Index for gupt

Gupta, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdollahi, M.: Advanced Forest Fire Danger Forecasting System: Integra...
     with: Abdollahi, M.: Introducing a New Remote Sensing-Based Model for Foreca...
     with: Abu Mahfouz, A.M.: DAT: A robust Discriminant Analysis-based Test of u...
     with: Acero, A.: Annotating programs for automatic summary generation
     with: Adler, T.J.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Agarwal, A.: Detection of Courtesy Amount Block on Bank Checks
     with: Agarwal, A.: Knowledge-Based Segmentation Algorithm for Enhanced Recog...
     with: Aharon, S.: Multi-modality model-based registration in the cardiac dom...
     with: Ahlawat, S.: DAT: A robust Discriminant Analysis-based Test of unimoda...
     with: Ahmed, M.R.: Introducing a New Remote Sensing-Based Model for Forecast...
     with: Ahmed, M.R.: Remote Sensing of Local Warming Trend in Alberta, Canada ...
     with: Ahn, S.C.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge of...
     with: Aich, A.: Non-Adversarial Video Synthesis with Learned Priors
     with: Akin, O.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Al Shakarji, N.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Alahari, K.: Actor and Observer: Joint Modeling of First and Third-Per...
     with: Alahi, A.: Characterizing and Improving Stability in Neural Style Tran...
     with: Alahi, A.: Social GAN: Socially Acceptable Trajectories with Generativ...
     with: Alatan, A.A.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Albanie, S.: SuS-X: Training-Free Name-Only Transfer of Vision-Languag...
     with: Ali, S.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Alldrin, N.: Learning from Noisy Large-Scale Datasets with Minimal Sup...
     with: Alwala, K.V.: Pretrain, Self-train, Distill: A simple recipe for Super...
     with: Amasya, H.: Development and validation of an artificial intelligence s...
     with: Anand, A.: Integrating Multi-Sensors Data for Species Distribution Map...
     with: Andrearczyk, V.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Ansari, N.: Image Reconstruction Using Matched Wavelet Estimated From ...
     with: Arens, M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Arora, C.: ScribbleNet: Efficient interactive annotation of urban city...
     with: Arora, C.: U-Segnet: Fully Convolutional Neural Network Based Automate...
     with: Arya, D.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferenc...
     with: Asati, A.: Low-latency median filter core for hardware implementation ...
     with: Asati, A.: Memory-efficient architecture of circle Hough transform and...
     with: Ashok, M.: HCIU: Hybrid clustered inception-based UNET for the automat...
     with: Asif, M.S.: Non-Adversarial Video Synthesis with Learned Priors
     with: Asthana, R.: Secure multimodal biometric system based on diffused grap...
     with: Atakan, C.: Development and validation of an artificial intelligence s...
     with: Atale, R.: CoInNet: A Convolution-Involution Network With a Novel Stat...
     with: Aubreville, M.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Avtar, R.: Google Earth Engine for the Detection of Soiling on Photovo...
     with: Avtar, R.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its Ro...
     with: Aydogan, D.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Aytar, Y.: TAPIR: Tracking Any Point with per-frame Initialization and...
     with: Ayyadurai, S.: Integrated Architecture for Recognition of Totally Unc...
     with: Bach, J.R.: Threshold-based comparison
     with: Bach, J.R.: Video cataloger system with synchronized encoders
     with: Baek, M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Bagchi, A.: Data Mining by Navigation: An Experience with Systems Biol...
     with: Bai, S.: Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Section on Graph...
     with: Bai, T.: Exploring Dual-Energy CT Spectral Information for Machine Lea...
     with: Baid, U.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Baitaluk, M.: Data Mining by Navigation: An Experience with Systems Bi...
     with: Bajcsy, R.: Integrated Approach for Surface and Volumetric Segmentatio...
     with: Bajcsy, R.: Quantitative and Qualitative Measures for the Evaluation o...
     with: Bajcsy, R.: Segmentation as the Search for the Best Description of Ima...
     with: Bajcsy, R.: Segmentation of Range Images as the Search for Geometric P...
     with: Bajcsy, R.: Segmentation Versus Object Representation: Are They Separa...
     with: Bajcsy, R.: Surface and Volumetric Segmentation of Range Images Using ...
     with: Bajcsy, R.: Volumetric Segmentation of Range Images of 3D Objects Usin...
     with: Bakas, S.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Balachandra, S.: Towards Generating Ultra-High Resolution Talking-Face...
     with: Balu, N.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Banerjee, S.: Super Resolution of Images of 3D Scenecs
     with: Bano, S.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Bansal, A.: Marr Revisited: 2D-3D Alignment via Surface Normal Predict...
     with: Barbu, A.: Parameterized principal component analysis
     with: Bastos, G.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Basu, S.: Knowledge representation for vision: an associative network ...
     with: Battistone, F.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Bau, T.: Torque based Structured Pruning for Deep Neural Network
     with: Baumann, M.: Curious George: An Integrated Visual Search Platform
     with: Bawa, V.S.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Becker, S.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Bejnordi, B.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infe...
     with: Belongie, S.J.: Learning from Noisy Large-Scale Datasets with Minimal ...
     with: Bernal, J.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Bertasius, G.: Supervoxel Attention Graphs for Long-Range Video Modeling
     with: Bertinetto, L.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Bhanu, B.: Introduction to the Special Issue on Innovative Application...
     with: Bhat, D.N.: Motion Estimation Using Ordinal Measures
     with: Bhat, P.: Enhancing and experiencing spacetime resolution with videos ...
     with: Bhattarai, B.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Bhonsle, S.: Database Architecture for Autonomous Transportation Agent...
     with: Bhonsle, S.: Event Management Architecture for Activity Recognition in...
     with: Bhowmick, D.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infe...
     with: Bhowmick, P.: Fast and Efficient Incremental Algorithms for Circular a...
     with: Bhugra, S.: AnoLeaf: Unsupervised Leaf Disease Segmentation via Struct...
     with: Bhunia, A.K.: Adaptive Fine-Grained Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
     with: Bhushan, K.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infer...
     with: Bilen, H.: Self-Supervised Learning of Interpretable Keypoints From Un...
     with: Birchfield, S.: Affordance Diffusion: Synthesizing Hand-Object Interac...
     with: Bischof, H.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Bisht, G.: Currency Detection Application for Visually Impaired using ...
     with: Biswas, B.: Early Classification Approach for Multivariate Time Series...
     with: Biswas, R.: Fast and Efficient Incremental Algorithms for Circular and...
     with: Bloch, L.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Bodenstedt, S.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Bogoni, L.: Quantitative and Qualitative Measures for the Evaluation o...
     with: Boult, T.: Introduction to the Special Issue on Innovative Application...
     with: Boult, T.E.: Extruded Generalized Cylinder: A Deformable Model for Obj...
     with: Boult, T.E.: Global Models with Parametric Offsets as Applied to Cardi...
     with: Boult, T.E.: Global models with parametric offsets for object recovery
     with: Boult, T.E.: periodic generalized cylinder model with local deformatio...
     with: Bowden, R.: Fuzzy encoding for image classification using Gustafson-Ke...
     with: Bowden, R.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Bradbury, K.: Transformers For Recognition In Overhead Imagery: A Real...
     with: Brungel, R.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Bunyak, F.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Burgess, S.: Content-Based Retrieval of Opthalmological Images
     with: Byrne, J.: Tree Annotations in LiDAR Data Using Point Densities and Co...
     with: Cai, Z.X.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Calisgan, E.: Charlie Rides the Elevator, Integrating Vision, Navigati...
     with: Carazo, J.M.: Modeling shape and topology of 3d images of biological s...
     with: Carreira, J.: TAPIR: Tracking Any Point with per-frame Initialization ...
     with: Casella, A.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Catley Chandar, S.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Cha...
     with: Cecil Xavier, A.: Effect of Personality Traits and Stressor Inducers o...
     with: Cecil, J.: Effect of Tactile Affordance During the Design of Extended ...
     with: Cehovin, L.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Cha, A.: Generative Interventions for Causal Learning
     with: Chaddha, N.: frame-work for live multicast of video streams over the I...
     with: Chaddha, N.: Production of a video stream with synchronized annotation...
     with: Chaddha, N.: Quadtree Based Adaptive Lossy Coding of Motion Vectors
     with: Chan, W.: Charlie Rides the Elevator, Integrating Vision, Navigation a...
     with: Chanda, B.: Hue Preserving Enhancement Scheme for a Class of Color Ima...
     with: Chang, C.M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Chang, H.J.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Chang, J.H.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge ...
     with: Chang, S.J.: Exploring Dual-Energy CT Spectral Information for Machine...
     with: Chapagain, S.K.: Google Earth Engine for the Detection of Soiling on P...
     with: Chaplot, D.S.: Neural Topological SLAM for Visual Navigation
     with: Chaplot, D.S.: Semantic Curiosity for Active Visual Learning
     with: Chatterjee, S.: Content-Based Retrieval of Opthalmological Images
     with: Chaubey, H.: Novel Approach for Image Super Resolution Using Kernel Me...
     with: Chaudhary, S.: Image Annotation Using Latent Components and Transmedia...
     with: Chaudhury, S.: AnoLeaf: Unsupervised Leaf Disease Segmentation via Str...
     with: Chaudhury, S.: Enhancement of Old Manuscript Images
     with: Chaudhury, S.: Novel Approach for Image Super Resolution Using Kernel ...
     with: Chauhan, A.: Currency Detection Application for Visually Impaired usin...
     with: Chavan, A.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
     with: Chechik, G.: Learning from Noisy Large-Scale Datasets with Minimal Sup...
     with: Chellappa, R.: You Can Run but not Hide: Improving Gait Recognition wi...
     with: Chen, B.Q.: Learn-to-Race: A Multimodal Control Environment for Autono...
     with: Chen, D.P.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Chen, F.: Context and observation driven latent variable model for hum...
     with: Chen, G.K.: Software-Based Real-Time MPEG-2 Video Encoder, A
     with: Chen, T.: Context and observation driven latent variable model for hum...
     with: Chen, X.: Enriching Visual Knowledge Bases via Object Discovery and Se...
     with: Chen, X.: NEIL: Extracting Visual Knowledge from Web Data
     with: Chen, X.: Piecing together the segmentation jigsaw using context
     with: Chen, X.: Spatial Memory for Context Reasoning in Object Detection
     with: Chen, X.C.: Quadtree Based Adaptive Lossy Coding of Motion Vectors
     with: Chen, X.L.: Iterative Visual Reasoning Beyond Convolutions
     with: Chen, X.L.: KRISP: Integrating Implicit and Symbolic Knowledge for Ope...
     with: Chen, X.L.: Learning Visual Storylines with Skipping Recurrent Neural ...
     with: Chen, X.L.: Sense discovery via co-clustering on images and text
     with: Chen, X.L.: Webly Supervised Learning of Convolutional Networks
     with: Cheplygina, V.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Chi, Z.Z.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Cho, J.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge of H...
     with: Cho, J.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Cho, J.I.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Choi, C.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Choi, J.W.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Choi, J.Y.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Choi, S.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Choi, Y.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge of ...
     with: Chowdhury, P.N.: Adaptive Fine-Grained Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
     with: Chutisilp, N.: Unified Model for Gaze Following and Social Gaze Predic...
     with: Cohen, M.: Enhancing and experiencing spacetime resolution with videos...
     with: Cohen, M.: Single Image Deblurring Using Motion Density Functions
     with: Collins, L.: Transformers For Recognition In Overhead Imagery: A Reali...
     with: Comaniciu, D.: Database-Guided Segmentation of Anatomical Structures w...
     with: Comaniciu, D.: Information Fusion Framework for Robust Shape Tracking,...
     with: Comaniciu, D.: unified framework for uncertainty propagation in automa...
     with: Costa, L.A.: Dynamic-Programming for Detecting, Tracking, and Matching...
     with: Croft, E.: Charlie Rides the Elevator, Integrating Vision, Navigation ...
     with: Cruceanu, R.: unified framework for uncertainty propagation in automat...
     with: Curless, B.: Enhancing and experiencing spacetime resolution with vide...
     with: Curless, B.: Single Image Deblurring Using Motion Density Functions
     with: Cutler, R.: System and method for distributed meetings
     with: Danelljan, M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Das, N.: Multiobjective optimization for recognition of isolated handw...
     with: Das, S.: Fast automatic estimation of the number of clusters from the ...
     with: Dasari, S.: Manipulate by Seeing: Creating Manipulation Controllers fr...
     with: Dasgupta, R.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its...
     with: Datta, S.: Fast automatic estimation of the number of clusters from th...
     with: Daum, M.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Davidson, J.: Interpretable Intuitive Physics Model
     with: Davis, L.S.: Beyond Nouns: Exploiting Prepositions and Comparative Adj...
     with: Davis, L.S.: Constraint Integration for Efficient Multiview Pose Estim...
     with: Davis, L.S.: Constraint Integration for Multiview Pose Estimation of H...
     with: Davis, L.S.: Context and observation driven latent variable model for ...
     with: Davis, L.S.: COST: An Approach for Camera Selection and Multi-Object I...
     with: Davis, L.S.: Extracting Regions of Symmetry
     with: Davis, L.S.: Learning What and How of Contextual Models for Scene Labe...
     with: Davis, L.S.: Objects in Action: An Approach for Combining Action Under...
     with: Davis, L.S.: Observing Human-Object Interactions: Using Spatial and Fu...
     with: Davis, L.S.: Piecing together the segmentation jigsaw using context
     with: Davis, L.S.: Representing Videos Using Mid-level Discriminative Patches
     with: Davis, L.S.: shape aware model for semi-supervised learning of objects...
     with: Davis, L.S.: Understanding videos, constructing plots learning a visua...
     with: de Alarcon, P.A.: Modeling shape and topology of 3d images of biologic...
     with: de Bruijne, M.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: de Mellon, S.: Affordance Diffusion: Synthesizing Hand-Object Interact...
     with: Deb, S.: Visibility Cuts: A System for Rendering Dynamic Virtual Envir...
     with: del Val, D.: Production of a video stream with synchronized annotation...
     with: Delaitre, V.: People Watching: Human Actions as a Cue for Single View ...
     with: Delaitre, V.: Scene Semantics from Long-Term Observation of People
     with: Demiris, Y.F.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Deng, J.K.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge o...
     with: Depeursinge, A.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Deussen, O.: Enhancing and experiencing spacetime resolution with vide...
     with: Dewan, A.: Remote Sensing of Local Warming Trend in Alberta, Canada du...
     with: Dhamo, H.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge of...
     with: Dietrich, C.: 3D Tensor Normalization for Improved Accuracy in DTI Ten...
     with: Divvala, S.: Asynchronous Temporal Fields for Action Recognition
     with: Dixit, D.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferen...
     with: Doersch, C.: Context as Supervisory Signal: Discovering Objects with P...
     with: Doersch, C.: TAPIR: Tracking Any Point with per-frame Initialization a...
     with: Doersch, C.: Uncertain Future: Forecasting from Static Images Using Va...
     with: Doersch, C.: Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning by Context Pr...
     with: Doersch, C.: What Makes Paris Look Like Paris?
     with: Dogaru, A.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge o...
     with: Dollar, P.: LVIS: A Dataset for Large Vocabulary Instance Segmentation
     with: Dontcheva, M.: Enhancing and experiencing spacetime resolution with vi...
     with: Dorent, R.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Dou, J.: Google Earth Engine for the Detection of Soiling on Photovolt...
     with: Dou, Q.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Douze, M.: 2023 video similarity dataset and challenge, The
     with: Dragomir, A.: Convolutional Neural Networks for False Positive Reducti...
     with: Drummond, I.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Du, D.W.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Dubuisson Jolly, M.P.: Color and Texture Fusion: Application to Aerial...
     with: Dubuisson Jolly, M.P.: Cooperative Framework for Segmentation Using 2D...
     with: Dubuisson Jolly, M.P.: Optimal Polyline Tracking for Artery Motion Com...
     with: Dubuisson Jolly, M.P.: Tracking Deformable Templates Using a Shortest ...
     with: Duggal, R.: P-TELU: Parametric Tan Hyperbolic Linear Unit Activation f...
     with: Dutta, T.: Early Classification Approach for Multivariate Time Series ...
     with: Dwivedi, S.: Fast and Efficient Incremental Algorithms for Circular an...
     with: Efros, A.A.: Blocks World Revisited: Image Understanding Using Qualita...
     with: Efros, A.A.: Context as Supervisory Signal: Discovering Objects with P...
     with: Efros, A.A.: Ensemble of exemplar-SVMs for object detection and beyond
     with: Efros, A.A.: From 3D scene geometry to human workspace
     with: Efros, A.A.: People Watching: Human Actions as a Cue for Single View G...
     with: Efros, A.A.: Scene Semantics from Long-Term Observation of People
     with: Efros, A.A.: Unsupervised Discovery of Mid-Level Discriminative Patches
     with: Efros, A.A.: Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning by Context Pr...
     with: Efros, A.A.: What Makes Paris Look Like Paris?
     with: Egger, B.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge of...
     with: Egger, J.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Ehsani, K.: Use the Force, Luke! Learning to Predict Physical Forces b...
     with: Eisenmann, M.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Ejiagha, I.R.: Remote Sensing of Local Warming Trend in Alberta, Canad...
     with: Ellis, D.G.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Engelhardt, S.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Erdem, A.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Erdem, E.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Escolar, M.: 3D Tensor Normalization for Improved Accuracy in DTI Tens...
     with: Ezhov, I.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Ezhov, M.: Development and validation of an artificial intelligence so...
     with: Fan, N.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Fang, X.S.: Extruded Generalized Cylinder: A Deformable Model for Obje...
     with: Farhadi, A.: Actions ~ Transformations
     with: Farhadi, A.: Actor and Observer: Joint Modeling of First and Third-Per...
     with: Farhadi, A.: Asynchronous Temporal Fields for Action Recognition
     with: Farhadi, A.: Hollywood in Homes: Crowdsourcing Data Collection for Act...
     with: Farhadi, A.: Use the Force, Luke! Learning to Predict Physical Forces ...
     with: Farhadi, A.: Visual Semantic Planning Using Deep Successor Representat...
     with: Farhadi, A.: What Happens If... Learning to Predict the Effect of Forc...
     with: Faura, A.G.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Fazli, P.: Curious George: An Integrated Visual Search Platform
     with: Fei Fei, L.: Characterizing and Improving Stability in Neural Style Tr...
     with: Fei Fei, L.: Image Generation from Scene Graphs
     with: Fei Fei, L.: Iterative Visual Reasoning Beyond Convolutions
     with: Fei Fei, L.: Social GAN: Socially Acceptable Trajectories with Generat...
     with: Fei Fei, L.: Visual Semantic Planning Using Deep Successor Representat...
     with: Felsberg, M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Feng, J.Y.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Feng, L.: Solving Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem With Occasional ...
     with: Feng, L.: Towards Faster Vehicle Routing by Transferring Knowledge Fro...
     with: Fergus, R.: Learning by Asking Questions
     with: Fernandez, G.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Fouhey, D.F.: 3D Shape Attributes
     with: Fouhey, D.F.: Articulation-Aware Canonical Surface Mapping
     with: Fouhey, D.F.: Cutting through the clutter: Task-relevant features for ...
