Update Dates 1008

1008 * *3D Information Extraction for Video Analysis and Mining
* *Advancing Computer Vision with Humans in the Loop
* *Applications of Computer Vision in Archaeology
* *Biometrics
* *Close Range Image Measurement Techniques
* *Computer Vision Applications for the Visually Impaired CVAVI
* *Computer Vision for Computer Games
* *Computer Vision for Human-Robot Interaction
* *Embedded Computer Vision
* *International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures
* *International Workshop on Mobile Vision
* *Online Learning for Computer Vision Workshop
* *Projector-Camera Systems
* *Search in 3D and Video
* *Socially Intelligent Surveillance and Monitoring
* *Structured Models in Computer Vision
* *Workshop on Camera Networks
* *Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis
* *Workshop on Non-Rigid Shape Analysis and Deformable Image Alignment
* *Workshop on Perceptual Organization in Computer Vision
* 2:1 Candidate Position Subsampling Technique for Fast Optimal Motion Estimation
* 2D building change detection from high resolution satelliteimagery: A two-step hierarchical method based on 3D invariant primitives
* 2D Shape Recognition Using Information Theoretic Kernels
* 2LDA: Segmentation for Recognition
* 3D Active Shape Model for Automatic Facial Landmark Location Trained with Automatically Generated Landmark Points
* 3D Articulated Shape Segmentation Using Motion Information
* 3D Cell Nuclei Fluorescence Quantification Using Sliding Band Filter
* 3D Contour Model Creation for Stereo-Vision Systems
* 3D Deformable Surfaces with Locally Self-Adjusting Parameters: A Robust Method to Determine Cell Nucleus Shapes
* 3D Face Decomposition and Region Selection Against Expression Variations
* 3D Face Recognition by Deforming the Normal Face
* 3D Face Reconstruction Using a Single or Multiple Views
* 3D Filtering for Injury Detection in Brain MRI
* 3D Geometry-Based Quantification of Colocalizations in Multichannel 3D Microscopy Images of Human Soft Tissue Tumors
* 3D Human Body Modeling Using Range Data
* 3D Human Pose Estimation by an Annealed Two-Stage Inference Method
* 3D Human Pose Reconstruction Using Millions of Exemplars
* 3D Model Based Vehicle Tracking Using Gradient Based Fitness Evaluation under Particle Filter Framework
* 3D Model Comparison through Kernel Density Matching
* 3D Reconstruction of Tumors for Applications in Laparoscopy Using Conformal Geometric Algebra
* 3D Vertebrae Segmentation in CT Images with Random Noises
* 3D Vertebral Body Segmentation Using Shape Based Graph Cuts
* 3D-Shape Retrieval Using Curves and HMM
* Abandoned Objects Detection Using Double Illumination Invariant Foreground Masks
* Abnormal Traffic Detection Using Intelligent Driver Model
* Accurate Dense Stereo by Constraining Local Consistency on Superpixels
* Acoustoseismic Method for Buried-Object Detection by Means of Surface-Acceleration Measurements and Audio Facilities
* Action and Gait Recognition From Recovered 3-D Human Joints
* Action Detection in Crowded Videos Using Masks
* Action Recognition by Multiple Features and Hyper-Sphere Multi-class SVM
* Action Recognition in Video by Sparse Representation on Covariance Manifolds of Silhouette Tunnels
* Action Recognition in Videos Using Nonnegative Tensor Factorization
* Action Recognition Using Direction Models of Motion
* Action Recognition Using Space-Time Shape Difference Images
* Action Recognition Using Spatial-Temporal Context
* Action Recognition Using Three-Way Cross-Correlations Feature of Local Moton Attributes
* Active Boosting for Interactive Object Retrieval
* Active Calibration of Camera-Projector Systems Based on Planar Homography
* active contour algorithm for spectrogram track detection, An
* Active Contours with Thresholding Value for Image Segmentation
* Active Testing for Face Detection and Localization
* Actual Midline Estimation from Brain CT Scan Using Multiple Regions Shape Matching
* AdaMKL: A Novel Biconvex Multiple Kernel Learning Approach
* Adapting Information Theoretic Clustering to Binary Images
* Adaptive 2-D Wavelet Transform Based on the Lifting Scheme With Preserved Vanishing Moments
* Adaptive algorithms and networks for optimal feature extraction from Gaussian data
* Adaptive Color Curve Models for Image Matting
* Adaptive Color Feature Extraction Based on Image Color Distributions
* Adaptive Color Independent Components Based SIFT Descriptors for Image Classification
* Adaptive Depth-Map Coding for 3D-Video
* Adaptive Diffusion Flow for Parametric Active Contours
* Adaptive Enhancement with Speckle Reduction for SAR Images Using Mirror-Extended Curvelet and PSO
* Adaptive Feature and Score Level Fusion Strategy Using Genetic Algorithms
* Adaptive Image Projection onto Non-planar Screen Using Projector-Camera Systems
* Adaptive Incremental Learning with an Ensemble of Support Vector Machines
* Adaptive Langevin Sampler for Separation of t-Distribution Modelled Astrophysical Maps
* Adaptive Method for Efficient Detection of Salient Visual Object from Color Images, An
* Adaptive Motion Model for Human Tracking Using Particle Filter
* Adaptive Script-Independent Block-Based Text Line Extraction, An
* Adaptive shadow estimator for removing shadow of moving object
* Adaptive True Motion Estimation Algorithm for Frame Rate Conversion of High Definition Video, An
* Adaptive Zero-Coefficient Distribution Scan for Inter Block Mode Coding of H.264/AVC
* Adding Affine Invariant Geometric Constraint for Partial-Duplicate Image Retrieval
* Adding Classes Online in Error Correcting Output Codes Framework
* Advanced Directional Mathematical Morphology for the Detection of the Road Network in Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Aesthetic Image Classification for Autonomous Agents
* Age Classification Base on Gait Using HMM
* Age Recognition in the Wild
* Aggregation of Probabilistic PCA Mixtures with a Variational-Bayes Technique Over Parameters
* AISIR: Automated inter-sensor/inter-band satellite image registration using robust complex wavelet feature representations
* Alignment-Based Similarity of People Trajectories Using Semi-directional Statistics
* American Sign Language Phrase Verification in an Educational Game for Deaf Children
* Analysis and Adaptation of Integration Time in PMD Camera for Visual Servoing
* Analysis of Fingerprint Pores for Vitality Detection
* Analysis of Local Features for Handwritten Character Recognition
* Analysis of unsupervised learning techniques for face recognition
* Analytical evaluation of term weighting schemes for text categorization
* Anatomically Corresponded Regional Analysis of Cartilage in Asymptomatic and Osteoarthritic Knees by Statistical Shape Modelling of the Bone
* Angular Variation as a Monocular Cue for Spatial Perception
* Anisotropic Contour Completion for Cell Microinjection Targeting
* Anisotropic diffusion for effective shape corner point detection
* Annealed SMC Samplers for Dirichlet Process Mixture Models
* Anomaly Detection for Longwave FLIR Imagery Using Kernel Wavelet-RX
* AP-Based Consensus Clustering for Gene Expression Time Series
* Appearance Control Using Projection with Model Predictive Control
* Applications of a Simple Characterization of Human Gait in Surveillance
* Applications of Grid Pattern Matching to the Detection of Buried Landmines
* Applying Dissimilarity Representation to Off-Line Signature Verification
* Applying Error-Correcting Output Coding to Enhance Convolutional Neural Network for Target Detection and Pattern Recognition
* approach based on self-organizing map and fuzzy membership for decomposition of mixed pixels in hyperspectral imagery, An
* Approach for Recognizing Text Labels in Raster Maps, An
* Approximate Belief Propagation by Hierarchical Averaging of Outgoing Messages
* AR-PCA-HMM Approach for Sensorimotor Task Classification in EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces
* Arbitrary Stereoscopic View Generation Using Multiple Omnidirectional Image Sequences
* Are Correlation Filters Useful for Human Action Recognition?
* ARImp: A Generalized Adjusted Rand Index for Cluster Ensembles
* Articulated Human Body: 3D Pose Estimation Using a Single Camera
* Artificial neural networks capable of learning spatiotemporal chemical diffusion in the cortical brain
* Aspect coherence for graph-based semantic image labelling
* Assessing Water Quality by Video Monitoring Fish Swimming Behavior
* Asymmetric Generalized Gaussian Mixture Models and EM Algorithm for Image Segmentation
* Attacking Iris Recognition: An Efficient Hill-Climbing Technique
* AUC-based Combination of Dichotomizers: Is Whole Maximization also Effective for Partial Maximization?
* Audio-Visual Classification and Fusion of Spontaneous Affective Data in Likelihood Space
* Audio-Visual Data Fusion Using a Particle Filter in the Application of Face Recognition
* Auditory Features Revisited for Robust Speech Recognition
* Augmented Reality Setup with an Omnidirectional Camera Based on Multiple Object Detection, An
* Auto-Context and Its Application to High-Level Vision Tasks and 3D Brain Image Segmentation
* Automated Cell Phase Classification for Zebrafish Fluorescence Microscope Images
* Automated Cephalometric Landmark Identification Using Shape and Local Appearance Models
* Automated Detection of Nucleoplasmic Bridges for DNA Damage Scoring in Binucleated Cells
* Automated Feature Weighting in Fuzzy Declustering-based Vector Quantization
* Automated Gland Segmentation and Classification for Gleason Grading of Prostate Tissue Images
* Automated Polar Ice Thickness Estimation From Radar Imagery
* Automated Quality Assurance for Document Logical Analysis
* Automated Tracking of the Carotid Artery in Ultrasound Image Sequences Using a Self Organizing Neural Network
* Automated Tracking of Vesicles in Phase Contrast Microscopy Images
* Automatic 3D Facial Expression Recognition Based on a Bayesian Belief Net and a Statistical Facial Feature Model
* Automatic Asymmetric 3D-2D Face Recognition
* Automatic Attribute Threshold Selection for Blood Vessel Enhancement
* Automatic Building Detection in Aerial Images Using a Hierarchical Feature Based Image Segmentation
* Automatic Composition of an Informative Wide-View Image from Video
* Automatic configuration of spectral dimensionality reduction methods
* Automatic Detection and Localization of Natural Scene Text in Video
* Automatic detection and recognition of Korean text in outdoor signboard images
* Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Focal Liver Lesions in Contrast Enhanced CT Images
* Automatic Detection of Phishing Target from Phishing Webpage
* Automatic Diagnosis of Masses by Using Level set Segmentation and Shape Description
* Automatic Discrimination between Confusing Classes with Writing Styles Verification in Arabic Handwritten Numeral Recognition
* Automatic eye detection using intensity filtering and K-means clustering
* Automatic Face Replacement in Video Based on 2D Morphable Model
* Automatic Facial Action Detection Using Histogram Variation Between Emotional States
* Automatic Facial Expression Recognition Based on Pixel-Pattern-Based Texture Feature
* Automatic Frequency Band Selection for Illumination Robust Face Recognition
* Automatic Fuzzy Clustering Using Modified Differential Evolution for Image Classification
* Automatic Gender Recognition Using Fusion of Facial Strips
* Automatic Hair Detection in the Wild
* Automatic Location of Facial Feature Points and Synthesis of Facial Sketches Using Direct Combined Model
* Automatic Music Genre Classification Using Bass Lines
* Automatic Pathology Annotation on Medical Images: A Statistical Machine Translation Framework
* Automatic Pronunciation Transliteration for Chinese-English Mixed Language Keyword Spotting
* Automatic Refinement of Foreground Regions for Robot Trail Following
* Automatic Restoration of Scratch in Old Archive
* Automatic Selection of Keyframes from Angiogram Videos
* Automatic vehicle extraction from airborne LiDAR data of urban areas aided by geodesic morphology
* Automatic Weak Calibration of Master-Slave Surveillance System Based on Mosaic Image
* Automatically Detecting Peaks in Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy
* Baby-Posture Classification from Pressure-Sensor Data
* Background Filtering for Improving of Object Detection in Images
* Background Modeling by Combining Joint Intensity Histogram with Time-sequential Data
* Bag of Characters and SOM Clustering for Script Recognition and Writer Identification
* Bag of Features Tracking
* Bag of Hierarchical Co-occurrence Features for Image Classification
* Bag-of-Pages Approach to Unordered Multi-page Document Classification, A
* Balanced Accuracy and Its Posterior Distribution, The
* Bangla and English City Name Recognition for Indian Postal Automation
* Baseline Dependent Approach for Persian Handwritten Character Segmentation, A
* Bayesian Approach to Face Hallucination Using DLPP and KRR, A
* Bayesian Framework for Image Segmentation With Spatially Varying Mixtures, A
* Bayesian GOETHE Tracking
* Bayesian Inference for Nonnegative Matrix Factor Deconvolution Models
* Bayesian Networks for Predicting IVF Blastocyst Development
* Bayesian Networks Learning Algorithms for Online Form Classification
* Benchmarking Local Orientation Extraction in Fingerprint Recognition
* Beyond Near Duplicates: Learning Hash Codes for Efficient Similar-Image Retrieval
* Bhattacharyya Clustering with Applications to Mixture Simplifications
* Bi-modal Handwritten Text Corpus: Baseline Results, A
* Bi-modal Handwritten Text Recognition (BiHTR) ICPR 2010 Contest Report
* Bias-Variance Analysis of Bootstrapped Class-Separability Weighting for Error-Correcting Output Code Ensembles, A
* Biclustering of Expression Microarray Data with Topic Models
* Bidirectional Composition on Lie Groups for Gradient-Based Image Alignment
* Bilinear Lanczos components for fast dimensionality reduction and feature extraction
* Binarization of Color Characters in Scene Images Using k-means Clustering and Support Vector Machines
* Binary Discriminant Analysis for Face Template Protection
* Binary Representations of Fingerprint Spectral Minutiae Features
* Binormal Assumption on Precision-Recall Curves, The
* Biohashing for Securing Minutiae Template
* Biologically-Inspired Top-Down Learning Model Based on Visual Attention, A
* Bit Allocation for Spatial Scalability Coding of H.264/SVC With Dependent Rate-Distortion Analysis
* Blind Audiovisual Source Separation Based on Sparse Redundant Representations
* Blind Wavelet Based Logo Watermarking Resisting to Cropping
* Block Pyramid Based Adaptive Quantization Watermarking for Multimodal Biometric Authentication
* Body Motion Analysis for Multi-modal Identity Verification
* Boolean Combination of Classifiers in the ROC Space
* Boosted Edge Orientation Histograms for Grasping Point Detection
* Boosted Multiple Kernel Learning for Scene Category Recognition
* Boosted Sigma Set for Pedestrian Detection
* Boosting Alzheimer Disease Diagnosis Using PET Images
* Boosting Bayesian MAP Classification
* Boosting Clusters of Samples for Sequence Matching in Camera Networks
* Boosting Gray Codes for Red Eyes Removal
* Boosting Incremental Semi-supervised Discriminant Analysis for Tracking
* Bound on the Performance of LDA in Randomly Projected Data Spaces, A
* Bounding-Box Based Segmentation with Single Min-cut Using Distant Pixel Similarity
* Brain Computer Interface for Communication Using Real-Time fMRI, A
* Brain-Computer Interface for Mental Arithmetic Task from Single-Trial Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Brain Signals, A
* Bridging the Semantic Gap Between Image Contents and Tags
* Bubble Tag Identification Using an Invariant-Under-Perspective Signature
* Building a Videorama with Shallow Depth of Field
* Building detection from high-resolution PolSAR data at the rectangle level by combining region and edge information
* Building Detection in a Single Remotely Sensed Image with a Point Process of Rectangles
* Calibration Method for Line Structured Light Vision Sensor Based on Vanish Points and Lines
* Calibration-Free Head Gesture Recognition System with Online Capability, A
* call-independent and automatic acoustic system for the individual recognition of animals: A novel model using four passerines, A
* Camera Scheduling and Energy Allocation for Lifetime Maximization in User-Centric Visual Sensor Networks
* Can Motion Segmentation Improve Patch-Based Object Recognition?
