Update Dates 0906

0906 * *Daimler Pedestrian Detection Benchmark
* *FacePix Database
* *Reproducible Research
* 1-D chaincode pattern matching for compression of Bi-level printed farsi and arabic textual images
* 3-D reconstruction and measurement of microtubules from multiple angle-total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy
* 3-D Urban Modelling using Airborne Oblique and Vertical Imagery
* 3D City Modelling for Planning Activities, Case Study: Haydarpasa Train Station, Haydarpasa Port and Surrounding Backside Zones, Istanbul
* 3D Face Recognition Using Joint Differential Invariants
* 3D Mesh decomposition using Reeb graphs
* 3D morphable face models revisited
* 3D pose estimation and segmentation using specular cues
* 3D reconstruction of curved objects from single 2D line drawings
* 3D reconstruction pipeline for digital preservation, A
* 3D Rigid registration by cylindrical phase correlation method
* 3D segmentation of rodent brains using deformable models and variational methods
* 3D Signatures for Fast 3D Face Recognition
* 3D stochastic completion fields for fiber tractography
* 3DID face alignment system for verifying identity, The
* 40 Years of Progress in Automatic Speaker Recognition
* 90nm Manchester Code Generator with CMOS Switches Running at 2.4GHz and 5GHz, A
* Abnormal crowd behavior detection using social force model
* Abnormal events detection based on spatio-temporal co-occurences
* Accuracy and Radiometric Study on Very High Resolution Digital Camera Images
* Accuracy Assessment of Building Height Estimation from a High Resolution Optical Image Combined with a Simulated SAR Image
* Accuracy of Propagation Models for Distance Measurement between WSN Nodes, The
* Accurate Camera Calibration from Multi-View Stereo and Bundle Adjustment
* Accurate estimation of pulmonary nodule's growth rate in CT images with nonrigid registration and precise nodule detection and segmentation
* Accurate Palmprint Recognition Using Spatial Bags of Local Layered Descriptors
* Accurate text localization in images based on SVM output scores
* Action recognition via local descriptors and holistic features
* Actions in context
* Active Fingerprint Ridge Orientation Models
* Active learning for large multi-class problems
* Active stereo tracking of multiple free-moving targets
* Active volume models for 3D medical image segmentation
* AdaBoost Multiple Feature Selection and Combination for Face Recognition
* Adaptable Image Retrieval System With Relevance Feedback Using Kernel Machines and Selective Sampling, An
* Adaptation of Eikonal Equation over Weighted Graph
* Adaptation-aware encryption of scalable H.264/AVC video for content security
* Adaptive and optimal difference operators in image processing
* Adaptive Approach for Affine-Invariant 2D Shape Description, An
* Adaptive Change Detection
* Adaptive colour classification for structured light systems
* Adaptive Contour Features in oriented granular space for human detection and segmentation
* Adaptive image and video retargeting technique based on Fourier analysis
* Adaptive object classification in surveillance system by exploiting scene context
* Adaptive thresholding of tomograms by projection distance minimization
* Adding Voicing Features into Speech Recognition Based on HMM in Slovak
* Admission Control as a Non-Cooperative Multi-Stage Game between Wireless Networks
* Advance PVR Applications in IMS Based IPTV Environment
* Adventures in archiving and using three years of webcam images
* affine Invariant hyperspectral texture descriptor based upon heavy-tailed distributions and fourier analysis, An
* alignment based similarity measure for hand detection in cluttered sign language video, An
* Alignment of 3D point clouds to overhead images
* Alphabet SOUP: A framework for approximate energy minimization
* AMPSO: A New Particle Swarm Method for Nearest Neighborhood Classification
* Analysis and Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.16 Enhanced with Decentrally Controlled Relays
* Analysis of DEM Combination Methods using High Resolution Optical Stereo Imagery and Interferometric SAR Data
* Analysis of Eigenvalue Correction Applied to Biometrics
* Analysis of Multiple Orientations
* Analysis of Scanning Time in IEEE802.16m's Handover Procedure, The
* Analysis of the addition of qualitative ancillary data on parcel-based image classification.
* Analysis of the Utility of Classical and Novel Speech Quality Measures for Speaker Verification
* Analysis-by-Synthesis Method for Heterogeneous Face Biometrics, An
* Analyzing Gait Using a Time-of-Flight Camera
* Analyzing TerraSAR-X and COSMO-Skymed High-resolution SAR Data of Urban Areas
* Angular embedding: From jarring intensity differences to perceived luminance
* Anisotropic Fourth-Order Partial Differential Equation for Noise Removal, An
* Anisotropic Regularization for Inverse Problems with Application to the Wiener Filter with Gaussian and Impulse Noise
* Anisotropic Smoothing Using Double Orientations
* Anomaly detection in extremely crowded scenes using spatio-temporal motion pattern models
* Anomaly Detection in Radiation Sensor Data With Application to Transportation Security
* Appearance and Shape Prior Alignments in Level Set Segmentation
* Appearance Based Extraction of Planar Structure in Monocular SLAM
* Appearance Derivatives for Isonormal Clustering of Scenes
* Appearance learning by adaptive Kalman filters for FLIR tracking
* Appearance of Persistent Scatterers for Different TerraSAR-X Acquisition Modes
* Appearance-based keypoint clustering
* Applying Graph Theory on Protein-Protein Interaction Data
* Applying Multi-Agents Technologies in Industrial Plants
* Approach to Estimate Perplexity Values for Language Models Based on Phrase Classes, An
* Approximate Nonmyopic Sensor Selection via Submodularity and Partitioning
* ARRIBA: Designing a GIS for Coastal Management
* Audio-Visual Identity Verification and Robustness to Imposture
* Audio-visual speech synchronization detection using a bimodal linear prediction model
* Audiovisual event detection towards scene understanding
* Auditory dialog analysis and understanding by generative modelling of interactional dynamics
* Augmented Lagrangian Method, Dual Methods and Split Bregman Iteration for ROF Model
* Auto-correlation wavelet support vector machine
* Automated analysis of images in documents for intelligent document search
* Automated Description of 2-D Building Boundaries From A Single Color Aerial Ortho-Image
* Automated DSM based Georeferencing of CARTOSAT-1 Stereo Scenes
* Automated extraction of signs from continuous sign language sentences using Iterated Conditional Modes
* Automated feature extraction for early detection of diabetic retinopathy in fundus images
* Automated Quantitative Assessment of HER-2/neu Immunohistochemical Expression in Breast Cancer
* Automated tracking in digitized videofluoroscopy sequences for spine kinematic analysis
* Automated Video-Based System for Iris Recognition, An
* Automatic articulated registration of hand radiographs
* Automatic Classification for Pathological Prostate Images Based on Fractal Analysis
* Automatic Cross-Biometric Footstep Database Labelling Using Speaker Recognition
* Automatic detection of body parts in x-ray images
* Automatic estimation of left ventricular dysfunction from echocardiogram videos
* Automatic facial landmark labeling with minimal supervision
* Automatic fetal face detection from ultrasound volumes via learning 3D and 2D information
* Automatic Generation of Digital Terrain Models from CARTOSAT-1 STEREO IMAGES
* Automatic Ground-Truth Validation With Genetic Algorithms for Multispectral Image Classification
* Automatic Multi-Agent Web Image and Associated Keywords Retrieval System, An
* Automatic Multiple Sclerosis detection based on integrated square estimation
* Automatic Partial Face Alignment in NIR Video Sequences
* Automatic Quantification of Fluorescence from Clustered Targets in Microscope Images
* Automatic recognition of fingerspelled words in British Sign Language
* Automatic reconstruction of cities from remote sensor data
* Automatic registration of LIDAR and optical images of urban scenes
* Automatic Ship Detection in Space-borne SAR Imagery
* Automatic Summarization of Changes in Biological Image Sequences Using Algorithmic Information Theory
* Automatic symmetry-integrated brain injury detection in MRI sequences
* Automatic Verification of Agricultural Areas using IKONOS Satellite Images
* Automatic Writer Identification of Ancient Greek Inscriptions
* Automatically detecting action units from faces of pain: Comparing shape and appearance features
* Autonomous Configuration of Parameters in Robotic Digital Cameras
* Average of Synthetic Exact Filters
* AWEAR 2.0 system: Omni-directional audio-visual data acquisition and processing
* Background subtraction in varying illuminations using an ensemble based on an enlarged feature set
* Bandelet-Based Inpainting Technique for Clouds Removal From Remotely Sensed Images, A
* Basic Image Features (BIFs) Arising from Approximate Symmetry Type
* Bayesian Classification of Image Structures
* Bayesian Face Recognition Based on Markov Random Field Modeling
* Bayesian Networks to Combine Intensity and Color Information in Face Recognition
* BearCam: automated wildlife monitoring at the arctic circle
* Bed Status Detection for Elder-Care Center
* Bernoulli HMMs at Subword Level for Handwritten Word Recognition
* Best linear unbiased axial localization in three-dimensional fluorescent bead tracking with subnanometer resolution using off-focus images
* Beyond Minutiae: A Fingerprint Individuality Model with Pattern, Ridge and Pore Features
* Beyond one-to-one feature correspondence: The need for many-to-many matching and image abstraction
* Beyond pairwise energies: Efficient optimization for higher-order MRFs
* Beyond the graphs: Semi-parametric semi-supervised discriminant analysis
* Bias reduction for stereo based motion estimation with applications to large scale visual odometry
* Bicycle chain shape models
* Big Brother Database: Evaluating Face Recognition in Smart Home Environments, The
* Bilateral Asymmetry Detection in Digital Mammography Using B-Spline Interpolation
* Binarization Algorithm Based on Shade-Planes for Road Marking Recognition, A
* Binary Biometric Representation through Pairwise Polar Quantization
* Binary Sparse Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Biometric data hiding: A 3 factor authentication approach to verify identity with a single image using steganography, encryption and matching
* Biometric Key-Binding and Template Protection Framework Using Correlation Filters, A
* Biometric Menagerie Index for Characterising Template/Model-Specific Variation, A
* Biometrics Method for Human Identification Using Electrocardiogram
* Bipartite Biotokens: Definition, Implementation, and Analysis
* Blind motion deblurring from a single image using sparse approximation
* Blind separation of superimposed images with unknown motions
* Block-Layout Design Using MAX-MIN Ant System for Saving Energy on Mass Rapid Transit Systems
* Boosted multi-task learning for face verification with applications to web image and video search
* bottom-up and top-down optimization framework for learning a compositional hierarchy of object classes, A
* Bregman-EM-TV Methods with Application to Optical Nanoscopy
* Building a database of 3D scenes from user annotations
* Building Height Estimation in Urban Areas from Very High Resolution Satellite Stereo Images
* Building recognition based on airborne and space borne InSAR data
* Building text features for object image classification
* Bundling features for large scale partial-duplicate web image search
* Camera Array Management Based on UPnP Security
* Camera Resectioning from a Box
* Cancelable Biometrics with Perfect Secrecy for Correlation-Based Matching
* Cancelable iris biometrics and using Error Correcting Codes to reduce variability in biometric data
* Canonical Correlation Analysis of Video Volume Tensors for Action Categorization and Detection
* Capturing 3D stretchable surfaces from single images in closed form
* Capturing multiple illumination conditions using time and color multiplexing
* Carbon management and scenario planning at landscape scale with GIS at the Southwest England
