Journals starting with aciv

* 3D Face Recognition Based on Non-iterative Registration and Single B-Spline Patch Modelling Techniques
* 3D Model Acquisition System Based on a Sequence of Projected Level Curves, A
* Accurate 3D Structure Measurements from Two Uncalibrated Views
* Active Contour Model Guided by LBP Distributions, An
* Adaptative Road Lanes Detection and Classification
* Adaptive Learning Procedure for a Network of Spiking Neurons and Visual Pattern Recognition
* Adaptive Macroblock Mode Selection for Reducing the Encoder Complexity in H.264
* Adaptive Vision Leveraging Digital Retinas: Extracting Meaningful Segments
* AddCanny: Edge Detector for Video Processing
* Adjustment for Discrepancies Between ALS Data Strips Using a Contour Tree Algorithm
* Affine Epipolar Direction from Two Views of a Planar Contour
* Alternative Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms with L1-Norm and Covariance Matrix
* Approach to the Recognition of Informational Traffic Signs Based on 2-D Homography and SVMs, An
* Automatic Denoising of 2D Color Face Images Using Recursive PCA Reconstruction
* Automatic Restoration of Old Motion Picture Films Using Spatiotemporal Exemplar-Based Inpainting
* Blue Sky Detection for Picture Quality Enhancement
* Camera Calibration from a Single Frame of Planar Pattern
* Characterizing the Lacunarity of Objects and Image Sets and Its Use as a Technique for the Analysis of Textural Patterns
* Charged Active Contour Based on Electrostatics, A
* Color-Based Multiple Agent Tracking for Wireless Image Sensor Networks
* Common Image Method(Null Space + 2DPCAs) for Face Recognition
* Comparison of Nearest Neighbor Search Algorithms for Generic Object Recognition, A
* Comparison of Statistical and Shape-Based Approaches for Non-rigid Motion Tracking with Missing Data Using a Particle Filter
* Complexity Reduction Algorithm for Intra Mode Selection in H.264/AVC Video Coding
* Complexity Scalability in Motion-Compensated Wavelet-Based Video Coding
* Computer Vision Based Travel Aid for the Blind Crossing Roads
* Constrained Region-Growing and Edge Enhancement Towards Automated Semantic Video Object Segmentation
* Content-Based Model Template Adaptation and Real-Time System for Behavior Interpretation in Sports Video
* Context-Based Scene Recognition Using Bayesian Networks with Scale-Invariant Feature Transform
* Curve Mapping Based Illumination Adjustment for Face Detection
* Data Fusion and Fuzzy Spatial Relationships for Locating Deep Brain Stimulation Targets in Magnetic Resonance Images
* Dedicated Hardware for Real-Time Computation of Second-Order Statistical Features for High Resolution Images
* Detection of Pathological Cells in Phase Contrast Cytological Images
* Dilation Matrices for Nonseparable Bidimensional Wavelets
* Directional Filtering for Upsampling According to Direction Information of the Base Layer in the JVT/SVC Codec
* Discrete Choice Models for Static Facial Expression Recognition
* Dynamic Light Field Compression Using Shared Fields and Region Blocks for Streaming Service
* Enhanced Watermarking Scheme Based on Texture Analysis
* Estimation of Rotation Parameters from Blurred Image
* Evolutionary Tree-Structured Filter for Impulse Noise Removal
* Extrema Temporal Chaining: A New Method for Computing the 2D-Displacement Field of the Heart from Tagged MRI
* Facial Analysis and Synthesis Scheme
* Fast Dynamic Border Linking Algorithm for Region Merging, A
* Fast Hough Transform Based on 3D Image Space Division
* Fast Mode Decision for H.264/AVC Using Mode Prediction
* Fast Motion Vector Search Algorithm for Variable Blocks, A
* Fast Multi-view Disparity Estimation for Multi-View Video Systems
* Fast Offline Building Recognition Application on a Mobile Telephone, A
* Fast Sub-pixel Motion Estimation for H.264
* Foreground-to-Ghost Discrimination in Single-Difference Pre-processing
* Fusion Method of Fingerprint Quality Evaluation: From the Local Gabor Feature to the Global Spatial-Frequency Structures
* Gabor Feature Based Face Recognition Using Supervised Locality Preserving Projection
* Greyscale Image Interpolation Using Mathematical Morphology
* Hierarchical Stereo Matching: From Foreground to Background
* Hybrid Sigma Filter for Processing Images Corrupted by Multiplicative Noise
* Improvement of Conventional Deinterlacing Methods with Extrema Detection and Interpolation
* Improving DCT-Based Coders Through Block Oriented Transforms
* Interactive Learning of Scene Context Extractor Using Combination of Bayesian Network and Logic Network
* Leukocyte Segmentation in Blood Smear Images Using Region-Based Active Contours
* Linear-Time Approach for Image Segmentation Using Graph-Cut Measures, A
* Mathematical Models for Restoration of Baroque Paintings
* Motion Blur Concealment of Digital Video Using Invariant Features
* Motion-Compensated Deinterlacing Using Edge Information
* Moving Object Removal Based on Global Feature Registration
* Multiresolution Lossy-to-Lossless Coding of MRI Objects
* Multiway Filtering Applied on Hyperspectral Images
* New Approach to Wireless Video Compression with Low Complexity
* New Fuzzy-Based Wavelet Shrinkage Image Denoising Technique, A
* New Intra Luma Prediction Mode in H.264/AVC Using Collocated Weighted Chroma Pixel Value
* New Similarity Measure for Random Signatures: Perceptually Modified Hausdorff Distance, A
* New Stereo Matching Model Using Visibility Constraint Based on Disparity Consistency, A
* Non Orthogonal Component Analysis: Application to Anomaly Detection
* Novel Fuzzy Segmentation Approach for Brain MRI, A
* Novel Stochastic Attributed Relational Graph Matching Based on Relation Vector Space Analysis, A
* Object Tracking Using Discriminative Feature Selection
* On Building Omnidirectional Image Signatures Using Haar Invariant Features: Application to the Localization of Robots
* On Using a Dissimilarity Representation Method to Solve the Small Sample Size Problem for Face Recognition
* Optimal Parameters Selection for Non-parametric Image Registration Methods
* Perceived Image Quality Measurement of State-of-the-Art Noise Reduction Schemes
* Performing Deblocking in Video Coding Based on Spatial-Domain Motion-Compensated Temporal Filtering
* Portable and Low-Cost E-Learning Video Capture System, A
* Probability Approximation Using Best-Tree Distribution for Skin Detection
* Proposal Method for Corner Detection with an Orthogonal Three-Direction Chain Code, A
* Real-Time Content Adaptation Framework for Exploiting ROI Scalability in H.264/AVC, A
* Refine Stereo Correspondence Using Bayesian Network and Dynamic Programming on a Color Based Minimal Span Tree
* Requantization Transcoding in Pixel and Frequency Domain for Intra 16x16 in H.264/AVC
* Rigid and Non-rigid Face Motion Tracking by Aligning Texture Maps and Stereo-Based 3D Models
* RIM Framework for Image Processing, The
* Robust Analysis of Silhouettes by Morphological Size Distributions
* Robust Tracking of Migrating Cells Using Four-Color Level Set Segmentation
* Robust Visual Identifier for Cropped Natural Photos
* Robust Watermarking Algorithm Using Attack Pattern Analysis, A
* Rough Set Approach to Video Genre Classification, A
* Scalable and Channel-Adaptive Unequal Error Protection of Images with LDPC Codes
* Scale Invariant Robust Registration of 3D-Point Data and a Triangle Mesh by Global Optimization
* Seeded Region Merging Based on Gradient Vector Flow for Image Segmentation
* Simple and Effective Filter to Remove Corner Outlier Artifacts in Highly Compressed Video
* Spatial Error Concealment with Low Complexity in the H.264 Standard
* Statistical Approach for Ownership Identification of Digital Images, A
* Stereo Matching Using Scanline Disparity Discontinuity Optimization
* System for Reading Braille Embossed on Beverage Can Lids for Authentication
* Temporal Error Concealment Based on Optical Flow in the H.264/AVC Standard
* Toward Visually Inferring the Underlying Causal Mechanism in a Traffic-Light-Controlled Crossroads
* Tracking of Linear Appearance Models Using Second Order Minimization
* Video Enhancement for Underwater Exploration Using Forward Looking Sonar
* Video-Based Facial Expression Hallucination: A Two- Level Hierarchical Fusion Approach
* Visibility of Point Clouds and Mapping of Unknown Environments
* Visual Bootstrapping for Unsupervised Symbol Grounding
* Water Flow Based Complex Feature Extraction
110 for ACIVS06

