Journals starting with gmip

GMIP( Vol No. ) * *CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing
* *Graphical Models and Image Processing

GMIP(53) * Algorithmic Comparison Between Square- and Hexagonal-Based Grids, An
* Computing Oriented Texture Fields
* Edge Detection in Multispectral Images
* Edge-Based Description of Color Images, An
* Extraction of Accurate Stomach Contour from X-Ray Image of Barium-Filled Stomachs and Its Application to Detect Potential Abnormalities
* Improving Resolution by Image Registration
* Method for Ray Tracing a Wide Class of Generalized Cylinders with Straight Line Trajectories, A
* Piecewise Linear Approximation Method Preserving Visual Feature Points of Original Figures, A
* Spline Models for Boundary Detection/Description: Formulation and Performance Evaluation
9 for GMIP(53)

GMIP(54) * Defining and Rendering of Textured Objects Through the Use of Exponential Functions
* Discrete Multidimensional Jordan Surfaces
* Distance Transforms: Properties and Machine Vision Applications
* Edge Evaluation Using Necessary Components
* Estimation of Quaternion Parameters from Two Dimensional Image Moments
* Even Degree B-Spline Curves and Surfaces
* Generating Skeletons and Centerlines from the Distance Transform
* Harmonic Models of Shape Transformations in Digital Images and Pictures
* Hierarchical Spatial Data Structure for Global Geographical Information Systems, A
* Hierarchical Triangulation Using Cartographic Coherence
* High-Accuracy Rotation of Images
* Image Contrast Enhancement Based on the Intensities of Edge Pixels
* Image Enhancement by Intensity-Dependent Spread Functions
* Image Enhancement Technique and Its Evaluation Through Bimodality Analysis, An
* Improved Resolution from Subpixel Shifted Pictures
* Improved Resolution from Subpixel Shifted Pictures
* Interpolation-Based Bintree and Encoding of Binary Images, The
* Investigations of Image Contrast Space Defined by Variations on Histogram Equalization
* Justification of a Fast Surface Tracking Algorithm, A
* Maximum Likelihood Unsupervised Textured Image Segmentation
* Methods for Fast Morphological Image Transforms Using Bitmapped Binary Images
* New Algorithms for Maximum Entropy Image Restoration
* New Image Contrast Enhancement Technique Based on a Contrast Discrimination Model, A
* New Three-Dimensional Connected Components Labeling Algorithm with Simultaneous Object Feature Extraction Capability, A
* Nonlinear Filter for Film Restoration and Other Problems in Image Processing, A
* On Edge Preservation in Multiresolution Images
* On-Line Algorithm for Constrained Delaunay Triangulation, An
* Optimal Linear Operator for Step Edge Detection, An
* Page Segmentation and Classification
* Parameter Estimation and Reconstruction of Digital Conics in Normal Positions
* Parameter Estimation and Restoration of Noisy Images Using Gibbs Distributions in Hidden Markov Models
* Pascal Triangle Transform Approach to the Calculation of 3D Moments
* Performance Evaluation of Some Noise Reduction Methods
* Reconstruction of a Color Image from Nonuniformly Distributed Sparse and Noisy Data
* Registration of Multimodality Medical Images Using a Region Overlap Criterion
* Simple and Efficient Algorithm for Determining the Symmetries of Polyhedra, A
* Statistical Feature Matrix for Texture Analysis
* Survey of Moment-Based Techniques for Unoccluded Object Representation and Recognition, A
* Texture Classification Using QMF Bank-Based Subband Decomposition
* Texture Classification Using the Cortex Transform
* Texture Modeling Using Gibbs Distributions
* Unsupervised Segmentation of Noisy and Textured Images Using Markov Random Fields
* Vector Distance Transform in Two and Three Dimensions, The
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GMIP(55) * Analysis of Histogram-Based Thresholding Algorithms, An
