Unni, A.[Aiswarya]
Co Author Listing * Quantum Based Pseudo-Labelling for Hyperspectral Imagery: A Simple and Efficient Semi-Supervised Learning Method for Machine Learning Classifiers
Unni, R.K.[Ravi Krishnan]
Co Author Listing * Fusion of Multispectral and Panchromatic Images Based on the Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform
Unni, S.[Srijith]
Co Author Listing * Investigation into Keystroke Dynamics and Heart Rate Variability as Indicators of Stress, An
Unni, V.S.
Co Author Listing * Adaptive multifocus image fusion using block compressed sensing with smoothed projected Landweber integration in the wavelet domain
* Hyperspectral Image Fusion Using Fast High-Dimensional Denoising
* Kernel Regularization for Image Restoration
* Non-Local Patch-Based Regularization for Image Restoration
* Plug-And-Play Registration And Fusion
Unnikrishnan, A.
Co Author Listing * Distribution of Black Nodes at Various Levels in a Linear Quadtree
* Parallel implementation of octtree generation algorithm
Unnikrishnan, B.[Balagopal]
Co Author Listing * Self-Path: Self-Supervision for Classification of Pathology Images With Limited Annotations
Unnikrishnan, C.K.[Chirikandath Kalath]
Co Author Listing * Raindrop Size Distributions of North Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones Observed at the Coastal and Inland Stations in South India
Unnikrishnan, G.
Co Author Listing * Effect of Permeability on the Performance of Elastographic Imaging Techniques
Unnikrishnan, J.[Jayakrishnan]
Co Author Listing * VidLA: Video-Language Alignment at Scale
Unnikrishnan, R.
Co Author Listing * Denoising Manifold and Non-Manifold Point Clouds
* End-to-End Interpretation of the French Street Name Signs Dataset
* Extracting Scale and Illuminant Invariant Regions through Color
* Fast Extrinsic Calibration of a Laser Rangefinder to a Camera
* Globally Consistent Mosaicking for Autonomous Visual Navigation
* Measure for Objective Evaluation of Image Segmentation Algorithms, A
* Measures of Similarity
* Multi-scale interest regions from unorganized point clouds
* Scale selection for classification of point-sampled 3D surfaces
* Scale Selection for the Analysis of Point Sampled Curves: Extended Report
* Scale Selection for the Analysis of Point-Sampled Curves
* Statistical Approaches to Multi-Scale Point Cloud Processing
* Toward Objective Evaluation of Image Segmentation Algorithms
Includes: Unnikrishnan, R. Unnikrishnan, R.[Ranjith]
13 for Unnikrishnan, R.
Unninayar, S.[Sushel]
Co Author Listing * Monitoring Water-Related Ecosystems with Earth Observation Data in Support of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 Reporting
Unnithan, S.L.K.[S L Kesav]
Co Author Listing * Flood Inundation Mapping by Combining GNSS-R Signals with Topographical Information
Unnithan, V.[Vikram]
Co Author Listing * Depth to Diameter Analysis on Small Simple Craters at the Lunar South Pole: Possible Implications for Ice Harboring