Update Dates 0903

0903 * 1/f Noise in Diffuse Optical Imaging and Wavelet-Based Response Estimation
* 140-MHz 94 K Gates HD1080p 30-Frames/s Intra-Only Profile H.264 Encoder, A
* 2D ultrasound image segmentation using graph cuts and local image features
* 2DVTE: A two-directional videotext extractor for rapid and elaborate design
* 3-D reconstruction and automatic fusion of edge maps from different modalities of an object
* 3D Target Scale Estimation and Target Feature Separation for Size Preserving Tracking in PTZ Video
* 3D Vehicle Extraction and Tracking from Multiple Viewpoints for Traffic Monitoring by using Probability Fusion Map
* 3D volume extraction of densely packed cells in EM data stack by forward and backward graph cuts
* A-contrario Detectability of Spots in Textured Backgrounds
* A-IFS Histon Based Multithresholding Algorithm for Color Image Segmentation
* Accelerating the multiple reference frames compensation in the H.264 video coder
* Accurate appearance-based Bayesian tracking for maneuvering targets
* Action Recognition Using a Bio-Inspired Feedforward Spiking Network
* Adaptive active appearance model with incremental learning
* Adaptive Approach to Topographic Feature Extraction from Digital Terrain Models, An
* Adaptive Distortion-Based Intra-Rate Estimation for H.264/AVC Rate Control
* Adaptive lambda-enhancement: Type I versus type II fuzzy implementation
* Adaptive Regularization Parameter for Pseudo Affine Projection Algorithm
* Adaptive Tone Mapping Algorithm for High Dynamic Range Images, An
* Aggregation Approach to Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction, An
* Amplitude metrics for field retrieval with hard-edged and uniformly illuminated apertures
* Analysis by Wavelet Frames of Spatial Statistics in SAR Data for Characterizing Structural Properties of Forests
* Appearance Modeling Using a Geometric Transform
* Approximate Matching of Digital Point Sets Using a Novel Angular Tree
* Architecture of an application-specific processor for real-time implementation of H.264/AVC sub-pixel interpolation
* Arranging and Interpolating Sparse Unorganized Feature Points With Geodesic Circular Arc
* Assessing Spatial Uncertainty of Lidar-derived Building Model: A Case Study in Downtown Oklahoma City
* Assessment of Geometric Activity Features for Per-pixel Classification of Urban Man-made Objects using Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery, An
* Asymmetric Principal Component and Discriminant Analyses for Pattern Classification
* Authors reply Sharing secrets in stego images with authentication
* automated GA-based fuzzy image enhancement method, An
* Automatic and Accurate Extraction of Road Intersections from Raster Maps
* Automatic Defect Classification Using Frequency and Spatial Features in a Boosting Scheme
* Automatic Detection of Anatomical Landmarks in Uterine Cervix Images
* Automatic localization of the center of fiducial markers in 3D CT/MRI images for image-guided neurosurgery
* Automatic Model-Based Estimation of Boreal Forest Stem Volume From Repeat Pass C-band InSAR Coherence
* Automatic recognition of handwritten medical forms for search engines
* Automatic reconstruction of 3D human motion pose from uncalibrated monocular video sequences based on markerless human motion tracking
* Backward Adaptive Pixel-based Fast Predictive Motion Estimation
* Bayesian Image Recovery for Dendritic Structures Under Low Signal-to-Noise Conditions
* Bayesian Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis Using Random Fields
* Binary image registration using cellular simultaneous recurrent networks
* Binary Morphology With Spatially Variant Structuring Elements: Algorithm and Architecture
* Biorthogonal wavelet construction for hybrid quad/triangle meshes
* Branch-and-Bound Methods for Euclidean Registration Problems
* Building Local Features from Pattern-Based Approximations of Patches: Discussion on Moments and Hough Transform
* CamShift guided particle filter for visual tracking
* car detection system based on hierarchical visual features, A
* Cascade multitemporal classification based on fuzzy Markov chains
* Cayley Transformation and Numerical Stability of Calibration Equation
* Character recognition with two spiking neural network models on multicore architectures
* Class dependent feature scaling method using naive Bayes classifier for text datamining
* Class Specific Object Recognition using Kernel Gibbs Distributions
* Classification of Hyperspectral Images With Regularized Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Classification of Paper Images to Predict Substrate Parameters Prior to Print
* Classification of pathological shapes using convexity measures
