Update Dates 0507

0507 * 2D Range Hausdorff Approach for 3D Face Recognition, A
* 2D Statistical Models of Facial Expressions for Realistic 3D Avatar Animation
* 3D and Moving Target Extraction from Dynamic Pushbroom Stereo Mosaics
* 3D Articulated Motion Estimation from Images
* 3D Assisted Face Recognition: A Survey of 3D Imaging, Modelling and Recognition Approaches
* 3d Face Recognition From Range Data
* 3D Face Recognition using Mapped Depth Images
* 3D Face Recognition Using Two Views Face Modeling and Labeling
* 3D Facial Normalization with Spin Images and Influence of Range Data Calculation over Face Verification
* 3D Geometric and Optical Modeling of Warped Document Images from Scanners
* 3D Measurements in Cargo Inspection with a Gamma-Ray Linear Pushbroom Stereo System
* 3D Modeling of Indoor Environments for a Robotic Security Guard
* 3D Reconstruction by Fitting Low-Rank Matrices with Missing Data
* 3D Shape Context Based Gesture Analysis Integrated with Tracking using Omni Video Array
* 3D Site Modelling and Verification of Plant Design for Nuclear Security Applications
* 3D Structure And Motion Estimation From Range And Intensity Images Using Particle Filtering
* 8D-THERMO CAM: Combination of Geometry with Physiological Information for Face Recognition
* Accurate and Efficient Stereo Processing by Semi-Global Matching and Mutual Information
* Accurate Motion Layer Segmentation and Matting
* Actions Sketch: A Novel Action Representation
* Active Contours Using a Constraint-Based Implicit Representation
* Active Polyhedron: Surface Evolution Theory Applied to Deformable Meshes
* Active Pursuit Tracking in a Projector-Camera System with Application to Augmented Reality
* Activity Recognition and Abnormality Detection with the Switching Hidden Semi-Markov Model
* Adaptive Probabilistic Tracking Embedded in a Smart Camera
* Adaptive Rigid Multi-region Selection for Handling Expression Variation in 3D Face Recognition
* Addressing Radiometric Nonidealities: A Unified Framework
* Advanced Documents Authoring Tool
* Affine Object Tracking with Kernel-Based Spatial-Color Representation
* Algebraically Accurate Volume Registration Using Euler's Theorem and the 3-D Pseudo-Polar FFT
* ALIP: The Automatic Linguistic Indexing of Pictures System
* almost distribution-independent incremental Delaunay triangulation algorithm, An
* Analytically Solving Radial Distortion Parameters
* Annotating Real World objects using a Steerable Projector-Camera Unit
* Appearance Modeling for Tracking in Multiple Non-Overlapping Cameras
* Appearance-Guided Particle Filtering for Articulated Hand Tracking
* Applying Neighborhood Consistency for Fast Clustering and Kernel Density Estimation
* Architecture and Performance of the HI-Space Projector-Camera Interface
* Are External Face Features Useful for Automatic Face Classification?
* ARTag: a Fiducial Marker System Using Digital Techniques
* Articulated Pose Estimation in a Learned Smooth Space of Feasible Solutions
* Articulated Structure from Motion by Factorization
* Aspect-Based Relevance Learning for Image Retrieval
* Assessing Effectiveness in Video Retrieval
* Asymmetrical Occlusion Handling Using Graph Cut for Multi-View Stereo
* Audio-Visual Affect Recognition through Multi-Stream Fused HMM for HCI
* Automated Image Annotation Using Global Features and Robust Nonparametric Density Estimation
* Automated Liver Detection in Ultrasound Images
* Automatic 3D to 2D Registration for the Photorealistic Rendering of Urban Scenes
* Automatic Annotation of Images from the Practitioner Perspective
* Automatic Eye Detection and Its Validation
* Automatic Face Recognition for Film Character Retrieval in Feature-Length Films
* Automatic Feature Localization in Thermal Images for Facial Expression Recognition
* Automatic Image Semantic Annotation Based on Image-Keyword Document Model
* Automatic Model Creation for Kinematic Analysis and Optimization Of Engineering Systems
* Automatic Projector Calibration Using Self-Identifying Patterns
* Automatic Sign Detection and Recognition in Natural Scenes
* Automatic Thermal Monitoring System (ATHEMOS) for Deception Detection
* Axiomatic Approach to Corner Detection, An
* Background Estimation under Rapid Gain Change in Thermal Imagery
* Background Modelling in Infrared and Visible Spectrum Video for People Tracking
* Background Recognition in Dynamic Scenes with Motion Constraints
* Badge3D for Visually Impaired
* Band-Weighted Landuse Classification Method for Multispectral Images, A
* Bayesian 3D Modeling from Images Using Multiple Depth Maps
* Bayesian Approach to Background Modeling, A
* Bayesian Approach to Unsupervised Feature Selection and Density Estimation Using Expectation Propagation, A
* Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Learning Natural Scene Categories, A
* Bayesian image decomposition applied to relaxographic imaging
* Bayesian Image Segmentation Using Wavelet-Based Priors
* Bayesian Mixture Model for Multi-View Face Alignment, A
* Bayesian Object Detection in Dynamic Scenes
* Bayesian Super-Resolution of Text in Video with a Text-Specific Bimodal Prior
* Beyond Lambert: Reconstructing Specular Surfaces Using Color
* Beyond Pairwise Clustering
* Bi-Layer Segmentation of Binocular Stereo Video
* Big Little Icons
* Binary Tree for Probability Learning in Eye Detection, A
* Bipolarity and Projective Invariant-Based Zebra-Crossing Detection for the Visually Impaired
* Blind deconvolution using TV regularization and Bregman iteration
