Palm, B.G.[Bruna G.]
Co Author Listing * Assessment of Machine Learning Techniques for Oil Rig Classification in C-Band SAR Images
Palm, C.[Christoph]
Co Author Listing * Barrett's esophagus analysis using infinity Restricted Boltzmann Machines
* Color texture classification by integrative Co-occurrence matrices
* Semi-supervised Segmentation Based on Error-correcting Supervision
* Texture Classification of Graylevel Images by Multiscale Cross-cooccurrence Matrices
* variational approach to vesicle membrane reconstruction from fluorescence imaging, A
Includes: Palm, C.[Christoph] Palm, C.
Palm, C.S.[Charles S.]
Co Author Listing * Method and apparatus for converting a two dimensional motion picture into a three dimensional motion picture
* Method and apparatus for creation of three-dimensional wire frames
* Methods and apparatus for using image data to determine camera location and orientation
* Methods and apparatus for zooming during capture and reproduction of 3-dimensional images
Palm, G.
Co Author Listing * Analysis of a Cooperative Stereo Algorithm
* Comparison of Multiclass SVM Decomposition Schemes for Visual Object Recognition
* Efficient Dictionary Learning with Sparseness-Enforcing Projections
* Multi-modal Fusion based on classifiers using reject options and Markov Fusion Networks
* Package Boosting for Readaption of Cascaded Classifiers
* Support Vector Regression of Sparse Dictionary-Based Features for View-Independent Action Unit Intensity Estimation
* Training of Sparsely Connected MLPs
Includes: Palm, G. Palm, G.[Günther] Palm, G.[Gunther]
7 for Palm, G.
Palm, H.C.
Co Author Listing * new method for generating statistical classifiers assuming linear mixtures of Gaussian densities, A
* new piecewise linear classifier, A
* Template matching used in time contextual segmentation
Palm, M.[Megan]
Co Author Listing * Caenorhabditis elegans Egg-Laying Detection and Behavior Study Using Image Analysis
* Properties of Cirrus Cloud Observed over Koror, Palau (7.3°N, 134.5°E), in Tropical Western Pacific Region
Includes: Palm, M.[Megan] Palm, M.[Mathias]
Palm, R.
Co Author Listing * sorting optimization curve with quality and yield requirements, A
Palm, S.[Stephan]
Co Author Listing * 3-D Point Cloud Generation From Airborne Single-Pass and Single-Channel Circular SAR Data
* Airborne Circular W-Band SAR for Multiple Aspect Urban Site Monitoring
* Challenges and Potentials Using Multi Aspect Coverage of Urban Scenes by Airborne SAR on Circular Trajectories
* Investigation on Circular Mapping by FMCW-SAR on Small Airplanes
* Mobile Mapping By FMCW Synthetic Aperture Radar Operating At 300 Ghz
* Mobile Radar Mapping: Subcentimeter SAR Imaging of Roads
* Radargrammetric DEM Extraction Over Urban Area Using Circular SAR Imagery
* Spatial Data Uncertainty in a WebGIS Tool Supporting Sediments Management in Wallonia
Includes: Palm, S.[Stephan] Palm, S.
8 for Palm, S.
Palm, S.P.
Co Author Listing * Assessment of Cloud Screening With Apparent Surface Reflectance in Support of the ICESat-2 Mission
Palma Amestoy, R.
Co Author Listing * Algorithmic Analysis of Variational Models for Perceptual Local Contrast Enhancement, An
* Perceptually Inspired Variational Framework for Color Enhancement, A
Includes: Palma Amestoy, R. Palma-Amestoy, R. Palma-Amestoy, R.[Rodrigo]
Palma Marrufo, O.
Co Author Listing * efficient systolic array grid-based structure of the robust Bayesian regularization technique for real-time enhanced imaging in uncertain remote sensing environment, An
Palma Vanegas, N.P.[Nelly Paola]
Co Author Listing * Visual Cryptography Schemes Based in k -Linear Maps
Palma, A.[Alessio]
Co Author Listing * Length-aware Motion Synthesis via Latent Diffusion
Palma, A.L.[Armando L.]