     with: Fouhey, D.F.: Data-Driven 3D Primitives for Single Image Understanding
     with: Fouhey, D.F.: Designing deep networks for surface normal estimation
     with: Fouhey, D.F.: From Images to 3D Shape Attributes
     with: Fouhey, D.F.: Learning a Predictable and Generative Vector Representat...
     with: Fouhey, D.F.: People Watching: Human Actions as a Cue for Single View ...
     with: Fouhey, D.F.: Scene Semantics from Long-Term Observation of People
     with: Fouhey, D.F.: Single Image 3D without a Single 3D Image
     with: Fouhey, D.F.: Unfolding an Indoor Origami World
     with: Fox, D.: Visual Semantic Planning Using Deep Successor Representations
     with: Francis, J.: Learn-to-Race: A Multimodal Control Environment for Auton...
     with: Friedrich, C.M.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Fuller, C.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Fuller, C.E.: Threshold-based comparison
     with: Fuller, C.E.: Video cataloger system with synchronized encoders
     with: Funka Lea, G.: Multi-modality model-based registration in the cardiac ...
     with: Funka Lea, G.: Use of Hybrid Models to Recover Cardiac Wall Motion in ...
     with: Gaire, R.R.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Galdran, A.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Gamroth, C.: Curious George: An Integrated Visual Search Platform
     with: Gandhi, D.: Curious Robot: Learning Visual Representations via Physica...
     with: Ganju, S.: Learn-to-Race: A Multimodal Control Environment for Autonom...
     with: Ganju, S.: What's in a Question: Using Visual Questions as a Form of S...
     with: Gankhuyag, G.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inf...
     with: Ganz, M.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Gao, J.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Gao, J.Y.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Gao, K.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Gao, Y.F.: Exploring Dual-Energy CT Spectral Information for Machine L...
     with: Gao, Y.F.: Machine Learned Texture Prior From Full-Dose CT Database vi...
     with: Garcia Martin, A.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Garg, R.: Novel Approach for Image Super Resolution Using Kernel Metho...
     with: Garg, V.: Generation System and Method
     with: Gari, S.V.A.: Audio-Visual Floorplan Reconstruction
     with: Garud, H.: Torque based Structured Pruning for Deep Neural Network
     with: Geiger, D.: Dynamic-Programming for Detecting, Tracking, and Matching ...
     with: Georgescu, B.: Database-Guided Segmentation of Anatomical Structures w...
     with: Gerig, G.: 3D Tensor Normalization for Improved Accuracy in DTI Tensor...
     with: Ghadiyaram, D.: ClusterFit: Improving Generalization of Visual Represe...
     with: Ghanem, B.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Ghatwary, N.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Ghodrati, A.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infe...
     with: Gilmore, J.: 3D Tensor Normalization for Improved Accuracy in DTI Tens...
     with: Girard, G.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Girdhar, R.: ActionVLAD: Learning Spatio-Temporal Aggregation for Acti...
     with: Girdhar, R.: Binge Watching: Scaling Affordance Learning from Sitcoms
     with: Girdhar, R.: Cutting through the clutter: Task-relevant features for i...
     with: Girdhar, R.: Learning a Predictable and Generative Vector Representati...
     with: Girshick, R.: Learning by Asking Questions
     with: Girshick, R.: LVIS: A Dataset for Large Vocabulary Instance Segmentation
     with: Girshick, R.: Non-local Neural Networks
     with: Girshick, R.: Training Region-Based Object Detectors with Online Hard ...
     with: Godau, P.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Goel, L.: Super Resolution of Images of 3D Scenecs
     with: Gokay, D.: TAPIR: Tracking Any Point with per-frame Initialization and...
     with: Goldbaum, M.: Content-Based Retrieval of Opthalmological Images
     with: Goldstein, J.: Software-Based Real-Time MPEG-2 Video Encoder, A
     with: Golitskya, M.: Development and validation of an artificial intelligenc...
     with: Golodetz, S.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Gordon, D.: Visual Semantic Planning Using Deep Successor Representati...
     with: Gorkani, M.M.: Method for detecting scene changes in a digital video s...
     with: Gorkani, M.M.: Video cataloger system with synchronized encoders
     with: Gould, E.S.: Exploring Dual-Energy CT Spectral Information for Machine...
     with: Goyal, P.: Scaling and Benchmarking Self-Supervised Visual Representat...
     with: Grammatikopoulou, M.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Grauman, K.: Audio-Visual Floorplan Reconstruction
     with: Guibas, L.J.: Where2Act: From Pixels to Actions for Articulated 3D Obj...
     with: Gulshad, S.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infer...
     with: Gundogdu, E.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Gupta, A.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferen...
     with: Gupta, A.: Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning by Context Pred...
     with: Gupta, D.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferen...
     with: Gupta, H.P.: Early Classification Approach for Multivariate Time Serie...
     with: Gupta, J.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferen...
     with: Gupta, M.: Asynchronous Single-Photon 3D Imaging
     with: Gupta, M.: Photon-Flooded Single-Photon 3D Cameras
     with: Gupta, P.: Watermarking of MPEG-4 Videos
     with: Gupta, R.: Currency Detection Application for Visually Impaired using ...
     with: Gupta, R.: Enhancement of Old Manuscript Images
     with: Gupta, S.: Aligning Videos in Space and Time
     with: Gupta, S.: Neural Topological SLAM for Visual Navigation
     with: Gupta, S.: Semantic Curiosity for Active Visual Learning
     with: Gupta, S.: Use the Force, Luke! Learning to Predict Physical Forces by...
     with: Gusarev, M.: Development and validation of an artificial intelligence ...
     with: Habibian, A.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infe...
     with: Hadfield, S.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Hager, G.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Halliburton, S.S.: Multi-modality model-based registration in the card...
     with: Hampapur, A.: Method for detecting scene changes in a digital video st...
     with: Hampapur, A.: Video cataloger system with synchronized encoders
     with: Hampapur, A.: Virage Video Engine
     with: Han, B.H.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Han, Y.F.: Curious Robot: Learning Visual Representations via Physical...
     with: Hansen, L.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Harada, K.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Hasbani, J.G.: Impact of increased urbanization in the Calgary region ...
     with: Hassan, E.: Hand Gesture Based Region Marking for Tele-Support Using W...
     with: Hassan, Q.K.: Advanced Forest Fire Danger Forecasting System: Integrat...
     with: Hassan, Q.K.: Introducing a New Remote Sensing-Based Model for Forecas...
     with: Hassan, Q.K.: Remote Sensing of Local Warming Trend in Alberta, Canada...
     with: He, J.: Efficient video-based retrieval of human motion with flexible ...
     with: He, K.M.: Non-local Neural Networks
     with: He, K.M.: Transitive Invariance for Self-Supervised Visual Representat...
     with: He, Z.Y.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Hebbalaguppe, R.: Hand Gesture Based Region Marking for Tele-Support U...
     with: Hebbar, P.: Diffusion-Guided Reconstruction of Everyday Hand-Object In...
     with: Hebert, M.: Blocks World Revisited: Image Understanding Using Qualitat...
     with: Hebert, M.: Cross-Stitch Networks for Multi-task Learning
     with: Hebert, M.: Cutting through the clutter: Task-relevant features for im...
     with: Hebert, M.: Data-Driven 3D Primitives for Single Image Understanding
     with: Hebert, M.: Dense Optical Flow Prediction from a Static Image
     with: Hebert, M.: From 3D scene geometry to human workspace
     with: Hebert, M.: From Red Wine to Red Tomato: Composition with Context
     with: Hebert, M.: Learning by Asking Questions
     with: Hebert, M.: Patch to the Future: Unsupervised Visual Prediction
     with: Hebert, M.: Pose Knows: Video Forecasting by Generating Pose Futures, ...
     with: Hebert, M.: Single Image 3D without a Single 3D Image
     with: Hebert, M.: Uncertain Future: Forecasting from Static Images Using Var...
     with: Hebert, M.: Unfolding an Indoor Origami World
     with: Heinrich, M.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Heller, N.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Helmer, S.: Curious George: An Integrated Visual Search Platform
     with: Henriques, J.F.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Hering, A.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Herman, J.: Learn-to-Race: A Multimodal Control Environment for Autono...
     with: Hoai, M.: Supervoxel Attention Graphs for Long-Range Video Modeling
     with: Hoffman, T.: Curious George: An Integrated Visual Search Platform
     with: Hoiem, D.: Editorial: Introduction to the Special Section on CVPR2019 ...
     with: Holston, A.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infer...
     with: Hong, S.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Horowitz, B.: Threshold-based comparison
     with: Horowitz, B.: Video cataloger system with synchronized encoders
     with: Horowitz, B.: Virage Video Engine
     with: Hu, T.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Hu, W.M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Hua, G.: Editorial: Introduction to the Special Section on CVPR2019 Be...
     with: Huang, Q.M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Huang, Y.X.: Towards Faster Vehicle Routing by Transferring Knowledge ...
     with: Huaulme, A.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Hubner, W.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Humphrey, R.D.: Video cataloger system with synchronized encoders
     with: Hussain, W.: Single Image 3D without a Single 3D Image
     with: Hussein, K.M.: Detection of Courtesy Amount Block on Bank Checks
     with: Hussein, K.M.: Knowledge-Based Segmentation Algorithm for Enhanced Rec...
     with: Hwang, D.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge of...
     with: Hyder, R.: Non-Adversarial Video Synthesis with Learned Priors
     with: Ingle, A.: Asynchronous Single-Photon 3D Imaging
     with: Ingle, A.: Photon-Flooded Single-Photon 3D Cameras
     with: Isensee, F.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Islam, T.: Advanced Forest Fire Danger Forecasting System: Integration...
     with: Ithapu, V.K.: Audio-Visual Floorplan Reconstruction
     with: Jager, P.F.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Jahanifar, M.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Jain, A.: Learning What and How of Contextual Models for Scene Labeling
     with: Jain, A.: Piecing together the segmentation jigsaw using context
     with: Jain, A.: Representing Videos Using Mid-level Discriminative Patches
     with: Jain, R.: Content-Based Retrieval of Opthalmological Images
     with: Jain, R.C.: Computer Vision and Information Retrieval
     with: Jain, R.C.: Content-Based Image Retrieval at the End of the Early Years
     with: Jain, R.C.: Event Management Architecture for Activity Recognition in ...
     with: Jain, R.C.: In Search of Information in Visual Media
     with: Jain, R.C.: Statistical characterisation of block variance and AC DCT ...
     with: Jain, R.C.: Threshold-based comparison
     with: Jain, R.C.: Video cataloger system with synchronized encoders
     with: Jain, R.C.: Visual Information Retrieval
     with: Jain, S.: CoInNet: A Convolution-Involution Network With a Novel Stati...
     with: Jaiswal, A.: Adversarial Mask Generation for Preserving Visual Privacy
     with: Jaju, P.P.: Development and validation of an artificial intelligence s...
     with: Jakab, T.: Self-Supervised Learning of Interpretable Keypoints From Un...
     with: Jang, I.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Jang, Y.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge of ...
     with: Jannin, P.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Generating Image Descriptions Using Semantic Similariti...
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: ScribbleNet: Efficient interactive annotation of urban ...
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Towards Generating Ultra-High Resolution Talking-Face V...
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Unsupervised Audio-Visual Lecture Segmentation
     with: Jaworek Korjakowska, J.: CoInNet: A Convolution-Involution Network Wit...
     with: Jayaraman, V.K.: Fault Diagnosis Using Dynamic Time Warping
     with: Jeni, L.A.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge o...
     with: Jeon, S.J.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge o...
     with: Jeong, J.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Jeong, J.C.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Jeong, S.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferen...
     with: Jha, S.: Torque based Structured Pruning for Deep Neural Network
     with: Jiang, H.: Semantic Curiosity for Active Visual Learning
     with: Johnson, B.A.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: It...
     with: Johnson, J.: Characterizing and Improving Stability in Neural Style Tr...
     with: Johnson, J.: Image Generation from Scene Graphs
     with: Johnson, J.: Social GAN: Socially Acceptable Trajectories with Generat...
     with: Joseph, K.J.: OW-DETR: Open-world Detection Transformer
     with: Joshi, N.: Single Image Deblurring Using Motion Density Functions
     with: Joshi, S.D.: Enhancement of Old Manuscript Images
     with: Julin, J.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge of...
     with: Jung, H.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferenc...
     with: Kadkhodamohammadi, A.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Kakanuru, S.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Kalra, P.K.: Super Resolution of Images of 3D Scenecs
     with: Kang, I.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Kang, J.S.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge o...
     with: Karmeshu: Efficacy of Pearson distributions for characterization of gr...
     with: Kato, K.: Compositional Learning for Human Object Interaction
     with: Kaushik, V.: AnoLeaf: Unsupervised Leaf Disease Segmentation via Struc...
     with: Kavur, A.E.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Keith, M.: Software-Based Real-Time MPEG-2 Video Encoder, A
     with: Kembhavi, A.: Observing Human-Object Interactions: Using Spatial and F...
     with: Kennison, S.: Effect of Personality Traits and Stressor Inducers on Us...
     with: Khan, F.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Khan, F.F.: Towards Generating Ultra-High Resolution Talking-Face Vide...
     with: Khan, F.S.: Discriminative Region-based Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning
     with: Khan, F.S.: Generative Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning
     with: Khan, F.S.: Latent Embedding Feedback and Discriminative Features for ...
     with: Khan, F.S.: OW-DETR: Open-world Detection Transformer
     with: Khan, M.H.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Khan, M.L.: Integrating Multi-Sensors Data for Species Distribution Ma...
     with: Khan, S.: Discriminative Region-based Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning
     with: Khan, S.: Generative Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning
     with: Khan, S.: OW-DETR: Open-world Detection Transformer
     with: Kharrazi, A.: Google Earth Engine for the Detection of Soiling on Phot...
     with: Kim, B.H.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferen...
     with: Kim, C.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inference...
     with: Kim, D.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge of H...
     with: Kim, D.J.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Kim, H.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inference...
     with: Kim, H.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge of H...
     with: Kim, J.S.: Torque based Structured Pruning for Deep Neural Network
     with: Kim, J.W.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Kim, S.B.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferen...
     with: Kimber, D.: Context and observation driven latent variable model for h...
     with: Kitani, K.M.: Cutting through the clutter: Task-relevant features for ...
     with: Kocheril, A.: Participatory Design Approach to Develop a VR-based Elec...
     with: Kodym, O.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Kofler, F.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Kohli, A.: CNN based localisation of forged region in object-based for...
     with: Kolve, E.: Visual Semantic Planning Using Deep Successor Representations
     with: Kondo, S.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Kopp Schneider, A.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Kordopatis Zilos, G.: 2023 video similarity dataset and challenge, The
     with: Koul, A.: Learn-to-Race: A Multimodal Control Environment for Autonomo...
     with: Kouser, A.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its R...
     with: Kozubek, M.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Krah, S.B.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Krasin, I.: Learning from Noisy Large-Scale Datasets with Minimal Supe...
     with: Krejcar, O.: CoInNet: A Convolution-Involution Network With a Novel St...
     with: Krishna, B.G.: Long Strip Modelling for CARTOSAT-1 with Minimum Control
     with: Krishna, R.: Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Section on G...
     with: Krishnan, A.: Semantics and CBIR: a medical imaging perspective
     with: Kristan, M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Kuijf, H.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Kulkarni, B.D.: Fault Diagnosis Using Dynamic Time Warping
     with: Kulkarni, N.: 3D-RelNet: Joint Object and Relational Network for 3D Pr...
     with: Kulkarni, N.: Articulation-Aware Canonical Surface Mapping
     with: Kulkarni, N.: Canonical Surface Mapping via Geometric Cycle Consistency
     with: Kumar, A.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its Ro...
     with: Kumar, A.: Secure multimodal biometric system based on diffused graphs...
     with: Kumar, D.: modified intuitionistic fuzzy c-means algorithm incorporati...
     with: Kumar, P.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its Ro...
     with: Kumar, P.: U-Segnet: Fully Convolutional Neural Network Based Automate...
     with: Kumar, S.: Enhancement of Old Manuscript Images
     with: Kumar, V.: Low-latency median filter core for hardware implementation ...
     with: Kumar, V.: Memory-efficient architecture of circle Hough transform and...
     with: Kumskoy, M.: Learn-to-Race: A Multimodal Control Environment for Auton...
     with: Kundu, M.: Multiobjective optimization for recognition of isolated han...
     with: Kushal, A.: Super Resolution of Images of 3D Scenecs
     with: Kwak, Y.J.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
     with: Laganiere, R.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Lai, Z.H.: Functional Correspondence Problem, The
     with: Lall, B.: AnoLeaf: Unsupervised Leaf Disease Segmentation via Structur...
     with: Lall, B.: Image Annotation Using Latent Components and Transmedia Asso...
     with: Lan, X.Y.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Lang, J.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Laptev, I.: Hollywood in Homes: Crowdsourcing Data Collection for Acti...
     with: Laptev, I.: People Watching: Human Actions as a Cue for Single View Ge...
     with: Laptev, I.: Scene Semantics from Long-Term Observation of People
     with: Le Moullec, Y.: Detection of pulmonary micronodules in computed tomogr...
     with: Lebeda, K.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Lee, D.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge of H...
     with: Lee, H.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Lee, J.Y.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Lee, Y.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inference...
     with: Lele, N.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferenc...
     with: Leonardis, A.: Segmentation as the Search for the Best Description of ...
     with: Leonardis, A.: Segmentation of Range Images as the Search for Geometri...
     with: Leonardis, A.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Leonardis, A.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challeng...
     with: Li, F.F.: Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Section on Grap...
     with: Li, H.: Machine Learned Texture Prior From Full-Dose CT Database via M...
     with: Li, H.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Li, H.D.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, J.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Li, L.J.: Iterative Visual Reasoning Beyond Convolutions
     with: Li, M.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Li, S.K.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, S.Y.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, W.B.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, X.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, X.T.: Affordance Diffusion: Synthesizing Hand-Object Interactions
     with: Li, Y.: Compositional Learning for Human Object Interaction
     with: Li, Y.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Liang, C.C.: 3-D Model-Data Correspondence and Nonrigid Deformation
