* Analysis of set patterns
* Automatic Computer Measurements of Neurons
* Automatic inspection of x-ray photograph of welding
* Distance Functions on Digital Pictures
* Empyrean, an alternative paradigm for pattern recognition
* Experiments in discrimination and classification
* Feature extraction in pattern recognition
* language for pattern recognition, A
* Learning patterns in terms of other patterns
* Line Extraction and Pattern Detection in a Photograph
* Pattern recognition in biologic classification
* Pattern recognition problems in bubble chamber physics
* Pictorial pattern recognition, Conference
* Recognition experiments with typed numerals from envelopes in the mail
* recursive Bayesian approach to pattern recognition, A
* Reduction of clustering problem to pattern recognition
* Selected pattern recognition projects in Europe
* teachable pattern describing and recognizing program, A
* Translation-tolerant mask matching using noncoherent reflective optics
* vector field approach to cluster analysis, A
20 for PR(1)
* Additive estimators for probabilities of correct classification
* Agglomerative clustering using the concept of mutual nearest neighbourhood
* Analysis of a steepest-descent image-matching algorithm
* Application of C-Calculus to Texture Analysis: C-Transforms, An
* Bayes discrimination with mean square error loss
* C-calculus: An elementary approach to some problems in pattern recognition
* characterization of nearest-neighbor rule decision surfaces and a new approach to generate them, A
* Compactification of information in R-color 2-dimensional rectangular patterns
* Computer aided feature selection for enhanced analogue system fault location
* Computer recognition of printed Tamil characters
* Crop Classification with LANDSAT Multispectral Scanner Data
* distribution-free geometric upper bound for the probability of error of a minimum distance classifier, A
* Feature definition in pattern recognition with small sample size
* Feature space transforms for curve detection
* general method for training the committee machine, A
* Identification of Human Face Profiles by Computer
* Image Segmentation Using a Local Extrema Texture Measure
* Inexact matching of line drawings in a syntactic pattern recognition system
* isolated-word recognizer based on grammar-controlled classification processes, An
* Iterative Methods in Image Analysis
* Learning criterion and inductive behaviour
* limited value of cophenetic correlation as a clustering criterion, The
* Locating Straight Line Edge Segments in Outdoor Scenes
* Multiple threshold perceptron
* Natural language understanding by a robot: A pattern recognition problem
* nonparametric classification scheme with mean squared error criterion, A
* Note on a Modified Gradient Method for Image Analysis
* note on ties in voting with the k-NN rule, A
* On Fingerprint Pattern Recognition
* On the optimal number of features in the classification of multivariate Gaussian data
* On-line computer recognition of proposed standard ANSI(USASI) handprinted characters
* SELF: A framework for generation of patterns
* Shape Description using Weighted Symmetric Axis Features
* Shape Description via the Use of Critical Points
* simple learning decision algorithm for character recognition and pattern classification, A
* Simulation of the optical illusions using a spatial filter
* Stability and dimensionality of Karhunen-Loêve multispectral image expansions
* Structural Pattern Recognition, Homomorphisms, and Arrangements
* Switching components and the ambiguity problem in the reconstruction of pictures from their projections
* unified setting for projections in pattern recognition, A
* use of context in pattern recognition, The
* Use of Nuclear Texture Parameters in the Automatic Analysis of Leukocytes, The
* What a Histogram Can Really Tell the Classifier
43 for PR(10)
* Active emulation of computer codes with Gaussian processes: Application to remote sensing
* AI-GAN: Asynchronous interactive generative adversarial network for single image rain removal
* Automatic processing of Historical Arabic Documents: A comprehensive Survey
* BLAN: Bi-directional ladder attentive network for facial attribute prediction
* CARs-Lands: An associative classifier for large-scale datasets
* Clustering social audiences in business information networks
* Combining deep generative and discriminative models for Bayesian semi-supervised learning
* Complex Contourlet-CNN for polarimetric SAR image classification
* Concatenation hashing: A relative position preserving method for learning binary codes
* Connectivity-based cylinder detection in unorganized point clouds
* Correlation classifiers based on data perturbation: New formulations and algorithms
* Correlation-aware adversarial domain adaptation and generalization
* Deep cascaded cross-modal correlation learning for fine-grained sketch-based image retrieval
* Deep eigen-filters for face recognition: Feature representation via unsupervised multi-structure filter learning
* Deep ensemble network using distance maps and body part features for skeleton based action recognition
* Deep label refinement for age estimation
* Deep morphological simplification network (MS-Net) for guided registration of brain magnetic resonance images
* Deep reinforcement hashing with redundancy elimination for effective image retrieval
* Deformable face net for pose invariant face recognition
* Discovering influential factors in variational autoencoders
* Disentangled representation learning and residual GAN for age-invariant face verification
* Dissimilarity-based representations for one-class classification on time series
* domain adaptation approach to solve inverse problems in imaging via coupled deep dictionary learning, A
* dual-cue network for multispectral photometric stereo, A
* Dynamic imposter based online instance matching for person search
* Encoding features robust to unseen modes of variation with attentive long short-term memory
* Ensemble Selection based on Classifier Prediction Confidence
* ExprADA: Adversarial domain adaptation for facial expression analysis
* F-measure curves: A tool to visualize classifier performance under imbalance
* Few-shot traffic sign recognition with clustering inductive bias and random neural network
* fusion network for road detection via spatial propagation and spatial transformation, A
* Generalized support vector data description for anomaly detection
* Graph regularized low-rank representation for submodule clustering
* Handwriting posture prediction based on unsupervised model
* Human activity recognition from UAV-captured video sequences
* Joint temporal context exploitation and active learning for video segmentation
* Locality-constrained affine subspace coding for image classification and retrieval
* MDFN: Multi-scale deep feature learning network for object detection
* MeMu: Metric Correlation Siamese Network and Multi-Class Negative Sampling for Visual Tracking
* MobileFAN: Transferring deep hidden representation for face alignment
* Monocular pedestrian orientation estimation based on deep 2D-3D feedforward
* No-reference mesh visual quality assessment via ensemble of convolutional neural networks and compact multi-linear pooling
* No-reference stereoscopic image quality assessment using a multi-task CNN and registered distortion representation
* Noise-robust dictionary learning with slack block-Diagonal structure for face recognition
* Non-rigid object tracking via deep multi-scale spatial-temporal discriminative saliency maps
* novel classification-selection approach for the self updating of template-based face recognition systems, A
* paired sparse representation model for robust face recognition from a single sample, A
* Patched-tube unitary transform for robust tensor completion
* Prototype learning and collaborative representation using Grassmann manifolds for image set classification
* repeatable and robust local reference frame for 3D surface matching, A
* robust statistics approach for plane detection in unorganized point clouds, A
* Semi-supervised cross-modal image generation with generative adversarial networks
* Semi-supervised robust deep neural networks for multi-label image classification
* Sign consistency for the linear programming discriminant rule
* Statistical bootstrap-based principal mode component analysis for dynamic background subtraction
* Structured self-attention architecture for graph-level representation learning
* Systematic review of 3D facial expression recognition methods
* Training data independent image registration using generative adversarial networks and domain adaptation
* Transfer learning-based discriminative correlation filter for visual tracking
* Transferable heterogeneous feature subspace learning for JPEG mismatched steganalysis
* UNIC: A fast nonparametric clustering
* Video super-resolution via pre-frame constrained and deep-feature enhanced sparse reconstruction
* Wavelet-based segmentation on the sphere
* Writer-aware CNN for parsimonious HMM-based offline handwritten Chinese text recognition
64 for PR(100)
* Contextual deconvolution network for semantic segmentation
* Discriminative distribution alignment: A unified framework for heterogeneous domain adaptation
* Enhancing deep neural networks via multiple kernel learning
* Ensemble adversarial black-box attacks against deep learning systems
* Fuzzy directional enlacement landscapes for the evaluation of complex spatial relations
* Identifying the best data-driven feature selection method for boosting reproducibility in classification tasks
* Image analysis by log-polar Exponent-Fourier moments
* Multi-task CNN for restoring corrupted fingerprint images
* Three-step action search networks with deep Q-learning for real-time object tracking
* Towards explaining anomalies: A deep Taylor decomposition of one-class models
* UcoSLAM: Simultaneous localization and mapping by fusion of keypoints and squared planar markers
11 for PR(101)
* Abnormality detection in retinal image by individualized background learning
* accelerated correlation filter tracker, An
* Appropriateness of performance indices for imbalanced data classification: An analysis
* Auto-weighted multi-view co-clustering via fast matrix factorization
* Blind single image super-resolution with a mixture of deep networks
* Deep and joint learning of longitudinal data for Alzheimer's disease prediction
* Deep morphological networks
* DeepCT: A novel deep complex-valued network with learnable transform for video saliency prediction
* Domain adaptive representation learning for facial action unit recognition
* Ensemble deep learning for automated visual classification using EEG signals
* Fingerprint pore matching using deep features
* Guided CNN for generalized zero-shot and open-set recognition using visual and semantic prototypes
* HscoreNet: A Deep network for estrogen and progesterone scoring using breast IHC images
* Identity-aware CycleGAN for face photo-sketch synthesis and recognition
* Image decomposition based matrix regression with applications to robust face recognition
* Invariant subspace learning for time series data based on dynamic time warping distance
* Long video question answering: A Matching-guided Attention Model
* MIMN-DPP: Maximum-information and minimum-noise determinantal point processes for unsupervised hyperspectral band selection
* Multi-Camera Multi-Player Tracking with Deep Player Identification in Sports Video
* Multi-scale differential feature for ECG biometrics with collective matrix factorization
* novel density-based clustering algorithm using nearest neighbor graph, A
* novel image-dehazing network with a parallel attention block, A
* Object recognition based on convex hull alignment
* Online signature verification using single-template matching with time-series averaging and gradient boosting
* PoseConvGRU: A Monocular Approach for Visual Ego-motion Estimation by Learning
* Quadrilateral Scene Text Detector with Two-Stage Network Architecture, A
* Radial-Based Undersampling for imbalanced data classification
* reduced universum twin support vector machine for class imbalance learning, A
* Scale robust deep oriented-text detection network
* Scene recognition: A comprehensive survey
* Semantic-aware scene recognition
* Smooth robust tensor principal component analysis for compressed sensing of dynamic MRI
* Sparse filtered SIRT for electron tomography
* Synthesizing Talking Faces from Text and Audio: An Autoencoder and Sequence-to-Sequence Convolutional Neural Network
* Threshold optimization for F measure of macro-averaged precision and recall
* Uncertain motion tracking based on convolutional net with semantics estimation and region proposals
* Unsupervised domain adaptive re-identification: Theory and practice
* Unsupervised representation learning by discovering reliable image relations
38 for PR(102)
* Adaptive quantile low-rank matrix factorization
* Automatic characteristic-calibrated registration (ACC-REG): Hippocampal surface registration using eigen-graphs
* Automatic soccer field of play registration
* Bit-string representation of a fingerprint image by normalized local structures
* CAGNet: Content-Aware Guidance for Salient Object Detection
* Circular object arrangement using spherical embeddings
* concave optimization algorithm for matching partially overlapping point sets, A
* Corner detection based on shearlet transform and multi-directional structure tensor
* Cross-view hashing via supervised deep discrete matrix factorization
* Deep support vector machine for hyperspectral image classification
* Depth upsampling based on deep edge-aware learning
* DevsNet: Deep Video Saliency Network using Short-term and Long-term Cues
* Driving maneuver early detection via sequence learning from vehicle signals and video images
* Exploring temporal consistency for human pose estimation in videos
* Fast minutiae extractor using neural network
* Frobenius correlation based u-shapelets discovery for time series clustering
* Fundamental sampling patterns for low-rank multi-view data completion
* Fusion of complex networks and randomized neural networks for texture analysis
* Global and local sensitivity guided key salient object re-augmentation for video saliency detection
* Graph convolutional network with structure pooling and joint-wise channel attention for action recognition
* Handling Gaussian blur without deconvolution
* HoPPF: A novel local surface descriptor for 3D object recognition
* Hyper-parameter optimization in classification: To-do or not-to-do
* improved GrabCut on multiscale features, An
* IOS-Net: An inside-to-outside supervision network for scale robust text detection in the wild
* Joint image deblurring and matching with feature-based sparse representation prior
* Learning motion representation for real-time spatio-temporal action localization
* Learning shape and motion representations for view invariant skeleton-based action recognition
* Learning to infer human attention in daily activities
* Learning variable-length representation of words
* LG: A clustering framework supported by point proximity relations
* Modelling visual impressions for Chinese and Pakistani ethnic groups
* New fractional-order Legendre-Fourier moments for pattern recognition applications
* Novel dimensionality reduction approach for unsupervised learning on small datasets
* Online tracking of ants based on deep association metrics: Method, dataset and evaluation
* Open-set face identification with index-of-max hashing by learning
* parallel fuzzy rule-base based decision tree in the framework of map-reduce, A
* Pedestrian detection in underground mines via parallel feature transfer network
* Radical analysis network for learning hierarchies of Chinese characters
* Saliency detection using a deep conditional random field network
* Shallow2Deep: Indoor scene modeling by single image understanding
* Shape-from-focus reconstruction using nonlocal matting Laplacian prior followed by MRF-based refinement
* Simplifying TugGraph using zipping algorithms
* Single image-based head pose estimation with spherical parametrization and 3D morphing
* survey on image and video cosegmentation: Methods, challenges and analyses, A
* Textual data summarization using the Self-Organized Co-Clustering model
* Three-stream fusion network for first-person interaction recognition
* Training bidirectional generative adversarial networks with hints
* TVENet: Temporal variance embedding network for fine-grained action representation
* Unsupervised hashing based on the recovery of subspace structures
* Unsupervised learning of optical flow with patch consistency and occlusion estimation
* Webly-supervised learning for salient object detection
52 for PR(103)
* Anisotropic tubular minimal path model with fast marching front freezing scheme
* Biclustering with dominant sets
* Clustering quality metrics for subspace clustering
* CoCNN: RGB-D deep fusion for stereoscopic salient object detection
* Deep imitator: Handwriting calligraphy imitation via deep attention networks
* End-to-end training of CNN ensembles for person re-identification
* Explaining away results in accurate and tolerant template matching
* Exponential sparsity preserving projection with applications to image recognition
* GAN-based person search via deep complementary classifier with center-constrained Triplet loss
* Joint graph regularized dictionary learning and sparse ranking for multi-modal multi-shot person re-identification
* Key protected classification for collaborative learning
* Modality-specific and shared generative adversarial network for cross-modal retrieval
* Multi-focus image fusion based on non-negative sparse representation and patch-level consistency rectification
* Multi-label feature selection with shared common mode
* Overview of deep-learning based methods for salient object detection in videos
* Point set registration with mixture framework and variational inference
* Re-ranking image-text matching by adaptive metric fusion
* Recognizing actions in images by fusing multiple body structure cues
* Remote sensing image segmentation using geodesic-kernel functions and multi-feature spaces
* Robust visual tracking by embedding combination and weighted-gradient optimization
* Semi-supervised network embedding with text information
* SGM-Net: Skeleton-guided multimodal network for action recognition
* Timed-image based deep learning for action recognition in video sequences
* Topic modelling for routine discovery from egocentric photo-streams
* Video semantic segmentation via feature propagation with holistic attention
* Visual domain adaptation based on modified A-distance and sparse filtering
26 for PR(104)
* Adaptive iterative attack towards explainable adversarial robustness
* Binary neural networks: A survey
* BrainPrint: EEG biometric identification based on analyzing brain connectivity graphs
* Context from within: Hierarchical context modeling for semantic segmentation
* Deep multi-person kinship matching and recognition for family photos
* Deep quantization generative networks
* Deep transductive network for generalized zero shot learning
* Efficient adaptive inference for deep convolutional neural networks using hierarchical early exits
* Gait recognition invariant to carried objects using alpha blending generative adversarial networks
* Gated CNN: Integrating multi-scale feature layers for object detection
* Graph-based neural networks for explainable image privacy inference
* Heterogenous output regression network for direct face alignment
* Learning Direct Optimization for scene understanding
* Learning EEG Topographical Representation for Classification Via Convolutional Neural Network
* Learning residual refinement network with semantic context representation for real-time saliency object detection
* Optical flow-based structure-from-motion for the reconstruction of epithelial surfaces
* Person identification using EEG channel selection with hybrid flower pollination algorithm
* Projection based weight normalization: Efficient method for optimization on oblique manifold in DNNs
* Reinterpreting CTC training as iterative fitting
* Revisiting spectral clustering for near-convex decomposition of 2D shape
* Robust one-stage object detection with location-aware classifiers
* Robust twin support vector regression based on rescaled Hinge loss
* Scoring disease-microRNA associations by integrating disease hierarchy into graph convolutional networks
* Self-attention driven adversarial similarity learning network
* Simplified unsupervised image translation for semantic segmentation adaptation
* Spectral bounding: Strictly satisfying the 1-Lipschitz property for generative adversarial networks
* Spectral rotation for deep one-step clustering
* Stacked squeeze-and-excitation recurrent residual network for visual-semantic matching
* Supervised deep hashing with a joint deep network
* Supervised dimensionality reduction of proportional data using mixture estimation
* Towards interpretable and robust hand detection via pixel-wise prediction
* Unsupervised feature selection with adaptive multiple graph learning
* Video anomaly detection and localization using motion-field shape description and homogeneity testing
33 for PR(105)
* Adaptive ROI generation for video object segmentation using reinforcement learning
* Building outline extraction from ALS point clouds using medial axis transform descriptors
* Can we automate diagrammatic reasoning?
* CNN-based 3D human pose estimation based on projection of depth and ridge data, A
* Data-augmented matched subspace detector for hyperspectral subpixel target detection
* efficient attribute-space connected filter on graphs to reconstruct paths in point-clouds, An
* Ellipse fitting by spatial averaging of random ensembles
* Every node counts: Self-ensembling graph convolutional networks for semi-supervised learning
* Fast matching via ergodic markov chain for super-large graphs
* Graph-based boosting algorithm to learn labeled and unlabeled data
* Improving the performance of lightweight CNNs for binary classification using quadratic mutual information regularization
* Manifold learning for user profiling and identity verification using motion sensors
* Multi-dimensional classification via kNN feature augmentation
* Multi-View Subspace Clustering via Simultaneously Learning the Representation Tensor and Affinity Matrix
* Multistage attention network for image inpainting
* New label propagation algorithm with pairwise constraints
* Non-rigid infrared and visible image registration by enhanced affine transformation
* Nonparallel support vector machine with large margin distribution for pattern classification
* novel online action detection framework from untrimmed video streams, A
* Orthogonal neighborhood preserving discriminant analysis with patch embedding for face recognition
* Probabilistic SVM classifier ensemble selection based on GMDH-type neural network
* Recurrent bag-of-features for visual information analysis
* Scale balance for prototype-based binary quantization
* SMPLR: Deep learning based SMPL reverse for 3D human pose and shape recovery
* Structure alignment of attributes and visual features for cross-dataset person re-identification
* Structure-aware human pose estimation with graph convolutional networks
* survey on deep learning methods for scene flow estimation, A
* U2-Net: Going deeper with nested U-structure for salient object detection
28 for PR(106)
* 3DSymm: Robust and Accurate 3D Reflection Symmetry Detection
* Accelerating information entropy-based feature selection using rough set theory with classified nested equivalence classes
* Active contour model for inhomogenous image segmentation based on Jeffreys divergence
* Adaptive core fusion-based density peak clustering for complex data with arbitrary shapes and densities
* Attention and Boundary Guided Salient Object Detection
* AutoPruner: An end-to-end trainable filter pruning method for efficient deep model inference
* benefits of target relations: A comparison of multitask extensions and classifier chains, The
* Binary coyote optimization algorithm for feature selection
* Complex heterogeneity learning: A theoretical and empirical study
* Cost-sensitive deep forest for price prediction
* Counter-examples generation from a positive unlabeled image dataset
* Covariance descriptors on a Gaussian manifold and their application to image set classification
* Cylinders extraction in non-oriented point clouds as a clustering problem
* Deep co-training for semi-supervised image segmentation
* Deep Matching Network for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
* Defocus map estimation from a single image using improved likelihood feature and edge-based basis
* Density peaks clustering based on density backbone and fuzzy neighborhood
* Depth image super-resolution using correlation-controlled color guidance and multi-scale symmetric network
* Detection of rotational symmetry in curves represented by the slope chain code
* Dirichlet Variational Autoencoder
* Distractor-aware discrimination learning for online multiple object tracking
* divide-and-conquer strategy for facial landmark detection using dual-task CNN architecture, A
* Dynamic graph convolutional network for multi-video summarization
* Efficient sampling-based energy function evaluation for ensemble optimization using simulated annealing
* efficient volume repairing method by using a modified Allen-Cahn equation, An
* Enhanced automatic twin support vector machine for imbalanced data classification
* Face re-identification challenge: Are face recognition models good enough?
* Fast sparse coding networks for anomaly detection in videos
* Generative adversarial classifier for handwriting characters super-resolution
* Generative attention adversarial classification network for unsupervised domain adaptation
* Gesture Recognition Based on Deep Deformable 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
* Graph-based parallel large scale structure from motion
* Handling incomplete heterogeneous data using VAEs
* Hierarchical dense recursive network for image super-resolution
* Joint and individual matrix factorization hashing for large-scale cross-modal retrieval
* Learning discriminative features via weights-biased softmax loss
* Learning spatial-temporal deformable networks for unconstrained face alignment and tracking in videos
* Learning to complete partial observations from unpaired prior knowledge
* linear multivariate binary decision tree classifier based on K-means splitting, A
* Low-rank quaternion tensor completion for recovering color videos and images
* Modality adversarial neural network for visible-thermal person re-identification
* Multi-head enhanced self-attention network for novelty detection
* Multi-Label classification of multi-modality skin lesion via hyper-connected convolutional neural network
* Multiple strong and balanced cluster-based ensemble of deep learners
* Neural network with multiple connection weights
* new unified method for detecting text from marathon runners and sports players in video (PR-D-19-01078R2), A
* Nonlinear dimensionality reduction for clustering
* novel hybrid approach for crack detection, A
* novel strategy to balance the results of cross-modal hashing, A
* On the stability of persistent entropy and new summary functions for topological data analysis
* Play and rewind: Context-aware video temporal action proposals
* Point attention network for semantic segmentation of 3D point clouds
* Precise detection of Chinese characters in historical documents with deep reinforcement learning
* robust matching pursuit algorithm using information theoretic learning, A
* Self-adaptive manifold discriminant analysis for feature extraction from hyperspectral imagery
* Self-supervised deep reconstruction of mixed strip-shredded text documents
* Semantic segmentation using stride spatial pyramid pooling and dual attention decoder
* Semi-supervised elastic manifold embedding with deep learning architecture
* Semi-supervised learning framework based on statistical analysis for image set classification
* Skeleton-based action recognition with hierarchical spatial reasoning and temporal stack learning network
* Sparse regularized low-rank tensor regression with applications in genomic data analysis
* sparsity-promoting image decomposition model for depth recovery, A
* Towards more discriminative features for texture recognition
* TPM: Multiple object tracking with tracklet-plane matching
* Two-stage knowledge transfer framework for image classification
* Visual tracking by dynamic matching-classification network switching
* Zero-shot Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition with hierarchical decomposition embedding
67 for PR(107)
* Abnormal Event Detection in Surveillance Videos Based on Low-Rank and Compact Coefficient Dictionary Learning
* Accurate, data-efficient, unconstrained text recognition with convolutional neural networks
* Bringing semantics into word image representation
* Cross-modal knowledge reasoning for knowledge-based visual question answering
* Density peak clustering based on relative density relationship
* Discovering and incorporating latent target-domains for domain adaptation
* Diverse training dataset generation based on a multi-objective optimization for semi-Supervised classification
* Fast and incremental algorithms for exponential semi-supervised discriminant embedding
* Few-Shot Activity Recognition with Cross-Modal Memory Network
* Freely typed keystroke dynamics-based user authentication for mobile devices based on heterogeneous features
* Generalized low-rank approximation of matrices based on multiple transformation pairs
* Geometric rectification of document images using adversarial gated unwarping network
* HCNN-PSI: A hybrid CNN with partial semantic information for space target recognition
* Image segmentation using dense and sparse hierarchies of superpixels
* mathematical programming approach for integrated multiple linear regression subset selection and validation, A
* Multi-view subspace learning via bidirectional sparsity
* MuLTReNets: Multilingual text recognition networks for simultaneous script identification and handwriting recognition
* Mutual information based feature subset selection in multivariate time series classification
* On unsupervised simultaneous kernel learning and data clustering
* One-vs-One classification for deep neural networks
* Online kernel classification with adjustable bandwidth using control-based learning approach
* Relational graph neural network for situation recognition
* Rich heterogeneous information preserving network representation learning
* SCUT-HCCDoc: A new benchmark dataset of handwritten Chinese text in unconstrained camera-captured documents
* SEMEDA: Enhancing segmentation precision with semantic edge aware loss
* Sensor-based and vision-based human activity recognition: A comprehensive survey
* Spectral clustering via ensemble deep autoencoder learning (SC-EDAE)
* Transductive semi-supervised metric learning for person re-identification
* View-specific subspace learning and re-ranking for semi-supervised person re-identification
29 for PR(108)
* Active k-labelsets ensemble for multi-label classification
* Blind image deblurring based on the sparsity of patch minimum information
* BLOCK-DBSCAN: Fast clustering for large scale data
* CADN: A weakly supervised learning-based category-aware object detection network for surface defect detection
* Complex image processing with less data: Document image binarization by integrating multiple pre-trained U-Net modules
* comprehensive survey of multi-view video summarization, A
* Convolutional kernels with an element-wise weighting mechanism for identifying abnormal brain connectivity patterns
* DenMune: Density peak based clustering using mutual nearest neighbors
* DPNet: Detail-preserving network for high quality monocular depth estimation
* Efficient densely connected convolutional neural networks
* Generalisations of stochastic supervision models
* generic shift-norm-activation approach for deep learning, A
* GridMix: Strong regularization through local context mapping
* Implementing transfer learning across different datasets for time series forecasting
* Iterative local re-ranking with attribute guided synthesis for face sketch recognition
* Learning modulation filter networks for weak signal detection in noise
* Local minima found in the subparameter space can be effective for ensembles of deep convolutional neural networks
* Nonlocal patch similarity based heterogeneous remote sensing change detection
* occlusion-resistant circle detector using inscribed triangles, An
* Parametric recurrence quantification analysis of autoregressive processes for pattern recognition in multichannel electroencephalographic data
* Probabilistic homogeneity for document image segmentation
* Semi-automatic data annotation guided by feature space projection
* SLiKER: Sparse loss induced kernel ensemble regression
* Solving large-scale support vector ordinal regression with asynchronous parallel coordinate descent algorithms
* theoretical justification of warping generation for dewarping using CNN, A
* Topological optimization of the DenseNet with pretrained-weights inheritance and genetic channel selection
* Towards using count-level weak supervision for crowd counting
* Two-phase Dynamic Routing for Micro and Macro-level Equivariance in Multi-Column Capsule Networks
* Video saliency prediction using enhanced spatiotemporal alignment network
* Weakly supervised image classification and pointwise localization with graph convolutional networks
* Weighted bilateral K-means algorithm for fast co-clustering and fast spectral clustering
31 for PR(109)
* algorithm to detect linearly separable clusters of binary patterns, An
* Class of Robust Edge Detectors Based on Latin Squares, A
* Classification of atypical cells in the automatic cytoscreening for cervical cancer
* Comments on single-link characteristics of a mode-seeking clustering algorithm
* Computer Analysis of Dynamic Scenes Containing Curvilinear Figures
* Design and evaluation of a receptor
* Determination of optimal dimensionality in statistical pattern classification
* Distance preserving linear feature selection
* Entropy minimax expansions for waveform analysis
* experimental printed circuit board drilling system automated by pattern recognition, An
* Feature selection for best mean square approximation of class densities
* heuristic clustering algorithm using union of overlapping pattern-cells, A
* Hierarchical agglomerative clustering procedure
* Image data compression using autoregressive time series models
* Investigation of multidimensional data using the interactive pattern analysis system ISPAHAN
* Learning with a mutualistic teacher
* Linear feature selection with applications
* matrix approach to character recognition, A
* model for dimension reduction in pattern recognition using continuous data, A
* Note on Polygonal and Elliptical Approximation of Mechanical Parts, A
* note on regular kolam array grammars generating right triangles, A
* On the classification of congenital abnormalities from hand radiographs
* On the clustering of multidimensional pictorial data
* orientation free study of handprinted characters, An
* Pallel parsing of tree languages for syntactic pattern recognition
* Parallel-Serial Recognition Cone System for Perception: Some Test Results, A
* percolation method for an efficient grouping of data, The
* Preprocessing for Chinese character recognition and global classification of handwritten Chinese characters
* Processing Spectrograms as Digital Pictures to Separate Competing Line Signatures
* Rectangular Region Coding for Image Data Compression
* Scene Description Method Using Three Dimensional Information, A
* Single-link characteristics of a mode-seeking clustering algorithm
* Skeletal categories
* Some aspects of error bounds in feature selection
* Some Experiments in Image Segmentation by Clustering of Local Feature Values
* Some Experiments on Variable Thresholding
* Some nonlinear operators for picture processing
* Some procedures for function approximation based on the use of sample data and their application in heuristic methods for solving practical problems
* Some statistical bounds for the accuracy of distance-based pattern classification
* Stability and stationarity of cursive handwriting
* Synthesising cluster operators
* Texture Pattern Image Generation by Regular Markov Chain
* Validity studies in clustering methodologies
43 for PR(11)
* AGUnet: Annotation-guided U-net for fast one-shot video object segmentation
* Application of binocular disparity and receptive field dynamics: A biologically-inspired model for contour detection
* Automatically discriminating and localizing COVID-19 from community-acquired pneumonia on chest X-rays
* Cascaded hierarchical atrous spatial pyramid pooling module for semantic segmentation
* Challenging tough samples in unsupervised domain adaptation
* CNAK: Cluster number assisted K-means
* Constructing multilayer locality-constrained matrix regression framework for noise robust face super-resolution
* Coupled adversarial learning for semi-supervised heterogeneous face recognition
* Cross-modality deep feature learning for brain tumor segmentation
* Cross-view classification by joint adversarial learning and class-specificity distribution
* DecomVQANet: Decomposing visual question answering deep network via tensor decomposition and regression
* Deep features for person re-identification on metric learning
* Deep multi-task learning with relational attention for business success prediction
* Deep snippet selective network for weakly supervised temporal action localization
* Efficient semantic segmentation with pyramidal fusion
* Entropy based dictionary learning for image classification
* Explainable skin lesion diagnosis using taxonomies
* Explaining the semantics capturing capability of scene graph generation models
* Exploiting textual queries for dynamically visual disambiguation
* Goal driven network pruning for object recognition
* Hypergraph convolution and hypergraph attention
* Learning adaptive geometry for unsupervised domain adaptation
* Learning representation from multiple media domains for enhanced event discovery
* Lightweight dynamic conditional GAN with pyramid attention for text-to-image synthesis
* LOW: Training deep neural networks by learning optimal sample weights
* Multi-objective adaptive differential evolution for SVM/SVR hyperparameters selection
* Multi-scale deep relational reasoning for facial kinship verification
* Multi-scale structural kernel representation for object detection
* Multimodal subspace support vector data description
* Multiple attentional pyramid networks for Chinese herbal recognition
* novel error-correcting output codes based on genetic programming and ternary digit operators, A
* Online feature selection system for big data classification based on multi-objective automated negotiation
* Place perception from the fusion of different image representation
* Position-aware self-attention based neural sequence labeling
* Probabilistic framework for solving visual dialog
* Progressive sample mining and representation learning for one-shot person re-identification
* prototype-based SPD matrix network for domain adaptation EEG emotion recognition, A
* Real-time Lexicon-free Scene Text Retrieval
* Robust kernelized graph-based learning
* Sparse motion fields for trajectory prediction
* Structured graph learning for clustering and semi-supervised classification
* Tackling mode collapse in multi-generator GANs with orthogonal vectors
* TextMountain: Accurate scene text detection via instance segmentation
* Towards Non-I.I.D. image classification: A dataset and baselines
* Understanding adversarial attacks on deep learning based medical image analysis systems
* Unified Cross-domain Classification via Geometric and Statistical Adaptations
* Universal adversarial perturbations against object detection
* Unsupervised text-to-image synthesis
* Video super-resolution based on a spatio-temporal matching network
* Virtual sample-based deep metric learning using discriminant analysis
50 for PR(110)
* Adaptive feature fusion for visual object tracking
* Adversarial co-distillation learning for image recognition
* Alignment-free cancelable fingerprint templates with dual protection
* All-in-focus synthetic aperture imaging using generative adversarial network-based semantic inpainting
* Attribute and instance weighted naive Bayes
* BFS-Tree of ranking references for unsupervised manifold learning, A
* Biometric key generation based on generated intervals and two-layer error correcting technique
* Black-box attack against handwritten signature verification with region-restricted adversarial perturbations
* Bounded manifold completion
* Cluster-wise unsupervised hashing for cross-modal similarity search
* Context-aware network for RGB-D salient object detection
* Deep feature augmentation for occluded image classification
* Deep Rényi entropy graph kernel
* Discriminative subspace matrix factorization for multiview data clustering
* Dual subspace discriminative projection learning
* EKENet: Efficient knowledge enhanced network for real-time scene parsing
* Enhanced low-rank constraint for temporal subspace clustering and its acceleration scheme
* Enhancing the alignment between target words and corresponding frames for video captioning
* Expand globally, shrink locally: Discriminant multi-label learning with missing labels
* Exploring global diverse attention via pairwise temporal relation for video summarization
* Face illumination recovery for the deep learning feature under severe illumination variations
* Fast high-precision ellipse detection method
* Faster SVM training via conjugate SMO
* FeatFlow: Learning geometric features for 3D motion estimation
* Guided image filtering in shape-from-focus: A comparative analysis
* Hypergraph video pedestrian re-identification based on posture structure relationship and action constraints
* Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification Based on Tighter Random Projection with Minimal Intra-Class Variance Algorithm
* Image denoising using complex-valued deep CNN
* Joint architecture and knowledge distillation in CNN for Chinese text recognition
* Joint discriminative feature learning for multimodal finger recognition
* KDD: A kernel density based descriptor for 3D point clouds
* Linear classifier combination via multiple potential functions
* Local structured feature learning with dynamic maximum entropy graph
* Mixed-precision quantized neural networks with progressively decreasing bitwidth
* new localization method for epileptic seizure onset zones based on time-frequency and clustering analysis, A
* Online incremental hierarchical classification resonance network
* Pairwise dependence-based unsupervised feature selection
* Ranking list preservation for feature matching
* ReLaText: Exploiting visual relationships for arbitrary-shaped scene text detection with graph convolutional networks
* Representative null space LDA for discriminative dimensionality reduction
* review of lane detection methods based on deep learning, A
* Robust line segment matching via reweighted random walks on the homography graph
* Robust semi-supervised nonnegative matrix factorization for image clustering
* Robust sparse coding for one-class classification based on correntropy and logarithmic penalty function
* Semisupervised charting for spectral multimodal manifold learning and alignment
* SI(FS)2: Fast simultaneous instance and feature selection for datasets with many features
* Spectrum-aware discriminative deep feature learning for multi-spectral face recognition
* Speed-up and multi-view extensions to subclass discriminant analysis
* STAN: A sequential transformation attention-based network for scene text recognition
* Supervised quality evaluation of binary partition trees for object segmentation
* Surrogate network-based sparseness hyper-parameter optimization for deep expression recognition
* Temporal filtering networks for online action detection
* three-step classification framework to handle complex data distribution for radar UAV detection, A
* trace kernel bandwidth criterion for support vector data description, The
54 for PR(111)
* *Biennial Pattern Recognition Journal Awards 2017 and 2018
* 3D-GAT: 3D-Guided adversarial transform network for person re-identification in unseen domains
* Automated segmentation of the optic disc from fundus images using an asymmetric deep learning network
* Averaging GPS segments competition 2019
* Behavior regularized prototypical networks for semi-supervised few-shot image classification
* Candidate fusion: Integrating language modelling into a sequence-to-sequence handwritten word recognition architecture
* CenterNet++ model for ship detection in SAR images, A
* Client-specific anomaly detection for face presentation attack detection
* Compact class-conditional domain invariant learning for multi-class domain adaptation
* Connectivity-based convolutional neural network for classifying point clouds
* CPM: A general feature dependency pattern mining framework for contrast multivariate time series
* Cross-modal discriminant adversarial network
* Deep mutual learning for visual object tracking
* Deep residual pooling network for texture recognition
* Dynamic spectral residual superpixels
* EACOFT: An energy-aware correlation filter for visual tracking
* EF-Net: A novel enhancement and fusion network for RGB-D saliency detection
* Enhancing in-tree-based clustering via distance ensemble and kernelization
* Exploiting structured high-level knowledge for domain-specific visual classification
* Fast hard negative mining for deep metric learning
* Feature selection using bare-bones particle swarm optimization with mutual information
* GraphAIR: Graph representation learning with neighborhood aggregation and interaction
* Heterogeneous ensemble selection for evolving data streams
* hierarchical weighted low-rank representation for image clustering and classification, A
* Hyperspectral image classification via discriminative convolutional neural network with an improved triplet loss
* Image super-resolution via channel attention and spatial graph convolutional network
* Imprecise Gaussian discriminant classification
* Infrared small target detection via adaptive M-estimator ring top-hat transformation
* IoU-uniform R-CNN: Breaking through the limitations of RPN
* Joint adaptive manifold and embedding learning for unsupervised feature selection
* Label group diffusion for image and image pair segmentation
* Learning to transfer focus of graph neural network for scene graph parsing
* Linguistically-aware attention for reducing the semantic gap in vision-language tasks
* LSTM based trajectory prediction model for cyclist utilizing multiple interactions with environment
* Machine learning based feature selection and knowledge reasoning for CBR system under big data
* MobileGCN applied to low-dimensional node feature learning
* Multi-view content-based mammogram retrieval using dynamic similarity and locality sensitive hashing
* Multicamera pedestrian detection using logic minimization
* Multiple discriminant analysis for collaborative representation-based classification
* Neural random subspace
* NMF with feature relationship preservation penalty term for clustering problems
* novel dimension reduction and dictionary learning framework for high-dimensional data classification, A
* OAENet: Oriented attention ensemble for accurate facial expression recognition
* On finite mixture modeling and model-based clustering of directed weighted multilayer networks
* On parameterizing higher-order motion for behaviour recognition
* Plant leaf recognition by integrating shape and texture features
* plug-in attribute correction module for generalized zero-shot learning, A
* Real-time sufficient dimension reduction through principal least squares support vector machines
* Reconstruction by inpainting for visual anomaly detection
* Robust visual tracking via spatio-temporal adaptive and channel selective correlation filters
* Scale variance minimization for unsupervised domain adaptation in image segmentation
* Semi-supervised blockwisely architecture search for efficient lightweight generative adversarial network
* Semi-supervised kernel matrix learning using adaptive constraint-based seed propagation
* Siamese networks with distractor-reduction method for long-term visual object tracking
* simple graph embedding for anomaly detection in a stream of heterogeneous labeled graphs, A
* simulated annealing algorithm with a dual perturbation method for clustering, A
* Single-shot 3D multi-person pose estimation in complex images
* Sparsely-labeled source assisted domain adaptation
* Stable feature selection using copula based mutual information
* SVMs multi-class loss feedback based discriminative dictionary learning for image classification
* Temperature network for few-shot learning with distribution-aware large-margin metric
* Time-series averaging and local stability-weighted dynamic time warping for online signature verification
* Training deep retrieval models with noisy datasets: Bag exponential loss
* Type-reduced vague possibilistic fuzzy clustering for medical images
* Unsupervised deep hashing with node representation for image retrieval
* Unsupervised learning framework for interest point detection and description via properties optimization
* Variational posterior approximation using stochastic gradient ascent with adaptive stepsize
67 for PR(112)
* AG3line: Active grouping and geometry-gradient combined validation for fast line segment extraction
* BCMM: A novel post-based augmentation representation for early rumour detection on social media
* Change-point detection in hierarchical circadian models
* Collaborative representation with curriculum classifier boosting for unsupervised domain adaptation
* Compact learning for multi-label classification
* Contrast-weighted dictionary learning based saliency detection for VHR optical remote sensing images
* Copycat CNN: Are random non-Labeled data enough to steal knowledge from black-box models?
