Update Dates 1307

1307 * *Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop
* *Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
* *Large Scale Dataset for Cross-Model Multimedia Analysis
* *Range Image Registration Using a Photometric Metric under Unknown Lighting
* *Robot Vision
* *User-Centered Computer Vision
* 2-D Wavelet Packet Spectrum for Texture Analysis
* 2D/3D image registration using regression learning
* 3-D Coronary Vessel Extraction Using a Novel Minimum Path Based Region Growing
* 3-D Curvilinear Structure Detection Filter Via Structure-Ball Analysis
* 3D anatomical shape atlas construction using mesh quality preserved deformable models
* 3D Deformable Super-Resolution for Multi-Camera 3D Face Scanning
* 3D Ear Acquisition System Design by Using Triangulation Imaging Principle, A
* 3D Face Recognition under Expressions, Occlusions, and Pose Variations
* 3D Facial Landmark Detection under Large Yaw and Expression Variations
* 3D High-Efficiency Video Coding for Multi-View Video and Depth Data
* 3D Scene Reconstruction from Multiple Spherical Stereo Pairs
* Accurate Ego-Vehicle Global Localization at Intersections Through Alignment of Visual Data With Digital Map
* Acquisition and visualization techniques for narrow spectral color imaging
* Action classification in polarimetric infrared imagery via diffusion maps
* Action Recognition From Video Using Feature Covariance Matrices
* Active Bucket Categorization for High Recall Video Retrieval
* Active contour driven by local divergence energies for ultrasound image segmentation
* Active contours methods with respect to Vickers indentations
* Active object recognition using vocabulary trees
* Active view planing for human observation through a RGB-D camera
* Activity Discovery and Activity Recognition: A New Partnership
* Adaptive Bayesian Detection Using MIMO Radar in Spatially Heterogeneous Clutter
* Adaptive Cloud Downloading Service, An
* Adaptive Detection of Subpixel Targets With Hypothesis Dependent Background Power
* Adaptive earth movers distance-based Bayesian multi-target tracking
* Adaptive large window correlation for optical flow estimation with discrete optimization
* Adaptive Matrices and Filters for Color Texture Classification
* Adaptive Mobile Cloud Computing to Enable Rich Mobile Multimedia Applications
* Adaptive regularization-based space-time super-resolution reconstruction
* Adaptive shadow detection using global texture and sampling deduction
* Agent-based approach for crowded pedestrian evacuation simulation
* Algorithm for the Automatic Analysis of Characters Located on Car License Plates, An
* Algorithm for the Delineation of Craters in Very High Resolution Images of Mars Surface, An
* Algorithm for the Detection and Tracking of Tropical Mesoscale Convective Systems Using Infrared Images From Geostationary Satellite, An
* Algorithmic methodologies for FPGA-based vision
* Alignment and Parallelism for the Description of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Alignment of Curved Text Strings for Enhanced OCR Readability
* Alignment-Free Gender Recognition in the Wild
* Alzheimer's disease early detection from sparse data using brain importance maps
* AMES-Cloud: A Framework of Adaptive Mobile Video Streaming and Efficient Social Video Sharing in the Clouds
* Analysis and Further Improvement of Fine Resolution Frequency Estimation Method From Three DFT Samples
* Analysis of object description methods in a video object tracking environment
* Analysis of Single Image Defogging Methods using a Color Ellipsoid Framework, An
* Analysis of the SoftKinetic DepthSense for Range Imaging
* Analysis of Water Vapor Correction for CloudSat W-Band Radar
* Analysis on the Resolution of Polarimetric Radar and Performance Evaluation of the Polarimetric Bandwidth Extrapolation Method
* Analysis Operator Learning and its Application to Image Reconstruction
* Analytic Framework for Frame-Level Dependent Bit Allocation in Hybrid Video Coding, An
* Angle consistency for registration between catadioptric omni-images and orthorectified aerial images
* Application of Analog Network Coding to MIMO Two-Way Relay Channel in Cellular Systems
* Application of compatible dual-echo arteriovenography in stroke: Preliminary observations
* Application of Enhanced-2D-CWT in Topographic Images for Mapping Landslide Risk Areas
* Application of global positioning system and questionnaires data for the study of driver behaviour on two-lane rural roads
* Applying force fields to black-box GUIs using computer vision
* Approximate ML Estimator for the Location Parameter of the Generalized Gaussian Distribution With p=5, An
* Arithmetic coding for image compression with adaptive weight-context classification
* Artistic Image Analysis Using Graph-Based Learning Approaches
* ASPnP: An Accurate and Scalable Solution to the Perspective-n-Point Problem
* Assessing Completeness and Spatial Error of Features in Volunteered Geographic Information
* Assessment of Image Quality Using a Pseudophakic Eye Model for Refractive Evaluation
* Assessment of stereo camera calibration techniques for a portable mobile mapping system
* Asymmetric Correlation: A Noise Robust Similarity Measure for Template Matching
* Atmospheric Turbulence Mitigation Using Complex Wavelet-Based Fusion
* Attribute analyses of GPR data for heavy minerals exploration
* Attribute-Based Access to Scalable Media in Cloud-Assisted Content Sharing Networks
* Attributed Relational Graphs for Cell Nucleus Segmentation in Fluorescence Microscopy Images
* Augmented L_1 and Nuclear-Norm Models with a Globally Linearly Convergent Algorithm
* Augmented Reality Experiment: Drivers' Behavior at an Unsignalized Intersection
* Augmenting physical books towards education enhancement
* Autofocus of Iris Patterns Using a Triangle Aperture
* AutoGAD: An Improved ICA-Based Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Algorithm
* Automated Extraction of Shallow Erosion Areas Based on Multi-Temporal Ortho-Imagery
* Automated Mammographic Risk Classification Based on Breast Density Estimation
* Automated Real-Time Detection of Potentially Suspicious Behavior in Public Transport Areas
* Automated tuning of the nonlinear complementary filter for an Attitude Heading Reference observer
* Automated Visual Inspection of Railroad Tracks
* Automatic and quick blood vessels extraction algorithm in retinal images
* Automatic Annotation of Leishmania Infections in Fluorescence Microscopy Images
* Automatic classification of medical X-ray images using a bag of visual words
* Automatic Classification of Retinal Vessels Using Structural and Intensity Information
* Automatic clustering method based on evolutionary optimisation
* Automatic Color Profiling of Digital Cameras Using Unordered Photos
* Automatic Detection and Characterization of Acoustic Plane-Wave Reflections Using Circular Microphone Arrays
* Automatic detection of brain tumor in magnetic resonance images using multi-texton histogram and support vector machine
* Automatic Estimation of the Arteriolar-to-Venular Ratio in Retinal Images Using a Graph-Based Approach for Artery/Vein Classification
* Automatic Extraction and Size Distribution of Landslides in Kurdistan Region, NE Iraq
* Automatic Extraction of Building Roofs Using LIDAR Data and Multispectral Imagery
* Automatic Eye Gesture Recognition in Audiometries for Patients with Cognitive Decline
* Automatic face image annotation based on a single template with constrained warping deformation
* Automatic Grain Type Classification of Snow Micro Penetrometer Signals With Random Forests
* Automatic Identification of Marked Pigs in a Pen Using Image Pattern Recognition
* Automatic Intra Muscular Fat Analysis on Dry-Cured Ham Slices
* Automatic Quantification of Cell Outgrowth from Neurospheres
* Automatic Relevance Determination in Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with the beta-Divergence
* Automatic Segmentation of Adipose Tissue from Thigh Magnetic Resonance Images
* Automatic ship hull inspection using fuzzy logic
* Automatic Spectral Unmixing of Leishmania Infection Macrophage Cell Cultures Image
* Automatic Tampering Detection in Spliced Images with Different Compression Levels
* Automatic Total Generalized Variation-Based DTI Rician Denoising
* Autonomous navigation and sign detector learning
* Autonomous robot exploration and cognitive map building in unknown environments using omnidirectional visual information only
* Autonomous Spectral Discovery and Mapping Onboard the EO-1 Spacecraft
* Backscattering of Individual LIDAR Pulses from Forest Canopies Explained by Photogrammetrically Derived Vegetation Structure
* Bag-of-Features Classification Model for the Diagnose of Melanoma in Dermoscopy Images Using Color and Texture Descriptors
* Bag-of-Words and Topic Modeling-Based Sport Video Analysis
* Balancing Performance and Fairness in P2P Live Video Systems
* Bare Surface Soil Moisture Estimation Using Double-Angle and Dual-Polarization L-Band Radar Data
* Bayesian Approach for Reconstruction of Moving Brain Dipoles
* Bayesian Approach to Perfusion Imaging Using ASL MRI, A
* Beam Steering SAR Data Processing by a Generalized PFA
* Bias and Variance Multi-objective Optimization for Support Vector Machines Model Selection
* Bilevel Optimization Approach for Parameter Learning in Variational Models, A
* Biometric Authentication Based on Pupillary Light Reflex Using Neural Networks
* Blind Color Decomposition of Histological Images
* Blind Compressive Sensing Dynamic MRI
* Blind Separation of Dependent Sources with a Bounded Component Analysis Deflationary Algorithm
* Blind Source Separation by Nuclear Norm Minimization and Local Recoverability Analysis
* Blind System Identification Using Sparse Learning for TDOA Estimation of Room Reflections
* boosting approach for the simultaneous detection and segmentation of generic objects, A
* Bootstrapping Visual Categorization With Relevant Negatives
* Brain-Inspired Framework for Fusion of Multiple Depth Cues
* Branch-and-Bound Approach to Correspondence and Grouping Problems, A
* Break-Up Analysis of the Tear Film Based on Time, Location, Size and Shape of the Rupture Area
* Bregman Iteration Based Efficient Algorithm for MR Image Reconstruction From Undersampled K-Space Data
* Broadside-Split-Ring Resonator-Based Coil for MRI at 7 T, A
* Building a Forward-Mode Three-Dimensional Reflectance Model for Topographic Normalization of High-Resolution (1-5 m) Imagery: Validation Phase in a Forested Environment
* Building and Evaluation of a Mosaic of Images Using Aerial Photographs
* Burn Depth Analysis Using Multidimensional Scaling Applied to Psychophysical Experiment Data
* Calibrating car-following parameters for snowy road conditions in the microscopic traffic simulator VISSIM
* Calibration of a network of Kinect sensors for robotic inspection over a large workspace
* Calibration of Smooth Camera Models
* Cancer Cell Detection and Morphology Analysis Based on Local Interest Point Detectors
* Cancer Cell Detection and Tracking Based on Local Interest Point Detectors
* Cascaded Generative and Discriminative Learning for Visual Tracking
* Ceiling analysis of pedestrian recognition pipeline for an autonomous car application
* Centralized multi-scale singular value decomposition for feature construction in LIDAR image classification problems
* Characterization and Reduction of MR-Environment-Related EEG Artefacts
* Characterization of Cancer and Normal Intracellular Images by the Power Law of a Fuzzy Partition Functional
* Characterization of Landslide Deformations in Three Gorges Area Using Multiple InSAR Data Stacks
* Characterization of Terra and Aqua MODIS VIS, NIR, and SWIR Spectral Bands' Calibration Stability
* Characterizing Actions with Local Descriptors Based on Kinematics and Flow Recurrences
* Characterizing Humans on Riemannian Manifolds
* Chinese Character Recognition by Krawtchouk Moment Features