* Action Recognition with Semi-global Characteristics and Hidden Markov Models
* Adaptive Image Content-Based Exposure Control for Scanning Applications in Radiography
* Adaptive Image Restoration Based on Local Robust Blur Estimation
* Adaptive Vision System for Segmentation of Echographic Medical Images Based on a Modified Mumford-Shah Functional
* Aerial Moving Target Detection Based on Motion Vector Field Analysis
* Analysis of Image Sequences for Defect Detection in Composite Materials
* Analysis of the Statistical Dependencies in the Curvelet Domain and Applications in Image Compression
* Analyzing DGI-BS: Properties and Performance Under Occlusion and Noise
* Applying Image Analysis and Probabilistic Techniques for Counting Olive Trees in High-Resolution Satellite Images
* Bridging the Gap: Transcoding from Single-Layer H.264/AVC to Scalable SVC Video Streams
* Cascade of Classifiers for Vehicle Detection
* Categorizing Laryngeal Images for Decision Support
* Cognitive Modeling Approach for the Semantic Aggregation of Object Prototypes from Geometric Primitives: Toward Understanding Implicit Object Topology, A
* Colon Visualization Using Cylindrical Parameterization
* Color Image Segmentation Based on Type-2 Fuzzy Sets and Region Merging
* Comparison of Image Conversions Between Square Structure and Hexagonal Structure
* Competition Based Prediction for Skip Mode Motion Vector Using Macroblock Classification for the H.264 JM KTA Software
* Constrained Inter Prediction: Removing Dependencies Between Different Data Partitions
* Crossing Detector Based on the Structure Tensor, A
* Descriptor-Free Smooth Feature-Point Matching for Images Separated by Small/Mid Baselines
* Detection of Individual Specimens in Populations Using Contour Energies
* Digital Watermarking with PCA Based Reference Images
* Double Layer Background Model to Detect Unusual Events, A
* Efficiency of Closed and Open-Loop Scalable Wavelet Based Video Coding
* Efficient Closed-Form Solution to Probabilistic 6D Visual Odometry for a Stereo Camera, An
* Embedding Linear Transformations in Fractal Image Coding
* ENMIM: Energetic Normalized Mutual Information Model for Online Multiple Object Tracking with Unlearned Motions
* Evaluating Descriptors Performances for Object Tracking on Natural Video Data
* Exploitation of Combined Scalability in Scalable H.264/AVC Bitstreams by Using an MPEG-21 XML-Driven Framework
* Fast Adaptive Graph-Cuts Based Stereo Matching
* Fast Level-Set Method for Accurate Tracking of Articulated Objects with an Edge-Based Binary Speed Term, A
* Framework for Scalable Vision-Only Navigation, A
* Fusion of Bayesian Maximum Entropy Spectral Estimation and Variational Analysis Methods for Enhanced Radar Imaging
* Gait Recognition Using Active Shape Models
* Geometrical Scene Analysis Using Co-motion Statistics
* Grass Detection for Picture Quality Enhancement of TV Video
* High-Resolution Multi-sprite Generation for Background Sprite Coding
* Image Processing Algorithms for an Auto Focus System for Slit Lamp Microscopy
* Image Upscaling Using Global Multimodal Priors
* Improved Algorithm of Error-Resilient Entropy Coding Using State Information
* Improved Pixel-Based Rate Allocation for Pixel-Domain Distributed Video Coders Without Feedback Channel
* Improvement of Classification Using a Joint Spectral Dimensionality Reduction and Lower Rank Spatial Approximation for Hyperspectral Images
* Independent Component Analysis-Based Estimation of Anomaly Abundances in Hyperspectral Images
* Joint Domain-Range Modeling of Dynamic Scenes with Adaptive Kernel Bandwidth
* Joint Tracking and Segmentation of Objects Using Graph Cuts
* JPEG2000 Coding Techniques Addressed to Images Containing No-Data Regions
* Large Head Movement Tracking Using Scale Invariant View-Based Appearance Model
* Learning-Based Object Tracking Using Boosted Features and Appearance-Adaptive Models
* Logarithmic Model-Based Dynamic Range Enhancement of Hip X-Ray Images
* Low Latency 2D Position Estimation with a Line Scan Camera for Visual Servoing
* Low-Rank Approximation for Fast Image Acquisition
* Model-Based Image Segmentation for Multi-view Human Gesture Analysis
* Motion Information Exploitation in H.264 Frame Skipping Transcoding
* Moving Object Extraction by Watershed Algorithm Considering Energy Minimization
* Multi-agent Approach for Range Image Segmentation with Bayesian Edge Regularization, A
* Multi-touch Surface Using Multiple Cameras, A
* Multidimensional Noise Removal Method Based on Best Flattening Directions
* Multispectral Data Model for Higher-Order Active Contours and Its Application to Tree Crown Extraction, A
* Multiview Depth-Image Compression Using an Extended H.264 Encoder
* Neural Network Based Face Detection from Pre-scanned and Row-Column Decomposed Average Face Image
* New Approach to Face Localization in the HSV Space Using the Gaussian Model, A
* New Approach to the Automatic Planning of Inspection of 3D Industrial Parts, A
* New Color Representation for Intensity Independent Pixel Classification in Confocal Microscopy Images, A
* New Fuzzy Motion and Detail Adaptive Video Filter, A
* New Optimum-Word-Length-Assignment (OWLA) Multiplierless Integer DCT for Lossless/Lossy Image Coding and Its Performance Evaluation, A
* New Partially Occluded Face Pose Recognition, A
* New Supervised Evaluation Criterion for Region Based Segmentation Methods, A
* New Technique for Global and Local Skew Correction in Binary Documents, A
* Noise Removal from Images by Projecting onto Bases of Principal Components
* Novel Image Compression Method Using Watermarking Technique in JPEG Coding Process, A
* On Hybrid Directional Transform-Based Intra-band Image Coding
* Optimization of Quadtree Triangulation for Terrain Models
* Particle Filter Based Automatic Reconstruction of a Patient-Specific Surface Model of a Proximal Femur from Calibrated X-Ray Images for Surgical Navigation
* Patch-Based Experiments with Object Classification in Video Surveillance
* PDE-Based Approach for Image Fusion, A
* Performance Improvement of H.264/AVC Deblocking Filter by Using Variable Block Sizes
* Polyphase Filter and Polynomial Reproduction Conditions for the Construction of Smooth Bidimensional Multiwavelets
* Real-Time Detection of the Triangular and Rectangular Shape Road Signs
* Real-Time Free Viewpoint from Multiple Moving Cameras
* Real-Time Vanishing Point Estimation in Road Sequences Using Adaptive Steerable Filter Banks
* Realistic Facial Modeling and Animation Based on High Resolution Capture
* Regional Partitioned Iterated Function Systems for digital image enhancement
* Remote Sensing Imagery and Signature Fields Reconstruction Via Aggregation of Robust Regularization with Neural Computing
* Robust Shape-Based Head Tracking
* Segmentation of the Human Trachea Using Deformable Statistical Models of Tubular Shapes
* Self-Eigenroughness Selection for Texture Recognition Using Genetic Algorithms
* Shape Extraction Via Heat Flow Analogy
* Simple and Efficient Eigenfaces Method, A
* Soft-Switching Approach to Improve Visual Quality of Colour Image Smoothing Filters, A
* Spatio-temporal Information-Based Simple Deinterlacing Algorithm
* Spatiotemporal Algorithm for Detection and Restoration of Defects in Old Color Films, A
* Spatiotemporal Fusion Framework for Multi-Camera Face Orientation Analysis
* Statistical Classification of Skin Color Pixels from MPEG Videos
* System for Estimation of Pin Bone Positions in Pre-rigor Salmon
* Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Filter for Detail-Preserving Restoration of Digital Images Corrupted by Impulse Noise, A
* Unsupervised Multiple Object Segmentation of Multiview Images
* Vertebral Mobility Analysis Using Anterior Faces Detection
* Visual Tracking by Hypothesis Testing
99 for ACIVS07

