensity and Temperature on NDVI-Based Grass Change over Northern China during the Period from 1982 to 2011
* Efficacy of Pearson distributions for characterization of gray levels in clinical ultrasound kidney images
* Efficient Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coder Based on Logarithmic Domain, An
* efficient algorithm for Arabic optical font recognition using scale-invariant detector, An
* Efficient Cascaded Filtering Retrieval Method for Big Audio Data, An
* efficient construction of substitution box with fractional chaotic system, An
* Efficient Dictionary Learning with Sparseness-Enforcing Projections
* Efficient Foreground Extraction From HEVC Compressed Video for Application to Real-Time Analysis of Surveillance Big Data
* Efficient Lagrange multiplier selection for scalable video coding using temporal inter-layer dependency
* Efficient Large-Scale Structure From Motion by Fusing Auxiliary Imaging Information
* efficient multimodal 2D + 3D feature-based approach to automatic facial expression recognition, An
* Efficient Near-Field Imaging for Single-Borehole Radar With Widely Separated Transceivers
* efficient optimal and suboptimal motion estimation algorithms, The
* Efficient QR Code Beautification With High Quality Visual Content
* Efficient Shape Priors for Spline-Based Snakes
* Efficient Superpixel-Level Multitask Joint Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Efficient vanishing point detection method in complex urban road environments
* Elastic moduli of simple mass spring models
* Emotion classification during music listening from forehead biosignals
* Empirical analysis of cascade deformable models for multi-view face detection
* Energy-Efficient HTTP Adaptive Video Streaming With Networking Cost Constraint Over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, An
* Enhancing Color Images of Extremely Low Light Scenes Based on RGB/NIR Images Acquisition With Different Exposure Times
* Enhancing Video Event Recognition Using Automatically Constructed Semantic-Visual Knowledge Base
* Ensemble Approach to Image Matching Using Contextual Features, An
* Entropy and Channel Capacity under Optimum Power and Rate Adaptation over Generalized Fading Conditions
* Entropy Minimization for Groupwise Planar Shape Co-alignment and its Applications
* Estimating Parameters of Optimal Average and Adaptive Wiener Filters for Image Restoration with Sequential Gaussian Simulation
* Estimating the Influence of Spectral and Radiometric Calibration Uncertainties on EnMAP Data Products: Examples for Ground Reflectance Retrieval and Vegetation Indices
* Estimation of Daily Surface Shortwave Net Radiation From the Combined MODIS Data
* Estimation of disparity map of stereo image pairs using spatial domain local Gabor wavelet
* Estimation of Forest Biomass From Two-Level Model Inversion of Single-Pass InSAR Data
* Evaluation and Comparison of Anatomical Landmark Detection Methods for Cephalometric X-Ray Images: A Grand Challenge
* Evaluation of a multi-modal driver coaching function for electric vehicles
* Evaluation of Different Training Sample Allocation Schemes for Discrete and Continuous Land Cover Classification Using Decision Tree-Based Algorithms, An
* Evaluation of Fisher Information Matrix-Based Methods for Fast Assessment of Image Quality in Pinhole SPECT
* Evaluation of the tactile detection response task in a laboratory test using a surrogate driving set-up
* Evaluation of the wavelet image two-line coder: A low complexity scheme for image compression
* Evolutionary Fuzzy Control and Navigation for Two Wheeled Robots Cooperatively Carrying an Object in Unknown Environments
* Evolutionary Multiobjective Image Feature Extraction in the Presence of Noise
* Evolving Transport Networks With Cellular Automata Models Inspired by Slime Mould
* Evolving winter road maintenance ecosystems in Finland and Hokkaido, Japan
* Experimental Results and Algorithm Analysis of DEM Generation Using Bistatic SAR Interferometry With Stationary Receiver
* Exploration with Novel Shape Signature of GMSC Distance Function to Track the Object, An
* Extracting Man-Made Objects From High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images via Fast Level Set Evolutions
* Extracting the Green Fractional Vegetation Cover from Digital Images Using a Shadow-Resistant Algorithm (SHAR-LABFVC)
* Extracting Vertical Displacement Rates in Shanghai (China) with Multi-Platform SAR Images
* Extraction of Vegetation Points from LiDAR Using 3D Fractal Dimension Analyses, The
* Extrinsic Methods for Coding and Dictionary Learning on Grassmann Manifolds
* face detection and location method based on Feature Binding, A
* Face recognition: challenges, achievements and future directions
* Facial aging and asymmetry decomposition based approaches to identification of twins
* Factorization of view-object manifolds for joint object recognition and pose estimation
* Factorization-Based Texture Segmentation
* Fast and accurate multi-view reconstruction by multi-stage prioritised matching
* Fast and efficient narrow volume reconstruction from scattered data
* Fast Computation of Generalized Waterfilling Problems
* Fast Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting Method Using Bounding Based on Mean and Standard Deviation of Patch Pixels, A
* Fast Fusion of Multi-Band Images Based on Solving a Sylvester Equation
* Fast linearized alternating direction method of multipliers for the augmented L1-regularized problem
* Fast Mode Selection for HEVC Intra-Frame Coding With Entropy Coding Refinement Based on a Transparent Composite Model
* Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm and Design for Real Time QFHD High Efficiency Video Coding
