* *GE Healthcare's Smart Patient Room to Begin Data Collection
* 2-D non-separable GenLOT with trend vanishing moments
* 2000-fps multi-object extraction based on cell-based labeling
* 2D Action Recognition Serves 3D Human Pose Estimation
* 2D Human Body Model Dressed in Eigen Clothing, A
* 2D orientation is unique through principal moments analysis, The
* 2D+T Feature-preserving Non-local Means Filter for Image Denoising and Improved Detection of Small and Weak Particles, A
* 3-dimensional face pose and shape estimation based on relaxed model fitting optimization
* 3D augmented Markov random field for object recognition
* 3D automatic anatomy segmentation based on graph cut-oriented active appearance models
* 3D Change Detection inside Urban Areas using different Digital Surface Models
* 3D classification of power-line scene from airborne laser scanning data using Random Forests
* 3D Deformable Face Tracking with a Commodity Depth Camera
* 3D face recovery from intensities of general and unknown lighting using Partial Least Squares
* 3D JBU based depth video filtering for temporal fluctuation reduction
* 3D neurological image retrieval with localized pathology-centric CMRGlc patterns
* 3D Object Detection Using a Fast Voxel-Wise Local Spherical Fourier Tensor Transformation
* 3D object matching based on spherical Hilbert scanning
* 3D Point Correspondence by Minimum Description Length in Feature Space
* 3D Reconstruction based on Stereovision and Texture Mapping
* 3D Reconstruction of a Moving Point from a Series of 2D Projections
* 3D reconstruction of transparent objects exploiting surface fluorescence caused by UV irradiation
* 3D segmentation of forest structure using a mean-shift based algorithm
* 3D shape recovery by image focus using Lorentzian-Cauchy function
* 3D vertebrae segmentation using graph cuts with shape prior constraints
* 3D video assessment with Just Noticeable Difference in Depth evaluation
* 3D video formats and coding methods
* 3D video performance segmentation
* 4D CT image reconstruction based on interpolated optical flow fields
* 5D Motion Subspaces for Planar Motions
* Abundance guided endmember selection: An algorithm for unmixing hyperspectral data
* Accelerated Hypothesis Generation for Multi-structure Robust Fitting
* Accelerated video encoding using render context information
* Accelerated wavelet-regularized deconvolution for 3-D fluorescence microcopy
* Accelerating color space transformations using numerical approximations
* Accounting for the Relative Importance of Objects in Image Retrieval
* Accurate and Efficient Background Subtraction by Monotonic Second-Degree Polynomial Fitting
* Accurate and Efficient Face Recognition from Video
* Accurate and efficient reconstruction of 3D faces from stereo images
* Accurate Image Localization Based on Google Maps Street View
* Accurate Localization of Four Extreme Corners for Barcode Images Captured by Mobile Phones
* Accurate Overlap Area Detection Using a Histogram and Multiple Closest Points
* Acquiring shaking-free route panorama by stationary blurring
* Action Detection in Crowd
* Action Recognition Using Sparse Representation on Covariance Manifolds of Optical Flow
* Activation detection in event-related fMRI through clustering of wavelet distributions
* Active 3d Segmentation through Fixation of Previously Unseen Objects
* Active image: A shape and topology preserving segmentation method using B-spline free form deformations
* Active Mask Hierarchies for Object Detection
* Active Self-calibration of Multi-camera Systems
* Activities as Time Series of Human Postures
* Activity Monitoring System for Real Elderly at Home: Validation Study, An
* Adaptation strategies for streaming SVC video
* Adapting Visual Category Models to New Domains
* Adaptive and Generic Corner Detection Based on the Accelerated Segment Test
* adaptive approach for overlapping people tracking based on foreground silhouettes, An
* Adaptive biometric authentication using nonlinear mappings on quality measures and verification scores
* Adaptive blotches detection for film restoration
* adaptive clustering and chrominance-based merging approach for image segmentation and abstraction, An
* adaptive early termination of mode decision using inter-layer correlation in scalable video coding, An
* adaptive L1-L2 hybrid error model to super-resolution, An
* adaptive LogLUV transform for High Dynamic Range video compression, An
* Adaptive Metric Registration of 3D Models to Non-rigid Image Trajectories
* Adaptive mode decision algorithm for inter layer coding in scalable video coding
* Adaptive motion model selection using a cubic spline based estimation framework
* Adaptive motion vector resolution with implicit signaling
* Adaptive partitioning method in high resolution speckle imagery for sub-pixel digital image correlation
* Adaptive patch size determination for patch-based image completion
* Adaptive Patch-Based Background Modelling for Improved Foreground Object Segmentation and Tracking
* Adaptive reference frame selection for near-duplicate video shot detection
* Adaptive regularization for image restoration using a variational inequality approach
* Adaptive Regularization for Image Segmentation Using Local Image Curvature Cues
* Adaptive sampling for output device characterization
* Adaptive shape prior in graph cut segmentation
* Adaptive stereoscopic 3D video streaming
* Adaptive tri-direction edge detection operators based on the spiral architecture
* Adaptive-scale determining for edge detecion in correlated texture noise
* Additive Update Predictors in Active Appearance Models
* ADICT: Accurate Direct and Inverse Color Transformation
* Aesthetic quality assessment of consumer photos with faces
* Affine camera calibration from homographies of parallel planes
* Affine Puzzle: Realigning Deformed Object Fragments without Correspondences
* Affine-invariant modeling of shape-appearance images applied on sign language handshape classification
* Affine-invariant shape matching and recognition under partial occlusion
* Affinity Propagation Feature Clustering with Application to Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Road Traffic Surveillance
* Algorithm for Blood-Vessel Segmentation in 3D Images Based on a Right Generalized Cylinder Model: Application to Carotid Arteries
* aliasing detection algorithm based on suspicious colocalizations of Fourier coefficients, An
* Aligning Spatio-Temporal Signals on a Special Manifold
* Aligning tilt slices for 3D TEM tomography based on 2D to 1D Radon transform
* Alternating proximal algorithm for blind image recovery
* alternative Gabor filtering scheme, An
* Ambrosio-Tortorelli Segmentation of Stochastic Images
* Analysing inter-observer saliency variations in task-free viewing of natural images
* Analysis of Different Clustering Algorithms for ROI Detection in High Resolutions CT Lung Images, An
* Analysis of Four Polar Shape Descriptors Properties in an Exemplary Application
* Analysis of Length and Orientation of Microtubules in Wide-Field Fluorescence Microscopy
* Analysis of Motion Blur with a Flutter Shutter Camera for Non-linear Motion
* Analysis of quadratic R-D model in H.264/AVC video coding
* Analysis of the resistance of the Spread Transform against Temporal Frame Averaging attack
* Analytical Forward Projection for Axial Non-central Dioptric and Catadioptric Cameras
* Analyzing Depth from Coded Aperture Sets
* Animation pyramid for efficient image database browsing
* Anisotropic diffusion using power watersheds
* Anisotropic diffusion-based detail-preserving smoothing for image restoration
* Anomalous Behaviour Detection Using Spatiotemporal Oriented Energies, Subset Inclusion Histogram Comparison and Event-Driven Processing
* Anomaly detection in surveillance video using motion direction statistics
* Application of Shape Description Methodology to Hand Radiographs Interpretation
* Application of the FraDIA Vision Framework for Robotic Purposes
* Approximate inverse based implementation for Tuy's formula
* Approximation of digitized curves with cubic Bézier splines
* Archive Film Restoration Based on Spatiotemporal Random Walks
* Articulated Body Motion Tracking by Combined Particle Swarm Optimization and Particle Filtering
* Articulated human body pose tracking by suppression based immune particle filter
* Articulation-Invariant Representation of Non-planar Shapes
* Asymmetric fourier descriptor of non-closed segments
* Attribute-Based Transfer Learning for Object Categorization with Zero/One Training Example
* Auction protocol for camera active control
* Audio-Visual Co-Training for Vehicle Classification
* Audio-visual speaker identification with multi-view distance metric learning
* augmented Lagrangian approach to linear inverse problems with compound regularization, An
* Authentication Mechanism Using Chinese Remainder Theorem for Efficient Surveillance Video Transmission, An
* Automated 3D Reconstruction and Segmentation from Optical Coherence Tomography
* Automated color normalization for dermoscopy images
* Automated Counting and Characterization of Dirt Particles in Pulp
* Automated detection of blob structures by Hessian analysis and object scale
* Automated Segmentation of 3D CT Images Based on Statistical Atlas and Graph Cuts
* automated vertebra identification and segmentation in CT images, An
* Automatic and robust 3D Face Registration using Multiresolution Spherical Depth Map
* Automatic annotation of geo-information in panoramic street view by image retrieval
* Automatic annotation of unique locations from video and text
* Automatic Attribute Discovery and Characterization from Noisy Web Data
* Automatic cell classification and population estimation in blastocystis autophagy images
* Automatic classification and 3D modeling of lidar data
* Automatic contrast enhancement of low-light images based on local statistics of wavelet coefficients
* Automatic Detection and Reading of Dangerous Goods Plates
* Automatic detection of buildings with rectangular flat roofs from multi-view oblique imagery
* Automatic detection of malignant prostatic gland units in cross-sectional microscopic images
* Automatic Extraction of the Lower Boundary of the Mandibular Bone in Dental Panoramic Radiographs
* Automatic Facial Expression Recognition using Bags of Motion Words
* Automatic foreground extraction for images and videos
* Automatic frontal view face image synthesis
* Automatic image retargeting evaluation based on user perception
* automatic initial snaxel selection method in active contour model for contour extraction, An
* Automatic Inter-image Homography Estimation from Person Detections
* Automatic Learning of Background Semantics in Generic Surveilled Scenes
* Automatic macula detection from retinal images by a line operator
* Automatic multi-camera placement and optimisation using ray tracing
* Automatic optic disc detection through background estimation
* Automatic preview video generation for mesh sequences
* Automatic Production of Occlusion-Free Rectified Façade Textures using Vehicle-Based Imagery
* Automatic production of personalized basketball video summaries from multi-sensored data
* Automatic road network extraction in suburban areas from high resolution aerial images
* Automatic target recognition based on simultaneous sparse representation
* Automatic target recognition of multiple targets from two classes with varying velocities using correlation filters
* Automatic vehicle detection in aerial image sequences of urban areas using 3D HoG features
* Automatic Vehicle Detection Method Based on Traffic Videos, An
* Automatic video-based analysis of animal behaviors
* Avoiding Confusing Features in Place Recognition
* back projection scheme for accurate mean shift based tracking, A
* Back to the Future: Learning Shape Models from 3D CAD Data
* Background Modelling on Tensor Field for Foreground Segmentation
* Background subtraction adapted to PTZ cameras by keypoint density estimation
* Background subtraction based on phase and distance transform under sudden illumination change
* Background Subtraction under Sudden Illumination Changes
* Backprojection Revisited: Scalable Multi-view Object Detection and Similarity Metrics for Detections
* Bacteria-Filters: Persistent particle filters for background subtraction
* Balancing Deformability and Discriminability for Shape Matching
* Ball event recognition using hmm for automatic tennis annotation
* Barcode-based calibration of a 1-D blur restoration pipeline
* Bayesian approach to shape from coded aperture, A
* Bayesian dense motion field estimation with landmark constraint
* Bayesian Framework for Online Interaction Classification, A
* Bayesian model selection approach to fMRI activation detection, A
* Bayesian regularization of diffusion tensor images using hierarchical MCMC and loopy belief propagation
* Bayesian super-resolution pansharpening using contourlets
* Being John Malkovich
* Belief Propagation for Improved Color Assessment in Structured Light
* Benchmark face detection using a face recognition database
* Betasac: A New Conditional Sampling for RANSAC
* Beyond the neutral interface reflection assumption in illuminant color estimation
* Bilateral kernel parameter optimization by risk minimization
* Bilinear Factorization via Augmented Lagrange Multipliers
* Bilinear invariant representation for video classification and retrieval
* Bilinear Kernel Reduced Rank Regression for Facial Expression Synthesis
* Binary Coherent Edge Descriptors
* Bit allocation for scalable video coding of multiple video programs
* Bit-plane stack filter algorithm for focal plane processors
* Bitplane intra coding with decoder-side mode decision in distributed video coding
* Blind invisible watermarking for 3D meshes with textures
* Blind Reflectometry
* blind video watermark detection method based on 3D-DWT transform, A
* Block size dependent error model for motion compensation
* Block-based adaptive compressed sensing for video
* Blocks World Revisited: Image Understanding Using Qualitative Geometry and Mechanics
* Body Parts Detection for People Tracking Using Trees of Histogram of Oriented Gradient Descriptors
* Boosting Chamfer Matching by Learning Chamfer Distance Normalization
* Boundary Detection Using F-Measure-, Filter- and Feature- (F3) Boost
* BRIEF: Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features
* Bringing Richer Information with Reliability to Automated Traffic Monitoring from the Fusion of Multiple Cameras, Inductive Loops and Road Maps
* Building Compact Local Pairwise Codebook with Joint Feature Space Clustering
* Building Detection from Multispectral Imagery and LIDAR Data Employing A Threshold-Free Evaluation System
* Building Emerging Pattern (EP) Random forest for recognition
* Building Sparse 3D representations from a Set of Calibrated Panoramic Images
* Bundle Adjustment in the Large
* Calibration of Non-Overlapping Cameras: Application to Vision-Based Robotics
* Calibration of Rotating Line Spherical Camera based on Checkerboard Pattern on Multiple Planes and its Accuracy Assessment
* Camera Calibration and Scene Modeling from Arbitrary Parallelograms Imposing the Multiview Constraints
* Camera Pose Estimation Using Images of Planar Mirror Reflections
* Can the Coronary Artery Centerline Extraction in Computed Tomography Images Be Improved by Use of a Partial Volume Model?