     with: Liang, C.C.: Optimal Polyline Tracking for Artery Motion Compensation ...
     with: Liang, X.: Temporal Dynamic Graph LSTM for Action-Driven Video Object ...
     with: Liang, Z.R.: Exploring Dual-Energy CT Spectral Information for Machine...
     with: Liang, Z.R.: Machine Learned Texture Prior From Full-Dose CT Database ...
     with: Lindblad, J.: Convolutional Neural Networks for False Positive Reducti...
     with: Liou, Y.A.: Impacts of Drought on Vegetation Assessed by Vegetation In...
     with: Little, J.J.: 3D Pose from Motion for Cross-View Action Recognition vi...
     with: Little, J.J.: Charlie Rides the Elevator, Integrating Vision, Navigati...
     with: Little, J.J.: Curious George: An Integrated Visual Search Platform
     with: Little, J.J.: Efficient video-based retrieval of human motion with fle...
     with: Little, J.J.: Unlabelled 3D Motion Examples Improve Cross-View Action ...
     with: Little, J.J.: Using Line and Ellipse Features for Rectification of Bro...
     with: Liu, A.: Integrated Architecture for Recognition of Totally Unconstra...
     with: Liu, B.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Liu, S.: Affordance Diffusion: Synthesizing Hand-Object Interactions
     with: Liu, Z.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inference...
     with: Lowe, D.G.: Curious George: An Integrated Visual Search Platform
     with: Lu, H.C.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Lu, S.: Exploring Dual-Energy CT Spectral Information for Machine Lear...
     with: Lu, S.: Machine Learned Texture Prior From Full-Dose CT Database via M...
     with: Lukezic, A.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Luu, M.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Luzi, F.: Transformers For Recognition In Overhead Imagery: A Reality ...
     with: Lyu, S.W.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Ma, A.J.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Ma, J.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Ma, T.Y.: Ensembling Low Precision Models for Binary Biomedical Image ...
     with: Maggioni, M.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge...
     with: Mago, G.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferenc...
     with: Mahajan, D.: ClusterFit: Improving Generalization of Visual Representa...
     with: Mahajan, D.: Scaling and Benchmarking Self-Supervised Visual Represent...
     with: Maier Hein, K.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Maier Hein, L.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Majumder, D.D.: Knowledge representation for vision: an associative ne...
     with: Makkapati, V.: Generation System and Method
     with: Makkapati, V.V.: System and Method to Determine Color Variants of a Fa...
     with: Malisiewicz, T.: Ensemble of exemplar-SVMs for object detection and be...
     with: Malof, J.: Transformers For Recognition In Overhead Imagery: A Reality...
     with: Mannem, P.: Generating Image Descriptions Using Semantic Similarities ...
     with: Manulius, D.: Development and validation of an artificial intelligence...
     with: Mao, C.Z.: Generative Interventions for Causal Learning
     with: Mao, C.Z.: Multitask Learning Strengthens Adversarial Robustness
     with: Marceau, D.J.: Impact of increased urbanization in the Calgary region ...
     with: Maresca, M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Marino, K.: KRISP: Integrating Implicit and Symbolic Knowledge for Ope...
     with: Marino, K.: More You Know: Using Knowledge Graphs for Image Classifica...
     with: Marino, K.: Pose Knows: Video Forecasting by Generating Pose Futures, ...
     with: Martens, O.: Detection of pulmonary micronodules in computed tomograph...
     with: Martin Isla, C.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Martin Nieto, R.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Martincic, T.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Martinez, B.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Martinez, J.: 3D Pose from Motion for Cross-View Action Recognition vi...
     with: Martinez, J.: Efficient video-based retrieval of human motion with fle...
     with: Martinez, J.M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Matas, J.G.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Maurya, J.: Hand Gesture Based Region Marking for Tele-Support Using W...
     with: Mauthner, T.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: McVeigh, J.S.: Software-Based Real-Time MPEG-2 Video Encoder, A
     with: Medeiros, H.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Meger, D.: Curious George: An Integrated Visual Search Platform
     with: Melzi, S.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Memarmoghadam, A.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Menze, B.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Merienne, F.: Effect of Tactile Affordance During the Design of Extend...
     with: Michael, D.J.: Introduction to the Special Issue on Innovative Applica...
     with: Mikolajczyk, K.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Miksik, O.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Mishra, D.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Mishra, U.: CoInNet: A Convolution-Involution Network With a Novel Sta...
     with: Misra, I.: 3D-RelNet: Joint Object and Relational Network for 3D Predi...
     with: Misra, I.: ClusterFit: Improving Generalization of Visual Representati...
     with: Misra, I.: Cross-Stitch Networks for Multi-task Learning
     with: Misra, I.: From Red Wine to Red Tomato: Composition with Context
     with: Misra, I.: Learning by Asking Questions
     with: Misra, I.: Scaling and Benchmarking Self-Supervised Visual Representat...
     with: Misra, P.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its Ro...
     with: Mitchell, T.: Sense discovery via co-clustering on images and text
     with: Mittal, A.: Constraint Integration for Efficient Multiview Pose Estima...
     with: Mittal, A.: Constraint Integration for Multiview Pose Estimation of Hu...
     with: Mittal, A.: COST: An Approach for Camera Selection and Multi-Object In...
     with: Mo, K.: Where2Act: From Pixels to Actions for Articulated 3D Objects
     with: Moallem, P.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Moeller, M.: Semantics and CBIR: a medical imaging perspective
     with: Moezzi, S.: Content-Based Retrieval of Opthalmological Images
     with: Mohan, G.: Google Earth Engine for the Detection of Soiling on Photovo...
     with: Mohatta, S.: Hand Gesture Based Region Marking for Tele-Support Using ...
     with: Moloney, D.: Tree Annotations in LiDAR Data Using Point Densities and ...
     with: Moniruzzaman, M.: Impacts of Drought on Vegetation Assessed by Vegetat...
     with: Montero, A.S.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Moosavi, M.S.: Effect of Tactile Affordance During the Design of Exten...
     with: Morais, P.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Morgado, P.: Challenges of Continuous Self-Supervised Learning, The
     with: Mottaghi, R.: Visual Semantic Planning Using Deep Successor Representa...
     with: Mottaghi, R.: What Happens If... Learning to Predict the Effect of For...
     with: Motwani, S.: Ethics in Autonomous Vehicle Software: The Dilemmas
     with: Mudenagudi, U.: Super Resolution of Images of 3D Scenecs
     with: Mueller, M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Muja, M.: Curious George: An Integrated Visual Search Platform
     with: Mukadam, M.: Where2Act: From Pixels to Actions for Articulated 3D Obje...
     with: Mukherjee, J.C.: Event Notification in VANET With Capacitated Roadside...
     with: Mukhopadhyay, R.: Towards Generating Ultra-High Resolution Talking-Fac...
     with: Mushore, T.D.: Impacts of Drought on Vegetation Assessed by Vegetation...
     with: Muthiah, S.B.: Viewpoint constrained and unconstrained Cricket stroke ...
     with: Nagar, P.: U-Segnet: Fully Convolutional Neural Network Based Automate...
     with: Nagendraprasad, M.V.: improved algorithm for thinning binary digital p...
     with: Nagendraprasad, M.V.: Integrated Architecture for Recognition of Tota...
     with: Nain, J.S.: Long Strip Modelling for CARTOSAT-1 with Minimum Control
     with: Nam, H.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Namboodiri, V.P.: Towards Generating Ultra-High Resolution Talking-Fac...
     with: Narayan, S.: Discriminative Region-based Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning
     with: Narayan, S.: Generative Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning
     with: Narayan, S.: Latent Embedding Feedback and Discriminative Features for...
     with: Narayan, S.: OW-DETR: Open-world Detection Transformer
     with: Naser, M.A.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Natarajan, P.: Adversarial Mask Generation for Preserving Visual Privacy
     with: Nayar, S.K.: Motion Estimation Using Ordinal Measures
     with: Nguyen, K.B.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge...
     with: Nguyen, T.D.: Ensembling Low Precision Models for Binary Biomedical Im...
     with: Nickel, M.: Task-Driven Modular Networks for Zero-Shot Compositional L...
     with: Nisar, H.: Participatory Design Approach to Develop a VR-based Electro...
     with: Nitin, V.: Multitask Learning Strengthens Adversarial Robustness
     with: Noble, A.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Nyberg, E.: Learn-to-Race: A Multimodal Control Environment for Autono...
     with: O'Donnell, T.: Cooperative Framework for Segmentation Using 2D Active ...
     with: O'Donnell, T.: Extruded Generalized Cylinder: A Deformable Model for O...
     with: O'Donnell, T.: Global Models with Parametric Offsets as Applied to Car...
     with: O'Donnell, T.: Global models with parametric offsets for object recovery
     with: O'Donnell, T.: Multi-modality model-based registration in the cardiac ...
     with: O'Donnell, T.: periodic generalized cylinder model with local deformat...
     with: Odobez, J.M.: ChildPlay: A New Benchmark for Understanding Children's ...
     with: Odobez, J.M.: Modular Multimodal Architecture for Gaze Target Predicti...
     with: Odobez, J.M.: Unified Model for Gaze Following and Social Gaze Predict...
     with: Oh, T.H.: Supervoxel Attention Graphs for Long-Range Video Modeling
     with: Ojha, A.: CoInNet: A Convolution-Involution Network With a Novel Stati...
     with: Olafsson, H.: Impacts of Drought on Vegetation Assessed by Vegetation ...
     with: Oliveira, B.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Onder, M.: Development and validation of an artificial intelligence so...
     with: Ong, H.: Ensembling Low Precision Models for Binary Biomedical Image S...
     with: Ong, Y.S.: Towards Faster Vehicle Routing by Transferring Knowledge Fr...
     with: Onumanyi, A.J.: DAT: A robust Discriminant Analysis-based Test of unim...
     with: Oreiller, V.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Orhan, K.: Development and validation of an artificial intelligence so...
     with: Orwell, J.: Curious George: An Integrated Visual Search Platform
     with: Owen, D.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Padoy, N.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Palacios, R.: Handwritten Bank Check Recognition Of Courtesy Amounts
     with: Palacios, R.: system for processing handwritten bank checks automatica...
     with: Palaniappan, K.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Panda, R.: Non-Adversarial Video Synthesis with Learned Priors
     with: Pandey, M.: HCIU: Hybrid clustered inception-based UNET for the automa...
     with: Pandey, M.K.: Integrating Multi-Sensors Data for Species Distribution ...
     with: Pang, S.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Papadopoulos, S.: 2023 video similarity dataset and challenge, The
     with: Parikh, D.: KRISP: Integrating Implicit and Symbolic Knowledge for Ope...
     with: Park, C.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferenc...
     with: Park, J.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Park, S.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Park, Y.L.: Curious Robot: Learning Visual Representations via Physica...
     with: Pascual Montano, A.D.: Modeling shape and topology of 3d images of bio...
     with: Patel, H.: 2023 video similarity dataset and challenge, The
     with: Pati, S.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Payette, K.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Pelapur, R.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Perez Pellitero, E.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Ch...
     with: Perla, R.: Hand Gesture Based Region Marking for Tele-Support Using We...
     with: Petrosino, A.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Pflugfelder, R.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Pickhardt, P.J.: Exploring Dual-Energy CT Spectral Information for Mac...
     with: Pinto, L.: Curious Robot: Learning Visual Representations via Physical...
     with: Pirela Cruz, M.: Effect of Personality Traits and Stressor Inducers on...
     with: Piscaer, P.J.: Modal-based phase retrieval using Gaussian radial basis...
     with: Pizzi, E.: 2023 video similarity dataset and challenge, The
     with: Plotka, S.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Pomeroy, M.J.: Exploring Dual-Energy CT Spectral Information for Machi...
     with: Poostchi, M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Porikli, F.M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Portuesi, M.J.: Video cataloger system with synchronized encoders
     with: Possegger, H.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Postelnicu, G.: 2023 video similarity dataset and challenge, The
     with: Prasad, D.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
     with: Prasad, V.S.N.: Extracting Regions of Symmetry
     with: Prasad, Y.: DAT: A robust Discriminant Analysis-based Test of unimodal...
     with: Prasoon, A.: Novel Approach for Image Super Resolution Using Kernel Me...
     with: Pridmore, T.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Purnaveja, A.: Production of a video stream with synchronized annotati...
     with: Purushwalkam, S.: Aligning Videos in Space and Time
     with: Purushwalkam, S.: Audio-Visual Floorplan Reconstruction
     with: Purushwalkam, S.: Challenges of Continuous Self-Supervised Learning, The
     with: Purushwalkam, S.: Functional Correspondence Problem, The
     with: Purushwalkam, S.: Task-Driven Modular Networks for Zero-Shot Compositi...
     with: Puybareau, E.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Qi, H.G.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Qi, Y.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Qin, K.: Solving Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem With Occasional D...
     with: Qin, L.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Radsch, T.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Rafael Patino, J.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Rajpoot, N.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Rajshekhar: Fault Diagnosis Using Dynamic Time Warping
     with: Rajwade, A.: MSR-HARDI: Accelerated Reconstruction of HARDI Data Using...
     with: Ramanan, D.: ActionVLAD: Learning Spatio-Temporal Aggregation for Acti...
     with: Rangelova, E.: Remote Sensing of Local Warming Trend in Alberta, Canad...
     with: Ranzato, M.: Task-Driven Modular Networks for Zero-Shot Compositional ...
     with: Rapuru, M.K.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Rastegari, M.: What Happens If... Learning to Predict the Effect of Fo...
     with: Ravankar, A.A.: Google Earth Engine for the Detection of Soiling on Ph...
     with: Ravindra, S.N.: 2023 video similarity dataset and challenge, The
     with: Ray, A.: Data Mining by Navigation: An Experience with Systems Biology
     with: Ray, B.: Multitask Learning Strengthens Adversarial Robustness
     with: Reinke, A.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Reiter, M.: Machine Learned Texture Prior From Full-Dose CT Database v...
     with: Reiter, M.J.: Exploring Dual-Energy CT Spectral Information for Machin...
     with: Rimba, A.B.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its ...
     with: Rishi, S.: Secure multimodal biometric system based on diffused graphs...
     with: Ritter, A.: Sense discovery via co-clustering on images and text
     with: Robinson, A.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Robinson, P.: Audio-Visual Floorplan Reconstruction
     with: Rodriguez, M.: Learning a Predictable and Generative Vector Representa...
     with: Rodriguez, M.: Representing Videos Using Mid-level Discriminative Patc...
     with: Roffo, G.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Rohrbach, M.: KRISP: Integrating Implicit and Symbolic Knowledge for O...
     with: Rousta, I.: Impacts of Drought on Vegetation Assessed by Vegetation In...
     with: Roy Chowdhury, A.K.: Joint Video Rolling Shutter Correction and Super-...
     with: Roy Chowdhury, A.K.: Non-Adversarial Video Synthesis with Learned Priors
     with: Roy, S.: Fast and Efficient Incremental Algorithms for Circular and Sp...
     with: Rui, Y.: Annotating programs for automatic summary generation
     with: Rui, Y.: System and method for distributed meetings
     with: Russakovsky, O.: What Actions are Needed for Understanding Human Actio...
     with: Russakovsky, O.: What's in a Question: Using Visual Questions as a For...
     with: Russell, B.: ActionVLAD: Learning Spatio-Temporal Aggregation for Acti...
     with: Russell, B.C.: Marr Revisited: 2D-3D Alignment via Surface Normal Pred...
     with: Ryu, J.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inference...
     with: Ryu, K.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Saar, T.: Detection of pulmonary micronodules in computed tomography i...
     with: Sabuncu, M.R.: Ensembling Low Precision Models for Binary Biomedical I...
     with: Saeed, N.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Sahu, N.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its Rol...
     with: Sain, A.: Adaptive Fine-Grained Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
     with: Salakhutdinov, R.: More You Know: Using Knowledge Graphs for Image Cla...
     with: Salakhutdinov, R.: Neural Topological SLAM for Visual Navigation
     with: Samanta, A.N.: Fault Diagnosis Using Dynamic Time Warping
     with: Sambaturu, B.: ScribbleNet: Efficient interactive annotation of urban ...
     with: Sanders, A.: Development and validation of an artificial intelligence ...
     with: Santini, S.: Content-Based Image Retrieval at the End of the Early Years
     with: Santini, S.: Event Management Architecture for Activity Recognition in...
     with: Santini, S.: In Search of Information in Visual Media
     with: Santopietro, V.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Sarkar, N.: Knowledge representation for vision: an associative networ...
     with: Sarkhel, R.: Multiobjective optimization for recognition of isolated h...
     with: Sartipizadeh, H.: Scheduling EV Charging Having Demand With Different ...
     with: Satkin, S.: From 3D scene geometry to human workspace
     with: Sattar, J.: Charlie Rides the Elevator, Integrating Vision, Navigation...
     with: Savarese, S.: Social GAN: Socially Acceptable Trajectories with Genera...
     with: Schissler, C.: Audio-Visual Floorplan Reconstruction
     with: Schmid, C.: Actor and Observer: Joint Modeling of First and Third-Pers...
     with: Seal, A.: CoInNet: A Convolution-Involution Network With a Novel Stati...
     with: Seetharaman, G.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Seker, A.C.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge ...
     with: Senna, P.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Seo, D.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge of H...
     with: Shafaei, A.: Unlabelled 3D Motion Examples Improve Cross-View Action R...
     with: Shah, A.: Participatory Design Approach to Develop a VR-based Electroc...
     with: Shah, M.: Discriminative Region-based Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning
     with: Shah, M.: OW-DETR: Open-world Detection Transformer
     with: Shah, P.H.: Adaptive Fine-Grained Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
     with: Shang Guan, Y.: Wanderlust: Online Continual Object Detection in the R...
     with: Shao, L.: Discriminative Region-based Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning
     with: Shao, L.: Generative Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning
     with: Shao, L.: Latent Embedding Feedback and Discriminative Features for Ze...
     with: Shao, S.P.: Scheduling EV Charging Having Demand With Different Reliab...
     with: Sharan, S.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
     with: Sharma, T.: Ethics in Autonomous Vehicle Software: The Dilemmas
     with: Sharma, V.: Google Earth Engine for the Detection of Soiling on Photov...
     with: Shaw, R.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge of ...
     with: Shen, Z.Q.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
     with: Shephard, A.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Shi, J.B.: shape aware model for semi-supervised learning of objects a...
     with: Shi, J.B.: Understanding videos, constructing plots learning a visuall...
     with: Shi, P.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Shi, Y.Y.: Machine Learned Texture Prior From Full-Dose CT Database vi...
     with: Shrivastava, A.: A-Fast-RCNN: Hard Positive Generation via Adversary f...
     with: Shrivastava, A.: Building Part-Based Object Detectors via 3D Geometry
     with: Shrivastava, A.: Constrained Semi-Supervised Learning Using Attributes...
     with: Shrivastava, A.: Contextual Priming and Feedback for Faster R-CNN
     with: Shrivastava, A.: Cross-Stitch Networks for Multi-task Learning
