Update Dates 0205

0205 * 2D-3D Rigid-Body Registration of X-Ray Fluoroscopy and CT Images
* 3-D facial model estimation from single front-view facial image
* 3D Flux Maximizing Flows
* 3D Modelling Using Geometric Constraints: A Parallelepiped Based Approach
* 3D Statistical Shape Models Using Direct Optimisation of Description Length
* Accurate and Efficient Bayesian Method for Automatic Segmentation of Brain MRI, An
* Active Surface Reconstruction Using the Gradient Strategy
* Adaptive approach to accurate analysis of small-diameter vessels in cineangiograms
* Adaptive Mammographic Image Enhancement Using First Derivative and Local Statistics
* Adaptive Rest Condition Potentials: Second Order Edge-Preserving Regularization
* adaptive semiparametric and context-based approach to unsupervised change detection multitemporal remote-sensing images, An
* Adjustment Learning and Relevant Component Analysis
* Affine invariant descriptors using Fourier series
* Affine Invariant Interest Point Detector, An
* Algorithm-based low-power VLSI architecture for 2-D mesh video-object motion tracking
* All the Images of an Outdoor Scene
* Alternating fixed-point algorithm for stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation
* Analysis of dynamic magnetic resonance images
* Analysis of space-dependent characteristics of motion-compensated frame differences based on a statistical motion distribution model
* Analytical Image Models and Their Applications
* Anatomically constrained electrical impedance tomography for three-dimensional anisotropic bodies
* Another Way of Looking at Plane-Based Calibration: The Centre Circle Constraint
* Application of active contours for photochromic tracer flow extraction
* Application of Genetic Algorithms to 3-D Shape Reconstruction in an Active Stereo Vision System
* Approximate Thin Plate Spline Mappings
* Articulated Object Tracking via a Genetic Algorithm
* Assorted Pixels: Multi-sampled Imaging with Structural Models
* Audio-Video Sensor Fusion with Probabilistic Graphical Models
* Automatic 3-D face model adaptation for model-based coding of videophone sequences
* Automatic Camera Calibration from a Single Manhattan Image
* Automatic Detection and Tracking of Human Motion with a View-Based Representation
* Automatic detection of built-up areas in high-resolution polarimetric SAR images
* Automatic Model Selection by Modelling the Distribution of Residuals
* Automatic performance evaluation of printed Chinese character recognition systems
* Automatic tracking of the aorta in cardiovascular MR images using deformable models
* Averaged Template Matching Equations
* Balanced Recovery of 3D Structure and Camera Motion from Uncalibrated Image Sequences
* Bayesian classification for data from the same unknown class
* Bayesian EM algorithm for optimal tracking of a maneuvering target in clutter, A
* Bayesian Estimation of Building Shape Using MCMC, A
* Bayesian Estimation of Layers from Multiple Images
* Bayesian multivariate autoregressive models with structured priors
* Bayesian selection of the neighbourhood order for Gauss-Markov texture models
* Bayesian Self-Calibration of a Moving Camera
* Benefits of angular expression to reconstruction algorithms for collimators with spatially varying focal lengths
* Bidirectional Texture Contrast Function
* Binarization of color document images via luminance and saturation color features
* boundary shift integral: an accurate and robust measure of cerebral volume changes from registered repeat MRI, The
* Building Architectural Models from Many Views Using Map Constraints
* Building Roadmaps of Local Minima of Visual Models
* Camera Calibration with One-Dimensional Objects
* Candidate scheme for fast ACELP search
* Characterization of dynamic 3-D PET imaging for functional brain mapping
* Choice of initial conditions in the ML reconstruction of fan-beam transmission with truncated projection data
* Class-Specific, Top-Down Segmentation
* Classification and Localisation of Diabetic-Related Eye Disease
* Classifying Images of Materials: Achieving Viewpoint and Illumination Independence
* Cloud tracking by scale space classification
* CMU Motion of Body (MoBo) Database, The
* Coarse Registration of Surface Patches with Local Symmetries
* Color image segmentation using fuzzy C-means and eigenspace projections
* Color-Based Probabilistic Tracking
* Combining Appearance and Topology for Wide Baseline Matching
* Combining Simple Discriminators for Object Discrimination
* Combining topological and size information for spatial reasoning
* Comparative Study of Alternative FACS Coding Algorithms, A
* comparative study of focused JPEG compression, Fjpeg, A
