Nand, A.K.
Co Author Listing * Scene Grammar in Human and Machine Recognition of Objects and Scenes
Nand, P.
Co Author Listing * Improved Selective Facial Extraction Model for Age Estimation, An
Nanda, A.[Abhilasha]
Co Author Listing * Combined center dispersion loss function for deep facial expression recognition
* KOLOMVERSE: Korea Open Large-Scale Image Dataset for Object Detection in the Maritime Universe
* Person Re-identification Using Clustering Ensemble Prototypes
* Weighted Co-clustering Based Clustering Ensemble
Includes: Nanda, A.[Abhilasha] Nanda, A.[Aparajita] Nanda, A.
Nanda, H.[Harsh]
Co Author Listing * EigenGait: Motion-Based Recognition of People Using Image Self-Similarity
* robust elliptical head tracker, A
* Visual Tracking Using Depth Data
Includes: Nanda, H.[Harsh] Nanda, H.
Nanda, P.K.[Pradipta Kumar]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Feature Fusion and Spatio-Temporal Background Modeling in KDE Framework for Object Detection and Shadow Removal
* Bias field estimation and segmentation of MR image using modified fuzzy-C means algorithms
* Change Information Based Fast Algorithm for Video Object Detection and Tracking, A
* Classification of Objects and Background Using Parallel Genetic Algorithm Based Clustering
* Entropy based region selection for moving object detection
* Evolutionary Based Slow and Fast Moving Video Object Detection Scheme Using Compound Markov Random Field Model, An
* Joint parameter estimation and restoration using MRF models and homotopy continuation method
* multiresolution approach to color image restoration and parameter estimation using homotopy continuation method, A
* Registration of CT and MR image in multi-resolution framework using embedded entropy and feature fusion
* Tsallis and Renyi's embedded entropy based mutual information for multimodal image registration
* Unsupervised Color Image Segmentation Using Compound Markov Random Field Model
Includes: Nanda, P.K.[Pradipta Kumar] Nanda, P.K.
11 for Nanda, P.K.
Nanda, S.[Susmit]
Co Author Listing * Causal Video Segmentation Using Superseeds and Graph Matching
* Retracted Paper: Invariance image analysis using modified Zernike moments
* Superpixel-Based Causal Multisensor Video Fusion
* Tree coding of image subbands
Includes: Nanda, S.[Susmit] Nanda, S.
Nanda, S.J.[Satyasai Jagannath]
Co Author Listing * Denoising hyperspectral images using Hilbert vibration decomposition with cluster validation
* Improved framework of many-objective evolutionary algorithm to handle cloud detection problem in satellite imagery
Nanda, V.[Vidit]
Co Author Listing * Persistence Paths and Signature Features in Topological Data Analysis
* Survey of Vectorization Methods in Topological Data Analysis, A
Nandakishor, S.
Co Author Listing * Design of Manipuri Keywords Spotting System using HMM
Nandakumar, K.[Karthik]
Co Author Listing * 50 years of biometric research: Accomplishments, challenges, and opportunities
* Attack To Defend: Exploiting Adversarial Attacks for Detecting Poisoned Models
* Biometric Authentication: System Security and User Privacy
* Biometric fusion: Does modeling correlation really matter?
* Biometric Template Protection: Bridging the performance gap between theory and practice
* Cancelable Biometrics Vault: A Secure Key-Binding Biometric Cryptosystem based on Chaffing and Winnowing
* CaPriDe Learning: Confidential and Private Decentralized Learning Based on Encryption-Friendly Distillation Loss
* CLIP2Protect: Protecting Facial Privacy Using Text-Guided Makeup via Adversarial Latent Search
* Coarse-to-Fine Pseudo-Labeling (C2FPL) Framework for Unsupervised Video Anomaly Detection, A
* Collaborative Learning of Anomalies with Privacy (CLAP) for Unsupervised Video Anomaly Detection: A New Baseline
* Diffusemix: Label-Preserving Data Augmentation with Diffusion Models
* Evading Forensic Classifiers with Attribute-Conditioned Adversarial Faces
* Fingerprint Matching
* FLIP: Cross-domain Face Anti-spoofing with Language Guidance
* Fusion in Multibiometric Identification Systems: What about the Missing Data?