* Cancelable Face Recognition Using Random Multiplicative Transform
* Canonical Image Selection by Visual Context Learning
* Canonical Patterns of Oriented Topologies
* Cascaded Background Subtraction Using Block-Based and Pixel-Based Codebooks
* Cascaded Segmentation of Grained Cell Tissue with Active Contour Models
* Cauchy-Density-Based Basic Unit Layer Rate Controller for H.264/AVC
* CDP Mixture Models for Data Clustering
* Cell Nuclei and Cytoplasm Joint Segmentation Using the Sliding Band Filter
* Cell Tracking in Video Microscopy Using Bipartite Graph Matching
* Characterising Facial Gender Difference Using Fisher-Rao Metric
* Circularity Measuring in Linear Time
* Classification of Near-Duplicate Video Segments Based on Their Appearance Patterns
* Classification of Polarimetric SAR Images Using Evolutionary RBF Networks
* Classification of Volcano Events Observed by Multiple Seismic Stations
* Classification Scheme for Lymphocyte Segmentation in H&E Stained Histology Images, A
* Classifying Textile Designs Using Bags of Shapes
* Classifying Three-way Seismic Volcanic Data by Dissimilarity Representation
* Classifying transformation-variant attributed point patterns
* Cluster Preserving Embedding
* Cluster-Pairwise Discriminant Analysis
* Clustering Face Carvings: Exploring the Devatas of Angkor Wat
* Co-recognition of Actions in Video Pairs
* Coarse Scale Feature Extraction Using the Spiral Architecture Structure
* Coarse-To-Fine Multiclass Nested Cascades for Object Detection
* Coarse-to-Fine Particle Filter by Implicit Motion Estimation for 3D Head Tracking on Mobile Devices
* Coding Order Decision of B Frames for Rate-Distortion Performance Improvement in Single-View Video and Multiview Video Coding
* Color Adjacency Modeling for Improved Image and Video Segmentation
* Color Analysis for Segmenting Digestive Organs in VCE
* Color Connectedness Degree for Mean-Shift Tracking
* Color Constancy Using Standard Deviation of Color Channels
* Color Feature Based Approach for Determining Ink Age in Printed Documents
* Color Image Analysis by Quaternion Zernike Moments
* Color Invariant Based Binary Coded Structured Light Range Scanner for Shiny Objects, A
* Color to Gray: Visual Cue Preservation
* Colour Constant Image Sharpening
* Column Generation Approach for the Graph Matching Problem, A
* Combination of Symmetric Hash Functions for Secure Fingerprint Matching
* Combined Self-Configuring Method for Object Tracking in Colour Video, A
* Combined Top-Down/Bottom-Up Human Articulated Pose Estimation Using AdaBoost Learning
* Combining discrete SVM and fixed cardinality warping distances for multivariate time series classification
* Combining Force Histogram and Discrete Lines to Extract Dashed Lines
* Combining Foreground / Background Feature Points and Anisotropic Mean Shift For Enhanced Visual Object Tracking
* Combining Geometry and Local Appearance for Object Detection
* Combining Image Invariant Features and Clustering Techniques for Visual Place Classification
* Combining Monocular and Stereo Cues for Mobile Robot Localization Using Visual Words
* Combining monoSLAM with object recognition for scene augmentation using a wearable camera
* Combining Real and Virtual Graphs to Enhance Data Clustering
* Combining Single Class Features for Improving Performance of a Two Stage Classifier
* Combining Spatial and Temporal Information for Gait Based Gender Classification
* Combining Spectral and Spatial Features for Robust Foreground-Background Separation
* Combining the Likelihood and the Kullback-Leibler Distance in Estimating the Universal Background Model for Speaker Verification Using SVM
* Comments on 'Staircase effect alleviation by coupling gradient fidelity term'
* Comments on An Analog 2-D DCT Processor
* Comparative Analysis for Detecting Objects Under Cast Shadows in Video Images
* Comparative Study of Facial Landmark Localization Methods for Face Recognition Using HOG descriptors, A
* Comparative Study on the Use of an Ensemble of Feature Extractors for the Automatic Design of Local Image Descriptors, A
* Comparing Multiple Classifiers for Speech-Based Detection of Self-Confidence: A Pilot Study
* Comparing Several Techniques for Offline Recognition of Printed Mathematical Symbols
* Comparison of Multidimensional Data Access Methods for Feature-Based Image Retrieval
* Comparison of Posterior Cramer-Rao Bounds for Point and Extended Target Tracking, A
* Comparison of Syllable/Phone HMM Based Mandarin TTS
* Comparison of Three Image Fidelity Metrics of Different Computational Principles for JPEG2000 Compressed Abdomen CT Images, A
* comparison study on multiple binary-class SVM methods for unilabel text categorization, A
* Component Identification in the 3D Model of a Building
* composite kernel for named entity recognition, A
* Compound MRF Texture Model, A
* Comprehensive Evaluation on Non-deterministic Motion Estimation, A
* Compressing Sparse Feature Vectors Using Random Ortho-Projections
* Compressive Sampling Recovery for Natural Images
* Computationally Efficient Maximum Likelihood Sequence Estimation and Activity Detection for M-PSK Signals in Unknown Flat Fading Channels
* Computer Assisted Transcription of Text Images: Results on the GERMANA Corpus and Analysis of Improvements Needed for Practical Use
* Computer-Aided Method for Scoliosis Fusion Level Selection by a Topologicaly Ordered Self Organizing Kohonen Network, A
* Computing the Barycenter Graph by Means of the Graph Edit Distance
* Conductance Electrical Model for Representing and Matching Weighted Undirected Graphs, A
* Confidence Weighted Subspace Projection Techniques for Robust Face Recognition in the Presence of Partial Occlusions
* Connected Component Trees for Multivariate Image Processing and Applications in Astronomy
* Consensus Network Based Hypotheses Combination for Arabic Offline Handwriting Recognition
* Consistent Estimator of Median and Mean Graph
* Constant Average Time Algorithm to Allow Insertions in the LAESA Fast Nearest Neighbour Search Index, A
* Constant Bit-Rate Multi-Stage Rate Control for Rate-Distortion Optimized H.264/AVC Encoders
* Constrained Energy Minimization for Matching-Based Image Recognition
* Construction of Precise Local Affine Frames
* Contact Lens Detection Based on Weighted LBP
* Content Adaptive Hash Lookups for Near-Duplicate Image Search by Full or Partial Image Queries
* Content Spotting System for Line Drawing Graphic Document Images, A
* Content-Adaptive Automatic Image Sharpening
* Content-Based Dynamic Threshold Method for Real-Time Keyframe Selecting
* Content-partitioned structural similarity index for image quality assessment
* Context Inspired Pedestrian Detection in Far-Field Videos
* Contextual Features for Head Pose Estimation in Football Games
* Contextual Internet Multimedia Advertising
* Continuous Markov Random Field Optimization Using Fusion Move Driven Markov Chain Monte Carlo Technique
* Continuous wavelet transform for time-varying motion extraction
* Cost-Sensitive Face Recognition
* Counting Lymphocytes in Histopathology Images Using Connected Components
* Counting Moving People in Videos by Salient Points Detection
* Counting Vehicles in Highway Surveillance Videos
* Coupled Prediction Classification for Robust Visual Tracking
* Covariate Shift Minimisation Method to Alleviate Non-stationarity Effects for an Adaptive Brain-Computer Interface, A
* Creating diverse nearest-neighbour ensembles using simultaneous metaheuristic feature selection
* Cross Entropy Optimization of the Random Set Framework for Multiple Instance Learning
* Cross-Age Face Recognition on a Very Large Database: The Performance versus Age Intervals and Improvement Using Soft Biometric Traits
* Cross-Spectral Face Verification in the Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) Band
* Crossmodal Matching of Speakers Using Lip and Voice Features in Temporally Non-overlapping Audio and Video Streams
* Crowd Motion Analysis Using Linear Cyclic Pursuit
* CUDA Implementation of Deformable Pattern Recognition and its Application to MNIST Handwritten Digit Database
* Data Classification on Multiple Manifolds
* Data hiding in halftone images with secret-shared dot diffusion
* Data Transformation of the Histogram Feature in Object Detection
* Data-Driven Foreground Object Detection from a Non-stationary Camera
* Data-Driven Lung Nodule Models for Robust Nodule Detection in Chest CT
* De-ghosting for Image Stitching with Automatic Content-Awareness
* De-noising of SRµCT Fiber Images by Total Variation Minimization
* Deblocking filtering method using a perceptual map
* Decision Fusion for Patch-Based Face Recognition
* Decision Trees for Fast Thinning Algorithms
* Decoding Finger Flexion from Electrocorticographic Signals Using a Sparse Gaussian Process
* Decomposition Methods and Learning Approaches for Imbalanced Dataset: An Experimental Integration
* Decomposition of Dynamic Textures Using Morphological Component Analysis: A New Adaptative Strategy
* Deep Belief Networks for Real-Time Extraction of Tongue Contours from Ultrasound During Speech
* Deep Quantum Networks for Classification
* Degradation of iris recognition performance due to non-cosmetic prescription contact lenses
* Degraded Character Recognition by Image Quality Evaluation
* Demosaicking by Alternating Projections: Theory and Fast One-Step Implementation
* Dense Sampling Low-Level Statistics of Local Features
* Dense Structure Inference for Object Classification in Aerial LIDAR Dataset
* Depth Perception Model Based on Fixational Eye Movements Using Bayesian Statistical Inference
* Design of Hierarchical Fuzzy Classification System Based on Statistical Characteristics of Data
* Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a Real-Time P300-based Brain-Computer Interface System
* Designing a Pattern Stabilization Method Using Scleral Blood Vessels for Laser Eye Surgery
* Detect Visual Spoofing in Unicode-Based Text
* Detecting Abandoned Objects With a Moving Camera
* Detecting Altered Fingerprints
* Detecting Dominant Motion Flows in Unstructured/Structured Crowd Scenes
* Detecting Faint Compact Sources Using Local Features and a Boosting Approach
* Detecting Group Turn Patterns in Conversations Using Audio-Video Change Scale-Space
* Detecting Human Activity Profiles with Dirichlet Enhanced Inhomogeneous Poisson Processes
* Detecting Moving Objects Using a Camera on a Moving Platform
* Detecting Paper Fibre Cross Sections in Microtomy Images
* Detecting Screen Shot Images within Large-Scale Video Archive
* Detecting Vorticity in Optical Flow of Fluids
* Detecting Wires in Cluttered Urban Scenes Using a Gaussian Model
* Detection and Characterization of Anomalous Entities in Social Communication Networks
* Detection and Restoration of Defective Lines in the SPOT 4 SWIR Band
* Detection Based Low Frame Rate Human Tracking
* Detection of Concept Frames Using Clustering Multi-instance Learning, The
* Detection of Dynamic Structures of Speech Fundamental Frequency in Tonal Languages
* Detection of Moving Objects with Removal of Cast Shadows and Periodic Changes Using Stereo Vision
* Detection of Salient Image Points Using Principal Subspace Manifold Structure
* Detection of Shapes in 2D Point Clouds Generated from Images
* Detection of Visual Concepts and Annotation of Images Using Ensembles of Trees for Hierarchical Multi-Label Classification
* Determinant and Exchange Algorithms for Observation Subset Selection
* Determining Both Surface Position and Orientation in Structured-Light-Based Sensing
* Development of a High-Definition and Multispectral Image Capturing System for Digital Archiving of Early Modern Tapestries of Kyoto Gion Festival
* Development of Recognition Engine for Baby Faces
* Different non-linear diffusion filters combined with triangle method used for noise removal from polygonal shapes
* Differential Area Profiles
* Differential Morphological Decomposition Segmentation: A Multi-Scale Object Based Image Description
* Diffusion-Based Face Selective Smoothing in DCT Domain to Illumination Invariant Face Recognition
* Dimension-Decoupled Gaussian Mixture Model for Short Utterance Speaker Recognition
* Dimensionality Reduction by Minimal Distance Maximization
* Dimensionality Reduction for Distributed Vision Systems Using Random Projection
* Direct Printability Prediction in VLSI Using Features from Orthogonal Transforms
* Directed Random Subspace Method for Face Recognition
* Discrete Labelling Approach to Attributed Graph Matching Using SIFT Features, A
* Discriminant and Invariant Color Model for Tracking under Abrupt Illumination Changes
* Discriminant Feature Manifold for Facial Aging Estimation
* Discriminating Intended Human Objects in Consumer Videos
* Discrimination of Moderate and Acute Drowsiness Based on Spontaneous Facial Expressions
* Discriminative and Heteroscedastic Linear Feature Transformation for Multiclass Classification, A
* Discriminative Basis Selection Using Non-negative Matrix Factorization
* Discriminative Level Set for Contour Tracking
* Discriminative Model for Object Representation and Detection via Sparse Features, A
* Discriminative Prototype Learning in Open Set Face Recognition
* Disparity Map Refinement for Video Based Scene Change Detection Using a Mobile Stereo Camera Platform
* Distinguishing Patients with Gastritis and Cholecystitis from the Healthy by Analyzing Wrist Radial Arterial Doppler Blood Flow Signals
* Distributed Consensus on Camera Pose
* document binarization method based on connected operators, A
* Document Image Retrieval Using Feature Combination in Kernel Space
* Document Logo Detection and Recognition Using Bayesian Model
* Document Segmentation Using Pixel-Accurate Ground Truth