* Comparing Intensity Transformations and Their Invariants in the Context of Color Pattern Recognition
* Comparison of GENIE and conventional supervised classifiers for multispectral image feature extraction
* Comparison of Search Strategies for Geometric Branch and Bound Algorithms, A
* Complementary Pivoting Approach to Graph Matching, A
* complexity-bounded motion estimation algorithm, A
* Composite Texture Descriptions
* Compressed Domain Action Classification Using HMM
* Compression of information from one detector as a function of information from another detector
* Computerized tumor boundary detection using a Hopfield neural network
* Computing Content-Plots for Video
* Computing the Physical Parameters of Rigid-Body Motion from Video
* Consolidation of common parameters from multiple fits in dynamic PET data analysis
* Constrained Flows of Matrix-Valued Functions: Application to Diffusion Tensor Regularization
* Constrained reconstruction applied to 2-D chemical shift imaging
* Constructing Illumination Image Basis from Object Motion
* Contextual Priming for Object Detection
* Continuous Shape Descriptor by Orientation Diffusion, A
* Correction for ambiguous solutions in factor analysis using a penalized least squares objective
* Critical Curves and Surfaces for Euclidean Reconstruction
* Curve Fitting Problem and Its Application in Modeling Objects in Monocular Image Sequences, A
* Data hiding watermarking for halftone images
* Deformable 2-D template matching using orthogonal curves
* Deformable Model with Non-euclidean Metrics
* DEFORMOTION: Deforming Motion, Shape Average and the Joint Registration and Segmentation of Images
* DEM from stereo Landsat 7 ETM+ data over high relief areas
* Dense Motion Analysis in Fluid Imagery
* Dense Structure-from-Motion: An Approach Based on Segment Matching
* derivative-aided hyperspectral image analysis system for land-cover classification, A
* Design and implementation of a fast algorithm for modulated lapped transform
* Design and implementation of real-time software-based H.261 video codec
* design of an animal PET: flexible geometry for achieving optimal spatial resolution or high sensitivity, The
* Designing Moiré Patterns
* Designing the Minimal Structure of Hidden Markov Model by Bisimulation
* Detecting Faces in Impoverished Images
* Development of a vertebral endplate 3-D reconstruction technique
* Development of an intravascular impedance catheter for detection of fatty lesions in arteries
* Device and method for prosody generation at visual synthesis
* Diffuse-Specular Separation and Depth Recovery from Image Sequences
* Directional dyadic wavelet transforms: design and algorithms
* Discrete/Continuous Minimization Method in Interferometric Image Processing, A
* Discriminant Filters for Object Recognition
* Document categorization and evaluation via cross-entrophy
* Double-Loop Algorithm to Minimize the Bethe Free Energy, A
* Dramatic Improvements to Feature Based Stereo
* DREAM 2 S: Deformable Regions Driven by an Eulerian Accurate Minimization Method for Image and Video Segmentation
* Dressed Human Modeling, Detection, and Parts Localization
* Dynamic Trees: Learning to Model Outdoor Scenes
* Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash or Behavior Classification by Eigen-Decomposition of Periodic Motions
* Edge Based Probabilistic Relaxation for Sub-pixel Contour Extraction
* Edge-enhancement processing apparatus and method, and medium containing edge-enhancement processing program
* Effect of Illuminant Rotation on Texture Filters: Lissajous's Ellipses, The
* Effects of time delay in cardiac blood flow measurements by bolus H2 ^15 O
* Efficient methodology for hand-coding video algorithms for VLIW-type processors
* Efficient motion-estimation algorithm for reduced frame-rate video transcoder
* Efficiently Computing Weighted Tree Edit Distance Using Relaxation Labeling
* EigenSegments: A Spatio-Temporal Decomposition of an Ensemble of Images
* Embedded coring in MPEG video compression
* empirical measure of the performance of a document image segmentation algorithm, An
* Emulating human visual perception for measuring difference in images using an SPN graph approach
* Estimating Human Body Configurations Using Shape Context Matching
* Estimating the bias field of MR images
* Estimation of Distribution Algorithms: A New Evolutionary Computation Approach for Graph Matching Problems
* Estimation of Illuminant Direction and Intensity of Multiple Light Sources
* Estimation of Multiple Illuminants from a Single Image of Arbitrary Known Geometry
* Estimation of Occlusion and Dense Motion Fields in a Bidirectional Bayesian Framework
* Evaluating Image Segmentation Algorithms Using the Pareto Front
* Evaluating the performance of table processing algorithms
