Journals starting with hann

Hannover13 * *ISPRS Hannover Workshop
* Analysis of X-Band Very High Resolution Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Data over Urban Areas
* Applicability Analysis of Ultra-Light UAV for Flooding Site Survey in South Korea
* Approach for the Semi-Automatic Verification of 3D Building Models
* Automatic Detection and Recognition of Man-Made Objects in High Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using Hierarchical Semantic Graph Model
* Automatic Detection of Storm Damages Using High-Altitude Photogrammetric Imaging
* Automatic Feature-Based Point Cloud Registration for a Moving Sensor Platform
* Automatic Orientation of Large Blocks of Oblique Images
* Backscattering of Individual LIDAR Pulses from Forest Canopies Explained by Photogrammetrically Derived Vegetation Structure
* Building Extraction Using Multi Sensor Systems
* Characteristics and Accuracy of Large Area Covering Height Models
* Classification of Water Surfaces Using Airborne Topographic LIDAR Data
* Complementarity of SAR Polarimetry and Tomography for Building Detection and Characterization
* Creation of 3D Models from Large Unstructured Image and Video Datasets
* Crowdsourced Mapping: Letting Amateurs into the Temple?
* Data Fusion for Building Reconstruction from Multi-Aspect INSAR Data
* Data Mining for Knowledge Discovery from Object-Based Segmentation of VHR Remotely Sensed Imagery
* Data Processing Concepts for the Integration of SAR into Operational Volcano Monitoring Systems
* Delineation of Building Footprints from High Resolution Satellite Stereo Imagery Using Image Matching and a GIS Database
* Determination of Glacier Surface Area Using Spaceborne SAR Imagery
* Discrete Topology Based Hierarchical Segmentation for Efficient Object-Based Image Analyis: Application to Object Detection in High Resolution Satellite Images
* DSMS Generation from COSMO-SKYMED, RADARSAT-2 AND TERRASAR-X Imagery on Beauport (Canada) Test Site: Evaluation and Comparison of Different Radargrammetric Approaches
* Effect of Different GNSS Solutions on the Direct Sensor Orientation Accuracy, The
* Enhanced Component Detection Algorithm of Full-Waveform LIDAR Data
* Estimation of Biomass Potential Based on Classification and Height Information
* EUFODOS: European Forest Downstream Services: Improved Information on Forest Structure and Damage
* Evaluation of Persistent Scatterer Patterns at Building Facades by Simulation Techniques
* Evaluation of PLEIADES-1A Triplet on Trento Testfield
* Evaluation of SAR Data as Source of Ground Control Information: First Results
* Evaluation of ZY-3 For DSM and Ortho Image Generation
* Exploiting Shadow Evidence and Iterative Graph-Cuts for Efficient Detection of Buildings in Complex Environments
* Extraction of Building Shape from Tandem-X Data
* Filtering Airborne LIDAR Data by an Improved Morphological Method Based on Multi-Gradient Analysis
* From DSM to 3D Building Models: A Quantitative Evaluation
* Fully Automatic Optical Processing System CATENA at DLR, The
* Geometric Correction of Airborne Linear Array Image Based on Bias Matrix
* Geospectral Camera: A Compact and Geometrically Precise Hyperspectral and High Spatial Resolution Imager, The
* High Resolution Temporal Normalized Difference Vegetation Indices for Specific Crop Identification
* How to Pan-Sharpen Images Using the Gram-Schmidt Pan-Sharpen Method: A Recipe
* Integration of LIDAR Data into a Municipal GIS to Study Solar Radiation
* Investigation on Circular Mapping by FMCW-SAR on Small Airplanes
* Labeling of Clusters Based on Critical Analysis of Texture Measures
* Line-Based Registration of DSM and Hyperspectral Images
* Model-to-Image Registration and Automatic Texture Mapping Using a Video Sequence Taken by a Mini UAV
* Monitoring Concepts for Coastal Areas Using LIDAR Data
* Multi-Source Hierarchical Conditional Random Field Model for Feature Fusion of Remote Sensing Images and LIDAR Data
* Multidirectional Building Detection in Aerial Images without Shape Templates