* Driver Body-Height Prediction for an Ergonomically Optimized Ingress Using a Single Omnidirectional Camera
* Dual Channel Colocalization for Cell Cycle Analysis Using 3D Confocal Microscopy
* Dual Gait Generative Models for Human Motion Estimation From a Single Camera
* Dual Pass Video Stabilization System Using Iterative Motion Estimation and Adaptive Motion Smoothing, A
* Dynamic Amelioration of Resolution Mismatches for Local Feature Based Identity Inference
* Dynamic Hand Pose Recognition Using Depth Data
* Dynamic Hybrid Algorithms for MAP Inference in Discrete MRFs
* Dynamic Search Range Algorithm for Stabilized Reduction of Memory Traffic in Video Encoder, A
* DynTex: A comprehensive database of dynamic textures
* Dyslexia Diagnostics by Centerline-Based Shape Analysis of the Corpus Callosum
* Edge Based Binarization for Video Text Images
* Edge Drawing: A Heuristic Approach to Robust Real-Time Edge Detection
* Edge Preserving Image Denoising in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces
* EEG-based Emotion Recognition Using Self-Organizing Map for Boundary Detection
* EEG-based Personal Identification: from Proof-of-Concept to A Practical System
* Effective Decentralized Nonparametric Quickest Detection Approach, An
* Effective Dimensionality Reduction Based on Support Vector Machine
* Effective Multi-level Image Representation for Image Categorization
* Effective Structure-from-Motion for Hybrid Camera Systems
* Effects of Radiometry on the Accuracy of Intensity Based Registration, The
* Efficient 3D Upper Body Tracking with Self-Occlusions
* Efficient Active Constraint Selection Algorithm for Clustering, An
* Efficient and Robust Algorithm for Shape Indexing and Retrieval, An
* Efficient and Stable Algorithm for Learning Rotations, An
* Efficient Depth Compression Based on Partial Surface for 3-D Object Represented by Layered Depth Image
* Efficient Encoding of n-D Combinatorial Pyramids
* Efficient Facial Attribute Recognition with a Spatial Codebook
* Efficient Finger Vein Localization and Recognition
* Efficient Kernel Learning from Constraints and Unlabeled Data
* Efficient Learning to Label Images
* Efficient Method for Offline Text Independent Writer Identification, An
* Efficient nearest neighbor query based on extended B+-tree in high-dimensional space
* Efficient Object Detection and Matching Using Feature Classification
* Efficient Particle Filtering via Sparse Kernel Density Estimation
* Efficient Polygonal Approximation of Digital Curves via Monte Carlo Optimization
* Efficient Priority-Based Reference Frame Selection Method for Fast Motion Estimation in H.264/AVC, An
* Efficient Quantitative Information Extraction from PCR-RFLP Gel Electrophoresis Images
* Efficient Semantic Indexing for Image Retrieval
* Efficient Sequential Correspondence Selection by Cosegmentation
* Efficient Shape Retrieval Under Partial Matching
* Efficient Staff Removal Approach from Printed Musical Documents, An
* Efficiently Computing Optimal Consensus of Digital Line Fitting
* Eigenbubbles: An Enhanced Apparent BRDF Representation
* EKF-SLAM and Machine Learning Techniques for Visual Robot Navigation
* Emotional Model for a Guide Robot, An
* Emotional Speech Classification Based on Multi View Characterization
* Empirical Study of Feature Extraction Methods for Audio Classification, An
* Employing Decoding of Specific Error Correcting Codes as a New Classification Criterion in Multiclass Learning Problems
* Encoding Actions via Quantized Vocabulary of Averaged Silhouettes
* Endoscopic Image Classification Using Edge-Based Features
* Enhanced Measurement Model for Subspace-Based Tracking
* Enhancement of Coupled Multichannel Images Using Sparsity Constraints
* Enhancing Image Classification with Class-wise Clustered Vocabularies
* Enhancing SVM Active Learning for Image Retrieval Using Semi-supervised Bias-Ensemble
* Enhancing the Filtering-Out of the Back-to-Front Interference in Color Documents with a Neural Classifier
* Ensemble Clustering via Random Walker Consensus Strategy
* Ensemble Discriminant Sparse Projections Applied to Music Genre Classification
* Ensemble of Classifiers Approach to Steganalysis, An
* Entropy Estimation and Multi-Dimensional Scale Saliency
* Entropy of Feature Point-Based Retina Templates
* Epipolar-Based Stereo Tracking Without Explicit 3D Reconstruction
* Estimating 3D Human Pose from Single Images Using Iterative Refinement of the Prior
* Estimating Apparent Motion on Satellite Acquisitions with a Physical Dynamic Model
* Estimating Nonrigid Shape Deformation Using Moments
* Estimating Relative Camera Motion from the Antipodal-Epipolar Constraint
* Estimation of a dense velocity field based on the statistics of dynamic speckle
* Estimation of Diffusion Properties in Crossing Fiber Bundles
* Estimation of Fingerprint Orientation Field by Weighted 2D Fourier Expansion Model
* Estimation of Non-rigid Surface Deformation Using Developable Surface Model
* Evaluating Color Descriptors for Object and Scene Recognition
* Evaluation of a New Point Clouds Registration Method Based on Group Averaging Features
* Evaluation of Aerial Remote Sensing Techniques for Vegetation Management in Power-Line Corridors
* Evaluation of Multi-frame Fusion Based Face Classification Under Shadow
* Event Recognition Based on Top-Down Motion Attention
* Evolving Fuzzy Classifiers: Application to Incremental Learning of Handwritten Gesture Recognition Systems
* Expectation Propagation for microarray data classification
* Experimental Study of Image Components and Data Metrics for Illumination-Robust Variational Optical Flow, An
* Exploiting Combined Multi-level Model for Document Sentiment Analysis
* Exploiting Quasiperiodicity in Motion Correction of Free-Breathing Myocardial Perfusion MRI
* Exploiting System Knowledge to Improve ECOC Reject Rules
* Exploiting Transitivity of Correlation for Fast Template Matching
* Exploiting Visual Quasi-periodicity for Automated Chewing Event Detection Using Active Appearance Models and Support Vector Machines
* Exploration Scheme for Large Images: Application to Breast Cancer Grading, An
* Exploring Pattern Selection Strategies for Fast Neural Network Training
* Exposing Digital Image Forgeries by Using Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Extended Locality Preserving Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition
* Extended Multiple View Geometry for Lights and Cameras from Photometric and Geometric Constraints
* Extending Fast Marching Method under Point Light Source Illumination and Perspective Projection
* Extracting Captions in Complex Background from Videos
* Extracting Key Sub-trajectory Features for Supervised Tactic Detection in Sports Video
* Extracting Multiple Features in the CID Color Space for Face Recognition
* Extraction Method of Scallop Area in Gravel Seabed Images for Fishery Investigation
* Extraction of building polygons from SAR images: Grouping and decision-level in the GESTALT system
* Extrinsic Camera Parameter Estimation Using Video Images and GPS Considering GPS Positioning Accuracy
* Eye/eyes tracking based on a unified deformable template and particle filtering
* Face Appearance Reconstruction Based on a Regional Statistical Craniofacial Model (RCSM)
* Face Hallucination under an Image Decomposition Perspective
* Face Recognition Across Pose with Automatic Estimation of Pose Parameters through AAM-Based Landmarking
* Face Recognition at-a-Distance Using Texture, Dense- and Sparse-Stereo Reconstruction
* Face Recognition Based on Illumination Adaptive LDA
* Face Recognition Using a Multi-Manifold Discriminant Analysis Method
* Face recognition using enhanced linear discriminant analysis
* Face Sketch Synthesis via Sparse Representation
* Facial Expression Mimicking System
* Fast adaptive wavelet packets using interscale embedding of decomposition structures
* Fast and Accurate Approximation of the Euclidean Opening Function in Arbitrary Dimension
* Fast and Robust Graph-Based Approach for Boundary Estimation of Fiber Bundles Relying on Fractional Anisotropy Maps, A
* Fast and robust skew estimation of scanned documents through background area information
* Fast and Spatially-Smooth Terrain Classification Using Monocular Camera
* Fast Approach for Pixelwise Labeling of Facade Images, A
* Fast Cartoon + Texture Image Filters
* Fast Decision of Block Size, Prediction Mode, and Intra Block for H.264 Intra Prediction
* Fast Derivation of Soil Surface Roughness Parameters Using Multi-band SAR Imagery and the Integral Equation Model
* fast divisive clustering algorithm using an improved discrete particle swarm optimizer, A
* Fast Extension for Sparse Representation on Robust Face Recognition, A
* Fast Fingerprint Retrieval with Line Detection
* Fast Image Inpainting Method Based on Hybrid Similarity-Distance, A
* Fast Image Recovery Using Variable Splitting and Constrained Optimization
* Fast Intra Prediction Mode Decision for H.264/AVC
* Fast Logo Detection and Recognition in Document Images
* Fast Motion Estimation With Interpolation-Free Sub-Sample Accuracy
* Fast Odometry Integration in Local Bundle Adjustment-Based Visual SLAM
* Fast Polar and Spherical Fourier Descriptors for Feature Extraction
* Fast Polar and Spherical Fourier Descriptors for Feature Extraction
* Fast range-independent spherical subsampling of 3D laser scanner points and data reduction performance evaluation for scene registration
* Fast Seamless Skew and Orientation Detection in Document Images
* Fast Space-Variant Elliptical Filtering Using Box Splines
* Fast Super-Resolution Using Weighted Median Filtering
* Fast Training of Object Detection Using Stochastic Gradient Descent
* Feature Band Selection for Multispectral Palmprint Recognition
* Feature distribution modelling techniques for 3D face verification
* Feature Extraction Based on Class Mean Embedding (CME)
* Feature Extraction for Simple Classification
* Feature Extraction from Discrete Attributes
* Feature Pairs Connected by Lines for Object Recognition
* Feature Ranking Based on Decision Border
* Feature Selection Using Multiobjective Optimization for Named Entity Recognition
* Feature Space Hausdorff Distance for Face Recognition
* Feature-Based Dissimilarity Space Classification
* Feature-Based Partially Occluded Object Recognition
* Feature-Driven Multilayer Visualization for Remotely Sensed Hyperspectral Imagery
* FeEval A Dataset for Evaluation of Spatio-temporal Local Features
* Fence Removal from Multi-focus Images
* FIND: A Neat Flip Invariant Descriptor
* Finding Multiple Object Instances with Occlusion
* Finger-Vein Authentication Based on Wide Line Detector and Pattern Normalization
* Fingerprint Pore Matching Based on Sparse Representation
* Fire-Flame Detection Based on Fuzzy Finite Automation
* Flooding and MRF-based Algorithms for Interactive Segmentation
* Foreground Segmentation via Background Modeling on Riemannian Manifolds
* Forest Species Recognition Using Color-Based Features
* Forward-Backward Error: Automatic Detection of Tracking Failures
* Fractal and Multi-fractal for Arabic Offline Writer Identification
* Framewise Phone Classification Using Weighted Fuzzy Classification Rules
* Framework for Hand Gesture Recognition and Spotting Using Sub-gesture Modeling, A
* Framework for the Combination of Different Arabic Handwritten Word Recognition Systems, A
* Framework of Enhancing Image Steganography With Picture Quality Optimization and Anti-Steganalysis Based on Simulated Annealing Algorithm, A
* Free form shape registration using the barrier method
* Full-View Spherical Image Format, A
* Fundamental Geodesic Deformations in Spaces of Treelike Shapes
* Fusing Audio-Visual Nonverbal Cues to Detect Dominant People in Group Conversations
* Fusion of an Isometric Deformation Modeling Approach Using Spectral Decomposition and a Region-Based Approach Using ICP for Expression-Invariant 3D Face Recognition
* Fusion of Deep Learning Architectures and Particle Filtering Applied to Lip Tracking, The
* Fusion of intensity and inter-component chromatic difference for effective and robust colour edge detection
* Fusion of panchromatic and multispectral images using temporal fourier transform
* Fusion of Qualities for Frame Selection in Video Face Verification
* Fuzzy Support Vector Machines for ECG Arrhythmia Detection
* Fuzzy-Interval Based Approach for Explicit Graph Embedding, A
* Gait Learning-Based Regenerative Model: A Level Set Approach
* Gait Recognition Using Period-Based Phase Synchronization for Low Frame-Rate Videos
* Game-Theoretic Approach to Robust Selection of Multi-view Point Correspondence, A
* Gaussian ERP Kernel Classifier for Pulse Waveforms Classification
* Gaussian Mixture Models for Arabic Font Recognition
* Gaussian Process Learning from Order Relationships Using Expectation Propagation
* Gaussian Process Regression Framework for Spatial Error Concealment with Adaptive Kernels, A
* Gaze Probing: Event-Based Estimation of Objects Being Focused On
* Gaze-Motivated Compression of Illumination and View Dependent Textures
* Gender Classification Using Interlaced Derivative Patterns
* Gender Classification Using Local Directional Pattern (LDP)
* Gender Classification Using Single Frontal Image Per Person: Combination of Appearance and Geometric Based Features
* Gender recognition: A multiscale decision fusion approach
* General Road Detection From a Single Image
* Generalized Anisotropic Diffusion for Defect Detection in Low-Contrast Surfaces, A
* Generalized Assorted Pixel Camera: Postcapture Control of Resolution, Dynamic Range, and Spectrum
* Generalizing Tableau to Any Color of Teaching Boards
* Generating Sets of Classifiers for the Evaluation of Multi-expert Systems