* Circuit-Level Timing-Error Acceptance for Design of Energy-Efficient DCT/IDCT-Based Systems
* Cirrhosis Prognostic Quantification with Ultrasound: An Approximation to Model for End-Stage Liver Disease
* Class of Random Fields on Complete Graphs with Tractable Partition Function, A
* Classification Approach for Measurement of Atherosclerosis Using B-Mode Ultrasound Carotid Images
* Classification of Seismic Volcanic Signals Using Hidden-Markov-Model-Based Generative Embeddings
* Classification of Time Series of Multispectral Images with Limited Training Data
* Classifying the Baltic Sea Shallow Water Habitats Using Image-Based and Spectral Library Methods
* Cloud-Based Image Coding for Mobile Devices: Toward Thousands to One Compression
* CloudMoV: Cloud-Based Mobile Social TV
* Clustered Sparsity and Separation of Cartoon and Texture
* Clustering Dynamic Textures with the Hierarchical EM Algorithm for Modeling Video
* Clustering of image features based on contact and occlusion among robot body and objects
* CMOD5.H: A High Wind Geophysical Model Function for C-Band Vertically Polarized Satellite Scatterometer Measurements
* Coded Hyperspectral Imaging and Blind Compressive Sensing
* Coherent Change Detection Using Passive GNSS-Based BSAR: Experimental Proof of Concept
* Coherent Plane Wave Compounding for Very High Frame Rate Ultrasonography of Rapidly Moving Targets
* Coherent Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves from Two-Layer Rough Surfaces Within the Kirchhoff Regime
* Collaborative Geospatial Shoreline Inventory Tool to Guide Coastal Development and Habitat Conservation, A
* Color and Depth Priors in Natural Images
* Color Correction Problem of Image Displayed on Non-white Projection Screen
* Color Invariants for Person Reidentification
* Color Ratio Method for Simultaneous Retrieval of Aerosol and Cloud Optical Thickness of Above-Cloud Absorbing Aerosols From Passive Sensors: Application to MODIS Measurements, A
* Color-based detection robust to varying illumination spectrum
* Colorization-Based Compression Using Optimization
* Colour and texture feature-based image retrieval by using hadamard matrix in discrete wavelet transform
* Colour fringe detection and correction in YCbCr colour space
* Comb-Push Ultrasound Shear Elastography (CUSE) With Various Ultrasound Push Beams
* Combined Approach for Channel Decorrelation in Stereo Acoustic Echo Cancellation Exploiting Time-Varying Frequency Shifting, A
* Combined Categorization and Localization of Logistic Goods Using Superquadrics
* combined topological and statistical approach for interactive segmentation of 3D images, A
* Combining Leaf Salient Points and Leaf Contour Descriptions for Plant Species Recognition
* Combining Spatial Models for Shallow Landslides and Debris-Flows Prediction
* Comments on Closed Form Variable Fractional Time Delay Using FFT
* Comments on Comparative Study With New Accuracy Metrics for Target Volume Contouring in PET Image Guided Radiation Therapy
* Comparative Evaluation of Occupancy Grid Mapping Methods Using Sonar Sensors
* Comparative Study between Spatio/Temporal Descriptors for Pedestrians Recognition by Gait
* Comparing Two Methods of Surface Change Detection on an Evolving Thermokarst Using High-Temporal-Frequency Terrestrial Laser Scanning, Selawik River, Alaska
* Comparison of Kasai Autocorrelation and Maximum Likelihood Estimators for Doppler Optical Coherence Tomography
* Comparison of Satellite-Derived Land Surface Temperature and Air Temperature from Meteorological Stations on the Pan-Arctic Scale
* Complexity Measure of Gait Perception, A
* compositional approach for 3D arm-hand action recognition, A
* Comprehensive analysis of LPG-PCA algorithms in denoising and deblurring of medical images
* Compressed sensing with MCT and I(2D)2PCA processing for efficient face recognition
* Compressed-Sensing MRI With Random Encoding
* compressibility of an electroencephalography signal may indicate Alzheimer's disease, The
* Compressive Framework for Demosaicing of Natural Images
* Compressive Sensing Based Face Detection without Explicit Image Reconstruction Using Support Vector Machines
* Computation of Radar Scattering From Heterogeneous Rough Soil Using the Finite-Element Method
* Computational Model of Stereoscopic 3D Visual Saliency
* Computationally Efficient Nonlinear Least Squares Method Using Random Basis Functions, A
* Computationally Tractable Stochastic Image Modeling Based on Symmetric Markov Mesh Random Fields
* Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns
* Computer Vision for Visual Effects
* Computer-Aided Tumor Detection Based on Multi-Scale Blob Detection Algorithm in Automated Breast Ultrasound Images
* Computing Ischemic Regions in the Heart With the Bidomain Model: First Steps Towards Validation
* Conflation Optimized by Least Squares to Maintain Geographic Shapes
* Consensus Clustering Using Partial Evidence Accumulation
* Consistent Visual Quality Control in Video Coding
* Contextual video clip classification
* Continuous Method for Reducing Interpolation Artifacts in Mutual Information-Based Rigid Image Registration, A
* Contour-Based Object Extraction and Clutter Removal for Semantic Vision
* Corner Detection and Classification Using Anisotropic Directional Derivative Representations
* Coronary Artery MultiScale Enhancement Methods: A Comparative Study
* Correcting Geolocation Errors for Microwave Instruments Aboard NOAA Satellites
* Correction of Geometrical Distortions in Bands of Chromatography Images
* Cosine-Driven Non-linear Denoising
* Counting Vehicles from Semantic Regions
* Coupled Variational Image Decomposition and Restoration Model for Blurred Cartoon-Plus-Texture Images With Missing Pixels
* Coupling Image Restoration and Segmentation: A Generalized Linear Model/Bregman Perspective
* Cross-Domain Object Recognition Via Input-Output Kernel Analysis
* Crowdsourcing Multimedia QoE Evaluation: A Trusted Framework
* Daily use of an electric vehicle: behavioural changes and potential for its support
* Data Assimilation of the High-Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Obtained from the Aqua-Terra Satellites (MODIS-SST) Using an Ensemble Kalman Filter
* Data-Free Prior Model for Facial Action Unit Recognition
* DCT Based Approach for Tampered Image Detection and Recovery Using Block Wise Fragile Watermarking Scheme
* Deblurring and Sparse Unmixing for Hyperspectral Images
* Decay Properties of Riesz Transforms and Steerable Wavelets
* Decision Forest Based Feature Selection Framework for Action Recognition from RGB-Depth Cameras, A
* Deconvolving Images With Unknown Boundaries Using the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
* Deep Hierarchies in the Primate Visual Cortex: What Can We Learn for Computer Vision?
* Deep Learning with Hierarchical Convolutional Factor Analysis
* Deep Zoom tool for advanced interactivity with high-resolution images
* Deformable Medical Image Registration: A Survey
* Delineation of Impact Craters by a Mathematical Morphology Based Approach
* DEM Error Correction in InSAR Time Series
* Democratizing 3D dynamic gestures recognition
* Demons Methods for Digital Mammography Registration
* Demonstration of In-Car Doppler Laser Radar at 1.55 mu-m for Range and Speed Measurement
* Denoising Atmospheric Radar Signals Using Spectral-Based Subspace Method Applicable for PBS Wind Estimation
* Dense range images from sparse point clouds using multi-scale processing
* Dental radiographs and photographs in human forensic identification
* Dependent Joint Bit Allocation for H.264/AVC Statistical Multiplexing Using Convex Relaxation
* Dependent R/D Modeling Techniques and Joint T-Q Layer Bit Allocation for H.264/SVC
* Depth image enlargement using an evolutionary approach
* Depth inpainting by tensor voting
* Deriving economic and social indicators from imagery
* Deriving the Upper Bound of the Number of Sensors Required to Know All Link Flows in a Traffic Network
* Descalloping Postprocessor for ScanSAR Images of Ocean Scenes, A
* Description of shape patterns using circular arcs for object detection
* Description of the Minimizers of Least Squares Regularized with L_0-norm. Uniqueness of the Global Minimizer
* Design and Evaluation of a Haptic Computer-Assistant for Telemanipulation Tasks
* Design of an image restoration algorithm for the TOMBO imaging system
* Design of Incoherent Frames via Convex Optimization
* Design of microassembly system and research on coarse-to-fine alignment strategy in combination with active zooming
* Design QoS-Aware Multi-Path Provisioning Strategies for Efficient Cloud-Assisted SVC Video Streaming to Heterogeneous Clients
* Designing and Implementing a Human-Robot Team for Social Interactions
* Designing discriminative spatial filter vectors in motor imagery brain-computer interface
* Detecting and Localizing Tree Nodes in Anatomic Structures of Branching Topology
* Detecting Arbitrarily Oriented Text Labels in Early Maps
* Detecting co-ordinated activities from persistent surveillance
* Detecting Depression Severity from Vocal Prosody
* Detecting partially occluded objects via segmentation and validation
* Detection and Matching of Lines for Close-Range Photogrammetry
* Detection of Carotid Plaque Symptoms Using Ultrasound Imaging
* Detection of Elliptical Shapes via Cross-Entropy Clustering
* Detection of hard exudates from diabetic retinopathy images using fuzzy logic
* Detection of Image Region Duplication Using Spin Image
* Detection of Indoor and Outdoor Stairs
* Detection of local invariant features using contour
* Detection of slump slides on earthen levees using polarimetric SAR imagery
* Detection Thresholds of Falling Snow From Satellite-Borne Active and Passive Sensors
* Developer-friendly segmentation using OpenVL, a high-level task-based abstraction
* Development and evaluation of perceptually adapted colour gradients
* Development and Field Trial of a Driver Assistance System to Encourage Eco-Driving in Light Commercial Vehicle Fleets
* Development of a Remotely Operated Vehicle Test-bed
* Dictionary Learning Approach for Poisson Image Deblurring, A
* Dictionary Training for Sparse Representation as Generalization of K-Means Clustering
* Diffeomorphic Mapping Based Characterization of Temporal Sequences: Application to the Pelvic Organ Dynamics Assessment, A
* Diffusion-Based EM Algorithm for Distributed Estimation in Unreliable Sensor Networks, A
* Dilemma zone avoidance development: an on-board approach
* Dimensionality Reduction for Registration of High-Dimensional Data Sets
* Directive Contrast Based Multimodal Medical Image Fusion in NSCT Domain
* Discovering Contexts from Observed Human Performance
* Discrete Fourier Transformation for Seasonal-Factor Pattern Classification and Assignment
* Discrete Orthonormal Stockwell Transform and Variations, with Applications to Image Compression, The
* Discrete Wavelet Transform and Data Expansion Reduction in Homomorphic Encrypted Domain
* Discretizing Space to Make a Dictionary Matrix for Bistatic Compressive Sensing Detection
* Discriminative fusion of shape and appearance features for human pose estimation
* DISFA: A Spontaneous Facial Action Intensity Database
* Disparity-based space-variant image deblurring
* Dissimilarity Increments Distribution in the Evidence Accumulation Clustering Framework
* Distributed adaptive spectral and spatial sensor fusion for super-resolution classification
* Distributed Multiple-Component Turbo Codes for Cooperative Hybrid ARQ
* Distributed Sum-Rate Optimization for Full-Duplex MIMO System Under Limited Dynamic Range
* Distributed Wireless Visual Communication with Power Distortion Optimization
* Divergent Arctic-Boreal Vegetation Changes between North America and Eurasia over the Past 30 Years
* Do drivers reduce their headway to a lead vehicle because of the presence of platoons in traffic? a conformity study conducted within a simulator
* Do We Really Need All These Neurons?