* Carried Object Detection Using Ratio Histogram and its Application to Suspicious Event Analysis
* case for the average-half-face in 2D and 3D for face recognition, A
* Catadioptric projectors
* Categorization in natural time-varying image sequences
* Cell Division Detection on the Arabidopsis Thaliana Root
* Challenges and Research Directions for Adaptive Biometric Recognition Systems
* Change Detection using High Resolution TERRASAR-X Data: Preliminary Results
* Characterizing Graphs Using Spherical Triangles
* CHoG: Compressed histogram of gradients A low bit-rate feature descriptor
* Chromatographic Pattern Recognition Using Optimized One-Class Classifiers
* Class Representative Visual Words for Category-Level Object Recognition
* Class-Based Search Algorithm for Inter Mode Prediction of H.264/AVC
* Class-specific Hough forests for object detection
* Classification Framework for Large-Scale Face Recognition Systems, A
* Classification of Polarimetric SAR Data by Complex Valued Neural Networks
* Classification of Roof Materials for Rainwater Pollution Modelization
* Classification of tensors and fiber tracts using Mercer-kernels encoding soft probabilistic spatial and diffusion information
* Classifier grids for robust adaptive object detection
* Clustering Based Method for Edge Detection in Hyperspectral Images, A
* Clustering-Based Denoising With Locally Learned Dictionaries
* Co-training with noisy perceptual observations
* Coarse-to-Fine Image Reconstruction Based on Weighted Differential Features and Background Gauge Fields
* Coded exposure deblurring: Optimized codes for PSF estimation and invertibility
* coding scheme for indexing multimodal biometric databases, A
* collaborative benchmark for region of interest detection algorithms, A
* Color calibration of multi-projector displays through automatic optimization of hardware settings
* Color constancy based on local space average color
* Color estimation from a single surface color
* Color Face Hallucination with the Linear Regression Model and MPCA in HSV Space, The
* Color Face Recognition for Degraded Face Images
* Color Management Process for Real Time Color Reconstruction of Multispectral Images, A
* Color Texture Segmentation Based on the Modal Energy of Deformable Surfaces
* Colour Gamut Mapping as a Constrained Variational Problem
* Combined Segmentation and Registration Framework with a Nonlinear Elasticity Smoother, A
* Combining 2D and 3D hand geometry features for biometric verification
* Combining appearance and motion for human action classification in videos
* Combining Facial Skin Mark and Eigenfaces for Face Recognition
* Combining Illumination Normalization Methods for Better Face Recognition
* Combining Local Feature Histograms of Different Granularities
* Combining powerful local and global statistics for texture description
* Comments on 'new family of lapped biorthogonal transform via lifting steps'
* Comments on What the Back of the Object Looks Like: 3D Reconstruction from Line Drawings without Hidden Lines
* Comparative Experiments to Evaluate a CHMM-Based Identification Approach to Naval Targets
* Comparative Experiments to Evaluate the Use of Syllables for the Improvement of Automatic Recognition of Dysarthric Speech
* Comparative Study to Evaluate a Text-Independent Speaker Identification Engine for Arabic Speakers Using a CHMM-Based Approach, A
* Comparison of Different Image Fusion Techniques for Individual Tree Crown Identification using QUICKBIRD Images
* Comparison of Digital Elevation Models Generated from SPOT-5 HRS Stereo Data and CARTOSAT-1 Stereo Data
* Comparison of Dirac and H.264/AVC Coding Quality Using Objective Video Quality Measures
* Comparison of Feature Detectors with Passive and Task-Based Visual Saliency, A
* Comparison of Iterative 2D-3D Pose Estimation Methods for Real-Time Applications, A
* Comparison of Wavelet Based Spatio-temporal Decomposition Methods for Dynamic Texture Recognition, A
* Compensation of motion artifacts in MRI via graph-based optimization
* Complete System for Vehicle License Plate Recognition, A
* Complexity-Constrained H.264 Video Encoding
* Composed Segmentation of Tubular Structures by an Anisotropic PDE Model
* Composition of a Dewarped and Enhanced Document Image From Two View Images
* Compressed domain indexing of scalable H.264/SVC streams
* compressive sensing approach for expression-invariant face recognition, A
* Computational Geometry-Based Scale-Space and Modal Image Decomposition Application to Light Video-Microscopy Imaging
* Computer Recognition Systems 3
* Computer vision methods for ambient intelligence
* Computer vision on tap
* Computing and evaluating view-normalized body part trajectories
* Computing Orthogonal Moments in Biomedical Imaging
* Confidence-Based Update Rule for Self-updating Human Face Recognition Systems, A
* Configurable Motion Estimation Architecture for Block-Matching Algorithms, A
* Conflict-Probability-Estimation-Based Overtaking for Intelligent Vehicles
* Constrained clustering via spectral regularization
* Constrained marginal space learning for efficient 3D anatomical structure detection in medical images
* Constructing Passwords from Biometrical Data
* Content and context-based multi-label image annotation
* Content-Aware Video Editing in the Temporal Domain
* Contextual classification with functional Max-Margin Markov Networks
* Contextual decomposition of multi-label images
* Contextual flow
* Contextual restoration of severely degraded document images
* Contextualizing histogram
* Continuous depth estimation for multi-view stereo
* Continuous maximal flows and Wulff shapes: Application to MRFs
* Continuous ratio optimization via convex relaxation with applications to multiview 3D reconstruction
* Continuous STAPLE for Scalar, Vector, and Tensor Images: An Application to DTI Analysis, A
* Continuous Stereo Self-Calibration by Camera Parameter Tracking
* Contour Regularity Extraction Based on String Edit Distance
* Contrast Enhancing Colour to Grey
* Contrast-Sensitive Reversible Visible Image Watermarking Technique, A
* Convergence of a Central-Difference Discretization of Rudin-Osher-Fatemi Model for Image Denoising, The
* Convex Approach to Low Rank Matrix Approximation with Missing Data, A
* Convex Multi-class Image Labeling by Simplex-Constrained Total Variation
* convex relaxation approach for computing minimal partitions, A
* Convexity and Bayesian constrained local models
* Cooperative mapping of multiple PTZ cameras in automated surveillance systems
* Cooperative Object Segmentation and Behavior Inference in Image Sequences
* Core Power Losses Estimation of Wound Core Distribution Transformers with Support Vector Machines
* Cortical enhanced tissue segmentation of neonatal brain MR images acquired by a dedicated phased array coil
* Cost-effective implementation of order-statistics-based vector filters using minimax approximations
* Coupled Spectral Regression for matching heterogeneous faces
* Covariance estimation in full- and reduced-dimensionality image classification
* Covariate Analysis for View-Point Independent Gait Recognition
* Cramer-Rao Bound-Based Evaluation of Texture Extraction from SAR Images
* Cramer-Rao Bounds for Hybrid TOA/DOA-Based Location Estimation in Sensor Networks
* Cramer-Rao Lower Bound for Parameter Estimation of Multiexponential Signals
* Cryptanalysis of an image encryption scheme based on a compound chaotic sequence
* Curvature and singularity driven diffusion for oriented pattern enhancement with singular points
* Curvature estimation along noisy digital contours by approximate global optimization
* Curved Glide-Reflection Symmetry Detection
* Custom Design of JPEG Quantisation Tables for Compressing Iris Polar Images to Improve Recognition Accuracy
* Cutout-search: Putting a name to the picture
* D-Clutter: Building object model library from unsupervised segmentation of cluttered scenes
* Damage Assessment Based on SAR Image Analysis: Flood Scenario for Romanian Eastern Carpathian Region
* Data handling displays
* Data-Driven Impostor Selection for T-Norm Score Normalisation and the Background Dataset in SVM-Based Speaker Verification
* De) focusing on global light transport for active scene recovery
* Decentralized Robust Control Approach for Coordinated Maneuvering of Vehicles in Platoons
* Decomposition and Classification of Spectral Lines in Astronomical Radio Data Cubes
* Decomposition of two-dimensional shapes for efficient retrieval
* Deformable 2D-3D Registration of Vascular Structures in a One View Scenario
* Deformable tree models for 2D and 3D branching structures extraction
* Delay Performance of Session Establishment Signaling in IP Multimedia Subsystem
* Dense 3D motion capture for human faces
* Dense and Deformable Motion Segmentation for Wide Baseline Images
* Dense iterative contextual pixel classification using Kriging
* Dense saliency-based spatiotemporal feature points for action recognition
* Density and Motion Estimation of People in Crowded Environments based on Aerial Image Sequences
* Depth from sliding projections
* Describing objects by their attributes
* Design and Assessment of an Online Passenger Information System for Integrated Multimodal Trip Planning
* Designing autonomous layered video coders
* Detailed Digital Surface Model (DSM) Generation and Automatic Object Detection to Facilitate Modelling of Urban Flooding
* Detection and compression of moving objects based on new panoramic image modeling
* Detection of Driver Fatigue Caused by Sleep Deprivation
* Detection of Masses in Mammograms Using Cellular Neural Networks, Hidden Markov Models and Ripley's K Function
* Detection of Multiple Dynamic Textures Using Feature Space Mapping
* Detection of object abandonment using temporal logic
* Detection of Single Scatterers in Multidimensional SAR Imaging
* Detection System for Traffic Road Signs in Surrounding Environment
* Devanagari OCR using a recognition driven segmentation framework and stochastic language models
* Developing DCE-CT to Quantify Intra-Tumor Heterogeneity in Breast Tumors With Differing Angiogenic Phenotype
* Development and Testing of a Subpixel Mapping Algorithm
* Development of Fuzzy-Based Bus Rear-End Collision Warning Thresholds Using a Driving Simulator
* DGPF Project: Evaluation of Digital Photogrammetric Aerial Based Imaging Systems - Overview and Results from the Pilot Centre
* DGPF Project: Evaluation of Digital Photogrammetric Aerial Based Imaging Systems: Generation of Digital Surface Models
* Diagonal Split: A Pre-segmentation Step for Page Layout Analysis and Classification, The
* Dictionary-free categorization of very similar objects via stacked evidence trees
* Digital face makeup by example
* Digital Landscape Model DLM-DE: Deriving land cover information by integration of topographic reference data with remote sensing data
* Digital Topology on Adaptive Octree Grids
* Dimension-free affine shape matching through subspace invariance
* Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Data via Spectral Feature Extraction
* Direct kernel neighborhood discriminant analysis for face recognition
* Direct Pore Matching for Fingerprint Recognition
* Directed assistance for ink-bleed reduction in old documents
* Directional View Interpolation for Compensation of Sparse Angular Sampling in Cone-Beam CT
* Disambiguating the recognition of 3D objects
* Disambiguation of Fingerprint Ridge Flow Direction: Two Approaches
* Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
* Discrete tracking of parametrized curves
* Discriminant Analysis Method for Face Recognition in Heteroscedastic Distributions, A
* Discriminative structure learning of hierarchical representations for object detection
* Discriminative subvolume search for efficient action detection
* Discriminatively trained particle filters for complex multi-object tracking
* Distance guided selection of the best base classifier in an ensemble with application to cervigram image segmentation
* Distance transform templates for object detection and pose estimation
* Distributed Algorithms for Network Lifetime Maximization in Wireless Visual Sensor Networks
* Distributed Intrusion Detection System for Ad-Hoc Wireless Sensor Networks: The AWISSENET Distributed Intrusion Detection System, A
* Distributed multi-target tracking in a self-configuring camera network
* Distributed Multimedia Metadata Tracking and Management: An Ontology-Based Approach with Use of RSS