* Approximate General Sweep Boundary Of A 2d Curved Object
* Approximation of Generalized Voronoi Diagrams by Ordinary Voronoi Diagrams
* Bayesian Block-Wise Segmentation of Interframe Differences in Video Sequences
* Codebook Edge Detection
* Contrast Enhancement Using the Laplacian-of-a-Gaussian Filter
* Detecting the Dominant Points by the Curvature-Based Polygonal Approximation
* Edge Characterization Using Normalized Edge Detector
* Effective Detection of Digital Bar Segments with Hough Transform
* Efficient Stochastic Algorithms On Locally Bounded Image Space
* Estimation of Noise in Images: An Evaluation
* Extension of Chaiken's Algorithm to B-Spline Curves with Knots in Geometric Progression, An
* Extraction of Binary Character/Graphics Images from Grayscale Document Images
* Gibbs Random Fields, Fuzzy Clustering, and the Unsupervised Segmentation of Textured Images
* GLHS: A Generalized Lightness, Hue, and Saturation Color Model
* Holes and Genus of 2D and 3D Digital Images
* Homogeneity Testing for Unlabeled Data: A Performance Evaluation
* Identifying High Level Features of Texture Perception
* Image Encoding, Labeling and Reconstruction from Differential Geometry
* Line Detection in Noisy and Structured Backgrounds Using Graeco-Latin Squares
* Local Image Reconstruction and Subpixel Restoration Algorithms
* Multiscale Representation and Matching of Curves Using Codons
* Nonlinear Prefiltering and Differences of Estimates Approaches to Edge Detection: Applications of Stack Filters, The
* On the Uncertainty of Straight Lines in Digital Images
* Quasi-Circular Splines: A Shape-Preserving Approximation
* Signal Detection Theory Approach to the Multiple Parallel Moving Targets Problem
* Skew Correction of Document Images Using Interline Cross-Correlation
* Theory and Design of Local Interpolators
* Truncation Method for Computing Walsh Transforms with Applications to Image Processing, A
* Vegetation-Limited Ground-to-Air Surveillance
30 for GMIP(55)

GMIP(56) * Automatic Threshold Selection Using The Wavelet Transform
* Binarization and Multithresholding of Document Images Using Connectivity
* Building Skeleton Models Via 3-D Medial Surface Axis Thinning Algorithms
* Catalog of 1-D Features in Natural Images, A
* Compact Image Representation by Edge Primitives
* Compression of Color Image via the Technique of Surface Fitting
* Computationally Efficient Algorithms for High-Dimensional Robust Estimators
* Counting and Reporting Red/Blue Segment Intersections
* Curve and Surface Generation and Refinement: Based on a High-Speed Derivative Algorithm
* Curve-Fitting by a Sum of Gaussians
* Deterministic Algorithm for Reconstructing Images with Interacting Discontinuities, A
* Efficient Algorithms for the Implementation of General B-Splines
* Estimating Band-to-Band Misregistrations in Aliased Imagery
* Estimation of Edge Parameters and Image Blur Using Polynomial-Transforms
* Identifying The Existence of Bar Codes in Compressed Images
* Image Warping by Radial Basis Functions: Application to Facial Expressions
* Image-Models for 2-D Flow Visualization and Compression
* Improved Fast Algorithm for the Restoration of Images Based on Chain Codes Description, An
* Morphological Approach to Text String Extraction from Regular Periodic Overlapping Text-Background Images, A
* Multidimensional Digital Boundaries
* Multiresolution Adaptive Image Smoothing
* New Approach For Multilevel Threshold Selection, A
* New Dynamic Approach for Finding the Contour of Bi-Level Images, A
* Nonorthogonal Image Expansion Related to Optimal Template Matching in Complex Images
* On Approximating Polygonal Curves in 2 and 3 Dimensions
* On The Detection Of Robust Curves
* On the Existence and the Coefficients of the Implicit Equation of Rational Surfaces