* Coupled-dynamic learning for vision and language: Exploring Interaction between different tasks
* Crossover-Net: Leveraging vertical-horizontal crossover relation for robust medical image segmentation
* Deep neural network oriented evolutionary parametric eye modeling
* Deep Video Code for Efficient Face Video Retrieval
* End-to-End Video Text Detection with Online Tracking
* evidential clustering algorithm by finding belief-peaks and disjoint neighborhoods, An
* Exploring a unified low rank representation for multi-focus image fusion
* Inferring spatial relations from textual descriptions of images
* Interwoven texture-based description of interest points in images
* Joint direct estimation of 3D geometry and 3D motion using spatio temporal gradients
* Kernel two-dimensional ridge regression for subspace clustering
* Learning efficient, explainable and discriminative representations for pulmonary nodules classification
* Low-rank adaptive graph embedding for unsupervised feature extraction
* Low-rank tensor ring learning for multi-linear regression
* MetaCOVID: A Siamese neural network framework with contrastive loss for n-shot diagnosis of COVID-19 patients
* Momentum contrastive learning for few-shot COVID-19 diagnosis from chest CT images
* MPPCANet: A Feedforward Learning Strategy for Few-Shot Image Classification
* Multi-task learning for simultaneous script identification and keyword spotting in document images
* Projected fuzzy C-means clustering with locality preservation
* Reconstruction regularized low-rank subspace learning for cross-modal retrieval
* Rethinking data collection for person re-identification: Active redundancy reduction
* Synergistic learning of lung lobe segmentation and hierarchical multi-instance classification for automated severity assessment of COVID-19 in CT images
* Towards purchase prediction: A transaction-based setting and a graph-based method leveraging price information
* View-invariant action recognition via Unsupervised AttentioN Transfer (UANT)
* Visual place recognition: A survey from deep learning perspective
* Visual SLAM for robot navigation in healthcare facility
* Weakly-supervised action localization via embedding-modeling iterative optimization
34 for PR(113)
* ACN: Occlusion-tolerant face alignment by attentional combination of heterogeneous regression networks
* Adaptive super-resolution for person re-identification with low-resolution images
* Assessing partially ordered clustering in a multicriteria comparative context
* Automatic analysis of artistic paintings using information-based measures
* Automatic COVID-19 lung infected region segmentation and measurement using CT-scans images
* Automatic medical image interpretation: State of the art and future directions
* Automatic pancreas segmentation based on lightweight DCNN modules and spatial prior propagation
* Bound estimation-based safe acceleration for maximum margin of twin spheres machine with pinball loss
* Deep ancient Roman Republican coin classification via feature fusion and attention
* Discriminative shared transform learning for sketch to image matching
* Dual space latent representation learning for unsupervised feature selection
* efficient computational algorithm for Hausdorff distance based on points-ruling-out and systematic random sampling, An
* generalized weighted distance k-Nearest Neighbor for multi-label problems, A
* GuessWhich? Visual dialog with attentive memory network
* Hierarchical distillation learning for scalable person search
* Internet financing credit risk evaluation using multiple structural interacting elastic net feature selection
* Joint stroke classification and text line grouping in online handwritten documents with edge pooling attention networks
* Learning deep discriminative embeddings via joint rescaled features and log-probability centers
* Learning Robust Feature Transformation for Domain Adaptation
* Memetic differential evolution methods for clustering problems
* Multi-task contrastive learning for automatic CT and X-ray diagnosis of COVID-19
* Multi-task face analyses through adversarial learning
* Multi-task learning for gait-based identity recognition and emotion recognition using attention enhanced temporal graph convolutional network
* new EM algorithm for flexibly tied GMMs with large number of components, A
* Online anomaly detection in surveillance videos with asymptotic bound on false alarm rate
* Optical flow and scene flow estimation: A survey
* Refining a k-nearest neighbor graph for a computationally efficient spectral clustering
* Spatial context-aware network for salient object detection
* Thermodynamic motif analysis for directed stock market networks
* View-graph construction framework for robust and efficient structure-from-motion
30 for PR(114)
* 3D-CenterNet: 3D Object Detection Network for Point Clouds with Center Estimation Priority
* Aberrance suppressed spatio-temporal correlation filters for visual object tracking
* adversarial human pose estimation network injected with graph structure, An
* Boundary-induced and scene-aggregated network for monocular depth prediction
* Brain segmentation based on multi-atlas and diffeomorphism guided 3D fully convolutional network ensembles
* Complex common spatial patterns on time-frequency decomposed EEG for brain-computer interface
* Divergent-convergent attention for image captioning
* Dyadic Relational Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Human Interaction Recognition
* end-to-end framework for unconstrained monocular 3D hand pose estimation, An
* Face alignment using two-stage cascaded pose regression and mirror error correction
* Few-shot prototype alignment regularization network for document image layout segementation
* FleBiC: Learning classifiers from high-dimensional biomedical data using discriminative biclusters with non-constant patterns
* Fooling deep neural detection networks with adaptive object-oriented adversarial perturbation
* Geometric moment invariants to spatial transform and N-fold symmetric blur
* GPNet: Gated pyramid network for semantic segmentation
* hierarchical sampling based triplet network for fine-grained image classification, A
* Joint feature extraction and classification in a unified framework for cost-sensitive face recognition
* Jointly learning compact multi-view hash codes for few-shot FKP recognition
* LCU-Net: A novel low-cost U-Net for environmental microorganism image segmentation
* Mean-shift outlier detection and filtering
* Multimodal fusion for indoor sound source localization
* Multivariate time series clustering based on complex network
* new approach for optimal offline time-series segmentation with error bound guarantee, A
* novel consensus learning approach to incomplete multi-view clustering, A
* Pedestrian detection with super-resolution reconstruction for low-quality image
* Practical globally optimal consensus maximization by Branch-and-bound based on interval arithmetic
* Pruning by Explaining: A Novel Criterion for Deep Neural Network Pruning
* Quaternionic extended local binary pattern with adaptive structural pyramid pooling for color image representation
* Residual multi-task learning for facial landmark localization and expression recognition
* Robust and discriminative image representation: Fractional-Order Jacobi-Fourier moments
* Scalable multi-label canonical correlation analysis for cross-modal retrieval
* Skeletonisation algorithms with theoretical guarantees for unorganised point clouds with high levels of noise
* survey on matching strategies for boundary image comparison and evaluation, A
* Tight lower bounds for dynamic time warping
* Time series cluster kernels to exploit informative missingness and incomplete label information
* Tripool: Graph triplet pooling for 3D skeleton-based action recognition
* Unified unsupervised and semi-supervised domain adaptation network for cross-scenario face anti-spoofing
* Vicinal and categorical domain adaptation
* Weakly-supervised semantic segmentation with saliency and incremental supervision updating
39 for PR(115)
* 2D Wasserstein loss for robust facial landmark detection
* Adaptive, Hybrid Feature Selection (AHFS)
* Attention-shift based deep neural network for fine-grained visual categorization
* Compensating over- and underexposure in optical target pose determination
* Deep-seated features histogram: A novel image retrieval method
* Discriminative feature alignment: Improving transferability of unsupervised domain adaptation by Gaussian-guided latent alignment
* Global motion estimation with iterative optimization-based independent univariate model for action recognition
* Improved Multi-Scale Dynamic Feature Encoding Network for Image Demoiréing
* Iterative sparse and deep learning for accurate diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease
* kernel path algorithm for general parametric quadratic programming problem, A
* Learning deep part-aware embedding for person retrieval
* Local descriptor-based multi-prototype network for few-shot Learning
* MEMF: Multi-level-attention embedding and multi-layer-feature fusion model for person re-identification
* MIXCAPS: A capsule network-based mixture of experts for lung nodule malignancy prediction
* New confocal hyperbola-based ellipse fitting with applications to estimating parameters of mechanical pipes from point clouds
* NM-GAN: Noise-modulated generative adversarial network for video anomaly detection
* Nonlocal graph theory based transductive learning for hyperspectral image classification
* Novel Unsupervised domain adaptation method for inertia-Trajectory translation of in-air handwriting, A
* parameterized geometric fitting method for ellipse, A
* PILS: Exploring high-order neighborhoods by pattern mining and injection
* PRRNet: Pixel-Region relation network for face forgery detection
* Recognition of visual-related non-driving activities using a dual-camera monitoring system
* Region-based dropout with attention prior for weakly supervised object localization
* Retraction notice: A framework with modified fast FCM for brain MR images segmentation
* Single annotated pixel based weakly supervised semantic segmentation under driving scenes
* Single-Image super-resolution: When model adaptation matters
* SNAP: Shaping neural architectures progressively via information density criterion
* Star-based learning correlation clustering
* STDnet-ST: Spatio-temporal ConvNet for small object detection
* survey on heterogeneous network representation learning, A
* Temporally smooth online action detection using cycle-consistent future anticipation
* two-stage hybrid ant colony optimization for high-dimensional feature selection, A
* Unsupervised meta-learning for few-shot learning
* Vector of Locally and Adaptively Aggregated Descriptors for Image Feature Representation
* Ventral and Dorsal Stream Theory based Zero-Shot Action Recognition
35 for PR(116)
* Boundarymix: Generating pseudo-training images for improving segmentation with scribble annotations
* CDF Transform-and-Shift: An effective way to deal with datasets of inhomogeneous cluster densities
* Cross-scene foreground segmentation with supervised and unsupervised model communication
* Deep center-based dual-constrained hashing for discriminative face image retrieval
* Deformed contour segment matching for multi-source images
* Detection of COVID-19 from speech signal using bio-inspired based cepstral features
* Digital hair removal by deep learning for skin lesion segmentation
* Dual self-attention with co-attention networks for visual question answering
* efficient and locality-oriented Hausdorff distance algorithm: Proposal and analysis of paradigms and implementations, An
* Feature selection with kernelized multi-class support vector machine
* GR-RNN: Global-context residual recurrent neural networks for writer identification
* Image stitching based on angle-consistent warping
* Integrating information theory and adversarial learning for cross-modal retrieval
* Learn to abstract via concept graph for weakly-supervised few-shot learning
* Level set framework with transcendental constraint for robust and fast image segmentation
* MASTER: Multi-aspect non-local network for scene text recognition
* Mixed-order spectral clustering for complex networks
* Optic disc segmentation by U-net and probability bubble in abnormal fundus images
* Penalized-regression-based bicluster localization
* Random vector functional link neural network based ensemble deep learning
* Robust deep k-means: An effective and simple method for data clustering
* Robust feature matching using guided local outlier factor
* Robust generalised quadratic discriminant analysis
* Rough-Bayesian approach to select class-pair specific descriptors for HEp-2 cell staining pattern recognition
* Scale-balanced loss for object detection
* SRAGL-AWCL: A two-step multi-view clustering via sparse representation and adaptive weighted cooperative learning
* Two-stage adaptive random Fourier sampling method for image reconstruction
27 for PR(117)
* Accurate detection of COVID-19 patients based on distance biased Naïve Bayes (DBNB) classification strategy
* Assessment of dispersion patterns for negative stress detection from electroencephalographic signals
* branch and bound irredundant graph algorithm for large-scale MLCS problems, A
* Collaborative feature-weighted multi-view fuzzy c-means clustering
* confidence prior for image dehazing, A
* COVID-19 Detection from X-ray Images using Multi-Kernel-Size Spatial-Channel Attention Network
* COVID-index: A texture-based approach to classifying lung lesions based on CT images
* Deep compact polyhedral conic classifier for open and closed set recognition
* deep fusion framework for unlabeled data-driven tumor recognition, A
* Deep neural network compression through interpretability-based filter pruning
* Design of cancelable MCC-based fingerprint templates using Dyno-key model
* Detecting pulmonary diseases using deep features in X-ray images
* Ensemble selection with joint spectral clustering and structural sparsity
* Feature learning and patch matching for diverse image inpainting
* Fused lasso for feature selection using structural information
* Holistic word descriptor for lexicon reduction in handwritten arabic documents
* IsGAN: Identity-sensitive generative adversarial network for face photo-sketch synthesis
* Learning features from covariance matrix of gabor wavelet for face recognition under adverse conditions
* Lung segmentation and automatic detection of COVID-19 using radiomic features from chest CT images
* MaskCOV: A random mask covariance network for ultra-fine-grained visual categorization
* Metaheuristic Search Based Feature Selection Methods for Classification of Cancer
* Minimum variance-embedded kernelized extension of extreme learning machine for imbalance learning
* Mining consistent correspondences using co-occurrence statistics
* Mitigating severe over-parameterization in deep convolutional neural networks through forced feature abstraction and compression with an entropy-based heuristic
* Mutual information regularized identity-aware facial expression recognition in compressed video
* Non-linear and selective fusion of cross-modal images
* Principal component analysis in the wavelet domain
* Reinforced SVM method and memorization mechanisms
* SCOAT-Net: A novel network for segmenting COVID-19 lung opacification from CT images
* Simultaneous positive sequential vectors modeling and unsupervised feature selection via continuous hidden Markov models
* Skeleton-based human action evaluation using graph convolutional network for monitoring Alzheimer's progression
* Solving archaeological puzzles
* Solving archaeological puzzles
* Stroke constrained attention network for online handwritten mathematical expression recognition
* survey on text generation using generative adversarial networks, A
* Triplet network framework based automatic assessment of simulation quality for respiratory droplet propagation, A
* Understanding crowd flow patterns using active-Langevin model
* Unsupervised neural domain adaptation for document image binarization
* VSRNet: End-to-end video segment retrieval with text query
* Weak segmentation supervised deep neural networks for pedestrian detection
* Weakly-supervised temporal attention 3D network for human action recognition
41 for PR(119)
* algorithm for determining identity of nearest-neighbor and potential function decision rules, An
* Application of autoregressive models to the study of the temporal structure of a handwritten text
* Automatic inspection by lots in the presence of classification errors
* Automatic Inspection System for Printed Wiring Board Masks, An
* Combination of Statistical and Syntactical Pattern Recognition Applied to Classification of Unconstrained Handwritten Numerals, A
* combined nonparametric approach to feature selection and binary decision tree design, A
* computationally efficient technique for data-clustering, A
* Computer Measurement of Particle Diameters in Cell Membranes from Electron Micrographs
* Crop Classification with Landsat Multispectral Scanner Data II
* Design of a graph-representation and a fuzzy-classifier for human chromosomes
* Development of a Spectral-Spatial Classifier for Earth Observational Data, The
* Effect of autocorrelated training samples on Bayes' probabilities of misclassification
* Effect of dimensionality and estimation on the performance of gaussian classifiers
* Error rate estimation on the basis of posterior probabilities
* Experiments on human pattern recognition: A Hierarchical Sign-System Approach
* Fast Algorithms for Two Maximal Distance Problems with Applications to Image Analysis
* Fast polygonal approximation of digitized curves
* Feature detection using the general linear model
* Feature extraction for texture classification
* Finding a good figure that approximately passes through given points
* From binary to grey tone image processing using fuzzy logic concepts
* How to Describe Pure Form and How to Measure Differences in Shapes Using Shape Numbers
* Knowledge-Mediated Perception
* learning procedure for multisurface method of pattern separation, A
* Learning to recognize patterns with a probabilistic teacher
* Learning with imperfectly labeled patterns
* least upper bound for the average classification accuracy of multiple observers, A
* Linear and nonlinear mapping of patterns
* Mapping algorithms in ISPAHAN
* measure of shared information in classes of patterns, A
* Method for the Analysis of Gaussian-Like Clusters, A
* Monte Carlo comparisons of selected clustering procedures
* Neighbor Gray Levels as Features in Pixel Classification
* On an optimal linear pattern classification procedure
* On the Dominance of Non-Parametric Bayes Rule Discriminant Algorithms in High Dimensions
* On-Line Recognition of Handprinted Kanji Characters
* pigeon's analysis of pictures, The
* Point Pattern Matching by Relaxation
* Probability transforms of digital pictures
* Propagation Algorithms for Framing Rectangle Construction
* Recognition of Handprinted Characters by an Outermost Point Method
* Recognition of handprinted Tamil characters
* Relative Neighbourhood Graph of a Finite Planar Set, The
* Scene Labeling: An Optimization Approach
* self-supervised vowel recognition system, A
* Signature extension in remote sensing
* Spatial Clustering Procedures for Region Analysis
* Stability of a hierarchical clustering
* Strip Detection Using Relaxation
* Use of the Hough transform for image data compression
* Using the Creation Machine to Locate Airplanes on Aerial Photos
* validation of four ultrametric clustering algorithms, The
* Weighted logical inference for pattern recognition
53 for PR(12)
* 3D object recognition through a size function resulting from an invariant topological feature
* Accuracy vs. complexity: A trade-off in visual question answering models
* Automated delineation of corneal layers on OCT images using a boundary-guided CNN
* CapsNet regularization and its conjugation with ResNet for signature identification
* Certainty driven consistency loss on multi-teacher networks for semi-supervised learning
* Community-based k-shell decomposition for identifying influential spreaders
* Conditional information gain networks as sparse mixture of experts
* Copula-based conformal prediction for multi-target regression
* Correlation-based structural dropout for convolutional neural networks
* DDAT: Dual domain adaptive translation for low-resolution face verification in the wild
* Deep neural networks ensemble to detect COVID-19 from CT scans
* Deep robust multilevel semantic hashing for multi-label cross-modal retrieval
* Discretization-aware architecture search
* Doubly supervised parameter transfer classifier for diagnosis of breast cancer with imbalanced ultrasound imaging modalities
* Dynamic and reliable subtask tracker with general schatten p-norm regularization
* Effective action recognition with embedded key point shifts
* Enhanced anomaly scores for isolation forests
* Explainable boosted linear regression for time series forecasting
* Explainable deep learning for efficient and robust pattern recognition: A survey of recent developments
* FoCL: Feature-oriented continual learning for generative models
* GAMI-Net: An explainable neural network based on generalized additive models with structured interactions
* Generalized error path algorithm
* Generalized pyramid co-attention with learnable aggregation net for video question answering
* GGAC: Multi-relational image gated GCN with attention convolutional binary neural tree for identifying disease with chest X-rays
* Graph representation learning for road type classification
* Hierarchical Object Relationship Constrained Monocular Depth Estimation.
