Index for dzer

Dzerins, P.[Peteris] Co Author Listing * Surface Characteristics, Elevation Change, and Velocity of High-Arctic Valley Glacier from Repeated High-Resolution UAV Photogrammetry
* UAV and GPR Data Integration in Glacier Geometry Reconstruction: A Case Study from Irenebreen, Svalbard
Includes: Dzerins, P.[Peteris] Džerinš, P.[Peteris]

Dzeroski, S.[Saso] Co Author Listing * Deep Network Architectures as Feature Extractors for Multi-Label Classification of Remote Sensing Images
* Detection of Visual Concepts and Annotation of Images Using Ensembles of Trees for Hierarchical Multi-Label Classification
* Dual Layer Voting Method for Efficient Multi-label Classification
* extensive experimental comparison of methods for multi-label learning, An
* Fast and efficient visual codebook construction for multi-label annotation using predictive clustering trees
* Hierarchical annotation of medical images
* Learning to Classify Structures in ALS-Derived Visualizations of Ancient Maya Settlements with CNN
* Tree ensembles for predicting structured outputs
* Two stage architecture for multi-label learning
Includes: Dzeroski, S.[Saso] Džeroski, S.[Sašo]
9 for Dzeroski, S.

Index for "d"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:11:00
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