* Distributed Visual-Target-Surveillance System in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Distributed volumetric scene geometry reconstruction with a network of distributed smart cameras
* Distribution of Target Registration Error for Anisotropic and Inhomogeneous Fiducial Localization Error
* distribution-based approach to tracking points in velocity vector fields, A
* Domain Transfer SVM for video concept detection
* Dominance detection in face-to-face conversations
* DTI-Derived Measure of Cortico-Cortical Connectivity, A
* Dual distributions of multilinear geometric entities
* Dual domain auxiliary particle filter with integrated target signature update
* Dual Formulation of the TV-Stokes Algorithm for Image Denoising, A
* Dynamic Frame Rate Adjustment for Real-Time Video in Vehicular Networks
* Dynamic Texture Based Gait Recognition
* Dynamic visual tracking control of a mobile robot with image noise and occlusion robustness
* Early spatiotemporal grouping with a distributed oriented energy representation
* Echocardiogram view classification using edge filtered scale-invariant motion features
* Echocardiographic contour extraction with local and global priors through boosting and level sets
* edge-based color-aided method for license plate detection, An
* Edge-Enhanced Image Reconstruction Using (TV) Total Variation and Bregman Refinement
* Edge-Preserving Multilevel Method for Deblurring, Denoising, and Segmentation, An
* Edge-preserving smoothing using a similarity measure in adaptive geodesic neighbourhoods
* Effect of Motion Blur and Signal Noise on Image Quality in Low Light Imaging, The
* Effect of plastic surgery on face recognition: A preliminary study
* Effective Resolution of Digital Frame Images
* Efficient acquisition of human existence priors from motion trajectories
* Efficient algorithms for subwindow search in object detection and localization
* Efficient and Low-Complexity Surveillance Video Compression Using Backward-Channel Aware Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Efficient Biometric Verification in Encrypted Domain
* Efficient Content Analysis Engine for Visual Surveillance Network
* Efficient Cross Layer Intra and Inter Domain Mobility Solution for IEEE 802.16e Mobile WiMAX, An
* Efficient Denoising of Images with Smooth Geometry
* Efficient Detection of Routing Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Efficient Distributed Event Scheduling Algorithm for Large Scale Wireless Communications Simulation Modelling, An
* Efficient Edge Detection Using Simplified Gabor Wavelets
* Efficient Fast 1-D 8x8 Inverse Integer Transform for VC-1 Application
* Efficient image alignment using linear appearance models
* Efficient Implementation Techniques for Maximum Likelihood-Based Error Correction for JPEG2000
* Efficient Iris Spoof Detection via Boosted Local Binary Patterns
* Efficient K-Means VLSI Architecture for Vector Quantization
* Efficient Kernels for identifying unbounded-order spatial features
* Efficient multi-label classification with hypergraph regularization
* efficient optimisation scheme for scalable surveillance centric video communications, An
* Efficient planar graph cuts with applications in Computer Vision
* Efficient reduction of L-infinity geometry problems
* Efficient representation of local geometry for large scale object retrieval
* Efficient scale space auto-context for image segmentation and labeling
* Efficient Sparse Kernel Feature Extraction Based on Partial Least Squares
* efficient stochastic approach to groupwise non-rigid image registration, An
* Efficiently training a better visual detector with sparse eigenvectors
* Egocentric recognition of handled objects: Benchmark and analysis
* Elasticity Approach to Principal Modes of Shape Variation, An
* Emotion Recognition From Facial Expressions and Its Control Using Fuzzy Logic
* empirical Bayes approach to contextual region classification, An
* Empirical Evidence for Correct Iris Match Score Degradation with Increased Time-Lapse between Gallery and Probe Matches
* Empirical Model for Orientation of ALOS-PRISM Images of Level 1-B2, An
* Empirical Study of Clustering Algorithms for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
* empirical study of context in object detection, An
* Encoding Probabilistic Brain Atlases Using Bayesian Inference
* Enforcing integrability by error correction using L1-minimization
* Enhanced Pictorial Structures for precise eye localization under incontrolled conditions
* Enhancement and Registration Schemes for Matching Conjunctival Vasculature
* Enhancement of Blurred and Noisy Images Based on an Original Variant of the Total Variation
* Enhancing In-Vitro IVUS Data for Tissue Characterization
* ENMAP: The Future Hyperspectral Satellite Mission: Product Generation
* Ensemble manifold regularization
* Entropy of the Retina Template
* Epipolar geometry of catadioptric stereo systems with planar mirrors
* Epitomized priors for multi-labeling problems
* Error Analysis of Sensor Input Variations in a 3D Face Surface Matching System
* Error Propagation Algorithm for Reduction of Errors Due to Total Load and Line Load in a Plasma Panel Display
* Error propagations for local bundle adjustment
* Error Resilient Coding and Error Concealment in Scalable Video Coding
* Error-resilient scalable compression based on distributed video coding
* Estimating object region from local contour configuration
* Estimating Vehicle Velocity Using Image Profiles on Rectified Images
* Evacuation Planning through Cognitive Crowd Tracking
* evaluation metric for image segmentation of multiple objects, An
* Evaluation of Bus-Exclusive Lanes
* Evaluation of spatio-temporal regional features For 3D face analysis
* Evaluation of WORLDVIEW-1 Stereo Scenes
* Event detection using local binary pattern based dynamic textures
* Evolutionary Approach for Object-Based Image Reconstruction Using Learnt Priors, An
* Experimental Analysis of Insertion Costs in a Naïve Dynamic MDF-Tree
* Exploiting Temporal Statistics for Events Analysis and Understanding
* Exploration of Shape Variation Using Localized Components Analysis
* Expression-insensitive 3D face recognition using sparse representation
* Extending Diabetic Retinopathy Imaging from Color to Spectra
* Extending GKLT Tracking: Feature Tracking for Controlled Environments with Integrated Uncertainty Estimation
* Extraction of Illumination-Invariant Features in Face Recognition by Empirical Mode Decomposition
* Extraction of Parcel Boundaries from Ortho-rectified Aerial Photos: A Cost Effective Technique
* Extraction of the Intercellular Skeleton from 2D Images of Embryogenesis Using Eikonal Equation and Advective Subjective Surface Method
* Extraction of tubular structures over an orientation domain
* Extraction of Windows in Facade Using Kernel on Graph of Contours
* Extrapolation of Vector Fields Using the Infinity Laplacian and with Applications to Image Segmentation
* Eye localization in low and standard definition content with application to face matching
* Eyelid Localization in Iris Images Captured in Less Constrained Environment
* EYEWATCHME: 3D Hand and object tracking for inside out activity analysis
* Fabric defect detection using morphological filters
* Face Age Classification on Consumer Images with Gabor Feature and Fuzzy LDA Method
* Face Gender Classification on Consumer Images in a Multiethnic Environment
* Face Image Quality Evaluation for ISO/IEC Standards 19794-5 and 29794-5
* Face recognition at-a-distance based on sparse-stereo reconstruction
* Face recognition by fusion of local and global matching scores using DS theory: An evaluation with uni-classifier and multi-classifier paradigm
* Face recognition in JPEG and JPEG2000 compressed domain
* Face Recognition under Variant Illumination Using PCA and Wavelets
* Face Recognition with LWIR Imagery Using Local Binary Patterns
* Face tracking and pose estimation with automatic three-dimensional model construction
* Face verification and identification using Facial Trait Code
* Face Video Competition
* Face-to-Face Social Activity Detection Using Data Collected with a Wearable Device
* Faceprint: Fusion of Local Features for 3D Face Recognition
* Facial Comparisons by Subject Matter Experts: Their Role in Biometrics and Their Training
* Facial deblur inference to improve recognition of blurred Faces
* Facial Feature Extraction and Change Analysis Using Photometric Stereo
* Facial Geometry Estimation Using Photometric Stereo and Profile Views
* Facial Reconstruction and Alignment Using Photometric Stereo and Surface Fitting
* Factorization for non-rigid and articulated structure using metric projections
* family of contextual measures of similarity between distributions with application to image retrieval, A
* FAST Algorithm for Adaptive Filtering, A
* Fast and Adaptive Method for SAR Superresolution Imaging Based on Point Scattering Model and Optimal Basis Selection
* fast and automatic stereotactic registration with a single CT-slice, A
* Fast and Robust Face Detection on a Parallel Optimized Architecture Implemented on FPGA
* Fast and Robust Object Tracking Using Image Foresting Transform
* Fast and Stable Polynomial Equation Solving and Its Application to Computer Vision
* Fast Anisotropic Mumford-Shah Functional Based Segmentation, A
* Fast car detection using image strip features
* Fast concurrent object localization and recognition
* Fast Dejittering for Digital Video Frames
* Fast features for time constrained object detection
* Fast human detection in crowded scenes by contour integration and local shape estimation
* Fast Mean Shift by compact density representation
* Fast Mode Decision for H.264/AVC Based on Macroblock Motion Activity
* Fast multiple shape correspondence by pre-organizing shape instances
* Fast normalized cut with linear constraints
* Fast Optimization Method for Level Set Segmentation, A
* Fast Optimization Transfer Algorithm for Image Inpainting in Wavelet Domains, A
* Fast Prototype Based Noise Reduction
* Fast Shape from Shading for Phong-Type Surfaces
* Fast Variable Padding Motion Estimation Using Smart Zero Motion Prejudgment Technique for Pixel and Frequency Domains
* Fast video shot boundary detection framework employing pre-processing techniques
* Fast-Robust PCA
* Fatty Liver Characterization and Classification by Ultrasound
* Feature based person detection beyond the visible spectrum
* Feature Selection and Binarization for On-Line Signature Recognition
* Feature Selection in a Low Cost Signature Recognition System Based on Normalized Signatures and Fractional Distances
* featureless and stochastic approach to on-board stereo vision system pose, A
* Femtocells in 3G Mobile Networks
* Finding iconic images
* Fine-Granular Motion Matching for Inter-View Motion Skip Mode in Multiview Video Coding
* Fingerprint and On-Line Signature Verification Competitions at ICB 2009
* Fingerprint Matching Based on Neighboring Information and Penalized Logistic Regression
* Finsler Geometry on Higher Order Tensor Fields and Applications to High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging
* First Approach to Contact-Based Biometrics for User Authentication, A
* Flow mosaicking: Real-time pedestrian counting without scene-specific learning
* FM Model Based Fingerprint Reconstruction from Minutiae Template
* Focal Point Detection Based on Half Concentric Lens Model for Singular Point Extraction in Fingerprint
* Fourier analysis and Gabor filtering for texture analysis and local reconstruction of general shapes
* Framework for Applying Full Reference Digital Image Quality Measures to Printed Images
* framework for automated measurement of the intensity of non-posed Facial Action Units, A
* Frequency-tuned salient region detection
* From a Single Point to a Surface Patch by Growing Minimal Paths
* From contours to regions: An empirical evaluation
* From structure-from-motion point clouds to fast location recognition
* Frontal-view gait recognition by intra- and inter-frame rectangle size distribution
* Fundamental Diagram Estimation Through Passing Rate Measurements in Congestion
* Further Investigations on Segmentation Quality Assessment for Remote Sensing Applications
* Fusion by optimal dynamic mixtures of proposal distributions
* Fusion in Multibiometric Identification Systems: What about the Missing Data?
