* *IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography
* *IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography
* *IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography
* *IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography
* *Image and Signal Processing
* *International Conference on 3D GeoInformation
* *Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition
* *Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration
* *Workshop on Vision Networks for Behavior Analysis
* 2.5D building modeling by discovering global regularities
* 2D Rigid Point Registration for Satellite Imaging Using Genetic Algorithms, A
* 2D wavelet transform on emerging architectures: GPUs and multicores, The
* 2D/3D rotation-invariant detection using equivariant filters and kernel weighted mapping
* 3-D Head Tracking via Invariant Keypoint Learning
* 3-D Modeling From a Single View of a Symmetric Object
* 3-D Object Retrieval and Recognition With Hypergraph Analysis
* 3D Computer Vision: Efficient Methods and Applications
* 3D Constrained Local Model for rigid and non-rigid facial tracking
* 3D extension to cortex like mechanisms for 3D object class recognition, A
* 3D Face Recognition Using an Expression Insensitive Dynamic Mask
* 3D geospatial modelling and visualization for marine environment: Study of the marine pelagic ecosystem of the south-eastern Beaufort Sea, Canadian Arctic
* 3D registration of laser range scenes by coincidence of coarse binary cubes
* 3D shape Retrieval Using Bag-of-Feature Method Basing on Local Codebooks
* 3D Tensor Normalization for Improved Accuracy in DTI Tensor Registration Methods
* 3D Video and Its Applications
* 3D visual phrases for landmark recognition
* 3D+t Morphological Processing: Applications to Embryogenesis Image Analysis
* 3D-2D Registration Based on Mesh-Derived Image Bisection
* A-Optimal Non-negative Projection for image representation
* Acceleration-Level Cyclic-Motion Generation of Constrained Redundant Robots Tracking Different Paths
* Accelerator-Based implementation of the Harris Algorithm
* Accidental pinhole and pinspeck cameras: Revealing the scene outside the picture
* Accurate Eye Center Location through Invariant Isocentric Patterns
* Action bank: A high-level representation of activity in video
* Action recognition by exploring data distribution and feature correlation
* Actionable saliency detection: Independent motion detection without independent motion estimation
* Active attentional sampling for speed-up of background subtraction
* Active image clustering: Seeking constraints from humans to complement algorithms
* Active learning for semantic segmentation with expected change
* Active-GNG: model acquisition and tracking in cluttered backgrounds
* Adaptive figure-ground classification
* Adaptive Frequency Weighting for High-Performance Video Coding
* Adaptive Image Decomposition into Cartoon and Texture Parts Optimized by the Orthogonality Criterion
* Adaptive Information Fusion for Human Upper Limb Movement Estimation
* Adaptive Membership Functions for Handwritten Character Recognition by Voronoi-Based Image Zoning
* Adaptive Reconstruction of Millimeter-Wave Radiometric Images
* Adaptive Selection of Embedding Locations for Spread Spectrum Watermarking of Compressed Audio
* Adaptive Slope Filtering of Airborne LiDAR Data in Urban Areas for Digital Terrain Model (DTM) Generation
* Adaptive Spatial Concealment of Damaged Coded Images
* Advanced Color Image Processing and Analysis
* Affective Computing in Consumer Electronics
* Affine invariant image watermarking using intensity probability density-based Harris Laplace detector
* Affine Model Based Motion Compensation Prediction for Zoom
* Affine-invariant, elastic shape analysis of planar contours
* Affinity aggregation for spectral clustering
* Affinity learning via self-diffusion for image segmentation and clustering
* Aggregating Local Image Descriptors into Compact Codes
* Algorithm for k-Anonymity-Based Fingerprinting, An
* Algorithms for maximum-likelihood bandwidth selection in kernel density estimators
* Aligning images in the wild
* Alignment and mosaicing of non-overlapping images
* Alignment of 3-D Optical Coherence Tomography Scans to Correct Eye Movement Using a Particle Filtering
* Alignment of velocity fields for video surveillance
* Alignment-free cancelable fingerprint template design: A densely infinite-to-one mapping (DITOM) approach
* Alternative Anti-Forensics Method for Contrast Enhancement
* Analysis and Correction of Count Rate Reduction During Simultaneous MR-PET Measurements With the BrainPET Scanner
* analysis of color demosaicing in plenoptic cameras, An
* Analysis of directional patterns of lung nodules in computerized tomography using Getis statistics and their accumulated forms as malignancy and benignity indicators
* Analysis of the Scaling Effects in the Area-Averaged Fraction of Vegetation Cover Retrieved Using an NDVI-Isoline-Based Linear Mixture Model
* Analytical model of a laser range profile from rough convex quadric bodies of revolution
* Analyzing the Contributor Activity of a Volunteered Geographic Information Project: The Case of OpenStreetMap
* Angular domain reconstruction of dynamic 3D fluid surfaces
* Anti-Forensics of Double JPEG Compression Detection
* Anywhere Interfaces Using Handheld Augmented Reality
* Application of MODIS Imagery for Intra-Annual Water Clarity Assessment of Minnesota Lakes
* Application of Semi-Automated Filter to Improve Waveform Lidar Sub-Canopy Elevation Model
* Application of the mean field methods to MRF optimization in computer vision
* Architecture and Applications of Virtual Coaches
* Archive Film Defect Detection and Removal: An Automatic Restoration Framework
* Are we ready for autonomous driving? The KITTI vision benchmark suite
* Articulated people detection and pose estimation: Reshaping the future
* Articulated pose estimation with parts connectivity using discriminative local oriented contours
* Artifact Removal for GLS Map Makers by Means of Post-Processing
* Artifact-free High Dynamic Range imaging
* Assessing the Accuracy of Georeferenced Point Clouds Produced via Multi-View Stereopsis from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Imagery
* Assessing the influence of temperature variations on the geometrical properties of a low-cost calibrated camera system by using computer vision procedures
* Assessment of Service Protocol Adaptability Based on Novel Walk Computation
* Associative Model for Solving the Wall-Following Problem
* Atmospheric Correction and Vicarious Calibration of Oceansat-1 Ocean Color Monitor (OCM) Data in Coastal Case 2 Waters
* Attribute-restricted latent topic model for person re-identification
* Augmented Reality in a Public Space: The Natural History Museum, London
* Augmented Reality in the Classroom
* Augmenting deformable part models with irregular-shaped object patches
* Authenticating Visual Cryptography Shares Using 2D Barcodes
* Auto face re-ranking by mining the web and video archives
* Automated annotation of coral reef survey images
* automated approach for updating land cover maps based on integrated change detection and classification methods, An
* Automated Motion Correction for In Vivo Optical Projection Tomography
* Automated quantitative description of spiral galaxy arm-segment structure
* Automated reconstruction of tree structures using path classifiers and Mixed Integer Programming
* Automated solutions to incomplete jigsaw puzzles
* Automatic aspect discrimination in data clustering
* Automatic Design of Artificial Neural Networks and Associative Memories for Pattern Classification and Pattern Restoration
* Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Orchards Using Very High Resolution Imagery
* Automatic Detection of the Magnitude and Spatial Location of Error in Non-rigid Registration
* Automatic Detection of Unconscious Reactions to Illuminance Changes in Illumination
* Automatic discovery of groups of objects for scene understanding
* Automatic Estimation of Movement Statistics of People
* Automatic grayscale image colorization using histogram regression
* Automatic Image Scaling Up Algorithm, An
* Automatic Light Scene Setting Through Image-Based Sparse Light Effect Approximation
* Automatic mitral leaflet tracking in echocardiography by outlier detection in the low-rank representation
* Automatic Quantification of Tibio-Femoral Contact Area and Congruity
* Automatic Road Area Extraction from Printed Maps Based on Linear Feature Detection
* Automatic upright adjustment of photographs
* Autonomous cleaning of corrupted scanned documents: A generative modeling approach
* AVA: A large-scale database for aesthetic visual analysis
* Avatar Acceptance Study for Home Automation Scenarios, An
* Background modeling using adaptive pixelwise kernel variances in a hybrid feature space
* Background subtraction based on phase feature and distance transform
* Backtracking: Retrospective multi-target tracking
* Bag of textons for image segmentation via soft clustering and convex shift
* Batch mode Adaptive Multiple Instance Learning for computer vision tasks
* Bayesian belief network learning algorithms for modeling contextual relationships in natural imagery: a comparative study
* Bayesian Characterization of Uncertainty in Multi-modal Image Registration
* Bayesian geometric modeling of indoor scenes
* Bayesian Hemodynamic Parameter Estimation by Bolus Tracking Perfusion Weighted Imaging
* Bayesian Image Matting Using Infrared and Color Cues
* Bayesian Sea Ice Detection With the Advanced Scatterometer ASCAT
* Bayesian Technique for Image Classifying Registration
* Behavior Subtraction
* Beyond Novelty Detection: Incongruent Events, When General and Specific Classifiers Disagree
* Beyond spatial pyramids: Receptive field learning for pooled image features
* Bi-Exponential Edge-Preserving Smoother
* Bilevel sparse coding for coupled feature spaces
* biologically inspired object-based visual attention model, A
* biquadratic reflectance model for radiometric image analysis, A
* Bispectral photometric stereo based on fluorescence
* Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging Using Ultra-Narrowband Continuous Waveforms
* Blind Copy-Paste Detection Using Improved SIFT Ring Descriptor
* Blind Image Quality Assessment: A Natural Scene Statistics Approach in the DCT Domain
* Blind Separation of Convolutive Mixtures of Non-stationary and Temporally Uncorrelated Sources Based on Joint Diagonalization
* Blind Source Separation Using Decoupled Relative Newton Algorithm
* Blind spatial unmixing of multispectral images: New methods combining sparse component analysis, clustering and non-negativity constraints
* Block-Based Pass-Parallel SPIHT Algorithm, A
* Boosting algorithms for simultaneous feature extraction and selection
* Boosting bottom-up and top-down visual features for saliency estimation
* Box Spline Calculus for the Discretization of Computed Tomography Reconstruction Problems, A
* Brain MRI Image Segmentation in View of Tumor Detection: Application to Multiple Sclerosis
* Brain-Wave-Actuated Small Robot Car Using Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition-Based Approach, A
* branch-and-bound algorithm for globally optimal hand-eye calibration, A
* Branch-and-price global optimization for multi-view multi-target tracking
* Breaking reCAPTCHAs with Unpredictable Collapse: Heuristic Character Segmentation and Recognition
* Bridging the past, present and future: Modeling scene activities from event relationships and global rules
* Building a dictionary of image fragments
* Building Autonomous Sensitive Artificial Listeners
* bundle approach to efficient MAP-inference by Lagrangian relaxation, A
* C-Band SAR Imagery for Snow-Cover Monitoring at Treeline, Churchill, Manitoba, Canada
* Cache-efficient graph cuts on structured grids
* Calibration-free rolling shutter removal
* Camera Model Identification Based on the Characteristic of CFA and Interpolation
* Camera spectral sensitivity estimation from a single image under unknown illumination by using fluorescence
* Camera-projector matching using unstructured video
* Categorizing bi-object video activities using bag of segments and causality features