Co Author Listing * Cultural Itineraries Generated by Smart Data on the Web
Palma, C.[Carla]
Co Author Listing * Assessing Phytoplankton Bloom Phenology in Upwelling-Influenced Regions Using Ocean Color Remote Sensing
* Automatic Detection of Deviations in Human Movements Using HMM: Discrete vs Continuous
* Bio-Optical Properties and Ocean Colour Satellite Retrieval along the Coastal Waters of the Western Iberian Coast (WIC)
* Deriving Water Quality Parameters Using Sentinel-2 Imagery: A Case Study in the Sado Estuary, Portugal
* Evaluation of SMOS L4 Sea Surface Salinity Product in the Western Iberian Coast
* HMM Based Evaluation of Physical Therapy Movements Using Kinect Tracking
Includes: Palma, C.[Carla] Palma, C.[Carlos]
Palma, D.[Duarte]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Text Extraction in Digital Video Based on Motion Analysis
* Biometric Palmprint Verification: A Dynamical System Approach
* Coherence-Based Automatic Essay Assessment
Includes: Palma, D.[Duarte] Palma, D.
Palma, E.[Emanuele]
Co Author Listing * Near-Lossless Coding of Plenoptic Camera Sensor Images for Archiving Light Field Array of Views
Palma, F.[Francesco]
Co Author Listing * Scintillation Counters of the High-Energy Particle Detector of the China Seismo-Electromagnetic (CSES-02) Satellite, The
Palma, G.[Gianpaolo]
Co Author Listing * Augmented Virtuality Using Touch-Sensitive 3D-Printed Objects
* Detection of masses and architectural distortions in digital breast tomosynthesis images using fuzzy and a contrario approaches
* MAVEN: An Algorithm for Multi-Parametric Automated Segmentation of Brain Veins From Gradient Echo Acquisitions
* Scalable non-rigid registration for multi-view stereo data
Includes: Palma, G.[Gianpaolo] Palma, G.[Giovanni] Palma, G.
Palma, L.[Lorenzo]
Co Author Listing * Embedded Real-Time Vehicle and Pedestrian Detection Using a Compressed Tiny YOLO v3 Architecture
Palma, M.[Massimiliano]
Co Author Listing * Evolution of Coastal Environments under Inundation Scenarios Using an Oceanographic Model and Remote Sensing Data
* High Resolution Orthomosaics of African Coral Reefs: A Tool for Wide-Scale Benthic Monitoring
* Quantifying Coral Reef Composition of Recreational Diving Sites: A Structure from Motion Approach at Seascape Scale
* Semantic Segmentation of Benthic Communities from Ortho-mosaic Maps
* SfM-Based Method to Assess Gorgonian Forests (Paramuricea clavata (Cnidaria, Octocorallia))
* Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to Estimate Direct Tangible Losses to Residential Properties from Flood Events: A Case Study of Cockermouth Following the Desmond Storm, The
Includes: Palma, M.[Massimiliano] Palma, M.[Marco] Palma, M.
Palma, V.
Co Author Listing * Architecture Recognition By Means of Convolutional Neural Networks
* Augmented Turin Baroque Atria: AR Experiences for Enhancing Cultural Heritage
* Towards Deep Learning for Architecture: A Monument Recognition Mobile App
Palmann, C.[Christophe]
Co Author Listing * Characterization of Similar Areas of Two 2d Point Clouds
Palmason, J.A.
Co Author Listing * Classification of Hyperspectral Data From Urban Areas Based on Extended Morphological Profiles
Palmbach, C.[Cornelius]
Co Author Listing * Holographic monitoring of transportation effects on canvas paintings
Palmberg, S.
Co Author Listing * Visual data navigators Collaboratories
Palme, K.[Klaus]
Co Author Listing * 3D Deformable Surfaces with Locally Self-Adjusting Parameters: A Robust Method to Determine Cell Nucleus Shapes
* 3D Object Detection Using a Fast Voxel-Wise Local Spherical Fourier Tensor Transformation
* 3D Rotation-Invariant Description from Tensor Operation on Spherical HOG Field
* Accurate Detection in Volumetric Images Using Elastic Registration Based Validation
* Discriminative Detection and Alignment in Volumetric Data
* Fast Scalar and Vectorial Grayscale Based Invariant Features for 3D Cell Nuclei Localization and Classification
* Modeling of Sparsely Sampled Tubular Surfaces Using Coupled Curves
* Rotation-Invariant HOG Descriptors Using Fourier Analysis in Polar and Spherical Coordinates
* Semi-supervised Learning of Edge Filters for Volumetric Image Segmentation
9 for Palme, K.
Palmer Rodriguez, P.[Pere]
Co Author Listing * Geometric Surface Deformation Based on Trajectories: A New Approach
Includes: Palmer Rodriguez, P.[Pere] Palmer-Rodríguez, P.[Pere]
Palmer Rodriguez, P.A.[Pere A.]
Co Author Listing * Interactive Constrained Deformations of NURBS Surfaces: N-SCODEF
Includes: Palmer Rodriguez, P.A.[Pere A.] Palmer-Rodríguez, P.A.[Pere A.]