* Fusion of a camera and a laser range sensor for vehicle recognition
* Fusion of Hyperspectral Images and LIDAR data for Civil Engineering Structure Monitoring
* Fusion of lidar and photogrammetric generated Digital Elevation Models
* Fusion of LSB and DWT Biometric Watermarking Using Offline Handwritten Signature for Copyright Protection
* Fusion of Multiple Expert Annotations and Overall Score Selection for Medical Image Diagnosis
* Fuzzy 3D Face Ethnicity Categorization
* Fuzzy Locally Adaptive Bayesian Segmentation Approach for Volume Determination in PET, A
* Fuzzy Logic Power Control in Cognitive Radio
* Fuzzy Peer Groups for Reducing Mixed Gaussian-Impulse Noise From Color Images
* Fuzzy statistical modeling of dynamic backgrounds for moving object detection in infrared videos
* Fuzzy-Cuts: A knowledge-driven graph-based method for medical image segmentation
* Gabor feature constrained statistical model for efficient landmark localization and face recognition
* Galaxy Decomposition in Multispectral Images Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithms
* Gender Recognition Based on Fusion of Face and Multi-view Gait
* Gender Recognition from a Partial View of the Face Using Local Feature Vectors
* Generalization of Subpixel Analysis for Hyperspectral Data With Flexibility in Spectral Similarity Measures
* Generation and Recognition of Digital Planes Using Multi-dimensional Continued Fractions
* Generative hierarchical models for image analysis
* Generic and Real-Time Structure from Motion Using Local Bundle Adjustment
* Generic Scene Recovery Using Multiple Images
* Generic versus Salient Region-Based Partitioning for Local Appearance Face Recognition
* Geo-location inference from image content and user tags
* Geodesically Linked Active Contours: Evolution Strategy Based on Minimal Paths
* geometric active contour model without re-initialization for color images, A
* Geometric and Mapping Potential of WORLDVIEW-1 Images
* Geometric and probabilistic image dissimilarity measures for common field of view detection
* Geometric min-Hashing: Finding a (thick) needle in a haystack
* Geometric Multispectral Camera Calibration
* Geometric PDE for Interpolation of M-Channel Data, A
* Geometric reasoning for single image structure recovery
* Geometric Sequence (GS) imaging with Bayesian smoothing for optical and capacitive imaging sensors
* Geometric video projector auto-calibration
* Geometrical PDEs based on second-order derivatives of gauge coordinates in image processing
* geometry of 2D image signals, The
* Georeferencing from GEOEYE-1 Imagery: Early Indications of Metric Performance
* Gift-Wrapping Based Preimage Computation Algorithm
* Global active contour-based image segmentation via probability alignment
* Global and local quality measures for NIR iris video
* Global connectivity potentials for random field models
* Global optimization for alignment of generalized shapes
* Globally Optimal Least Squares Solutions for Quasiconvex 1D Vision Problems
* GPU-accelerated, gradient-free MI deformable registration for atlas-based MR brain image segmentation
* gradient-based combined method for the computation of fingerprints' orientation field, A
* Granularity-tunable gradients partition (GGP) descriptors for human detection
* Graph Cut Optimization for the Piecewise Constant Level Set Method Applied to Multiphase Image Segmentation
* graph-based approach to skin mole matching incorporating template-normalized coordinates, A
* Grouping of Semantically Similar Image Positions
* Groupwise morphometric analysis based on morphological appearance manifold
* H.264/Advanced Video Coding (AVC) Backward-Compatible Bit-Depth Scalable Coding
* Half-integrality based algorithms for cosegmentation of images
* HALF-SIFT: High-Accurate Localized Features for SIFT
* HANOLISTIC: A Hierarchical Automatic Image Annotation System Using Holistic Approach
* Hardware-efficient belief propagation
* Harris corners in the real world: A principled selection criterion for interest points based on ecological statistics
* Hartley Phase Cepstrum as a Tool for Improved Phase Estimation, The
* Head and gaze dynamics in visual attention and context learning
* Head Pose Estimation from Passive Stereo Images
* Head pose estimation using Spectral Regression Discriminant Analysis
* Health Monitoring through an Attention-Based Agent
* Heterogeneous Face Recognition from Local Structures of Normalized Appearance
* Heuristic Kalman Algorithm for Solving Optimization Problems
* HFB Face Database for Heterogeneous Face Biometrics research, The
* Hierarchical audio-visual cue integration framework for activity analysis in intelligent meeting rooms
* Hierarchical Discovery of Patterns of Infections in Chest Radiographs Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
* Hierarchical Error Diffusion
* Hierarchical Space-Time Model Enabling Efficient Search for Human Actions
* Hierarchical spatio-temporal context modeling for action recognition
* Hierarchical Texture-Based Segmentation of Multiresolution Remote-Sensing Images
* High Accuracy Land Use/Cover Retrieval System, A
* High Definition Wearable Video Communication
* High dynamic range image reconstruction from hand-held cameras
* High level activity recognition using low resolution wearable vision
* High Performance Circle Detection through a GPU Rasterization Approach
* High-quality curvelet-based motion deblurring from an image pair
* High-Resolution Three-Dimensional Imaging of Spinning Space Debris
* High-Speed Human Detection Using a Multiresolution Cascade of Histograms of Oriented Gradients
* Higher-order clique reduction in binary graph cut
* Highlight on a Feature Extracted at Fine Scales: The Pointwise Lipschitz Regularity
* Highly Accurate PDE-Based Morphology for General Structuring Elements
* Histogram of oriented rectangles: A new pose descriptor for human action recognition
* Histogram-based interest point detectors
* Histograms of oriented optical flow and Binet-Cauchy kernels on nonlinear dynamical systems for the recognition of human actions
* HOG-Based Decision Tree for Facial Expression Classification
* Holistic context modeling using semantic co-occurrences
* HOP: Hierarchical object parsing
* How far can you get with a modern face recognition test set using only simple features?
* Human Action Recognition Using Optical Flow Accumulated Local Histograms
* Human action recognition with extremities as semantic posture representation
* Human age estimation using bio-inspired features
* Human motion synthesis from 3D video
* Hybrid Feature Extraction Selection Approach for High-Dimensional Non-Gaussian Data Clustering, A
* Hybrid Image Quality Measure for Automatic Image Quality Assessment, A
* Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm for the Integrated Vehicle Routing and Three-Dimensional Container-Loading Problem, A
* Hyperbolic Numerics for Variational Approaches to Correspondence Problems
* Identifying Anatomical Shape Difference by Regularized Discriminative Direction
* Identifying sensors from fingerprint images
* Illumination and spatially varying specular reflectance from a single view
* Illustrating motion through DLP photography
* Image and Video Denoising Using Adaptive Dual-Tree Discrete Wavelet Packets
* Image Averaging for Improved Iris Recognition
* Image Based Quantitative Mosaic Evaluation with Artificial Video
* Image categorization by learning with context and consistency
* Image categorization with spatial mismatch kernels
* Image colourisation using graph-based semi-supervised learning
* Image deblurring and denoising using color priors
* Image deblurring for less intrusive iris capture
* Image Denoising by Harmonic Mean Curvature Flow
* Image denoising using 2-D separable oversampled DFT modulated filter banks
* Image Denoising Using TV-Stokes Equation with an Orientation-Matching Minimization
* Image Enhancement for Backlight-Scaled TFT-LCD Displays
* Image hallucination with feature enhancement
* Image matching in large scale indoor environment
* Image parsing with stochastic grammar: The Lotus Hill dataset and inference scheme
* Image Quality Assessment Based on Multiscale Geometric Analysis
* Image registration by minimization of Mapping Complexity
* Image registration by minimization of residual complexity
* Image Restoration Via Fast Computing of the Moore-Penrose Inverse Matrix
* Image Segmentation Using Information Bottleneck Method
* Image stitching with dynamic elements
* ImageNet: A large-scale hierarchical image database
* Imbalanced RankBoost for efficiently ranking large-scale image/video collections
* Impact of involuntary subject movement on 3D face scans
* Impact of Model Based Despeckling on Soil Moisture Estimation, The
* Impact of Prior Channel Information for Speaker Identification
* Impacts of a Resolution-Pyramid on Gibbs Random Field Classification
* Implementation of Calderon's Method for 3-D Limited-View EIT, An
* Implicit Curves and Surfaces: Mathematics, Data Structures and Algorithms
* Implicit elastic matching with random projections for pose-variant face recognition
* implicit Markov random field model for the multi-scale oriented representations of natural images, An
* Implicit Method for Interpolating Two Digital Closed Curves on Parallel Planes, An
* implicit spatiotemporal shape model for human activity localization and recognition, An
* Improved BSDL-based content adaptation for JPEG 2000 and HD Photo (JPEG XR)
* Improved Quantification of Bone Remodelling by Utilizing Fuzzy Based Segmentation
* Improved Statistical Techniques for Multi-part Face Detection and Recognition
* Improved Time Series Reconstruction for Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Improvements and Performance Evaluation Concerning Synthetic Age Progression and Face Recognition Affected by Adult Aging
* Improving Automatic Video Retrieval with Semantic Concept Detection
* Improving Compressed Iris Recognition Accuracy Using JPEG2000 RoI Coding
* Improving face recognition with a quality-based probabilistic framework
* Improving Scene Recognition through Visual Attention
* In between 3D Active Appearance Models and 3D Morphable Models
* In defense of orthonormality constraints for nonrigid structure from motion
* Incorporating Invariances in Support Vector Learning Machines
* Incorporating scene constraints into the triangulation of airborne oblique images
* Increased discrimination in level set methods with embedded conditional random fields
* Incremental Bayesian learning of feature points from natural images
* Incremental on-line semantic indexing for image retrieval in dynamic databases
* Index of Balanced Accuracy: A Performance Measure for Skewed Class Distributions
* Inference and Learning for Active Sensing, Experimental Design and Control
* Inference and learning with hierarchical compositional models
* Influence of Hangover and Hangbefore Criteria on Automatic Speech Recognition
* Influence of Noise on IPTV over xDSL
* Influence of Speech/Non-Speech Segmentation on On-Line and Off-Line Speaker Segmentation Accuracy, The
* Influence of the Wavelet Family in the Compression-Denoising Technique on Synthetic and Natural Images
* Information Theoretic Framework for Biometric Security Systems, An
* Informative Laplacian Projection
* Infrared Face Recognition by Optimum-Path Forest
* Inpainting Ideas for Image Compression
* Insight in discrete geometry and computational content of a discrete model of the continuum
* instance selection approach to Multiple instance Learning, An
* Instant Action Recognition
* integrated approach to summarization and adaptation using H.264/MPEG-4 SVC, An
* Intelligent Detection of SNM in Liquid Containers
* Intelligent Integration of Multi-sensor Data for Risk Assessment in Transport Corridor Environments
* Interactive Natural Image Segmentation via Spline Regression
* Intercomparison of Ground-Based Radar and Satellite Cloud-Top Height Retrievals for Overcast Single-Layered Cloud Fields
* Interference Analysis of Cognitive Radio Networks in a Digital Broadcasting Spectrum Environment
* Interferometric monitoring of an active underground mining field with high-resolution SAR sensors
* International Boundary Making: Three Case Studies
* Interpretation of Coherence Phase and Rhythmic Cumulant Results: A Simulation Study
* Interval HSV: Extracting ink annotations
* Intra-Frame Rate Control Algorithm for Ultralow Delay H.264/Advanced Video Coding (AVC), An
* Intrinsic mean shift for clustering on Stiefel and Grassmann manifolds
* Inverse Calibration of LiDAR Filtering Parameters: UCODE_2005/GRASS Integration
* Inverse optical imaging viewed as a backward channel communication problem
* Inversion of Subsurface Properties of Layered Dielectric Structures With Random Slightly Rough Interfaces Using the Method of Simulated Annealing
* IPTV-P2P Clients at Home
* Iris Matching by Local Extremum Points of Multiscale Taylor Expansion
* Iris Recognition Using 3D Co-occurrence Matrix
* Iris-Based Human Verification System: A Research Prototype
* Is there a best color space for color image characterization or representation based on Multivariate Gaussian Mixture Model?
* Is there a general structure for grammars?