* 3D Face Recognition Evaluation on Expressive Faces Using the IV 2 Database
* 3D Tracking Using Multi-view Based Particle Filters
* Active Contours without Edges and with Simple Shape Priors
* Adaptive Metadata Management System for Distributed Video Content Analysis
* Applying Open-Loop Coding in Predictive Coding Systems
* Atmospheric Turbulence Restoration by Diffeomorphic Image Registration and Blind Deconvolution
* Attention-Based Segmentation on an Image Pyramid Sequence
* Automatic Feature-Based Stabilization of Video with Intentional Motion through a Particle Filter
* Basic Video-Surveillance with Low Computational and Power Requirements Using Long-Exposure Frames
* Bit Domain Encryption
* Blur and Contrast Invariant Fast Stereo Matching
* Breast Mass Segmentation in Mammographic Images by an Effective Region Growing Algorithm
* Comparison of Multiclass SVM Methods for Real World Natural Scenes, A
* Configurable Passband Imaging Spectrometer Based on Acousto-optic Tunable Filter
* Constrained Phase-Based Personalized Facial Feature Tracking
* Contour Detection for Industrial Image Processing by Means of Level Set Methods
* Crowd Behavior Recognition for Video Surveillance
* Curvature Estimation and Curve Inference with Tensor Voting: A New Approach
* Decision Trees in Binary Tomography for Supporting the Reconstruction of hv-Convex Connected Images
* Defocus Blur Correcting Projector-Camera System
* Distributed Smart Camera Calibration Using Blinking LED
* Dynamic Selection of Characteristics for Feature Based Image Sequence Stabilization
* Effective Salience-Based Algorithm for Shape Matching, An
* Effective Segmentation for Dental X-Ray Images Using Texture-Based Fuzzy Inference System
* Efficient and Flexible Cluster-and-Search for CBIR
* Efficient Hardware Architecture without Line Memories for Morphological Image Processing, An
* Embedding of a Real Time Image Stabilization Algorithm on SoPC Platform, a Chip Multi-processor Approach
* Evaluation Methodology for Image Mosaicing Algorithms, An
* Face Recognition Using Parabola Edge Map
* Face Recognition Using Symbolic KPCA Plus Symbolic LDA in the Framework of Symbolic Data Analysis: Symbolic Kernel Fisher Discriminant Method
* Fast and Fully Automatic Ear Recognition Approach Based on 3D Local Surface Features, A
* Fast Saliency-Based Motion Segmentation Algorithm for an Active Vision System
* Fluid Flow Measurement in Thermographic Video Sequences by Wavelet-Multiresolution Optical Flow Estimation
* Foliage Recognition Based on Local Edge Information
* Fourier-Based Inspection of Free-Form Reflective Surfaces
* Fusion of Multi-view Tissue Classification Based on Wound 3D Model
* Fuzzy Clustering and Active Contours for Histopathology Image Segmentation and Nuclei Detection
* Fuzzy Rule Iterative Feature Selection (FRIFS) with Respect to the Choquet Integral Apply to Fabric Defect Recognition
* Gabor Filter-Based Fingerprint Anti-spoofing
* Generalized Appriou's Model for Evidential Classification of Multispectral Images: A Case Study of Algiers City, A
* Geodesic Active Contours with Combined Shape and Appearance Priors
* Geometric Primitive Extraction Process for Remote Sensing Problems, A
* Graffiti Detection Using a Time-Of-Flight Camera
* Grey-Scale Morphology with Spatially-Variant Rectangles in Linear Time
* Head Pose Determination Using Synthetic Images
* High-Speed Acquisition and Pre-processing of Polarimetric Image Sequences
* Human Pose Estimation in Vision Networks Via Distributed Local Processing and Nonparametric Belief Propagation
* Image Denoising Using Similarities in the Time-Scale Plane
* Image Quality Metric Based on a Colour Appearance Model, An
* Image Segmentation Based on Supernodes and Region Size Estimation
* Improved Infrared Face Identification Performance Using Nonuniformity Correction Techniques
* Improving Image Vector Quantization with a Genetic Accelerated K-Means Algorithm
* Interval-Valued Fuzzy Morphological Model Based on Lukasiewicz-Operators, An
* Intuitionistic Fuzzy Clustering with Applications in Computer Vision
* Iterative Kalman Filter Approach to Camera Calibration, An
* Kernel Based Approach for High Dimensional Heterogeneous Image Features Management in CBIR Context
* Knee Point Detection in BIC for Detecting the Number of Clusters
* Local Rank Differences Image Feature Implemented on GPU
* MIDIAS: An Integrated 2D/3D Sensor System for Safety Applications
* Model-Based Gait Recognition Using Multiple Feature Detection
* Mosaicing of Fibered Fluorescence Microscopy Video
* Motion Recovery for Uncalibrated Turntable Sequences Using Silhouettes and a Single Point
* Multicomponent Image Segmentation Framework, A
* Multidimensional Noise Removal Based on Fourth Order Cumulants
* Multidimensional Noise Removal Method Based on PARAFAC Decomposition
* Multiresolution Robust Watermarking Approach for Scalable Wavelet Image Compression, A
* Network Security Using Biometric and Cryptography
* New Algorithm for Dominant Point Detection by Quasi-collinear Break Points Supression, A
* New Ground Movement Compensation Approach for Obstacle Detection Using an In-Vehicle Camera, A
* New Segmentation Approach for Ear Recognition, A
* Nighttime Vehicle Detection for Intelligent Headlight Control
* Nonparametric Level-Set Segmentation Based on the Minimization of the Stochastic Complexity
* Object Tracking Using Naive Bayesian Classifiers
* On Bin Configuration of Shape Context Descriptors in Human Silhouette Classification
* Open or Closed Mouth State Detection: Static Supervised Classification Based on Log-Polar Signature
* Parallel Algorithm for Concurrent Computation of Connected Component Tree
* Passive Error Concealment for Wavelet Coded Images with Efficient Reconstruction of High-Frequency Content
* Pedestrian Detection and Tracking Based on Far Infrared Visual Information
* Performance Analysis of Generalized Zerotree Coders Varying the Maximum Zerotree Degree
* Phase Unwrapping in Fringe Projection Systems Using Epipolar Geometry
* Pseudo-logarithmic Image Processing Framework for Edge Detection, A
* Real-Time Hough Transform on 1-D SIMD Processors: Implementation and Architecture Exploration
* Real-Time Vision System for Traffic Signs Recognition Invariant to Translation, Rotation and Scale, A
* Real-Time Wavelet-Spatial-Activity-Based Adaptive Video Enhancement Algorithm for FPGA
* Reliable Eyelid Localization for Iris Recognition
* Robust Curvature Extrema Detection Based on New Numerical Derivation
* Robust Lip Contours Localization and Tracking Using Multi Features: Statistical Shape Models
* Robust Method for Edge-Preserving Image Smoothing, A
* Robust Method for Filling Holes in 3D Meshes Based on Image Restoration, A
* Scene Reconstruction Using MRF Optimization with Image Content Adaptive Energy Functions
* Semantic Map Generation from Satellite Images for Humanitarian Scenarios Applications
* Sequential Blind PSF Estimation and Restoration of Aerial Multispectral Images
* Simple and Robust Optic Disc Localisation Using Colour Decorrelated Templates
* Spatially-Variant Directional Mathematical Morphology Operators Based on a Diffused Average Squared Gradient Field
* Spherical Edge Detector: Application to Omnidirectional Imaging
* Sub-optimal Camera Selection in Practical Vision Networks through Shape Approximation
* Synchronizing Video Sequences from Temporal Epipolar Lines Analysis
* Towards Fully Automatic Image Segmentation Evaluation
* Use of Local Surface Curvature Estimation for Adaptive Vision System Based on Active Light Projection
* Video Denoising and Simplification Via Discrete Regularization on Graphs
* Video Object Segmentation Based on Feedback Schemes Guided by a Low-Level Scene Ontology
* Video-Based Fall Detection in the Home Using Principal Component Analysis
103 for ACIVS08

