Index for tiwa

Tiwana, M.I.[Mohsin Islam] Co Author Listing * Two-dimensional hybrid incremental learning (2DHIL) framework for semantic segmentation of skin tissues

Tiwar, M.D. Co Author Listing * Preface

Tiwari, A.[Arti] Co Author Listing * Brain tumor segmentation and classification from magnetic resonance images: Review of selected methods from 2014 to 2019
* Constant-Spacing Connected Platoons With Robustness to Communication Delays
* Constructive Semi-Supervised Classification Algorithm and Its Implement in Data Mining
* ConVol-E: Continuous Volumetric Embeddings for Human-Centric Dense Correspondence Estimation
* CVAD-GAN: Constrained video anomaly detection via generative adversarial network
* Deep Appearance Consistent Human Pose Transfer
* Deep Learning Framework using Sparse Diffusion MRI for Diagnosis of Frontotemporal Dementia
* Deep learning networks for selection of measurement pixels in multi-temporal SAR interferometric processing
* DeepPS2: Revisiting Photometric Stereo Using Two Differently Illuminated Images
* Discrete Event Simulation and Virtual Reality Use in Industry: New Opportunities and Future Trends
* Identifying Vegetation in Arid Regions Using Object-Based Image Analysis with RGB-Only Aerial Imagery
* LS-HDIB: A Large Scale Handwritten Document Image Binarization Dataset
* Merlin: Single-shot Material Estimation and Relighting for Photometric Stereo
* Multi-Sensor Classification Framework of Urban Vegetation for Improving Ecological Services Management
* Multi-temporal SAR Interferometry For Landslide Monitoring
* Novel Measure for Categorization and Optimal Phase History Retrieval of Distributed Scatterers for InSAR Applications, A
* Object-Based Image Procedures for Assessing the Solar Energy Photovoltaic Potential of Heterogeneous Rooftops Using Airborne LiDAR and Orthophoto
* Shadow Art Revisited: A Differentiable Rendering Based Approach
* Time Series Anomaly Detection in Vehicle Sensors Using Self-Attention Mechanisms
* Towards Sentiment and Emotion aided Intent Detection
Includes: Tiwari, A.[Arti] Tiwari, A.[Anuj] Tiwari, A.[Aruna] Tiwari, A.[Amogh] Tiwari, A.[Ashish] Tiwari, A.[Abhishek] Tiwari, A.[Ashutosh] Tiwari, A.
20 for Tiwari, A.

Tiwari, A.K.[Anil Kumar] Co Author Listing * Adaptive lossless compression of skeleton sequences
* Adaptive Predictor Structure Based Interpolation for Reversible Data Hiding
* Background foreground boundary aware efficient motion search for surveillance videos
* Bit-depth expansion using Minimum Risk Based Classification
* Efficient adaptive prediction based reversible image watermarking
* Efficient Algorithms for Discrete Wavelet Transform: With Applications to Denoising and Fuzzy Inference Systems
* Efficient direction-oriented search algorithm for block motion estimation
* FQI: feature-based reduced-reference image quality assessment method for screen content images
* Fundus image quality assessment: survey, challenges, and future scope
* Histogram refinement for texture descriptor based image retrieval
* Least-Squares Based Switched Adaptive Predictors for Lossless Video Coding
* minimum entropy based switched adaptive predictor for lossless compression of images, A
* NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Perceptual Image Quality Assessment
* Saliency enabled compression in JPEG framework
* Stacked Deep Multi-Scale Hierarchical Network for Fast Bokeh Effect Rendering from a Single Image
* Surveillance Video Synopsis
* Switched Predictive Coding Method for Lossless Video Coding, A
Includes: Tiwari, A.K.[Anil Kumar] Tiwari, A.K.[Anil K.] Tiwari, A.K.[Arvind K.] Tiwari, A.K.[Ashwani Kumar]
17 for Tiwari, A.K.