* Cloaking locations for anonymous location based services: A hybrid approach
* Closed-Form Expression of the Positional Uncertainty for 3D Point Clouds, A
* closed-form reduction of multi-class cost-sensitive learning to weighted multi-class learning, A
* Code-Division Multiple Transmission for High-Speed UWB Radar Imaging With an Antenna Array
* Color Constancy Algorithm Selection Using CART
* Color image segmentation using morphological clustering and fusion with automatic scale selection
* Color Information Processing in Higher Brain Areas
* Color Reproduction Using Riemann Normal Coordinates
* Color Stereo Matching Cost Applied to CFA Images
* Colorimetric Study of Spatial Uniformity in Projection Displays, A
* Colour Representation in Lateral Geniculate Nucleus and Natural Colour Distributions
* Combined Wavelet-Domain and Motion-Compensated Video Denoising Based on Video Codec Motion Estimation Methods
* comment on Sharing secrets in stego images with authentication, A
* Comment on: 'Extended Hough transform for linear feature detection'
* Comment: Projection Methods Require Black Border Removal
* Comparative evaluation of maximum a Posteriori vector quantization and Gaussian mixture models in speaker verification
* comparative study of two state-of-the-art sequence processing techniques for hand gesture recognition, A
* Comparing Internal Model Control and Sliding-Mode Approaches for Vehicle Yaw Control
* Compressed sensing for face recognition
* Computationally Efficient Technique for Image Colorization, A
* Computer-Aided Evaluation of Screening Mammograms Based on Local Texture Models
* Conditionally Gaussian Hypermodels For Cerebral Source Localization
* Consensus fingerprint matching with genetically optimised approach
* consensus sampling technique for fast and robust model fitting, A
* Contextual classification of high-resolution satellite images
* Contextual Classification of Image Patches with Latent Aspect Models
* Continuous Glass Patterns for Painterly Rendering
* Contour Grouping Based on Contour-Skeleton Duality
* Contrast, constancy, and measurements of perceived lightness under parametric manipulation of surface slant and surface reflectance
* Convex Hodge Decomposition and Regularization of Image Flows
* Convex Optimization Approach for Depth Estimation Under Illumination Variation, A
* Coregistered FDG PET/CT-Based Textural Characterization of Head and Neck Cancer for Radiation Treatment Planning
* Correlation Denormalization in Interferometric or Polarimetric Radiometers: A Unified Approach
* Correlation-Based Motion Vector Processing With Adaptive Interpolation Scheme for Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation
* Cost-Effective Hidden Markov Model-Based Image Segmentation
* Critical Motion Detection of Nearby Moving Vehicles in a Vision-Based Driver-Assistance System
* Cross Layer Design and Analysis of Multiuser Wireless Video Streaming Over 802.11e EDCA
* Data dependency in multiple classifier systems
* Data hiding in grayscale images by dynamic programming based on a human visual model
* Deblurring from Highly Incomplete Measurements for Remote Sensing
* design and the development of a hyperspectral and multispectral airborne mapping system, The
* Destriping MODIS Data Using Overlapping Field-of-View Method
* Detecting Concealment of Intent in Transportation Screening: A Proof of Concept
* Detection and segmentation of moving objects in complex scenes
* Detection and Segmentation of Multiple, Partially Occluded Objects by Grouping, Merging, Assigning Part Detection Responses
* detection cell using multiple points of a rotating triangle to find local planar regions from stereo depth data, A
* Determination of Myosin Filament Orientations in Electron Micrographs of Muscle Cross Sections
* Determination of the essential matrix using discrete and differential matching constraints
* Different metaheuristic strategies to solve the feature selection problem
* Diffusion Tensor Imaging Tractography Algorithm Based on Navier-Stokes Fluid Mechanics, A
* Digital Khalimsky Manifolds
* Dimensionality Reduction Based on Tensor Modeling for Classification Methods
* Directly Manipulated Free-Form Deformation Image Registration
* Discrete optimization in computer vision
* Discrimination of disease-related non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms using multi-scale RBF kernel fuzzy support vector machine
* distance-relatedness dynamic model for clustering high dimensional data of arbitrary shapes and densities, A
* Distribution-Based Dimensionality Reduction Applied to Articulated Motion Recognition
* dual belief propagation method for shape recognition, A