* Evaluation and Selection of Models for Motion Segmentation
* Exact and approximate rebinning algorithms for 3-D PET data
* Exemplar-Based Face Recognition from Video
* Expectation maximization reconstruction of positron emission tomography images using anatomical magnetic resonance information
* Experimental Comparison of Min-Cut/Max-Flow Algorithms for Energy Minimization in Vision, An
* Exploring Vision-Based Interfaces: How to Use Your Head in Dual Pointing Tasks
* Eye Gaze Correction with Stereovision for Video-Teleconferencing
* Face Detection in Color Images
* Face Identification by Fitting a 3D Morphable Model Using Linear Shape and Texture Error Functions
* Face Recognition from Long-Term Observations
* Facial Asymmetry: A New Biometric
* Facial feature detection and face recognition from 2D and 3D images
* Factorial Markov Random Fields
* Fast Anisotropic Gauss Filtering
* Fast Difference Schemes for Edge Enhancing Beltrami Flow
* Fast MAP Algorithm for 3D Ultrasound, A
* Fast Radial Symmetry Transform for Detecting Points of Interest, A
* Fast Selective Detection of Rotational Symmetries Using Normalized Inhibition
* Feature Point Detection and Curve Approximation for Early Processing of Free-Hand Sketches
* Feature-Preserving Medial Axis Noise Removal
* Finding Deformable Shapes Using Loopy Belief Propagation
* Finding the Largest Unambiguous Component of Stereo Matching
* focus-of-attention preprocessing scheme for EM-ML PET reconstruction, A
* Fractal image compression with region-based functionality
* Framework for Generating Network-Based Moving Objects, A
* Framework for High-Level Feedback to Adaptive, Per-Pixel, Mixture-of-Gaussian Background Models, A
* full-featured, error-resilient, scalable wavelet video codec based on the set partitioning in hierarchical trees (SPIHT) algorithm, A
* Fully automatic identification of AC and PC landmarks on brain MRI using scene analysis
* Fully Bayesian estimation of Gibbs hyperparameters for emission computed tomography data
* Fusion of Multiple Tracking Algorithms for Robust People Tracking
* Fuzzy rule-based classification of remotely sensed imagery
* Gabor feature based classification using the enhanced Fisher linear discriminant model for face recognition
* Gabor Feature Space Diffusion via the Minimal Weighted Area Method
* Gait Dynamics for Recognition and Classification
* Gait Sequence Analysis Using Frieze Patterns
* Gait Sequence Analysis Using Frieze Patterns
* Gamut mapping method and apparatus
* Gauge Freedoms and Uncertainty Modeling for 3D Computer Vision
* general class of preconditioners for statistical iterative reconstruction of emission computed tomography, A
* General Trajectory Triangulation
* Generalization Over Contrast and Mirror Reversal, But not Figure-ground Reversal, in an Edge-based Model of IT Neurons
* Generalized Rank Conditions in Multiple View Geometry with Applications to Dynamical Scenes
* Generating ROC curves for artificial neural networks
* Generative Method for Textured Motion: Analysis and Synthesis, A
* generic fuzzy rule based image segmentation algorithm, A
* Geodesic Interpolating Splines
* Geographic information system updating using remote sensing images
* Geometric Properties of Central Catadioptric Line Images
* geometric snake model for segmentation of medical imagery, A
* Global Depth Perception from Familiar Scene Structure
* Global Energy Minimization: A Transformation Approach
* Global Feedforward Neural Network Learning for Classification and Regression
* global method for music symbol recognition in typeset music sheets, A
* Gradual decoder refresh using isolated regions
* Graphical shape templates for automatic anatomy detection with applications to MRI brain scans
* Grouped-coordinate ascent algorithms for penalized-likelihood transmission image reconstruction
* Grouping with Directed Relationships
* Guided Sampling and Consensus for Motion Estimation
* Hand-Eye Calibration from Image Derivatives
* Hausdorff Kernel for 3D Object Acquisition and Detection
* head motion measurement system suitable for emission computed tomography, A
* Helmholtz Stereopsis: Exploiting Reciprocity for Surface Reconstruction
* Hierarchical Framework for Spectral Correspondence, A
* Hierarchical GTM: Constructing Localized Nonlinear Projection Manifolds in a Principled Way
* Hierarchical Markov Random Field Model for Figure-Ground Segregation, A
* Hierarchical Shape Modeling for Automatic Face Localization
* Highlight and Shading Invariant Color Image Segmentation Using Simulated Annealing
* Highlight Removal Using Shape-from-Shading
* Histogram-based fuzzy filter for image restoration
* How do Humans Determine Reflectance Properties under Unknown Illumination?