* Domain Transformation-Based Efficient Cost Aggregation for Local Stereo Matching
* Double-Channel Bistatic SAR System With Spaceborne Illuminator for 2-D and 3-D SAR Remote Sensing
* Driver fatigue detection from electroencephalogram spectrum after electrooculography artefact removal
* Driver's fatigue expressions recognition by combined features from pyramid histogram of oriented gradient and contourlet transform with random subspace ensembles
* Drivers' willingness to engage with their mobile phone: The influence of phone function and road demand
* Dual space directional occlusion
* Dual-rate background subtraction approach for estimating traffic queue parameters in urban scenes
* DWOF: A Robust Density-Based Outlier Detection Approach
* Dynamic Iterative Reconstruction for Interventional 4-D C-Arm CT Perfusion Imaging
* Dynamic Range Analysis in High Efficiency Video Coding Residual Coding and Reconstruction
* Dynamic texture segmentation based on deterministic partially self-avoiding walks
* E-Cadherin Radial Distribution Characterization for Mutation Detection Purposes
* Edge-SIFT: Discriminative Binary Descriptor for Scalable Partial-Duplicate Mobile Search
* EEG-Based Classification of Music Appraisal Responses Using Time-Frequency Analysis and Familiarity Ratings
* Effect of Wind on Operating-Cost-Based Cruise Speed Reduction for Delay Absorption
* Effective Resource Management in Visual Sensor Networks With MPSK
* Efficient 7D aerial pose estimation
* Efficient Algorithm for Estimating the Inverse Optical Flow, An
* Efficient algorithms for detection of face, eye and eye state
* Efficient early direct mode decision for multi-view video coding
* efficient framework for image/video inpainting, An
* Efficient Line-Search Algorithm for Unbiased Recursive Least-Squares Filtering With Noisy Inputs, An
* Efficient Method for Detecting Slow-Moving Weak Targets in Sea Clutter Based on Time-Frequency Iteration Decomposition, An
* Efficient Methods for Overlapping Group LASSO
* Efficient Optimization Algorithm for Space-Variant Mixture of Vector Fields
* Efficient registering of color and range images
* Efficient Resource Provisioning and Rate Selection for Stream Mining in a Community Cloud
* Efficient Stereo Matching Using Histogram Aggregation with Multiple Slant Hypotheses
* Eigenexpressions: Emotion Recognition Using Multiple Eigenspaces
* Embedding Motion and Structure Features for Action Recognition
* Emergency Management of Urban Rail Transportation Based on Parallel Systems
* Emotional Responses to Victory and Defeat as a Function of Opponent
* Empirical Model of Volume Scattering From Dry Sand-Covered Surfaces at Millimeter-Wave Frequencies, An
* Energy-Efficient Wireless MAC Protocols for Railway Monitoring Applications
* Enhanced Compressed Sensing Recovery With Level Set Normals
* Enhanced event recognition in video using image quality assessment
* Enhanced Gabor Feature Based Classification Using a Regularized Locally Tensor Discriminant Model for Multiview Gait Recognition
* Enhancement of dark and low-contrast images using dynamic stochastic resonance
* Enhancement of Magnetic Data by Stable Downward Continuation for UXO Application
* Enhancing accuracy and sharpness of motion field with adaptive scheme and occlusion-aware filter
* Enhancing Light Blob Detection for Intelligent Headlight Control Using Lane Detection
* Entropy-Based Statistical Analysis of PolSAR Data
* epsilon-Constraint and Fuzzy Logic-Based Optimization of Hazardous Material Transportation via Lane Reservation
* Error Analysis of Bistatic SAR Imaging and Stereoscopy Bistatic SAR
* Error analysis of satellite attitude determination using a vision-based approach
* Estimating 3D human shapes from measurements
* Estimating Photometric Properties from Image Collections
* Estimating Point of Regard with a Consumer Camera at a Distance
* Estimating the Granularity Coefficient of a Potts-Markov Random Field Within a Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithm
* Estimating Tree-Root Biomass in Different Depths Using Ground-Penetrating Radar: Evidence from a Controlled Experiment
* Estimating Vegetation Beta Diversity from Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy and Unsupervised Clustering
* Estimating Visual Saliency Through Single Image Optimization
* Estimation Models for Nonuniformly Sampled Signals: Application to Multiple Delay Estimation
* Estimation of Detector Biases in MODIS Thermal Emissive Bands
* Estimation of Dynamic Origin-Destination Matrices Using Linear Assignment Matrix Approximations
* Estimation of Glacier Ice Extinction Using Long-Wavelength Airborne Pol-InSAR
* Estimation of Herbaceous Fuel Moisture Content Using Vegetation Indices and Land Surface Temperature from MODIS Data
* Estimation of Offshore Wind Resources in Coastal Waters off Shirahama Using ENVISAT ASAR Images
* Evaluating Ecohydrological Impacts of Vegetation Activities on Climatological Perspectives Using MODIS Gross Primary Productivity and Evapotranspiration Products at Korean Regional Flux Network Site
* Evaluating Instrumental Inhomogeneities in Global Radiosonde Upper Tropospheric Humidity Data Using Microwave Satellite Data
* Evaluating the Semiempirical H-Q Model Used to Calculate the L-Band Emissivity of a Rough Bare Soil
* Evaluation and FPGA Implementation of Sparse Linear Solvers for Video Processing Applications
* Evaluation of a System for High-Accuracy 3D Image-Based Registration of Endoscopic Video to C-Arm Cone-Beam CT for Image-Guided Skull Base Surgery
* Evaluation of CLM4 Solar Radiation Partitioning Scheme Using Remote Sensing and Site Level FPAR Datasets
* Evaluation of Digital Classification of Polarimetric SAR Data for Iron-Mineralized Laterites Mapping in the Amazon Region
* Evaluation of Features for Leaf Discrimination
* Evaluation of Model Validation Techniques in Land Cover Dynamics
* Evaluation of Sternocleidomastoid Muscle Activity of a Passenger in Response to a Car's Lateral Acceleration While Slalom Driving
* Event Detection in Communication and Transportation Data
* Evidence filtering in a sequence of images for recognition
* Exact Fast Computation of Optimal Filter in Gaussian Switching Linear Systems
* Experimental Study of Pruning Techniques in Handwritten Text Recognition Systems, An
* Explicit and Semi-implicit Complex-Diffusion Schemes for Optical Coherence Tomography Despeckling
* Exploring Cross-Modality Affective Reactions for Audiovisual Emotion Recognition
* Exploring Relevance Vector Machines for Faster Pedestrian Classification
* Exploring the Potential for Automatic Extraction of Vegetation Phenological Metrics from Traffic Webcams
* Exploring the uses of fingerprint patterns and ridge-counts in biographical associations
* Exploring Visual and Motion Saliency for Automatic Video Object Extraction
* Extracting curve-skeletons from digital shapes using occluding contours
* Facial biometrics for situational awareness systems
* Facial Expression Recognition by Sparse Reconstruction with Robust Features
* Factorization Method for Electromagnetic Inverse Scattering from Biperiodic Structures
* FAIR: A Fast Algorithm for Document Image Restoration
* Fairness Resource Allocation in Blind Wireless Multimedia Communications
* Family of Shape Ellipticity Measures for Galaxy Classification, A
* Fast 3D Object Recognition of Rotationally Symmetric Objects
* Fast and Accurate Feature-Matching Algorithm for Minimally-Invasive Endoscopic Images, A
* Fast and Accurate Matrix Completion via Truncated Nuclear Norm Regularization
* Fast and Robust Level Set Method for Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy Clustering and Lattice Boltzmann Method, A
* Fast Computation of Rotation-Invariant Image Features by an Approximate Radial Gradient Transform
* Fast Detection of Dense Subgraphs with Iterative Shrinking and Expansion
* Fast Implementation of a New Radial Symmetry Measure for Photogrammetry
* Fast Implementations of the Levelset Segmentation Method With Bias Field Correction in MR Images: Full Domain and Mask-Based Versions
* Fast Intra-Coding for H.264/AVC by Using Projection-Based Predicted Block Residuals
* Fast iterative five point relative pose estimation
* Fast L_1-Minimization Algorithms for Robust Face Recognition
* Fast Phase Unwrapping Method for Large-Scale Interferograms, A
* Fast SIFT Design for Real-Time Visual Feature Extraction
* Feasibility of Characterizing Snowpack and the Freeze-Thaw State of Underlying Soil Using Multifrequency Active/Passive Microwave Data
* Feasibility Study of Lesion Detection Using Deformable Part Models in Breast Ultrasound Images
* feature construction method for general object recognition, A
* Feature Denoising Using Joint Sparse Representation for In-Car Speech Recognition
* Feature extraction based on sparse representation with application to epileptic EEG classification
* Feature Extraction of Hyperspectral Image Cubes Using Three-Dimensional Gray-Level Cooccurrence
* Feature Selection Method for Multivariate Performance Measures, A
* Feedback-free Wavelet Based Distributed Coding for Video
* Flow-Based Freeway Travel-Time Estimation: A Comparative Evaluation Within Dynamic Path Loading
* Fluorescence Tomography Reconstruction With Simultaneous Positron Emission Tomography Priors
* Flutter Shutter Paradox, The
* Focal plane array folding for efficient information extraction and tracking
* FOCUSR: Feature Oriented Correspondence Using Spectral Regularization: A Method for Precise Surface Matching
* Forecasting Regional Sugarcane Yield Based on Time Integral and Spatial Aggregation of MODIS NDVI
* Foreground Estimation Based on Linear Regression Model With Fused Sparsity on Outliers
* Foreground Segmentation by Combining Color and Depth Images
* Forest Biomass Estimation Using Texture Measurements of High-Resolution Dual-Polarization C-Band SAR Data
* Foreword to the Special Issue on Scientific and Technological Progress of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
* Fractal Analysis for Symmetry Plane Detection in Neuroimages
* Fragile and blind watermarking technique based on Weber's law for medical image authentication
* Framework for Binding and Retrieving Class-Specific Information to and from Image Patterns Using Correlation Filters, A
* Free-form image registration regularized by a statistical shape model: application to organ segmentation in cervical MR
* Freeway Travel-Time Information: Design and Real-Time Performance Using Spot-Speed Methods
* Frequent Unscheduled Updates of the National Base Map Using the Land-Based Mobile Mapping System
* From Complex B_1 Mapping to Local SAR Estimation for Human Brain MR Imaging Using Multi-Channel Transceiver Coil at 7T
* Full Polarimetric Bistatic Radar Imaging Experiments on Sets of Dielectric Cylinders Above a Conductive Circular Plate
* Full-Wave Iterative Image Reconstruction in Photoacoustic Tomography With Acoustically Inhomogeneous Media
* Fusion framework for multi-focus images based on compressed sensing
* Fusion of LIDAR data with hyperspectral and high-resolution imagery for automation of DIRSIG scene generation
* Fusion of LIDAR data with hyperspectral and high-resolution imagery for automation of DIRSIG scene generation
* Fusion of Multi-temporal and Multi-sensor Hyperspectral Data for Land-Use Classification
* Fusion of Novel Iris Segmentation Quality Metrics for Failure Detection
* Future image frame generation using Artificial Neural Network with selected features
* Gabor Wavelet Enabled Zernike Moments for Effective Content Based Image Retrieval
* Gaussian Blurring-Invariant Comparison of Signals and Images
* Gaussian-weighted Jensen-Shannon divergence as a robust fitness function for multi-model fitting
* Gaze-Based Driver Distraction Warning System and Its Effect on Visual Behavior, A
* Gaze-Dependent Tone Mapping
* Gender and age-related differences in the perception of in-vehicle mobile phone usage among Portuguese drivers
* Gender classification via lips: static and dynamic features
* General Framework for Tracking Multiple People from a Moving Camera, A
* General Framework to Histogram-Shifting-Based Reversible Data Hiding
* Generalized Local Discriminant Embedding for Face Recognition