Palmer, A.H.[Andrew H.]
Co Author Listing * Simple Camera-to-2d-lidar Calibration Method for General Use
Palmer, C.[Cameron]
Co Author Listing * Fantastic Breaks: A Dataset of Paired 3D Scans of Real-World Broken Objects and Their Complete Counterparts
Palmer, D.[David]
Co Author Listing * DeepCurrents: Learning Implicit Representations of Shapes with Boundaries
Palmer, D.W.[Douglas W.]
Co Author Listing * Design of a focused light field fundus camera for retinal imaging
Palmer, E.M.[Elizabeth M.]
Co Author Listing * Exploring the nature of buried linear features in the Qatar peninsula: Archaeological and paleoclimatic implications
Palmer, G.T.
Co Author Listing * Camera shading calibration using a spatially modulated field
Palmer, I.[Ian]
Co Author Listing * Motion capture: capturing interaction between human and animal
Palmer, I.J.[Ian J.]
Co Author Listing * Decision Tree Approach for Scene Pattern Recognition and Extraction in Snooker Videos, A
* Urban flood risk analysis for determining optimal flood protection levels based on digital terrain model and flood spreading model
Includes: Palmer, I.J.[Ian J.] Palmer, I.J.
Palmer, J.
Co Author Listing * Methodology for Quantitative Performance Evaluation of Detection Algorithms, A
* Quantified Study of Facial Asymmetry in 3D Faces, A
* Quantitative Methodology for Analyzing the Performance of Detection Algorithms, A
Palmer, J.H.[Joshua H.]
Co Author Listing * Object is Worth Six Thousand Pictures: The Egocentric, Manual, Multi-image (EMMI) Dataset, An
Palmer, J.M.[James M.]
Co Author Listing * Unified approach to absolute radiometric calibration in the solar-reflective range
Palmer, L.
Co Author Listing * Predicting the Perceptual Demands of Urban Driving with Video Regression
Palmer, M.[Martha]
Co Author Listing * SUN-Spot: An RGB-D Dataset With Spatial Referring Expressions
Palmer, M.E.[Melanie E.]
Co Author Listing * Early Prediction of Regional Red Needle Cast Outbreaks Using Climatic Data Trends and Satellite-Derived Observations
Palmer, M.H.[Mark H.]
Co Author Listing * Art and Argument: Indigitization of a Kiowa Historical Map for Teaching and Research
Palmer, P.[Phil]
Co Author Listing * email: Palmer, P.[Phil]: P Palmer AT eim surrey ac uk
* Error Propagation from Camera Motion to Epipolar Constraint
* Lerojd: Lidar Extended Radar-only Object Detection
* Reconstruction of Scene Models from Sparse 3D Structure
* Statistical Geometric Framework for Reconstruction of Scene Models, A
* Super-resolution using the Walsh functions, a new algorithm for image reconstruction
* Uncertainty Propagation and the Matching of Junctions as Feature Groupings
Includes: Palmer, P.[Phil] Palmer, P. Palmer, P.[Patrick]
7 for Palmer, P.
Palmer, P.I.[Paul I.]
Co Author Listing * Evaluating the Ability of the Pre-Launch TanSat-2 Satellite to Quantify Urban CO2 Emissions
* Mapping Water Levels across a Region of the Cuvette Centrale Peatland Complex
* Monitoring Greenhouse Gases from Space
Includes: Palmer, P.I.[Paul I.] Palmer, P.I.[Paul. I.]
Palmer, P.L.
Co Author Listing * Accurate line parameter estimation using a Hough transform algorithm and focus of attention
* Accurate Line Parameters from an Optimising Hough Transform for Vanishing Point Detection
* Automatic Measurement of Inhibition Zones in Petri Dish Samples
* Complex Feedback Strategies for Hypothesis Generation and Verification
* Detection and Tracking of Very Small Low Contrast Objects
* Feature selection for the tree-wavelet transform
* Feedback Control Strategies for Object Recognition
* Genetic Optimization of the Image Feature-Extraction Process
* Hough Transform Algorithm with a 2D Hypothesis-Testing Kernel, A
* Interest Operator Based on Perceptual Grouping, An
* Locating Boundaries of Textured Regions
* Multi-pass Feedback Control for Object Recognition
* Optimisation Approach to Improving the Accuracy of the Hough Transform: Plane Orientations from Skew Symmetry, An
* Optimised Vanishing Point Detector, An
* Optimizing Line Finder Using a Hough Transform Algorithm, An
* Performance Evaluation of Texture Segmentation Algorithms Based on Wavelets
* Performance Measure for Boundary Detection Algorithms, A
* Perspective Reconstruction of a Spheroid from an Image Plane Ellipse
* Robust Line-Segment Extraction Using Genetic Algorithms
* Robust Skeletonisation and Object Recognition from Grey Images
* Towards Optimal Zoom for Automatic Target Recognition
* Two-Point Correlation Function: A Measure of Interclass Separability, The
* Using Focus of Attention with the Hough Transform for Accurate Line Parameter-Estimation
23 for Palmer, P.L.