Tiwari, B.[Basant] Co Author Listing * role-entity based human activity recognition using inter-body features and temporal sequence memory, A

Tiwari, C. Co Author Listing * RE-PLAN: An Extensible Software Architecture to Facilitate Disaster Response Planning
* Suspicious Face Detection based on Eye and other facial features movement monitoring

Tiwari, D.[Devesh] Co Author Listing * Comparing Performances of Five Distinct Automatic Classifiers for Fin Whale Vocalizations in Beamformed Spectrograms of Coherent Hydrophone Array
* novel scheme based on local binary pattern for dynamic texture recognition, A
* Time Series Anomaly Detection in Vehicle Sensors Using Self-Attention Mechanisms
Includes: Tiwari, D.[Devesh] Tiwari, D.[Deepshikha] Tiwari, D.[Divya]

Tiwari, G.[Garvita] Co Author Listing * CloSe: A 3D Clothing Segmentation Dataset and Model
* Multi-Garment Net: Learning to Dress 3D People From Images
* Neural-GIF: Neural Generalized Implicit Functions for Animating People in Clothing
* NRDF: Neural Riemannian Distance Fields for Learning Articulated Pose Priors
* Pose-NDF: Modeling Human Pose Manifolds with Neural Distance Fields
* Sizer: A Dataset and Model for Parsing 3d Clothing and Learning Size Sensitive 3d Clothing
Includes: Tiwari, G.[Garvita] Tiwari, G.

Tiwari, H.[Hitika] Co Author Listing * Distilling knowledge for occlusion robust monocular 3D face reconstruction
* Occlusion Resistant Network for 3D Face Reconstruction
* Prediction of Probability of Crying of a Child and System Formation for Cry Detection and Financial Viability of the System
* Reduced Dependency Fast Unsupervised 3D Face Reconstruction
* Self-Supervised Cooperative Colorization of Achromatic Faces
Includes: Tiwari, H.[Hitika] Tiwari, H.

Tiwari, K.[Kasip] Co Author Listing * Comparison of Machine Learning and Geostatistical Approaches for Mapping Forest Canopy Height over the Southeastern US Using ICESat-2, A
* Indexing fingerprint database with minutiae based coaxial Gaussian track code and quantized lookup table
* Mobile based Human Identification using Forehead Creases: Application and Assessment under COVID-19 Masked Face Scenarios
Includes: Tiwari, K.[Kasip] Tiwari, K.[Kamlesh]

Tiwari, L.[Lokender] Co Author Listing * DeepDraper: Fast and Accurate 3D Garment Draping over a 3D Human Body
* DGSAC: Density Guided Sampling and Consensus
* Fast hypothesis filtering for multi-structure geometric model fitting
* GarSim: Particle Based Neural Garment Simulator
* GenSim: Unsupervised Generic Garment Simulator
* Pseudo RGB-D for Self-improving Monocular SLAM and Depth Prediction
* REGroup: Rank-aggregating Ensemble of Generative Classifiers for Robust Predictions
* Robust Multi-Model Fitting Using Density and Preference Analysis
8 for Tiwari, L.

Tiwari, M.[Mona] Co Author Listing * 3D Hippocampus Segmentation Using a Hog Based Loss Function with Majority Pooling
* Bit-Rate Allocation for Multiple Video Streams Using a Pricing-Based Mechanism
* Brain Tumor Classification from Radiology and Histopathology using Deep Features and Graph Convolutional Network
* Buffer constrained rate control for low bitrate dual-frame video coding
* Competitive Equilibrium Bitrate Allocation for Multiple Video Streams
* Delay Constrained Multiplexing of Video Streams Using Dual-Frame Video Coding
* Efficient Approximate Vedic Multiplier: Design, Analysis, and Application in Image Blending
* FedServ: Federated Task Service in Fog-Enabled Internet of Vehicles
* High-speed quantile-based histogram equalisation for brightness preservation and contrast enhancement
* Improving Performance of Source-Camera Identification By Suppressing Peaks and Eliminating Low-Frequency Defects of Reference SPN
* Pricing-based decentralized rate allocation for multiple video streams
* Selection of Long-Term Reference Frames in Dual-Frame Video Coding Using Simulated Annealing
Includes: Tiwari, M.[Mona] Tiwari, M.[Mayank] Tiwari, M.[Manish] Tiwari, M.[Minu] Tiwari, M.
12 for Tiwari, M.