* Near Real-Time Automatic Marine Vessel Detection on Optical Satellite Images
* New Light-Weight Stereosopic Spectrometric Airborne Imaging Technology for High-Resolution Environmental Remote Sensing: Case Studies in Water Quality Mapping
* Object-Based Analysis of Aerial Photogrammetric Point Cloud and Spectral Data for Land Cover Mapping
* Occlusion Detection by Height Gradient for True Orthophoto Generation, Using Lidar Data
* Operational SAR Data Processing in GIS Environments for Rapid Disaster Mapping
* Performance Evaluation of Thermographic Cameras for Photogrammetric Measurements
* Precise 2-D and 3-D Ground Target Localization with TerraSAR-X
* Radiometric Block Adjusment and Digital Radiometric Model Generation
* Rapid Acquisition of Environmental Information After Accidents with Hazardous Cargo Through Remote Sensing by UAV
* Rapid Geometric Correction of SSC TERRASAR-X Images with Direct Georeferencing, Global DEM and Global Geoid Models
* Real and Simulated Waveform Recording LIDAR Data in Boreal Juvenile Forest Vegetation
* Reference LIDAR Surfaces for Enhanced Aerial Triangulation and Camera Calibration
* Registration of Optical Data with High-Resolution SAR Data: A New Image Registration Solution
* Rigorous Georeferencing of ALSAT-2A Panchromatic and Multispectral Imagery
* Road Region Detection in Urban Areas Combining High-Resolution RGB Image and Laser Scanning Data in a Classification Framework
* Roads Centre-Axis Extraction in Airborne SAR Images: An Approach Based on Active Contour Model with the Use of Semi-Automatic Seeding
* Supporting UAVS in Low Visibility Conditions by Multiple-Pulse Laser Scanning Devices
* Synergetics Framework for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Tandem-X Mission: Overview, Status and Outlook
* Towards Change Detection in Urban Area by SAR Interferometry and Radargrammetry
* Transformation from Green to Concrete Cities; A Remote Sensing Perspective, The
* Transmission Line Theory Based Two Layer Model for Determining Soil Moisture
* Using Lattice Topology Information to Investigate Persistent Scatterers at Facades in Urban Areas
* Using Morphological Differential Attribute Profiles for Change Categorization in High Resolution SAR Images
* Using Satellite Images for Wireless Network Planing in Baku City
72 for Hannover13

Hannover17 * *Hannover Workshop
* 3d Data Acquisition Based On Opencv for Close-range Photogrammetry Applications
* Accurate And Fast Building Detection Using Binary Bag-of-features
* Accurate Estimation of Orientation Parameters of UAV Images Through Image Registration with Aerial Oblique Imagery
* Application of Softmax Regression And Its Validation for Spectral-based Land Cover Mapping
* Assessing Temporal Behavior in Lidar Point Clouds of Urban Environments
* Attitude Modelling Method Based On the Inherent Frequency of A Satellite Platform, An
* Automated Road Roughness Detection From Mobile Laser Scanning Data, An
* Automatic Classification Of High Resolution Satellite Imagery: A Case Study For Urban Areas In The Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia
* Automatic Rooftop Extraction in Stereo Imagery Using Distance And Building Shape Regularized Level Set Evolution
* Building Detection Using Aerial Images and Digital Surface Models
* Building Extraction From Remote Sensing Data Using Fully Convolutional Networks
* Building Roof Boundary Extraction From Lidar And Image Data Based On Markov Random Field
* Calibrating And Testing New Ultracam Sensors
* Challenges And Opportunities: One Stop Processing of Automatic Large-scale Base Map Production Using Airborne Lidar Data Within GIS Environment. Case Study: Makassar City, Indonesia
* Change Detection of Remote Sensing Images By DT-CWT and MRF
* Change Detection Via Selective Guided Contrasting Filters
* Compact And Hybrid Feature Description for Building Extraction
* Correlation Analysis of Subsidence Monitoring By D-insar And The Change of Urban Construction Land, The
* Cubesat-derived Detection of Seagrasses Using Planet Imagery Following Unmixing-based Denoising: Is Small the Next Big?