* On the Scaling Heuristic for Reconstruction from Slices
* Optimum Edge-Detection for Object-Background Picture
* Particle System Model for Combining Edge Information from Multiple Segmentation Modules, A
* Processing of Off-Line Handwritten Text: Polygonal-Approximation and Enforcement of Temporal Information
* Quasi-Mechanical Method for Solving the Rectangle Covering Problem: An Approach to Tackling NP Hard Problems, A
* Reconstructing Binary Polygonal Objects from Projections: A Statistical View
* Reconstructing Ellipsoids from Projections
* Recursive Wavelet Transform for 2D Signals
* Resampling on a Pseudohexagonal Grid
* Robust Image Restoration Algorithm Using Markov Random Field Model
* Subset Warping: Rubber Sheeting with Cuts
* Unbiased Least-Squares Fitting Of Circular Arcs
* Using Marching Cubes on Small Machines
* Utilization of Information Measure as a Means of Image Thresholding
* Visible Light and X-Ray Ray Tracing of Generalized Cylinders
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GMIP(57) * Adaptive Mixture Estimation and Unsupervised Local Bayesian Image Segmentation
* Alternative Form of the Lee Filter for Speckle Suppression in SAR Images, An
* Boundaries Through Scattered Points of Unknown Density
* Boundary Approach for Fast Neighborhood Operations on 3-Dimensional Binary Data, A
* Building 3-D Models from Unregistered Range Images
* Color Palette Restoration
* Constructing Implicit Shape Models from Boundary Data
* Cramer-Rao Lower Bounds for Estimation of a Circular Arc Center and Its Radius
* Degraded Gray-Scale Text Recognition Using Pseudo-2D Hidden Markov-Models and N-Best Hypotheses
* Determination of the Orientation of 3D Objects Using Spherical-Harmonics
* Discrete Combinatorial Surfaces
* Dynamic Threshold Determination by Local and Global Edge Evaluation
* Dynamic Window-Based Runlength Coding Algorithm Applied to Gray-Level Images, A
* Entropic Thresholding Using a Block Source Model
* Estimating the Parameters of an Illumination Model Using Photometric Stereo
* Fundamentals of Surface Voxelization
* Geometric Algorithms for Detecting and Calculating All Conic Sections in the Intersection of Any 2 Natural Quadric Surfaces
* High-Resolution Histogram-Modification of Color Images
* Image Smoothing Using Parametric Relaxation
* Improved Codebook Edge-Detection
* Mean-Absolute-Error Representation and Optimization of Computational-Morphological Filters
* Model-Based Morphology: The Opening Spectrum
* Multiresolution Support Applied to Image Filtering and Restoration
* Multisensor Image Fusion Using the Wavelet Transform
* Note on Building Skeleton Models Via 3-D Medial Surface Axis Thinning Algorithms, A
* Practical Synthesis of Accurate Fractal Images
* Rational-Ruled Surfaces: Implicitization and Section Curves
* Regularized Multichannel Restoration Using Cross-Validation
* Representing and Visualizing Fluid-Flow Images and Velocimetry Data by Nonlinear Dynamical-Systems
* Salience Distance Transforms
* Surface Approximation of a Cloud of 3D Points
* Threshold Decomposition of Gray-Scale Soft Morphology into Binary Soft Morphology
* Topology-Oriented Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm for Voronoi Diagrams
* Unified 3D Models for Multisensor Image Synthesis
* Wavelet-Based Shape from Shading
35 for GMIP(57)

GMIP(58) * 3D Marching Lines Algorithm, The
* Alternative Algorithm for Adaptive Histogram Equalization, An
* Arbitrary Topology Shape Reconstruction from Planar Cross-Sections
* Assessing Error of Fit Functions for Ellipses
* Augmenting Corner Descriptors
* Automatic Image Annotation Using Adaptive Color Classification
* Blind Restoration of Degraded Binary Markov Random-Field Images
* Candidate Functions For A Parallel Multilevel Thresholding Technique
* Cellular-Automata for Elementary Image-Enhancement