* Fast Optimal Antenna Placement for Distributed MIMO Radar with Surveillance Performance
* Fast Signal Separation of 2-D Sparse Mixture via Approximate Message-Passing
* Fast Single Image Haze Removal Algorithm Using Color Attenuation Prior, A
* Fast Unsupervised Seafloor Characterization in Sonar Imagery Using Lacunarity
* Fast Volume Reconstruction From Motion Corrupted Stacks of 2D Slices
* FBI wants better automated image analysis for tattoos
* Feature exploration for biometric recognition using millimetre wave body images
* Feature Point Matching Based on Spatial Order Constraints Bilateral-Neighbor Vote, A
* Feature selection for low bit rate mobile augmented reality applications
* Feature-Preserving Noise Removal
* Flutter Shutter Code Calculator, The
* Forest Height Estimation by Means of Pol-InSAR Data Inversion: The Role of the Vertical Wavenumber
* Forward search algorithm based on dynamic programming for real-time adaptive traffic signal control
* Forward-Looking Ground-Penetrating Radar via a Linear Inverse Scattering Approach
* Fourteen-Year Record (2000-2013) of the Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Floating Algae Blooms in Lake Chaohu, Observed from Time Series of MODIS Images
* FPGA based simple and fast JPEG encryptor
* FPGA Hardware with Target-Reconfigurable Object Detector
* FPGA-based architecture of DSC-SRI units specially for motion blind ultrasound systems, An
* Framework for Composition and Enforcement of Privacy-Aware and Context-Driven Authorization Mechanism for Multimedia Big Data, A
* From Intensity Profile to Surface Normal: Photometric Stereo for Unknown Light Sources and Isotropic Reflectances
* From senses to texts: An all-in-one graph-based approach for measuring semantic similarity
* Full-Reference Stereo Image Quality Assessment Using Natural Stereo Scene Statistics
* Fusion of Quantized and Unquantized Sensor Data for Estimation
* Future role of cost-benefit analysis in intelligent transport system-research
* Fuzzy Integral-Based Gaze Control of a Robotic Head for Human Robot Interaction
* Fuzzy Temporal Segmentation and Probabilistic Recognition of Continuous Human Daily Activities
* Gamma Knife treatment planning: MR brain tumor segmentation and volume measurement based on unsupervised Fuzzy C-Means clustering
* Gaze Estimation From Eye Appearance: A Head Pose-Free Method via Eye Image Synthesis
* generalisable framework for saliency-based line segment detection, A
* Generalized Dictionaries for Multiple Instance Learning
* Generalized Log-Ratio Transformation: Learning Shape and Adjacency Priors for Simultaneous Thigh Muscle Segmentation, The
* Generalized Nested Sampling for Compressing Low Rank Toeplitz Matrices
* Generalized Total Variation: Tying the Knots
* Generation of a Zoomed Stereo Video Using Two Synchronized Videos with Different Magnifications
* Generative Graph Prototypes from Information Theory
* Generative regularization with latent topics for discriminative object recognition
* Geodesic Information Flows: Spatially-Variant Graphs and Their Application to Segmentation and Fusion
* Geometric structure-constraint tracking with confident parts
* Global Sensitivity Analysis of Soil Parameters Associated With Backscattering Using the Advanced Integral Equation Model, A
* GO4 Model in Near-Nadir Microwave Scattering From the Sea Surface, The
* Gradient Domain Guided Image Filtering
* Graph-theory-based spectral feature selection for computer aided diagnosis of Parkinson's disease using T1-weighted MRI
* Gravimetric Vegetation Water Content Estimation for Corn Using L-Band Bi-Angular, Dual-Polarized Brightness Temperatures and Leaf Area Index
* Guest Editorial
* Guest Editorial
* Guest Editorial Multimedia: The Biggest Big Data
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Ambient-Assisted Living: Sensors, Methods, and Applications
* Guest Editorial: Challenges and Perspectives for Affective Analysis in Multimedia
* Guest Editorial: Sparse Coding
* H.264/MVC interleaving for real-time multiview video streaming
* Hand-Dorsa Vein Recognition by Matching Local Features of Multisource Keypoints
* HandVR: a hand-gesture-based interface to a video retrieval system
* Haptic Solution to Assist Visually Impaired in Mobility Tasks, A
* Hemispherical-Directional Reflectance (HDRF) of Windblown Snow-Covered Arctic Tundra at Large Solar Zenith Angles
* Heterogeneous Graph Propagation for Large-Scale Web Image Search
* HFirst: A Temporal Approach to Object Recognition
* Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Mixture Model for Music Emotion Recognition
* Hierarchical Grid-based Multi-People Tracking-by-Detection With Global Optimization
* Hierarchical Learning of Tree Classifiers for Large-Scale Plant Species Identification
* Hierarchical multi-resolution decomposition of statistical shape models
* Hierarchical structure-and-motion recovery from uncalibrated images
* High accuracy optical flow estimation based on PDE decomposition
* High Performance Remote Sensing Product Generation System Based on a Service Oriented Architecture for the Next Generation of Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites, A
* High Resolution Local Structure-Constrained Image Upsampling
* High SNR Consistent Thresholding for Variable Selection
* High-capacity reversible watermarking scheme of 2D-vector data
* High-efficiency TV video noise reduction through adaptive spatial-temporal frame filtering
* High-Latitude Ionospheric Irregularity Drift Velocity Estimation Using Spaced GPS Receiver Carrier Phase Time-Frequency Analysis
* High-Order Topology Modeling of Visual Words for Image Classification
* Higher Order Subspace Algorithm for Multichannel Speech Enhancement, A