* 2D Face Recognition in the IV2 Evaluation Campaign
* 3D Face Alignment via Cascade 2D Shape Alignment and Constrained Structure from Motion
* 3D Filtering of Colour Video Sequences Using Fuzzy Logic and Vector Order Statistics
* 3D Statistical Facial Feature Model and Its Application on Locating Facial Landmarks, A
* Advanced Vision Processing Systems: Spike-Based Simulation and Processing
* Attributed Graph Matching Using Local Descriptions
* Background Subtraction Techniques: Systematic Evaluation and Comparative Analysis
* Bayesian Pressure Snake for Weld Defect Detection
* Behavioral State Detection of Newborns Based on Facial Expression Analysis
* Carotenoid Concentration of Arctic Charr (Salvelinus Alpinus L.) from Spectral Data
* Combination of Attributes in Stereovision Matching for Fish-Eye Lenses in Forest Analysis
* Comparing Feature Matching for Object Categorization in Video Surveillance
* Compression of Remote Sensing Images for the PROBA-V Satellite Mission
* Concealed Object Perception and Recognition Using a Photometric Stereo Strategy
* Content-Based Annotation of User Generated Videos on a Mobile Platform
* Convex Hull-Based Feature Selection in Application to Classification of Wireless Capsule Endoscopic Images
* Decorrelation and Distinctiveness Provide with Human-Like Saliency
* Dynamic Texture Extraction and Video Denoising
* Engineering of Computer Vision Algorithms Using Evolutionary Algorithms
* Enhanced Low-Resolution Pruning for Fast Full-Search Template Matching
* Estimating Color Signal at Different Correlated Color Temperature of Daylight
* Evaluation of Interest Point Detectors for Non-planar, Transparent Scenes
* Fast Multi Frames Selection Algorithm Based on Macroblock Reference Map for H.264/AVC
* Highlight Removal from Single Image
* Image Categorization Using ESFS: A New Embedded Feature Selection Method Based on SFS
* Image Quality Assessment Based on Edge-Region Information and Distorted Pixel for JPEG and JPEG2000
* Intelligent Vision: A First Step - Real Time Stereovision
* Kolmogorov Superposition Theorem and Wavelet Decomposition for Image Compression
* Lane Detection and Tracking Using a Layered Approach
* Level Set-Based Fast Multi-phase Graph Partitioning Active Contours Using Constant Memory
* Local Color Descriptor for Object Recognition across Illumination Changes
* Mixtures of Normalized Linear Projections
* Multiple Human Tracking in High-Density Crowds
* New Approach to Sparse Image Representation Using MMV and K-SVD, A
* New Feasible Approach to Multi-dimensional Scale Saliency, A
* New Method for Segmentation of Images Represented in a HSV Color Space, A
* Novel Approach to Geometric Fitting of Implicit Quadrics, A
* Object Tracking by Non-overlapping Distributed Camera Network
* On the Evaluation of Segmentation Methods for Wildland Fire
* Parallel Blob Extraction Using the Multi-core Cell Processor
* Parallel Region-Based Level Set Method with Displacement Correction for Tracking a Single Moving Object
* Parameter Estimation in Bayesian Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction from Low Resolution Rotated and Translated Images
* Pattern Analysis for an Automatic and Low-Cost 3D Face Acquisition Technique
* Pattern Analysis of Dermoscopic Images Based on FSCM Color Markov Random Fields
* Performance Comparison of De-convolution Algorithms on Transmission Terahertz Images, A
* Person's Recognition Using Palmprint Based on 2D Gabor Filter Response
* Phantom-Based Point Spread Function Estimation for Terahertz Imaging System
* Quality Fusion Rule for Face Recognition in Video
* Quality of Reconstructed Spectrum for Watermarked Spectral Images Subject to Various Illumination Conditions
* Radar Imager for Perception and Mapping in Outdoor Environments
* Rapid Detection of Many Object Instances
* Real-Time Center Detection of an OLED Structure
* Relational Dynamic Bayesian Networks to Improve Multi-target Tracking
* Retina Identification Based on the Pattern of Blood Vessels Using Angular and Radial Partitioning
* Robust Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects in Traffic Video Surveillance
* Self Organizing and Fuzzy Modelling for Parked Vehicles Detection
* Self-assessed Contrast-Maximizing Adaptive Region Growing
* Shape Recognition by Voting on Fast Marching Iterations
* Supervised Face Recognition for Railway Stations Surveillance
* Template Analysis Methodology to Improve the Efficiency of Fast Matching Algorithms, A
* Temporal Templates for Detecting the Trajectories of Moving Vehicles
* Theorems Relating Polynomial Approximation, Orthogonality and Balancing Conditions for the Design of Nonseparable Bidimensional Multiwavelets
* Tracking 3D Orientation through Corresponding Conics
* Two-Level Bimodal Association for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition
* Unsupervised Detection of Gradual Video Shot Changes with Motion-Based False Alarm Removal
* Unusual Activity Recognition in Noisy Environments
* Vehicle Tracking Using Geometric Features
* VISRET: A Content Based Annotation, Retrieval and Visualization Toolchain
69 for ACIVS09

* 3D Surface Reconstruction Using Structured Circular Light Patterns
* Adaptive Constructive Polynomial Fitting
* Analysis of the Road Signs Classification Based on the Higher-Order Singular Value Decomposition of the Deformable Pattern Tensors, An
* Anatomy-Based Registration of Isometrically Transformed Surfaces Using Geodesic Area Functionals
* Appearance-Based Prior for Hand Tracking, An
* Augmented Reality with Human Body Interaction Based on Monocular 3D Pose Estimation
* Automated Segmentation of Endoscopic Images Based on Local Shape-Adaptive Filtering and Color Descriptors
* Canny Edge Detection Using Bilateral Filter on Real Hexagonal Structure
* Caustic Approach of Panoramic Image Analysis, A
* Combined Retrieval Strategies for Images with and without Distinct Objects
* Combining Geometric Edge Detectors for Feature Detection
* Computing Saliency Map from Spatial Information in Point Cloud Data
* Constraint Optimisation for Robust Image Matching with Inhomogeneous
* Content-Based Retrieval of Aurora Images Based on the Hierarchical Representation
* Criterion of Noisy Images Quality, A
* Dense Stereo Matching from Separated Views of Wide-Baseline Images
* Design of a Real-Time Embedded Stereo Smart Camera
* Digital Image Tamper Detection Based on Multimodal Fusion of Residue Features
* Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition Using Boosted Component-Based Spatiotemporal Features and Multi-classifier Fusion
* Edge-Sensing Universal Demosaicing Algorithm, An
* Effective Rigidity Constraint for Improving RANSAC in Homography Estimation, An
* Efficient Mode Decision Algorithm for Combined Scalable Video Coding, An
* Estimating 3D Polyhedral Building Models by Registering Aerial Images
* Evaluation of Human Detection Algorithms in Image Sequences
* Exploiting Neighbors for Faster Scanning Window Detection in Images
* Extraction of Venation from Leaf Images by Evolved Vein Classifiers and Ant Colony Algorithms, The
* Face Recognition Using Contourlet Transform and Multidirectional Illumination from a Computer Screen
* Fast Depth Saliency from Stereo for Region-Based Artificial Visual Attention
* Fast External Force Field for Parametric Active Contour Segmentation, A
* Fast Mean Shift Algorithm Based on Discretisation and Interpolation
* Fire Detection in Color Images Using Markov Random Fields
* Football Players Classification in a Multi-camera Environment
* Fusing Large Volumes of Range and Image Data for Accurate Description of Realistic 3D Scenes
* Gender Classification on Real-Life Faces
* GPU-Accelerated Real-Time NLMeans Algorithm for Denoising Color Video Sequences, A
* High Definition Feature Map for GVF Snake by Using Harris Function
* Hit-or-Miss Transform in Multivariate Images
* Image Recognition through Incremental Discriminative Common Vectors
* Improved Grouping and Noise Cancellation for Automatic Lossy Compression of AVIRIS Images
* Learning to Adapt: A Method for Automatic Tuning of Algorithm Parameters
* Long-Range Inhibition in Reaction-Diffusion Algorithms Designed for Edge Detection and Stereo Disparity Detection
* Mapping GOPS in an Improved DVC to H.264 Video Transcoder
* Modeling Wavelet Coefficients for Wavelet Subdivision Transforms of 3D Meshes
* Neural Image Thresholding Using SIFT: A Comparative Study
* New Approach of GPU Accelerated Visual Tracking, A
* New Perceptual Edge Detector in Color Images, A
* New Saliency Point Detection and Evaluation Methods for Finding Structural Differences in Remote Sensing Images of Long Time-Span Samples
* New System for Event Detection from Video Surveillance Sequences, A
* Noise-Robust Method for Image Segmentation
* Non-maximum Suppression Using Fewer than Two Comparisons per Pixel
* Novel Rate Control Method for H.264/AVC Based on Frame Complexity and Importance, A
* Object Tracking over Multiple Uncalibrated Cameras Using Visual, Spatial and Temporal Similarities
* Optimal Trajectory Space Finding for Nonrigid Structure from Motion
* Optimisation-Based Image Grid Smoothing for SST Images
* Practical Approach for Calibration of Omnidirectional Stereo Cameras, A
* Projection Selection Algorithms for Discrete Tomography
* Pseudo-morphological Image Diffusion Using the Counter-Harmonic Paradigm
* Real-Time Retrieval of Near-Duplicate Fragments in Images and Video-Clips
* Recognizing Human Actions by Using Spatio-temporal Motion Descriptors
* Recognizing Objects in Smart Homes Based on Human Interaction
* Regularized Kernel Locality Preserving Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition
* Salient-SIFT for Image Retrieval
* Scalable H.264 Wireless Video Transmission over MIMO-OFDM Channels
* Segmentation of Inter-neurons in Three Dimensional Brain Imagery
* Shape and Texture Based Plant Leaf Classification
* Spectral Matching Functions and Ellipse Mappings in Search for More Uniform Chromaticity and Color Spaces
* Speeding Up Structure from Motion on Large Scenes Using Parallelizable Partitions
* Statistical Rail Surface Classification Based on 2D and 2-1/2D Image Analysis
* Subjective Evaluation of Image Quality Measures for White Noise Distorted Images
* SUNAR Surveillance Network Augmented by Retrieval
* Surface Reconstruction of Wear in Carpets by Using a Wavelet Edge Detector
* Template Matching and Ellipse Modeling Approach to Detecting Lane Markers, A
* Topological SLAM Using Omnidirectional Images: Merging Feature Detectors and Graph-Matching
* Toward the Detection of Urban Infrastructure's Edge Shadows
* Trabecular Bone Anisotropy Characterization Using 1D Local Binary Patterns
* Video Quality Analysis for Concert Video Mashup Generation
* Virtual Curtain for the Detection of Humans and Access Control, A
* Watershed Based Document Image Analysis
79 for ACIVS10