* Categorizing Wetland Vegetation by Airborne Laser Scanning on Lake Balaton and Kis-Balaton, Hungary
* Cats and dogs
* Center-Shift: An approach towards automatic robust mesh segmentation (ARMS)
* Chebyshev approximations to the histogram X^2 kernel
* Chromaticity Space for Illuminant Invariant Recognition
* City scale geo-spatial trajectory estimation of a moving camera
* CityGML: Interoperable semantic 3D city models
* Class dependent factor analysis and its application to face recognition
* Class mean embedding for face recognition
* Classifiers Combination for Arabic Words Recognition: Application to Handwritten Algerian City Names
* Classifying covert photographs
* closed-form solution to uncalibrated photometric stereo via diffuse maxima, A
* codebook-free and annotation-free approach for fine-grained image categorization, A
* Coded rolling shutter photography: Flexible space-time sampling
* Cognition-Enabled Autonomous Robot Control for the Realization of Home Chore Task Intelligence
* Collection flow
* Collective Network of Binary Classifier Framework for Polarimetric SAR Image Classification: An Evolutionary Approach
* Color attributes for object detection
* Color constancy using faces
* Combination of bag-of-words descriptors for robust partial shape retrieval
* Combinatorial photometric stereo and its application in 3D modeling of melanoma
* combined pose, object, and feature model for action understanding, A
* Combined Use of Airborne Lidar and DBInSAR Data to Estimate LAI in Temperate Mixed Forests
* Combining Scale-Space and Similarity-Based Aspect Graphs for Fast 3D Object Recognition
* Combining Skeletal Pose with Local Motion for Human Activity Recognition
* Combining Tensor Space Analysis and Active Appearance Models for Aging Effect Simulation on Face Images
* Compact and Efficient Permutations for Proximity Searching
* Comparative Study of 3-D Face Recognition Under Expression Variations, A
* Comparative Study of Surface Representations Used in Statistical Human Models, A
* Comparing local shape descriptors
* Comparison of List-Mode and DIRECT Approaches for Time-of-Flight PET Reconstruction
* Comparison of Snow Depth on Sea Ice Retrievals Using Airborne Altimeters and an AMSR-E Simulator, A
* Comparison of the Finite-Element Method and Analytical Method for Modeling Unexploded Ordnance Using Magnetometry, A
* Complex fuzzy c-means algorithm
* Complex loss optimization via dual decomposition
* Component-based global k-NN classifier for small sample size problems
* Composite Correlation Filters for Detection of Geometrically Distorted Objects Using Noisy Training Images
* Comprehensive Study on Third Order Statistical Features for Image Splicing Detection, A
* Compression Techniques for 3D Video Mesh Sequences
* Compressive depth map acquisition using a single photon-counting detector: Parametric signal processing meets sparsity
* Compressive sensing computational ghost imaging
* Computational photography and compressive holography
* Computationally Evaluating and Reproducing the Beauty of Chinese Calligraphy
* Computer vision aided target linked radiation imaging
* Computer-Assisted Audiovisual Language Learning
* Computing #2SAT and #2UNSAT by Binary Patterns
* Computing for the Next-Generation Automobile
* Computing nearest-neighbor fields via Propagation-Assisted KD-Trees
* Conceptual Spaces for Computer Vision Representations
* Condensed anisotropic diffusion for speckle reducton and enhancement in ultrasonography
* Conditional regression forests for human pose estimation
* Conjunctive Patches Subspace Learning With Side Information for Collaborative Image Retrieval
* Connected contours: A new contour completion model that respects the closure effect
* Connecting the dots in multi-class classification: From nearest subspace to collaborative representation
* Consistent depth maps recovery from a trinocular video sequence
* Constant Flow Sampling: A Method to Automatically Select the Regularization Parameter in Image Registration
* Constant Time Joint Bilateral Filtering Using Joint Integral Histograms
* Constrained large Margin Local Projection algorithms and extensions for multimodal dimensionality reduction
* constrained latent variable model, A
* Content and Context Boosting for Mobile Landmark Recognition
* Content-Aware Dark Image Enhancement Through Channel Division
* Content-Based Analysis Improves Audiovisual Archive Retrieval
* Content-Based Image Compression for Arbitrary-Resolution Display Devices
* Context aware topic model for scene recognition
* context-aware light source, A
* Context-Aware Saliency Detection
* Context-Sensitive Learning for Enhanced Audiovisual Emotion Classification
* Contextual boost for pedestrian detection
* contextual maximum likelihood framework for modeling image registration, A
* Continuous Level of Detail for Large Scale Rendering of 3D Animated Polygonal Models
* Contour-based recognition
* Contrast enhancement of computed tomography images by adaptive histogram equalization-application for improved ischemic stroke detection
* Contrast preserving decolorization
* Contrast-Enhanced Fusion of Multisensor Images Using Subband-Decomposed Multiscale Retinex
* Contribution of Non-scrambled Chroma Information in Privacy-Protected Face Images to Privacy Leakage
* Convex reduction of high-dimensional kernels for visual classification
* convex representation for the vectorial Mumford-Shah functional, A
* Cooperative Sparse Representation in Two Opposite Directions for Semi-Supervised Image Annotation
* Coupled Action Recognition and Pose Estimation from Multiple Views
* Coupled Dictionary Training for Image Super-Resolution
* Coupled Kernel Embedding for Low-Resolution Face Image Recognition
* Coupling detection and data association for multiple object tracking
* Covariance discriminative learning: A natural and efficient approach to image set classification
* Cross-based local multipoint filtering
* Cross-Domain Multicue Fusion for Concept-Based Video Indexing
* Cross-view activity recognition using Hankelets
* CS-MUVI: Video compressive sensing for spatial-multiplexing cameras
* CURE for Noisy Magnetic Resonance Images: Chi-Square Unbiased Risk Estimation, A
* Curvature-based regularization for surface approximation
* Customizing biometric authentication systems via discriminative score calibration
* D-Nets: Beyond patch-based image descriptors
* DARPA Shredder Challenge Solved
* Data Acquisition Enhancement in Shape and Multispectral Color Measurements of 3D Objects
* data driven method for feature transformation, A
* Data Forensics Constructions from Cryptographic Hashing and Coding
* Data mining from multiple heterogeneous relational databases using decision tree classification
* data-driven approach for facial expression synthesis in video, A
* database for fine grained activity detection of cooking activities, A
* DCMSVM: Distributed parallel training for single-machine multiclass classifiers
* Decentralized particle filter for joint individual-group tracking
* Decomposing and regularizing sparse/non-sparse components for motion field estimation
* Decomposing Dual Scale Soil Surface Roughness for Microwave Remote Sensing Applications
* Decomposing Global Light Transport Using Time of Flight Imaging
* Decomposition of binary images: A survey and comparison
* Defocus blur parameters identification by histogram matching
* Deformation Measurement of a Human Chest Experiencing Global Motion
* Delay-Cognizant Interactive Streaming of Multiview Video With Free Viewpoint Synthesis
* Demonstration of Super-Resolution for Tomographic SAR Imaging in Urban Environment
* Denoising photographs using dark frames optimized by quadratic programming
* Dense Lagrangian motion estimation with occlusions
* Dense reconstruction on-the-fly
* Depth coded shape from focus
* Depth from optical turbulence
* Depth Sensation Enhancement Using the Just Noticeable Depth Difference
* Depth-aware motion deblurring
* Describing the scene as a whole: Joint object detection, scene classification and semantic segmentation
* Design and Estimation of Coded Exposure Point Spread Functions
* Design of an Antenna Array for GNSS/GPS Network
* Designing and Evaluating Quality of Life Technologies: An Interdisciplinary Approach
* Detachable Object Detection: Segmentation and Depth Ordering from Short-Baseline Video
* Detecting activities of daily living in first-person camera views
* Detecting Curves with Unknown Endpoints and Arbitrary Topology Using Minimal Paths
* Detecting Re-captured Videos Using Shot-Based Photo Response Non-Uniformity
* Detecting regions of interest in dynamic scenes with camera motions
* Detecting texts of arbitrary orientations in natural images
* Detection by detections: Non-parametric detector adaptation for a video
* Detection of Large-Scale Forest Canopy Change in Pan-Tropical Humid Forests 2000-2009 With the SeaWinds Ku-Band Scatterometer
* deterministic method to integrate triangular meshes of different resolution, A
* Development of a UAV-LiDAR System with Application to Forest Inventory
* Diffeomorphic Cardiac Motion Estimation with Anisotropic Regularization along Myofiber Orientation
* Diffeomorphic Directly Manipulated Free-Form Deformation Image Registration via Vector Field Flows
* Differential entropy in wavelet sub-band for assessment of glaucoma
* Diffuse structured light
* Digital image splicing detection based on Markov features in DCT and DWT domain
* Direct Shape Carving: Smooth 3D Points and Normals for Surface Reconstruction
* Directional high-pass filter for blurry image analysis
* Discovering and exploiting 3D symmetries in structure from motion
* Discovering discriminative action parts from mid-level video representations
* Discovering Image Semantics in Codebook Derivative Space
* Discovering important people and objects for egocentric video summarization
* Discovering localized attributes for fine-grained recognition
* Discrete Region Competition for Unknown Numbers of Connected Regions
* Discrete texture traces: Topological representation of geometric context
* Discrete-continuous optimization for multi-target tracking
* Discriminant Image Filter Learning for Face Recognition with Local Binary Pattern Like Representation
* Discriminately decreasing discriminability with learned image filters
* discriminative deep model for pedestrian detection with occlusion handling, A
* Discriminative feature extraction for speech recognition using continuous output codes
* Discriminative feature fusion for image classification
* Discriminative Illumination: Per-Pixel Classification of Raw Materials Based on Optimal Projections of Spectral BRDF
* Discriminative spatial saliency for image classification
* Discriminative Textural Features for Image and Video Colorization
* Discriminative virtual views for cross-view action recognition
* Display-aware image editing
* Distinguishing Photographic Images and Photorealistic Computer Graphics Using Visual Vocabulary on Local Image Edges
* Distributed Technique for Localization of Agent Formations From Relative Range Measurements, A
* Distributed Video Coding With Feedback Channel Constraints
* Distribution fields for tracking
* Distribution Patterns of Burned Areas in the Brazilian Biomes: An Analysis Based on Satellite Data for the 2002-2010 Period
* Document image analysis: issues, comparison of methods and remaining problems
* double mapping framework for extraction of shape-invariant features based on multi-scale partitions with AdaBoost for video smoke detection, A
* Drift Compensation Algorithm for H.264/AVC Video Robust Watermarking Scheme, A
* Dual-Resolution Active Contours Segmentation of Vickers Indentation Images with Shape Prior Initialization
* DWT Based-Approach for Color Image Compression Using Genetic Algorithm
* Dynamic appearance model for particle filter based visual tracking
* Dynamic Features for Iris Recognition
* Dynamic Random Forests
* Dynamic scene understanding: The role of orientation features in space and time in scene classification
* Dynamic Sub-GOP Forward Error Correction Code for Real-Time Video Applications
* Early DCE-MRI Changes after Longitudinal Registration May Predict Breast Cancer Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
