* 3-D Deformation Guided On-Line Modification of Multi-leaf Collimators for Adaptive Radiation Therapy
* 3-D gesture-based scene navigation in medical imaging applications using Time-of-Flight cameras
* 3-D Tracking of shoes for Virtual Mirror applications
* 3D binary morphological operations using run-length representation
* 3D Body Scanning in a Mirror Cabinet
* 3D face matching and registration based on hyperbolic Ricci flow
* 3D face reconstruction from a single 2D face image
* 3D face shape approximation from intensities using Partial Least Squares
* 3D face tracking and expression inference from a 2D sequence using manifold learning
* 3D facial expression recognition based on automatically selected features
* 3D model matching with Viewpoint-Invariant Patches (VIP)
* 3D model search and pose estimation from single images using VIP features
* 3D non-rigid registration for MPU implicit surfaces
* 3D occlusion recovery using few cameras
* 3D pose refinement from reflections
* 3D priors for scene learning from a single view
* 3D shape matching by geodesic eccentricity
* 3D shape reconstruction of Mooney faces
* 3D Spatio-Temporal face recognition using dynamic range model sequences
* 3D surface models by geometric constraints propagation
* 3D tracking in unknown environments using on-line keypoint learning for mobile augmented reality
* 3D ultrasound tracking of the left ventricle using one-step forward prediction and data fusion of collaborative trackers
* 3D-2D spatiotemporal registration for sports motion analysis
* 6-DOF pose estimation from single Ultrasound image using 3D IP models
* Accurate and robust registration for in-hand modeling
* Accurate Camera Calibration from Multi-View Stereo and Bundle Adjustment
* Accurate eye center location and tracking using isophote curvature
* Accurate multi-view reconstruction using robust binocular stereo and surface meshing
* Accurate polyp segmentation for 3D CT colongraphy using multi-staged probabilistic binary learning and compositional model
* Action MACH a spatio-temporal Maximum Average Correlation Height filter for action recognition
* Action recognition by learning mid-level motion features
* Action recognition using ballistic dynamics
* Action recognition using exemplar-based embedding
* Action recognition with motion-appearance vocabulary forest
* Action snippets: How many frames does human action recognition require?
* Active Exploration Using Bayesian Models for Multimodal Perception
* Active Learning Methods for Interactive Image Retrieval
* Active microscopic cellular image annotation by superposable graph transduction with imbalanced labels
* Active sampling via tracking
* Adaboost Video Tracking
* Adaptive and compact shape descriptor by progressive feature combination and selection with boosting
* Adaptive and constrained algorithms for inverse compositional Active Appearance Model fitting
* Adaptive color classification for structured light systems
* adaptive learning method for target tracking across multiple cameras, An
* Adaptive lifting integer wavelet transform for lossless image compression
* Adaptive parametrization of multivariate B-splines for image registration
* Adaptive partition size temporal error concealment for H.264 using weighted double-sided EBME minimization
* Adaptive region intensity based rigid ultrasound and CT image registration
* Advanced interactive television services require content synchronization
* Affine invariant matching of broken boundaries based on particle swarm optimization
* Algorithm for Binary Contour Objects Representation and Recognition, An
* Algorithms for computing the group exponential of diffeomorphisms: Performance evaluation
* Alternative Methods for Counting Overlapping Grains in Digital Images
* American Sign Language Lexicon Video Dataset, The
* Analysis for Video Coding: Moving It from the Encoder to the Decoder
* Analysis of Head Gesture and Prosody Patterns for Prosody-Driven Head-Gesture Animation
* Analyzing objects in images for estimating the delamination influence on load carrying capacity of composite laminates
* Anisotropic Laplace-Beltrami eigenmaps: Bridging Reeb graphs and skeletons
* Annotating collections of photos using hierarchical event and scene models
* ANSIG: An analytic signature for permutation-invariant two-dimensional shape representation
* Anytimeness avoids parameters in detecting closed convex polygons
* Application and evaluation of spatiotemporal enhancement of live aerial video using temporally local mosaics
* Applying the multi-category learning to multiple video object extraction
* Approximate earth mover's distance in linear time
* Approximate Parameter Learning in Conditional Random Fields: An Empirical Investigation
* Articulated shape matching using Laplacian eigenfunctions and unsupervised point registration
* Associating audio-visual activity cues in a dominance estimation framework
* Asymmetric and symmetric unbiased image registration: Statistical assessment of performance
* ATOMS: Air Traffic Operations and Management Simulator
* Auto Exposure Control for Multiple-Slope Cameras
* Auto-context and its application to high-level vision tasks
* Automated characterization of bacteria in confocal microscope images
* Automatic calibration of a single-projector catadioptric display system
* Automatic clustering and boundary detection algorithm based on adaptive influence function
* Automatic Detection of Geospatial Objects Using Multiple Hierarchical Segmentations
* Automatic Detection of Learnability under Unreliable and Sparse User Feedback
* Automatic Detection of the Back Valley on Scoliotic Trunk Using Polygonal Surface Curvature
* Automatic face detection based on chrominance components analysis
* Automatic face naming with caption-based supervision
* Automatic facial expression recognition for intelligent tutoring systems
* Automatic Individual Detection and Separation of Multiple Overlapped Nematode Worms Using Skeleton Analysis
* Automatic Method for Video Character Segmentation, An
* Automatic MRI Brain Segmentation with Combined Atlas-Based Classification and Level-Set Approach
* Automatic natural and man-made scene differentiation using perspective geometrical properties of the scenes
* Automatic non-rigid registration of 3D dynamic data for facial expression synthesis and transfer
* Automatic object and image alignment using Fourier Descriptors
* Automatic registration of aerial imagery with untextured 3D LiDAR models
* Automatic symmetry plane estimation of bilateral objects in point clouds
* Automatic texture segmentation based on k-means clustering and efficient calculation of co-occurrence features
* Autonomous navigation and mapping using monocular low-resolution grayscale vision
* Autotagging Facebook: Social network context improves photo annotation
* B-spline polynomial descriptors for human activity recognition
* Background subtraction in highly dynamic scenes
* Backward channel aware Wyner-Ziv video coding: A study of complexity, rate, and distortion tradeoff
* Balanced Exploration and Exploitation Model Search for Efficient Epipolar Geometry Estimation
* Bayes Classification of Online Arabic Characters by Gibbs Modeling of Class Conditional Densities
* Bayesian Approach for Image Segmentation with Shape Priors, A
* Bayesian color constancy revisited
* Bayesian optimization of the scale saliency filter
* Bayesian tactile face
* Beyond sliding windows: Object localization by efficient subwindow search
* Beyond the Lambertian assumption: A generative model for Apparent BRDF fields of faces using anti-symmetric tensor splines
* Bhattacharyya probabilistic distance of the Dirichlet density and its application to Split-and-Merge image segmentation
* bi-illuminant dichromatic reflection model for understanding images, A
* Binary Image Registration Using Covariant Gaussian Densities
* Binary-Representation-Based Genetic Algorithm for Aircraft Arrival Sequencing and Scheduling
* Binocular dance pose recognition and body orientation estimation via multilinear analysis
* Biometric binary string generation with detection rate optimized bit allocation
* Biometrics and Privacy
* Blindly separating mixtures of multiple layers with spatial shifts
* Block Convolution Using Discrete Trigonometric Transforms and Discrete Fourier Transform
* Boosted deformable model for human body alignment
* Boosting adaptive linear weak classifiers for online learning and tracking
* Boosting descriptors condensed from video sequences for place recognition
* Boosting for Model-Based Data Clustering
* Boosting ordinal features for accurate and fast iris recognition
* Boundary snapping for robust image cutouts
* Bounds on the Volume and Height Distributions for the MIMO Radar Ambiguity Function
* BP)2: Beyond pairwise Belief Propagation labeling by approximating Kikuchi free energies
* Branch-and-bound hypothesis selection for two-view multiple structure and motion segmentation
* Building compact MQDF classifier for large character set recognition by subspace distribution sharing
* Building reconstruction from a single DEM
* Building segmentation for densely built urban regions using aerial LIDAR data
* Calibration and rectification for reflection stereo
* Calibration of an Articulated Camera System
* Camera localization and building reconstruction from single monocular images
* Camera Location and Aperture Characterization Using the Transformation between a 2D Plane and the Image Captured by the Camera
* Can similar scenes help surface layout estimation?