Tiwari, M.K. Co Author Listing * Hybridizing Basic Variable Neighborhood Search With Particle Swarm Optimization for Solving Sustainable Ship Routing and Bunker Management Problem
* Synchronized Truck and Drone Routing in Package Delivery Logistics
Includes: Tiwari, M.K. Tiwari, M.K.[Manoj Kumar]

Tiwari, P.[Pravash] Co Author Listing * Aloft Transport of Haze Aerosols to Xuzhou, Eastern China: Optical Properties, Sources, Type, and Components
* Cascaded Split-and-Aggregate Learning with Feature Recombination for Pedestrian Attribute Recognition
* Cooperative Ramp Merging Design and Field Implementation: A Digital Twin Approach Based on Vehicle-to-Cloud Communication
* EEG Based Emotion Recognition: A Tutorial and Review
* Game Theory-Based Ramp Merging for Mixed Traffic With Unity-SUMO Co-Simulation
* Gaussian Process-Based Personalized Adaptive Cruise Control
* Multimodal Coupled Graph Attention Network for Joint Traffic Event Detection and Sentiment Classification, A
* Radiomic Deformation and Textural Heterogeneity (R-DepTH) Descriptor to Characterize Tumor Field Effect: Application to Survival Prediction in Glioblastoma
* Satellite-Based Estimation of Near-Surface NO2 Concentration in Cloudy and Rainy Areas
* Spatiotemporal Investigations of Multi-Sensor Air Pollution Data over Bangladesh during COVID-19 Lockdown
Includes: Tiwari, P.[Pravash] Tiwari, P.[Prayag] Tiwari, P.[Prashant] Tiwari, P.[Pallavi]
10 for Tiwari, P.

Tiwari, R.[Rahul] Co Author Listing * Comparative study of Directional antenna gain for MANET Nodes and Cluster Head Gateway in Integrated Mobile Adhoc Network
* Dynamic Kernel Selection for Improved Generalization and Memory Efficiency in Meta-learning
* Evolving robotic path with genetically optimised fuzzy planner
* GCR: Gradient Coreset based Replay Buffer Selection for Continual Learning
* Handover Count Based MAP Estimation of Velocity With Prior Distribution Approximated via NGSIM Data-Set
* Isolated spoken word recognition using packed-MFCC on padded-voice signal for unscripted languages
* RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inference for Resource-Constrained Deep Learning
* Rescaling CNN Through Learnable Repetition of Network Parameters
* Structural biomarker-based Alzheimer's disease detection via ensemble learning techniques
* Using Early Readouts to Mediate Featural Bias in Distillation
Includes: Tiwari, R.[Rahul] Tiwari, R.[Rishabh] Tiwari, R.[Ritu] Tiwari, R.[Ravi] Tiwari, R.[Rajdev] Tiwari, R.[Rajeev]
10 for Tiwari, R.

Tiwari, R.K. Co Author Listing * Detection of glare in night photography
* Large-Scale Debris Cover Glacier Mapping Using Multisource Object-Based Image Analysis Approach
Includes: Tiwari, R.K. Tiwari, R.K.[Reet Kamal]

Tiwari, S.[Shamik] Co Author Listing * Alzheimer's detection using various feature extraction approaches using a multimodal multi-class deep learning model
* Blind Restoration of Motion Blurred Barcode Images using Ridgelet Transform and Radial Basis Function Neural Network
* Breast Thermography as an Adjunct Tool to Monitor the Chemotherapy Response in a Triple Negative BIRADS V Cancer Patient: A Case Study
* Convolutional capsule network for COVID-19 detection using radiography images
* Extended COCOMO: robust and interpretable neuro-fuzzy modelling
* Face recognition for newborns
* Face recognition for newborns
* lightweight capsule network architecture for detection of COVID-19 from lung CT scans, A
* Machine learning and multiscale methods in the identification of bivalve larvae
* Newborn's ear recognition: Can it be done?
* Optimizing multiscale texture invariants for the identification of bivalve larvae
* Real-time recognition of cattle using animal biometrics
* Recovery of Non-Rigid Motion from Stereo Images, The
* Structural biomarker-based Alzheimer's disease detection via ensemble learning techniques
* Towards Fast Adaptation of Pretrained Contrastive Models for Multi-channel Video-Language Retrieval
Includes: Tiwari, S.[Shamik] Tiwari, S.[Sonia] Tiwari, S.[Shailesh] Tiwari, S.[Shrikant] Tiwari, S. Tiwari, S.[Simran]
15 for Tiwari, S.