* Capabilities and limitations of mono-camera pedestrian-based autocalibration
* Cascaded Confidence Filtering for Improved Tracking-by-Detection
* cascaded hierarchical framework for moving object detection and tracking, A
* Cascaded Models for Articulated Pose Estimation
* Case-Adaptive Classification Based on Image Retrieval for Computer-Aided Diagnosis
* Catadioptric camera model with conic mirror
* Category Independent Object Proposals
* Category-specific incremental visual codebook training for scene categorization
* Catheter Tracking: Filter-Based vs. Learning-Based
* Cepstral analysis based blind deconvolution for motion blur
* Cerebral white matter segmentation from MRI using probabilistic graph cuts and geometric shape priors
* Characteristics of Architectural Distortions in Mammograms: Extraction of Texture Orientation with Gabor Filters
* Characterization of signal perturbation using voting based curve fitting for multispectral images
* Characterizing building façades from vertical aerial images
* Chrono-Gait Image: A Novel Temporal Template for Gait Recognition
* class-separability-based method for multi/hyperspectral image color visualization, A
* ClassCut for Unsupervised Class Segmentation
* Classification and feature selection with human performance data
* Classification of complex pedestrian activities from trajectories
* Classification of high-dimensional data using the Sparse Matrix Transform
* Classification of Microorganisms via Raman Spectroscopy Using Gaussian Processes
* Classification of Poses and Movement Phases
* Classification of Swimming Microorganisms Motion Patterns in 4D Digital In-Line Holography Data
* classifier based approach for the detection of potential threats in CT based Baggage Screening, A
* Classifying Textile Designs using Region Graphs
* Close-Form Iterative Algorithm for Depth Inferring from a Single Image, A
* close-up detection method for movies, A
* Closed form of the steered elongated Hermite-Gauss wavelets
* closed-form expression for the bandwidth of the plenoptic function under finite field of view constraints, A
* Closed-Loop Adaptation for Robust Tracking
* Clothing-based person clustering in family photos
* Clustered Pose and Nonlinear Appearance Models for Human Pose Estimation
* Clustering Complex Data with Group-Dependent Feature Selection
* Co-transduction for Shape Retrieval
* Coarse-to-Fine Taxonomy of Constellations for Fast Multi-class Object Detection, A
* coding method for high bit-depth images based on optimized bit-depth transform, A
* Cognitive Hierarchical Active Partitions Using Patch Approach
* Collaborative particle filters for group tracking
* Collision-detection based rate-adaptation for video multicasting over IEEE 802.11 wireless networks
* Color and texture feature fusion using kernel PCA with application to object-based vegetation species classification
* Color demosaicking with sparse representations
* Color exploitation in hog-based traffic sign detection
* Color image denoising using e-neighborhood Gaussian model
* Color maps and graphs compression
* Color transfer via local binary patterns mapping
* Color- and texture-based salient map hierarchy
* Color-component bit allocation scheme for JPEG 2000 parallel codec
* Colorization for Single Image Super Resolution
* Colorizing single-band thermal night vision images
* Colour Sketch Recognition Interface for Training Systems, The
* Combination of image and lidar data for building and tree extraction
* Combining dark channel prior and color cues for road following in outdoor environments
* Combining free energy score spaces with information theoretic kernels: Application to scene classification
* Combining Geometric and Appearance Priors for Robust Homography Estimation
* Combining image entropy with the Pulse Coupled Neural Network in edge detection
* Combining support vector machines and information gain ranking for classification of Mars McMurdo panorama images
* compact single-pass architecture for hysteresis thresholding and component labeling, A
* Compact Video Description for Copy Detection with Precise Temporal Alignment
* Compact visual codebook for action recognition
* comparative study on quality assessment of high resolution fingerprint images, A
* Comparative Validation of Graphical Models for Learning Tumor Segmentations from Noisy Manual Annotations
* Comparison between H.264/AVC and Motion jpeg2000 for super-high definition video coding
* Comparison of different approaches to extract heterogeneous objects from an image using an orchards exemple
* Comparison of image alignment on hexagonal and square lattices
* Comparison of local feature descriptors for mobile visual search
* Comparison of merging orders and pruning strategies for Binary Partition Tree in hyperspectral data
* Comparison of orientated and spatially variant morphological filters vs mean/median filters for adaptive image denoising
* Comparison of registration methods using mamographic images
* Compass: A joint framework for Parallel Imaging and Compressive Sensing in MRI
* Competitive image colorization
* Completely automatic segmentation for breast ultrasound using multiple-domain features
* Complex Motion Models for Simple Optical Flow Estimation
* Complexity-outsourced low-latency video encoding through feedback under a sum-rate constraint
* Complexity-scalable H.264/AVC in an IPP-based video encoder
* composite fingerprint segmentation based on Log-Gabor filter and orientation reliability, A
* Compressed domain global motion estimation using the Helmholtz Tradeoff Estimator
* Compressed sensing for aperture synthesis imaging
* Compressed sensing of multiview images using disparity compensation
* Compressed sensing using a Gaussian Scale Mixtures model in wavelet domain
* Compressive Acquisition of Dynamic Scenes
* Compressive blind source separation
* Compressive color imaging with group-sparsity on analysis prior
* Compressive sensing with adaptive pixel domain reconstruction for block-based video coding
* computable structure model for Hollywood film, A
* Computational complexity reduction via mode superposition: Application to biomechanics-based nonlinear cardiac deformation recovery
* computational efficient external energy for active contour segmentation using edge propagation, A
* Computational TMA Analysis and Cell Nucleus Classification of Renal Cell Carcinoma
* Computer-aided detection of pulmonary nodules using genetic programming
* concave cost formulation for parametric curve fitting: Detection of leukocytes from intravital microscopy images, A
* Conditional Point Distribution Models
* Cone-restricted kernel subspace methods
* Congestion-aware transmission rate control using Medium Grain Scalability of Scalable Video Coding
* Congestion-resistant scalable media stream mapping for an IEEE 802.11E sensor network
* Conjugate Gradient Bundle Adjustment
* Consistent joint photometric and geometric image registration
* Consistent optical flow for stereo video
* Constrained Spectral Clustering via Exhaustive and Efficient Constraint Propagation
* Constraint Satisfaction Framework with Bayesian Inference for Model-Based Object Recognition, A
* Constructing a sparse convolution matrix for shift varying image restoration problems
* Constructing efficient cascade classifiers for object detection
* Content-adaptive color transform for image compression
* Content-Adaptive Motion Compensated Frequency Selective Extrapolation for error concealment in video communication
* Content-Based Retrieval of Functional Objects in Video Using Scene Context
* Context-based additive logistic model for facial keypoint localization
* Context-Sensitive Grammar for Vehicle Movement Description, The
* Continuous Max-Flow Approach to Potts Model, A
* Continuous MRF based image denoising with a closed form solution
* Contour detection based on SUSAN principle and surround suppression
* Contour detection using Binary Partition Trees
* Contour Grouping and Abstraction Using Simple Part Models
* Contour Matching Algorithm to Reconstruct Ruptured Documents, A
* Contour tracking based on a synergistic approach of geodesic active contours and conditional random fields
* Contrast in speckled imagery with stochastic distances
* Converting Level Set Gradients to Shape Gradients
* Convex Approach for Variational Super-Resolution, A
* convex neighbor-constrained active contour model for image segmentation, A
* Convex Relaxation for Multilabel Problems with Product Label Spaces
* Convolutional Learning of Spatio-temporal Features
* Correct focus cues in stereoscopic displays improve 3D depth perception
* Correcting Misalignment of Automatic 3D Detection by Classification: Ileo-Cecal Valve False Positive Reduction in CT Colonography
* Correlation histogram analysis of depth-enhanced 3D video coding
* Correlation-aware data hiding based on spread spectrum embedding
* Correlation-Based Intrinsic Image Extraction from a Single Image
* Cosegmentation Revisited: Models and Optimization
* Cost-sensitive subspace learning for human age estimation
* Counting People in Crowded Environments by Fusion of Shape and Motion Information
* Coupled Gaussian Process Regression for Pose-Invariant Facial Expression Recognition
* Coupled pre-/post-processing filters for predictive video coding
* CPGL: A classification method combining PCA and the Group Lasso method
* Creaseg: A free software for the evaluation of image segmentation algorithms based on level-set
* Critical Nets and Beta-Stable Features for Image Matching
* CROSS-layer QoS-optimized EDCA adaptation for wireless video streaming
* Cross-view Gait Recognition Using Correlation Strength
* Crowd behaviour analysis using histograms of motion direction
* Crowd Counting Using Group Tracking and Local Features
* Crowd Detection with a Multiview Sampler
* Cue-independent extending inverse kinematics for robust pose estimation in 3D point clouds
* Curvature analysis of pattern transformation manifolds
* Curvelet analysis of kymograph for tracking bi-directional particles in fluorescence microscopy images
* Data hiding of intra prediction information in chroma samples for video compression
* Data-Driven Approach for Event Prediction, A
* Deblurring of irregularly sampled images by TV regularization in a spline space
* Decision based adaptive median filter to remove blotches, scratches, streaks, stripes and impulse noise in images
* Decision level biometric fusion using Ant Colony Optimization
* Decoder side just noticeable distortion model estimation for efficient H.264/AVC based perceptual video coding
* Decoding positional and color information from a coded pattern
* Decolorizing images for robust matching
* Deformable model guided by stochastic speed with application in cine images segmentation
* Deformable Registration of Organic Shapes via Surface Intrinsic Integrals: Application to Outer Ear Surfaces
* Denoising the high dynamic range imaging process: A comparative study using SNR and detail loss criteria
* Dense Point Trajectories by GPU-Accelerated Large Displacement Optical Flow
* Dense, Robust, and Accurate Motion Field Estimation from Stereo Image Sequences in Real-Time
* Depth Estimation and Inpainting with an Unconstrainted Camera
* Depth estimation of light field data from pinhole-masked DSLR cameras
* Depth-Encoded Hough Voting for Joint Object Detection and Shape Recovery
* Descattering Transmission via Angular Filtering
* Descriptor Learning for Efficient Retrieval
* Detail warping based video super-resolution using image guides
* Detecting anaglyph images with channel alignment features
* Detecting and composing near-identical HDR images without exposure information
* Detecting Faint Curved Edges in Noisy Images
* Detecting Ground Shadows in Outdoor Consumer Photographs
* Detecting multiple copies in tampered images
* Detecting People Using Mutually Consistent Poselet Activations
* Detecting photo manipulation on signs and billboards
* Detecting pitching frames in baseball game video using Markov random walk
* Detecting subpixel targets in Hyperspectral images via knowledgeaided adaptive filtering
* Detection and analysis of symmetrical parts on face for head pose estimation
* Detection and restoration of color-timing echo artifact for HD digital cinema films
* Detection and Tracking of Large Number of Targets in Wide Area Surveillance
* Detection of 3D Spinal Geometry Using Iterated Marginal Space Learning
* Detection of Curves with Unknown Endpoints using Minimal Path Techniques
* Detection of LSB matching steganography based on the Laplacian model of pixel difference distributions
* Detection of Near-Regular Object Configurations by Elastic Graph Search
* Detection of QRS complex in ECG signal based on classification approach
* Detection of skin lesions using diffuse polarisation
* Detection of the intima and media walls of the carotid artery with geodesic active contours
* Detection of Tumor Tissue Based on the Multispectral Imaging
* Detector-less ball localization using context and motion flow analysis
* Deterministic 3D Human Pose Estimation Using Rigid Structure
* Deterministic Sample Consensus with Multiple Match Hypotheses
* Deterministic structured network coding for WWAN video broadcast with cooperative peer-to-peer repair
* Diffusion-based Regularisation Strategies for Variational Level Set Segmentation
* Dimensioning of optical birefringent anti-alias filters for digital cameras
* direction-adaptive image coding using two-dimensional direct lifting wavelet transform, A
* Direction-adaptive transforms for coding prediction residuals
* Directional image interpolation with ANOVA methodology
* Directional lifting wavelet and universal trellis coded quantization based image coding algorithm and objective quality evaluation
* Discarding moving objects in quasi-simultaneous stereovision
* Discovering latent semantic factors for emotional picture categorization
* Discovering Multipart Appearance Models from Captioned Images
* Discrete wavelet for multifractal texture classification: Application to medical ultrasound imaging
* Discriminative Deep Belief Networks for image classification
* Discriminative Latent Model of Object Classes and Attributes, A
* Discriminative learning for script recognition
* Discriminative Learning with Latent Variables for Cluttered Indoor Scene Understanding
* Discriminative Learning with Latent Variables for Cluttered Indoor Scene Understanding
* Discriminative Mixture-of-Templates for Viewpoint Classification
* Discriminative model selection for object motion recognition
* Discriminative Nonorthogonal Binary Subspace Tracking
* Discriminative sparse representations in hyperspectral imagery
* Discriminative Spatial Attention for Robust Tracking
* Discriminative Topics Modelling for Action Feature Selection and Recognition
* Discriminative Tracking by Metric Learning
* Discriminative Voting Scheme for Object Detection using Hough Forests, A
* Disparity and normal estimation through alternating maximization
* Disparity Statistics for Pedestrian Detection: Combining Appearance, Motion and Stereo
* Displacement Calculation of Heart Walls in ECG Sequences Using Level Set Segmentation and B-Spline Free Form Deformations
* dissimilarity kernel with local features for robust facial recognition, A
* Distance-based weighted prediction for Adaptive Intra Mode Bit Skip in H.264/AVC
* Distinguishing facial expression using the Fisher-Rao metric
* Distributed classification of multiple observations by consensus
* Distributed joint source-channel arithmetic coding
* Distributed lossless coding of hyperspectral images
* Distributed particle filter tracking with online multiple instance learning in a camera sensor network
* Distributed source coding based on punctured conditional arithmetic codes
* Dual Range Deringing for non-blind image deconvolution
* dual symbol arithmetic coder architecture with reduced memory for JPEG2000, A
* Dual Theory of Inverse and Forward Light Transport, A
* Dual-modality 3D brain PET-CT image segmentation based on probabilistic brain atlas and classification fusion
* dual-threshold method for photon counting imaging with the EMCCD, A
* Dual-tree wavelets for estimation of locally varying and anisotropic fractal dimension
* Dynamic Color Flow: A Motion-Adaptive Color Model for Object Segmentation in Video
* Dynamic selection of a feature-rich query frame for mobile video retrieval
* Dynamic Sensor Selection for Single Target Tracking in Large Video Surveillance Networks
* dynamic threshold approach for skin segmentation in color images, A
* Dynamic video segmentation via a novel recursive Bayesian learning method
* Dynamic Window Construction for the Binarization of Barcode Images Captured by Mobile Phones
* Dynamics Based Trajectory Segmentation for UAV videos
* E-spline sampling for precise and robust line-edge extraction
* Early Warning System for Air Traffic Control Using Kinetic Delaunay Triangulation
* Earth documentation: Overpass detection using mobile Lidar
* Earth Mover Distance on superpixels
* Easy Rigging of Face by Automatic Registration and Transfer of Skinning Parameters
* Edge detection of three-dimensional objects by manipulating pupil functions in an optical scanning holography system
* Edge preserving multiscale error diffusion algorithm for green noise digital halftoning
* Edge type-selectable active contour using local regional information on extendable search lines
* Edge-adaptive image interpolation using constrained least squares
* Edge-adaptive image segmentation based on seam processing and K-Means clustering
* Edge-aware intra prediction for depth-map coding
* Edge-based image coding at low bit-rate