* Canny edge detection on NVIDIA CUDA
* Capturing large intra-class variations of biometric data by template co-updating
* Case study: Digital offset printing- resolution and color reproduction
* Cell motion analysis without explicit tracking
* Cell Phones Personal Authentication Systems Using Multimodal Biometrics
* Characterizing the shadow space of camera-light pairs
* Circular generalized cylinder fitting for 3D reconstruction in endoscopic imaging based on MRF
* Classifiability-based Optimal Discriminatory Projection Pursuit
* Classification and evaluation of cost aggregation methods for stereo correspondence
* Classification and Quantification Based on Image Analysis for Sperm Samples with Uncertain Damaged/Intact Cell Proportions
* Classification of Ground Clutter and Anomalous Propagation Using Dual-Polarization Weather Radar
* Classification trees for fast segmentation of DTI brain fiber tracts
* Classification using intersection kernel support vector machines is efficient
* Classification via semi-Riemannian spaces
* Closing the loop in scene interpretation
* Clothing cosegmentation for recognizing people
* Cluster tracking with Time-of-Flight cameras
* Clustering and dimensionality reduction on Riemannian manifolds
* Coarse adaptive color image segmentation for visual object classification
* Coarse-to-fine low-rank structure-from-motion
* Codomain scale space and regularization for high angular resolution diffusion imaging
* Coherent image annotation by learning semantic distance
* Coherent Laplacian 3-D protrusion segmentation
* Coherent Multiscale Image Processing Using Dual-Tree Quaternion Wavelets
* Color constancy beyond bags of pixels
* Color Photo Denoising Via Hue, Saturation and Intensity Diffusion
* Color Scratches Removal Using Human Perception
* Combination of Multiple Segmentations by a Random Walker Approach
* Combining appearance models and Markov Random Fields for category level object segmentation
* Combining brain computer interfaces with vision for object categorization
* Combining Densely Sampled Form and Motion for Human Action Recognition
* Comments on Globally Maximizing, Locally Minimizing: Unsupervised Discriminant Projection with Application to Face and Palm Biometrics
* Comparation of QoS parameters of received IPTV signals, using different compression algorithms for streaming Live or Stored AV Materials
* Comparing Local Feature Descriptors in pLSA-Based Image Models
* Comparison and combination of iris matchers for reliable personal identification
* Comparison between 2D and 3D Local Binary Pattern Methods for Characterisation of Three-Dimensional Textures
* Comparison of combination methods utilizing T-normalization and second best score model
* Comparison of Region Detectors for Tracking, A
* Composite MR contrast agents for conditional cell-labeling
* comprehensive ICP (CICP) algorithm and its application to the multidmoal registration of 3D surfaces of the heart, The
* Computational system to detect defects in mounted and bare PCB Based on connectivity and image correlation
* Computer Vision and Classification Techniques on the Surface Finish Control in Machining Processes
* Computing iconic summaries of general visual concepts
* Computing minimal deformations: application to construction of statistical shape models
* Computing the 3D face recognition based on pseudo 2D Hidden Markov Models using geodesic distances
* Conditional density learning via regression with application to deformable shape segmentation
* conditional random field for automatic photo editing, A
* Confidence weighting for sensor fingerprinting
* Conformal Monogenic Signal, The
* Conjugate rotation: Parameterization and estimation from an affine feature correspondence
* Connected Segmentation Tree: A joint representation of region layout and hierarchy
* Consistent image analogies using semi-supervised learning
* Constant time O(1) bilateral filtering
* Constrained Connectivity for Hierarchical Image Decomposition and Simplification
* Constrained image segmentation from hierarchical boundaries
* Constrained spectral clustering through affinity propagation
* Content-based image retrieval using feature extraction and statistical pattern recognition techniques for environmental applications
* Context and observation driven latent variable model for human pose estimation
* Context-aware clustering
* Context-dependent kernel design for object matching and recognition
* Contrast for Independent Component Analysis With Priors on the Source Kurtosis Signs, A
* Control of Freeway Traffic Flow in Unstable Phase by inf-Theory
* Controlled human pose estimation from depth image streams
* Convergence analysis of active contours
* Convex Hodge Decomposition of Image Flows
* Correlation optimized scanning of segmented images
* Correlational spectral clustering
* Correspondence-free multi-camera activity analysis and scene modeling
* Correspondences between parts of shapes with particle filters
* Cost-sensitive face recognition
* Creating and exploring a large photorealistic virtual space
* CTREC: C-arm tracking and reconstruction using elliptic curves
* CUDA cuts: Fast graph cuts on the GPU
* Curvature preserving fingerprint ridge orientation smoothing using Legendre polynomials
* Database for Arabic Printed Character Recognition, A
* Dealing with occlusion in a probabilistic object tracking method
* Dealing with uncertainty in the principal directions of tensors
* Decision Fusion of GA Self-Organizing Neuro-Fuzzy Multilayered Classifiers for Land Cover Classification Using Textural and Spectral Features
* Decision-level fusion strategies for correlated biometric classifiers
* Decomposition of Quadratic Variational Problems
* Decomposition, discovery and detection of visual categories using topic models
* Defect detection in periodically patterned surfaces using independent component analysis
* deformable local image descriptor, A
* Deformation Modeling for Robust 3D Face Matching
* Demosaicing by smoothing along 1D features
* Demosaicking recognition with applications in digital photo authentication based on a quadratic pixel correlation model
* Dense 3D motion capture from synchronized video streams
* Dense 3D reconstruction from specularity consistency
* Dense correspondence finding for parametrization-free animation reconstruction from video
* Dense linear-time correspondences for tracking
* Dense specular shape from multiple specular flows
* Depth Map Calculation for a Variable Number of Moving Objects using Markov Sequential Object Processes
* Design and calibration of a multi-view TOF sensor fusion system
* Detecting and locating crosswalks using a camera phone
* Detecting and matching repeated patterns for automatic geo-tagging in urban environments
* Detecting mirror-symmetry of a volumetric shape from its single 2D image
* Detecting multiple moving objects in crowded environments with coherent motion regions
* Detecting shot transitions based on video content
* Detection and matching of rectilinear structures
* Detection and velocity estimation of moving vehicles in high-resolution spaceborne synthetic aperture radar data
* Detection of buried objects using GPR change detection in polarimetric Huynen spaces
* Detection of Clustered Microcalcifications with SUSAN Edge Detector, Adaptive Contrast Thresholding and Spatial Filters
* Detection with multi-exit asymmetric boosting
* Deterministic Defuzzification Based on Spectral Projected Gradient Optimization
* Developments in Distributed Video Coding
* DIAR: Advances in Degradation Modeling and Processing
* Differential transient MEG and fMRI responses to visual stimulation onset rate
* Diffusion-based image denoising combining curvelet and wavelet
* Digital image watermarking by adaptive quantization of wavelet packet coefficients
* Dimensionality reduction by unsupervised regression
* Dimensionality reduction using covariance operator inverse regression
* Directional independent component analysis with tensor representation
* Directions of egomotion from antipodal points
* Discovering class specific composite features through discriminative sampling with Swendsen-Wang Cut
* Discovering Constrained Substructures in Bayesian Trees Using the E.M. Algorithm
* Discovery of social relationships in consumer photo collections using Markov Logic
* discrete search method for multi-modal non-rigid image registration, A
* Discriminative analysis of skull morphology in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients: Comparative study with normal controls
* Discriminative Feature Co-Occurrence Selection for Object Detection
* Discriminative human action segmentation and recognition using semi-Markov model
* Discriminative Kernel-Based Approach to Rank Images from Text Queries, A
* Discriminative learned dictionaries for local image analysis
* Discriminative learning of visual words for 3D human pose estimation
* Discriminative local binary patterns for human detection in personal album
* Discriminative modeling by Boosting on Multilevel Aggregates
* discriminatively trained, multiscale, deformable part model, A
* Distinctive and compact features
* Distributed data association and filtering for multiple target tracking
* Distributed segmentation and classification of human actions using a wearable motion sensor network
* Distributed Video Coding: Selecting the most promising application scenarios
* Drift-free tracking of rigid and articulated objects
* dual-layer estimator architecture for long-term localization, A
* Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Scheduling In-Vehicle Messages, A
* Dynamic scene shape reconstruction using a single structured light pattern
* Dynamic visual category learning
* Edge descriptors for robust wide-baseline correspondence
* Edge preserving spatially varying mixtures for image segmentation
* Effective image database search via dimensionality reduction
* Effective Motion Tracking Using Known and Learned Actuation Models