* Chain Codes and Their Application in Curve Design
* Computational Approach to Zero-Crossing-Based Two-Dimensional Edge-Detection
* Connectivity Preservation of 3D 6-Subiteration Thinning Algorithms
* Differential and Topological Properties of Medial Axis Transforms
* Fractal Modeling of Natural Terrain: Analysis and Surface Reconstruction with Range Data
* Fuzzy Connectedness and Object Definition: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications in Image Segmentation
* Gaussian Pyramid Wavelet Transform for Multiresolution Analysis of Images
* Generation of Shading-off in Images by Extrapolation of Lipschitz Functions
* Geometric Correction of Digitized Art
* Gridless Half-Toning: A Reincarnation of the Old Method
* Hierarchical Markov Random-Field Model and Multitemperature Annealing for Parallel Image Classification, A
* Image-Processing: Flows under Min/Max Curvature and Mean-Curvature
* Jordan Graphs
* Knowledge-Guided Segmentation of 3D Imagery
* Multidimensional Cooccurrence Matrices for Object Recognition and Matching
* New Approach to Through-the-Lens Camera Control, A
* On Multiedge Detection
* On Synthesizing Discrete Fractional Brownian-Motion with Applications to Image-Processing
* Parametrization of Digital Planes by Least-Squares Fits and Generalizations, A
* Pyramids That Bound Surface Patches
* Rational Ruled Surfaces and Their Offsets
* Realistic Animation of Liquids
* Reflectance Analysis for 3D Computer-Graphics Model Generation
* Sparse, Opaque 3-Dimensional Texture, 2A: Visibility
* Spotit: An Interactive Identikit System
* Structural Model of Curve Deformation by Discontinuous Transformations, A
* Tomographic Reconstruction of Polygons from Knot Location and Chord Length Measurements
* Tracking Motion and Intensity Variations Using Hierarchical 2-D Mesh Modeling for Synthetic Object Transfiguration
* Transfer-Function Estimation, Film Fusion and Image Restoration
* Two-Stage Dynamic Deformation for Construction of 3D Models
* Unexpected Spatial Patterns in Exponential Family Auto Models
* Wavelet Multiresolution Representation of Curves and Surfaces
* Why RGB: Or How to Design Color Displays for Martians
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GMIP(59) * 3-Dimensional Rotations by 3 Shears
* 3D Well-Composed Pictures
* Adaptive Ordered Dither
* Approximate Maximum-Likelihood Linear Estimator of Circle Parameters, An
* Bounds on the Moving Control Points of Hybrid Curves
* Combinatorics and Image Processing
* Constructive Fitting and Extraction of Geometric Primitives
* Detection of Small Local Intensity Changes in CCD Images with Nonuniform Illumination and Large-Signal Dependent Noise
* Discrete Analytical Hyperplanes
* Efficient Class of Alternating Sequential Filters in Morphology, An
* Efficient Topological Characterization of Gray-Levels Textures, Using a Multiresolution Representation, An
* Eigenspace Update Algorithm for Image Analysis, An
* Fast Computation of 3-Dimensional Geometric Moments Using a Discrete Divergence Theorem and a Generalization to Higher Dimensions
* Finding the Minimal Set of Maximum Disks for Binary Objects
* Geometric Shock Capturing ENO Schemes for Subpixel Interpolation, Computation and Curve Evolution
* Hierarchical Model for Multiresolution Surface Reconstruction
* Identification of Blur Parameters from Motion Blurred Images
* Image-Coding Through D-Lattice Quantization of Wavelet Coefficients
* Intrinsic Scale Space for Images on Surfaces: The Geodesic Curvature Flow
* Line-Based Correction of Radial Lens Distortion
* Maximum-Likelihood-Estimation for the Two-Dimensional Discrete Boolean Random Set and Function Models Using Multidimensional Linear Samples
* New Two Successive Process Image Compression Technique Using Subband Coding and JPEG Discrete Cosine Transform Coding, A