* 3-D Tube Scanning Technique Based on Axis and Center Alignment of Multi-laser Triangulation, A
* 3D Facial Expression Recognition Based on Histograms of Surface Differential Quantities
* Analysis of Wear Debris through Classification
* Automatic Occlusion Removal from Facades for 3D Urban Reconstruction
* Bio-Inspired Image Coder with Temporal Scalability, A
* Calibration and Reconstruction Algorithms for a Handheld 3D Laser Scanner
* Combining Linear Dimensionality Reduction and Locality Preserving Projections with Feature Selection for Recognition Tasks
* Combining Plane Estimation with Shape Detection for Holistic Scene Understanding
* Comparative Study of Vision-Based Lane Detection Methods, A
* Comparison of Visual Registration Approaches of 3D Models for Orthodontics
* Content Makes the Difference in Compression Standard Quality Assessment
* Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound Images Restoration
* Curve-Skeletons Based on the Fat Graph Approximation
* Detection of Human Groups in Videos
* DTW for Matching Radon Features: A Pattern Recognition and Retrieval Method
* Dynamic Texture Analysis and Classification Using Deterministic Partially Self-avoiding Walks
* Edge-Based Approach for Robust Foreground Detection, An
* Efficiency Optimization of Trainable Feature Extractors for a Consumer Platform
* Enhancing the Texture Attribute with Partial Differential Equations: A Case of Study with Gabor Filters
* Estimation of Human Orientation in Images Captured with a Range Camera
* Evaluation of Image Segmentation Algorithms from the Perspective of Salient Region Detection
* Facial Feature Tracking for Emotional Dynamic Analysis
* Fast Hough Transform on GPUs: Exploration of Algorithm Trade-Offs
* Feasibility Analysis of Ultra High Frame Rate Visual Servoing on FPGA and SIMD Processor
* Feature Space Warping Relevance Feedback with Transductive Learning
* Fourier Fractal Descriptors for Colored Texture Analysis
* Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Applied to Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Classifications
* Geographical Approach to Self-Organizing Maps Algorithm Applied to Image Segmentation, A
* Hierarchical Blurring Mean-Shift
* hSGM: Hierarchical Pyramid Based Stereo Matching Algorithm
* Human Identification Based on Gait Paths
* Image Analysis Applied to Morphological Assessment in Bovine Livestock
* Image Segmentation Based on Electrical Proximity in a Resistor-Capacitor Network
* Image Sharpening by DWT-Based Hysteresis
* Improved Support Vector Machines with Distance Metric Learning
* Intelligent Video Security System Using Object Tracking and Shape Recognition, An
* Knowledge-Driven Saliency: Attention to the Unseen
* Low-Cost System to Detect Bunches of Grapes in Natural Environment from Color Images, A
* Method to Generate Artificial 2D Shape Contour Based in Fourier Transform and Genetic Algorithms, A
* Multi-Layer Gas of Circles Markov Random Field Model for the Extraction of Overlapping Near-Circular Objects, A
* Mutual Information Refinement for Flash-no-Flash Image Alignment
* New Anticorrelation-Based Spectral Clustering Formulation, A
* New Multi-camera Approach for Lane Departure Warning, A
* Nonparametric Estimation of Fisher Vectors to Aggregate Image Descriptors
* Parallel Implementation of the Integral Histogram
* Precise Registration of 3D Images Acquired from a Hand-Held Visual Sensor
* Quantifying Appearance Retention in Carpets Using Geometrical Local Binary Patterns
* Real-Time Depth Estimation with Wide Detectable Range Using Horizontal Planes of Sharp Focus Proceedings
* Relation Learning: A New Approach to Face Recognition
* Ridges and Valleys Detection in Images Using Difference of Rotating Half Smoothing Filters
* Robust Active Contour Segmentation with an Efficient Global Optimizer
* Robust Visual Odometry Using Uncertainty Models
* Salient Region Detection Using Discriminative Feature Selection
* Segmentation Based Tone-Mapping for High Dynamic Range Images
* Self-Similarity Measure for Assessment of Image Visual Quality
* Separating Occluded Humans by Bayesian Pixel Classifier with Re-weighted Posterior Probability
* Simple Single View Scene Calibration
* Simultaneous Partitioned Sampling for Articulated Object Tracking
* Space-Time Depth Super-Resolution Scheme for 3D Face Scanning, A
* Supervised Visual Vocabulary with Category Information
* Surface Reconstruction of Rotating Objects from Monocular Video
* Swarm Intelligence Based Searching Schemes for Articulated 3D Body Motion Tracking
* System on Chip Coprocessors for High Speed Image Feature Detection and Matching
* Temporal Prediction and Spatial Regularization in Differential Optical Flow
* Underwater Image Enhancement: Using Wavelength Compensation and Image Dehazing (WCID)
* Video Stippling
* Virtual Restoration of the Ghent Altarpiece Using Crack Detection and Inpainting
68 for ACIVS11