* Higher-Order Motion-Compensation for In Vivo Cardiac Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Rats
* Histogram of 3D Facets: A depth descriptor for human action and hand gesture recognition
* HOG-Dot: A Parallel Kernel-Based Gradient Extraction for Embedded Image Processing
* Human Action Recognition in Unconstrained Videos by Explicit Motion Modeling
* Human colour skin detection in CMYK colour space
* Hybrid Barankin-Weiss-Weinstein Bounds
* Hyperspectral Band Selection Based on Rough Set
* Hyperspectral image compression based on lapped transform and Tucker decomposition
* Hyperspectral Image Denoising Using the Robust Low-Rank Tensor Recovery
* Identifiability of the Simplex Volume Minimization Criterion for Blind Hyperspectral Unmixing: The No-Pure-Pixel Case
* Identification of faces in line drawings by edge decomposition
* Identification of Forested Landslides Using LiDar Data, Object-based Image Analysis, and Machine Learning Algorithms
* Illumination Robustness of Phase Correlation for Image Alignment, The
* Image Annotation by Latent Community Detection and Multikernel Learning
* Image Deblurring with Coupled Dictionary Learning
* Image enhancement based on contourlet transform
* Image Fusion-Based Change Detection for Flood Extent Extraction Using Bi-Temporal Very High-Resolution Satellite Images
* Image interpolation using shearlet based iterative refinement
* Image Location Estimation by Salient Region Matching
* Image Pair Analysis With Matrix-Value Operator
* Image Quality Assessment Using Human Visual DOG Model Fused With Random Forest
* Image Restoration Using Gaussian Mixture Models With Spatially Constrained Patch Clustering
* Image Restoration via Simultaneous Sparse Coding: Where Structured Sparsity Meets Gaussian Scale Mixture
* Image Search Reranking With Hierarchical Topic Awareness
* Impact of EU Privacy Legislation on Biometric System Deployment: Protecting citizens but constraining applications, The
* Impact of eye detection error on face recognition performance
* Impact of Improved Calibration of a NEO HySpex VNIR-1600 Sensor on Remote Sensing of Water Depth
* Implicit Contour Morphing Framework Applied to Computer-Aided Severe Weather Forecasting, An
* improved empirical mode decomposition by using dyadic masking signals, An
* Improved M-PRT Technique for Spectral Analysis of Weather Radar Observations, An
* Improved watermarking technique based on significant difference of lifting wavelet coefficients
* Improving Graph-Based Image Segmentation Using Nonlinear Color Similarity Metrics
* Improving Multimedia Content Delivery via Augmentation With Social Information: The Social Prefetcher Approach
* Improving Soil Moisture Profile Prediction With the Particle Filter-Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method
* Incorporating Adaptive Local Information Into Fuzzy Clustering for Image Segmentation
* Incremental learning to segment micrographs
* Influence of Color-to-Gray Conversion on the Performance of Document Image Binarization: Toward a Novel Optimization Problem
* Infrared and visible image fusion with spectral graph wavelet transform
* Integrated Framework for Human-Robot Collaborative Manipulation, An
* Integrated ubiquitous connectivity and centralised information platform for intelligent public transportation systems
* Integrating natural language processing with image document analysis: what we learned from two real-world applications
* Inter-prediction methods based on linear embedding for video compression
* Interactive Cosegmentation Using Global and Local Energy Optimization
* Intercalibration and Validation of Observations From ATMS and SAPHIR Microwave Sounders
* Interoperability of eCall and ERA-GLONASS in-vehicle emergency call systems
* Interpolation and parallel adjustment of center-sampled trees with new balancing constraints
* Intra Predictive Depth Map Coding Using Flexible Block Partitioning
* Intra-Prediction and Generalized Graph Fourier Transform for Image Coding
* Invariant foreground occupation ratio for scale adaptive mean shift tracking
* Inventory of Small Forest Areas Using an Unmanned Aerial System
* Investigation of the Electronic Crosstalk in Terra MODIS Band 28
* Iris Biometric Security Challenges and Possible Solutions: For your eyes only? Using the iris as a key
* Iris recognition based on a novel variation of local binary pattern
* Iris Recognition Based on Local Gabor Orientation Feature Extraction
* Iterative bilateral filter for Rician noise reduction in MR images
* Iterative Convex Refinement for Sparse Recovery
* Iterative CT Reconstruction Algorithm for Fast Fluid Flow Imaging, An
* Iterative Mid-Range with Application to Estimation Performance Evaluation
* Iterative particle filter for visual tracking
* Joint Estimation of Activity and Attenuation in Whole-Body TOF PET/MRI Using Constrained Gaussian Mixture Models
* Joint Super Resolution and Denoising From a Single Depth Image
* Junction detection in handwritten documents and its application to writer identification
* Kinect range sensing: Structured-light versus Time-of-Flight Kinect
* Knowledge-driven understanding of images in comic books
* L0-norm based structural sparse least square regression for feature selection
* Land Cover and Crop Type Classification along the Season Based on Biophysical Variables Retrieved from Multi-Sensor High-Resolution Time Series
* Landmark localization on 3D/4D range data using a shape index-based statistical shape model with global and local constraints
* Large-Scale Image Retrieval Based on Compressed Camera Identification
* Learning a non-linear combination of Mahalanobis distances using statistical inference for similarity measure