* Edge Drawing: A combined real-time edge and segment detector
* Edge Guided Reconstruction for Compressive Imaging
* Edge Preserving Image Fusion Based on Contourlet Transform
* Edge-preserving photometric stereo via depth fusion
* EEG for Automatic Person Recognition
* Effective Codebooks for Human Action Representation and Classification in Unconstrained Videos
* Effective Detection for Linear Up-Sampling by a Factor of Fraction
* Effective Search Point Reduction Algorithm and its VLSI Design for HDTV H.264/AVC Variable Block Size Motion Estimation
* Effective venue image retrieval using robust feature extraction and model constrained matching for mobile robot localization
* effective web document clustering algorithm based on bisection and merge, An
* Effects of an Interactive Software Agent on Student Affective Dynamics while Using an Intelligent Tutoring System, The
* Efficient activity detection with max-subgraph search
* Efficient automatic 3D-reconstruction of branching neurons from EM data
* efficient branch-and-bound algorithm for optimal human pose estimation, An
* Efficient Computation of Robust Weighted Low-Rank Matrix Approximations Using the L_1 Norm
* Efficient discriminative learning of parametric nearest neighbor classifiers
* Efficient feature selection filters for high-dimensional data
* Efficient Framework for Model-Based Tomographic Image Reconstruction Using Wavelet Packets
* Efficient Image Denoising Method Based on a New Adaptive Wavelet Packet Thresholding Function
* Efficient inference for fully-connected CRFs with stationarity
* Efficient large-scale multi-view stereo for ultra high-resolution image sets
* Efficient object detection using cascades of nearest convex model classifiers
* Efficient online structured output learning for keypoint-based object tracking
* Efficient Recurrent Pattern Matching Video Coding
* Efficient structure detection via random consensus graph
* Efficient structured prediction for 3D indoor scene understanding
* Efficient Wide-Baseline Dense Matching Descriptor, An
* Eigen Combination of Colour and Texture Informations for Image Segmentation
* Elastic Geodesic Paths in Shape Space of Parameterized Surfaces
* Embedded Real-Time Video Processing System on FPGA
* Enabling technologies on hybrid camera networks for behavioral analysis of unattended indoor environments and their surroundings
* Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation and Scheduling for Multicast of Scalable Video Over Wireless Networks
* Enhanced 3-D Modeling for Landmark Image Classification
* Enhanced Arctic Sea Ice Drift Estimation Merging Radiometer and Scatterometer Data
* Enhanced foreground segmentation and tracking combining Bayesian background, shadow and foreground modeling
* Enhancing and experiencing spacetime resolution with videos and stills
* Enhancing change detection in low-quality surveillance footage using markov random fields
* Enhancing underwater images and videos by fusion
* Ensemble Segmentation Using Efficient Integer Linear Programming
* Environmental Sound Recognition by Measuring Significant Changes in the Spectral Entropy
* Error analysis and accurate calculation of rotational moments
* Estimating A Reference Standard Segmentation With Spatially Varying Performance Parameters: Local MAP STAPLE
* Estimating Canopy Nitrogen Concentration in Sugarcane Using Field Imaging Spectroscopy
* Estimating the aspect layout of object categories
* Evaluating Classification Techniques for Mapping Vertical Geology Using Field-Based Hyperspectral Sensors
* Evaluation of 3D interest point detection techniques via human-generated ground truth
* Evaluation of low-level features and their combinations for complex event detection in open source videos
* Evaluation of Motion Blur Considering Temporal Frequency Characteristics of Video Camera and LCD Systems
* Evaluation of super-voxel methods for early video processing
* Evaluation of the Reproducibility of Non-verbal Facial Animations
* Event Driven Web Video Summarization by Tag Localization and Key-Shot Identification
* Event-Based Architecture to Manage Virtual Human Non-Verbal Communication in 3D Chatting Environment, An
* evidential reasoning based classification algorithm and its application for face recognition with class noise, An
* Evolutionary Multivalued Decision Diagrams for Obtaining Motion Representation of Humanoid Robots
* Evolutionary Spectrum for Random Field and Missing Observations
* Example based learning for object detection in images
* Example-based 3D object reconstruction from line drawings
* Example-based cross-modal denoising
* Exemplar-based human action pose correction and tagging
* Experimental Results on Fingerprint Liveness Detection
* Experimental Validation of an Evolutionary Method to Identify a Mobile Robot's Position
* Exploiting local and global patch rarities for saliency detection
* Exploiting nonlocal spatiotemporal structure for video segmentation
* Exploiting web images for event recognition in consumer videos: A multiple source domain adaptation approach
* Exploring Cultural Heritage Resources in a 3D Collaborative Environment
* Exploring Locality of Reference in P2P VoD Systems
* Exploring the Use of MODIS NDVI-Based Phenology Indicators for Classifying Forest General Habitat Categories
* Exploring Tiny Images: The Roles of Appearance and Contextual Information for Machine and Human Object Recognition
* Exposing image splicing with inconsistent local noise variances
* Exposing Original and Duplicated Regions Using SIFT Features and Resampling Traces
* Extended Photometric Sampling for Surface Shape Recovery
* Extended SRC: Undersampled Face Recognition via Intraclass Variant Dictionary
* Extended Two-Step Focusing Approach for Squinted Spotlight SAR Imaging
* Extended Visual Cryptography Scheme for Continuous-Tone Images, An
* Extending morphological covariance
* Extension of Separable Lattice 2-D HMMs for Rotational Data Variations, An
* Extracting Buildings by Using the Generalized Multi Directional Discrete Radon Transform
* Face Alignment by Explicit Shape Regression
* Face detection, pose estimation, and landmark localization in the wild
* Face Feature Weighted Fusion Based on Fuzzy Membership Degree for Video Face Recognition
* Face Recognition Using Sparse Approximated Nearest Points between Image Sets
* Face Sketch-Photo Synthesis and Retrieval Using Sparse Representation
* Face verification using local binary pattern-unconstrained minimum average correlation energy correlation filters
* Facial Action Recognition Combining Heterogeneous Features via Multikernel Learning
* Facial expression editing in video using a temporally-smooth factorization
* Facial Expression Recognition in Perceptual Color Space
* Factorized Graph Matching
* Factorizing appearance using epitomic flobject analysis
* Family of Fast Hadamard-Fourier Transform Algorithms, A
* Fan Shape Model for object detection
* Fast 3-D Tomographic Microwave Imaging for Breast Cancer Detection
* Fast 3D Structure From Motion with Missing Points from Registration of Partial Reconstructions
* Fast Algorithm for Multidimensional Ellipsoid-Specific Fitting by Minimizing a New Defined Vector Norm of Residuals Using Semidefinite Programming, A
* Fast algorithms for structured robust principal component analysis
* Fast and Accurate Video Semantic-Indexing System Using Fast MAP Adaptation and GMM Supervectors, A
* Fast and globally optimal single view reconstruction of curved objects
* Fast and Structure-Preserving Image Inpainting Based on Probabilistic Structure Estimation
* Fast approximate k-means via cluster closures
* Fast Approximation of Algebraic Reconstruction Methods for Tomography
* Fast AT: A simple procedure for quasi direct orientation
* Fast axis estimation from a segment of rotationally symmetric object
* Fast buffering for FPGA implementation of vision-based object recognition systems
* Fast computation of min-Hash signatures for image collections
* Fast dynamic programming for labeling problems with ordering constraints
* Fast Dynamic Range Compression With Local Contrast Preservation Algorithm and Its Application to Real-Time Video Enhancement, A
* Fast exact local-mean based classification algorithm using class rejection and initial distance assigning processes
* Fast Explicit Diffusion for Registration with Direction-Dependent Regularization
* Fast Focus Mechanism with Constant Magnification Using a Varifocal Lens and Its Application to Three-Dimensional Imaging
* Fast Higher-Order MR Image Reconstruction Using Singular-Vector Separation
* Fast multi-scale local phase quantization histogram for face recognition
* fast nearest neighbor search algorithm by nonlinear embedding, A
* Fast Patrol Route Planning in Dynamic Environments
* Fast Poisson blending using multi-splines
* Fast radial symmetry detection under affine transformations
* Fast reactive control for illumination through rain and snow
* Fast recursive ensemble convolution of Haar-like features
* fast regularity measure for surface defect detection, A
* Fast search in Hamming space with multi-index hashing
* Fast semi-supervised clustering with enhanced spectral embedding
* Feature Combination in Kernel Space for Distance Based Image Hashing
* Feature extraction based on fuzzy class mean embedding (FCME) with its application to face and palm biometrics
* Feature Recognition in Solar Images
* Feature selection from high-order tensorial data via sparse decomposition
* Feature-Based Learning Framework for Accurate Prostate Localization in CT Images, A
* Feature-domain super-resolution framework for Gabor-based face and iris recognition
* Figure-ground segmentation by transferring window masks
* Finding Celebrities in Billions of Web Images
* Finger-vein ROI localization and vein ridge enhancement
* Fingerprint Forensics Application Protocol: Semi-automated Modeling and Verification of Watermark-Based Communication Using CASPER and FDR
* Finite Element based sequential Bayesian Non-Rigid Structure from Motion
* First Deployments of Augmented Reality in Operating Rooms
* First-Person Vision
* Fixed-rank representation for unsupervised visual learning
* Flexible Visual Cryptography Scheme without Distortion
* flow model for joint action recognition and identity maintenance, A
* Flutter Shutter Video Camera for compressive sensing of videos
* focused plenoptic camera, The
* Foreground detection using spatiotemporal projection kernels
* Foreground Object Detection Using Top-Down Information Based on EM Framework
* Formulating Spatially Varying Performance in the Statistical Fusion Framework
* Fourier Slice Super-resolution in plenoptic cameras
* Fourier Transform-Based Scalable Image Quality Measure
* Fragile Watermarking Scheme Based CRC Checksum and Public Key Cryptosystem for RGB Color Image Authentication, A
* Frame Fundamental High-Resolution Image Fusion From Inhomogeneous Measurements
* FREAK: Fast Retina Keypoint
* From label fusion to correspondence fusion: A new approach to unbiased groupwise registration
* From Linear Representations to Object Parts
* From Pictorial Structures to deformable structures
* From pixels to physics: Probabilistic color de-rendering
* Full-Reference Video Quality Assessment by Decoupling Detail Losses and Additive Impairments
* Fully Automatic Surface-Based Pre- to Intra-operative CT Registration for Cochlear Implant
* Functional brain image classification using association rules defined over discriminant regions
* Functional data clustering via piecewise constant nonparametric density estimation
* Functional gradient ascent for Probit regression
* Fusing Multiple Independent Estimates via Spectral Clustering for Robust Visual Tracking
* Fuzzy Sets for Human Fall Pattern Recognition
* GA Approaches to HMM Optimization for Automatic Speech Recognition
* Gabor Filter-Based Texture Features to Archaeological Ceramic Materials Characterization
* Galvanic Intrabody Communication for Affective Acquiring and Computing
* game-theoretic approach to deformable shape matching, A
* Gaussian Process Models of Dynamic PET for Functional Volume Definition in Radiation Oncology
* Gaze-based interaction in various environments
* General and nested Wiberg minimization