* effective salience-based algorithm for shape retrieval, An
* Effective Technique for Subpixel Image Registration Under Noisy Conditions, An
* efficient algorithm for compressed MR imaging using total variation and wavelets, An
* Efficient anisotropic alpha-Kernels decompositions and flows
* Efficient Bisecting k -Medoids and Its Application in Gene Expression Analysis
* Efficient Bit-Rate Estimation for Mode Decision of H.264/AVC
* Efficient Constrained Video Coding for Low Complexity Decoding
* Efficient mean shift belief propagation for vision tracking
* Efficient Nonlocal Means for Denoising of Textural Patterns
* Efficient object shape recovery via slicing planes
* Efficient partial shape matching using Smith-Waterman algorithm
* Efficient photometric stereo on glossy surfaces with wide specular lobes
* Efficient presentation of DICOM mammography images using Matlab
* Efficient scan-window based object detection using GPGPU
* Efficient Sequential Correspondence Selection by Cosegmentation
* Efficient sign language video representation
* Efficient subdivision-based image and volume warping
* Efficient Tensor Voting with 3D tensorial harmonics
* Efficient Tracking as Linear Program on Weak Binary Classifiers
* Efficient video analytics to overcome command latency for Mega-pixel video transmission over ethernet
* Efficient visual hull computation for real-time 3D reconstruction using CUDA
* Embedded contours extraction for high-speed scene dynamics based on a neuromorphic temporal contrast vision sensor
* Enforcing convexity for improved alignment with constrained local models
* Enforcing non-positive weights for stable support vector tracking
* Enforcing stochastic inverse consistency in non-rigid image registration and matching
* Enhanced biologically inspired model
* Enhanced fingerprint verification through novel matching modality
* Enhanced Histogram Matching Approach Using the Retinal Filter's Compression Function for Illumination Normalization in Face Recognition, An
* Enhancing photographs with Near Infra-Red images
* Ensemble of Multiple Pedestrian Representations
* Entropy-based active learning for object recognition
* Epitomic Location Recognition
* Estimating 3D facial pose in video with just three points
* Estimating age, gender, and identity using first name priors
* Estimating camera response functions using probabilistic intensity similarity
* Estimating pose and illumination direction for frontal face synthesis
* Estimating the Detectability of Small Lesions in High Resolution MR Compressed Images
* Estimation of acoustic impedance from multiple ultrasound images with application to spatial compounding
* Estimation of multiple directional illuminants from a single image
* Evaluating the quality of super-resolved images for face recognition
* Evaluation of color descriptors for object and scene recognition
* Evaluation of constructable match cost measures for stereo correspondence using cluster ranking
* Evaluation of Face Datasets as Tools for Assessing the Performance of Face Recognition Methods
* Evaluation of Interpolation Techniques for Reconstructing Ionospheric TEC Maps, An
* Evolutionary Approach for Learning Motion Class Patterns, An
* Evolving Fuzzy Modeling of an Uncalibrated Visual Servoing System
* Exact inference in multi-label CRFs with higher order cliques
* Examining the Role of Scale in the Context of the Non-Local-Means Filter
* Example-Based Learning for Single-Image Super-Resolution
* experimental study of employing visual appearance as a phenotype, An
* Experiments on visual loop closing using vocabulary trees
* Experiments with application of image reconstruction method based on perspective imaging techniques in X-ray CT mini system
* Exploiting local and global scene constraints in modeling large-scale dynamic 3D scenes from aerial video
* Exploiting side information in locality preserving projection
* Exploiting spatio-temporal information for view recognition in cardiac echo videos
* extended difference expansion algorithm for reversible watermarking, An
* Extending two non-parametric transforms for FPGA based stereo matching using bayer filtered cameras
* External Anatomical Shapes Reconstruction from Turntable Image Sequences using a Single off-the-shelf Camera
* Extracting a fluid dynamic texture and the background from video
* Extracting smooth and transparent layers from a single image
* Extrinsic and depth calibration of ToF-cameras
* Face alignment via boosted ranking model
* Face illumination normalization on large and small scale features
* Face Model Fitting Based on Machine Learning from Multi-Band Images of Facial Components
* Face pose estimation and tracking using automatic 3D model construction
* Face shape recovery from a single image using CCA mapping between tensor spaces
* Face tracking and recognition with visual constraints in real-world videos
* Face verification on color images using local features
* Facial Emotional Classifier For Natural Interaction
* Facial expression recognition using encoded dynamic features
* Facial Gender Classification Using Shape from Shading and Weighted Principal Geodesic Analysis
* Facial Shape Spaces from Surface Normals
* factorization approach to structure from motion with shape priors, A
* Fast Algorithm for Learning a Ranking Function from Large-Scale Data Sets, A
* Fast algorithms for L-inf problems in multiview geometry
* Fast algorithms for large scale conditional 3D prediction
* Fast and exact solution of Total Variation models on the GPU
* Fast and robust numerical solutions to minimal problems for cameras with radial distortion
* Fast approximate Random Walker segmentation using eigenvector precomputation
* fast classification based method for fractal image encoding, A
* Fast Exact Area Image Upsampling with Natural Biquadratic Histosplines
* Fast gain-adaptive KLT tracking on the GPU
* Fast Generalized Belief Propagation for MAP Estimation on 2D and 3D Grid-Like Markov Random Fields
* Fast image search for learned metrics
* fast indexing and retrieval method for image databases, A
* Fast k nearest neighbor search using GPU
* Fast kernel learning for spatial pyramid matching
* fast local descriptor for dense matching, A
* Fast scale invariant feature detection and matching on programmable graphics hardware
* Fast Scheme for Multiscale Signal Denoising, A
* fast spherical inflation method of the cerebral cortex by deformation of a simplex mesh on the polar coordinates, A
* Fast texture segmentation model based on the shape operator and active contour
* Fast track matching and event detection
* Feature Extraction for Regression Problems and an Example Application for Pose Estimation of a Face
* Feature Extraction Using Low-Rank Approximations of the Kernel Matrix
* Feature transformation of biometric templates for secure biometric systems based on error correcting codes
* Filtering Internet image search results towards keyword based category recognition
* Filtering noise on mammographic phantom images using local contrast modification functions
* Finding Arbitrary Shaped Clusters for Character Recognition
* Finding people in archive films through tracking
* Finding trails
* Fingerprint Image Postprocessing Using Windowing Technique
* Fingerprint verification using filter-bank of Gabor and Log Gabor filters
* Flat Refractive Geometry
* FPGA Implementation of Parallel Alpha-Beta Associative Memories
* Fractal image compression using visual-based particle swarm optimization
* Framework for Image Segmentation Using Shape Models and Kernel Space Shape Priors, A
* framework for reducing ink-bleed in old documents, A
* From 3D Discrete Surface Skeletons to Curve Skeletons
* From appearance to context-based recognition: Dense labeling in small images
* From Narrow to Broad Band Design and Selection in Hyperspectral Images
* From skeletons to bone graphs: Medial abstraction for object recognition
* Full orientation invariance and improved feature selectivity of 3D SIFT with application to medical image analysis
* Fully automatic feature localization for medical images using a global vector concentration approach
* Fusion of local appearance with stereo depth for object tracking
* Fusion of range and intensity information for view invariant gesture recognition
* Fusion of time-of-flight depth and stereo for high accuracy depth maps
* FusionFlow: Discrete-continuous optimization for optical flow estimation
* Fuzzy chamfer distance and its probabilistic formulation for visual tracking
* Fuzzy extractors for asymmetric biometric representations
* Fuzzy foreground detection for infrared videos
* Fuzzy Local Binary Patterns for Ultrasound Texture Characterization
* FuzzyMatte: A computationally efficient scheme for interactive matting
* Gender classification from hand shape
* General Algorithm to Recover External Camera Parameters from Pairwise Camera Calibrations, A
* General constraints for batch Multiple-Target Tracking applied to large-scale videomicroscopy
* general solution to the P4P problem for camera with unknown focal length, A
* Generalised blurring mean-shift algorithms for nonparametric clustering
* Generalized Least Squares-Based Parametric Motion Estimation Under Non-uniform Illumination Changes
* Genetic Programming for the Automatic Design of Controllers for a Surface Ship
* Geo-located image analysis using latent representations
* Geo-spatial aerial video processing for scene understanding and object tracking
* Geometric modeling of rigid and non-rigid 3D shapes using the global geodesic function
* Geometric modeling of tubular structures
* Geometrical Multiscale Noise Resistant Method of Edge Detection
* Geometry-Based Distributed Scene Representation With Omnidirectional Vision Sensors
* Global data association for multi-object tracking using network flows
* Global Image Feature Extraction Using Slope Pattern Spectra
* Global image registration based on learning the prior appearance model