* Dynamic Hierarchical Clustering Method for Trajectory-Based Unusual Video Event Detection, A
* Dynamic Quality Control for Transform Domain Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Edge-Detected Guided Morphological Filter for Image Sharpening
* Edit-Distance Model for the Approximate Matching of Timed Strings, An
* effect of spatial autocorrelation and class proportion on the accuracy measures from different sampling designs, The
* Effective dimensionality reduction in multimedia applications
* Efficient Approach To Color Image Segmentation Using Intermediate Features Of Maximum Overlap Wavelet Transform In Peak Finding Algorithm, An
* efficient architecture for hardware implementations of image processing algorithms, An
* efficient image-mosaicing method based on multifeature matching, An
* Efficient Implementation for Spherical Flux Computation and Its Application to Vascular Segmentation
* Efficient Shadow Detection of Color Aerial Images Based on Successive Thresholding Scheme
* Efficient Visual Search of Videos Cast as Text Retrieval
* Elastic Shape Models for Face Analysis Using Curvilinear Coordinates
* Embedded lattices tree: An efficient indexing scheme for content based retrieval on image databases
* Empirical Capacity of a Recognition Channel for Single- and Multipose Object Recognition Under the Constraint of PCA Encoding
* Enhanced MC-EZBC Scalable Video Coder
* Ensemble component selection for improving ICA based microarray data prediction models
* Equivalent Key Frames Selection Based on Iso-Content Principles
* Erratum to Distance measure between intuitionistic fuzzy sets
* Error Analysis and Performance Evaluation of a Future-Trajectory-Based Cooperative Collision Warning System
* Error Analysis for Image-Based Rendering with Depth Information
* Error Analysis in Homography Estimation by First Order Approximation Tools: A General Technique
* Estimating 3D Positions and Velocities of Projectiles from Monocular Views
* Estimating vertical plant area density profile and growth parameters of a wheat canopy at different growth stages using three-dimensional portable lidar imaging
* Estimation of Surface Roughness Parameter in Intertidal Mudflat Using Airborne Polarimetric SAR Data
* Estimation of the Minimum Number of Tracks for SAR Tomography
* Estimation of the Surface Velocity Field of the Aletsch Glacier Using Multibaseline Airborne SAR Interferometry
* Evaluating AISA+ Hyperspectral Imagery for Mapping Black Mangrove along the South Texas Gulf Coast
* Event Analysis Based on Multiple Interactive Motion Trajectories
* Exemplar-Based Video Inpainting Without Ghost Shadow Artifacts by Maintaining Temporal Continuity
* Expansive competitive learning for kernel vector quantization
* Exploitation of Ship Scattering in Polarimetric SAR for an Improved Classification Under High Clutter Conditions
* Facial feature detection using distance vector fields
* Fast adaptive termination mode selection for H.264 scalable video coding
* Fast and Accurate Far-Field Pseudopolar Format Radar Imaging Algorithm, A
* Fast and Log-Euclidean Polyaffine Framework for Locally Linear Registration, A
* Fast detection of marker pixels in video-based motion capture systems
* Fast Macroblock Mode Selection Algorithm for Multiview Video Coding
* Fast Multilevel Algorithm for Wavelet-Regularized Image Restoration, A
* Fast Object Segmentation by Growing Minimal Paths from a Single Point on 2D or 3D Images
* Fast, Accurate and Shift-Varying Line Projections for Iterative Reconstruction Using the GPU
* Feature selection with dynamic mutual information
* Fields of Experts
* Filtered Backprojection Algorithm for Triple-Source Helical Cone-Beam CT, A
* Flexible forward error correction codes with application to partial media data recovery
* Foreground-Adaptive Background Subtraction
* Foreword to the Special Issue on Retrieval of Bio- and Geophysical Parameters From SAR Data for Land Applications
* Foreword to the Special Issue on Unmanned Airborne Vehicle (UAV) Sensing Systems for Earth Observations
* Four-Color Theorem and Level Set Methods for Watershed Segmentation
* Frame layer rate control for H.264/AVC with hierarchical B-frames
* Function Approximation Method for Images with Grading Regions, A
* fusion-based approach to digital movie restoration, A
* Gabor wavelet based vessel segmentation in retinal images
* Gaussian kernel optimization for pattern classification
* Generating segmented meshes from textured color images
* genetic algorithm with gene rearrangement for K-means clustering, A
* Geodesic Matting: A Framework for Fast Interactive Image and Video Segmentation and Matting