* General trajectory prior for Non-Rigid reconstruction
* Generalized Multiview Analysis: A discriminative latent space
* Generalized PCM Coding of Images
* Generalized time warping for multi-modal alignment of human motion
* Generalized Unequal Error Protection LT Codes for Progressive Data Transmission
* Generalizing Wiberg algorithm for rigid and nonrigid factorizations with missing components and metric constraints
* Generation of Personalized Ontology Based on Consumer Emotion and Behavior Analysis
* Generative Bayesian Image Super Resolution With Natural Image Prior
* Generic Framework for Video Annotation via Semi-Supervised Learning, A
* Genetic Algorithm for Multidimensional Scaling over Mixed and Incomplete Data
* Geodesic flow kernel for unsupervised domain adaptation
* Geometric Integration of Heterogeneous Models for Multisatellite Image Positioning
* Geometric understanding of point clouds using Laplace-Beltrami operator
* Geometry by deflaring
* Geometry Constrained Sparse Coding for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Gigapixel Computational Imaging
* Globally consistent depth labeling of 4D light fields
* Globally optimal hand-eye calibration
* Globally optimal line clustering and vanishing point estimation in Manhattan world
* Gradient computation in linear-chain conditional random fields using the entropy message passing algorithm
* Granular Material Deposition for Simulation and Texturing
* Graph Based Approach for Heterogeneous Document Segmentation, A
* Graph based construction of textured large field of view mosaics for bladder cancer diagnosis
* Graph based semi-supervised human pose estimation: When the output space comes to help
* Graph cuts optimization for multi-limb human segmentation in depth maps
* Graph-based detection, segmentation and characterization of brain tumors
* Graph-guided sparse reconstruction for region tagging
* Group action induced distances for averaging and clustering Linear Dynamical Systems with applications to the analysis of dynamic scenes
* Growing a bag of systems tree for fast and accurate classification
* Guide to Computational Geometry Processing: Foundations, Algorithms, and Methods
* Guide to OCR for Arabic Scripts
* Hand tracking by binary quadratic programming and its application to retail activity recognition
* Hand-held Schlieren Photography with Light Field probes
* HandPuppet3D: Motion capture and analysis for character animation
* Harvesting Social Images for Bi-Concept Search
* Hedging your bets: Optimizing accuracy-specificity trade-offs in large scale visual recognition
* Herb 2.0: Lessons Learned From Developing a Mobile Manipulator for the Home
* Heuristically Perturbation of Dataset to Achieve a Diverse Ensemble of Classifiers, A
* Hierarchical face parsing via deep learning
* hierarchical image clustering cosegmentation framework, A
* Hierarchical linear support vector machine
* Hierarchical matching with side information for image classification
* Hierarchical Salient Point Selection for image retrieval
* Hierarchical vs. Simultaneous Multiresolution Strategies for Nonrigid Image Registration
* High frame rate for 3D Time-of-Flight cameras by dynamic sensor calibration
* High Performance Multi-layer Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Using Two-Step Embedding, A
* High resolution large format tile-scan camera: Design, calibration, and extended depth of field
* High Resolution Mapping of Peatland Hydroperiod at a High-Latitude Swedish Mire
* Higher level segmentation: Detecting and grouping of invariant repetitive patterns
* Higher order motion models and spectral clustering
* Higher rank Support Tensor Machines for visual recognition
* Higher-order SVD analysis for crowd density estimation
* Home-Assistant Robot for an Aging Society
* Homogeneous Superpixels from Markov Random Walks
* Human Activity as a Manifold-Valued Random Process
* Human Atlas of the Cardiac Fiber Architecture: Study on a Healthy Population
* Human Behavior Analysis from Depth Maps
* Human Context: Modeling Human-Human Interactions for Monocular 3D Pose Estimation
* Human Sign Recognition for Robot Manipulation
* Hypergraph based geometric biclustering algorithm
* Icon scanning: Towards next generation QR codes
* Identification of Reduced-Order Thermal Therapy Models Using Thermal MR Images: Theory and Validation
* Identifying Behaviors in Crowd Scenes Using Stability Analysis for Dynamical Systems
* Identifying Emotion through Implicit and Explicit Measures: Cultural Differences, Cognitive Load, and Immersion
* Identifying fMRI Model Violations With Lagrange Multiplier Tests
* Identigram/watermark removal using cross-channel correlation
* Illumination Compensation Using Oriented Local Histogram Equalization and its Application to Face Recognition
* Image categorization using Fisher kernels of non-iid image models
* Image collection summarization via dictionary learning for sparse representation
* Image denoising: Can plain neural networks compete with BM3D?
* Image description with a goal: Building efficient discriminating expressions for images
* Image destabilization: Programmable defocus using lens and sensor motion
* Image Forensics of High Dynamic Range Imaging
* Image matching using local symmetry features
* Image Quality Assessment Measure Based on Natural Image Statistics in the Tetrolet Domain
* Image search results refinement via outlier detection using deep contexts
* Image sets alignment for Video-Based Face Recognition
* image torque operator: A new tool for mid-level vision, The
* Image upsampling via texture hallucination
* Image-based separation of diffuse and specular reflections using environmental structured illumination
* Image-guided navigation of single-element focused ultrasound transducer
* Imaging through an aberrating medium with classical ghost diffraction
* Impact of Subscale Inhomogeneity on Oxygen A Band Cloud-Top Pressure Estimates: Using ESA's MERIS as a Proxy for DSCOVR-EPIC, The
* Impacts of Rapid Urbanization on the Thermal Environment: A Remote Sensing Study of Guangzhou, South China, The
* Implementation and Applications of Tri-State Self-Organizing Maps on FPGA
* Improved direction estimation for Di Zenzo's multichannel image gradient operator
* Improved facial expression recognition via uni-hyperplane classification
* Improved Images Watermarking Scheme Using FABEMD Decomposition and DCT, An
* Improved implementation algorithms of the two-dimensional nonseparable linear canonical transform
* Improved Matrix Encoding Scheme for JPEG Steganography, An
* Improved Run Length Based Detection of Digital Image Splicing
* Improved subspace clustering via exploitation of spatial constraints
* Improved Watermark Extraction Exploiting Undeterminated Source Separation Methods
* Improvements on Fast Space-Variant Elliptical Filtering Using Box Splines
* Improving Accuracy by Iterated Multiple Particle Filtering
* Improving class separability using extended pixel planes: A comparative study
* Improving Gestural Communication in Virtual Characters
* Improving Image Classification Using Semantic Attributes
* Improving multi-target tracking via social grouping
* Improving of Gesture Recognition Using Multi-hypotheses Object Association
* Improving the Multiple Alignments Strategy for Fingerprint Verification
* Improving the robustness of variational optical flow through tensor voting
* In search of optimal centroids on data clustering using a binary search algorithm
* In the Pursuit of Effective Affective Computing: The Relationship Between Features and Registration
* In-Layer Multibuffer Framework for Rate-Controlled Scalable Video Coding
* Incremental Activity Modeling in Multiple Disjoint Cameras
* Incremental gradient on the Grassmannian for online foreground and background separation in subsampled video
* Individual Urban Tree Species Classification Using Very High Spatial Resolution Airborne Multi-Spectral Imagery Using Longitudinal Profiles
* Indoor Localization Using Wi-Fi Based Fingerprinting and Trilateration Techiques for LBS Applications
* Inductive Robust Principal Component Analysis
* infinite Student's t-factor mixture analyzer for robust clustering and classification, The
* integer linear program for substitution-tolerant subgraph isomorphism and its use for symbol spotting in technical drawings, An
* Integrated Region-, Boundary-, Shape-Based Active Contour for Multiple Object Overlap Resolution in Histological Imagery, An
* Integrating Scale and Space in 3D City Models
* Inter Frame Video Compression With Large Dictionaries of Tilings: Algorithms for Tiling Selection and Entropy Coding
* Interactive object detection
* Interactive Visual User Interfaces: A Survey
* Intrinsic Feature Extraction on Hippocampal Surfaces and Its Applications
* Intrinsic shape context descriptors for deformable shapes
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Recent Advances in C-Band Scatterometry
* Inverse-Consistent Symmetric Free Form Deformation
* Inverted Multi-Index, The
* Investigation of X-ray Fluorescence Computed Tomography (XFCT) and K-Edge Imaging
* IR Hiding: Method to Prevent Re-recording Screen Image Built in Short Wavelength Pass Filter Detection Method Using Specular Reflection
* Iris-Biometric Fuzzy Commitment Schemes under Signal Degradation
* IRIW: Image Retrieval Based Image Watermarking for Large-Scale Image Databases
* Irregular lattices for complex shape grammar facade parsing
* Isogeometric finite-elements methods and variational reconstruction tasks in vision: A perfect match
* Iterative Nearest Neighbors for classification and dimensionality reduction
* Iterative random projections for high-dimensional data clustering
* IVUS-Histology Image Registration
* Jigsaw puzzles with pieces of unknown orientation
* Joint 2D-3D temporally consistent semantic segmentation of street scenes
* Joint Demosaicing and Subpixel-Based Down-Sampling for Bayer Images: A Fast Frequency-Domain Analysis Approach
* Joint Depth and Color Camera Calibration with Distortion Correction
* Joint motion estimation and segmentation of complex scenes with label costs and occlusion modeling
* JPSearch: New international standard providing interoperable framework for image search and sharing
* Kernel-Based Laplacian Smoothing Method for 3D Mesh Denoising
* Keypoint Recognition with Two-Stage Randomized Trees
* Keypoints and Local Descriptors of Scalar Functions on 2D Manifolds
* KNN Matting
* Knock! Knock! Who is it? probabilistic person identification in TV-series
* l2, 1 Regularized correntropy for robust feature selection
* Land-Use and Land-Cover Mapping Using a Gradable Classification Method
* Large scale metric learning from equivalence constraints
* Large-scale image classification with trace-norm regularization
* Large-scale knowledge transfer for object localization in ImageNet
* Laser speckle photography for surface tampering detection
* Latent Class Modeling for Site- and Non-Site-Specific Classification Accuracy Assessment Without Ground Data
* Layered Object Models for Image Segmentation
* Layered segmentation and optical flow estimation over time
* Learn to Personalized Image Search From the Photo Sharing Websites
* Learn2Dance: Learning Statistical Music-to-Dance Mappings for Choreography Synthesis
* Learning 3D object templates by hierarchical quantization of geometry and appearance spaces
* Learning active facial patches for expression analysis
* Learning an object class representation on a continuous viewsphere
* Learning attention map from images
* learning based deformable template matching method for automatic rib centerline extraction and labeling in CT images, A
* Learning contour-fragment-based shape model with And-Or tree representation
* Learning hierarchical representations for face verification with convolutional deep belief networks
* Learning hierarchical similarity metrics
* Learning image-specific parameters for interactive segmentation
* Learning inter-related visual dictionary for object recognition
* Learning latent temporal structure for complex event detection
* Learning object class detectors from weakly annotated video
* Learning object relationships via graph-based context model
* Learning Optimal Embedded Cascades