* Blob Segmentation Using Joint Space-Intensity Likelihood Ratio Test: Application to 3D Tumor Segmentation
* Boosting Nearest Neighbor Classifiers for Multiclass Recognition
* Boosting Saliency in Color Image Features
* Boundary Error Analysis and Categorization in the TRECVID News Story Segmentation Task
* Calibration of Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) Cameras and Omni-Directional Cameras
* Camera Based Automatic Calibration for the Varrier-System
* Camera Calibration and Light Source Estimation from Images with Shadows
* Camera Matchmoving in Unprepared, Unknown Environments
* Camera-Projector System for Real-Time 3D Video, A
* Capturing 2.5D Depth and Texture of Time-Varying Scenes Using Structured Infrared Light
* Caratheodory-Fejer Approach to Dynamic Appearance Modeling, A
* Cascaded Sequential Attention for Object Recognition with Informative Local Descriptors and Q-learning of Grouping Strategies
* Cerebral Vascular Atlas Generation for Anatomical Knowledge Modeling and Segmentation Purpose
* Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test of 3D Point Correspondence for Model Similarity Measure and Analysis
* Classification of Contour Shapes Using Class Segment Sets
* Classification of Proteomic Data with Logistic Kernel Partial Least Squares Algorithm
* Classifying Facial Gestures in Presence of Head Motion
* Closed Form Solution to Direct Motion Segmentation, A
* Cloth Representation by Shape from Shading with Shading Primitives
* Coherent Regions for Concise and Stable Image Description
* Colour Constancy Using the Chromagenic Constraint
* Combinational Approach to the Fusion, De-noising and Enhancement of Dual-Energy X-Ray Luggage Images, A
* Combined Physical and Statistical Approach to Colour Constancy, A
* Combining attention and recognition for rapid scene analysis
* Combining Local and Global Image Features for Object Class Recognition
* Combining Object and Feature Dynamics in Probabilistic Tracking
* Combining Variable Selection with Dimensionality Reduction
* Comparative Image Fusion Analysais
* Comparison of Score, Rank and Probability-Based Fusion Methods for Video Shot Retrieval, A
* Complete Keypics Experiment with Size Functions, A
* Complex 3D Shape Recovery Using a Dual-Space Approach
* Computational Anatomy for Generating 3D Avatars and Boosting Face Recognition Systems
* Computer Vision for Music Identification: Video Demonstration
* Computer Vision on FPGAs: Design Methodology and its Application to Gesture Recognition
* Computer Vision System on a Chip: A case study from the automotive domain, A
* Conceptual Image Retrieval Architecture Combining Keyword-Based Querying with Transparent and Penetrable Query-by-Example, A
* Concurrent Subspaces Analysis
* Conformal Deskewing of Non-Planar Documents
* Content-Based Object Movie Retrieval by Use of Relevance Feedback
* Content-Free Image Retrieval by Combinations of Keywords and User Feedbacks
* Contents Recycling Using Content-Based Image Retrieval on Mobile Device
* Contextual Learning in the Selective Attention for Identification model (CL-SAIM): Modeling contextual cueing in visual search tasks
* Contrast Enhancement of Multi-Displays Using Human Contrast Sensitivity
* Corrected Laplacians: Closer Cuts and Segmentation with Shape Priors
* Correspondence Expansion for Wide Baseline Stereo
* Coupled Kernel-Based Subspace Learning
* Coupled PDEs for Non-Rigid Registration and Segmentation
* Creating Invariance to Nuisance Parameters in Face Recognition
* Cross-Generalization: Learning Novel Classes from a Single Example by Feature Replacement
* Cross-Validatory Statistical Approach to Scale Selection for Image Denoising by Nonlinear Diffusion, A
* Cyclic Sequence Comparison Using Dynamic Warping
* Damped Newton Algorithms for Matrix Factorization with Missing Data
* Database-Guided Segmentation of Anatomical Structures with Complex Appearance
* Decentralized Multiple Target Tracking Using Netted Collaborative Autonomous Trackers
* Dense 3D Reconstruction with an Uncalibrated Stereo System using Coded Structured Light
* Dense Photometric Stereo Using a Mirror Sphere and Graph Cut
* Dense Photometric Stereo Using Tensorial Belief Propagation
* Dense Stereo Matching Using Two-Pass Dynamic Programming with Generalized Ground Control Points, A
* Design and Implementation of a Bandwidth Sensitive Distributed Continuous Media File System Using the Fibre Channel Network
* Designing Affine Transformations based Face Recognition Algorithms
* Detecting and Tracking Eyes Through Dynamic Terrain Feature Matching
* Detecting Doctored Images Using Camera Response Normality and Consistency
* Detecting, Localizing and Recovering Kinematics of Textured Animals
* Detection and Explanation of Anomalous Activities: Representing Activities as Bags of Event n-Grams
* Detection of Anchor Points for 3D Face Verification
* Determination Of Minutiae Scores For Fingerprint Image Applications
* Determining the Radiometric Response Function from a Single Grayscale Image
* Diagram Structure Recognition by Bayesian Conditional Random Fields
* Dialogue Sequence Detection in Movies
* Digital Sign System for Indoor Wayfinding for the Visually Impaired
* Digital Tapestry
* Direct Method for 3D Factorization of Nonrigid Motion Observed in 2D, A
* Direct Method for Modeling Non-Rigid Motion with Thin Plate Spline, A
* Discovery of Prokaryotic Relationships through Latent Structure of Correlated Nucleotide Sequences