* Generalized Mean For Feature Extraction in One-Class Classification Problems
* Generalized Mixture Ratio Based Blind Image Separation
* Generalized Random Walk With Restart and its Application in Depth Up-Sampling and Interactive Segmentation, A
* Generating Visual Summaries of Geographic Areas Using Community-Contributed Images
* Generation of Future Image Frames Using Adaptive Network Based Fuzzy Inference System on Spatiotemporal Framework
* Genetic Optimization for Associative Semantic Ranking Models of Satellite Images by Land Cover
* Genetic Programming Model for Real-Time Crash Prediction on Freeways, A
* Genetic Programming of Prototypes for Pattern Classification
* Geo-referencing naturalistic driving data using a novel method based on vehicle speed
* GeoMemories: A Platform for Visualizing Historical, Environmental and Geospatial Changes in the Italian Landscape
* Geometric Accuracy Investigations of SEVIRI High Resolution Visible (HRV) Level 1.5 Imagery
* Geometric Method of Fully Constrained Least Squares Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis
* Geometric steerable medial maps
* geometrical distance measure for determining the similarity of musical harmony, A
* Geospatial Cyberinfrastructure for Urban Economic Analysis and Spatial Decision-Making, A
* Geostatistical Approach for Selecting the Highest Quality MODIS Daily Images, A
* Geosynchronous SAR Focusing With Atmospheric Phase Screen Retrieval and Compensation
* GFM-Based Methods for Speaker Identification
* Glacier Velocity Estimation by Means of a Polarimetric Similarity Measure
* Global Assessment of Long-Term Greening and Browning Trends in Pasture Lands Using the GIMMS LAI3g Dataset, A
* Global Constraints for Syntactic Consistency in OMR: An Ongoing Approach
* Global Land Surface Satellite (GLASS) Remote Sensing Data Processing System and Products, The
* Global Propagation of Affine Invariant Features for Robust Matching
* Global structure constrained local shape prior estimation for medical image segmentation
* GPS/HPS-and Wi-Fi Fingerprint-Based Location Recognition for Check-In Applications Over Smartphones in Cloud-Based LBSs
* GPU Accelerated Edge-Region Based Level Set Evolution Constrained by 2D Gray-Scale Histogram
* GPU-Based Real-Time Volumetric Ultrasound Image Reconstruction for a Ring Array
* Graph Classification Using Signal-Subgraphs: Applications in Statistical Connectomics
* Graph cut segmentation with a statistical shape model in cardiac MRI
* Graph Isomorphisms and Automorphisms via Spectral Signatures
* Graph Kernels from the Jensen-Shannon Divergence
* Graph-Regularized Low-Rank Representation for Destriping of Hyperspectral Images
* Graph-Regularized Saliency Detection With Convex-Hull-Based Center Prior
* Grassmannian Regularized Structured Multi-View Embedding for Image Classification
* Ground-Based Array for Tomographic Imaging of the Tropical Forest in P-Band
* Groupwise Conditional Random Forests for Automatic Shape Classification and Contour Quality Assessment in Radiotherapy Planning
* Guest Editorial for Special Section on Multimodal Biomedical Imaging: Algorithms and Applications
* Guest Editorial: Special section on cloud-based mobile media: Infrastructure, services, and applications
* Guest editorial: Human-centred design and assessment of information technologies in traffic
* Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on Learning Deep Architectures
* Guided image filtering using signal subspace projection
* H.264/Advanced Video Control Perceptual Optimization Coding Based on JND-Directed Coefficient Suppression
* HED: A Computational Model of Affective Adaptation and Emotion Dynamics
* Hessian Regularized Support Vector Machines for Mobile Image Annotation on the Cloud
* Heuristic Algorithm for Track-Before-Detect With Thresholded Observations in Radar Systems, A
* Heuristic Algorithms for Constructing Transporter Pools in Container Terminals
* Hierarchic Image Classification Visualization
* Hierarchical Grid-Based Learning Approach for Recovering Unknown Depths in Kinect Depth Maps
* Hierarchical Object Parsing from Structured Noisy Point Clouds
* Hierarchical segmentation and identification of thoracic vertebra using learning-based edge detection and coarse-to-fine deformable model
* Hierarchical spatial pyramid max pooling based on SIFT features and sparse coding for image classification
* High-dimensional computation of the deepest location
* High-Frequency Multipeak Model for Wide-Angle SAR Imagery, A
* High-Resolution Acoustic-Radiation-Force-Impulse Imaging for Assessing Corneal Sclerosis
* Higher Order Partial Least Squares (HOPLS): A Generalized Multilinear Regression Method
* Highly Undersampled Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction Using Two-Level Bregman Method With Dictionary Updating
* Histogram-Based Optical Flow for Motion Estimation in Ultrasound Imaging
* Histogram-bin-shifting-based reversible watermarking for colour images
* HMM Based Model for Arabic Word Conjugation Recognition and Word Reconstitution from Morphological Concepts
* Homeomorphic Geometrical Transform for Collision Response in Surgical Simulation
* How interaction methods affect image segmentation: User experience in the task
* Human Action Recognition under Partial Occlusions
* Human Body Segmentation with Multi-limb Error-Correcting Output Codes Detection and Graph Cuts Optimization
* Human Interaction Recognition by Motion Decoupling
* Human-object-object-interaction affordance
* Hybrid approach for Farsi/Arabic text detection and localisation in video frames
* Hybrid Cloud Detection Algorithm to Improve MODIS Sea Surface Temperature Data Quality and Coverage Over the Eastern Gulf of Mexico, A
* Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Gravitational Search Algorithm for Image Segmentation Using Multilevel Thresholding, A
* Hybrid Grammar Language Model for Handwritten Historical Documents Recognition
* Hybrid particle-grid fluid animation with enhanced details
* Hyperspectral Image Processing by Jointly Filtering Wavelet Component Tensor
* Hyperspectral Images as Function-Valued Mappings, Their Self-similarity and a Class of Fractal Transforms
* Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of the Pigment C-Phycocyanin in Turbid Inland Waters, Based on Optical Classification
* iBOAT: Isolation-Based Online Anomalous Trajectory Detection
* Identification and analysis of motives for eco-friendly driving within the eco-move project
* Identifying critical incidents in naturalistic driving data: experiences from a promoting real life observation for gaining understanding of road user behaviour in europe small-scale field trial
* Illumination invariant stationary object detection
* Image Analysis for Automatic Characterization of Polyhydroxyalcanoates Granules
* Image and Video Restorations via Nonlocal Kernel Regression
* Image Completion by Diffusion Maps and Spectral Relaxation
* Image Fusion With Guided Filtering
* Image Inpainting on the Basis of Spectral Structure from 2-D Nonharmonic Analysis
* Image Processing Using Smooth Ordering of its Patches
* Image Reconstruction from Orthogonal Fourier-Mellin Moments
* Image search system
* Image segmentation by a new weighted student's t-mixture model
* Image segmentation using multilevel graph cuts and graph development using fuzzy rule-based system
* Image Sharpness Assessment Based on Local Phase Coherence
* Image watermark detection in the wavelet domain using Bessel K densities
* Image-Based Delineation of Built Heritage Masonry for Automatic Classification
* Image-Based Measure for Evaluation of Mathematical Expression Recognition, An
* Image-to-Set Face Recognition Using Locality Repulsion Projections and Sparse Reconstruction-Based Similarity Measure
* Impact of a combined accelerator-brake pedal solution on efficient driving
* Impact of Oceansat-2 Scatterometer Winds and TMI Observations on Phet Cyclone Simulation
* Improved average of synthetic exact filters for precise eye localisation under realistic conditions
* Improved background modeling for real-time spatio-temporal non-parametric moving object detection strategies
* Improved chaff point generation for vault scheme in bio-cryptosystems
* Improved complete neighbourhood preserving embedding for face recognition
* Improved Labelling for the INRIA Person Data Set for Pedestrian Detection, An
* Improved Motion Compensation Approach for Squint Airborne SAR
* Improved PolSAR Image Speckle Reduction Algorithm Based on Structural Judgment and Hybrid Four-Component Polarimetric Decomposition, An
* Improvement and Sensitivity Analysis of Thermal Thin-Ice Thickness Retrievals
* Improving Accuracy of the Vehicle Attitude Estimation for Low-Cost INS/GPS Integration Aided by the GPS-Measured Course Angle
* Improving Bottom-up Saliency Detection by Looking into Neighbors
* Improving Healthcare with Interactive Visualization
* Improving tactical biometric systems through the application of systems engineering
* In-Plane Rotation and Scale Invariant Clustering Using Dictionaries
* Incorporating Human Factor Considerations in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Routing
* Incorporating local and global information using a novel distance function for scene recognition
* Incremental Bit Allocation Strategy for Supervised Feature Discretization, An
* Independent Performance Evaluation of Pseudonymous Identifier Fingerprint Verification Algorithms
* Indoor Positioning for Smartphones Using Asynchronous Ultrasound Trilateration
* Industrial Non-intrusive Coded-Target Identification and Decoding Application
* Inferring repeated pattern composition in near regular textures
* Influence of age, gender and delay on overtaking dynamics
* Influence of highway three-dimensional coordination on drivers perception of horizontal curvature and available sight distance
* Information content of a photon and how to extract it
* Information Content of Very High Resolution SAR Images: Study of Feature Extraction and Imaging Parameters
* Informative State-Based Video Communication
* Inpainting-Assisted Reversible Steganographic Scheme Using a Histogram Shifting Mechanism, An
* Inserting virtual pedestrians into pedestrian groups video with behavior consistency
* Integrated Denoising and Unwrapping of InSAR Phase Based on Markov Random Fields
* Integrated Lane and Vehicle Detection, Localization, and Tracking: A Synergistic Approach
* Integrated Matching and Geocoding of SAR and Optical Satellite Images
* Integrated Model Predictive Traffic and Emission Control Using a Piecewise-Affine Approach
* Integrating Off-Board Cameras and Vehicle On-Board Localization for Pedestrian Safety
* Integration of Gibbs Markov Random Field and Hopfield-Type Neural Networks for Unsupervised Change Detection in Remotely Sensed Multitemporal Images
* Integration of Multivariate Data Streams With Bandpower Signals
* intelligent content-based image retrieval system for clinical decision support in brain tumor diagnosis, An
* intelligent mining system for diagnosing medical images using combined texture-histogram features, An
* Intensity Range Based Background Subtraction for Effective Object Detection
* Inter-Layer Prediction Scheme for Scalable 3-D Holoscopic Video Coding
* Interactive Multiview Video System With Low Complexity 2D Look Around at Decoder
* Interactive Prototyping of Physical Lighting
* Interactive Schematic Summaries for Faceted Exploration of Surveillance Video
* Interannual Variability of Young Ice in the Arctic Estimated Between 2002 and 2009
* Intercomparison of X-Band SAR Images from COSMO-SkyMed and TerraSAR-X Satellites: Case Studies, The
* Interpretation of Aerial Photographs and Satellite SAR Interferometry for the Inventory of Landslides
* Intra-Predictive Switched Split Vector Quantization of Speech Spectra
* Invariant Scattering Convolution Networks
* Inverse Dynamics for Action Recognition
* Investigating the Utility of Wavelet Transforms for Inverting a 3-D Radiative Transfer Model Using Hyperspectral Data to Retrieve Forest LAI
* Investigation on an Integrated Evacuation Route Planning Method Based on Real-Time Data Acquisition for High-Rise Building Fire
* Is ICT mature for an EU-wide intelligent transport system?