* Hardening Fingerprint Fuzzy Vault Using Password
* hybrid biometric cryptosystem for securing fingerprint minutiae templates, A
* Integrating Faces, Fingerprints, and Soft Biometric Traits for User Recognition
* Introduction to Biometrics
* introduction to biometrics, An
* Lifelong Learning of Task-Parameter Relationships for Knowledge Transfer
* Likelihood Ratio-Based Biometric Score Fusion
* Multi-Attribute Vision Transformers are Efficient and Robust Learners
* Multi-Head Approach with Shuffled Segments for Weakly-Supervised Video Anomaly Detection, A
* Multibiometric Template Security Using Fuzzy Vault
* On matching latent fingerprints
* Principled Approach to Score Level Fusion in Multimodal Biometric Systems, A
* Privacy Enhanced Decision Tree Inference
* Quality-based Score Level Fusion in Multibiometric Systems
* Score normalization in multimodal biometric systems
* Securing fingerprint template: Fuzzy vault with minutiae descriptors
* Soft Biometric Traits for Personal Recognition Systems
* Unified Model for Face Matching and Presentation Attack Detection using an Ensemble of Vision Transformer Features, A
Includes: Nandakumar, K.[Karthik] Nandakumar, K.
33 for Nandakumar, K.
Nandakumar, R.[Rajalakshmi]
Co Author Listing * 3D Localization for Subcentimeter-Sized Devices
* Automated End-to-End Multi-Agent QoS Based Architecture for Selection of Geospatial Web Services, An
Includes: Nandakumar, R.[Rajalakshmi] Nandakumar, R.
Nandakumaran, A.K.
Co Author Listing * Ultrasound-modulated optical tomography: direct recovery of elasticity distribution from experimentally measured intensity autocorrelation
Nandal, A.[Amita]
Co Author Listing * Fuzzy enhanced image fusion using pixel intensity control
Nandal, S.[Savita]
Co Author Listing * Fractional-Order Anisotropic Diffusion for Defogging of RGB Images
Nandalike, R.[Rajesh]
Co Author Listing * Multimodal image feature detection with ROI-based optimization for image registration
Nandam, S.[Srinivasa]
Co Author Listing * GMML is All You Need
Nandama, S.[Srinivasa]
Co Author Listing * Investigating Self-Supervised Methods for Label-Efficient Learning
Nandan, A.D.M.[A.D. Mahit]
Co Author Listing * Classifying Emotional States Through EEG-Derived Spectrograms
Nandan, R.[Rohit]
Co Author Listing * Evaluating Optical Remote Sensing Methods for Estimating Leaf Area Index for Corn and Soybean
Nandan, V.[Vishnu]
Co Author Listing * Detecting Melt Pond Onset on Landfast Arctic Sea Ice Using a Dual C-Band Satellite Approach
* Diurnal Scale Controls on C-Band Microwave Backscatter From Snow-Covered First-Year Sea Ice During the Transition From Late Winter to Early Melt
* Incidence Angle Dependence of HH-Polarized C- and L-Band Wintertime Backscatter Over Arctic Sea Ice
* Ku-, X- and C-Band Microwave Backscatter Indices from Saline Snow Covers on Arctic First-Year Sea Ice
* Multifrequency Microwave Backscatter From a Highly Saline Snow Cover on Smooth First-Year Sea Ice: First-Order Theoretical Modeling
* Snow and Ice Thickness Retrievals Using GNSS-R: Preliminary Results of the MOSAiC Experiment
* Snow Thickness Estimation on First-Year Sea Ice from Late Winter Spaceborne Scatterometer Backscatter Variance
Includes: Nandan, V.[Vishnu] Nandan, V.
7 for Nandan, V.