* Geometric Approach to Measure-Based Metric in Image Segmentation
* Geometric Framework and a New Criterion in Optical Flow Modeling, A
* Geometric matching for clip-art drawing retrieval
* Geometrical superresolved imaging using nonperiodic spatial masking
* Geometry-Based Demosaicking
* Geometry-Driven Distributed Compression of the Plenoptic Function: Performance Bounds and Constructive Algorithms
* Georeferencing Accuracy Assessment of High-Resolution Satellite Images Using Figure Condition Method
* Glacier Velocity Monitoring by Maximum Likelihood Texture Tracking
* Globally accelerated reconstruction algorithm for diffusion tomography with continuous-wave source in an arbitrary convex shape domain
* GPS Contribution to the Error Budget of Surface Elevations Derived From Airborne LIDAR, The
* GPS Multipath Mitigation for Urban Area Using Omnidirectional Infrared Camera
* GPU-Based Optimization of a Free-Viewpoint Video System
* Gradient Estimation Using Wide Support Operators
* graph cut optimization guided by 3D-features for surface height recovery, A
* Graph-based semi-supervised learning with multiple labels
* Gray-level Texture Characterization Based on a New Adaptive Nonlinear Auto-Regressive Filter
* Guest Editorial, Special Issue Introduction
* Hand-based verification and identification using palm-finger segmentation and fusion
* HDS, a real-time multi-DSP motion estimator for MPEG-4 H.264 AVC high definition video encoding
* Head Pose Estimation in Computer Vision: A Survey
* hierarchical approach to recognition of handwritten Bangla characters, A
* High Angular Resolution Diffusion MRI Segmentation Using Region-Based Statistical Surface Evolution
* Histogram Thresholding Using Fuzzy and Rough Measures of Association Error
* Human pose estimation from corrupted silhouettes using a sub-manifold voting strategy in latent variable space
* Hybrid Image Restoring Algorithm for Interlaced Video, A
* hybrid method for facial recognition systems, A
* Hybrid Modeling of Intra-DCT Coefficients for Real-Time Video Encoding
* hybrid probabilistic framework for content-based image retrieval with feature weighting, A
* Hybridization of particle swarm optimization with the K-Means algorithm for image classification
* Identification of Sparse Audio Tampering Using Distributed Source Coding and Compressive Sensing Techniques
* Identifying centers of circulating and spiraling vector field patterns and its applications
* Illuminant Change Estimation via Minimization of Color Histogram Divergence
* Illumination Chromaticity Estimation Based on Dichromatic Reflection Model and Imperfect Segmentation
* Illumination robust interest point detection
* Image description using joint distribution of filter bank responses
* Image description with features that summarize
* Image encryption by multiple random grids
* Image Enhancement for Fluid Lens Camera Based on Color Correlation
* Image Fusion for Enhanced Visualization: A Variational Approach
* Image Processing by Topological Asymptotic Expansion
* Image Reconstruction Based On Combination Of Wavelet Decomposition, Inpainting And Texture Synthesis
* Image registration for sequence of visual images captured by UAV
* Image segmentation by a contrario simulation
* Image Transformations and Blurring
* Image-based tree modeling from a few images with very narrow viewing range
* IMM-Based Lane-Change Prediction in Highways With Low-Cost GPS/INS
* Improved Image Re-indexing Technique by Self Organizing Motor Maps, An
* improved rate control algorithm based on a novel shot detection scheme for the H.264/AVC standard, An
* Improved Resolution Scalability for Bilevel Image Data in JPEG2000
* Improved Side Information Generation for Distributed Video Coding by Exploiting Spatial and Temporal Correlations
* improved time-adaptive self-organizing map for high-speed shape modeling, An
* Improving the characterization of the alternative hypothesis via minimum verification error training with applications to speaker verification
* Improving Zernike Moments Comparison for Optimal Similarity and Rotation Angle Retrieval
* Impulse Noise Removal Using Directional Difference Based Noise Detector and Adaptive Weighted Mean Filter
* Impulse noise suppression with an augmentation of ordered difference noise detector and an adaptive variational method
* In-Car Positioning and Navigation Technologies: A Survey
* Incorporating Human Contrast Sensitivity in Model Observers for Detection Tasks
* Instantaneous 3D motion from image derivatives using the Least Trimmed Square regression
* Integrated Optimization of Video Server Resource and Streaming Quality Over Best-Effort Network