* hybrid approach of wavelet packet and directional decomposition for image compression, A
* Hybrid fractal zerotree wavelet image coding
* Hyperdynamics Importance Sampling
* Illuminating the Face
* Illumination Invariant Recognition of Color Texture Using Correlation and Covariance Functions
* Image Based Spatio-Temporal Modeling and View Interpolation of Dynamic Events
* Image dense matching based on region growth with adaptive window
* Image Features Based on a New Approach to 2D Rotation Invariant Quadrature Filters
* Image Labeling and Grouping by Minimizing Linear Functionals over Cones
* Image Processing Done Right
* Image Registration for Foveated Omnidirectional Sensing
* Image Segmentation by Data-Driven Markov Chain Monte Carlo
* Image Segmentation by Flexible Models Based on Robust Regularized Networks
* Image synthesizing apparatus
* Implicit Probabilistic Models of Human Motion for Synthesis and Tracking
* Improved watermark detection based on similarity diagrams
* Improving Multi-class Text Classification with Naive Bayes
* Improving Multiclass Text Classification with the Support Vector Machine
* Increasing Space-Time Resolution in Video
* Incremental Singular Value Decomposition of Uncertain Data with Missing Values
* Integration of laser-derived DSMs and matched image edges for generating an accurate surface model
* Intensity-based image matching for regular firearms
* Interpolating Sporadic Data
* Interpolation of digital elevation models using AMLE and related methods
* Invariant feature extraction and neural trees for range surface classification
* Is Super-Resolution with Optical Flow Feasible?
* Large scale address recognition systems: Truthing, testing, tools, and other evaluation issues
* Layered Motion Representation with Occlusion and Compact Spatial Support, A
* Learning a Sparse Representation for Object Detection
* Learning contextual relationships in mammograms using a hierarchical pyramid neural network
* Learning Gender with Support Faces
* Learning Intrinsic Video Content Using Levenshtein Distance in Graph Partitioning
* Learning Matrix Space Image Representations
* Learning Montages of Transformed Latent Images as Representations of Objects That Change in Appearance
* Learning Object-Independent Modes of Variation with Feature Flow Fields
* Learning Shape from Defocus
* Learning the Topology of Object Views
* Learning to Parse Pictures of People
* Learning-based ventricle detection from cardiac MR and CT images
* Lens Distortion Recovery for Accurate Sequential Structure and Motion Recovery
* Lesion contrast enhancement in medical ultrasound imaging
* line segment match method for extracting road network from high-resolution satellite images, The
* Linear and Bilinear Subspace Methods for Structure from Motion
* Linear least squares compartmental-model-independent parameter identification in PET
* Linear Multi View Reconstruction with Missing Data
* Linear Pose Estimation from Points or Lines
* Linear Spectral Random Mixture Analysis for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Local Analysis for 3D Reconstruction of Specular Surfaces: Part II
* Localized Consistency Principle for Image Matching under Non-uniform Illumination Variation and Affine Distortion, The
* Localizing and segmenting text in images and videos
* M2Tracker: A Multi-view Approach to Segmenting and Tracking People in a Cluttered Scene Using Region-Based Stereo
* Mapping visual field with positron emission tomography by mathematical modeling of the retinotopic organization in the calcarine cortex
* Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approach to Stereovision, A
* Markov Process Using Curvature for Filtering Curve Images, A
* Matching and Embedding through Edit-Union of Trees
* Matching Distance Functions: A Shape-to-Area Variational Approach for Global-to-Local Registration
* Matching Free Trees, Maximal Cliques, and Monotone Game Dynamics
* Matching Images to Models: Camera Calibration for 3-D Surface Reconstruction
* Matching Pursuit Video Coding. I: Dictionary Approximation
* Mathematics for Demosaicking
* Maximizing Rigidity: Optimal Matching under Scaled-Orthography
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Template of a Rigid Moving Object