* Generative Supervised Classification Using Dirichlet Process Priors
* Generic Object Recognition by Tree Conditional Random Field Based on Hierarchical Segmentation
* Genetic-Based Type II Feature Extraction for Periocular Biometric Recognition: Less is More
* Geodesic Active Fields on the Sphere
* Geodesic Thin Plate Splines for Image Segmentation
* Geometric Feature Extraction by a Multimarked Point Process
* Geometric Invariant Shape Descriptor Based on the Radon, Fourier, and Mellin Transforms, A
* Geometric Radial Basis Function Network for Robot Perception and Action, A
* Geometric Total Variation for Texture Deformation
* Geotagged Photo Recognition Using Corresponding Aerial Photos with Multiple Kernel Learning
* Gestures and Lip Shape Integration for Cued Speech Recognition
* Global Spatio-Temporal Representation for Action Recognition, A
* Globally-Preserving Based Locally Linear Embedding
* Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Predicting Aesthetic Image Labels, The
* GPS coordinates estimation and camera calibration from solar shadows
* Gradient Constraints Can Improve Displacement Expert Performance
* Gradient Descent Approach for Multi-Modal Biometric Identification, A
* Graph Embedding for Pattern Recognition
* Graph Embedding Using Constant Shift Embedding
* Graph Matching Algorithm Using Data-Driven Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling, A
* Graphical Model-Based Tracking of Curvilinear Structures in Bio-image Sequences
* gravitational approach to edge detection based on triangular norms, A
* Group Activity Recognition by Gaussian Processes Estimation
* Group Event Detection With a Varying Number of Group Members for Video Surveillance
* Haar Random Forest Features and SVM Spatial Matching Kernel for Stonefly Species Identification
* Hand Pointing Estimation for Human Computer Interaction Based on Two Orthogonal-Views
* Harmonic Filters for 3D Multichannel Data: Rotation Invariant Detection of Mitoses in Colorectal Cancer
* Head Pose Estimation Based on Random Forests for Multiclass Classification
* Heart Murmur Classification Using Complexity Signatures
* Heat Flow-Thermodynamic Depth Complexity in Networks
* Height estimation from monocular image sequences using dynamic programming with explicit occlusions
* Heterogeneous Face Recognition: Matching NIR to Visible Light Images
* Heteroscedastic Multilinear Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition
* Hierarchical Anomality Detection Based on Situation
* Hierarchical Clustering Method for Color Quantization, A
* Hierarchical Decomposition of Handwriting Deformation Vector Field for Improving Recognition Accuracy
* Hierarchical Fusion of Face and Iris for Personal Identification
* Hierarchical GIST Model Embedding Multiple Biological Feasibilities for Scene Classification, A
* Hierarchical Human Action Recognition by Normalized-Polar Histogram
* Hierarchical Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Classification
* Hierarchical Segmentation of Complex Structures
* High Capacity Data Hiding for Binary Image Authentication
* High-Dimensional Access Method for Approximated Similarity Search in Text Mining, A
* High-Level Feature Extraction Using SIFT GMMs and Audio Models
* High-Order Circular Derivative Pattern for Image Representation and Recognition
* Histogram of Template for Pedestrian Detection
* Histograms of optical flow for efficient representation of body motion
* HMM Based Action Recognition with Projection Histogram Features
* HMM-based Word Spotting in Handwritten Documents Using Subword Models
* Holistic Urdu Handwritten Word Recognition Using Support Vector Machine
* How to Control Acceptance Threshold for Biometric Signatures with Different Confidence Values?
* How to involve structural modeling for cartographic object recognition tasks in high-resolution satellite images?
* How to Measure Biometric Information?
* Human 3D Motion Recognition Based on Spatial-Temporal Context of Joints
* Human Action Image, The
* Human Action Recognition Using Segmented Skeletal Features
* Human Activity Recognition Using Local Shape Descriptors
* Human Body Parts Tracking Using Sequential Markov Random Fields
* Human Daily Activities Indexing in Videos from Wearable Cameras for Monitoring of Patients with Dementia Diseases
* Human Detection Framework for Heavy Machinery, A
* Human Electrocardiogram for Biometrics Using DTW and FLDA
* Human Pose Estimation for Multiple Persons Based on Volume Reconstruction
* Human Pose Regression Through Multiview Visual Fusion
* Human Shadow Removal with Unknown Light Source
* Human Smoking Event Detection Using Visual Interaction Clues
* Human State Classification and Predication for Critical Care Monitoring by Real-Time Bio-signal Analysis
* Human-Area Segmentation by Selecting Similar Silhouette Images Based on Weak-Classifier Response
* Hybrid HMM/ANN Models for Bimodal Online and Offline Cursive Word Recognition
* Hybrid Method for Feature Selection Based on Mutual Information and Canonical Correlation Analysis, A
* Hydroacoustic Signal Classification Using Kernel Functions for Variable Feature Sets
* Hyper Least Squares and Its Applications
* Hyperspectral Region Classification Using a Three-Dimensional Gabor Filterbank
* Hypothesis Testing Approach for Fluorescent Blob Identification, A
* I-FAC: Efficient Fuzzy Associative Classifier for Object Classes in Images
* I2T: Image Parsing to Text Description
* Identification of Ancestry Informative Markers from Chromosome-Wide Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Using Symmetrical Uncertainty Ranking
* Identifying Cells in Histopathological Images
* Identifying Gender from Unaligned Facial Images by Set Classification
* IFLT Based Real-Time Framework for Image Matching
* IFS-CoCo in the Landscape Contest: Description and Results
* Illumination and Expression Invariant Recognition Using SSIM Based Sparse Representation
* Illumination Estimation of 3D Surface Texture Based on Active Basis
* Illumination Quality Measure for Face Recognition, An
* Image Analysis Approach for Detecting Malignant Cells in Digitized H&E-stained Histology Images of Follicular Lymphoma, An
* Image Categorization by Learned Nonlinear Subspace of Combined Visual-Words and Low-Level Features
* Image Classification Using Subgraph Histogram Representation
* Image Denoising Based on Fuzzy and Intra-scale Dependency in Wavelet Transform Domain
* Image Feature Extraction Using 2D Mel-Cepstrum
* Image Inpainting Based on Local Optimisation
* Image Inpainting Using Structure-Guided Priority Belief Propagation and Label Transformations
* Image Interpretation Using Large Corpus: Wikipedia
* Image Matching and Retrieval by Repetitive Patterns
* Image Parsing with a Three-State Series Neural Network Classifier
* Image Processing Based Approach for Retrieving Data from a Seismic Section in Bitmap Format
* Image Quality Analysis of a Novel Histogram Equalization Method for Image Contrast Enhancement
* Image Quality Metrics: PSNR vs. SSIM
* Image Retargeting in Compressed Domain
* Image Retrieval of First-Person Vision for Pedestrian Navigation in Urban Area
* Image Segmentation Based on Adaptive Fuzzy-C-Means Clustering
* Image Segmentation by MAP-ML Estimations
* Image Segmentation Using Active Contours With Normally Biased GVF External Force
* Image Specific Error Rate: A Biometric Performance Metric
* ImageCLEF Medical Retrieval Task at ICPR 2010: Information Fusion to Combine Visual and Textual Information, The
* ImageCLEF Medical Retrieval Task at ICPR 2010: Information Fusion, The
* ImageCLEF@ICPR Contest: Challenges, Methodologies and Results of the Photo Annotation Task
* Images in News
* Imaging of Fractal Profiles
* Imbalance and Concentration in k-NN Classification
* Impact of Color on Bag-of-Words Based Object Recognition, The
* Impact of Vector Ordering Strategies on Morphological Unmixing of Remotely Sensed Hyperspectral Images
* Implicit Feature-Based Alignment System for Radiotherapy
* Improved Blur Insensitivity for Decorrelated Local Phase Quantization
* Improved Context-Based Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding over H.264/AVC for Lossless Depth Map Coding
* Improved Energy Detectors for Cognitive Radios With Randomly Arriving or Departing Primary Users
* Improved Facial Expression Recognition with Trainable 2-D Filters and Support Vector Machines
* Improved Fingerprint Image Segmentation and Reconstruction of Low Quality Areas
* Improved Fluid Vector Flow for Cavity Segmentation in Chest Radiographs, An
* Improved Mandarin Keyword Spotting Using Confusion Garbage Model
* Improved Mean Shift Algorithm with Heterogeneous Node Weights
* Improved Method for Cirrhosis Detection Using Liver's Ultrasound Images, An
* Improved Radiometric Based Method for Suppressing Impulse Noise from Corrupted Images
* Improved Shadow Removal for Robust Person Tracking in Surveillance Scenarios
* Improved Structural EM to Learn Dynamic Bayesian Nets, An
* Improving and Aligning Speech with Presentation Slides
* Improving Classification Accuracy by Comparing Local Features through Canonical Correlations
* Improving face recognition by combination of natural and Gabor faces
* Improving histogram-based reversible data hiding by interleaving predictions
* Improving Performance of Network Traffic Classification Systems by Cleaning Training Data
* Improving polyp detection algorithms for CT colonography: Pareto front approach
* Improving Shape-from-Focus by Compensating for Image Magnification Shift
* Improving SIFT-based Descriptors Stability to Rotations
* Improving the Efficiency of Content-Based Multimedia Exploration
* Improving Undersampled MRI Reconstruction Using Non-local Means
* Incorporating Lane Estimation as Context Source in Pedestrian Recognition Task
* Incorporating Linguistic Model Adaptation into Whole-Book Recognition
* Incremental Distance Transforms (IDT)
* Incremental Embedding and Learning in the Local Discriminant Subspace With Application to Face Recognition
* Incremental Learning Algorithm for Non-stationary Environments and Class Imbalance, An
* Incremental Learning of Visual Landmarks for Mobile Robotics
* Incremental MPCA for Color Object Tracking
* Incremental Training of Multiclass Support Vector Machines
* Infinite Images: Creating and Exploring a Large Photorealistic Virtual Space
* Information Extraction Model for Unconstrained Handwritten Documents, An
* Information Fusion Approach for Multiview Feature Tracking, An
* Information Fusion for Combining Visual and Textual Image Retrieval
* Information Fusion for Combining Visual and Textual Image Retrieval in ImageCLEF@ICPR
* Information Theoretic Expectation Maximization Based Gaussian Mixture Modeling for Speaker Verification
* Information Theoretic Linear Discriminant Analysis Method, An
* Information Theory Based WCE Video Summarization
* Information-theoretic Feature Selection from Unattributed Graphs
* Initialisation-Free Active Contour Segmentation
* Initialization and Pose Alignment in Active Shape Model
* innovative contactless palm print and knuckle print recognition system, An
* Inpainting Large Missing Regions in Range Images
* Integrating a Discrete Motion Model into GMM Based Background Subtraction
* Integrating ILSR to Bag-of-Visual Words Model Based on Sparse Codes of SIFT Features Representations
* Integrating Object Detection with 3D Tracking Towards a Better Driver Assistance System
* Intensity-Based Congealing for Unsupervised Joint Image Alignment
* Interactive Browsing of Remote JPEF 2000 Image Sequences
* Interactive Web Video Advertising with Context Analysis and Search
* Interest Point Based Tracking
* Internet Vision
* Interpolation and Sampling on a Honeycomb Lattice
* Inverse Multiple Instance Learning for Classifier Grids
* Invisible Calibration Pattern Based on Human Visual Perception Characteristics
* Iris Image Retrieval Based on Macro-features
* Iris-Biometric Hash Generation for Biometric Database Indexing
* Irradiance Preserving Image Interpolation
* Irregular Shape Symmetry Analysis: Theory and Application to Quantitative Galaxy Classification
* ISAR Imaging Method Based on MIMO Technique, An
* ISDM at ImageCLEF 2010 Fusion Task
* IS_IS: Iris Segmentation for Identification Systems
* Iterative Algorithm for Approximate Median Graph Computation, An
* Iterative Fingerprint Enhancement with Matched Filtering and Quality Diffusion in Spatial-Frequency Domain
* Iterative Method for Superresolution of Optical Flow Derived by Energy Minimisation, An
* Iterative Ramp Sharpening for Structure/Signature-Preserving Simplification of Images
* Iwasawa Decomposition and Computational Riemannian Geometry
* Joint Compression/Watermarking Scheme Using Majority-Parity Guidance and Halftoning-Based Block Truncation Coding
* Joint Image GMM and Shading MAP Estimation
* Joint Independent Component Analysis of Brain Perfusion and Structural Magnetic Resonance Images in Dementia
* Joint NDT Image Restoration and Segmentation Using Gauss-Markov-Potts Prior Models and Variational Bayesian Computation
* Joint Random Field Model for All-Weather Moving Vehicle Detection
* Joint Registration and Segmentation of Histological Volume Data by Diffusion-Based Label Adaption
* K-D Decision Tree: An Accelerated and Memory Efficient Nearest Neighbor Classifier
* Keep It Simple with Time: A Reexamination of Probabilistic Topic Detection Models
* Kernel Domain Description with Incomplete Data: Using Instance-Specific Margins to Avoid Imputation
* Kernel on Graphs Based on Dictionary of Paths for Image Retrieval
* Kernel Uncorrelated Adjacent-class Discriminant Analysis
* Kernel-Based Implicit Regularization of Structured Objects