* Edge-contrast-guided image interpolation using directional variation field diffusion
* Effect of Sampling in Creating a Digital Image on Measurement Accuracy of Center Location of a Circle
* Effective single image dehazing by fusion
* Effective sinogram-inpainting for metal artifacts reduction in X-ray CT images
* Effects of MGS fragmentation, slice mode and extraction strategies on the performance of SVC with medium-grained scalability
* efficient algorithm for joint QP and quantization optimization for H.264/AVC, An
* Efficient Approach for Human Motion Data Mining Based on Curves Matching, An
* efficient Bayesian framework for image enhancement with spatial consideration, An
* Efficient bit allocation for multiview image coding and view synthesis
* efficient color image classification method using gradient magnitude based angle cooccurrence matrix, An
* Efficient Computation of Scale-Space Features for Deformable Shape Correspondences
* efficient data-scalable algorithm for image orientation detection, An
* Efficient fast multiplication-free integer transformation for the 2-D DCT H.265 standard
* Efficient feature selection for polyp detection
* Efficient Graph Cut Algorithm for Computer Vision Problems, An
* Efficient graph-based image segmentation via speeded-up turbo pixels
* Efficient hardware architecture for Particle Filter based object tracking
* Efficient Highly Over-Complete Sparse Coding Using a Mixture Model
* Efficient human action detection: a coarse-to-fine strategy
* Efficient image retrieval for 3d structures
* Efficient implementation of a 3-D medical imaging compression system using CAVLC
* Efficient Inference with Multiple Heterogeneous Part Detectors for Human Pose Estimation
* Efficient intra coding structure for high resolution videos using line-by-line prediction and adaptive transform selection
* efficient learned dictionary and its application to non-local denoising, An
* Efficient message reduction algorithm for stereo matching using belief propagation
* efficient multicast algorithm for the scalable extension of H.264/AVC over IEEE 802.11 WLANs, An
* Efficient Neural Models for Visual Attention
* Efficient Non-consecutive Feature Tracking for Structure-from-Motion
* Efficient Object Category Recognition Using Classemes
* Efficient Object Detection Using Orthogonal NMF Descriptor Hierarchies
* Efficient representation of the variant PSF of structured light system
* Efficient Reversible Image Watermarking by Using Dynamical Prediction-Error Expansion
* Efficient search methods and deep belief networks with particle filtering for non-rigid tracking: Application to lip tracking
* Efficient Structure from Motion by Graph Optimization
* efficient system for combining complementary kernels in complex visual categorization tasks, An
* Efficiently Scaling Up Video Annotation with Crowdsourced Marketplaces
* Elastic modulus imaging using optical flow and image registration
* Electoral College and Direct Popular Vote for Multi-candidate Election
* Electrooculography Signal Estimation by Using Evolution-Based Technique for Computer Animation Applications
* Element-Wise Factorization for N-View Projective Reconstruction
* Embedding Visual Words into Concept Space for Action and Scene Recognition
* Emotion Recognition from Arbitrary View Facial Images
* Empirical Comparison of Inference Algorithms for Graphical Models with Higher Order Factors Using OpenGM, An
* empirical method for comparing the shape of two Gaussian mixtures, An
* Endoscopic bladder image registration using sparse graph cuts
* Energy Minimization under Constraints on Label Counts
* Enhanced Bayesian foreground segmentation using Brightness and Color Distortion region-based model for shadow removal
* Enhanced first approximation for ICP-based global matching of free-form curves in side-looking radar geometry
* Enhanced intra prediction and transform for video coding
* Enhanced Just Noticeable Difference (JND) estimation with image decomposition
* Enhanced prediction for motion estimation in Scalable Video Coding
* Enhanced robust phase correlation based sub-pixel feature matching for target motion estimation
* Enhanced visual categorization performances by incorporation of simple features into BIM features
* Enhancing Interactive Image Segmentation with Automatic Label Set Augmentation
* Enhancing low light images using near infrared flash images
* Enhancing voxel carving by capture volume calculations
* Entropies and cross-entropies of exponential families
* Environment Modeling from Images Taken by a Low Cost Camera
* Epipolar Constraints for Multiscale Matching
* Error Concealment Method Selection in Texture Images Using Advanced Local Binary Patterns Classifier
* Error concealment of H.264/AVC inter-coded video frames
* Error-Tolerant Image Compositing
* Erythema detection in digital skin images
* Estimating Force Fields of Living Cells: Comparison of Several Regularization Schemes Combined with Automatic Parameter Choice
* Estimation of 3D Object Structure, Motion and Rotation Based on 4D Affine Optical Flow Using a Multi-camera Array
* Estimation of linear deformations of 3D objects
* Estimation of the degree of polarization in dual-polarized SAR imagery
* Estimation of the Ising field parameter thanks to the exact partition function
* Estimation System for Forces and Torques in a Biped Motion
* Estimation-theoretic approach to delayed prediction in scalable video coding
* ESUR: A system for Events detection in SURveillance video
* Euclidean Structure Recovery from Motion in Perspective Image Sequences via Hankel Rank Minimization
* Evaluation of dimensionality reduction methods for image auto-annotation
* Evaluation of Image Feature Detectors and Descriptors for Robot Navigation, An
* Evaluation of on-line quality estimators for object tracking
* Evaluation of One-Class SVM for Pixel-Based and Segment-Based Classification in Remote Sensing
* Evaluation of state-of-the-art algorithms for remote face recognition
* Evaluation of texture energies for classification of façades images
* Event tactic analysis in sports video using spatio-temporal pattern
* Every Picture Tells a Story: Generating Sentences from Images
* Evidence of walls in oblique images for automatic verification of buildings
* Evolutionary games for cooperative P2P video streaming
* evolving MoG for online image sequence segmentation, An
* Exact discrete minimization for TV+L0 image decomposition models
* Example-Based Color Vehicle Retrieval for Surveillance
* Example-based image compression
* Exemplar-Based EM-like image denoising via manifold reconstruction
* Experimental Study of Color-Based Segmentation Algorithms Based on the Mean-Shift Concept, An
* Exploiting collective knowledge in an image folksonomy for semantic-based near-duplicate video detection
* Exploiting Geometric Restrictions in a PTZ Camera for Finding Point-Correspondences Between Configurations
* Exploiting Loops in the Graph of Trifocal Tensors for Calibrating a Network of Cameras
* Exploiting sparsity in dense optical flow
* Exploiting spatial domain and wavelet domain cumulants for fusion of SAR and optical images
* exploration of on-road vehicle detection using hierarchical scaling schemes, An
* Explore multiple clues for urban images matching
* Exploring Ambiguities for Monocular Non-Rigid Shape Estimation
* Exploring Cortical Folding Pattern Variability Using Local Image Features
* Exploring the Identity Manifold: Constrained Operations in Face Space
* Extended dynamic texture prediction for H.264/AVC inter coding
* Extended Hierarchical Gaussianization for scene classification
* Extended Histogram of Gradients feature for human detection
* Extracting corner-cue feature to improve minutiae-matching accuracy
* Extracting Pathlets from Weak Tracking Data
* Extracting Structures in Image Collections for Object Recognition
* Extracting wire-frame models of street façades from 3D point clouds and the corresponding cadastral map
* Extraction of 3D road geometry based on IFSAR data
* Extraction of accurate tie points for automated pose estimation of close-range blocks
* Extraction of simple road crossing
* Extraction of traffic islands via active contours without edges
* Extraction of vertical posts in 3D laser point clouds acquired in dense urban areas by a Mobile Mapping System
* Extrinsic Camera Calibration Using Multiple Reflections
* Extrinsic distortion based source-channel allocation for wireless JPEG2000 transcoding systems
* Eye Fixation Database for Saliency Detection in Images, An
* Eye tracking based perceptual image inpainting quality analysis
* Face Alignment Through 2.5d Active Appearance Models
* Face Image Relighting using Locally Constrained Global Optimization
* Face image super resolution by linear transformation
* Face Liveness Detection from a Single Image with Sparse Low Rank Bilinear Discriminative Model
* Face Modelling and Tracking from Range Scans
* Face recognition under pose variations using shape-adapted texture features
* Face Recognition with Patterns of Oriented Edge Magnitudes
* face super-resolution approach using shape semantic mode regularization, A
* Face-TLD: Tracking-Learning-Detection applied to faces
* Face: face analysis for Commercial Entities
* Facial Contour Labeling via Congealing
* Facial expression recognition based on diffeomorphic matching
* Facial expression recognition using Local Directional Pattern (LDP)
* Facial expression synthesis based on motion patterns learned from face database
* Facial fiducial points detection using discriminative filtering on principal components
* Fast 3D centerline computation for tubular structures by front collapsing and fast marching
* fast accurate implicit polynomial fitting approach, A
* Fast algorithm for error-bounded compression of digital curves
* Fast and Accurate Machined Surface Rendering Using an Octree Model
* Fast and correspondence-less camera motion estimation based on voting mechanism and morton codes
* Fast and efficient video signature generation and matching for online video sharing
* Fast and Exact Primal-Dual Iterations for Variational Problems in Computer Vision
* Fast and robust active contours for image segmentation
* Fast and robust content-based copy detection based on quadrant of luminance centroid and adaptive feature comparison
* Fast and robust spatio-temporal image alignment for inter-sequence error concealment
* fast and simple gradient function guided filling order prioritization for exemplar-based color image inpainting, A
* Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbor Methods for Non-Euclidean Manifolds with Applications to Human Activity Analysis in Videos
* Fast Background Initialization with Recursive Hadamard Transform
* Fast Bilateral Filter With Arbitrary Range and Domain Kernels
* Fast bilateral filtering by adapting block size
* Fast block mode decision scheme for B-picture coding in H.264/AVC
* Fast Covariance Computation and Dimensionality Reduction for Sub-window Features in Images
* Fast dimension reduction through random permutation
* fast discrete transform architecture for Frequency Domain Motion Estimation, A
* Fast Distance Vector Field Extraction for Facial Feature Detection
* Fast Dual Method for HIK SVM Learning, A
* Fast dynamic quantization algorithm for vector map compression
* Fast Dynamic Texture Detection
* Fast geometric re-ranking for image-based retrieval
* Fast human detection using mi-sVM and a cascade of HOG-LBP features
* Fast inter-layer mode decision in Scalable Video Coding
* fast iterative kernel PCA feature extraction for hyperspectral images, A
* Fast L1-minimization algorithms and an application in robust face recognition: A review
* Fast mesh segmentation by using the LexicoGraph Cut algorithm
* Fast mode decision for multiview video coding based on scene geometry
* Fast Multi-aspect 2D Human Detection
* Fast multiframe motion estimation for surveillance videos
* fast Multilinear ICA algorithm, A
* Fast non-uniform filtering with Symmetric Weighted Integral Images
* Fast object detection using boosted co-occurrence histograms of oriented gradients
* Fast Optimization for Mixture Prior Models
* Fast pedestrian detection with multi-scale orientation features and two-stage classifiers
* Fast People Counting Using Head Detection From Skeleton Graph
* Fast People Counting Using Head Detection From Skeleton Graph
* fast performance estimation scheme for histogram shifting based multi-layer embedding, A
* Fast plane detection in disparity maps
* Fast scalable retrieval of multispectral images with Kullback-Leibler divergence
* Fast scene text localization by learning-based filtering and verification
* Fast semantic scene segmentation with conditional random field
* Fast stitching of videos captured from freely moving devices by exploiting temporal redundancy
* Fast traumatic brain injury CT slice indexing via anatomical feature classification
* Fast video object detection via multiple background modeling
* fast weighted median algorithm based on Quickselect, A
* Fast, Parallel Watershed Algorithm Based on Path Tracing
* Fast: Fast Adaptive Silhouette Area based Template Matching
* Fastest Pedestrian Detector in the West, The
* Fatigue Detector Using Eyelid Blinking and Mouth Yawning
* Feasibility of the deformation analysis of a plate subjected to vibrations using recent computer vision methods
* Feature extraction based on the embedded zero-tree DCT for face recognition
* Feature Extraction Using Reconfigurable Hardware
* Feature Selection for SVM-Based Vascular Anomaly Detection
* Feature Sets and Dimensionality Reduction for Visual Object Detection
* Feature Tracking for Wide-Baseline Image Retrieval
* feature-based object tracking approach for realtime image processing on mobile devices, A
* Fiducial point tracking for facial expression using multiple particle filters with kernel correlation analysis
* Figure-Ground Image Segmentation Helps Weakly-Supervised Learning of Objects
* Filter based spatial compounding for strain imaging
* Filterbank-based universal demosaicking
* Finding Semantic Structures in Image Hierarchies Using Laplacian Graph Energy
* Fingerprint compression: An adaptive and fast DCT-based approach
* Fingerprint reference point detemination based on a novel ridgeline feature
* Fire and smoke detection in video with optimal mass transport based optical flow and neural networks
* Fixed pattern noise column drift compensation (CDC) for digital moving picture cameras
* Flexible and Effective High Dynamic Range Image Coding
* Flexible projector calibration for active stereoscopic systems
* Flexible readout image capture with a four-channel CFA
* Flexible Voxels for Motion-Aware Videography
* Flicker reduction for motion JPEG2000 using wavelet thresholding
* FMRI group studies of brain connectivity via a group robust Lasso
* Font retrieval on a large scale: An experimental study
* Football Player Detection in Video Broadcast
* Forensic estimation of gamma correction in digital images
* Formulation For Unsupervised Hierarchical Segmentation Of Façade Images with Periodic Models, A
* fourth order dual method for staircase reduction in texture extraction and image restoration problems, A
* Frame compatible formats for 3D video distribution
* Frame loss concealment for stereoscopic video based on inter-view similarity of motion and intensity difference
* Frame rate up conversion via image fusion based on variational approach
* Frame-based deconvolution of Poissonian images using alternating direction optimization
* Frame-bufferless sum-rate constrained video encoding using feedback
* Frame-rate conversion for multiview video exploiting 3D motion models
* Framework Dealing with Uncertainty for Complex Event Recognition, A
* Framework for an Event Driven Video Surveillance System, A
* Free space detection using active contours in omnidirectional images
* Free-viewpoint image synthesis based on non-uniformly resampled 3D representation
* Frequency filtering and connected components characterization for zebra-crossing and hatched markings detection
* Fringe Code Reduction for 3D Measurement Systems Using Epipolar Geometry
* From a Set of Shapes to Object Discovery
* From Box Filtering to Fast Explicit Diffusion
* From patches to pixels in Non-Local methods: Weighted-average reprojection
* From Single Cameras to the Camera Network: An Auto-Calibration Framework for Surveillance
* Frontal face detection for surveillance purposes using dual Local Binary Patterns features
* FTV (Free-viewpoint TV)
* Fully automated liver segmentation for low- and high- contrast CT volumes based on probabilistic atlases
* fully automated method of associating axial slices with a disc based on labeling of multi-protocol lumbar MRI, A
* Fully automatic brain tumor segmentation using a normalized Gaussian Bayesian Classifier and 3D Fluid Vector Flow
* Fully Isotropic Fast Marching Methods on Cartesian Grids
* Fully Isotropic Fast Marching Methods on Cartesian Grids
* Functional vanishing point estimation via a filtered-Radon operator
* Functionality Delegation in Distributed Surveillance Systems
* Fusion of visible and synthesised near infrared information for face authentication
* Fuzzy maximal marginal embedding and its application
* Gabor Descriptor based cancelable iris recognition method
* Gabor Feature Based Sparse Representation for Face Recognition with Gabor Occlusion Dictionary
* Gait recognition using Linear Discriminant Analysis with artificial walking conditions
* game theoretic approach to video streaming over peer-to-peer networks, A
* game theoretical approach for image denoising, A
* GAME-theory-based cross-layer optimization for wireless DS-CDMA visual sensor networks