* Discriminant Analysis Based Recursive Automatic Thresholding Approach for Image Segmentation, A
* Discriminant Analysis with Tensor Representation
* Discriminant Analysis: A Least Squares Approximation View
* Discriminative Density Propagation for 3D Human Motion Estimation
* Discriminative Framework for Modelling Object Classes, A
* Discriminative Learning of Markov Random Fields for Segmentation of 3D Scan Data
* Discriminative Training for Object Recognition Using Image Patches
* DISTATIS: The Analysis of Multiple Distance Matrices
* Distinctiveness, Detectability, and Robustness of Local Image Features, The
* Distributional Distances in Color Image Retrieval with GMVQ-Generated Histograms
* Domain Knowledge Ontology Building for Semantic Video Event Description
* Driver State Monitor from DELPHI
* Dynamic Conditional Random Field Model for Object Segmentation in Image Sequences, A
* Dynamic Environment Exploration Using a Virtual White Cane
* Dynamic Panoramic Surround Map: Motivation and Omni Video Based Approach
* Dynamosaics: Video Mosaics with Non-Chronological Time
* Ear Biometrics Using 2D and 3D Images
* Edge-Based Spatial Descriptor for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Effective Multi-dimdimensional Index Strategy for Cluster Architectures, An
* Effective News Anchorperson Shot Detection Method Based on Adaptive Audio/Visual Model Generation, An
* Efficient Compressed Domain Target Image Search and Retrieval
* Efficient Image Matching with Distributions of Local Invariant Features
* Efficient Mean-Shift Tracking via a New Similarity Measure
* Efficient Motion Estimation Using a Modified Early Termination Algorithm in H.264
* Efficient Multiclass Object Detection by a Hierarchy of Classifiers
* Efficient Nearest Neighbor Classification Using a Cascade of Approximate Similarity Measures
* Efficient Real-Time Algorithms for Eye State and Head Pose Tracking in Advanced Driver Support Systems
* Efficient Shape Indexing Using an Information Theoretic Representation
* EMD-Based Video Clip Retrieval by Many-to-Many Matching
* Empirical Evaluation of Advanced Ear Biometrics
* Energy Minimization via Graph Cuts: Settling What is Possible
* Ensemble Tracking
* Equivalence principle for optimization of sparse versus low-spread representations for signal estimation in noise
* Error-metrics for Camera Ego-motion Estimation
* Estimating 3D Shape and Texture Using Pixel Intensity, Edges, Specular Highlights, Texture Constraints and a Prior
* Estimating Disparity and Occlusions in Stereo Video Sequences
* Estimation of Human Figure Motion Using Robust Tracking of Articulated Layers
* Evaluating Image Retrieval
* Evaluating Multi-Object Tracking
* Evaluation of 3D Face Recognition in the presence of facial expressions: an Annotated Deformable Model approach
* Evaluation of Motion in Artificial Selective Attention, An
* Evaluation of the Modelling of Local Areas and Errors of Localization in FRGC-05
* Evaluation of the Suitability of FPGAs for Embedded Vision Systems, An
* Evolving Effective Color Features for Improving FRGC Baseline Performance
* Examples of Low-Level Computer Vision on Media Processors
* Expanding Disparity Range in an FPGA Stereo System While Keeping Resource Utilization Low
* Experimental Comparison of Three Guiding Principles for the Detection Salient Image Locations: Stability, Complexity, and Discrimination, An
* Experimental Evaluation of Iris Recognition
* Extended-Regular Sequence for Automated Analysis of Microarray Images
* Eye Gaze Tracking under Natural Head Movements
* Face Identification by a Cascade of Rejection Classifiers
* Face Modeling and Analysis in Stony Brook University
* Face Recognition Based on Frontal Views Generated from Non-Frontal Images
* Face Recognition with Image Sets Using Manifold Density Divergence
* Face Synthesis and Recognition from a Single Image under Arbitrary Unknown Lighting Using a Spherical Harmonic Basis Morphable Model
* Face Verification Across Age Progression
* Facial Action Unit Detection using Probabilistic Actively Learned Support Vector Machines on Tracked Facial Point Data
* Facial Muscle Activations from Motion Capture
* Factorization-Based Approach to Articulated Motion Recovery, A
* Factorization-Based Approach to Articulated Motion Recovery, A
* Fast and Accurate Face Recognition Using Support Vector Machines
* Fast and Robust Background Updating for Real-time Traffic Surveillance and Monitoring
* Fast Extrinsic Calibration of a Laser Rangefinder to a Camera
* Fast Illumination-Invariant Background Subtraction Using Two Views: Error Analysis, Sensor Placement and Applications
* Fast Object Hypotheses Generation Using 3D Position and 3D Motion
* Fast Selection of Linear Features in Image Data
* Fast Spatial Pattern Discovery Integrating Boosting with Constellations of Contextual Descriptors
* Feature Kernel Functions: Improving SVMs Using High-Level Knowledge
* Feature tracking for visual servoing purposes
* Feature Uncertainty Arising from Covariant Image Noise
* Feature-Level Fusion in Personal Identification
* Fields of Experts: A Framework for Learning Image Priors
* Finding Glass
* First Steps towards Stereo-based 6DOF SLAM for the Visually Impaired
* Fisher+Kernel Criterion for Discriminant Analysis
* Flattening Curved Documents in Images
* Flow-Based Approach to Vehicle Detection and Background Mosaicking in Airborne Video, A
* Formulating Semantic Image Annotation as a Supervised Learning Problem