* Kernelized Sorting
* Keyframe-Guided Automatic Non-linear Video Editing
* Knowledge-Discounted Event Detection in Sports Video
* L(2) Kernel Classification
* L1-Norm-Based 2DPCA
* LabelMe: Online Image Annotation and Applications
* Landscape Contest at ICPR 2010, The
* Large Margin Classifier Based on Affine Hulls
* Large Margin Discriminant Hashing for Fast k-Nearest Neighbor Classification
* Latency in Speech Feature Analysis for Telepresence Event Coding
* Latent Fingerprint Core Point Prediction Based on Gaussian Processes
* Lattice-Based Anomaly Rectification for Sport Video Annotation
* Layered Wireless Video Multicast Using Relays
* LDA-based Relative Hysteresis Classifier with Application to Segmentation of Retinal Vessels, An
* Learn++.MF: A random subspace approach for the missing feature problem
* Learning a Joint Manifold Representation from Multiple Data Sets
* Learning a Strategy with Neural Approximated Temporal-Difference Methods in English Draughts
* Learning Affordances for Categorizing Objects and Their Properties
* Learning an Efficient and Robust Graph Matching Procedure for Specific Object Recognition
* Learning and Detection of Object Landmarks in Canonical Object Space
* Learning Discriminative Features Based on Distribution
* Learning GMM Using Elliptically Contoured Distributions
* Learning Image Anchor Templates for Document Classification and Data Extraction
* Learning Major Pedestrian Flows in Crowded Scenes
* Learning Metrics for Shape Classification and Discrimination
* Learning Naive Bayes Classifiers for Music Classification and Retrieval
* Learning Non-linear Dynamical Systems by Alignment of Local Linear Models
* Learning Object Categories From Internet Image Searches
* Learning Pedestrian Trajectories with Kernels
* Learning Probabilistic Models of Contours
* Learning Scene Semantics Using Fiedler Embedding
* Learning Sparse Face Features: Application to Face Verification
* Learning the Kernel Combination for Object Categorization
* Learning the Relationship Between High and Low Resolution Images in Kernel Space for Face Super Resolution
* Learning Virtual HD Model for Bi-model Emotional Speaker Recognition
* Learning-Based Vehicle Detection Using Up-Scaling Schemes and Predictive Frame Pipeline Structures
* Least-Squares Directional Intra Prediction in H.264/AVC
* Length Increasing Active Contour for the Segmentation of Small Blood Vessels
* Level Set Based Segmentation Using Local Feature Distribution
* level set method based on the Bayesian risk for medical image segmentation, A
* Level-Set Segmentation of Brain Tumors Using a New Hybrid Speed Function
* Levelings and Flat Zone Morphology
* Lie group method: A new approach to image matching with arbitrary orientations
* Linear Decomposition of Planar Shapes
* Linear Facial Expression Transfer with Active Appearance Models
* Linear Gaussian blur evolution for detection of blurry images
* Lip Contour Extraction Method Using Localized Active Contour Model with Automatic Parameter Selection, A
* Lip Segmentation Using Level Set Method: Fusing Landmark Edge Distance and Image Information
* Lipreading: A Graph Embedding Approach
* Live Cell Segmentation in Fluorescence Microscopy via Graph Cut
* LLN-based Model-Driven Validation of Data Points for Random Sample Consensus Methods
* Local 3D Shape Analysis for Facial Expression Recognition
* Local Affine Image Matching and Synthesis Based on Structural Patterns
* Local Binary Pattern-Based Features for Text Identification of Web Images
* Local Jet Based Similarity for NL-Means Filtering
* Local Optical Operators for Subpixel Scene Analysis
* Local Outlier Detection Based on Kernel Regression
* Local Rotation Invariant Patch Descriptors for 3D Vector Fields
* Local Sparse Representation Based Classification
* Local-Learning-Based Feature Selection for High-Dimensional Data Analysis
* Locality sensitive hashing: A comparison of hash function types and querying mechanisms
* Localized Image Matte Evaluation by Gradient Correlation
* Localized Multiple Kernel Regression
* Localized Supervised Metric Learning on Temporal Physiological Data
* Locally Deformable Shape Model to Improve 3D Level Set Based Esophagus Segmentation
* Locating People in Images by Optimal Cue Integration
* Lossless ROI Medical Image Watermarking Technique with Enhanced Security and High Payload Embedding
* Low Cost and Usable Multimodal Biometric System Based on Keystroke Dynamics and 2D Face Recognition
* Low False Negative Filter for Detecting Rare Bird Species From Short Video Segments Using a Probable Observation Data Set-Based EKF Method, A
* Low-Complexity Analytical Modeling for Cross-Layer Adaptive Error Protection in Video Over WLAN, A
* Low-Level Image Segmentation Based Scene Classification
* Low-resolution color-based visual tracking with state-space model identification
* Low-Resolution Gait Recognition
* Lymphocyte Segmentation Using the Transferable Belief Model
* M-Channel Multiple Description Coding With Two-Rate Coding and Staggered Quantization
* Mahalanobis-based Adaptive Nonlinear Dimension Reduction
* Making Visual Object Categorization More Challenging: Randomized Caltech-101 Data Set
* Malware Detection on Mobile Devices Using Distributed Machine Learning
* Manifold Modeling with Learned Distance in Random Projection Space for Face Recognition
* MANOVA of Major Factors of RIU-LBP Feature for Face Recognition, A
* Mapping Large, Urban Environments with GPS-Aided SLAM
* Mapping of Sand Layer Thickness in Deserts Using SAR Interferometry
* Margin Preserved Approximate Convex Hulls for Classification
* Markerless human articulated tracking using hierarchical particle swarm optimisation
* Matching Groups of People by Covariance Descriptor
* Matching Image with Multiple Local Features
* Maximally Stable Texture Regions
* Maximum Entropy Model Based Classification with Feature Selection
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Gaussian Mixture Models Using Particle Swarm Optimization
* Mean Shift Gradient Vector Flow: A Robust External Force Field for 3D Active Surfaces
* Measure of Competence Based on Randomized Reference Classifier for Dynamic Ensemble Selection, A
* Median Graph Shift: A New Clustering Algorithm for Graph Domain
* Membership Functions for Zoning-Based Recognition of Handwritten Digits
* Memetic Algorithm for Selection of 3D Clustered Features with Applications in Neuroscience, A
* Meta-Learning Approach to Conditional Random Fields Using Error-Correcting Output Codes, A
* Methods for Combined Monocular and Stereo Mobile Robot Localization
* Microaneurysm (MA) Detection via Sparse Representation Classifier with MA and Non-MA Dictionary Learning
* Minimizing Geometric Distance by Iterative Linear Optimization
* Mining Exemplars for Object Modelling Using Affinity Propagation
* Mining outliers with faster cutoff update and space utilization
* Model and Score Adaptation for Biometric Systems: Coping With Device Interoperability and Changing Acquisition Conditions
* Model-Based Detection of Acoustically Dense Objects in Ultrasound
* Modeling and Analysis of Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Interferometric Radiometers Using Noise Waves
* Modeling and Generalization of Discrete Morse Terrain Decompositions
* Modeling Facial Skin Motion Properties in Video and Its Application to Matching Faces across Expressions
* Modeling Syllable-Based Pronunciation Variation for Accented Mandarin Speech Recognition
* Modelling of spatio-temporal interaction for video quality assessment
* Modelling visual saliency using degree centrality
* Modified Particle Swarm Optimization Applied in Image Registration, A
* Moments of Elliptic Fourier Descriptors
* Monocular 3D Tracking of Deformable Surfaces Using Linear Programming
* Monogenic Binary Pattern (MBP): A Novel Feature Extraction and Representation Model for Face Recognition
* MONORAIL: A Disk-Friendly Index for Huge Descriptor Databases
* Motif Discovery and Feature Selection for CRF-based Activity Recognition
* Motion Dynamics Approach to the PnP Problem, The
* Motion Segmentation in the Presence of Outlying, Incomplete, or Corrupted Trajectories
* Motion Vector Based Features for Content Based Video Copy Detection
* Motion-sketch Based Video Retrieval Using a Trellis Levenshtein Distance
* Moving Cast Shadow Removal Based on Local Descriptors
* Moving target detection using super-resolution algorithms with an ultra wideband radar
* MPEG-2 Video Watermarking Using Pattern Consideration
* MST-CSS (Multi-Spectro-Temporal Curvature Scale Space), a Novel Spatio-Temporal Representation for Content-Based Video Retrieval
* Multi-camera Platform Calibration Using Multi-linear Constraints
* Multi-class AdaBoost with Hypothesis Margin
* Multi-class Graph Boosting with Subgraph Sharing for Object Recognition
* Multi-class Pattern Classification in Imbalanced Data
* Multi-classifier Q-stack Aging Model for Adult Face Verification
* Multi-Cue Integration for Multi-Camera Tracking
* Multi-Label Transfer Learning With Sparse Representation
* multi-layer approach for the analysis of neighbourhood relations of polygons in remotely acquired images, A
* Multi-modal Emotion Recognition Using Canonical Correlations and Acoustic Features
* Multi-object Segmentation in a Projection Plane Using Subtraction Stereo
* Multi-objective optimisation of real-valued parameters of a hybrid MT system using Genetic Algorithms
* Multi-resolution Local Appearance-Based Face Verification
* Multi-scale Approach to Decompose a Digital Curve into Meaningful Parts, A
* Multi-scale Color Local Binary Patterns for Visual Object Classes Recognition
* Multi-spectral Satellite Image Registration Using Scale-Restricted SURF
* Multi-template GAT/PAT Correlation for Character Recognition with a Limited Quantity of Data
* Multi-view Based Estimation of Human Upper-Body Orientation
* Multi-view Gait Recognition Based on Motion Regression Using Multilayer Perceptron
* Multibody Motion Segmentation Using the Geometry of 6 Points in 2D Images
* Multichannel Image Regularisation Using Anisotropic Geodesic Filtering
* Multifocus image fusion based on redundant wavelet transform
* Multiframe Super-Resolution Reconstruction Using Sparse Directional Regularization
* Multihypothesis recursive video denoising based on separation of motion state
* Multimedia Quality-Driven Network Resource Management Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks With Stream Authentication, A
* Multimodal Approach to Violence Detection in Video Sharing Sites, A
* Multimodal biometric identification system based on finger geometry, knuckle print and palm print
* Multimodal biometric method based on vein and geometry of a single finger
* Multimodal Human Computer Interaction with MIDAS Intelligent Infokiosk
* Multimodal Recognition of Cognitive Workload for Multitasking in the Car
* Multimodal Sleeping Posture Classification
* Multipath Interference Compensation in Time-of-Flight Camera Images
* Multiple and variable target visual tracking for video-surveillance applications
* Multiple Atlas Inference and Population Analysis Using Spectral Clustering
* Multiple Classifier System Approach for Facial Expressions in Image Sequences Utilizing GMM Supervectors, A
* Multiple Human Tracking Based on Multi-view Upper-Body Detection and Discriminative Learning
* Multiple Instance Learning Approach toward Optimal Classification of Pathology Slides, A
* Multiple Kernel Learning with High Order Kernels
* Multiple Model Estimation for the Detection of Curvilinear Segments in Medical X-ray Images Using Sparse-plus-dense-RANSAC
* Multiple Plane Detection in Image Pairs Using J-Linkage
* Multiple View Geometries for Mirrors and Cameras
* Multiple View Geometry for Non-rigid Motions Viewed from Curvilinear Motion Projective Cameras
* Multiple-Shot Person Re-identification by HPE Signature
* Multiplexed Analysis of Proteins in Tissue Using Multispectral Fluorescence Imaging
* Multiplication-Free Estimation of Integer Frequency Offset for OFDM-Based DRM Systems
* Multiplicative Update Rules for Multilinear Support Tensor Machines
* Multiresolution Analysis of 3D Images Based on Discrete Distortion
* Multiresolution Approach to Iterative Reconstruction Algorithms in X-Ray Computed Tomography, A
* Multiscale Analysis from 1D Parametric Geometric Decomposition of Shapes
* Multiscale Analysis of Digital Segments by Intersection of 2D Digital Lines
* Multispectral Eye Detection: A Preliminary Study
* Multistatic and MIMO Distributed ISAR for Enhanced Cross-Range Resolution of Rotating Targets
* Multivariate Brain Mapping by Random Subspaces
* Multivariate Image Segmentation Using Semantic Region Growing with Adaptive Edge Penalty
* Multiview foreground extraction and composition to multiview background using trimap sharing for natural 3D scene generation
* Music playlist generation by assimilating GMMs into SOMs
* Mutual Enhancement of Weak Laser Pulses for Point Cloud Enrichment Based on Full-Waveform Analysis
* Natural Material Recognition with Illumination Invariant Textural Features
* NAVIDOMASS: Structural-based Approaches Towards Handling Historical Documents
* Near Duplicate Identification With Spatially Aligned Pyramid Matching
* Near-Regular BTF Texture Model
* Nearest Archetype Hull Methods for Large-Scale Data Classification
* Nearest-Manifold Classification with Gaussian Processes
* Neurobiologically Motivated Stochastic Method for Analysis of Human Activities in Video, A
* New Application of MEG and DTI on Word Recognition, A
* New Approach to Aircraft Surface Inspection Based on Directional Energies of Texture, A
* New Approach to Fourier Synthesis With Application to Neural Encoding and Speech Classification, A