* Isometric registration of ambiguous and partial data
* Iterative Multiresolution Scheme for SFM with Missing Data, An
* Joint and implicit registration for face recognition
* Joint depth and alpha matte optimization via fusion of stereo and time-of-flight sensor
* Joint Random Sample Consensus and Multiple Motion Models for Robust Video Tracking
* Joint trajectory tracking and recognition based on bi-directional nonlinear learning
* Kernel Based Multi-object Tracking Using Gabor Functions Embedded in a Region Covariance Matrix
* Kernel Based Subspace Projection of Near Infrared Hyperspectral Images of Maize Kernels
* Kernel Density Estimation on Riemannian Manifolds: Asymptotic Results
* Kernel Entropy Component Analysis Pre-images for Pattern Denoising
* Kernel Principal Component Analysis of Gabor Features for Palmprint Recognition
* Keypoint induced distance profiles for visual recognition
* L0-Norm and Total Variation for Wavelet Inpainting
* Label diagnosis through self tuning for web image search
* Labeling Still Image Databases Using Graphical Models
* Large displacement optical flow
* Large Scale Online Learning of Image Similarity through Ranking
* Latent Fingerprint Matching: Fusion of Rolled and Plain Fingerprints
* Layered graph matching by composite cluster sampling with collaborative and competitive interactions
* Learning a Channelized Observer for Image Quality Assessment
* Learning a distance metric from multi-instance multi-label data
* Learning a hierarchical compositional representation of multiple object classes
* Learning based automatic face annotation for arbitrary poses and expressions from frontal images only
* Learning color and locality cues for moving object detection and segmentation
* Learning Color Names for Real-World Applications
* Learning from ambiguously labeled images
* Learning general optical flow subspaces for egomotion estimation and detection of motion anomalies
* Learning IMED via shift-invariant transformation
* Learning invariant features through topographic filter maps
* Learning mappings for face synthesis from near infrared to visual light images
* Learning mixed templates for object recognition
* Learning multi-modal densities on Discriminative Temporal Interaction Manifold for group activity recognition
* Learning optimized MAP estimates in continuously-valued MRF models
* Learning partially-observed hidden conditional random fields for facial expression recognition
* Learning photometric invariance from diversified color model ensembles
* Learning query-dependent prefilters for scalable image retrieval
* Learning real-time MRF inference for image denoising
* Learning rotational features for filament detection
* Learning semantic scene models by object classification and trajectory clustering
* Learning semantic visual vocabularies using diffusion distance
* Learning shape prior models for object matching
* Learning sign language by watching TV (using weakly aligned subtitles)
* Learning signs from subtitles: A weakly supervised approach to sign language recognition
* Learning similarity measure for multi-modal 3D image registration
* Learning texton models for real-time scene context
* Learning to associate: HybridBoosted multi-target tracker for crowded scene
* Learning to detect unseen object classes by between-class attribute transfer
* Learning to segment using machine-learned penalized logistic models
* Learning to Sense Sparse Signals: Simultaneous Sensing Matrix and Sparsifying Dictionary Optimization
* Learning to track with multiple observers
* Learning trajectory patterns by clustering: Experimental studies and comparative evaluation
* Learning visual flows: A Lie algebraic approach
* Left Ventricle Segmentation from Heart MDCT
* Let the kernel figure it out; Principled learning of pre-processing for kernel classifiers
* level set framework using a new incremental, robust Active Shape Model for object segmentation and tracking, A
* level set-based global shape prior and its application to image segmentation, A
* LiDAR Strip Adjustment using Automatically Reconstructed Roof Shapes
* LidarBoost: Depth superresolution for ToF 3D shape scanning
* Line Enhancement and Completion via Linear Left Invariant Scale Spaces on SE(2)
* Linear embeddings in non-rigid structure from motion
* Linear Image Reconstruction by Sobolev Norms on the Bounded Domain
* Linear solution to scale and rotation invariant object matching
* Linear spatial pyramid matching using sparse coding for image classification
* Linear stratified approach for 3D modelling and calibration using full geometric constraints
* Lips Recognition for Biometrics
* Local adaptive receptive field self-organizing map for image color segmentation
* Local and Nonlocal Discrete Regularization on Weighted Graphs for Image and Mesh Processing
* Local Boosted Features for Pedestrian Detection
* Local Gabor Binary Pattern Whitened PCA: A Novel Approach for Face Recognition from Single Image Per Person
* Local Scale Measure for Remote Sensing Images
* Localisation of the optic disc by means of GA-optimised Topological Active Nets
* Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Localized content-based image retrieval through evidence region identification
* Localized matching using Earth Mover's Distance towards discovery of common patterns from small image samples
* Locally Adaptive Total Variation Regularization
* Locally constrained diffusion process on locally densified distance spaces with applications to shape retrieval
* Locally time-invariant models of human activities using trajectories on the grassmannian
* Logotype Detection Concept in Video Stream Based on Features Extraction and Features Clustering from Contours and Colors
* Lonely but attractive: Sparse color salient points for object retrieval and categorization
* Low-Complexity Voice Activity Detector Using Periodicity and Energy Ratio
* Low-Complexity Voice Detector for Mobile Environments
* Low-Power and Bandwidth-Efficient Motion Estimation IP Core Design Using Binary Search, A
* Low-Power Security Modules Optimized for WSNs
* Lyndon + Christoffel = digitally convex
* machine learning approach for material detection in hyperspectral images, A
* Macroscopic Rock Texture Image Classification Using an Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy System
* Magneto-Optical Tracking of Flexible Laparoscopic Ultrasound: Model-Based Online Detection and Correction of Magnetic Tracking Errors
* Manhattan-world stereo
* Manifold Discriminant Analysis
* Manifold Learning for Gender Classification from Face Sequences
* Mapping and Map Updating with ALOS Data: The Indonesian Experience
* Mapping Riparian Zones over Large Regions from High Spatial Resolution Satellite and Airborne Imagery: Specifications for Operational Mapping
* Marked point processes for crowd counting
* Markerless Motion Capture with unsynchronized moving cameras
* Markov Chain Monte Carlo combined with deterministic methods for Markov random field optimization
* Match Selection in Batch Mosaicing Using Mutual Information
* Matched-Filter-Bank-Based 3-D Imaging Algorithm for Rapidly Spinning Targets, A
* Matching Trajectories of Anatomical Landmarks Under Viewpoint, Anthropometric and Temporal Transforms
* Material classification using BRDF slices
* Mathematical Linguistics in Cognitive Medical Image Interpretation Systems
* Max-margin hidden conditional random fields for human action recognition
* Maximizing intra-individual correlations for face recognition across pose differences
* Mean field approach for tracking similar objects
* Mean Shift Parallel Tracking on GPU
* Measurement System for a Magnetostrictive Torque Sensor
* Measuring changes in face appearance through aging
* Medial axis lookup table and test neighborhood computation for 3D chamfer norms
* Median Graph Computation by Means of a Genetic Approach Based on Minimum Common Supergraph and Maximum Common Subgraph
* Melodic Track Identification in MIDI Files Considering the Imbalanced Context
* Memory-based Particle Filter for face pose tracking robust under complex dynamics
* method for selecting and ranking quality metrics for optimization of biometric recognition systems, A
* Method to Analyze Preferred MTF for Printing Medium Including Paper, A
* min-max framework of cascaded classifier with multiple instance learning for computer aided diagnosis, A
* minimal parameterization of the trifocal tensor, A
* Minimally Redundant 2-D Array Designs for 3-D Medical Ultrasound Imaging
* Minimiser l'erreur de reprojection en reconstruction de surfaces basée images
* Minimising Speaker Verification Utterance Length through Confidence Based Early Verification Decisions
* Minimizing sparse higher order energy functions of discrete variables
* Minimum Error-Rate Training in Statistical Machine Translation Using Structural SVMs
* Mining discriminative adjectives and prepositions for natural scene recognition
* Mitochondrial DNA Analysis Using Genomic Signals
* mixtures of Student's t-distributions as a robust framework for rigid registration, The
* Mobile TV Targeted Advertisement and Content Personalization
* Model Based Approach for Expressions Invariant Face Recognition, A
* Model of Degradation of Color Values in a Reproduction Process, The
* Model-Based Probabilistic Collision Detection in Autonomous Driving
* Modeling and exploiting the spatio-temporal facial action dependencies for robust spontaneous facial expression recognition
* Modeling and Implementation of the Complex Telecommunication Systems Using the High Performance Computing Resources
* Modeling images as mixtures of reference images
* Modeling the Influences of Cyclic Top-Down and Bottom-Up Processes for Reinforcement Learning in Eye Movements
* Modelling FRR of Biometric Verification Systems Using the Template Co-update Algorithm
* Modular Logic Approach for P2P Networks: A Deductive Object Oriented Framework for P2P Networks, A
* Momentum Based Optimization Methods for Level Set Segmentation
* Monitoring, recognizing and discovering social networks
* Morpheme-Based Automatic Speech Recognition of Basque
* Morphodynamic Analysis of Cerebral Aneurysm Pulsation From Time-Resolved Rotational Angiography
* Motion capture using joint skeleton tracking and surface estimation
* Motion pattern interpretation and detection for tracking moving vehicles in airborne video
* Moving cast shadow detection using physics-based features
* Moving surface extraction based on unordered hexagonal perfect submaps projection: Applications to 3D feature tracking
* MR Image Segmentation Using a Power Transformation Approach
* Multi Channel EOG Signal Recognition for an Embedded Eye Movement Tracking Device
* Multi-Atlas-Based Segmentation With Local Decision Fusion: Application to Cardiac and Aortic Segmentation in CT Scans
* Multi-band Gradient Component Pattern (MGCP): A New Statistical Feature for Face Recognition
* Multi-camera activity correlation analysis
* Multi-class active learning for image classification
* Multi-cue onboard pedestrian detection
* Multi-Dimensional Similarity Modeling and Relevance Feedback Approach for Content-Based Image Retrieval., A
* Multi-frequency Phase Unwrapping from Noisy Data: Adaptive Local Maximum Likelihood Approach
* Multi-label sparse coding for automatic image annotation
* Multi-modal laughter recognition in video conversations
* Multi-object tracking through occlusions by local tracklets filtering and global tracklets association with detection responses
* Multi-rank Method: Achieving Projection Transformation with Adjustable Accuracy and Speed
* Multi-Region Probabilistic Histograms for Robust and Scalable Identity Inference
* Multi-scale Feature Based Optic Flow Method for 3D Cardiac Motion Estimation, A
* Multi-Scale Image Analysis Applied to Radioastronomical Interferometric Data
* Multi-scale Total Variation with Automated Regularization Parameter Selection for Color Image Restoration
* Multi-spectral Texture Characterisation for Remote Sensing Image Segmentation
* Multi-temporal Classification for Crop Discrimination using TerraSAR-X Spotlight images
* Multi-view 3D human pose estimation combining single-frame recovery, temporal integration and model adaptation
* Multi-view and Multi-scale Recognition of Symmetric Patterns
* Multi-View Face Alignment Using 3D Shape Model for View Estimation
* multi-view probabilistic model for 3D object classes, A