     with: Shrivastava, A.: Enriching Visual Knowledge Bases via Object Discovery...
     with: Shrivastava, A.: NEIL: Extracting Visual Knowledge from Web Data
     with: Shrivastava, A.: Revisiting Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data in Deep...
     with: Shrivastava, A.: Training Region-Based Object Detectors with Online Ha...
     with: Shrivastava, K.: Development and validation of an artificial intellige...
     with: Shu, C.F.: Method for detecting scene changes in a digital video stream
     with: Shu, C.F.: Threshold-based comparison
     with: Shu, C.F.: Video cataloger system with synchronized encoders
     with: Shu, C.F.: Virage Video Engine
     with: Siddiquie, B.: Beyond active noun tagging: Modeling contextual interac...
     with: Sigurdsson, G.A.: Actor and Observer: Joint Modeling of First and Thir...
     with: Sigurdsson, G.A.: Asynchronous Temporal Fields for Action Recognition
     with: Sigurdsson, G.A.: Hollywood in Homes: Crowdsourcing Data Collection fo...
     with: Sigurdsson, G.A.: Learning Visual Storylines with Skipping Recurrent N...
     with: Sigurdsson, G.A.: Webly Supervised Learning of Convolutional Networks
     with: Sigurdsson, G.A.: What Actions are Needed for Understanding Human Acti...
     with: Singh, A.: Development and validation of an artificial intelligence so...
     with: Singh, C.K.: Google Earth Engine for the Detection of Soiling on Photo...
     with: Singh, D.: Google Earth Engine for the Detection of Soiling on Photovo...
     with: Singh, D.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its Ro...
     with: Singh, M.: Compositional Video Prediction
     with: Singh, N.: Statistical characterisation of block variance and AC DCT c...
     with: Singh, S.: Constrained Semi-Supervised Learning Using Attributes and C...
     with: Singh, S.: Revisiting Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data in Deep Learn...
     with: Singh, S.: Unsupervised Discovery of Mid-Level Discriminative Patches
     with: Singh, S.: What Makes Paris Look Like Paris?
     with: Singh, S.D.: Unsupervised Audio-Visual Lecture Segmentation
     with: Singh, S.K.: Joint Video Rolling Shutter Correction and Super-Resolution
     with: Singh, S.K.: Long Strip Modelling for CARTOSAT-1 with Minimum Control
     with: Singh, V.: DAT: A robust Discriminant Analysis-based Test of unimodali...
     with: Singhal, D.: CNN based localisation of forged region in object-based f...
     with: Singhal, D.: Forgery localization in images based on joint statistics ...
     with: Singhal, D.: Global median filtering forensic method based on Pearson ...
     with: Sintek, M.: Semantics and CBIR: a medical imaging perspective
     with: Sintorn, I.M.: Convolutional Neural Networks for False Positive Reduct...
     with: Sintorn, I.M.: Detection of pulmonary micronodules in computed tomogra...
     with: Sintorn, I.M.: Efficient high-resolution template matching with vector...
     with: Sintorn, I.M.: Towards Better Guided Attention and Human Knowledge Ins...
     with: Sivaswamy, J.: Time-frequency analysis based motion detection in perfu...
     with: Sivic, J.: ActionVLAD: Learning Spatio-Temporal Aggregation for Action...
     with: Sivic, J.: People Watching: Human Actions as a Cue for Single View Geo...
     with: Sivic, J.: Scene Semantics from Long-Term Observation of People
     with: Sivic, J.: What Makes Paris Look Like Paris?
     with: Skabelkin, A.: Learn-to-Race: A Multimodal Control Environment for Aut...
     with: Sladoje, N.: Convolutional Neural Networks for False Positive Reductio...
     with: Smeulders, A.W.M.: Content-Based Image Retrieval at the End of the Ear...
     with: Snoek, C.G.M.: Latent Embedding Feedback and Discriminative Features f...
     with: Solina, F.: Segmentation Versus Object Representation: Are They Separa...
     with: Soloviev, O.: Modal-based phase retrieval using Gaussian radial basis ...
     with: Song, J.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge of ...
     with: Song, J.M.: Affordance Diffusion: Synthesizing Hand-Object Interactions
     with: Song, S.: Multitask Learning Strengthens Adversarial Robustness
     with: Song, Y.Z.: Adaptive Fine-Grained Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
     with: Song, Z.Y.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge o...
     with: Southey, T.: Curious George: An Integrated Visual Search Platform
     with: Speidel, S.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Sreenivas, R.C.: Event Notification in VANET With Capacitated Roadside...
     with: Srinivasan, P.: Understanding videos, constructing plots learning a vi...
     with: Srinivasan, T.P.: Long Strip Modelling for CARTOSAT-1 with Minimum Con...
     with: Srirama, M.K.: Manipulate by Seeing: Creating Manipulation Controllers...
     with: Srivastava, P.K.: Integrating Multi-Sensors Data for Species Distribut...
     with: Srivastava, P.K.: Long Strip Modelling for CARTOSAT-1 with Minimum Con...
     with: Stepec, D.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Stolkin, R.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Styner, M.: 3D Tensor Normalization for Improved Accuracy in DTI Tenso...
     with: Subedi, R.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Subrahmanyam, G.R.K.S.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Resul...
     with: Sudre, C.H.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Sun, C.: Revisiting Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data in Deep Learnin...
     with: Sun, C.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Supe, H.: Google Earth Engine for the Detection of Soiling on Photovol...
     with: Sushma, M.: Time-frequency analysis based motion detection in perfusio...
     with: Suveer, A.: Convolutional Neural Networks for False Positive Reduction...
     with: Tafasca, S.: ChildPlay: A New Benchmark for Understanding Children's G...
     with: Tafasca, S.: Modular Multimodal Architecture for Gaze Target Predictio...
     with: Tafasca, S.: Unified Model for Gaze Following and Social Gaze Predicti...
     with: Tan, J.X.: Machine Learned Texture Prior From Full-Dose CT Database vi...
     with: Tan, K.C.: Solving Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem With Occasional...
     with: Tan, K.C.: Towards Faster Vehicle Routing by Transferring Knowledge Fr...
     with: Tanay, T.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge of...
     with: Tang, K.: Towards Faster Vehicle Routing by Transferring Knowledge Fro...
     with: Tang, M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Tapaswi, M.: Unsupervised Audio-Visual Lecture Segmentation
     with: Taylor, A.: Content-Based Retrieval of Opthalmological Images
     with: Tiwari, R.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
     with: Tizabi, M.D.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Tochon, G.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Tolias, G.: 2023 video similarity dataset and challenge, The
     with: Torr, P.H.S.: Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Section on ...
     with: Torr, P.H.S.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Torres, H.R.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Torresani, L.: Supervoxel Attention Graphs for Long-Range Video Modeling
     with: Tripathi, A.: Image Annotation Using Latent Components and Transmedia ...
     with: Tripathi, V.: Currency Detection Application for Visually Impaired usi...
     with: Trivedi, M.: Database Architecture for Autonomous Transportation Agent...
     with: Troniak, D.: Charlie Rides the Elevator, Integrating Vision, Navigatio...
     with: Tsang, I.W.: Towards Faster Vehicle Routing by Transferring Knowledge ...
     with: Tu, Z.W.: Editorial: Introduction to the Special Section on CVPR2019 B...
     with: Tulsiani, S.: 3D-RelNet: Joint Object and Relational Network for 3D Pr...
     with: Tulsiani, S.: Affordance Diffusion: Synthesizing Hand-Object Interacti...
     with: Tulsiani, S.: Articulation-Aware Canonical Surface Mapping
     with: Tulsiani, S.: Canonical Surface Mapping via Geometric Cycle Consistency
     with: Tulsiani, S.: Compositional Video Prediction
     with: Tulsiani, S.: Diffusion-Guided Reconstruction of Everyday Hand-Object ...
     with: Tulsiani, S.: Manipulate by Seeing: Creating Manipulation Controllers ...
     with: Tulsiani, S.: Pretrain, Self-train, Distill: A simple recipe for Super...
     with: Tulsiani, S.: Shelf-Supervised Mesh Prediction in the Wild
     with: Tulsiani, S.: Use the Force, Luke! Learning to Predict Physical Forces...
     with: Tulsiani, S.: What's in your hands? 3D Reconstruction of Generic Objec...
     with: Tulsiani, S.: Where2Act: From Pixels to Actions for Articulated 3D Obj...
     with: Tutubalina, O.: Google Earth Engine for the Detection of Soiling on Ph...
     with: Udandarao, V.: SuS-X: Training-Free Name-Only Transfer of Vision-Langu...
     with: Urien, H.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Vaish, A.: MSR-HARDI: Accelerated Reconstruction of HARDI Data Using M...
     with: Valeo, C.: Impact of increased urbanization in the Calgary region on t...
     with: Valmadre, J.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Valstar, M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: van de Weijer, J.: Generative Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning
     with: van der Loos, M.: Charlie Rides the Elevator, Integrating Vision, Navi...
     with: van der Maaten, L.: Learning by Asking Questions
     with: van Wijnen, K.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Varfolomieiev, A.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Varol, G.: Hollywood in Homes: Crowdsourcing Data Collection for Activ...
     with: Vecerik, M.: TAPIR: Tracking Any Point with per-frame Initialization a...
     with: Vedaldi, A.: Self-Supervised Learning of Interpretable Keypoints From ...
     with: Vedaldi, A.: Synthetic Data for Text Localisation in Natural Images
     with: Vedaldi, A.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Veit, A.: Learning from Noisy Large-Scale Datasets with Minimal Superv...
     with: Vellanki, S.P.: Production of a video stream with synchronized annotat...
     with: Velten, A.: Photon-Flooded Single-Photon 3D Cameras
     with: Verhaegen, M.: Modal-based phase retrieval using Gaussian radial basis...
     with: Verma, H.: modified intuitionistic fuzzy c-means algorithm incorporati...
     with: Verma, Y.: Generating Image Descriptions Using Semantic Similarities i...
     with: Vilaca, J.L.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Viswanathan, P.: Curious George: An Integrated Visual Search Platform
     with: Vlontzos, J.: Dynamic-Programming for Detecting, Tracking, and Matchin...
     with: Vo, T.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inference ...
     with: Vojir, T.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Vondrick, C.: Generative Interventions for Causal Learning
     with: Vondrick, C.: Multitask Learning Strengthens Adversarial Robustness
     with: Vora, A.: Ensembling Low Precision Models for Binary Biomedical Image ...
     with: Wagner, M.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Wahid, K.A.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Walia, G.S.: Secure multimodal biometric system based on diffused grap...
     with: Walker, J.: Dense Optical Flow Prediction from a Static Image
     with: Walker, J.: Patch to the Future: Unsupervised Visual Prediction
     with: Walker, J.: Pose Knows: Video Forecasting by Generating Pose Futures, ...
     with: Walker, J.: Uncertain Future: Forecasting from Static Images Using Var...
     with: Walsh, R.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Wang, E.Y.B.: Production of a video stream with synchronized annotatio...
     with: Wang, H.: Generative Interventions for Causal Learning
     with: Wang, H.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Wang, J.: Wanderlust: Online Continual Object Detection in the Real Wo...
     with: Wang, J.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Wang, J.R.: Manipulate by Seeing: Creating Manipulation Controllers fr...
     with: Wang, L.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Wang, L.J.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Wang, N.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Wang, P.S.P.: Detection of Courtesy Amount Block on Bank Checks
     with: Wang, P.S.P.: Handwritten Bank Check Recognition Of Courtesy Amounts
     with: Wang, P.S.P.: improved algorithm for thinning binary digital patterns,...
     with: Wang, P.S.P.: Integrated Architecture for Recognition of Totally Unco...
     with: Wang, P.S.P.: Knowledge-Based Segmentation Algorithm for Enhanced Reco...
     with: Wang, S.H.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
     with: Wang, X.: A-Fast-RCNN: Hard Positive Generation via Adversary for Obje...
     with: Wang, X.: Temporal Dynamic Graph LSTM for Action-Driven Video Object D...
     with: Wang, X.: Wanderlust: Online Continual Object Detection in the Real Wo...
     with: Wang, X.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Wang, X.: Zero-Shot Recognition via Semantic Embeddings and Knowledge ...
     with: Wang, X.L.: Actions ~ Transformations
     with: Wang, X.L.: Binge Watching: Scaling Affordance Learning from Sitcoms
     with: Wang, X.L.: Designing deep networks for surface normal estimation
     with: Wang, X.L.: Generative Image Modeling Using Style and Structure Advers...
     with: Wang, X.L.: Hollywood in Homes: Crowdsourcing Data Collection for Acti...
     with: Wang, X.L.: Interpretable Intuitive Physics Model
     with: Wang, X.L.: Non-local Neural Networks
     with: Wang, X.L.: Transitive Invariance for Self-Supervised Visual Represent...
     with: Wang, X.L.: Unsupervised Learning of Visual Representations Using Videos
     with: Wang, X.L.: Videos as Space-Time Region Graphs
     with: Wang, X.M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Wang, Y.: Ensembling Low Precision Models for Binary Biomedical Image ...
     with: Wang, Y.: Supervoxel Attention Graphs for Long-Range Video Modeling
     with: Wang, Y.F.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Watson, S.: Tree Annotations in LiDAR Data Using Point Densities and C...
     with: Wei, D.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Wen, L.Y.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Weru, V.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: White, R.D.: Multi-modality model-based registration in the cardiac do...
     with: Wiestler, B.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Wijesekara, G.N.: Impact of increased urbanization in the Calgary regi...
     with: Williams, J.: Effect of Tactile Affordance During the Design of Extend...
     with: Wodzinski, M.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Wohlkinger, W.: Curious George: An Integrated Visual Search Platform
     with: Wood, S.: Software-Based Real-Time MPEG-2 Video Encoder, A
     with: Woodham, R.J.: 3D Pose from Motion for Cross-View Action Recognition v...
     with: Woodham, R.J.: Efficient video-based retrieval of human motion with fl...
     with: Woodham, R.J.: Unlabelled 3D Motion Examples Improve Cross-View Action...
     with: Woodham, R.J.: Using Line and Ellipse Features for Rectification of Br...
     with: Worring, M.: Content-Based Image Retrieval at the End of the Early Years
     with: Wu, Y.: Adversarial Mask Generation for Preserving Visual Privacy
     with: Xia, F.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Xiang, T.: Adaptive Fine-Grained Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
     with: Xiao, J.J.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Xie, B.: unified framework for uncertainty propagation in automatic sh...
     with: Xie, J.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Xing, J.L.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Xiong, Z.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Xu, C.S.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Xu, Z.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Yadav, V.: Adversarial Mask Generation for Preserving Visual Privacy
     with: Yamlahi, A.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Yan, X.T.: ClusterFit: Improving Generalization of Visual Representati...
     with: Yang, J.F.: Generative Interventions for Causal Learning
     with: Yang, J.F.: Multitask Learning Strengthens Adversarial Robustness
     with: Yang, J.S.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge o...
     with: Yang, S.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Yang, Y.: TAPIR: Tracking Any Point with per-frame Initialization and ...
     with: Yang, Y.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Yang, Y.K.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
     with: Yao, S.Z.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Yap, M.H.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Ye, T.: Aligning Videos in Space and Time
     with: Ye, T.: Interpretable Intuitive Physics Model
     with: Ye, Y.: Compositional Video Prediction
     with: Ye, Y.: Zero-Shot Recognition via Semantic Embeddings and Knowledge Gr...
     with: Ye, Y.F.: Affordance Diffusion: Synthesizing Hand-Object Interactions
     with: Ye, Y.F.: Diffusion-Guided Reconstruction of Everyday Hand-Object Inte...
     with: Ye, Y.F.: Shelf-Supervised Mesh Prediction in the Wild
     with: Ye, Y.F.: What's in your hands? 3D Reconstruction of Generic Objects i...
     with: Yeung, D.Y.: Temporal Dynamic Graph LSTM for Action-Driven Video Objec...
     with: Yeung, D.Y.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Yin, H.: Tree Annotations in LiDAR Data Using Point Densities and Conv...
     with: Yu, H.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge of Hu...
     with: Yu, J.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inference ...
     with: Yu, J.H.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge of ...
     with: Yuan, C.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Yuan, Y.: Temporal Dynamic Graph LSTM for Action-Driven Video Object D...
     with: Yuan, Z.J.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Yuen, P.C.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Yunus, A.P.: Google Earth Engine for the Detection of Soiling on Photo...
     with: Yunus, A.P.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its ...
     with: Zafeiriou, S.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challeng...
     with: Zaheer, S.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
     with: Zenk, M.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Zhan, Y.Q.: Semantics and CBIR: a medical imaging perspective
     with: Zhang, C.H.: Adaptive Text Recognition Through Visual Matching
     with: Zhang, C.H.: Helping Hands: An Object-Aware Ego-Centric Video Recognit...
     with: Zhang, C.H.: Is an Object-centric Video Representation Beneficial for ...
     with: Zhang, C.H.: Temporal Query Networks for Fine-grained Video Understand...
     with: Zhang, H.: Ensembling Low Precision Models for Binary Biomedical Image...
     with: Zhang, H.: Exploring Dual-Energy CT Spectral Information for Machine L...
     with: Zhang, H.: Impacts of Drought on Vegetation Assessed by Vegetation Ind...
     with: Zhang, H.: Machine Learned Texture Prior From Full-Dose CT Database vi...
     with: Zhang, M.D.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhang, S.P.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhang, T.Z.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhang, T.Z.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge ...
     with: Zhao, F.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhao, S.W.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
     with: Zhao, Z.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Zheng, J.L.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge ...
     with: Zhong, J.H.: Solving Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem With Occasion...
     with: Zhou, L.: Solving Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem With Occasional ...
     with: Zhou, X.S.: Database-Guided Segmentation of Anatomical Structures with...
     with: Zhou, X.S.: Information Fusion Framework for Robust Shape Tracking, An
     with: Zhou, X.S.: Semantics and CBIR: a medical imaging perspective
     with: Zhou, X.S.: unified framework for uncertainty propagation in automatic...
     with: Zhou, Y.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge of ...
     with: Zhu, G.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhu, J.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhu, R.J.: VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge of...
     with: Zhu, S.C.: Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Section on Gra...
     with: Zhu, Y.: Visual Semantic Planning Using Deep Successor Representations
     with: Zhu, Z.: Torque based Structured Pruning for Deep Neural Network
     with: Zhu, Z.X.: Solving Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem With Occasional...
     with: Zhukov, I.: Learn-to-Race: A Multimodal Control Environment for Autono...
     with: Zia, A.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Zillner, S.: Semantics and CBIR: a medical imaging perspective
     with: Zimmerer, D.: Why is the Winner the Best?
     with: Zisserman, A.: 3D Shape Attributes
     with: Zisserman, A.: Adaptive Text Recognition Through Visual Matching
     with: Zisserman, A.: From Images to 3D Shape Attributes
     with: Zisserman, A.: Helping Hands: An Object-Aware Ego-Centric Video Recogn...
     with: Zisserman, A.: Is an Object-centric Video Representation Beneficial fo...
     with: Zisserman, A.: Synthetic Data for Text Localisation in Natural Images
     with: Zisserman, A.: TAPIR: Tracking Any Point with per-frame Initialization...
     with: Zisserman, A.: Temporal Query Networks for Fine-grained Video Understa...
     with: Zitnick, C.L.: Single Image Deblurring Using Motion Density Functions
1213 for Gupta, A.

