* *3D User Interfaces
* *IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography
* *International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition
* *International Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Images
* *ISPRS Symposium UAV-g
* *Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition
* 2D Non-Separable Block-Lifting Structure and Its Application to M -Channel Perfect Reconstruction Filter Banks for Lossy-to-Lossless Image Coding
* 2DLDA as matrix-variate formulation of a separable 1DLDA
* 3-D image reconstruction for bio nanomachines with helical symmetry: Image formation theory
* 3-D Object Recognition via Aspect Graph Aware 3-D Object Representation
* 360 degrees video coding using region adaptive smoothing
* 3D face recognition method using region-based extended local binary pattern, A
* 3D facial model synthesis using coupled dictionaries
* 3D perception based quality pooling on stereoscopic image
* 3D Scene Registration Method via Covariance Descriptors and an Evolutionary Stable Strategy Game Theory Solver, A
* 3D Shape Matching via Two Layer Coding
* 3D trajectory reconstruction under refraction at a cylindrical surface
* 3D visual discomfort predictor based on neural activity statistics
* 3D window localization on building facades from aerial images
* 4D non-local means post-filtering for cardiac gated SPECT
* a-contrario approach to quasi-periodic noise removal, An
* a-shapes for local feature detection
* Abandoned object detection using operator-space pursuit
* Abnormal event detection via adaptive cascade dictionary learning
* Accelerated microstructure imaging via convex optimisation for regions with multiple fibres (AMICOx)
* accelerated separable median filter with sorting networks, An
* Accelerating CDVS extraction on mobile platform
* Accelerating the over-relaxed iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithms with fast and exact line search for high resolution tomographic image reconstruction
* Accuracy Assessment in Structure from Motion 3D Reconstruction from UAV-Born Images: The Influence of the Data Processing Methods
* Accuracy of Laser Scanners for Measuring Surfaces made of Synthetic Materials
* Accuracy of Subjects in a Quality Experiment: A Theoretical Subject Model, The
* Accurate and occlusion-robust multi-view stereo
* Accurate Annotation of Remote Sensing Images via Active Spectral Clustering with Little Expert Knowledge
* Accurate scale estimation based on unsynchronized camera network
* Accurate system for automatic pill recognition using imprint information
* Action recognition using joint coordinates of 3D skeleton data
* Action recognition with approximate sparse coding
* Active image pair selection for continuous person re-identification
* Active shape model unleashed with multi-scale local appearance
* Activity recognition with volume motion templates and histograms of 3D gradients
* Adaptive appearance learning for human pose estimation
* Adaptive autoregressive model with window extension via explicit geometry for image interpolation
* Adaptive Bayesian Estimation with Cluster Structured Sparsity
* Adaptive Estimation of Energy Factors in an Intelligent Convoy of Vehicles
* Adaptive exposure fusion for high dynamic range imaging
* adaptive Lagrange multiplier determination method for rate-distortion optimisation in hybrid video codecs, An
* Adaptive multi-task learning for fine-grained categorization
* Adaptive quantisation in HEVC for contouring artefacts removal in UHD content
* Adaptive regularization level set evolution for medical image segmentation and bias field correction
* Adaptive residual interpolation for color image demosaicking
* Adaptive Scalable Video Transmission Strategy in Energy Harvesting Communication System
* Adaptive search of background models for object detection in images taken by moving cameras
* adaptive search ordering for rate-constrained successive elimination algorithms, An
* Adaptive Skin Classification Using Face and Body Detection
* Adaptive visual target detection and tracking using incremental appearance learning
* Addressing the illumination challenge in two-dimensional face recognition: a survey
* Adjacent evaluation of local binary pattern for texture classification
* Advanced Remote Sensing of Internal Waves by Spaceborne Along-Track InSAR: A Demonstration With TerraSAR-X
* Advanced weight graph transformation matching algorithm
* Advances in real-time object tracking
* Affect control processes: Intelligent affective interaction using a partially observable Markov decision process
* Affect-preserving privacy protection of video
* Age estimation under changes in image quality: An experimental study
* Albedo assisted high-quality shape recovery from 4D light fields
* algorithm based on LBPV and MIL for left atrial thrombi detection using transesophageal echocardiography, An
* Algorithm for Burned Area Detection in the Brazilian Cerrado Using 4µm MODIS Imagery, An
* Alignment of Point Cloud DSMs from TLS and UAV Platforms
* Alpha-Stable Matrix Factorization
* Analysis of the 2014 'APEC Blue' in Beijing Using More than One Decade of Satellite Observations: Lessons Learned from Radical Emission Control Measures
* Analysis on spectral effects of dark-channel prior for haze removal
* Analyzing Interpersonal Empathy via Collective Impressions
* Angle constrained path for clustering of multiple manifolds
* Angular upsampling of projection measurements in 3D computed tomography using a sparsity prior
* Anomaly detection by using random projection forest
* Anomaly detection in crowd scenes via online adaptive one-class support vector machines
* Anti-Forensics of Lossy Predictive Image Compression
* Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation With Online Calibration From Mouse Operations
* Application of gradient-based edge detectors to determine vanishing points in monoscopic images: Comparative study
* Application of image processing techniques for frog call classification
* Application of Multiple Categories of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in Different Airspaces for Bushfire Monitoring and Response
* Application of reversible denoising and lifting steps to DWT in lossless JPEG 2000 for improved bitrates
* Applying image analysis to assess food aesthetics and uniqueness
* Approach to Fine Coregistration Between Very High Resolution Multispectral Images Based on Registration Noise Distribution, An
* Approximate Bayesian Smoothing with Unknown Process and Measurement Noise Covariances
* Approximation order of the LAP optical flow algorithm
* ARFBF model for non stationary random fields and application in HRTEM images
* Arousal Recognition Using Audio-Visual Features and FMRI-Based Brain Response
* array-based node-oriented max-tree representation, An
* Artrieval: Painting retrieval without expert knowledge
* Ask the dictionary: Soft-assignment location-orientation pooling for image classification
* Asplünd's metric defined in the logarithmic image processing (LIP) framework for colour and multivariate images
* Assesment of the Influence of UAV Image Quality on the Orthophoto Production
* Assessing speaker independence on a speech-based depression level estimation system
* Assessing the visual effect of non-periodic temporal variation of quantization stepsize in compressed video
* Assimilation of GRACE Terrestrial Water Storage Observations into a Land Surface Model for the Assessment of Regional Flood Potential
* Assistive Situation Awareness System for Mobile Multimachine Work Environments
* Asymmetry evaluation of fundus images in right and left eyes using radon transform and fractal analysis
* Asymptotic closed-loop design for transform domain temporal prediction
* Atomic decomposition based anisotropic non-local structure tensor
* Attribute constrained subspace learning
* Audiovisual voice activity detection using off-the-shelf cameras
* Augmented Lagrangian Method for image reconstruction with multiple features, An
* Augmented Lagrangian without alternating directions: Practical algorithms for inverse problems in imaging
* Auto-synchronized selective encryption of video contents for an improved transmission robustness over error-prone channels
* Automated coronal hole segmentation from Solar EUV Images using the watershed transform
* Automated Detection of Urban Road Manhole Covers Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Automated DSM Extraction from UAV Images and Performance Analysis
* automated method to register airborne and terrestrial laser scanning point clouds, An
* Automated Recognition of Railroad Infrastructure in Rural Areas from LIDAR Data
* Automatic assessment of online fashion shopping photo aesthetic quality
* Automatic classification of skin lesions using geometrical measurements of adaptive neighborhoods and local binary patterns
* Automatic classification of tissues using T1 and T2 relaxation times from prostate MRI: A step towards generation of PET/MR attenuation map
* automatic clustering algorithm inspired by membrane computing, An
* Automatic contrast enhancement by variational minimax optimization
* Automatic Detection and Classification of Road Lane Markings Using Onboard Vehicular Cameras
* Automatic Detection and Removal of Impulsive Noise in Audio Signals
* Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Columns in As-Built Buildings from Point Clouds
* Automatic detection of bone marrow infiltration by multiple myeloma detection in low-dose CT
* Automatic detection of colonoscopic anomalies using capsule endoscopy
* Automatic detection of martian dust storms from heterogeneous data based on decision level fusion
* Automatic detection of necrosis, normoxia and hypoxia in tumors from multimodal cytological images
* automatic energy-based region growing method for ultrasound image segmentation, An
* Automatic facial attribute analysis via adaptive sparse representation of random patches
* Automatic Geo-Referencing Mobile Laser Scanning Data to UAV Images
* Automatic image annotation by a loosely joint non-negative matrix factorisation
* Automatic image segmentation with Anisotropic Fast Marching algorithm and geodesic voting
* Automatic Liver Segmentation Based on Shape Constraints and Deformable Graph Cut in CT Images
* automatic muscle fiber orientation tracking algorithm using Bayesian Kalman Filter for ultrasound images, An
* Automatic Object Extraction from Electrical Substation Point Clouds
* Automatic rectangular building detection from VHR aerial imagery using shadow and image segmentation
* Automatic Rotor Speed Reference Generator for Electric Vehicles Under Slip Constraints
* Automatic segmentation of pathological lung using incremental nonnegative matrix factorization
* Automatic video to point cloud registration in a structure-from-motion framework
* Autonomous System to Take Angular Thermal-Infrared Measurements for Validating Satellite Products, An
* Background Modeling in Videos Revisited Using Finite Mixtures of Generalized Gaussians and Spatial Information
* Background subtraction for static and moving camera
* Background-foreground tracking for video object segmentation
* Backward compatible HDR stereo matching: A hybrid tone-mapping-based framework
* bag-of-features approach for malignancy detection in breast histopathology images, A
* Bayesian adaptive weighted total generalized variation model for image restoration, A
* Bayesian face recognition using 2D Gaussian-Hermite moments
* Bayesian Network-Based Method to Alleviate the Ill-Posed Inverse Problem: A Case Study on Leaf Area Index and Canopy Water Content Retrieval, A
* Bayesian Sparse Generalized Linear Model With an Application to Multiscale Covariate Discovery for Observed Rainfall Extremes Over the United States, A
* Beating cilia identification in fluorescence microscope images for accurate CBF measurement
* Benchmark and Comparative Study of Video-Based Face Recognition on COX Face Database, A
* Benchmarking of wildland fire colour segmentation algorithms
* Beyond Explicit Codebook Generation: Visual Representation Using Implicitly Transferred Codebooks
* Beyond local phase quantization: Mid-level blurred image representation using fisher vector
* Bi-l0-l2-norm regularization for blind motion deblurring
* Bi-sparsity pursuit for robust subspace recovery
* Biased Discriminant Analysis With Feature Line Embedding for Relevance Feedback-Based Image Retrieval
* bibliography of pixel-based blind image forgery detection techniques, A
* Bilateral symmetry detection based on scale invariant structure feature
* Bilinear Embedding Label Propagation: Towards Scalable Prediction of Image Labels
* Binary image enhancement based on aperiodic stochastic resonance
* Biologically inspired deep stereo model
* Biologically motivated spiral architecture for fast video processing
* Bit-Scalable Deep Hashing With Regularized Similarity Learning for Image Retrieval and Person Re-Identification
* BIT: Bio-inspired tracker
* Blind Image Deblurring Using Weighted Sum of Gaussian Kernels for Point Spread Function Estimation
* Blind image deconvolution using the Sylvester resultant matrix
* Blind Multiply Distorted Image Quality Assessment Using Relevant Perceptual Features
* Blind single-image super resolution based on compressive sensing
* Block dependent dictionary based disparity compensation for stereo image coding
* Block Iterative Reweighted Algorithms for Super-Resolution of Spectrally Sparse Signals
* Block structure reuse for multi-rate high efficiency video coding
* Blurred image recognition using domain adaptation
* BM3D-AMP: A new image recovery algorithm based on BM3D denoising
* Bone extraction in X-ray images by analysis of line fluctuations
* Boosted human head pose estimation using kinect camera
* Boosted Multi-Task Model for Pedestrian Detection With Occlusion Handling, A
* Boosting 3D LBP-based face recognition by fusing shape and texture descriptors on the mesh
* Boundary-preserving stereo matching with certain region detection and adaptive disparity adjustment
* Breaking an image encryption scheme based on a spatiotemporal chaotic system
* Bridging computer vision and social science: A multi-camera vision system for social interaction training analysis
* Brushstroke based sparse hybrid convolutional neural networks for author classification of Chinese ink-wash paintings
* Building change detection based on 3D reconstruction
* camera that never overexposes an image, A
* CANNET: Context aware nonlocal convolutional networks for semantic image segmentation
* CannyLines: A parameter-free line segment detector
* Canopy Density Model: A New ALS-Derived Product to Generate Multilayer Crown Cover Maps
* Capturing Spatial Interdependence in Image Features: The Counting Grid, an Epitomic Representation for Bags of Features
* Cascade of classifiers based on binary, non-binary and deep convolutional network descriptors for video concept detection
* Cascaded probabilistic tracking with supervised dictionary learning
* Categorization of cloud image patches using an improved texton-based approach
* CBRA: Color-based ranking aggregation for person re-identification
* CDF 9/7 wavelets as sparsifying operator in compressive holography
* Center-based weighted kernel linear regression for image classification
* Center-free PFCM for MRI brain image segmentation
* CERMINE: Automatic extraction of structured metadata from scientific literature
* Challenges in cloud based ingest and encoding for high quality streaming media
* Changes in Growing Season Vegetation and Their Associated Driving Forces in China during 2001-2012
* Channel detection in microscope images of materials using marked point process modeling
* Characteristics of the Trends in the Global Tropopause Estimated From COSMIC Radio Occultation Data
* Characterization of Wireless Channel Impact on Wireless Sensor Network Performance in Public Transportation Buses
* CHORD: Cascaded and a contrario method for hole crack detection
* Chromatic calibration of an HDR display using 3D octree forests
* CLARREO Reflected Solar Spectrometer: Restrictions for Instrument Sensitivity to Polarization
* Class noise removal and correction for image classification using ensemble margin
* Class of Manifold Regularized Multiplicative Update Algorithms for Image Clustering, A
* Class-specific hierarchical classification for HEP-2 specimen images
* Class-specific sparse codes for representing activities
* Classification based on weighted sparse representation using smoothed L0 norm with non-negative coefficients
* Classification of C3 and C4 Vegetation Types Using MODIS and ETM+ Blended High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Data
* Classification of EEG signals for detection of epileptic seizure activities based on LBP descriptor of time-frequency images
* Classification of Hyperspectral Images by Exploiting Spectral-Spatial Information of Superpixel via Multiple Kernels
* Classification of interferometric SAR images based on parametric modeling in the fractional fourier transform domain
* Classification of polarimetric SAR imagery using unsupervised H/alpha and extended H/alpha schemes to detect anomalies on earthen levees
* Classification of Several Optically Complex Waters in China Using in Situ Remote Sensing Reflectance
* Clinical deep brain stimulation region prediction using regression forests from high-field MRI
* Clock Skew Estimation of Listening Nodes with Clock Correction upon Every Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Closed-Loop Restoration Approach to Blurry Images Based on Machine Learning and Feedback Optimization
* Closed-Loop Speed Advisory Model With Driver's Behavior Adaptability for Eco-Driving, A
* Cluster encoding for modelling temporal variation in video
* Clustered Exemplar-SVM: Discovering sub-categories for visual recognition
* Clustering in augmented space of granular constraints: A study in knowledge-based clustering
* CMSAF Radiation Data: New Possibilities for Climatological Applications in the Czech Republic
* Co-regularized deep representations for video summarization
* Co-saliency detection via similarity-based saliency propagation
* Co-Segmentation Guided Hough Transform for Robust Feature Matching
* Coercive region-level registration for multi-modal images
* Collaborative sparse regression using spatially correlated supports-Application to hyperspectral unmixing
* Color decorrelation helps visual saliency detection
* Color deflickering for high-speed video in the presence of artificial lighting
* Color difference weighted adaptive residual preprocessing using perceptual modeling for video compression
* Color gradient vectorization for SVG compression of comic image
* Color Image Demosaicing Using Iterative Residual Interpolation
* Color image demosaicking using inter-channel correlation and nonlocal self-similarity
* Color names learning using convolutional neural networks
* Color to grayscale image conversion using modulation domain quadratic programming
* Color-coded pattern for non metric camera calibration
* Combat sports analytics: Boxing punch classification using overhead depth imagery
* Combined 2D and 3D web-based visualisation of on-set big media data
* Combining leaf physiology, hyperspectral imaging and partial least squares-regression (PLS-R) for grapevine water status assessment
* Combining nonuniform sampling, hybrid super vector, and random forest with discriminative decision trees for action recognition
* Common Approach to Geoprocessing of UAV Data Across Application Domains
* Common Visual Pattern Discovery via Nonlinear Mean Shift Clustering
* Compact and Discriminative Descriptor Inference Using Multi-Cues
* compact shot representation for video semantic indexing, A
* Compact Sparse Coding for Ground-Based Cloud Classification
* Comparative Study of Sampling Analysis in the Scene Classification of Optical High-Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* Comparing feature detectors: A bias in the repeatability criteria
* Comparison Between Multicopter UAV and Total Station for Estimating Stockpile Volumes
* Comparison of Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Imaging Derived Carotid Plaque Stiffness With Spatially Registered MRI Determined Composition
* Comparison of Interaction Modalities for Mobile Indoor Robot Guidance: Direct Physical Interaction, Person Following, and Pointing Control
* Comparison of Mixed-Integer Linear Models for Fuel-Optimal Air Conflict Resolution With Recovery
* Comparison of subjective viewing test methods for image quality assessment
* Compensation of spectral mismatch to enhance WRGB demosaicking
* Complete canonical correlation analysis with application to multi-view gait recognition
* Complex modulation computer-generated hologram by a fast hybrid point-source/wave-field approach
* Complex-valued hough transforms for circles
* Complexity reduction methods for fast motion estimation in HEVC
* complexity-based adaptive tile partitioning algorithm for HEVC decoder parallelization, A
* Compositional Dictionaries for Domain Adaptive Face Recognition
* comprehensive aesthetic quality assessment method for natural images using basic rules of photography, A
* Compressed domain video processing for tile based panoramic streaming using HEVC
* Compressed image quality metric based on perceptually weighted distortion
* Compressive environment matting
* Compressive sensing of video with weighted sensing and measurement allocation
* Compressive spectral polarization imaging by a pixelized polarizer and colored patterned detector
* Computation of point inversion and ray-surface intersection through tracing along the base surface
* Computational 3D reconstruction of FAR and big size objects using synthetic apeture integral imaging
* Computational caricaturization of surfaces
* computational model for predicting local distortion visibility via convolutional neural network trained on natural scenes, A
* Computational photography with plenoptic camera and light field capture: tutorial
* Computationally efficient recognition of activities of daily living
* computationally efficient scheme for feature extraction with kernel discriminant analysis, A
* Computationally efficient, real-time motion recognition based on bio-inspired visual and cognitive processing
* Computer aided brain tumor detection system using watershed segmentation techniques
* Computer aided endoscope diagnosis via weakly labeled data mining
* conjointly well localized quadrature mirror filterbank, A
* Conjugate gradient algorithm for efficient covariance tracking with Jensen-Bregman LogDet metric
* Connecting the dots without clues: Unsupervised domain adaptation for cross-domain visual classification
* Consensus of multiple correspondences between sets of elements
* Construction of a bird image dataset for ecological investigations
* Content based video retrieval on mobile devices: How much content is enough?