* Learning ordinal discriminative features for age estimation
* Learning rotation-aware features: From invariant priors to equivariant descriptors
* Learning rules of a card game from video
* Learning Semantics From Multimedia Web Resources: An Introduction to the Special Issue
* Learning shared body plans
* Learning sparse covariance patterns for natural scenes
* Learning structural element patch models with hierarchical palettes
* Learning the right model: Efficient max-margin learning in Laplacian CRFs
* Learning to localize detected objects
* Learning to segment dense cell nuclei with shape prior
* learning-based framework for depth ordering, A
* Leveraging category-level labels for instance-level image retrieval
* Leveraging stereopsis for saliency analysis
* Light field superresolution
* line-structure-preserving approach to image resizing, A
* Linear and Nonlinear Elastic Modulus Imaging: An Application to Breast Cancer Diagnosis
* Linear discriminative image processing operator analysis
* Linear pose estimate from corresponding conics
* Linear solution to scale invariant global figure ground separation
* Linear Subclass Support Vector Machines
* List of Clusters Revisited, The
* Liveness detection for iris recognition using multispectral images
* LMM-based frame-level rate control for H.264/AVC high-definition video coding
* Local Coregistration Adjustment for Anomalous Change Detection
* Local image statistics: Maximum-entropy constructions and perceptual salience
* Local Naive Bayes Nearest Neighbor for image classification
* Local-feature-based similarity measure for stochastic resonance in visual perception of spatially structured images
* Locality-constrained and spatially regularized coding for scene categorization
* Localizing Text in Scene Images by Boundary Clustering, Stroke Segmentation, and String Fragment Classification
* Locally Orderless Tracking
* Long term land cover and seagrass mapping using Landsat and object-based image analysis from 1972 to 2010 in the coastal environment of South East Queensland, Australia
* Long-Term Incremental Web-Supervised Learning of Visual Concepts via Random Savannas
* Low level vision via switchable Markov random fields
* Low-complexity high-quality adaptive deblocking filter for H.264/AVC system
* Low-Latency Video Streaming With Congestion Control in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
* Low-rank matrix recovery with structural incoherence for robust face recognition
* Machine Vision Moves into Traffic: Part I
* Machine-Translation Method for Normalization of SMS, A
* Magnification of Label Maps With a Topology-Preserving Level-Set Method
* Making minimal solvers fast
* Manifold guided composite of Markov random fields for image modeling
* MAP-MRF inference based on extended junction tree representation
* Mapping Rural Areas with Widespread Plastic Covered Vineyards Using True Color Aerial Data
* Markov Weight Fields for face sketch synthesis
* Matching Noisy Outline Contours Using a Descriptor Reduction Approach
* Matching of Tracked Pedestrians Across Disjoint Camera Views Using CI-DLBP
* Matrix completion by Truncated Nuclear Norm Regularization
* Max-Margin Early Event Detectors
* Maximizing Network Lifetime through Optimal Power Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation, Interpolation and Prediction for Fractional Brownian Motion
* Maximum weight cliques with mutex constraints for video object segmentation
* MDS-based segmentation model for the fusion of contour and texture cues in natural images
* Median Filtering Detection Using Edge Based Prediction Matrix
* Memory constrained face recognition
* Memory-Based Cluster Sampling for Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Memory-restricted latent semantic analysis to accumulate term-document co-occurrence events
* Meta-Analysis of the First Facial Expression Recognition Challenge
* Meta-class features for large-scale object categorization on a budget
* Method for Automated Cortical Surface Registration and Labeling, A
* method for recognizing overlapping elliptical bubbles in bubble image, A
* method for the visual analysis of early-stage Parkinson's disease based on virtual MRI-derived SPECT images, A
* Methodology for Acoustic Characterization of a Labial Constraint in Speech Production
* Metric learning with two-dimensional smoothness for visual analysis
* Micro Phase Shifting
* Mid-level features and spatio-temporal context for activity recognition
* Millimeter-Wave Doppler Spectrum and Polarimetric Response of Walking Bodies
* Minimizing Energies with Hierarchical Costs
* Mining actionlet ensemble for action recognition with depth cameras
* MIQM: A Multicamera Image Quality Measure
* Mixed L0/L1 Norm Minimization Approach to Image Colorization
* Mobile Modelling for Crowdsourcing Building Interior Data
* Mobile object detection through client-server based vote transfer
* Mobile product search with Bag of Hash Bits and boundary reranking
* Mode-Dependent Templates and Scan Order for H.264/AVC-Based Intra Lossless Coding
* Mode-seeking on graphs via random walks
* Model recommendation for action recognition
* Modeling an Application Domain Extension of CityGML In UML
* Modeling and correction of multipath interference in time of flight cameras
* Modeling and removing spatially-varying optical blur
* Modeling Deformable Filament Bundles by Means of Mass-Spring Systems for the Design of Carbon Reinforced Materials
* Modeling Species Distribution Using Niche-Based Proxies Derived from Composite Bioclimatic Variables and MODIS-NDVI
* Modeling the Performance of Image Restoration From Motion Blur
* Modern Trends in Steganography and Steganalysis
* Modified Back-Propagation Algorithm to Deal with Severe Two-Class Imbalance Problems on Neural Networks, A
* Modular Weighted Global Sparse Representation for Robust Face Recognition
* Modulation transfer function of patch-based stereo systems
* Monitoring Seasonal Hydrological Dynamics of Minerotrophic Peatlands Using Multi-Date GeoEye-1 Very High Resolution Imagery and Object-Based Classification
* Monitoring water stress and fruit quality in an orange orchard under regulated deficit irrigation using narrow-band structural and physiological remote sensing indices
* Monotonicity and Error Type Differentiability in Performance Measures for Target Detection and Tracking in Video
* Monte Carlo Method for Simulating Scattering From Sea Ice Using FVTD, A
* Motion blur removal with orthogonal parabolic exposures
* Motion Capture for Clinical Purposes, an Approach Using PrimeSense Sensors
* Motion Detail Preserving Optical Flow Estimation
* Motion field and occlusion time estimation via alternate exposure flow
* Motion invariance and custom blur from lens motion
* Motion-aware noise filtering for deblurring of noisy and blurry images
* Motion-Based Structure Separation for Label-Free High-Speed 3-D Cardiac Microscopy
* MPEG-7 Video Signature Tools for Content Identification, The
* Multi view registration for novelty/background separation
* Multi-attribute spaces: Calibration for attribute fusion and similarity search
* Multi-class cosegmentation
* Multi-column deep neural networks for image classification
* Multi-feature metric learning with knowledge transfer among semantics and social tagging
* Multi-label ReliefF and F-statistic feature selections for image annotation
* Multi-modal Image Registration Using Polynomial Expansion and Mutual Information
* Multi-model Approach for Multicomponent Texture Classification
* Multi-Output Laplacian Dynamic Ordinal Regression for Facial Expression Recognition and Intensity Estimation
* Multi-pedestrian detection in crowded scenes: A global view
* Multi-scale dictionary for single image super-resolution
* Multi-target tracking by online learning of non-linear motion patterns and robust appearance models
* multi-threshold secret image sharing scheme based on MSP, A
* Multi-view Body Tracking with a Detector-Driven Hierarchical Particle Filter
* Multi-view hair capture using orientation fields
* Multi-view latent variable discriminative models for action recognition
* Multiclass pixel labeling with non-local matching constraints
* Multidimensional Scaling for Matching Low-Resolution Face Images
* Multifeature Landmark-Free Active Appearance Models: Application to Prostate MRI Segmentation
* Multifocusing and Depth Estimation Using a Color Shift Model-Based Computational Camera
* Multilayer Architectures for Facial Action Unit Recognition
* Multimodal Emotion Recognition in Response to Videos
* Multimodal feature fusion for robust event detection in web videos
* Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm for Image Thresholding
* Multioriented Video Scene Text Detection Through Bayesian Classification and Boundary Growing
* Multiple Clustered Instance Learning for Histopathology Cancer Image Classification, Segmentation and Clustering
* Multiple Description Image Coding Based on Delta-Sigma Quantization With Rate-Distortion Optimization
* Multiple Hypotheses Bayesian Frame Rate Up-Conversion by Adaptive Fusion of Motion-Compensated Interpolations
* Multiple-input ghost imaging via sparsity constraints
* Multiplexed fluorescence unmixing
* Multiscale Mining of fMRI Data with Hierarchical Structured Sparsity
* Multiscale ultrawide foveated video extrapolation
* Multisource Fusion/Classification Using ICM and DSmT with New Decision Rule
* Multitarget data association with higher-order motion models
* Multiview Image Coding Using Depth Layers and an Optimized Bit Allocation
* Names and shades of color for intrinsic image estimation
* Nation-Wide Clear-Cut Mapping in Sweden Using ALOS PALSAR Strip Images
* Nature-inspired color-filter array for enhancing the quality of images
* Near Real-Time Flood Detection in Urban and Rural Areas Using High-Resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Near-Duplicate Video Clip Detection Using Model-Free Semantic Concept Detection and Adaptive Semantic Distance Measurement
* Neighborhood Repulsed Metric Learning for Kinship Verification
* Network-Based H.264/AVC Whole-Frame Loss Visibility Model and Frame Dropping Methods
* new approach to medical image stitching using minimum average correlation energy filter and peak to side-lobe ratio, A
* New Biased Discriminant Analysis Using Composite Vectors for Eye Detection, A
* New Coherent Similarity Measure for Temporal Multichannel Scene Characterization, A
* new convexity measurement for 3D meshes, A
* New Document Author Representation for Authorship Attribution, A
* New Encoding Algorithm for Distributed Speech Recognition Based on DTFS Transform
* New Feature Presentation of Transition Probability Matrix for Image Tampering Detection
* New Image Dataset on Human Interactions, A
* New Marker-Less 3D Kinect-Based System for Facial Anthropometric Measurements, A
* new method for MR grayscale inhomogeneity correction, A
* new mirror-based extrinsic camera calibration using an orthogonality constraint, A
* new parallel particle filter face tracking method based on heterogeneous system, A
* New Proof of the Neyman-Pearson Theorem Using the EEF and the Vindication of Sir R. Fisher, A
* New rigorous and flexible Fourier self-calibration models for airborne camera calibration
* New Watermarking Method with Obfuscated Quasi-Chirp Transform, A
* New Weight for Nonlocal Means Denoising Using Method Noise, A
* noise-detection based AdaBoost algorithm for mislabeled data, A
* non-local cost aggregation method for stereo matching, A
* Non-Negative Low Rank and Sparse Graph for Semi-Supervised Learning
* Non-rigid 3D object retrieval using topological information guided by conformal factors
* Non-rigid Geometric Distortions Correction: Application to atmospheric turbulence stabilization
* Non-rigid Image Registration Using Gaussian Mixture Models
* Non-sparse linear representations for visual tracking with online reservoir metric learning
* Non-uniformity Correction of Infrared Images by Midway Equalization
* Nonlinear Blind Source Separation Applied to a Simple Bijective Model
* Nonlinear camera response functions and image deblurring
* Nonlinear single layer neural network training algorithm for incremental, nonstationary and distributed learning scenarios