* 3D Parallel Thinning Algorithms Based on Isthmuses
* 3D Shape from Focus Using LULU Operators
* Active Visual-Based Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects from Clustering and Classification Methods
* Annotating Images with Suggestions: User Study of a Tagging System
* Approximate Regularization for Structural Optical Flow Estimation
* Classification of Hyperspectral Data over Urban Areas Based on Extended Morphological Profile with Partial Reconstruction
* Classifying Plant Leaves from Their Margins Using Dynamic Time Warping
* Correction, Stitching and Blur Estimation of Micro-graphs Obtained at High Speed
* Cross-Channel Co-occurrence Matrices for Robust Characterization of Surface Disruptions in 21/2D Rail Image Analysis
* Depth from Vergence and Active Calibration for Humanoid Robots
* Detection of HF First-Order Sea Clutter and Its Splitting Peaks with Image Feature: Results in Strong Current Shear Environment
* Detection of Near-Duplicate Patches in Random Images Using Keypoint-Based Features
* DSP Embedded Smart Surveillance Sensor with Robust SWAD-Based Tracker
* Entropy Based Supervised Merging for Visual Categorization
* Estimation and Prediction of the Vehicle's Motion Based on Visual Odometry and Kalman Filter
* Evaluating the Effects of MJPEG Compression on Motion Tracking in Metro Railway Surveillance
* GPU Optimization of Convolution for Large 3-D Real Images
* Gradual Iris Code Construction from Close-Up Eye Video
* Hand Posture Classification by Means of a New Contour Signature
* Hand Posture Recognition with Multiview Descriptors
* Hardware Implementation of a Configurable Motion Estimator for Adjusting the Video Coding Performances
* Improving HOG with Image Segmentation: Application to Human Detection
* Improving Image Acquisition: A Fish-Inspired Solution
* Information-Gain View Planning for Free-Form Object Reconstruction with a 3D ToF Camera
* Kernel Similarity Based AAMs for Face Recognition
* Mean Boundary Curve of Anatomical Objects, The
* Modified Bilateral Filter for the Restoration of Noisy Color Images
* Multi-view Gait Fusion for Large Scale Human Identification in Surveillance Videos
* New Level-Set Based Algorithm for Bimodal Depth Segmentation, A
* Object Recognition Using Radon Transform-Based RST Parameter Estimation
* Overlapping Local Phase Feature (OLPF) for Robust Face Recognition in Surveillance
* Particle Swarm Optimization with Soft Search Space Partitioning for Video-Based Markerless Pose Tracking
* Quality Assurance for Document Image Collections in Digital Preservation
* Real-Time Dance Pattern Recognition Invariant to Anthropometric and Temporal Differences
* Recovering Projective Transformations between Binary Shapes
* Rectangular Decomposition of Binary Images
* Saliency Filtering of SIFT Detectors: Application to CBIR
* Sampling Pattern Cube: A Representation and Evaluation Tool for Optical Capturing Systems, The
* Selective Color Image Retrieval Based on the Gaussian Mixture Model
* Semi-variational Registration of Range Images by Non-rigid Deformations
* Simultaneous Segmentation and Filtering via Reduced Graph Cuts
* State-Driven Particle Filter for Multi-person Tracking
* Supervised Learning Framework for Automatic Prostate Segmentation in Trans Rectal Ultrasound Images, A
* System Identification: 3D Measurement Using Structured Light System
* Utilizing the Hungarian Algorithm for Improved Classification of High-Dimension Probability Density Functions in an Image Recognition Problem
* Water Region Detection Supporting Ship Identification in Port Surveillance
47 for ACIVS12

* Acquisition of Agronomic Images with Sufficient Quality by Automatic Exposure Time Control and Histogram Matching
* Adaptive Two Phase Sparse Representation Classifier for Face Recognition
* Automatic Monitoring of Pig Activity Using Image Analysis
* Automatic User-Specific Avatar Parametrisation and Emotion Mapping
* Computational Methods for Selective Acquisition of Depth Measurements: An Experimental Evaluation
* Distance Estimation with a Two or Three Aperture SLR Digital Camera
* Divide and Segment Method for Parallel Image Segmentation, The
* Efficient Detection and Tracking of Road Signs Based on Vehicle Motion and Stereo Vision
* Efficient Low Complexity SVC Video Transrater with Spatial Scalability
* Efficient Normal-Error Iterative Algorithm for Line Triangulation, An
* Enhanced Weighted Median Filter for Noise Reduction in SAR Interferograms, An
* Evaluation of Traffic Sign Recognition Methods Trained on Synthetically Generated Data
* Extended GrabCut for 3D and RGB-D Point Clouds
* Fast Road Network Extraction from Remotely Sensed Images
* Flexible Multi-modal Graph-Based Segmentation
* Globally Segmentation Using Active Contours and Belief Function
* GPU-Accelerated Human Motion Tracking Using Particle Filter Combined with PSO
* Hidden Markov Models for Modeling Occurrence Order of Facial Temporal Dynamics
* Hierarchical Layered Mean Shift Methods
* High Precision Restoration Method for Non-uniformly Warped Images
* Human Motion Capture Using Data Fusion of Multiple Skeleton Data
* IMM-Based Tracking and Latency Control with Off-the-Shelf IP PTZ Camera
* Incremental Principal Component Analysis-Based Sparse Representation for Face Pose Classification
* Indoor RGB-D Dataset for the Evaluation of Robot Navigation Algorithms, An
* Key-Pose Similarity Algorithm for Motion Data Retrieval, A
* Learning and Propagation of Dominant Colors for Fast Video Segmentation
* Magnitude Type Preserving Similarity Measure for Complex Wavelet Based Image Registration
* Minimum Memory Vectorisation of Wavelet Lifting
* Mobile Imaging System for Medical Diagnostics, A
* Modelling Line and Edge Features Using Higher-Order Riesz Transforms
* Modification of Diffusion Distance for Clustering and Image Segmentation, A
* Moving Object Detection System in Aerial Video Surveillance
* New Approach for Hand Augmentation Based on Patch Modelling, A
* New Color Image Database TID2013: Innovations and Results, A
* Noise Robustness Analysis of Point Cloud Descriptors
* Novel Graph Based Clustering Technique for Hybrid Segmentation of Multi-spectral Remotely Sensed Images, A
* Object Recognition and Modeling Using SIFT Features
* Objective Evaluation of Image Object Segmentation Quality, The
* Optimizing Contextual-Based Optimum-Forest Classification through Swarm Intelligence
* Painting Scene Recognition Using Homogenous Shapes
* Partial Near-Duplicate Detection in Random Images by a Combination of Detectors
* Perception-Based Interpretation of the Kernel-Based Object Tracking, A
* Performance Evaluation of Video Analytics for Surveillance On-Board Trains
* Person Detection with a Computation Time Weighted AdaBoost
* Perspective Multiscale Detection of Vehicles for Real-Time Forward Collision Avoidance Systems
* Planar Segmentation by Time-of-Flight Cameras
* Real-Time Depth Map Based People Counting
* Real-Time Face Pose Estimation in Challenging Environments
* Recognizing Conversational Interaction Based on 3D Human Pose
* Resource Allocation Framework for Adaptive Selection of Point Matching Strategies, A
* Restoration of Blurred Binary Images Using Discrete Tomography
* Robust Multi-camera People Tracking Using Maximum Likelihood Estimation
* Semantic Approach in Image Change Detection
* Semantic Concept Detection Using Dense Codeword Motion
* Small Target Detection Improvement in Hyperspectral Image
* Spherical Center-Surround for Video Saliency Detection Using Sparse Sampling
* Tracking of a Handheld Ultrasonic Sensor for Corrosion Control on Pipe Segment Surfaces
* Training with Corrupted Labels to Reinforce a Probably Correct Teamsport Player Detector
* Tree Symbols Detection for Green Space Estimation
* Unsupervised Segmentation for Transmission Imaging of Carbon Black
* Upper-Body Pose Estimation Using Geodesic Distances and Skin-Color
* Visual Data Encryption for Privacy Enhancement in Surveillance Systems
* VTApi: An Efficient Framework for Computer Vision Data Management and Analytics
64 for ACIVS13