* Gamut-adaptive correction in color image processing
* Gated Dynamic Image Reconstruction Using Temporal B-Splines
* Gaussian Mixture Modeling with Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models
* Gaussian mixture models for spots in microscopy using a new split/merge em algorithm
* Gaussian-Like Spatial Priors for Articulated Tracking
* general boosting-based framework for active object recognition, A
* general texture mapping framework for image-based 3D modeling, A
* Generalized Descriptor Compression for Storage and Matching
* Generalized PatchMatch Correspondence Algorithm, The
* Generalized Rbf feature maps for Efficient Detection
* Generalized YUV interpolation of CFA images
* Generation of high resolution image based on accumulated feature trajectory
* Generation of Temporally Consistent Depth Maps Using Nosie Removal from Video
* Generic Approach to Design and Querying of Multi-purpose Human Motion Database, A
* Generic image similarity based on Kolmogorov complexity
* Geodesic distance-based pose-invariant blind watermarking algorithm for three-dimensional triangular mesh model
* Geodesic Shape Retrieval via Optimal Mass Transport
* Geodesic-ring based curvature maps for polyp detection in CT colonography
* Geometric averaging of X-ray signals in automatic exposure control
* Geometric Constraints for Human Detection in Aerial Imagery
* Geometrical features for the classification of very high resolution multispectral remote-sensing images
* Geometrically Constrained Level Set Tracking for Automotive Applications
* geometrically resilient robust image watermarking scheme using deformable multi-scale transform, A
* geometrically-resilient surf-based image fingerprinting scheme, A
* Geometry Construction from Caustic Images
* Geometry-image-intensity combined features for registration of terrestrial laser scans
* GFT: GPU Fast Triangulation of 3D Points
* Global and local feature based multi-classifier A-stack model for aging face identification
* Global and local rate-distortion optimization for Lapped Biorthogonal Transform coding
* Global Identification of Tracklets in Video Using Long Range Identity Sensors
* Global motion temporal filtering for in-loop deblocking
* Globally Optimal Approach for 3D Elastic Motion Estimation from Stereo Sequences, A
* Globally Optimal Multi-target Tracking on a Hexagonal Lattice
* GOP structure adaptive to the video content for efficient H.264/AVC encoding
* GPU Calculated Camera Collisions Detection within a Dynamic Environment
* GPU-Accelerated Tracking of the Motion of 3D Articulated Figure
* GPU-Supported Object Tracking Using Adaptive Appearance Models and Particle Swarm Optimization
* Gradient based threshold free color filter array interpolation
* Gradient field descriptor for sketch based retrieval and localization
* Gradient projection for linearly constrained convex optimization in sparse signal recovery
* Graph Cut Based Inference with Co-occurrence Statistics
* Graph matching based on mean field theory
* Graph-based Analysis of Textured Images for Hierarchical Segmentation
* Graph-based multi-scale analysis of plates and rods in human trabecular bone
* Graphical Models for real-time capable gesture recognition
* Graphical symbol retrieval using a branch and bound algorithm
* Gray-scale super-resolution for face recognition from low Gray-scale resolution face images
* Grid artifact reduction in radiography with arctan(1/2)-degree rotated grid
* Group Level Activity Recognition in Crowded Environments across Multiple Cameras
* Group-Lasso: L1,inf Regularization versus L1,2 Regularization, The
* Guided Image Filtering
* H.264 decoder on embedded dual core with dynamically load-balanced functional paritioning
* H.264 video coding with multiple weighted prediction models
* H.264/AVC based color filter array compression with inter-channel prediction model
* Handling Urban Location Recognition as a 2D Homothetic Problem
* Hardware-oriented Modified Diamond Search for motion estimation in H.246/AVC
* HDR image construction from multi-exposed stereo LDR images
* HDR video tone mapping based on gamma blending
* Head Curve Matching and Graffiti Detection
* Height estimation for buildings with complex contours in monocular satellite/airborne images based on fuzzy reasoning
* Hessian based image structure adaptive gradient vector flow for parametric active contours
* Hexagonal pixels for improved low level segmentation
* HFAG: Hierarchical Frame Affinity Group for video retrieval on very large video dataset
* Hidden Markov Model for distributed video coding
* hierarchical algorithm for image multi-labeling, A
* hierarchical algorithm for multi-feature based fingerprint identification, A
* Hierarchical alternating least squares algorithm with Sparsity Constraint for hyperspectral unmixing
* Hierarchical Classification Method for Mammographic Lesions Using Wavelet Transform and Spatial Features, A
* Hierarchical density estimation for image classification
* Hierarchical Method for Foreground Detection Using Codebook Model
* Hierarchical multiscale LBP for face and palmprint recognition
* Hierarchical visual thesaurus building for satellite image retrieval based on semantic region labelling
* High capacity reversible image watermarking based on integer transform
* High definition wireless video transmission using Pyramid Vector Quantisation
* High Five: Recognising human interactions in TV shows
* High frame rate video capture by multiple cameras with coded exposure
* High level feature: Head and body co-trakcing by Kalman filter
* High quality artifact-free super-resolution
* High quality panoramic image generation using multiple panoramic annular lens images
* High quality scanned book compression using pattern matching
* High-fidelity recording, compression, and replay of visual-haptic telepresence sessions
* High-performance memory interface architecture for high-definition video coding application
* High-Quality Video Denoising Algorithm Based on Reliable Motion Estimation, A
* High-Resolution Object Deformation Reconstruction with Active Range Camera
* Hilbert transform based workload estimation for low power surveillance video compression
* Histogram of Body Poses and Spectral Regression Discriminant Analysis for Human Action Categorization
* Histogram of confidences for person detection
* Histogram of Oriented Cameras: A New Descriptor for Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments
* Histogram-based image registration for real-time high dynamic range videos
* Histogram-Based Training Initialisation of Hidden Markov Models for Human Action Recognition
* Histogram-offset-based color correction for multi-view video coding
* Holistic orthogonal analysis of discriminant transforms for color face recognition
* Horror movie scene recognition based on emotional perception
* Hough Transform and 3D SURF for Robust Three Dimensional Classification
* How context helps: A discriminative codeword selection method for object detection
* How old are you?: Age Estimation with Tensors of Binary Gaussian Receptive Maps
* HTF: a novel feature for general crack detection
* Hue-based quaternionic criterion for focused-color extraction
* Human Action Recognition and Localization in Video Using Structured Learning of Local Space-Time Features
* Human Action Recognition using a Hybrid NTLD Classifier
* Human action recognition using the motion of interest points
* Human activities discrimination with motion approximation in polynomial bases
* Human Activity Recognition via 3-D joint angle features and Hidden Markov models
* Human age estimation using enhanced bio-inspired features (EBIF)
* Human arm estimation using convex features in depth images
* Human attributes from 3D pose tracking
* Human detection in crowded scenes
* Human Localization in a Cluttered Space Using Multiple Cameras
* Human Motion Change Detection by Hierarchical Gaussian Process Dynamical Model with Particle Filter
* Human upper body identification from images
* Hybrid Compressive Sampling via a New Total Variation TVL1
* hybrid fusion method of fingerprint identification for high security applications, A
* hybrid human fall detection scheme, A
* Hybrid method for white matter separation in brain images using granular rough sets and fuzzy thresholding
* Hyper-DEMIX: Blind source separation of hyperspectral images using local ML estimates
* Hyperspectral image segmentation and unmixing using hidden Markov trees
* Hyperspectral imaging for skin recognition and biometrics
* Hyperspectral target detection from incoherent projections: Nonequiprobable targets and inhomogeneous SNR
* ICP registration using principal line and orientation features for palmprint alignment
* Identifying and learning visual attributes for object recognition
* Identifying color image origin using curvelet transform
* Identity verification based on vessel matching from fundus images
* Illumination invariant object tracking based on multiscale phase
* Illumination learning from a single image with unknown shape and texture
* image analysis system for dietary assessment and evaluation, An
* Image analysis with regularized Laplacian eigenmaps
* Image based smoke detection with local Hurst exponent
* Image Categorization Using Directed Graphs
* Image classification based on segmentation-free object recognition
* Image Classification Using Super-Vector Coding of Local Image Descriptors
* Image classification: A novel texture signature approach
* Image clustering through community detection on hybrid image similarity graphs
* image copy detection scheme based on radon transform, An
* Image deblur with regularized backward heat diffusion
* Image decomposition using deconvolution
* Image deconvolution using multigrid natural image prior and its applications
* Image denoising using multi-stage sparse representations
* Image description with 1D local patterns by multi-scans: An application to face recognition
* Image Encryption through Using Chaotic Function and Graph
* Image fusion using blur estimation
* Image Invariants for Smooth Reflective Surfaces
* Image labeling via incremental model learning
* Image matching with SIFT features: A probabilistic approach
* Image modeling and enhancement via structured sparse model selection
* Image partitioning with kernel mapping and graph cuts
* Image prediction: Template matching vs. sparse approximation
* image processing algorithm for accurate extraction of the centerline from human metaphase chromosomes, An
* Image quality assessment based on wave atoms transform
* Image quantization under spatial smoothness constraints
* Image recognition by learned linear subspace of combined bag-of-features and low-level features
* Image Recognition Techniques Applied to Automated and Objective QoE Assessment of Mobile WWW Services
* Image recognition using maximal cliques of interest points
* Image reconstruction of millimeter-wave radiometers with multi-quadric splines
* Image registration under local illumination variations using robust bisquare M-estimation
* image restoration method based on PDEs and a new gradient model, An
* Image retrieval on the Honeycomb Image Browser
* Image retrieval with feature selection and relevance feedback
* Image Segmentation with a Statistical Appearance Model and a Generic Mumford-Shah Inspired Outside Model
* Image Segmentation with Topic Random Field
* Image synthesis using Conditional Random Fields
* Image tampering detection based on stationary distribution of Markov chain
* Image Topic Discovery with Saliency Detection
* Image-based building classification and 3D modeling with super-pixels
* Image-based detection of Corpus Callosum variability for more accurate discrimination between autistic and normal brains
* Image-based walkthroughs from incremental and partial scene reconstructions
* Image-set face recognition based on transductive learning
* Image-to-Class Distance Metric Learning for Image Classification
* Imaging as a Surrogate for the Early Prediction and Assessment of Treatment Response through the Analysis of 4-D Texture Ensembles (ISEPARATE)
* Imaging sensor Modulation Transfer Function estimation
* Imaging system having White-RGB color filter array
* Impact of contrast modification on human feeling: an objective and subjective assessment
* Impact of DEM reconstruction parameters on geomorphological indicators
* Implementation and optimization of image processing algorithms on handheld GPU
* Implicit Motion-Shape Model: A generic approach for action matching
* Implicit retrieval of salient images using Brain Computer Interface
* Implicit Shape Kernel for Discriminative Learning of the Hough Transform Detector
* Improved 3-D facial representation through statistical shape model
* Improved 3d Model Search for Facial Feature Location and Pose Estimation in 2d images
* improved ASIFT algorithm for matching repeated patterns, An
* improved Bayesian algorithm for color image desaturation, An
* improved content-adaptive mesh-generation method for image representation, An
* Improved Context-Based Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding in MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 Video Codec
* improved DC recovery method from AC coefficients of DCT-transformed images, An
* improved fuzzy clustering approach for image segmentation, An
* Improved H.264-based video coding using an adaptive transform
* Improved Histogram of Edge Local Orientations for Sketch-Based Image Retrieval, An
* Improved human detection and classification in thermal images
* Improved Human Parsing with a Full Relational Model
* Improved hyperspectral land-cover analysis using relevance vector machine
* Improved image capture using liveview images
* Improved image concentration for artifact-free image dilution and its application to image coding
* Improved image interpolation using bilateral filter for weighted least square estimation
* Improved intra prediction for high definition video using localized horizontal spatial prediction
* Improved Landmark Localization in Medical Images Using Dense Matching of Graphical Models
* Improved level set method for lip contour detection
* improved local feature descriptor via soft binning, An
* improved locally linear embedding for sparse data sets, An
* Improved machine learning for image category recognition by local color constancy
* Improved method for predicting polyp location from CT colonography for optical colonoscopy
* Improved prediction for layered predictive animated mesh compression
* improved rate-distortion model for multiview video coding, An
* Improved single image dehazing using segmentation
* Improved Snake Model for Automatic Extraction of Buildings from Urban Aerial Images and LiDAR Data Using Genetic Algorithm, An
* improved workflow for image-and laser-based virtual geological outcrop modelling, An
* Improvement of a procedure for vehicle detection and tracking by base frame updating and Kalman filter
* Improvement of H.264 SVC by model-based adaptive resolution upconversion
* Improvement of medical image resolution using an extended 2D factorized form complex number parametric model
* Improving Bag-of-features Action Recognition with Non-local Cues
* Improving Data Association by Joint Modeling of Pedestrian Trajectories and Groupings
* Improving histology images segmentation through spatial constraints and supervision
* Improving image similarity measures for image browsing and retrieval through latent space learning between images and long texts
* Improving Local Descriptors by Embedding Global and Local Spatial Information
* Improving object classification using semantic attributes
* Improving object color categorization with shapes
* Improving person detection using synthetic training data
* Improving subpixel stereo matching with segment evolution
* Improving the Fisher Kernel for Large-Scale Image Classification
* Improving the robustness of gradient vector flow in cluttered images
* In-loop denoising of reference frames for lossless coding of noisy image sequences
* In-loop feature tracking for structure and motion with out-of-core optimization
* In-sequence video duplicate detection with fast point-to-line matching
* Incorporating Watson's perceptual model into patchwork watermarking for digital images
* Incremental Computation of Feature Hierarchies
* Incremental Learning Approach for Events Detection from Large Video Dataset
* Incremental Learning in the Energy Minimisation Framework for Interactive Segmentation
* Incremental Model Selection for Detection and Tracking of Planar Surfaces
* Incremental Mosaicking of Images from Autonomous, Small-Scale UAVs
* Inductive Learning Methods in the Simple Image Understanding System
* Inferior Maxillary Bone Tissue Classification in 3D CT Images
* Inferring 3D Shapes and Deformations from Single Views
* Inferring Image Transformation and Structure from Motion-blurred Images
* influence of space and time varying distortions on objective intelligibility estimators for region-of-interest video, The
* Infrared image enhancement based on an aligned high resolution visible image
* Inpainting in Multi-image Stereo
* Insect Species Recognition using Sparse Representation
* Instrument parameter estimation in bayesian convex deconvolution
* integer programming approach to visual compliance, An
* integrated system on large scale building extraction from DSM, An
* Integrating multiple classifiers with fuzzy majority voting for improved land cover classification
* Integrating Visual Saliency and Consistency for Re-Ranking Image Search Results
* Integration of knowledge into the detection of objects in point clouds
* Intelligent Sensor Information System For Public Transport: To Safely Go ...