Nandanwar, L.[Lokesh]
Co Author Listing * Chebyshev-Harmonic-Fourier-Moments and Deep CNNs for Detecting Forged Handwriting
* Forged text detection in video, scene, and document images
* Local Gradient Difference Features for Classification of 2D-3D Natural Scene Text Images
* new deep CNN for 3D text localization in the wild through shadow removal, A
* New Deep Wavefront Based Model for Text Localization in 3D Video, A
* New Language-Independent Deep CNN for Scene Text Detection and Style Transfer in Social Media Images, A
* Oil palm tree counting in drone images
7 for Nandanwar, L.
Nandanwar, S.[Sharad]
Co Author Listing * DivGroup: A Diversified Approach to Divide Collection of Patterns into Uniform Groups
Nande, P.[Pedro]
Co Author Listing * O.G.R.E.: Open Gestures Recognition Engine, a Platform for Gesture-Based Communication and Interaction
Nandedkar, A.V.[Abhijeet V.]
Co Author Listing * Crowd anomaly detection and localization using histogram of magnitude and momentum
* fuzzy min-max neural network classifier with compensatory neuron architecture, A
* Object Recognition Using Reflex Fuzzy Min-Max Neural Network with Floating Neurons
* Reflex Fuzzy Min Max Neural Network for Granular Data Classification, A
* Text-graphics separation to detect logo and stamp from color document images: A spectral approach
Includes: Nandedkar, A.V.[Abhijeet V.] Nandedkar, A.V. Nandedkar, A.V.[Amit Vijay]
Nandedkar, V.
Co Author Listing * novel progressive thick slab paradigm for volumetric medical image compression and navigation, A
Nandhakumar, N.[Nandu]
Co Author Listing * email: Nandhakumar, N.[Nandu]: Nandhu AT nandhakumar Net
* Accurate Stereo Correspondence Method for Textured Scenes Using Improved Power Cepstrum Techniques, An
* Accurate Structure and Motion Computation in the Presence of Range Image Distortions Due to Sequential Acquisition
* Artificial Intelligence Approach to Pattern Recognition: A Perspective and an Overview, The
* automated stereoscopic coal profiling system: CCLPS, An
* Computing the View Orientations of Random Projections of Asymmetric Objects
* Determination of the Relative Orientation of Projections of Asymmetric Objects
* Dominant-Subspace Invariants
* Effects of Camera Alignment Errors on Stereoscopic Depth Estimates
* Empirical Performance Analysis of Linear Discriminant Classifiers
* Estimating image motion from smear: a sensor system and extensions
* Estimating the Viewing Parameters of Random, Noisy Projections of Asymmetric Objects for Tomographic Reconstruction
* Features for Detecting Obscured Objects in Ultra-Wide-Band (UWB) SAR Imagery Using a Phenomenological Approach
* Geometric, Algebraic, and Thermophysical Techniques for Object Recognition in IR Imagery
* Harmonic Retrieval Framework for Discontinuous Motion Estimation, A
* Image Motion Estimation From Motion Smear: A New Computational Model
* Image Segmentation Using Laser Radar Data
* Improved Power Cepstrum Based Stereo Correspondence Method for Textured Scenes, An
* Integrated Analysis of Thermal and Visual Images for Scene Interpretation
* Integrated Modelling of Thermal and Visual Image Generation
* Integrating Information from Thermal and Visual Images for Scene Analysis
* Investigating a New Visual Cue for Image Motion Estimation: Motion-from-Smear
* Linear Discriminant Analysis of MPF for Face Recognition
* Machine Vision System for Enhancing the Teleoperation of an Industrial Robot, A
* Model-Based Interpretation of Stereo Imagery of Textured Surfaces
* Multisensor Fusion for Automatic Scene Interpretation
* Multisensor Fusion for Scene Perception: Integrating Thermal and Visual Imagery
* Multisensor Integration for Underwater Scene Classification
* Multisensor Integration: Experiments in Integrating Thermal and Visual Sensors
* Object Motion And Structure Recovery for Robotic Vision Using Scanning Laser Range Sensors
* On the Computation of Motion from Sequences of Images: A Review
* Physics-Based Approach for Detecting Man-Made Objects in Ultra-Wideband SAR Imagery, A
* Physics-Based Integration of Multiple Sensing Modalities for Scene Interpretation
* Projective Recovery of Structure from Nonrigid Motion Using Temporal Fusion
