Journals starting with clos

CloseRange10 * *Close Range Image Measurement Techniques
* 3d Colour Imaging For Cultural Heritage Artefacts
* 3D Least Squares Tracking in Time-resolved Tomographic Reconstructions of Dense Flow Marker Particle Fields
* 3d Modeling Of Small Objects Using Macro Lens In Digital Very Close Range Photogrammetry
* 3d Photorealistic Modelling Of Stone Monuments By Dense Image Matching
* 3d-camera Based Navigation Of A Mobile Robot In An Agricultural Environment
* 3D-Sutra: Interactive Analysis Tool For A Web-Atlas of Scanned Sutra Inscriptions In China
* Accuracy Enhancement Of Terrestrial Mobile Lidar Data Using Theory Of Assimilation
* Accuracy of Exterior Orientation for a Range Camera
* Accuracy Of Measurement Using A Pair Of Stereo Images Acquired By Finepix Real 3d W1 Without Controls
* Acquisition, Modeling And GIS Integration Of A 3d Model Of The Frame Of Xvith Century Historic Building
* Analysis and Improvement of Laser Terrestrial Mobile Mapping Systems Configurations
* Application Of Close-range Photogrammetry And Digital Photography Analysis For The Estimation Of Leaf Area Index In A Greenhouse Tomato Culture
* Application Of High Resolution Laser Scanning And Photogrammetric Techniques To Data Acquisition, Analysis And Interpretation In Palaeontology
* Application Of Orientation Code Matching For Structure From Motion
* Applied 3d Photogrammetric Studies For The Historical Heritage Of Extremadura (Spain)
* Archeological Site Documentation And Monitoring Of Changes Using Surface-based Photogrammetry
* Assessing the Performance of a Structured Light Scanner
* Assessment of Flow Resistance of Steep Mountain Rivers Measuring Streambed Topography by Range Imaging Technology
* Automated 3D Object Reconstruction Via Multi-Image Close-Range Photogrammetry
* Automated Extraction of Break Lines in TLS Data of Real Environment
* Automatic 3d Modelling Of Indoor Manhattan-world Scenes From Laser Data
* Automatic 3d Surface Reconstruction By Combining Stereovision With The Slit-scanner Approach
* Automatic Detection Of Changes And Deformation In Rock Faces By Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Automatic Feature Matching Between Digital Images And 2d Representations Of A 3d Laser Scanner Point Cloud
* Automating Post-processing Of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Clouds For Road Feature Surveys
* Automation in 3-D Reconstruction: Results on Different Kinds of Close-Range Blocks
* Camera Calibration Techniques Using Multiple Cameras Of Different Resolutions And Bundle Of Distances
* Crack Detection In Load Tests For Civil Engineering Material Testing By Digital Closed Range Photogrammetry: Algorithms And Applications
* Damage Detection On Historical Buildings Using Unsupervised Classification Techniques
* Detection and Modelling of 3D Trees from Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Development and Testing of a Method for Tunnel Monitoring Via Vision Metrology
* Development of a New Laser-based, Optical Indoor Positioning System
* Development Of A Robot Guided Optical Multisensory System For Inline Inspection Of Cylinder Heads
* Development Of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle At Padova University
* Digital Survey Of Ancient Mosaics Of Ravenna
* Direct Linear Transformation Based Photogrammetry Software On The Web
* Distance Error Estimation For Range Imaging Sensors
* Distance Protocol for Mid-range TLS in Support of ASTM-E57 Standards Activities, A
* DLT Based, Close Range Photogrammetric Approach To Structural Deformation Measurement
* Documentation Challenges In An International And Interdisciplinary Research Project
* Documentation Of Architectural Scenes Using A Hierarchical Method
* Effect of the Hadamard Transform on Motion Estimation of Different Layers in Video Coding
* Effects Of Temperature Variation On Single-lens-reflex Digital Camera Calibration Parameters, The
* Eolian Sand Transport Monitored By Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Error Propagation for Close-Range Single Image Relative Measurements
* Estimation of Exterior Parameters of Sensor Combination for Efficient 3d Modeling
* Evaluation Of A Lightweigth Uas-prototype For Hyperspectral Imaging.