Tiwari, S.P.[Surya Prakash] Co Author Listing * Assessment of the Hydrological Trends Using Synergistic Approaches of Remote Sensing and Model Evaluations over Global Arid and Semi-Arid Regions, An
* Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in India during the COVID-19 Pandemic
* Hybrid Inversion Algorithms for Retrieval of Absorption Subcomponents from Ocean Colour Remote Sensing Reflectance
* Identifying the Potential Dam Sites to Avert the Risk of Catastrophic Floods in the Jhelum Basin, Kashmir, NW Himalaya, India
* Large-Scale Debris Cover Glacier Mapping Using Multisource Object-Based Image Analysis Approach
* Optical Algorithm to Estimate Downwelling Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient in the Red Sea, An
* Synergistic Use of Remote Sensing and Modeling for Estimating Net Primary Productivity in the Red Sea With VGPM, Eppley-VGPM, and CbPM Models Intercomparison
Includes: Tiwari, S.P.[Surya Prakash] Tiwari, S.P.
7 for Tiwari, S.P.

Tiwari, U.[Ujjwal] Co Author Listing * Cycle Consistency Based Method for Learning Disentangled Representation for Stochastic Video Prediction
* Efficient Visual Question Answering on Embedded Devices: Cross-Modality Attention with Evolutionary Quantization
* Mutual Information based Method for Unsupervised Disentanglement of Video Representation
* Post Training Mixed Precision Quantization of Neural Networks using First-Order Information
* Reducing the Variance of Variational Estimates of Mutual Information by Limiting the Critic's Hypothesis Space to RKHS
Includes: Tiwari, U.[Ujjwal] Tiwari, U.[Utsav]

Tiwari, V.[Vivek] Co Author Listing * Fusion of Temporal Transformer and Spatial Graph Convolutional Network for 3-D Skeleton-Parts-Based Human Motion Prediction
* Iris Liveness Detection Using Fusion of Domain-Specific Multiple BSIF and DenseNet Features
* role-entity based human activity recognition using inter-body features and temporal sequence memory, A
* Unveiling Image Classifiers: An In-Depth Comparative Exploration of Machine Learning Algorithms

Tiwari, V.M.[Virendra M.] Co Author Listing * Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Mass Changes in Himalayan Glaciated Region from EOF Analyses of GRACE Data

Tiwari, Y.K.[Yogesh K.] Co Author Listing * Country-Scale Analysis of Methane Emissions with a High-Resolution Inverse Model Using GOSAT and Surface Observations

Tiwary, K.[Kushagra] Co Author Listing * DecentNeRFs: Decentralized Neural Radiance Fields from Crowdsourced Images
* DISeR: Designing Imaging Systems with Reinforcement Learning
* ORCa: Glossy Objects as Radiance-Field Cameras
* SUNDIAL: 3D Satellite Understanding through Direct, Ambient, and Complex Lighting Decomposition
* Towards Learning Neural Representations from Shadows

Tiwary, P.[Piyush] Co Author Listing * SoLAD: Sampling Over Latent Adapter for Few Shot Generation

Tiwary, P.K.[Prashant Kumar] Co Author Listing * Implementation and Validation of a High Accuracy UAV-Photogrammetry Based Rail Track Inspection System

Tiwary, U.S.[Uma Shanker] Co Author Listing * Daubechies Complex Wavelet Transform Based Technique For Denoising Of Medical Images
* Robust Object Tracking Method Using Structural Similarity in Daubechies Complex Wavelet Domain, A

Index for "t"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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