* Inter-modality registration of NMRi and histological section images using neural networks regression in Gabor feature space
* Interactive broadcast services for live soccer video based on instant semantics acquisition
* Interactive visualization of video content and associated description for semantic annotation
* Interest Points for Hyperspectral Image Data
* Interoperable Control Architecture for Cybercars and Dual-Mode Cars
* Introducing skip mode in distributed video coding
* Invariances, Laplacian-Like Wavelet Bases, and the Whitening of Fractal Processes
* Investigation of Fish-Eye Lenses for Small-UAV Aerial Photography
* Issues About Retinex Theory and Contrast Enhancement
* Iterative Multiview Side Information for Enhanced Reconstruction in Distributed Video Coding
* Iterative Off-Resonance and Signal Decay Estimation and Correction for Multi-Echo MRI
* Iterative Subspace Analysis Based on Feature Line Distance
* JBIG for Printer Pipelines: A Compression Test
* Joint Estimation and Correction of Geometric Distortions for EPI Functional MRI Using Harmonic Retrieval
* Joint reconstruction of Stokes images from polarimetric measurements
* Joint Sulcal Detection on Cortical Surfaces With Graphical Models and Boosted Priors
* K-Means Clustering Versus Validation Measures: A Data-Distribution Perspective
* KANSEI Based Clothing Fabric Image Retrieval
* Latent Style Model: Discovering writing styles for calligraphy works
* Learning an Orthogonal and Smooth Subspace for Image Classification
* Learning Assignment Order of Instances for the Constrained K-Means Clustering Algorithm
* Learning Fast Emulators of Binary Decision Processes
* Learning Generative Models for Multi-Activity Body Pose Estimation
* Lip Shape and Hand Position Fusion for Automatic Vowel Recognition in Cued Speech for French
* locally constrained radial basis function for registration and warping of images, A
* lossless data embedding technique by joint neighboring coding, A
* lossy/lossless compression method for printed typeset bi-level text images based on improved pattern matching, A
* Low Bit-Rate Image Compression via Adaptive Down-Sampling and Constrained Least Squares Upconversion
* Low quality document image modeling and enhancement
* Low-complexity quantization for H.264/AVC
* Low-Cost Solution for an Integrated Multisensor Lane Departure Warning System, A
* Low-Rank Matrix Fitting Based on Subspace Perturbation Analysis with Applications to Structure from Motion
* Make3D: Learning 3D Scene Structure from a Single Still Image
* Mapping the understorey of deciduous woodland from leaf-on and leaf-off airborne LiDAR data: A case study in lowland Britain
* Masked fake face detection using radiance measurements
* Matching Local Invariant Features with Contextual Information: An Experimental Evaluation
* Material Classification for Printed Circuit Boards by Spectral Imaging System
* MCA: A Multichannel Approach to SAR Autofocus
* Median graph: A new exact algorithm using a distance based on the maximum common subgraph
* Metamer density estimated color correction
* method based on rank-ordered filter to detect edges in cellular image, A
* Metric Approach to nD Images Edge Detection with Clifford Algebras, A
* Metric planar rectification from perspective view via circles
* Mode-kn Factor Analysis for Image Ensembles
* Model-Based Compensation of Topographic Effects for Improved Stem-Volume Retrieval From CARABAS-II VHF-Band SAR Images
* Model-based signature verification with rotation invariant features
* Modeling Multiscale Subbands of Photographic Images with Fields of Gaussian Scale Mixtures
* Modelling and segmenting subunits for sign language recognition based on hand motion analysis
* Modelling Spatio-Temporal Saliency to Predict Gaze Direction for Short Videos
* Models for Patch-Based Image Restoration
* modified fuzzy c-means algorithm with adaptive spatial information for color image segmentation, A
* modified statistical approach for image fusion using wavelet transform, A
* Morphological Background Detection and Enhancement of Images With Poor Lighting
* Morphological Diversity and Sparsity for Multichannel Data Restoration
* Morphological segmentation of binary patterns
* Morphology-Based Building Detection from Airborne Lidar Data
* Mosaicing of camera-captured document images
* Moving objects forecast in image sequences using autoregressive algorithms
* multi-plane approach for text segmentation of complex document images, A
* multi-resolution statistical deformable model (MISTO) for soft-tissue organ reconstruction, A
* Multiband Lossless Compression of Hyperspectral Images
* Multilevel Training of Binary Morphological Operators