* Framework of 2D Fisher Discriminant Analysis: Application to Face Recognition with Small Number of Training Samples, A
* Full Body Tracking from Multiple Views Using Stochastic Sampling
* Full-Frame Video Stabilization
* Fusion-Based Background-Subtraction using Contour Saliency
* Gene Selection via a Spectral Approach
* Generating Sequence of Eye Fixations Using Decision-theoretic Attention Model
* Generative Model of Human Hair for Hair Sketching, A
* Generative versus Discriminative Methods for Object Recognition
* Generic Face Representation Approach for Local Appearance Based Face Verification, A
* Geo-Consistency for Wide Multi-Camera Stereo
* Geodesic Computation for Adaptive Remeshing
* Gist: A Mobile Robotics Application of Context-Based Vision in Outdoor Environment
* Graph Embedding: A General Framework for Dimensionality Reduction
* Guest editorial: Special issue on blind source separation and de-convolution in imaging and image processing
* Guided Sampling via Weak Motion Models and Outlier Sample Generation for Epipolar Geometry Estimation
* Hallucinating Faces: TensorPatch Super-Resolution and Coupled Residue Compensation
* Hand Tracking with Flocks of Features
* Handheld Projectors for Mixing Physical and Digital Textures
* Heteroscedastic Projection Based M-Estimators
* Heuristic Search for Relevant Images on the Web, A
* Hierarchical Part-Based Visual Object Categorization
* High Resolution Grammatical Model for Face Representation and Sketching, A
* High-Speed Dialog Detection for Automatic Segmentation of Recorded TV Program
* Higher Order Whitening of Natural Images
* Higher-Order Image Statistics for Unsupervised, Information-Theoretic, Adaptive, Image Filtering
* Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Human Detection
* Hot Event Detection and Summarization by Graph Modeling and Matching
* How Can We Evaluate Object Recognition Algorithms Using a Public Object Image Database?
* Human Activity Recognition in Thermal Infrared Imagery
* Human Learning of Contextual Priors for Object Search: Where does the time go?
* Human Recognition Based on Face Profiles in Video
* Hybrid Graphical Model for Robust Feature Extraction from Video, A
* Hybrid Joint-Separable Multibody Tracking
* Hybrid Models for Human Motion Recognition
* Identifying Genes with The Concept of Customization
* Identifying Semantically Equivalent Object Fragments
* Illuminance-Reflectance Model for Nonlinear Enhancement of Color Images, An
* Illumination Normalization for Face Recognition and Uneven Background Correction Using Total Variation Based Image Models
* Illumination-Invariant Tracking via Graph Cuts
* Image and Video Retrieval from a User-Centered Mobile Multimedia Perspective
* Image Browsing: Semantic Analysis of NN k Networks
* Image coding based on wavelet feature vector
* Image Denoising Using Non-Negative Sparse Coding Shrinkage Algorithm
* Image Object Recognition by SVMs and Evidence Theory
* Imaging the Cardiovascular Pulse
* Implicit Surfaces Make for Better Silhouettes
* Improved AdaBoost-Based Image Retrieval with Relevance Feedback via Paired Feature Learning
* Improved Likelihood Function in Particle-based IR Eye Tracking
* Improved Topological Fiducial Tracking in the reacTIVision System
* Improvement on PCA and 2DPCA Algorithms for Face Recognition
* Improving the Speed of Virtual Rear Projection: A GPU-Centric Architecture
* Indexing with Unknown Illumination and Pose
* Infomax Boosting
* Inlier-based ICA with an application to superimposed images
* Instant Scene Modeler for Crime Scene Reconstruction
* Integral Histogram: A Fast Way To Extract Histograms in Cartesian Spaces
* Integral Normalized Gradient Image A Novel Illumination Insensitive Representation
* Integrated Learning of Saliency, Complex Features, and Object Detectors from Cluttered Scenes
* Integrating LDV Audio and IR Video for Remote Multimodal Surveillance
* Integration of Motion Fields through Shape
* Intellectual Property Management and Protection and Digital Right Management in MPEG
* Interactive Graph Cut Based Segmentation with Shape Priors
* Interactive Montages of Sprites for Indexing and Summarizing Security Video
* Interactive Pinpoint Image Object Removal
* Interactive Shape from Shading
* Interactive Video Search Using Multilevel Indexing
* Invariant Representation for Matching Trajectories Across Uncalibrated Video Streams, An
* Inverse Polarization Raytracing: Estimating Surface Shapes of Transparent Objects
* Isophote Properties as Features for Object Detection
* Jensen-Shannon Boosting Learning for Object Recognition
* Joint Nonparametric Alignment for Analyzing Spatial Gene Expression Patterns in Drosophila Imaginal Discs
* Kernel Matched Signal Detectors for Hyperspectral Target Detection
* Kernel-Based Bayesian Filtering for Object Tracking
* Lambda-medial axis
* Lane Change Intent Analysis Using Robust Operators and Sparse Bayesian Learning
* Large Scale Evaluations of Multimedia Information Retrieval: The TRECVid Experience
* Layered Representation for Pedestrian Detection and Tracking in Infrared Imagery
* LBP Discriminant Analysis for Face Verification
* Learn Discriminant Features for Multi-View Face and Eye Detection
* Learning a Multi-Size Patch-Based Hybrid Kernel Machine Ensemble for Abnormal Region Detection in Colonoscopic Images
* Learning a Similarity Metric Discriminatively, with Application to Face Verification
* Learning and Detecting Activities from Movement Trajectories Using the Hierarchical Hidden Markov Models
* Learning Appearance Manifolds from Video