* Human trajectory prediction and generation using LSTM models and GANs
* Improving the accuracy of global forecasting models using time series data augmentation
* Knowledge base graph embedding module design for Visual question answering model
* Knowledge memorization and generation for action recognition in still images
* Knowledge-aware deep framework for collaborative skin lesion segmentation and melanoma recognition
* Learnable low-rank latent dictionary for subspace clustering
* Learning graph edit distance by graph neural networks
* Manifold learning with structured subspace for multi-label feature selection
* Meta-learning based relation and representation learning networks for single-image deraining
* MetaMed: Few-shot medical image classification using gradient-based meta-learning
* Mixability of integral losses: A key to efficient online aggregation of functional and probabilistic forecasts
* Modulating scalable Gaussian processes for expressive statistical learning
* Multi-label feature selection considering label supplementation
* Multi-label feature selection via manifold regularization and dependence maximization
* multi-task fully deep convolutional neural network for contactless fingerprint minutiae extraction, A
* MVDRNet: Multi-view diabetic retinopathy detection by combining DCNNs and attention mechanisms
* nested U-shape network with multi-scale upsample attention for robust retinal vascular segmentation, A
* Non-uniform motion deblurring with blurry component divided guidance
* Normalized class coherence change-based kNN for classification of imbalanced data
* Part-guided graph convolution networks for person re-identification
* Point cloud denoising using non-local collaborative projections
* Potential Anchoring for imbalanced data classification
* Progressive global perception and local polishing network for lung infection segmentation of COVID-19 CT images
* Randomized trees for time series representation and similarity
* Real-time and light-weighted unsupervised video object segmentation network
* Reducing magnetic resonance image spacing by learning without ground-truth
* Selection of diverse features with a diverse regularization
* Semantic manifold modularization-based ranking for image recommendation
* Semi-supervised multi-Layer convolution kernel learning in credit evaluation
* Sparse semi-supervised heterogeneous interbattery bayesian analysis
* Spatial reasoning for few-shot object detection
* Statistical mechanical analysis for unweighted and weighted stock market networks
* survey on dorsal hand vein biometrics, A
* Temporal consistent portrait video segmentation
* Top-rank convolutional neural network and its application to medical image-based diagnosis
* Training object detectors from few weakly-labeled and many unlabeled images
* two-level framework for place recognition with 3D LiDAR based on spatial relation graph, A
* unified weight learning and low-rank regression model for robust complex error modeling, A
* Weighted clustering: Towards solving the user's dilemma
65 for PR(120)
* 4D computed tomography super-resolution reconstruction based on tensor product and nuclear norm optimization
* Action recognition via pose-based graph convolutional networks with intermediate dense supervision
* ANCES: A novel method to repair attribute noise in classification problems
* BiconNet: An edge-preserved connectivity-based approach for salient object detection
* Blitz-SLAM: A semantic SLAM in dynamic environments
* Cloud based scalable object recognition from video streams using orientation fusion and convolutional neural networks
* Consistent and diverse multi-View subspace clustering with structure constraint
* Constrained mutual convex cone method for image set based recognition
* Context-aware co-supervision for accurate object detection
* Creating synthetic minority class samples based on autoencoder extreme learning machine
* Deep adaptive feature embedding with local sample distributions for person re-identification
* Deep anomaly detection with self-supervised learning and adversarial training
* Deep neural networks-based relevant latent representation learning for hyperspectral image classification
* Deep tree-ensembles for multi-output prediction
* Delving deep into spatial pooling for squeeze-and-excitation networks
* Edge computing enabled video segmentation for real-time traffic monitoring in internet of vehicles
* Estimating fund-raising performance for start-up projects from a market graph perspective
* Financial time series forecasting with multi-modality graph neural network
* GLMNet: Graph learning-matching convolutional networks for feature matching
* Graph convolutional autoencoders with co-learning of graph structure and node attributes
* Graph variational auto-encoder for deriving EEG-based graph embedding
* Head pose estimation using deep neural networks and 3D point clouds
* hierarchical model for learning to understand head gesture videos, A
* Indefinite twin support vector machine with DC functions programming
* Joint multi-label learning and feature extraction for temporal link prediction
* Learning common and label-specific features for multi-Label classification with correlation information
* Learning discriminative region representation for person retrieval
* Learning hybrid ranking representation for person re-identification
* Learning scale awareness in keypoint extraction and description
* Learning sequentially diversified representations for fine-grained categorization
* Learning to schedule multi-NUMA virtual machines via reinforcement learning
* Lifelong robotic visual-tactile perception learning
* Mixture factor analysis with distance metric constraint for dimensionality reduction
* Multi-dimensional clustering through fusion of high-order similarities
* Novel fuzzy clustering algorithm with variable multi-pixel fitting spatial information for image segmentation
* novel GCN-based point cloud classification model robust to pose variances, A
* Object-based cluster validation with densities
* Online aggregation of probability forecasts with confidence
* Pareto optimization of deep networks for COVID-19 diagnosis from chest X-rays
* Part-based annotation-free fine-grained classification of images of retail products
* Pedestrian attribute recognition: A survey
* Pedestrian trajectory prediction with convolutional neural networks
* Preference prediction based on a photo gallery analysis with scene recognition and object detection
* Recursive multi-model complementary deep fusion for robust salient object detection via parallel sub-networks
* Relation-aware dynamic attributed graph attention network for stocks recommendation
* residual generator: An improved divergence minimization framework for GAN, The
* SAR-to-optical image translation based on improved CGAN
* Semi-Supervised Student-Teacher Learning for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Spatiotemporal consistency-enhanced network for video anomaly detection
* Towards open-set touchless palmprint recognition via weight-based meta metric learning
* Towards robust explanations for deep neural networks
* Tracking more than 100 arbitrary objects at 25 FPS through deep learning
* Transtrack: Online meta-transfer learning and Otsu segmentation enabled wireless gesture tracking
* Unified Hierarchical XGBoost model for classifying priorities for COVID-19 vaccination campaign, A
* Unified learning approach for egocentric hand gesture recognition and fingertip detection
* Universal multi-Source domain adaptation for image classification
* Variable weight algorithm for convolutional neural networks and its applications to classification of seizure phases and types
* WC-KNNG-PC: Watershed clustering based on k-nearest-neighbor graph and Pauta Criterion
* What-and-where to match: Deep spatially multiplicative integration networks for person re-identification
* Why is this an anomaly? Explaining anomalies using sequential explanations
60 for PR(121)
* AD)2: Adversarial domain adaptation to defense with adversarial perturbation removal
* Adaptive Decision Forest: An incremental machine learning framework
* AE-Net: Fine-Grained Sketch-Based Image Retrieval Via Attention-Enhanced Network
* AI-Based human audio processing for COVID-19: A comprehensive overview
* Atom correlation based graph propagation for scene graph generation
* Balanced single-shot object detection using cross-context attention-guided network
* Bayesian compression for dynamically expandable networks
* Biological eagle eye-based method for change detection in water scenes
* black-box adversarial attack for poisoning clustering, A
* black-box adversarial attack strategy with adjustable sparsity and generalizability for deep image classifiers, A
* cascade reconstruction model with generalization ability evaluation for anomaly detection in videos, A
* Coarse-to-fine pseudo supervision guided meta-task optimization for few-shot object classification
* Coarse-to-fine-grained method for image splicing region detection
* Context extraction module for deep convolutional neural networks
* Contextual ensemble network for semantic segmentation
* Continuous conditional random field convolution for point cloud segmentation
* Data synthesis method preserving correlation of features
* DDBN: Dual detection branch network for semantic diversity predictions
* Deep and interpretable regression models for ordinal outcomes
* Deep image prior based defense against adversarial examples
* Deep momentum uncertainty hashing
* Deep neighbor-aware embedding for node clustering in attributed graphs
* Discrepant Multiple Instance Learning for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Discrete online cross-modal hashing
* Discriminative feature generation for classification of imbalanced data
* Discriminative unimodal feature selection and fusion for RGB-D salient object detection
* Divide well to merge better: A novel clustering algorithm
* Effective and efficient pixel-level detection for diverse video copy-move forgery types
* effective deep network using target vector update modules for image restoration, An
* Efficient COVID-19 testing via contextual model based compressive sensing
* Efficient k-nearest neighbor search based on clustering and adaptive k values
* End-to-End Supermask Pruning: Learning to Prune Image Captioning Models
* Estimating Tukey depth using incremental quantile estimators
* Explainable scale distillation for hyperspectral image classification
* Exploiting foreground and background separation for prohibited item detection in overlapping X-Ray images
* Exploring DeshuffleGANs in Self-Supervised Generative Adversarial Networks
* Exploring rich intermediate representations for reconstructing 3D shapes from 2D images
* Factored Latent-Dynamic Conditional Random Fields for single and multi-label sequence modeling
* Feature flow: In-network feature flow estimation for video object detection
* Feature refinement: An expression-specific feature learning and fusion method for micro-expression recognition
* Feature wise normalization: An effective way of normalizing data
* Fine-grained action recognition using dynamic kernels
* From soccer video to ball possession statistics
* Gaussian-guided feature alignment for unsupervised cross-subject adaptation
* Generalizable model-agnostic semantic segmentation via target-specific normalization
* GeoConv: Geodesic guided convolution for facial action unit recognition
* Gradient-Aligned convolution neural network
* Graph Clustering via Variational Graph Embedding
* Graph matching based on fast normalized cut and multiplicative update mapping
* Graph regularized locally linear embedding for unsupervised feature selection
* GraphXCOVID: Explainable deep graph diffusion pseudo-Labelling for identifying COVID-19 on chest X-rays
* High dynamic range imaging via gradient-aware context aggregation network
* Hyperspectral super-resolution via coupled tensor ring factorization
* Image-to-Video Person Re-Identification Using Three-Dimensional Semantic Appearance Alignment and Cross-Modal Interactive Learning
* Integrated generalized zero-shot learning for fine-grained classification
* JSPNet: Learning joint semantic and instance segmentation of point clouds via feature self-similarity and cross-task probability
* Kernelized support tensor train machines
* Learning multiscale hierarchical attention for video summarization
* Learning panoptic segmentation through feature discriminability
* Leveraging local and global descriptors in parallel to search correspondences for visual localization
* Loss functions for pose guided person image generation
* Multi-Attention Augmented Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-frame based adversarial learning approach for video surveillance
* Multi-label sampling based on local label imbalance
* Multi-scale spatial-spectral fusion based on multi-input fusion calculation and coordinate attention for hyperspectral image classification
* Multi-task driven explainable diagnosis of COVID-19 using chest X-ray images
* Multi-task framework based on feature separation and reconstruction for cross-modal retrieval
* multimodal attention fusion network with a dynamic vocabulary for TextVQA, A
* Multinomial random forest
* near effective and efficient model in recognition, A
* Neighborhood preserving embedding on Grassmann manifold for image-set analysis
* new bayesian Poisson denoising algorithm based on nonlocal means and stochastic distances, A
* Non-stationary, online variational Bayesian learning, with circular variables
* Nonconvex 3D array image data recovery and pattern recognition under tensor framework
* Novel Quasi-Newton Method for Composite Convex Minimization, A
* Novel Robust Low-rank Multi-view Diversity Optimization Model with Adaptive-Weighting Based Manifold Learning, A
* Online learnable keyframe extraction in videos and its application with semantic word vector in action recognition
* Privacy-aware supervised classification: An informative subspace based multi-objective approach
* ProCAN: Progressive growing channel attentive non-local network for lung nodule classification
* Protect, show, attend and tell: Empowering image captioning models with ownership protection
* Revisiting image captioning via maximum discrepancy competition
* Robust and discrete matrix factorization hashing for cross-modal retrieval
* Robust face alignment by dual-attentional spatial-aware capsule networks
* SARS-Net: COVID-19 detection from chest x-rays by combining graph convolutional network and convolutional neural network
* Segmentation of Handwritten Arabic Graphemes Using a Directed Convolutional Neural Network and Mathematical Morphology Operations
* SetMargin loss applied to deep keystroke biometrics with circle packing interpretation
* Skeleton-based relational reasoning for group activity analysis
* Spatio-Temporal association rule based deep annotation-free clustering (STAR-DAC) for unsupervised person re-identification
* Support structure representation learning for sequential data clustering
* Towards automatic threat detection: A survey of advances of deep learning within X-ray security imaging
* Two-step domain adaptation for underwater image enhancement
* Unimodal regularisation based on beta distribution for deep ordinal regression
* Unsupervised descriptor selection based meta-learning networks for few-shot classification
* UU-test for statistical modeling of unimodal data, The
* Video anomaly detection with spatio-temporal dissociation
* Weakly Supervised Segmentation of COVID19 Infection with Scribble Annotation on CT Images
* Well-calibrated confidence measures for multi-label text classification with a large number of labels
* Who is closer: A computational method for domain gap evaluation
* Zero-shot learning via a specific rank-controlled semantic autoencoder
99 for PR(122)
* AdaNFF: A new method for adaptive nonnegative multi-feature fusion to scene classification
* ADCNN: Towards learning adaptive dilation for convolutional neural networks
* Bayesian evaluation framework for subjectively annotated visual recognition tasks, A
* Big data directed acyclic graph model for real-time COVID-19 twitter stream detection
* Co-attentive multi-task convolutional neural network for facial expression recognition
* coarse-to-fine approach for dynamic-to-static image translation, A
* Cross-domain structure preserving projection for heterogeneous domain adaptation
* Defect attention template generation cycleGAN for weakly supervised surface defect segmentation
* Description and recognition of complex spatial configurations of object pairs with Force Banner 2D features
* Discrete embedding for attributed graphs
* DLA-Net: Learning Dual Local Attention Features for Semantic Segmentation of Large-Scale Building Facade Point Clouds
* Driving behavior explanation with multi-level fusion
* Enhance to read better: A Multi-Task Adversarial Network for Handwritten Document Image Enhancement
* Fast Camouflaged Object Detection via Edge-based Reversible Re-calibration Network
* Fitbeat: COVID-19 estimation based on wristband heart rate using a contrastive convolutional auto-encoder
* GL-GAN: Adaptive global and local bilevel optimization for generative adversarial network
* Incomplete multi-view clustering with cosine similarity
* Incomplete multiview nonnegative representation learning with multiple graphs
* Kernelized Supervised Laplacian Eigenmap for Visualization and Classification of Multi-Label Data
* Learning directly from synthetic point clouds for in-the-wild 3D face recognition
* Learning to Select Cuts for Efficient Mixed-Integer Programming
* Low-rank inter-class sparsity based semi-flexible target least squares regression for feature representation
* Majorities help minorities: Hierarchical structure guided transfer learning for few-shot fault recognition
* Multi-level adversarial network for domain adaptive semantic segmentation
* Multi-scale signed recurrence plot based time series classification using inception architectural networks
* Neighborhood linear discriminant analysis
* novel bio-inspired texture descriptor based on biodiversity and taxonomic measures, A
* Orthogonal least squares based fast feature selection for linear classification
* polarization fusion network with geometric feature embedding for SAR ship classification, A
* Query Pixel Guided Stroke Extraction with Model-Based Matching for Offline Handwritten Chinese Characters
* Rain-component-aware capsule-GAN for single image de-raining
* Real masks and spoof faces: On the masked face presentation attack detection
* robust and efficient fingerprint image restoration method based on a phase-field model, A
* Robust multi-feature collective non-negative matrix factorization for ECG biometrics
* Semi-supervised Active Salient Object Detection
* Semi-supervised extensions of multi-task tree ensembles
* Systematic generation of moment invariant bases for 2D and 3D tensor fields
* Unified curiosity-Driven learning with smoothed intrinsic reward estimation
* unified deep sparse graph attention network for scene graph generation, A
* Unsupervised deep clustering via contractive feature representation and focal loss
* Visual vs internal attention mechanisms in deep neural networks for image classification and object detection
41 for PR(123)
* 3D pose estimation and future motion prediction from 2D images
* Action Transformer: A self-attention model for short-time pose-based human action recognition
* Adaptive Gabor convolutional networks
* Adaptive region-aware feature enhancement for object detection
* analysis of heuristic metrics for classifier ensemble pruning based on ordered aggregation, An
* approach to boundary detection for 3D point clouds based on DBSCAN clustering, An
* Automated search space and search strategy selection for AutoML
* Brain tumor segmentation based on the dual-path network of multi-modal MRI images
* CANet: Co-attention network for RGB-D semantic segmentation
* cascaded nested network for 3T brain MR image segmentation guided by 7T labeling, A
* Characterizing ordinal network of time series based on complexity-entropy curve
* Combining embedding-based and symbol-based methods for entity alignment
* Contrastive attention network with dense field estimation for face completion
* COVID-MTL: Multitask learning with Shift3D and random-weighted loss for COVID-19 diagnosis and severity assessment
* cPCA++: An efficient method for contrastive feature learning
* CR-GAN: Automatic craniofacial reconstruction for personal identification
* DE-GAN: Domain Embedded GAN for High Quality Face Image Inpainting
* Deep co-supervision and attention fusion strategy for automatic COVID-19 lung infection segmentation on CT images
* Deep Collaborative Multi-Task Network: A Human Decision Process Inspired Model for Hierarchical Image Classification
* Deep open-set recognition for silicon wafer production monitoring
* Deep reinforcement learning with credit assignment for combinatorial optimization
* Detection and rectification of arbitrary shaped scene texts by using text keypoints and links
* Developing a generic framework for anomaly detection
* Discriminative deep attributes for generalized zero-shot learning
* Exploiting appearance transfer and multi-scale context for efficient person image generation
* Exploring semantic segmentation of related subclasses from a superset of classes
* Face photo-sketch synthesis via full-scale identity supervision
* FW-SMOTE: A feature-weighted oversampling approach for imbalanced classification
* GaitSlice: A gait recognition model based on spatio-temporal slice features
* Global models for time series forecasting: A Simulation study
* Guided neighborhood affine subspace embedding for feature matching
* Hierarchical domain adaptation with local feature patterns
* Human object interaction detection using two-direction spatial enhancement and exclusive object prior
* Identifying players in broadcast videos using graph convolutional network
* Improved time series clustering based on new geometric frameworks
* Infinite-dimensional feature aggregation via a factorized bilinear model
* Introduction to conformal predictors
* Learning interlaced sparse Sinkhorn matching network for video super-resolution
* Learning to rectify for robust learning with noisy labels
* Loss function search for person re-identification
* Mask encoding: A general instance mask representation for object segmentation
* MTCNet: Multi-task collaboration network for rotation-invariance face detection
* Multi-complementary and unlabeled learning for arbitrary losses and models
* new framework of designing iterative techniques for image deblurring, A
* Poisson kernel: Avoiding self-smoothing in graph convolutional networks
* PRNU registration under scale and rotation transform based on convolutional neural networks
* Progressive polarization based reflection removal via realistic training data generation
* Rapid construction of 4D high-quality microstructural image for cement hydration using partial information registration
* Relevance attack on detectors
* Robust Gaussian process regression with a bias model
* Scene-specific crowd counting using synthetic training images
* Segmentation information with attention integration for classification of breast tumor in ultrasound image
* Self-restrained triplet loss for accurate masked face recognition
* Self-weighting multi-view spectral clustering based on nuclear norm
* Semantic clustering based deduction learning for image recognition and classification
* Semi-supervised node classification via adaptive graph smoothing networks
* Semi-supervised robust training with generalized perturbed neighborhood
* SibNet: Food instance counting and segmentation
* Signature barcodes for online verification
* Sketches by MoSSaRT: Representative selection from manifolds with gross sparse corruptions
* Source data-free domain adaptation for a faster R-CNN
* Sparse attention block: Aggregating contextual information for object detection
* Sparse CapsNet with explicit regularizer
* Spatial-Driven Features Based on Image Dependencies for Person Re-Identification
* Super-Resolution Semantic Segmentation with Relation Calibrating Network
* Supervised dimensionality reduction technology of generalized discriminant component analysis and its kernelization forms
* Text-instance graph: Exploring the relational semantics for text-based visual question answering
* TradeBot: Bandit learning for hyper-parameters optimization of high frequency trading strategy
* Tri-Attention fusion guided multi-modal segmentation network, A
* Two-stage aware attentional Siamese network for visual tracking
* Two-Way alignment approach for unsupervised multi-Source domain adaptation, A
* Uncertainty Estimation for Stereo Matching Based on Evidential Deep Learning
* Unsupervised Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification by Instance and Distribution Alignment
* Velocity-to-velocity human motion forecasting
* Weakly-supervised semantic segmentation with superpixel guided local and global consistency
* Weighted clustering ensemble: A review
* zero-shot learning framework via cluster-prototype matching, A
77 for PR(124)
* ADR-MVSNet: A cascade network for 3D point cloud reconstruction with pixel occlusion
* Attentive occlusion-adaptive deep network for facial landmark detection
* Auto uning of price prediction models for high-frequency trading via reinforcement learning
* BADet: Boundary-Aware 3D Object Detection from Point Clouds
* bibliometric analysis of off-line handwritten document analysis literature (1990-2020), A
* Collaborative boundary-aware context encoding networks for error map prediction
* Contour-enhanced attention CNN for CT-based COVID-19 segmentation
* deformable CNN-based triplet model for fine-grained sketch-based image retrieval, A
* Entropy regularization for unsupervised clustering with adaptive neighbors
* Graph label prediction based on local structure characteristics representation
* Hypergraph matching via game-theoretic hypergraph clustering
* Hyperspherical class prototypes for adversarial robustness
* Joint image denoising with gradient direction and edge-preserving regularization
* Phase retrieval from incomplete data via weighted nuclear norm minimization
* Safe incomplete label distribution learning
* Symmetry-Driven hyper feature GCN for skeleton-based gait recognition
* unified perspective of classification-based loss and distance-based loss for cross-view gait recognition, A
* Unsupervised person re-identification with multi-label learning guided self-paced clustering
* User-based network embedding for opinion spammer detection
* VD-PCR: Improving visual dialog with pronoun coreference resolution
20 for PR(125)
* AccLoc: Anchor-Free and two-stage detector for accurate object localization
* Adaptive-order proximity learning for graph-based clustering
* ASMFS: Adaptive-Similarity-Based Multi-Modality Feature Selection for Classification of Alzheimer's Disease
* attention-enhanced cross-task network to analyse lung nodule attributes in CT images, An
* Bag dissimilarity regularized multi-instance learning
* Class-attribute inconsistency learning for novelty detection
* Class-specific discriminative metric learning for scene recognition
* CSCNet: Contextual semantic consistency network for trajectory prediction in crowded spaces
* CSDA-Net: Seeking reliable correspondences by channel-Spatial difference augment network
* D2T: A Framework For transferring detection to tracking
* Decomposing generation networks with structure prediction for recipe generation
* Deep attention aware feature learning for person re-Identification
* Deep face recognition for dim images
* Deep knowledge integration of heterogeneous features for domain adaptive SAR target recognition
* Differentiable neural architecture learning for efficient neural networks
* Discriminative feature selection with directional outliers correcting for data classification
* efficient framework for zero-shot sketch-based image retrieval, An
* Energy minimization for image focus volume in shape from focus
* Enhanced nuclear norm based matrix regression for occluded face recognition
* Fast data reduction by space partitioning via convex hull and MBR computation
* GAN for vision, KG for relation: A two-stage network for zero-shot action recognition
* Geometric imbalanced deep learning with feature scaling and boundary sample mining
* globally convergent approximate Newton method for non-convex sparse learning, A
* Hierarchical electricity time series prediction with cluster analysis and sparse penalty
* hierarchical receptive network oriented to target recognition in SAR images, A
* Human-Centric Image Captioning
* Learning multi-scale synergic discriminative features for prostate image segmentation
* Learning upper patch attention using dual-branch training strategy for masked face recognition
* Low-resolution human pose estimation
* Meta-seg: A survey of meta-learning for image segmentation
* MoRE: Multi-output residual embedding for multi-label classification
* mSODANet: A network for multi-scale object detection in aerial images using hierarchical dilated convolutions
* Multi-level augmented inpainting network using spatial similarity
* Prediction with expert advice for a finite number of experts: A practical introduction
* QuadNet: Quadruplet loss for multi-view learning in baggage re-identification
* Repurposing existing deep networks for caption and aesthetic-guided image cropping
* Robust image matching via local graph structure consensus
* Rule extraction with guarantees from regression models
* SDUNet: Road extraction via spatial enhanced and densely connected UNet
* Special Issue on Conformal and Probabilistic Prediction with Applications: Preface
* Split n merge net: A dynamic masking network for multi-task attention
* Split, Embed and Merge: An accurate table structure recognizer
* Structure-aware conditional variational auto-encoder for constrained molecule optimization
* Super-encoder with cooperative autoencoder networks
* Transferring discriminative knowledge via connective momentum clustering on person re-identification
* Universal predictive systems
* Unsupervised person re-identification via simultaneous clustering and mask prediction
* Video super-resolution via mixed spatial-temporal convolution and selective fusion
48 for PR(126)
* 2K-Fold-Net and feature enhanced 4-Fold-Net for medical image segmentation
* Arbitrarily shaped scene text detection with dynamic convolution
* AUCO ResNet: an end-to-end network for Covid-19 pre-screening from cough and breath
* Automatic fine-grained glomerular lesion recognition in kidney pathology
* Bayesian mixture of gaussian processes for data association problem
* BeCAPTCHA-Mouse: Synthetic mouse trajectories and improved bot detection
* Convergence analysis of connection center evolution and faster clustering
* CubeNet: X-shape connection for camouflaged object detection
* Discriminative information restoration and extraction for weakly supervised low-resolution fine-grained image recognition
* Domain generalization and adaptation based on second-order style information
* EANet: Iterative edge attention network for medical image segmentation
* Efficient deep neural network for photo-realistic image super-resolution
* ELSED: Enhanced line SEgment drawing
* Exploring interactive attribute reduction via fuzzy complementary entropy for unlabeled mixed data
* From general to specific: Online updating for blind super-resolution
* GA3N: Generative adversarial AutoAugment network
* Graph-based modelling of superpixels for automatic identification of empty shelves in supermarkets
* Head pose estimation: An extensive survey on recent techniques and applications
* Hierarchical feature disentangling network for universal domain adaptation
* Human and action recognition using adaptive energy images
* Impact of metrics on biclustering solution and quality: A review
* Improved deep convolutional embedded clustering with re-selectable sample training
* Incorporating global and local social networks for group recommendations
* Incremental and compressible kernel null discriminant analysis
* Iterative brain tumor retrieval for MR images based on user's intention model
* Learning residue-aware correlation filters and refining scale for real-time UAV tracking
* LiTMNet: A deep CNN for efficient HDR image reconstruction from a single LDR image
* Making person search enjoy the merits of person re-identification
* Multilabel learning based adaptive graph convolutional network for human parsing
* Nested conformal prediction and quantile out-of-bag ensemble methods
* Non-separable rotation moment invariants
* novel hybrid model for short-term prediction of wind speed, A
* On computational aspects of high-order dual Hahn moments
* R2CI: Information theoretic-guided feature selection with multiple correlations
* Rotation invariant point cloud analysis: Where local geometry meets global topology
* SA-DPNet: Structure-aware dual pyramid network for salient object detection
* Soft pseudo-Label shrinkage for unsupervised domain adaptive person re-identification
* Sparse matrix factorization with L2,1 norm for matrix completion
* Statistical independence of ECG for biometric authentication
* SVC-onGoing: Signature verification competition
* Table detection in business document images by message passing networks
* Temporal-adaptive sparse feature aggregation for video object detection
* Unabridged adjacent modulation for clothing parsing
* Unsupervised domain adaptation via distilled discriminative clustering
* Unsupervised feature selection via adaptive graph and dependency score
* Visual explanation of black-box model: Similarity Difference and Uniqueness (SIDU) method
46 for PR(127)
* Adaptive open domain recognition by coarse-to-fine prototype-based network
* attention-based framework for multi-view clustering on Grassmann manifold, An
* categorical data clustering framework on graph representation, A
* Causal GraphSAGE: A robust graph method for classification based on causal sampling
* Cobb-Douglas Learning Machine, The
* Complex shearlets and rotary phase congruence tensor for corner detection
* Cross-modality person re-identification via multi-task learning
* Encoder Deep Interleaved Network with Multi-Scale Aggregation for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* End-to-end weakly supervised semantic segmentation with reliable region mining
* Enhanced task attention with adversarial learning for dynamic multi-task CNN
* Erlang planning network: An iterative model-based reinforcement learning with multi-perspective
* Expecting individuals' body reaction to Covid-19 based on statistical Naïve Bayes technique
* feature consistency driven attention erasing network for fine-grained image retrieval, A
* Gradient-based refined class activation map for weakly supervised object localization
* HandyPose: Multi-level framework for hand pose estimation
* High quality proposal feature generation for crowded pedestrian detection
* Human interaction recognition framework based on interacting body part attention
* Interpolation-based nonrigid deformation estimation under manifold regularization constraint
* Learning multi-level weight-centric features for few-shot learning
* LiDAR-based localization using universal encoding and memory-aware regression
* MFSNet: A multi focus segmentation network for skin lesion segmentation
* Molecular substructure graph attention network for molecular property identification in drug discovery
* MS2GAH: Multi-label semantic supervised graph attention hashing for robust cross-modal retrieval
* Nakagami-Fuzzy imaging framework for precise lesion segmentation in MRI
* Node-Feature Convolution for Graph Convolutional Networks
* Non-volume preserving-based fusion to group-level emotion recognition on crowd videos
* Nonconvex clustering via L0 fusion penalized regression
* Personalized knowledge-aware recommendation with collaborative and attentive graph convolutional networks
* Possibility results for graph clustering: A novel consistency axiom
* Preserving similarity order for unsupervised clustering
* Quaternion-based weighted nuclear norm minimization for color image restoration
* Reflection symmetry detection of shapes based on shape signatures
* Searching part-specific neural fabrics for human pose estimation
* SPARE: Self-supervised part erasing for ultra-fine-grained visual categorization
* Spatial information enhancement network for 3D object detection from point cloud
* spatially constrained skew Student's-t mixture model for brain MR image segmentation and bias field correction, A
* Super U-Net: A modularized generalizable architecture
* Synthetic document generator for annotation-free layout recognition
* Time series classifier recommendation by a meta-learning approach
* Total Bregman divergence-driven possibilistic fuzzy clustering with kernel metric and local information for grayscale image segmentation
40 for PR(128)
* 3D hand pose and shape estimation from RGB images for keypoint-based hand gesture recognition
* adaptive estimation method with exploration and exploitation modes for non-stationary environments, An
* Atlanta scaled layouts from non-central panoramas
* Attention regularized semi-supervised learning with class-ambiguous data for image classification
* AVPL: Augmented visual perception learning for person Re-identification and beyond
* Believe the HiPe: Hierarchical perturbation for fast, robust, and model-agnostic saliency mapping
* bi-level formulation for multiple kernel learning via self-paced training, A
* ChildGAN: Face aging and rejuvenation to find missing children
* Clustering by centroid drift and boundary shrinkage
* Cross-View kernel transfer
* Cycle-reconstructive subspace learning with class discriminability for unsupervised domain adaptation
* devil in the tail: Cluster consolidation plus cluster adaptive balancing loss for unsupervised person re-identification, The
* Direction of arrival estimation for indoor environments based on acoustic composition model with a single microphone
* Dual relation network for temporal action localization
* ECDNet: A bilateral lightweight cloud detection network for remote sensing images
* EEG-ConvTransformer for single-trial EEG-based visual stimulus classification
* end-to-end identity association network based on geometry refinement for multi-object tracking, An
* Entropy guided attention network for weakly-supervised action localization
* Example-based color transfer with Gaussian mixture modeling
* Federating recommendations using differentially private prototypes
* FocusNet: Classifying better by focusing on confusing classes
* Fovea localization by blood vessel vector in abnormal fundus images
* Generalized multi-output Gaussian process censored regression
* Graph regularization multidimensional projection
* HAM: Hybrid attention module in deep convolutional neural networks for image classification
* Harmonic convolutional networks based on discrete cosine transform
* HFA-Net: High frequency attention siamese network for building change detection in VHR remote sensing images
* High-resolution rectified gradient-based visual explanations for weakly supervised segmentation
* Improving the Facial Expression Recognition and Its Interpretability via Generating Expression Pattern-map
* Incremental multi-target domain adaptation for object detection with efficient domain transfer
* Instance exploitation for learning temporary concepts from sparsely labeled drifting data streams
* Maximization and restoration: Action segmentation through dilation passing and temporal reconstruction
* Methods for segmenting cracks in 3d images of concrete: A comparison based on semi-synthetic images
* MPCCL: Multiview predictive coding with contrastive learning for person re-identification
* Multi-level graph learning network for hyperspectral image classification
* Multi-manifold discriminant local spline embedding
* Multilevel wavelet-based hierarchical networks for image compressed sensing
* Negational symmetry of quantum neural networks for binary pattern classification
* new distance between multivariate clusters of varying locations, elliptical shapes, and directions, A
* novel forget-update module for few-shot domain generalization, A
* Orthogonal channel attention-based multi-task learning for multi-view facial expression recognition
* Pay attention to what you read: Non-recurrent handwritten text-Line recognition
* Paying attention for adjacent areas: Learning discriminative features for large-scale 3D scene segmentation
* Pose error analysis method based on a single circular feature
* Progressive privileged knowledge distillation for online action detection
* Query-efficient decision-based attack via sampling distribution reshaping
* Realistic frontal face reconstruction using coupled complementarity of far-near-sighted face images
* Recurrent flow networks: A recurrent latent variable model for density estimation of urban mobility
* Representation learning using deep random vector functional link networks for clustering
* Representation learning with deep sparse auto-encoder for multi-task learning
* Robust distance metric optimization driven GEPSVM classifier for pattern classification
* Salient object detection with image-level binary supervision
* Security and privacy enhanced smartphone-based gait authentication with random representation learning and digital lockers
* SELF-LLP: Self-supervised learning from label proportions with self-ensemble
* Self-weighted learning framework for adaptive locality discriminant analysis
* SiameseFuse: A computationally efficient and a not-so-deep network to fuse visible and infrared images
* sparse graph wavelet convolution neural network for video-based person re-identification, A
* Stochastic batch size for adaptive regularization in deep network optimization
* Symmetric Binary Tree Based Co-occurrence Texture Pattern Mining for Fine-grained Plant Leaf Image Retrieval
* Three-dimensional affinity learning based multi-branch ensemble network for breast tumor segmentation in MRI
* Uncertainty-aware twin support vector machines
* Unsupervised discriminative feature learning via finding a clustering-friendly embedding space
* Unsupervised ensemble learning for genome sequencing
* Unsupervised moving object segmentation using background subtraction and optimal adversarial noise sample search
* Unsupervised video anomaly detection via normalizing flows with implicit latent features
* Variational cycle-consistent imputation adversarial networks for general missing patterns
* Versatile, full-spectrum, and swift network sampling for model generation
* VFMVAC: View-filtering-based multi-view aggregating convolution for 3D shape recognition and retrieval
68 for PR(129)
* Algorithm for Line Intersection Identification, An
* Algorithm for Segmenting Juxtaposed Objects, An
* Arithmetic operations among shapes using shape numbers
* Automated classification of cytological specimens based on features extracted from nuclei images
* Characterization of growing lettuce from density contours: I. Head Selection
* Characterization of growing lettuce from density contours: II. Statistics
* Computer discrimination of splenocytes and peripheral blood lymphocytes from mice infected with friend murine leukemia virus
* Contextual Classification of Multipsectral Image Data
* Development of a mathematical model to analyze color and density as discriminant features for pulmonary squamous epithelial cells
* Efficient Algorithm for Decomposing a Polygon into Star-Shaped Polygons, An
* efficient estimator of pattern recognition system error probability, An
* Estimating cell populations
* Estimation of probabilities of label imperfections and correction of mislabels
* Evaluation of the Sequential Similarity Detection Algorithm Applied to Binary Images
* Generalised cylinders from local aggregation of sections
* Generalization of Template Matching for Recognition of Real Objects, A
* Generalizing the Hough Transform to Detect Arbitrary Shapes
* Image Segmentation by Pixel Classification
* Improvements in microphotometry by digital signal processing
* Introduction to the special issue on Pattern Recognition of Cell Images: Part two
* Introduction to the special issue on the pattern recognition of cell images: Part one
* Leukocyte image analysis in the diff3 system
* Linear dimension reduction and Bayes classification
* Local image transformation: An application in biological electron microscopy
* Low resolution slit-scan pattern recognition applying one-dimensional multiparameter analysis
* Machine Identification of Human Faces
* Method for Detecting Structure in Polygons, A
* method of boundary determination in digital images of urothelial cells, A
* microprocessor-controlled axiomat microscope for acquisition of cell images, A
* Models for low resolution slit scan measurements based on high resolution laser scanning image analysis: DNA and nuclear dimensions
* Note on Collinearity Merit, A
* On the relation of performance to editing in nearest neighbor rules
* On-Line Recognition of Hand-Written Characters Utilizing Positional and Stroke Vector Sequences
* Pattern Recognition as a Quest for Minimum Entropy
* Polarograms: A New Tool for Image Texture Analysis
* potential discrete analog processor for pattern recognition, A
* region-based formalism for picture processing, A
* Requirements for Sequential Flow and Static Image Analysis: A Preliminary Study
* Scene Segmentation in Automated Histopathology: Techniques Evolved from Cytology Automation
* Segmentation of Chromatic Images
* Standardized color measurement in automated cytophotometry with the light micrscope
* Subgraph Isomorphism Algorithm Using Resolution, A
* survey on Image Segmentation, A
* Thinning Algorithm Based on Prominence Detection, A
* Tissue section analysis: Feature selection and image processing
* Two-dimensional shape decomposition using fuzzy subset theory applied to automated chromosome analysis
* two-level committee machine: a representation and a learning procedure for general piecewise linear discriminant functions, A
47 for PR(13)
* 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving: A Survey
* Asymmetric cross-modal hashing with high-level semantic similarity
* Auto-weighted sample-level fusion with anchors for incomplete multi-view clustering
* Classification for high-dimension low-sample size data
* Contrastive author-aware text clustering
* CP-ABM approach for modelling COVID-19 infection dynamics and quantifying the effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions, The
* Cross-modality attentive feature fusion for object detection in multispectral remote sensing imagery
* CVM-Cervix: A hybrid cervical Pap-smear image classification framework using CNN, visual transformer and multilayer perceptron
* Directly solving normalized cut for multi-view data
* Discrete curve model for non-elastic shape analysis on shape manifold
* Discriminative and regularized echo state network for time series classification
* Distributional barycenter problem through data-driven flows
* DMT: Dynamic mutual training for semi-supervised learning
* Dual-frame spatio-temporal feature modulation for video enhancement
* Dynamic feature fusion with spatial-temporal context for robust object tracking
* Enforced block diagonal subspace clustering with closed form solution
* FastOPM: A practical method for partial match of time series
* Few-shot Website Fingerprinting attack with Meta-Bias Learning
* Fully convolutional Deep Stacked Denoising Sparse Auto encoder network for partial face reconstruction
* GasHis-Transformer: A multi-scale visual transformer approach for gastric histopathological image detection
* General nonconvex total variation and low-rank regularizations: Model, algorithm and applications
* Hippocampus-heuristic character recognition network for zero-shot learning in Chinese character recognition
* Identifying the key frames: An attention-aware sampling method for action recognition
* iterative convolution-thresholding method (ICTM) for image segmentation, The
* Joint prediction of monocular depth and structure using planar and parallax geometry
* Learning a deep dual-level network for robust DeepFake detection
* Learning attention-guided pyramidal features for few-shot fine-grained recognition
* LSRML: A latent space regularization based meta-learning framework for MR image segmentation
* Model scheduling and sample selection for ensemble adversarial example attacks
* multi-embedding neural model for incident video retrieval, A
* Multimodal channel-wise attention transformer inspired by multisensory integration mechanisms of the brain
* Novel hyperbolic clustering-based band hierarchy (HCBH) for effective unsupervised band selection of hyperspectral images
* Online multiple object tracking using joint detection and embedding network
* Pseudo loss active learning for deep visual tracking
* Residual objectness for imbalance reduction
* Sample complexity of rank regression using pairwise comparisons
* Self-Attention based fine-grained cross-media hybrid network
* Self-supervised rigid transformation equivariance for accurate 3D point cloud registration
* Time-varying Group Lasso Granger Causality Graph for High Dimensional Dynamic system
* Towards lifelong object recognition: A dataset and benchmark
* Two-stage generative adversarial networks for binarization of color document images
* Visual-to-EEG cross-modal knowledge distillation for continuous emotion recognition
42 for PR(130)
* 2PESNet: Towards online processing of temporal action localization
* Adaptive aggregation-distillation autoencoder for unsupervised anomaly detection
* Adaptive weighted guided image filtering for depth enhancement in shape-from-focus
* Alleviating the estimation bias of deep deterministic policy gradient via co-regularization
* Artificial life for segmentation of fusion ultrasound images of breast abnormalities
* BRULÈ: Barycenter-Regularized Unsupervised Landmark Extraction
* Clustering experience replay for the effective exploitation in reinforcement learning
* Complementarity-aware cross-modal feature fusion network for RGB-T semantic segmentation
* Comprehensive-perception dynamic reasoning for visual question answering
* Covid-MANet: Multi-task attention network for explainable diagnosis and severity assessment of COVID-19 from CXR images
* Cross-modal prototype learning for zero-shot handwritten character recognition
* Cross-view panorama image synthesis with progressive attention GANs
* Cubic-cross convolutional attention and count prior embedding for smoke segmentation
* Cyclical Adversarial Attack Pierces Black-box Deep Neural Networks
* DARTSRepair: Core-failure-set guided DARTS for network robustness to common corruptions
* Data-attention-YOLO (DAY): A comprehensive framework for mesoscale eddy identification
* Deep rank hashing network for cancellable face identification
* DFR-ST: Discriminative feature representation with spatio-temporal cues for vehicle re-identification
* Dimension-aware attention for efficient mobile networks
* Discovering unknowns: Context-enhanced anomaly detection for curiosity-driven autonomous underwater exploration
* DSLA: Dynamic smooth label assignment for efficient anchor-free object detection
* Effective full-scale detection for salient object based on condensing-and-filtering network
* Efficient federated multi-view learning
* entity-weights-based convolutional neural network for large-sale complex knowledge embedding, An
* Exploiting key points supervision and grouped feature fusion for multiview pedestrian detection
* Fast algorithms for incremental and decremental semi-supervised discriminant analysis
* H-ProMed: Ultrasound image segmentation based on the evolutionary neural network and an improved principal curve
* HCFNN: High-order coverage function neural network for image classification
* Heterogeneous Representation Learning and Matching for Few-Shot Relation Prediction
* Hiding multiple images into a single image via joint compressive autoencoders
* High-order conditional mutual information maximization for dealing with high-order dependencies in feature selection
* Improving deep learning on point cloud by maximizing mutual information across layers
* Incremental Learning from Low-labelled Stream Data in Open-Set Video Face Recognition
* Inter-Attribute awareness for pedestrian attribute recognition
* Iterative structure transformation and conditional random field based method for unsupervised multimodal change detection
* Learning deep morphological networks with neural architecture search
* Locality preserving projection with symmetric graph embedding for unsupervised dimensionality reduction
* modified interval type-2 Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy neural network and its convergence analysis, A
* Multi-feature deep information bottleneck network for breast cancer classification in contrast enhanced spectral mammography
* Multi-granularity episodic contrastive learning for few-shot learning
* Multi-layer manifold learning for deep non-negative matrix factorization-based multi-view clustering
* Multi-scale attention-based pseudo-3D convolution neural network for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis using structural MRI
* Multi-View correlation distillation for incremental object detection
* Multiple-solutions RANSAC for finding axes of symmetry in fragments of objects
* Multivariate multi-layer classifier
* novel explainable neural network for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis, A
* novel part-level feature extraction method for fine-grained vehicle recognition, A
* novel way to formalize stable graph cores by using matching-graphs, A
* On the role of question encoder sequence model in robust visual question answering
* Online Adaptive Kernel Learning with Random Features for Large-scale Nonlinear Classification
* Practical protection against video data leakage via universal adversarial head
* Reconstruction of fragmented trajectories of collective motion using Hadamard deep autoencoders
* Rethinking interactive image segmentation: Feature space annotation
* Self-guided information for few-shot classification
* Semi-Supervised Partial Multi-Label Classification via Consistency Learning
* Shedding light on images: Multi-level image brightness enhancement guided by arbitrary references
* SO-softmax loss for discriminable embedding learning in CNNs
* Spatial feature mapping for 6DoF object pose estimation
* survey of robust adversarial training in pattern recognition: Fundamental, theory, and methodologies, A
* Symbolic sequence representation with Markovian state optimization
* Temporal feature enhancement network with external memory for live-stream video object detection
* To Actively Initialize Active Learning
* Using global information to refine local patterns for texture representation and classification
* Video summarization with a convolutional attentive adversarial network
* Wasserstein approximate bayesian computation for visual tracking
* YOLO-Anti: YOLO-based counterattack model for unseen congested object detection
66 for PR(131)
* Alleviating the over-smoothing of graph neural computing by a data augmentation strategy with entropy preservation
* Automatically classifying non-functional requirements using deep neural network
* BR-NPA: A non-parametric high-resolution attention model to improve the interpretability of attention
* BSCA-Net: Bit Slicing Context Attention network for polyp segmentation
* CAAN: Context-Aware attention network for visual question answering
* Center Prediction Loss for Re-identification
* Conditional motion in-betweening
* Counterfactual explanation based on gradual construction for deep networks
* Covered Style Mining via Generative Adversarial Networks for Face Anti-spoofing
* COVID-19 contact tracking by group activity trajectory recovery over camera networks
* Deep learning of longitudinal mammogram examinations for breast cancer risk prediction
* Distribution alignment for cross-device palmprint recognition
* Do deep neural networks contribute to multivariate time series anomaly detection?