* Maximum Likelihood Framework for Grouping and Segmentation, A
* Mean Shift: A Robust Approach Toward Feature Space Analysis
* Measurement of AC magnetic field distribution using magnetic resonance imaging
* MEG-based imaging of focal neuronal current sources
* Method and apparatus for an automatic camera selection system
* Method and apparatus for fixating a camera on a target point using image alignment
* Method and apparatus for measuring the profile of reflective surfaces
* Method and apparatus for searching a digital image
* methodology for evaluation of boundary detection algorithms on medical images, A
* methodology for specifying PET VOIs using multimodality techniques, A
* Metric Similarities Learning through Examples: An Application to Shape Retrieval
* Minimal Surfaces for Stereo
* Model Acquisition by Registration of Multiple Acoustic Range Views
* Model-Based Silhouette Extraction for Accurate People Tracking
* Modeling the axial extension of a transmission line source within iterative reconstruction via multiple transmission sources
* Modelling the histograms of various classes in SAR images
* modified fuzzy C-means algorithm for bias field estimation and segmentation of MRI data, A
* Motif analysis of noisy regular textures
* Motion correction of PET images using multiple acquisition frames
* Motion Curves for Parametric Shape and Motion Estimation
* Motion estimation and motion-compensated interpolition
* Motion-Stereo Integration for Depth Estimation
* Multi-Baseline Polarimetric SAR Interferometry: First Experimental Spaceborne and Airborne Results
* Multi-camera Scene Reconstruction via Graph Cuts
* Multi-Level Clustering and its Visualization for Exploratory Spatial Analysis
* Multi-scale EM-ICP: A Fast and Robust Approach for Surface Registration
* Multi-view Matching for Unordered Image Sets, or How Do I Organize My Holiday Snaps?
* Multichannel watermarking of color images
* Multiframe blocking-artifact reduction for transform-coded video
* Multilinear Analysis of Image Ensembles: TensorFaces
* Multimodal Data Representations with Parameterized Local Structures
* Multimodality Image Registration by Maximization of Mutual Information
* Multiple Contour Finding and Perceptual Grouping as a Set of Energy Minimizing Paths
* Multiple Hypothesis Tracking for Automatic Optical Motion Capture
* Multiple sclerosis lesion quantification using fuzzy-connectedness principles
* Multiple-Description Video Coding Using Motion-Compensated Temporal Prediction
* Multiresolution statistical analysis of high-resolution digital mammograms
* Multiscale Signal Enhancement: Beyond the Normality and Independence Assumption
* Multishot rosette trajectories for spectrally selective MR imaging
* Multivariate Saddle Point Detection for Statistical Clustering
* Multiview Registration of 3D Scenes by Minimizing Error between Coordinate Frames
* Neural Network-Based Nonlinear Filter for Image Enhancement, A
* Neuro-Fuzzy Shadow Filter
* new fast algorithm for the unified forward and inverse MDCT/MDST computation, A
* new fast block matching algorithm based on complexity-distortion optimization, A
* New Image Registration Technique with Free Boundary Constraints: Application to Mammography, A
* new method to separate ground clutter and atmospheric reflections in the case of similar doppler velocities, A
* New Pattern Representation Scheme Using Data Compression, A
* New Techniques for Automated Architectural Reconstruction from Photographs
* New View Generation with a Bi-centric Camera
* Nonlinear Shape Statistics in Mumford-Shah Based Segmentation
* Nonparametric motion characterization using causal probabilistic models for video indexing and retrieval
* Normalized Gradient Vector Diffusion and Image Segmentation
* novel 3-D subsurface radar imaging technique, A
* novel volumetric feature extraction technique with applications to MR images, A
* Numerically robust minimal-scan reconstruction algorithms for diffraction tomography via radon transform inversion
* Object Recognition as Machine Translation: Learning a Lexicon for a Fixed Image Vocabulary
* Object Recognition with Pictorial Structures
* Object Tracking Computational Sensor, An