* New Biologically Inspired Feature for Scene Image Classification, A
* New Blockwise Algorithm for Large-Scale Images Robust Watermarking, The
* New clustering algorithms for the support vector machine based hierarchical classification
* New Hybrid DCT-Wiener-Based Interpolation Scheme for Video Intra Frame Up-Sampling, A
* New Learning Formulation for Kernel Classifier Design, A
* New Lookup Tables and Searching Algorithms for Fast H.264/AVC CAVLC Decoding
* New Region-Based Active Contour Model with Skewness Wavelet Energy for Segmentation of SAR Images, A
* New Rotation Feature for Single Tri-axial Accelerometer Based 3D Spatial Handwritten Digit Recognition, A
* New Symmetry Based on Proximity of Wavelet-Moments for Text Frame Classification in Video, A
* New Wavelet and Color Features for Text Detection in Video
* No-reference image and video quality estimation: Applications and human-motivated design
* No-reference perceptual image quality metric using gradient profiles for JPEG2000
* Noise Reduction of cDNA Microarray Images Using Complex Wavelets
* Noise Tolerant Script Identification of Printed Oriental and English Documents Using a Downgraded Pixel Density Feature
* Noise-Insensitive Contrast Enhancement for Rendering High-Dynamic-Range Images
* Noise-Robust Voice Activity Detector Based on Hidden Semi-Markov Models
* Non Contact 3D Measurement Scheme for Transparent Objects Using UV Structured light
* Non-parametric 3D Shape Warping
* Non-rigid Image Registration for Historical Manuscript Restoration
* Non-ring Filters for Robust Detection of Linear Structures
* Nonlinear Blind Source Separation Using Slow Feature Analysis with Random Features
* Nonlinear Combination of Multiple Kernels for Support Vector Machines
* Nonlinear Mappings for Generative Kernels on Latent Variable Models
* Nonlinear Shape-Texture Manifold Learning
* Nonnegative Embeddings and Projections for Dimensionality Reduction and Information Visualization
* Normalized Sum-over-Paths Edit Distances
* Novel Approach to Detect Ship-Radiated Signal Based on HMT, A
* Novel Design Approach for Contourlet Filter Banks, A
* Novel Dual-Probe Adaptive Model for Image Change Detection, A
* Novel Edge Features for Text Frame Classification in Video
* Novel Facial Localization for Three-dimensional Face Using Multi-level Partition of Unity Implicits, A
* Novel Fingerprint Template Protection Scheme Based on Distance Projection Coding, A
* Novel Handwritten Urdu Word Spotting Based on Connected Components Analysis, A
* Novel Hierarchical Method of Ship Detection from Spaceborne Optical Image Based on Shape and Texture Features, A
* Novel JSCC Framework With Diversity-Multiplexing-Coding Gain Tradeoff for Scalable Video Transmission Over Cooperative MIMO, A
* novel learning approach to multiple tasks based on boosting methodology, A
* Novel Lexicon Reduction Method for Arabic Handwriting Recognition, A
* Novel Multi View Structure Estimation Based on Barycentric Coordinates
* Novel Multi-view Agglomerative Clustering Algorithm Based on Ensemble of Partitions on Different Views, A
* Novel Pose Invariant Face Recognition Approach Using a 2D-3D Searching Strategy, A
* Novel Shape Feature for Fast Region-Based Pedestrian Recognition, A
* Novel Verification System for Handwritten Words Recognition, A
* Numerical methods for interactive multiple-class image segmentation problems
* Object Decomposition Via Curvilinear Skeleton Partition
* Object Detection with Discriminatively Trained Part-Based Models
* Object Discovery by Clustering Correlated Visual Word Sets
* Object Localization by Propagating Connectivity via Superfeatures
* Object Recognition and Localization Via Spatial Instance Embedding
* Object Recognition Based on n-gram Expression of Human Actions
* Object Tracking by Structure Tensor Analysis
* Object Tracking with Ratio Cycles Using Shape and Appearance Cues
* OCR Post-processing Using Weighted Finite-State Transducers
* Off-Line Signature Verification Using Graphical Model
* Offline Arabic Handwriting Identification Using Language Diacritics
* Offline Map Matching via Integer Programming, An
* On a Quest for Image Descriptors Based on Unsupervised Segmentation Maps
* On Adapting Pixel-based Classification to Unsupervised Texture Segmentation
* On Clock Offset Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks with Weibull Distributed Network Delays
* On Dynamic Weighting of Data in Clustering with K-Alpha Means
* On Energy Efficient Encryption for Video Streaming in Wireless Sensor Networks
* On Selecting an Optimal Number of Clusters for Color Image Segmentation
* On the Annotation of Web Videos by Efficient Near-Duplicate Search
* On the Convergence of Planar Curves Under Smoothing
* On the Design of a Class of Odd-Length Biorthogonal Wavelet Filter Banks for Signal and Image Processing
* On the Dimensionality Reduction for Sparse Representation Based Face Recognition
* On the Fusion of Periocular and Iris Biometrics in Non-ideal Imagery
* On the Performance of Handoff and Tracking in a Camera Network
* On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face and Speaker Verification Evaluation
* On the Scalability of Evidence Accumulation Clustering
* On the Significance of Stroke Size and Position for Online Handwritten Devanagari Word Recognition: An Empirical Study
* On the Use of Median String for Multi-source Translation
* On-Line fMRI Data Classification Using Linear and Ensemble Classifiers
* On-Line Handwriting Word Recognition Using a Bi-character Model
* On-Line Random Naive Bayes for Tracking
* On-Line Signature Verification Using 1-D Velocity-Based Directional Analysis
* On-Line Structure and Motion Estimation Based on a Novel Parameterized Extended Kalman Filter
* On-Line Video Recognition and Counting of Harmful Insects
* One-Lead ECG-based Personal Identification Using Ziv-Merhav Cross Parsing
* One-Shot Scanning Using a Color Stripe Pattern
* One-Vs-All Training of Prototype Classifier for Pattern Classification and Retrieval
* Online Arabic Handwriting Modeling System Based on the Graphemes Segmentation
* Online Boosting OC for Face Recognition in Continuous Video Stream
* Online Discriminative Kernel Density Estimation
* Online Learning with Self-Organizing Maps for Anomaly Detection in Crowd Scenes
* Online Next-Best-View Planning for Accuracy Optimization Using an Extended E-Criterion
* Online Principal Background Selection for Video Synopsis
* Online Signature Verification With Support Vector Machines Based on LCSS Kernel Functions
* Operational Performance of an Automatic Preliminary Spectral Rule-Based Decision-Tree Classifier of Spaceborne Very High Resolution Optical Images
* Operator context scanning to support high segmentation rates for real time license plate recognition
* Optical Flow Estimation Using Diffusion Distances
* Optical Rails: View-Based Track Following with Hemispherical Environment Model and Orientation View Descriptors
* Optimal non-iterative pose estimation via convex relaxation
* Optimal PET Protection for Streaming Scalably Compressed Video Streams With Limited Retransmission Based on Incomplete Feedback
* Optimization of Target Objects for Natural Feature Tracking
* Optimization of Topological Active Models with Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms
* Optimized Entropy-Constrained Vector Quantization of Lossy Vector Map Compression
* Optimizing Optimum-Path Forest Classification for Huge Datasets
* Optimum Class-Rejective Decision Rule and Its Evaluation, An
* Orientation Field Estimation for Embedded Fingerprint Authentication System
* Orientation Modulation for Data Hiding in Clustered-Dot Halftone Prints
* Oriented Boundary Graph: A Framework to Design and Implement 3D Segmentation Algorithms
* Orthogonal Locality Sensitive Fuzzy Discriminant Analysis in Sleep-Stage Scoring
* Outlier-Resistant Dissimilarity Measure for Feature-based Image Matching
* Overt visual attention for free-viewing and quality assessment tasks: Impact of the regions of interest on a video quality metric
* Overview of Contest on Semantic Description of Human Activities (SDHA) 2010, An
* Overview of the ImageCLEF@ICPR 2010 Robot Vision Track
* Overview of the Photo Annotation Task in ImageCLEF@ICPR
* Package Boosting for Readaption of Cascaded Classifiers
* PAGE (Page Analysis and Ground-Truth Elements) Format Framework, The
* Paired Transform Slice Theorem of 2-D Image Reconstruction from Projections
* Pairwise Features for Human Action Recognition
* Pan-Sharpening Using an Adaptive Linear Model
* Panoramic Video Generation by Multi View Data Synthesis
* Parallel Algorithm of Two-Dimensional Discrete Cosine Transform Based on Special Data Representation
* Parallel implementation of Artificial Neural Network training for speech recognition
* Parallel Scales for More Accurate Displacement Estimation in Phase-Based Image Registration
* Parallel versus Hierarchical Fusion of Extended Fingerprint Features
* Part Detection, Description and Selection Based on Hidden Conditional Random Fields
* Partial Face Biometry Using Shape Decomposition on 2D Conformal Maps of Faces
* Particle Filter Tracking with Online Multiple Instance Learning
* Patch-Based Similarity HMMs for Face Recognition with a Single Reference Image
* Patchy Aurora Image Segmentation Based on ALBP and Block Threshold
* Path Selection in Streaming Video Over Multioverlay Application Layer Multicast
* Pattern Recognition in Histopathological Images: An ICPR 2010 Contest
* Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing
* Pattern Recognition Method Using Ensembles of Regularities Found by Optimal Partitioning
* Pattern Recognition Using Functions of Multiple Instances
* Pelvic Organs Dynamic Feature Analysis for MRI Sequence Discrimination
* People Detection and Re-Identification in Complex Environments
* Peptide classification using optimal and information theoretic syntactic modeling
* Perceived Age Estimation under Lighting Condition Change by Covariate Shift Adaptation
* Perceptual Color Texture Codebooks for Retrieving in Highly Diverse Texture Datasets
* Perceptual denoising of color images
* Perceptual Image Retrieval by Adding Color Information to the Shape Context Descriptor
* Perceptual-based quality assessment for audio-visual services: A survey
* Performance Analysis of Cyclically Prefixed Single-Carrier Transmissions With Outdated Opportunistic User Selection
* Performance Evaluation of Automatic Feature Discovery Focused within Error Clusters
* Performance Evaluation of Micropattern Representation on Gabor Features for Face Recognition
* Performance Evaluation Tools for Zone Segmentation and Classification (PETS)
* Performance measures for object detection evaluation
* Person Detection Using Temporal and Geometric Context with a Pan Tilt Zoom Camera
* person independent system for recognition of hand postures used in sign language, A
* Person Retrieval Solution Using Finger Vein Patterns, A
* Person-Specific Face Shape Estimation under Varying Head Pose from Single Snapshots
* Personal Identification from Iris Images Using Localized Radon Transform
* Perspective Reconstruction and Camera Auto-Calibration as Rectangular Polynomial Eigenvalue Problem
* Phone-Conditioned Suboptimal Wiener Filtering
* PicSOM Experiments in ImageCLEF RobotVision
* PILL-ID: Matching and Retrieval of Drug Pill Imprint Images
* Pixel-Based Evaluation Method for Text Detection in Color Images, A
* Pixel-level singular point detection from multi-scale Gaussian filtered orientation field
* polynomial fitting and k-NN based approach for improving classification of motor imagery BCI data, A
* Pose Estimation of Known Objects by Efficient Silhouette Matching
* Positive Matching Index: A new similarity measure with optimal characteristics, The
* Possibilistic Clustering Based on Robust Modeling of Finite Generalized Dirichlet Mixture
* Practical Heterogeneous Classifier for Relational Databases, A
* Practical Online Near-Duplicate Subsequence Detection for Continuous Video Streams
* Precipitation data fusion using vector space transformation and artificial neural networks
* Precise Subpixel Disparity Measurement From Very Narrow Baseline Stereo
* Prediction Error Prioritizing Strategy for Fast Normalized Partial Distortion Motion Estimation Algorithm
* Prediction of Protein Sub-nuclear Location by Clustering mRMR Ensemble Feature Selection
* Preserving global and local information: A combined approach for recognising face image
* Principal Contour Extraction and Contour Classification to Detect Coronal Loops from the Solar Images
* Probabilistic BPRRC: Robust Change Detection against Illumination Changes and Background Movements
* Probabilistic Clustering Using the Baum-Eagon Inequality
* Probabilistic Information Fusion Approach to MR-based Automated Diagnosis of Dementia, A
* Probabilistic Language Model for Hand Drawings, A
* Probabilistic Measure for Signature Verification Based on Bayesian Learning
* Probabilistic Modeling of Dynamic Traffic Flow across Non-overlapping Camera Views
* Problem of Fragile Feature Subset Preference in Feature Selection Methods and a Proposal of Algorithmic Workaround, The
* Profile Lip Reading for Vowel and Word Recognition
* Progressive MAP-based Deconvolution with Pixel-Dependent Gaussian Prior
* Projecting independent components of SPECT images for computer aided diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease
* Prostate Cancer Localization With Multispectral MRI Using Cost-Sensitive Support Vector Machines and Conditional Random Fields
* Prototype Learning Using Metric Learning Based Behavior Recognition
* Prototype Selection for Dissimilarity Representation by a Genetic Algorithm