* Content-Aware Video2Comics With Manga-Style Layout
* Content-Based Visual Landmark Search via Multimodal Hypergraph Learning
* Context adaptive mode sorting for fast HEVC mode decision
* Context aware model for articulated human pose estimation
* Context-aware lane marking detection on urban roads
* Contextual kernel map learning for scene transduction
* Contextual object tracker with structure encoding
* Continuous Change Detection and Classification Using Hidden Markov Model: A Case Study for Monitoring Urban Encroachment onto Farmland in Beijing
* Continuous sign language recognition: Towards large vocabulary statistical recognition systems handling multiple signers
* Contour Gradient Tree for Automatic Extraction of Salient Object Surfaces from 3D Imaging Data
* contrario patch matching, with an application to keypoint matches validation, A
* Contrast enhancement of back-light images via a regional rank-1 constraint
* Contributions to lossless coding of medical images using minimum rate predictors
* Controlling a Robotic Fish Via a Natural User Interface for Informal Science Education
* Cooperative object search and segmentation in Internet images
* Cooperative Precoding and Artificial Noise Design for Security Over Interference Channels
* Cooperative Secrecy Beamforming in Wiretap Interference Channels
* Copy mode for static screen content coding with HEVC
* Correcting Distortion of Polarimetric SAR Data Induced by Ionospheric Scintillation
* Correlated warped Gaussian processes for gender-specific age estimation
* Correlation-optimized time warping for motion
* Cost aggregation table: A theoretic derivation on the Markov random field and its relation to message passing
* Cost-Constrained Feature Optimization in Kernel Machine Classifiers
* Cost-Sensitive Local Binary Feature Learning for Facial Age Estimation
* Coupled ensemble graph cuts and object verification for animal segmentation from highly cluttered videos
* Covariance based point cloud descriptors for object detection and recognition
* Coverage evaluation of camera networks for facilitating big-data management in film production
* Creating descriptive visual words for tag ranking of compressed social image
* Cross-domain recognition by identifying compact joint subspaces
* Cross-domain, soft-partition clustering with diversity measure and knowledge reference
* Cross-layer features in convolutional neural networks for generic classification tasks
* Cross-Modal Subspace Learning via Pairwise Constraints
* Cross-modality hashing with partial correspondence
* Cross-modality pose-invariant facial expression
* Cross-OSN User Modeling by Homogeneous Behavior Quantification and Local Social Regularization
* Cross-pose color facial expression recognition using transductive transfer linear discriminat analysis
* Crowd flow segmentation in compressed domain using CRF
* Crowd modeling using social networks
* Crowd motion monitoring using tracklet-based commotion measure
* Cubic Convolution Scaler Optimized for Local Property of Image Data
* curvelet-based distance measure for seismic images, A
* DA3D: Fast and data adaptive dual domain denoising
* Dark image enhancement based onpairwise target contrast and multi-scale detail boosting
* DASH-N: Joint Hierarchical Domain Adaptation and Feature Learning
* Data granulation by the principles of uncertainty
* Data rate and dynamic range compression of medical images: Which one goes first?
* Data science, big data and granular mining
* Data-driven progressive compression of colored 3D mesh
* database of reflected irradiance field with depth for image based relighting, A
* DCSLAM: A dynamically constrained real-time slam
* deep analysis on age estimation, A
* Deep CCA based super vector for action recognition
* Deep Human Parsing with Active Template Regression
* Deep structured learning for mass segmentation from mammograms
* Deep-plant: Plant identification with convolutional neural networks
* DEEPFOCAL: A method for direct focal length estimation
* DeepPano: Deep Panoramic Representation for 3-D Shape Recognition
* Deformed Palmprint Matching Based on Stable Regions
* Delaunay-supported edges for image graphs
* Delayed fusion for real-time vision-aided inertial navigation
* Demand for intelligent vehicle safety systems in Europe
* Denoising of natural stochastic colored-textures based on fractional brownian motion model
* Denoising-based image reconstruction from pixels located at non-integer positions
* Dense femur reconstruction from two x-ray images using generic 3D model with twist correction
* Dense real-time mapping of object-class semantics from RGB-D video
* Density-based region search with arbitrary shape for object localisation
* Dependent random access point pictures in HEVC
* Depth Analogy: Data-Driven Approach for Single Image Depth Estimation Using Gradient Samples
* Depth and angular resolution in plenoptic cameras
* Depth edge based trilateral filter method for stereo matching
* Depth estimation by analyzing intensity distribution for light-field cameras
* Depth from accidental motion using geometry prior
* depth perception and visual comfort guided computational model for stereoscopic 3D visual saliency, A
* Depth upsampling method via Markov random fields without edge-misaligned artifacts
* Depth video spatial and temporal correlation enhancement algorithm based on just noticeable rendering distortion model
* Depth-aware salient object detection using anisotropic center-surround difference
* Depth-weighted group-wise principal component analysis for video foreground/background separation
* Design and Development of a Low-Cost Aerial Mobile Mapping System for Multi-Purpose Applications
* Design and Testing of a LIDAR Platform for a UAV for Heritage Mapping, The
* Design of coupled strong classifiers in AdaBoost framework and its application to pedestrian detection
* Designing robust sensing matrix for image compression
* DESIRe: Discontinuous energy seam carving for image retargeting via structural and textural energy functionals
* DESIRe: Discontinuous energy seam carving for image retargeting via structural and textural energy functionals
* Destriping algorithm with L0 sparsity prior for remote sensing images
* Detect coherent motions in crowd scenes based on tracklets association
* Detecting and Characterizing Active Thrust Fault and Deep-Seated Landslides in Dense Forest Areas of Southern Taiwan Using Airborne LiDAR DEM
* Detecting different sub-types of acute myelogenous leukemia using dictionary learning and sparse representation
* Detecting natural scenes text via auto image partition, two-stage grouping and two-layer classification
* Detecting repetitive elements with accurate locations and shapes from urban facade
* Detecting specular highlights in dermatological images
* Detecting the Source Location of Recent Summit Inflation via Three-Dimensional InSAR Observation of Kilauea Volcano
* Detection and Delineation of Localized Flooding from WorldView-2 Multispectral Data
* Detection of Dangerous Cornering in GNSS-Data-Driven Insurance Telematics
* Detection of diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration from fundus images through local binary patterns and random forests
* Detection of pedestrian crossing road
* Detection of U.S. Traffic Signs
* Detection Probability of a CFAR Matched Filter with Signal Steering Vector Errors
* Determining fluctuation in bio-nanomachines from electron microscopy images
* Development and Evaluation of a UAV Based Mapping System for Remote Sensing and Surveying Applications
* Development and Operational Analysis of an All-Fiber Coherent Doppler Lidar System for Wind Sensing and Aerosol Profiling
* Development of the Brican TD100 Small UAS and Payload Trials
* Diagnostic color estimation of tissue components in pathology images via von Mises mixture model
* Dictionary learning based superpixels clustering for weakly-supervised semantic segmentation
* Dictionary learning for a sparse appearance model in visual tracking
* Dictionary-based multiple frame video super-resolution
* Difference of Gaussian Statistical Features Based Blind Image Quality Assessment: A Deep Learning Approach
* Digital Elevation Model from Non-Metric Camera in UAS Compared with LIDAR Technology
* Digital image correlation for small strain measurement in deformable solids and geomechanical structures
* Digital Image Watermarking via Adaptive Logo Texturization
* Dimension Reduction Framework for HSI Classification Using Fuzzy and Kernel NFLE Transformation, A
* Dimensionality Reduction by Integrating Sparse Representation and Fisher Criterion and its Applications
* Dimensionality reduction by supervised locality analysis
* Direct Georeferencing Application and Performance Analysis of UAV Helicopter in GCP-Free Area, The
* Direct Georeferencing on Small Unmanned Aerial Platforms for Improved Reliability and Accuracy of Mapping without the Need for Ground Control Points
* Directional ringlet intensity feature transform for tracking
* Disc segmentation and BMO-MRW measurement from SD-OCT image using graph search and tracing of three bench mark reference layers of retina
* Discriminative label consistent dictionary learning
* Discriminative Middle-Level Parts Mining for Object Detection
* Discriminative outlines parts for shape retrieval
* Discriminative part model for visual recognition
* Discriminative regional color co-occurrence descriptor
* discriminative tracklets representation for crowd analysis, A
* Distinctive action sketch
* Distributed compressed sensing for photo-acoustic imaging
* Distributed Detection Over Channels with Memory
* Distributed Optimization for Shared State Systems: Applications to Decentralized Freeway Control via Subnetwork Splitting
* Distributed Signal Decorrelation and Detection in Multi View Camera Networks Using the Vector Sparse Matrix Transform
* Distributions of local radius indices on periodic tessellations
* Double layer salient parts based multi-people tracking
* Double Strobe Technique for Unambiguous Tracking of TMBOC Modulated Signal in GPS
* DPM revisited: Utilizing root-part spatial distribution for vehicle viewpoint estimation
* DREM: Decoupled region energy model for image segmentation
* Driver Behavior Analysis for Safe Driving: A Survey
* Dual Aperture Photography: Image and Depth from a Mobile Camera
* dual block coordinate proximal algorithm with application to deconvolution of interlaced video sequences, A
* Dual Graph Regularized Latent Low-Rank Representation for Subspace Clustering
* Dual-ARM VIS/NIR compressive spectral imager
* Dynamic and Self-Adaptive Network Selection Method for Multimode Communications in Heterogeneous Vehicular Telematics, A
* Dynamic bi-modal fusion of images for the segmentation of pollen tubes in video
* Dynamic rate adaptation for adaptive video streaming in wireless networks
* Dynamic texture and geometry features for facial expression recognition in video
* Dynamic Textures Clustering Using a Hierarchical Pitman-Yor Process Mixture of Dirichlet Distributions
* Dynamic time-alignment k-means kernel clustering for time sequence clustering
* Dynamical System Approach for Edge Detection Using Coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo Neurons
* Early merge mode decision for texture coding in 3D-HEVC
* Edge detection method of Gaussian block distance
* Edge model based fusion of multi-focus images using matting method
* Edge Propagation KD-Trees: Computing Approximate Nearest Neighbor Fields
* Edge-Preserving Decomposition-Based Single Image Haze Removal
* Educational Frameworks for Vehicle Mechatronics
* Effect of Boreal Forest Canopy in Satellite Snow Mapping: A Multisensor Analysis, The
* Effect of camera-IMU displacement calibration error on tracking performance
* Effective ellipse detector with polygonal curve and likelihood ratio test
* effective eye states detection method based on the projection of the gray interval distribution, An
* Efficiency Maximization Design for SWIPT, An
* Efficient 2X2 block-based connected components labeling algorithms
* Efficient Anchor Graph Hashing with Data-Dependent Anchor Selection
* Efficient and Robust Image Restoration Using Multiple-Feature L2-Relaxed Sparse Analysis Priors
* Efficient background subtraction with low-rank and sparse matrix decomposition
* Efficient calibration for multi-plane homography using a laser level
* efficient coding framework for compact descriptors extracted from video sequence, An
* Efficient cost volume sampling for plane sweeping based multiview depth estimation
* Efficient depth intra mode decision by reference pixels classification in 3D-HEVC
* Efficient Extraction of Macromolecular Complexes from Electron Tomograms Based on Reduced Representation Templates
* efficient face classification method based on shared and class-specific dictionary learning, An
* efficient feature descriptor based on synthetic basis functions and uniqueness matching strategy, An
* Efficient image-space extraction and representation of 3D surface topography
* Efficient levels of spatial pyramid representation for local binary patterns
* Efficient natural color image denoising based on guided filter
* Efficient next-best-scan planning for autonomous 3D surface reconstruction of unknown objects
* Efficient Nonnegative Tucker Decompositions: Algorithms and Uniqueness
* Efficient O(1) edge-aware filter
* efficient online active learning algorithm for binary classification, An
* Efficient Optimization for Sparse Gaussian Process Regression
* Efficient Real-Time Train Scheduling for Urban Rail Transit Systems Using Iterative Convex Programming
* Efficient regression priors for post-processing demosaiced images
* Efficient regression priors for reducing image compression artifacts
* Efficient scalable compression of sparsely sampled images
* Efficient SVD Shrinkage for Rank Estimation, An
* Efficient Video Stitching Based on Fast Structure Deformation
* Ellipse-specific fitting by relaxing the 3L constraints with semidefinite programming
* Elliptical monogenic representation of color images and local frequency analysis
* embeddability of lane detection algorithms on heterogeneous architectures, The
* Embedded and real-time architecture for bio-inspired vision-based robot navigation
* Embedded Multisensor System for Safe Point-to-Point Navigation of Impaired Users
* Embedded Vision System for Real-Time Autonomous Localization Using Laser Profilometry, An
* Emerging Multimedia Research and Applications
* empirical study on compressed sensing MRI using fast composite splitting algorithm and combined sparsifying transforms, An
* Emulating Sentinel-1 Doppler Radial Ice Drift Measurements Using Envisat ASAR Data
* Encoding and decoding local binary patterns for harsh face illumination normalization
* Encoding color information for visual tracking: Algorithms and benchmark
* Encoding rotation invariant features in HEP-2 cell classification
* Encrypted image-based reversible data hiding with public key cryptography from difference expansion
* Energy Analysis of Road Accidents Based on Close-Range Photogrammetry
* Energy-Efficient Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Processing Unit for Multiple-Standard Video Decoding, An
* Enhanced deformable part model for pedestrian detection via joint state inference
* Enhanced fast compressive tracking based on adaptive measurement matrix
* Ensemble classifier for joint object instance and category recognition on RGB-D data
* Ensemble clustering using factor graph
* Entire reflective object surface structure understanding based on reflection motion estimation
* Epitomic image factorization via neighbor-embedding
* EREL: Extremal regions of extremum levels
* Error-Bound-Regularized Sparse Coding for Spatiotemporal Reflectance Fusion, An
* Estimating Crop Albedo in the Application of a Physical Model Based on the Law of Energy Conservation and Spectral Invariants
* Estimating deformation due to soil liquefaction in Urayasu city, Japan using permanent scatterers
* Estimating intravoxel fiber architecture using constrained compressed sensing combined with multitensor adaptive smoothing
* Estimating two-dimensional blood flow velocities from videos
* Estimation of angular difference between tomographic projections taken at unknown directions in 3D
* Estimation of Canopy Water Content by Means of Hyperspectral Indices Based on Drought Stress Gradient Experiments of Maize in the North Plain China
* Estimation of CO2 Sequestration by the Forests in Japan by Discriminating Precise Tree Age Category using Remote Sensing Techniques
* Estimation of crowd density by clustering motion cues
* Estimation of Evapotranspiration and Crop Coefficients of Tendone Vineyards Using Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Data in a Mediterranean Environment
* Estimation of eye gaze direction angles based on active appearance models