* Global pose estimation using non-tree models
* Global Stereo Reconstruction under Second-Order Smoothness Priors
* Globally optimal bilinear programming for computer vision applications
* Globally optimal shape-based tracking in real-time
* Globally optimal surface segmentation using regional properties of segmented objects
* GPU-based implementation of motion detection from a moving platform, A
* Gradient-Adaptive Normalized Convolution
* Granularity and elasticity adaptation in visual tracking
* Graph commute times for image representation
* Graph cut based image segmentation with connectivity priors
* Graph cut with ordering constraints on labels and its applications
* Graph-shifts: Natural image labeling by dynamic hierarchical computing
* Gromov-Hausdorff distances in Euclidean spaces
* Guest editorial: Special issue on human brain imaging
* Hallucinating 3D facial shapes
* Handling Topological Changes in the Topological Active Volumes Model
* Hardware-based camera calibration and 3D modelling under circular motion
* Heterogeneous Systems Integration Design and Implementation for Lane Keeping on a Vehicle, The
* Hidden influences on image quality when comparing interpolation methods
* hidden Markov model-based character extraction method, A
* hierarchical and contextual model for aerial image understanding, A
* Hierarchical Approach for Banknote Image Processing Using Homogeneity and FFD Model, A
* hierarchical framework for movie content analysis: Let computers watch films like humans, A
* Hierarchical image segmentation by polygon grouping
* Hierarchical method for building extraction in urban area's images using unsharp masking [USM] and Bayesian classifier
* Hierarchical, learning-based automatic liver segmentation
* High quality mesostructure acquisition using specularities
* High resolution matting via interactive trimap segmentation
* High resolution motion layer decomposition using dual-space graph cuts
* High-arity interactions, polyhedral relaxations, and cutting plane algorithm for soft constraint optimisation (MAP-MRF)
* High-performance JPEG steganography using complementary embedding strategy
* High-quality scanning using time-of-flight depth superresolution
* Histogram-based search: A comparative study
* HMM-based geometric signatures for compact 3D face representation and matching
* HO2: A new feature for multi-agent event detection and recognition
* Homography based multiple camera detection and tracking of people in a dense crowd
* Homography-Based Tracking Control for Mobile Robots
* Human action recognition using Local Spatio-Temporal Discriminant Embedding
* Human Lips as Emerging Biometrics Modality
* Human Motion Tracking with a Kinematic Parameterization of Extremal Contours
* Human-assisted motion annotation
* Hybrid Approach for Arabidopsis Root Cell Image Segmentation, A
* Hybrid ARQ error control for broadcast or multicast in wireless networks
* hybrid block-matching approach to motion estimation with adaptive search area, A
* Hybrid body representation for integrated pose recognition, localization and segmentation
* hybrid camera for motion deblurring and depth map super-resolution, A
* Hybrid fusion for biometrics: Combining score-level and decision-level fusion
* Illumination and camera invariant stereo matching
* IM2GPS: estimating geographic information from a single image
* Image Affine Inpainting
* Image and Pattern Analysis of 1650 B.C. Wall Paintings and Reconstruction
* Image authentication by detecting traces of demosaicing
* Image based rendering for motion compensation in angiographic roadmapping
* Image Based Visual Servoing: Estimated Image Jacobian by Using Fundamental Matrix VS Analytic Jacobian
* Image database organization based on membership values and connectivity graph
* Image de-fencing
* Image decomposition into structure and texture subcomponents with multifrequency modulation constraints
* Image Level Fusion Method for Multimodal 2D + 3D Face Recognition
* Image magnification based on a blockwise adaptive Markov random field model
* Image partial blur detection and classification
* Image recognition method and apparatus
* Image registration based on physical forces
* Image segmentation using an efficient rotationally invariant 3D region-based hidden Markov model
* Image segmentation via convolution of a level-set function with a Rigaut Kernel
* Image Segmentation Via Iterative Histogram Thresholding and Morphological Features Analysis
* Image segmentation with a parametric deformable model using shape and appearance priors
* Image selection for improved Multi-View Stereo
* Image stabilization system and method for a video camera
* Image super-resolution as sparse representation of raw image patches
* Image super-resolution using gradient profile prior
* Image Tagging Using PageRank over Bipartite Graphs
* Image vector quantization codec indices recovery using Lagrange interpolation
* Image-Based Human Age Estimation by Manifold Learning and Locally Adjusted Robust Regression
* Image/video deblurring using a hybrid camera
* Implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard for encryption and decryption of images and text on a GPU
* Implementation of auto-rectification and depth estimation of stereo video in a real-time smart camera system
* Implicit Feedback between Reconstruction and Tracking in a Combined Optimization Approach
* importance sampling approach to learning structural representations of shape, An
* Improved building detection by Gaussian processes classification via feature space rescale and spectral kernel selection
* improved real-time miniaturized embedded stereo vision system (MESVS-II), An
* Improving local learning for object categorization by exploring the effects of ranking
* Improving Potts MRF model parameter estimation using higher-order neighborhood systems on stochastic image modeling
* Improving RANSAC for fast landmark recognition
* Improving the Border Detection and Image Enhancement Algorithms in Tableau
* Improving the Run-Time Performance of Multi-class Support Vector Machines
* Improving the selection and detection of visual landmarks through object tracking
* In defense of Nearest-Neighbor based image classification
* Incident light related distance error study and calibration of the PMD-range imaging camera
* Increasing the density of Active Appearance Models
* Incremental estimation without specifying a-priori covariance matrices for the novel parameters
* Incremental learning of nonparametric Bayesian mixture models
* Independent vector analysis (IVA) for group fMRI processing of subcortical area
* Inferring spatial layout from a single image via depth-ordered grouping
* information theory based image processing chain for change detection in Earth Observation, An
* Information-theoretic active scene exploration
* integrated background model for video surveillance based on primal sketch and 3D scene geometry, An
* Integrated feature selection and higher-order spatial feature extraction for object categorization
* Integrated segmentation and motion analysis of cardiac MR images using a subject-specific dynamical model
* Integrated target tracking and recognition via joint appearance-motion generative models
* Integrating region and edge information for texture segmentation using a modified constraint satisfaction neural network
* Integration of active learning in a collaborative CRF
* Integration of multiple contextual information for image segmentation using a Bayesian Network
* Intensity statistics-based HSI diffusion for color photo denoising
* Interactive image matting for multiple layers
* Interactive image segmentation via minimization of quadratic energies on directed graphs
* interactive video content-based retrieval system, An
* Interference Cancellation for High-Frequency Surface Wave Radar
* Interleaved pixel lookup for embedded computer vision
* Internet video category recognition
* Intrinsic image decomposition with non-local texture cues
* Introducing a new metric for automatic true color images granulometry
* Introducing a Two Dimensional Measure for Watermarking Capacity in Images
* Introduction to implementation of real time video compression method
* Inverse Compositional Estimation of 3D Pose And Lighting in Dynamic Scenes
* Inverse-polar ray projection for recovering projective transformations
* Investigating how and when perceptual organization cues improve boundary detection in natural images
* Is Dense Optic Flow Useful to Compute the Fundamental Matrix?
* Iterative unsupervised object detection system
* IVUS tissue characterization with sub-class error-correcting output codes
* joint appearance-spatial distance for kernel-based image categorization, A
* Joint Conditional Random Field of multiple views with online learning for image-based rendering
* Joint data alignment up to (lossy) transformations
* Joint Detection of the Carotid Boundaries in Longitudinal B-Mode Images
* Joint learning and dictionary construction for pattern recognition
* Joint multi-label multi-instance learning for image classification
* Joint tracking of features and edges
* JPEG Artifact Removal Using Error Distributions of Linear Coefficient Estimates
* Kernel integral images: A framework for fast non-uniform filtering
* Kernel Weighted Scatter-Difference-Based Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition
* Kernel-based learning of cast shadows from a physical model of light sources and surfaces for low-level segmentation
* Keywords to visual categories: Multiple-instance learning for weakly supervised object categorization
* kidney segmentation approach from DCE-MRI using level sets, A
* Kneed Walker for human pose tracking, The
* L1 regularized projection pursuit for additive model learning
* Large margin pursuit for a Conic Section classifier
* Large-scale manifold learning
* large-to-fine-scale shape prior for probabilistic segmentations using a deformable m-rep, A
* Latent topic random fields: Learning using a taxonomy of labels