* Multi-view reconstruction for projector camera systems based on bundle adjustment
* Multibiometric People Identification: A Self-tuning Architecture
* Multiclass Classification Based on Extended Support Vector Data Description
* Multilinear Tensor-Based Non-parametric Dimension Reduction for Gait Recognition
* Multiphase geometric couplings for the segmentation of neural processes
* Multiple classifier combination for target identification from high resolution remote sensing image
* Multiple Description Video Coding Based on Hierarchical B Pictures
* Multiple instance fFeature for robust part-based object detection
* Multiple label prediction for image annotation with multiple Kernel correlation models
* Multiple planes based registration using 3D Projective Space for Augmented Reality
* Multiple view image denoising
* Multiple-Camera 3-D Production Studio, The
* Multiplicative Noise Cleaning via a Variational Method Involving Curvelet Coefficients
* Multiplicative nonnegative graph embedding
* Multirobot Object Localization: A Fuzzy Fusion Approach
* Multiscale fusion of wavelet-domain hidden Markov tree through graph cut
* multiscale hybrid model exploiting heterogeneous contextual relationships for image segmentation, A
* Multislice Radio-Frequency Current Density Imaging
* Multivariate Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting Using Time-Series Analysis
* Mutual information-based stereo matching combined with SIFT descriptor in log-chromaticity color space
* Nasal Region Contribution in 3D Face Biometrics Using Shape Analysis Framework
* Nasal Region-Based 3D Face Recognition under Pose and Expression Variations
* Natural Image Statistics: A Probabilistic Approach to Early Computational Vision
* Near Infrared Face Based Biometric Key Binding
* Near real time airborne monitoring system for disaster and traffic applications
* Nearest Neighbour Classification on Laser Point Clouds to Gain Object Structures from Buildings
* Neuroadaptive Output Tracking of Fully Autonomous Road Vehicles With an Observer
* New appearance models for natural image matting
* New Approach for Biometric Template Storage and Remote Authentication, A
* new automated quality assessment algorithm for image fusion, A
* New Clustering Algorithm for Color Image Segmentation, A
* New Decomposition Algorithm of DCT-IV/DST-IV for Realizing Fast IMDCT Computation, A
* New Fake Iris Detection Method, A
* New Fuzzy Connectivity Measure for Fuzzy Sets: And Associated Fuzzy Attribute Openings, A
* New Hybrid DCT and Contourlet Transform Based JPEG Image Steganalysis Technique, A
* new integer image coding technique based on orthogonal polynomials, A
* New Look to Multichannel Blind Image Deconvolution, A
* New Low-Cost HF RFID Loop Antenna Concept for Metallic Environments, A
* New Method in Map Projection for Indirect Coefficients
* New Possibilities with Sobolev Active Contours
* New Triangulation-Based Method for Disparity Estimation in Image Sequences, A
* Noisy Iris Verification: A Modified Version of Local Intensity Variation Method
* Non-Linear Analysis and Time Series Prediction of an Electrical Analogue of the Mechanical Double Pendulum
* Non-local Approach to Shape from Ambient Shading, A
* Non-rigid 2D-3D pose estimation and 2D image segmentation
* Non-rigid registration between histological and MR images of the prostate: A joint segmentation and registration framework
* Noninvasive Carotid Strain Imaging Using Angular Compounding at Large Beam Steered Angles: Validation in Vessel Phantoms
* Noninvasive volumetric imaging of cardiac electrophysiology
* Nonlinear Nonnegative Component Analysis
* Nonlinear Probabilistic Curvature Motion Filter for Positron Emission Tomography Images, A
* Nonlinear Structure Tensor with the Diffusivity Matrix Composed of the Image Gradient, A
* Nonlinear Tensor Diffusion in Segmentation of Meaningful Biological Structures from Image Sequences of Zebrafish Embryogenesis, The
* Nonlocal Variational Image Deblurring Models in the Presence of Gaussian or Impulse Noise
* Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Earth Mover's Distance metric
* Nonparametric bottom-up saliency detection by self-resemblance
* Nonparametric discriminant HMM and application to facial expression recognition
* nonparametric Riemannian framework for processing high angular resolution diffusion images (HARDI), A
* Nonparametric scene parsing: Label transfer via dense scene alignment
* Nonrigid registration combining global and local statistics
* Nonrigid shape recovery by Gaussian process regression
* Novel Analytic Quantization-Distortion Model for Hybrid Video Coding, A
* Novel Approach for 3-D Reconstruction of Coronary Arteries From Two Uncalibrated Angiographic Images
* Novel Context-Sensitive Semisupervised SVM Classifier Robust to Mislabeled Training Samples, A
* novel feature descriptor invariant to complex brightness changes, A
* Novel Fingerprint Matching Algorithm Using Ridge Curvature Feature, A
* Novel Illumination-Balance Technique for Improving the Quality of Degraded Text-Photo Images, A
* Novel Knowledge-Based System for Interpreting Complex Engineering Drawings: Theory, Representation, and Implementation, A
* Novel Prediction-Based Directional Asymmetric Search Algorithm for Fast Block-Matching Motion Estimation, A
* Novel Region Based Liveness Detection Approach for Fingerprint Scanners, A
* Number of Linearly Independent Vectors in Spectral Databases, The
* Object detection using a max-margin Hough transform
* Object recognition in 3D lidar data with recurrent neural network
* Object separation by polarimetric and spectral imagery fusion
* Object-Based Approach to Image/Video-Based Synthesis and Processing for 3-D and Multiview Televisions, An
* Object-Based Verification and Update of a Large-scale Topographic Database
* Object-Oriented Analysis of Very High Resolution Orthophotos for Estimating the Population of Slum Areas, A Case of Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania
* Observable subspaces for 3D human motion recovery
* Observe locally, infer globally: A space-time MRF for detecting abnormal activities with incremental updates
* On a Kernel Regression Approach to Machine Translation
* On a Method of Paired Representation: Enhancement and Decomposition by Series Direction Images
* On bias correction for geometric parameter estimation in computer vision
* On compositional Image Alignment, with an application to Active Appearance Models
* On conversion from color to gray-scale images for face detection
* On Decomposing an Unseen 3D Face into Neutral Face and Expression Deformations
* On Determining Slope and Derivative of Curve Components in a Binary Image
* On edge detection on surfaces
* On Level-Set Type Methods for Recovering Piecewise Constant Solutions of Ill-Posed Problems
* On Line Measurements and Visualization of Distances in WSN with RSSI Parameter
* On Local Region Models and a Statistical Interpretation of the Piecewise Smooth Mumford-Shah Functional
* On Semi-implicit Splitting Schemes for the Beltrami Color Flow
* On Symmetry, Perspectivity, and Level-Set-Based Segmentation
* On the burstiness of visual elements
* On the Fly Semantic Annotation and Modelling of Multimedia
* On the morphological processing of hue
* On the Rate of Structural Change in Scale Spaces
* On the security defects of an image encryption scheme
* On the set of images modulo viewpoint and contrast changes
* On the Spatial Distribution of Local Non-parametric Facial Shape Descriptors
* On the Topology and Geometry of Spaces of Affine Shapes
* On the Use of Gaze Information and Saliency Maps for Measuring Perceptual Contrast
* On Total Variation Minimization and Surface Evolution Using Parametric Maximum Flows
* On Using Lacunarity for Diagnosis of Breast Diseases Considering Thermal Images
* On-Line Signature Matching Based on Hilbert Scanning Patterns
* On-Line Speech/Music Segmentation for Broadcast News Domain
* online document clustering technique for short web contents, An
* optimal control approach for deformable registration, An
* Optimal Distributed Kalman and Lainiotis Filters: Optimal Uniform Distribution of Measurements into Local Processors
* Optimal scanning for faster object detection
* Optimal single image capture for motion deblurring
* Optimization of Convex Shapes: An Approach to Crystal Shape Identification
* Optimization of Divergences within the Exponential Family for Image Segmentation
* Optimization of landmark selection for cortical surface registration
* Optimization of Parameter Settings for Multilevel Image Segmentation in GEOBIA
* Optimized Reconstruction Algorithm for Helical CT With Fractional Pitch Between 1PI and 3PI
* Optimized Video Multicasting Over Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Using Distributed Algorithm
* Optimizing Gabor Filter Design for Texture Edge Detection and Classification
* Optimum-Path Forest-Based Rainfall Estimation
* Orthoserv: Quality Assessment for Orthorectified and Co-registered Satellite Image Products
* outdoor time scenes simulation scheme based on support vector regression with radial basis function on DCT domain, An
* Overlapped Block Motion Estimation and Probabilistic Compensation with Application in Distributed Video Coding
* overview of statistical learning theory, An
* Overview of the Multiple Biometrics Grand Challenge
* P-brush: Continuous valued MRFs with normed pairwise distributions for image segmentation
* Page frame segmentation for contextual advertising in print on demand books
* Palm Vein Verification System Based on SIFT Matching
* Palmprint Recognition Based on Regional Rank Correlation of Directional Features
* Palmprint Verification Using Circular Gabor Filter
* Parallel versus Serial Classifier Combination for Multibiometric Hand-Based Identification
* Parallel Volume Image Segmentation with Watershed Transformation
* Partial Face Matching between Near Infrared and Visual Images in MBGC Portal Challenge
* Partial Similarity of Objects, or How to Compare a Centaur to a Horse
* Parts-Based Face Verification Using Local Frequency Bands
* Pattern Recognition for Classification and Matching of Car Tires
* PCA Approach on Morphological Classification of Galaxies
* PDE-Driven Adaptive Morphology for Matrix Fields
* Pedestrian association and localization in monocular FIR video sequence
* Pedestrian detection: A benchmark
* Perceptual Comparison of Empirical and Predictive Region-of-Interest Video, A
* perceptually motivated online benchmark for image matting, A
* Performance and Computational Complexity Comparison of Block-Based Fingerprint Enhancement
* Performance Evaluation of a Flooding Detection Mechanism for VoIP Networks
* performance evaluation protocol for symbol spotting systems in terms of recognition and location indices, A
* Performance of the Orthogonal Moments in Reconstructing Biomedical Images
* Persistent Scatterer Interferometry: potential and limits
* Personal Identification Using Combined Biometrics Techniques
* Personalization for Digital Television Using Recommendation System strategy
* Personalization Mechanisms for Content Indexing, Search, Retrieval and Presentation in a Multimedia Search Engine
* Phase Information and Space Filling Curves in Noisy Motion Estimation
* Photometric stereo and weather estimation using internet images
* Physical-Based Statistical Shape Modeling of the Levator Ani
* Physics-based edge evaluation for improved color constancy
* Physiological face recognition is coming of age
* Physiological modelling for improved reliability in silhouette-driven gradient-based hand tracking
* Picking the best DAISY
* Pictorial structures revisited: People detection and articulated pose estimation
* PIDALION: Implementation Issues of a Java-Based Multimedia Search Engine over the Web
* Piecewise Linear Models with Guaranteed Closeness to the Data
* Piecewise planar city 3D modeling from street view panoramic sequences
* Pitch Detection Algorithms and Voiced/Unvoiced Classification for Noisy Speech
* Pixelwise Local Binary Pattern Models of Faces Using Kernel Density Estimation
* Places Clustering of Full-Length Film Key-Frames Using Latent Aspect Modeling Over SIFT Matches
* Planar orientation from blur gradients in a single image
* Plane Filtering for the Registration of Urban Range Laser Imagery
* Playing Games with Internal Attackers Repeatedly
* Polarization: Beneficial for visibility enhancement?