* Intelligent Video Systems: A Review of Performance Evaluation Metrics that Use Mapping Procedures
* Inter Mode Decision Based on Just Noticeable Difference Profile
* Inter-camera Association of Multi-target Tracks by On-Line Learned Appearance Affinity Models
* Inter-frame contextual modelling for visual speech recognition
* Interactive graph cut segmentation of touching neuronal structures from electron micrographs
* Interactive Hydraulic Erosion Using CUDA
* Interactive image segmentation based on object contour feature image
* interactive method for curve extraction, An
* Interactive Motion Segmentation
* Interactive segmentation of medical images using belief propagation with level sets
* Intermediate cubic-panorama synthesis based on triangular re-projection
* Interpretation of Images and Their Sequences Using Potential Active Contour Method
* Intra frame coding with template matching prediction and adaptive transform
* Intra-prediction for color image coding using YUV correlation
* Intrinsic Regularity Detection in 3D Geometry
* investigation into features for multi-view lipreading, An
* Invisible light: Using infrared for video conference relighting
* Iris recognition based on a novel multiresolution analysis framework
* Isolating neighbor's contribution towards image filtering in the block DCT space
* Isotropic Granularity-tunable gradients partition (IGGP) descriptors for human detection
* Issues in adapting research algorithms to stereoscopic visual effects
* Iterative embedding-based reversible watermarking for 2D-vector maps
* Iterative Hyperplane Merging: A Framework for Manifold Learning
* Iterative Method with General Convex Fidelity Term for Image Restoration, An
* Iterative tomographic image reconstruction by compressive sampling
* Iterative Training of Discriminative Models for the Generalized Hough Transform
* Joint Color Decrosstalk and Demosaicking for CFA Cameras
* Joint decoding of stereo JPEG image Pairs
* Joint Estimation of Motion, Structure and Geometry from Stereo Sequences
* Joint estimation of shape and motion from silhouettes
* Joint integral histograms and its application in stereo matching
* Joint Modeling of Algorithm Behavior and Image Quality for Algorithm Performance Prediction
* Joint multiview video plus depth coding
* Joint Optimization for Object Class Segmentation and Dense Stereo Reconstruction
* Joint People, Event, and Location Recognition in Personal Photo Collections Using Cross-Domain Context
* Joint photometric registration and optical flow estimation
* Joint quantizer optimization for scalable coding
* Joint Sparsity Model with Matrix Completion for an ensemble of face images
* Joint temporal and spatial multiple description coding for H.264 video
* JPEG compression of monochrome 2D-barcode images using DCT coefficient distributions
* K-nearest neighbor search: Fast GPU-based implementations and application to high-dimensional feature matching
* Kernel Sparse Representation for Image Classification and Face Recognition
* Key-frame based video fingerprinting by NMF
* Keypoint-Based Detection of Near-Duplicate Image Fragments Using Image Geometry and Topology
* keystone-free hand-held mobile projection system, A
* Knowledge Based Activity Recognition with Dynamic Bayesian Network
* L1 matting
* Label propagation in complex video sequences using semi-supervised learning
* LACBoost and FisherBoost: Optimally Building Cascade Classifiers
* Land classification of wavelet-compressed full-waveform LiDAR data
* Land cover dependent derivation of Digital Surface Models from airborne laser scanning data
* Landmark recognition: A unary approach
* Laplacian based structure-aware error diffusion
* Large-Scale Aerial Image Interpretation Using A Redundant Semantic Classification
* Large-scale Dictionary Learning for Local Coordinate Coding
* Learning a Fine Vocabulary
* Learning Adaptive and Sparse Representations of Medical Images
* Learning algorithms of form structure for Bayesian networks
* Learning and matching human activities using regular expressions
* Learning Artistic Lighting Template from Portrait Photographs
* Learning cell geometry models for cell image simulation: An unbiased approach
* Learning denoising bounds for noisy images
* Learning Dense Optical-Flow Trajectory Patterns for Video Object Extraction
* Learning Directed Intention-driven Activities using Co-Clustering
* Learning Directional Local Pairwise Bases with Sparse Coding
* Learning effective features for 3D face recognition
* learning framework for robust hashing of face images, A
* Learning image similarities via Probabilistic Feature Matching
* Learning local pixel structure for face hallucination
* Learning Non-stationary System Dynamics Online Using Gaussian Processes
* Learning of Optimal Illumination for Material Classification
* Learning of Scene-Specific Object Detectors by Classifier Co-Grids
* Learning of structuring elements for morphological image model with a sparsity prior
* Learning Output-kernel-dependent Regression for Human Pose Estimation
* Learning PDEs for Image Restoration via Optimal Control
* Learning Pre-attentive Driving Behaviour from Holistic Visual Features
* Learning Relations among Movie Characters: A Social Network Perspective
* Learning Shape Detector by Quantizing Curve Segments with Multiple Distance Metrics
* Learning Shape Segmentation Using Constrained Spectral Clustering and Probabilistic Label Transfer
* Learning simple texture discrimination filters
* Learning sparse image representation with support vector regression for single-image super-resolution
* Learning the nature of generalisation errors in a 3D morphable model
* Learning to recognize gender using experience
* Learning to Recognize Objects from Unseen Modalities
* Learning What and How of Contextual Models for Scene Labeling
* Level lines shortening yields an image curvature microscope
* License Plate Detection Using Local Structure Patterns
* Lighting and Pose Robust Face Sketch Synthesis
* Lighting Aware Preprocessing for Face Recognition across Varying Illumination
* Linear Approach of 3d Face Shape and Texture Recovery using a 3d Morphable Model, A
* Linear production game solution to a PTZ camera network
* Live Feature Clustering in Video Using Appearance and 3d Geometry
* Liver segmentation based on deformable registration and multi-layer segmentation
* Local Abnormality Detection in Video Using Subspace Learning
* Local and holistic texture analysis approach for face recognition
* Local Bag-of-Features Model for Large-Scale Object Retrieval, A
* Local binary pattern probability model based facial feature localization
* Local Directional Pattern (LDP): A Robust Image Descriptor for Object Recognition
* Local Directional Pattern Variance (LDPv) Based Face Descriptor for Human Facial Expression Recognition, A
* Local Feature Based Person Reidentification in Infrared Image Sequences
* Local Gaussian Processes for Pose Recognition from Noisy Inputs
* Local multi-modal image matching based on self-similarity
* Local multiple orientations estimation using k-medoids
* Local Occlusion Detection under Deformations Using Topological Invariants
* Local Polynomial Approximation for Unsupervised Segmentation of Endoscopic Images
* Local Regression Based Statistical Model Fitting
* Local Structure Analysis by Isotropic Hilbert Transforms
* Local two-channel critically sampled filter-banks on graphs
* Localisation and Tracking of an Airport's Approach Lighting System
* Localization of 3D Anatomical Structures Using Random Forests and Discrete Optimization
* Localized fusion of Shape and Appearance features for 3d Human Pose Estimation
* Localizing Objects While Learning Their Appearance
* Locally adaptive regularized super-resolution on video with arbitrary motion
* Location Recognition Using Prioritized Feature Matching
* Logistic dynamic texture model for human activity and gait recognition
* loop filter with segmentation mode in video coding, A
* Loosely Distinctive Features for Robust Surface Alignment
* low complexity architecture for video coding with overlapped block motion compensation, A
* Low complexity lossless image compression using efficient context modeling
* Low-complexity lossy compression of hyperspectral images via informed quantization
* Low-complexity rate control based on rho-domain model for Scalable Video Coding
* Low-complexity scheme for adaptive interpolation filter based on amplitude characteristic analysis
* Making a Shallow Network Deep: Growing a Tree from Decision Regions of a Boosting Classifier
* Making Action Recognition Robust to Occlusions and Viewpoint Changes
* Making full use of spatial-temporal interest points: An AdaBoost approach for action recognition
* Manifold Alignment via Corresponding Projections
* Manifold Learning for Multi-modal Image Registration
* Manifold Learning for Object Tracking with Multiple Motion Dynamics
* Manifold Learning for Tof-based Human Body Tracking and Activity Recognition
* Manifold Valued Statistics, Exact Principal Geodesic Analysis and the Effect of Linear Approximations
* Markerless Human Motion Capture using Charting and Manifold Constrained Particle Swarm Optimisation
* Markov Random Field Model for Individual Tree Detection from Airborne Laser Scanning Data, A
* Masks based human action detection in crowded videos
* Matching of 3D wire-frame building models with image features from infrared video sequences taken by helicopters or UAVs
* Matching of interest point groups with pairwise spatial constraints
* Matching terrestrial images captured by a nomad system to images of a reference database for pose estimation purpose
* Matlab Based Interactive Simulation Program for 2D Multisegment Mechanical Systems
* Matte Super-Resolution for Compositing
* Matting with a depth map
* Max-Margin Dictionary Learning for Multiclass Image Categorization
* Maximizing intra-individual correlations for illumination-insensitive face recognition
* Maximum likelihood blind image restoration via alternating minimization
* Maximum Margin Distance Learning for Dynamic Texture Recognition
* Mean shift based algorithm for mammographic breast mass detection
* Mean-shift Visual Tracking with NP-Windows Density Estimates
* Measurement of color noise perception
* medial axis based thinning strategy and structural feature extraction of character images, A
* Medical image reconstruction from sparse samples using Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Optimization
* Mel-cepstral methods for image feature extraction
* Membrane Nonrigid Image Registration
* Memory-Based Particle Filter for Tracking Objects with Large Variation in Pose and Appearance
* Mesh-based decoder-side motion estimation
* Metaface Learning for Sparse Representation Based Face Recognition
* Metal surface control system based on successive contour estimation
* Method Based on the Indirect Approach for Counting People in Crowded Scenes, A
* Method for Counting People in Crowded Scenes, A
* Method for Novel Face View Synthesis Using Stereo Vision, A
* Method for Verifying Correctness of the Shape's Changes Calculation in the Melting Block of Ice, The
* Methods for Visualization of Bone Tissue in the Proximity of Implants
* Metric tensor for multicomponent edge detection
* MIForests: Multiple-Instance Learning with Randomized Trees
* Minimal Case Solution to the Calibrated Relative Pose Problem for the Case of Two Known Orientation Angles, A
* Minimalist AdaBoost for Blemish Identification in Potatoes
* Mixed-resolution distributed video codec without motion estimation at the encoder
* Mobile 3D video broadcast
* Mode-correlation-based early termination mode decision for multi-view video coding
* Model of Volumetric Shape for the Analysis of Longitudinal Alzheimer's Disease Data, A
* Model-based 3D human motion tracking and voxel reconstruction from sparse views
* Model-Based Approach to the Segmentation of Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinus Boundaries, A
* Model-Based Recognition of Domino Tiles Using TGraphs
* Model-based reconstruction and classification of façade parts in 3D point clouds
* Model-based tracking: Temporal conditional random fields
* Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Behaviors of Web Image Collections
* Modeling Temporal Structure of Decomposable Motion Segments for Activity Classification
* Modeling the Temporal Extent of Actions
* modified NLDA algorithm, A
* Modulation domain texture decomposition
* Monitoring temperate glacier with high resolution automated digital cameras: Application to the Argentière glacier
* Monocular 3D Scene Modeling and Inference: Understanding Multi-Object Traffic Scenes
* monogenic curvelet transform, The
* Monogenic-LBP: A new approach for rotation invariant texture classification
* Morphological processing of hyperspectral images using kriging-based supervised ordering
* Morphological wavelet transform with adaptive dyadic structures
* Motion Artifact Reduction in 4D Helical CT: Graph-Based Structure Alignment
* Motion based low complexity algorithm for spatial scalability of H.264/SVC
* Motion blur detection based on lowest directional high-frequency energy
* Motion blur detection in aerial images shot with channel-dependent exposure time
* Motion Coherent Tracking with Multi-label MRF optimization
* Motion Profiles for Deception Detection Using Visual Cues
* Motion-based object segmentation using frame alignment and consensus filtering
* Motion-blur-free exposure fusion
* Movement detection for the synthesis of high dynamic range images
* Moving Camera Registration for Multiple Camera Setups in Dynamic Scenes
* Moving object detection under free-moving camera
* MRF framework for joint registration and segmentation of natural and perfusion images, An
* MRF Inference by k-Fan Decomposition and Tight Lagrangian Relaxation
* MRI Brain Segmentation Using Cellular Automaton Approach
* MRI motion artifact correction based on spectral extrapolation with generalized series
* MuHAVi: A Multicamera Human Action Video Dataset for the Evaluation of Action Recognition Methods
* Multi Camera-Based Person Tracking Using Region Covariance and Homography Constraint
* Multi scale block histogram of template feature for pedestrian detection
* Multi-Camera Analysis of Soccer Sequences
* Multi-class Boosting for Early Classification of Sequences
* Multi-class Classification on Riemannian Manifolds for Video Surveillance
* Multi-description of local interest point for partial-duplicate image retrieval
* Multi-focal nematode image classification using the 3D X-Ray Transform
* Multi-focus image fusion using wavelet-domain statistics
* Multi-frame Scene-flow Estimation Using a Patch Model and Smooth Motion Prior
* Multi-label Feature Transform for Image Classifications
* Multi-label image annotation via Maximum Consistency
* Multi-label Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Multi-label propagation for coherent video segmentation and artistic stylization
* Multi-layered Framebuffer Condensation: The l-buffer Concept
* multi-level span analysis for improving 3D power-line reconstruction performance using airborne laser scanning data, A
* Multi-manifold modeling for head pose estimation
* Multi-modal background subtraction using Gaussian Mixture Models
* Multi-modal image registration using line features and mutual information
* Multi-Modal Object Tracking using Dynamic Performance Metrics
* Multi-Person Tracking with Sparse Detection and Continuous Segmentation
* Multi-pose Face Recognition for Person Retrieval in Camera Networks
* multi-purpose objective quality metric for image watermarking, A
* Multi-resolution motion estimation for motion compensated frame interpolation
* Multi-resolution visually lossless image coding using JPEG2000
* Multi-scale Depth from Slope with Weights
* Multi-spectral image analysis for skin pigmentation classification
* Multi-stage Sampling with Boosting Cascades for Pedestrian Detection in Images and Videos
* Multi-stream partitioning and parity rate allocation for scalable IPTV delivery
* Multi-target tracking using long-term stochastic associations
* Multi-view DVC system based on iterative inter-view prediction
* Multi-view object and human body part detection utilizing 3D scene information
* Multi-view Planning for Simultaneous Coverage and Accuracy Optimisation
* Multi-view Pose and Facial Expression Recognition
* Multi-view prediction structure for free viewpoint video
* Multiframe blind deconvolution, super-resolution, and saturation correction via incremental EM
* Multimedia forensic hash based on visual words
* Multimodal image registration using stochastic differential equation optimization
* Multimodal template matching based on gradient and mutual information using scale-space
* Multiple Classifier Systems in Texton-Based Approach for the Classification of CT Images of Lung
* multiple description codec based on combinatorial optimization and its application to image coding, A
* Multiple feature extraction for early Parkinson risk assessment based on transcranial sonography image
* Multiple Hypothesis Video Segmentation from Superpixel Flows
* Multiple Instance Metric Learning from Automatically Labeled Bags of Faces
* Multiple nonoverlapping camera pose estimation
* Multiple object tracking by hierarchical association of spatio-temporal data
* Multiple object tracking on static surveillance video using field-based prediction information in MPEG-2 video
* Multiple object tracking using an automatic variable-dimension particle filter
* Multiple Target Tracking in World Coordinate with Single, Minimally Calibrated Camera
* Multiplexed clustered-dot halftone watermarks using bi-directional phase modulation and detection
* Multiplicative updates algorithm to minimize the generalized total variation functional with a non-negativity constraint
* Multiresolution Models for Object Detection
* Multiscale deformable registration using edge preserving scale space for adaptive radiation therapy
* Multiscale Keypoint Analysis based on Complex Wavelets
* Multispectral image compression by cluster-adaptive subspace representation