* Nonnegative Sparse Blind Source Separation for NMR Spectroscopy by Data Clustering, Model Reduction, and L_1 Minimization
* Nonparametric image parsing using adaptive neighbor sets
* Nonparametric kernel estimators for image classification
* Nonparametric learning for layered segmentation of natural images
* Nonrigid 2D/3D Registration of Coronary Artery Models With Live Fluoroscopy for Guidance of Cardiac Interventions
* Nonsupervised Ranking of Different Segmentation Approaches: Application to the Estimation of the Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction From Cardiac Cine MRI Sequences
* novel approach for the registration of weak affine images, A
* novel biometric system based on palm vein image, A
* Novel Domain Adaptation Bayesian Classifier for Updating Land-Cover Maps With Class Differences in Source and Target Domains, A
* novel efficient local illumination compensation method based on DCT in logarithm domain, A
* Novel Fast Self-restoration Semi-fragile Watermarking Algorithm for Image Content Authentication Resistant to JPEG Compression, A
* novel fitting algorithm using the ICP and the particle filters for robust 3d human body motion tracking, A
* Novel Framework for Metric-Based Image Registration, A
* Novel Method for Automatic Detection of Trapped Victims by Ultrawideband Radar, A
* Novel rate control scheme for intra frame video coding with exponential rate-distortion model on H.264/AVC
* Novel Recursive Bayesian Learning-Based Method for the Efficient and Accurate Segmentation of Video With Dynamic Background, A
* Novel Spatio-Temporal Structural Information Based Video Quality Metric
* NURBS Parameterization: A New Method of Parameterization Using the Correlation Relationship between Nodes
* NVC Emotional Model for Conversational Virtual Humans in a 3D Chatting Environment, An
* Object Detection From Videos Captured by Moving Camera by Fuzzy Edge Incorporated Markov Random Field and Local Histogram Matching
* Object Detection With DoG Scale-Space: A Multiple Kernel Learning Approach
* Object Recognition by Discriminative Combinations of Line Segments, Ellipses, and Appearance Features
* Object retrieval and localization with spatially-constrained similarity measure and k-NN re-ranking
* Objective and subjective quality assessment between JPEG XR with overlap and JPEG 2000
* Occlusion Reasoning for Object Detection Under Arbitrary Viewpoint
* Omni-range spatial contexts for visual classification
* On Combining Algorithms for Deformable Image Registration
* On Detection of Multiple Object Instances Using Hough Transforms
* On multiple foreground cosegmentation
* On partial least squares in head pose estimation: How to simultaneously deal with misalignment
* On SIFTs and their scales
* On template-based reconstruction from a single view: Analytical solutions and proofs of well-posedness for developable, isometric and conformal surfaces
* On the dimensionality of video bricks under varying illumination
* On the regularization of image semantics by modal expansion
* On the simultaneous recognition of identity and expression from BU-3DFE datasets
* On the Use of a Shape Constraint in a Pixel-Based SAR Segmentation Algorithm
* Online blind deconvolution for astronomical imaging
* Online content-aware video condensation
* Online continuous stereo extrinsic parameter estimation
* Online incremental attribute-based zero-shot learning
* Online Kernel Principal Component Analysis: A Reduced-Order Model
* online learned CRF model for multi-target tracking, An
* Online robust image alignment via iterative convex optimization
* Online Signature Verification Based on Generative Models
* Ontology-assisted automatic precise information extractor for visually impaired inhabitants
* Operator Choice Modeling for Collaborative UAV Visual Search Tasks
* Optical Flow Estimation on Omnidirectional Images: An Adapted Phase Based Method
* Optical flow in the presence of spatially-varying motion blur
* Optimal Image and Video Closure by Superpixel Grouping
* Optimal integration of photometric and geometric surface measurements using inaccurate reflectance/illumination knowledge
* Optimization over Random and Gradient Probabilistic Pixel Sampling for Fast, Robust Multi-resolution Image Registration
* optimized DBN-based mode-focussing particle filter, An
* Optimized Regression for Efficient Function Evaluation
* Order determination and sparsity-regularized metric learning adaptive visual tracking
* Oriented Modulation for Watermarking in Direct Binary Search Halftone Images
* Orthogonal discriminant vector for face recognition across pose
* Outline Matching of the 2D Shapes Using Extracting XML Data
* Overall Well-Focused Catadioptric Image Acquisition With Multifocal Images: A Model-Based Method
* Parallel Traffic Management System Helps 16th Asian Games
* Parameter-free based two-stage method for binarizing degraded document images
* Parameter-free/Pareto-driven procedural 3D reconstruction of buildings from ground-level sequences
* Parsing clothing in fashion photographs
* Parsing Façade with rank-one approximation
* Part-based multiple-person tracking with partial occlusion handling
* Partial Differential Equation-Based Approach for Empirical Mode Decomposition: Application on Image Analysis
* Passive Imaging of Moving Targets Using Sparse Distributed Apertures
* PCCA: A new approach for distance learning from sparse pairwise constraints
* Pedestrian detection at 100 frames per second
* Pedestrian tracking using color, thermal and location cue measurements: a DSmT-based framework
* People detection in image and video data
* People tracking and segmentation using spatiotemporal shape constraints
* Per-pixel translational symmetry detection, optimization, and segmentation
* Perceiving color across scale: great and small, discrete and continuous
* Perceptual Grouping Using Superpixels
* Perceptual Image Hashing via Wave Atom Transform
* Perceptual image quality assessment based on structural similarity and visual masking
* Perceptually Inspired Variational Method for the Uneven Intensity Correction of Remote Sensing Images, A
* Performance and Robustness Analysis for Some Re-sampling Detection Techniques in Digital Images
* Performance Comparisons of Contour-Based Corner Detectors
* Performance of OFDM in Radio Mobile Channel
* Person Re-Identification by Spatial Pyramid Color Representation and Local Region Matching
* Personal Mobility and Manipulation Appliance: Design, Development, and Initial Testing
* Phase Congruency Based Document Binarization, A
* Phonetic Unification of Multiple Accents for Spanish and Arabic Languages
* Photo Forensics: There Is More to a Picture than Meets the Eye
* Photometric stereo for outdoor webcams
* physically-based approach to reflection separation, A
* Piecewise Linear Curve Approximation Using Graph Theory and Geometrical Concepts
* Plugin of Recommendation Based on a Hybrid Method for the Ranking of Documents in the E-Learning Platforms
* Porting a H264/AVC Adaptive in Loop Deblocking Filter to a TI DM6437EVM DSP
* Pose pooling kernels for sub-category recognition
* Pose robust human detection using multiple oriented 2d elliptical filters
* Post-Fire Canopy Height Recovery in Canada's Boreal Forests Using Airborne Laser Scanner (ALS)
* Power mean SVM for large scale visual classification
* Power SVM: Generalization with exemplar classification uncertainty
* Practical low-rank matrix approximation under robust L1-norm
* Preface to Special Issue on 3DOR 2011
* Preparing Landsat Image Time Series (LITS) for Monitoring Changes in Vegetation Phenology in Queensland, Australia
* Principal Visual Word Discovery for Automatic License Plate Detection
* Probabilistic Approach to Pattern Matching in the Continuous Domain, A
* Probabilistic Approach to Realistic Face Synthesis With a Single Uncalibrated Image
* Probabilistic cost model for nearest neighbor search in image retrieval
* Probabilistic learning of task-specific visual attention
* Progressive graph matching: Making a move of graphs via probabilistic voting
* Progressive shape models
* Projection-Based Augmented Reality in Disney Theme Parks
* Propagation of Bessel-Gaussian beams through a double-apertured fractional Fourier transform optical system
* Ptychographic transmission microscopy in three dimensions using a multi-slice approach
* QsRank: Query-sensitive hash code ranking for efficient-neighbor search
* Quad-tree Based Entropy Estimator for Fast and Robust Brain Image Registration
* Quantitative Assessment of Lesion Detection Accuracy, Resolution, and Reconstruction Algorithms in Neutron Stimulated Emission Computed Tomography
* Quantitative Study of Individual Emotional States in Social Networks
* Query Difficulty Prediction for Web Image Search
* r, n)-Threshold Image Secret Sharing Methods with Small Shadow Images
* Radiation Mapping in Post-Disaster Environments Using an Autonomous Helicopter
* Radiometric calibration using photo collections
* RALF: A reinforced active learning formulation for object class recognition
* Random Cluster Model for Robust Geometric Fitting, The
* Random walks based multi-image segmentation: Quasiconvexity results and GPU-based solutions
* Randomized visual phrases for object search
* Rapid 3D face reconstruction by fusion of SFS and Local Morphable Model
* Rapidly constructed appearance models for tracking in augmented reality applications
* Rate-distortion optimized layered coding of high dynamic range videos
* Rate-Distortion-Optimized Video Transmission Using Pyramid Vector Quantization
* Real Time Aerial Video Stitching via Sensor Refinement and Priority Scan
* Real Time Door Access Event Detection and Notification in a Reactive Smart Surveillance System
* Real time robust L1 tracker using accelerated proximal gradient approach
* Real-time 3d arm pose estimation from monocular video for enhanced HCI
* Real-Time 4D Reconstruction of Human Motion
* Real-time 6D stereo Visual Odometry with non-overlapping fields of view
* Real-Time Counting People in Crowded Areas by Using Local Empirical Templates and Density Ratios
* Real-time dynamic tone-mapping operator on GPU
* Real-time facial feature detection using conditional regression forests
* Real-Time Fall Detection Method Based on Hidden Markov Modelling
* Real-Time Human Detection System for Video, A
* Real-time image-based 6-DOF localization in large-scale environments
* Real-Time Knowledge-Based Processing of Images: Application of the Online NLPM Method to Perceptual Visual Analysis
* Real-Time Multi-view Human Motion Tracking Using Particle Swarm Optimization with Resampling
* Real-Time Pose Estimation Using Constrained Dynamics
* Real-time scene text localization and recognition
* Recognizing Emotions From an Ensemble of Features
* Recognizing Human-Object Interactions in Still Images by Modeling the Mutual Context of Objects and Human Poses
* Recognizing proxemics in personal photos
* Recognizing scene viewpoint using panoramic place representation
* Recognizing tactic patterns in broadcast basketball video using player trajectory
* Reconfigurable models for scene recognition
* Reconstruction of Irregularly-Sampled Volumetric Data in Efficient Box Spline Spaces
* Reconstruction of super-resolution lung 4D-CT using patch-based sparse representation
* Recovering color from black and white photographs
* Recovering free space of indoor scenes from a single image
* Recovering Missing Contours for Occluded Object Detection
* Recovery limits in pointwise degradation
* Reduced Universal Background Model for Speech Recognition and Identification System
* Reduced-Reference Image Quality Assessment by Structural Similarity Estimation
* reduct derived from feature selection, A
* Reflection Symmetry-Integrated Image Segmentation
* Refractive height fields from single and multiple images
* Registration for Correlative Microscopy Using Image Analogies
* Registration of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI with Local Rigidity Constraint
* Registration of Free-Hand Ultrasound and MRI of Carotid Arteries through Combination of Point-Based and Intensity-Based Algorithms
* Regression Tree Fields: An efficient, non-parametric approach to image labeling problems