* Estimation of Maize Residue Cover Using Landsat-8 OLI Image Spectral Information and Textural Features
* Estimation of the Spectral Sensitivity Functions of Un-Modified and Modified Commercial Off-the-Shelf Digital Cameras to Enable Their Use as a Multispectral Imaging System for UAVS
* estimation-theoretic approach to video denoiseing, An
* Evaluating Driving Styles by Normalizing Driving Behavior Based on Personalized Driver Modeling
* Evaluating the effects of image compression in Moire-pattern-based face-spoofing detection
* Evaluating the sensory gap for earth observation images using human perception and an LDA-based computational model
* Evaluation of 60 full-reference image quality metrics on the CID:IQ
* Evaluation of Precipitation Retrievals From Orbital Data Products of TRMM Over a Subtropical Basin in India
* Evaluation of Satellite and Reanalysis Soil Moisture Products over Southwest China Using Ground-Based Measurements
* Evaluation of Six Algorithms to Monitor Wheat Leaf Nitrogen Concentration
* Event retrieval using motion barcodes
* Evolutionary fusion of local texture patterns for facial expression recognition
* Example-guided anthropometric human body modeling
* Exemplar based metric learning for robust visual localization
* Experiments with UAS Imagery for Automatic Modeling of Power Line 3D Geometry
* Exploitation of Amplitude and Phase of Satellite SAR Images for Landslide Mapping: The Case of Montescaglioso (South Italy)
* Exploiting effects of parts in fine-grained categorization of vehicles
* Exploiting multiple detections to learn robust brightness transfer functions in re-identification systems
* Exploiting structural constraints for visual object tracking
* Exploring orientation and accelerometer sensor data for personal authentication in smartphones using touchscreen gestures
* Exposure bracketing via automatic exposure selection
* Extended Conflict-Based Search for the Convoy Movement Problem
* Extending alpha-expansion to a larger set of regularization functions
* extension to the PRO-MPEG COP3 codes for unequal error protection of real-time video transmission, An
* External and internal learning for single-image super-resolution
* External forces for active contours using the undecimated wavelet transform
* Extracting human attributes using a convolutional neural network approach
* Extracting Migrant Flight Orientation Profiles Using Polarimetric Radar
* Extraction of hierarchical structure of web communities including salient keyword estimation for web video retrieval
* Extremal Regions Detection Guided by Maxima of Gradient Magnitude
* Eye movement-driven defense against iris print-attacks
* Face anti-spoofing based on color texture analysis
* Face attribute classification using attribute-aware correlation map and gated convolutional neural networks
* Face de-identification with expressions preservation
* Face detection and landmark localization using Bilayer Tree Structured Model
* Face hallucination based on nonparametric Bayesian learning
* Face image assessment learned with objective and relative face image qualities for improved face recognition
* Face Recognition Using Dual Difference Regression Classification
* Face sketch synthesis using non-local means and patch-based seaming
* Face Spoofing Detection Through Visual Codebooks of Spectral Temporal Cubes
* FACE2GPS: Estimating geographic location from facial features
* Facial age estimation via extended curvature Gabor filter
* Facial expression recognition in the wild using rich deep features
* Facial feature parsing and landmark detection via low-rank matrix decomposition
* Facial image analysis based on two-dimensional linear discriminant analysis exploiting symmetry
* Facial landmark detection via cascade multi-channel convolutional neural network
* Facial landmark detection via pose-induced auto-encoder networks
* Facial makeup detection via selected gradient orientation of entropy information
* Facial point detection based on a convolutional neural network with optimal mini-batch procedure
* Facial point detection using convolutional neural network transferred from a heterogeneous task
* Facial video super resolution using semantic exemplar components
* Factor graphs for inverse problems: Accelerated phase contrast magnetic resonance imaging
* fairness-aware smooth rate adaptation approach for dynamic HTTP streaming, A
* Faithful Disocclusion Filling in Depth Image Based Rendering Using Superpixel-Based Inpainting
* Fast 2D and 3D image processing with OpenCL
* Fast 3D tracking and quantization of small vascular structures in 3D medical images
* Fast affine-invariant image matching based on global Bhattacharyya measure with adaptive tree
* Fast Aircraft Detection in Satellite Images Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* Fast and accurate bilateral filtering using Gauss-polynomial decomposition
* Fast and exact bi-directional fitting of active appearance models
* Fast and Robust Object Tracking via Probability Continuous Outlier Model
* Fast Approximations of Shift-Variant Blur
* Fast CU partition decision using machine learning for screen content compression
* Fast CU size decision and PU mode decision algorithm in HEVC intra coding
* Fast depth from defocus from focal stacks
* Fast depth-based subgraph kernels for unattributed graphs
* Fast encoding of 3D color-plus-depth video based on 3D-HEVC
* fast encryption algorithm of color image based on four-dimensional chaotic system, A
* Fast H.264 to HEVC transcoder based on post-order traversal of quadtree structure
* Fast HEVC Inter CU Decision Based on Latent SAD Estimation
* Fast image completion method using patch offset statistics
* Fast image super-resolution via selective manifold learning of high-resolution patches
* Fast inter mode decision for HEVC based on transparent composite model
* Fast label propagation for real-time superpixels for video content
* fast method for inferring high-quality simply-connected superpixels, A
* Fast motion blur compensation in HEVC using fixed-length filter
* Fast object instance search in videos from one example
* Fast single image dehazing with domain transformation-based edge-preserving filter and weighted quadtree subdivision
* Fast single-image upsampling with relative edge growth rate priors
* Fast smoothing technique with edge preservation for single image dehazing
* Fast sparse edge-based intrinsic image decomposition guided by chromaticity gradients
* Fast spatially varying object motion blur estimation
* Fast tracking via context depth model learning
* Fast Translation Invariant Multiscale Image Denoising
* Fast-match: Fast and robust feature matching on large images
* Feasibility Study on Using Visp's 3D Model-Based Tracker for UAV Pose Estimation in Outdoor Environments, A
* Feature description using local neighborhoods
* Feature extraction from bilateral dissimilarity in digital breast tomosynthesis reconstructed volume
* Feature Extraction via Multi-View Non-Negative Matrix Factorization with Local Graph Regularization
* Feature saliency analysis for perceptual similarity of clustered microcalcifications
* feature subtraction method for image based kinship verification under uncontrolled environments, A
* Features we trust!
* Features-based approach for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis using visual pattern of water diffusion in tensor diffusion imaging
* Feet in Human-Computer Interaction: A Survey of Foot-Based Interaction, The
* Fiber Orientation and Compartment Parameter Estimation From Multi-Shell Diffusion Imaging
* Filtering SVM frame-by-frame binary classification in a detection framework
* Finding the Secret of Image Saliency in the Frequency Domain
* Fine-grained bird species recognition via hierarchical subset learning
* Fine-grained visual categorization with fine-tuned segmentation
* Fine-Resolution Frequency Estimator in the Odd-DFT Domain, A
* Fine-structured object segmentation via local and nonlocal neighborhood propagation
* Firefly: A hardware-friendly real-time local brightness adjustment method
* Fitting 3D Morphable Face Models using local features
* Fitting Skeletal Object Models Using Spherical Harmonics Based Template Warping
* Fixed-point Gaussian Mixture Model for analysis-friendly surveillance video coding
* Fluctuations of disparity space image for stereo matching in untextured regions
* Fluorosocopic sequence denoising using a motion compensated multi-scale temporal filtering
* Focal length change compensation for monocular slam
* Foreground detection for moving cameras with stochastic approximation
* Forest cover maps of China in 2010 from multiple approaches and data sources: PALSAR, Landsat, MODIS, FRA, and NFI
* Four-channel lifting-householder-based Hadamard transform
* frame level metric for just noticeable temporal pumping artifact in videos encoded with the hierarchical prediction structure, A
* Frame-level matching of near duplicate videos based on ternary frame descriptor and iterative refinement
* framework for gait-based recognition using Kinect, A
* framework for image-based asset generation and animation, A
* framework for live and cross platform fingerspelling recognition using modified shape matrix variants on depth silhouettes, A
* framework for view-dependent hologram representation and adaptive reconstruction, A
* Friendly progressive random-grid-based visual secret sharing with adaptive contrast
* From Local Similarities to Global Coding: A Framework for Coding Applications
* Fuel-Optimal Cruising Strategy for Road Vehicles With Step-Gear Mechanical Transmission
* Full-reference visual quality assessment for synthetic images: A subjective study
* Full-Scale Assessment of Pansharpening Through Polynomial Fitting of Multiscale Measurements
* Fusion of Gait and Facial Features using Coupled Projections for People Identification at a Distance
* Fusion of Multi-View and Multi-Scale Aerial Imagery for Real-Time Situation Awareness Applications
* Fusion of Multispectral and Panchromatic Images Based on a Novel Inter-Band Structure Model
* fuzzy approach to real-time digital color reproduction of clothing with 3D camera, A
* Fuzzy-rough community in social networks
* g-DICE: graph mining-based document information content exploitation
* Gait based authentication using gait information image features
* Gait recognition with Transient Binary Patterns
* Gamma Gaussian Inverse Wishart Probability Hypothesis Density for Extended Target Tracking Using X-Band Marine Radar Data
* Gaussian Process Regression-Based Video Anomaly Detection and Localization With Hierarchical Feature Representation
* Gaussian-Based Hue Descriptors
* Gender and texture classification: A comparative analysis using 13 variants of local binary patterns
* General-Thresholding Solution for l_p (0< p< 1) Regularized CT Reconstruction, A
* generalized form of the InSAR phase unwrapping problem based on a compressed sensing technique, A
* Generalized inpainting method for hyperspectral image acquisition
* Generalized Sobel Filters for gradient estimation of distorted images
* Generalized Wald Test for Binary Composite Hypothesis Test
* Generatinga 3D hand model from frontal color and range scans
* Generation of TIR-attributed 3D Point Clouds from UAV-based Thermal Imagery
* Generative part-based Gabor object detector
* Generic Algorithm to Estimate LAI, FAPAR and FCOVER Variables from SPOT4_HRVIR and Landsat Sensors: Evaluation of the Consistency and Comparison with Ground Measurements, A
* generic framework for optimal 2D/3D key-frame extraction driven by aggregated saliency maps, A
* Genetic Algorithm-Based Feature Selection for Kinship Verification, A
* Geodesic weighted Bayesian model for salient object detection
* Geometric integration of high-resolution satellite imagery and airborne LiDAR data for improved geopositioning accuracy in metropolitan areas
* Geometrical graph matching using Monte Carlo tree search
* geometrical-model-based face recognition, A
* Geometry-based ranking for mobile 3D visual search using hierarchically structured multi-view features
* Gesture recognition using active body parts and active difference signatures
* Global Color Sparseness and a Local Statistics Prior for Fast Bilateral Filtering
* Global Correlation Descriptor: A novel image representation for image retrieval
* Global three-dimensional-mesh indexing based on structural analysis and geometrical signatures
* Globally consistent alignment for mosaicking aerial images
* Globally consistent registration of terrestrial laser scans via graph optimization
* Globally rotation invariant multi-scale co-occurrence local binary pattern
* Goal-oriented top-down probabilistic visual attention model for recognition of manipulated objects in egocentric videos
* GPR Prospecting Through an Inverse-Scattering Frequency-Hopping Multifocusing Approach
* GPS Error Correction With Pseudorange Evaluation Using Three-Dimensional Maps
* Gradient preserving RGB-to-gray conversion using random forest
* Gradient-domain image decomposition for image recovery
* Graph clustering by congruency approximation
* Graph Matching Based on Stochastic Perturbation
* Graph modelling of 3D geometric information for color consistency of multiview images
* Graph regularized discriminant analysis and its application to face recognition
* Graph regularized low-rank matrix recovery for robust person re-identification
* Graph-based deformable matching of 3D line with application in protein fitting
* Graph-based motion estimation and compensation for dynamic 3D point cloud compression
* Graph-based transforms for inter predicted video coding
* Grassmann manifold for nearest points image set classification
* GReTA-A Novel Global and Recursive Tracking Algorithm in Three Dimensions
* Ground-based cloud image categorization using deep convolutional visual features
* Group saliency propagation for large scale and quick image co-segmentation
* Group-based hyperspectral image denoising using low rank representation
* Guided image completion by confidence propagation
* Guided inpainting with cluster-based auxiliary information
* Guided integral filter for light field stereo matching
* Halo control for LHE based local adaptive tone mapping
* Hand and object segmentation from RGB-D images for interaction with planar surfaces
* Hand gesture recognition and spotting in uncontrolled environments based on classifier weighting
* Handwritten word recognition using Web resources and recurrent neural networks
* HapFACS 3.0: FACS-Based Facial Expression Generator for 3D Speaking Virtual Characters
* Head Movement Dynamics during Play and Perturbed Mother-Infant Interaction
* Head pose estimation via probabilistic high-dimensional regression
* Height Gradient Approach for Occlusion Detection in UAV Imagery
* Helicobacter pylori infection detection from multiple x-ray images based on combination use of support vector machine and multiple kernel learning
* HEVC inverse transform architecture utilizing coefficient sparsity
* Hidden message in a deformation-based texture
* hidden structure of image datasets, The
* hierarchical anti-occlusion tracking algorithm based on DMPF and ORB, A
* hierarchical local region-based sparse shape composition for liver segmentation in CT scans, A
* Hierarchical multi-VLAD for image retrieval
* Hierarchical segmentation and tracking of coronary arteries in 2D X-ray Angiography sequences
* Hierarchical tucker tensor regression: Application to brain imaging data analysis
* High dynamic range content calibration for accurate acquisition and display
* High dynamic range map estimation via fully connected random fields with stochastic cliques
* High performance loop filter for HEVC
* High Resolution Land Cover/Land Use Mapping of Large Areas: Current Status and Upcoming Trends
* High throughput parallel scheme for HEVC deblocking filter
* High-accuracy 3D image stitching for robot-based inspection systems
* High-order information for robust iris recognition under less controlled conditions
* High-order regularization for stereo color editing
* High-performance high dynamic range image generation by inverted local patterns
* High-resolution 3D phase imaging using a partitioned detection aperture: a wave-optic analysis
* High-Resolution InSAR Building Layovers Detection and Exploitation
* High-Resolution Light Field Capture With Coded Aperture
* High-Speed and Local-Changes Invariant Image Matching
* High-throughput and low-complexity binary arithmetic decoder based on logarithmic domain
* highly efficient method for blind image quality assessment, A
* Histogram of gradient magnitudes: A rotation invariant texture-descriptor
* Histograms of locally aggregated oriented gradients
* Homographic p-norms: Metrics of homographic image transformation
* Horror Image Recognition Based on Context-Aware Multi-Instance Learning
* How much bandwidth does surveillance system require?