* Domain consistency regularization for unsupervised multi-source domain adaptive classification
* Dynamic Self-Attention with Vision Synchronization Networks for Video Question Answering
* End-to-end Supervised Domain Adaptation Framework for Cross-Domain Change Detection, An
* Enhancement of DNN-based multilabel classification by grouping labels based on data imbalance and label correlation
* Explanation vs. attention: A two-player game to obtain attention for VQA and visual dialog
* Exploiting shape cues for weakly supervised semantic segmentation
* familiarity hypothesis: Explaining the behavior of deep open set methods, The
* Feature Nonlinear Transformation Non-Negative Matrix Factorization with Kullback-Leibler Divergence
* Generalized discriminant analysis via kernel exponential families
* GFNet: Automatic segmentation of COVID-19 lung infection regions using CT images based on boundary features
* In the eye of the beholder: A survey of gaze tracking techniques
* Infrared and visible image fusion via parallel scene and texture learning
* Joint operation and attention block search for lightweight image restoration
* JSL3d: Joint subspace learning with implicit structure supervision for 3D pose estimation
* Kernel dependence regularizers and Gaussian processes with applications to algorithmic fairness
* Learnable dynamic margin in deep metric learning
* Learning deep feature correspondence for unsupervised anomaly detection and segmentation
* Learning intra-domain style-invariant representation for unsupervised domain adaptation of semantic segmentation
* Learning multimodal relationship interaction for visual relationship detection
* Learning Pseudo Labels for Semi-and-Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* LiDAR-based localization using universal encoding and memory-aware regression
* Local-to-Global Support Vector Machines (LGSVMs)
* lp-Norm Support Vector Data Description
* Memory-augmented neural networks based dynamic complex image segmentation in digital twins for self-driving vehicle
* Metric learning via perturbing hard-to-classify instances
* MonoPoly: A practical monocular 3D object detector
* Motion-blurred image restoration framework based on parameter estimation and fuzzy radial basis function neural networks
* Multi-criteria Selection of Rehearsal Samples for Continual Learning
* Multi-feature sparse similar representation for person identification
* Multiple geometry representations for 6D object pose estimation in occluded or truncated scenes
* Neural architecture search via reference point based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm
* Non-rigid point set registration based on local neighborhood information support
* Online temporal classification of human action using action inference graph
* Privileged multi-task learning for attribute-aware aesthetic assessment
* Progressive Deep Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Architecture with Graph Convolution-based Basis Image Reorganization
* Progressive downsampling and adaptive guidance networks for dynamic scene deblurring
* Riemannian dynamic generalized space quantization learning
* Robust convolutional neural networks against adversarial attacks on medical images
* Scale-selective and noise-robust extended local binary pattern for texture classification
* Score-Oriented Loss (SOL) functions
* Self-supervised spectral clustering with exemplar constraints
* Siamese networks with an online reweighted example for imbalanced data learning
* Single image based 3D human pose estimation via uncertainty learning
* Stochastic gate-based autoencoder for unsupervised hyperspectral band selection
* SWIPENET: Object detection in noisy underwater scenes
* Table Structure Recognition and Form Parsing by End-to-End Object Detection and Relation Parsing
* Towards a category-extended object detector with limited data
* Towards generalizable person re-identification with a bi-stream generative model
* Tree-based data augmentation and mutual learning for offline handwritten mathematical expression recognition
* Uncorrelated feature selection via sparse latent representation and extended OLSDA
* Unsupervised domain adaptation in homogeneous distance space for person re-identification
* Unsupervised domain adaptation with progressive adaptation of subspaces
* Wasserstein distributional harvesting for highly dense 3D point clouds
* Weighted 3D volume reconstruction from series of slice data using a modified Allen-Cahn equation
* Weighting and pruning based ensemble deep random vector functional link network for tabular data classification
* Wrapper feature selection method based differential evolution and extreme learning machine for intrusion detection system
69 for PR(132)
* accurate stereo matching method based on color segments and edges, An
* Adaptive momentum variance for attention-guided sparse adversarial attacks
* Adversarial scratches: Deployable attacks to CNN classifiers
* AEDNet: Adaptive Edge-Deleting Network For Subgraph Matching
* Answering knowledge-based visual questions via the exploration of Question Purpose
* Back-compatible Color QR Codes for colorimetric applications
* Better pseudo-label: Joint domain-aware label and dual-classifier for semi-supervised domain generalization
* BH2I-GAN: Bidirectional Hashcode-to-Image Translation using Multi-Generative Multi-Adversarial Nets
* BP-triplet net for unsupervised domain adaptation: A Bayesian perspective
* Co-Attention Fusion Network for Multimodal Skin Cancer Diagnosis
* Collaborative Learning with Unreliability Adaptation for Semi-Supervised Image Classification
* Conditional GAN with 3D discriminator for MRI generation of Alzheimer's disease progression
* Conditional mixture modeling and model-based clustering
* Continuous label distribution learning
* CSR: Cascade Conditional Variational Auto Encoder with Socially-aware Regression for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
* DcTr: Noise-robust point cloud completion by dual-channel transformer with cross-attention
* Decoupling multi-task causality for improved skin lesion segmentation and classification
* Deep autoregressive models with spectral attention
* Disentangling the correlated continuous and discrete generative factors of data
* DisRFC: a dissimilarity-based Random Forest Clustering approach
* Dynamic dense CRF inference for video segmentation and semantic SLAM
* Environmental Sound Classification on the Edge: A Pipeline for Deep Acoustic Networks on Extremely Resource-Constrained Devices
* Exploratory Adversarial Attacks on Graph Neural Networks for Semi-Supervised Node Classification
* Few-shot learning with unsupervised part discovery and part-aligned similarity
* From Distortion Manifold to Perceptual Quality: a Data Efficient Blind Image Quality Assessment Approach
* full data augmentation pipeline for small object detection based on generative adversarial networks, A
* Game-theoretic hypergraph matching with density enhancement
* GCM: Efficient video recognition with glance and combine module
* Graph-embedded subspace support vector data description
* GripNet: Graph information propagation on supergraph for heterogeneous graphs
* Grouping-based Oversampling in Kernel Space for Imbalanced Data Classification
* Image inpainting via spatial projections
* Image manipulation detection by multiple tampering traces and edge artifact enhancement
* Incremental learning for transductive support vector machine
* Investigating intrinsic degradation factors by multi-branch aggregation for real-world underwater image enhancement
* LAE-Net: A locally-adaptive embedding network for low-light image enhancement
* landmark-free approach for automatic, dense and robust correspondence of 3D faces, A
* Lane Detection with Versatile AtrousFormer and Local Semantic Guidance
* LongReMix: Robust learning with high confidence samples in a noisy label environment
* Low-rank 2D local discriminant graph embedding for robust image feature extraction
* Margin embedding net for robust margin collaborative representation-based classification
* Multi-scale multi-hierarchy attention convolutional neural network for fetal brain extraction
* Neural graph embeddings as explicit low-rank matrix factorization for link prediction
* new algorithm for support vector regression with automatic selection of hyperparameters, A
* Noise-robust oversampling for imbalanced data classification
* Online and offline streaming feature selection methods with bat algorithm for redundancy analysis
* Online change-point detection with kernels
* OW-TAL: Learning Unknown Human Activities for Open-World Temporal Action Localization
* Pyramid Geometric Consistency Learning For Semantic Segmentation
* Query efficient black-box adversarial attack on deep neural networks
* Query-guided networks for few-shot fine-grained classification and person search
* Rethinking referring relationships from a perspective of mask-level relational reasoning
* Retinal image enhancement with artifact reduction and structure retention
* Robust Physical-World Attacks on Face Recognition
* Robust Table Detection and Structure Recognition from Heterogeneous Document Images
* SaberNet: Self-attention based effective relation network for few-shot learning
* ScribbleNet: Efficient interactive annotation of urban city scenes for semantic segmentation
* Self-regularized prototypical network for few-shot semantic segmentation
* Single image super-resolution based on directional variance attention network
* Single image super-resolution based on progressive fusion of orientation-aware features
* Temporal sparse adversarial attack on sequence-based gait recognition
* Towards prior gap and representation gap for long-tailed recognition
* Transformed domain convolutional neural network for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis using structural MRI
* UAVformer: A Composite Transformer Network for Urban Scene Segmentation of UAV Images
* unified model for the sparse optimal scoring problem, A
* WITS: Weakly-supervised individual tooth segmentation model trained on box-level labels
66 for PR(133)
* AugFCOS: Augmented fully convolutional one-stage object detection network
* Auto-weighted Tensor Schatten p-Norm for Robust Multi-view Graph Clustering
* Automatically detecting human-object interaction by an instance part-level attention deep framework
* BehavePassDB: Public Database for Mobile Behavioral Biometrics and Benchmark Evaluation
* Binary feature learning with local spectral context-aware attention for classification of hyperspectral images
* Clean affinity matrix learning with rank equality constraint for multi-view subspace clustering
* consistent and flexible framework for deep matrix factorizations, A
* Cross-domain structure learning for visual data recognition
* Curvilinear Structure Tracking Based on Dynamic Curvature-penalized Geodesics
* Data augmentation for univariate time series forecasting with neural networks
* Deep graph clustering with multi-level subspace fusion
* Deep learning for image inpainting: A survey
* Deep MinCut: Learning Node Embeddings by Detecting Communities
* dense light field reconstruction algorithm for four-dimensional optical flow constraint equation, A
* Density peaks clustering based on balance density and connectivity
* Detecting group concept drift from multiple data streams
* Dirichlet process mixture of Gaussian process functional regressions and its variational EM algorithm
* Distance-based positive and unlabeled learning for ranking
* Domain Generalization by Joint-Product Distribution Alignment
* efficient point-set registration algorithm with dual terms based on total least squares, An
* Egocentric video co-summarization using transfer learning and refined random walk on a constrained graph
* End-to-end kernel learning via generative random Fourier features
* Enhancing 3D-2D Representations for Convolution Occupancy Networks
* framework based on local cores and synthetic examples generation for self-labeled semi-supervised classification, A
* Frequency domain regularization for iterative adversarial attacks
* Fuzzy Superpixel-based Image Segmentation
* goal-driven unsupervised image segmentation method combining graph-based processing and Markov random fields, A
* GraphDPI: Partial label disambiguation by graph representation learning via mutual information maximization
* High-order manifold regularized multi-view subspace clustering with robust affinity matrices and weighted TNN
* IDA: Improving distribution analysis for reducing data complexity and dimensionality in hyperspectral images
* ImageNet-Patch: A dataset for benchmarking machine learning robustness against adversarial patches
* Improving adversarial robustness by learning shared information
* Joint Graph Learning and Matching for Semantic Feature Correspondence
* Learning comprehensive global features in person re-identification: Ensuring discriminativeness of more local regions
* Learning isometry-invariant representations for point cloud analysis
* Lie algebra representation for efficient 2D shape classification, A
* Meta-learning-based adversarial training for deep 3D face recognition on point clouds
* Mitigating the effect of dataset shift in clustering
* ML-DSVM+: A meta-learning based deep SVM+ for computer-aided diagnosis
* Multi-label feature selection via robust flexible sparse regularization
* Multi-scale enhanced graph convolutional network for mild cognitive impairment detection
* Multi-Source Change-Point Detection over Local Observation Models
* Multi-stage image denoising with the wavelet transform
* novel soft-coded error-correcting output codes algorithm, A
* Parzen Window Approximation on Riemannian Manifold
* PFEMed: Few-shot medical image classification using prior guided feature enhancement
* Regularizing autoencoders with wavelet transform for sequence anomaly detection
* Robust learning from noisy web data for fine-Grained recognition
* Robust sparse and low-redundancy multi-label feature selection with dynamic local and global structure preservation
* SC-GAN: Subspace Clustering based GAN for Automatic Expression Manipulation
* ScanMix: Learning from Severe Label Noise via Semantic Clustering and Semi-Supervised Learning
* Self-paced resistance learning against overfitting on noisy labels
* Semi-supervised adaptive kernel concept factorization
* Simultaneous Robust Matching Pursuit for Multi-View Learning
* Specialized re-ranking: A novel retrieval-verification framework for cloth changing person re-identification
* Support subsets estimation for support vector machines retraining
* TAA-GCN: A temporally aware Adaptive Graph Convolutional Network for age estimation
* Thermal to Visual Person Re-Identification Using Collaborative Metric Learning Based on Maximum Margin Matrix Factorization
* Towards deeper match for multi-view oriented multiple kernel learning
* Towards open-set text recognition via label-to-prototype learning
* Towards Parameter-Free Clustering for Real-World Data
* Tripartite sub-image histogram equalization for slightly low contrast gray-tone image enhancement
* UDNet: Uncertainty-aware deep network for salient object detection
* Unauthorized AI cannot recognize me: Reversible adversarial example
* unified low-order information-theoretic feature selection framework for multi-label learning, A
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation via Deep Conditional Adaptation Network
* Unsupervised learning of global factors in deep generative models
* Video Object Segmentation using Point-based Memory Network
* Video representation learning for temporal action detection using global-local attention
69 for PR(134)
* Batch normalization embeddings for deep domain generalization
* Center and Scale Prediction: Anchor-free Approach for Pedestrian and Face Detection
* Classification of single-view object point clouds
* Combining Deep Denoiser and Low-rank Priors for Infrared Small Target Detection
* COVID-19 and Rumors: A Dynamic Nested Optimal Control Model
* Cross-modal co-feedback cellular automata for RGB-T saliency detection
* Detection confidence driven multi-object tracking to recover reliable tracks from unreliable detections
* discriminatively deep fusion approach with improved conditional GAN (im-cGAN) for facial expression recognition, A
* Event-driven daily activity recognition with enhanced emergent modeling
* Exploring modality-shared appearance features and modality-invariant relation features for cross-modality person Re-IDentification
* Face anti-spoofing using feature distilling and global attention learning
* Fast subspace clustering by learning projective block diagonal representation
* Finding compact and well-separated clusters: Clustering using silhouette coefficients
* G2DA: Geometry-guided dual-alignment learning for RGB-infrared person re-identification
* Generalized minimum error entropy for robust learning
* Iterative embedding distillation for open world vehicle recognition
* JRA-Net: Joint representation attention network for correspondence learning
* label distribution manifold learning algorithm, A
* Large motion anime head animation using a cascade pose transform network
* Learnable Gradient operator for face presentation attack detection, A
* LPCL: Localized prominence contrastive learning for self-supervised dense visual pre-training
* M-CBN: Manifold constrained joint image dehazing and super-resolution based on chord boosting network
* M2RNet: Multi-modal and multi-scale refined network for RGB-D salient object detection
* Mix-ViT: Mixing attentive vision transformer for ultra-fine-grained visual categorization
* Multilabel Prototype Generation for data reduction in K-Nearest Neighbour classification
* Novel Label Enhancement Algorithm Based on Manifold Learning, A
* novel multi-branch wavelet neural network for sparse representation based object classification, A
* Optimum Bayesian thresholds for rebalanced classification problems using class-switching ensembles
* Person-Specific Face Spoofing Detection Based on a Siamese Network
* PLFace: Progressive Learning for Face Recognition with Mask Bias
* Prototype-Guided Feature Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Real-time siamese multiple object tracker with enhanced proposals
* Rethinking Local and Global Feature Representation for Dense Prediction
* Robust low tubal rank tensor completion via factor tensor norm minimization
* SAPENet: Self-Attention based Prototype Enhancement Network for Few-shot Learning
* Self-Supervised Leaf Segmentation under Complex Lighting Conditions
* Sequence patterns and HMM profiles to predict proteome wide zinc finger motifs
* Shape robustness in style enhanced cross domain semantic segmentation
* Similarity learning with deep CRF for person re-identification
* Unsupervised Feature Selection via Neural Networks and Self-Expression with Adaptive Graph Constraint
* Watching the BiG artifacts: Exposing DeepFake videos via Bi-granularity artifacts
* Weakly supervised adversarial learning via latent space for hyperspectral target detection
42 for PR(135)
* 3D hand pose estimation from a single RGB image by weighting the occlusion and classification
* AdaNS: Adaptive negative sampling for unsupervised graph representation learning
* Adversarial training with distribution normalization and margin balance
* ALVLS: Adaptive local variances-Based levelset framework for medical images segmentation
* Annotator-dependent uncertainty-aware estimation of gait relative attributes
* Automated lesion segmentation in fundus images with many-to-many reassembly of features
* AuxBranch: Binarization residual-aware network design via auxiliary branch search
* Brain-like retinex: A biologically plausible retinex algorithm for low light image enhancement
* Coarse-to-fine feature representation based on deformable partition attention for melanoma identification
* Coherence-aware context aggregator for fast video object segmentation
* Compact network embedding for fast node classification
* Cross-Modal Hierarchical Interaction Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Dahu graph-cut for interactive segmentation on 2D/3D images, The
* Deep attentive time warping
* Deep hybrid model for single image dehazing and detail refinement
* Detecting and grouping keypoints for multi-person pose estimation using instance-aware attention
* DIODE: Dilatable Incremental Object Detection
* effective CNN and Transformer complementary network for medical image segmentation, An
* ensemble hierarchical clustering algorithm based on merits at cluster and partition levels, An
* Fast geometrical extraction of nearest neighbors from multi-dimensional data
* Feature Learning Network with Transformer for Multi-Label Image Classification
* FP-DARTS: Fast parallel differentiable neural architecture search for image classification
* HAMIL: Hierarchical aggregation-based multi-instance learning for microscopy image classification
* Hybrid optimization with unconstrained variables on partial point cloud registration
* Hyper-sausage coverage function neuron model and learning algorithm for image classification
* ICC++: Explainable feature learning for art history using image compositions
* Improving handgun detection through a combination of visual features and body pose-based data
* Interpreting denoising autoencoders with complex perturbation approach
* Joint classification and prediction of random curves using heavy-tailed process functional regression
* Joint depth map super-resolution method via deep hybrid-cross guidance filter
* Joint optimization of scoring and thresholding models for online multi-label classification
* Laplacian Lp norm least squares twin support vector machine
* Learning generalized visual odometry using position-aware optical flow and geometric bundle adjustment
* Learning spatiotemporal embedding with gated convolutional recurrent networks for translation initiation site prediction
* Learning to restore multiple image degradations simultaneously
* Linear discriminant analysis with generalized kernel constraint for robust image classification
* Local Linear Embedding with Adaptive Neighbors
* Lower bound estimation of recommendation error through user uncertainty modeling
* Meta-Hallucinating Prototype for Few-Shot Learning Promotion
* multi-layer memory sharing network for video captioning, A
* Multi-scale local-temporal similarity fusion for continuous sign language recognition
* neglected background cues can facilitate finger vein recognition, The
* Neural operator search
* Neurodynamics-driven supervised feature selection
* new image decomposition approach using pixel-wise analysis sparsity model, A
* novel DAGAN for synthesizing garment images based on design attribute disentangled representation, A
* On better detecting and leveraging noisy samples for learning with severe label noise
* Pitfalls of assessing extracted hierarchies for multi-class classification
* Position-aware and structure embedding networks for deep graph matching
* Prior depth-based multi-view stereo network for online 3D model reconstruction
* Progressive generation of 3D point clouds with hierarchical consistency
* proxy learning curve for the Bayes classifier, A
* Pure graph-guided multi-view subspace clustering
* pyramid input augmented multi-scale CNN for GGO detection in 3D lung CT images, A
* Region-wise loss for biomedical image segmentation
* Relation-aware attention for video captioning via graph learning
* Sampling-Based Density Peaks Clustering Algorithm for Large-Scale Data, A
* Scalable clustering by aggregating representatives in hierarchical groups
* Semi-supervised cross-modal hashing via modality-specific and cross-modal graph convolutional networks
* SpatioTemporal focus for skeleton-based action recognition
* TETFN: A text enhanced transformer fusion network for multimodal sentiment analysis
* This looks More Like that: Enhancing Self-Explaining Models by Prototypical Relevance Propagation
* Training Compact DNNs with L1/2 Regularization
* TreEnhance: A tree search method for low-light image enhancement
* Twin SVM for conditional probability estimation in binary and multiclass classification
* Understanding and combating robust overfitting via input loss landscape analysis and regularization
* Visual question answering from another perspective: CLEVR mental rotation tests
* Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation via Category-aware Centerness Learning with Localization Supervision
* Weight matrix sharing for multi-label learning
69 for PR(136)
* 2D Image head pose estimation via latent space regression under occlusion settings
* adaptive mutual K-nearest neighbors clustering algorithm based on maximizing mutual information, An
* Amercing: An intuitive and effective constraint for dynamic time warping
* Arbitrary Order Total Variation for Deformable Image Registration
* Automatically weighted binary multi-view clustering via deep initialization (AW-BMVC)
* Characters as graphs: Interpretable handwritten Chinese character recognition via Pyramid Graph Transformer
* Communication-efficient and Byzantine-robust distributed learning with statistical guarantee
* comprehensive evaluation framework for deep model robustness, A
* Comprehensive Survey of Image Augmentation Techniques for Deep Learning, A
* Control Distance IoU and Control Distance IoU Loss for Better Bounding Box Regression
* CrossRectify: Leveraging disagreement for semi-supervised object detection
* DCSNE: Density-based Clustering using Graph Shared Neighbors and Entropy
* Deep continual hashing with gradient-aware memory for cross-modal retrieval
* DeepSIR: Deep semantic iterative registration for LiDAR point clouds
* Detail enhancement-based vehicle re-identification with orientation-guided re-ranking
* Diverse image inpainting with disentangled uncertainty
* Dual Self-Attention mechanism for vehicle re-Identification, A
* Efficient sampling using feature matching and variable minimal structure size
* Feature weighting in DBSCAN using reverse nearest neighbours
* Frequency learning attention networks based on deep learning for automatic modulation classification in wireless communication
* Generating Transferable Adversarial Examples for Speech Classification
* Geometric-aware dense matching network for 6D pose estimation of objects from RGB-D images
* Granularity-aware distillation and structure modeling region proposal network for fine-grained image classification
* Hierarchical nearest neighbor descent, in-tree, and clustering
* High Dynamic Range Imaging Method for Short Exposure Multiview Images, A
* How to Use K-means for Big Data Clustering?