Gupta, A.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arora, T.: Review of Machine Learning-Based Recognition of Sign Langua...
     with: Bera, A.: Contextual Emotion Learning Challenge
     with: Bhuyan, M.K.: Contextual Emotion Learning Challenge
     with: Birla, L.: ALPINE: Improving Remote Heart Rate Estimation using Contra...
     with: Birla, L.: RADIANT: Better rPPG estimation using signal embeddings and...
     with: Butta, S.: Contextual Emotion Learning Challenge
     with: Chaudhury, S.: Hough transform based approach to polyline approximatio...
     with: Chaudhury, S.: New Approach for Aggregating Edge Points into Line Segm...
     with: Colbrn, A.: Contextual Emotion Learning Challenge
     with: Dyer, M.: Realizing Low-Cost High-Throughput General-Purpose Block Enc...
     with: Ghosh, R.: Investigating Convolutional Neural Networks using Spatial O...
     with: Goel, P.: Contextual Emotion Learning Challenge
     with: Gupta, P.: ALPINE: Improving Remote Heart Rate Estimation using Contra...
     with: Gupta, P.: Contextual Emotion Learning Challenge
     with: Gupta, P.: RADIANT: Better rPPG estimation using signal embeddings and...
     with: Jha, R.K.: Gabor phase response based scheme for accurate pectoral mus...
     with: Kumar, R.: RADIANT: Better rPPG estimation using signal embeddings and...
     with: Lalwani, V.: Contextual Emotion Learning Challenge
     with: Marathe, K.: Contextual Emotion Learning Challenge
     with: Menon, V.: Study on SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and Machine Learning Based A...
     with: Mishra, M.K.: Spaceborne Observations of the Diurnal Variation of Shor...
     with: Motani, M.: Investigating Convolutional Neural Networks using Spatial ...
     with: Neog, D.R.: Contextual Emotion Learning Challenge
     with: Nooshabadi, S.: Efficient Interfacing of DWT and EBCOT in JPEG2000
     with: Nooshabadi, S.: Novel Distortion Estimation Technique for Hardware-Bas...
     with: Nooshabadi, S.: Realizing Low-Cost High-Throughput General-Purpose Blo...
     with: Parthasarathy, G.: Hough transform based approach to polyline approxim...
     with: Parthasarathy, G.: New Approach for Aggregating Edge Points into Line ...
     with: Rahman, M.A.: Gabor phase response based scheme for accurate pectoral ...
     with: Rajeev, K.: Spaceborne Observations of the Diurnal Variation of Shortw...
     with: Sanyal, S.: Contextual Emotion Learning Challenge
     with: Sarkar, A.: Contextual Emotion Learning Challenge
     with: Shapiro, L.G.: Contextual Emotion Learning Challenge
     with: Sharma, A.: Study on SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and Machine Learning Based ...
     with: Sharma, M.: Study on SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and Machine Learning Based ...
     with: Shukla, J.: Contextual Emotion Learning Challenge
     with: Shukla, S.: ALPINE: Improving Remote Heart Rate Estimation using Contr...
     with: Singh, S.: Review of Machine Learning-Based Recognition of Sign Langua...
     with: Taubman, D.S.: Efficient Interfacing of DWT and EBCOT in JPEG2000
     with: Taubman, D.S.: Novel Distortion Estimation Technique for Hardware-Base...
     with: Taubman, D.S.: Realizing Low-Cost High-Throughput General-Purpose Bloc...
41 for Gupta, A.K.