* Layered Graphical Models for Tracking Partially Occluded Objects
* Learning 4D action feature models for arbitrary view action recognition
* Learning a geometry integrated image appearance manifold from a small training set
* Learning a scene contextual model for tracking and abnormality detection
* Learning and using taxonomies for fast visual categorization
* Learning based coarse-to-fine image registration
* Learning Bayesian Networks with qualitative constraints
* Learning class-specific affinities for image labelling
* Learning coupled conditional random field for image decomposition with application on object categorization
* Learning Flexible Features for Conditional Random Fields
* Learning for stereo vision using the structured support vector machine
* Learning human actions via information maximization
* Learning human motion models from unsegmented videos
* Learning Local Objective Functions for Robust Face Model Fitting
* Learning object motion patterns for anomaly detection and improved object detection
* Learning on lie groups for invariant detection and tracking
* Learning patch correspondences for improved viewpoint invariant face recognition
* Learning realistic human actions from movies
* Learning stick-figure models using nonparametric Bayesian priors over trees
* Learning subcategory relevances for category recognition
* Learning the abstract motion semantics of verbs from captioned videos
* Learning the viewpoint manifold for action recognition
* Learning Visual Compound Models from Parallel Image-Text Datasets
* Learning-based analysis of emotional impairments in schizophrenia
* Learning-based deformation estimation for fast non-rigid registration
* Learning-based face hallucination in DCT domain
* learning-based hybrid tagging and browsing approach for efficient manual image annotation, A
* Least squares congealing for unsupervised alignment of images
* Least squares surface reconstruction from measured gradient fields
* Least Squares-Based Filter for Remote Sensing Image Noise Reduction
* LED-only BRDF measurement device, An
* Light-invariant fitting of active appearance models
* Likelihood ratio in a SVM framework: Fusing linear and non-linear face classifiers
* linear approach to motion estimation using generalized camera models, A
* Linear motion estimation for systems of articulated planes
* Local deformation models for monocular 3D shape recovery
* Local Discriminative Model for Background Subtraction, A
* Local grouping for optical flow
* Local minima free Parameterized Appearance Models
* Local tensor descriptor from micro-deformation analysis
* Localization accuracy of region detectors
* Localization of cardiac cavities using hierarchically search in 2D grayscale ultrasound images
* Localized statistics for DW-MRI fiber bundle segmentation
* Locally adaptive learning for translation-variant MRF image priors
* Locally Assembled Binary (LAB) feature with feature-centric cascade for fast and accurate face detection
* Logistic Random Field: A convenient graphical model for learning parameters for MRF-based labeling, The
* Looking around the backyard helps to recognize faces and digits
* Loopy Belief Propagation approach for robust background estimation, A
* Loose shape model for discriminative learning of object categories
* Lost in quantization: Improving particular object retrieval in large scale image databases
* Macro-cuboïd based probabilistic matching for lip-reading digits
* Manifold learning for 4D CT reconstruction of the lung
* Manifold learning using robust Graph Laplacian for interactive image search
* Manifold-Manifold Distance with application to face recognition based on image set
* MAP-Inference for Highly-Connected Graphs with DC-Programming
* Margin-based discriminant dimensionality reduction for visual recognition
* Markerless motion capture of man-machine interaction
* Markov Random Field Model-Based Edge-Directed Image Interpolation
* Matching images under unstable segmentations
* Matching non-rigidly deformable shapes across images: A globally optimal solution
* Matching vehicles under large pose transformations using approximate 3D models and piecewise MRF model
* Max Margin AND/OR Graph learning for parsing the human body
* MDL patch correspondences on unlabeled images with occlusions
* Measuring camera translation by the dominant apical angle
* Measuring Graph Similarity Using Spectral Geometry
* Measuring Plant Root Growth
* Meshless deformable models for LV motion analysis
* Meta-tag propagation by co-training an ensemble classifier for improving image search relevance
* Metamorphs: Deformable Shape and Appearance Models
* Method and apparatus for animation of a human speaker
* Method for Blur and Affine Invariant Object Recognition Using Phase-Only Bispectrum, A
* Method for representing and comparing multimedia content according to rank
* Method of determining a three-dimensional velocity field in a volume
* methodology for analyzing curvature in the developing brain from preterm to adult, A
* methodology for quality assessment in tensor images, A
* Minimal local reconstruction error measure based discriminant feature extraction and classification
* Minimal solutions for generic imaging models
* Minimizing the Imbalance Problem in Chromatographic Profile Classification with One-Class Classifiers
* Minimum Mean Absolute Error Predictors for Lossless Image Coding
* Minimum Variance Optimal Rate Allocation for Multiplexed H.264/AVC Bitstreams
* Mining compositional features for boosting
* Misalignment-robust face recognition
* Misapplication of the Local Ramp Metering Strategy ALINEA, A
* mixed generative-discriminative framework for pedestrian classification, A
* Mo Músaem Fíorúil: A Web-Based Search and Information Service for Museum Visitors
* mobile vision system for robust multi-person tracking, A
* Model-Based 2.5-D Deconvolution for Extended Depth of Field in Brightfield Microscopy
* Model-based hand tracking with texture, shading and self-occlusions
* Model-based mapping of a nonrigid image registration algorithm to heterogeneous architectures
* Model-Based Motion Capture for Crash Test Video Analysis
* Model-based perceptual grouping and shape abstraction
* Modeling and generating complex motion blur for real-time tracking
* Modeling complex luminance variations for target tracking
* Modeling of anatomical information in clustering of white matter fiber trajectories using Dirichlet distribution
* Modeling the structure of multivariate manifolds: Shape maps
* Modified Singular Point Detection Algorithm, A
* Modulated phase-shifting for 3D scanning
* Monocular Head Pose Estimation
* morphological image processing method for locating myosin filaments in muscle electron micrographs, A
* Motion blur identification from image gradients
* Motion estimation for multi-camera systems using global optimization
* Motion estimation method based on physical properties of waves
* Motion from blur
* Motion Segmentation and Depth Ordering Using an Occlusion Detector
* Motion segmentation via robust subspace separation in the presence of outlying, incomplete, or corrupted trajectories
* moving object detection algorithm for smart cameras, A
* Moving shape dynamics: A signal processing perspective
* multi-compartment segmentation framework with homeomorphic level sets, A
* Multi-fiber reconstruction from DW-MRI using a continuous mixture of von Mises-Fisher distributions
* Multi-focus color image fusion in the HSI space using the sum-modified-laplacian and a coarse edge map
* Multi-label image segmentation via point-wise repetition
* Multi-object shape estimation and tracking from silhouette cues
* Multi-parts and multi-feature fusion in face verification
* multi-resolution framework for diffusion tensor images, A
* Multi-resolution Texture Classification Based on Local Image Orientation
* Multi-scale Conditional Random Fields for over-segmented irregular 3D point clouds classification
* Multi-scale interest regions from unorganized point clouds
* Multi-view matching tensors from lines for general camera models
* Multimodal biometric authentication using speech and hand geometry fusion
* Multimodal real-time focus of attention estimation in SmartRooms
* Multiple cue integration in transductive confidence machines for head pose classification
* multiple geometric deformable model framework for homeomorphic 3D medical image segmentation, A
* Multiple Kernel Learning Approach to Joint Multi-class Object Detection, A
* Multiple-instance ranking: Learning to rank images for image retrieval
* Multiplicative kernels: Object detection, segmentation and pose estimation
* Multiscale Categorical Object Recognition Using Contour Fragments
* Multispectral visible and infrared imaging for face recognition
* Multivariate analysis of thalamo-cortical connectivity loss in TBI
* Multivariate nonlinear mixed model to analyze longitudinal image data: MRI study of early brain development
* Mutual information computation and maximization using GPU
* Natural Language Understanding by Combining Statistical Methods and Extended Context-Free Grammars
* Navigation Technologies for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
* Near duplicate image identification with patially Aligned Pyramid Matching
* Near Real-Time 3D Reconstruction from InIm Video Stream
* Neighbor-constrained active contours without edges
* Neural Network Approach for Video Object Segmentation in Traffic Surveillance, A
* Neural Network Based Cascaded Classifier for Face Detection in Color Images with Complex Background, A
* Neurofeedback fMRI-mediated learning and consolidation of regional brain activation during motor imagery
* new adaptive Kalman filtering method for block-based motion estimation, A
* new approach for iris segmentation, A
* New brain atlas: Mapping the human brain in vivo with 7.0 T MRI and comparison with postmortem histology: Will these images change modern medicine?