* Hybrid feature enhancement network for few-shot semantic segmentation
* Hybrid routing transformer for zero-shot learning
* Hypergraph based semi-supervised symmetric nonnegative matrix factorization for image clustering
* Improving visual-semantic embeddings by learning semantically-enhanced hard negatives for cross-modal information retrieval
* Invariance encoding in sliced-Wasserstein space for image classification with limited training data
* Knowledge aggregation networks for class incremental learning
* Learning a bi-directional discriminative representation for deep clustering
* Learning Depth via Leveraging Semantics: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with Both Implicit and Explicit Semantic Guidance
* lightweight network for smoke semantic segmentation, A
* Lightweight Semi-supervised Network for Single Image Rain Removal
* local tangent plane distance-based approach to 3D point cloud segmentation via clustering, A
* Low-rank tensor recovery via non-convex regularization, structured factorization and spatio-temporal characteristics
* Multi-modal unsupervised domain adaptation for semantic image segmentation
* Multi-order similarity learning for multi-view spectral clustering
* Multi-scale attention guided pose transfer
* multi-strategy contrastive learning framework for weakly supervised semantic segmentation, A
* Neural network for ordinal classification of imbalanced data by minimizing a Bayesian cost
* Non-residual unrestricted pruned ultra-faster line detection for edge devices
* Object detection based on cortex hierarchical activation in border sensitive mechanism and classification-GIou joint representation
* Overcoming weaknesses of density peak clustering using a data-dependent similarity measure
* Performance Index of Convolutional Neural Network-Based Classifiers in Class Imbalance Problem, The
* Poincaré Fréchet mean
* Pose-driven attention-guided image generation for person re-Identification
* ProbSAP: A comprehensive and high-performance system for student academic performance prediction
* Real time iris segmentation quality evaluation using medoids
* Rectified Euler k-means and beyond
* Recurrent wavelet structure-preserving residual network for single image deraining
* Reducing bi-level feature redundancy for unsupervised domain adaptation
* RESKM: A General Framework to Accelerate Large-Scale Spectral Clustering
* RGB-D salient object ranking based on depth stack and truth stack for complex indoor scenes
* Riemannian representation learning for multi-source domain adaptation
* Self-supervised semi-supervised nonnegative matrix factorization for data clustering
* Semi-supervised node classification via fine-grained graph auxiliary augmentation learning
* Shallow decision trees for explainable k-means clustering
* Sparse norm regularized attribute selection for graph neural networks
* Task-balanced distillation for object detection
* TCCFusion: An infrared and visible image fusion method based on transformer and cross correlation
* Theoretical guarantee for crowdsourcing learning with unsure option
* Toward a blind image quality evaluator in the wild by learning beyond human opinion scores
* Uncertainty-aware semi-supervised few shot segmentation
* Weakly Supervised Foreground Learning for Weakly Supervised Localization and Detection
67 for PR(137)
* 3D Medical image segmentation using parallel transformers
* Accurate light field depth estimation under occlusion
* AFI-GAN: Improving feature interpolation of feature pyramid networks via adversarial training for object detection
* Aggregated pyramid gating network for human pose estimation without pre-training
* Assessing polygonal approximations: A new measurement and a comparative study
* BEST: Building evidences from scattered templates for accurate contactless palmprint recognition
* Beyond OCR + VQA: Towards end-to-end reading and reasoning for robust and accurate textvqa
* Boosting transferability of physical attack against detectors by redistributing separable attention
* Capturing the few-shot class distribution: Transductive distribution optimization
* Cascaded Feature Fusion with Multi-Level Self-Attention Mechanism for Object Detection
* Computation-Efficient Knowledge Distillation via Uncertainty-Aware Mixup
* Cross-task and cross-domain SAR target recognition: A meta-transfer learning approach
* Cycle-object consistency for image-to-image domain adaptation
* Deep metric learning for few-shot image classification: A Review of recent developments
* Defense Against Adversarial Attacks with Efficient Frequency-Adaptive Compression and Reconstruction
* Detecting outliers from pairwise proximities: Proximity isolation forests
* Dynamic graph structure learning for multivariate time series forecasting
* Efficient large-scale oblique image matching based on cascade hashing and match data scheduling
* Elucidating robust learning with uncertainty-aware corruption pattern estimation
* Enhancing egocentric 3D pose estimation with third person views
* Expression snippet transformer for robust video-based facial expression recognition
* From anomaly detection to open set recognition: Bridging the gap
* generalized multi-aspect distance metric for mixed-type data clustering, A
* Geometric algebra-based multiview interaction networks for 3D human motion prediction
* Global and local structure preserving nonnegative subspace clustering
* graph model-based multiscale feature fitting method for unsupervised anomaly detection, A
* How to Reduce Change Detection to Semantic Segmentation
* Human-centered deep compositional model for handling occlusions
* Human-related anomalous event detection via memory-augmented Wasserstein generative adversarial network with gradient penalty
* Improving generalization of double low-rank representation using Schatten-p norm
* Improving pseudo labels with intra-class similarity for unsupervised domain adaptation
* Independent vector analysis: Model, applications, challenges
* Infrared and visible image fusion based on Multi-State contextual hidden Markov Model
* Lambertian-based adversarial attacks on deep-learning-based underwater side-scan sonar image classification
* Learning efficient facial landmark model for human attractiveness analysis
* Learning from multiple annotators for medical image segmentation
* Learning visual question answering on controlled semantic noisy labels
* Memory-augmented appearance-motion network for video anomaly detection
* Meta-learning for dynamic tuning of active learning on stream classification
* MFSJMI: Multi-label feature selection considering join mutual information and interaction weight
* MinEnt: Minimum entropy for self-supervised representation learning
* Mitigate the classification ambiguity via localization-classification sequence in object detection
* Multi-dimensional multi-label classification: Towards encompassing heterogeneous label spaces and multi-label annotations
* Multiview Jointly Sparse Discriminant Common Subspace Learning
* MUNet: Motion uncertainty-aware semi-supervised video object segmentation
* NPDN-3D: A 3D neural partial differential network for spatiotemporal prediction
* On a linear fused Gromov-Wasserstein distance for graph structured data
* On a method for detecting periods and repeating patterns in time series data with autocorrelation and function approximation
* Poisson PCA for matrix count data
* RACL: A robust adaptive contrastive learning method for conversational satisfaction prediction
* Refined edge detection with cascaded and high-resolution convolutional network
* Robust detectors of rotationally symmetric shapes based on novel semi-shape signatures
* Robust image clustering via context-aware contrastive graph learning
* Robust spherical principal curves
* Robust weighted co-clustering with global and local discrimination
* SATS: Self-attention transfer for continual semantic segmentation
* Self-structured pyramid network with parallel spatial-channel attention for change detection in VHR remote sensed imagery
* Self-supervised clustering with assistance from off-the-shelf classifier
* Self-taught Multi-view Spectral Clustering
* Semi-supervised vector-valued learning: Improved bounds and algorithms
* single-stage point cloud cleaning network for outlier removal and denoising, A
* Sparse possibilistic c-means clustering with Lasso
* Surface normal and Gaussian weight constraints for indoor depth structure completion
* ThumbDet: One thumbnail image is enough for object detection
* Time series clustering with an EM algorithm for mixtures of linear Gaussian state space models
* Timid semi-supervised learning for face expression analysis
* Towards local visual modeling for image captioning
* Under the hood of transformer networks for trajectory forecasting
* Unsupervised class-to-class translation for domain variations
* Unsupervised person re-identification via multi-domain joint learning
* Versatile recurrent neural network for wide types of video restoration
* Weakly-supervised butterfly detection based on saliency map
* Weight-guided class complementing for long-tailed image recognition
* Wse-MF: A weighting-based student exercise matrix factorization model
74 for PR(138)
* Adaptive spatial-temporal surrounding-aware correlation filter tracking via ensemble learning
* Adversarial pan-sharpening attacks for object detection in remote sensing
* Attention reweighted sparse subspace clustering
* BabyNet: Reconstructing 3D faces of babies from uncalibrated photographs
* Bayesian asymmetric quantized neural networks
* bi-level metric learning framework via self-paced learning weighting, A
* Bi-RRNet: Bi-level recurrent refinement network for camouflaged object detection
* Bottom-up 2D pose estimation via dual anatomical centers for small-scale persons
* Capacitive empirical risk function-based bag-of-words and pattern classification processes
* Class-incremental object detection
* Complementary adversarial mechanisms for weakly-supervised temporal action localization
* Composite Network Model for Face Super-Resolution with Multi-Order Head Attention Facial Priors, A
* Conditional invertible image re-scaling
* Cycle optimization metric learning for few-shot classification
* Deep collaborative graph hashing for discriminative image retrieval
* Deep debiased contrastive hashing
* Deep embedded clustering with distribution consistency preservation for attributed networks
* Deep generative image priors for semantic face manipulation
* DeepActsNet: A deep ensemble framework combining features from face, hands, and body for action recognition
* Dense extreme inception network for edge detection
* Density peaks clustering algorithm based on fuzzy and weighted shared neighbor for uneven density datasets
* Discriminative subspace learning via optimization on Riemannian manifold
* Doubly contrastive representation learning for federated image recognition
* Dual similarity pre-training and domain difference encouragement learning for vehicle re-identification in the wild
* Dual-channel graph contrastive learning for self-supervised graph-level representation learning
* Dynamic dual graph networks for textbook question answering
* Dynamic graph convolutional networks by semi-supervised contrastive learning
* ECM-EFS: An ensemble feature selection based on enhanced co-association matrix
* Effective and Adaptable K-means Algorithm for Big Data Cluster Analysis, An
* Elaborate multi-task subspace learning with discrete group constraint
* Exploring the diversity and invariance in yourself for visual pre-training task
* Fast support vector machine training via three-term conjugate-like SMO algorithm
* FGPNet: A weakly supervised fine-grained 3D point clouds classification network
* Flexible model weighting for one-dependence estimators based on point-wise independence analysis
* Fourier-based augmentation with applications to domain generalization
* Fuzzy granular recurrence plot and quantification analysis: A novel method for classification
* gradient optimization and manifold preserving based binary neural network for point cloud, A
* HCFNN: High-order coverage function neural network for image classification
* Hybrid token transformer for deep face recognition
* Hyperspectral subpixel target detection based on interaction subspace model
* impact of isolation kernel on agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithms, The
* Incremental estimation of low-density separating hyperplanes for clustering large data sets
* Intensity mixture and band-adaptive detail fusion for pansharpening
* Interpretable Channelwise Attention Mechanism based on Asymmetric and Skewed Gaussian Distribution, An
* Joint spatial and scale attention network for multi-view facial expression recognition
* K-sets and k-swaps algorithms for clustering sets
* Kernel-based feature aggregation framework in point cloud networks
* Localized curvature-based combinatorial subgraph sampling for large-scale graphs
* Markov clustering regularized multi-hop graph neural network
* MEQA: Manifold embedding quality assessment via anisotropic scaling and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
* MSCA-Net: Multi-scale contextual attention network for skin lesion segmentation
* Multi-agent dueling Q-learning with mean field and value decomposition
* Multi-dimensional Graph Neural Network for Sequential Recommendation
* Multi-stage stacked temporal convolution neural networks (MS-S-TCNs) for biosignal segmentation and anomaly localization
* Non-contact PPG signal and heart rate estimation with multi-hierarchical convolutional network
* Not All Samples Are Born Equal: Towards Effective Clean-Label Backdoor Attacks
* Object-centric Contour-aware Data Augmentation Using Superpixels of Varying Granularity
* Patch loss: A generic multi-scale perceptual loss for single image super-resolution
* Quantifying the preferential direction of the model gradient in adversarial training with projected gradient descent
* Relation-mining self-attention network for skeleton-based human action recognition
* Segmentation of 3D Point Cloud Data Representing Full Human Body Geometry: A Review
* Self-Supervised Learning of Scene Flow with Occlusion Handling Through Feature Masking
* Semantic-based conditional generative adversarial hashing with pairwise labels
* Skeleton estimation of directed acyclic graphs using partial least squares from correlated data
* Sparse feature selection via fast embedding spectral analysis
* Spatio-temporal hard attention learning for skeleton-based activity recognition
* Strongly augmented contrastive clustering
* survey of human-computer interaction (HCI) and natural habits-based behavioural biometric modalities for user recognition schemes, A
* survey on machine learning from few samples, A
* Toward a blind image quality evaluator in the wild by learning beyond human opinion scores
* TreeNet: Structure preserving multi-class 3D point cloud completion
* Triple-attention interaction network for breast tumor classification based on multi-modality images
* Underwater object detection algorithm based on feature enhancement and progressive dynamic aggregation strategy
* VLCDoC: Vision-Language contrastive pre-training model for cross-Modal document classification
* Weakly-supervised pre-training for 3D human pose estimation via perspective knowledge
* Where you edit is what you get: Text-guided image editing with region-based attention
* YOGA: Deep object detection in the wild with lightweight feature learning and multiscale attention
77 for PR(139)
* Algebraic, topological and categorical aspects of pattern recognition: A survey
* Algorithms for syllabic hypothesization in continuous speech
* Application of a Distance-Based Method for Analyzing Spatial Patterns to the Analysis of Radionuclide Tomograms
* Application of a parallel pattern processor to remote sensing
* application of advanced pattern recognition techniques for the discrimination between earthquakes and nuclear detonations, The
* application of grey level image processing to an industrial dimensional inspection problem, An
* Application of Parallel Projections to Three-Dimensional Object Location in Industrial Assembly, The
* application of the coalescence clustering algorithm to remotely sensed multispectral data, The
* Automated capsule inspection method
* Automated Tracking of Filmed Radar Echoes
* Automatic classification of micro-organisms by shape and color, in water quality control: A preliminary study
* Automatic recognition of characters by Fourier descriptors and boundary line encodings
* Automatic Recognition of Printed Farsi Texts
* Coding and decoding pictures in nuclear medicine
* Dealing with a priori knowledge by fuzzy labels
* Design and use of DIP-1: A fast, flexible and dynamically microprogrammable pipelined image processor
* Discretization Errors in the Hough Transform
* Evaluation of the effectiveness of features selected by discriminant analysis methods
* Extraction of Line-Structured Data from Engineering Drawings, The
* fast interval processor, A
* FASTRAK Automatic Digitising System, The
* Feature selection by interactive clustering
* focus checking technique for image analysis systems, A
* General-Purpose Follower for Line-Structured Data, A
* Hierarchical Models and Analysis of Shape
* hierarchical pattern description in the syntactic approach to pattern recognition, A
* Image Deblurring with Computer Generated double Phase Holograms
* Image Processing for Boundary Extraction of Remotely Sensed Data
* Image Segmentation Schema for Low-Level Computer Vision
* infra-red source classification system, An
* Interactive pattern recognition of blood cells in malignant lymphomas
* Multilevel Approach to Pattern Processing, A
* Oligothetic characterisation of clusters
* On the relationships between SVD, KLT and PCA
* Pre-processing of images in an automated chromosome analysis system
* Real-Time Digitizer for Stereo Image Processing, A
* Recognition of writers by handwriting images
* smallest box around a package, The
* Software support for the construction of syntactic pattern recognisers by a research engineer
* Some Experiments with the Interpretation Strategy of a Modular Computer Vision System
* Stochastic syntax-directed translations in syntactic pattern processing
* Test feature selection for a complex electro-hydraulic servo system using frequency response measurements
* Thinning Algorithms: A Critique and a New Methodology
* Tomographic mapping of the activity of the heart wall
* TV Image Processing to Determine the Position of a Robot Vehicle
* Video-rate digital image analysis equipment
46 for PR(14)
* AA-Trans: Core Attention Aggregating Transformer with Information Entropy Selector for Fine-Grained Visual Classification
* Aeriform in-action: A novel dataset for human action recognition in aerial videos
* Ambiguity-aware robust teacher (ART): Enhanced self-knowledge distillation framework with pruned teacher network
* Bi-Attention enhanced representation learning for image-text matching
* black-box reversible adversarial example for authorizable recognition to shared images, A
* Boundary-constrained robust regularization for single image dehazing
* CANet: Contextual Information and Spatial Attention Based Network for Detecting Small Defects in Manufacturing Industry
* Cloud-VAE: Variational autoencoder with concepts embedded
* Continual spatio-temporal graph convolutional networks
* Cross-level Feature Aggregation Network for Polyp Segmentation
* Crowdmeta: Crowdsourcing truth inference with meta-Knowledge transfer
* Dense light field reconstruction based on epipolar focus spectrum
* Diluted binary neural network
* Discriminative Semi-Supervised Learning Via Deep and Dictionary Representation for Image Classification
* Distributional and spatial-temporal robust representation learning for transportation activity recognition
* enhanced vision transformer with wavelet position embedding for histopathological image classification, An
* Exemplar-Free Class Incremental Learning via Discriminative and Comparable Parallel One-Class Classifiers
* Factorized multi-Graph matching
* Feature clustering-Assisted feature selection with differential evolution
* FETNet: Feature erasing and transferring network for scene text removal
* FSConv: Flexible and separable convolution for convolutional neural networks compression
* Global spatio-temporal synergistic topology learning for skeleton-based action recognition
* GraphRevisedIE: Multimodal information extraction with graph-revised network
* GSAL: Geometric structure adversarial learning for robust medical image segmentation
* HeadPose-Softmax: Head pose adaptive curriculum learning loss for deep face recognition
* Hierarchical disentangling network for object representation learning
* Identifying effective trajectory predictions under the guidance of trajectory anomaly detection model
* Improve Temporal Action Proposals using Hierarchical Context
* Joint optimization for attention-based generation and recognition of chinese characters using tree position embedding
* Keep an eye on faces: Robust face detection with heatmap-Assisted spatial attention and scale-Aware layer attention
* Learn from each other to Classify better: Cross-layer mutual attention learning for fine-grained visual classification
* Learning relation-based features for fine-grained image retrieval
* Line graph contrastive learning for link prediction
* Low-Tubal-Rank tensor recovery with multilayer subspace prior learning
* MEP-3M: A large-scale multi-modal E-commerce product dataset
* MoCA: Incorporating domain pretraining and cross attention for textbook question answering
* Motif Entropy Graph Kernel
* Multi-task semi-supervised crowd counting via global to local self-correction
* Multicycle disassembly-based decomposition algorithm to train multiclass support vector machines
* Noising-Denoising Framework for Point Cloud Upsampling via Normalizing Flows, A
* novel relation aware wrapper method for feature selection, A
* Pairwise learning for the partial label ranking problem
* RA-YOLOX: Re-parameterization align decoupled head and novel label assignment scheme based on YOLOX
* RareAnom: A Benchmark Video Dataset for Rare Type Anomalies
* real-time semantic segmentation model using iteratively shared features in multiple sub-encoders, A
* Reciprocal normalization for domain adaptation
* Regression by Re-Ranking
* Rigorous non-disjoint discretization for naive Bayes
* RMAML: Riemannian meta-learning with orthogonality constraints
* Robust semi-supervised multi-view graph learning with sharable and individual structure
* Scatter matrix decomposition for jointly sparse learning
* Self-information of radicals: A new clue for zero-shot Chinese character recognition
* Semantics-enhanced early action detection using dynamic dilated convolution
* Semi-automatic muscle segmentation in MR images using deep registration-based label propagation
* Sensitivity pruner: Filter-Level compression algorithm for deep neural networks
* Task weighting based on particle filter in deep multi-task learning with a view to uncertainty and performance
* Topic-aware video summarization using multimodal transformer
* Towards Automatic Model Compression via a Unified Two-Stage Framework
* Towards better long-tailed oracle character recognition with adversarial data augmentation
* Transfer learning on stratified data: joint estimation transferred from strata
* Underestimation modification for intrinsic dimension estimation
* uniform transformer-based structure for feature fusion and enhancement for RGB-D saliency detection, A
* Unsupervised generalizable multi-source person re-identification: A Domain-specific adaptive framework
63 for PR(140)
* Adaptive fusion affinity graph with noise-free online low-rank representation for natural image segmentation
* AIDA: Analytic isolation and distance-based anomaly detection algorithm
* Augmented bilinear network for incremental multi-stock time-series classification
* BDNet: A BERT-based dual-path network for text-to-image cross-modal person re-identification
* Coloring anime line art videos with transformation region enhancement network
* Community Channel-Net: Efficient channel-wise interactions via community graph topology
* Cost-constrained feature selection in multilabel classification using an information-theoretic approach
* CPSS-FAT: A consistent positive sample selection for object detection with full adaptive threshold
* Crowd counting from single images using recursive multi-pathway zooming and foreground enhancement
* Deep feature annotation by iterative meta-pseudo-labeling on 2D projections
* Deepfacelab: Integrated, flexible and extensible face-swapping framework
* Do all roads lead to Rome? Studying distance measures in the context of machine learning
* DyGAT: Dynamic stroke classification of online handwritten documents and sketches
* Evaluating participating methods in image analysis challenges: Lessons from MoNuSAC 2020
* Faster OreFSDet: A lightweight and effective few-shot object detector for ore images
* Feature fusion and latent feature learning guided brain tumor segmentation and missing modality recovery network
* Few-shot classification with task-adaptive semantic feature learning
* FontTransformer: Few-shot high-resolution Chinese glyph image synthesis via stacked transformers
* Generalization of deep learning models for natural gas indication in 2D seismic data
* GGD-GAN: Gradient-Guided dual-Branch adversarial networks for relic sketch generation
* Holistic transformer: A joint neural network for trajectory prediction and decision-making of autonomous vehicles
* Hypercomplex context guided interaction modeling for scene graph generation
* improved differential evolution algorithm for quantifying fraudulent transactions, An
* Improved robustness of vision transformers via prelayernorm in patch embedding
* incremental facility location clustering with a new hybrid constrained pseudometric, An
* Knowledge transduction for cross-domain few-shot learning
* L1-norm discriminant analysis via Bhattacharyya error bounds under Laplace distributions
* Learning Cross-Domain Semantic-Visual Relationships for Transductive Zero-Shot Learning
* Local Multi-Scale Feature Aggregation Network for Real-Time Image Dehazing
* Low-rank kernel regression with preserved locality for multi-class analysis
* Margin-aware rectified augmentation for long-tailed recognition
* Multi scale pixel attention and feature extraction based neural network for image denoising
* Multi-hypothesis representation learning for transformer-based 3D human pose estimation
* Multi-level progressive transfer learning for cervical cancer dose prediction
* Multi-stage information diffusion for joint depth and surface normal estimation
* Multi-view prototype-based disambiguation for partial label learning
* Multi-view unsupervised feature selection with tensor robust principal component analysis and consensus graph learning
* Orthonormal product quantization network for scalable face image retrieval
* Presumably correct decision sets
* Process-Oriented heterogeneous graph learning in GNN-Based ICS anomalous pattern recognition
* Robust federated learning under statistical heterogeneity via Hessian spectral decomposition
* RPI-CapsuleGAN: Predicting RNA-protein interactions through an interpretable generative adversarial capsule network
* Semantic-guided de-attention with sharpened triplet marginal loss for visual place recognition
* SiamRank: A siamese based visual tracking network with ranking strategy
* Slide deep reinforcement learning networks: Application for left ventricle segmentation
* Smoothing group L1/2 regularized discriminative broad learning system for classification and regression
* SurroundNet: Towards effective low-light image enhancement
* Tensor completion via convolutional sparse coding with small samples-based training
* Tensor train factorization under noisy and incomplete data with automatic rank estimation
49 for PR(141)
* Adaptive reweighted quaternion sparse learning for data recovery and classification
* Attentional prototype inference for few-shot segmentation
* Class-specific and self-learning local manifold structure for domain adaptation
* Continuous cross-modal hashing
* Correlated and individual feature learning with contrast-enhanced MR for malignancy characterization of hepatocellular carcinoma
* Cross domain 2D-3D descriptor matching for unconstrained 6-DOF pose estimation
* Dataset agnostic document object detection
* Decomposition Dynamic graph convolutional recurrent network for traffic forecasting, A
* Deep image compression using scene text quality assessment
* Determining the trustworthiness of DNNs in classification tasks using generalized feature-based confidence metric
* Discrete analytical objects in the body-centered cubic grid
* Dual-branch spatio-temporal graph neural networks for pedestrian trajectory prediction
* Dual-channel embedding learning model for partially labeled attributed networks
* End-to-End page-Level assessment of handwritten text recognition
* eX-ViT: A Novel explainable vision transformer for weakly supervised semantic segmentation
* Extending version-space theory to multi-label active learning with imbalanced data
* FBN: Federated Bert Network with client-server architecture for cross-lingual signature verification
* Features kept generative adversarial network data augmentation strategy for hyperspectral image classification
* GARNet: Global-aware multi-view 3D reconstruction network and the cost-performance tradeoff
* Generalization capacity of multi-class SVM based on Markovian resampling
* Generalization of the shortest path approach for superpixel segmentation of omnidirectional images
* Global- and local-aware feature augmentation with semantic orthogonality for few-shot image classification
* GlobalAP: Global average precision optimization for person re-identification
* GriT-DBSCAN: A spatial clustering algorithm for very large databases
* Hierarchical co-clustering with augmented matrices from external domains
* Hybrid neural-like P systems with evolutionary channels for multiple brain metastases segmentation
* Hyperspectral image denoising via spectral noise distribution bootstrap
* Interpreting vulnerabilities of multi-instance learning to adversarial perturbations
* Joint A-SNN: Joint training of artificial and spiking neural networks via self-Distillation and weight factorization
* k nearest neighbour ensemble via extended neighbourhood rule and feature subsets, A
* Knowledge driven weights estimation for large-scale few-shot image recognition
* Learning an artificial neural network to discover bit-quad-based formulas to compute basic object properties
* Learning Customised Decision Trees for Domain-knowledge Constraints
* Lie group kernel learning method for medical image classification, A
* Multi-directional broad learning system for the unsupervised stereo matching method
* Multi-Modal Transformer network for action detection, A
* Multi-Scale correlation module for video-based facial expression recognition in the wild
* Multi-semantic hypergraph neural network for effective few-shot learning
* Neighborhood-based credibility anchor learning for universal domain adaptation
* new methodology in constructing no-reference focus quality assessment metrics, A
* novel cancelable finger vein templates based on LDM and RetinexGan, A
* novel classification method combining phase-field and DNN, A
* NRPose: Towards noise resistance for multi-person pose estimation
* Person re-identification: A retrospective on domain specific open challenges and future trends
* Physical model and image translation fused network for single-image dehazing
* Region-aware RGB and near-infrared image fusion
* Rethinking the unpretentious U-net for medical ultrasound image segmentation
* Robust rank-one matrix completion with rank estimation
* Robust unsupervised feature selection via data relationship learning
* Self-paced principal component analysis
* Simultaneous local clustering and unsupervised feature selection via strong space constraint
* Spatio-temporal modelling with multi-gradient features and elongated quinary pattern descriptor for dynamic facial expression recognition
* SSP-Net: Scalable sequential pyramid networks for real-Time 3D human pose regression
* TAT: Targeted backdoor attacks against visual object tracking
* Time-constrained learning
* Triplet teaching graph contrastive networks with self-evolving adaptive augmentation
* Truncated attention-aware proposal networks with multi-scale dilation for temporal action detection
* ß-Random Walk: Collaborative sampling and weighting mechanisms based on a single parameter for node embeddings
58 for PR(142)
* active foveated gaze prediction algorithm based on a Bayesian ideal observer, An
* Adapt-Infomap: Face clustering with adaptive graph refinement in infomap
* Addressing the class-imbalance and class-overlap problems by a metaheuristic-based under-sampling approach
* AGMN: Association graph-based graph matching network for coronary artery semantic labeling on invasive coronary angiograms
* APUNet: Attention-guided upsampling network for sparse and non-uniform point cloud
* Attention-guided evolutionary attack with elastic-net regularization on face recognition
* Auto-attention mechanism for multi-view deep embedding clustering
* Autoencoders for a manifold learning problem with a Jacobian rank constraint
* Classification of tumor in one single ultrasound image via a novel multi-view learning strategy
* Conditional Independence Induced Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Conditional pseudo-supervised contrast for data-Free knowledge distillation
* Constrained DTW preserving shapelets for explainable time-series clustering
* Construction of a feature enhancement network for small object detection
* Contrastive deep support vector data description
* Crop classification based on multi-temporal PolSAR images with a single tensor network
* Data-Driven single image deraining: A Comprehensive review and new perspectives
* Data-Free Quantization via Mixed-Precision Compensation without Fine-Tuning
* Deep forest auto-Encoder for resource-Centric attributes graph embedding
* Deep representation learning for domain generalization with information bottleneck principle
* discriminative SPD feature learning approach on Riemannian manifolds for EEG classification, A
* DITAN: A deep-learning domain agnostic framework for detection and interpretation of temporally-based multivariate ANomalies
* Domain embedding transfer for unequal RGB-D image recognition
* Dynamic scene deblurring with continuous cross-layer attention transmission
* efficient EM algorithm for two-layer mixture model of gaussian process functional regressions, An
* Efficient probability intervals for classification using inductive venn predictors
* encoded histogram of ridge bifurcations and contours for fingerprint presentation attack detection, An
* enhanced noise-tolerant hashing for drone object detection, An
* Exploring multivariate generalized gamma manifold for color texture retrieval
* Exploring transformers for behavioural biometrics: A case study in gait recognition
* Face age synthesis: A review on datasets, methods, and open research areas
* Fast deep autoencoder for federated learning
* FedCL: Federated contrastive learning for multi-center medical image classification
* FGBC: Flexible graph-based balanced classifier for class-imbalanced semi-supervised learning
* Fully context-aware image inpainting with a learned semantic pyramid
* Gaussian kernel fuzzy c-means with width parameter computation and regularization
* Graph classification via discriminative edge feature learning
* Graph-based learning of nonlinear physiological interactions for classification of emotions
* Guided deep embedded clustering regularization for multifeature medical signal classification
* Haar wavelet downsampling: A simple but effective downsampling module for semantic segmentation
* High-order interaction feature selection for classification learning: A robust knowledge metric perspective
* Higher-order memory guided temporal random walk for dynamic heterogeneous network embedding
* Hyperspectral anomaly detection based on variational background inference and generative adversarial network
* Improved polar complex exponential transform for robust local image description
* Information-diffused graph tracking with linear complexity
* Infrared small target segmentation networks: A survey
* Integrating topology beyond descriptions for zero-shot learning
* Inter-layer transition in neural architecture search
* KD-Former: Kinematic and dynamic coupled transformer network for 3D human motion prediction
* Kinship verification using multi-level dictionary pair learning for multiple resolution images
* Knowledge transfer evolutionary search for lightweight neural architecture with dynamic inference
* Learning discriminative feature representation with pixel-level supervision for forest smoke recognition
* Learning pixel-adaptive weights for portrait photo retouching
* Local nonlinear dimensionality reduction via preserving the geometric structure of data
* Longitudinal prediction of postnatal brain magnetic resonance images via a metamorphic generative adversarial network
* Matching based on variance minimization of component distances using edges of free-form surfaces
* Mixed data clustering based on a number of similar features
* MKConv: Multidimensional feature representation for point cloud analysis
* Modeling global distribution for federated learning with label distribution skew
* Momentum contrast transformer for COVID-19 diagnosis with knowledge distillation
* MSINet: Mining scale information from digital surface models for semantic segmentation of aerial images
* Multi-proxy feature learning for robust fine-grained visual recognition
* Music Mobility Patterns: How Songs Propagate Around The World Through Spotify
* One Shot Learning with class partitioning and cross validation voting (CP-CVV)
* Optimal transport based pyramid graph kernel for autism spectrum disorder diagnosis
* Optimality in high-dimensional tensor discriminant analysis
* Preferred vector machine for forest fire detection
* RADAM: Texture recognition through randomized aggregated encoding of deep activation maps
* Resampling approach for one-Class classification
* Reward shaping with hierarchical graph topology
* self-adaptive soft-recoding strategy for performance improvement of error-correcting output codes, A
* Single-particle reconstruction in cryo-EM based on three-dimensional weighted nuclear norm minimization
* SMPR: Single-stage multi-person pose regression
* Source-free and black-box domain adaptation via distributionally adversarial training
* Switching clusters' synchronization for discrete space-time complex dynamical networks via boundary feedback controls
* Temporal-Relational hypergraph tri-Attention networks for stock trend prediction
* Tri-HGNN: Learning triple policies fused hierarchical graph neural networks for pedestrian trajectory prediction
* Tri-objective optimization-based cascade ensemble pruning for deep forest
* Trigonometric projection statistics histograms for 3D local feature representation and shape description
* Uncovering Hidden Vulnerabilities in Convolutional Neural Networks through Graph-based Adversarial Robustness Evaluation
* Variational Bayesian deep network for blind Poisson denoising
* Video anomaly detection with NTCN-ML: A novel TCN for multi-instance learning
* WSDS-GAN: A weak-strong dual supervised learning method for underwater image enhancement
82 for PR(143)
* AC2AS: Activation Consistency Coupled ANN-SNN framework for fast and memory-efficient SNN training