* multimodal approach for 3D face modeling and recognition using 3D deformable facial mask, A
* Multiresolution and Wide-Scope Depth Estimation Using a Dual-PTZ-Camera System
* Multistage Spread Spectrum Watermark Detection Technique Using Fuzzy Logic
* Natural facial expression recognition using differential-AAM and manifold learning
* Near Real-Time Orthorectification and Mosaic of Small UAV Video Flow for Time-Critical Event Response
* Neighbor embedding based super-resolution algorithm through edge detection and feature selection
* Neural Network Control of Mobile Robot Formations Using RISE Feedback
* neurophysiology-inspired steady-state color appearance model, A
* new approach to image sparse decomposition based on MP, A
* New Characterizations of Simple Points in 2D, 3D, and 4D Discrete Spaces
* new framework for feature descriptor based on SIFT, A
* New Spatial Hue Angle Metric for Perceptual Image Difference, A
* New Visualization Modes For Effective Image Presentation
* No-Reference Objective Image Sharpness Metric Based on the Notion of Just Noticeable Blur (JNB), A
* Node-Based Modeling Approach for the Continuous Dynamic Network Loading Problem, A
* Non-linear Filter Response Distributions of Natural Colour Images
* Noninvasive System for Evaluating Driver Vigilance Level Examining Both Physiological and Mechanical Data, A
* Nonlinear Filtering Based Optical Flow Computation, A
* Nonparametric Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition
* Nonuniform sampling, image recovery from sparse data and the discrete sampling theorem
* novel clipping technique for filtering FM signals embedded in intensive noise, A
* Novel Connectionist System for Unconstrained Handwriting Recognition, A
* novel Fourier descriptor based image alignment algorithm for automatic optical inspection, A
* novel method for speckle noise reduction and ship target detection in SAR images, A
* Novel Multiple Image Deblurring Technique Using Fuzzy Projection onto Convex Sets, A
* NV-Tree: An Efficient Disk-Based Index for Approximate Search in Very Large High-Dimensional Collections
* Object Extraction Using a Stochastic Birth-and-Death Dynamics in Continuum
* Occlusion Boundaries from Motion: Low-Level Detection and Mid-Level Reasoning
* Occlusion-Aware View Interpolation
* Omnidirectional edge detection
* On candidates selection for hysteresis thresholds in edge detection
* On emerging techniques for multimedia content sharing, search and understanding
* On Rate-Distortion Modeling and Extraction of H.264/SVC Fine-Granular Scalable Video
* On texture and image interpolation using Markov models
* On the Choice and Placement of Wearable Vision Sensors
* On the Spatial Distribution of Fingerprint Singularities
* Online Selection of Tracking Features Using AdaBoost
* Online Updating Appearance Generative Mixture Model for Meanshift Tracking
* Optical-flow based on an edge-avoidance procedure
* Optimal Rate Allocation For Logo Watermarking
* Optimal recursive clustering of likelihood functions for multiple object tracking
* Optimization of Stereo-Matching Algorithms Using Existing DEM Data
* Ore image segmentation by learning image and shape features
* OWA filters: A robust filtering method and its application to color images
* Particle Filter Approach for InSAR Phase Filtering and Unwrapping, A
* Partitional clustering algorithms for symbolic interval data based on single adaptive distances
* Passive Error Concealment for Wavelet-Coded I-Frames With an Inhomogeneous Gauss-Markov Random Field Model
* PCA-Based Spatially Adaptive Denoising of CFA Images for Single-Sensor Digital Cameras
* Pencil Back-Projection Method for SAR Imaging
* Perceptual Color Correction: A Variational Perspective
* Perceptual Optimization for Scalable Video Compression Based on Visual Masking Principles
* Performance Analysis of Binned Orthogonal/Bi-Orthogonal Block Code as Dirty-Paper Code for Digital Watermarking Application
* Performance of Stereoradargrammetric Methods Applied to Spaceborne Monostatic-Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Personal content management system: A semantic approach
* Phase retrieval with signal bias
* phi,phi*) Image Decomposition Models and Minimization Algorithms
* Physics-based ball tracking and 3D trajectory reconstruction with applications to shooting location estimation in basketball video
* Pointwise Motion Image (PMI): A Novel Motion Representation and Its Applications to Abnormality Detection and Behavior Recognition
* Polynomial Regression Spectra Reconstruction of Arctic Charr's RGB
* Pose-Invariant Facial Expression Recognition Using Variable-Intensity Templates