* Pyramid-Based Image Segmentation Using Multisensory Data
* Recent Progress in the Recognition of Objects from Range Data
* Recovering the Viewing Parameter of Random, Translated and Noisy Projections of Asymmetric Objects
* reliable descriptor for face objects in visual content, A
* Representation of Deformable Object Structure and Motion for Autonomous Manipulation Using Relative Elasticity
* Robust Feature Evaluation For Multisensory Computer Vision
* Robust Physics-Based Analysis of Thermal and Visual Imagery
* Robust Thermophysics-Based Interpretation of Radiometrically Uncalibrated IR Images for ATR and Site Change Detection
* Sensor Fusion and Aerospace Applications II
* Simple Scheme for Motion Boundary Detection, A
* Spatio-temporal approach for time-varying image motion estimation
* Spatiotemporal Approach for Time-Varying Global Image Motion Estimation
* Thermal and Visual Information Fusion for Outdoor Scene Perception
* Thermophysical Affine Invariants from IR Imagery for Object Recognition
* Thermophysical Algebraic Invariants from Infrared Imagery for Object Recognition
* Unified 3D Models for Multisensor Image Synthesis
* Unified Modeling of Nonhomogeneous 3D Objects for Thermal and Visual Image Synthesis
* Using Elimination Methods to Compute Thermophysical Algebraic Invariants from Infrared Imagery
* Using Partial Shape Knowledge for Stereo Reconstruction
* View-Invariant Regions and Mobile Robot Self-Localization
* Vision-Based Framework for the Discovery-Driven Manipulation of Nonrigid Objects, A
Includes: Nandhakumar, N.[Nandu] Nandhakumar, N.
55 for Nandhakumar, N.
Nandhini, K.
Co Author Listing * Pre-consultation help necessity detection based on gait recognition
Nandhini, S.A.[S. Aasha]
Co Author Listing * Compressive sensing for images using a variant of Toeplitz matrix for wireless sensor networks
Nandi, A.K.
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Constant Modulus Blind Equalization Algorithm and Its Stochastic Stability Analysis, An
* Adaptive Morphological Reconstruction for Seeded Image Segmentation
* Blind Phase-Amplitude Modulation Classification with Unknown Phase Offset
* Breast cancer diagnosis using genetic programming generated feature
* Dynamic Convolution Self-Attention Network for Land-Cover Classification in VHR Remote-Sensing Images
* Exploiting non-gaussianity in blind identification and equalisation of MIMO FIR channels
* Feature generation using genetic programming with application to fault classification
* Genetic algorithms for feature selection in machine condition monitoring with vibration signals
* Linking Brain Responses to Naturalistic Music Through Analysis of Ongoing EEG and Stimulus Features
* Medical image segmentation using deep learning: A survey
* Method for calculating first-order derivative based feature saliency information in a trained neural network and its application to handwritten digit recognition
* MFP-Net: Multi-scale feature pyramid network for crowd counting
* Multi-Modality and Multi-Scale Attention Fusion Network for Land Cover Classification from VHR Remote Sensing Images
* Multiclass Classification Based on Extended Support Vector Data Description
* Multiresolution and Hybrid Bayesian Algorithms for Automatic Detection of Change Points
* Neutral offspring controlling operators in genetic programming
* Novel fuzzy reinforced learning vector quantisation algorithm and its application in image compression
* Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation Using Adversarial Consistency Learning and Dynamic Convolution Network
* Toward breast cancer diagnosis based on automated segmentation of masses in mammograms
* Unified Flowing Normality Learning for Rotating Machinery Anomaly Detection in Continuous Time-Varying Conditions
* Unsupervised Change Detection Using Fast Fuzzy Clustering for Landslide Mapping from Very High-Resolution Images
* Unsupervised Segmentation of Retinal Blood Vessels Using a Single Parameter Vesselness Measure
* Watermarking with low embedding distortion and self-propagating restoration capabilities
Includes: Nandi, A.K. Nandi, A.K.[Asoke K.]