* Adaptive filters in Graph Convolutional Neural Networks
* Adaptive local adversarial attacks on 3D point clouds
* AdvMask: A sparse adversarial attack-based data augmentation method for image classification
* ANAS: Asymptotic NAS for large-scale proxyless search and multi-task transfer learning
* ARAI-MVSNet: A Multi-View Stereo Depth Estimation Network with Adaptive Depth Range and Depth Interval
* Attribute subspaces for zero-shot learning
* Audio-driven talking face generation with diverse yet realistic facial animations
* balanced random learning strategy for CNN based Landsat image segmentation under imbalanced and noisy labels, A
* BLoG: Bootstrapped Graph Representation Learning with Local and Global Regularization for Recommendation
* Compositional clustering: Applications to multi-label object recognition and speaker identification
* Contrastive Generative Network with Recursive-Loop for 3D point cloud generalized zero-shot classification
* Counting-based visual question answering with serial cascaded attention deep learning
* Crisis event summary generative model based on hierarchical multimodal fusion
* Cross-Domain Few-Shot classification via class-shared and class-specific dictionaries
* Cross-Modal Transformer for RGB-D semantic segmentation of production workshop objects
* CrowdMLP: Weakly-supervised crowd counting via multi-granularity MLP
* Deep fidelity in DNN watermarking: A study of backdoor watermarking for classification models
* Deep learning-driven diagnosis: A multi-task approach for segmenting stroke and Bell's palsy
* Deep multi-view spectral clustering via ensemble
* DTEC: Decision tree-based evidential clustering for interpretable partition of uncertain data
* Dynamics-aware loss for learning with label noise
* EEG-based classification combining Bayesian convolutional neural networks with recurrence plot for motor movement/imagery
* Encoder-decoder cycle for visual question answering based on perception-action cycle
* Estimation of interlayer textural relationships to discriminate the benignancy/malignancy of brain tumors
* Expansion window local alignment weighted network for fine-grained sketch-based image retrieval
* fast stereo matching network based on temporal attention and 2D convolution, A
* Feature fusion network for long-tailed visual recognition
* Federated adaptive reweighting for medical image classification
* Few pixels attacks with generative model
* Few-shot forgery detection via Guided Adversarial Interpolation
* Gaussian kernel for Kendall's space of m-D shapes, A
* Graph clustering network with structure embedding enhanced
* Graph matching for knowledge graph alignment using edge-coloring propagation
* Graph-based pattern recognition on spectral reduced graphs
* Heterogeneous network representation learning based on role feature extraction
* Hierarchical multimodal transformers for Multipage DocVQA
* Hyperspectral image destriping and denoising from a task decomposition view
* Improving point cloud classification and segmentation via parametric veronese mapping
* Learning consistent region features for lifelong person re-identification
* Memory efficient data-free distillation for continual learning
* Motional foreground attention-based video crowd counting
* multi-grained unsupervised domain adaptation approach for semantic segmentation, A
* Multi-view clustering via efficient representation learning with anchors
* Neighborhood overlap-aware heterogeneous hypergraph neural network for link prediction
* novel method of human identification based on dental impression image, A
* Online portfolio selection with predictive instantaneous risk assessment
* Paired contrastive feature for highly reliable offline signature verification
* Patch-guided point matching for point cloud registration with low overlap
* reflectance re-weighted Retinex model for non-uniform and low-light image enhancement, A
* Revisiting the transferability of adversarial examples via source-agnostic adversarial feature inducing method
* Robust table structure recognition with dynamic queries enhanced detection transformer
* Self-imitation guided goal-conditioned reinforcement learning
* Semantic Similarity Distance: Towards better text-image consistency metric in text-to-image generation
* Semi-supervised transfer learning with hierarchical self-regularization
* Sparse kernel k-means for high-dimensional data
* Structure-preserving image translation for multi-source medical image domain adaptation
* survey on deep learning-based image forgery detection, A
* Two phase cooperative learning for supervised dimensionality reduction
* Underwater object classification combining SAS and transferred optical-to-SAS Imagery
* Uniform misclassification loss for unbiased model prediction
* Unpaired Image Super-Resolution Using a Lightweight Invertible Neural Network
* Unsupervised update summarization of news events
* weakly supervised inpainting-based learning method for lung CT image segmentation, A
64 for PR(144)
* adaptive error-correcting output codes algorithm based on gene expression programming and similarity measurement matrix, An
* Attack-invariant attention feature for adversarial defense in hyperspectral image classification
* Auto-adjustable hypergraph regularized non-negative matrix factorization for image clustering
* Benchmarking deep models on salient object detection
* CATNet: Convolutional attention and transformer for monocular depth estimation
* Clustering performance analysis using a new correlation-based cluster validity index
* Compositional Zero-Shot Learning using Multi-Branch Graph Convolution and Cross-layer Knowledge Sharing
* Conditional-pooling for improved data transmission
* Cross-scale contrastive triplet networks for graph representation learning
* Depth Map Denoising Network and Lightweight Fusion Network for Enhanced 3D Face Recognition
* Dynamic contrastive learning guided by class confidence and confusion degree for medical image segmentation
* Efficient disentangled representation learning for multi-modal finger biometrics
* Efficient Supervised Graph Embedding Hashing for large-scale cross-media retrieval
* ENInst: Enhancing weakly-supervised low-shot instance segmentation
* Exploring global information for session-based recommendation
* Fast Multi-view Subspace Clustering with Balance Anchors Guidance
* Feature disentanglement in one-stage object detection
* Few-shot classification guided by generalization error bound
* Global semantic enhancement network for video captioning
* Gradient-based multi-label feature selection considering three-way variable interaction
* Graph fairing convolutional networks for anomaly detection
* Hierarchical long-tailed classification based on multi-granularity knowledge transfer driven by multi-scale feature fusion
* ICAFusion: Iterative cross-attention guided feature fusion for multispectral object detection
* InvFlow: Involution and multi-scale interaction for unsupervised learning of optical flow
* Jacobian norm with Selective Input Gradient Regularization for interpretable adversarial defense
* LCReg: Long-tailed image classification with Latent Categories based Recognition
* Learning consensus-aware semantic knowledge for remote sensing image captioning
* Learning correlation information for multi-label feature selection
* Learning geometric consistency and discrepancy for category-level 6D object pose estimation from point clouds
* Learning node representations against perturbations
* Mask-guided multiscale feature aggregation network for hand gesture recognition
* Maximum Gaussianality training for deep speaker vector normalization
* MCNet: Magnitude consistency network for domain adaptive object detection under inclement environments
* MHCanonNet: Multi-Hypothesis Canonical lifting Network for self-supervised 3D human pose estimation in the wild video
* Minimum description length clustering to measure meaningful image complexity
* MISL: Multi-grained image-text semantic learning for text-guided image inpainting
* multi-center study of ultrasound images using a fully automated segmentation architecture, A
* Multi-label borderline oversampling technique
* Multi-label feature selection by strongly relevant label gain and label mutual aid
* Multi-scale self-supervised representation learning with temporal alignment for multi-rate time series modeling
* Mutual Domain Adaptation
* Network pruning via resource reallocation
* novel interval dual convolutional neural network method for interval-valued stock price prediction, A
* novel minutiae-oriented approach for partial fingerprint-based MasterPrint mitigation, A
* PAMI: Partition Input and Aggregate Outputs for Model Interpretation
* Personalized recommendation via inductive spatiotemporal graph neural network
* PSCFormer: A lightweight hybrid network for gas identification in electronic nose system
* QBER: Quantum-based Entropic Representations for un-attributed graphs
* quantitative method for the assessment of facial attractiveness based on transfer learning with fine-grained image classification, A
* Relative-position embedding based spatially and temporally decoupled Transformer for action recognition
* Restoring vision in hazy weather with hierarchical contrastive learning
* Robust embedding regression for semi-supervised learning
* Robust implementation of foreground extraction and vessel segmentation for X-ray coronary angiography image sequence
* Robust multi-agent reinforcement learning via Bayesian distributional value estimation
* Robust online hashing with label semantic enhancement for cross-modal retrieval
* Scalable frame resolution for efficient continuous sign language recognition
* Self-supervised cross-modal visual retrieval from brain activities
* Semantic augmentation by mixing contents for semi-supervised learning
* Sequence-level affective level estimation based on pyramidal facial expression features
* Source-free domain adaptation with Class Prototype Discovery
* Sparse self-attention transformer for image inpainting
* Spatial transcriptomics analysis of gene expression prediction using exemplar guided graph neural network
* Structure-preserving feature alignment for old photo colorization
* Supervised penalty-based aggregation applied to motor-imagery based brain-computer-interface
* Training feedforward neural nets in Hopfield-energy-based configuration: A two-step approach
* Transfer easy to hard: Adversarial contrastive feature learning for unsupervised person re-identification
* Transformer-based network with temporal depthwise convolutions for sEMG recognition
* TransOSV: Offline Signature Verification with Transformers
* Understanding open-set recognition by Jacobian norm and inter-class separation
* uniform representation model for OCT-based fingerprint presentation attack detection and reconstruction, A
* vision transformer for fine-grained classification by reducing noise and enhancing discriminative information, A
* Visual camera relocalization using both hand-crafted and learned features
* zero-shot learning boosting framework via concept-constrained clustering, A
73 for PR(145)
* Adaptive local Principal Component Analysis improves the clustering of high-dimensional data
* Aggregated-Attention Deformable Convolutional Network for Few-Shot SAR Jamming Recognition
* Beyond k-Means++: Towards better cluster exploration with geometrical information
* Coarse-to-fine online latent representations matching for one-stage domain adaptive semantic segmentation
* Coherent chord computation and cross ratio for accurate ellipse detection
* Collaborative contrastive learning for hypergraph node classification
* Conditional feature generation for transductive open-set recognition via dual-space consistent sampling
* Contrastive clustering with a graph consistency constraint
* Controllable Style Transfer via Test-time Training of Implicit Neural Representation
* Convolutional neural networks rarely learn shape for semantic segmentation
* Coordinate Descent Optimized Trace Difference Model for Joint Clustering and Feature Extraction
* Cross-Lingual Summarization method based on cross-lingual Fact-relationship Graph Generation, A
* CS-GAC: Compressively sensed geodesic active contours
* Customized meta-dataset for automatic classifier accuracy evaluation
* DataMap: Dataset transferability map for medical image classification
* Deep image clustering with contrastive learning and multi-scale graph convolutional networks
* Deep orientated distance-transform network for geometric-aware centerline detection
* Domain generalization via Inter-domain Alignment and Intra-domain Expansion
* Dynamic gradient reactivation for backward compatible person re-identification
* Efficient Long-Short Temporal Attention Network for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Efficient search of comprehensively robust neural architectures via multi-fidelity evaluation
* Enhancing texture representation with deep tracing pattern encoding
* Fast anchor graph preserving projections
* Fast generalized ramp loss support vector machine for pattern classification
* Feature incremental learning with causality
* FoodMask: Real-time food instance counting, segmentation and recognition
* Frequency-Aware Feature Aggregation Network with Dual-Task Consistency for RGB-T Salient Object Detection
* Gaze estimation with semi-supervised eye landmark detection as an auxiliary task
* GDB: Gated Convolutions-based Document Binarization
* Generative adversarial networks via a composite annealing of noise and diffusion
* GITGAN: Generative inter-subject transfer for EEG motor imagery analysis
* GNaN: A natural neighbor search algorithm based on universal gravitation
* HIE-EDT: Hierarchical interval estimation-based evidential decision tree
* Hierarchical image-to-image translation with nested distributions modeling
* High-order relational generative adversarial network for video super-resolution
* Information geometry based extreme low-bit neural network for point cloud
* Inter-domain mixup for semi-supervised domain adaptation
* Introducing instance label correlation in multiple instance learning. Application to cancer detection on histopathological images
* L0 regularized logistic regression for large-scale data
* L1-norm discriminant analysis via Bhattacharyya error bounds under Laplace distributions
* Learning disentangled representations for controllable human motion prediction
* Learning Foreground Information Bottleneck for few-shot semantic segmentation
* Low-light image enhancement using gamma correction prior in mixed color spaces
* Matrix randomized autoencoder
* MF-Net: Multi-frequency intrusion detection network for Internet traffic data
* MFAN: Mixing Feature Attention Network for trajectory prediction
* Monte Carlo DropBlock for modeling uncertainty in object detection
* Multiple instance learning from similarity-confidence bags
* network classification method based on density time evolution patterns extracted from network automata, A
* non-regularization self-supervised Retinex approach to low-light image enhancement with parameterized illumination estimation, A
* Novel Attention-Driven Framework for Unsupervised Pedestrian Re-identification with Clustering Optimization, A
* Objformer: Boosting 3D object detection via instance-wise interaction
* Open set transfer learning through distribution driven active learning
* Parallel disentangling network for human-object interaction detection
* Phase Randomization: A data augmentation for domain adaptation in human action recognition
* Pseudo-label estimation via unsupervised Identity Link Prediction for one-shot person Re-Identification
* Reparameterizing and dynamically quantizing image features for image generation
* RIC-CNN: Rotation-Invariant Coordinate Convolutional Neural Network
* segmentation method based on the deep fuzzy segmentation model in combined with SCANDLE clustering, A
* Self-distillation and self-supervision for partial label learning
* Semi-supervised class-conditional image synthesis with Semantics-guided Adaptive Feature Transforms
* Semi-supervised medical image segmentation via hard positives oriented contrastive learning
* Shadow-aware dynamic convolution for shadow removal
* Sharing-Net: Lightweight feedforward network for skeleton-based action recognition based on information sharing mechanism
* Sparse Local Binary Pattern extraction algorithm applied to event sensor data for object classification, A
* SSL-Net: Sparse semantic learning for identifying reliable correspondences
* Temporal segment dropout for human action video recognition
* topic modeling and image classification framework: The Generalized Dirichlet variational autoencoder, A
* Towards self-explainable graph convolutional neural network with frequency adaptive inception
* Traffic sign attack via pinpoint region probability estimation network
* TransBoNet: Learning camera localization with Transformer Bottleneck and Attention
* Transformer-based visual object tracking via fine-coarse concatenated attention and cross concatenated MLP
* Two-stage fine-grained image classification model based on multi-granularity feature fusion
* Updatable Siamese tracker with two-stage one-shot learning
* Weighted side-window based gradient guided image filtering
* Weighted subspace anomaly detection in high-dimensional space
76 for PR(146)
* Adversarial and focused training of abnormal videos for weakly-supervised anomaly detection
* Attention Cycle-consistent universal network for More Universal Domain Adaptation
* cascaded framework with cross-modality transfer learning for whole heart segmentation, A
* Conditional reiterative High-Fidelity GAN inversion for image editing
* ConvGeN: A convex space learning approach for deep-generative oversampling and imbalanced classification of small tabular datasets
* Coupled discriminative manifold alignment for low-resolution face recognition
* CS-net: Conv-simpleformer network for agricultural image segmentation
* DBN-Mix: Training dual branch network using bilateral mixup augmentation for long-tailed visual recognition
* DCapsNet: Deep capsule network for human activity and gait recognition with smartphone sensors
* Deep intra-image contrastive learning for weakly supervised one-step person search
* Deep self-enhancement hashing for robust multi-label cross-modal retrieval
* Deepfake detection via inter-frame inconsistency recomposition and enhancement
* Discriminative features enhancement for low-altitude UAV object detection
* Distance-based Weighted Transformer Network for image completion
* Disturbance rejection with compensation on features
* Dynamic attention augmented graph network for video accident anticipation
* ECLAD: Extracting Concepts with Local Aggregated Descriptors
* Exploiting sublimated deep features for image retrieval
* F-SCP: An automatic prompt generation method for specific classes based on visual language pre-training models
* Fairness in face presentation attack detection
* Feature fusion method based on spiking neural convolutional network for edge detection
* Feature specific progressive improvement for salient object detection
* Gait feature learning via spatio-temporal two-branch networks
* general elevating framework for label noise filters, A
* Geometric-inspired graph-based Incomplete Multi-view Clustering
* H-CapsNet: A capsule network for hierarchical image classification
* HairManip: High quality hair manipulation via hair element disentangling
* HyRSM++: Hybrid Relation Guided Temporal Set Matching for Few-Shot Action Recognition
* Joint discriminative representation learning for end-to-end person search
* Joint Feature Generation and Open-set Prototype Learning for generalized zero-shot open-set classification
* Joint representation learning for text and 3D point cloud
* JoyPose: Jointly learning evolutionary data augmentation and anatomy-aware global-local representation for 3D human pose estimation
* KGSR: A kernel guided network for real-world blind super-resolution
* Learning a target-dependent classifier for cross-domain semantic segmentation: Fine-tuning versus meta-learning
* Learning conditional variational autoencoders with missing covariates
* Learning implicit labeling-importance and label correlation for multi-label feature selection with streaming labels
* lightweight unsupervised adversarial detector based on autoencoder and isolation forest, A
* linear transportation LP distance for pattern recognition, A
* MPCCT: Multimodal vision-language learning paradigm with context-based compact Transformer
* MSA-GCN: Multiscale Adaptive Graph Convolution Network for gait emotion recognition
* NCL++: Nested Collaborative Learning for long-tailed visual recognition
* Neural architecture search: A contemporary literature review for computer vision applications
* OAMatcher: An overlapping areas-based network with label credibility for robust and accurate feature matching
* PWDformer: Deformable transformer for long-term series forecasting
* Region-adaptive and context-complementary cross modulation for RGB-T semantic segmentation
* Regional context-based recalibration network for cataract recognition in AS-OCT
* Residual Deformable Convolution for better image de-weathering
* Residual shape adaptive dense-nested Unet: Redesign the long lateral skip connections for metal surface tiny defect inspection
* RoCNet++: Triangle-based descriptor for accurate and robust point cloud registration
* RoMP-transformer: Rotational bounding box with multi-level feature pyramid transformer for object detection
* Scalable and accurate subsequence transform for time series classification
* Separated Fan-Beam Projection with Gaussian Convolution for Invariant and Robust Butterfly Image Retrieval
* Sequential architecture-agnostic black-box attack design and analysis
* Spatio-temporal human action localization in indoor surveillances
* temporal densely connected recurrent network for event-based human pose estimation, A
* Time pattern reconstruction for classification of irregularly sampled time series
* TMNet: Triple-modal interaction encoder and multi-scale fusion decoder network for V-D-T salient object detection
* Topological safeguard for evasion attack interpreting the neural networks' behavior
* unified and efficient semi-supervised learning framework for stereo matching, A
* UniG-Encoder: A universal feature encoder for graph and hypergraph node classification
* View-coherent correlation consistency for semi-supervised semantic segmentation
* Vital information is only worth one thumbnail: Towards efficient human pose estimation
* When IC meets text: Towards a rich annotated integrated circuit text dataset
63 for PR(147)
* Anomaly detection via gating highway connection for retinal fundus images
* AttenGait: Gait recognition with attention and rich modalities
* Bounded exponential loss function based AdaBoost ensemble of OCSVMs
* coarse-to-fine pattern parser for mitigating the issue of drastic imbalance in pixel distribution, A
* Confusable facial expression recognition with geometry-aware conditional network
* Contrasting augmented features for domain adaptation with limited target domain data
* Coresets for fast causal discovery with the additive noise model
* Deep asymmetric nonnegative matrix factorization for graph clustering
* Deep federated learning hybrid optimization model based on encrypted aligned data
* Devil in the details: Delving into accurate quality scoring for DensePose
* DGD-cGAN: A dual generator for image dewatering and restoration
* Discriminative multi-label feature selection with adaptive graph diffusion
* Dual subspace manifold learning based on GCN for intensity-invariant facial expression recognition
* Dynamic Graph Contrastive Learning via Maximize Temporal Consistency
* Dynamic semantic structure distillation for low-resolution fine-grained recognition
* From heavy rain removal to detail restoration: A faster and better network
* From patch, sample to domain: Capture geometric structures for few-shot learning
* full-scale hierarchical encoder-decoder network with cascading edge-prior for infrared and visible image fusion, A
* GhostFormer: Efficiently amalgamated CNN-transformer architecture for object detection
* GITGAN: Generative inter-subject transfer for EEG motor imagery analysis
* Global routing between capsules
* GNN-LoFI: A novel graph neural network through localized feature-based histogram intersection
* Graph meets probabilistic generation model: A new perspective for graph disentanglement
* Hybrid ARMA-GARCH-Neural Networks for intraday strategy exploration in high-frequency trading
* ICLR: Instance Credibility-Based Label Refinement for label noisy person re-identification
* IIOF: Intra- and Inter-feature orthogonal fusion of local and global features for music emotion recognition
* IME: Efficient list-based method for incremental mining of maximal erasable patterns
* Improved channel attention methods via hierarchical pooling and reducing information loss
* Improving Augmentation Consistency for Graph Contrastive Learning
* Incremental feature selection for dynamic incomplete data using sub-tolerance relations
* Interpretable multidisease diagnosis and label noise detection based on a matching network and self-paced learning
* Investigating the effectiveness of data augmentation from similarity and diversity: An empirical study
* Japanese historical character recognition by focusing on character parts
* Joint recognition of basic and compound facial expressions by mining latent soft labels
* Kinship similarity for open sets
* Large-margin multiple kernel Lp-SVDD using Frank-Wolfe algorithm for novelty detection
* LC-MSM: Language-Conditioned Masked Segmentation Model for unsupervised domain adaptation
* learnable support selection scheme for boosting few-shot segmentation, A
* Linearized alternating direction method of multipliers for elastic-net support vector machines
* Mathematical formula detection in document images: A new dataset and a new approach
* MI3C: Mining intra- and inter-image context for person search
* Multi-grained clip focus for skeleton-based action recognition
* NODE-ImgNet: A PDE-informed effective and robust model for image denoising
* Non-negative Tucker decomposition with graph regularization and smooth constraint for clustering
* Nonmonotone variable projection algorithms for matrix decomposition with missing data
* Offline handwritten mathematical expression recognition with graph encoder and transformer decoder
* Oracle character recognition using unsupervised discriminative consistency network
* PA-Pose: Partial point cloud fusion based on reliable alignment for 6D pose tracking
* Prototype Guided Pseudo Labeling and Perturbation-based Active Learning for domain adaptive semantic segmentation
* Random epipolar constraint loss functions for supervised optical flow estimation
* Re-abstraction and perturbing support pair network for few-shot fine-grained image classification
* Reducing communication in federated learning via efficient client sampling
* Self-Supervised Adversarial Variational Learning
* Self-supervised video distortion correction algorithm based on iterative optimization
* SideNet: Learning representations from interactive side information for zero-shot Chinese character recognition
* SSIR: Spatial shuffle multi-head self-attention for Single Image Super-Resolution
* SSPNet: Scale and spatial priors guided generalizable and interpretable pedestrian attribute recognition
* Structure correspondence searching of CAD model using local feature-based description and indexing
* Transformer-based stroke relation encoding for online handwriting and sketches
* TSVT: Token Sparsification Vision Transformer for robust RGB-D salient object detection
* Unsupervised feature selection by learning exponential weights
* visClust: A visual clustering algorithm based on orthogonal projections
* VPCFormer: A transformer-based multi-view finger vein recognition model and a new benchmark
* YOLOPX: Anchor-free multi-task learning network for panoptic driving perception
64 for PR(148)
* 3D human pose estimation with single image and inertial measurement unit (IMU) sequence
* Adaptive instance similarity embedding for online continual learning
* AdvOps: Decoupling adversarial examples
* ASFFuse: Infrared and visible image fusion model based on adaptive selection feature maps
* Bimodal SegNet: Fused instance segmentation using events and RGB frames
* Class correlation correction for unbiased scene graph generation
* Class-Aware Mask-guided feature refinement for scene text recognition
* Closed-loop unified knowledge distillation for dense object detection
* Confidence-based dynamic cross-modal memory network for image aesthetic assessment
* Content Temporal Relation Network for temporal action proposal generation
* Continual Learning for Cross-Modal Image-Text Retrieval Based on Domain-Selective Attention
* contrastive variational graph auto-encoder for node clustering, A
* CR-CAM: Generating explanations for deep neural networks by contrasting and ranking features
* DA-Tran: Multiphase liver tumor segmentation with a domain-adaptive transformer network
* diagnostic report supervised deep learning model training strategy for diagnosis of COVID-19, A
* DSText V2: A comprehensive video text spotting dataset for dense and small text
* Dual Residual Attention Network for Image Denoising
* end-to-end model for multi-view scene text recognition, An
* Enhanced visible-infrared person re-identification based on cross-attention multiscale residual vision transformer
* Exploring low-resource medical image classification with weakly supervised prompt learning
* FedNN: Federated learning on concept drift data using weight and adaptive group normalizations
* FET-FGVC: Feature-enhanced transformer for fine-grained visual classification
* Fusion-competition framework of local topology and global texture for head pose estimation
* GaFL: Geometric-aware Feature Learning for universal 3D models recognition
* gated cross-domain collaborative network for underwater object detection, A
* Gaussian process classification bandits
* Gradient aggregation based fine-grained image retrieval: A unified viewpoint for CNN and Transformer
* HRNet: 3D object detection network for point cloud with hierarchical refinement
* Hypergraph modeling and hypergraph multi-view attention neural network for link prediction
* iCausalOSR: invertible Causal Disentanglement for Open-Set Recognition
* Latent Linear Discriminant Analysis for feature extraction via Isometric Structural Learning
* Learning adversarial semantic embeddings for zero-shot recognition in open worlds
* Learning self-target knowledge for few-shot segmentation
* Leveraging tensor kernels to reduce objective function mismatch in deep clustering
* Max-Relevance-Min-Divergence criterion for data discretization with applications on naive Bayes, A
* MPG-LSD: A high-quality line segment detector based on multi-scale perceptual grouping
* Multi-label contrastive hashing
* Multi-modal brain tumor segmentation via disentangled representation learning and region-aware contrastive learning
* Multi-scale architectures matter: Examining the adversarial robustness of flow-based lossless compression
* Multi-Scale Hypergraph-Based Feature Alignment Network for Cell Localization
* Multi-Source Domain Adaptation with Mixture of Joint Distributions
* Multi-view robust regression for feature extraction
* Multimodal multiscale dynamic graph convolution networks for stock price prediction
* Network characteristics adaption and hierarchical feature exploration for robust object recognition
* On the representation and methodology for wide and short range head pose estimation
* Pan-sharpening via intrinsic decomposition knowledge distillation
* PDRLRR: A novel low-rank representation with projection distance regularization via manifold optimization for clustering
* Progressive modality-complement aggregative multitransformer for domain multi-modal neural machine translation
* Promote knowledge mining towards open-world semi-supervised learning
* PVConvNet: Pixel-Voxel Sparse Convolution for multimodal 3D object detection
* robust circle detector with regionalized radius aid, A
* Robust low tubal rank tensor recovery via L2E criterion
* Robust multi-scale weighting-based edge-smoothing filter for single image dehazing
* SCGTracker: Spatio-temporal correlation and graph neural networks for multiple object tracking
* SED: Searching Enhanced Decoder with switchable skip connection for semantic segmentation
* Self-adaptive subspace representation from a geometric intuition
* Semantic perceptive infrared and visible image fusion Transformer
* Semi-supervised domain generalization with evolving intermediate domain
* SEMv2: Table separation line detection based on instance segmentation
* Single image super-resolution based on trainable feature matching attention network
* Source-free domain adaptation with unrestricted source hypothesis
* stochastic model based on Gaussian random fields to characterize the morphology of granular objects, A
* Superpixel-based multi-scale multi-instance learning for hyperspectral image classification
* Tensor recovery based on Bivariate Equivalent Minimax-Concave Penalty
* TFS-ViT: Token-level feature stylization for domain generalization
* Towards fair and personalized federated recommendation
* Towards robust neural networks via orthogonal diversity
* tree-based model with branch parallel decoding for handwritten mathematical expression recognition, A
* TriSig: Evaluating the statistical significance of triclusters
* U-Transformer-based multi-levels refinement for weakly supervised action segmentation
* Unbiased and Augmentation-Free Self-Supervised Graph Representation Learning
* Unsupervised spatial self-similarity difference-based change detection method for multi-source heterogeneous images
72 for PR(149)
* Adaptive model for decision making
* Advances in Software Engineering and Their Relations to Pattern Recognition and Image Processing
* Analysis of multivariate medical data by face method
* Approximation of Waveforms and Contours by One-Dimensional Pyramid Linking
* Automated Breast Cancer Detection by Thermography: Performance Goal and Diagnostic Feature Identification
* Automated Visual Inspection Techniques and Applications: A Bibliography
* Bounded Variation Quantity (B.V.Q.) and its Application to Feature Extraction, The
* Closed Contour Extraction Applied to Meteorological Pictures
* Cluster validity profiles
* Clustering based on multiple paths
* Clustering of Collinear Line Segments
* combined algorithm for weighting the variables and clustering in the clustering problem, A
* committee machine with a set of networks composed of two single-threshold elements as committee members, A
* Computational length in pattern recognizers
* computer method of understanding ocular fundus images, A
* Computing the Relative Neighborhood Graph in the L1 and L-inf Metrics
* Contextual Classification Method for Recognizing Land Use Patterns in High Resolution Remotely Sensed Data, A
* Contour Tracing of Grey-Scale Images Based on 2-D Histograms
* Contrivedness: the boundary between pattern recognition and numerology
* Digital and Cellular Convexity
* Edge Segment Linking Based on Gray Level and Geometrical Compatibilities
* Estimating the number of groups and group membership using simulation cluster analysis
* Feature selection in human auditory perception
* Graph Theoretical Clustering Based on Limited Neighbourhood Sets
* Hierarchical Generalized Hough Transforms and Line-Segment Based Generalized Hough Transforms
* Image Processing on MPP:1
* Interfacing criteria for recognition logic used with a context post-processor
* interpretation of Mahalanobis distance in the dual space, An
* Linear dimension reduction and Bayes classification with unknown population parameters
* Measurement of Circularity and ellipticity on a Digital Grid, The
* model for selection of attributes for automatic pattern recognition. Stepwise data compression monitored by visual classification, A
* Neocognitron: A new algorithm for pattern recognition tolerant of deformations and shifts in position
* Noise Filtering in Binary Pictures by Combinatorial Techniques
* Normalization of Discrete Planar Objects
* Object Isolation in FLIR Images using Fisher's Linear Discriminant
* Object recognition and concept learning with CONFUCIUS
* On A Convex Hull Algorithm for Polygons and Its Application to Triangulation Problems
* On-Line Recognition of Hand-Printed Korean Characters
* Optimization of computational time in pattern recognizers
* Parallel computers for region-level image processing
* Pattern Recognition of Nucleated Cells from the Peripheral Blood
* ROC Curve Estimation and Hypothesis Testing: Applications to Breast Cancer Detection
* Segmentation of Pictures into Regions with a Tile-by-Tile Method
* semi-automatic technique for multitemporal classification of a given crop within a landsat scene, A
* Shape Approximation Using Quadtrees
* Skeletons: A link between theoretical and physical letter descriptions
* Some approaches to optimal cluster labeling with applications to remote sensing
* Some decision network designs for pattern classification
* Some Experiments in Waveform Approximation
* Some Results on Fuzzy (Digital) Convexity
* Split-and-Link Algorithms for Image Segmentation
* Texture Recognition via Autoregression
* Thinning and Stroke Segmentation for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
* unsupervised Bayes classifier for normal patterns based on marginal densities analysis, An
54 for PR(15)
* Adapt only once: Fast unsupervised person re-identification via relevance-aware guidance
* Bidirectional Feature Learning Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Brain-driven facial image reconstruction via StyleGAN inversion with improved identity consistency
* categorical interpretation of state merging algorithms for DFA inference, A
* Certainty weighted voting-based noise correction for crowdsourcing
* Comprehensive assessment of triclustering algorithms for three-way temporal data analysis
* Cross-frame feature-saliency mutual reinforcing for weakly supervised video salient object detection
* Deep-NFA: A deep a contrario framework for tiny object detection
* Discovering causally invariant features for out-of-distribution generalization
* DSCA: A Dual Semantic Correlation Alignment Method for domain adaptation object detection
* Edge-labeling based modified gated graph network for few-shot learning
* Edwin Hancock
* Efficient image analysis with triple attention vision transformer
* EmoComicNet: A multi-task model for comic emotion recognition
* Enhancing identification for person search with multi-scale multi-grained representation learning
* Explainable AI for time series via Virtual Inspection Layers
* Fast and explainable clustering based on sorting
* Fast Multi-Network K-Dependence Bayesian Classifier for Continuous Features, A
* FLODCAST: Flow and depth forecasting via multimodal recurrent architectures
* FSDA: Frequency re-scaling in data augmentation for corruption-robust image classification
* GPONet: A two-stream gated progressive optimization network for salient object detection
* HDR light field imaging of dynamic scenes: A learning-based method and a benchmark dataset
* IDC-Net: Breast cancer classification network based on BI-RADS 4
* Improving generalized zero-shot learning via cluster-based semantic disentangling representation
* Improving self-supervised action recognition from extremely augmented skeleton sequences
* Integrated convolutional neural networks for joint super-resolution and classification of radar images