* Learning Feature Distance Measures for Image Correspondences
* Learning Shapes for Image Classification and Retrieval
* Learning Spatiotemporal T-Junctions for Occlusion Detection
* Learning the Semantics of Images by Using Unlabeled Samples
* Learning to Estimate Human Pose with Data Driven Belief Propagation
* Learning to Track: Conceptual Manifold Map for Closed-Form Tracking
* Learning with Constrained and Unlabelled Data
* Least Squares Fitting Articulated Objects
* Lebesgue anisotropic image denoising
* Lessons for the Future from a Decade of Informedia Video Analysis Research
* Level Set Active Contours on Unstructured Point Cloud
* Level Set Based Shape Prior Segmentation
* Level Set Evolution without Re-Initialization: A New Variational Formulation
* Linear Combination Representation for Outlier Detection in Motion Tracking
* Local Color Transfer via Probabilistic Segmentation by Expectation-Maximization
* Local Discriminant Embedding and Its Variants
* Local Region-based Approach to Gender Classification From Face Images, A
* Localization Based on Building Recognition
* Localization in Urban Environments: Monocular Vision Compared to a Differential GPS Sensor
* Locally Adaptive Chromatic Restoration Of Digitally Acquired Paintings
* Locally Adaptive Support-Weight Approach for Visual Correspondence Search
* Machine Learning for Clinical Diagnosis from Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Mapping Low-Level Features to High-Level Semantic Concepts in Region-Based Image Retrieval
* marking-based, Flexible approach to intersection detection, A
* Markov Random Field Approach for Dense Photometric Stereo, A
* Matching Tensors for Pose Invariant Automatic 3D Face Recognition
* Matching with PROSAC: Progressive Sample Consensus
* Measure for Objective Evaluation of Image Segmentation Algorithms, A
* Measure of Deformability of Shapes, with Applications to Human Motion Analysis, A
* MER-DIMES: A Planetary Landing Application of Computer Vision
* Mercer Kernels for Object Recognition with Local Features
* Method and apparatus for image analysis of a gabor-wavelet transformed image using a neural network
* Minimal Solution for Relative Pose with Unknown Focal Length, A
* Mirror MoCap: Automatic and efficient capture of dense 3D facial motion parameters from video
* Mixture Trees for Modeling and Fast Conditional Sampling with Applications in Vision and Graphics
* MML-Based Approach for High-Dimensional Unsupervised Learning Using the Generalized Dirichlet Mixture
* Mobility assessment using simulated Artificial Human Vision
* Model-Based Validation Approaches and Matching Techniques for Automotive Vision Based Pedestrian Detection
* Modeling and Learning Contact Dynamics in Human Motion
* Modeling Dynamic Scenes with Active Appearance
* Modeling Multi-object Spatial Relationships for Satellite Image Database Indexing and Retrieval
* Modelling Dynamic Scenes by Registering Multi-View Image Sequences
* Modelling Reflections via Multiperspective Imaging
* Modified pbM-Estimator Method and a Runtime Analysis Technique for the RANSAC Family, The
* Monocular 3-D Tracking of the Golf Swing
* Monocular 3-D Tracking of the Golf Swing
* Monocular Human Motion Capture with a Mixture of Regressors
* MosaicShape: Stochastic Region Grouping with Shape Prior
* Motion Segmentation of Multiple Translating Objects Using Line Correspondences
* Moving Cast Shadow Detection from a Gaussian Mixture Shadow Model
* MRF Augmented Particle Filter Tracker
* Multi-Camera Pose Tracker for Assisting the Visually Impaired, A
* Multi-Frame Moving Object Track Matching Based on an Incremental Major Color Spectrum Histogram Matching Algorithm
* Multi-Image Matching Using Multi-Scale Oriented Patches
* Multi-Output Regularized Projection
* Multi-Planar Projection by Fixed-Center Pan-Tilt Projectors
* Multi-View Classifier Swarms for Pedestrian Detection and Tracking
* Multi-View Geometry for General Camera Models
* Multi-View Stereo via Volumetric Graph-Cuts
* Multilabel Random Walker Image Segmentation Using Prior Models
* Multilinear Independent Components Analysis
* Multimedia Research Challenges for Industry
* Multimodal Face Recognition: Combination of Geometry with Physiological Information
* multimodal fusion system for people detection and tracking, A
* Multiperspective Thermal IR and Video Arrays for 3D Body Tracking and Driver Activity Analysis
* Multiple Collaborative Kernel Tracking
* Multiple Object Tracking with Kernel Particle Filter
* Multiscale Segmentation by Combining Motion and Intensity Cues
* Multitarget Tracking with Split and Merged Measurements
* Natural/Man-Made Object Classification Based on Gabor Characteristics
* Near Real-Time Reliable Stereo Matching Using Programmable Graphics Hardware
* New Active Contour Method Based on Elastic Interaction, A
* New Face Recognition Algorithm using Bijective Mappings, A
* New Method for Automatic 3D Face Registration, A
* New Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction Technique for Pose and Lighting Invariant Face Recognition, A
* Non-Local Algorithm for Image Denoising, A
* Nonlinear Approach for Face Sketch Synthesis and Recognition, A
* Nonlinear Face Recognition Based on Maximum Average Margin Criterion
* Nonparametric Subspace Analysis for Face Recognition
* novel performance evaluation method of local detectors on non-planar scenes, A
* Novel Texture Descriptor Using Over-Complete Wavelet Transform and Its Fractal Signature, A
* Obj Cut