Gupta, A.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahn, J.S.: feasibility study of a portable intraoperative specimen ima...
     with: Chae, M.S.: feasibility study of a portable intraoperative specimen im...
     with: Jung, J.: feasibility study of a portable intraoperative specimen imag...
     with: Kim, N.: feasibility study of a portable intraoperative specimen imagi...
     with: Kim, S.H.: feasibility study of a portable intraoperative specimen ima...
     with: Kim, W.: feasibility study of a portable intraoperative specimen imagi...
     with: Ko, B.S.: feasibility study of a portable intraoperative specimen imag...
     with: Lim, J.: feasibility study of a portable intraoperative specimen imagi...
     with: Mativenga, M.: feasibility study of a portable intraoperative specimen...
     with: Park, J.Y.: feasibility study of a portable intraoperative specimen im...
     with: Ryu, J.: feasibility study of a portable intraoperative specimen imagi...
     with: Yeo, S.J.: feasibility study of a portable intraoperative specimen ima...
     with: Yeon, Y.H.: feasibility study of a portable intraoperative specimen im...
13 for Gupta, A.P.

Gupta, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahmad, A.: Determination of Critical Edges in Air Route Network Using ...
     with: Ahmad, M.: Determination of Critical Edges in Air Route Network Using ...
     with: Ahmad, T.: Determination of Critical Edges in Air Route Network Using ...
     with: Al Ayyoub, M.: Parallel implementation for 3D medical volume fuzzy seg...
     with: Al Zubi, S.: Parallel implementation for 3D medical volume fuzzy segme...
     with: El Latif, A.A.A.: Determination of Critical Edges in Air Route Network...
     with: Jararweh, Y.: Parallel implementation for 3D medical volume fuzzy segm...
     with: Jha, D.K.: l2-norm-based prior for haze-removal from single image
     with: Lamba, S.S.: l2-norm-based prior for haze-removal from single image
     with: Muthanna, A.: Determination of Critical Edges in Air Route Network Usi...
     with: Shehab, M.: Parallel implementation for 3D medical volume fuzzy segmen...
     with: Shrivastava, M.: High-speed quantile-based histogram equalisation for ...
     with: Tiwari, M.: High-speed quantile-based histogram equalisation for brigh...
     with: Tiwari, M.: Improving Performance of Source-Camera Identification By S...
14 for Gupta, B.

Gupta, B.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agrawal, D.P.: Guest Editorial Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learni...
     with: Alhalabi, W.: improved entity recognition approach to cyber-social kno...
     with: Alhalabi, W.: Novel Graph-Based Machine Learning Technique to Secure S...
     with: Alsmirat, M.A.: Automated wireless video surveillance: an evaluation f...
     with: Asyhari, A.T.: Renewable Energy Re-Distribution via Multiscale IoT for...
     with: Cai, X.: DeepSuite: A Test Suite Optimizer for Autonomous Vehicles
     with: Castiglione, A.: Deep Learning-based Fast Fake News Detection Model fo...
     with: Choi, C.: Visual saliency guided complex image retrieval
     with: del Ser, J.: Guest Editorial Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning...
     with: Deveci, M.: Personal Mobility in Metaverse With Autonomous Vehicles Us...
     with: Fan, L.L.: DeepSuite: A Test Suite Optimizer for Autonomous Vehicles
     with: Fatemidokht, H.: Efficient and Secure Routing Protocol Based on Artifi...
     with: Gaurav, A.: Efficient and Secure Identity-Based Signature System for U...
     with: Gaurav, A.: Fine-Grained Access Control and Security Approach for Inte...
     with: Gaurav, A.: Identity-Based Authentication Mechanism for Secure Informa...
     with: Gaurav, A.: Novel Graph-Based Machine Learning Technique to Secure Sma...
     with: Gokasar, I.: Personal Mobility in Metaverse With Autonomous Vehicles U...
     with: Guo, Z.W.: Deep Learning-based Fast Fake News Detection Model for Cybe...
     with: Hsu, C.H.: Efficient and Secure Routing Protocol Based on Artificial I...
     with: Hsu, C.H.: Identity-Based Authentication Mechanism for Secure Informat...
     with: Jararweh, Y.: Automated wireless video surveillance: an evaluation fra...
     with: Ji, H.: DeepSuite: A Test Suite Optimizer for Autonomous Vehicles
     with: Jiao, B.: Identity-Based Authentication Mechanism for Secure Informati...
     with: Khoo, S.C.: DeepSuite: A Test Suite Optimizer for Autonomous Vehicles
     with: Koppen, M.: Personal Mobility in Metaverse With Autonomous Vehicles Us...
     with: Li, Y.: Visual saliency guided complex image retrieval
     with: Li, Y.J.: Efficient and Secure Identity-Based Signature System for Und...
     with: Li, Z.H.: Visual saliency guided complex image retrieval
     with: Lytras, M.D.: Efficient and Secure Identity-Based Signature System for...
     with: Lytras, M.D.: Fine-Grained Access Control and Security Approach for In...
     with: Marin, E.C.: Novel Graph-Based Machine Learning Technique to Secure Sm...
     with: Moustafa, N.: Renewable Energy Re-Distribution via Multiscale IoT for ...
     with: Mukta, M.Y.: Renewable Energy Re-Distribution via Multiscale IoT for 6...
     with: Nedjah, N.: Efficient and Secure Identity-Based Signature System for U...
     with: Obaidat, I.: Automated wireless video surveillance: an evaluation fram...
     with: Pamucar, D.: Personal Mobility in Metaverse With Autonomous Vehicles U...
     with: Patwary, M.N.: Renewable Energy Re-Distribution via Multiscale IoT for...
     with: Rafsanjani, M.K.: Efficient and Secure Routing Protocol Based on Artif...
     with: Rahman, M.A.: Renewable Energy Re-Distribution via Multiscale IoT for ...
     with: Razzak, I.: Fine-Grained Access Control and Security Approach for Inte...
     with: Razzak, I.: Renewable Energy Re-Distribution via Multiscale IoT for 6G...
     with: Sajjad, M.: Guest Editorial Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning ...
     with: Shen, J.: Attribute-Based Secure Data Aggregation for Isolated IoT-Ena...
     with: Sheng, M.: Guest Editorial Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning f...
     with: Sivaraman, A.: improved entity recognition approach to cyber-social kn...
     with: Vijayakumar, P.: Attribute-Based Secure Data Aggregation for Isolated ...
     with: Vijayakumar, P.: Deep Learning-based Fast Fake News Detection Model fo...
     with: Vijayakumar, P.: improved entity recognition approach to cyber-social ...
     with: Wang, C.: Attribute-Based Secure Data Aggregation for Isolated IoT-Ena...
     with: Wang, H.X.: Visual saliency guided complex image retrieval
     with: Wang, Y.: improved entity recognition approach to cyber-social knowled...
     with: Wang, Z.: DeepSuite: A Test Suite Optimizer for Autonomous Vehicles
     with: Xu, S.: DeepSuite: A Test Suite Optimizer for Autonomous Vehicles
     with: Yousuf, A.: Renewable Energy Re-Distribution via Multiscale IoT for 6G...
     with: Zhang, Q.: Deep Learning-based Fast Fake News Detection Model for Cybe...
     with: Zhou, Z.L.: Efficient and Secure Identity-Based Signature System for U...
     with: Zhou, Z.L.: Fine-Grained Access Control and Security Approach for Inte...
     with: Zhu, Y.Y.: Deep Learning-based Fast Fake News Detection Model for Cybe...
58 for Gupta, B.B.

Gupta, B.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhattacharya, U.: Direction Code Based Features for Recognition of Onl...
     with: Parui, S.K.: Direction Code Based Features for Recognition of Online H...

Gupta, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agarwal, A.: Generating Point Cloud Augmentations via Class-Conditione...
     with: Alam, M.: XDNet: A Few-Shot Meta-Learning Approach for Cross-Domain Vi...
     with: Borah, G.: Hierarchical Classification for Assessment of Horticultural...
     with: Dhall, A.: Generating Point Cloud Augmentations via Class-Conditioned ...
     with: Diaz, T.G.: XDNet: A Few-Shot Meta-Learning Approach for Cross-Domain ...
     with: Farahat, A.: XDNet: A Few-Shot Meta-Learning Approach for Cross-Domain...
     with: Ghosh, D.: XDNet: A Few-Shot Meta-Learning Approach for Cross-Domain V...
     with: Gogoi, S.: Hierarchical Classification for Assessment of Horticultural...
     with: Goswami, C.: Hierarchical Classification for Assessment of Horticultur...
     with: Handique, B.K.: Hierarchical Classification for Assessment of Horticul...
     with: Jadi, R.: Hierarchical Classification for Assessment of Horticultural ...
     with: Jena, P.: Hierarchical Classification for Assessment of Horticultural ...
     with: Kuchibhotla, A.K.: Nested conformal prediction and quantile out-of-bag...
     with: Lee, X.Y.: XDNet: A Few-Shot Meta-Learning Approach for Cross-Domain V...
     with: Pandit, S.: Hierarchical Classification for Assessment of Horticultura...
     with: Raju, P.L.N.: Hierarchical Classification for Assessment of Horticultu...
     with: Ramdas, A.: Nested conformal prediction and quantile out-of-bag ensemb...
     with: Sharma, G.: Generating Point Cloud Augmentations via Class-Conditioned...
     with: Sharma, L.: Generating Point Cloud Augmentations via Class-Conditioned...
     with: Vidyaratne, L.: XDNet: A Few-Shot Meta-Learning Approach for Cross-Dom...
20 for Gupta, C.