* Evaluation Of Laser Scanner Performance In Documentation Of Historical And Architectural Ruins, A Case Study In Konya
* Evaluation Of Time-of-flight Range Cameras For Close Range Metrology Applications, An
* Experiences With 3d Reference Bodies For Quality Assessment Of Free-form Surface Measurements
* Explicit Growth Model Of The Stereo Region Growing Algorithm For Parallel Processing, An
* Fast Computation of Region Homogeneity with Application in a Surveillance Task
* Flexible Multi-media Bundle Approach, A
* Fuzzy Clustering Approach for Supervision of Biological Processes by Image Processing, A
* Geometric and Radiometric Analysis of Paintings
* Geometric Calibration Of Thermographic Cameras
* GPU-based Volumetric Reconstruction Of Trees From Multiple Images
* Health Monitoring of Complex Structure Using TLS and Photogrammetry
* High Accuracy Image And Range Based Acquiring For Artistic Handworks 3d-models
* High Resolution 3d Recording And Modelling Of The Bronze Age Cave les Fraux In Perigord (France)
* Image And Laser Scanner Processing As Confident Cues For Object Detection In Driving Situations
* Image Measurement Techniques In Rock Glacier Modelling
* Image-based Detection and Matching of Homologue Points Using Feature-Vectors: Functionality and Evaluation in a Deformation Measurement System
* Industrial Inspection And Checking Of Marble Tiles
* Inexpensive 3-d Laser Scanner System Based On A Galvanometer Scan Head
* Influence Of Atmospheric Conditions On The Range Distance And Number Of Returned Points In Leica Scanstation 2 Point Clouds.
* Initial Results From European Road Safety Inspection (EURSI) Mobile Mapping Project
* Integration of ToF Camera and Multi-image Matching Approach for Cultural Heritage Survey
* Laser Scanner Survey Of An Archaeological Site: Scala Di Furno (Lecce, Italy)
* Laser Scanning Applied To Hydraulic Modeling
* Least-squares Matching with Advanced Geometric Transformation Models
* Low Cost Reverse Engineering Techniques for 3D Modelling of Propellers
* Low-cost Airborne Platform For Ecological Monitoring, A
* Measurement Of Petroglyhps (rock Arts) Of Gobustan With Close Range Photogrammetry
* Microstructure Model Of A Multifilament Yarn Imbedded In Concrete
* Model Of Turkey In Legal Protection Of Cultural Heritage, The
* Modeling Scattering Distortion Of 3d Range Camera
* Monitoring the Testing, Construction and as-Built Condition of Membrane Structures by Close Range Photogrammetry
* Multi-media Projector: Single Camera Photogrammetric System For Fast 3d Reconstruction
* Multiple Data Source for Survey and Modeling of Very Complex Architecture.
* Multiscale Multiresolution Spherical Photogrammetry With Long Focal Lenses For Architectural Surveys
* Off The Shelf Close-range Photogrammetric Software For Cultural Heritage Documentation At Stonehenge
* On The Self-calibration Of Long Focal Length Cameras
* Optical 3d Measuring Technique For A Detailed Non-Contact Data Acquisition Of Object Surfaces In The Fields Of Cultural Heritage, Archaeology And The Care And Preservation Of Historic Monuments, An
* Photogrammetric And Lidar Integration For The Cultural Heritage Metric Surveys
* Photogrammetric Evaluation Of Saint Theodoros Trion Church (Derinkuyu Kilisesi)
* Photogrammetric Measurement Of The Meke Lake And Its Environment With Kite Photographs To Monitoring Of Water Level To Climate Change
* Photogrammetric Techniques For The Determination Of Spatio-temporal Velocity Fields At Glaciar San Rafael
* Polynomial Texture Mapping And 3d Representations
* Polynomial Texture Mapping And Related Imaging Technologies For The Recording, Analysis And Presentation Of Archaeological Materials
* Polynomial Texture Mapping At Roughting Linn Rock Art Site
* Quantifying The Distortion Of Distance Observations Caused By Scattering In Time-of-flight Range Cameras
* Real-Time Close Range Web-Cam Photogrammetry Suited to the Coordination of Optical Topography Sensors Located on the Human Head
* Real-time Dense Stereo Mapping For Multi-sensor Navigation
* Real-time Single-camera Approach For Automatic Fall Detection, A
* Reconstruction And Visualization Of Original Landscape Based On Reverse Mapping
* Refining Existing 3d Building Models With Terrestrial Laser Points Acquired From A Mobile Mapping Vehicle
* Reproduction Of Turkish Traditional Wall-painting Using Close Range Photogrammetry, A Case Study In Gaziantep
* Self-calibration Of The Trimble (mensi) Gs200 Terrestrial Laser Scanner
* Simple Shape-from-shading In The Dental And Medical Measurement Context
* Small Format Digital Photogrammetry for Applications in the Earth Sciences