* Object Class Recognition by Boosting a Part-Based Model
* Object Class Recognition Using Multiple Layer Boosting with Heterogeneous Features
* Object Detection Using 2D Spatial Ordering Constraints
* Object Detection Using 2D Spatial Ordering Constraints
* Object Recognition with Features Inspired by Visual Cortex
* Object-based Visual Attention: a Model for a Behaving Robot
* Obstacle Detection with Stereo Vision for Off-Road Vehicle Navigation
* Occupant Classification System Eigen Shapes or Knowledge-Based Features, An
* On Image Retrieval Using Salient Regions with Vector-Spaces and Latent Semantics
* On Modelling Nonlinear Shape-and-Texture Appearance Manifolds
* On the Absolute Quadratic Complex and Its Application to Autocalibration
* On the Localization of Straight Lines in 3D Space from Single 2D Images
* On the Small Sample Performance of Boosted Classifiers
* On-Line Learning Mechanism for Unsupervised Classification and Topology Representation, An
* On-Vehicle and Aerial Texture Analysis for Vision-Based Desert Road Following
* Online Detection and Classification of Moving Objects Using Progressively Improving Detectors
* Online Learning of Probabilistic Appearance Manifolds for Video-Based Recognition and Tracking
* Online Modeling and Tracking of Pose-Varying Faces in Video
* Online Selecting Discriminative Tracking Features Using Particle Filter
* Optical Flow Estimation and Segmentation of Multiple Moving Dynamic Textures
* Optimal Point Correspondence through the Use of Rank Constraints
* Optimal Sub-Shape Models by Minimum Description Length
* Optimization Design of Cascaded Classifiers
* Ordinal Palmprint Represention for Personal Identification
* Overtaking Vehicle Detection Using Dynamic and Quasi-Static Background Modeling
* Overview of DNA Microarray Image Requirements for Automated Processing, An
* Overview of the Face Recognition Grand Challenge
* Palmprints: A Cooperative Co-evolutionary Algorithm For Clustering Hand Images
* Parameter Estimation for MRF Stereo
* Part-Based Statistical Models for Object Classification and Detection
* Particle Filtering for Geometric Active Contours with Application to Tracking Moving and Deforming Objects
* Pattern Recognition Method to Detect Vulnerable Spots in an RNA Sequence for Bacterial Resistance to the Antibiotic Spectinomycin
* Pedestrian Detection in Crowded Scenes
* Performance Evaluation of Face Recognition using Visual and Thermal Imagery with Advanced Correlation Filters
* Performance of Geometrix ActiveID(TM) 3D Face Recognition Engine on the FRGC Data
* Person Search Made Easy
* Person Spotting: Video Shot Retrieval for Face Sets
* Person Tracking and Multicamera Video Retrieval Using Floor Sensors in a Ubiquitous Environment
* Personal Identification Utilizing Finger Surface Features
* Photo realistic talking head creation system and method
* Pixel-Aligned Warping for Multiprojector Tiled Displays
* Pixels that Sound
* Polarization Multiplexing for Bidirectional Imaging
* Pose Angle Determination by Face, Eyes and Nose Localization
* Pose-Robust Face Recognition Using Geometry Assisted Probabilistic Modeling
* Posture and Gesture Recognition using 3D Body Shapes Decomposition
* Practical Analytic Single Scattering Model for Real Time Rendering, A
* Practical Applications of Multimedia Search
* practical approach for estimating illumination distribution from shadows using a single image, A
* Predicting and Evaluating the Power of Shared Features
* Prescreener for 3D Face Recognition Using Radial Symmetry and the Hausdorff Fraction, A
* Principled Approach to Detecting Surprising Events in Video, A
* Probabilistic Fusion of Stereo with Color and Contrast for Bi-Layer Segmentation
* Probabilistic Kernels for the Classification of Auto-Regressive Visual Processes
* Probabilistic Modeling-Based Vessel Enhancement in Thoracic CT Scans
* Projector-Camera System with Real-Time Photometric Adaptation for Dynamic Environments, A
* Projector-Camera System with Real-Time Photometric Adaptation for Dynamic Environments, A
* Protein Interaction Inference as a MAX-SAT Problem
* Pruning Training Sets for Learning of Object Categories
* Quantitative Evaluation of a Novel Image Segmentation Algorithm
* Radial Trifocal Tensor: A Tool for Calibrating the Radial Distortion of Wide-Angle Cameras, The
* Radiometric Compensation in a Projector-Camera System Based Properties of Human Vision System
* Radon-Based Structure from Motion without Correspondences
* Random Subspaces and Subsampling for 2-D Face Recognition
* Random Subwindows for Robust Image Classification
* Randomized Trees for Real-Time Keypoint Recognition
* Range Data Registration Using Photometric Features
* Rank-R Approximation of Tensors: Using Image-as-Matrix Representation
* Rational Function Lens Distortion Model for General Cameras, A
* Real time object localization and recognition from silhouette images
* Real Time Robust Human Detection and Tracking System
* Real-Time Connectivity Constrained Depth Map Computation Using Programmable Graphics Hardware
* Real-time Hand Tracking With Variable-Length Markov Models of Behaviour
* Real-Time Human Stress Monitoring System Using Dynamic Bayesian Network, A
* Real-Time Multiple Objects Tracking with Occlusion Handling in Dynamic Scenes
* Real-Time Non-Rigid Surface Detection
* Real-Time Tracking Using Level Sets
* Real-Time Tracking with Multiple Cues by Set Theoretic Random Search
* Real-Time Wide Area Multi-Camera Stereo Tracking