ACIVS15 * PNU-based technique to detect forged regions in digital images, A

* 3D Planar RGB-D SLAM System
* Accordion Representation Based Multi-Scale Covariance Descriptor for Multi-shot Person Re-Identification
* Action-02MCF: A Robust Space-Time Correlation Filter for Action Recognition in Clutter and Adverse Lighting Conditions
* Aerial Detection in Maritime Scenarios Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automatic Image Splicing Detection Based on Noise Density Analysis in Raw Images
* Automatic Segmentation of TV News into Stories Using Visual and Temporal Information
* Bayesian Approach to Linear Unmixing in the Presence of Highly Mixed Spectra, A
* Breast Shape Parametrization Through Planar Projections
* Collection of Visual Data in Climbing Experiments for Addressing the Role of Multi-modal Exploration in Motor Learning Efficiency
* Combination of RGB-D Features for Head and Upper Body Orientation Classification
* Combining Stacked Denoising Autoencoders and Random Forests for Face Detection
* Complex Image Processing Using Correlated Color Information
* Content-Based Mammogram Retrieval Using Mixed Kernel PCA and Curvelet Transform
* Coral Reef Fish Detection and Recognition in Underwater Videos by Supervised Machine Learning: Comparison Between Deep Learning and HOG+SVM Methods
* Decreasing Time Consumption of Microscopy Image Segmentation Through Parallel Processing on the GPU
* Factor Analysis of Dynamic Sequence with Spatial Prior for 2D Cardiac Spect Sequences Analysis
* Fast Traffic Sign Recognition Using Color Segmentation and Deep Convolutional Networks
* Fog Augmentation of Road Images for Performance Analysis of Traffic Sign Detection Algorithms
* Global Bilateral Symmetry Detection Using Multiscale Mirror Histograms
* Gradients versus Grey Values for Sparse Image Reconstruction and Inpainting-Based Compression
* Hand Gesture Recognition Using Infrared Imagery Provided by Leap Motion Controller
* Hierarchical Fast Mean-Shift Segmentation in Depth Images
* Horizon Line Detection from Fisheye Images Using Color Local Image Region Descriptors and Bhattacharyya Coefficient-Based Distance
* Human Action Recognition Based on Temporal Pyramid of Key Poses Using RGB-D Sensors
* Image Quality Metric with Reference for Multiply Distorted Image, An
* Intelligent Vision System for ASD Diagnosis and Assessment
* Intramolecular FRET Efficiency Measures for Time-Lapse Fluorescence Microscopy Images
* Jensen Shannon Divergence as Reduced Reference Measure for Image Denoising
* Joint Segmentation of Myocardium on Rest and Stress Spect Images
* Key Frames Extraction Based on Local Features for Efficient Video Summarization
* Learning Approaches for Parking Lots Classification
* Mobile Application for Leaf Detection in Complex Background Using Saliency Maps, A
* Multi-layer Dictionary Learning for Image Classification
* Multimodal Registration of PET/MR Brain Images Based on Adaptive Mutual Information
* Multiphase Level Set Method on Graphs for Hyperspectral Image Segmentation, A
* Neural Network Boundary Detection for 3D Vessel Segmentation
* Novel Decentralised System Architecture for Multi-camera Target Tracking, A
* On-the-Fly Architecture Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Stereovision System
* Optimized Connected Components Labeling with Pixel Prediction
* Orlando Project: A 28 nm FD-SOI Low Memory Embedded Neural Network ASIC, The
* Parallel Hough Space Image Generation Method for Real-Time Lane Detection
* Parametric Algorithm for Skyline Extraction, A
* Person Re-identification in Frontal Gait Sequences via Histogram of Optic Flow Energy Image
* Predicting Image Aesthetics with Deep Learning
* Quaternion Linear Color Edge-Glowing Filter Using Genetic Algorithm
* R3P: Real-time RGB-D Registration Pipeline
* Real-Time Eye Gesture Recognition System Based on Fuzzy Inference System for Mobile Devices Monitoring, A
* Robust Color Watermarking Method Based on Clifford Transform
* Scalable Vision System for Mouse Homecage Ethology
* Simple Evaluation Procedure for Range Camera Measurement Quality, A
* Simple Human Activity Recognition Technique Using DCT, A
* Soccer Player Detection with only Color Features Selected Using Informed Haar-like Features
* Spatially Varying Weighting Function-Based Global and Local Statistical Active Contours. Application to X-Ray Images
* Spatiotemporal Features Learning with 3DPyraNet
* Statistical Modeling Based Adaptive Parameter Setting for Random Walk Segmentation
* Towards a Generic M-SVM Parameters Estimation Using Overlapping Swarm Intelligence for Handwritten Characters Recognition
* Towards Automated Drone Surveillance in Railways: State-of-the-Art and Future Directions
* Using PNU-Based Techniques to Detect Alien Frames in Videos
* Vector Quantization Enhancement for Computer Vision Tasks
* Vegetation Segmentation in Cornfield Images Using Bag of Words
* Video Event Detection Based Non-stationary Bayesian Networks
* Visual Localization Using Sequence Matching Based on Multi-feature Combination
* Visual Target Detection and Tracking in UAV EO/IR Videos by Moving Background Subtraction
* Wavelet Neural Network Initialization Using LTS for DNA Sequence Classification
65 for ACIVS16

* 3D Shape from SEM Image Using Improved Fast Marching Method
* 3D Visualization of Radioactive Sources by Combining Depth Maps Generated from a Stereo Radiation Detection Device
* Adding GLCM Texture Analysis to a Combined Watershed Transform and Graph Cut Model for Image Segmentation
* AMD Classification in Choroidal OCT Using Hierarchical Texton Mining
* Analysis of Skeletal Shape Trajectories for Person Re-Identification
* Anomaly Detection in Crowded Scenarios Using Local and Global Gaussian Mixture Models
* Background Subtraction with Multispectral Images Using Codebook Algorithm
* Bimodal Person Re-identification in Multi-camera System
* Body Related Occupancy Maps for Human Action Recognition
* Cell-Based Approach for 3D Reconstruction from Incomplete Silhouettes
* Counting Large Flocks of Birds Using Videos Acquired with Hand-Held Devices
* CSF-Based Preprocessing Method for Image Deblurring, A
* Data Augmentation for Plant Classification
* Deep Learning on Underwater Marine Object Detection: A Survey
* Detection and Tracking of the Pores of the Lamina Cribrosa in Three Dimensional SD-OCT Data
* Domain Independent Approach to Video Summarization, A
* Efficient Descriptor Based on Radial Line Integration for Fast Non-invariant Matching and Registration of Microscopy Images, An
* Enhanced Multi-label Random Walk for Biomedical Image Segmentation Using Statistical Seed Generation, An
* Evaluation of Dimensionality Reduction Methods for Remote Sensing Images Using Classification and 3D Visualization
* Extracting Relevant Features from Videos for a Robust Smoke Detection
* Face Detection in Thermal Infrared Images: A Comparison of Algorithm- and Machine-Learning-Based Approaches
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Local Region Specific Dense Optical Flow and LBP Features
* Fast Ground Detection for Range Cameras on Road Surfaces Using a Three-Step Segmentation
* Filling Missing Parts of a 3D Mesh by Fusion of Incomplete 3D Data
* Full Screen Touch Detection for the Virtual Touch Screen
* Fully Automated Facial Expression Recognition Using 3D Morphable Model and Mesh-Local Binary Pattern
* Handling Noisy Labels in Gaze-Based CBIR System
* Homography-Based Navigation System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Human Face Detection Improvement Using Incremental Learning Based on Low Variance Directions
* Image Classification for Ground Traversability Estimation in Robotics
* Image Ridge Denoising Using No-Reference Metric
* Images Annotation Extension Based on User Feedback
* InSAR Coherence-Dependent Fuzzy C-Means Flood Mapping Using Particle Swarm Optimization
* Is a Memoryless Motion Detection Truly Relevant for Background Generation with LaBGen?
* JND-Guided Perceptual Pre-filtering for HEVC Compression of UHDTV Video Contents
* Large-Scale Camera Network Topology Estimation by Lighting Variation
* Learning Siamese Features for Finger Spelling Recognition
* Leaves Segmentation in 3D Point Cloud
* Monitoring and Evaluation of Flooded Areas Based on Fused Texture Descriptors
* Multi-camera Finger Tracking and 3D Trajectory Reconstruction for HCI Studies
* Multi-object Tracking Using Compressive Sensing Features in Markov Decision Process
* Multi-view Pose Estimation with Flexible Mixtures-of-Parts
* Novel and Accurate Local 3D Representation for Face Recognition, A
* Object Tracking Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Visual Appearance Models
* Omnidirectional Localization in vSLAM with Uncertainty Propagation and Bayesian Regression
* Optimal Tiling Strategy for Memory Bandwidth Reduction for CNNs
* Proposal of Segmentation Method Adapted to the Infrared Sensor
* Prostate Size Inference from Abdominal Ultrasound Images with Patch Based Prior Information
* Real Time Continuous Tracking of Dynamic Hand Gestures on a Mobile GPU
* Relative Camera Pose Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Robust Tracking in Weakly Dynamic Scenes
* Robust Video Watermarking for Real-Time Application, A
* Sensing Forest for Pattern Recognition
* Shape Acquisition System Using an Handheld Line Laser Pointer Without Markers
* Shearlet-Based Region Map Guidance for Improving Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Sliding Window Based Micro-expression Spotting: A Benchmark
* Statistical Radial Binary Patterns (SRBP) for Bark Texture Identification
* Texturizing and Refinement of 3D City Models with Mobile Devices
* Towards Condition Analysis for Machine Vision Based Traffic Sign Inventory
* Two-Step Methodology for Human Pose Estimation Increasing the Accuracy and Reducing the Amount of Learning Samples Dramatically, A
* Vision Based Lidar Segmentation for Scan Matching and Camera Fusion
* Visual Localization Based on Place Recognition Using Multi-feature Combination (D-lambdaLBP++HOG)
* Visual versus Textual Embedding for Video Retrieval
64 for ACIVS17