23 for Nandi, A.K.
Nandi, A.V.[Anil V.]
Co Author Listing * Memory-efficient spatial prediction image compression scheme
Nandi, D.[Debashis]
Co Author Listing * Empirical wavelet transform-based fog removal via dark channel prior
* Human Pose Estimation in Monocular Omnidirectional Top-View Images
* New Microslice Technology for Hyperspectral Imaging
* Novel Approach for Ex Situ Water Quality Monitoring Using the Google Earth Engine and Spectral Indices in Chilika Lake, Odisha, India, A
* Sparse representation based multi-frame image super-resolution reconstruction using adaptive weighted features
Includes: Nandi, D.[Debashis] Nandi, D.[Dipankar] Nandi, D. Nandi, D.[Debabrata]
Nandi, G.[Gypsy]
Co Author Listing * Systematic study and design of multimodal MRI image augmentation for brain tumor detection with loss aware exchange and residual networks
Nandi, G.C.
Co Author Listing * Efficacy of gesture for communication among humanoid robots by fuzzy inference method
* Feature Extraction and Selection for Emotion Recognition from Electrodermal Activity
* speed invariant human identification system using gait biometrics, A
Nandi, M.[Meghali]
Co Author Listing * Handloom Design Generation Using Generative Networks
Nandi, P.K.
Co Author Listing * Estimation of atmospheric boundary layer using Kalman filter technique
Nandi, S.
Co Author Listing * ADCROSS: Adaptive Data Collection from Road Surveilling Sensors
* Assessment of the Catastrophic Asia Floods and Potentially Affected Population in Summer 2020 Using VIIRS Flood Products
* BioFors: A Large Biomedical Image Forensics Dataset
* Blockchain-Based Adaptive Trust Management in Internet of Vehicles Using Smart Contract
* Certified Adversarial Robustness Within Multiple Perturbation Bounds
* distance based clustering method for arbitrary shaped clusters in large datasets, A
* MONet: Multi-Scale Overlap Network for Duplication Detection in Biomedical Images
* Objects from Animacy: Joint Discovery in Shape and Haar Feature Space
* SIGN: Spatial-information Incorporated Generative Network for Generalized Zero-shot Semantic Segmentation
* Spectroformer: Multi-Domain Query Cascaded Transformer Network For Underwater Image Enhancement
* TrainFors: A Large Benchmark Training Dataset for Image Manipulation Detection and Localization
Includes: Nandi, S. Nandi, S.[Sreela] Nandi, S.[Soumyaroop] Nandi, S.[Sukumar] Nandi, S.[Soumalya] Nandi, S.[Sudipto]
11 for Nandi, S.
Nandi, S.K.[Sunit Kumar]
Co Author Listing * Blockchain-Based Adaptive Trust Management in Internet of Vehicles Using Smart Contract
Nandi, U.[Utpal]
Co Author Listing * robust watermarking approach for medical image authentication using dual image and quorum function, A
Nandigam, V.[Viswanath]
Co Author Listing * Statewide USGS 3DEP Lidar Topographic Differencing Applied to Indiana, USA
Nandin, B.[Benjamin]
Co Author Listing * Enactive Steering of an Experiential Model of the Atmosphere
Nanding, N.[Nergui]
Co Author Listing * Characteristics of Precipitation and Floods during Typhoons in Guangdong Province
* Evaluation and Applicability Analysis of GPM Satellite Precipitation over Mainland China
* Hydrological Evaluation of Satellite-Based Precipitation Products in Hunan Province
* Statistical Bias Correction of Precipitation Forecasts Based on Quantile Mapping on the Sub-Seasonal to Seasonal Scale
Nandini, A.
Co Author Listing * Image quality quantification for fingerprints using quality-impairment assessment
Nandini, R.