* How to exploit large image data in the fields of texture classification: A case study with local binary patterns
* How to make nD images well-composed without interpolation
* Human action recognition using time-invariant key-trajectories describing spatio-temporal salient motion
* Human activity recognition based on pose points selection
* Human fall detection via shape analysis on Riemannian manifolds with applications to elderly care
* Human pose estimation with global motion cues
* Human-computer interaction based on visual hand-gesture recognition using volumetric spatiograms of local binary patterns
* hybrid approach for salt dome detection in 2D and 3D seismic data, A
* Hybrid coding of visual content and local image features
* Hybrid key: An automatic tool for real-time high quality chroma keying
* hybrid motion estimation technique for fisheye video sequences based on equisolid re-projection, A
* Hybrid super-resolution combining example-based single-image and interpolation-based multi-image reconstruction approaches
* Hyper-parameter optimization of deep convolutional networks for object recognition
* Hyperspectral classification using a composite kernel driven by nearest-neighbor spatial features
* Hyperspectral classification via learnt features
* Hyperspectral Differentiation of Phytoplankton Taxonomic Groups: A Comparison between Using Remote Sensing Reflectance and Absorption Spectra
* Hyperspectral image interpretation based on partial least squares
* Identification of aliasing-based patterns in re-captured LCD screens
* Identifying epileptic seizures based on a template-based eyeball detection technique
* Illumination robust optical flow estimation by illumination-chromaticity decoupling
* Image aesthetics depends on context
* Image analysis of videokymographic data
* Image automatic annotation via multi-view deep representation
* Image based rendering technique via sparse representation in shearlet domain
* Image classification using RBM to encode local descriptors with group sparse learning
* Image classification: No features, no clustering
* Image coding with incomplete transform competition for HEVC
* Image colorization via color propagation and rank minimization
* Image deblocking using group-based sparse representation and quantization constraint prior
* Image deblurring using robust sparsity priors
* Image dehazing using two-dimensional canonical correlation analysis
* Image denoising in multiplicative noise
* Image denoising using optimally weighted bilateral filters: A sure and fast approach
* Image denoising via coded aperture photography
* Image Denoising With Edge-Preserving and Segmentation Based on Mask NHA
* Image Matching with Multi-order Features
* Image Modification Based on a Visual Saliency Map for Guiding Visual Attention
* Image Outlier Detection and Feature Extraction via L1-Norm-Based 2D Probabilistic PCA
* Image quality assessment based on DCT subband similarity
* Image quality evaluation using image quality ruler and graphical model
* Image resolution enhancement based on novel view synthesis
* Image restoration with L2-type edge-continuous overlapping group sparsity
* Image retargeting quality assessment based on support vector regression
* Image saliency estimation via random walk guided by informativeness and latent signal correlations
* Image segmentation based on weighting boundary information via graph cut
* Image segmentation using clique based shape prior and the Mumford Shah Functional
* Image segmentation via multi-scale stochastic regional texture appearance models
* Image Segmentation With Cage Active Contours
* Image segmentation with the competitive learning based MS model
* Image super-resolution based on dictionary learning and anchored neighborhood regression with mutual incoherence
* Image super-resolution from compressed sensing observations
* Image transmorphing with JPEG
* Image-based evaluation of treatment responses of facial wrinkles using LDDMM registration and Gabor features
* Image-Specific Prior Adaptation for Denoising
* ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge
* Images steganalysis using GARCH model for feature selection
* Impact of Land Cover Change Induced by a Fire Event on the Surface Energy Fluxes Derived from Remote Sensing
* Impact of Surface Waves on SWOT's Projected Ocean Accuracy
* Implementation and Parallelization of the Scale Space Meshing Algorithm, An
* Implementation of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System for Large Scale Mapping
* Implementation of computation-reduced DCT using a novel method
* Importance-weighted covariance estimation for robust common spatial pattern
* Improved 3D sparse maps for high-performance SFM with low-cost omnidirectional robots
* Improved anisotropic diffusion equation based on new non-local information scheme for image denoising
* Improved cluster center adaption for image classification
* Improved fine structure modeling via guided stochastic clique formation in fully connected conditional random fields
* Improved image GPS location estimation by mining salient features
* Improved raindrop detection using combined shape and saliency descriptors with scene context isolation
* Improved SAP based on adaptive directional prediction for HEVC lossless intra prediction
* Improved specular regions localization and optical-flow based motion estimation via joint processing
* Improvement of Colorization-Based Coding Using Optimization by Novel Colorization Matrix Construction and Adaptive Color Conversion
* Improving background estimation for faint astronomical object detection
* Improving calibration of thermal stereo cameras using heated calibration board
* Improving deep convolutional neural networks with unsupervised feature learning
* Improving distinctiveness of BRISK features using depth maps
* Improving egocentric vision of daily activities
* Improving spatial codification in semantic segmentation
* Improving surf interest point detection for defocus blur robustness
* Improving the road network performance with dynamic route guidance by considering the indifference band of road users
* Improving uniformity in detection performance of clustered microcalcifications in mammograms
* In-network view re-sampling for interactive free viewpoint video streaming
* Incorporating image degeneration modeling with multitask learning for image super-resolution
* Increasing the Accuracy of Mapping Urban Forest Carbon Density by Combining Spatial Modeling and Spectral Unmixing Analysis
* Indexing fingerprint database with minutiae based coaxial Gaussian track code and quantized lookup table
* Indicator Species Population Monitoring in Antarctica with UAV
* Indoor Positioning Using Visible LED Lights: A Survey
* Inference of the Transition Matrix in Convolved Hidden Markov Models and the Generalized Baum-Welch Algorithm
* Influence of imaging resolution on color fidelity in digital archiving
* Information extraction from very high resolution satellite SAR data time series using graph based connected features
* Information-theoretic analysis of Blinn-Phong lighting with applicationto mobile cloud gaming
* Inpainting for Fringe Projection Profilometry Based on Geometrically Guided Iterative Regularization
* InSAR Assessment of Surface Deformations in Urban Coastal Terrains Associated With Groundwater Dynamics
* Instantaneous real-time head pose at a distance
* Integrability-regularized phase unwrapping via sparse error correction
* Integrated self-calibration of single axis motion for three-dimensional reconstruction of roots
* Integrating Multimedia into Autism Intervention
* Integrating Terrestrial LIDAR with Point Clouds Created from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery
* Integrating UAV into Geomatics Curriculum
* Integration of multiple soft biometrics for human identification
* Intel realsense = Real low cost gaze
* Intelligent Line Segment Perception With Cortex-Like Mechanisms
* Inter-Band Radiometric Comparison and Calibration of ASTER Visible and Near-Infrared Bands
* Inter-block consistent soft decoding of JPEG images with sparsity and graph-signal smoothness priors
* Inter-channel relation based vectorial total variation for color image recovery
* Inter-picture prediction based on 3D point cloud model
* Interactive image segmentation via cascaded metric learning
* Interactive Multimodal Learning for Venue Recommendation
* Interactive multiview video scheduling through bargaining
* Interactive object segmentation using single touch
* Interdigital palm region for biometric identification
* Interface Detection Using a Quenched-Noise Version of the Edwards-Wilkinson Equation
* Interleaved Time Bases in Hypermedia Synchronization
* Interpreting sports tactic based on latent context-free grammar
* Intrinsic parameter determination of a paracatadioptric camera by the intersection of two sphere projections
* Introducing the Edges Paradigm: A P300 Brain-Computer Interface for Spelling Written Words
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications in ITS
* Inverse halftoning with grouping singular value decomposition
* Investigating new calibration methods without feature detection for TOF cameras
* Investigating the feasibility of image-based nose biometrics
* Investigations on the Quality of the Interior Orientation and Its Impact in Object Space for UAV Photogrammetry
* IRIS Super-Resolution via Nonparametric Over-Complete Dictionary Learning
* Is pedestrian detection robust for surveillance?
* iterated randomized search algorithm for large-scale texture synthesis and manipulations, An
* iterative algorithm for spectral estimation with spatial smoothing, An
* Iterative color constancy with temporal filtering for an image sequence with no relative motion between the camera and the scene
* iterative convergence algorithm for single/multi ground plane detection and angle estimation with RGB-D camera, An
* Iterative Dynamic Power Splitting for Multi-relay Networks with Wireless Energy Harvesting
* Iterative mask generation method for handling occlusion in optical flow assisted view interpolation
* Joint Channel Estimation for Three-Hop MIMO Relaying Systems
* Joint classification of actions with matrix completion
* Joint Group Sparse PCA for Compressed Hyperspectral Imaging
* Joint metal artifact reduction and segmentation of CT images using dictionary-based image prior and continuous-relaxed potts model
* Joint modeling and reconstruction of a compressively-sensed set of correlated images
* Joint Sparse Representation and Robust Feature-Level Fusion for Multi-Cue Visual Tracking
* Joint Time Switching and Power Allocation for Multicarrier Decode-and-Forward Relay Networks with SWIPT
* Kernel matrix trimming for improved Kernel K-means clustering
* Kernel Methods on Riemannian Manifolds with Gaussian RBF Kernels
* Kernel subspace alignment for unsupervised domain adaptation
* Kernelized Saliency-Based Person Re-Identification Through Multiple Metric Learning
* Knowledge as action: A cognitive framework for indoor scene classification
* L1-fusion: Robust linear-time image recovery from few severely corrupted copies
* L1-Grassmann manifolds for robust face recognition
* Land use and land cover classification base on image saliency map cooperated coding
* Landmark-based fisher vector representation for video-based face verification
* Landslide Activity Monitoring with the Help of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Laplace-Beltrami spectra for shape comparison of surfaces in 3D using the closest point method
* Large Tanker Motion Model Identification Using Generalized Ellipsoidal Basis Function-Based Fuzzy Neural Networks
* Large visual words for large scale image classification
* Large-area depth recovery for RGB-D camera
* Large-scale nonlinear facial image classification based on approximate kernel Extreme Learning Machine
* Large-Scale SUMO-Based Emulation Platform, A
* LASP: Local adaptive super-pixels
* Lateral Offset Quality Rating along Low Slip Rate Faults: Application to the Alhama de Murcia Fault (SE Iberian Peninsula)
* Layered compression for high-precision depth data
* LBP Encoding Schemes Jointly Utilizing the Information of Current Bit and Other LBP Bits
* Leader-Follower Consensus in Mobile Sensor Networks
* Leaf Area Index Estimation in Vineyards from UAV Hyperspectral Data, 2D Image Mosaics and 3D Canopy Surface Models
* Learning a temporally invariant representation for visual tracking
* Learning contrastive feature distribution model for interaction recognition
* Learning deep compact descriptor with bagging auto-encoders for object retrieval
* Learning deep features for image emotion classification
* Learning depth from a single image using visual-depth words
* Learning discriminative occlusion feature for depth ordering inference on monocular image
* Learning Discriminative Pattern for Real-Time Car Brand Recognition
* Learning discriminative singular value decomposition representation for face recognition
* Learning Good Regions to Deblur Images
* Learning Hierarchical Space Tiling for Scene Modeling, Parsing and Attribute Tagging
* Learning histopathological regions of interest by fusing bottom-up and top-down information
* Learning occlusion patterns using semantic phrases for object detection
* Learning relational facts from the web: A tolerance rough set approach
* Learning representations from multiple manifolds
* Learning shape priors for object segmentation via neural networks
* Learning space-time dictionaries for blind compressed sensing dynamic MRI reconstruction
* Learning the discriminative dictionary for sparse representation by a general fisher regularized model
* Learning to Adjust and Refine Gait Patterns for a Biped Robot
* Learning to pool high-level features for face representation
* Learning unified sparse representations for multi-modal data
* Learning-based depth estimation from 2D images using GIST and saliency
* Lenselet image compression scheme based on subaperture images streaming
* level set-based framework for 3D kidney segmentation from diffusion MR images, A
* Leveraging shape and depth in user authentication from in-air hand gestures
* LGHD: A feature descriptor for matching across non-linear intensity variations
* Lightweight implementation of No-Reference (NR) perceptual quality assessment of H.264/AVC compression
* Lightweight Lossy Compression of Biometric Patterns via Denoising Autoencoders
* Limitations of the SSIM quality metric in the context of diagnostic imaging
* Line meets as-projective-as-possible image stitching with moving DLT
* Live video synopsis for multiple cameras
* Liver segmentation using superpixel-based graph cuts and restricted regions of shape constrains
* Load-balanced locality-sensitive hashing: A new method for efficient near duplicate image detection
* Local Algorithm for Monitoring Total Suspended Sediments in Micro-Watersheds Usin Drones and Remote Sensing Applications. Case Study: Teusacá River, La Calera, Colombia
* Local extrema based Digital Dropout detection in degraded archived media
* Local feature embedding for supervised image classification
* Local feature learning for face recognition under varying poses
* Local Higher-Order Statistics (LHS) describing images with statistics of local non-binarized pixel patterns
* Local integrity constraints for structure detection and segmentation in high-resolution earth observation images
* Local inverse tone curve learning for high dynamic range image scalable compression
* Local line directional pattern for palmprint recognition
* Local mean spatio-temporal feature for depth image-based speed-up action recognition
* Local Multi-Grouped Binary Descriptor With Ring-Based Pooling Configuration and Optimization
* Local Prototype Space-based Band Selection for Hyperspectral Subpixel Analysis
* Local sensing with global recovery
* Local Sparse Structure Denoising for Low-Light-Level Image
* Local Wavelet Pattern: A New Feature Descriptor for Image Retrieval in Medical CT Databases
* Locality sensitive dictionary learning for image classification
* Locality sensitive discriminative dictionary learning
* Localizing scene texts by fuzzy inference systems and low rank matrix recovery model
* Locally controlled regularized spatiotemporal anisotropic diffusion
* Locally refinable parametric snakes
* Locating Facial Landmarks Using Probabilistic Random Forest
* location-aware scale-space method for salient object detection, A
* Logarithmic multiresolution analysis
* Long-Term Stationary Object Detection Based on Spatio-Temporal Change Detection
* Lossless Compression of Hyperspectral Imagery via Clustered Differential Pulse Code Modulation with Removal of Local Spectral Outliers