* Object-based parsing and indexing of compressed video streams
* On Affine Invariant Clustering and Automatic Cast Listing in Movies
* On Pencils of Tangent Planes and the Recognition of Smooth 3D Shapes from Silhouettes
* On Performance Characterization and Optimization for Image Retrieval
* On reconciling ground-based with spaceborne normalized radar cross section measurements
* On the Motion and Appearance of Specularities in Image Sequences
* On the Non-linear Optimization of Projective Motion Using Minimal Parameters
* On the Representation and Matching of Qualitative Shape at Multiple Scales
* Optical Flow and Image Registration: A New Local Rigidity Approach for Global Minimization
* Optical imaging of anatomical maps derived from magnetic resonance images using time-independent optical sources
* optimal rotator for iterative reconstruction, An
* Optimization Algorithms for the Selection of Key Frame Sequences of Variable Length
* Optimization of Paintbrush Rendering of Images by Dynamic MCMC Methods
* Orthogonal Distance Fitting of Implicit Curves and Surfaces
* Pairwise Clustering with Matrix Factorisation and the EM Algorithm
* Paracatadioptric Camera Calibration
* Parameter Estimates for a Pencil of Lines: Bounds and Estimators
* Parametric Distributional Clustering for Image Segmentation
* Parsing Images into Region and Curve Processes
* partially unsupervised cascade classifier for the analysis of multitemporal remote-sensing images, A
* Path Based Pairwise Data Clustering with Application to Texture Segmentation
* PCT: A technique to probe cluster terrain
* PDE Approach for Thickness, Correspondence, and Gridding of Annular Tissues, A
* Perceiving Illumination Inconsistencies in Scenes
* Perceiving Shapes through Region and Boundary Interaction
* Perceptual Grouping from Motion Cues Using Tensor Voting in 4-D
* Perceptually-based Comparison of Image Similarity Metrics
* Performance Evaluation of Pattern Classifiers for Handwritten Character Recognition
* Phase-Based Local Features
* physics-based coordinate transformation for 3-D image matching, A
* Planar shape indexing and retrieval based on Hidden Markov Models
* Practical Extensions of Point Labeling in the Slider Model
* Preserving cartographic quality in DTM interpolation from contour lines
* Principal Component Analysis over Continuous Subspaces and Intersection of Half-Spaces
* Principles of Computer System Design for Stereo Perception
* Probabalistic Models and Informative Subspaces for Audiovisual Correspondence
* Probabilistic and Voting Approaches to Cue Integration for Figure-Ground Segmentation
* Probabilistic Framework for Spatio-Temporal Video Representation & Indexing, A
* Probabilistic Human Recognition from Video
* Probabilistic Multi-scale Model for Contour Completion Based on Image Statistics, A
* Probabilistic Search for Object Segmentation and Recognition
* Probabilistic Theory of Occupancy and Emptiness, A
* Problems in publishing accurate color in IEEE journals
* Processing of Ikonos imagery for submetre 3D positioning and building extraction
* Properties of the Catadioptric Fundamental Matrix
* Pseudo-Metric for Weighted Point Sets, A
* Psychophysically derived quantisation model for efficient DWT image coding
* Quantitative coronary angiography with deformable spline models
* Quasi-Dense Reconstruction from Image Sequence
* queueing system model for the design of feedback laws in rate-controlled MPEG video encoders, A
* Range Segmentation Using Visibility Constraints
* rapid and automatic image registration algorithm with subpixel accuracy, A
* Real-Time Interactive Path Extraction with on-the-Fly Adaptation of the External Forces
* Recognition of Surface Reflectance Properties from a Single Image under Unknown Real-World Illumination
* Recognizing and Tracking Human Action
* Recognizing Indoor Scenes
* Reconstructing images from their most singular fractal manifold
* Recovering Surfaces from the Restoring Force
* Recovery of Reflectances and Varying Illuminants from Multiple Views
* Rectilinearity Measurement for Polygons, A
* Reflective Symmetry Descriptor, A
* Region Matching with Missing Parts
* Region-based image binarization system
* Registration Assisted Image Smoothing and Segmentation