* Recognizing Facial Expression: Machine Learning and Application to Spontaneous Behavior
* Redundant Class-Dependence Feature Analysis Based on Correlation Filters Using FRGC2.0 Data
* Reflection Components Decomposition of Textured Surfaces Using Linear Basis Functions
* Reflections on the Generalized Bas-Relief Ambiguity
* Region Competition via Local Watershed Operators
* Region Filtering Using Color and Texture Features for Image Retrieval
* Region-Based Image Clustering and Retrieval Using Multiple Instance Learning
* Reliable Tracking of Large Scale Dense Antiparallel Particle Motion for Fluorescence Live Cell Imaging
* Removing Photography Artifacts using Gradient Projection and Flash-Exposure Sampling
* Repeated Measures GLMM Estimation of Subject-Related and False Positive Threshold Effects on Human Face Verification Performance
* Representational Oriented Component Analysis (ROCA) for Face Recognition with One Sample Image per Training Class
* Restoration and Recognition in a Loop
* Review Of Performance Evaluation For Biometrics Systems, A
* Review on Vision-Based Full DOF Hand Motion Estimation, A
* RGB-Z: Mapping a Sparse Depth Map to a High Resolution RGB Camera Image
* Robust and Efficient Foreground Analysis for Real-Time Video Surveillance
* Robust Boosting for Learning from Few Examples
* Robust Centerline Extraction Framework Using Level Sets
* Robust Face Detection with Multi-Class Boosting
* Robust Image Enhancement Technique for Improving Image Visual Quality in Shadowed Scenes, A
* Robust Instantaneous Rigid Motion Estimation
* Robust L-1 Norm Factorization in the Presence of Outliers and Missing Data by Alternative Convex Programming
* Robust Methods and Representations for Soccer Player Tracking and Collision Resolution
* Robust Object Detection via Soft Cascade
* Scci-hybrid Methods For 2d Curve Tracing
* Scene-Adapted Structured Light
* Screener Evaluation of Pseudo-Colored Single Energy X-ray Luggage Images
* Second Generation Low Cost Embedded Color Vision System, A
* Segmentation Induced by Scale Invariance
* Segmentation of a Piece-Wise Planar Scene from Perspective Images
* Segmentation of Edge Preserving Gradient Vector Flow: An Approach Toward Automatically Initializing and Splitting of Snakes
* Selection and Fusion of Color Models for Feature Detection
* Selective Attention in the Learning of Invariant Representation of Objects
* Semantic Annotation of Image Groups with Self-organizing Maps
* Semantic Event Detection in Structured Video Using Hybrid HMM/SVM
* Semi-Supervised Active Learning Framework for Image Retrieval, A
* Semi-Supervised Adapted HMMs for Unusual Event Detection
* Semi-Supervised Cross Feature Learning for Semantic Concept Detection in Videos
* Semi-Supervised Face Detection
* Semi-Supervised Learning Based Object Detection in Aerial Imagery
* Sensing Deforming and Moving Objects with Commercial Off the Shelf Hardware
* Shape from Shading: A Well-Posed Problem?
* Shape Matching and Object Recognition Using Low Distortion Correspondences
* Shape Model-Based 3D Ear Detection from Side Face Range Images
* Shape Regularized Active Contour Using Iterative Global Search and Local Optimization
* Shock Filters Based on Implicit Cluster Separation
* SIFT Descriptor with Global Context, A
* Sign Classification using Local and Meta-Features
* Similarity-Based Retrieval Method for Fractal Coded Images in the Compressed Data Domain
* Simultaneous Estimation of Segmentation and Shape
* Simultaneous Modeling and Tracking (SMAT) of Feature Sets
* Simultaneous total variation image inpainting and blind deconvolution
* Single Camera Stereo for Mobile Robot Surveillance
* Single Image Phase-Based MRI Fat Suppression Expectation Maximization Algorithm
* Skeletal Parameter Estimation from Optical Motion Capture Data
* Skeletal Parameter Estimation from Optical Motion Capture Data
* Slit Scanning Depth of Route Panorama from Stationary Blur, A
* Smart Light-Ultra High Speed Projector for Spatial Multiplexing Optical Transmission
* Space-Time Behavior Based Correlation
* Spaceborne Traffic Monitoring with Dual Channel Synthetic Aperture Radar Theory and Experiments
* Sparse ICA for blind separation of transmitted and reflected images
* Sparse Object Category Model for Efficient Learning and Exhaustive Recognition, A
* Sparse Support Vector Machine Approach to Region-Based Image Categorization, A
* Spatial Priors for Part-Based Recognition Using Statistical Models
* Spatiograms versus Histograms for Region-Based Tracking
* Speckle-Constrained Filtering of Ultrasound Images
* Spectral Segmentation with Multiscale Graph Decomposition
* Starburst: A hybrid algorithm for video-based eye tracking combining feature-based and model-based approaches
* State Of The Art In The Realistic Modeling Of Plant Venation Systems
* Statistical Cue Integration for Foveated Wide-Field Surveillance
* Statistical Field Model for Pedestrian Detection, A
* Statistical Learning of Visual Feature Hierarchies
* Steerable Projector Calibration
* Stereo Correspondence by Dynamic Programming on a Tree
* Stereo Vision-Based Approaches for Pedestrian Detection
* Stereo-Based Object Detection, Classification, and Quantitative Evaluation with Automotive Applications
* Stereoscopic imaging and computer vision of impinging fires by a single camera with a stereo adapter
* Story Segmentation in News Videos Using Visual and Text Cues
* Strategies and Benefits of Fusion of 2D and 3D Face Recognition
* Strike a Pose: Tracking People by Finding Stylized Poses