* Data Processing for the Space-based DESIS Hyperspectral Sensor
* Detection And 3D Modelling of Vehicles From Terrestrial Stereo Image Pairs
* Detection Method of Artificial Area From High Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based On Multi Scale And Multi Feature Fusion, A
* DTM Generation From Terrasar-x Using Tin Algorithm in Papua Island, Indonesia
* Effect of Image Enhancement Methods During Feature Detection And Matching of Thermal Images, The
* Efficient Method to Create Digital Terrain Models From Point Clouds Collected By Mobile Lidar Systems, An
* Enhanced Algorithm for Automatic Radiometric Harmonization Of High-resolution Optical Satellite Imagery Using Pseudoinvariant Features And Linear Regression, An
* Exploitation of Digital Surface Models Generated From Worldview-2 Data for SAR Simulation Techniques
* Extracting Urban Morphology for Atmospheric Modeling From Multispectral and SAR Satellite Imagery
* Feature Orientation And Positional Accuracy Assessment of Digital Orthophoto And Line Map for Large Scale Mapping: the Case Study On Bahir Dar Town, Ethiopia
* Forest Stem Volume Calculation Using Airborne Lidar Data
* FOSS4G Date Assessment On the Isprs Optical Stereo Satellite Data: A Benchmark for DSM Generation
* Free Global DSM Assessment On Large Scale Areas Exploiting The Potentialities of the Innovative Google Earth Engine Platform
* Fully Automatic Feature-based Registration of Mobile Mapping And Aerial Nadir Images for Enabling the Adjustment of Mobile Platform Locations In GNSS-denied Urban Environments
* Geometric Accuracy Analysis of WorldDEM in Relation to AW3D30, SRTM and Aster GDEM2
* Geometric Calibration and Validation for the Zy3-02 Satellite Optical Image, The
* Geometric Stitching Method for Double Cameras with Weak Convergence Geometry
* Georeferencing in GNSS-challenged Environment: Integrating UWB and IMU Technologies
* Geospatial Data Processing for 3D City Model Generation, Management And Visualization
* GF-7 Imaging Simulation and DSM Accuracy Estimate
* Heterogeneity Index for the Assessment of Relationship Between Land Use Pattern and Road Traffic Congestion in Apapa-Oworoshoki Express Way, Lagos Metropolis
* Hierarchical Regularization of Polygons for Photogrammetric Point Clouds of Oblique Images
* Hierarchical Structure From Motion Combining Global Image Orientation And Structureless Bundle Adjustment
* Impact Assessment of Mikania Micrantha On Land Cover And Maxent Modeling to Predict Its Potential Invasion Sites
* Integrated Rapid Mapping System for Disaster Management, An
* Integrated Use of Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS Technology for Monitoring The Environmental Problem of Shyamnagar
* Land Use/land Cover Changes in Semi-arid Mountain Landscape in Southern India: A Geoinformatics Based Markov Chain Approach
* Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager Change Detection Analysis
* Landslide Monitoring Using INSAR Time-series and GPS Observations, Case Study: Shabkola Landslide In Northern Iran
* Lane Level Localization; Using Images and HD Maps to Mitigate The Lateral Error
* Learning Oriented Region-based Convolutional Neural Networks for Building Detection in Satellite Remote Sensing Images
* Manhole Cover Localization in Aerial Images with A Deep Learning Approach
* Metric Evaluation Pipeline for 3D Modeling of Urban Scenes
* Mtf Determination of Sentinel-4 Detector Arrays
* Multi-resolution Fusion Model Incorporating Color And Elevation For Semantic Segmentation, A
* Multi-scale Segmentation of High Resolution Remote Sensing Images By Integrating Multiple Features
* Multi-Temporal Land Cover Classification with Sequential Recurrent Encoders
* New DTM Extraction Approach from Airborne Images Derived DSM