Palmer, R.[Russell]
Co Author Listing * Fishing for Feral Cats in a Naturally Fragmented Rocky Landscape Using Movement Data
* Intensity and Range Image Based Features for Object Detection In Mobile Mapping Data
* Scale Proportionate Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Object Detection in Co-Registered Visual and Range Data
* Using Depth to Extend Randomised Hough Forests for Object Detection and Localisation
Includes: Palmer, R.[Russell] Palmer, R.
Palmer, R.D.
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Beamspace Processing for Phased-Array Weather Radars
* Application of Compressive Sensing to Refractivity Retrieval Using Networked Weather Radars
* Cylindrical Polarimetric Phased Array Radar: Beamforming and Calibration for Weather Applications
* Development of a Low-Cost Multistatic Passive Weather Radar Network
* Doppler Velocity Bias Mitigation Through Sidelobe Whitening for Multistatic Weather Radar
* SimRadar: A Polarimetric Radar Time-Series Simulator for Tornadic Debris Studies
* Weather Radar Simulator for the Evaluation of Polarimetric Phased Array Performance, A
* Winter Precipitation Detection Using C- and X-Band Radar Measurements
Includes: Palmer, R.D. Palmer, R.D.[Robert D.]
8 for Palmer, R.D.
Palmer, R.I.[Robert Ieuan]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Aortic Root Segmentation with Shape Constraints and Mesh Regularisation
* Graph convolutional neural network for multi-scale feature learning
* Neural Network Boundary Detection for 3D Vessel Segmentation
Includes: Palmer, R.I.[Robert Ieuan] Palmer, R.I.[Robert I.]
Palmer, R.L.
Co Author Listing * Cliniface: Phenotypic Visualisation and Analysis Using Non-rigid Registration of 3d Facial Images
Palmer, S.[Steven]
Co Author Listing * Evaluating MODIS Dust-Detection Indices over the Arabian Peninsula
* Vision Science: Photons to Phenomenology
Includes: Palmer, S.[Steven] Palmer, S.
Palmer, S.C.J.[Stephanie C.J.]
Co Author Listing * Ultraviolet Fluorescence LiDAR (UFL) as a Measurement Tool for Water Quality Parameters in Turbid Lake Conditions
Palmer, S.E.
Co Author Listing * Psychology of Perceptual Organization: A Transformational Approach, The
Palmer, T.
Co Author Listing * Calibration, positioning and tracking in a refractive and reflective scene
* Misty Three Point Algorithm for Relative Pose, The
Includes: Palmer, T. Palmér, T. Palmér, T.[Tobias]
Palmeri, A.
Co Author Listing * 3D Case Studies of Monitoring Dynamic Structural Tests using Long Exposure Imagery
Palmeri, M.
Co Author Listing * Imaging Transverse Isotropic Properties of Muscle by Monitoring Acoustic Radiation Force Induced Shear Waves Using a 2-D Matrix Ultrasound Array
Palmeri, M.L.[Mark L.]
Co Author Listing * Full Characterization of in vivo Muscle as an Elastic, Incompressible, Transversely Isotropic Material Using Ultrasonic Rotational 3D Shear Wave Elasticity Imaging
* MimickNet, Mimicking Clinical Image Post- Processing Under Black-Box Constraints
Includes: Palmeri, M.L.[Mark L.] Palmeri, M.L.
Palmeri, V.[Vincenzo]
Co Author Listing * Terrestrial Photogrammetry-GIS Methodology for Measuring Rill Erosion at the Sparacia Experimental Area, Sicily
Palmero, C.[Cristina]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Sleep System Recommendation by Multi-modal RBG-Depth-Pressure Anthropometric Analysis
* BeLFusion: Latent Diffusion for Behavior-Driven Human Motion Prediction
* Context-Aware Personality Inference in Dyadic Scenarios: Introducing the UDIVA Dataset
* DualH: A Dual Hierarchical Model for Temporal Action Localization
* Dyadformer: A Multi-modal Transformer for Long-Range Modeling of Dyadic Interactions
* Emotional Features of Interactions with Empathic Agents
* Generative Video Face Reenactment by AUs and Gaze Regularization
* in2IN: Leveraging individual Information to Generate Human INteractions
* Multi-modal RGB-Depth-Thermal Human Body Segmentation
* On the Effect of Observed Subject Biases in Apparent Personality Analysis From Audio-Visual Signals
* Person Perception Biases Exposed: Revisiting the First Impressions Dataset
* REACT 2024: the Second Multiple Appropriate Facial Reaction Generation Challenge
* Seamless Human Motion Composition with Blended Positional Encodings
Includes: Palmero, C.[Cristina] Palmero, C.