* Structured Light Based Depth Edge Detection for Object Shape Recovery
* Style Similarity Measure for Video Documents Comparison
* Subspace Analysis Using Random Mixture Models
* Survey of sparse and non-sparse methods in source separation
* Swarm-Based Volition/Attention Framework for Object Recognition, A
* Symmetric Stereo Matching for Occlusion Handling
* Synchronization and Calibration of a Camera Network for 3D Event Reconstruction from Live Video
* Synthetic Aperture Focusing using a Shear-Warp Factorization of the Viewing Transform
* System for Live Virtual-Endoscopic Guidance of Bronchoscopy
* Systematic Evaluation of Machine Translation Methods for Image and Video Annotation
* Tangent-Corrected Embedding
* Task-Driven Learning of Spatial Combinations of Visual Features
* Tensor Decomposition for Geometric Grouping and Segmentation, A
* Theoretical Analysis on Reconstruction-Based Super-Resolution for an Arbitrary PSF
* Theory for Photometric Self-Calibration of Multiple Overlapping Projectors and Cameras, A
* Theory for Variational Area-Based Segmentation Using Non-Quadratic Penalty Functions
* Time-Efficient Cascade for Real-Time Object Detection: With applications for the visually impaired, A
* Tone Reproduction: A Perspective from Luminance-Driven Perceptual Grouping
* Top-Down and Bottom-Up Strategies in Lesion Detection of Background Diabetic Retinopathy
* Topological Mapping from Image Sequences
* Towards a Practical Stereo Vision Sensor
* Towards Automatic Classification of 3-D Museum Artifacts Using Ontological Concepts
* Towards Complete Generic Camera Calibration
* Towards Media Semantics: An I2R Perspective
* Tracking Cell Signals in Fluorescent Images
* Tracking Humans using Multi-modal Fusion
* Tracking Multiple Colored Blobs with a Moving Camera
* Tracking Multiple Mouse Contours (without Too Many Samples)
* Tracking Multiple Objects through Occlusions
* Tracking Multiple Objects through Occlusions
* Tracking Non-Stationary Appearances and Dynamic Feature Selection
* Tracking People and Recognizing Their Activities
* Tracking Single Quantum Dots in Live Cells with Minimal Paths
* Trademark image retrieval by distance-angle pair-wise histogram
* Trading Precision for Speed: Localised Similarity Functions
* Two Level Approach for Scene Recognition, A
* Two-Stage Level Set Evolution Scheme for Man-Made Objects Detection in Aerial Images, A
* Two-View Geometry Estimation Unaffected by a Dominant Plane
* Two-View Multibody Structure-and-Motion with Outliers
* UMD Experiments with FRGC Data
* Unified Framework for Tracking through Occlusions and across Sensor Gaps, A
* Unified Optimization Based Learning Method for Image Retrieval, A
* Unstructured Point Cloud Matching within Graph-Theoretic and Thermodynamic Frameworks
* Unsupervised Learning in Radiology Using Novel Latent Variable Models
* Unsupervised Learning of Discriminative Edge Measures for Vehicle Matching between Non-Overlapping Cameras
* Unsupervised learning of nonlinear dependencies in natural images
* Unsupervised Learning of Object Features from Video Sequences
* Unsupervised Modeling of Signs Embedded in Continuous Sentences
* Unsupervised Segmentation of Multi-Modal Images by a Precise Approximation of Individual Modes with Linear Combinations of Discrete Gaussians
* Use and Utility of High-Level Semantic Features in Video Retrieval, The
* Using Coupled Subspace Models for Recovery of Reflectance Spectra from Airborne Images
* Using Particles to Track Varying Numbers of Interacting People
* Using Projective Invariant Properties for Efficient 3D Reconstruction
* Using the Inner-Distance for Classification of Articulated Shapes
* Using the KL-Center for Efficient and Accurate Retrieval of Distributions Arising from Texture Images
* Variational blind deconvolution of multi-channel images
* Vehicle Fingerprinting for Reacquisition and Tracking in Videos
* Vehicle Segmentation and Tracking from a Low-Angle Off-Axis Camera
* Video enhancement using per-pixel virtual exposures
* Video Epitomes
* Video Processing and Understanding Tools for Augmented Multisensor Perception and Mobile User Interaction in Smart Spaces
* Video Story Segmentation and Its Application to Personal Video Recorders
* Video-based Human Action Classification with Ambiguous Correspondences
* Videoshop: A New Framework for Spatio-Temporal Video Editing in Gradient Domain
* Visibility Constrained Surface Evolution
* Visibility Improvement System for Low Vision Drivers by Nonlinear Enhancement of Fused Visible and Infrared Video, A
* Vision-Based Approach for Controlling User Interfaces of Mobile Devices, A
* Visual Concepts for News Story Tracking: Analyzing and Exploiting the NIST TRECVID Video Annotation Experiment
* Visual Cue Cluster Construction via Information Bottleneck Principle and Kernel Density Estimation
* Visual Tracking in the Presence of Motion Blur
* WaldBoost: Learning for Time Constrained Sequential Detection
* Wavelet Transformation for Temporal Gene Expression Analysis, The
* Wavelet-based Processing of EEG Data for Brain-Computer Interfaces
* Weakly Supervised Approach for Semantic Image Indexing and Retrieval, A
* Web-Based Hybrid Visualization of Medical Images
* Weighted Nearest Mean Classifier for Sparse Subspaces, A
* What Can Expressive Semantics Tell: Retrieval Model for a Flash-Movie Search Engine
* Why I Want a Gradient Camera
* Wide-Baseline Stereo Matching with Line Segments
635 for 0507

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.