* Is Kinect Depth Data Accurate for the Aesthetic Evaluation after Breast Cancer Surgeries?
* Iterative Frequency Domain Equalization With Generalized Approximate Message Passing
* ITS-based cooperative services development framework for improving safety of vulnerable road users
* Jeffreys Centroids: A Closed-Form Expression for Positive Histograms and a Guaranteed Tight Approximation for Frequency Histograms
* Jensen-Bregman LogDet Divergence with Application to Efficient Similarity Search for Covariance Matrices
* Joint Albedo Estimation and Pose Tracking from Video
* Joint Attention by Gaze Interpolation and Saliency
* Joint Frequency and Phasor Estimation Under the KCL Constraint
* Joint Image Registration and Super-Resolution From Low-Resolution Images With Zooming Motion
* Joint Multimodal Group Analysis Framework for Modeling Corticomuscular Activity, A
* Joint Replication Density and Rate Allocation Optimization for VoD Systems Over Wireless Mesh Networks
* Joint Sparse Learning for 3-D Facial Expression Generation
* Joy of Matching, The
* Kalman-Filter-Based Approach for Multisensor, Multitrack, and Multitemporal InSAR
* Keeping a Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera Calibrated
* Kernel least absolute shrinkage and selection operator regression classifier for pattern classification
* KNN Matting
* Land Use/Land Cover Change Analysis Using Object-Based Classification Approach in Munessa-Shashemene Landscape of the Ethiopian Highlands
* Landslide Displacement Monitoring Using 3D Range Flow on Airborne and Terrestrial LiDAR Data
* Lane Background Removal for the Classification of Thin-Layer Chromatography Images
* Large Area Displays: The Changing Face of Visualization
* Large Scene Deceptive Jamming Method for Space-Borne SAR, A
* Large Visual Repository Search with Hash Collision Design Optimization
* Large-Scale Near-Duplicate Web Video Retrieval: Challenges and Approaches
* Large-Scale Oceanic Variability Associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation during the CINDY/DYNAMO Field Campaign from Satellite Observations
* LBP-based periocular recognition on challenging face datasets
* Leaf Area Index Estimation of Boreal and Subarctic Forests Using VV/HH ENVISAT/ASAR Data of Various Swaths
* Learning a Contextual Multi-Thread Model for Movie/TV Scene Segmentation
* Learning AND-OR Templates for Object Recognition and Detection
* Learning Bayesian network classifiers from label proportions
* Learning class-specific dictionaries for digit recognition from spherical surface of a 3D ball
* Learning Dynamic Hybrid Markov Random Field for Image Labeling
* Learning Full Pairwise Affinities for Spectral Segmentation
* Learning Hierarchical Features for Scene Labeling
* Learning part-based templates from large collections of 3D shapes
* Learning Prototype Hyperplanes for Face Verification in the Wild
* Learning to Detect Stent Struts in Intravascular Ultrasound
* Learning to Photograph: A Compositional Perspective
* Learning to Relate Images
* Learning to Rerank Web Images
* Learning to Track and Identify Players from Broadcast Sports Videos
* Learning with Hierarchical-Deep Models
* Let's keep in touch online: a Facebook aware virtual human interface
* Library-Based Illumination Synthesis for Critical CMOS Patterning
* License Plate Recognition Using Weighted Finite-State Transducers and Different Evidence Combination Methods
* Line Detection by Spherical Gradient
* Linear Discriminant Analysis Based on L1-Norm Maximization
* Linear Dynamic Range Reduction of Musical Audio Using an Allpass Filter Chain
* Linear Mixture Analysis for Hyperspectral Imagery in the Presence of Less Prevalent Materials
* Linear Support Higher-Order Tensor Machine for Classification, A
* Linearized Alternating Direction Method with Adaptive Penalty and Warm Starts for Fast Solving Transform Invariant Low-Rank Textures
* LineDiff Entropy: Lossless Layout Data Compression Scheme for Maskless Lithography Systems
* Linking Brain Responses to Naturalistic Music Through Analysis of Ongoing EEG and Stimulus Features
* Local Subpixel Coregistration of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Images Based on Fractal Models
* Locally discriminative stable model for visual tracking with clustering and principle component analysis
* Locally Optimal Detection of Image Watermarks in the Wavelet Domain Using Bessel K Form Distribution
* Location-Based Crowdsourcing for Vehicular Communication in Hybrid Networks
* Log-Gabor Filters for Image-Based Vehicle Verification
* Logical Foundations and Fast Implementation of Probabilistic Tractography
* Long-Term Relative Radiometric Calibration and Antenna Pointing Estimation by Natural Targets
* Low Complexity Image/Video Super Resolution Using Edge and Nonlocal Self-Similarity Constraint
* Low-complexity multi-standard variable length coding decoder using tree-based partition and classification
* Low-Complexity Screen Compression Scheme for Interactive Screen Sharing, A
* Low-light imaging method provides highly accurate molecule localization
* Low-Rank Matrix Approximation with Manifold Regularization
* Magnitude-Phase of Quaternion Wavelet Transform for Texture Representation Using Multilevel Copula
* Manifold Learning for Density Segmentation in High Risk Mammograms
* Mapping Rubber Plantations and Natural Forests in Xishuangbanna (Southwest China) Using Multi-Spectral Phenological Metrics from MODIS Time Series
* Markov Decision Model for Adaptive Scheduling of Stored Scalable Videos, A
* Markov-Type Vector Field for endless surface animation of water stream
* Mathematical Model for the Prediction of Speeding with its Validation, A
* Meal support system with spoon using laser range finder and manipulator
* Mean shift based gradient vector flow for image segmentation
* Measurement of Angular Motion in Golf Swing by a Local Sensor at the Grip End of a Golf Club
* Message Passing Matching Dynamics for Overlapping Point Identification
* Meteorological approach for detection and removal of rain from videos
* Method for estimating the energy consumption of electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles under real-world driving conditions
* Methodology and Information Content of the NOAA NESDIS Operational Channel Selection for the Cross-Track Infrared Sounder (CrIS)
* Mind reading with regularized multinomial logistic regression
* Mineral Mapping Using Simulated Worldview-3 Short-Wave-Infrared Imagery
* Minimum error bounded efficient L1 tracker with occlusion detection
* MirBot: A Multimodal Interactive Image Retrieval System
* Missing-Area Reconstruction in Multispectral Images Under a Compressive Sensing Perspective
* Mixed noise removal filter for multi-channel images based on halfspace deepest location
* Mobile video concept classification
* Modality Combination Techniques for Continuous Sign Language Recognition
* Mode Decision-Based Algorithm for Complexity Control in H.264/AVC
* Model-Based Registration of Ex Vivo and In Vivo MRI of the Prostate Using Elastography*
* Model-Based Registration of Ex Vivo and In Vivo MRI of the Prostate Using Elastography*
* Modeling and Delay Analysis of a Retransmission-Based Bundle Delivery Scheme for Intermittent Roadside Communication Networks
* Modeling Musical Style with Language Models for Composer Recognition
* Modeling Natural Images Using Gated MRFs
* Modeling of Driver Behavior in Real World Scenarios Using Multiple Noninvasive Sensors
* Modeling Pose/Appearance Relations for Improved Object Localization and Pose Estimation in 2D images
* Modeling Stand Height, Volume, and Biomass from Very High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery and Samples of Airborne LiDAR
* Modelling correlation degree between two adjacent signalised intersections for dynamic subarea partition
* Modelling driving behaviour using hybrid automata
* modified stochastic neighbor embedding for multi-feature dimension reduction of remote sensing images, A
* Modular Registration Algorithm for Medical Images, A
* Monitoring of Tumor Response to Au Nanorod-Indocyanine Green Conjugates Mediated Therapy With Fluorescence Imaging and Positron Emission Tomography
* Monocular visual odometry from frame to frame intensity differences for planetary exploration mobile robots
* Morphologic Analysis of Cirrhotic Liver in CT Images, A
* Most Probable Longest Common Subsequence for Recognition of Gesture Character Input
* Motion Analysis Using 3D High-Resolution Frequency Analysis
* Motion Estimation Using the Correlation Transform
* Motion Flow Tracking in Unconstrained Videos for Retail Scenario
* Motion Recovery of a Single Camera Installed on a Wheeled Vehicle
* Motion-Aware Gradient Domain Video Composition
* Motion-based segmentation of objects using overlapping temporal windows
* Moving pedestrian detection based on motion segmentation
* MPEG-2 to HEVC Video Transcoding With Content-Based Modeling
* MRF-Based Deformable Registration and Ventilation Estimation of Lung CT
* Multi-agent stochastic level set method in image segmentation
* Multi-distributions Particle Filter for Eye Tracking Inside a Vehicle
* Multi-Exemplar Affinity Propagation
* Multi-level contrast filtering in image difference metrics
* Multi-Level Video Frame Interpolation: Exploiting the Interaction Among Different Levels
* Multi-net System Configuration for Visual Object Segmentation by Error Backpropagation
* Multi-Scale Descriptor for Robust and Fast Camera Motion Estimation
* Multi-sensor tracking and lane estimation in highly automated vehicles
* Multi-Source Data Processing Middleware for Land Monitoring within a Web-Based Spatial Data Infrastructure for Siberia
* Multi-Temporal Time-Dependent Terrain Visualization through Localized Spatial Correspondence Parameterization
* Multi-user natural interaction with sensor on activity
* Multicarrier Systems Based on Multistage Layered IFFT Structure
* Multichannel Azimuth Processing in ScanSAR and TOPS Mode Operation
* Multiclass User Equilibrium Model Considering Overtaking Across Classes, A
* Multidimensional Pixel Purity Index for Convex Hull Estimation and Endmember Extraction
* Multimodal biomedical image retrieval using hierarchical classification and modality fusion
* Multimodal Interactive Parsing
* Multimodal Photoacoustic Tomography
* Multinuclear Cell Analysis Using Laplacian of Gaussian and Delaunay Graphs
* Multiphase SAR Image Segmentation With G^0-Statistical-Model-Based Active Contours
* Multiphase segmentation using an implicit dual shape prior: Application to detection of left ventricle in cardiac MRI
* Multiple interpretations by using pixel resonance concept
* Multiple-Classifier Fusion Using Spatial Features for Partially Occluded Handwritten Digit Recognition
* Multiple-Kernel, Multiple-Instance Similarity Features for Efficient Visual Object Detection
* Multiplierless Reversible Color Transforms and Their Automatic Selection for Image Data Compression
* Multiuser Detection for Uplink DS-CDMA Amplify-and-Forward Relaying Systems
* Multivariate Slow Feature Analysis and Decorrelation Filtering for Blind Source Separation
* Multiview Hessian Regularization for Image Annotation
* Multiview-Video-Plus-Depth Coding Based on the Advanced Video Coding Standard
* Mutual information-based binarisation of multiple images of an object: An application in medical imaging
* Near surface light source estimation from a single view image
* Network and Device Aware QoS Approach for Cloud-Based Mobile Streaming, A