* New Data Normalization Function for Multibiometric Contexts: A Case Study, A
* new framework for behavior modeling of organs and soft tissue using the Boundary-Element Methods, A
* New insights into the calibration of ToF-sensors
* New Method for Sharpening Color Images Using Fuzzy Approach, A
* New objective criterion for error evaluation of video object contour
* new simple context lossless image coding algorithm based on adaptive context arithmetic coder, A
* New Super-Resolution Algorithm Based on Areas Pixels and the Sampling Theorem of Papoulis, A
* new technique to threshold the courtesy amount of Brazilian bank checks, A
* No-reference noticeable blockiness estimation in images
* Noise Removal From Hyperspectral Images by Multidimensional Filtering
* Non-ideal iris segmentation using graph cuts
* Non-linear fourth-order image interpolation for subpixel edge detection and localization
* Non-Metrical Navigation Through Visual Path Control
* Non-negative graph embedding
* Non-negative sparse coding shrinkage for image denoising using normal inverse Gaussian density model
* Non-refractive modulators for encoding and capturing scene appearance and depth
* Non-rigid registration of 3D surfaces by deformable 2D triangular meshes
* non-uniform image compression using genetic algorithm, A
* Nonlinear image representation using divisive normalization
* Nonlocal Discrete Regularization on Weighted Graphs: A Framework for Image and Manifold Processing
* Normalized tree partitioning for image segmentation
* Not only size matters: Regularized partial matching of nonrigid shapes
* Novel Approach for Detection of Tubular Objects and Its Application to Medical Image Analysis, A
* novel approach for fast codebook re-quantization, A
* Novel Approach to Unsupervised Change Detection Based on a Semisupervised SVM and a Similarity Measure, A
* novel corner detector with integrated corner angle computation, A
* Novel Hybrid Model Framework to Blind Color Image Deconvolution, A
* novel Kohonen SOM-based image compression architecture suitable for moderate density FPGAs, A
* novel quality measure for information hiding in images, A
* Novel VQ Designs for Discrete HMM On-Line Handwritten Whiteboard Note Recognition
* NURBS-based spectral reflectance descriptor with applications in computer vision and pattern recognition, A
* Object categorization using co-occurrence, location and appearance
* Object image retrieval by exploiting online knowledge resources
* Object recognition and segmentation by non-rigid quasi-dense matching
* Object tracking and detection after occlusion via numerical hybrid local and global mode-seeking
* Observability Problem in Traffic Models: Algebraic and Topological Methods, The
* Observe-and-explain: A new approach for multiple hypotheses tracking of humans and objects
* Off-axis aperture camera: 3D shape reconstruction and image restoration
* Omniview motionless camera orientation system
* On benchmarking camera calibration and multi-view stereo for high resolution imagery
* On controlling light transport in poor visibility environments
* On errors-in-variables regression with arbitrary covariance and its application to optical flow estimation
* On handling uncertainty in the fundamental matrix for scene and motion adaptive pose recovery
* On matching latent fingerprints
* On non-linear characterization of tissue abnormality by constructing disease manifolds
* On Residual Vector Quantization for texture mapping
* On Sparsity Maximization in Tomographic Particle Image Reconstruction
* On the Hybrid Cramer Rao Bound and Its Application to Dynamical Phase Estimation
* On the Performance of Stacked Generalization Classifiers
* On the Relation between Anisotropic Diffusion and Iterated Adaptive Filtering
* On the use of independent tasks for face recognition
* One step beyond histograms: Image representation using Markov stationary features
* Online Behavior-Robust Feedback Information Routing Strategy for Mass Evacuation
* Online learning of patch perspective rectification for efficient object detection
* Online random forests based on CorrFS and CorrBE
* Online training of object detectors from unlabeled surveillance video
* OntoAlbum : An Ontology Based Digital Photo Management System
* Open boundary capable edge grouping with feature maps
* Optic Disc Segmentation by Means of GA-Optimized Topological Active Nets
* Optical flow estimation using Fourier Mellin Transform
* Optical flow estimation with uncertainties through dynamic MRFs
* Optical Rails: View-Based Point-to-Point Navigation Using Spherical Harmonics
* Optimal Features Subset Selection Using Genetic Algorithms for Iris Recognition
* Optimal Randomized RANSAC
* Optimised KD-trees for fast image descriptor matching
* Optimization in 3D Scene Acquisition with Two Mobile Robots
* Optimization of Face Relevance Maps with Total Classification Error Minimization
* Optimization of Industrial, Vision-Based, Intuitively Generated Robot Point-Allocating Tasks Using Genetic Algorithms
* Optimizing discrimination-efficiency tradeoff in integrating heterogeneous local features for object detection
* Order consistent change detection via fast statistical significance testing
* Orientation distribution estimation for Q-ball imaging
* Out of focus blur estimation using genetic algorithm
* Overcoming visual reverberations
* Pair-activity classification by bi-trajectories analysis
* Palmprint Recognition with Improved Two-Dimensional Locality Preserving Projections
* Pan, zoom, scan: Time-coherent, trained automatic video cropping
* parallel color-based particle filter for object tracking, A
* Parallel Decomposition Solver for SVM: Distributed dual ascend using Fenchel Duality, A
* Parameterized Kernel Principal Component Analysis: Theory and applications to supervised and unsupervised image alignment
* Particle filtering for registration of 2D and 3D point sets with stochastic dynamics
* Particle filtering with rendered models: A two pass approach to multi-object 3D tracking with the GPU
* Partitioning of image datasets using discriminative context information
* patch transform and its applications to image editing, The
* Path Similarity Skeleton Graph Matching
* Pattern discovery in motion time series via structure-based spectral clustering
* Pedestrian Detection and Tracking Using a Mixture of View-Based Shape-Texture Models
* People detection in low resolution infrared videos
* People-tracking-by-detection and people-detection-by-tracking
* Performance Considerations for a Real-Time Integral Image Camera in Ray Tracing Environments
* Performance Evaluation of Single and Multi-feature People Detection, A
* Performance evaluation of state-of-the-art discrete symmetry detection algorithms
* Persian Writer Identification Using Extended Gabor Filter
* Perspective Shape from Shading with Non-Lambertian Reflectance
* Pharmacokinetic Perfusion Curves Estimation for Liver Tumor Diagnosis from DCE-MRI
* Phase unwrapping via diversity and graph cuts
* Phase-Shifting for Nonseparable 2-D Haar Wavelets
* Photoconsistent Relative Pose Estimation between a PMD 2D3D-Camera and Multiple Intensity Cameras
* Photogeometric structured light: A self-calibrating and multi-viewpoint framework for accurate 3D modeling
* Photometric stereo with coherent outlier handling and confidence estimation
* Photometric stereo with non-parametric and spatially-varying reflectance
* Physical simulation for probabilistic motion tracking
* Physically Consistent Variational Denoising of Image Fluid Flow Estimates
* Pipeline landmark detection for autonomous robot navigation using time-of-flight imagery
* Planar Shapes Descriptors Based on the Turning Angle Scalogram
* Playing games as a way to improve automatic image annotation
* polynomial-time bound for matching and registration with outliers, A
* Pose primitive based human action recognition in videos or still images
* Pose-Robust Facial Expression Recognition Using View-Based 2D+3D AAM
* Postprocessing of Optical Flows Via Surface Measures and Motion Inpainting
* Practical camera auto-calibration based on object appearance and motion for traffic scene visual surveillance
* Practical Global Optimization for Multiview Geometry
* Precise detailed detection of faces and facial features
* Predicting biometric facial recognition failure with similarity surfaces and support vector machines
* Preprocessing of Low-Resolution Time Series Contaminated by Clouds and Shadows
* Principal appearance and motion from boosted spatiotemporal descriptors
* Principal curves to extract vessels in 3D angiograms
* Principled fusion of high-level model and low-level cues for motion segmentation
* Privacy preserving crowd monitoring: Counting people without people models or tracking
* Private Content Based Image Retrieval
* Probabilistic Fusion Approach to human age prediction, A
* Probabilistic graph and hypergraph matching
* Probabilistic image registration and anomaly detection by nonlinear warping
* Probabilistic multi-tensor estimation using the Tensor Distribution Function
* probabilistic representation of LiDAR range data for efficient 3D object detection, A
* probabilistic segmentation method for the identification of luminal borders in intravascular ultrasound images, A
* Probabilistic Segmentation Scheme, A
* Progressive search space reduction for human pose estimation
* Projected texture for hand geometry based authentication
* PSF estimation using sharp edge prediction
* Quality-Based Score Normalization for Audiovisual Person Authentication
* Quantifying cortical surface asymmetry via logistic discriminant analysis
* Quasi-perspective projection with applications to 3D factorization from uncalibrated image sequences
* quasi-random sampling approach to image retrieval, A
* Radiometric calibration using temporal irradiance mixtures
* Radiometric calibration with illumination change for outdoor scene analysis
* Random Field Model for Integration of Local Information and Global Information
* randomized approximating graph algorithm for image annotation refinement problem, The
* Randomized trees for human pose detection
* rank constrained continuous formulation of multi-frame multi-target tracking problem, A
* Rank-based distance metric learning: An application to image retrieval
* Rate allocation for robust video streaming based on distributed video coding
* ray tracing method for geodesic based tractography in diffusion tensor images, A
* Re-thinking non-rigid structure from motion
* Re-weighting Linear Discrimination Analysis under ranking loss
* Real Time Eyes Tracking and Classification for Driver Fatigue Detection
* Real time localization and 3D depth estimation across disparate sensing systems: Toward hazard aware and tele-immersive spaces
* Real time object tracking based on dynamic feature grouping with background subtraction
* Real-time 3D segmentation of the left ventricle using deformable subdivision surfaces
* Real-time estimation of human attention field in LWIR and color surveillance videos
* Real-Time Face Pose Estimation from Single Range Images
* Real-time foreground segmentation via range and color imaging
* Real-time global localization with a pre-built visual landmark database
* Real-time human detection in urban scenes: Local descriptors and classifiers selection with AdaBoost-like algorithms
* Real-time line detection through an improved Hough transform voting scheme