* Learning Compact Binary Face Descriptor for Face Recognition
* Learning Compact Hash Codes for Multimodal Representations Using Orthogonal Deep Structure
* Learning Sparse FRAME Models for Natural Image Patterns
* Learning Super-Resolution Jointly From External and Internal Examples
* Learning Visual-Spatial Saliency for Multiple-Shot Person Re-Identification
* Learning-Based Object Identification and Segmentation Using Dual-Energy CT Images for Security
* Light field distortion feature for transparent object classification
* Light Weight Text Extraction Technique for Hand-Held Device, A
* Linear Models for Airborne-Laser-Scanning-Based Operational Forest Inventory With Small Field Sample Size and Highly Correlated LiDAR Data
* Local binary patterns on triangular meshes: Concept and applications
* Local N-Ary Pattern and Its Extension for Texture Classification
* Locality-sensitive hashing for region-based large-scale image indexing
* Localization algorithms for multilateration (MLAT) systems in airport surface surveillance
* Localized Energy-Based Normalization of Medical Images: Application to Chest Radiography
* Location recognition over large time lags
* Low PMEPR OFDM Radar Waveform Design Using the Iterative Least Squares Algorithm
* Low-Complexity Near-ML Differential Spatial Modulation Detector, A
* Low-Rank Subspace Representation for Estimating the Number of Signal Subspaces in Hyperspectral Imagery
* L_0 Regularized Mumford-Shah Model for Bias Correction and Segmentation of Medical Images, The
* Machine-assisted authentication of paper currency: An experiment on Indian banknotes
* MAGI: A New High-Performance Airborne Thermal-Infrared Imaging Spectrometer for Earth Science Applications
* Magnetic resonance image denoising using nonlocal maximum likelihood paradigm in DCT-framework
* Manifold Kernel Sparse Representation of Symmetric Positive-Definite Matrices and Its Applications
* Mapping Aquatic Vegetation in a Large, Shallow Eutrophic Lake: A Frequency-Based Approach Using Multiple Years of MODIS Data
* Mapping Intra-Field Yield Variation Using High Resolution Satellite Imagery to Integrate Bioenergy and Environmental Stewardship in an Agricultural Watershed
* Mapping Tree Canopy Cover and Aboveground Biomass in Sudano-Sahelian Woodlands Using Landsat 8 and Random Forest
* Mapping US Urban Extents from MODIS Data Using One-Class Classification Method
* Markov Network-Based Unified Classifier for Face Recognition
* Maximum Secrecy Throughput of Transmit Antenna Selection with Eavesdropper Outage Constraints
* Measuring Collectiveness in Crowded Scenes via Link Prediction
* Median Filtering Forensics Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* medical image enhancement method using adaptive thresholding in NSCT domain combined unsharp masking, A
* Medical image fusion based on improved sum-modified-Laplacian
* method for determining the number of features in the kernel space required for preserving classifiability, A
* Method for Retrieving Daily Land Surface Albedo from Space at 30-m Resolution, A
* Method to Increase the Scanning Rate of Phased-Array Weather Radar, A
* Microwave Backscatter From Arctic Lake Ice and Polarimetric Implications
* Mindfulness, inattention and performance in a driving simulator
* Minimizing Pixel Expansion in Visual Cryptographic Scheme for General Access Structures
* Minimizing Reflectance Anisotropy Effects in Airborne Spectroscopy Data Using Ross-Li Model Inversion With Continuous Field Land Cover Stratification
* Mining frequent closed itemsets from multidimensional databases
* Missing Modality Transfer Learning via Latent Low-Rank Constraint
* Mitosis Detection for Invasive Breast Cancer Grading in Histopathological Images
* Modeling and Simulation of Glacier Avalanche: A Case Study of Gayari Sector Glaciers Hazards Assessment
* Modeling Emotion Influence in Image Social Networks
* Modeling Glacier Elevation Change from DEM Time Series
* Modeling of the Permittivity of Holly Leaves in Frozen Environments
* Monitoring Ground Subsidence in Hong Kong via Spaceborne Radar: Experiments and Validation
* Motion Estimation for Dynamic Texture Videos Based on Locally and Globally Varying Models
* Motion objects segmentation based on structural similarity background modelling
* Motion-towards-each-other-based hand gesture initialization
* Moving horizon estimation of pedestrian interactions using multiple velocity fields
* Moving visual focus in salient object segmentation
* Moving Weighted Harmonic Analysis Method for Reconstructing High-Quality SPOT VEGETATION NDVI Time-Series Data, A
* MRI brain image classification: a hybrid approach
* Multi-Bernoulli sample consensus for simultaneous robust fitting of multiple structures in machine vision
* Multi-Camera Saliency
* Multi-criteria evaluation method for freight logistics innovations
* Multi-Local-Task Learning with Global Regularization for Object Tracking
* Multi-Spectral Fusion Based Approach for Arbitrarily Oriented Scene Text Detection in Video Images
* Multi-Temporal Independent Component Analysis and Landsat 8 for Delineating Maximum Extent of the 2013 Colorado Front Range Flood
* Multiangle BSAR Imaging Based on BeiDou-2 Navigation Satellite System: Experiments and Preliminary Results
* Multibiometric system using fuzzy level set, and genetic and evolutionary feature extraction
* Multichannel Phase Unwrapping: Problem Topology and Dual-Level Parallel Computational Model
* Multimodal Classification of Remote Sensing Images: A Review and Future Directions
* Multimodal Data Fusion
* Multimodal Data Fusion Using Source Separation: Application to Medical Imaging
* Multimodal Data Fusion Using Source Separation: Two Effective Models Based on ICA and IVA and Their Properties