* Regularization Parameter Selection for Nonlinear Iterative Image Restoration and MRI Reconstruction Using GCV and SURE-Based Methods
* regularized spectral algorithm for Hidden Markov Models with applications in computer vision, A
* Relaxed collaborative representation for pattern classification
* Removal of noise patterns in handwritten images using expectation maximization and fuzzy inference systems
* Removing noise from astronomical images using a pixel-specific noise model
* Representation and Reconconstruction of Triangular Irregular Networks with Vertical Walls
* Representative Multiple Kernel Learning for Classification in Hyperspectral Imagery
* Resolution enhancement of nondestructive testing from B-scans
* Resolution loss without imaging blur
* Review of brain MRI image segmentation methods
* review of wave-net identical learning and filling-in in a decomposition space of (JPG-JPEG) sampled images, A
* review on the combination of binary classifiers in multiclass problems, A
* Review: An Analysis of Geospatial Technologies for Risk and Natural Disaster Management
* Revisiting uncertainty in graph cut solutions
* RGB Color Distribution Analysis Using Volumetric Fractal Dimension
* RGB-(D) scene labeling: Features and algorithms
* Rice Phenology Monitoring by Means of SAR Polarimetry at X-Band
* Rich image capture with plenoptic cameras
* Riemannian approach for estimating orientation distribution function (ODF) images from high-angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI), A
* Road Target Search and Tracking with Gimballed Vision Sensor on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Robust and discriminative distance for Multi-Instance Learning
* Robust and efficient foreground analysis in complex surveillance videos
* Robust Arabic Multi-stream Speech Recognition System in Noisy Environment
* Robust Audio Watermarking Scheme Based on Lifting Wavelet Transform and Singular Value Decomposition, A
* Robust Boltzmann Machines for recognition and denoising
* Robust camera self-calibration from monocular images of Manhattan worlds
* Robust decentralized multi-model adaptive template tracking
* Robust Global Registration through Geodesic Paths on an Empirical Manifold with Knee MRI from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI)
* Robust Interactive Image Segmentation Using Convex Active Contours
* Robust late fusion with rank minimization
* Robust Maximum Likelihood estimation by sparse bundle adjustment using the L1 norm
* Robust Motion Compensation Approach for UAV SAR Imagery, A
* Robust Motion Detection in Real-Life Scenarios
* Robust Non-negative Graph Embedding: Towards noisy data, unreliable graphs, and noisy labels
* Robust non-rigid registration of 2D and 3D graphs
* Robust nonrigid ICP using outlier-sparsity regularization
* Robust object tracking via sparsity-based collaborative model
* Robust Pairwise Matching of Interest Points With Complex Wavelets
* robust patch-statistical active contour model for image segmentation, A
* Robust photometric stereo using sparse regression
* Robust plane-based structure from motion
* Robust Reversible Watermarking via Clustering and Enhanced Pixel-Wise Masking
* Robust Scale-Space Filter Using Second-Order Partial Differential Equations
* Robust stereo with flash and no-flash image pairs
* Robust tracking via weakly supervised ranking SVM
* Robust visual domain adaptation with low-rank reconstruction
* Robust visual tracking using autoregressive hidden Markov Model
* Robust Visual Tracking Via Multi-Task Sparse Learning
* role of image understanding in contour detection, The
* Role of Nonlinear Dynamics in Affective Valence and Arousal Recognition, The
* Rolling shutter bundle adjustment
* Rotation Invariant Fuzzy Shape Contexts Based on Eigenshapes and Fourier Transforms for Efficient Radiological Image Retrieval
* Rotationally Invariant Descriptors Using Intensity Order Pooling
* S3-MKL: Scalable Semi-Supervised Multiple Kernel Learning for Real-World Image Applications
* Saliency Detection in the Compressed Domain for Adaptive Image Retargeting
* Saliency filters: Contrast based filtering for salient region detection
* Saliency-guided integration of multiple scans
* Salient object detection for searched web images via global saliency
* Salient Pixels and Dimensionality Reduction for Display of Multi/Hyperspectral Images
* Sampling and Ontologically Pooling Web Images for Visual Concept Learning
* Sampling Techniques for Monte Carlo Matrix Multiplication with Applications to Image Processing
* SAR Image Segmentation Based on Level Set Approach and G_A^0 Model
* SAR-Based Terrain Classification Using Weakly Supervised Hierarchical Markov Aspect Models
* Sasaki metrics for analysis of longitudinal data on manifolds
* Satellite Image Classification Using a Divergence-Based Fuzzy c-Means Algorithm
* Scalable action recognition with a subspace forest
* Scalable Comic-Like Video Summaries and Layout Disturbance
* Scalable k-NN graph construction for visual descriptors
* Scalable video transmission over multi-hop wireless networks with enhanced quality of experience using swarm intelligence
* scale of edges, The
* Scale resilient, rotation invariant articulated object matching
* Scale-space texture description on SIFT-like textons
* Scene warping: Layer-based stereoscopic image resizing
* Schematic surface reconstruction
* Schrödinger distance transform (SDT) for point-sets and curves, The
* Score Fusion in Multibiometric Identification Based on Fuzzy Set Theory
* Search-and-replace editing for personal photo collections
* Second-Order Optimization of Mutual Information for Real-Time Image Registration
* Security Analysis of Key Binding Biometric Cryptosystems
* See all by looking at a few: Sparse modeling for finding representative objects
* Seeded watershed cut uncertainty estimators for guided interactive segmentation
* Seeing double without confusion: Structure-from-motion in highly ambiguous scenes
* Seeing Mt. Rainier: Lucky imaging for multi-image denoising, sharpening, and haze removal
* Seeing through the blur
* Segmentation Method for Tree Crown Detection and Modelling from LiDAR Measurements, A
* Segmentation of Prostate Using Interactive Finsler Active Contours and Shape Prior
* Segmentation of Skin Lesions in 2-D and 3-D Ultrasound Images Using a Spatially Coherent Generalized Rayleigh Mixture Model
* Segmentation using superpixels: A bipartite graph partitioning approach
* Segmenting focused objects based on the Amplitude Decomposition Model
* Seismic Signal Discrimination between Earthquakes and Quarry Blasts Using Fuzzy Logic Approach
* Selecting Vision Operators and Fixing Their Optimal Parameters Values Using Reinforcement Learning
* Self-recovery Fragile Watermarking Scheme with Variable Watermark Payload
* Self-similarity based structural regularity for just noticeable difference estimation
* Semantic segmentation using regions and parts
* Semantic structure from motion with points, regions, and objects
* semantic-based probabilistic approach for real-time video event recognition, A
* Semi-Blind Sparse Image Reconstruction With Application to MRFM
* Semi-coupled dictionary learning with applications to image super-resolution and photo-sketch synthesis
* Semi-supervised clustering with discriminative random fields
* Sensor Network Design for Smart Highways
* Sfax-Miracl Hand Database for Contactless Hand Biometrics Applications
* Shadow removal for aerial imagery by information theoretic intrinsic image analysis
* Shape Boltzmann Machine: A Strong Model of Object Shape, The
* Shape Error Concealment Based on a Shape-Preserving Boundary Approximation
* Shape Reconstruction with A Priori Knowledge Based on Integral Invariants
* Shape, albedo, and illumination from a single image of an unknown object
* Sharing features in multi-class boosting via group sparsity
* Shrink boost for selecting multi-LBP histogram features in object detection
* Sign Language Recognition using Sequential Pattern Trees
* Simple and Effective Clustering Algorithm for Multispectral Images Using Space-Filling Curves, A
* Simple Geodesic Regression for Image Time-Series
* Simple Prior-Free Method for Non-rigid Structure-from-Motion Factorization, A
* Simultaneous Multispectral Imaging and Illuminant Estimation Using a Stereo Camera
* Single image 3D human pose estimation from noisy observations
* Single image multimaterial estimation
* Single-Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction via Learned Geometric Dictionaries and Clustered Sparse Coding
* Single-Pass Rate Control With Texture and Non-Texture Rate-Distortion Models
* Single-shot photometric stereo by spectral multiplexing
* Sketch-Based Annotation and Visualization in Video Authoring
* Small sample scene categorization from perceptual relations
* small sample size problem of ICA: A comparative study and analysis, The
* Social behavior recognition in continuous video
* Social interactions: A first-person perspective
* Social roles in hierarchical models for human activity recognition
* Soil-moisture estimation from TerraSAR-X data using neural networks
* Space-time spectral model for object detection in dynamic textured background
* Spaceborne underwater imaging
* Sparse Bayesian multi-task learning for predicting cognitive outcomes from neuroimaging measures in Alzheimer's disease
* Sparse kernel approximations for efficient classification and detection
* Sparse Modeling of Human Actions from Motion Imagery
* Sparse Representation Based Classification for Face Recognition by k-LiMapS Algorithm
* Sparse representation for blind image quality assessment
* Sparse representation for face recognition based on discriminative low-rank dictionary learning
* Spatial bias in multi-atlas based segmentation
* Spatial Confidence Regions for Quantifying and Visualizing Registration Uncertainty
* Spatial Correlation Characterization for UWB Indoor Channel Based on Measurements
* Spatial Measures between Human Poses for Classification and Understanding
* Spatial Models for Wide-Area Visual Surveillance: Computational Approaches and Spatial Building-Blocks
* Spatial Resolution Properties of Motion-Compensated Tomographic Image Reconstruction Methods
* Spatially correlated background subtraction, based on adaptive background maintenance
* Spatio-temporal motion tracking with unsynchronized cameras
* Spatio-temporal reasoning for the classification of satellite image time series
* Speaker Tracking Using Multi-modal Fusion Framework
* Special Editors' Introduction to the Special Issue on Award-Winning Papers from the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2010 (CVPR 2010)
* Special issue (part III) on parallel computing for real-time image processing
* Species-Level Differences in Hyperspectral Metrics among Tropical Rainforest Trees as Determined by a Tree-Based Classifier
* Spectral Focal Sweep: Extended depth of field from chromatic aberrations
* Spectral reflectance and transmittance prediction model for stacked transparency and paper both printed with halftone colors
* Spectral sharpening by spherical sampling
* Speeding Up the Orthogonal Iteration Pose Estimation
* Spherical hashing
* Spiral Cube for Biometric Template Protection
* Sports Sensing: An Olympic Challenge for Computing
* Spread Spectrum-Based Multi-bit Watermarking for Free-View Video
* SSM-HPC: Front View Gait Recognition Using Spherical Space Model with Human Point Clouds
* Stabilizing and deblurring atmospheric turbulence
* Stable Target Detection and Coherence Estimation in Interferometric SAR Stacks
* Statistical Shape Model-Based Femur Kinematics From Biplane Fluoroscopy
* Steerable part models
* Steganalysis of LSB Matching Revisited for Consecutive Pixels Using B-Spline Functions
* Stream-based joint exploration-exploitation active learning
* Street-to-shop: Cross-scenario clothing retrieval via parts alignment and auxiliary set
* Structure and motion from scene registration
* Structure Tensor Series-Based Large Scale Near-Duplicate Video Retrieval
* Structured Local Predictors for image labelling
* Study of the Impact of Different Direction-of-Motion Stereotypes on Response Time and Response Accuracy Using Neural Network, A