* Multivariate statistical modeling of images in sparse multiscale transforms domain
* Multiview image compression using a layer-based representation
* Multiview video depth estimation using spacial-temporal consistency
* MVMP: Multi-view Matching Pursuit with geometry constraints
* N-View Human Silhouette Segmentation in Cluttered, Partially Changing Environments
* Natural DCT statistics approach to no-reference image quality assessment
* Natural image matting for multiple wide-baseline views
* Near lossless reversible data hiding based on adaptive prediction
* Near-lossless and scalable compression for medical imaging using a new adaptive hierarchical oriented prediction
* Network of evolutionary binary classifiers for classification and retrieval in macroinvertebrate databases
* Network-dependent kernels for image ranking
* Neural stem cell segmentation using local complex phase information
* New Algorithmic Approach for Contrast Enhancement, A
* new approach for very dark video denoising and enhancement, A
* new curvelet transform based method for extraction of red lesions in digital color retinal images, A
* new family of order-statistics based switching vector filters, A
* New frame type for view access in MVC
* New geometric fourier descriptors for color image recognition
* New image quality metric using derivative filters and compressive sensing
* New Method for ECG Signal Feature Extraction, A
* New method for increasing matching accuracy and reducing process time of fingerprint data by the fractional Fourier transform
* New model of MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 video encoders
* New Straight Line Reconstruction Methodology From Multi-Spectral Stereo Aerial Images, A
* new subspace learning method in Fourier domain for texture classification, A
* New system performs persistent wide-area aerial surveillance
* new technique for background modeling and subtraction for motion detection in real-time videos, A
* new validation approach for the growth rate measurement using elastic phantoms generated by state-of-the-art microfluidics technology, A
* New view synthesis for stereo cinema by hybrid disparity remapping
* NF-Features: No-Feature-Features for Representing Non-textured Regions
* no-reference Blocking Artifacts Visibility Estimator in images, A
* no-reference image content metric and its application to denoising, A
* No-reference image quality assessment of wavelet coded images
* Non-associative Markov networks for 3D point cloud classification
* Non-linear optimization for robust estimation of vanishing points
* Non-linear warping and warp coding for content-adaptive prediction in advanced video coding applications
* Non-local Characterization of Scenery Images: Statistics, 3D Reasoning, and a Generative Model
* Non-Local Kernel Regression for Image and Video Restoration
* non-parametric statistics based method for generic curve partition and classification, A
* Non-rigid 3D shape retrieval using Multidimensional Scaling and Bag-of-Features
* Non-rigid image registration by using graph-cuts with mutual information
* non-stationary Hidden Markov Model of multiview video traffic, A
* Nonlinear barycentric dimensionality reduction
* Nonlinear Multiscale Analysis of Motion Trajectories
* Nonlocal Multiscale Hierarchical Decomposition on Graphs
* Nonparametric image interpolation and dictionary learning using spatially-dependent Dirichlet and beta process priors
* Nonparametric saliency detection using kernel density estimation
* novel 3D surface construction approach: Application to three-dimensional endoscopic data, A
* novel coordinated adaptive video streaming framework for Scalable Video over mobile networks, A
* Novel Curvature Estimator for Digital Curves and Images, A
* novel encoding method for the I-slice of H.264/AVC, A
* novel fingerprint smear detection method based on integrated sub-band feature representation, A
* novel form detection and removal scheme for document images, A
* Novel Framework for Tracking In-vitro Cells in Time-lapse Phase Contrast Data, A
* novel geometric filter for affine invariant features, A
* novel image retrieval framework exploring inter cluster distance, A
* novel method for binarization of badly illuminated document images, A
* novel method for generation of motion saliency, A
* novel method of fingerprint minutiae extraction based on Gabor phase, A
* novel noise-free pixels based impulse noise filtering, A
* Novel Parameter Estimation Algorithm for the Multivariate t-Distribution and Its Application to Computer Vision, A
* novel shadow restoration algorithm based on atmospheric effects for aerial images, A
* novel shape feature to classify microcalcifications, A
* novel speckle reduction and contrast enhancement method based on fuzzy anisotropic diffusion, A
* novel technique to acquire perceived utility scores from textual descriptions of distorted natural images, A
* novel three-dimensional transform and its supporting tools for improving inter coding performance in H.264/AVC, A
* novel V-line Radon transform and its imaging applications, A
* NPDA/CS: Improved Non-parametric Discriminant Analysis with CS decomposition and its application to face recognition
* Nugget-Cut: A Segmentation Scheme for Spherically- and Elliptically-Shaped 3D Objects
* Numerical reconstruction of holographic microscopy images based on matching pursuits on a pair of domains
* O(1) bilateral filtering with low memory usage
* Object Classification Using Heterogeneous Co-Occurrence Features
* Object Classification Using Heterogeneous Co-Occurrence Features
* Object detection and segmentation on a hierarchical region-based image representation
* Object detection in gray scale images based on invariant polynomial features
* Object detection using Non-Redundant Local Binary Patterns
* Object Detection with Geometrical Context Feedback Loop
* Object of Interest Detection by Saliency Learning
* Object oriented framework for real-time image processing on GPU
* Object recognition by use of polarimetric phase-shifting digital holography
* Object Recognition Using 3D SIFT in Complex CT Volumes
* Object Recognition Using Junctions
* Object Recognition with Hierarchical Stel Models
* Object rigidity and reflectivity identification based on motion analysis
* Object Segmentation by Long Term Analysis of Point Trajectories
* Object tracking by multi-cues spatial pyramid matching
* Object, Scene and Actions: Combining Multiple Features for Human Action Recognition
* Object-driven image group annotation
* Objective assessment of tone mapping algorithms
* Objective quality analysis for free-viewpoint DIBR
* Occlusion Boundary Detection Using Pseudo-depth
* Occlusion handling based on support and decision
* Occlusion-Aided Weights for Local Stereo Matching
* OmniSIFT: Scale invariant features in omnidirectional images
* On geometric and soft shape content-based search
* On handling of occlusion for frame rate up-conversion using video in-painting
* On optical phase shift profilometry based on dual tree complex wavelet transform
* On Parameter Learning in CRF-Based Approaches to Object Class Image Segmentation
* On the analysis and design of motion sampling structure for advanced motion-compensated prediction
* On the effectiveness of feature-based lidar point cloud registration
* On the Evaluation of Background Subtraction Algorithms without Ground-Truth
* On the perceptual similarity of realistic looking tone mapped High Dynamic Range images
* On the relationship between perceptual impact of source and channel distortions in video sequences
* On the role of differentiation for resampling detection
* On the use of feature tracks for dynamic concept detection in video
* On the use of laser scanner and photogrammetry for the global digitization of the medieval walls of Avila
* On-line Adaption of Class-specific Codebooks for Instance Tracking
* On-Line Multi-view Forests for Tracking
* One-Shot Learning of Object Categories Using Dependent Gaussian Processes
* One-Shot Optimal Exposure Control
* Online AdaBoost ECOC for image classification
* Ontological Models as Tools for Image Content Understanding
* Optical flow estimation with p-harmonic regularization
* Optimal Contour Closure by Superpixel Grouping
* Optimal exposure control for high dynamic range imaging
* Optimal Locality Preserving Projection
* Optimal vanishing point detection and rotation estimation of single images from a Legoland scene
* Optimization on Shape Curves with Application to Specular Stereo
* Optimized channel rate allocation for H.264/AVC scalable video multicast streaming over heterogeneous networks
* Optimizing Complex Loss Functions in Structured Prediction
* Optimizing support vector machine based classification and retrieval of semantic video events with genetic algorithms
* Optimum selection of images in industrial photogrammetry using fuzzy computation
* Optimum Subspace Learning and Error Correction for Tensors
* Optimumization of lifting structure of reversible KLT based on permutation of signal's order and sign
* Ordering of stream mining classifiers
* Oriented Flux Symmetry Based Active Contour Model for Three Dimensional Vessel Segmentation, An
* Orthogonal 4-tap integer multiwavelet transforms using matrix factorization
* Orthogonal Discriminant Neighborhood Preserving Embedding for facial expression recognition
* Orthogonal projection transform with application to shape description
* Outer Surface Reconstruction for 3D Fractured Objects
* Oversampled Filter Banks with instantaneous erasures
* P2-pi: A Minimal Solution for Registration of 3D Points to 3D Planes
* P2P group communication using Scalable Video Coding
* Pairwise Macropixel Comparison Can Work at Least as Well as Advanced Holistic Algorithms for Face Recognition
* Palmprint recognition using rank level fusion
* Panorama-based camera calibration
* Pansharpening with a decision fusion based on the local size information
* Paper widgets: Visually aesthetic smarts for document images
* Parallel BFS graph traversal on images using structured grid
* Parallel implementation of an error diffusion halftoning algorithm with a general purpose graphics processing unit
* parallelization method for multi-stereo 3D shape reconstruction, A
* Parameter estimation for a marked point process within a framework of multidimensional shape extraction from remote sensing images
* Parameter Tuning by Pairwise Preferences
* Part-Based Feature Synthesis for Human Detection
* Part-based human detection on Riemannian manifolds
* Part-based initialization for hand tracking
* Particle-Based Method for Large-Scale Breaking Waves Simulation, A
* Partition Min-Hash for Partial Duplicate Image Discovery
* Passive imaging exploiting multiple scattering using distributed apertures
* Patch confidence k-nearest neighbors denoising
* Patch-based compression for Time-Varying Meshes
* Patch-based reconstruction and rendering of human heads
* Patch-cuts: A Graph-based Image Segmentation Method Using Patch Features and Spatial Relations
* PATSI: Photo Annotation through Finding Similar Images with Multivariate Gaussian Models
* Pattern analysis of stem cell growth dynamics in the shoot apex of arabidopsis
* Pattern based video coding with uncovered background
* Pattern-based Assembled DCT scheme with DC prediction and adaptive mode coding
* PCA-based structure refinement for reconstruction of urban scene
* PCA-based super-resolution algorithm for short image sequences, A
* PCTV: a biologically- and psychologically-inspired edge and line detection
* PDE-based disparity estimation with occlusion and texture handling for accurate depth recovery from a stereo image pair
* People consistent labeling between uncalibrated cameras without planar ground assumption
* People identification using shadow dynamics
* People tracking and trajectory interpretation in aerial image sequences
* Perceptual image quality assessment using a geometric structural distortion model
* perceptual quality metric for stereoscopic crosstalk perception, A
* Perceptual tagging of video files in P2P networks
* Performance analysis of the pyramid motion compensation based on quantization noise modeling
* Performance analysis on multi-view coding with depth map distortion
* Performance evaluation of a geometric correction method for multi-projector display using SIFT and Phase-Only Correlation
* Performance Evaluation of a People Tracking System on PETS2009 Database
* Performance evaluation of curled textline segmentation algorithms on CBDAR 2007 dewarping contest dataset
* Performance evaluation of low-dimensional sifts
* Performance impact of ordinal ranking on content fingerprinting
* Person Identification using Shadow Analysis
* Person Re-identification by Support Vector Ranking
* Person Re-identification Using Haar-based and DCD-based Signature
* Person Re-identification Using Spatial Covariance Regions of Human Body Parts
* Person-independent head pose estimation based on random forest regression
* Perspective Imaging under Structured Light
* PETS2010 and PETS2009 Evaluation of Results Using Individual Ground Truthed Single Views
* PETS2010: Dataset and Challenge
* Photo-Consistent Planar Patches from Unstructured Cloud of Points
* Photo-consistent surfaces from a sparse set of viewpoints
* Photogrammetric techniques for power line ranging
* Photometric Stereo for Dynamic Surface Orientations
* Photometric Stereo from Maximum Feasible Lambertian Reflections
* Photometric stereo under unknown light sources using robust SVD with missing data
* Photorealistic 3D volumetric model reconstruction by voxel coloring
* Piecewise Quadratic Reconstruction of Non-Rigid Surfaces from Monocular Sequences
* Pipeline architecture for compound morphological operators
* Pixel weighted average strategy for depth sensor data fusion
* Plane and Boundary Extraction from LiDAR data using Clustering and Convex Hull Projection
* Plane rectification through robust vanishing point tracking using the Expectation-Maximization algorithm
* Plenoptic based super-resolution for omnidirectional image sequences
* Point Cloud Non Local Denoising using Local Surface Descriptor Similarity
* Point-and-click region based method for color editing and control for digital color printers
* Poisson image reconstruction with total variation regularization
* Poisson NL means: Unsupervised non local means for Poisson noise
* Poisson noise removal via learned dictionary
* Polarization imaging of a 3D object by use of on-axis phase-shifting digital holography
* Polyconvexification of the multi-label optical flow problem
* Polygonal approximation of digital curves using adaptive MCMC sampling
* Pose and Expression-invariant 3d Face Recognition using Elastic Radial Curves
* Pose estimation of image sequence captured from urban environment
* Pose Estimation of Interacting People using Pictorial Structures
* Pose estimation using facial feature points and manifold learning
* Pose invariant robust facial expression analysis
* Position dependent linear intra prediction for image coding
* Power-constrained contrast enhancement for OLED displays based on histogram equalization
* practical algorithm for tanner graph based image interpolation, A
* Practical Autocalibration
* Practical Methods for Convex Multi-View Reconstruction
* Pre-processing, Extraction and Recognition of Binary Erythrocyte Shapes for Computer-Assisted Diagnosis Based on MGG Images
* Preattentive co-saliency detection
* Precise localization of key-points to identify local regions for robust data hiding
* Predicting Facial Beauty without Landmarks
* Predictor Selection Using Quantization Intervals in JPEG2000-Based Scalable Interactive Video (JSIV)
* Preserving perceived brightness of displayed image over different illumination conditions
* Preventing re-recording based on difference between sensory perceptions of humans and devices
* Principal axis and crease detection for slap fingerprint segmentation
* principled approach to remove false alarms by modelling the context of a face detector, A
* Privacy-Aware Object Representation for Surveillance Systems
* probabilistic approach to realistic face synthesis, A
* probabilistic based method for tracking vessels in retinal images, A
* Probabilistic combination of spatial context with visual and co-occurrence information for semantic image analysis
* Probabilistic Deformable Surface Tracking from Multiple Videos
* Probabilistic Facial Trait Code for face recognition
* Probabilistic human pose recovery from 2D images
* Probabilistic Latent Sequential Motifs: Discovering temporal activity patterns in video scenes
* Probabilistic Multi-class Scene Flow Segmentation for Traffic Scenes
* Probabilistic reliability based view synthesis for FTV
* Probability updating for decoder and encoder rate control turbo based Wyner-Ziv video coding
* Probability-based coding mode prediction for H.264/AVC
* Probing the local-feature space of interest points
* Programmable Aperture Camera Using LCoS
* Progressive compression of 3D triangular meshes using topology-based Karhunen-Loève transform
* Projection-histograms for mean-shift tracking
* Proper Choice of Vertices for Triangulation Representation of Digital Images, A
* Proximal method for geometry and texture image decomposition
* Pyramid model based Down-sampling for image inpainting
* Pyramidal segmentation using higher-order local auto-correlations and its applications to Landsat forestry data
* Quadratic-Chi Histogram Distance Family, The
* Quality assessment of asymmetric stereo video coding
* Quality Measure of Mobile Phone Captured 2D Barcode Images, A
* Quality measures for building reconstruction from airborne laser scanner data
* Quality measures for textures extracted from airborne IR image sequences
* Quality of experience optimized scheduling in multi-service wireless mesh networks
* Quality-aware video based on robust embedding of intra- and inter-frame reduced-reference features
* Quantization optimized H.264 encoding for traffic video tracking applications
* Quick matting: A matting method based on pixel spread and propagation