* Multimodal Data Fusion: An Overview of Methods, Challenges, and Prospects
* Multimodal Image Reconstruction Method Using Ultrasonic Waves and Electrical Resistance Tomography, A
* Multimodal Segmentation of Optic Disc and Cup From SD-OCT and Color Fundus Photographs Using a Machine-Learning Graph-Based Approach
* Multiperson Locating and Their Soft Tracking in a Binary Infrared Sensor Network
* Multiple Stable States and Catastrophic Shifts in Coastal Wetlands: Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities in Validating Theory Using Remote Sensing and Other Methods
* Multirobot Coordination for Space Exploration
* Multirobot Path-Planning Strategy for Autonomous Wilderness Search and Rescue, A
* Multiscale Dictionary Learning via Cross-Scale Cooperative Learning and Atom Clustering for Visual Signal Processing
* Multiscale Superpixels and Supervoxels Based on Hierarchical Edge-Weighted Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation
* Multisensoral Topsoil Mapping in the Semiarid Lake Manyara Region, Northern Tanzania
* Multispectral Image Out-of-Focus Deblurring Using Interchannel Correlation
* Multitemporal Fluctuations in L-Band Backscatter From a Japanese Forest
* Multivariate Machine Learning Methods for Fusing Multimodal Functional Neuroimaging Data
* Musical Onset Detection Using Constrained Linear Reconstruction
* nature of the visual field, a phenomenological analysis, The
* Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Generalized Demixing, A
* Net Surface Shortwave Radiation from GOES Imagery: Product Evaluation Using Ground-Based Measurements from SURFRAD
* Neural network-based ideation learning for intelligent agents: e-brainstorming with privacy preferences
* New Detection Algorithm for Coherent Scatterers in SAR Data, A
* new estimator of intrinsic dimension based on the multipoint Morisita index, A
* New interface for musical instruments using lip reading
* New Quaternion-Based Encryption Method for DICOM Images, A
* New Satellite-Based Indicator for Estimation of the Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Current Intensity, A
* New Spectral Fitting Method for Full-Spectrum Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Retrieval Based on Principal Components Analysis
* NLMS Algorithm with Time-Variant Optimum Stepsize Derived from a Bayesian Network Perspective, The
* Noise analysis for lensless compressive imaging
* Non-Rigid Object Contour Tracking via a Novel Supervised Level Set Model
* Nonlinear and Nonseparable Bidimensional Multiscale Representation Based on Cell-Average Representation
* Nonparametric Image Registration of Airborne LiDAR, Hyperspectral and Photographic Imagery of Wooded Landscapes
* Novel Framework for Pulse Pressure Wave Analysis Using Persistent Homology, A
* novel image compression method for medical images using geometrical regularity of image structure, A
* Novel MKL Model of Integrating LiDAR Data and MSI for Urban Area Classification, A
* novel Zohair filter for deblurring computed tomography medical images, A
* Nuclear-L_1 Norm Joint Regression for Face Reconstruction and Recognition with Mixed Noise
* Object tracking using discriminative sparse appearance model
* Object-Based Multiple Foreground Video Co-Segmentation via Multi-State Selection Graph
* Object-Based Unsupervised Classification of VHR Panchromatic Satellite Images by Combining the HDP and IBP on Multiple Scenes
* Objective Quality Assessment of Interpolated Natural Images
* Ocean Turbulent Dynamics at Superresolution From Optimal Multiresolution Analysis and Multiplicative Cascade
* On Diverse Noises in Hyperspectral Unmixing
* On Outage Probability for Stochastic Energy Harvesting Communications in Fading Channels
* On the Average Directivity Factor Attainable With a Beamformer Incorporating Null Constraints
* On the Synergy of Airborne GNSS-R and Landsat 8 for Soil Moisture Estimation
* On the usefulness of one-class classifier ensembles for decomposition of multi-class problems
* On unifiers, diversifiers, and the nature of pattern recognition
* On visual gaze tracking based on a single low cost camera
* On-Orbit Radiometric Calibration of Suomi NPP VIIRS Reflective Solar Bands Through Observations of a Sunlit Solar Diffuser Panel
* On-Road Pedestrian Tracking Across Multiple Driving Recorders
* One-Pass Mode and Motion Decision for Multilayer Quality Scalable Video Coding
* Online Multi-Target Tracking With Unified Handling of Complex Scenarios
* Online State-Based Structured SVM Combined With Incremental PCA for Robust Visual Tracking
* Opportunistic Beamforming with Wireless Powered 1-bit Feedback Through Rectenna Array
* Optimal Isotropic Wavelets for Localized Tight Frame Representations
* Optimization of the Degree of Polarization for Enhanced Ship Detection Using Polarimetric RADARSAT-2
* Optimized Kaiser-Bessel Window Functions for Computed Tomography
* Optimized Packet Scheduling in Multiview Video Navigation Systems
* Optimizing the Endmembers Using Volume Invariant Constrained Model
* Ordered trajectories for human action recognition with large number of classes
* Ortho-diffusion decompositions of graph-based representation of images
* OTWC: an efficient object-tracking method
* Outlier detection in traffic data based on the Dirichlet process mixture model
* p-norm variable step-size LMS algorithm for sparse system identification, A
* Pansharpening With Multiscale Normalized Nonlocal Means Filter: A Two-Step Approach
* Parallel Double Snakes. Application to the segmentation of retinal layers in 2D-OCT for pathological subjects
* Part-based deformable object detection with a single sketch
* Pattern recognition between science and engineering: A red herring?