* Network Coding Meets Multimedia: A Review
* new approach to estimate lacunarity of texture images, A
* new approach to graph analysis for activity based intelligence, A
* new efficient active contour model without local initializations for salient object detection, A
* new fusion scheme for multifocus images based on focused pixels detection, A
* New Technique to Estimate Precipitation at Fine Scale Using Multifrequency Satellite Observations Over Indian Land and Oceanic Regions, A
* New Tools for Gray Level Histogram Analysis, Applications in Segmentation
* New unsupervised hybrid classifier based on the fuzzy integral: applied to natural textured images
* Newly Developed Safety-Critical Computer System for China Metro, A
* Noise-refined image enhancement using multi-objective optimisation
* Non-Antipodal Signaling Based Robust Detection for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in MIMO Cognitive Radio Networks
* Non-Cartesian MRI Reconstruction With Automatic Regularization Via Monte-Carlo SURE
* Non-Cooperative Feedback Control Game for Secondary Transmitter in Cognitive Radio Network
* Non-ideal iris segmentation using anisotropic diffusion
* Non-linear dimensionality reduction using fuzzy lattices
* Non-linear fourth-order telegraph-diffusion equation for noise removal
* Nonlocal Regularization of Inverse Problems: A Unified Variational Framework
* Nonnegative Joint Diagonalization by Congruence Based on LU Matrix Factorization
* Nonparametric Illumination Correction for Scanned Document Images via Convex Hulls
* Novel affine-invariant curve descriptor for curve matching and occluded object recognition
* novel blink detection system for user monitoring, A
* Novel features for silhouette based gait recognition systems
* Novel fiducial and non-fiducial approaches to electrocardiogram-based biometric systems
* Novel Method for Barcode Localization in Image Domain, A
* novel plane extraction approach using supervised learning, A
* Novel Prescreening Method for Land-Mine Detection in UWB SAR Based on Feature Point Matching, A
* Novel Space Variant Image Representation, A
* Novel Technique for Image Segmentation Based on Grammar Parsing and Hilbert Transform
* Novel Technique for Optimal Feature Selection in Attribute Profiles Based on Genetic Algorithms, A
* Novel Template Protection Method Based on Palmprint Feature, A
* Novel True-Motion Estimation Algorithm and Its Application to Motion-Compensated Temporal Frame Interpolation
* novel, integrated smoke simulation design method supporting local projection and guiding control over adaptive grids, A
* Numerical Stability Quality-Factor for Orthogonal Polynomials: Zernike Radial Polynomials Case Study
* Object Detection Using Active Contour Model with Depth Clue
* Object detection, shape recovery, and 3D modelling by depth-encoded hough voting
* Object tracking using firefly algorithm
* Obtaining accurate change detection results from high-resolution satellite sensors
* Occluded Dark Field: A New Inspection Technique of Convex Mirrored Surfaces
* On Adaptive Fingerprint Pore Extraction
* On optimal freeway local ramp metering using fuzzy logic control with particle swarm optimisation
* On Rate Distortion Optimization Using SSIM
* On Solving the Small Sample Size Problem for Marginal Fisher Analysis
* On the CFAR Property of the RX Algorithm in the Presence of Signal-Dependent Noise in Hyperspectral Images
* On the Convergence of the IRLS Algorithm in Non-Local Patch Regression
* On the Geometry of Covariance Matrices
* On the Investigation of Cloud-Based Mobile Media Environments with Service-Populating and QoS-Aware Mechanisms
* On the Performance of Independent Processing of Independent Data Sets for Distributed Detection
* On the Use of Time-Domain Widely Linear Filtering for Binaural Speech Enhancement
* One-Class Classification with Gaussian Processes
* One-Shot Learning for Real-Time Action Recognition
* Online biometric authentication using facial thermograms
* Ontology reasoning scheme for constructing meaningful sports video summarisation
* Opening up the black box of medical image segmentation with statistical shape models
* Operational bio-hash to preserve privacy of fingerprint minutiae templates
* Optical and Thermal Remote Sensing of Turfgrass Quality, Water Stress, and Water Use under Different Soil and Irrigation Treatments
* Optical Flow Estimation for Flame Detection in Videos
* Optical Image Classification: A Ground-Truth Design Framework
* Optimal Iterative Algorithm for Codebook-Based Downlink Beamforming, An
* Optimization Framework for Driver Feedback Systems, An
* Optimization of BOW Using Self Organizing Map Artificial Neural Network in Similar Images Retrieval Systems
* Optimized hierarchical block matching for fast and accurate image registration
* Optimized MVC Prediction Structures for Interactive Multiview Video Streaming
* Optimizing Cloud Resources for Delivering IPTV Services Through Virtualization
* Optimizing SIFT for Matching of Short Wave Infrared and Visible Wavelength Images
* Optimizing Train-Stop Positions Along a Platform to Distribute the Passenger Load More Evenly Across Individual Cars
* Orientation Imaging Microscopy With Optimized Convergence Angle Using CBED Patterns in TEMs
* Outlier Detection in Non-intrusive ECG Biometric System
* P System Implementation of Dynamic Programming Stereo
* Page Segmentation of Structured Documents Using 2D Stochastic Context-Free Grammars
* Panorama creation using a team of robots
* Parameter Estimation for Blind and Non-Blind Deblurring Using Residual Whiteness Measures
* Parameter optimisation of path-following fuzzy controller for a six-wheel lunar rover
* Parametric Generalized Linear System Based on the Notion of the T-Norm
* Parametric Image Restoration Using Consensus: An Application to Nonstationary Noise Filtering
* Parsing Facades with Shape Grammars and Reinforcement Learning
* Partial Least Squares for Word Confidence Estimation in Machine Translation
* Passive ISAR With DVB-T Signals
* Patch-Based Approach for Removing Impulse or Mixed Gaussian-Impulse Noise, A
* Path Analysis Using Directional Forces. A Practical Case: Traffic Scenes
* Path-based constraints for accurate scene reconstruction from aerial video
* Path-Planning Algorithm Using Vector Potential Functions in Triangular Regions, A
* Pattern-Based Approach to Table Extraction
* Peak Trekking of Hierarchy Mountain for the Detection of Cerebral Aneurysm using Modified Hough Circle Transform
* Perceptual Quality-Regulable Video Coding System With Region-Based Rate Control Scheme
* Perfect Match Condition for Point-Set Matching Problems Using the Optimal Mass Transport Approach, A
* Performance Analysis of Mobile Laser Scanning Systems in Target Representation
* Performance of Random Forests in an Operational Setting for Large Area Sclerophyll Forest Classification, The
* Performance-Based Classification of Occupant Posture to Reduce the Risk of Injury in a Collision
* Permuted and Filtered Spectrum Compressive Sensing
* Person Identification Based on Visual Analysis of Soft-Biometric Features in Surveillance Environments
* Perspective Shape from Shading for Wide-FOV Near-Lighting Endoscopes
* Persymmetric GLRT for Adaptive Detection in Compound-Gaussian Clutter With Random Texture, A
* Phenomenology of Ground Scattering in a Tropical Forest Through Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Tomography
* Physical Activity Recognition from Smartphone Embedded Sensors
* Pi-Tag: a fast image-space marker design based on projective invariants
* Polarization Imaging for crystallographic orientation of large mercurous halide crystals
* Pornographic image region detection based on visual attention model in compressed domain
* Porting Multilingual Subjectivity Resources across Languages
* Pose analysis using spectral geometry
* Pose-Invariant Face Recognition with a Two-Level Dynamic Programming Algorithm
* Positive Affective Interactions: The Role of Repeated Exposure and Copresence
* Potential Accuracy of Traffic Signs' Positions Extracted From Google Street View
* Potential of NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light Imagery for Modeling the Regional Economy of China
* Precoding Design of MIMO AF Two-Way Multiple-Relay Systems
* Predicting Aquaplaning Performance from Tyre Profile Images with Machine Learning
* Probabilistic analysis of incremental light bundle adjustment
* Probabilistic Appearance-Based Mapping and Localization Using Visual Features
* Probabilistic Framework for Decision-Making in Collision Avoidance Systems, A
* Probabilistic gait modelling and recognition
* Probabilistic Long-Term Vehicle Motion Prediction and Tracking in Large Environments
* Probabilistic Measure for Quantitative Evaluation of Image Segmentation, A
* Probabilistic Non-Local Means
* Probabilistic Patch-Based Label Fusion Model for Multi-Atlas Segmentation With Registration Refinement: Application to Cardiac MR Images, A
* Probabilistic Template Model for Finding Macromolecules in MET Volume Images, A
* Probing of human implicit intent based on eye movement and pupillary analysis for augmented cognition
* Processing of Multichannel Sliding Spotlight and TOPS Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
* Projective Multiview Structure and Motion from Element-Wise Factorization
* QoE-Based Multi-Exposure Fusion in Hierarchical Multivariate Gaussian CRF
* Quality Assessment of the First Measurements of Tropospheric Water Vapor and Temperature by the HAMSTRAD Radiometer Over Concordia Station, Antarctica
* Quality-improved threshold visual secret sharing scheme by random grids
* Quantification of Smoothing Requirement for 3D Optic Flow Calculation of Volumetric Images
* Quantifying Dynamics in Tropical Peat Swamp Forest Biomass with Multi-Temporal LiDAR Datasets
* Quantization error and dynamic range considerations for compressive imaging systems design
* Quasi-perspective stereo-motion for 3D reconstruction
* Quaternion Polar Harmonic Transforms for Color Images
* Radiometric Normalization of Temporal Images Combining Automatic Detection of Pseudo-Invariant Features from the Distance and Similarity Spectral Measures, Density Scatterplot Analysis, and Robust Regression
* Random-Walker Monocular Road Detection in Adverse Conditions Using Automated Spatiotemporal Seed Selection
* Rank-Based Approach to Active Diagnosis, A
* Rapid explorative direct inverse kinematics learning of relevant locations for active vision
* Rate Control for Consistent Objective Quality in High Efficiency Video Coding
* RBRIEF: a robust descriptor based on random binary comparisons
* Real-time Collision Risk Estimation based on Pearson's Correlation Coefficient
* Real-Time Detection System of Driver Distraction Using Machine Learning
* Real-time dynamic vehicle detection on resource limited mobile platform
* Real-time lane departure warning system based on a single FPGA
* Real-Time Object Recognition Based on Cortical Multi-scale Keypoints
* Real-time obstacle detection and avoidance in the presence of specular surfaces using an active 3D sensor
* Real-Time Processing of Electromagnetic Induction Dynamic Data Using Kalman Filters for Unexploded Ordnance Detection
* Real-time speed profile calculation for fuel saving considering unforeseen situations and travel time
* Real-Time Visual Ground-Truth System for Indoor Robotic Applications