* Integrating foreground-background feature distillation and contrastive feature learning for ultra-fine-grained visual classification
* Kernel correlation-dissimilarity for Multiple Kernel k-Means clustering
* Kinematics modeling network for video-based human pose estimation
* Kinematics-aware spatial-temporal feature transform for 3D human pose estimation
* LAFED: Towards robust ensemble models via Latent Feature Diversification
* Large-scale continual learning for ancient Chinese character recognition
* Learning with incomplete labels of multisource datasets for ECG classification
* Leveraging spatio-temporal features using graph neural networks for human activity recognition
* Local kernels based graph learning for multiple kernel clustering
* Local topology similarity guided probabilistic sampling for mismatch removal
* MCPNet: Multi-space color correction and features prior fusion for single-image dehazing in non-homogeneous haze scenarios
* MHSAN: Multi-view hierarchical self-attention network for 3D shape recognition
* Multi-granularity Cross Transformer Network for person re-identification
* Multi-task meta label correction for time series prediction
* OLCH: Online Label Consistent Hashing for streaming cross-modal retrieval
* Orientation-aware leg movement learning for action-driven human motion prediction
* patch distribution-based active learning method for multiple instance Alzheimer's disease diagnosis, A
* Pose-robust personalized facial expression recognition through unsupervised multi-source domain adaptation
* Prior based Pyramid Residual Clique Network for human body image super-resolution
* RASNet: Renal automatic segmentation using an improved U-Net with multi-scale perception and attention unit
* RCsearcher: Reaction center identification in retrosynthesis via deep Q-learning
* Reading order detection in visually-rich documents with multi-modal layout-aware relation prediction
* Regularization and optimization in model-based clustering
* Robust spectral embedded bilateral orthogonal concept factorization for clustering
* Sample diversity selection strategy based on label distribution morphology for active label distribution learning
* Self-supervised local rotation-stable descriptors for 3D ultrasound registration using translation equivariant FCN
* Self-supervised multi-task learning for medical image analysis
* Semi-Supervised Imbalanced Multi-Label Classification with Label Propagation
* Separate first, then segment: An integrity segmentation network for salient object detection
* Spatiotemporal Progressive Inward-Outward Aggregation Network for skeleton-based action recognition
* Transferable graph auto-encoders for cross-network node classification
* transformer-CNN parallel network for image guided depth completion, A
* Unsupervised incremental estimation of Gaussian mixture models with 1D split moves
* Wavelet-based Auto-Encoder for simultaneous haze and rain removal from images
60 for PR(150)
* Adaptive and fuzzy locality discriminant analysis for dimensionality reduction
* Adaptive weighted dictionary representation using anchor graph for subspace clustering
* AG-Meta: Adaptive graph meta-learning via representation consistency over local subgraphs
* approach for handwritten Chinese text recognition unifying character segmentation and recognition, An
* BALQUE: Batch active learning by querying unstable examples with calibrated confidence
* Bibimbap: Pre-trained models ensemble for Domain Generalization
* Camera-aware cluster-instance joint online learning for unsupervised person re-identification
* Coordinating explicit and implicit knowledge for knowledge-based VQA
* Cross-lingual few-shot sign language recognition
* Data filtering for efficient adversarial training
* Decoupled representation for multi-view learning
* Deep anomaly detection on set data: Survey and comparison
* Deep Joint Semantic Adaptation Network for Multi-source Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Deterministic attribute selection for isolation forest
* Discriminative Regularized Input Manifold for multilayer perceptron
* distortion model guided adversarial surrogate for recaptured document detection, A
* Dog identification based on textural features and spatial relation of noseprint
* Domain-incremental learning without forgetting based on random vector functional link networks
* Dual teachers for self-knowledge distillation
* Dual-Path Dehazing Network with Spatial-Frequency Feature Fusion
* Efficient high-resolution template matching with vector quantized nearest neighbour fields
* Embrace sustainable AI: Dynamic data subset selection for image classification
* Explainable AI in human motion: A comprehensive approach to analysis, modeling, and generation
* FApSH: An effective and robust local feature descriptor for 3D registration and object recognition
* Federated learning for medical image analysis: A survey
* FGPNet: A weakly supervised fine-grained 3D point clouds classification network
* Global and local multi-modal feature mutual learning for retinal vessel segmentation
* Global feature-based multimodal semantic segmentation
* Graph Convolutional Network with elastic topology
* HAIC-NET: Semi-supervised OCTA vessel segmentation with self-supervised pretext task and dual consistency training
* Improving ellipse fitting via multi-scale smoothing and key-point searching
* Introspective GAN: Learning to grow a GAN for incremental generation and classification
* ISP-IRLNet: Joint optimization of interpretable sampler and implicit regularization learning network for accerlerated MRI
* LATFormer: Locality-Aware Point-View Fusion Transformer for 3D shape recognition
* LCSeg-Net: A low-contrast images semantic segmentation model with structural and frequency spectrum information
* Learning spatial-spectral dual adaptive graph embedding for multispectral and hyperspectral image fusion
* Medical image segmentation based on dynamic positioning and region-aware attention
* Motion-guided and occlusion-aware multi-object tracking with hierarchical matching
* Multi-label feature selection via latent representation learning and dynamic graph constraints
* Multi-task hierarchical convolutional network for visual-semantic cross-modal retrieval
* Multi-view clustering via pseudo-label guide learning and latent graph structure recovery
* Neural Knitworks: Patched neural implicit representation networks
* Noise level estimation using locality preserving natural image statistics
* Overall positive prototype for few-shot open-set recognition
* Parameter-free ensemble clustering with dynamic weighting mechanism
* Prompting large language model with context and pre-answer for knowledge-based VQA
* Query-centric distance modulator for few-shot classification
* randomized algorithm for clustering discrete sequences, A
* Relation fusion propagation network for transductive few-shot learning
* Revisiting single-step adversarial training for robustness and generalization
* Rigid pairwise 3D point cloud registration: A survey
* Robust multi-view learning via M-estimator joint sparse representation
* Spatial-temporal hypergraph based on dual-stage attention network for multi-view data lightweight action recognition
* Spectral clustering with linear embedding: A discrete clustering method for large-scale data
* Structure-aware neural radiance fields without posed camera
* Survey of spectral clustering based on graph theory
* Temporal pattern mining for knowledge discovery in the early prediction of septic shock
* thorough experimental comparison of multilabel methods for classification performance, A
* UGNet: Uncertainty aware geometry enhanced networks for stereo matching
* Uncertainty-driven active developmental learning
* UnitModule: A lightweight joint image enhancement module for underwater object detection
61 for PR(151)
* ACQ: Improving generative data-free quantization via attention correction
* Adaptive multi-text union for stable text-to-image synthesis learning
* Appearance debiased gaze estimation via stochastic subject-wise adversarial learning
* Augmented skeleton sequences with hypergraph network for self-supervised group activity recognition
* Automatic calculation of step size and inertia parameter for convolutional dictionary learning
* BSDP: Brain-inspired Streaming Dual-level Perturbations for Online Open World Object Detection
* Classification of Childhood Obstructive Sleep Apnea based on X-ray images analysis by Quasi-conformal Geometry
* Community detection in the stochastic block model by mixed integer programming
* Contrastive domain-adaptive graph selective self-training network for cross-network edge classification
* CoReFace: Sample-guided Contrastive Regularization for Deep Face Recognition
* Cross co-teaching for semi-supervised medical image segmentation
* Cross-modal de-deviation for enhancing few-shot classification
* DGFormer: Dynamic graph transformer for 3D human pose estimation
* Distillation embedded absorbable pruning for fast object re-identification
* E2F-Net: Eyes-to-face inpainting via StyleGAN latent space
* Fast main density peak clustering within relevant regions via a robust decision graph
* Flexible image denoising model with multi-layer conditional feature modulation
* Frozen is better than learning: A new design of prototype-based classifier for semantic segmentation
* Generalization Memorization Machine with Zero Empirical Risk for Classification
* Graph embedding orthogonal decomposition: A synchronous feature selection technique based on collaborative particle swarm optimization
* Hyper-feature aggregation and relaxed distillation for class incremental learning
* Improving image segmentation with contextual and structural similarity
* Interpretable medical deep framework by logits-constraint attention guiding graph-based multi-scale fusion for Alzheimer's disease analysis
* Label enhancement via manifold approximation and projection with graph convolutional network
* MFIFusion: An infrared and visible image enhanced fusion network based on multi-level feature injection
* MTS2Graph: Interpretable multivariate time series classification with temporal evolving graphs
* Multi-camera multi-object tracking on the move via single-stage global association approach
* Multi-target label backdoor attacks on graph neural networks
* Multiple-environment Self-adaptive Network for aerial-view geo-localization
* Mutual Balancing in State-Object Components for Compositional Zero-Shot Learning
* Pairwise difference relational distillation for object re-identification
* r-FACE: Reference guided face component editing
* Residual Feature-Reutilization Inception Network
* Robust multiple subspaces transfer for heterogeneous domain adaptation
* SceneFake: An initial dataset and benchmarks for scene fake audio detection
* Semi-supervised pathological image segmentation via cross distillation of multiple attentions and Seg-CAM consistency
* Test-time adaptation for 6D pose tracking
* Text-Based Person Search via Cross-Modal Alignment Learning
* Towards effective person search with deep learning: A survey from systematic perspective
* UCTNet: Uncertainty-guided CNN-Transformer hybrid networks for medical image segmentation
* Video-based face outline recognition
* WRD-Net: Water Reflection Detection using a parallel attention transformer
* Zero-shot sketch-based image retrieval via adaptive relation-aware metric learning
43 for PR(152)
* Advancements in point cloud data augmentation for deep learning: A survey
* Affine Collaborative Normalization: A shortcut for adaptation in medical image analysis
* Assessment of volumetric dense tissue segmentation in tomosynthesis using deep virtual clinical trials
* Bidirectional correlation-driven inter-frame interaction Transformer for referring video object segmentation
* Bidirectional image denoising with blurred image feature
* Boosting sharpness-aware training with dynamic neighborhood
* Brain tumor segmentation in MRI with multi-modality spatial information enhancement and boundary shape correction
* CAST: Cross-Modal Retrieval and Visual Conditioning for image captioning
* Composite convolution: A flexible operator for deep learning on 3D point clouds
* CSTrans: Correlation-guided Self-Activation Transformer for Counting Everything
* Decoupled and boosted learning for skeleton-based dynamic hand gesture recognition
* Deep and wide nonnegative matrix factorization with embedded regularization
* Dense center-direction regression for object counting and localization with point supervision
* Depth-aware guidance with self-estimated depth representations of diffusion models
* Distributed statistical learning algorithm for nonlinear regression with autoregressive errors
* Dual GroupGAN: An unsupervised four-competitor (2V2) approach for video anomaly detection
* Dynamic heterogeneous federated learning with multi-level prototypes
* Dynamic image super-resolution via progressive contrastive self-distillation
* DynamicKD: An effective knowledge distillation via dynamic entropy correction-based distillation for gap optimizing
* Early event detection for facial expression based on infinite mixture prototypes
* efficient training-from-scratch framework with BN-based structural compressor, An
* ELMP-Net: The successive application of a randomized local transform for texture classification
* Enhancing performance of vision transformers on small datasets through local inductive bias incorporation
* Feature decoupling and regeneration towards wifi-based human activity recognition
* Feature selection by Universum embedding
* Focus on informative graphs! Semi-supervised active learning for graph-level classification
* GCNet: Probing self-similarity learning for Generalized Counting Network
* general framework for implementing distances for categorical variables, A
* Generative data augmentation by conditional inpainting for multi-class object detection in infrared images
* Granular3D: Delving into multi-granularity 3D scene graph prediction
* Graph correlated discriminant embedding for multi-source domain adaptation
* Hybrid federated learning with brain-region attention network for multi-center Alzheimer's disease detection
* IBVC: Interpolation-driven B-frame video compression
* Incremental convolutional transformer for baggage threat detection
* Information filtering and interpolating for semi-supervised graph domain adaptation
* Irregular text block recognition via decoupling visual, linguistic, and positional information
* Joint magnetic resonance imaging artifacts and noise reduction on discrete shape space of images
* Lit me up: A reference free adaptive low light image enhancement for in-the-wild conditions
* Masked face recognition using domain adaptation
* Memory-Adaptive Vision-and-Language Navigation
* Meta-learners for few-shot weakly-supervised medical image segmentation
* Mirrored X-Net: Joint classification and contrastive learning for weakly supervised GA segmentation in SD-OCT
* OpenInst: A simple query-based method for open-world instance segmentation
* Orthogonal subspace exploration for matrix completion
* PARDet: Dynamic point set alignment for rotated object detection
* PlaneAC: Line-guided planar 3D reconstruction based on self-attention and convolution hybrid model
* PLoPS: Localization-aware person search with prototypical normalization
* Quality-aware blind image motion deblurring
* ranking-based problem transformation method for weakly supervised multi-label learning, A
* Re-decoupling the classification branch in object detectors for few-class scenes
* Rebalancing network with knowledge stability for class incremental learning
* RFL-CDNet: Towards accurate change detection via richer feature learning
* Robformer: A robust decomposition transformer for long-term time series forecasting
* Robust deep fuzzy K-means clustering for image data
* Robust pedestrian detection via constructing versatile pedestrian knowledge bank
* SaliencyCut: Augmenting plausible anomalies for anomaly detection
* Scene recovery: Combining visual enhancement and resolution improvement
* ScopeViT: Scale-Aware Vision Transformer
* Seizure detection via deterministic learning feature extraction
* Self-attention empowered graph convolutional network for structure learning and node embedding
* Self-reconstruction network for fine-grained few-shot classification
* Semi-supervised vanishing point detection with contrastive learning
* SIAM: A parameter-free, Spatial Intersection Attention Module
* Soft independence guided filter pruning
* Sparse and robust support vector machine with capped squared loss for large-scale pattern classification
* survey on handwritten mathematical expression recognition: The rise of encoder-decoder and GNN models, A
* SurvivalLVQ: Interpretable supervised clustering and prediction in survival analysis via Learning Vector Quantization
* Synthetic unknown class learning for learning unknowns
* Ta-Adapter: Enhancing few-shot CLIP with task-aware encoders
* Towards robust and sparse linear discriminant analysis for image classification
* Towards robust image matching in low-luminance environments: Self-supervised keypoint detection and descriptor-free cross-fusion matching
* Transductive zero-shot learning with generative model-driven structure alignment
* Uncertainty-aware hierarchical labeling for face forgery detection
* Understanding the vulnerability of skeleton-based Human Activity Recognition via black-box attack
* Unified multi-level neighbor clustering for Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* UVMO: Deep unsupervised visual reconstruction-based multimodal-assisted odometry
* Video anomaly detection guided by clustering learning
* Weakly privileged learning with knowledge extraction
78 for PR(153)
* 3D surface segmentation from point clouds via quadric fits based on DBSCAN clustering
* Adaptive propagation deep graph neural networks
* Blessing few-shot segmentation via semi-supervised learning with noisy support images
* C2FResMorph: A high-performance framework for unsupervised 2D medical image registration
* Collaborative brightening and amplification of low-light imagery via bi-level adversarial learning
* Collaborative compensative transformer network for salient object detection
* Color matching in the wild
* Consistent graph learning for multi-view spectral clustering
* Contrastive visual clustering for improving instance-level contrastive learning as a plugin
* Cross-contrast mutual fusion network for joint MRI reconstruction and super-resolution
* CRTrack: Learning Correlation-Refine network for visual object tracking
* Deep graph layer information mining convolutional network
* Discriminative label correlation based robust structure learning for multi-label feature selection
* DSFusion: Infrared and visible image fusion method combining detail and scene information
* efficient blur kernel estimation method for blind image Super-Resolution, An
* Efficient multi-task progressive learning for semantic segmentation and disparity estimation
* Emotion-aware hierarchical interaction network for multimodal image aesthetics assessment
* Ensemble filter-transfer learning algorithm
* Feature selection for multilabel classification with missing labels via multi-scale fusion fuzzy uncertainty measures
* GANN: Graph Alignment Neural Network for semi-supervised learning
* high-precision ellipse detection method based on quadrant representation and top-down fitting, A
* Influence maximization for heterogeneous networks based on self-supervised clustered heterogeneous graph transformer
* Joint learning of latent subspace and structured graph for multi-view clustering
* Joint Variational Inference Network for domain generalization
* Joint-individual fusion structure with fusion attention module for multi-modal skin cancer classification
* LDDMM-Face: Large deformation diffeomorphic metric learning for cross-annotation face alignment
* Learning a complex network representation for shape classification
* LGNet: Local and global point dependency network for 3D object detection
* Light dual hypergraph convolution for collaborative filtering
* Looking beyond input frames: Self-supervised adaptation for video super-resolution
* Low-cost orthogonal basis-core extraction for classification and reconstruction using tensor ring
* Matrix normal PCA for interpretable dimension reduction and graphical noise modeling
* MLENet: Multi-Level Extraction Network for video action recognition
* Module-based graph pooling for graph classification
* Multiscale collaborative representation for face recognition via class-information fusion
* NCART: Neural Classification and Regression Tree for tabular data
* Non-convex tensorial multi-view clustering by integrating L1-based sliced-Laplacian regularization and L2,p-sparsity
* Nonconvex submodule clustering via joint sliced sparse gradient and cluster-aware approach
* novel non-pretrained deep supervision network for polyp segmentation, A
* OA-Pose: Occlusion-aware monocular 6-DoF object pose estimation under geometry alignment for robot manipulation
* Observation weights matching approach for causal inference
* PIPE: Parallelized inference through ensembling of residual quantization expansions
* Prototype learning based generic multiple object tracking via point-to-box supervision
* recurrent graph neural network for inductive representation learning on dynamic graphs, A
* Rethinking local-to-global representation learning for rotation-invariant point cloud analysis
* Robust feature selection via central point link information and sparse latent representation
* Self-ensembling depth completion via density-aware consistency
* Self-supervised feature-gate coupling for dynamic network pruning
* TCFAP-Net: Transformer-based Cross-feature Fusion and Adaptive Perception Network for large-scale point cloud semantic segmentation
* TSAR-MVS: Textureless-aware segmentation and correlative refinement guided multi-view stereo
* WBNet: Weakly-supervised salient object detection via scribble and pseudo-background priors
51 for PR(154)
* AdaptBIR: Adaptive Blind Image Restoration with latent diffusion prior for higher fidelity
* Advancing Supervised Learning with the Wave Loss Function: A Robust and Smooth Approach
* AMANet: An Adaptive Memory Attention Network for video cloud detection
* AMMD: Attentive maximum mean discrepancy for few-shot image classification
* AnatPose: Bidirectionally learning anatomy-aware heatmaps for human pose estimation
* Beyond local patches: Preserving global-local interactions by enhancing self-attention via 3D point cloud tokenization
* Boosting edge detection via Fusing Spatial and Frequency Domains
* CMIGNet: Cross-Modal Inverse Guidance Network for RGB-Depth salient object detection
* Compressing spectral kernels in Gaussian Process: Enhanced generalization and interpretability
* Conditional advancement of machine learning algorithm via fuzzy neural network
* Consistency approximation: Incremental feature selection based on fuzzy rough set theory
* Contrastive cross-modal clustering with twin network
* Cross-lingual font style transfer with full-domain convolutional attention
* cross-network node classification method in open-set scenario, A
* D-Net: A dual-encoder network for image splicing forgery detection and localization
* Deep graph matching meets mixed-integer linear programming: Relax or not?
* Degradation-removed multiscale fusion for low-light salient object detection
* DGRM: Diffusion-GAN recommendation model to alleviate the mode collapse problem in sparse environments
* DH-GAN: Image manipulation localization via a dual homology-aware generative adversarial network
* Discovering attention-guided cross-modality correlation for visible-infrared person re-identification
* Discrete online cross-modal hashing with consistency preservation
* Discriminative action tubelet detector for weakly-supervised action detection
* DIVA: Deep unfolded network from quantum interactive patches for image restoration
* Dual feature disentanglement for face anti-spoofing
* Dual space-based fuzzy graphs and orthogonal basis clustering for unsupervised feature selection
* Dynamic and static fusion mechanisms of infrared and visible images
* Dynamic weighted knowledge distillation for brain tumor segmentation
* EDMD: An Entropy based Dissimilarity measure to cluster Mixed-categorical Data
* Efficient and robust clustering based on backbone identification
* empirical study on the robustness of the segment anything model (SAM), An
* Evaluating brain group structure methods using hierarchical dynamic models
* Exploring target-related information with reliable global pixel relationships for robust RGB-T tracking
* Few-shot image classification via hybrid representation
* Few-shot intent detection with self-supervised pretraining and prototype-aware attention
* G2-SCANN: Gaussian-kernel graph-based SLD clustering algorithm with natural neighbourhood
* generalizable framework for low-rank tensor completion with numerical priors, A
* GHOST: Graph-based higher-order similarity transformation for classification
* GLAN: A graph-based linear assignment network
* GLNAS: Greedy Layer-wise Network Architecture Search for low cost and fast network generation
* Global self-sustaining and local inheritance for source-free unsupervised domain adaptation
* Global-local consistent semi-supervised segmentation of histopathological image with different perturbations
* GoogLeNet-AL: A fully automated adaptive model for lung cancer detection
* Graph Attentive Dual Ensemble learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation on point clouds
* Graph domain adaptation with localized graph signal representations
* Guided contrastive boundary learning for semantic segmentation
* Hybrid-context-based multi-prior entropy modeling for learned lossless image compression
* Improving CNN-based semantic segmentation on structurally similar data using contrastive graph convolutional networks
* Incomplete RGB-D salient object detection: Conceal, correlate and fuse
* IRCNN: A novel signal decomposition approach based on iterative residue convolutional neural network
* Large-scale multi-view clustering via matrix factorization of consensus graph
* lie group semi-supervised FCM clustering method for image segmentation, A
* Linear Centroid Encoder for Supervised Principal Component Analysis
* Linear Gaussian bounding box representation and ring-shaped rotated convolution for oriented object detection
* LM-Metric: Learned pair weighting and contextual memory for deep metric learning
* M3Net: Movement Enhancement with Multi-Relation toward Multi-Scale video representation for Temporal Action Detection
* Many birds, one stone: Medical image segmentation with multiple partially labeled datasets
* MetaTKG++: Learning evolving factor enhanced meta-knowledge for temporal knowledge graph reasoning
* MixingMask: A contour-aware approach for joint object detection and instance segmentation
* Motion-guided spatiotemporal multitask feature discrimination for self-supervised video representation learning
* MOVES: Movable and moving LiDAR scene segmentation in label-free settings using static reconstruction
* Multi-granularity relationship reasoning network for high-fidelity 3D shape reconstruction
* Multi-label feature selection using self-information in divergence-based fuzzy neighborhood rough sets
* multi-modal extraction integrated model for neuropsychiatric disorders classification, A
* Multi-modal interaction with token division strategy for RGB-T tracking
* multi-resolution self-supervised learning framework for semantic segmentation in histopathology, A
* Multi-view reduced dimensionality K-means clustering with sigma-norm and Schatten p-norm
* novel active contour model based on features for image segmentation, A
* novel hybrid decoding neural network for EEG signal representation, A
* novel K-means and K-medoids algorithms for clustering non-spherical-shape clusters non-sensitive to outliers, A
* novel weighted approach for time series forecasting based on visibility graph, A
* Prompt-guided DETR with RoI-pruned masked attention for open-vocabulary object detection
* Prototype learning for adversarial domain adaptation
* Pseudo-set Frequency Refinement architecture for fine-grained few-shot class-incremental learning
* Reconstruction flow recurrent network for compressed video quality enhancement
* ResPrune: An energy-efficient restorative filter pruning method using stochastic optimization for accelerating CNN
* Robust image hiding network with Frequency and Spatial Attentions
* Robust Self-expression Learning with Adaptive Noise Perception
* safe screening rule with bi-level optimization of v support vector machine, A
* Self-supervised learning for RGB-D object tracking
* Semantic attention-based heterogeneous feature aggregation network for image fusion
* Semantic-embedded similarity prototype for scene recognition
* spiking neural network based on fMRI for speech recognition, The
* Token-word mixer meets object-aware transformer for referring image segmentation
* Toward a deeper understanding: RetNet viewed through Convolution
* Toward comprehensive and effective palmprint reconstruction attack
* Transformer-based visual object tracker via learning immediate appearance change, A
* TSANet: Forecasting traffic congestion patterns from aerial videos using graphs and transformers
* Two-stage zero-shot sparse hashing with missing labels for cross-modal retrieval
* Underwater object detection in noisy imbalanced datasets
* unified framework for convolution-based graph neural networks, A
* View-unaligned clustering with graph regularization
* YOLO-FaceV2: A scale and occlusion aware face detector
92 for PR(155)
* Application of Tswin-F network based on multi-scale feature fusion in tomato leaf lesion recognition
* Auxiliary audio-textual modalities for better action recognition on vision-specific annotated videos
* Back-to-Bones: Rediscovering the role of backbones in domain generalization
* BMPCN: A Bigraph Mutual Prototype Calibration Net for few-shot classification
* Boosted multilayer feedforward neural network with multiple output layers
* Cascaded learning with transformer for simultaneous eye landmark, eye state and gaze estimation
* Category-agnostic semantic edge detection by measuring neural representation randomness
* CFNet: An Infrared and Visible Image Compression Fusion Network
* CL-TransFER: Collaborative learning based transformer for facial expression recognition with masked reconstruction
* Class-Imbalanced Semi-Supervised Learning for Large-Scale Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation via Decoupling Optimization
* Cluster prototype earth mover's distance adapters and alignment-guided prompt learning for vision-language models
* Complementary pseudo multimodal feature for point cloud anomaly detection
* CORE: Learning consistent ordinal representations with convex optimization for image ordinal estimation
* D2GL: Dual-level dual-scale graph learning for sketch-based 3D shape retrieval
* DACBN: Dual attention convolutional broad network for fine-grained visual recognition
* Deep generative domain adaptation with temporal relation attention mechanism for cross-user activity recognition
* Dehazing and Reasoning YOLO: Prior knowledge-guided network for object detection in foggy weather
* Detect-order-construct: A tree construction based approach for hierarchical document structure analysis
* Discovering an inference recipe for weakly-supervised object localization
* Discriminative atoms embedding relation dual network for classification of choroidal neovascularization in OCT images
* DM-GAN: CNN hybrid vits for training GANs under limited data
* Dynamic selection for reconstructing instance-dependent noisy labels
* Early gesture detection in untrimmed streams: A controlled CTC approach for reliable decision-making
* EdVAE: Mitigating codebook collapse with evidential discrete variational autoencoders
* Efficient and lightweight convolutional neural network architecture search methods for object classification
* Efficient neural implicit representation for 3D human reconstruction
* Enhanced online CAM: Single-stage weakly supervised semantic segmentation via collaborative guidance
* Explainable time series anomaly detection using masked latent generative modeling
* Exposure difference network for low-light image enhancement
* FairScene: Learning unbiased object interactions for indoor scene synthesis
* Feature selections based on two-type overlap degrees and three-view granulation measures for k-nearest-neighbor rough sets
* Feature-semantic augmentation network for few-shot open-set recognition
* FeverNet: Enabling accurate and robust remote fever screening
* Few-shot classification with Fork Attention Adapter
* Few-shot learning with long-tailed labels
* Few-shot relational triple extraction with hierarchical prototype optimization
* Finding score-based representative samples for cancer risk prediction
* Fine-grained recognition via submodular optimization regulated progressive training
* Flexible density peak clustering for real-world data
* FMGNet: An efficient feature-multiplex group network for real-time vision task
* Global contrast-masked autoencoders are powerful pathological representation learners
* Guided-attention and gated-aggregation network for medical image segmentation
* HFGN: High-Frequency residual Feature Guided Network for fast MRI reconstruction
* Hierarchical mixture of discriminative Generalized Dirichlet classifiers
* HTQ: Exploring the High-Dimensional Trade-Off of mixed-precision quantization
* Hunt-inspired Transformer for visual object tracking
* Incorporating texture and silhouette for video-based person re-identification
* ITFuse: An interactive transformer for infrared and visible image fusion
* Learning latent disentangled embeddings and graphs for multi-view clustering
* Learning real-world heterogeneous noise models with a benchmark dataset
* Learning to match features with discriminative sparse graph neural network
* LiDARCapV2: 3D human pose estimation with human-object interaction from LiDAR point clouds
* LightCM-PNet: A lightweight pyramid network for real-time prostate segmentation in transrectal ultrasound
* Local context attention learning for fine-grained scene graph generation
* Meta-Collaborative Comparison for Effective Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning
* Momentum recursive DARTS
* MS-TCRNet: Multi-Stage Temporal Convolutional Recurrent Networks for action segmentation using sensor-augmented kinematics
* Multi-order graph clustering with adaptive node-level weight learning
* Multi-query and multi-level enhanced network for semantic segmentation
* Multi-scale task-aware structure graph modeling for few-shot image recognition
* Multi-schema prompting powered token-feature woven attention network for short text classification
* Multi-threshold deep metric learning for facial expression recognition
* Multi-view clustering via dynamic unified bipartite graph learning
* Multi-view hypergraph regularized Lp norm least squares twin support vector machines for semi-supervised learning
* Multimodal explainability via latent shift applied to COVID-19 stratification
* Neuroinspired Contrast Mechanism enables Few-Shot Object Detection, A
* Partial label feature selection based on noisy manifold and label distribution
* PointSurFace: Discriminative point cloud surface feature extraction for 3D face recognition
* Poisson tensor completion with transformed correlated total variation regularization
* PPM: A boolean optimizer for data association in multi-view pedestrian detection
* Precise facial landmark detection by Dynamic Semantic Aggregation Transformer
* Prototype rectification for zero-shot learning
* R2C-GAN: Restore-to-Classify Generative Adversarial Networks for blind X-ray restoration and COVID-19 classification
* Repeat and learn: Self-supervised visual representations learning by Repeated Scene Localization
* restarted large-scale spectral clustering with self-guiding and block diagonal representation, A
* Restoring vision in rain-by-snow weather with simple attention-based sampling cross-hierarchy Transformer
* Rethink video retrieval representation for video captioning
* Robust multilayer bootstrap networks in ensemble for unsupervised representation learning and clustering
* Self-contrastive Feature Guidance Based Multidimensional Collaborative Network of metadata and image features for skin disease classification
* Self-Training-Transductive-Learning Broad Learning System (STTL-BLS): A model for effective and efficient image classification
* Semantic segmentation for large-scale point clouds based on hybrid attention and dynamic fusion
* Semi-supervised clustering guided by pairwise constraints and local density structures
* Sentiment analysis based on text information enhancement and multimodal feature fusion
* Shadow-aware decomposed transformer network for shadow detection and removal
* simple scheme to amplify inter-class discrepancy for improving few-shot fine-grained image classification, A
* SiSe: Simultaneous and Sequential Transformers for multi-label activity recognition
* SLSG: Industrial image anomaly detection with improved feature embeddings and one-class classification
* Source-free domain adaptation via dynamic pseudo labeling and Self-supervision
* sparse transformer generation network for brain imaging genetic association, A
* STNet: Structure and Texture-Guided Network for Image Inpainting
* Structured pruning adapters
* survey of dialogic emotion analysis: Developments, approaches and perspectives, A
* Tensorial bipartite graph clustering based on logarithmic coupled penalty
* Text-guided distillation learning to diversify video embeddings for text-video retrieval
* Triadic temporal-semantic alignment for weakly-supervised video moment retrieval
* Uncertainty estimation in HDR imaging with Bayesian neural networks
* Unsupervised outlier detection using random subspace and subsampling ensembles of Dirichlet process mixtures
* Vision-language pre-training via modal interaction
* Visual multi-object tracking with re-identification and occlusion handling using labeled random finite sets
99 for PR(156)
* Analyzing the latent space of GAN through local dimension estimation for disentanglement evaluation
* Balanced feature fusion collaborative training for semi-supervised medical image segmentation
* Camouflaged Object Detection via Dual-branch Fusion and Dual Self-similarity constraints
* CARLA: Self-supervised contrastive representation learning for time series anomaly detection
* Characteristic discriminative prototype network with detailed interpretation for classification
* Class Incremental Learning with Self-Supervised Pre-Training and Prototype Learning
* Cloud-GAN: Cloud Generation Adversarial Networks for anomaly detection
* Co-regularized optimal high-order graph embedding for multi-view clustering
* COLAFormer: Communicating local-global features with linear computational complexity
* Complementary branch fusing class and semantic knowledge for robust weakly supervised semantic segmentation
* Complementary phase interleaving-based fringe order recognition for temporal phase unwrapping
* CompNET: Boosting image recognition and writer identification via complementary neural network post-processing
* Cross-Modality Segmentation of Ultrasound Image with Generative Adversarial Network and Dual Normalization Network
* DC-Net: Divide-and-conquer for salient object detection
* Deep blind super-resolution for hyperspectral images
* DES-AS: Dynamic ensemble selection based on algorithm Shapley
* Distance-aware network for physical-world object distribution estimation and counting