* Object Manifold Alignment for Multi-temporal High Resolution Remote Sensing Images Classification
* Oblique Photogrammetry Supporting 3D Urban Reconstruction of Complex Scenarios
* On the Design of High Resolution Imaging Systems
* Pointing Angle Calibration of Zy3-02 Satellite Laser Altimeter Using Terrain Matching
* Problems And Limitations of Satellite Image Orientation For Determination of Height Models
* Processing of Crawled Urban Imagery for Building Use Classification
* Reconstructing Buildings with Discontinuities And Roof Overhangs From Oblique Aerial Imagery
* Registration Method of Point Clouds Collected By Mobile Lidar Using Solely Standard Las Files Information, A
* Relative Camera Pose Estimation Method Using Optimization On The Manifold
* Relative Orientation And Modified Piecewise Epipolar Resampling For High Resolution Satellite Images
* Remote Sensing Techniques To Assess Post-fire Effects at the Hillslope and Sub-Basin Scales Via Multi-scale Model
* Robust Cylinder Fitting In Three-dimensional Point Cloud Data
* Roof Type Selection Based On Patch-based Classification Using Deep Learning for High Resolution Satellite Imagery
* SAPC: Application for Adapting Scanned Analogue Photographs to Use Them In Structure From Motion Technology
* SAR And Oblique Aerial Optical Image Fusion for Urban Area Image Segmentation
* Second Iteration of Photogrammetric Pipeline to Enhance the Accuracy Of Image Pose Estimation
* Segmentation of Point Clouds with K-means and ANN (Artifical Neural Network), The
* Sentinel-2 Global Reference Image Validation And Application To Multitemporal Performances And High Latitude Digital Surface Model
* Shutter-less Temperature-dependent Correction for Uncooled Thermal Camera Under Fast Changing FPA Temperature
* Simulation of Inertial Navigation System Errors At Aerial Photography From UAV
* Spectral Reconstruction Based On SVM for Cross Calibration
* Splitting Terraced Houses Into Single Units Using Oblique Aerial Imagery
* Stress Monitoring of Mulberry Plants By Finding Rep Using Hyperspectral Data
* Structure-from-motion for Calibration of A Vehicle Camera System With Non-overlapping Fields-of-view in An Urban Environment
* Study of the Integration of Lidar And Photogrammetric Datasets By In Situ Camera Calibration And Integrated Sensor Orientation
* Study On High Resolution Membrane-based Diffractive Optical Imaging On Geostationary Orbit
* Tie Point Matching Strategy For Very High Resolution Sar-optical Stereogrammety Over Urban Areas, A
* Towards the Optimal Pixel Size of DEM for Automatic Mapping of Landslide Areas
* Two-step Decision Fusion Strategy: Application to Hyperspectral And Multispectral Images for Urban Classification, A
* Uncertainty Assessment And Weight Map Generation for Efficient Fusion of TANDEM-X and Cartosat-1 DEMS
* Unmixing-based Denoising As A Pre-processing Step for Coral Reef Analysis
* Use of Vertical Aerial Images for Semi-oblique Mapping
* Variable Selection for Road Segmentation in Aerial Images
* Vegetation Analysis And Land Use Land Cover Classification Of Forest In Uttara Kannada District India Through Geo-informatics Approach
* Verification of the Sentinel-4 Focal Plane Subsystem
* Vertical Accuracy Assessment of Zy-3 Digital Surface Model Using Icesat/glas Laser Altimeter Data
* Vertical Accuracy Comparison of Digital Elevation Model From Lidar And Multitemporal Satellite Imagery
* Voxel Based Segmentation of Large Airborne Topobathymetric Lidar Data
* Weakly Supervised Segmentation-aided Classification of Urban Scenes From 3D Lidar Point Clouds
97 for Hannover17

Index for "h"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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