* Prototype-Based Methodology for the Statistical Analysis of Local Features in Stereotypical Handwriting Tasks
* Pulse-coupled neural networks and one-class support vector machines for geometry invariant texture retrieval
* Pyramidal Model for Image Semantic Segmentation
* Pyramidal Multi-level Features for the Robot Vision@ICPR 2010 Challenge
* QRS Complex Detection by Non Linear Thresholding of Modulus Maxima
* Quality-Based Fusion for Multichannel Iris Recognition
* Quantification of Subcellular Molecules in Tissue Microarray
* Quasi-dense Wide Baseline Matching for Three Views
* Random Prototype-based Oracle for Selection-fusion Ensembles
* Random Subspace Method in Text Categorization
* random-periods model for the comparison of a metrics efficiency to classify cell-cycle expressed genes, A
* Range Flow in Varying Illumination: Algorithms and Comparisons
* Rank-Mixer and Rank-Booster: Improving the Effectiveness of Retrieval Methods
* Ranking Approach for Human Ages Estimation Based on Face Images, A
* Ranking Model for Facial Age Estimation
* Rare Class Classification by Support Vector Machine
* Rate Control of H.264 Encoded Sequences by Dropping Frames in the Compressed Domain
* Raw vs. Processed: How to Use the Raw and Processed Images for Robust Face Recognition under Varying Illumination
* RBM-based Silhouette Encoding for Human Action Modelling
* Re-evaluation of Pedestrian Detection on Riemannian Manifolds, A
* Reactive Object Tracking with a Single PTZ Camera
* Real time fractal image coder based on characteristic vector matching
* Real-Time 3D Face and Facial Action Tracking Using Extended 2D+3D AAMs
* Real-Time 3D Model-Based Gesture Tracking for Multimedia Control
* Real-Time Abnormal Event Detection in Complicated Scenes
* Real-Time Automatic Traffic Accident Recognition Using HFG
* Real-Time De-Interlacing for H.264-Coded HD Videos
* Real-Time Pose Regression with Fast Volume Descriptor Computation
* Real-Time Traffic Sign Detection: An Evaluation Study
* Real-Time Uncharacteristic-Part Tracking with a Point Set
* Real-Time Upper-Limbs Posture Recognition Based on Particle Filters and AdaBoost Algorithms
* Real-Time User Position Estimation in Indoor Environments Using Digital Watermarking for Audio Signals
* Real-Valued Negative Selection (RNS) for Classification Task
* Receding Horizon Estimation for Hybrid Particle Filters and Application for Robust Visual Tracking
* Recognition and Prediction of Situations in Urban Traffic Scenarios
* Recognition of Affect Based on Gait Patterns
* Recognition of Blurred Faces via Facial Deblurring Combined with Blur-Tolerant Descriptors
* Recognition of Handwritten Arabic (Indian) Numerals Using Freeman's Chain Codes and Abductive Network Classifiers
* Recognizing 3D Objects with 3D Information from Stereo Vision
* Recognizing Dance Motions with Segmental SVD
* Recognizing Human Actions Using Key Poses
* Recognizing Sign Language from Brain Imaging
* Reconstruction-Free Parallel Planes Identification from Uncalibrated Images
* Recovering 3D Shape and Light Source Positions from Non-planar Shadows
* Recovering 3D Shape Using an Improved Fast Marching Method
* Recovering the Topology of Multiple Cameras by Finding Continuous Paths in a Trellis
* Recovery Video Stabilization Using MRF-MAP Optimization
* Rectifying Non-Euclidean Similarity Data Using Ricci Flow Embedding
* Recursive and Model-Constrained Region Splitting Algorithm for Cell Clump Decomposition, A
* Recursive computation of moments of 2D objects represented by elliptic Fourier descriptors
* Recursive Dynamically Variable Step Search Motion Estimation Algorithm for High Definition Video
* Recursive Online Kernel PCA Algorithm, A
* Recursive Video Matting and Denoising
* Redif Extraction in Handwritten Ottoman Literary Texts
* Refined Morphological Methods of Moment Computation
* Reflection Removal in Color Videos
* Region Description Using Extended Local Ternary Patterns
* Region-Based Image Transform for Transition Between Object Appearances
* Regression-Based Multi-view Facial Expression Recognition
* Regularization of Phase Retrieval With Phase-Attenuation Duality Prior for 3-D Holotomography
* Reinforcement Learning for Robust and Efficient Real-World Tracking
* Relationship Between Generalization Error and Training Samples in Kernel Regressors, A
* Reliability Assessment Paradigm for Automated Video Tracking Systems, A
* Removal of Moving Objects from a Street-View Image by Fusing Multiple Image Sequences
* Removing Partial Occlusion from Blurred Thin Occluders
* Removing Rule-Lines from Binary Handwritten Arabic Document Images Using Directional Local Profile
* Renewable Minutiae Templates with Tunable Size and Security
* Resampling Approach to Facial Expression Recognition Using 3D Meshes
* Research the Performance of a Recursive Algorithm of the Local Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Residual Analysis for Fingerprint Orientation Modeling
* Resolution Enhancement in Multi-Image Stereo
* Resolving stereo matching errors due to repetitive structures using model information
* Restoration of a Frontal Illuminated Face Image Based on KPCA
* Rethinking Algorithm Design and Development in Speech Processing
* Retinal Blood Vessels Segmentation Using the Radial Projection and Supervised Classification
* Retinal Image Segmentation Based on Mumford-Shah Model and Gabor Wavelet Filter
* Reverse Indexing for Reading Graffiti Tags
* Reversible Interger 2-D Discrete Fourier Transform by Control Bits
* Rex Leopold II Model: Application of the Reduced Set Density Estimator to Human Categorization., The
* Road Change Detection from Multi-Spectral Aerial Data
* Road Network Extraction Using Edge Detection and Spatial Voting
* Road Sign Detection in Images: A Case Study
* Robust 1D Barcode Recognition on Mobile Devices
* Robust 3D Face Recognition by Local Shape Difference Boosting
* Robust Approach for Person Localization in Multi-camera Environment, A
* Robust Color Image Segmentation through Tensor Voting
* Robust Computation of the Polarisation Image
* Robust ECG Biometrics by Fusing Temporal and Cepstral Information
* Robust Face Recognition Using Block-Based Bag of Words
* Robust Face Recognition Using Multiple Self-Organized Gabor Features and Local Similarity Matching
* Robust FFT-Based Scale-Invariant Image Registration with Image Gradients
* Robust Figure Extraction on Textured Background: A Game-Theoretic Approach
* Robust Foreground Object Segmentation via Adaptive Region-Based Background Modelling
* Robust Fourier-Based Image Alignment with Gradient Complex Image
* Robust Frame-to-Frame Hybrid Matching
* Robust Gait Recognition Against Speed Variation
* Robust Head-Shoulder Detection by PCA-Based Multilevel HOG-LBP Detector for People Counting
* Robust Height Estimation of Moving Objects From Uncalibrated Videos
* Robust Human Behavior Modeling from Multiple Cameras
* Robust Iris Localization Method Using an Active Contour Model and Hough Transform, A
* Robust Matching in an Uncertain World
* Robust Method for Hand Gesture Segmentation and Recognition Using Forward Spotting Scheme in Conditional Random Fields, A
* Robust Processing of Optical Flow of Fluids
* Robust Recognition Technique for Dense Checkerboard Patterns, A
* Robust Regression for Face Recognition
* Robust Shape from Polarisation and Shading
* Robust Sign Language Recognition with Hierarchical Conditional Random Fields
* Robust Staffline Thickness and Distance Estimation in Binary and Gray-Level Music Scores
* Robust Web Image/Video Super-Resolution
* ROC Analysis and Cost-Sensitive Optimization for Hierarchical Classifiers
* Role of Polarity in Haar-like Features for Face Detection, The
* Role of Synthetically Generated Samples on Speech Recognition in a Resource-Scarce Language
* RST-Tolerant Shape Descriptor for Object Detection, An
* Rule-Based Classification of a Very High Resolution Image in an Urban Environment Using Multispectral Segmentation Guided by Cartographic Data
* Ruling Line Removal in Handwritten Page Images
* Saliency Based on Multi-scale Ratio of Dissimilarity
* Saliency Detection and Object Localization in Indoor Environments
* Sample Pre-mapping Method Enhancing Boosting for Object Detection, A
* Sampling and Ideal Reconstruction on the 3D Diamond Grid
* Scalable Cage-Driven Feature Detection and Shape Correspondence for 3D Point Sets
* Scale Estimation Algorithm Using Phase-Based Correspondence Matching for Electron Microscope Images, A
* Scale Matching of 3D Point Clouds by Finding Keyscales with Spin Images
* Scale-Space Spectral Representation of Shape
* Scene Classification Using Local Co-occurrence Feature in Subspace Obtained by KPCA of Local Blob Visual Words
* Scene Classification Using Spatial Pyramid of Latent Topics
* Scene Reconstruction and Visualization From Community Photo Collections
* Scene Text Extraction with Edge Constraint and Text Collinearity
* Scene-Adaptive Human Detection with Incremental Active Learning
* Score Decidability Index for Dynamic Score Combination, A
* Scribe Identification in Medieval English Manuscripts
* Script Identification: A Han and Roman Script Perspective
* Search Strategies for Image Multi-distortion Estimation
* Secure Self-Recovery Image Authentication Using Randomly-Sized Blocks
* Segment-Based Foreground Extraction Dedicated to 3D Reconstruction
* Segmentation of Anatomical Structures in Brain MR Images Using Atlases in FSL: A Quantitative Approach
* Segmentation of Cervical Cell Images
* Segmentation of Unideal Iris Images Using Game Theory
* Segmenting Video Foreground Using a Multi-Class MRF
* Selection of Photos for Album Building Applications
* Selection of Training Instances for Music Genre Classification
* Selective and adaptive signal hiding technique for security of JPEG2000
* Self-Calibrating View-Invariant Gait Biometrics
* Self-Calibration of Radially Symmetric Distortion by Model Selection
* Self-Training Learning Document Binarization Framework, A
* Self-Validated Labeling of Markov Random Fields for Image Segmentation
* Semi-blind Speech-Music Separation Using Sparsity and Continuity Priors
* semi-dependent decomposition approach to learn hierarchical classifiers, A
* Semi-supervised and Interactive Semantic Concept Learning for Scene Recognition
* Semi-supervised Distance Metric Learning by Quadratic Programming
* Semi-supervised Gaussian Mixture Model for Image Segmentation, A
* Semi-supervised Graph Learning: Near Strangers or Distant Relatives
* Semi-supervised learning for text-line detection
* Semi-supervised Trajectory Learning Using a Multi-Scale Key Point Based Trajectory Representation
* SemiCCA: Efficient Semi-supervised Learning of Canonical Correlations
* Semisupervised One-Class Support Vector Machines for Classification of Remote Sensing Data
* Sense-Through-Foliage target detection using UWB radar sensor networks
* Sensor Fusion for Cooperative Head Localization
* Set of Selected SIFT Features for 3D Facial Expression Recognition, A
* Shadow removal from image of stained glass windows
* Shape Classification Using Tree-Unions
* Shape Code Based Word-Image Matching for Retrieval of Indian Multi-lingual Documents
* Shape Filling Rate for Silhouette Representation and Recognition
* Shape Guided Maximally Stable Extremal Region (MSER) Tracking
* Shape Index SIFT: Range Image Recognition Using Local Features
* Shape Interpolation with Flattenings
* Shape Prototype Signatures for Action Recognition
* Shape-Appearance Guided Level-Set Deformable Model for Image Segmentation
* Shape-Based Image Retrieval Using a New Descriptor Based on the Radon and Wavelet Transforms
* Shape-DNA: Effective Character Restoration and Enhancement for Arabic Text Documents
* Shared Random Ferns for Efficient Detection of Multiple Categories
* Shift-map Image Registration
* Shortest Path Refinement for Motion Estimation From Tagged MR Images
* Signal-to-Signal Ratio Independent Speaker Identification for Co-channel Speech Signals
* Simple Approach to Find the Best Wavelet Basis in Classification Problems, A
* Simulation Study on the Generative Neural Ensemble Decoding Algorithms, A
* Simultaneous Segmentation and Modelling of Signals Based on an Equipartition Principle
* Single Channel Speech Separation Using Source-Filter Representation
* Single View Metrology Along Orthogonal Directions
* Singular Candidate Method: Improvement of Extended Relational Graph Method for Reliable Detection of Fingerprint Singularity
* Sketched Symbol Recognition with a Latent-Dynamic Conditional Model
* Skewed Rotation Symmetry Group Detection
* Slap Fingerprint Segmentation for Live-Scan Devices and Ten-Print Cards
* Slip and Fall Events Detection by Analyzing the Integrated Spatiotemporal Energy Map
* Snippet Statistics of Font Recognition, The
* Social Network Approach to Analysis of Soccer Game
* Software Designs of Image Processing Tasks With Incremental Refinement of Computation
* Sparse Array 3-D ISAR Imaging Based on Maximum Likelihood Estimation and CLEAN Technique
* Sparse Coding of Linear Dynamical Systems with an Application to Dynamic Texture Recognition
* Sparse Embedding Visual Attention Systems Combined with Edge Information
* Sparse Local Discriminant Projections for Feature Extraction
* Sparse Representation Classifier Steered Discriminative Projection
* Sparse Representation for Speaker Identification
* Spatial and Temporal Enhancement of Depth Images Captured by a Time-of-Flight Depth Sensor
* Spatial Purity Based Endmember Extraction for Spectral Mixture Analysis
* Spatial Representation for Efficient Sequence Classification
* Spatial String Matching for Image Classification
* Spatially Regularized Common Spatial Patterns for EEG Classification