Gupta, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahmed, S.H.: ICN-Based Enhanced Cooperative Caching for Multimedia Str...
     with: Albraikan, A.A.: Intelligent facial expression recognition and classif...
     with: Alharbi, M.: Multi-classification of brain tumor by using deep convolu...
     with: Alkhayyat, A.: Intelligent facial expression recognition and classific...
     with: Alrashoud, M.: ICN-Based Enhanced Cooperative Caching for Multimedia S...
     with: Alshahrani, R.: Intelligent facial expression recognition and classifi...
     with: Alsini, R.: Intelligent facial expression recognition and classificati...
     with: Alzahrani, J.S.: Intelligent facial expression recognition and classif...
     with: Anand, R.S.: CT and MR image information fusion scheme using a cascade...
     with: Anand, R.S.: Despeckling of ultrasound medical images using ripplet do...
     with: Anand, R.S.: Speckle filtering of ultrasound images using a modified n...
     with: Anantharaman, A.: Multi-Space Approach to Zero-Shot Object Detection, A
     with: Anguelov, D.: Discriminative Learning of Markov Random Fields for Segm...
     with: Arora, C.: Making Third Person Techniques Recognize First-Person Actio...
     with: Artacho, B.: HandyPose: Multi-level framework for hand pose estimation
     with: Arya, D.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferenc...
     with: Athreyas, N.: Analog signal processing solution for machine vision app...
     with: Babu, T.: Colon cancer prediction using 2DReCA segmentation and hybri...
     with: Bai, B.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Bai, H.L.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Bai, S.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Bai, X.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Bakde, A.M.: Multi-scale decomposition-based CT-MR neurological image ...
     with: Bakde, A.M.: NSST domain CT-MR neurological image fusion using optimis...
     with: Balasubramanian, V.N.: Multi-Space Approach to Zero-Shot Object Detect...
     with: Bamba, U.: Rescaling CNN Through Learnable Repetition of Network Param...
     with: Bejnordi, B.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infe...
     with: Berg, A.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Bertinetto, L.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Resul...
     with: Bhagat, S.: Suspect Identification Framework using Contrastive Relevan...
     with: Bhasin, D.: Suspect Identification Framework using Contrastive Relevan...
     with: Bhat, G.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Bhowmick, D.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infe...
     with: Bhushan, K.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infer...
     with: Castillo, O.: Unsupervised Deep Learning based Variational Autoencoder...
     with: Cevikalp, H.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results...
     with: Chan, A.B.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Chandana., B.N.: Novel Emergent Intelligence Technique for Public Tran...
     with: Chatalbashev, V.: Discriminative Learning of Markov Random Fields for ...
     with: Chavan, A.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
     with: Chavan, A.: Rescaling CNN Through Learnable Repetition of Network Para...
     with: Chavhan, S.: Novel Emergent Intelligence Technique for Public Transpor...
     with: Chen, B.X.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Chen, C.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Chen, G.Q.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Chen, J.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Chen, L.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Chen, X.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Chen, X.Y.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Chen, Y.A.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Chen, Y.J.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Chen, Z.H.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Chidambaram, R.K.: Novel Emergent Intelligence Technique for Public Tr...
     with: Dai, K.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Danelljan, M.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Result...
     with: Daniilidis, K.: Planar Ego-Motion Without Correspondences
     with: Daniilidis, K.: Planar motion of a parabolic catadioptric camera
     with: Daniilidis, K.: Using omnidirectional structure from motion for regist...
     with: Das, M.: Multi-scale decomposition-based CT-MR neurological image fusi...
     with: Das, M.: NSST domain CT-MR neurological image fusion using optimised b...
     with: de Ath, G.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Dixit, D.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferen...
     with: Dong, Y.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Drbohlav, O.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results...
     with: Du, H.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Dunnhofer, M.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Result...
     with: Eldesokey, A.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Result...
     with: Escorcia Gutierrez, J.: Unsupervised Deep Learning based Variational A...
     with: Everson, R.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results,...
     with: Fang, C.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Felsberg, M.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results...
     with: Feng, W.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Feng, Z.H.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Fernandez, G.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Result...
     with: Fu, J.L.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Gamarra, M.: Unsupervised Deep Learning based Variational Autoencoder ...
     with: Gankhuyag, G.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inf...
     with: Gao, J.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Garg, S.: ICN-Based Enhanced Cooperative Caching for Multimedia Stream...
     with: Gavves, E.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Ge, S.M.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Ghodrati, A.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infe...
     with: Gonzalez Garcia, A.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge ...
     with: Gorthi, R.K.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results...
     with: Gu, Y.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Guan, S.S.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Gulshad, S.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infer...
     with: Guo, L.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Guo, Q.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Gupta, A.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferen...
     with: Gupta, J.: Analog signal processing solution for machine vision applic...
     with: Gupta, J.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferen...
     with: Gupta, V.: Detection and Diagnosis of Skin Diseases Using Residual Neu...
     with: Habibian, A.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infe...
     with: Han, R.Z.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Hanmandlu, M.: Face recognition using Elastic bunch graph matching
     with: Hanmandlu, M.: Novel features for silhouette based gait recognition sy...
     with: He, A.F.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: He, B.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: He, Z.Y.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Heitz, G.: Discriminative Learning of Markov Random Fields for Segment...
     with: Hilal, A.M.: Intelligent facial expression recognition and classificat...
     with: Holston, A.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infer...
     with: Hu, W.M.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Huang, Y.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Huang, Z.J.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results,...
     with: Jain, B.: Detection and Diagnosis of Skin Diseases Using Residual Neur...
     with: Jain, D.K.: Deep learning-based intelligent system for fingerprint ide...
     with: Jain, R.R.: Suspect Identification Framework using Contrastive Relevan...
     with: Jaswal, G.: PixISegNet: pixel-level iris segmentation network using co...
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Multi-Space Approach to Zero-Shot Object Detection, A
     with: Jeong, S.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferen...
     with: Jha, R.R.: PixISegNet: pixel-level iris segmentation network using con...
     with: Jung, H.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferenc...
     with: Jung, H.M.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Kalakonda, S.S.: DSAG: A Scalable Deep Framework for Action-Conditione...
     with: Kamarainen, J.K.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Res...
     with: Kamath, S.S.: Multi-Space Approach to Zero-Shot Object Detection, A
     with: Kamra, C.G.: SEM-CS: Semantic Clipstyler for Text-Based Image Style Tr...
     with: Kapyla, J.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Kargeti, C.: Detection and Diagnosis of Skin Diseases Using Residual N...
     with: Khan, F.S.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Khanna, A.: Automated detection and classification of fundus diabetic ...
     with: Khanna, A.: Novel Emergent Intelligence Technique for Public Transport...
     with: Kharbanda, S.: CLIPTrans: Transferring Visual Knowledge with Pre-train...
     with: Kim, B.H.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferen...
     with: Kim, B.H.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Kim, C.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inference...
     with: Kim, H.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inference...
     with: Kim, M.Y.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Kim, S.B.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferen...
     with: Kittler, J.V.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Result...
     with: Kochhar, A.: Novel features for silhouette based gait recognition syst...
     with: Koller, D.: Discriminative Learning of Markov Random Fields for Segmen...
     with: Kristan, M.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results,...
     with: Kulkarni, S.S.I.: SkiLL: Skipping Color and Label Landscape: Self Supe...
     with: Kumar, A.: Using omnidirectional structure from motion for registratio...
     with: Kumar, S.: Unsupervised Deep Learning based Variational Autoencoder Mo...
     with: Kumaraguru, P.: Suspect Identification Framework using Contrastive Rel...
     with: Kwak, Y.J.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
     with: Lakshmanaprabu, S.K.: Automated detection and classification of fundus...
     with: Lee, J.H.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Lee, Y.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inference...
     with: Lele, N.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferenc...
     with: Leonardis, A.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Result...
     with: Li, B.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, C.L.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, G.X.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, H.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, J.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, J.H.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, S.H.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, S.K.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, W.: CLIPTrans: Transferring Visual Knowledge with Pre-trained Mode...
     with: Li, X.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, Y.K.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, Y.P.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Lian, Y.C.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Liu, J.T.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Liu, L.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Liu, W.Y.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Liu, Y.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Liu, Z.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inference...
     with: Lu, A.D.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Lu, H.C.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Lukezic, A.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results,...
     with: Luo, C.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Luo, Z.W.Z.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results,...
     with: Ma, C.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Mago, G.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferenc...
     with: Maheshwari, S.: DSAG: A Scalable Deep Framework for Action-Conditioned...
     with: Maheshwari, S.: MUGL: Large Scale Multi Person Conditional Action Gene...
     with: Makadia, A.: Planar Ego-Motion Without Correspondences
     with: Mamgain, N.: Multi-Space Approach to Zero-Shot Object Detection, A
     with: Mansour, R.F.: Unsupervised Deep Learning based Variational Autoencode...
     with: Martinel, N.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results...
     with: Mastan, I.D.: SEM-CS: Semantic Clipstyler for Text-Based Image Style T...
     with: Matas, J.G.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results,...
     with: Memarmoghadam, A.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Re...
     with: Merlin, N.R.G.: Multi-classification of brain tumor by using deep conv...
     with: Micheloni, C.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Result...
     with: Nagar, P.: Making Third Person Techniques Recognize First-Person Actio...
     with: Neelakandan, S.: Deep learning-based intelligent system for fingerprin...
     with: Ng, A.: Discriminative Learning of Markov Random Fields for Segmentati...
     with: Ni, M.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Ni, Z.H.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Nigam, A.: PixISegNet: pixel-level iris segmentation network using con...
     with: Paluru, N.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Pandey, H.M.: Automated detection and classification of fundus diabeti...
     with: Park, C.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferenc...
     with: Pedasingu, B.S.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Resu...
     with: Peng, H.W.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Pfister, H.: CLIPTrans: Transferring Visual Knowledge with Pre-trained...
     with: Pflugfelder, R.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Resu...
     with: Piran, M.J.: ICN-Based Enhanced Cooperative Caching for Multimedia Str...
     with: Prabu, R.T.: Multi-classification of brain tumor by using deep convolu...
     with: Prasad, D.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
     with: Pu, W.: SBEVNet: End-to-End Deep Stereo Layout Estimation
     with: Qi, J.I.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Qian, C.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Qiu, X.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Radeva, P.: Multi-scale decomposition-based CT-MR neurological image f...
     with: Radeva, P.: NSST domain CT-MR neurological image fusion using optimise...
     with: Rani, S.: ICN Based Efficient Content Caching Scheme for Vehicular Net...
     with: Rani, S.: ICN-Based Enhanced Cooperative Caching for Multimedia Stream...
     with: Rodrigues, J.J.P.C.: ICN Based Efficient Content Caching Scheme for Ve...
     with: Rodrigues, J.J.P.C.: Novel Emergent Intelligence Technique for Public ...
     with: Rout, l.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Roy, S.: Efficient Expansion and Gradient Based Task Inference for Rep...
     with: Ryu, J.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inference...
     with: Saini, A.: Suspect Identification Framework using Contrastive Relevanc...
     with: Saini, S.: PixISegNet: pixel-level iris segmentation network using con...
     with: Sait, A.R.W.: Automated detection and classification of fundus diabeti...
     with: Sanny, D.: CoD: Coherent Detection of Entities from Images with Multip...
     with: Sanny, D.R.: SkiLL: Skipping Color and Label Landscape: Self Supervise...
     with: Saribas, H.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results,...
     with: Sarvadevabhatla, R.K.: DSAG: A Scalable Deep Framework for Action-Cond...
     with: Sarvadevabhatla, R.K.: MUGL: Large Scale Multi Person Conditional Acti...
     with: Savakis, A.: HandyPose: Multi-level framework for hand pose estimation
     with: Schneider, J.: SBEVNet: End-to-End Deep Stereo Layout Estimation
     with: Shah, R.R.: Suspect Identification Framework using Contrastive Relevan...
     with: Shankar, K.: Automated detection and classification of fundus diabetic...
     with: Sharan, S.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
     with: Sharma, M.: Detection and Diagnosis of Skin Diseases Using Residual Ne...
     with: Shen, Z.Q.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
     with: Singh, A.: CoD: Coherent Detection of Entities from Images with Multip...
     with: Singh, A.: ICN Based Efficient Content Caching Scheme for Vehicular Ne...
     with: Singh, A.: SkiLL: Skipping Color and Label Landscape: Self Supervised ...
     with: Singh, N.H.: Multi-classification of brain tumor by using deep convolu...
     with: Singh, S.: CT and MR image information fusion scheme using a cascaded ...
     with: Singh, S.: Multistage multimodal medical image fusion model using feat...
     with: Singh, T.: Colon cancer prediction using 2DReCA segmentation and hybr...
     with: Sircar, P.: SkiLL: Skipping Color and Label Landscape: Self Supervised...
     with: Smeulders, A.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Result...
     with: Song, D.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Song, Z.C.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Sun, X.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Tabor, T.: SBEVNet: End-to-End Deep Stereo Layout Estimation
     with: Tang, J.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Tang, M.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Tang, W.J.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Tang, X.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Tao, D.C.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Taskar, B.: Discriminative Learning of Markov Random Fields for Segmen...
     with: Teng, Z.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Tian, X.M.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Timofte, R.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results,...
     with: Tiwari, R.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
     with: Tiwari, R.: Rescaling CNN Through Learnable Repetition of Network Para...
     with: Torr, P.H.S.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results...
     with: Tripathi, A.S.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Resul...
     with: Tsai, C.Y.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Tsotsos, J.K.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Result...
     with: Tyagi, B.: Despeckling of ultrasound medical images using ripplet doma...
     with: Tyagi, B.: Speckle filtering of ultrasound images using a modified non...
     with: Uppal, S.: Suspect Identification Framework using Contrastive Relevanc...
     with: Vaidyula, M.: DSAG: A Scalable Deep Framework for Action-Conditioned M...
     with: van de Weijer, J.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Re...
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Resul...
     with: Varfolomieiev, A.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Re...
     with: Vasikarla, S.: Face recognition using Elastic bunch graph matching
     with: Vasikarla, S.: Novel features for silhouette based gait recognition sy...
     with: Verma, S.: Making Third Person Techniques Recognize First-Person Actio...
     with: Verma, V.: CoD: Coherent Detection of Entities from Images with Multip...
     with: Verma, V.: Efficient Expansion and Gradient Based Task Inference for R...
     with: Verma, V.K.: SkiLL: Skipping Color and Label Landscape: Self Supervise...
     with: Vidyarthi, A.: Deep learning-based intelligent system for fingerprint ...
     with: Vo, T.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inference ...
     with: Vojir, T.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Wang, D.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Wang, F.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Wang, G.T.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Wang, J.Q.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Wang, K.K.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Wang, L.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Wang, L.J.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Wang, L.L.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Wang, Q.Z.Q.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results...
     with: Wang, S.H.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
     with: Wang, W.Z.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Wang, Y.M.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Wei, D.L.: CLIPTrans: Transferring Visual Knowledge with Pre-trained M...
     with: Wu, B.Y.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Wu, J.J.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Wu, X.J.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Wu, Z.R.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Xing, T.F.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Xiong, Z.W.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results,...
     with: Xu, P.F.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Xu, T.Y.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Xu, Y.D.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Xu, Y.F.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Yafoz, A.: Intelligent facial expression recognition and classificatio...
     with: Yan, B.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Yang, M.H.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Yang, T.Y.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Yang, X.Y.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Yang, Y.K.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
     with: Yi, E.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: You, S.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Yu, H.Y.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Yu, J.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inference ...
     with: Zaheer, S.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
     with: Zajc, L.C.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Zeng, W.J.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Zhang, B.P.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results,...
     with: Zhang, C.H.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results,...
     with: Zhang, C.Q.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results,...
     with: Zhang, F.Y.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results,...
     with: Zhang, J.Y.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results,...
     with: Zhang, K.K.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results,...
     with: Zhang, L.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhang, L.C.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results,...
     with: Zhang, P.F.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results,...
     with: Zhang, P.Y.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results,...
     with: Zhang, R.H.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results,...
     with: Zhang, T.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhang, Y.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhang, Y.H.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results,...
     with: Zhang, Z.L.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results,...
     with: Zhang, Z.P.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results,...
     with: Zhao, F.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhao, H.J.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Zhao, J.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhao, S.C.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Zhao, S.W.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
     with: Zhao, S.W.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Zheng, L.Y.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results,...
     with: Zheng, P.K.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results,...
     with: Zhou, J.W.: CLIPTrans: Transferring Visual Knowledge with Pre-trained ...
     with: Zhou, L.J.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Zhou, Y.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhu, X.F.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhuang, J.F.: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results...
341 for Gupta, D.

Gupta, D.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cortes Monroy, C.C.: At Which Overpass Time Do ECOSTRESS Observations ...
     with: Goffin, B.D.: At Which Overpass Time Do ECOSTRESS Observations Best Al...
     with: Lakshmi, V.: At Which Overpass Time Do ECOSTRESS Observations Best Ali...
     with: Neira Roman, F.: At Which Overpass Time Do ECOSTRESS Observations Best...

Gupta, D.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aggarwal, S.: Partial Binarization of Neural Networks for Budget-Aware...
     with: Anand, N.: Partial Binarization of Neural Networks for Budget-Aware Ef...
     with: Arya, D.: Generating Annotated High-Fidelity Images Containing Multipl...
     with: Arya, D.: Rotation Equivariant Siamese Networks for Tracking
     with: Awasthi, N.: Performance Assessment of Global-EO-Based Precipitation P...
     with: Bamba, U.: Dynamic Kernel Selection for Improved Generalization and Me...
     with: Bamba, U.: Partial Binarization of Neural Networks for Budget-Aware Ef...
     with: Boaz, P.S.: Spatiotemporal Vegetation Variability and Linkage with Sno...
     with: Cardenas, B.: Generating Annotated High-Fidelity Images Containing Mul...
     with: Chavan, A.: Dynamic Kernel Selection for Improved Generalization and M...
     with: Dikov, G.: Calibrated Adversarial Refinement for Stochastic Semantic S...
     with: Gavves, E.: Model Decay in Long-Term Tracking
     with: Gavves, E.: Rotation Equivariant Siamese Networks for Tracking
     with: Gavves, E.: Tackling Occlusion in Siamese Tracking with Structured Dro...
     with: Jain, P.: Spatiotemporal Vegetation Variability and Linkage with Snow-...
     with: Kassapis, E.: Calibrated Adversarial Refinement for Stochastic Semanti...
     with: Kathwas, A.K.: Performance Assessment of Global-EO-Based Precipitation...
     with: Nugteren, C.: Calibrated Adversarial Refinement for Stochastic Semanti...
     with: Petropoulos, G.P.: Performance Assessment of Global-EO-Based Precipita...
     with: Petropoulos, G.P.: Spatiotemporal Vegetation Variability and Linkage w...
     with: Prasad, D.K.: Partial Binarization of Neural Networks for Budget-Aware...
     with: Singh, A.K.: Performance Assessment of Global-EO-Based Precipitation P...
     with: Singh, D.K.: Spatiotemporal Vegetation Variability and Linkage with Sn...
     with: Singh, K.K.: Spatiotemporal Vegetation Variability and Linkage with Sn...
     with: Singh, S.: Spatiotemporal Vegetation Variability and Linkage with Snow...
     with: Smeulders, A.W.M.: Model Decay in Long-Term Tracking
     with: Smeulders, A.W.M.: Tackling Occlusion in Siamese Tracking with Structu...
     with: Sood, V.: Spatiotemporal Vegetation Variability and Linkage with Snow-...
     with: Tao, R.: Model Decay in Long-Term Tracking
     with: Tiwari, R.: Dynamic Kernel Selection for Improved Generalization and M...
     with: Tripathi, J.N.: Performance Assessment of Global-EO-Based Precipitatio...
31 for Gupta, D.K.