* Pattern-Coupled Sparse Bayesian Learning for Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging
* Perceptual Quality Assessment for Multi-Exposure Image Fusion
* Perceptual Quality Assessment of Screen Content Images
* Performance analysis of a novel GPU computation-to-core mapping scheme for robust facet image modeling
* Performance of Burn-Severity Metrics and Classification in Oak Woodlands and Grasslands
* Persistent Homology in Sparse Regression and Its Application to Brain Morphometry
* Personnel Recognition in the Military using Multiple Features
* Perturbed Variation, The
* Phenological Response of an Arizona Dryland Forest to Short-Term Climatic Extremes
* Physical Deterministic Inverse Method for Operational Satellite Remote Sensing: An Application for Sea Surface Temperature Retrievals, A
* Physical Modeling and Performance Bounds for Device-free Localization Systems
* Polar Embedding for Aurora Image Retrieval
* Polygonal approximation of digital planar curve using local integral deviation
* Pose Estimation for General Cameras Using Lines
* Powered two wheelers: Workload assessment with various methods using a motorcycle simulator
* Pre-consultation help necessity detection based on gait recognition
* Predicting Ad Liking and Purchase Intent: Large-Scale Analysis of Facial Responses to Ads
* Predicting memorability of images using attention-driven spatial pooling and image semantics
* Prediction of the spectral reflectance of laser-generated color prints by combination of an optical model and learning methods
* Predictive Texture Synthesis-Based Intra Coding Scheme for Advanced Video Coding
* Privacy Protection in Biometric-Based Recognition Systems: A marriage between cryptography and signal processing
* Privileged Information-Based Conditional Structured Output Regression Forest for Facial Point Detection
* Projection-Based Wavelet Denoising
* Proposal of geographic information systems methodology for quality control procedures of data obtained in naturalistic driving studies
* Quaddirectional 2D-Recurrent Neural Networks For Image Labeling
* Quality Prediction of Asymmetrically Distorted Stereoscopic 3D Images
* Quantifying Gas Flaring CH4 Consumption Using VIIRS
* Quaternion generic Fourier descriptor for color object recognition
* Quaternionic wavelet coefficients modeling for a Reduced-Reference metric
* Radar HRRP Target Recognition Based on the Improved Kernel Distance Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Method
* Radon-Transform-Based Image Noise Filter: With Applications to Multibeam Bathymetry, A
* Random Algorithm for Low-Rank Decomposition of Large-Scale Matrices With Missing Entries, A
* Range comfort zone of electric vehicle users- concept and assessment
* Rate/distortion optimization in multiple description video coding
* Real-Time Fire Detection for Video-Surveillance Applications Using a Combination of Experts Based on Color, Shape, and Motion
* Real-time implementation of remotely sensed hyperspectral image unmixing on GPUs
* Real-time multiply recursive reflections and refractions using hybrid rendering
* Real-Time Noise Estimation and Correction in Dual-Polarization Radar Systems
* Real-time single image dehazing using block-to-pixel interpolation and adaptive dark channel prior
* Recognizing Actions Through Action-Specific Person Detection
* Recognizing complex instrumental activities of daily living using scene information and fuzzy logic
* Reconstruction of Satellite-Retrieved Land-Surface Reflectance Based on Temporally-Continuous Vegetation Indices
* Recovery of Low Rank and Jointly Sparse Matrices with Two Sampling Matrices
* Referenceless Prediction of Perceptual Fog Density and Perceptual Image Defogging
* Regionlets for Generic Object Detection
* Regression Segmentation for M3 Spinal Images
* Regularization Paths for Re-Weighted Nuclear Norm Minimization
* Regularized Covariance Matrix Estimation via Empirical Bayes
* Regularized Geometric Hulls for Bio-medical Image Segmentation
* Relative Efficiency of ALS and InSAR for Biomass Estimation in a Tanzanian Rainforest
* Relevance Preserving Projection and Ranking for Web Image Search Reranking
* Remote Sensing Image Matching Based on Adaptive Binning SIFT Descriptor
* Remote Sensing-Based Assessment of the Variability of Winter and Summer Precipitation in the Pamirs and Their Effects on Hydrology and Hazards Using Harmonic Time Series Analysis
* Remote-Sensed Monitoring of Dominant Plant Species Distribution and Dynamics at Jiuduansha Wetland in Shanghai, China
* Removing Camera Shake via Weighted Fourier Burst Accumulation
* Resampling Images to a Regular Grid From a Non-Regular Subset of Pixel Positions Using Frequency Selective Reconstruction
* Research on the Contribution of Urban Land Surface Moisture to the Alleviation Effect of Urban Land Surface Heat Based on Landsat 8 Data
* Resource Allocation Optimization for Users with Different Levels of Service in Multicarrier Systems
* Responses of Natural Vegetation Dynamics to Climate Drivers in China from 1982 to 2011
* Retargeting Semantically-Rich Photos
* Retrieval of Both Soil Moisture and Texture Using TerraSAR-X Images
* Retrieval of Seasonal Leaf Area Index from Simulated EnMAP Data through Optimized LUT-Based Inversion of the PROSAIL Model
* Retrieval of Tephra Size Spectra and Mass Flow Rate From C-Band Radar During the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull Eruption, Iceland
* Revamped fly-over for accurate colon visualisation in virtual colonoscopy
* Reversible Data Hiding Using Controlled Contrast Enhancement and Integer Wavelet Transform
* Reversible video watermarking using motion-compensated frame interpolation error expansion
* Robust deblurring based on prediction of informative structure
* Robust Design of Transmit Waveform and Receive Filter For Colocated MIMO Radar
* Robust Ellipse Fitting via Half-Quadratic and Semidefinite Relaxation Optimization
* Robust Hyperspectral Unmixing With Correntropy-Based Metric
* Robust image-adaptive watermarking using an adjustable dynamic strength factor
* Robust Inference for State-Space Models with Skewed Measurement Noise
* Robust Motion Detection Based on the Enhanced ViBe
* Robust moving object detection using compressed sensing
* Robust Moving Object Extraction and Tracking Method Based on Matching Position Constraints
* Robust object tracking via multi-feature adaptive fusion based on stability: contrast analysis
* Robust object tracking with active context learning