Co Author Listing * Image Representation Using Vector Wavelets
Nandintsetseg, B.[Banzragch]
Co Author Listing * Satellite-Based Analysis of Spatiotemporal Wildfire Pattern in the Mongolian Plateau
Nandlall, S.[Sacha]
Co Author Listing * Using Growing-Season Time Series Coherence for Improved Peatland Mapping: Comparing the Contributions Sentinel-1 and RADARSAT-2 Coherence in Full and Partial Time Series
Nandlall, S.D.
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Pulse Wave Imaging: Automated Spatial Vessel Wall Inhomogeneity Detection in Phantoms and in-Vivo
* Piecewise Pulse Wave Imaging (pPWI) for Detection and Monitoring of Focal Vascular Disease in Murine Aortas and Carotids In Vivo
Nandoriya, A.
Co Author Listing * Video Reflection Removal Through Spatio-Temporal Optimization
Nanduri, A.[Anirudh]
Co Author Listing * Semi-Supervised Cross-Spectral Face Recognition with Small Datasets
Nandy, A.
Co Author Listing * Densenet Based Robust Face Detection Framework, A
* Developing a Semi-Automated Near-Coastal, Water Quality-Retrieval Process from Global Multi-Spectral Data: South-Eastern Australia
* speed invariant human identification system using gait biometrics, A
Includes: Nandy, A. Nandy, A.[Avik] Nandy, A.[Anup]
Nandy, D.
Co Author Listing * EXM eigen templates for detecting and classifying arbitrary junctions
* Generalized Expansion Matching Based Feature Extractor, A
* Generalized Feature Extraction Using Expansion Matching
* Generalized Feature Extractor Using Expansion Matching and the Karhunen-Loeve Transform, A
* neural network approach for reconstructing surface shape from shading, A
* Recovery of 3-d Face Structure Using Recognition
* Representation of Objects in a Volumetric Frequency Domain with Application to Face Recognition
* Shape from Recognition and Learning: Recovery of 3D Face Shapes
* Shape from Recognition: A Novel Approach for 3-D Face Shape Recovery
* Using the Fourier Slice Theorem for Representation of Object Views and Models with Application to Face Recognition
* Volumetric/Iconic Frequency-Domain Representation for Objects with Application for Pose Invariant Face Recognition, A
Includes: Nandy, D. Nandy, D.[Dibyendu]
11 for Nandy, D.
Nandy, J.[Jay]
Co Author Listing * Distributional Shifts In Automated Diabetic Retinopathy Screening
* Normal Similarity Network for Generative Modelling
Nandy, K.[Kaustav]
Co Author Listing * Face image quality for actor profile image curation
* Homography based Player Identification in Live Sports
Nandy, S.[Subrata]
Co Author Listing * Aboveground Forest Biomass Estimation by the Integration of TLS and ALOS PALSAR Data Using Machine Learning
* Intra- and Inter-annual Trends of Sun-induced Fluorescence (SIF) For Contrasting Vegetation Types of India
* Reliable pose estimation of underwater dock using single camera: A scene invariant approach
Includes: Nandy, S.[Subrata] Nandy, S. Nandy, S.[Sambhunath]
Nandy, S.C.[Subhas Chandra]
Co Author Listing * Algorithms for computing diffuse reflection paths in polygons
* Discriminant analysis with a stochastic supervisor
* Efficiency of discriminant analysis when initial samples are classified stochastically
* Efficiency of logistic-normal stochastic supervision
* On the Construction of Planar Embedding for a Class of Orthogonal Polyhedra
* Simple algorithms for partial point set pattern matching under rigid motion
Includes: Nandy, S.C.[Subhas Chandra] Nandy, S.C. Nandy, S.C.[Subhas C.]
Nandy, S.K.[Soumitra Kumar]
Co Author Listing * Method for efficient low power motion estimation of a video frame sequence
Nandyal, S.S.[Suvarna S.]
Co Author Listing * Base and apex angles and margin types-based identification and classification from medicinal plants' leaves images
* method for identification and classification of medicinal plant images based on level set segmentation and SVM classification, A
Nandzik, J.[Jan]
Co Author Listing * new framework for automatic quality assessment of print media, A