* On Digital Mammogram Segmentation and Microcalcification Detection Using Multiresolution Wavelet Analysis
* Parameter-Estimation in Hidden Fuzzy Markov Random-Fields and Image Segmentation
* Performance Analysis of Fast Gabor Transform Methods, A
* Region-Based Coding of Color Images Using Karhunen-Loeve Transform
* Scalable and Adaptive Temporal Segmentation Algorithm for Video Coding, A
* Space-Efficient Outlines from Image Data via Vertex Minimization and Grid Constraints
* Texture Analysis for Enhanced Color Image Quantization
* Use of Neural Networks to Estimate the Number of Nodes of an Edge Quadtree
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GMIP(60) * Approximating Polygonal Curves in Two and Three Dimensions
* Boundary Extraction from Gray-Scale Document Images Based on Surface Data Structures
* Contour-Based Warping
* Control of Polygonal Mesh Resolution for 3-D Computer Vision
* Cramer-Rao Lower Bounds for Curve Fitting
* Crust and the -Skeleton: Combinatorial Curve Reconstruction, The
* Deformable Object Modeling Using the Time-Dependent Finite Element Method
* Digital Elevation Model Data Analysis Using the Contact Surface Area
* Efficient and Accurate Collision Detection for Granular Flow Simulation
* Ellipse Fitting Using Orthogonal Hyperbolae and Stirling's Oval
* Finitary 1-Simply Connected Digital Spaces
* Foldover-Free Image Warping
* General Coding Scheme for Families of Digital Curve Segments, A
* Hierarchical Markov Modeling Approach for the Segmentation and Tracking of Deformable Shapes, A
* Interactive Segmentation with Intelligent Scissors
* Local Topological Parameters in a Tetrahedral Representation
* Maximum Segmented Image Information Thresholding
* New Approach to the Visualization of Tensor Fields, A
* On Levels of Detail in Terrains
* On the Relation between Second-Order Statistics, Connectivity Analysis, and Percolation Models in Digital Textures
* Optimizing a Strip Separating Two Polygons
* Optimizing Edge Detectors for Robust Automatic Threshold Selection: Coping with Edge Curvature and Noise
* Panoramic Stereo Imaging System with Automatic Disparity Warping and Seaming
* Planar Shape Enhancement and Exaggeration
* Polynomial/Rational Approximation of Minkowski Sum Boundary Curves
* Region-Based Parametric Motion Segmentation Using Color Information
* Topology-Preserving Deformations of Two-Valued Digital Pictures
* Torus/Sphere Intersection Based on a Configuration Space Approach
* User-Steered Image Segmentation Paradigms: Live Wire and Live Lane
* Zeta: A Resolution Modeling System
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GMIP(61) * Algebraic Solution to Surface Recovery from Cross-Sectional Contours, An
* Approximate Implicitization Using Monoid Curves and Surfaces
* Approximating Curves via Alpha Shapes
* C-Bezier Curves and Surfaces
* Digital Approximation of Moments of Convex Regions
* Euclidean Paths: A New Representation of Boundary of Discrete Regions
* Further Five-Point Fit Ellipse Fitting
* On Computing Contact Configurations of a Curved Chain
* On Surface Approximation Using Developable Surfaces
* On the Multiscale Representation of 2D and 3D Shapes
* Parallel 3D 12-Subiteration Thinning Algorithm, A
* Parameter-Controlled Volume Thinning
* Photogrammetric Texture Mapping onto Planar Polygons
* Processing Motion Capture Data to Achieve Positional Accuracy
* Shape Reconstruction from Contours Using Isotopic Deformation
* Topologically Reliable Approximation of Trimmed Polynomial Surface Patches
* Two-Dimensional Direction-Based Interpolation with Local Centered Moments
* Unification of Distance and Volume Optimization in Surface Simplification
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Index for "g"

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