* Registration of head volume images using implantable fiducial markers
* Regularized reconstruction in electrical impedance tomography using a variance uniformization constraint
* Regularized Shock Filters and Complex Diffusion
* Relaxing Symmetric Multiple Windows Stereo Using Markov Random Fields
* Relevance of Non-Generic Events in Scale Space Models, The
* Reliability of an image analysis system for quantifying the radiographic trabecular pattern
* Removing Shadows from Images
* Representing Edge Models via Local Principal Component Analysis
* Resolution Selection Using Generalized Entropies of Multiresolution Histograms
* Revisiting Single-View Shape Tensors: Theory and Applications
* Robust Active Shape Model Search
* Robust authentication scheme for protecting copyrights of images and graphics
* Robust Computer Vision through Kernel Density Estimation
* Robust microphone arrays using subband adaptive filters
* Robust Parameterized Component Analysis
* Robust PCA Algorithm for Building Representations from Panoramic Images, A
* Role of Color in Face Recognition
* Rotation Invariant Real-time Face Detection and Recognition System
* Sampling concerns in scanline algorithms
* Scene analysis by integrating primitive segmentation and associative memory
* Scene Modeling from Motion-Free Radar Sensing
* segmentation-based lossless image coding method for high-resolution medical image compression, A
* Segmentations of Spatio-Temporal Images by Spatio-Temporal Markov Random Field Model
* Self-Organization of Randomly Placed Sensors
* Sensitivity of Calibration to Principal Point Position
* Sequence-to-Sequence Self Calibration
* Shadow Graphs and Surface Reconstruction
* Shape from Shading and Viscosity Solutions
* Shape from Texture without Boundaries
* Shape Priors for Level Set Representations
* Shape Tracking Using Centroid-Based Methods
* shape-space-based approach to tracking myocardial borders and quantifying regional left-ventricular function applied in echocardiography, A
* Shape-Time Photography
* Shock-Based Indexing into Large Shape Databases
* simple method for automatically locating the nipple on mammograms, A
* Simulated Evolution of Robot Perception, The
* Single Axis Geometry by Fitting Conics
* single-ended blockiness measure for JPEG-coded images, A
* Situation awareness system
* SoftPOSIT: Simultaneous Pose and Correspondence Determination
* Software Architecture of PSET: A Page Segmentation Evaluation Toolkit
* Space-Time Tracking
* Spatio-Temporal View Interpolation
* Special Issue on Performance Evaluation: Theory, Practice, and Impact
* Spectral Partitioning with Indefinite Kernels Using the Nyström Extension
* Specularities Reduce Ambiguity of Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo
* Spherical Object Reconstruction Using Star-Shaped Simplex Meshes
* Spiral-CT-based assessment of tracheal stenoses using 3-D-skeletonization
* Static Environment Recognition Using Omni-camera from a Moving Vehicle
* Statistical approach to segmentation of single-channel cerebral MR images
* statistical approach to the fusion of spectral and spatio-temporal contextual information for the classification of remote-sensing images, A
* statistical approach to the generation of a database for evaluating OCR software, A
* Statistical Characterization of Morphological Operator Sequences
* Statistical Learning of Multi-view Face Detection
* Statistical Modeling of Texture Sketch
* Stereo Matching Using Belief Propagation
* Stereo Matching with Segmentation-Based Cooperation
* Stimulus Simplification and Object Representation: A Modeling Study
* Stochastic Algorithm for 3D Scene Segmentation and Reconstruction, A
* Stratified Self Calibration from Screw-Transform Manifolds
* Structure and Motion for Dynamic Scenes: The Case of Points Moving in Planes
* Structure from Many Perspective Images with Occlusions
* Structure from Planar Motions with Small Baselines
* Study on eye gaze estimation
* Super-resolution still and video reconstruction from MPEG-coded video
* Supervised Texture Segmentation by Maximising Conditional Likelihood
* Surface Extraction from Volumetric Images Using Deformable Meshes: A Comparative Study
