Update Dates 8811

8811 * *Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision VII
* *Mobile Robots III
* *Sensor Fusion: Spatial Reasoning and Scene Interpretation
* *Visual Communications and Image Processing '88
* 2D Invariant Object Recognition Using Distributed Associative Memory
* 3-D heart image reconstructed from MRI data
* 3D cuboid scene understanding by a mixed cognitive graph and log-complex mapping paradigm
* 3D-segmentation and display of tomographic imagery
* Acquiring a polyhedral structure through face extraction and verification
* Adaptive spatial filtering for digital images
* algorithm to extract convex hull on thetas Hough transform space, An
* Algorithms for coding scanned halftone pictures
* Algorithms for massively parallel image processing architectures
* Analysis and manipulation methods of geographic informations
* Analysis and modeling of digitized straight-line segments
* Apparatus and method of attenuating distortion introduced by a predictive coding image compressor
* Application of a knowledge-based system to the interpretation of ultrasound images
* application of pattern recognition for the prediction of the coal mining water irruption, The
* AR automatic method for tracing the lineups on seismic section, The
* architecture based on hybrid systems for analyzing 3D industrial scenes, An
* Attributed conditional L-systems: a tool for image description
* Automated design of piecewise-linear classifiers of multiple-class data
* Automated Threshold Detection Using A Pyramid Structure
* Automatic detection of sister chromatid exchange
* automatic pattern recognition method for the processing of long slit spectral images, An
* Automatic recognition of 3-D objects via geographic encoding
* Best first strategy for feature selection
* Biplane analysis of atheromatous coronary arteries
* Boundary estimation in complex imagery using Fourier descriptors
* Boundary Matching Algorithm for Connected Component Labelling Using Linear Quadtrees
* Classification images of cardiac wall motion abnormalities
* Classification of Handprinted Chinese Characters Using Non-Linear Normalization And Correlation Methods
* Clumping with feature selection and Occam's razor
* Comparison of eigenvector-based pattern recognition algorithms for hybrid systems
* Comparison of X2 and K Statistics in Finding Signal and Picture Periodicity
* Compatibility and consensus in numerical taxonomy
* Computer-aided interpretation of forest radar images
* Computing shape changes in SOLANUM tuberosa slices viewed through a stereo microscope
* Connected filters for noise removal
* Construction of the Octree Approximating Three-Dimensional Objects by Using Multiple Views
* contextual method for electroencephalogram recognition, A
* Continuous Image Interpretation By A Moving Viewer
* Counting Straight Lines
* Curvilinear Feature Detection from Curvature Estimation
* Data compression
* Database Capture System for Mechanical Drawings Using an Efficient Multi-Dimensional Graphical Data Structure, A
* Deformable models
* Description of 3-D Object in Range Image
* design and implementation of dip arrow plot pattern recognition system, The
* Determining the 3-D structure of serial-sectioned microscopic objects: analysis and limitations
* Digital squares
* Double Subgraph Isomorphism Method for Matching LSI Chip Images
* Dynamic programming approach for context classification using the Markov random field
* dynamic target recognition system, A
* efficient method to build early image description, An
* ERRORS-2: A 3-D Object Recognition System Using Aspect Graphs
* estimation of error bounds and feature selection in large character set recognition, The
* Estimation of error rates using smoothed estimators
* Evaluation of methods for shaded surface display of CT-volumes
* Evaluation of yarn regularity using computer vision
* Evidence-Based Recognition of 3-D Objects
* Existence of Geometrical Density-Image Transformations Corresponding to Object Motion, The
* experimental system for the waveform recognition of impedance plethysmography, An
* Experiments with an N-Tuple Recogniser for Fast First Try Recognition of Unconstrained Handwritten Symbols
* expert system for pattern recognition based on features and knowledge, An
* expert system for the automatic classification and description of zooplanktons from monocular images, An
* Expert Systems for Image Processing: Knowledge-Based Composition of Image Analysis Processes
* Extended Viterbi algorithm for second order hidden Markov process
* Extraction of accurate stomach contour from X-ray images of barium filled stomachs
* Extraction of Edges in 3D Range Images to Subpixel Accuracy