* Random Fourier Approximations for Skewed Multiplicative Histogram Kernels
* Randomized Locality Sensitive Vocabularies for Bag-of-Features Model
* Randomized motion estimation
* Randomly driven fuzzy key extraction of unclonable images
* Range based object tracking and segmentation
* Range unfolding for Time-of-Flight depth cameras
* Rapid image retargeting based on curve-edge grid representation
* Rapid stereo-vision enhanced face recognition
* Rate-controlled redundancy-adaptive multiple description coding for video transmission over MIMO systems
* Rate-distortion based reconstruction optimization in distributed source coding for interactive multiview video streaming
* Rate-distortion optimal downsampling of H.264 compressed video using full-resolution information
* real time Breast Microwave Radar imaging reconstruction technique using simt based interpolation, A
* Real time constrained motion estimation for ECG-gated cardiac MRI
* Real Time Human Action Recognition in a Long Video Sequence
* Real Time Vehicle Detection Algorithm for Vision-Based Sensors, A
* Real-time 3D head pose estimation using both geometry and learning
* Real-Time 3D Human Pose Estimation from Monocular View with Applications to Event Detection and Video Gaming
* Real-time 3D reconstruction and pose estimation for human motion analysis
* Real-time Action Recognition by Spatiotemporal Semantic and Structural Forest
* Real-time content-aware image resizing using reduced linear model
* Real-Time Dense Geometry from a Handheld Camera
* Real-time depth diffusion for 3D surface reconstruction
* Real-time distributed tracking with non-overlapping cameras
* Real-time embedded skew detection and frame removal
* real-time grid map generation and object classification for ground-based 3D LIDAR data using image analysis techniques, A
* Real-time interactive multi-target tracking using kernel-based trackers
* Real-time level set based tracking with appearance model using Rao-Blackwellized particle filter
* Real-time multi-colourspace hand segmentation
* Real-Time Specular Highlight Removal Using Bilateral Filtering
* Real-Time Spherical Mosaicing Using Whole Image Alignment
* Real-time video streaming with interactive region-of-interest
* Realistic 3D face modeling using feature-preserving surface registration
* Realization of lossless-to-lossy image coding compatible with JPEG standard by direct-lifting of DCT-IDCT
* Recent advances in high dynamic range imaging technology
* Recognition from Appearance Subspaces Across Image Sets of Variable Scale
* Recognition of unideal iris images using region-based active contour model and game theory
* Recognizing and Localizing Individual Activities through Graph Matching
* Recognizing human actions in still images: A study of bag-of-features and part-based representations
* Recognizing offensive strategies from football videos
* Recognizing Partially Occluded Faces from a Single Sample Per Class Using String-Based Matching
* Reconstructing diffusion kurtosis tensors from sparse noisy measurements
* Reconstruction comparison and a composite segmentation method for electron tomography
* Recursive Coarse-to-Fine Localization for Fast Object Detection
* Red-eyes removal through cluster based Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Reduced-reference quality evaluation for compressed depth maps associated with colour plus depth 3D video
* Reduced-reference SSIM estimation
* Reducing graphs in graph cut segmentation
* Reducing mismatching under time-pressure by reasoning about visibility and occlusion
* Reducing the spiral CT slice thickness using super resolution
* Refining a region based attention model using eye tracking data
* Region Covariance Matrix-Based Object Tracking with Occlusions Handling
* Region merging parameter dependency as information diversity to create sparse hierarchies of partitions
* Region-based backlight compensation algorithm for images and videos
* Region-based texture modelling for next generation video codecs
* Regisration of hyperspectral and trichromatic images via cross cumulative residual entropy maximisation
* Registering aerial photographs of farmland with satellite imagery
* Regression Forests for Efficient Anatomy Detection and Localization in CT Studies
* Regularization of transportation maps for color and contrast transfer
* Regularized logistic regression method for change detection in multispectral data via Pathwise Coordinate optimization
* Regularized Trace Ratio Discriminant Analysis with Patch Distribution Feature for human gait recognition
* Relevant image pre-filtering in automatic image orientation correction
* Reliability / precision uncertainity in shape fitting problems
* Reliable histogram features for detecting LSB matching
* Reliable matching of building facades using geometric measurements and an iterative reliability verification model
* Removal of false positive in object detection with contour-based classifiers
* Removal of non-diffraction wave in optical-path-length-shifting digital holography
* Replacing picture regions in H.264/AVC bitstream by utilizing independent slices
* Representing Pairwise Spatial and Temporal Relations for Action Recognition
* Resampling Structure from Motion
* Research on parallel cone-beam CT image reconstruction on CUDA-Enabled GPU
* Resolving distortion between linear and area sensors for forensic print inspection
* Resource-Efficient Salient Foreground Detection for Embedded Smart Cameras by Tracking Feedback
* Restoration of high ISO-sensitivity color images
* Restoration of images and 3D data to higher resolution by deconvolution with sparsity regularization
* Restoration of low resolution car plate images using PCA based image super-resolution
* Restricted H.264/AVC video coding for privacy region scrambling
* Retrieval of the Backscatter Cross-Section in Full-Waveform Lidar Data using B-Splines
* retrieval pattern-based inter-query learning approach for content-based image retrieval, A
* Reversible color transform with compatiblity to irreversible transform
* Revisiting Horn and Schunck: Interpretation as Gauss-newton Optimisation
* Reweighted Random Walks for Graph Matching
* RFSIM: A feature based image quality assessment metric using Riesz transforms
* Ring-Light Photometric Stereo
* Road Extraction and Environment Interpretation from Lidar Sensors
* Road Sign Recognition Using A Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm And Primitives Fusion
* Robust 3d Face Recognition by Using Shape Filtering
* robust and accurate self-calibration approach from unordered wide-baseline images, A
* Robust and efficient background subtraction by quadratic polynomial fitting
* robust and fast anti-ghosting algorithm for high dynamic range imaging, A
* Robust and Fast Collaborative Tracking with Two Stage Sparse Optimization
* Robust and Scalable Approach to Face Identification, A
* Robust border detection in dermoscopy images using threshold fusion
* Robust Camera Calibration using Inaccurate Targets
* Robust decoding of a 3D-ESCOT bitstream transmitted over a noisy channel
* Robust Dynamic Super Resolution under Inaccurate Motion Estimation
* Robust estimation of the fundamental matrix
* Robust face recognition using locally adaptive sparse representation
* Robust Face Recognition Using Probabilistic Facial Trait Code
* Robust feature detection based on local variation for image retrieval
* robust framework for region based video object segmentation, A
* Robust Fusion: Extreme Value Theory for Recognition Score Normalization
* Robust global motion estimation using motion vectors of variable size blocks and automatic motion model selection
* Robust Head Pose Estimation Using Supervised Manifold Learning
* Robust Identification of Locally Planar Objects Represented by 2D Point Clouds under Affine Distortions
* Robust interactive image segmentation with automatic boundary refinement
* Robust learning-based super-resolution
* Robust license plate detection using image saliency
* Robust low complexity feature tracking
* Robust matching of aerial images with low overlap
* Robust Method for Nose Detection under Various Conditions, A
* Robust multi-camera tracking from schematic descriptions
* Robust Multi-View Boosting with Priors
* Robust object detection scheme using feature selection
* Robust Open-Set Face Recognition for Small-Scale Convenience Applications
* Robust Orientation Field Estimation and Extrapolation Using Semilocal Line Sensors
* Robust range image registration using 3D lines
* Robust Real Time Moving People Detection in Surveillance Scenarios
* Robust reconstruction of arbitrarily deformed Bokeh from ordinary multiple differently focused images
* Robust segmentation of lung tissue in chest CT scanning
* robust similarity measure for automatic inspection, A
* Robust Stamps Detection and Classification by Means of General Shape Analysis
* Robust Texture Recognition Using Credal Classifiers
* Robust tracking based on Boosted Color Soft Segmentation and ICA-R
* Robust tracking of facial feature points with 3D Active Shape Models
* Robust visual features for the multimodal identification of unregistered speakers in TV talk-shows
* role of image composition in image aesthetics, The
* Role of Sparse Data Representation in Semantic Image Understanding, The
* Roof plane segmentation by combining multiple images and point clouds
* Rotating sensor-matrix camera calibration
* rotation and scale invariant descriptor for shape recognition, A
* Rotation Invariant Non-rigid Shape Matching in Cluttered Scenes
* Rotation invariant texture classification using adaptive LBP with directional statistical features
* Rotation robust detection of copy-move forgery
* Roughness measurement from multi-stereo reconstruction
* Routing-aware multiple description video coding over wireless ad-hoc networks using multiple paths
* Safe Fault Tolerant Multi-view Approach for Vision-Based Protective Devices, A
* Saliency based joint topic discovery for object categorization
* Saliency detection based on short-term sparse representation
* Saliency detection using maximum symmetric surround
* Saliency Segmentation based on Learning and Graph Cut Refinement
* Saliency selection for robust visual tracking
* Salient region extraction based on local extrema of natural images
* Sampling-aware polar descriptors on the sphere
* Satellite image registration for attitude estimation with a constrained polynomial model
* Scalable active learning strategy for object category retrieval
* Scalable authentication for various representations of JPEG 2000 images
* scalable multi-view audiovisual entertainment framework with content-aware distribution, A
* scalable parallel hardware architecture for connected component labeling, A
* Scale and rotation invariant feature-based object tracking via modified on-line boosting
* Scale Invariant Feature Transform: A Graphical Parameter Analysis
* Scanner identification using spectral noise in the frequency domain
* scattering similarity based classification scheme for land applications of polarimetric SAR image, A
* Scene Carving: Scene Consistent Image Retargeting
* Scene recognition using quantitative measurement of intensity flicker
* score based indexing scheme for palmprint databases, A
* second order polynomial based subspace projection method for dimensionality reduction, A
* Sectional image reconstruction in optical scanning holography using compressed sensing
* Secure and robust SIFT with resistance to chosen-plaintext attack
* Security analysis for privacy preserving search of multimedia
* Seeing People in Social Context: Recognizing People and Social Relationships
* Seeing through Obscure Glass
* Segmentation of 3D object in volume dataset using active deformable model
* Segmentation of Moving Cells in Bright Field and Epi-Fluorescent Microscopic Image Sequences
* Segmentation of networks from VHR remote sensing images using a directed phase field HOAC model
* Segmentation of oct skin images by classification of speckle statistical parameters
* Segmentation using Deformable Spatial Priors with Application to Clothing
* Segmenting Salient Objects from Images and Videos
* Selection of an Optimal Polyhedral Surface Model Using the Minimum Description Length Principle
* Selection of Gabor filters for improved texture feature extraction
* Self-Adapting Feature Layers
* Semantic analysis of human visual attention in mobile eye tracking applications
* Semantic Interpretation of Heart Vessel Structures Based on Graph Grammars
* Semantic Label Sharing for Learning with Many Categories
* semantic no-reference image sharpness metric based on top-down and bottom-up saliency map modeling, A
* Semantics-driven portrait cartoon stylization
* Semi-automatic motion based segmentation using long term motion trajectories
* Semi-explicit Shape Model for Multi-object Detection and Classification, The
* Semi-regular remeshing with reduced remeshing error
* Semi-supervised Learning of Edge Filters for Volumetric Image Segmentation
* Semi-supervised regression with temporal image sequences
* Semisupervised Probabilistic Clustering of Brain MR Images Including Prior Clinical Information
* Separation of overlapped color planes for document images
* Sequential Non-Rigid Structure-from-Motion with the 3D-Implicit Low-Rank Shape Model
* Sequential Reduction Algorithm for Nearest Neighbor Rule
* Shape Analysis of Planar Objects with Arbitrary Topologies Using Conformal Geometry
* Shape approximation for efficient progressive mesh compression
* Shape Error Concealment Based on a Shape-Preserving Boundary Approximation
* Shape from Second-Bounce of Light Transport
* Shape from shading for hybrid surfaces as applied to tooth reconstruction
* Shape Representation and Shape Coefficients via Method of Hurwitz-Radon Matrices
* Shrinkage Learning Approach for Single Image Super-Resolution with Overcomplete Representations, A
* Shrinking large visual vocabularies using multi-label agglomerative information bottleneck
* Side-information-adaptive distributed source coding
* SIFT in perception-based color space
* Similarity-based image classification via kernelized sparse representation
* Simple order-16 Integer Transform for video coding
* Simple, Fast and Accurate Estimation of the Fundamental Matrix Using the Extended Eight-point Schemes
* simple, fast and efficient approach to denoisaicking: Joint demosaicking and denoising, A
* simplest measurement matrix for compressed sensing of natural images, The
* Simplified geometry-adaptive block partitioning for video coding
* simplified lattice structure of two-dimensional generalized lapped orthogonal transform (2-D GenLOT) for image coding, A
* Simultaneous Multi-object Segmentation Using Local Robust Statistics and Contour Interaction
* Simultaneous Object Recognition and Localization in Image Collections
* Simultaneous Segmentation and Figure/Ground Organization Using Angular Embedding
* Simultaneous variational image segmentation and object recognition via shape sparse representation
* Single color image dehazing using sparse priors
* Single Frame Rate-Quantization Model for MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 Video Encoders
* Single Image Deblurring Using Motion Density Functions
* Single image deblurring with adaptive dictionary learning
* Single image motion deblurring using anisotropic regularization
* single-pass based adaptive interpolation filtering algorithm for video coding, A
* Size Does Matter: Improving Object Recognition and 3D Reconstruction with Cross-Media Analysis of Image Clusters
* Skeleton Extraction via Anisotropic Heat Flow
* Skin Color Weighted Disparity Competition for Hand Segmentation from Stereo Camera
* Skin detection: A random forest approach
* Skin Locus Based Skin Detection for Gesture Recognition
* Slicing the View: Occlusion-Aware View-Based Robot Navigation
* SLP: A Zero-contact Non-invasive Method for Pulmonary Function Testing
* Smooth Detail Features on Multiresolution Surface
* Smoothing, Enhancing Filters in Terms of Backward Stochastic Differential Equations
* Snake-based approach for segmenting pedicles in radiographs and its application in three-dimensional vertebrae reconstruction
* Snakules: Snakes that seek spicules on mammography
* Snoopertext: A multiresolution system for text detection in complex visual scenes
* Soccer Player Activity Recognition by a Multivariate Features Integration
* Solving the out-of-gamut problem in image composition
* Source camera identification from significant noise residual regions
* Sparse Bayesian image restoration
* Sparse constraint nearest neighbour selection in cross-media retrieval
* Sparse dyadic mode for depth map compression
* Sparse margin based discriminant analysis for face recognition
* Sparse natural image statistics and their applications to colorization and compression
* Sparse Non-linear Least Squares Optimization for Geometric Vision
* Sparse recovery for discrete tomography
* Sparse representation of (Multiscale) histograms for face recognition robust to registration and illumination problems
* Sparse representation shape model
* Sparse shapes prototype modeling using genetic algorithms
* Sparse shift-DCT spatial prediction
* Sparse Sparse Bundle Adjustment
* sparsity-distortion-optimized multiscale representation of geometry, A
* Spatial and spectral dependance co-occurrence method for multi-spectral image texture classification
* Spatial bayesian surprise for image saliency and quality assessment
* Spatial noise shaping using convex optimization for perceptual image coding
* Spatial normalization of cardiac Diffusion Tensor Imaging for modeling the muscular structure of the myocardium
* Spatial Statistics of Visual Keypoints for Texture Recognition
* Spatial-Temporal Granularity-Tunable Gradients Partition (STGGP) Descriptors for Human Detection
* Spatially-Sensitive Affine-Invariant Image Descriptors
* Spatio-temporal combination of saliency maps and eye-tracking assessment of different strategies
* Spatio-Temporal Optical Flow Analysis for People Counting
* Spatiotemporal Motion-Vector Filter for Object Tracking on Compressed Video, A