* Realistic Human Action Recognition with Multimodal Feature Selection and Fusion
* Receiver Performance of the Superconducting Submillimeter-Wave Limb-Emission Sounder (SMILES) on the International Space Station
* Reconstruction of HARDI Data Using a Split Bregman Optimization Approach
* Recovering Relative Depth from Low-Level Features Without Explicit T-junction Detection and Interpretation
* Recursive Histogram Modification: Establishing Equivalency Between Reversible Data Hiding and Lossless Data Compression
* Reducing local traffic emissions at urban intersection using ITS countermeasures
* Reducing the Complexity of the N-FINDR Algorithm for Hyperspectral Image Analysis
* Reformulation and Solution Algorithms for Absolute and Percentile Robust Shortest Path Problems
* Regional Spatially Adaptive Total Variation Super-Resolution with Spatial Information Filtering and Clustering
* Registration of region of interest for object tracking applications in wide area motion imagery
* Regularized Feature Reconstruction for Spatio-Temporal Saliency Detection
* Reimagining the Scientific Visualization Interaction Paradigm
* Relation between Seasonally Detrended Shortwave Infrared-Reflectance Data and Land Surface Moisture in Semi-Arid Sahel
* Reliably Creating Collision Avoidance Advisories in Piloted Simulations
* Remarkable Urban Uplift in Staufen im Breisgau, Germany: Observations from TerraSAR-X InSAR and Leveling from 2008 to 2011
* Remote Sensing and Geodetic Measurements for Volcanic Slope Monitoring: Surface Variations Measured at Northern Flank of La Fossa Cone (Vulcano Island, Italy)
* Remote Sensing Image Classification Based on a Modified Self-organizing Neural Network with a Priori Knowledge
* Remotely Sensed Empirical Modeling of Bathymetry in the Southeastern Caspian Sea
* Removal of dynamic weather conditions based on variable time window
* Removal of Optically Thick Clouds from Multi-Spectral Satellite Images Using Multi-Frequency SAR Data
* Removing Shade and Specular Noise in Images of Objects and Documents Acquired with a 3D-Scanner
* Reply to the Comments on Comparative Study with New Accuracy Metrics for Target Volume Contouring in PET Image Guided Radiation Therapy
* Representation Learning: A Review and New Perspectives
* Representing and Retrieving Video Shots in Human-Centric Brain Imaging Space
* Research Challenges for Visualization Software
* Research on Target Tracking based on Unscented Kalman Filter
* Research on Traffic Artery Intelligent Control System Base on Wireless Sensor Network
* Retinal vessel segmentation by improved matched filtering: evaluation on a new high-resolution fundus image database
* Retrieval of Forest Aboveground Biomass and Stem Volume with Airborne Scanning LiDAR
* Retrieval of Inherent Optical Properties for Turbid Inland Waters From Remote-Sensing Reflectance
* Review of Recent Advances in Registration Techniques Applied to Minimally Invasive Therapy, A
* Review on the Applications of Petri Nets in Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Urban Traffic, A
* Revisiting Harris Corner Detector Algorithm: A Gradual Thresholding Approach
* Ricci flow-based spherical parameterization and surface registration
* RMSD: A 3D real-time mid-level scene description system
* Robust Affine Set Fitting and Fast Simplex Volume Max-Min for Hyperspectral Endmember Extraction
* Robust detection system of illegal lane changes based on tracking of feature points
* Robust Ellipse Fitting Based on Sparse Combination of Data Points
* Robust Face Representation Using Hybrid Spatial Feature Interdependence Matrix
* Robust Fusion Algorithm for Sensor Failure, A
* Robust Head Tracking Based on Multiple Cues Fusion in the Kernel-Bayesian Framework
* Robust Machine Learning Approach for Signal Separation and Classification, A
* Robust measurement of individual localized changes to the aging hippocampus
* Robust Method for Rotation Estimation Using Spherical Harmonics Representation, A
* Robust Model for Segmenting Images With/Without Intensity Inhomogeneities
* Robust needle recognition using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC)
* Robust Part-Based Hand Gesture Recognition Using Kinect Sensor
* Robust Principal Component Analysis for Improving Cognitive Brain States Discrimination from fMRI
* Robust Proximal Femur Segmentation in Conventional X-Ray Images via Random Forest Regression on Multi-resolution Gradient Features
* Role of Keypoint Sampling on the Classification of Melanomas in Dermoscopy Images Using Bag-of-Features, The
* Rotation Invariant Local Frequency Descriptors for Texture Classification
* Rough surface scattering for active-illumination systems
* RubiX: Combining Spatial Resolutions for Bayesian Inference of Crossing Fibers in Diffusion MRI
* SAR Doppler Ambiguity Resolver Based on Entropy Minimization
* SAR Images Statistical Modeling and Classification Based on the Mixture of Alpha-Stable Distributions
* Satellite-Based Sunshine Duration for Europe
* Scalable Face Image Retrieval Using Attribute-Enhanced Sparse Codewords
* Scalable Formulation of Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis: Applied to Face Recognition, A
* Scalable Media Coding Enabling Content-Aware Networking
* Scaling Up Spike-and-Slab Models for Unsupervised Feature Learning
* Scalp EEG Continuous Space ERD/ERS Quantification
* Scanned Document Compression Using Block-Based Hybrid Video Codec
* Scene Text Detection via Connected Component Clustering and Nontext Filtering
* Sea Ice Classification During Freeze-Up Conditions With Multifrequency Scatterometer Data
* Sea-Spike Detection in High Grazing Angle X-Band Sea-Clutter
* Searching for images by video
* Segment Adaptive Gradient Angle Interpolation
* Segment-based robotic mapping in dynamic environments
* Segmentation and Analysis of Vocal Tract from MidSagittal Real-Time MRI
* Segmentation and Shape Tracking of Whole Fluorescent Cells Based on the Chan-Vese Model
* Segmentation for Multiple Sclerosis Lesions Based on 3D Volume Enhancement and 3D Alpha Matting
* Segmentation of the left ventricle in cardiac cine MRI using a shape-constrained snake model
* Segmented Reconstruction for Compressed Sensing SAR Imaging
* Segmenting the Etiological Agent of Schistosomiasis for High-Content Screening
* Selection of unique gaze direction based on pupil position
* Self-Localization of Asynchronous Wireless Nodes With Parameter Uncertainties
* Self-Supervised Online Metric Learning With Low Rank Constraint for Scene Categorization
* Semi-supervised low-rank representation graph for pattern recognition
* Semidefinite Relaxation Approach to Blind Despreading of Long-Code DS-SS Signal With Carrier Frequency Offset, A
* Semisupervised Self-Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Sensitivity evaluation of embedded code detection in imperceptible structured light sensing
* Sequence Alignment for RGB-D and Motion Capture Skeletons
* Sequential Active Appearance Model Based on Online Instance Learning
* Sequential Error Concealment for Video/Images by Sparse Linear Prediction
* Shading Removal of Illustrated Documents
* Shadow compensation and illumination normalization of face image
* Shape and appearance priors for level set-based left ventricle segmentation
* Shape Similarity Analysis by Self-Tuning Locally Constrained Mixed-Diffusion
* Shared Steering Control Between a Driver and an Automation: Stability in the Presence of Driver Behavior Uncertainty
* Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting: An Experimental Comparison of Time-Series Analysis and Supervised Learning
* shrinkage method for causal network detection of brain regions, A
* Side information creation for efficient Wyner-Ziv video coding: Classifying and reviewing
* Sign Language Recognition Using Hilbert Curve Features
* Signal-to-Noise Ratio Estimation in Passive Correlation-Based Imaging
* SimLocator: robust locator of similar objects in images
* Simple Tree Detector Using Laser and Camera Fusion, A
* Simplified Gravitational Model for Texture Analysis, A
* Simulating vision through time: Hierarchical, sparse models of visual cortex for motion imagery
* Simultaneous Facial Feature Tracking and Facial Expression Recognition
* Simultaneous segmentation of prostatic zones using Active Appearance Models with multiple coupled levelsets
* Single Image Dehazing by Multi-Scale Fusion
* Single-Train Trajectory Optimization
* Singular value decomposition and wavelet-based iris biometric watermarking
* Situational Awareness through Biometrics
* Skew Estimation by Parts
* SLEDGE: Sequential Labeling of Image Edges for Boundary Detection
* Small Red Lesions Detection Using a MAS Approach
* SNR Limits on Kalman Filter Detect-Then-Track
* Soft Biometrics for Keystroke Dynamics
* Soil Moisture Estimation with TerraSAR-X: With Dubois Empirical Model
* Space-Time Hole Filling With Random Walks in View Extrapolation for 3D Video
* SparCLeS: Dynamic L_1 Sparse Classifiers With Level Sets for Robust Beard/Moustache Detection and Segmentation
* Sparse Image Reconstruction on the Sphere: Implications of a New Sampling Theorem
* Sparse Stochastic Processes and Discretization of Linear Inverse Problems
* Sparse Subband Imaging of Space Targets in High-Speed Motion
* Sparse Time-Frequency Decomposition and Some Applications
* Sparse/DCT (S/DCT) Two-Layered Representation of Prediction Residuals for Video Coding
* Sparsity Averaging for Compressive Imaging
* Sparsity-Promoting Calibration for GRAPPA Accelerated Parallel MRI Reconstruction
* Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Clouds Observed by MODIS Onboard the Terra and Aqua Satellites
* Spatial feature evaluation for aerial scene analysis
* Spatial oversampling in imaging sensors: Benefits in sensitivity and detection
* Spatial Recurrences for Pedestrian Classification
* Spatial structure analysis for autonomous robotic vision systems
* Spatially Intelligent Public Participation System for the Environmental Impact Assessment Process, A
* Spatially-Explicit Simulation Modeling of Ecological Response to Climate Change: Methodological Considerations in Predicting Shifting Population Dynamics of Infectious Disease Vectors
* Special issue on Innovative knowledge based techniques in pattern recognition
* Special issue on Shape Modeling in Medical Image Analysis
* Spectral Geometric Descriptor for Deformable 3D Shape Matching and Retrieval
* Spectral Recalibration for In-Flight Broadband Sensor Using Man-Made Ground Targets
* Spectral Unmixing in Multiple-Kernel Hilbert Space for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Speech Spectral Envelope Enhancement by HMM-Based Analysis/Resynthesis
* Speeding up scientific imaging workflows: Design of automated image annotation tool
* Spine Segmentation in Medical Images Using Manifold Embeddings and Higher-Order MRFs
* Split Radix Algorithm for Length 6^m DFT
* SRAD with Weighted Diffusion Function
* Stable Image Reconstruction Using Total Variation Minimization
* Stable Orthogonal Local Discriminant Embedding for Linear Dimensionality Reduction
* Stable Signal Recovery via Randomly Enhanced Adaptive Subspace Pursuit Method
* Stacked Autoencoders for Unsupervised Feature Learning and Multiple Organ Detection in a Pilot Study Using 4D Patient Data
* Statistical analysis of manual segmentations of structures in medical images
* Statistical Model of Shape Moments with Active Contour Evolution for Shape Detection and Segmentation