* fast and effective stereo matching method-implementation aspects, A
* fast computational method for minimum square error transform, A
* Feature selection based on some homogeneity coefficient
* Font- and Size-Invariant Character Recognition with Greyvalue Image Features
* Functional computer for low level image processing
* Further Results on DRF Method for Edge Detection
* Fuzzy morphology and image analysis
* Fuzzy-weighted distance and its applications in pattern recognition and classification
* Generating the initial hypothesis using perspective invariants for a 2D image and 3D model matching
* geometric approach to inspection, A
* Heuristics for Intermediate-Level Road Finding Algorithms
* Hierarchical 2D shape representation and compression by rectangles
* Hierarchical Chamfer Matching: A Parametric Edge Matching Algorithm
* Hierarchical Inference Scheme For High-Level Image Understanding
* Hybrid Approach to Range Image Segmentation, A
* Hyperquadrics: Smoothly Deformable Shapes with Convex Polyhedral Bounds
* ICC statistic as criterion for classification and feature selection
* Identification of Autocorrelation Model of Discrete Random Images, The
* Image Enhancement Using Sliding Histograms
* Image Labeling: A Neural Network Approach
* Image processing apparatus with high- and low-resolution image sensors and an edge detector
* Image processing method and apparatus therefor
* Image processing on a SIMD/SPMD architecture: OPSILA
* Image Registration by Local Approximation Methods
* improvement on consecutive Hamming method and its application to deciding the earthquake-prone regions, The
* Information preserving image compression for archiving NMR images
* interactive implementation of nonparametric partitioning in ISPAHAN, An
* investigation of object-oriented programming as the basis for an image processing and analysis system, An
* KIDS (knowledge-based diagnosis system)-a specialized architecture
* Knowledge based ISOETRP clustering procedure
* Knowledge Structuring and Constraint Satisfaction: The Mapsee Approach
* Knowledge-Based Improvement of Automatic Image Interpretation for Restricted Scenes: Two Case Studies
* Knowledge-guided automatic thresholding for 3-dimensional display of head MRI images
* Longest k-distance substrings of two strings
* Machine Vision Algorithms for Automated Inspection of Thin-Film Disk Heads
* MD-Tree: A Balanced Hierarchical Data Structure for Multi-Dimensional Data with Highly Efficient Dynamic Characteristics
* Measuring hepatocytes reaction to dimethylnitrosamine using computerized microscope
* Method for enhancing image data by noise reduction or sharpening
* method for high speed 3-D range measurement and its trail instrumentation, A
* method for recognizing configurations consisting of line sets and its application to discrimination of seismic face structures, A
* Method for the stereoscopic representation of image scenes with relative movement between imaging sensor and recorded scene
* Miracle-IV: Multiple Image Recognition System Aiming Concept Learning -- Intelligent Vision
* mobile robot strategy applied to Harunobu-4, A
* Mode Detection by Relaxation
* morphological study on structure line, A
* Multispectral pattern recognition of MR imagery for the noninvasive analysis of atherosclerosis
* Myofibril image processing for studying sarcomere dynamics
* new 2-D world representation system for mobile robots, A
* New Dynamic Programming Method for Stereovision Ignoring Epipolar Geometry, A
* New efficient representation of photographic images with restricted number of gray levels
* New Surface Interpolation Technique for Reconstructing 3D Objects from Serial Cross-Sections, A
* Non-Parametric Approach to Linear Feature Extraction: Application to Classification of Binary Synthetic Textures, A
* Nonlinear transformations of digitized patterns
* Nonparametric feature selection for multiple class processes
* Observations of the choice of reconstruction matrix in magnetic resonance imaging
* Occlusion-free 3D recovery using mirror images
* On decomposition of structure element for mathematical morphology
* On isomorphisms of attributed relational graphs for pattern analysis and a new branch and bound algorithm
* On Shape from Shading
* On Smoothness of a Vector Field: Application to Optical Flow
* On the accuracy of a bootstrap estimate of the classification error
* On the Geometry of a Surface and Its Singular Profiles
* On the Number of Digital Straight Line Segments
* On the relationship between augmented transition network and attributed grammar
* On the representation of training tables in a K-valued code and the construction of empirical regularities