* 3D Object-Camera and 3D Face-Camera Pose Estimation for Quadcopter Control: Application to Remote Labs
* Analysis of Neural Codes for Near-Duplicate Detection
* Application of Data Compression Models to Handwritten Digit Classification, An
* Automatically Selecting the Best Pictures for an Individualized Child Photo Album
* Bayesian Vehicle Detection Using Optical Remote Sensing Images
* Clustering Based Reference Normal Pose for Improved Expression Recognition
* Comparison of Co-segmentation Methods for Wildlife Photo-identification
* Contour Propagation in CT Scans with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Dealing with Topological Information Within a Fully Convolutional Neural Network
* Deep Learning Approach to Hair Segmentation and Color Extraction from Facial Images, A
* Derivative Half Gaussian Kernels and Shock Filter
* Detecting and Recognizing Salient Object in Videos
* Diffuse Low Grade Glioma NMR Assessment for Better Intra-operative Targeting Using Fuzzy Logic
* Directional Beams of Dense Trajectories for Dynamic Texture Recognition
* Distributed Estimation of Vector Fields
* Effective Training of Convolutional Neural Networks for Insect Image Recognition
* Efficient Agglomerative Algorithm Cooperating with Louvain Method for Implementing Image Segmentation, An
* Enhanced Codebook Model and Fusion for Object Detection with Multispectral Images
* Enhanced Line Local Binary Patterns (EL-LBP): An Efficient Image Representation for Face Recognition
* Face Detection in Painting Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Fast Light Field Inpainting Propagation Using Angular Warping and Color-Guided Disparity Interpolation
* Fingerprint Classification Using Conic Radon Transform and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Foreground Background Segmentation in Front of Changing Footage on a Video Screen
* Fusing Omnidirectional Visual Data for Probability Matching Prediction
* Global Decoding Strategy with a Reduced-Reference Metric Designed for the Wireless Transmission of JPWL, A
* I-HAZE: A Dehazing Benchmark with Real Hazy and Haze-Free Indoor Images
* Identification of Saimaa Ringed Seal Individuals Using Transfer Learning
* Improving a Switched Vector Field Model for Pedestrian Motion Analysis
* Integrating UAV in IoT for RoI Classification in Remote Images
* Intrinsic Calibration of a Camera to a Line-Structured Light Using a Single View of Two Spheres
* L-Infinite Predictive Coding of Depth
* Large Parallax Image Stitching Using an Edge-Preserving Diffeomorphic Warping Process
* Learning Morphological Operators for Depth Completion
* Matrix Descriptor of Changes (MDC): Activity Recognition Based on Skeleton
* Multi-organ Segmentation of Chest CT Images in Radiation Oncology: Comparison of Standard and Dilated UNet
* NoiseNet: Signal-Dependent Noise Variance Estimation with Convolutional Neural Network
* Optimising Data for Exemplar-Based Inpainting
* Optimum Network/Framework Selection from High-Level Specifications in Embedded Deep Learning Vision Applications
* Orthogonally-Divergent Fisheye Stereo
* Parallel and Distributed Local Fisher Discriminant Analysis to Reduce Hyperspectral Images on Cloud Computing Architectures
* Person Re-identification Using Group Context
* Person Re-Identification with a Body Orientation-Specific Convolutional Neural Network
* Reconfigurable FPGA Implementation of the AVC Quantiser and De-quantiser Blocks
* Recursive Chaining of Reversible Image-to-Image Translators for Face Aging
* Relocated Colour Contrast Occurrence Matrix and Adapted Similarity Measure for Colour Texture Retrieval
* Robust Feature Descriptors for Object Segmentation Using Active Shape Models
* Robust Geodesic Skeleton Estimation from Body Single Depth
* Scanner Model Identification of Official Documents Using Noise Parameters Estimation in the Wavelet Domain
* Single Sample Face Recognition by Sparse Recovery of Deep-Learned LDA Features
* Two-Camera Synchronization and Trajectory Reconstruction for a Touch Screen Usability Experiment
* Unsupervised Perception Model for UAVs Landing Target Detection and Recognition
* Wavelet Based Image Fusion Method Using Local Multiscale Image Regularity, A
53 for ACIVS18

* Automatic Focal Blur Segmentation Based on Difference of Blur Feature Using Theoretical Thresholding and Graphcuts
* Automatic Optical Inspection for Millimeter Scale Probe Surface Stripping Defects Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Bayesian Feature Pyramid Networks for Automatic Multi-label Segmentation of Chest X-rays and Assessment of Cardio-thoratic Ratio
* Clip-level Feature Aggregation: A Key Factor for Video-based Person Re-identification
* Correction of Temperature Estimated from a Low-cost Handheld Infrared Camera for Clinical Monitoring
* CUDA Implementation of a Point Cloud Shape Descriptor Method for Archaeological Studies
* Deep Convolutional Network-based Framework for Melanoma Lesion Detection and Segmentation
* Deep Learning-based Techniques for Plant Diseases Recognition in Real-field Scenarios
* Deep-learning for Tidemark Segmentation in Human Osteochondral Tissues Imaged with Micro-computed Tomography
* Design of Perspective Affine Motion Compensation for Versatile Video Coding (vvc)
* Distance Weighted Loss for Forest Trail Detection Using Semantic Line
* Distributed Multi-class Road User Tracking in Multi-camera Network For Smart Traffic Applications
* Dynamic Texture Representation Based on Hierarchical Local Patterns
* EPNET: A Deep Neural Network for Ear Detection in 3d Point Clouds
* Evaluation of Unconditioned Deep Generative Synthesis of Retinal Images
* Exposing Presentation Attacks by a Combination of Multi-intrinsic Image Properties, Convolutional Networks and Transfer Learning
* Fast Iris Segmentation Algorithm for Visible Wavelength Images Based on Multi-color Space
* Feature Map Augmentation to Improve Rotation Invariance in Convolutional Neural Networks
* Fire Segmentation in Still Images
* Guided Stereo to Improve Depth Resolution of a Small Baseline Stereo Camera Using an Image Sequence
* Improved GAN Semantic Image Inpainting, An
* Initial Pose Estimation of 3d Object with Severe Occlusion Using Deep Learning
* Investigation of Coding Standards Performances on Optically Acquired and Synthetic Holograms
* Learning Target-specific Response Attention for Siamese Network Based Visual Tracking
* Local Flow Phase Stretch Transform for Robust Retinal Vessel Detection, A
* Localization of Map Changes by Exploiting SLAM Residuals
* Multiview 3d Markerless Human Pose Estimation from Openpose Skeletons
* Natural Images Enhancement Using Structure Extraction and Retinex
* Novel Framework for Early Fire Detection Using Terrestrial and Aerial 360-degree Images, A
* Object Contour Refinement Using Instance Segmentation in Dental Images
* On the Uncertainty of Retinal Artery-vein Classification with Dense Fully-convolutional Neural Networks
* Person Identification by Walking Gesture Using Skeleton Sequences
* Quadratic Tensor Anisotropy Measures for Reliable Curvilinear Pattern Detection
* Real-time Embedded Person Detection and Tracking for Shopping Behaviour Analysis
* Red-green-blue Augmented Reality Tags for Retail Stores
* Region Proposal Oriented Approach for Domain Adaptive Object Detection
* Segmentation of Phase-contrast MR Images for Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity Measurements
* SupernCN: Neighbourhood Consensus Network for Robust Outdoor Scenes Matching
* SVM-based Zero-watermarking Technique for 3d Videos Traitor Tracing, A
* Temporal-clustering Based Technique for Identifying Thermal Regions in Buildings
* Towards Approximating Personality Cues Through Simple Daily Activities
* Unsupervised Desmoking of Laparoscopy Images Using Multi-scale Desmokenet
* Using Normal/abnormal Video Sequence Categorization to Efficient Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild
* VA-STARGAN: Continuous Affect Generation
* Vehicles Tracking by Combining Convolutional Neural Network Based Segmentation and Optical Flow Estimation
* Verifying Kinship from RGB-D Face Data
* VLW-NET: A Very Light-weight Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for Single Image Dehazing
48 for ACIVS20

Index for "a"

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