* Surface interpolation with radial basis functions for medical imaging
* Surface Reflectance Estimation and Natural Illumination Statistics
* Surface-based labeling of cortical anatomy using a deformable atlas
* Surviving Dominant Planes in Uncalibrated Structure and Motion Recovery
* Switching between selection and fusion in combining classifiers: An Experiment
* Symmetric Sub-Pixel Stereo Matching
* Symmetrical Dense Optical Flow Estimation with Occlusions Detection
* System and method for adjusting stereo camera
* system for digital reconstruction of gypsum dental casts, A
* Tale of Two Classifiers: SNoW vs. SVM in Visual Recognition, A
* Text Detection and Translation from Natural Scenes
* Texture classification using Gabor filters
* Texture Similarity Measure Using Kullback-Leibler Divergence between Gamma Distributions
* Three-dimensional PET emission scan registration and transmission scan synthesis
* Three-dimensional surface reconstruction using optical flow for medical imaging
* Time-Recursive Velocity-Adapted Spatio-Temporal Scale-Space Filters
* Toward a Full Probability Model of Edges in Natural Images
* Toward accurate attenuation correction in SPECT without transmission measurements
* Towards Improved Observation Models for Visual Tracking: Selective Adaptation
* Towards Real-Time Cue Integration by Using Partial Results
* Tracking and Object Classification for Automated Surveillance
* Tracking and Rendering Using Dynamic Textures on Geometric Structure from Motion
* Tracking geometrical descriptors on 3-D deformable surfaces: application to the left-ventricular surface of the heart
* Tracking with the EM Contour Algorithm
* Transitions of the 3D Medial Axis under a One-Parameter Family of Deformations
* TRIP: A Low-Cost Vision Based Location System for Ubiquitous Computing
* Two Variational Models for Multispectral Image Classification
* Understanding and Modeling the Evolution of Critical Points under Gaussian Blurring
* Understanding Popout: Pre-attentive Segmentation through Nondirectional Repulsion
* Unequally protected SPIHT video codec for low bit rate transmission over highly error-prone mobile channels
* Unified Approach to Model-Based and Model-Free Visual Servoing, An
* Upper Bounds for Error Rates of Linear Combinations of Classifiers
* Use of generalised Procrustes analysis for the photogrammetric block adjustment by independent models
* Using Dirichlet Free Form Deformation to Fit Deformable Models to Noisy 3-D Data
* Using Robust Estimation Algorithms for Tracking Explicit Curves
* Variational Approach to Maximum a Posteriori Estimation for Image Denoising, A
* Variational Approach to Recovering a Manifold from Sample Points, A
* Variational Approach to Shape from Defocus, A
* Very Fast Template Matching
* Video Compass
* Video Summaries through Mosaic-Based Shot and Scene Clustering
* Video-Based Drowning Detection System, A
* View Synthesis with Occlusion Reasoning Using Quasi-Sparse Feature Correspondences
* Visual Data Fusion for Objects Localization by Active Vision
* Visual Hull Construction, Alignment and Refinement Across Time
* Volterra Filtering of Noisy Images of Curves
* Wavelet representations for monitoring changes in teeth imaged with digital imaging fiber-optic transillumination
* Wavelet-Based Correlation for Stereopsis
* wavelet-based multiresolution regularized least squares reconstruction approach for optical tomography, A
* Weighted least-squares reconstruction methods for positron emission tomography
* Weighted-Distance Scheme: A Globally Optimizing Projection Ordering Method for ART, The
* What are Textons?
* What Can Be Known about the Radiometric Response from Images?
* What Does the Scene Look Like from a Scene Point?
* What Energy Functions Can Be Minimized via Graph Cuts?
* What Is the Role of Independence for Visual Recognition?
* Wound status evaluation using color image processing
* X-ray-based method for the determination of the contrast agent propagation in 3-D vessel structures, An
* Yet Another Survey on Image Segmentation: Region and Boundary Information Integration
* Z pi M algorithm: A Method for Interferometric Image Reconstruction in SAR/SAS, The
516 for 0205

Index for "0"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.