* Real-Time Neighborhood Based Disparity Estimation Incorporating Temporal Evidence
* Real-time pose estimation of articulated objects using low-level motion
* Real-Time Speed Sign Detection Using the Radial Symmetry Detector
* Real-Time Spherical Videos from a Fast Rotating Camera
* Realtime phase-based optical flow on the GPU
* Recognising faces in unseen modes: A tensor based approach
* Recognition and Tracking of 3D Objects
* Recognition by association via learning per-exemplar distances
* Recognition of selected fingerprints and iris features enhanced by curvelet transform with Artificial Neural Networks
* Recognizing human actions using multiple features
* Recognizing primitive interactions by exploring actor-object states
* Reconstructing non-stationary articulated objects in monocular video using silhouette information
* Recovering consistent video depth maps via bundle optimization
* Recovering shape characteristics on near-flat specular surfaces
* Recovery of relative depth from a single observation using an uncalibrated (real-aperture) camera
* Recovery of Surface Normals and Reflectance from Different Lighting Conditions
* recursive filter for linear systems on Riemannian manifolds, A
* Recursive photometric stereo when multiple shadows and highlights are present
* Reduce, reuse & recycle: Efficiently solving multi-label MRFs
* Region and Graph-Based Motion Segmentation
* region based stereo matching algorithm using cooperative optimization, A
* Regional image similarity criteria based on the Kozachenko-Leonenko entropy estimator
* Regression from patch-kernel
* Regularizing 3D medial axis using medial scaffold transforms
* Regularizing optical-flow computation using tensor theory and complex analysis
* Relative Pose Estimation from Two Circles
* Relaxed matching kernels for robust image comparison
* Reliable detection of core and delta in fingerprints by using singular candidate method
* Remote and head-motion-free gaze tracking for real environments with automated head-eye model calibrations
* Replacement Algorithms for Fingerprint Template Update
* Resolution Enhancement of PMD Range Maps
* Retinal image registration from 2D to 3D
* Retrieving images using content-based followed by pixel-based search
* Revisiting overlap invariance in medical image alignment
* Riemannian manifold optimisation for non-rigid structure from motion
* Roadside ITS Data Bus Prototype for Intelligent Highways, A
* Robust 3D face recognition in uncontrolled environments
* Robust 3D Watermarking Technique Using Eigendecomposition and Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Robust and efficient multiclass SVM models for phrase pattern recognition
* Robust curb and ramp detection for safe parking using the Canesta TOF camera
* robust descriptor based on Weber's Law, A
* Robust detection of semantically equivalent visually dissimilar objects
* Robust digital watermarking in color images
* Robust dual motion deblurring
* Robust estimation of gaussian mixtures from noisy input data
* Robust Face Tracking via Collaboration of Generic and Specific Models
* Robust face-voice based speaker identity verification using multilevel fusion
* Robust Fundamental Frequency Estimation Combining Contrast Enhancement and Feature Unbiasing
* Robust fusion of dynamic shape and normal capture for high-quality reconstruction of time-varying geometry
* Robust head tracking using 3D ellipsoidal head model in particle filter
* Robust Higher Order Potentials for Enforcing Label Consistency
* robust identification approach to gait recognition, A
* Robust learning of discriminative projection for multicategory classification on the Stiefel manifold
* Robust motion estimation and structure recovery from endoscopic image sequences with an Adaptive Scale Kernel Consensus estimator
* Robust non-local denoising of colored depth data
* Robust null space representation and sampling for view-invariant motion trajectory analysis
* Robust Real-Time Pattern Matching Using Bayesian Sequential Hypothesis Testing
* Robust regularization for the estimation of intra-voxel axon fiber orientations
* Robust Segmentation Process to Detect Incidents on Highways
* Robust statistics on Riemannian manifolds via the geometric median
* Robust tensor factorization using R1 norm
* Robust unambiguous parametrization of the essential manifold
* Role of Entropy: Mammogram Analysis, The
* Role of Face Parts in Gender Recognition, The
* Rotation symmetry group detection via frequency analysis of frieze-expansions
* Rotation-Invariant Texture Retrieval via Signature Alignment Based on Steerable Sub-Gaussian Modeling
* Rotational flows for interpolation between sampled surfaces
* Rotationally Invariant Hashing of Median Binary Patterns for Texture Classification
* Sampling Theorem Approach to Traffic Sensor Optimization, A
* SAVE: A framework for semantic annotation of visual events
* Scalable classifiers for Internet vision tasks
* Scalable Database Approach to Computing Delaunay Triangulations, A
* Scalable graph-cut algorithm for N-D grids, A
* Scale invariance without scale selection
* scale of a texture and its application to segmentation, The
* Scale-invariant range features for time-of-flight camera applications
* Scene classification with low-dimensional semantic spaces and weak supervision
* Scene understanding with discriminative structured prediction
* Script-Independent Text Line Segmentation in Freestyle Handwritten Documents
* Segmentation and Tracking of Multiple Humans in Crowded Environments
* Segmentation by transduction
* Segmentation of 3D points from range camera data using scanlines
* Segmentation of Hyperspectral Images for the Detection of Rotten Mandarins
* Segmentation of left ventricle from 3D cardiac MR image sequences using a subject-specific dynamical model
* Segmentation of multiple, partially occluded objects by grouping, merging, assigning part detection responses
* Segmentation of SBFSEM Volume Data of Neural Tissue by Hierarchical Classification
* Selective hidden random fields: Exploiting domain-specific saliency for event classification
* Self-Organizing Approach to Background Subtraction for Visual Surveillance Applications, A
* Self-similarity of Images in the Fourier Domain, with Applications to MRI
* Semantic texton forests for image categorization and segmentation
* Semantic-based indexing of fetal anatomies from 3-D ultrasound data using global/semi-local context and sequential sampling
* Semi-supervised boosting using visual similarity learning
* Semi-Supervised Discriminant Analysis using robust path-based similarity
* Semi-Supervised Distance Metric Learning for Collaborative Image Retrieval
* Semi-supervised learning of multi-factor models for face de-identification
* Semi-supervised SVM batch mode active learning for image retrieval
* Sensing increased image resolution using aperture masks
* Sensor planning for automated and persistent object tracking with multiple cameras
* Sequential Kernel Density Approximation and Its Application to Real-Time Visual Tracking
* Sequential particle swarm optimization for visual tracking
* Sequential sparsification for change detection
* Shading constraint improves accuracy of time-of-flight measurements
* Shading models for illumination and reflectance invariant shape detectors
* Shape L'Ane rouge: Sliding wavelets for indexing and retrieval
* Shape Learning with Function-Described Graphs
* Shape Matching Using a Novel Warping Distance Measure
* Shape prior segmentation of multiple objects with graph cuts
* Shape priors in variational image segmentation: Convexity, Lipschitz continuity and globally optimal solutions
* Shape Reconstruction of a Perfectly Conducting Scatterer Using Differential Evolution and Particle Swarm Optimization
* Shape-Based Mutual Segmentation
* Silhouette-based camera calibration from sparse views under circular motion
* similarity measure between unordered vector sets with application to image categorization, A
* Similarity Metrics Analysis for Feature Point Based Retinal Authentication
* Similarity-based cross-layered hierarchical representation for object categorization
* Simple and efficient deblocking algorithm for H.264/AVC decoder
* Simple calibration of non-overlapping cameras with a mirror
* Simple Incremental One-Class Support Vector Classification
* Simple Scaling Algorithm Based on Areas Pixels, A
* Simple Shadow Based Method for Camera Calibration, A
* Simple, General Model for the Affine Self-similarity of Images, A
* Simplifying Mixture Models Using the Unscented Transform
* Simultaneous clustering and tracking unknown number of objects
* Simultaneous coding artifact reduction and sharpness enhancement for block-based compressed images and videos
* Simultaneous data volume reconstruction and pose estimation from slice samples
* Simultaneous image transformation and sparse representation recovery
* Simultaneous learning of a discriminative projection and prototypes for Nearest-Neighbor classification
* Simultaneous Segmentation and Pose Estimation of Humans Using Dynamic Graph Cuts
* Simultaneous super-resolution and 3D video using graph-cuts
* Simultaneous super-resolution and feature extraction for recognition of low-resolution faces
* Single-image vignetting correction using radial gradient symmetry
* Size functions for comparing 3D models
* Skeletal graphs for efficient structure from motion
* Sketching in the air: A vision-based system for 3D object design
* Sliding-Windows for Rapid Object Class Localization: A Parallel Technique
* Small codes and large image databases for recognition
* Smoothing-based Optimization
* SMRFI: Shape matching via registration of vector-valued feature images
* Soccer video segmentation: Referee and player detection
* Space-Time Multi-Resolution Banded Graph-Cut for Fast Segmentation
* Sparse probabilistic regression for activity-independent human pose inference
* Sparsity, redundancy and optimal image support towards knowledge-based segmentation
* spatio-temporal 2D-models framework for human pose recovery in monocular sequences, A
* Spatio-temporal consistency and distributivity as qualities of features
* Spatio-temporal Saliency detection using phase spectrum of quaternion fourier transform
* Spatiotemporal Smooth Models for Moving Object Detection
* Speaker detection using the timing structure of lip motion and sound
* Special issue on distributed video coding
* Specific and Class Object Recognition for Service Robots through Autonomous and Interactive Methods
* Spectral Clustering Ensemble Applied to SAR Image Segmentation
* Spectral methods for semi-supervised manifold learning
* Spectral minutiae: A fixed-length representation of a minutiae set
* Spectrally optimal factorization of incomplete matrices
* stable optic-flow based method for tracking colonoscopy images, A
* Staircase effect alleviation by coupling gradient fidelity term
* Standardization of intensity-values acquired by Time-of-Flight-cameras
* Statistical analysis on Stiefel and Grassmann manifolds with applications in computer vision
* statistical deformation prior for non-rigid image and shape registration, A
* statistical framework for the registration of 3D knee implant components to single-plane X-ray images, A
* statistical modelling of fingerprint minutiae distribution with implications for fingerprint individuality studies, The
* Statistical pattern recognition in remote sensing
* Statistical shape modelling: How many modes should be retained?