* On-Line Cursive Script Recognition Using Local Affine Transform
* On-Line Hand-Drawn Line-Figure Recognition and Its Application
* On-Line Handwriting Recognition: A Survey
* One-Dimensional Regularization with Discontinuities
* One-pass preprocessing algorithm for real-time image processing system
* Optical pattern recognition using correlation procedure for rotation- and scale-invariant feature extraction
* Optimal Transformation for Discriminant and Principal Component Analysis, An
* Optimization of a monochrome picture coding scheme based on a two-component model
* Orthonormal Bases of Compactly Supported Wavelets
* Pattern recognition, image processing, related data analysis and expert systems integrated in medical microscopy
* Pessimal Guesses May Be Optimal: A Counterintuitive Search Result
* PIS: a probabilistic inference system
* Practical convergence properties of adaptive LMS algorithm
* Precision Edge Contrast and Orientation Estimation
* preliminary approach to the design and evaluation of a reconfigurable architecture for computer vision, A
* processing and recognition of X-rays of spine tumor, The
* Pyramid Segmentation in 2D and 3D Images Using Local Optimization
* Quadtree Traversal Algorithms for Pointer-Based and Depth-First Representations
* Quantitative diagnosis of pneumoconiosis based on recognition of small rounded opacities in chest X-ray images
* Query Based Visual Analysis: Spatio-Temporal Reasoning in Computer Vision
* Recent developments of the minimum entropy algorithm
* Recognition of echocardiograms by a dynamic programming matching method
* Recognition of heart sounds and murmurs for cardiac diagnosis
* Recognizing conic shape: a nonlinear iterative approach
* Reconstruction of rotatory moving image from projections
* Reconstruction of Two-Dimensional Patterns from Fourier Descriptors
* research of a basic language of expert systems for pattern recognition-design and realization of LOG-BASIC programming language, The
* Restoration of rotationally blurred images
* Robust Algorithm for Text String Separation from Mixed Text/Graphics Images, A
* Robust linear prediction based on adaptive lattice filter
* Robust multi-agent decision making in faulty environment
* rock classification expert system, A
* Rule-Driven Processing And Recognition From Range Images
* scale-space chip, A
* Schistosome egg recognition using the top-down search strategy
* segmentation and object extraction algorithm with linear memory and time constraints, A
* Segmentation of echocardiographic images
* Semiautomatic classification of secondary healing ulcers in multispectral images
* Shape estimation in computer tomography from minimal data
* Shape preserving properties of some operations on binary pictures
* similarity value transformation method for probabilistic scoring, A
* simulation system for brain and plastic surgeries using CT images, A
* Solving the stiff problem in computer vision by trade-off optimization
* Some applications of simulated annealing to pattern recognition
* Spatial Thresholding Method for Image Segmentation, A
* Spline-Based Recognition of Straight Lines and Curves in Engineering Line Drawings
* Structure of Irreducible Digital Sets Obtained by Thinning Algorithms, The
* study of human brain electrical activity: A topographic mapping approach, The
* Syntactic Approach for Building a Knowledge-Based Pattern Recognition System, A
* Three-Dimensional Shape Analysis Using Moments and Fourier Descriptors
* Three-Module Strategy for Edge Detection, A
* tomographic flow imaging system based on capacitance measuring techniques, A
* Topology-Based Component Extractor for Understanding Electronic Circuit Diagrams, A
* Total 8-connectivity on the square raster
* Towards the automatic reconstruction of a 3-D animated model for the coronary tree from biplane angiograms
* Tracing surface intersections
* two pass labeling algorithm for automatic schistosome egg detection and counting, A
* unified structural-stochastic model for texture analysis and synthesis, A
* Use of a Relational Pyramid Representation for View Classes in a CAD-to-Vision System, The
* Validation of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) multispectral tissue classification
* Variable block-size transform image coder
* very efficient strategy for very large data sets clustering: application to image segmentation, A
* Vision system for turbine inspection
* Writer Identification Based on the Arc Pattern Transformation
* X-ray image processing using fuzzy technology
* Yet another mesh array smart sensor?
201 for 8811

Index for "8"

Last update:28-Aug-24 17:08:17
Use price@usc.edu for comments.