* Postarthroplasty Examination Using X-Ray Images
* Predicting quality measures in beef cattle using ultrasound imaging
* Predictive Controller for Autonomous Vehicle Path Tracking, A
* Preferential Image Segmentation Using Trees of Shapes
* Probabilistic fusion-based parameter estimation for visual tracking
* Probabilistic Method for Point Matching in the Presence of Noise and Degeneracy, A
* Qualitative fusion of normalised scores in multimodal biometrics
* Qualitative Spatial Reasoning for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Analysis
* Quality Assessment of Stereoscopic Images
* Quality-aware selection of quality factor and scaling parameters in JPEG image transcoding
* Query representation by structured concept threads with application to interactive video retrieval
* Rate-Distortion Efficient Piecewise Planar 3-D Scene Representation From 2-D Images
* Reaction-diffusion algorithm for stereo disparity detection
* Real time data hiding by exploiting the IPCM macroblocks in H.264/AVC streams
* Real-Time Body Pose Recognition Using 2D or 3D Haarlets
* Real-Time Digital Image Stabilization System Using Modified Proportional Integrated Controller
* Real-time elliptical head contour detection under arbitrary pose and wide distance range
* Real-time error concealing bitstream adaptation methods for SVC in IPTV systems
* Real-time interactive regions of interest in H.264/AVC
* Real-Time Moving Vehicle Detection With Cast Shadow Removal in Video Based on Conditional Random Field
* Reconstruction of Complex Shape Buildings from Lidar Data Using Free Form Surfaces
* Reconstruction of reflectance data using an interpolation technique
* Recovery of upper body poses in static images based on joints detection
* Recurrent network-based face recognition using image sequences
* Reference-free Machine Vision Inspection Of Semiconductor Die Images
* Region Segmentation in the Frequency Domain Applied to Upper Airway Real-Time Magnetic Resonance Images
* Region-based image retrieval using color-size features of watershed regions
* Regularized Framework for Feature Selection in Face Detection and Authentication, A
* Regularizing Flows over Lie Groups
* Relevance tuning in content-based retrieval of structurally-modeled images using Particle Swarm Optimization
* Replicator Dynamics in the Iterative Process for Accurate Range Image Matching
* Research on computer vision-based for UAV autonomous landing on a ship
* Resident Location-Recognition Algorithm Using a Bayesian Classifier in the PIR Sensor-Based Indoor Location-Aware System
* Response to Projection Methods Require Black Border Removal
* Restoration of Aqua MODIS Band 6 Using Histogram Matching and Local Least Squares Fitting
* Retrieval of online handwriting by synthesis and matching
* Review and comparative evaluation of symbolic dynamic filtering for detection of anomaly patterns
* Robust Estimation of Albedo for Illumination-invariant Matching and Shape Recovery
* Robust Higher Order Potentials for Enforcing Label Consistency
* Robust image corner detection based on scale evolution difference of planar curves
* Robust Subpixel Motion Estimation Algorithm Using HOS in the Parametric Domain, A
* robust surface matching technique for coastal geohazard assessment and management, A
* Robust Wavelet-Based Super-Resolution Reconstruction: Theory and Algorithm
* Role of Tie Points in Integrated Sensor Orientation for Photogrammetric Map Compilation
* Rotation and intensity invariant shoeprint matching using Gabor transform with application to forensic science
* Seeing the Objects Behind the Dots: Recognition in Videos from a Moving Camera
* Segmentation According to Natural Examples: Learning Static Segmentation from Motion Segmentation
* Selective Deblurring for Improved Calcification Visualization and Quantification in Carotid CT Angiography: Validation Using Micro-CT
* Semantic clustering for region-based image retrieval
* Separating hypersurfaces of SVMs in input spaces
* Shape deformation in continuous map generalization
* Shape Reconstruction and Camera Self-Calibration Using Cast Shadows and Scene Geometries
* Shape representation and description using the Hilbert curve
* Shape Representation with Elastic Quadratic Polynomials: Preservation of High Curvature Points under Noisy Conditions, A
* Shear Wave Spectroscopy for In Vivo Quantification of Human Soft Tissues Visco-Elasticity
* Short-Range Ship Navigation System Based on Ladar Imaging and Target Tracking for Improved Safety and Efficiency, A
* Side-Information Generation for Temporally and Spatially Scalable Wyner-Ziv Codecs
* Sign Language by Cellphone
* simultaneous learning framework for clustering and classification, A