* Robust Point Sets Matching by Fusing Feature and Spatial Information Using Nonuniform Gaussian Mixture Models
* Robust Secure Transmit Design in MIMO Channels with Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer
* Robust Sparse Blind Source Separation
* Robust Structured Subspace Learning for Data Representation
* Robust Subspace Clustering for Multi-View Data by Exploiting Correlation Consensus
* Robust Subspace Clustering via Smoothed Rank Approximation
* Robust Subspace Clustering With Complex Noise
* Robust Texture Classification by Aggregating Pixel-Based LBP Statistics
* robust video stabilization technique using integral frame projection warping, A
* Robust visual tracking via online multiple instance learning with Fisher information
* Robust Whisper Activity Detection Using Long-Term Log Energy Variation of Sub-Band Signal
* Role of driver assistance experience, system functionality, gender, age and sensation seeking in attitudes towards the safety of driver assistance systems
* Rotation and translation covariant match kernels for image retrieval
* RPCA-KFE: Key Frame Extraction for Video Using Robust Principal Component Analysis
* RSILC: Rotation- and Scale-Invariant, Line-based Color-aware descriptor
* S2eteS: An End-to-End Modeling Tool for the Simulation of Sentinel-2 Image Products
* Saliency Guided Gradient Similarity for Fast Perceptual Blur Assessment
* Salient Feature Extraction Algorithm for Speech Emotion Recognition, A
* Salient Region Detection via Integrating Diffusion-Based Compactness and Local Contrast
* Sand Ripple Characterization Using an Extended Synthetic Aperture Sonar Model and Parallel Sampling Method
* Satellite Remote Sensing-Based In-Season Diagnosis of Rice Nitrogen Status in Northeast China
* Scalable Tile-Based Framework for Region-Merging Segmentation, A
* Scanning Photogrammetry for Measuring Large Targets in Close Range
* Scene Classification Based on the Multifeature Fusion Probabilistic Topic Model for High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Scene Parsing From an MAP Perspective
* Scene text detection method based on the hierarchical model
* Science Autonomy for Rover Subsurface Exploration of the Atacama Desert
* Secrecy Performance of Maximum Ratio Diversity With Channel Estimation Error
* Selective Time-Frequency Reassignment Based on Synchrosqueezing
* self-synchronized chaotic image encryption scheme, A
* Semantics of object representation in machine learning
* Semi-Global Filtering of Airborne LiDAR Data for Fast Extraction of Digital Terrain Models
* Semi-supervised learning and feature evaluation for RGB-D object recognition
* Semi-Supervised Multitask Learning for Scene Recognition
* Semiautomated Probabilistic Framework for Tree-Cover Delineation From 1-m NAIP Imagery Using a High-Performance Computing Architecture, A
* Sensing Emotions
* Sensitivity of Multi-Source SAR Backscatter to Changes in Forest Aboveground Biomass
* Sentence level text classification in the Kannada language: A classifier's perspective
* Sequence-to-sequence alignment using a pendulum
* Sequential Bayesian Algorithms for Identification and Blind Equalization of Unit-Norm Channels
* Setting the stage for autonomous cars: A pilot study of future autonomous driving experiences
* Shadow Remover: Image Shadow Removal Based on Illumination Recovering Optimization
* Shape-from-Template
* Sharable and Efficient Metadata Model for Heterogeneous Earth Observation Data Retrieval in Multi-Scale Flood Mapping, A
* SIFT-flow-based color correction for multi-view video
* Signal Processing Opens New Views on Imaging
* Signature Morphology Effects of Squint Angle for Arbitrarily Moving Surface Targets in Spotlight Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Simplified Formulation for Rough Surface Cross-Polarized Backscattering Under the Second-Order Small-Slope Approximation, A
* Simulating Microwave Scattering for Wetland Vegetation in Poyang Lake, Southeast China, Using a Coherent Scattering Model
* Simulation of the SuperSAR Multi-Azimuth Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging System for Precise Measurement of Three-Dimensional Earth Surface Displacement
* Simultaneous Recognition and Modeling for Learning 3-D Object Models From Everyday Scenes
* Simultaneous Sparse Graph Embedding for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* SIRF: Simultaneous Satellite Image Registration and Fusion in a Unified Framework
* Situation-Based Assess Tree for User Behavior Assessment in Persuasive Telehealth
* Small dim object tracking using a multi objective particle swarm optimisation technique
* Soft-biometrics evaluation for people re-identification in uncontrolled multi-camera environments
* Soil Moisture Retrieval Using Neural Networks: Application to SMOS
* Solving new urban freight distribution problems involving modular electric vehicles
* Space-filling curves applied to compression of ultraspectral images
* Spaceborne Earth-Observing Optical Sensor Static Capability Index for Clustering
* Sparse Illumination Learning and Transfer for Single-Sample Face Recognition with Image Corruption and Misalignment
* Sparsity-Driven Bandwidth-Efficient Decentralized Tracking in Visual Sensor Networks
* Spatial and Temporal Changes in Vegetation Phenology at Middle and High Latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere over the Past Three Decades
* Spatiotemporal Data Fusion Using Temporal High-Pass Modulation and Edge Primitives
* Spatiotemporal Directional Number Transitional Graph for Dynamic Texture Recognition
* Special issue on 'Philosophical Aspects of Pattern Recognition'
* Spectral and Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images Based on ICA and Reduced Morphological Attribute Profiles
* Spectral density variation mapping of cerebral waves by three-dimensional interpolation techniques
* Spectral gradient fields embedding for nonrigid shape matching
* Speed pattern recognition technique for short-term traffic forecasting based on traffic dynamics
* Speeding up the log-polar transform with inexpensive parallel hardware: graphics units and multi-core architectures
* State-of-the-art methods and future perspectives for personal recognition based on electroencephalogram signals
* Statistics on Temporal Changes of Sparse Coding Coefficients in Spatial Pyramids for Human Action Recognition
* Stereo matching based on segmented B-spline surface fitting and accelerated region belief propagation
* Stereo Vision-Based Conic Reconstruction Using a Ray-Quadric Intersection