* Sr-4000 Tof Camera: Further Experimental Tests And First Applications To Metric Surveys
* Terrestrial Laser Scanning And 3d Imaging: Heritage Case Study: The Black Gate, Newcastle Upon Tyne
* Terrestrial Laser Scanning And Non Parametric Methods In Masonry Arches Inspection
* Terrestrial Laser Scanning: Civil Engineering Applications
* Topcon's PI-3000 in the Inventory of Data Relating to Sculptural and Portable Artifacts
* Triangulation Method for 3D-Measurement of Specular Surfaces, A
* UAV-based Remote Sensing Of Landslides
* UAVS For The Documentation Of Archaeological Excavations
* Unified Calibration Approach For Generic Cameras, An
* Use of 3D Laser Scanning and 3D Modelling in the Realisation of an Artistic Vision; The Use of 3D Data in the Production of Large Scale Public Art in Tudor Square, Sheffield., The
* Using Stationary And Mobile Laser Scanner To Detect Forest Defoliation
* Very Close Nadiral Images: A Proposal For Quick Digging Survey
* Voxel Space Analysis Of Terrestrial Laser Scans In Forests For Wind Field Modeling
* What Is The Future Of Metric Heritage Documentation And Its Skills?
116 for CloseRange10

CloseRange14 * *Close Range Image Measurement Techniques
* 3D Case Studies of Monitoring Dynamic Structural Tests using Long Exposure Imagery
* 3D Modeling By Consolidation Of Independent Geometries Extracted From Point Clouds: The Case Of The Modeling Of The Turckheim's Chapel (Alsace, France)
* 3D Modelling of Interior Spaces: Learning the Language of Indoor Architecture
* 3D models mapping optimization through an integrated parameterization approach: cases studies from Ravenna
* 3D painting documentation: Evaluation of conservation conditions with 3D imaging and ranging techniques
* Accuracy assessment of building point clouds automatically generated from iphone images
* Accuracy of cultural heritage 3D models by RPAS and terrestrial photogrammetry
* Accuracy of typical photogrammetric networks in cultural heritage 3D modeling projects
* Aerial photogrammetry procedure optimized for micro UAV
* Airborne Laser Scanning and Image Processing Techniques for Archaeological Prospection
* Analysis and correction of the dependency between laser scanner intensity values and range
* Application of SFM and laser scanning technology to the description of mosaics piece by piece
* Automated Extraction of 3D Trees from Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds
* Automatic Classification of coarse density LiDAR data in urban area
* autonomous image based approach for detecting glacial lake outburst floods, An
* Close-range imaging and research priorities in Europe
* comparison of multi-view 3D reconstruction of a rock wall using several cameras and a laser scanner, A
* comparison of semiglobal and local dense matching algorithms for surface reconstruction, A
* Congruence analysis of point clouds from unstable stereo image sequences
* contest of sensors in close range 3D imaging: Performance evaluation with a new metric test object, A
* Cultural Heritage: An example of graphical documentation with automated photogrammetric systems
* Deformation monitoring with off-the-shelf digital cameras for civil engineering fatigue testing
* Development of a self-localization method using sensors on mobile devices
* Discovering hidden architectures of ancient time: 3d data survey to reveal the myth of mithra in Santa Maria Capua Vetere
* Door recognition in cluttered building interiors using imagery and lidar data
* Eccentricity in Images of Circular and Spherical Targets and its Impact to 3D Object Reconstruction
* Evaluating the geometric shape of a flying paraglider
* Evaluation of DEM generation accuracy from UAS imagery
* Evaluation of feature-based methods for automated network orientation
* Evaluation Of Mass Market Devices For The Documentation Of The Cultural Heritage
* Evaluations of Three-Dimensional Building Model Reconstruction from LiDAR Point Clouds and Single-View Perspective Imagery
* Extracting Rail Track Geometry from Static Terrestrial Laser Scans for Monitoring Purposes
* Face Pose Recognition Based on Monocular Digital Imagery and Stereo-Based Estimation of its Precision
* Fast, Accurate and Easy to Implement Method for Pose Recognition of an Intramedullary Nail using a Tracked C-arm, A
* feasibility study on the measurement of tree trunks in forests using multi-scale vertical images, A
* Filtering of Point Clouds from Photogrammetric Surface Reconstruction
* Finding the next-best scanner position for as-built modeling of piping systems
* Generation of effective orthophotos for road surfaces using MMS
* Geometric Modelling of Octagonal Lamp Poles
* Human Vision Pathology Diagnostics by Photogrammetrics Means