* Lossless screen content coding in HEVC based on sample-wise median and edge prediction
* Low complexity unsupervised multi-camera color calibration with application to panoramic video capturing
* Low-complexity and robust comic fingerprint method for comic identification
* Low-complexity block size decision for HEVC intra coding using binary image feature descriptors
* Low-complexity HOG for efficient video saliency
* Low-complexity rate control in video coding based on bi-geometric transparent composite models
* Low-complexity separable multiplier-less loop filter for video coding
* Low-cost license plate detection using a calibrated camera
* low-cost vehicle counter for next-generation ITS, A
* low-light image enhancement method for both denoising and contrast enlarging, A
* Low-Overhead Distributed Jamming for SIMO Secrecy Transmission with Statistical CSI
* low-power 490 mpixels/s hardware accelerator for pyramidal decomposition of images, A
* Low-rank regularized collaborative filtering for image denoising
* Low-rank tensor decomposition based anomaly detection for hyperspectral imagery
* LPI adaptive descreening method with Hadamard domain analysis
* LQ-bundle adjustment
* LR-CNN for fine-grained classification with varying resolution
* Lung segmentation in chest radiographs using distance regularized level set and deep-structured learning and inference
* L_1/2 regularized low-rank representation for hyperspectral imagery classification, An
* Machine Intelligence Approach to Virtual Ballet Training, A
* Machine Learning and Mass Estimation Methods for Ground-Based Aircraft Climb Prediction
* Magma Pathways and Their Interactions Inferred from InSAR and Stress Modeling at Nyamulagira Volcano, D.R. Congo
* Magnetic resonance brain image classification based on weighted-type fractional Fourier transform and nonparallel support vector machine
* magnetic resonance image reconstruction method using support of first-second order variation, A
* majorize-minimize approach for high-quality depth upsampling, A
* Mallows' statistics CL: A novel criterion for parametric PSF estimation
* Managing Wandering Risk in People With Dementia
* MAP estimation framework for HDR video synthesis, A
* Mapping CORINE Land Cover from Sentinel-1A SAR and SRTM Digital Elevation Model Data using Random Forests
* Mapping Cropland in Smallholder-Dominated Savannas: Integrating Remote Sensing Techniques and Probabilistic Modeling
* Mapping Cropping Practices of a Sugarcane-Based Cropping System in Kenya Using Remote Sensing
* Mapping slope movements in Alpine environments using TerraSAR-X interferometric methods
* Mapping the Spectral Soil Quality Index (SSQI) Using Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy
* Mapping tropical dry forest succession using multiple criteria spectral mixture analysis
* Matching Images With Multiple Descriptors: An Unsupervised Approach for Locally Adaptive Descriptor Selection
* Material Classification and Semantic Segmentation of Railway Track Images with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* mathematical analysis of the Tensorial Morphological Gradient approach, A
* Maurer-Cartan Forms for Fields on Surfaces: Application to Heart Fiber Geometry
* Max-margin analysis based patch sampling for discovery of mid-level parts
* maximal interest-point strategy applied to image enhancement with external priors, A
* Maximum entropy regularized group collaborative representation for face recognition
* May the torcher light our way: A negative-accelerated active learning framework for image classification
* measurement of cell viability based on temporal bag of words for image sequences, The
* Measuring Meaningful Information in Images: Algorithmic Specified Complexity
* Median Robust Extended Local Binary Pattern for Texture Classification
* Medical image fusion based on nuclear norm minimization
* Merging linear discriminant analysis with Bag of Words model for human action recognition
* Mesh segmentation with connecting parts for 3D object prototyping
* Method for Simultaneous Aerial and Terrestrial Geodata Acquisition for Corridor Mapping, A
* Method to Calibrate Vehicle-Mounted Cameras Under Urban Traffic Scenes, A
* Methods for Multiloop Identification of Visual and Neuromuscular Pilot Responses
* Micro-Expression Recognition Using Color Spaces
* Mine the fine: Fine-grained fragment discovery
* Mining Spatial-Temporal Patterns and Structural Sparsity for Human Motion Data Denoising
* Missing data super-resolution using non-local and statistical priors
* Mission-Oriented Sensor Arrays and UAVs: A Case Study on Environmental Monitoring
* Mitigating memory requirements for random trees/ferns
* Mixture Hyperplanes Approximation for Global Tracking
* Mobile Sensing Approach to Stress Detection and Memory Activation for Public Bus Drivers, A
* Mode-dependent transform competition for HEVC
* Model-based (passive) heart rate estimation using remote video recording of moving human subjects illuminated by ambient light
* Model-Based Building Detection from Low-Cost Optical Sensors Onboard Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Model-based image reconstruction of chemiluminescence using a plenoptic 2.0 camera
* Modeling and Performance Analysis of Medium Access Control Schemes for Drive-Thru Internet Access Provisioning Systems
* Modeling of H.264/AVC based video transmission distortion over wireless network
* Modeling, Prediction, and Reduction of 3D Crosstalk in Circular Polarized Stereoscopic LCDs
* Modelling local deep convolutional neural network features to improve fine-grained image classification
* Modelling, synthesis and characterisation of occlusion in videos
* MODS: Fast and robust method for two-view matching
* Monitoring the Impacts of Severe Drought on Southern California Chaparral Species using Hyperspectral and Thermal Infrared Imagery
* Motion capture data recovery using skeleton constrained singular value thresholding
* Motion Driven Tonal Stabilization
* Motion estimation and compensation for fisheye warped video
* Motion estimation for non-overlapping cameras by improvement of feature points matching based on urban 3D structure
* Motion estimation via hierarchical block matching and graph cut
* Motion retrieval using consistency of epipolar geometry
* Motion silencing of flicker distortions on naturalistic videos
* Motion vector fields based video coding
* motion-texture aware denoising for economic hardware design, A
* Moving camera human activity localization and recognition with motionplanes and multiple homographies
* Moving Object Classification Using a Combination of Static Appearance Features and Spatial and Temporal Entropy Values of Optical Flows
* Moving object detection from moving platforms using Lagrange multiplier
* Moving object tracking based on multi-independent features distribution fields with comprehensive spatial feature similarity
* MR image reconstruction of a regularly undersampled signal using quadratic phase scrambling
* MToS: A Tree of Shapes for Multivariate Images
* Multi Rotor UAV at Different Altitudes for Slope Mapping Studies
* Multi-aircrafts tracking using spatial-temporal constraints-based intra-frame scale-invariant feature transform feature matching
* Multi-camera interference cancellation of time-of-flight (TOF) cameras
* Multi-camera systems use for dental arch shape measurement
* Multi-channel descriptors and ensemble of Extreme Learning Machines for classification of remote sensing images
* Multi-class semantic segmentation of faces
* Multi-class weather classification on single images
* Multi-Criteria Analysis of UAVS Regulations in 6 Countries Using the Analytical Hierarchical Process and Expert Knowledge
* Multi-exposure image fusion: A patch-wise approach
* Multi-feature hashing based on SNR maximization
* multi-frame optical flow spot tracker, A
* Multi-GNSS Meteorology: Real-Time Retrieving of Atmospheric Water Vapor from BeiDou, Galileo, GLONASS, and GPS Observations
* Multi-instance learning via instance-based and bag-based representation transformations
* Multi-kernel collaborative representation for image classification
* Multi-Label Active Learning with Label Correlation for Image Classification
* Multi-level action detection via learning latent structure
* Multi-level semantic labeling of Sky/cloud images
* Multi-look processing of high-resolution SAS data for improved target detection performance
* Multi-modal big-data management for film production
* Multi-objective genetic algorithm for missing data imputation
* Multi-pose face hallucination via neighbor embedding for facial components
* multi-resolution approach to depth field estimation in dense image arrays, A
* Multi-resolution compressed sensing reconstruction via approximate message passing
* Multi-resolution super-pixels and their applications on fluorescent mesenchymal stem cells images using 1-D SIFT merging
* Multi-round dynamic swap optimisation for table-based steganography
* Multi-scale bisector integrals: An invariant descriptor for accurate shape retrieval
* Multi-scale local binary patterns based on path integral for texture classification
* Multi-scale mesh saliency with local adaptive patches for viewpoint selection
* Multi-scale saliency of 3D colored meshes
* Multi-scale/multi-resolution Kronecker compressive imaging
* multi-standard interpolation hardware solution for H.264 and HEVC, A
* Multi-temporal foreground detection in videos
* Multi-view descriptor mining via codeword net for action recognition
* Multi-view image inpainting with sparse representations
* Multi-View Intact Space Learning
* Multi-View Learning With Incomplete Views
* Multi-View Low-Rank Dictionary Learning for Image Classification
* multi-view video synopsis framework, A
* Multiclass Coarse Analysis for UAV Imagery
* Multidomain Verification of Dynamic Signatures Using Local Stability Analysis
* Multiexposure image fusion using intensity enhancement and detail extraction
* Multifaceted Approach to Social Multimedia-Based Prediction of Elections, A
* Multifocus image fusion based on surface area analysis
* Multilayer manifold and sparsity constrained nonnegative matrix factorization for hyperspectral unmixing
* Multimodal Affect Classification at Various Temporal Lengths
* Multimodal Deep Autoencoder for Human Pose Recovery
* Multimodal Manifold Analysis by Simultaneous Diagonalization of Laplacians
* Multimodal topic modeling based geo-annotation for social event detection in large photo collections
* Multipass encoding for reducing pulsing artifacts in cloud based video transcoding
* Multiple Emotion Tagging for Multimedia Data by Exploiting High-Order Dependencies Among Emotions
* Multiple exposure integration for restoring all in-focus images
* Multiple Extended Target Tracking for Through-Wall Radars
* Multiple features based shared models for background subtraction
* Multiple features extraction for timber defects detection and classification using SVM
* Multiple kernel boosting based tracking using pooling features
* Multiple model adaptive visual tracking with correlation filters
* Multiple object tracking based on sparse generative appearance modeling
* Multiple representations and sparse representation for image classification
* Multiple Spectral Peak Tracking for Heart Rate Monitoring from Photoplethysmography Signal During Intensive Physical Exercise
* Multiple-Input Multiple-Output OFDM with Index Modulation
* Multiple-Instance Hidden Markov Models With Applications to Landmine Detection
* Multiscale analysis of tortuosity in retinal images using wavelets and fractal methods
* Multiscale Tikhonov-Total Variation Image Restoration Using Spatially Varying Edge Coherence Exponent
* Multispectral Joint Image Restoration via Optimizing a Scale Map
* Multitask multivariate common sparse representations for robust multimodal biometrics recognition
* Multithreading AdaBoost framework for object recognition
* Multivalued label diffusion for semi-supervised segmentation
* Multivariate alternating decision trees
* Multivariate optimization for multifractal-based texture segmentation
* Multivariate texture discrimination using a principal geodesic classifier
* Myocardium segmentation on 3D spect images
* Nano-scale context-sensitive semantic segmentation
* Nastalique segmentation-based approach for Urdu OCR
* Near-duplicate detection and alignment for multi-view videos
* Neural netwok based X-ray tomography for fast inspection of apples on a conveyor belt system
* neural tree for classification using convex objective function, A
* New Conditions on Achieving the Maximal Possible Dynamic Range for a Generalized Chinese Remainder Theorem of Multiple Integers
* New Connected-Component Labeling Algorithm, A
* new data coding scheme using contrast-controllable color intersection, A
* new encryption-then-compression algorithm using the rate-distortion optimization, A
* New Fast Algorithm for Linearly Unmixing Hyperspectral Images, A
* new image retrieval model based on monogenic signal representation, A
* new method for constructing granular neural networks based on rule extraction and extreme learning machine, A
* New Model of a Solar Wind Airplane for Geomatic Operations
* new Mumford-Shah type model involving a smoothing operator for multiphase image segmentation, A
* New parametric 3D snake for medical segmentation of structures with cylindrical topology
* New Riemannian Averaged Fixed-Point Algorithm for MGGD Parameter Estimation, A
* New Strategy for Dynamic Weighing in Motion of Railway Vehicles, A
* New Survey on Self-Tuning Integrated Low-Cost GPS/INS Vehicle Navigation System in Harsh Environment, A
* New Technique Based on Mini-UAS for Estimating Water and Bottom Radiance Contributions in Optically Shallow Waters, A
* new unsupervised model of action recognition, A
* no reference texture granularity index and application to visual media compression, A
* No-reference image quality assessment for removal of processed and unprocessed noise
* Noise correction of image labeling in crowdsourcing
* Noise modelling in time-of-flight sensors with application to depth noise removal and uncertainty estimation in three-dimensional measurement
* Noise Suppression for Dual-Energy CT Through Entropy Minimization
* Non-dyadic fisheye lens correction model for image enhancement
* Non-homogeneous priors in a Bayesian latent class model for ocean color inversion
* Non-local/local image filters using fast eigenvalue filtering
* non-parametric CFAR detector based on SAR sea clutter statistical modeling, A
* Non-parametric Ensemble Kalman methods for the inpainting of noisy dynamic textures
* Noncontact Vital Sign Detection based on Stepwise Atomic Norm Minimization
* Nonconvex reconstruction for low-dimensional fluorescence molecular tomographic poisson observations
* Noninvasive and Continuous Blood Pressure Monitoring Using Wearable Body Sensor Networks
* Nonlinear Hyperspectral Unmixing With Robust Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Nonlinear subspace clustering using curvature constrained distances
* Nonparametric background model based clutter map for X-band marine radar
* Nonparametric empirical Bayes estimation for multiplicative multiscale innovation in photon-limited imaging
* Nonparametric scene parsing with deep convolutional features and dense alignment
* Normalized cut-based saliency detection by adaptive multi-level region merging
* Notes on image processing with partial differential equations
* Novel Approach for Active Adhesion Control of High-Speed Trains Under Antiskid Constraints, A
* novel approach for pain intensity detection based on facial feature deformations, A
* novel background subtraction approach based on multi layered self-organizing maps, A
* novel Cooperative Motion Estimation Algorithm based on Particle Swarm Optimization and its multicore implementation, A
* novel feature descriptor based on microscopy image statistics, A
* Novel features for microcalcification detection in digital mammogram images based on wavelet and statistical analysis
* novel framework for the segmentationof mrinfant brain images, A
* Novel general KNN classifier and general nearest mean classifier for visual classification
* Novel Graph Cuts Method for Multi-Frame Super-Resolution
* Novel histograms kernels with structural properties
* novel integer-pixel motion estimation algorithm based on quadratic prediction, A
* novel moving parameter estimation approach of fast moving targets based on phase extraction, A
* Novel On-Road Vehicle Detection Method Using pi-HOG, A