* Simultaneous Localized Feature Selection and Model Detection for Gaussian Mixtures
* Skeletal Shape Abstraction from Examples
* Smart Car Control Model for Brake Comfort Based on Car Following, A
* Solution to the Ill-Conditioned GPS Positioning Problem in an Urban Environment, A
* Spatio-Temporal Just Noticeable Distortion Profile for Grey Scale Image/Video in DCT Domain
* Spatio-temporal Tone Mapping Operator Based on a Retina Model
* Stereo Matching Using Population-Based MCMC
* stochastic graph grammar for compositional object representation and recognition, A
* Structure Tensor of Colour Quaternion Image Representations for Invariant Feature Extraction
* Subjective Evaluation of Spatial Resolution and Quantization Noise Tradeoffs
* Subpixel edge refinement using deformable models
* Supervised and Traditional Term Weighting Methods for Automatic Text Categorization
* Supervised Local Subspace Learning for Region Segmentation and Categorization in High-Resolution Satellite Images
* Support Vector Machine-Based Endmember Extraction
* Survey of Evolutionary Algorithms for Clustering, A
* survey of palmprint recognition, A
* SVC adaptation: Standard tools and supporting methods
* Synthesis of Facial Images with Foundation Make-Up
* Synthetic data generation technique in Signer-independent sign language recognition
* Systematic Lossy Error Protection of Video Signals
* Target Detection in SAR Images Based on a Level Set Approach
* Target tracking with incomplete detection
* Template Model for Defect Simulation for Evaluating Nondestructive Testing in X-Radiography, A
* Temporal Approach for Improving Intra-Frame Concealment Performance in H.264/AVC, A
* Texture and Scale in Object-Based Analysis of Subdecimeter Resolution Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Imagery
* Texture Characterization Using Wsfs And Wcfs
* Texture Sensitive Denoising for Single Sensor Color Imaging Devices
* Thermal and narrow-band multispectral remote sensing for vegetation monitoring from an unmanned aerial vehicle
* Thinning-free Polygonal Approximation of Thick Digital Curves Using Cellular Envelope
* Three-Dimensional Blood Vessel Quantification via Centerline Deformation
* TNRAC: a system for tracking multiple moving non-rigid objects using an active camera
* Topological Analysis of Criminal Activity Networks: Enhancing Transportation Security
* Toward the Automatic Updating of Land-Cover Maps by a Domain-Adaptation SVM Classifier and a Circular Validation Strategy
* Tracking by an Optimal Sequence of Linear Predictors
* Tracking by Parts: A Bayesian Approach With Component Collaboration
* Traffic Sign Recognition Using Evolutionary Adaboost Detection and Forest-ECOC Classification
* Transitions of the 3D Medial Axis under a One-Parameter Family of Deformations
* Transmission Rate Allocation in Multisensor Target Tracking Over a Shared Network
* Two channel digital watermarking for music based on exponential time-spread echo kernel
* Two-Terminal Video Coding
* UAV-Borne 3-D Mapping System by Multisensor Integration
* unbiased p-step predictive FIR filter for a class of noise-free discrete-time models with independently observed states, An
* Unsupervised Modeling of Objects and Their Hierarchical Contextual Interactions
* Unsupervised multiphase segmentation: A recursive approach
* Unsupervised Pixel Classification in Satellite Imagery Using Multiobjective Fuzzy Clustering Combined With SVM Classifier
* Urban granularities: A data structure for cognitively ergonomic route directions
* Urban-Area and Building Detection Using SIFT Keypoints and Graph Theory
* Using Image-Based Metrics to Model Pedestrian Detection Performance With Night-Vision Systems
* UWB Tomographic Radar Imaging of Penetrable and Impenetrable Objects
* Variational Bayesian Sparse Kernel-Based Blind Image Deconvolution With Student's-t Priors
* video watermarking algorithm based on pseudo 3D DCT, A
* Video-on-Demand Systems With Cooperative Clients in Multicast Environment
* View Synthesis for Advanced 3D Video Systems
* Viewpoint Invariant Texture Description Using Fractal Analysis
* Vision-based production of personalized video
* Vision-inertial tracking system for robust fiducials registration in augmented reality
* Visual Tracking by Continuous Density Propagation in Sequential Bayesian Filtering Framework
* Weighted Subspace Distance and Its Applications to Object Recognition and Retrieval With Image Sets
* Workload-Aware Resource Sharing and Cache Management for Scalable Video Streaming
* Yet Another Map Algebra
* Zero-Block Mode Decision Algorithm for H.264/AVC
472 for 0903

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.