* Image based 3D city modeling: Comparative study
* Image-based 3D modeling for the knowledge and the representation of archaeological dig and pottery: Sant'Omobono and Sarno project's strategies
* Impact Assessment of the Renewable Energies in the Cultural Heritage: the Case of the Way of St. James in Spain
* Indoor Modelling Benchmark for 3D Geometry Extraction
* Integrated Flexible Self-calibration Approach for 2D Laser Scanning Range Finders Applied to the Hokuyo UTM-30LX-EW, An
* Interactive Trunk Extraction from Forest Point Cloud
* Investigation on the Automatic Geo-Referencing of Archaeological UAV Photographs by Correlation with Pre-Existing Ortho-Photos
* ISVD-based Euclidian structure from motion for smartphones, An
* Kinect Fusion improvement using depth camera calibration
* Lidar-equipped UAV for building information modelling
* Localization using RGB-D cameras orthoimages
* Method for Measuring Lens Distortion by Using Pinhole Lens
* Methods and tools to enjoy and to study inaccessible Heritage
* Modelling the appearance of heritage metallic surfaces
* Monitoring marginal erosion in hydroelectric reservoirs with terrestrial mobile laser scanner
* multi-range approach for Cultural Heritage survey: A case study in Mantua Unesco site, A
* Multispectral calibration to enhance the metrology performance of C-mount camera systems
* New Approach for Documentation, Conservation and Preservation of the Monolithic Statues in San Agustín as Pilot for Outdoor Cultural Heritage Documentation in Colombia, A
* New Framework For Interactive Segmentation of Point Clouds, A
* new GIS-based map of villa Adriana, a multimedia guide for ancient paths, A
* New knowledge in determining the astronomical orientation of Incas object in Ollantaytambo, Peru
* non-conventional procedure for the 3D modeling of WWI forts, A
* novel high accuracy 3D scanning device for rock-art sites, A
* Object-based Multi-Image Semi-Global Matching: Concept and first results
* Paleovalleys mapping using remote sensing
* Performance of parameter-domain and spatial-domain pole-like feature segmentation using single and multiple terrestrial laser scans
* Photogrammetric Analysis of a Heritage Ceiling
* Photogrammetric Deformation Monitoring of the Second Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul
* Photogrammetry applied to Problematic artefacts
* Pile volume measurement by range imaging camera in indoor environment
* Point cloud-based survey for cultural heritage: An experience of integrated use of range-based and image-based technology for the San Francesco convent in Monterubbiano
* Potentials of small, lightweight and low cost Multi-Echo Laser Scanners for detecting Grape Berries
* Processing lidar waveform data for 3D visual assessment of forest environments
* Quality Evaluation of Single and Multiple Camera Calibration Approaches for an Indoor Multi Camera Tracking System, A
* Quasi-five point algorithm with non-linear minimization
* Radiometric Calibration of dual Sensor Camera System, a Comparison of classical and low cost Calibration
* real-time photogrammetry system based on embedded architecture, A
* Robust Global Motion Estimation with Matrix Completion
* sanctuary of Punta Stilo at Kaulonia-Monasterace (Rc, Italy): preliminary results of the close range photogrammetric surveys 2012-2013, The
* Scaling up close-range surveys, a challenge for the generalization of as-built data in industrial applications
* Scan registration using planar features
* Segmentation of planar surfaces in LiDAR point clouds of an electrical substation by exploring the structure of points neighbourhood
* Semi-automatic extraction of sectional view from point clouds: The case of Ottmarsheim's abbey-church
* Sensitive Analysis of Observation Model for Human Tracking Using a Stochastic Process
* Smartphones Based Mobile Mapping Systems
* Surveying and mapping a cave using 3d laser scanner: The open challenge with free and open source software
* Systems based on photogrammetry to evaluation of built heritage: tentative guidelines and control parameters
* Terrestrial scanning or digital images in inventory of monumental objects?: case study
* Three-dimensional imaging of hold baggage for airport security
* UAV Data Processing for Large Scale Topographical Mapping
* UAV-based photogrammetry: monitoring of a building zone
* voxel-based technique to estimate the volume of trees from terrestrial laser scanner data, A
* Water Surface and Velocity Measurement-River and Flume
94 for CloseRange14

Index for "c"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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