* study on human age estimation under facial expression changes, A
* Subclass discriminant Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for facial image analysis
* Submodular dictionary learning for sparse coding
* Substructure and boundary modeling for continuous action recognition
* Sum-product networks for modeling activities with stochastic structure
* SUN attribute database: Discovering, annotating, and recognizing scene attributes
* Super Resolution Image Reconstruction Through Bregman Iteration Using Morphologic Regularization
* Super-resolution from internet-scale scene matching
* Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction Using Nonparametric Bayesian INLA Approximation
* Super-resolution reconstruction of faces by enhanced global models of shape and texture
* Superedge grouping for object localization by combining appearance and shape information
* Supervised hashing with kernels
* SUPIR: Surface Uncertainty-Penalized, Non-rigid Image Registration for Pelvic CT Imaging
* Surface Regions of Interest for Viewpoint Selection
* Surface Velocity Estimation From Satellite Imagery Using Displaced Frame Central Difference Equation
* SURFing the point clouds: Selective 3D spatial pyramids for category-level object recognition
* survey of keyword spotting techniques for printed document images, A
* SVM and Haralick Features for Classification of High Resolution Satellite Images from Urban Areas
* SVM Based GMM Supervector Speaker Recognition Using LP Residual Signal
* Symmetric Nonnegative Matrix Factorization With Beta-Divergences
* Symmetry-based monocular vehicle detection system
* synthesised word approach to word retrieval in handwritten documents, A
* Synthesizing oil painting surface geometry from a single photograph
* Synthetic aperture laser optical feedback imaging using a translational scanning with galvanometric mirrors
* Tag-Based Image Retrieval Improved by Augmented Features and Group-Based Refinement
* Tagging Webcast Text in Baseball Videos by Video Segmentation and Text Alignment
* Target detection of ISAR data by principal component transform on co-occurrence matrix
* Task complexity analysis and QoS management for mapping dynamic video-processing tasks on a multi-core platform
* Teaching 3D geometry to deformable part models
* Template Matching Method Based on Visual Feature Constraint and Structure Constraint
* Temporal Decorrelation Model for Polarimetric Radar Interferometers, A
* Temporally-Dependent Image Similarity Measure for Longitudinal Analysis
* Tennis Training Application Using 3D Gesture Recognition, A
* Testing for the absence of correlation between two spatial or temporal sequences
* Text Enhancement by PDE's Based Methods
* Texton theory revisited: A bag-of-words approach to combine textons
* Texture Analysis for Skin Probability Maps Refinement
* Texture Analysis for Trabecular Bone X-Ray Images Using Anisotropic Morlet Wavelet and Rényi Entropy
* Texture Classification Based on Lacunarity Descriptors
* Theoretical analysis for moiré effect of circular gratings for volume optical computerized tomography
* theory of multi-layer flat refractive geometry, A
* Therapeutic Seal Robot as Biofeedback Medical Device: Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluations of Robot Therapy in Dementia Care
* Thorough Accuracy Estimation of DTM Produced From Airborne Full-Waveform Laser Scanning Data of Unmanaged Eucalypt Plantations, A
* Three Novel Algorithms for Hiding Data in PDF Files Based on Incremental Updates
* Three things everyone should know to improve object retrieval
* Three-Component Power Decomposition for Polarimetric SAR Data Based on Adaptive Volume Scatter Modeling
* Three-Dimensional Imaging Using Colocated MIMO Radar and ISAR Technique
* Three-Dimensional Segmentation of Fluid-Associated Abnormalities in Retinal OCT: Probability Constrained Graph-Search-Graph-Cut
* Thresholding Based on Maximum Weighted Object Correlation for Rail Defect Detection
* tiered move-making algorithm for general pairwise MRFs, A
* Tool for Hand-Sign Recognition, A
* Top-down and bottom-up cues for scene text recognition
* Top-Down Visual Saliency via Joint CRF and Dictionary Learning
* TOPS Interferometry With TerraSAR-X
* Total Variation Deconvolution Using Split Bregman
* Total Variation Inpainting Using Split Bregman
* Toward an Ecosystem for Developing and Programming Assistive Environments
* Toward E-Motion-Based Music Retrieval a Study of Affective Gesture Recognition
* Towards compact topical descriptors
* Towards good practice in large-scale learning for image classification
* Tracking by Detection for Interactive Image Augmentation in Laparoscopy
* Tracking Moving Objects in Road Traffic Sequences
* Tracking the articulated motion of two strongly interacting hands
* Traffic Sign Recognition with Invariance to Lighting in Dual-Focal Active Camera System
* Trajectory Learning for Robot Programming by Demonstration Using Hidden Markov Model and Dynamic Time Warping
* Transfer efficiency and depth invariance in computational cameras
* Transfer re-identification: From person to set-based verification
* Transferring a generic pedestrian detector towards specific scenes
* Tree representation of digital picture embeddings
* Tumor Classification Using Eigengene-Based Classifier Committee Learning Algorithm
* Twisted window search for efficient shape localization
* Two dimensional synthetic face generation and verification using set estimation technique
* Two-Dimensional Change Detection Methods
* two-stage approach to blind spatially-varying motion deblurring, A
* Ultra Wide-Band Channel Characterization Using Generalized Gamma Distributions
* Ultrafast Doppler Imaging of Blood Flow Dynamics in the Myocardium
* Understanding and predicting importance in images
* Understanding collective crowd behaviors: Learning a Mixture model of Dynamic pedestrian-Agents
* Understanding Discrete Facial Expressions in Video Using an Emotion Avatar Image
* Understanding Kin Relationships in a Photo
* unified approach to salient object detection via low rank matrix recovery, A
* Unified Building Model for 3D Urban GIS, A
* Unified Framework for Automated Iris Segmentation Using Distantly Acquired Face Images
* unified framework for event summarization and rare event detection, A
* Unified Image Registration Framework for ITK, A
* unifying resolution-independent formulation for early vision, A
* Universal Design for Quality of Life Technologies
* Universal Regularizers for Robust Sparse Coding and Modeling
* Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Remote Sensing and Scientific Research: Classification and Considerations of Use
* Unseen) event recognition via semantic compositionality
* Unsupervised approach for building non-parametric background and foreground models of scenes with significant foreground activity
* Unsupervised co-segmentation through region matching
* Unsupervised feature learning framework for no-reference image quality assessment
* Unsupervised incremental learning for improved object detection in a video
* Unsupervised Learning of Categorical Segments in Image Collections
* Unsupervised learning of translation invariant occlusive components
* Unsupervised Linkage Learner Based on Local Optimums
* Unsupervised metric fusion by cross diffusion
* Unsupervised Object Class Discovery via Saliency-Guided Multiple Class Learning
* Unsupervised Salient Object Segmentation Based on Kernel Density Estimation and Two-Phase Graph Cut
* Unsupervised segmentation and classification of cervical cell images
* Unsupervised Semantic Feature Discovery for Image Object Retrieval and Tag Refinement
* Up and Down Trend Associations in Analysis of Time Series Shape Association Patterns
* Use of C-Band Scatterometer for Sea Ice Edge Identification
* Use of Emergable Watermarks as Copy Indicators for Securing Video Content
* use of on-line co-training to reduce the training set size in pattern recognition methods: Application to left ventricle segmentation in ultrasound, The
* User Identification and Object Recognition in Clutter Scenes Based on RGB-Depth Analysis
* Using SAX representation for human action recognition
* Using Short-Range Interactions and Simulated Genetic Strategy to Improve the Protein Contact Map Prediction
* Using Socially Assistive Human-Robot Interaction to Motivate Physical Exercise for Older Adults
* Utility of Remotely Sensed Imagery for Assessing the Impact of Salvage Logging after Forest Fires
* Utility of Satellite and Aerial Images for Quantification of Canopy Cover and Infilling Rates of the Invasive Woody Species Honey Mesquite (Prosopis Glandulosa) on Rangeland
* Utilizing Different Link Types to Enhance Document Clustering Based on Markov Random Field Model With Relaxation Labeling
* Validation of DRAMMS among 12 Popular Methods in Cross-Subject Cardiac MRI Registration
* Validity of Wigner Distribution Function for ray-based imaging
* Variable focus video: Reconstructing depth and video for dynamic scenes
* Variational Adaptive Correlation Method for Flow Estimation
* Vector array based Multi-View Face Detection with compound exemplars
* Vehicle detection and tracking in airborne videos by multi-motion layer analysis
* Verification of 2D building outlines using oblique airborne images
* Vibrating Target Micro-Doppler Signature in Bistatic SAR With a Fixed Receiver
* Video Analysis and Repackaging for Distance Education
* Video anomaly detection based on local statistical aggregates
* Video Denoising, Deblocking, and Enhancement Through Separable 4-D Nonlocal Spatiotemporal Transforms
* Video from nearly still: An application to low frame-rate gait recognition
* Video Grading of Oranges in Real-Time
* Video measurement of resident-on-resident physical aggression in nursing homes
* video mesh: A data structure for image-based three-dimensional video editing, The
* Video segmentation by tracing discontinuities in a trajectory embedding
* Video stabilization with a depth camera
* ViHASi: Virtual human action silhouette data for the performance evaluation of silhouette-based action recognition methods
* Visibility Based Preconditioning for bundle adjustment
* Vision System for 3D Reconstruction with Telecentric Lens
* Visual Event Recognition in Videos by Learning from Web Data
* Visual stem mapping and Geometric Tense coding for Augmented Visual Vocabulary
* Visual Tracking Via Adaptive Structural Local Sparse Appearance Model
* Visual Workflow Recognition Using a Variational Bayesian Treatment of Multistream Fused Hidden Markov Models
* Visualization of Lake Mead Surface Area Changes from 1972 to 2009
* Vitruvian manifold: Inferring dense correspondences for one-shot human pose estimation, The
* VNS heuristic for escaping local extrema entrapment in normalized cut clustering, A
* Volumetric Intraoperative Brain Deformation Compensation: Model Development and Phantom Validation
* Wavelet Decomposition Method for L_2/TV-Image Deblurring
* We are not contortionists: Coupled adaptive learning for head and body orientation estimation in surveillance video
* Weak attributes for large-scale image retrieval
* Weakly supervised sparse coding with geometric consistency pooling
* Weakly supervised structured output learning for semantic segmentation
* Web Image Annotation Via Subspace-Sparsity Collaborated Feature Selection
* Web-Based Classifiers for Human Action Recognition
* Weighted Color and Texture Sample Selection for Image Matting
* Weighted Similarity-Invariant Linear Algorithm for Camera Calibration With Rotating 1-D Objects
* What are good apertures for defocus deblurring?
* What are good parts for hair shape modeling?
* What are we looking for: Towards statistical modeling of saccadic eye movements and visual saliency
* What has my classifier learned? Visualizing the classification rules of bag-of-feature model by support region detection
* What is optimized in tight convex relaxations for multi-label problems?
* What Makes a Professional Video? A Computational Aesthetics Approach
* WhittleSearch: Image search with relative attribute feedback
* Witsenhausen's Counterexample and Its Links with Multimedia Security Problems
* Writer Recognition on Arabic Handwritten Documents
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