* Spatiotemporal super-resolution for low bitrate H.264 video
* Spectral Analysis of Human Skin Tissue Using Multi-spectral Images, The
* Spectrum Evaluation on Multispectral Images by Machine Learning Techniques
* Speeding Up Powerful State-of-the-Art Restoration Methods with Modern Graphics Processors
* Spherical Harmonics Shape Model for Level Set Segmentation, A
* Spiral FFT: An efficient method for 3-D FFTS on spiral MRI contours
* split and merge algorithm for inter-mode decision in extended macroblocks, A
* split Bregman method for non-negative sparsity penalized least squares with applications to hyperspectral demixing, A
* Spotlight: Automated Confidence-Based User Guidance for Increasing Efficiency in Interactive 3D Image Segmentation
* Spread E, F layer ionospheric clutter identification in range-Doppler map for HFSWR
* Spread spectrum-based watermarking for Tardos code-based fingerprinting for H.264/AVC video
* SRTM registration for electro-optic satellite images without GCP
* Stabilized thresholding with generalized sure for image denoising
* Stacked Hierarchical Labeling
* State Estimation in a Document Image and Its Application in Text Block Identification and Text Line Extraction
* Static SMC Sampler on Shapes for the Automated Segmentation of Aortic Calcifications, A
* Stationary foreground detection using background subtraction and temporal difference in video surveillance
* Stationary model of probabilities for symbols emitted by bitplane image coders
* statistical approach for shadow detection using spatio-temporal contexts, A
* Statistical Background Modeling: An Edge Segment Based Moving Object Detection Approach
* statistical method for object localization in multi-camera tracking, A
* Statistical modeling of the lung nodules in low dose computed tomography scans of the chest
* Statistically consistent image segmentation
* Statistics of local surface curvatures for mis-localized iris detection
* Steganalysis of LSB matching based on local variance histogram
* Stereo image coding based on binocular energy modeling
* stereo matching data cost robust to blurring, A
* Stereoscopic Analyzer: An image-based assistance tool for stereo shooting and 3D production, The
* Stereoscopic content production of complex dynamic scenes using a wide-baseline monoscopic camera set-up
* Stochastic Evaluation of the Contour Strength, A
* Stochastic gradient descent for robust inverse photomask synthesis in optical lithography
* Stochastic Graph Evolution Framework for Robust Multi-target Tracking, A
* Stratified Generalized Procrustes Analysis
* Streakline Representation of Flow in Crowded Scenes, A
* Stream carving: An adaptive seam carving algorithm
* Stream switching with in-stream transmission rate probing for adaptive mobile multimedia streaming
* Streaming Compressive Sensing for high-speed periodic videos
* Structural Filter Approach to Human Detection, A
* Structurally adaptive mathematical morphology on nonlinear scale-space representations
* Structure preserving semantic coherent object segmentation
* Structure-preserving multiscale vessel enhancing diffusion filter
* Structured Output Ordinal Regression for Dynamic Facial Emotion Intensity Prediction
* STTK-based video object recognition
* study on high-quality free viewpoint image reconstruction systems using multi-focus images by FPGA-based signal processing, A
* Styp-boost: A Bilinear Boosting Algorithm for Learning Style-parameterized Classifiers
* Sub-pixel edge detection for photogrammetry using Laplace difference of Gaussian and 4th order ENO interpolation
* Subjective Logic Based Hybrid Approach to Conditional Evidence Fusion for Forensic Visual Surveillance
* subjective study of visibility thresholds for wavelet domain watermarking, A
* Subjective study on compressed asymmetric stereoscopic video
* Super resolution image reconstruction using total variation regularization and learning-based method
* Super Resolution results in PANOPTES, an adaptive multi-aperture folded architecture
* Super-Resolution for Multiview Images Using Depth Information
* Super-resolution image reconstruction based on guided cost function
* Super-resolution using a Wavelet-based Adaptive Wiener Filter
* Super-resolution using multiple quantized images
* SuperParsing: Scalable Nonparametric Image Parsing with Superpixels
* Superpixels and Supervoxels in an Energy Optimization Framework
* Supervised and Unsupervised Clustering with Probabilistic Shift
* Supervised Label Transfer for Semantic Segmentation of Street Scenes
* supervised micro-calcification detection approach in digitised mammograms, A
* Surface reconstruction by restricted and oriented propagation
* Surgical needle reconstruction using small-angle multi-view X-ray
* Surgical Phases Detection from Microscope Videos by Combining SVM and HMM
* Surveillance Camera Calibration from Observations of a Pedestrian
* Surveillance Video Stream Analysis Using Adaptive Background Model and Object Recognition
* SVD based image manipulation detection
* SVD based linear filtering in DCT domain
* SVD-SIFT for web near-duplicate image detection
* SVM-Based Biometric Authentication Using Intra-Body Propagation Signals
* Symmetric image recognition by Tchebichef moment invariants
* Symmetry constrained shape evolution in shape manifolds for shape based retrieval
* System to Measure Gap Distance between Two Vehicles Using License Plate Character Height, A
* Tangent space discriminant analysis for feature extraction
* Target detection based on granularity computing of quotient space theory using SAR image
* Task-Oriented Object Tracking in Large Distributed Camera Networks
* Teeth segmentation in 3D dentition models for the virtual articulator
* Template-Based Approach for Real-Time Speed-Limit-Sign Recognition on an Embedded System Using GPU Computing, A
* Temporal pooling of video quality estimates using perceptual motion models
* Temporal synchronization in stereoscopic video: Influence on quality of experience and automatic asynchrony detection
* Temporally consistent handling of disocclusions with texture synthesis for depth-image-based rendering
* Tensor completion for on-board compression of hyperspectral images
* Tensor error correction for corrupted values in visual data
* Tensor Sparse Coding for Region Covariances
* Tensor-based image diffusions derived from generalizations of the Total Variation and Beltrami Functionals
* Terrain Modeling with Multifractional Brownian Motion and Self-regulating Processes
* Text localization using image cues and text line information
* Texture classification via patch-based sparse texton learning
* Texture Manifold for Curve-Based Morphometry of the Cerebral Cortex, A
* Texture mapping based video compression scheme
* Texture Regimes for Entropy-Based Multiscale Image Analysis
* Texture removal for adaptive level set based iris segmentation
* Texture-based color constancy using local regression
* Theory of Optimal View Interpolation with Depth Inaccuracy
* Thirteen Hard Cases in Visual Tracking
* Three Cameras Method of Light Sources Extraction in Augmented Reality
* Three-dimensional object recognition by use of digital holography
* three-layer algorithm for M-channel multiple description image coding, A
* Three-step image rectification
* Tone mapping HDR images using optimization: A general framework
* Topographic gray level multiscale analysis and its application to histogram modification
* Topology based affine invariant descriptor for MSERs
* Topology Noise Removal for Curve and Surface Evolution
* Total subset variation prior
* Toward a multi-feature approach to Content-Based Copy Detection
* Toward Robust Action Retrieval in Video
* Toward robust estimation of specular flow
* Towards a perceptual quality metric for color stereo images
* Towards automated conceptual shape-based characterization an application to symbolic image retrieval
* Towards completely rotated Simplified Gabor Wavelets for fast facial feature point detection
* Towards computational models of kinship verification
* Towards Computational Models of the Visual Aesthetic Appeal of Consumer Videos
* Towards generic fitting using multiple features Discriminative Active Appearance Models
* Towards high-precision lens distortion correction
* Towards integrating level-3 Features with perspiration pattern for robust fingerprint recognition
* Towards More Efficient and Effective LP-Based Algorithms for MRF Optimization
* Towards On-line Intensity-based Surface Recovery from Monocular Images
* Towards Optimal Naive Bayes Nearest Neighbor
* Towards road modelling from terrestrial laser points
* Towards unifying diffusion and exemplar-based inpainting
* Tracking in streamed video by updating globally optimal matchings
* Tracking kidney tumor dimensional measurements via image morphing
* Tracking multiple articulated objects using physics engines: Improvement using multi scale decomposition and quadtrees
* Tracking People in Broadcast Sports
* Tracking People with a 360-Degree Lidar
* Tracking using Bayesian inference with a two-layer Graphical Model
* Tracking-based non-parametric background-foreground classification in a chromaticity-gradient space
* Tracklet Descriptors for Action Modeling and Video Analysis
* Traffic Abnormality Detection through Directional Motion Behavior Map
* Traffic classification and speed estimation in time series of airborne optical remote sensing images
* Traffic Scene Segmentation and Robust Filtering for Road Signs Recognition
* Training a multi-exit cascade with linear asymmetric classification for efficient object detection
* Trajectory Based Activity Discovery
* Trans Media Relevance Feedback for Image Autoannotation
* Transcoding from H.264/AVC to a wavelet-based scalable video codec
* Transferable Belief Model for hair mask segmentation
* Transform-domain temporal prediction in video coding: Exploiting correlation variation across coefficients
* Transformed domain GMM foreground segmentation for mobile video camera
* TriangleFlow: Optical Flow with Triangulation-Based Higher-Order Likelihoods
* Tripartite Graph Models for Multi Modal Image Retrieval
* TrustCAM: Security and Privacy-Protection for an Embedded Smart Camera Based on Trusted Computing
* TV program segmentation using text-visual analysis
* TV-based Multi-label Image Segmentation with Label Cost Prior
* Two dimensional Singular Value Decomposition (2D-SVD) based video coding
* Two-dimensional statistical test for the presence of almost cyclostationarity on images
* Two-level optimized tone mapping for high dynamic range images
* two-level sliding-window VBR controller for real-time hierarchical video coding, A
* two-pass random forests classification of airborne lidar and image data on urban scenes, A
* two-phase hybrid codebook generation technique for vector quantization, A
* Two-Phase Kernel Estimation for Robust Motion Deblurring
* two-stage framework for blind image quality assessment, A
* Ultra-Low-Power Contrast-Based Integrated Camera Node and its Application as a People Counter, An
* Uncertainty Driven Multi-scale Optimization
* uncompressed benchmark image dataset for colour imaging, An
* Undecimated Haar thresholding for poisson intensity estimation
* Understanding Changes and Deformations on Multi-Temporal Rock Face Point Clouds
* Undetectable image tampering through JPEG compression anti-forensics
* Unified Contour-Pixel Model for Figure-Ground Segmentation, A
* Unifying Planar and Point Mapping in Monocular SLAM
* Unique Signatures of Histograms for Local Surface Description
* universal Full Reference image Quality Metric based on a neural fusion approach, A
* Unsupervised Learning of Functional Categories in Video Scenes
* Unsupervised, Fast and Precise Recognition of Digital Arcs in Noisy Images
* Unsynchronized markerless motion capture with sharp illumination changes
* Urban building detection from optical and InSAR features exploiting context
* Using a Geometric Formulation of Annular-Like Shape Priors for Constraining Variational Level-Sets
* Using Adaboost on contourlet based image deblurring for Fluid Lens Camera Systems
* Using building and bridge information for adapting roads to ALS data by means of network snakes
* Using colour local binary pattern features for face recognition
* Using Context to Create Semantic 3d Models of Indoor Environments
* Using directional statistics to learn cast shadows from a multi-spectral light sources physical model
* Using Parallel Graph Transformations in Design Support System
* Using Partial Edge Contour Matches for Efficient Object Category Localization
* Using the Kullback-Leibler divergence to combine image priors in Super-Resolution image reconstruction
* Utilization of Multi-spectral Images in Photodynamic Diagnosis
* Variable block-size image authentication with localization and self-recovery
* Variational fronts tracking in sea surface temperature images
* variational multiphase level set approach to simultaneous segmentation and bias correction, A
* Vector Median Splatting for Image Based Rendering
* Vector-valued Chan-Vese model driven by local histogram for texture segmentation
* Vehicle detection and tracking with low-angle cameras
* Vehicle Localization using Landmarks obtained by a Lidar Mobile Mapping System
* Velocity-Dependent Shutter Sequences for Motion Deblurring
* VF-SIFT: Very Fast SIFT Feature Matching
* Video Activity Extraction and Reporting with Incremental Unsupervised Learning
* Video Analysis Based on Mutual Information
* Video anomaly detection in spatiotemporal context
* Video categorization using object of interest detection
* Video cross-talk reduction and synchronization for two-way collaboration
* Video deblurring in complex wavelet domain using local Laplace prior for enhancement and anisotropic spatially adaptive denoising for PSF detection
* Video error concealment by using iterative dynamic-programming optimization
* Video object inpainting using manifold-based action prediction
* video object segmentation algorithm based on the feature learning and shape tracking, A
* Video Quality Assessment based on Adaptive Block-size Transform Just-Noticeable Difference model
* Video quality assessment: From 2D to 3D - Challenges and future trends
* Video retargeting with nonlinear spatial-temporal saliency fusion
* Video retargeting: A visual-friendly dynamic programming approach
* Video stabilization and rolling shutter distortion reduction
* Video stabilization for vehicular applications using SURF-like descriptor and KD-tree
* Video streaming using standard-compatible scalable multiple description coding based on SVC
* Video stylization by single image example
* Video synchronization using bit rate profiles
* Video Synchronization Using Temporal Signals from Epipolar Lines
* Video-based traffic accident analysis at intersections using partial vehicle trajectories
* View and Style-Independent Action Manifolds for Human Activity Recognition
* View recognition of human gait sequences in videos
* View synthesis based on Conditional Random Fields and graph cuts
* view-dependent adaptivity metric for real time mesh tessellation, A
* Virtual jewel rendering for augmented reality environments
* Visibility Subspaces: Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo with Shadows
* Vision-based Behavior Prediction in Urban Traffic Environments by Scene Categorization
* Vision-Based Vehicle Speed Measurement Method
* Visual appearance based document image classification
* Visual attention based small object segmentation in natual images
* Visual Codebooks Survey for Video On-Line Processing
* Visual fatigue evaluation and enhancement for 2D-plus-depth video
* Visual Programming Environment Based on Hypergraph Representations
* Visual Recognition with Humans in the Loop
* Visual saliency as sequential eye fixation probability
* Visual saliency detection via rank-sparsity decomposition
* Visual SLAM System for a Hexapod Robot, The
* Visual tracking and segmentation using Time-of-Flight sensor
* Visual tracking of multiple interacting objects through Rao-Blackwellized Data Association Particle Filtering
* Visual Tracking Using a Pixelwise Spatiotemporal Oriented Energy Representation
* Visually-favorable tone-mapping with high compression performance
* Viterbi-like joint optimization of stereo extraction for on-line rate adaptation in scalable multiview video coding
* Voronoi tessellated halftone masks
* Voting by Grouping Dependent Parts
* Watermark survival chance (WSC) concept for improving watermark robustness against JPEG compression
* Watermarking using multiple visual channels for perceptual color spaces
* Watershed segmentation of medical volumes with paint drop marking
* Wavelet Based Local Descriptor for Human Action Recognition, A
* Wavelet based nonlocal-means super-resolution for video sequences
* Wavelet-based image compression anti-forensics
* Wavelet-Based Inpainting for Object Removal from Image Series
* Wavelet-based redundant representation for efficient random access of volumetric images
* We Are Family: Joint Pose Estimation of Multiple Persons
* Weakly Supervised Classification of Objects in Images Using Soft Random Forests
* Weakly Supervised Object Recognition and Localization with Invariant High Order Features
* Weakly Supervised Shape Based Object Detection with Particle Filter
* Weakly-Paired Maximum Covariance Analysis for Multimodal Dimensionality Reduction and Transfer Learning
* Weighted Local Bundle Adjustment and Application to Odometry and Visual SLAM Fusion
* What Does Classifying More Than 10,000 Image Categories Tell Us?
* What Is the Chance of Happening: A New Way to Predict Where People Look
* What, Where and How Many? Combining Object Detectors and CRFs
* Why and how to design a generic and efficient image processing framework: The case of the Milena library
* Why Did the Person Cross the Road (There)? Scene Understanding Using Probabilistic Logic Models and Common Sense Reasoning
* wireless video transmission control approach through Stochastic Dynamic Programming, A
* Word Spotting in the Wild
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