* novel reversible data hiding scheme based on difference-histogram modification and optimal EMD algorithm, A
* Novel Sampling Theorem on the Rotation Group, A
* NSLIC: SLIC superpixels based on nonstationarity measure
* Object classification from RGB-D images using depth context kernel descriptors
* Object modeling and trajectory estimations for traffic analysis
* Object motion analysis description in stereo video content
* Object recognition based on deformable edge set
* Object recognition with top-down visual attention modeling for behavioral studies
* Object segmentation with deep regression
* Object tracking with adaptive motion modeling of particle filter and support vector machines
* object-based approach to delineate wetlands across landscapes of varied disturbance with high spatial resolution satellite imagery, An
* objective 3D quality assessment model to adjust stereo camera baseline, An
* Objective Quality Assessment for Color-to-Gray Image Conversion
* Objective quality metric for 3D virtual views
* Objectness estimation using edges
* Occlusion handling in feature point tracking using ranked parts based models
* Ocean Wind Doppler Model Based on the Generalized Curvature Ocean Surface Scattering Model, An
* Offline scripting-free author identification based on speeded-up robust features
* On affinity matrix normalization for graph cuts and spectral clustering
* On how to improve tracklet-based gait recognition systems
* On soft biometrics
* On spatial neighborhood of patch-based super resolution
* On spatio-temporal feature point detection for animated meshes
* On Stochastic Analysis of Greedy Routing in Vehicular Networks
* On the accuracy of point localisation in a circular camera-array
* On the improvement of no-reference mean opinion score estimation accuracy by following a frame-level regression approach
* On the kernel Extreme Learning Machine speedup
* On the role of non-local Menger curvature in image processing
* On the Use of Global Flood Forecasts and Satellite-Derived Inundation Maps for Flood Monitoring in Data-Sparse Regions
* On the use of Kinect depth data for identity, gender and ethnicity classification from facial images
* On the utility of canonical correlation analysis for domain adaptation in multi-view head pose estimation
* On-Demand Web Tool for the Unsupervised Retrieval of Earth's Surface Deformation from SAR Data: The P-SBAS Service within the ESA G-POD Environment, An
* On-Orbit Calibration Data-Processing Technologies for the Space-Based Infrared Camera
* One gaze is worth ten thousand (key-)words
* One-frame delay for dynamic photometric compensation in a projector-camera system
* Online Learning of Multi-Feature Weights for Robust Object Tracking
* Online multi-person tracking based on global sparse collaborative representations
* Online person orientation estimation based on classifier update
* Online supervised hashing
* Online view sampling for estimating depth from light fields
* Optical coherence tomography image segmentation
* Optical illusion shape texturing using repeated asymmetric patterns
* Optimal bit allocation in HEVC for real-time video communications
* Optimal feature selection for nonlinear data using branch-and-bound in kernel space
* Optimal layered representation for adaptive interactive multiview video streaming
* Optimal Nodes Selectiveness from WSN to Fit Field Scale Albedo Observation and Validation in Long Time Series in the Foci Experiment Areas, Heihe
* Optimal Path Planning With Spatial-Temporal Mobility Modeling for Individual-Based Emergency Guiding
* Optimal spectral image fusion for detection of shoreline targets
* Optimal transport using Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition and first-order primal-dual algorithms
* Optimised cubic spline approximations of image contours using points suppression
* Optimization of color quantization with total luminance for DLP projector and its evaluation system
* optimization-based approach for restoring missing structures and textures in images, An
* Optimize the Settings of Variable Speed Limit System to Improve the Performance of Freeway Traffic
* optimized first-order method for image restoration, An
* Optimized lifting schemes based on ENO stencils for image approximation
* Optimized multilevel fringe patterns for real-time 3D shape measurement with defocused projector
* Optimized Predictive Zonal Search (OPZS) for block-based motion estimation
* Optimized Quasi-Interpolators for Image Reconstruction
* Optimizing Average Precision Using Weakly Supervised Data
* Optimizing HTTP-Based Adaptive Streaming in Vehicular Environment Using Markov Decision Process
* Optimizing the decomposition for multiple foreground cosegmentation
* Optimizing the Perceptual Quality of Real-Time Multimedia Applications
* Optimum Architecture for Continuous-Flow Parallel Bit Reversal, An
* Orientation robust object detection in aerial images using deep convolutional neural network
* Ortho-diffusion decompositions for face recognition from low quality images
* Ortho-Rectification of Narrow Band Multi-Spectral Imagery Assisted by DSLR RGB Imagery Acquired by a Fixed-Wing UAS
* Orthogonal self-guided similarity preserving projections
* Out-of-the-loop information hiding for HEVC video
* Outage Region Characterization for Beamforming in MISO Interference Networks with Imperfect CSI
* Outdoor scene labelling with learned features and region consistency activation
* Overview of the multiview high efficiency video coding (MV-HEVC) standard
* Overview of UAV Activities in Wageningen Unmanned Aerial Remote Sensing Facility
* Palette mode: A new coding tool in screen content coding extensions of HEVC
* Parallax rectification for spectrally-coded plenoptic cameras
* Parallel light speed labeling: An efficient connected component labeling algorithm for multi-core processors
* parallelized 4D reconstruction algorithm for vascular structures and motions based on energy optimization, A
* Parameter estimation for LP regularized image deconvolution
* Parameter optimisation for vision guided terrestrial locomotion: Multi-frame
* Parameter tuning of CLAHE based on multi-objective optimization to achieve different contrast levels in medical images
* parametric reflectance approximation for rendering Japanese lacquerware and Maki-e, A
* Pareto-optimal discriminant analysis
* Partially discrete magnetic resonance tomography
* Partially occluded object detection by finding the visible features and parts
* Partially tagged image clustering
* particle filter based sequential trajectory classifier for behavior analysis in video surveillance, A
* Parts-based multi-task sparse learning for visual tracking
* Patch-Structure Representation Method for Quality Assessment of Contrast Changed Images, A
* Path vs. destination: A case study of blind noise assessment using modified ant shortest path
* pattern recognition approach to make accessible the geographic images for blind and visually impaired, A
* Pattern Transformation Method for Digital Camera with Bayer-Like White-RGB Color Filter Array
* Pattern-based k-level cutset reconstruction
* PCANet: A Simple Deep Learning Baseline for Image Classification?
* Per-patch metric learning for robust image matching
* Perceived interest and overt visual attention in natural images
* Perceptual backlight scaling for low power liquid crystal displays based on visual saliency
* Perceptual evaluation of single image dehazing algorithms
* Perceptual Quality Assessment for 3D Triangle Mesh Based on Curvature
* Perceptual Screen Content Image Quality Assessment and Compression
* perceptually based spatio-temporal computational framework for visual saliency estimation, A
* Performance Analysis of an Indoor Mobile Mapping System with RGB-D Sensor, The
* Performance analysis of retargeting pyramid and its applications
* performance and energy evaluation of many-light rendering algorithms, A
* Performance Characteristic Mems-Based IMUs for UAVs Navigation
* Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.15.4 Nonbeacon-Enabled Mode for Internet of Vehicles
* Periocular authentication based on FEM using Laplace-Beltrami eigenvalues
* PerSIM: Multi-resolution image quality assessment in the perceptually uniform color domain
* Personal object discovery in first-person videos
* PET image reconstruction and denoising on hexagonal lattices
* Petri-Net-Based Modeling of Human Operator's Planning for the Evaluation of Task Performance Using the Example of Air Traffic Control
* Phase Inconsistencies and Multiple Scattering in SAR Interferometry
* Photogrammetric Mission Planner for RPAS
* Photographic paper classification via local radius index metric
* Photometric Stereo for General BRDFs via Reflection Sparsity Modeling
* Phylogeny reconstruction for misaligned and compressed video sequences
* Piecewise distortion correction for fisheye lenses
* PIRM: Fast background subtraction under sudden, local illumination changes via probabilistic illumination range modelling
* Pixel-grain prediction and K-order UEG-rice entropy coding oriented lossless frame memory compression for motion estimation in HEVC
* Planar Constraints for an Improved UAV-Image-Based Dense Point Cloud Generation
* Plant identification using triangular representation based on salient points and margin points
* PMPA: A patch-based multiscale products algorithm for image denoising
* Point set registration based on implicit surface fitting with equivalent distance
* Point-cut: Fixation point-based image segmentation using random walk model
* Polarimetric Scattering Properties of Landslides in Forested Areas and the Dependence on the Local Incidence Angle
* Portable Imagery Quality Assessment Test Field For UAV Sensors
* Positive Train Control With Dynamic Headway Based on an Active Communication System
* Post inserted object calibration for stereo video rectification
* Potential of UAV Based Convergent Photogrammetry in Monitoring Regeneration Standards
* Precise eye localization with improved SDM
* Precise Localization of an Autonomous Car Based on Probabilistic Noise Models of Road Surface Marker Features Using Multiple Cameras
* Predicting and recognizing human interactions in public spaces
* Predicting audio-visual salient events based on visual, audio and text modalities for movie summarization
* Predicting discrete probability distribution of image emotions
* Prediction of facial soft tissue deformations with improved rubin-bodner model after craniomaxillofacial (CMF) surgery
* Predictive graph construction for image compression
* Predictive multiple motion fields for trajectory completion: Application to surveillance systems
* Predictive prefetching for MPEG DASH over LTE networks
* Preliminary Results from the Portable Imagery Quality Assessment Test Field (PIQuAT) of UAV Imagery for Imagery Reconnaissance Purposes
* Privacy in mini-drone based video surveillance
* privilege-based visual secret sharing model, A
* Probabilistic Class Histogram Equalization Based on Posterior Mean Estimation for Robust Speech Recognition
* Probabilistic continuous edge detection using local symmetry
* Probabilistic Method for Image Enhancement With Simultaneous Illumination and Reflectance Estimation, A
* Processing of Monostatic SAR Data With General Configurations
* Product tree quantization for approximate nearest neighbor search
* Profit Optimization for Wireless Video Broadcasting Systems Based on Polymatroidal Analysis
* Progressive feature matching via triplet graph
* Projected Transfer Sparse Coding for cross domain image representation
* Prostate detection from abdominal ultrasound images: A part based approach
* PROUD: Public Road Urban Driverless-Car Test
* Proximal Mappings Involving Almost Structured Matrices
* Pseudo four-channel image denoising for noisy CFA raw data
* PSF accuracy measure for evaluation of blur estimation algorithms
* QoS Constrained Optimization for Multi-Antenna AF Relaying With Multiple Eavesdroppers
* Quality Assessment of the CCI ECV Soil Moisture Product Using ENVISAT ASAR Wide Swath Data over Spain, Ireland and Finland
* Quality assurance in large collections of video sequences
* Quality control in crowdsourced object segmentation
* Quality of Experience of adaptive video streaming: Investigation in service parameters and subjective quality assessment methodology
* Quality prediction of asymmetrically compressed stereoscopic videos
* Quantification of the 3D collagen network geometry in confocal reflection microscopy
* Quantifying Effusion Rates at Active Volcanoes through Integrated Time-Lapse Laser Scanning and Photography
* Quantum-computation-inspired reverse analysis texture synthesis
* Quasi-Factorial Prior for i-vector Extraction
* quest for the integration of visual saliency models in objective image quality assessment: A distraction power compensated combination strategy, The
* Radial lens distortion correction using cascaded one-parameter division model
* Radiometric calibration for HDR imaging
* Random Walk and Graph Cut for Co-Segmentation of Lung Tumor on PET-CT Images
* Random Walk Model Kalman Filter in Multichannel Active Noise Control, The
* Randomized spatial pooling in deep convolutional networks for scene recognition
* Rank analysis of a light field for dual-layer 3D displays
* Rank-aware graph fusion with contextual dissimilarity measurement for image retrieval
* Ranked k-means clustering for terahertz image segmentation
* Rate distortion analysis of high dynamic range video coding techniques
* Rate Distortion Optimized Inter-View Frame Level Bit Allocation Method for MV-HEVC
* Rate-distortion evaluation for two-layer coding systems
* Rate-distortion optimized optical flow estimation
* Rayleigh-Rice Mixture Parameter Estimation via EM Algorithm for Change Detection in Multispectral Images
* Real time railway extraction by angle alignment measure
* Real-life violent social interaction detection
* Real-time 3D semi-local surface patch extraction using GPGPU
* Real-time abnormal situation detection based on particle advection in crowded scenes
* Real-Time Atmospheric Correction of AVIRIS-NG Imagery
* Real-time dynamic texture recognition using random sampling and dimension reduction
* Real-time eye localization, blink detection, and gaze estimation system without infrared illumination
* Real-time human body parts localization from dynamic vision sensor
* Real-Time Piano Music Transcription Based on Computer Vision
* Real-time pose estimation of rigid objects in heavily cluttered environments
* Real-time semantic context labeling for image understanding
* Real-time smart lighting control using human motion tracking from depth camera
* Real-time software synchronisation of webcams for live 3D tracking
* Real-time upper body pose estimation from depth images
* Real-time vehicle back-up warning system with a single camera
* Recent advances in vision modeling for image and video processing
* Recent methods and databases in vision-based hand gesture recognition: A review
* Recognition of Car Makes and Models From a Single Traffic-Camera Image
* Recognizing Emotions Induced by Affective Sounds through Heart Rate Variability
* Recognizing hand-object interactions in wearable camera videos
* reconfigurable embedded vision system for advanced driver assistance, A
* Reconstruction algorithm for fluorescence molecular tomography using sorted L-one penalized estimation
* Reconstruction for stochastic 3-D signals with symmetric statistics in noise: Electron microscopy of virus particles
* Reconstruction of compressively sampled light fields using a weighted 4D-DCT basis
* Reconstruction of compressively sensed ultrasound RF echoes by exploiting non-Gaussianity and temporal structure
* Reconstruction of Sparse Wavelet Signals From Partial Fourier Measurements
* Recovering an indoor 3D layout with top-down semantic segmentation from a single image
* Recovering and matching minutiae patterns from finger knuckle images
* Recovering background regions in videos of cluttered urban scenes
* Recovering intrinsic images from image sequences using total variation models
* Recovering size and shape of polyp from endoscope image by RBF-NN modification
* Recovery of Sparse Positive Signals on the Sphere from Low Resolution Measurements
* Recursive orientation estimation based on hypersurface reconstruction
* Reduced Image Aliasing With Microwave Radiometers and Weather Radar Through Windowed Spatial Averaging
* Reduced Reference Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment Based on Binocular Perceptual Information
* Reduced-reference perceptual quality assessment for video streaming
* Reduced-reference quality assessment based on the entropy of DNT coefficients of locally weighted gradients