* Stochastic CRB for Non-unitary Beam-space Transformations and its Application to Optimal Steering Angle Design, A
* Strategy for Residual Component-Based Multiple Structured Dictionary Learning, A
* Structure-Preserving Hybrid Digital-Analog Video Delivery in Wireless Networks
* Structured Overcomplete Sparsifying Transform Learning with Convergence Guarantees and Applications
* structured view on pattern mining-based biclustering, A
* study of Bag-of-Visual-Words representations for handwritten keyword spotting, A
* Study of Multimodal Addressee Detection in Human-Human-Computer Interaction, A
* Subclass Graph Embedding and a Marginal Fisher Analysis paradigm
* Subjectivity, Bayesianism, and causality
* Superpixel-Based Graphical Model for Remote Sensing Image Mapping
* Temperature and Emissivity Separation Algorithm for Landsat-8 Thermal Infrared Sensor Data, A
* Temporal Bayesian Fusion for Affect Sensing: Combining Video, Audio, and Lexical Modalities
* Temporal Dependency of Yield and Quality Estimation through Spectral Vegetation Indices in Pear Orchards
* Temporal-Spatial Evolution Analysis of Lake Size-Distribution in the Middle and Lower Yangtze River Basin Using Landsat Imagery Data
* Temporally consistent depth video filter using temporal outlier reduction
* Tensor Analysis and Fusion of Multimodal Brain Images
* Tensor Dictionary Learning for Positive Definite Matrices
* Terra and Aqua MODIS Thermal Emissive Bands On-Orbit Calibration and Performance
* Terrain Classification From Body-Mounted Cameras During Human Locomotion
* Text detection and recognition in natural scene with edge analysis
* Texture Synthesis Using the Structure Tensor
* Theoretical Bounds of Direct Binary Search Halftoning
* Three-Dimensional Imaging With Multiple Degrees of Freedom Using Data Fusion
* Threshold visual secret sharing with comprehensive properties based on random grids
* Time-Frequency Filtering Based on Spectrogram Zeros
* Tone-Replacement Error Diffusion for Multitoning
* Toward automatic development of handwritten personal Farsi/Arabic OpenType ® fonts
* Toward Fast Transform Learning
* Toward Sentinel-2 High Resolution Remote Sensing of Suspended Particulate Matter in Very Turbid Waters: SPOT4 (Take5) Experiment in the Loire and Gironde Estuaries
* Towards a Full-Reference Quality Assessment for Color Images Using Directional Statistics
* Tracking Virus Particles in Fluorescence Microscopy Images Using Multi-Scale Detection and Multi-Frame Association
* Training Area Concept in a Two-Phase Biomass Inventory Using Airborne Laser Scanning and RapidEye Satellite Data
* Transfer Function Model of Physiological Mechanisms Underlying Temporal Visual Discomfort Experienced When Viewing Stereoscopic 3D Images
* Treelets Binary Feature Retrieval for Fast Keypoint Recognition
* Trigonometric Interpolation Kernel to Construct Deformable Shapes for User-Interactive Applications
* Trust Region Methods for the Estimation of a Complex Exponential Decay Model in MRI With a Single-Shot or Multi-Shot Trajectory
* Tuning of the hyperparameters for L2-loss SVMs with the RBF kernel by the maximum-margin principle and the jackknife technique
* Two Maximum Entropy-Based Algorithms for Running Quantile Estimation in Nonstationary Data Streams
* two-level classification-based color constancy, A
* Two-level sliding-window VBR control algorithm for video on demand streaming
* Uncertainty analysis of the DLT-Lines calibration algorithm for cameras with radial distortion
* Understanding social relationships in egocentric vision
* Unique people count from monocular videos
* Unsupervised discovery of human activities from long-time videos
* Unsupervised Discovery of Subspace Trends
* Unsupervised Joint Feature Learning and Encoding for RGB-D Scene Labeling
* Unsupervised Joint Salient Region Detection and Object Segmentation
* Unsupervised Texture Flow Estimation Using Appearance-Space Clustering and Correspondence
* Update of VIIRS On-Orbit Spatial Parameters Characterized With the Moon
* Upper Body Tracking and 3D Gesture Reconstruction Using Agent-Based Architecture
* Urban Land Use Information Extraction Using the Ultrahigh-Resolution Chinese Airborne SAR Imagery
* Use of the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) to Characterize the Drying Trend in Southwest China from 1982-2012
* User experience with electric vehicles while driving in a critical range situation- a qualitative approach
* Using Class Probabilities to Map Gradual Transitions in Shrub Vegetation from Simulated EnMAP Data
* Using Designed Structure of Visual Content to Understand Content-Browsing Behavior
* Using Octrees to Detect Changes to Buildings and Trees in the Urban Environment from Airborne LiDAR Data
* Using Simplified Thermal Inertia to Determine the Theoretical Dry Line in Feature Space for Evapotranspiration Retrieval
* Utility-Based Optimized Cross-Layer Scheme for Real-Time Video Transmission Over HSDPA
* Validation of Land Cover Maps in China Using a Sampling-Based Labeling Approach
* Variable bit rate video traffic prediction based on kernel least mean square method
* Variational Inference-based Joint Interference Mitigation and OFDM Equalization Under High Mobility
* Very large-scale integration architecture for video stabilisation and implementation on a field programmable gate array-based autonomous vehicle
* Vessel transform for automatic optic disk detection in retinal images
* Video Object Segmentation of Dynamic Scenes with Large Displacements
* Visual Orientation Selectivity Based Structure Description
* Visual tracking using spatially weighted likelihood of Gaussian mixtures
* Visual Tracking via Sparse and Local Linear Coding
* Visual Tracking via Weighted Local Cosine Similarity
* Warming, Sheep and Volcanoes: Land Cover Changes in Iceland Evident in Satellite NDVI Trends
* Waterpixels
* Wavelet domain dictionary learning-based single image superresolution
* wavelet feature extraction method for electrocardiogram (ECG)-based biometric recognition, A
* Wavelet-based blind blur reduction
* Weakly supervised motion segmentation with particle matching
* wearable turns baseball pitching into a science, A
* Wearables for frail seniors
* Weighted Couple Sparse Representation With Classified Regularization for Impulse Noise Removal
* What are the true clusters?
* What Strikes the Strings of Your Heart?: Feature Mining for Music Emotion Analysis
* White Balancing by Using Multiple Images via Intrinsic Image Decomposition
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.