* PoRaC-Positioning Systems by Radio Communication: A Students' Search for New Applications
* Pose estimation for category specific multiview object localization
* Pose estimation with radial distortion and unknown focal length
* Pose independent object classification from small number of training samples based on kernel principal component analysis of local parts
* Pose Invariant Palmprint Recognition
* Pose Invariant Shape Prior Segmentation Using Continuous Cuts and Gradient Descent on Lie Groups
* Pose Normalization for Local Appearance-Based Face Recognition
* Pose search: Retrieving people using their pose
* Posture invariant gender classification for 3D human models
* Potential of High-resolution Indian Remote Sensing Satellite Imagery for Large Scale Mapping
* Potential of Manual and Automatic Feature Extraction from High Resolution Space Images in Mountainous Urban Areas
* Practical modeling technique for large-scale 3D building models from ground images
* Practical On-Line Signature Verification
* Pre- and Post-Shift Filtering for Blocking Removing in Downsizing Transcoding
* Pre-image as Karcher Mean Using Diffusion Maps: Application to Shape and Image Denoising
* Precise Analysis of Spectral Reflectance Properties of Cosmetic Foundation
* Precise Georeferencing in the Absence of Ground Control: A Strip Adjustment Approach
* Predicate Logic Based Image Grammars for Complex Pattern Recognition
* Predicting high resolution image edges with a generic, adaptive, 3-D vehicle model
* Preliminary Attempt to Create a Unified Model for Obtaining and Processing Geodata: Geodata Information Sharing, A
* Preventing Automotive Pileup Crashes in Mixed-Communication Environments
* Primitive Based Action Representation and Recognition
* Probabilistic Lane Tracking in Difficult Road Scenarios Using Stereovision
* Probabilistic Modeling of Scene Dynamics for Applications in Visual Surveillance
* Progressive Approaches to Education of Modern Modulation Methods
* Projected Gradient Based Color Image Decomposition
* projective framework for radiometric image analysis, A
* Projective least-squares: Global solutions with local optimization
* projector-based movable hand-held display system, A
* projector-camera setup for geometry-invariant frequency demultiplexing, A
* projector-camera system for creating a display with water drops, A
* Prostate Cancer Segmentation With Simultaneous Estimation of Markov Random Field Parameters and Class
* QoS Support in MANETs: a Modular Architecture Based on the IEEE 802.11e Technology
* Quantification of Bone Remodeling in SRmuCT Images of Implants
* Quantifying Gait Similarity: User Authentication and Real-World Challenge
* Quantitative Analysis of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Images Based on Bayesian P-Splines
* quantitative characterization of the distinctiveness and robustness of local image descriptors, The
* Quantitative Evaluation of Privacy in Location Based Services, A
* Quasiconvex alignment of multimodal skin images for quantitative dermatology
* Radiometric and Geometric Quality Aspects of the Large Format Aerial Camera ULTRACAM XP
* Random Extension for Discriminative Dimensionality Reduction and Metric Learning, A
* Random Network Ensemble for Face Recognition, A
* Random walks on graphs to model saliency in images
* Randomized structure from motion based on atomic 3D models from camera triplets
* Rank Priors for Continuous Non-Linear Dimensionality Reduction
* rapidly deployable virtual presence extended defense system, A
* Real Time Ball Detection Framework For Soccer Video, A
* Real Time Eye-Motion Monitoring System, A
* Real Time Feature-Based Parallel Morphing in GPU Applied to Texture-Based Animation
* Real-time facial expression recognition using STAAM and layered GDA classifier
* Real-time identification using a canonical face depth map
* Real-time learning of accurate patch rectification
* Real-Time Model-Based Hand Localization for Unsupervised Palmar Image Acquisition
* Real-Time Motion Detection for a Mobile Observer Using Multiple Kernel Tracking and Belief Propagation
* Real-time O(1) bilateral filtering
* Real-Time Pedestrian Detection and Tracking at Nighttime for Driver-Assistance Systems
* Real-time vehicle detection for highway driving
* Recognising action as clouds of space-time interest points
* Recognition of Protruding Objects in Highly Structured Surroundings by Structural Inference
* Recognition of repetitive sequential human activity
* Recognition of walking humans in 3D: Initial results
* Recognition of Whiteboard Notes: Online, Offline and Combination
* Recognition using regions
* Recognizing human group activities with localized causalities
* Recognizing indoor scenes
* Recognizing linked events: Searching the space of feasible explanations
* Recognizing realistic actions from videos in the wild
* Reconstructing Orientation Field From Fingerprint Minutiae to Improve Minutiae-Matching Accuracy
* Reconstructing sharply folding surfaces: A convex formulation
* Recovering Affine Deformations of Fuzzy Shapes
* Recovering Portugal Aerial Images Repository
* Recovering specular surfaces using curved line images
* Recursive compositional models: Representation, learning, and inference
* Reducing JointBoost-based multiclass classification to proximity search
* Reference Point Detection for Arch Type Fingerprints
* Refinement of Urban Digital Elevation Models from Very High Resolution Stereo Satellite Images
* Reflectance Measurement System for Skin Color Modeling in Chromaticity Color Space
* Reflectivity Estimation Using Expectation Maximization Algorithm in Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation
* Region Incrementing Visual Cryptography
* Region-based Deformable Net for automatic color image segmentation
* Region-Level Motion-Based Foreground Segmentation Under a Bayesian Network
* Registration of High Resolution SAR and Optical Satellite Imagery in Urban Areas
* Registration of Unrectified Optical and SAR imagery over Mountainous Areas through Automatic Free-form Features Global Matching
* Regularisation of 3D Signed Distance Fields
* Regularization of Complex SAR Images Using Markov Random Fields
* Regularization of diffusion tensor field using coupled robust anisotropic diffusion filters
* Regularized multi-class semi-supervised boosting
* Relating intensities with three-dimensional facial shape using partial least squares
* Relighting objects from image collections
* Remote audio/video acquisition for human signature detection
* Remote sensing of vegetation from UAV platforms using lightweight multispectral and thermal imaging sensors
* Removing partial blur in a single image
* Representing Geographic Information in Multidimensional XML: Appling Dimensions in Spatial Databases
* Resolution-Invariant Image Representation and its applications
* Resource Recommendation Using Adaptive Automaton
* Retrographic sensing for the measurement of surface texture and shape
* Reversible Data Hiding Based on Histogram Modification of Pixel Differences
* Reversible Interpolation of Vectorial Images by an Anisotropic Diffusion-Projection PDE
* revisit of Generative Model for Automatic Image Annotation using Markov Random Fields, A
* Reviving Legacy Population Maps With Object-Oriented Image Processing Techniques
* Riccati Equation Solution Method for the Computation of the Extreme Solutions of X+A*X-1A=Q and X-A*X-1A=Q
* Robust and Consistent Sampling
* Robust and Efficient Multipose Face Detection Using Skin Color Segmentation
* robust approach for automatic registration of aerial images with untextured aerial LiDAR data, A
* Robust Biometric Key Extraction Based on Iris Cryptosystem
* Robust Biometric System Using Palmprint for Personal Verification
* Robust Estimation of Stem Cell Lineages Using Local Graph Matching
* robust eye gaze tracking method based on a virtual eyeball model, A
* Robust Face Recognition Using Color Information
* Robust facial action recognition from real-time 3D streams
* Robust feature matching in 2.3µs
* Robust Fingerprint Matching Using Spiral Partitioning Scheme
* Robust guidewire tracking in fluoroscopy
* Robust Hidden Markov Gauss Mixture Vector Quantizer for a Noisy Source, A
* Robust Human Detection under Occlusion by Integrating Face and Person Detectors
* Robust multi-class transductive learning with graphs
* Robust Multi-modal and Multi-unit Feature Level Fusion of Face and Iris Biometrics
* Robust object detection using marginal space learning and ranking-based multi-detector aggregation: Application to left ventricle detection in 2D MRI images
* Robust Parametric Method for Bias Field Estimation and Segmentation of MR Images, A
* Robust pedestrian detection and tracking in crowded scenes
* Robust real-time 3D modeling of static scenes using solely a Time-of-Flight sensor
* Robust sequential view planning for object recognition using multiple cameras
* Robust shadow and illumination estimation using a mixture model
* robust shape model for multi-view car alignment, A
* Robust Statistical Estimation Applied to Automatic Lip Segmentation
* Robust Super-Resolution Using a Median Filter for Irregular Samples
* Robust Surface Fitting from Two Views using Restricted Correspondence
* Robust unsupervised segmentation of degraded document images with topic models
* Robustifying eye center localization by head pose cues
* Rotation Invariant Image Description with Local Binary Pattern Histogram Fourier Features
* Run-hierarchical structure of digital lines with irrational slopes in terms of continued fractions and the Gauss map
* Saliency-based discriminant tracking
* Sampling and Reconstruction of Surfaces and Higher Dimensional Manifolds
* SAR Image Regularization With Fast Approximate Discrete Minimization
* Scalable Low-Cost Automated Storage and Retrieval System, A
* Scale Invariant Interest Point Detector for Discriminative Blob Detection, A
* Scale Selection for Compact Scale-Space Representation of Vector-Valued Images
* Scale Spaces on the 3D Euclidean Motion Group for Enhancement of HARDI Data
* Scale-Space Approach to Landmark Constrained Image Registration, A
* Scale-Space Behavior of Planar-Curve Corners
* Scatter Difference NAP for SVM Speaker Recognition
* Scenes vs. objects: A comparative study of two approaches to context based recognition
* Schrödinger Equation for the Fast Computation of Approximate Euclidean Distance Functions, A
* Score Fusion by Maximizing the Area under the ROC Curve
* Scores Selection for Emotional Speaker Recognition
* Sea Surface Current Fields in the Baltic Sea Derived From Multi-Sensor Satellite Data
* Search Patterns Switching Algorithm for Block Motion Estimation, A
* Securing Wireless Sensor Networks by Using Location Information
* Security-Enhanced Fuzzy Fingerprint Vault Based on Minutiae's Local Ridge Information
* Segmentation of Highly Lignified Zones in Wood Fiber Cross-Sections
* Segmentation of Touching Cell Nuclei Using a Two-Stage Graph Cut Model
* Segmentation, Classification and Denoising of a Time Series Field by a Variational Method
* Segmentation, Tracking and Characterization of Solar Features from EIT Solar Corona Images
* Self lane assignment using egocentric smart mobile camera for intelligent GPS navigation
* Semi-automatic identification of print layers from a sequence of sample images: A case study from banknote print inspection
* Semi-random subspace method for face recognition
* Semi-Supervised Bilinear Subspace Learning
* Semi-supervised Segmentation Based on Non-local Continuous Min-Cut
* Separation of Ground and Low Vegetation Signatures in LiDAR Measurements of Salt-Marsh Environments
* shading zone problem in geodesic voting and its solutions for the segmentation of tree structures. Application to the segmentation of Microglia extensions, The
* Shadow multiplexing for real-time silhouette extraction
* Shape analysis with conformal invariants for multiply connected domains and its application to analyzing brain morphology
* Shape and Texture Based Classification of Fish Species
* Shape and texture clustering: Best estimate for the clusters number
* Shape band: A deformable object detection approach
* Shape classification through structured learning of matching measures
* Shape comparison using perturbing shape registration
* Shape constrained figure-ground segmentation and tracking
* Shape discovery from unlabeled image collections
* Shape evolution for rigid and nonrigid shape registration and recovery
* Shape from Shading Using Probability Functions and Belief Propagation
* Shape of Gaussians as feature descriptors
* Shape priors and discrete MRFs for knowledge-based segmentation
* Shape-based object recognition in videos using 3D synthetic object models
* Shared Kernel Information Embedding for Discriminative Inference
* SIFT-Rank: Ordinal description for invariant feature correspondence
* Sigma Set: A small second order statistical region descriptor
* Similarity Matches of Gene Expression Data Based on Wavelet Transform
* similarity measure between vector sequences with application to handwritten word image retrieval, A
* Similarity metrics and efficient optimization for simultaneous registration
* Simple Comparison of Spectral Color Reproduction Workflows
* Simulating the Influences of Aging and Ocular Disease on Biometric Recognition Performance
* Simulation Tool for RFID Anti-Collision Algorithms Based on ALOHA, A
* Simultaneous Identity and Expression Recognition Using Face Geometry on Low Dimensional Manifolds
* Simultaneous image classification and annotation
* Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior
* Single-image optical center estimation from vignetting and tangential gradient symmetry
* Skin Detection Applied to Multi-Racial Images
* Sleep/Wakefulness State from Actigraphy
* Small-Footprint Discrete-Return LIDAR in Tree Species Recognition
* smart sensor with hyperspectral/range fovea and panoramic peripheral view, A
* Smart ZIGBEE Based Wireless Sensor Meter System, A
* Smoothed Disparity Maps for Continuous American Sign Language Recognition
* Social Signal Processing: Understanding social interactions through nonverbal behavior analysis
* Soil Moisture Estimation with TerraSAR-X: With Dubois Empirical Model
* Some First-Order Algorithms for Total Variation Based Image Restoration
* Space Carving Acceleration Using Uncertainty Measurements