13 for Palmero, C.
Palmese, G.[Gianfranco]
Co Author Listing * ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UHF-VHF Bands: First Results of the 2018 Helicopter-Borne Morocco Desert Campaign, The
* On the Capabilities of the Italian Airborne FMCW AXIS InSAR System
Palmia, A.[Ankur]
Co Author Listing * Fuzzy clustering-based image segmentation techniques used to segment magnetic resonance imaging/computed tomography scan brain tissues: Comparative analysis
Palmieri, F.[Francesco]
Co Author Listing * Discrete Greens methods and their application to two-dimensional phase unwrapping
* Distributed Linear Block Coding for Cooperative Wireless Communications
* Knowledge Transfer for Scene-Specific Motion Prediction
* Securing the internet of vehicles through lightweight block ciphers
* Theoretical Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithms with an Infinite Population in Continuous Space: Analysis of the Diversification Role of Crossover
* Theoretical Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithms with an Infinite Population in Continuous Space: Basic Properties of Selection and Mutation
Includes: Palmieri, F.[Francesco] Palmieri, F.
Palmieri, F.A.N.
Co Author Listing * Bayesian Analysis of Behaviors and Interactions for Situation Awareness in Transportation Systems
* Long-term path prediction in urban scenarios using circular distributions
* Online Bayesian learning and classification of ship-to-ship interactions for port safety
* Real-Time Estimation of Planar Surfaces in Arbitrary Environments Using Microsoft Kinect Sensor
* Semantic Cross-View Matching
Includes: Palmieri, F.A.N. Palmieri, F.A.N.[Francesco A.N.]
Palmieri, G.
Co Author Listing * 3WPS: A 3D web-based process visualization framework
* Image devices for pattern recognition
Palmieri, L.
Co Author Listing * Matching Light Field Datasets from Plenoptic Cameras 1.0 and 2.0
* Nash Meets Wertheimer: Using Good Continuation in Jigsaw Puzzles
* Novel Confidence Measure for Disparity Maps by Pixel-Wise Cost Function Analysis, A
* Optimizing the Lens Selection Process for Multi-focus Plenoptic Cameras and Numerical Evaluation
* Plenoptic 2.0 Toolbox: Benchmarking of Depth Estimation Methods for MLA-Based Focused Plenoptic Cameras, The
* Semantic Motif Segmentation of Archaeological Fresco Fragments
* Simulation of Plenoptic Cameras
* THÖR-Magni: Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning Models for Role-conditioned Human Motion Prediction
Includes: Palmieri, L. Palmieri, L.[Luca] Palmieri, L.[Luigi]
8 for Palmieri, L.
Palmieri, M.
Co Author Listing * Shape Based Classification of Seismic Building Structural Types
Palmieri, V.
Co Author Listing * novel 3D user interface for the immersive design review, A
Palmisano, D.[Davide]
Co Author Listing * SARSense Campaign: Air- and Space-Borne C- and L-Band SAR for the Analysis of Soil and Plant Parameters in Agriculture, The
* Sentinel-1 Sensitivity to Soil Moisture at High Incidence Angle and the Impact on Retrieval Over Seasonal Crops
Palmisano, R.[Ralf]
Co Author Listing * Comparison of Methods for Splitting of Touching and Overlapping Macrophages in Fluorescent Micrographs
Palmo, G.[Gunther]
Co Author Listing * Classification of bioacoustic time series based on the combination of global and local decisions
* Multiple Classifier Systems for the Recognition of Orthoptera Songs
Includes: Palmo, G.[Gunther] Palmo, G.[Günther]
Palmonari, F.[Federico]
Co Author Listing * Scintillation Counters of the High-Energy Particle Detector of the China Seismo-Electromagnetic (CSES-02) Satellite, The
Palmsten, M.L.[Margaret L.]
Co Author Listing * Coastal Imaging Research Network (CIRN), The
* On the Potential for Remote Observations of Coastal Morphodynamics from Surf-Cameras
* Sea State from Single Optical Images: A Methodology to Derive Wind-Generated Ocean Waves from Cameras, Drones and Satellites