* Reducing the Influence of Soil Moisture on the Estimation of Clay from Hyperspectral Data: A Case Study Using Simulated PRISMA Data
* Reference image based method of region of interest enhancement for haze image
* Refined Composite Multiscale Permutation Entropy to Overcome Multiscale Permutation Entropy Length Dependence
* Reflectance Anisotropy Measurements Using a Pushbroom Spectrometer Mounted on UAV and a Laboratory Goniometer: Preliminary Results
* Reflectance estimation and white balancing using multiple images
* Reflectance spectra based skin and non-skin classification
* Reflection removal using disparity and gradient-sparsity via smoothing algorithm
* Refractive stereo ray tracing for reconstructing underwater structures
* Region based 4D tomographic image reconstruction: Application to cardiac x-ray CT
* Region matching based on local structure information in ipsilateral digital breast tomosynthesis views
* Region-Based 3D Surface Reconstruction Using Images Acquired by Low-Cost Unmanned Aerial Systems
* Region-based active contours with cosine fitting energy for image segmentation
* Region-based brain selection and classification on pet images for Alzheimer's disease computer aided diagnosis
* Region-based image retargeting quality assessment
* Regression based landmark estimation and multi-feature fusion for visual speech recognition
* regularization approach for bayer reconstruction in lossy image coding by inverse demosaicing, A
* Regularization in metric learning for person re-identification
* Regularization of deep neural networks using a novel companion objective function
* Regularization: Convergence of iterative thresholding algorithm
* Regularized local metric learning for person re-identification
* Regularized single-image super-resolution based on progressive gradient estimation
* Relevance Metric Learning for Person Re-Identification by Exploiting Listwise Similarities
* Relief Effects on the L-Band Emission of a Bare Soil
* Remote Sensing Approach to Estimate Vertical Profile Classes of Phytoplankton in a Eutrophic Lake, A
* Remote Spectral Imaging Using a Low Cost UAV System
* Rendering chamfering structures of sharp edges
* Repositioning the salient region of videos by using active illumination
* Reproducible evaluation of Pan-Tilt-Zoom tracking
* Reranking of person re-identification by manifold-based approach
* Residential Area Extraction Based on Saliency Analysis for High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Residue boundary histograms for action recognition in the compressed domain
* Retina verification using a combined points and edges approach
* Retinal-inspired filtering for dynamic image coding
* Retrieval of Soil Water Content in Saline Soils from Emitted Thermal Infrared Spectra Using Partial Linear Squares Regression
* Retrieving images combining saliency detection with IRM
* Retrieving Layer-Averaged Tropospheric Humidity From Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder Water Vapor Channels
* Return of grid seams: A superpixel algorithm using discontinuous multi-functional energy seam carving
* Reversible data hiding in encrypted images using cross division and additive homomorphism
* Review of Methods for Determining the Spatial Resolution of UAV Sensors
* RGB-D saliency detection via mutual guided manifold ranking
* RISM: Single-Modal Image Registration via Rank-Induced Similarity Measure
* Road Congestion Detection System Using Undedicated Mobile Phones, A
* Road extraction via adaptive graph cuts with multiple features
* Robust and Fast Moving Object Detection in a Non-Stationary Camera Via Foreground Probability Based Sampling
* Robust and Non-Negative Collective Matrix Factorization for Text-to-Image Transfer Learning
* Robust Biometric Recognition From Palm Depth Images for Gloved Hands
* Robust coding of encrypted images via structural matrix
* robust contour sampling and tensor-based approach to facial beard and mustache shape segmentation and matching, A
* Robust contrast enhancement of noisy low-light images: Denoising-enhancement-completion
* Robust domain adaptation image classification via sparse and low rank representation
* Robust Face Recognition via Minimum Error Entropy-Based Atomic Representation
* Robust facial landmark localization using multi partial features
* Robust Feature Matching for Remote Sensing Image Registration via Locally Linear Transforming
* robust gesture recognition using hand local data and skeleton trajectory, A
* Robust Image Hashing Based on Selective Quaternion Invariance
* Robust internal exemplar-based image enhancement
* Robust laser stripe extraction using ridge segmentation and region ranking for 3D reconstruction of reflective and uneven surface
* Robust Matching Cost Function for Stereo Correspondence Using Matching by Tone Mapping and Adaptive Orthogonal Integral Image
* Robust Model-Free Multi-Object Tracking with Online Kernelized Structural Learning
* Robust Mosaicking Procedure for High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images, A
* Robust Multi-Dimensional Harmonic Retrieval Using Iteratively Reweighted HOSVD
* Robust multi-object tracking using confident detections and safe tracklets
* Robust multimodal face and fingerprint fusion in the presence of spoofing attacks
* Robust non-local stereo matching for outdoor driving images using segment-simple-tree
* robust non-rigid point set registration method based on asymmetric gaussian representation, A
* robust nonsymmetric student's-t finite mixture model for MR image segmentation, A
* Robust Observer Design of Tire Forces in Heavy-Duty Vehicles
* Robust pose normalization for face recognition under varying views
* robust semi-supervised learning approach via mixture of label information, A
* Robust statistical shape analysis based on the tangent shape space
* Robust texture features based on undecimated dual-tree complex wavelets and local magnitude binary patterns
* Robust Tracking System for Low Frame Rate Video, A
* Robust Tracking System for Low Frame Rate Video, A
* Robust video stitching using adaptive pixel transfer
* Robust visual tracking using joint scale-spatial correlation filters
* Robust visual tracking via discriminative sequential ranking
* Robust visual tracking via discriminative sequential ranking
* Robust Visual Tracking via Sparsity-Induced Subspace Learning
* Robust, Error-Tolerant Photometric Projector Compensation
* Robustly tracking objects via multi-task kernel dynamic sparse model
* ROI encryption for the HEVC coded video contents
* ROI-based rate control using tiles for an HEVC encoded video stream over a lossy network
* Rotate intra block copy for still image coding
* Rotation invariant similarity measure for non-local self-similarity based image denoising
* rotation symmetry group detection technique for the characterization of Islamic Rosette Patterns, A
* Rotationally-invariant non-local means for image denoising and tomography
* Rough Sets and Stomped Normal Distribution for Simultaneous Segmentation and Bias Field Correction in Brain MR Images
* RST-invariant sketch retrieval based on circular description
* Salience based hierarchical fuzzy representation for object recognition
* Saliency cuts based on adaptive triple thresholding
* Saliency detection using a background probability model
* Saliency detection using two-stage scoring
* Saliency map based improved segmentation
* Saliency maps on image hierarchies
* saliency model for automated tumor detection in breast ultrasound images, A
* Saliency weighted quality assessment of tone-mapped images
* Salient object carving
* Salient object detection from distinctive features in low contrast images
* Salient object detection using normalized cut and geodesics
* Salient object detection via objectness measure
* Salient Object Detection: A Benchmark
* sample set perspective on the classification of hyperspectral image with weighted affine constraint, A
* Sampling optimization for on-chip compressive video
* Sampling piecewise smooth signals and its application to image up-sampling
* Satellite Image Time Series Decomposition Based on EEMD
* Satellite Images for Monitoring Mangrove Cover Changes in a Fast Growing Economic Region in Southern Peninsular Malaysia
* Scalable action localization with kernel-space hashing
* Scalable identification of mixed environmental sounds, recorded from heterogeneous sources
* Scale and Rotation Invariant Matching Using Linearly Augmented Trees
* Scale estimation with difference of ordered residuals
* Scale- and orientation-invariant keypoints in higher-dimensional data
* Scale-invariant feature matching based on pairs of feature points
* Scene masking is affected by trial blank-screen luminance
* Scene statistics of authentically distorted images in perceptually relevant color spaces for blind image quality assessment
* Score-Level Fusion of Face and Voice Using Particle Swarm Optimization and Belief Functions
* SDM-BSM: A fusing depth scheme for human action recognition
* Seamless switching of H.265/HEVC-coded dash representations with open GOP prediction structure
* Searching for nearest neighbors with a dense space partitioning
* Searching for people using semantic soft biometric descriptions
* SEBAL-A: A Remote Sensing ET Algorithm that Accounts for Advection with Limited Data. Part I: Development and Validation
* SEBAL-A: A Remote Sensing ET Algorithm that Accounts for Advection with Limited Data. Part II: Test for Transferability
* Second order Mumford-Shah model for image denoising
* Secure spread-spectrum data embedding with PN-sequence masking
* Secure, Intelligent Electric Vehicle Ecosystem for Safe Integration With the Smart Grid, A
* Security and Privacy Review of VANETs, A
* Seeded Laplacian: An interactive image segmentation approach using eigenfunctions
* Seeing as it happens: Real time 3D video event visualization
* Segment-wise online learning based on greedy algorithm for real-time multi-target tracking
* Segmentation and size estimation of tomatoes from sequences of paired images
* Segmentation of cells in electron microscopy images through multimodal label transfer
* Segmentation of infant brain MR images based on adaptive shape prior and higher-order MGRF
* Segmentation of liver tumor via nonlocal active contours
* Segmentation of Overlapping Elliptical Objects in Silhouette Images
* Segmentation of pathological lungs from CT chest images
* Segmenting similar shapes via weighted group-similarity active contours
* Selective parts for fine-grained recognition
* self-adaptive weighted affinity propagation clustering for key frames extraction on human action recognition, A
* Self-Guided Segmentation and Classification of Multi-Temporal Landsat 8 Images for Crop Type Mapping in Southeastern Brazil
* self-organizing lattice Boltzmann active contour (SOLBAC) approach for fast and robust object region segmentation, A
* Self-supervised road detection from a single image
* Semantic embedding space for zero-shot action recognition
* Semantic super-resolution: When and where is it useful?
* Semantic-Aware Co-Indexing for Image Retrieval
* Semantics constrained dictionary learning for signer-independent sign language recognition
* Semi-supervised combination of experts for aerosol optical depth estimation
* Semi-supervised learning based on group sparse for relative attributes
* sensitive and efficient method for measuring change in cortical thickness using fuzzy correspondence in Alzheimer's disease, A
* Sensitivity Analysis of Likelihood Ratio Test in K Distributed and/or Gaussian Noise
* Sensitivity of Pol-InSAR Measurements to Vegetation Parameters
* Sensory load hierarchy-based classification of schizophrenia patients
* Sentiment analysis of Chinese micro-blog based on multi-modal correlation model
* Sentinel-1A: Analysis of FDBAQ Performance on Real Data
* Sequential block-based disparity map estimation algorithm for stereoscopic image coding
* Sequential non-rigid point registration for 3D human pose tracking
* Service provisioning and profit maximization in network-assisted adaptive HTTP streaming
* Shannon-Kotelnikov mappings for softcast-based joint source-channel video coding
* Shape Context for soft biometrics in person re-identification and database retrieval
* Shape encoding for edge map image compression
* Short local descriptors from 2D connected pattern spectra
* Shortest Paths with Higher-Order Regularization
* Should the Desired Heading in Path Following of Autonomous Vehicles be the Tangent Direction of the Desired Path?
* Signal-walking-driven active contour model
* Similarity Validation Based Nonlocal Means Image Denoising
* Simple effective image and video color correction using quaternion distance metric
* Simple image intensity compensation (SIMIC) method prior to application of distortion correction algorithms in brain diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Validation test for two cost functions of distortion correction algorithms
* Simulation of Airborne Radiometric Detection of Wake Vortices
* Simultaneous body part and motion identification for human-following robots
* Simultaneous Camera Path Optimization and Distraction Removal for Improving Amateur Video
* Simultaneous estimation of image quality and distortion via multi-task convolutional neural networks
* Simultaneous extraction of two adjacent bony structures in x-ray images: Application to hip joint segmentation
* Simultaneous motion correction and T1 estimation in quantitative T1 mapping: An ML restoration approach
* Single Face Image Super-Resolution via Solo Dictionary Learning
* Single Image Dehazing for Visibility Improvement
* Single image super-resolution based on self-examples using context-dependent subpatches
* Single Object Tracking With Fuzzy Least Squares Support Vector Machine
* Single underwater image enhancement using depth estimation based on blurriness
* Single-image super-resolution using iterative Wiener filter based on nonlocal means
* Single-Photon Depth Imaging Using a Union-of-Subspaces Model
* Single-shot fourier transform multispectroscopy
* SIPF: Scale invariant point feature for 3D point clouds
* site entropy rate and degree centrality based algorithm for image co-segmentation, A
* Skewed stereo time-of-flight camera for translucent object imaging
* Slip and Slide Detection and Adaptive Information Sharing Algorithms for High-Speed Train Navigation Systems
* Software defined networking for video: Overview and multicast study
* Songbird: An Innovative UAS Combining the Advantages of Fixed Wing and Multi Rotor UAS
* Sparse adaptive template matching and filtering for 2D seismic images with dual-tree wavelets and proximal methods
* sparse coding method for semi-supervised segmentation with multi-class histogram constraints, A
* Sparse coding-based spatiotemporal saliency for action recognition
* Sparse concept discriminant matrix factorization for image representation
* Sparse edit propagation for high resolution image using support vector machines
* Sparse least-squares prediction for intra image coding
* Sparse recursive filtering for O(1) stereo matching
* Sparse tensor recovery via combined first and second order high-accuracy total variation
* Sparsity preserving multiple canonical correlation analysis with visual emotion recognition to multi-feature fusion
* Sparsity-assisted solution to the twin image problem in phase retrieval
* Sparsity-based depth image restoration using surface priors and RGB-D correlations
* Spartans: Single-Sample Periocular-Based Alignment-Robust Recognition Technique Applied to Non-Frontal Scenarios
* spatial class LDA model for classification of sports scene images, A
* Spatial domain quantization noise based image filtering detection
* Spatial matching of sketches without point correspondence
* Spatial-frequency-based metric for image superresolution
* Spatial-temporal recovery for hierarchical frame based video compressed sensing
* Spatio-spectral Gaussian random field modeling approach for target detection on hyperspectral data obtained in very low SNR
* Spatio-temporal pyramid cuboid matching for action recognition using depth maps
* Spatiotemporal saliency detection based on superpixel-level trajectory
* Spatiotemporal Variation in Mangrove Chlorophyll Concentration Using Landsat 8
* spatiotemporal weighted dissimilarity-based method for video saliency detection, A
* Special issue on 'Soft Biometrics'
* Special issue on real-time computer vision in smart cities
* Special issue on recent advances in saliency models, applications and evaluations
* Special issue on robot vision: what is robot vision?