* Statistical Reconstruction of Material Decomposed Data in Spectral CT
* Statistical shape model for manifold regularization: Gleason grading of prostate histology
* Steganographic Authentication Method for Electronic IDs
* Stereo Interleaving Video Coding With Content Adaptive Image Subsampling
* Stereo Matching and View Interpolation Based on Image Domain Triangulation
* Stereo Matching Based on Dissimilar Intensity Support and Belief Propagation
* Stochastic Analysis of Hyperslab-Based Adaptive Projected Subgradient Method Under Bounded Noise
* Stochastic Approach for Short-Term Freeway Traffic Prediction During Peak Periods
* Stochastic Extraction of Elongated Curvilinear Structures in Mammographic Images
* Storytelling: The Next Step for Visualization
* stretching transform-based automatic nonrigid registration system for cerebrovascular digital subtraction angiography images, A
* Structural Texture Similarity Metrics for Image Analysis and Retrieval
* Structure preserving non-negative matrix factorization for dimensionality reduction
* Study of image reconstruction for terahertz indirect holography with quasi-optics receiver
* Study of Sea Surface Range-Resolved Doppler Spectra Using Numerically Simulated Low-Grazing-Angle Backscatter Data, A
* Study of Sensor Positions for Broadband Beamforming
* Study on the Applications of Cross-Layer Information Fusion in Target Recognition
* Subspace and motion segmentation via local subspace estimation
* Subway Train Timetable Optimization Approach Based on Energy-Efficient Operation Strategy, A
* Sum-Rate Maximization for Active Channels
* Superpixel Classification Based Optic Disc and Optic Cup Segmentation for Glaucoma Screening
* Superresolution Multitarget Parameter Estimation in MIMO Radar
* Supervised Approach for Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation Using Context Features and an Outlier Map, A
* Supervised Constrained Optimization of Bayesian Nonlocal Means Filter With Sigma Preselection for Despeckling SAR Images
* Supervised Method of Landslide Inventory Using Panchromatic SPOT5 Images and Application to the Earthquake-Triggered Landslides of Pisco (Peru, 2007, Mw8.0)
* Supervised Spatio-Temporal Neighborhood Topology Learning for Action Recognition
* Suppression of Borehole-Guided Waves Supported by the Connection Cable of a Single-Borehole Monostatic Pulse Radar
* SURE Guided Gaussian Mixture Image Denoising
* Surface Layout Estimation Using Multiple Segmentation Methods and 3D Reasoning
* survey of shaped-based registration and segmentation techniques for cardiac images, A
* Swarm Intelligence Algorithm for Joint Sparse Recovery, A
* Symmetric Fast Marching Schemes for Better Numerical Isotropy
* Synthetic Aperture Radar Autofocus via Semidefinite Relaxation
* systematic review on the effectiveness of thermography in diagnosis of diseases, A
* Target Detection on the Ocean With the Relative Phase of Compact Polarimetry SAR
* Target Localization Using Ensemble Support Vector Regression in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Targeting Mineral Resources with Remote Sensing and Field Data in the Xiemisitai Area, West Junggar, Xinjiang, China
* Telematics system for the intelligent transport and distribution of medicines
* Template matching localization for GPS denied environments
* Temporal logic and operation relations based knowledge representation for land cover change web services
* Temporally Consistent Probabilistic Detection of New Multiple Sclerosis Lesions in Brain MRI
* Tensor Deep Stacking Networks
* Testing the Application of Terrestrial Laser Scanning to Measure Forest Canopy Gap Fraction
* Texture Classification of PolSAR Data Based on Sparse Coding of Wavelet Polarization Textons
* Texture Classification Using Rotation- and Scale-Invariant Gabor Texture Features
* Texture Enhanced Histogram Equalization Using TV-L^1 Image Decomposition
* Theme section Towards Intelligent Geoprocessing on the Web
* Thermal Infrared Face Segmentation: A New Pose Invariant Method
* Three-Dimensional Object Representation Based on 2D UNL-Fourier Shape Descriptor
* Three-dimensional positioning from Google street view panoramas
* Three-Dimensional Real-Time Through-the-Wall Radar Imaging with Diffraction Tomographic Algorithm
* Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Man-Made Objects Using Polarimetric Tomographic SAR
* Tile-Level Annotation of Satellite Images Using Multi-Level Max-Margin Discriminative Random Field
* Topographic Correction of Wind-Driven Rainfall for Landslide Analysis in Central Taiwan with Validation from Aerial and Satellite Optical Images
* Topological Auto-Calibration of Central Imaging Sensors
* Topology-Based Model for Railway Train Control Systems, A
* Total Variation Based Reconstruction Algorithm for 3D Ultrasound, A
* Toward a common lexicon for exploiting activity data
* Toward a Theory of Statistical Tree-Shape Analysis
* Toward Blind Scheduling in Mobile Media Cloud: Fairness, Simplicity, and Asymptotic Optimality
* Toward Open Set Recognition
* Towards a balanced trade-off between speed and accuracy in unsupervised data-driven image segmentation
* Towards Modelling an Attention-Based Text Localization Process
* Tracking Control of Mobile Robots Localized via Chained Fusion of Discrete and Continuous Epipolar Geometry, IMU and Odometry
* Tracking Generic Human Motion via Fusion of Low- and High-Dimensional Approaches
* Transcranial Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Image Fusion With Virtual Navigator
* Transsituational Individual-Specific Biopsychological Classification of Emotions
* Trend Change Detection in NDVI Time Series: Effects of Inter-Annual Variability and Methodology
* Trinocular visual odometry for divergent views with minimal overlap
* Tuning of Adaptive Weight Depth Map Generation Algorithms
* Two anisotropic fourth-order partial differential equations for image inpainting
* Two-Dimension Common Factor Decomposition of Head-Related Impulse Response
* Two-Layer Marked Point Process Framework for Multilevel Object Population Analysis, A
* Two-Level Convex Relaxed Variational Model for Multiplicative Denoising
* Two-Omni-Camera Stereo Vision System With an Automatic Adaptation Capability to Any System Setup for 3-D Vision Applications, A
* Two-pass search strategy using accumulated band energy histogram for HMM-based identification of perceptually identical music
* Ultrahigh-Speed TV Commercial Detection, Extraction, and Matching
* Unbounded Motion Optimization by Developmental Learning
* Uncertainty of Forest Biomass Estimates in North Temperate Forests Due to Allometry: Implications for Remote Sensing
* UND: Unite-and-Divide Method in Fourier and Radon Domains for Line Segment Detection
* Understanding the Characteristics of Internet Short Video Sharing: A YouTube-Based Measurement Study
* Unified Access to Media Metadata on the Web
* Unified Blind Method for Multi-Image Super-Resolution and Single/Multi-Image Blur Deconvolution
* Unified Microwave Radiative Transfer Model for General Planar Stratified Media: Slab Formulation, A
* Unifying Approach to ECG Biometric Recognition Using the Wavelet Transform, A
* Unsupervised Cell Nuclei Segmentation Based on Morphology and Adaptive Active Contour Modelling
* Unsupervised Classification Approach for Polarimetric SAR Data Based on the Chernoff Distance for Complex Wishart Distribution, An
* Unsupervised Internet-Based Category Learning for Object Recognition
* Unsupervised land cover classification in multispectral imagery with sparse representations on learned dictionaries
* Unsupervised Visual Changepoint Detection Using Maximum Mean Discrepancy
* USAC: A Universal Framework for Random Sample Consensus
* Use of Handheld Thermal Imager Data for Airborne Mapping of Fire Radiative Power and Energy and Flame Front Rate of Spread
* User-guided pedestrian and object removal
* Using a Smartphone to Measure Heart Rate Changes during Relived Happiness and Anger
* Using DInSAR to Separate Surface and Subsurface Features
* Using Geometric Properties to Evaluate Possible Integration of Authoritative and Volunteered Geographic Information
* Using lidar and rockets to explore turbulence in the atmosphere
* Using macroscopic information in image segmentation
* Using Satellite Data to Represent Tropical Instability Waves (TIWs)-Induced Wind for Ocean Modeling: A Negative Feedback onto TIW Activity in the Pacific
* Using texture to complement color in image matting
* Using VISSIM simulation model and Surrogate Safety Assessment Model for estimating field measured traffic conflicts at freeway merge areas
* Validating the Impact on Reducing Fuel Consumption by Using an EcoDriving Assistant Based on Traffic Sign Detection and Optimal Deceleration Patterns
* Validation of Advanced EM Models for UXO Discrimination
* Vanishing Point-based Line Sampling for Real-time People Localization
* Variational Approach for Pan-Sharpening, A
* Variational Optical Flow Estimation Based on Stick Tensor Voting
* Vehicle Detection Based on the and-or Graph for Congested Traffic Conditions
* Vertical edge-based mapping using range-augmented omnidirectional vision sensor
* Vessel detection in video with dynamic maritime background
* Video Object Segmentation and Tracking Framework with Improved Threshold Decision and Diffusion Distance
* Video track screening using syntactic activity-based methods
* View Based Approach for Matching the 3D Appearance of Local Features, A
* View Synthesis for Real Scene Visualisation on Autostereoscopic Displays
* Visibility-driven progressive volume photon tracing
* Vision-Based 3D-Reconstruction of Barley Plants
* Visual Analysis of Social Media Data
* Visual Attribute Extraction Using Human Pose Estimation
* Visual Saliency by Selective Contrast
* Visual servo control of electromagnetic actuation for a family of microrobot devices
* Visual Speaker Identification with Spatiotemporal Directional Features
* Visual Tracking With Spatio-Temporal Dempster-Shafer Information Fusion
* Visual-inertial navigation with guaranteed convergence
* Visualization of scene structure uncertainty in multi-view reconstruction
* Visualizing and Quantifying Vineyard Canopy LAI Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Collected High Density Structure from Motion Point Cloud
* Vocabulary Reduction in BoW Representing by Topic Modeling
* Waving Detection Using the FuzzyBoost Algorithm and Flow-Based Features
* WESD: Weighted Spectral Distance for Measuring Shape Dissimilarity
* What Is the Role of Color in Dermoscopy Analysis?
* Which Fast Nearest Neighbour Search Algorithm to Use?
* Whispered Speech Detection in Noise Using Auditory-Inspired Modulation Spectrum Features
* Why would I want a gyroscope on my RGB-D sensor?
* Wide Spread of Algorithms for Automatic Segmentation of Dermoscopic Images, A
* Wide-area motion imagery (WAMI) exploitation tools for enhanced situation awareness
* Wideband Interferometry in Synthetic Aperture Sonar
* Wildfire Smoke Detection Using Computational Intelligence Techniques Enhanced With Synthetic Smoke Plume Generation
* Window-based approach for fast stereo correspondence
* wireless robotic video laparo-endoscope for minimal invasive surgery, A
* Writer Adaptation with Style Transfer Mapping
* Zero-quantised discrete cosine transform coefficients prediction technique for intra-frame video encoding
1148 for 1307

Index for "1"

Last update:15-Jan-25 15:03:25
Use price@usc.edu for comments.