* Statistically Optimal Averaging for Image Restoration and Optical Flow Estimation
* Staying Well Grounded in Markerless Motion Capture
* Steganalysis of Multiple-Base Notational System Steganography
* Stereo depth with a Unified Architecture GPU
* Stereo reconstruction with mixed pixels using adaptive over-segmentation
* Stereoscopic inpainting: Joint color and depth completion from stereo images
* Stereoscopic video coding and disparity estimation for low bitrate applications based on MPEG-4 multiple auxiliary components
* Sticky vector fields, and other geometric measures on diffusion tensor images
* Stitching Algorithm for Automatic Registration of Digital Radiographs, A
* Strain Rate Tensor estimation in cine cardiac MRI based on elastic image registration
* Stratified regularity measures with Jensen-Shannon divergence
* Structure learning in random fields for heart motion abnormality detection
* Structure-perceptron learning of a hierarchical log-linear model
* Study and analysis of a new detector of radar targets using CFAR with Gabor transform
* study of graph spectra for comparing graphs and trees, A
* study of query by semantic example, A
* study of regularized Gaussian classifier in high-dimension small sample set case based on MDL principle with application to spectrum recognition, A
* Subjective and objective quality evaluation of the H.264/AVC coded video
* Subpixel Photometric Stereo
* Subspace segmentation with outliers: A grassmannian approach to the maximum consensus subspace
* Subspace Vector Quantization and Markov Modeling for Cell Phase Classification
* Summarizing visual data using bidirectional similarity
* Super-resolution from image sequence under influence of hot-air optical turbulence
* Super-resolution texturing for online virtual globes
* Superpixel lattices
* Supervised Classification of Remotely Sensed Imagery Using a Modified k-NN Technique
* Switching Linear Dynamic Models for Noise Robust In-Car Speech Recognition
* Symmetric distributed coding of stereo omnidirectional images
* Symmetric multi-view stereo reconstruction from planar camera arrays
* System design of time-of-flight range camera for car park assist and backup application
* Taylor expansion based classifier adaptation: Application to person detection
* Technique for automatic emotion recognition by body gesture analysis
* Template protection for HMM-based on-line signature authentication
* Template-based paper reconstruction from a single image is well posed when the rulings are parallel
* Template-Based Shape Representation Technique, A
* Tensor reduction error analysis: Applications to video compression and classification
* Text Particles Multi-band Fusion for Robust Text Detection
* Texture classification with a dictionary of basic image features
* Texture Dissimilarity Measures for Background Change Detection
* Theoretical Analysis of Bagging as a Linear Combination of Classifiers, A
* theoretical analysis of linear and multi-linear models of image appearance, A
* theory of defocus via Fourier analysis, A
* Three-dimensional point cloud recognition via distributions of geometric distances
* three-point minimal solution for panoramic stitching with lens distortion, A
* ToF imaging in Smart room environments towards improved people tracking
* ToF-sensors: New dimensions for realism and interactivity
* topological method for shape comparison, A
* Topological triangle characterization with application to object detection from images
* Toward automatic 3D modeling of scenes using a generic camera model
* Toward low latency gesture control using smart camera network
* Towards fast, view-invariant human action recognition
* Towards unconstrained face recognition
* Towards understanding what makes 3D objects appear simple or complex
* Towards unsupervised whole-object segmentation: Combining automated matting with boundary detection
* Tracking articulated bodies using Generalized Expectation Maximization
* Tracking deformable surfaces with optical flow in the presence of self occlusion in monocular image sequences
* Tracking distributions with an overlap prior
* Tracking multiple pedestrians in real-time using kinematics
* Tracking objects in 6D for reconstructing static scenes
* Tracking rotating fluids in realtime using snapshots
* Tracking the Visual Focus of Attention for a Varying Number of Wandering People
* Trajectory analysis and semantic region modeling using a nonparametric Bayesian model
* Transductive object cutout
* Transfer learning for image classification with sparse prototype representations
* Transform based system for traffic sign recognition
* TRUST-TECH-Based Expectation Maximization for Learning Finite Mixture Models
* Twin Kernel Embedding
* Two-Dimensional Active Learning for image classification
* two-frame theory of motion, lighting and shape, A
* Two-tensor streamline tractography through white matter intra-voxel fiber crossings: Assessed by fMRI
* Unbiased Second-Order Prior for High-Accuracy Motion Estimation, An
* unified framework for generalized Linear Discriminant Analysis, A
* unified framework for semi-supervised dimensionality reduction, A
* Unified Principal Component Analysis with generalized Covariance Matrix for face recognition
* Unifying discriminative visual codebook generation with classifier training for object category recognition
* unifying framework for color image calibration, A
* Universal and Adapted Vocabularies for Generic Visual Categorization
* Universal Impulse Noise Filter Based on Genetic Programming
* Unseen Challenge data sets, The
* Unsupervised discovery of visual object class hierarchies
* Unsupervised estimation of segmentation quality using nonnegative factorization
* Unsupervised feature selection using clustering ensembles and population based incremental learning algorithm
* Unsupervised feature selection via distributed coding for multi-view object recognition
* Unsupervised Learning of Categorical Segments in Image Collections
* Unsupervised learning of finite mixtures using entropy regularization and its application to image segmentation
* Unsupervised Learning of Human Action Categories Using Spatial-Temporal Words
* Unsupervised learning of human perspective context using ME-DT for efficient human detection in surveillance
* Unsupervised learning of probabilistic object models (POMs) for object classification, segmentation and recognition
* Unsupervised learning of visual taxonomies
* Unsupervised modeling of object categories using link analysis techniques
* Using circular statistics for trajectory shape analysis
* Using contours to detect and localize junctions in natural images
* Using Eigenvalue Derivatives for Edge Detection in DT-MRI Data
* Utility data annotation with Amazon Mechanical Turk
* Utilizing semantic word similarity measures for video retrieval
* Variable baseline/resolution stereo
* Variational Approach to Adaptive Correlation for Motion Estimation in Particle Image Velocimetry, A
* Variational Framework for Multiregion Pairwise-Similarity-Based Image Segmentation, A
* Variational Model for the Joint Recovery of the Fundamental Matrix and the Optical Flow, A
* Variational registration of tensor-valued images
* Variational shape detection in microscope images based on joint shape and image feature statistics
* Various filtering methods of motion vector fields
* Vehicle Detection Based on Color and Edge Information
* Vehicle Detector Deployment Strategies for the Estimation of Network Origin-Destination Demands Using Partial Link Traffic Counts
* Vehicle-Vehicle Channel Models for the 5-GHz Band
* Verifying global minima for L2 minimization problems
* Verifying liveness by multiple experts in face biometrics
* Vesicles and amoebae: Globally constrained shape evolutions
* Video falsifying by motion interpolation and inpainting
* Video Retrieval Method Using Non-parametric Based Motion Classification
* Video segmentation: Propagation, validation and aggregation of a preceding graph
* Video summarization by a graph-theoretic FCM based algorithm
* Video Synthesis From Still Images Using 3-D Flow Models
* Video-Based Automatic Incident Detection for Smart Roads: The Outdoor Environmental Challenges Regarding False Alarms
* View and scale invariant action recognition using multiview shape-flow models
* View-invariant action recognition using fundamental ratios
* View-invariant recognition of body pose from space-time templates
* Viewpoint-independent object class detection using 3D Feature Maps
* Visibility in bad weather from a single image
* Visual analysis of urban road traffic
* Visual cortex on the GPU: Biologically inspired classifier and feature descriptor for rapid recognition
* Visual detection of lintel-occluded doors from a single image
* Visual map matching and localization using a global feature map
* Visual Prosthesis
* Visual quasi-periodicity
* Visual Synset: Towards a higher-level visual representation
* Visual Tracking in High-Dimensional State Space by Appearance-Guided Particle Filtering
* Visual tracking via incremental Log-Euclidean Riemannian subspace learning
* Visual tracking with histograms and articulating blocks
* Vital sign estimation from passive thermal video
* Volumetric reconstruction from multi-energy single-view radiography
* VSUMM: A simple and efficient approach for automatic video summarization
* walk through the web's video clips, A
* Wavelet iterative regularization for image restoration with varying scale parameter
* Wavelet Noise Reduction Based on Energy Features
* Wavelets, Ridgelets, and Curvelets for Poisson Noise Removal
* Weakly Supervised Cell Nuclei Detection and Segmentation on Tissue Microarrays of Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma
* Weighted Fuzzy Feature Matching for Region-Based Medical Image Retrieval: Application to Cerebral Hemorrhage Computerized Tomography
* What are the high-level concepts with small semantic gaps?
* What can missing correspondences tell us about 3D structure and motion?
* What do color changes reveal about an outdoor scene?
* Where am I: Place instance and category recognition using spatial PACT
* Who killed the directed model?
* Wyner-Ziv coding of video with unsupervised motion vector learning
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