* Spectral caustic rendering of a homogeneous caustic object based on wavelength clustering and eye sensitivity
* spectral unmixing method based on wavelet weighted similarity, A
* Spectral Unmixing of Forest Crown Components at Close Range, Airborne and Simulated Sentinel-2 and EnMAP Spectral Imaging Scale
* Specular reflection removal using local structural similarity and chromaticity consistency
* Spline Driven: High Accuracy Projectors for Tomographic Reconstruction From Few Projections
* Stair detection and tracking from egocentric stereo vision
* STARE: Spatio-Temporal Attention Relocation for Multiple Structured Activities Detection
* Statistical 3D face shape estimation from occluding contours
* Statistical analysis of three-dimensional optical flow separability in volumetric images
* Statistical approach for motion estimation skipping (SAMEK)
* Statistical hypothesis test for robust classification on the space of covariance matrices
* Steering control collision avoidance system and verification through subject study
* Stereo radargrammetry using airborne SAR images without GCP
* Stochastic bilateral filter for high-dimensional images
* Stochastic model for curvilinear structure reconstruction using morphological profiles
* STOne Transform: Multi-Resolution Image Enhancement and Compressive Video, The
* Stroke Detector and Structure Based Models for Character Recognition: A Comparative Study
* Structural SVM with Partial Ranking for Activity Segmentation and Classification
* structure-based region detector for retinal image registration, A
* Structured feature-graph model for human activity recognition
* Structured forests for pixel-level hand detection and hand part labelling
* Structured Light Field Design for Correspondence Free Rotation Estimation
* Structured representation-based robust agile-beam LADAR imaging
* study of subjective video quality at various frame rates, A
* Study of the geometry effect on land surface temperature retrieval in urban environment
* study on different experimental configurations for age, race, and gender estimation problems, A
* Studying human behavioural responses to time-varying distortions for video quality assessment
* Subaperture Approach Based on Azimuth-Dependent Range Cell Migration Correction and Azimuth Focusing Parameter Equalization for Maneuvering High-Squint-Mode SAR
* Subject identification based on EEG responses to video stimuli
* Subject-centered multi-view feature fusion for neuroimaging retrieval and classification
* Subjective and objective evaluation of image inpainting quality
* Subjective and Objective Video Quality Assessment of 3D Synthesized Views With Texture/Depth Compression Distortion
* Subjective evaluation of Super Multi-View compressed contents on high-end light-field 3D displays
* Super resolution reconstruction based on block matching and three-dimensional filtering with sharpening
* Super-resolution for inconsistent scalable video streaming
* Super-resolution for mixed-resolution multiview image plus depth data using a novel two-stage high-frequency extrapolation method for occluded areas
* Super-resolution from learning the enhancement ratio and texture/residual dictionary
* Super-resolution image synthesis using the physical pixel arrangement of a light field camera
* Super-resolution reconstruction using graph Laplacian penalization
* SuperCNN: A Superpixelwise Convolutional Neural Network for Salient Object Detection
* SuperPixel based mid-level image description for image recognition
* Superpixel based patch match for differently exposed images with moving objects and camera movements
* Superpixel matching-based depth propagation for 2D-to-3D conversion with joint bilateral filtering
* Superpixel-based depth map inpainting for RGB-D view synthesis
* Superpixel-Based Roughness Measure for Multispectral Satellite Image Segmentation
* Superpixel-based statistical anomaly detection for sense and avoid
* Superpixel-driven graph transform for image compression
* Supertexton-based segmentation in early Drosophila oogenesis
* Supervised Dictionary Learning for Blind Image Quality Assessment Using Quality-Constraint Sparse Coding
* Supervised fractional eigenfaces
* Supervised transfer kernel sparse coding for image classification
* Supporting Human-Robot Interaction Based on the Level of Visual Focus of Attention
* Supporting Serendipitous Social Interaction Using Human Mobility Prediction
* Surface Approximation Method for Image and Video Correspondences, A
* Surface carving-based automatic volume data reduction
* Surroundedness based multiscale saliency detection
* Survey of Photometric Stereo Techniques, A
* Survey of smartphone-based sensing in vehicles for intelligent transportation system applications
* Survey of Traffic Data Visualization, A
* Survey on Problem Models and Solution Approaches to Rescheduling in Railway Networks, A
* SVM with OpenCL: High performance implementation of support vector machines on heterogeneous systems
* SWAP-NODE: A regularization approach for deep convolutional neural networks
* Swarm model for cooperative multi-vehicle mobility with inter-vehicle communications
* Symbiosis of UAS Photogrammetry and TLS for Surveying and 3D Modeling of Cultural Heritage Monuments - A Case Study About the Cathedral of St. Nicholas in the City of Greifswald
* Synergy Method to Improve Ensemble Weather Predictions and Differential SAR Interferograms, A
* Synthesis of large scale hand-shape databases for biometric applications
* Synthesis of light-field raw data from RGB-D images
* Synthetic face generation under various operational conditions in video surveillance
* T-clustering: Image clustering by tensor decomposition
* Tactor-Induced Skin Stretch as a Sensory Substitution Method in Teleoperated Palpation
* Talk abstract: Computational lighting design and band-sifting operators
* Tapping motion blur for robust normal estimation of planar scenes
* Target Localization from Bistatic Range Measurements in Multi-Transmitter Multi-Receiver Passive Radar
* Template based inter-layer prediction for high dynamic range scalable compression
* Template-based statistical shape modelling on deformation space
* Temporal aggregation for large-scale query-by-image video retrieval
* Temporal resolution vs. visual saliency in videos: Analysis of gaze patterns and evaluation of saliency models
* Temporal Variance Analysis for Action Recognition
* temporally consistent grid-based visual odometry framework for multi-core architectures, A
* Temporally consistent hole filling method based on global optimization with label propagation for 3D video
* Tensor-based subspace learning for tracking salt-dome boundaries
* Texture based sub-PU motion inheritance for depth coding
* Texture characterization via improved deterministic walks on image-generated complex network
* Texture Classification Using Local Pattern Based on Vector Quantization
* Texture classification using Rao's distance: An EM algorithm on the Poincare half plane
* Texture classification using uniform rotation invariant gradient
* Texture classification with fuzzy color co-occurrence matrices
* Texture-based vessel classifier for electro-optical satellite imagery
* Textured/textureless object recognition and pose estimation using RGB-D image
* Textureless object detection using cumulative orientation feature
* Theoretical Investigation of Random Noise-Limited Signal-to-Noise Ratio in MR-Based Electrical Properties Tomography
* Thermal Infrared Inspection of Roof Insulation Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Thermography spatial resolution enhancement by non-rigid registration with visible imagery
* Three-dimensional reconstruction from heterogeneous video devices with camera-in-view information
* Thresholds of Vision of the Human Visual System: Visual Adaptation for Monocular and Binocular Vision
* THU multi-view face database for videoconferences, The
* TIGER: A texture-illumination guided energy response model for illumination robust local saliency
* Time-Aware Multivariate Nearest Neighbor Regression Methods for Traffic Flow Prediction
* Time-varying delay measurement of video capture-to-display components with application to visual servoing
* Tomographic Image Reconstruction with a Spatially Varying Gaussian Mixture Prior
* Tone mapping based on fast image decomposition and multi-layer fusion
* Topical Video Object Discovery from Key Frames by Modeling Word Co-occurrence Prior
* Towards an Interoperable Field Spectroscopy Metadata Standard with Extended Support for Marine Specific Applications
* Towards automating visual in-field monitoring of crop health
* Towards defining groups and crowds in video using the atomic group actions dataset
* Towards privacy-preserving recognition of human activities
* Towards reduction of the training and search running time complexities for non-rigid object segmentation
* Towards Self-Powered Cameras
* Towards sign language recognition based on body parts relations
* Tracking Human Pose Using Max-Margin Markov Models
* Traffic accident detection through a hydrodynamic lens
* Traffic analysis without motion features
* Traffic flow from a low frame rate city camera
* Traffic Sign Detection via Graph-Based Ranking and Segmentation Algorithms
* Training Assist System of a Lower Limb Prosthetic Visualizing Floor-Reaction Forces Using a Color-Depth Sensing Camera
* Trajectory-based view-invariant hand gesture recognition by fusing shape and orientation
* Transductive video co-segmentation on the temporal trees
* Transferring Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for the Scene Classification of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Transformation of focus profiles for digital autofocus
* Transforms for Intra Prediction Residuals Based on Prediction Inaccuracy Modeling
* Transforms for Intra Prediction Residuals Based on Prediction Inaccuracy Modeling
* Transition of Visual Attention Assessment in Stereoscopic Images With Evaluation of Subjective Visual Quality and Discomfort
* Translation on Graphs: An Isometric Shift Operator
* Translational and rotational jitter invariant incremental principal component pursuit for video background modeling
* Transparent texture transfer
* Trend Modeling for Traffic Time Series Analysis: An Integrated Study
* True motion compensation with feature detection for frame rate up-conversion
* Two-Level Multi-Task Metric Learning with Application to Multi-Classification
* Two-Stage Change Detection for Synthetic Aperture Radar
* two-stage hog feature extraction processor embedded with SVM for pedestrian detection, A
* two-stage video coding framework with both self-adaptive redundant dictionary and adaptively orthonormalized DCT basis, A
* two-stage video object segmentation using motion and color information, A
* Two-Way Arterial Signal Coordination Method With Queueing Process Considered, A
* UAV Image Blur: Its Influence and Ways to Correct It
* UAV Photogrammetry for Mapping and Monitoring of Northern Permafrost Landscapes
* UAV Positioning and Collision Avoidance Based on RSS Measurements
* UAV-Based Point Cloud Generation for Open-Pit Mine Modelling
* UAVRC, A Generic MAV Flight Assistance Software
* UGraSP: A unified framework for activity recognition and person identification using graph signal processing
* UHD image reconstruction by estimating interpolation error
* Ultrasound median nerve localization by classification based on despeckle filtering and feature selection
* UMEME: University of Michigan Emotional McGurk Effect Data Set
* Uncertainty Assessment of the Estimated Atmospheric Delay Obtained by a Numerical Weather Model (NMW)
* Unconstrained pose-invariant face recognition by a triplet collaborative dictionary matrix
* Understanding symmetric smoothing filters via Gaussian mixtures
* Underwater Color Image Quality Evaluation Metric, An
* Unequal error protection for real-time video streaming using expanding window Reed-Solomon code
* Unified image fusion based on application-adaptive importance measure
* Unifying the random walker algorithm and the SIR model for graph clustering and image segmentation
* Universal lossless coding with random user access: The cost of interactivity
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Alien Plant Species Detection and Monitoring
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Produce High-Resolution, Seasonally-Relevant Imagery for Classifying Wetland Vegetation
* Unsteady camera zoom stabilization using slope estimation over interest warping vectors
* Unsupervised Approach for Inferring Driver Behavior From Naturalistic Driving Data, An
* Unsupervised cosegmentation based on global clustering and saliency
* Unsupervised Feature Selection via Nonnegative Spectral Analysis and Redundancy Control
* Unsupervised hierarchical image segmentation based on Bayesian sequential partitioning
* Unsupervised segmentation using dynamic superpixel random walks
* Unsupervised spatio-temporal filtering of image sequences. A mean-shift specification
* Unsupervised sports video particles annotation based on social latent semantic analysis
* Unsupervised Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images Accounting for Endmember Variability
* Upsampled-view distortion optimization for mixed resolution 3D Video Coding
* Upsampling the depth map with its own properties
* use of deep learning features in a hierarchical classifier learned with the minimization of a non-greedy loss function that delays gratification, The
* Use of MODIS Images to Quantify the Radiation and Energy Balances in the Brazilian Pantanal
* User adaptive transcoding for video teleconferencing
* User interactive segmentation with partially growing random forest
* User-Friendly Interactive Image Inpainting Framework Using Laplacian Coordinates, A
* User-guided graph reduction for fast image segmentation
* Using line consistency to estimate 3D indoor Manhattan scene layout from a single image
* Using RPAS Multi-Spectral Imagery to Characterise Vigour, Leaf Development, Yield Components and Berry Composition Variability within a Vineyard
* Using steerable wavelets and minimal paths to reconstruct automatically filaments in fluorescence imaging
* Using the unity® game engine as a platform for advanced real time cinema image processing
* Using UAV-Based Photogrammetry and Hyperspectral Imaging for Mapping Bark Beetle Damage at Tree-Level
* UTD-MHAD: A multimodal dataset for human action recognition utilizing a depth camera and a wearable inertial sensor
* Utilizing image-based features in biomedical document classification
* Utilizing the Bezier descriptors for hand gesture recognition
* Validation and reliability of the discriminative power of geometric wood log end features
* validation of ICA decomposition for PolSAR images by using measures of normalized compression distance, A
* Validation of Spaceborne Radar Surface Water Mapping with Optical sUAS Images
* Variable Markov Oracle: Algorithms for Human Gesture Applications, The
* Variational Depth From Focus Reconstruction
* Variational Dirichlet Blur Kernel Estimation
* Variational multi-image stereo matching
* very low complexity reduced reference video quality metric based on spatio-temporal information selection, A
* Vessel region detection in coronary X-ray angiograms
* Video Affective Content Analysis: A Survey of State-of-the-Art Methods
* Video Compression Artifact Reduction via Spatio-Temporal Multi-Hypothesis Prediction
* Video denoising by online 3D sparsifying transform learning
* Video Object Segmentation Via Dense Trajectories
* Video saliency detection incorporating temporal information in compressed domain
* video saliency detection method based on spatial and motion information, A
* Video Stabilization Based on Feature Trajectory Augmentation and Selection and Robust Mesh Grid Warping
* Video summarization through change detection in a non-overlapping camera network
* video texture database for perceptual compression and quality assessment, A
* Viewpoint Sequence Recommendation Based on Contextual Information for Multiview Video
* Visual aesthetic quality assessment with a regression model
* Visual attention for content based image retrieval
* visual attention model for stereoscopic 3D images using monocular cues, A
* Visual comfort assessment for stereoscopic 3D images based on salient discomfort regions
* visual comfort assessment metric for stereoscopic images, A
* Visual Quality Evaluation of Image Object Segmentation: Subjective Assessment and Objective Measure
* Visual saliency by extended quantum cuts
* Visual Tracking Based on the Adaptive Color Attention Tuned Sparse Generative Object Model
* Visual tracking via guided filter
* Visual tracking via manifold regularized local structured sparse representation model
* Visual tracking via orthogonal sparse coding
* Visual tracking with a structured local model
* Visual voice activity detection based on spatiotemporal information and bag of words
* VLSI friendly fast CU/PU mode decision for HEVC intra encoding: Leveraging convolution neural network
* Volume visualization for out-of-core 3D images based on semi-adaptive partitioning
* Von Mises Mixture PHD Filter
* Watershed superpixel
* Wavelet-Based Area Parameter for Indirectly Estimating Copper Concentration in Carex Leaves from Canopy Reflectance, A
* Wavelets-based smoothness comparisons for volume data
* Weather classification with deep convolutional neural networks
* Weight-based R-lambda rate control for perceptual HEVC coding on conversational videos
* Weighted local intensity fusion method for variational optical flow estimation
* Weighted Part Context Learning for Visual Tracking
* Weighted sparse representation using a learned distance metric for face recognition
* Weighted-Fusion-Based Representation Classifiers for Hyperspectral Imagery
* What can we expect from a V1-MT feedforward architecture for optical flow estimation?
* What does a single light-ray reveal about a transparent object?
* Whole space subclass discriminant analysis for face recognition
* Why the Horizon Is Important for Airborne Sense and Avoid Applications
* Wide-area mapping of small-scale features in agricultural landscapes using airborne remote sensing
* Wildlife Multispecies Remote Sensing Using Visible and Thermal Infrared Imagery Acquired from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
* Within-class penalty based multi-class support vector machine
* Word-of-Mouth Understanding: Entity-Centric Multimodal Aspect-Opinion Mining in Social Media
* Workflow for Building a Hyperspectral UAV: Challenges and Opportunities
* Zero-Crossing Rate Property of Power Complementary Analysis Filterbank Outputs, A
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