* Speaker Change Detection Based on the Pairwise Distance Matrix
* Special issue on Image and Video Quality Assessment
* Special Issue on New Advances in Video-Based Gait Analysis and Applications: Challenges and Solutions
* Spectral Invariant Representation for Spectral Reflectance Image
* Spectroscopic Calibration Correlation of Field and Lab-Sized Fluorescence LIDAR Systems
* Speech Emotion Analysis in Noisy Real-World Environment
* Speech Magnitude-Spectrum Information-Entropy (MSIE) for Automatic Speech Recognition in Noisy Environments
* Spike-Based Convolutional Network for Real-Time Processing
* Spot Segmentation Approach for 2D Gel Electrophoresis Images Based on 2D Histograms, A
* Stages as Models of Scene Geometry
* Static Estimation of the Meteorological Visibility Distance in Night Fog with Imagery
* Statistical Analysis of Kalman Filters by Conversion to Gauss-Helmert Models with Applications to Process Noise Estimation
* Statistical Fourier Descriptors for Defect Image Classification
* Statistical interpretation of non-local means
* Statistical Learning Approach to Spatial Context Exploitation for Semantic Image Analysis, A
* Statistical Modeling of Image Degradation Based on Quality Metrics
* Statistical Pixel Intensity Model for Segmentation of Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy Images, A
* Statistical Projection Completion in X-ray CT Using Consistency Conditions
* Statistical Shape Modeling Using Morphological Representations
* Statistical Texture Modeling for Medical Volume Using Generalized N-Dimensional Principal Component Analysis Method and 3D Volume Morphing
* Steerable Filtering Using Novel Circular Harmonic Functions with Application to Edge Detection
* Stereo rectification of uncalibrated and heterogeneous images
* Stereo-Based Multi-person Tracking Using Overlapping Silhouette Templates
* Stereoscopic Image Inpainting: Distinct Depth Maps and Images Inpainting
* Stochastic Filtering of Level Sets for Curve Tracking
* Stochastic Segment Model Adaptation for Offline Handwriting Recognition
* structural clustering and analysis of metric based on granular space, The
* Structure Adaptation of HMM Applied to OCR
* Study of Designing Compact Recognizers of Handwritten Chinese Characters Using Multiple-Prototype Based Classifiers, A
* Study of Voice Source and Vocal Tract Filter Based Features in Cognitive Load Classification, A
* Study on Color Spaces for Single Image Enrolment Face Authentication
* Study on Combining Sets of Differently Measured Dissimilarities, A
* Study on Detecting Patterns in Twitter Intra-topic User and Message Clustering, A
* Sub-Category Optimization for Multi-view Multi-pose Object Detection
* Subclass Error Correcting Output Codes Using Fisher's Linear Discriminant Ratio
* Subspace Methods with Globally/Locally Weighted Correlation Matrix
* SubXPCA versus PCA: A Theoretical Investigation
* Successive Phase Sharing and Distributed Multiuser Precoding in Multirelay Systems
* Suggesting Songs for Media Creation Using Semantics
* Super-Resolution Texture Mapping from Multiple View Images
* Supergraph-based Generative Model, A
* Support Vector Domain Method For Change Detection In Multitemporal Images, A
* Support Vectors Selection for Supervised Learning Using an Ensemble Approach
* Surface area estimation of digitized 3D objects using quasi-Monte Carlo methods
* Survey on Contemporary Remote Surveillance Systems for Public Safety
* SVM-FuzCoC: A novel SVM-based feature selection method using a fuzzy complementary criterion
* SVM-HMM Based Online Classifier for Handwritten Chemical Symbols, A
* Switching Bilateral Filter With a Texture/Noise Detector for Universal Noise Removal
* Symbol Classification Using Dynamic Aligned Shape Descriptor
* Symbol Recognition Combining Vectorial and Pixel-Level Features for Line Drawings
* System Identification With Sparse Coprime Sensing
* Task-Oriented Evaluation of Super-Resolution Techniques
* Temporal consistent real-time stereo for intelligent vehicles
* Temporal Extension of Laplacian Eigenmaps for Unsupervised Dimensionality Reduction of Time Series
* Tensor Power Method for Efficient MAP Inference in Higher-order MRFs
* Tensor Voting Based Color Clustering
* Tensor-Driven Hyperspectral Denoising: A Strong Link for Classification Chains?
* Tertiary Hash Tree: Indexing Structure for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Test of Granger Non-causality Based on Nonparametric Conditional Independence, A
* Text classification with the support of pruned dependency patterns
* Text Detection Using Edge Gradient and Graph Spectrum
* Text Independent Writer Identification for Bengali Script
* Text independent writer recognition using redundant writing patterns with contour-based orientation and curvature features
* Text Separation from Mixed Documents Using a Tree-Structured Classifier
* Textural feature selection by joint mutual information based on Gaussian mixture model for multispectral image classification
* Texture analysis based on maximum contrast walker
* Theme-Based Multi-class Object Recognition and Segmentation
* Theoretical Analysis of a Performance Measure for Imbalanced Data
* Three-layer Spatial Sparse Coding for Image Classification
* Threshold-free object and ground point separation in LIDAR data
* Tile-Image Merging and Delivering for Virtual Camera Services on Tiled-Display for Real-Time Remote Collaboration
* Time Series Classification Using Support Vector Machine with Gaussian Elastic Metric Kernel
* Tokenless Cancelable Biometrics Scheme for Protecting Iris Codes
* Top Down Analysis of Line Structure in Handwritten Documents
* Topic-Sensitive Tag Ranking
* Topologic Approach to User-Dependent Key Extraction from Fingerprints, A
* Topological Dynamic Bayesian Networks
* Torchlight Navigation
* Toward Credible Evaluation of Anomaly-Based Intrusion-Detection Methods
* Toward Large-Scale Face Recognition Using Social Network Context
* Toward Massive Scalability in Image Matching
* Towards a Best Linear Combination for Multimodal Biometric Fusion
* Towards a Better Understanding of the Performance of Latent Fingerprint Recognition in Realistic Forensic Conditions
* Towards a Generic Feature-Selection Measure for Intrusion Detection
* Towards a More Realistic Appearance-Based Gait Representation for Gender Recognition
* Towards an Intelligent Bed Sensor: Non-intrusive Monitoring of Sleep Irregularities with Computer Vision Techniques
* Track Initialization in Low Frame Rate and Low Resolution Videos
* Tracking Hand Rotation and Grasping from an IR Camera Using Cylindrical Manifold Embedding
* Tracking Multiple People with Illumination Maps
* Tracking Objects with Adaptive Feature Patches for PTZ Camera Visual Surveillance
* Tracking Ships from Fast Moving Camera through Image Registration
* Training-Free, Generic Object Detection Using Locally Adaptive Regression Kernels
* Traj Align: A Method for Precise Matching of 3-D Trajectories
* Transfer of Supervision for Improved Address Standardization
* Transition Thresholds for Binarization of Historical Documents
* Transitive Closure Based Visual Words for Point Matching in Video Sequence
* tree-structured framework for purifying complex clusters with structural roles of individual data, A
* Triangle-Constraint for Finding More Good Features
* Tuning Support Vector Machines for Minimax and Neyman-Pearson Classification
* Two information-theoretic tools to assess the performance of multi-class classifiers
* Two-Level Algorithm for MCs Detection in Mammograms Using Diverse-Adaboost-SVM
* Typographical Features for Scene Text Recognition
* Underwater Mine Classification with Imperfect Labels
* Unexpected Human Behavior Recognition in Image Sequences Using Multiple Features
* Unified Approach to Detection and Identification of Commercial Films by Temporal Occurrence Pattern
* Unified Probabilistic Approach to Feature Matching and Object Segmentation, A
* Unifying Approach for Fast License Plate Localization and Super-Resolution
* Unifying Framework for Learning the Linear Combiners for Classifier Ensembles, A
* University of Surrey Visual Concept Detection System at ImageCLEF@ICPR: Working Notes, The
* University of Surrey Visual Concept Detection System at ImageCLEF@ICPR: Working Notes, The
* Unsupervised Block Covering Analysis for Text-Line Segmentation of Arabic Ancient Handwritten Document Images
* Unsupervised Change Detection in Multispectral Remotely Sensed Imagery With Level Set Methods
* Unsupervised clustering in Hough space for recognition of multiple instances of the same object in a cluttered scene
* Unsupervised Ensemble Ranking: Application to Large-Scale Image Retrieval
* Unsupervised Evaluation Methods Based on Local Gray-Intensity Variances for Binarization of Historical Documents
* Unsupervised Image Retrieval with Similar Lighting Conditions
* Unsupervised Learning from Linked Documents
* Unsupervised Learning of Activities in Video Using Scene Context
* Unsupervised Learning of Stroke Tagger for Online Kanji Handwriting Recognition
* Unsupervised Tissue Image Segmentation through Object-Oriented Texture
* Unsupervised Visual Object Categorisation via Self-Organisation
* Urban features recognition and extraction from very-high resolution multi-spectral satellite imagery: A micro-macro texture determination and integration framework
* Use of Genetic Programming for Learning 3D Craniofacial Shape Quantifications, The
* Use of Line Spectral Frequencies for Emotion Recognition from Speech
* User Adaptive Clustering for Large Image Databases
* User-Friendly Interactive Image Segmentation Through Unified Combinatorial User Inputs
* Using Aerial Imagery and GIS in Automated Building Footprint Extraction and Shape Recognition for Earthquake Risk Assessment of Urban Inventories
* Using Gait Features for Improving Walking People Detection
* Using Local Affine Invariants to Improve Image Matching
* Using local features to measure land development in urban regions
* Using Moments on Spatiotemporal Plane for Facial Expression Recognition
* Using Sequential Context for Image Analysis
* Using Snakes with Asymmetric Energy Terms for the Detection of Varying-Contrast Edges in SAR Images
* Using Spatial Relations for Graphical Symbol Description
* Using Symmetry to Select Fixation Points for Segmentation
* Variable Selection for Five-Minute Ahead Electricity Load Forecasting
* Variational Bayesian EM Algorithm for Tree Similarity, A
* Variational Formulation for Fingerprint Orientation Modeling, A
* Variational Mixture of Experts for Classification with Applications to Landmine Detection
* Variational shape matching for shape classification and retrieval
* Variations of a Hough-Voting Action Recognition System
* Vector Quantization Mappings for Speaker Verification
* Vector Space Embedding of Undirected Graphs with Fixed-cardinality Vertex Sequences for Classification
* Vehicle Recognition as Changes in Satellite Imagery
* Verification of Video Source Camera Competition (CAMCOM 2010)
* Verification Under Increasing Dimensionality
* Vessel Bend-Based Cup Segmentation in Retinal Images
* Video Based Palmprint Recognition
* Video Denoising Based on a Spatiotemporal Gaussian Scale Mixture Model
* Video Foreground Detection Based on Symmetric Alpha-Stable Mixture Models
* Video Retrieval Based on Tracked Features Quantization
* View Invariant Body Pose Estimation Based on Biased Manifold Learning
* View-Invariant Action Recognition Using Rank Constraint
* View-Invariant Object Recognition with Visibility Maps
* Viewpoint independent object recognition in cluttered scenes exploiting ray-triangle intersection and SIFT algorithms
* Visibility of Multiple Cameras in a Scene with Unknown Geometry
* Visible Entropy: A Measure for Image Visibility
* Vision of a Visipedia
* Vision-Based Emergency Response System with a Paramedic Mobile Robot, A
* Vision-Based Taiwanese Sign Language Recognition, A
* Visual Attention Based Approach to Text Extraction, A
* Visual Gaze Estimation by Joint Head and Eye Information
* Visual Perception Driven Registration of Mammograms
* Visual Recognition of Types of Structural Corridor Landmarks Using Vanishing Points Detection and Hidden Markov Models
* Visual SLAM with an Omnidirectional Camera
* Visual Tracking Algorithm Using Pixel-Pair Feature
* Visual Tracking Using Sparsity Induced Similarity
* Visualization of Customer Flow in an Office Complex over a Long Period
* Vocabulary-Based Approaches for Multiple-Instance Data: A Comparative Study
* Voice Activity Detection Based on Complex Exponential Atomic Decomposition and Likelihood Ratio Test
* Von Mises-Fisher Mean Shift for Clustering on a Hypersphere
* Water Reflection Detection Using a Flip Invariant Shape Detector
* Watermarking in halftone images with noise balance strategy
* Watershed from propagated markers: An interactive method to morphological object segmentation in image sequences
* Wavelet Domain Local Binary Pattern Features For Writer Identification
* Wavelet-Based Texture Retrieval Modeling the Magnitudes of Wavelet Detail Coefficients with a Generalized Gamma Distribution
* Wavelet-Based Texture Retrieval Using a Mixture of Generalized Gaussian Distributions
* Weakly Supervised Action Recognition Using Implicit Shape Models
* Weighted Boundary Points for Shape Analysis
* Weighting of the k-Nearest-Neighbors
* Windows Detection Using K-means in CIE-Lab Color Space
* WLD: A Robust Local Image Descriptor
* Word Clustering Using PLSA Enhanced with Long Distance Bigrams
* Wrap-around effect removal finite ridgelet transform for multiscale image denoising
* Writing Order Recovery from Off-Line Handwriting by Graph Traversal
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.