* Distilling consistent relations for multi-source domain adaptive person re-identification
* Distilling interaction knowledge for semi-supervised egocentric action recognition
* DMANet: Dual-modality alignment network for visible-infrared person re-identification
* Dynamic and static mutual fitting for action recognition
* EEG classification with limited data: A deep clustering approach
* Embedded feature fusion for multi-view multi-label feature selection
* Evolving meta-correlation classes for binary similarity
* Fast radiance field reconstruction from sparse inputs
* Fast video anomaly detection via context-aware shortcut exploration and abnormal feature distance learning
* FastUNet: Fast hierarchical multi-patch underwater enhancement network for industrial recirculating aquaculture
* FCGNet: Foreground and Class Guided Network for human parsing
* Feature aggregation and connectivity for object re-identification
* FINet: Handwriting trajectory reconstruction of Chinese characters based on the font imitate network
* GADNet: Improving image-text matching via graph-based aggregation and disentanglement
* Human-object interaction detection via recycling of ground-truth annotations
* Image analysis by fractional-order weighted spherical Bessel-Fourier moments
* Imbalanced ensemble learning leveraging a novel data-level diversity metric
* Improving deep representation learning via auxiliary learnable target coding
* Improving the utility of differentially private clustering through dynamical processing
* Joint learning of RGBW color filter arrays and demosaicking
* Joint local smoothness and low-rank tensor representation for robust multi-view clustering
* Kernel-guided injection deep network for blind fusion of multispectral and panchromatic images
* Kyrtos: A methodology for automatic deep analysis of graphic charts with curves in technical documents
* large cross-modal video retrieval dataset with reading comprehension, A
* Learning Confidence Measure with Transformer in Stereo Matching
* Learning from open-set noisy labels based on multi-prototype modeling
* Learning subjective time-series data via Utopia Label Distribution Approximation
* LORE++: Logical location regression network for table structure recognition with pre-training
* Maskrenderer: 3D-infused multi-mask realistic face reenactment
* Measuring generalized divergence for multiple distributions with application to deep clustering
* MMDG-DTI: Drug-target interaction prediction via multimodal feature fusion and domain generalization
* model is worth tens of thousands of examples for estimation and thousands for classification, A
* multi-agent curiosity reward model for task-oriented dialogue systems, A
* Multi-scale feature extraction and fusion with attention interaction for RGB-T tracking
* Multimodal self-supervised learning for remote sensing data land cover classification
* new data complexity measure for multi-class imbalanced classification tasks, A
* novel image dehazing algorithm for complex natural environments, A
* novel q-rung orthopair fuzzy MAGDM method for healthcare waste treatment based on three-way decisions, A
* Occlusion-guided multi-modal fusion for vehicle-infrastructure cooperative 3D object detection
* Outlier detection using local density and global structure
* Patient teacher can impart locality to improve lightweight vision transformer on small dataset
* Polarized reflection removal with dual-stream attention guidance
* POSTER++: A simpler and stronger facial expression recognition network
* Probabilistic Deep Metric Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Progressive expansion for semi-supervised bi-modal salient object detection
* pure MLP-Mixer-based GAN framework for guided image translation, A
* RADAP: A Robust and Adaptive Defense Against Diverse Adversarial Patches on face recognition
* Relation-Specific Feature Augmentation for unbiased scene graph generation
* Rethinking convolutional neural networks for trajectory refinement
* review of deep-learning-based super-resolution: From methods to applications, A
* SANet: Face super-resolution based on self-similarity prior and attention integration
* Self-distillation enhanced adaptive pruning of convolutional neural networks
* Semantic-driven dual consistency learning for weakly supervised video anomaly detection
* Semi-supervised pivotal-aware nonnegative matrix factorization with label and pairwise constraint propagation for data clustering
* Source-free collaborative domain adaptation via multi-perspective feature enrichment for functional MRI analysis
* Sparse feature selection using hypergraph Laplacian-based semi-supervised discriminant analysis
* Split-and-merge model selection of mixtures of Gaussian processes with RJMCMC
* Target recognition via discriminant information and geometrical structure co-learning using radar sensor network
* Temporal Matrix Factorization: A polynomial approach to latent factor estimation
* three-dimensional feature-based fusion strategy for infrared and visible image fusion, A
* Toward real text manipulation detection: New dataset and new solution
* Towards reliable domain generalization: Insights from the PF2HC benchmark and dynamic evaluations
* Towards trustworthy dataset distillation
* Visible-infrared person re-identification via patch-mixed cross-modality learning
* Visual primitives as words: Alignment and interaction for compositional zero-shot learning
82 for PR(157)
* 5-D spatial-temporal information-based infrared small target detection in complex environments
* AdvCloak: Customized adversarial cloak for privacy protection
* ASF-Net: Robust video deraining via temporal alignment and online adaptive learning
* Asymmetric patch sampling for contrastive learning
* Attention redirection transformer with semantic oriented learning for unbiased scene graph generation
* benchmark dataset and semantics-guided detection network for spatial-temporal human actions in urban driving scenes, A
* CEDNet: A cascade encoder-decoder network for dense prediction
* Class Agnostic and Specific Consistency Learning for Weakly-Supervised Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* coded knowledge distillation framework for image classification based on adaptive JPEG encoding, A
* Constrained multi-scale dense connections for biomedical image segmentation
* CosineTR: A dual-branch transformer-based network for semantic line detection
* CRCGAN: Toward robust feature extraction in finger vein recognition
* DA-GAN: Dual-attention generative adversarial networks for real-world exquisite makeup transfer
* DCFusion: Difference correlation-driven fusion mechanism of infrared and visible images
* Dealing with partial labels by knowledge distillation
* Density change consistency clustering from density extreme
* Diffusion process with structural changes for subspace clustering
* Distilling efficient Vision Transformers from CNNs for semantic segmentation
* Driving mutual advancement of 3D reconstruction and inpainting for masked faces
* DRNet: Learning a dynamic recursion network for chaotic rain streak removal
* Dual-scale enhanced and cross-generative consistency learning for semi-supervised medical image segmentation
* Dynamic convolutional time series forecasting based on adaptive temporal bilateral filtering
* EENet: An effective and efficient network for single image dehazing
* ERAT: Eyeglasses removal with attention
* ESMformer: Error-aware self-supervised transformer for multi-view 3D human pose estimation
* Estimation of video sequence homography based on a first-order estimation method
* Extremely compact video representation for efficient near-duplicates detection
* Fast adaptively balanced min-cut clustering
* Frequency domain task-adaptive network for restoring images with combined degradations
* GC3: Grouped convolutional color constancy
* Geometry-semantic aware for monocular 3D Semantic Scene Completion
* GEXMERT: Geometrically enhanced cross-modality encoder representations from transformers inspired by higher-order visual percepts
* Global attention module and cascade fusion network for steel surface defect detection
* GraphMLP: A graph MLP-like architecture for 3D human pose estimation
* Group link prediction in bipartite graphs with graph neural networks
* HierCode: A lightweight hierarchical codebook for zero-shot Chinese text recognition
* Homogeneous and heterogeneous relational graph for visible-infrared person re-identification
* HTR-VT: Handwritten text recognition with vision transformer
* IIS-FVIQA: Finger Vein Image Quality Assessment with intra-class and inter-class similarity
* illumination-guided dual attention vision transformer for low-light image enhancement, An
* Image dehazing via self-supervised depth guidance
* interpretable unsupervised capsule network via comprehensive contrastive learning and two-stage training, An
* Intuitive-K-prototypes: A mixed data clustering algorithm with intuitionistic distribution centroid
* ISDAT: An image-semantic dual adversarial training framework for robust image classification
* Iterative target updation based boosting ensembles for outlier detection
* Layer-wise normalized deep incomplete multiview nonnegative matrix factorization
* Low-correlation multilinear dimensionality reduction applied to volcano-seismic classification
* Low-rank sparse fully-connected tensor network for tensor completion
* Luminance decomposition and reconstruction for high dynamic range Video Quality Assessment
* M3ixup: A multi-modal data augmentation approach for image captioning
* Marginal debiased network for fair visual recognition
* MBQuant: A novel multi-branch topology method for arbitrary bit-width network quantization
* MMAE: A universal image fusion method via mask attention mechanism
* MNN: Mixed nearest-neighbors for self-supervised learning
* MSNet: Multi-Scale Network for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* NeRF-based Polarimetric Multi-view Stereo
* novel domain independent scene text localizer, A
* novel multi-modal fusion method based on uncertainty-guided meta-learning, A
* Object matching of visible-infrared image based on attention mechanism and feature fusion
* Online kernel-based clustering
* Overcoming learning bias via Prototypical Feature Compensation for source-free domain adaptation
* Parallel multi-scale dynamic graph neural network for multivariate time series forecasting
* Perspective-assisted prototype-based learning for semi-supervised crowd counting
* Pixel shuffling is all you need: spatially aware convmixer for dense prediction tasks
* Preterm infant limb movement recognition with graph and convolution fusion network
* PSSS-EEG: A Probabilistic-masking Self-Supervised Swin-transformer model for EEG-based drowsiness recognition
* QFAE: Q-Function guided Action Exploration for offline deep reinforcement learning
* Quaternion Nuclear Norm Minus Frobenius Norm Minimization for color image reconstruction
* Reference-then-supervision framework for infrared and visible image fusion
* Residual k-Nearest Neighbors Label Distribution Learning
* Residual network with self-adaptive time step size
* Rethinking the validity of perturbation in single-step adversarial training
* Revisiting 3D point cloud analysis with Markov process
* Revisiting trace norm minimization for tensor Tucker completion: A direct multilinear rank learning approach
* RP-Net: A Robust Polar Transformation Network for rotation-invariant face detection
* Saliency detection for underwater moving object with sonar based on motion estimation and multi-trajectory analysis
* Scene Chinese Recognition with Local and Global Attention
* Self-supervised fusion network for RGB-D interest point detection and description
* Semantic aware representation learning for optimizing image retrieval systems in radiology
* Semantic-aware frame-event fusion based pattern recognition via large vision-language models
* Semantic-Constraint Matching for transformer-based weakly supervised object localization
* SemiGMMPoint: Semi-supervised point cloud segmentation based on Gaussian mixture models
* SLAM2: Simultaneous Localization and Multimode Mapping for indoor dynamic environments
* SNN using color-opponent and attention mechanisms for object recognition
* SparseComm: An Efficient Sparse Communication Framework for Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperative 3D Detection
* TBConvL-Net: A hybrid deep learning architecture for robust medical image segmentation
* TBNet: A texture and boundary-aware network for small weak object detection in remote-sensing imagery
* Temporal adaptive bidirectional bridging for RGB-D tracking
* Three-way decision-based label integration for crowdsourcing
* two-layer regression network for robust and accurate domain adaptation, A
* UniRTL: A universal RGBT and low-light benchmark for object tracking
* Unsupervised mapping and semantic user localisation from first-person monocular video
* UPT-Flow: Multi-scale transformer-guided normalizing flow for low-light image enhancement
* Versatile Teacher: A class-aware teacher-student framework for cross-domain adaptation
* Video Anomaly Detection via self-supervised and spatio-temporal proxy tasks learning
* VPA-Net: A visual perception assistance network for 3d lidar semantic segmentation
* WB-LRP: Layer-wise relevance propagation with weight-dependent baseline
* Webly supervised 3D shape recognition
* ZooKT: Task-adaptive knowledge transfer of Model Zoo for few-shot learning
99 for PR(158)
* ACFNet: An adaptive cross-fusion network for infrared and visible image fusion
* Adaptive representation learning and sample weighting for low-quality 3D face recognition
* ANNE: Adaptive Nearest Neighbours and Eigenvector-based sample selection for robust learning with noisy labels
* Apply prior feature integration to sparse object detectors
* Approximate geometric structure transfer for cross-domain image classification
* Associative graph convolution network for point cloud analysis
* CAST: An innovative framework for Cross-dimensional Attention Structure in Transformers
* CHA: Conditional Hyper-Adapter method for detecting human-object interaction
* Consistency-driven feature scoring and regularization network for visible-infrared person re-identification
* Continual learning with high-order experience replay for dynamic network embedding
* Corruption-based anomaly detection and interpretation in tabular data
* Cross-modal adapter for vision-language retrieval
* Cross-modal independent matching network for image-text retrieval
* Data augmentation strategies for semi-supervised medical image segmentation
* DSCIMABNet: A novel multi-head attention depthwise separable CNN model for skin cancer detection
* DyConfidMatch: Dynamic thresholding and re-sampling for 3D semi-supervised learning
* ECTFormer: An efficient Conv-Transformer model design for image recognition
* effective multi-scale interactive fusion network with hybrid Transformer and CNN for smoke image segmentation, An
* EGO-LM: An efficient, generic, and out-of-the-box language model for handwritten text recognition
* Embedded feature selection for robust probability learning machines
* Enhancing robust VQA via contrastive and self-supervised learning
* Explainability-based knowledge distillation
* Exploring sample relationship for few-shot classification
* Eye-movement-prompted large image captioning model
* Fast adaptively balanced min-cut clustering
* Feature-matching method based on keypoint response constraint using binary encoding of phase congruency
* FedKT: Federated learning with knowledge transfer for non-IID data
* Fine-grained Automatic Augmentation for handwritten character recognition
* Forget to Learn (F2L): Circumventing plasticity-stability trade-off in continuous unsupervised domain adaptation
* Fully exploring object relation interaction and hidden state attention for video captioning
* GB-RVFL: Fusion of randomized neural network and granular ball computing
* GBMOD: A granular-ball mean-shift outlier detector
* Global-aware Fragment Representation Aggregation Network for image-text retrieval
* HDR reconstruction from a single exposure LDR using texture and structure dual-stream generation
* Highly realistic synthetic dataset for pixel-level DensePose estimation via diffusion model
* HTCSigNet: A Hybrid Transformer and Convolution Signature Network for offline signature verification
* Image Shadow Removal Via Multi-Scale Deep Retinex Decomposition
* Improving stability and performance of spiking neural networks through enhancing temporal consistency
* Improving the sparse coding model via hybrid Gaussian priors
* Incremental feature selection: Parallel approach with local neighborhood rough sets and composite entropy
* Instant pose extraction based on mask transformer for occluded person re-identification
* Joint Intra-view and Inter-view Enhanced Tensor Low-rank Induced Affinity Graph Learning
* Joint utilization of positive and negative pseudo-labels in semi-supervised facial expression recognition
* Jointly stochastic fully symmetric interpolatory rules and local approximation for scalable Gaussian process regression
* L2T-DFM: Learning to Teach with Dynamic Fused Metric
* Learning accurate and enriched features for stereo image super-resolution
* Local and global self-attention enhanced graph convolutional network for skeleton-based action recognition
* MSCMNet: Multi-scale Semantic Correlation Mining for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Multi-task OCTA image segmentation with innovative dimension compression
* Multi-View Visual Semantic Embedding for Cross-Modal Image-Text Retrieval
* MvWECM: Multi-view Weighted Evidential C-Means clustering
* MWVOS: Mask-Free Weakly Supervised Video Object Segmentation via promptable foundation model
* NAS-BNN: Neural Architecture Search for Binary Neural Networks
* newton interpolation network for smoke semantic segmentation, A
* One point is all you need for weakly supervised object detection
* Online indoor visual odometry with semantic assistance under implicit epipolar constraints
* Piecewise Convolutional Neural Network Relation Extraction with Self-Attention Mechanism
* PIM-Net: Progressive Inconsistency Mining Network for image manipulation localization
* Privacy-preserving speaker verification system using Ranking-of-Element hashing
* PRSN: Prototype resynthesis network with cross-image semantic alignment for few-shot image classification
* Pseudo-labeling with keyword refining for few-supervised video captioning
* Radar gait recognition using Dual-branch Swin Transformer with Asymmetric Attention Fusion
* Riding feeling recognition based on multi-head self-attention LSTM for driverless automobile
* robust fingerprint identification approach using a fuzzy system and novel rotation method, A
* S2Match: Self-paced sampling for data-limited semi-supervised learning
* SAR target augmentation and recognition via cross-domain reconstruction
* SeaTrack: Rethinking Observation-Centric SORT for Robust Nearshore Multiple Object Tracking
* Self-distillation with beta label smoothing-based cross-subject transfer learning for P300 classification
* Self-supervised learning from images: No negative pairs, no cluster-balancing
* Self-supervised multimodal change detection based on difference contrast learning for remote sensing imagery
* Self-supervised random mask attention GAN in tackling pose-invariant face recognition
* Semi-Supervised Multi-View Feature Selection with Adaptive Similarity Fusion and Learning
* Spatio-temporal interactive reasoning model for multi-group activity recognition
* Spcolor: Semantic prior guided exemplar-based image colorization
* Text-video retrieval re-ranking via multi-grained cross attention and frozen image encoders
* Topology reorganized graph contrastive learning with mitigating semantic drift
* TransMatch: Transformer-based correspondence pruning via local and global consensus
* Understanding adversarial robustness against on-manifold adversarial examples
* unified framework for unsupervised action learning via global-to-local motion transformer, A
* Weakly Supervised Underwater Object Real-time Detection Based on High-resolution Attention Class Activation Mapping and Category Hierarchy
80 for PR(159)
* Algorithm for Pattern Description on the Level of Relative Proximity, An
* ALSM algorithm: An improved subspace method of classification, The
* Application of the Hough Transform to the Recognition of Printed Hebrew Characters, An
* Attempt to Reconstruct the Cerebral Bloodvessels from a Lateral and a Frontal Angiogram, An
* Automated Breast Cancer Detection by Thermography: Performance Goal and Diagnostic Feature Identification
* Automatic Classification of Cervical Cells Using a Binary Tree Classifier
* Automatic scaling of ionograms by the method of structural description
* Automatic Segmentation of Electron Micrographs of Berea Sandstone Cross-Sections
* Binary Tree Versus Single Level Tree Classification of White Blood Cells
* Boundary Extraction from Coarsely or Irregularly Scanned Images
* Can a Local Histogram Really Map Texture Information?
* Classic: A hierarchical clustering algorithm based on asymmetric similarities
* Classification of Normal and Abnormal Samples of Peripheral Blood by Linear Mapping of the Feature Space
* Cluster Detection in a Collection of Collinear Line Segments
* Constrained agglomerative hierarchical classification
* Critical Points on a Perfectly 8- or 6-Connected Thin Binary Line
* experimental study of energy dips for speech and music, An
* Filtered Projections as an Aid in Corner Detection
* Further results on optimization of recognition time
* Generalized Histogram Clustering Scheme for Multidimensional Image Data, A
* Geodesic Methods in Quantitative Image Analysis
* Hand-Scan OCR with a One-Dimensional Image Sensor
* Hybrid Algorithm for Contextual Text Recognition, A
* Image analysis of solid-liquid interface morphology in freezing solutions
* Linear Mapping Technique for Optimizing Binary Templates in Noise-Free Pattern Matching, A
* Linear Time Algorithm for Obtaining the Convex Hull of a Simple Polygon, A
* Machine analysis of acoustical signals
* Magnitude Accuracy of the Template Edge Detector, The
* Matrix Approach to Data Base Exploration: Analysis of Classifier Results, A
* Method for the Design of Binary Tree Classifiers, A
* Minimization of Structural Information: A Set-Theoretical Approach
* Mirabelle: A System for Structural Analysis of Drawings
* Motion Estimation Based on Multiple Local Constraints and Nonlinear Smoothing
* Multi-Resolution Relaxation
* new algorithm for non-linear mapping with applications to dimension and cluster analyses, A
* New Image Segmentation Technique Based on Partition Mode Test, A
* Non-hierarchical clustering with MASLOC
* Note on a Random-Walk Model for Texture Analysis, A
* On Connectivity Properties of Grayscale Pictures
* On The Conditions for Success of Sklansky's Convex Hull Algorithm
* On the Wechsler de_Souza discussion
* On-Line Recognition (OLREC): A Novel Approach to Visual Pattern Recognition
* On-Line Recognition of Handwritten Characters: Alphanumerics, Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji
* On-Line Recognition of Handwritten Characters: Alphanumerics, Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji
* Optical Correlator for Recognizing Characters Printed on Paper
* optimal strategy of a tree classifier, The
* Pattern Recognition of Nucleated Cells from the Peripheral Blood
* Pattern recognition processing in underwater acoustics
* Peak Noise Removal by a Facet Model
* PLANG: A Picture Language Schema for a Class of Pictures
* Preference structure analysis: A nonmetric approach
* Preprocessing Techniques for Cursive Script Word Recognition
* Recognition of Spatial Point Patterns
* Recursive Contextual Classification Using a Spatial Stochastic Model
* recursive method for the investigation of the linear separability of two sets, A
* review of ridge counting in dermatoglyphics, A
* Semiautomatic Leakage Analyzing System for Time Series Fluorescein Ocular Fundus Angiography
* Shape Theory and Pattern Recognition
* Some asymptotic results on the effect of autocorrelation on the error rates of the sample linear discriminant function
* Some Experiments in Relaxation Image Matching Using Corner Features
* Some Experiments In The Evaluation Of A Character Recognition Scanner
* Some Experiments in Waveform Approximation
* Some New Color Features and Their Application to Cervical Cell Classification
* Some statistical properties of the minimum spanning forest
* Subpixel Edge Estimation
* Subpixel Edge Estimation
* Symmetry Analysis By Computer
* test for multidimensional clustering tendency, A
* test for multidimensional clustering tendency, A
* Texture Analysis of Aerial Photographs
* Toward automatic undersea search using pattern recognition techniques
* Walsh Descriptors for Polygonal Curves
72 for PR(16)
* Adaptive learning rate algorithms based on the improved Barzilai-Borwein method
* Automatic cervical cancer classification using adaptive vision transformer encoder with CNN for medical application
* BiFPN-YOLO: One-stage object detection integrating Bi-Directional Feature Pyramid Networks
* CDHN: Cross-domain hallucination network for 3D keypoints estimation
* Count, decompose and correct: A new approach to handwritten Chinese character error correction
* Debiasing weighted multi-view k-means clustering based on causal regularization
* Deep learning-enhanced environment perception for autonomous driving: MDNet with CSP-DarkNet53
* Diffusion-Based Framework for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Distilling heterogeneous knowledge with aligned biological entities for histological image classification
* Dual Contrastive Label Enhancement
* Dynamic VAEs via semantic-aligned matching for continual zero-shot learning
* Explainable monotonic networks and constrained learning for interpretable classification and weakly supervised anomaly detection
* Explaining predictive uncertainty by exposing second-order effects
* Exploring Latent Transferability of feature components
* FocTrack: Focus attention for visual tracking
* Frequency domain-based latent diffusion model for underwater image enhancement
* game-inspired algorithm for marginal and global clustering, A
* Gradient-based sparse voxel attacks on point cloud object detection
* Learning data association for multi-object tracking using only coordinates
* Lightweight Remote Sensing Super-Resolution with Multi-Scale Graph Attention Network
* masking, linkage and guidance framework for online class incremental learning, A
* Multi-branch feature transformation cross-domain few-shot learning for hyperspectral image classification
* Optimizing reinforcement learning for large action spaces via generative models: Battery pattern selection
* Percept, Chat, Adapt: Knowledge transfer of foundation models for open-world video recognition
* Progressive label enhancement
* Recursive reservoir concatenation for salt-and-pepper denoising
* RNDiff: Rainfall nowcasting with Condition Diffusion Model
* Scalable and Adaptive Graph Neural Networks with Self-Label-Enhanced Training
* SEMACOL: Semantic-enhanced multi-scale approach for text-guided grayscale image colorization
* Semantic decomposition and enhancement hashing for deep cross-modal retrieval
* STARNet: Low-light video enhancement using spatio-temporal consistency aggregation
* Structured Bipartite Graph Learning method for ensemble clustering, A
* Structured multi-view k-means clustering
* Tensorized latent representation with automatic dimensionality selection for multi-view clustering
* Two-Stage Rule-Induction Visual Reasoning on RPMs with an Application to Video Prediction
* UM-CAM: Uncertainty-weighted multi-resolution class activation maps for weakly-supervised segmentation
* Uncertainty estimation in color constancy
* Unsupervised evaluation for out-of-distribution detection
38 for PR(160)
* 2D Object Acquisition Using Circular Scanning
* analysis of the effects of sample size on classification performance of a histogram based cluster analysis procedure, An
* Analysis of Three-Dimensional Motions in the Blocks World
* application of array grammars to clustering analysis for syntactic patterns, An
* Average Classification Accuracy over Collections of Gaussian Problems: Common Covariance Matrix Case
* CLADYN, A New Compressor for Numerical Color TV and Multispectral Images
* Cluster Detection in a Collection of Collinear Line Segments
* Computer linguistic analysis of line drawings
* Computer Vision Research at the University of Maryland: A 20-Year Retrospective
* Control strategies in pattern analysis
* decision theoretic approach to hierarchical classifier design, A
* Degree of Adjacency or Surroundedness
* Detection and Three-Dimensional Localization by Stereoscopic Visual Sensor and Its Application to a Robot for Picking Asparagus
* Distance Functions Defined by Variable Neighborhood Sequences
* Efficient regular grammatical inference for pattern recognition
* Encoding of Arbitrary Surfaces in 3-Dimensional Space, The
* Extraction of Lines and Regions from Grey Tone Line Drawing Images
* Feature Reduction and Unsupervised Classification Algorithm for Multispectral Data, A
* Fingerprint Pattern Classification
* Fitting Straight Lines to Point Patterns
* formulation and comparison of two linear feature selection techniques applicable to statistical classification, A
* Freedom descriptions: A way to find figures that approximate given points
* Geodesic Methods in Quantitative Image Analysis
* Geographic Information System Using Quadtrees, A
* High Accuracy Character Recognition Algorithm Using Fourier and Topological Descriptors
* Image Analysis: Problems, Progress and Prospects
* Image Database Systems: A Survey
* Image Registration by Matching Relational Structures
* Image Sequence Analysis of Real World Human Motion
* Image Sequence Analysis Using Relational Structures
* Investigation into the Skeletonization Approach of Hilditch, An
* ISOETRP: An interactive clustering algorithm with new objectives
* Iterative Hough Procedure for Three-Dimensional Object Recognition, An
* Knowledge and the Visual Process: Content, Form and Use
* Knowledge-Based Picture Understanding of Weather Charts
* Labeled Point Pattern Matching by Fuzzy Relaxation
* Linear Quadtrees: A Blocking Technique for Contour Filling
* Linear Time Algorithm for Computing the Convex Hull of an Ordered Crossing Polygon, A
* Local ordered grey levels as an aid to corner detection
* MACSYM: A Hierarchical Parallel Image Processing System for Event Driven Pattern Understanding of Documents
* Mapping the local information content of a spatial image
* Matching Three-Dimensional Objects Using a Relational Paradigm
* Matching Wire Frame Objects from Their Two Dimensional Perspective Projections
* Maximum likelihood discriminant analysis on the plane using a Markovian model of spatial context
* method of synthesis of linear discriminant function in the case of nonseparability, A
* Model for Characterizing the Motion of the Solid-Liquid Interface in Freezing Solutions, A
* Model-Based Inspection System for Component Boards
* Noise Reduction in Three-Dimensional Digital Images
* note on the justification of Landsat data transformations, A
* Optimal Algorithm for Constructing the Weighted Voronoi Diagram in the Plane, An
* Parallel and Sequential Transformations on Digital Images
* partition of N-dimensional space, using shells, The
* Pattern recognition by polynomial canonical regression
* Pattern Recognition in Highly-Integrated Circuits
* Perception of order within disorder: 1. Visual ranking of random textures
* Perimeter of a Fuzzy Set, The
* Piecewise Linear Classification Using Seniority Logic Committee Methods, with Application to Remote Sensing
* Preprocessing Method for the Contrast Enhancement of TV-Scanned Electron Microscopic Images, A
* Primary Algorithm for the Understanding of Logic Circuit Diagrams, A
* Robot Guidance Using Computer Vision
* Robot vision by a contour sensor with associative memory
* Scene Analysis Using Region-Based Constraint Filtering
* Soft clustering of multidimensional data: a semi-fuzzy approach
* Solving Camera Parameters from the Perspective Projection of a Parameterized Curve
* Some Algorithms for Image Enhancement Incorporating Human Visual Response
* Spatial Processing Algorithm to Reduce the Effects of Mixed Pixels and Increase the Separability Between Classes, A
* Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Echocardiograms Based on Orthogonal Sections
* unified approach to pattern recognition, A
* Visual Inspection Using Linear Features
* What the Fourier Transform Can Really Bring to Clustering
* Workpiece Recognition and Inspection by a Model-Based Scene Analysis System
71 for PR(17)
* Acoustic signal interpretation: Reasoning with non-specific and uncertain information
* Analysis of a Model for Parallel Image Processing
* Artificial Intelligence Approach to Pattern Recognition: A Perspective and an Overview, The
* automatic programming system for signal processing applications, An
* comparison of tests for randomness, A
* Convex Hull Algorithm for Planar Simple Polygons, A
* Deaf-and-mute sign language generation system
* Degree of Adjacency or Surroundedness
* Detection of the Movements of Persons from a Sparse Sequence of TV Images
* Determining Plane Orientation from Specular Reflectance
* Discrimination with autocorrelated observations
* Finding the Diameter of a Set of Lines
* Handwriter Identification from One-Bit Quantized Pressure Patterns
* Identification of seismic stratigraphic traps using statistical pattern recognition
* Image Processing of Seismograms: (A) Hough Transformation for the Detection of Seismic Patterns; (B) Thinning Processing in the Seismogram
* Improvements to a Recent 3D Border Algorithm
* Integrated Optical Processors in Pattern Recognition
* Iterative Fuzzy Image Segmentation
* Lattice theory approach to metastatic disease patterns in autopsied human patients: Application to metastatic neuroblastoma
* Maximum likelihood discriminant analysis on the plane using a Markovian model of spatial context
* Multidimensional attribute analysis and pattern recognition for seismic interpretation
* Natural Approach in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition: Rotating Neighbourhood Technique, Self-Adapting Threshold, Segmentation and Shape Recognition, A
* New Method for Computing Polygonal Masks In Image Processing Pipeline Architectures, A
* On constructing an expert system for contact localization and tracking
* optimal orthonormal system for discriminant analysis, An
* Parallel and Sequential Transformations on Digital Images
* Pattern Recognition in Highly-Integrated Circuits
* Perimeter of a Fuzzy Set, The
* Quad-Tree Approach to Image Segmentation Which Combines Statistical and Spatial Information, A
* Recognition of Handprinted Hebrew Characters Using Features Selected in the Hough Transform Space
* Recognition of underwater transient patterns
* relative neighborhood graph for mixed feature variables, The
* Relative neighborhood graphs in the Li-metric
* rule-based system for automatic seismic discrimination, A
* Segmentation of a Seismic Section Using Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence Techniques
* Self-learning pattern classification using a sequential clustering technique
* Shape Estimation from Topographic Primal Sketch
* Smoothed additive estimators for non-error rates in multiple discriminant analysis
* Software Laboratory for Visual Inspection and Recognition, A
* statistical approach for discrete pattern recognition: A case study in endocrine physiopathology, A
* Statistical modeling and feature selection for seismic pattern recognition
* stratificational overlapping cluster scheme, A
* Syntactic Method for Image Segmentation and Object Recognition, A
* Syntactic Pattern Recognition for the Recognition of Bright Spots
* System Organization for Parallel Image Processing, A
* Technique for Encoding Lines and Regions in Engineering Drawings, A
* Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Echocardiograms Based on Orthogonal Sections
* Using probabilities in analyzing two dimensional spatial patterns
48 for PR(18)
* Adaptive Pattern Analysis System for Isolating EMI, An
* Algorithm partition and parallel recognition of general context-free languages using fixed-size VLSI architecture
* Application of entropic measures of stochastic dependence in pattern recognition
* Asymptotic error rates of the W and Z statistics when the training observations are dependent
* attribute grammar for QRS detection, An
* Avoiding explosive search in automatic selection of simplest pattern codes
* Bayes classification rule for the general discrete case
* Boundary Localization in an Image Pyramid
* Classifying and validating intermittent EEG patterns with syntactic methods
* Comment on an Investigation into the Skeletonization Approach of Hilditch, A
* Computing relative neighbourhood graphs in the plane
* Determining Motion Parameters Using Intensity Guided Range Sensing
* Development Tools for a Model Directed Workpiece Recognition System
* Direct parsing
* Distances Defined By Neighborhood Sequences
* Experiments in dynamic programming inference of Markov networks with strings representing speech data
* Eye movement analysis system using fundus images
* Features selection and 'possibility theory'
* Finding The Convex Hull Of A Simple Polygon In Linear Time
* Fingerprint Identification Using Graph Matching
* Fuzzy C-Means: Optimality of solutions and effective termination of the algorithm
* Heuristic Approach to Handwritten Numeral Recognition
* High speed error correction of phoneme sequences
* In Response to A Comment on an Investigation into the Skeletonization Approach of Hilditch
* Labeled Point Pattern Matching by Delaunay Triangulation and Maximal Cliques
* Linear discrimination with symmetrical models
* Local convergence of the fuzzy c-Means algorithms
* Matrix method for finding sets of contiguous non-zero elements in a 2-dimensional array
* Minimum Error Thresholding
* Monte Carlo comparison of six hierarchical clustering methods on random data
* Multivariate data representation and analysis by face pattern using facial expression characteristics
* New Approach to Robot Location by House Corners, A
* Noise Filtering in Digital Images and Approximation Theory
* Nonparametric Tests for Edge Detection in Noise
* Note On Convex Hull Algorithms, A
* Online Hand-Sketched Figure Recognition
* Overview of Character Recognition Methodologies, An
* Piecewise Linear Mapping Functions for Image Registration
* Pigeons and perceptrons
* Precompilation of Syntactical Descriptions and Knowledge Directed Analysis of Patterns
* pyramidal approach for the recognition of neurons using key features, A
* Rapid Recognition of Object Outlines in Reduced Resolution Images
* Recognition of Isolated and Simply Connected Handwritten Numerals
* Region Adjacency and Its Application to Object Detection
* Remarks on some statistical properties of the minimum spanning forest
* Shape Grammar Compilers
* Surface Reconstruction and Representation of 3-D Scenes
* Syntactic ECG processing: A review
* syntactic method for analysis of saccadic eye movements, A
* Synthesis of a Road Image as Seen from a Vehicle
* T-recognition of T-languages, a new approach to describe and program the parallel pattern recognition capabilities of d-dimensional tessellation structures
* Tree classifier design with a permutation statistic
* Two hierarchies associated with each clustering scheme
53 for PR(19)