* Sparse Representation for Video-Based Face Recognition
* Sparse subspace clustering
* Sparsity Regularization for Radon Measures
* Spatial Masking and Perceived Video Quality in Multimedia Applications
* Spatial-Resolution Enhancement of SMOS Data: A Deconvolution-Based Approach
* Spatially adaptive thresholding in wavelet domain for despeckling of ultrasound images
* spatially distributed model for foreground segmentation, A
* Spatio-Featural Scale-Space
* Spatio-temporal Super-Resolution Using Depth Map
* Spatiotemporal stereo via spatiotemporal quadric element (stequel) matching
* Special Issue on 3D Face Processing
* Special issue on scalable coded media beyond compression
* Spectral sensitivity design for maximum colour separation in artificial colour systems
* Split Bregman Algorithm, Douglas-Rachford Splitting and Frame Shrinkage
* Sputnik Tracker: Having a Companion Improves Robustness of the Tracker
* Square Loss based regularized LDA for face recognition using image sets
* Square Roots of Total Boolean Matrices: Enumeration Issues
* Stacks of convolutional Restricted Boltzmann Machines for shift-invariant feature learning
* StaRSaC: Stable random sample consensus for parameter estimation
* State-of-the-art of 3D facial reconstruction methods for face recognition based on a single 2D training image per person
* Static Models of Derivative-Coordinates Phase Spaces for Multivariate Time Series Classification: An Application to Signature Verification
* Statistical Hough Transform
* Statistical M-Estimation and Consistency in Large Deformable Models for Image Warping
* Statistical Properties of Phase-Decorrelation in Phase-Resolved Doppler Optical Coherence Tomography
* Status report of the EuroSDR project Radiometric aspects of digital photogrammetric airborne images
* Steady-State and Transient Evaluation of FPAA Implemented Analog Filters Using a MLS System Analyzer
* Stel component analysis: Modeling spatial correlations in image class structure
* stereo approach that handles the matting problem via image warping, A
* Stereo matching in the presence of sub-pixel calibration errors
* Stereo matching with nonparametric smoothness priors in feature space
* Stereo Tracking of Faces for Driver Observation
* Stereographic rectification of omnidirectional stereo pairs
* Stochastic gradient kernel density mode-seeking
* Stochastic representation and recognition of high-level group activities: Describing structural uncertainties in human activities
* streaming framework for seamless building reconstruction from large-scale aerial LiDAR data, A
* Stroke extraction based on ambiguous zone detection: a preprocessing step to recover dynamic information from handwritten Chinese characters
* Structured output-associative regression
* Study of Driver Behavior Under Potential Threats in Vehicle Traffic, A
* Super-resolution via recapture and Bayesian effect modeling
* Support Vector Machine Regression for Robust Speaker Verification in Mismatching and Forensic Conditions
* Support Vector Machines in face recognition with occlusions
* Support Vector Method, The
* Support-Vector Networks
* Surface feature detection and description with applications to mesh matching
* SURFTrac: Efficient tracking and continuous object recognition using local feature descriptors
* SUSurE: Speeded Up Surround Extrema feature detector and descriptor for realtime applications
* SVM-based hierarchical architectures for handwritten Bangla character recognition
* Switching Gaussian Process Dynamic Models for simultaneous composite motion tracking and recognition
* Symmetric two dimensional linear discriminant analysis (2DLDA)
* Symmetries of 2-D Images: Cases without Periodic Translations
* Symmetry integrated region-based image segmentation
* Symmetry-Based Scalable Lossless Compression of 3D Medical Image Data
* Synchronization and rolling shutter compensation for consumer video camera arrays
* Synergy between Object Recognition and Image Segmentation Using the Expectation-Maximization Algorithm
* syntax for image understanding, A
* Synthesizing Frontal Faces on Calibrated Stereo Cameras for Face Recognition
* System Considerations and Potential for Topographic Mapping with Small Satellites
* System for Real-Time Lossless and Near-Lossless Video Compression, A
* Systematic Construction of Iris-Based Fuzzy Commitment Schemes
* TANDEM-X: Block Adjustment of Interferometric Height Models
* Tangential Cover for Thick Digital Curves
* Template Update Methods in Adaptive Biometric Systems: A Critical Review
* Temporal Feature Modulation for Video Watermarking
* Temporal segmentation and activity classification from first-person sensing
* Temporal Segmentation of 3-D Video by Histogram-Based Feature Vectors
* Tensor-Based Algorithm for High-Order Graph Matching, A
* TerraSAR-X Rapid mapping for Flood events
* Textural Features for Hyperspectral Pixel Classification
* Textural Hausdorff Distance for wider-range tolerance to pose variation and misalignment in 2D face recognition
* Texture analysis for ulcer detection in capsule endoscopy images
* Texture Mapping of 3D Building Models with Oblique Direct Geo-referenced Airborne IR Image Sequences
* Texture Measuring by Means of Perceptually-Based Fineness Functions
* Theoretical Foundations for Discrete Forward-and-Backward Diffusion Filtering
* Theoretical Framework for Constructing Matching Algorithms in Biometric Authentication Systems
* Three-Dimensional Face Pose Detection and Tracking Using Monocular Videos: Tool and Application
* Three-Dimensional Microwave Breast Imaging: Dispersive Dielectric Properties Estimation Using Patient-Specific Basis Functions
* Threshold selection based on cluster analysis
* thresholding method based on two-dimensional fractional differentiation, A
* TIMER: Tensor Image Morphing for Elastic Registration
* Tomographic Imaging of Dynamic Objects With the Ensemble Kalman Filter
* Top-Down Approach for Automatic Dropper Extraction in Catenary Scenes, A
* Topology dictionary with Markov model for 3D video content-based skimming and description
* Total-Variation Based Piecewise Affine Regularization
* Tour the world: Building a web-scale landmark recognition engine
* Toward Robust Myocardial Blush Grade Estimation in Contrast Angiography
* Towards a General Framework for Cross-Layer Decision Making in Multimedia Systems
* Towards a practical face recognition system: Robust registration and illumination by sparse representation
* Towards an intra-annual vegetation analysis: The concept of a phenologic library
* Towards automated large scale discovery of image families
* Towards Automated TEM for Virus Diagnostics: Segmentation of Grid Squares and Detection of Regions of Interest
* Towards Effective Content Authentication for Digital Videos by Employing Feature Extraction and Quantization
* Towards geographical referencing of monocular SLAM reconstruction using 3D city models: Application to real-time accurate vision-based localization
* Towards high-resolution large-scale multi-view stereo
* Towards Real-Time Human Action Recognition
* Towards Structured Approaches to Arbitrary Data Selection and Performance Prediction for Speaker Recognition
* Towards the Mathematic Formalization of Parametric Generalized Cylinders and Initial Results in Modeling 3D Image Data
* Towards total scene understanding: Classification, annotation and segmentation in an automatic framework
* Towards unlocking web video: Automatic people tracking and clustering
* Tracking Closed Curves with Non-linear Stochastic Filters
* Tracking Nonstationary Visual Appearances by Data-Driven Adaptation
* Tracking of a non-rigid object via patch-based dynamic appearance modeling and adaptive Basin Hopping Monte Carlo sampling
* Tracking of cell populations to understand their spatio-temporal behavior in response to physical stimuli
* Traffic Characterization in IP Multimedia Subsystem
* Traffic Congestion Parameters Estimation in Time Series of Airborne Optical Remote Sensing Images
* Traffic Monitoring without Single Car Detection from Optical Airborne Images
* Trajectory Modeling Using Mixtures of Vector Fields
* Trajectory parsing by cluster sampling in spatio-temporal graph
* Trajectory reconstruction for affine structure-from-motion by global and local constraints
* Trajectory representation using Gabor features for motion-based video retrieval
* Trajectory Tree as an Object-Oriented Hierarchical Representation for Video
* Transitions of a Multi-scale Image Hierarchy Tree
* Transparent watermarking using bidirectional imaging
* Treatment of Rabbit Elastase-Induced Aneurysm Models by Flow Diverters: Development of Quantifiable Indexes of Device Performance Using Digital Subtraction Angiography
* Triangulation-based Video Registration and Applications
* Tubular anisotropy for 2D vessel segmentation
* Tubular Anisotropy Segmentation
* Tunable tensor voting improves grouping of membrane-bound macromolecules
* Two-Dimensional Maximum Margin Feature Extraction for Face Recognition
* Two-Phase Segmentation of Cell Nuclei Using Fast Level Set-Like Algorithms, A
* Uncalibrated synthetic aperture for defocus control
* Unconstrained Multiphase Thresholding Approach for Image Segmentation, An
* Understanding and evaluating blind deconvolution algorithms
* Understanding dynamic scenes based on human sequence evaluation
* Understanding images of groups of people
* Understanding videos, constructing plots learning a visually grounded storyline model from annotated videos
* unified active and semi-supervised learning framework for image compression, A
* unified model of spectacular and diffuse reflectance for rough, glossy surfaces, A
* Unified Video Annotation via Multigraph Learning
* Uniqueness of the Perfect Fusion Grid on Zd
* Unsupervised Assessment of Subcutaneous and Visceral Fat by MRI
* Unsupervised Change Detection From Multichannel SAR Data by Markovian Data Fusion
* Unsupervised feature optimization (UFO): Simultaneous selection of multiple features with their detection parameters
* Unsupervised learning for graph matching
* Unsupervised learning of hierarchical spatial structures in images
* Unsupervised Maximum Margin Feature Selection with manifold regularization
* Unsupervised Real-Time Unusual Behavior Detection for Biometric-Assisted Visual Surveillance
* Upper Facial Action Unit Recognition
* Usability Study of Continuous Biometrics Authentication, An
* Use of Active Appearance Models for analysis and synthesis of naturally occurring behavior
* Use of aggregation pheromone density for image segmentation
* Use of Coherence Measurements between EEG and EMG on Identification of the Myoclonus Locus
* use of high-resolution satellite imagery for deriving geotechnical parameters applied to landslide susceptibility, The
* user-friendly method to geometrically calibrate projector-camera systems, A
* Using a Fuzzy Inference System to Reduce False Positives in Intrusion Detection
* Using closed captions to train activity recognizers that improve video retrieval
* Using Hierarchical Models for 3D Human Body-Part Tracking
* Using noise inconsistencies for blind image forensics
* Using One-Class Classification Techniques in the Anti-phoneme Problem
* Using Stacked Generalization to Combine SVMs in Magnitude and Shape Feature Spaces for Classification of Hyperspectral Data
* Validation of Watershed Regions by Scale-Space Statistics
* Vanishing point detection for road detection
* Vanishing points estimation by self-similarity
* Variable Order Finite-Context Models in DNA Sequence Coding
* Variational Approach for Volume-to-Slice Registration, A
* Variational layered dynamic textures
* Variational Model for Interactive Shape Prior Segmentation and Real-Time Tracking, A
* Vehicle matching and recognition under large variations of pose and illumination
* Video object segmentation by hypergraph cut
* Video synchronization from human motion using rank constraints
* VideoTrek: A vision system for a tag-along robot
* View Compensated Compression of Volume Rendered Images for Remote Visualization
* view-based statistical system for multi-view face detection and pose estimation, A
* View-Independent Behavior Analysis
* View-independent human motion classification using image-based reconstruction
* View-invariant dynamic texture recognition using a bag of dynamical systems
* Virtual craniofacial reconstruction using graph theory and geometric constraints
* Virtual View Specification and Synthesis for Free Viewpoint Television
* Visibility constraints on features of 3D objects
* Visual loop closing using multi-resolution SIFT grids in metric-topological SLAM
* Visual tracking via geometric particle filtering on the affine group with optimal importance functions
* Visual tracking with online Multiple Instance Learning
* Vocabulary hierarchy optimization for effective and transferable retrieval
* Volterrafaces: Discriminant analysis using Volterra kernels
* Vulnerable Atherosclerotic Plaque Elasticity Reconstruction Based on a Segmentation-Driven Optimization Procedure Using Strain Measurements: Theoretical Framework
* W-EHR: A Wireless Distributed Framework for Secure Dissemination of Electronic Healthcare Records
* Watermarking Scheme Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform and Error-Correction Codes
* Watershed Cuts: Minimum Spanning Forests and the Drop of Water Principle
* Wavelet energy map: A robust support for multi-modal registration of medical images
* Weight-Based Facial Expression Recognition from Near-Infrared Video Sequences
* Weighted DFT Based Blur Invariants for Pattern Recognition
* Weighted Distance Based Sensor Selection for Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Weighted Fuzzy Reasoning Scheme for Interlaced to Progressive Conversion
* What is a camera?
* What is the spatial extent of an object?
* What the Back of the Object Looks Like: 3D Reconstruction from Line Drawings without Hidden Lines
* What's it going to cost you?: Predicting effort vs. informativeness for multi-label image annotations
* Who are you? - Learning person specific classifiers from video
* Why Is Facial Occlusion a Challenging Problem?
* Wide-Scale Video Conferencing over Radio Network Infrastructure
* Writer Identification of Chinese Handwriting Using Grid Microstructure Feature
1397 for 0906

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.