Gupta, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Angelopoulou, A.: Active-GNG: model acquisition and tracking in clutte...
     with: Angelopoulou, A.: Nonparametric Modelling and Tracking with Active-GNG
     with: Angelopoulou, A.: Robust Modelling and Tracking of NonRigid Objects Us...
     with: Arora, S.: Filtering impulse noise in medical images using information...
     with: Balasubramanian, R.: Region growing stereo matching method for 3D buil...
     with: Bhargava, R.: Region growing stereo matching method for 3D building re...
     with: Busch, C.: Towards generalized morphing attack detection by learning r...
     with: Chakrabarti, C.: Architectures for hierarchical and other block matchi...
     with: Garcia Rodriguez, J.: Active-GNG: model acquisition and tracking in cl...
     with: Garcia Rodriguez, J.: Nonparametric Modelling and Tracking with Active...
     with: Garcia Rodriguez, J.: Robust Modelling and Tracking of NonRigid Object...
     with: Gupta, S.: Efficient Registration of Aerial Image Sequences Without Ca...
     with: Hanmandlu, M.: Filtering impulse noise in medical images using informa...
     with: Hassan, E.: Robust Hand Gestural Interaction for Smartphone Based AR/V...
     with: Hebbalaguppe, R.: Robust Hand Gestural Interaction for Smartphone Base...
     with: Iyer, G.: Geometric Consistency for Self-Supervised End-to-End Visual ...
     with: Jarvis, J.: Contrast sensitivity in images of natural scenes
     with: Krishna, B.G.: Region growing stereo matching method for 3D building r...
     with: Krishna, K.M.: Geometric Consistency for Self-Supervised End-to-End Vi...
     with: Kumar, B.A.: Compression noise based video forgery detection
     with: Lu, C.J.: SAPNet: Segmentation-Aware Progressive Network for Perceptua...
     with: Lu, C.J.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Cardiac Segmentation: Tow...
     with: Mohatta, S.: Robust Hand Gestural Interaction for Smartphone Based AR/...
     with: Mukerjee, A.: Efficient Registration of Aerial Image Sequences Without...
     with: Murthy, J.K.: Geometric Consistency for Self-Supervised End-to-End Vis...
     with: Niranjan, S.: Efficient Registration of Aerial Image Sequences Without...
     with: Paull, L.: Geometric Consistency for Self-Supervised End-to-End Visual...
     with: Perla, R.: Robust Hand Gestural Interaction for Smartphone Based AR/VR...
     with: Pieprzyk, J.: Low-Cost Attack on Branch-Based Software Watermarking Sc...
     with: Psarrou, A.: Active-GNG: model acquisition and tracking in cluttered b...
     with: Psarrou, A.: Adaptive-Threshold Region Merging via Path Scanning
     with: Psarrou, A.: Contrast sensitivity in images of natural scenes
     with: Psarrou, A.: Nonparametric Modelling and Tracking with Active-GNG
     with: Psarrou, A.: Robust Modelling and Tracking of NonRigid Objects Using A...
     with: Raja, K.: Towards generalized morphing attack detection by learning re...
     with: Ramachandra, R.: Towards generalized morphing attack detection by lear...
     with: Ravi, H.: Compression noise based video forgery detection
     with: Rawat, M.S.: Region growing stereo matching method for 3D building rec...
     with: Sharma, M.: Siamese Networks for Chromosome Classification
     with: Subramanyam, A.V.: Compression noise based video forgery detection
     with: Swati: Siamese Networks for Chromosome Classification
     with: Triantaphillidou, S.: Contrast sensitivity in images of natural scenes
     with: Venkatesh, S.: Towards generalized morphing attack detection by learni...
     with: Vig, L.: Siamese Networks for Chromosome Classification
     with: Wu, Y.X.: SAPNet: Segmentation-Aware Progressive Network for Perceptua...
     with: Yadav, M.: Siamese Networks for Chromosome Classification
     with: Zheng, S.: SAPNet: Segmentation-Aware Progressive Network for Perceptu...
     with: Zheng, S.: Semantic-Guided Zero-Shot Learning for Low-Light Image/Vide...
     with: Zheng, S.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Cardiac Segmentation: To...
49 for Gupta, G.

Gupta, G.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Joyce, R.C.: Using position extrema points to capture shape in on-line...

Gupta, G.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Garg, S.: DLTIF: Deep Learning-Driven Cyber Threat Intelligence Modeli...
     with: Hassan, M.M.: DLTIF: Deep Learning-Driven Cyber Threat Intelligence Mo...
     with: Hassan, M.M.: Privacy-Preserving-Based Secure Framework Using Blockcha...
     with: Kumar, N.: P2SF-IoV: A Privacy-Preservation-Based Secured Framework fo...
     with: Kumar, N.: Privacy-Preserving-Based Secure Framework Using Blockchain-...
     with: Kumar, P.: DLTIF: Deep Learning-Driven Cyber Threat Intelligence Model...
     with: Kumar, P.: P2SF-IoV: A Privacy-Preservation-Based Secured Framework fo...
     with: Kumar, P.: Privacy-Preserving-Based Secure Framework Using Blockchain-...
     with: Kumar, R.: P2SF-IoV: A Privacy-Preservation-Based Secured Framework fo...
     with: Kumar, R.: Privacy-Preserving-Based Secure Framework Using Blockchain-...
     with: Tripathi, R.: DLTIF: Deep Learning-Driven Cyber Threat Intelligence Mo...
     with: Tripathi, R.: P2SF-IoV: A Privacy-Preservation-Based Secured Framework...
     with: Tripathi, R.: Privacy-Preserving-Based Secure Framework Using Blockcha...
13 for Gupta, G.P.

Gupta, G.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ambikumar, A.S.: Extending the depth of field in microscopy: A review
     with: Bailey, D.: Automatic Estimation of Camera Position in Robot Soccer
     with: Bailey, D.: Making Use of 3D Models for Plant Physiognomic Analysis: A...
     with: Bailey, D.: Overview of image-based 3D vision systems for agricultural...
     with: Bailey, D.: Plant Trait Segmentation for Plant Growth Monitoring
     with: Bailey, D.: Sign language analysis and recognition: A preliminary inve...
     with: Bailey, D.G.: Extending the depth of field in microscopy: A review
     with: Demidenko, S.: Sign language analysis and recognition: A preliminary i...
     with: Khan, S.: Sign language analysis and recognition: A preliminary invest...
     with: Messom, C.: Sign language analysis and recognition: A preliminary inve...
     with: Paturkar, A.: Making Use of 3D Models for Plant Physiognomic Analysis:...
     with: Paturkar, A.: Overview of image-based 3D vision systems for agricultur...
     with: Paturkar, A.: Plant Trait Segmentation for Plant Growth Monitoring
13 for Gupta, G.S.

Gupta, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Acharya, U.K.: Hybrid deep neural network for automatic detection of C...
     with: Aggarwal, M.: Document Structure Extraction Using Prior Based High Res...
     with: Aggarwal, M.: Multi-Modal Association based Grouping for Form Structur...
     with: Agrawal, A.K.: experimental evaluation of linear and kernel-based meth...
     with: Ahmed, M.K.: Hybrid deep neural network for automatic detection of COV...
     with: Ali, M.T.: Hybrid deep neural network for automatic detection of COVID...
     with: Andreasson, H.: Robust Object Detection in Challenging Weather Conditi...
     with: Antony, D.S.: Implementation of Gaussian and Box Kernel Based Approxim...
     with: Arad, B.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB ...
     with: Aubel, A.: Towards Realistic Generative 3D Face Models
     with: Bama, B.S.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RG...
     with: Banerjee, A.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an ...
     with: Bansal, N.: hybrid convolutional neural network model to detect COVID-...
     with: Ben Shahar, O.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from a...
     with: Ben, K.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Bhat, G.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Bjorklund, J.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results,...
     with: Cai, D.D.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Cao, X.C.: Map-based Active Leader-Follower Surveillance System
     with: Carrasco, F.V.: Towards Realistic Generative 3D Face Models
     with: Chang, H.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Chang, H.J.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Chellappa, R.: Contour-based 3D Face Modeling from a Monocular Video
     with: Chellappa, R.: experimental evaluation of linear and kernel-based meth...
     with: Chen, G.Q.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Chen, J.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Chen, S.Y.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Chen, X.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Chen, X.L.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Chen, X.M.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RG...
     with: Chen, Y.H.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Chen, Y.W.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Chen, Z.X.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Cheng, Y.M.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Choe, T.: Mobile ISR: Intelligent ISR management and exploitation for ...
     with: Choe, T.E.: Multimodal complex event detection framework for wide area...
     with: Ciaramella, A.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results...
     with: Cruz, R.M.O.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Cui, Y.T.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Danelljan, M.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results,...
     with: Dasari, M.M.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, ...
     with: de la Torre, F.: Towards Realistic Generative 3D Face Models
     with: Deng, H.: Mobile ISR: Intelligent ISR management and exploitation for ...
     with: Deng, Q.L.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Dhar, D.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: di Nardo, E.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Di, S.Z.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Drbohlav, O.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Du, D.K.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Dunnhofer, M.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results,...
     with: Dyke, D.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB ...
     with: Dzubur, B.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Fan, H.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Fang, Z.Y.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RG...
     with: Felsberg, M.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Feng, Z.H.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Fernandez, G.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results,...
     with: Finlayson, G.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an...
     with: Fu, Z.H.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Fubara, B.J.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an ...
     with: Gao, S.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Garg, S.: hybrid convolutional neural network model to detect COVID-19...
     with: Givati, S.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RG...
     with: Gorthi, R.K.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Granger, E.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Gu, Q.H.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Gunda, K.: Mobile ISR: Intelligent ISR management and exploitation for...
     with: Gunda, K.: Optimized Transform Coding for Approximate KNN Search
     with: Haering, N.C.: Map-based Active Leader-Follower Surveillance System
     with: Haering, N.C.: Multimodal complex event detection framework for wide a...
     with: Hakeem, A.: Mobile ISR: Intelligent ISR management and exploitation fo...
     with: Hakeem, A.: Multimodal complex event detection framework for wide area...
     with: He, J.F.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: He, K.J.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Hou, J.H.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB...
     with: Huang, Y.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Jain, A.: Document Structure Extraction Using Prior Based High Resolut...
     with: Jangid, D.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Ji, R.R.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Jiang, C.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Jiang, Y.J.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Jin, K.H.: CNN-Based Projected Gradient Descent for Consistent CT Imag...
     with: Jin, K.H.: Time-Dependent Deep Image Prior for Dynamic MRI
     with: Kagan, M.: CryoPoseNet: End-to-End Simultaneous Learning of Single-par...
     with: Kamarainen, J.K.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Resul...
     with: Kang, Z.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Kim, D.: Towards Realistic Generative 3D Face Models
     with: Kim, S.H.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB...
     with: Kim, Y.J.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB...
     with: Kiran, M.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Kittler, J.V.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results,...
     with: Koppers, S.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an R...
     with: Kotlyar, O.: Robust Object Detection in Challenging Weather Conditions
     with: Krishnamurthy, B.: Document Structure Extraction Using Prior Based Hig...
     with: Krishnamurthy, B.: Multi-Modal Association based Grouping for Form Str...
     with: Kristan, M.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Kumar, S.: Hybrid deep neural network for automatic detection of COVID...
     with: Lai, S.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Lan, X.Y.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Lang, Z.Q.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RG...
     with: Lawin, F.J.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Lee, D.W.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Lee, H.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Lee, S.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Leonardis, A.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results,...
     with: Li, H.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, J.J.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB ...
     with: Li, M.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, W.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, X.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, X.X.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, Y.S.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB ...
     with: Li, Z.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Lilienthal, A.J.: Robust Object Detection in Challenging Weather Condi...
     with: Lin, L.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Lin, T.Y.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB...
     with: Lin, Y.T.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB...
     with: Ling, H.B.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Liu, B.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Liu, C.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Liu, F.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB I...
     with: Liu, S.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Liu, W.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB I...
     with: Lu, H.C.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Lukezic, A.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Ma, B.P.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Ma, C.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Ma, J.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Ma, Y.C.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Madden, D.: Mobile ISR: Intelligent ISR management and exploitation fo...
     with: Mallik, H.: hybrid convolutional neural network model to detect COVID-...
     with: Martinel, N.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Matas, J.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Mayer, C.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: McCann, M.T.: CNN-Based Projected Gradient Descent for Consistent CT I...
     with: Memarmoghadam, A.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Resu...
     with: Merhof, D.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RG...
     with: Micheloni, C.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results,...
     with: Mishra, A.S.: Hybrid deep neural network for automatic detection of CO...
     with: Mitra, K.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB...
     with: Mitra, K.: Toward Unaligned Guided Thermal Super-Resolution
     with: Mitra, K.: Unsupervised Single Image Underwater Depth Estimation
     with: Moallem, P.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Nashed, Y.S.G.: CryoPoseNet: End-to-End Simultaneous Learning of Singl...
     with: Nguyen Meidine, L.T.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge R...
     with: Nguyen, H.Q.: CNN-Based Projected Gradient Descent for Consistent CT I...
     with: Nie, J.T.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB...
     with: Palrecha, A.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an ...
     with: Pan, S.Y.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Pandey, A.: Towards Realistic Generative 3D Face Models
     with: Park, C.B.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Park, M.W.: Optimized Transform Coding for Approximate KNN Search
     with: Paudel, D.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Paul, M.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Peng, H.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB ...
     with: Peng, H.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Pflugfelder, R.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Result...
     with: Po, L.M.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB ...
     with: Poitevin, F.: CryoPoseNet: End-to-End Simultaneous Learning of Single-...
     with: Prabha, A.: hybrid convolutional neural network model to detect COVID-...
     with: Prakash, A.: Towards Realistic Generative 3D Face Models
     with: Pruthi, T.: experimental evaluation of linear and kernel-based methods...
     with: Rai, A.: Towards Realistic Generative 3D Face Models
     with: Ramanathan, N.: Mobile ISR: Intelligent ISR management and exploitatio...
     with: Rasheed, Z.: Mobile ISR: Intelligent ISR management and exploitation f...
     with: Ratner, D.: CryoPoseNet: End-to-End Simultaneous Learning of Single-pa...
     with: Ren, J.C.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB...
     with: Rho, K.H.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB...
     with: Robinson, A.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Roomi, S.M.M.M.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from ...
     with: Rout, L.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Roy Chowdhury, A.K.: Contour-based 3D Face Modeling from a Monocular V...
     with: sabarinathan, S.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from...
     with: Sarkar, M.: Document Structure Extraction Using Prior Based High Resol...
     with: Sarkar, M.: Multi-Modal Association based Grouping for Form Structure ...
     with: Sedky, M.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB...
     with: Shafique, K.: Optimized Transform Coding for Approximate KNN Search
     with: Shan, S.G.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Shayne, E.: Mobile ISR: Intelligent ISR management and exploitation fo...
     with: Shekhar, C.: experimental evaluation of linear and kernel-based method...
     with: Shin, C.Y.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RG...
     with: Siddiqui, M.T.: Hybrid deep neural network for automatic detection of ...
     with: Simonato, K.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, ...
     with: Song, R.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB ...
     with: Song, T.H.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Song, X.N.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Stiebel, T.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an R...
     with: Stuber, M.: Time-Dependent Deep Image Prior for Dynamic MRI
     with: Sun, C.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Sun, H.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB I...
     with: Sun, J.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Takagi, S.J.: Towards Realistic Generative 3D Face Models
     with: Tang, Z.Y.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Timofte, R.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an R...
     with: Timofte, R.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Tsai, C.Y.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Uma, K.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB I...
     with: Unser, M.: CNN-Based Projected Gradient Descent for Consistent CT Imag...
     with: Unser, M.: Time-Dependent Deep Image Prior for Dynamic MRI
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results...
     with: Verma, O.P.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Vinothini, D.S.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from ...
     with: Wang, D.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Wang, F.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Wang, L.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Wang, L.J.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Wang, L.L.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Wang, L.M.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Wang, Q.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Wei, W.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB I...
     with: Woollard, G.: CryoPoseNet: End-to-End Simultaneous Learning of Single-...
     with: Wu, C.X.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB ...
     with: Wu, G.S.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Wu, J.L.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Wu, X.J.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Xie, F.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Xu, T.Y.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Xu, W.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Xu, Y.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Xu, Y.Y.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Xue, W.L.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Xun, Z.Z.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Yadav, J.: hybrid convolutional neural network model to detect COVID-1...
     with: Yan, B.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Yan, Q.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB I...
     with: Yan, S.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Yan, Y.J.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB...
     with: Yang, D.W.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Yang, J.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Yang, W.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Yang, W.K.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Yang, X.Y.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Yang, Y.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Yang, Y.C.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Yang, Z.X.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Ye, B.T.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Yerly, J.: Time-Dependent Deep Image Prior for Dynamic MRI
     with: Yoo, J.: Time-Dependent Deep Image Prior for Dynamic MRI
     with: Yoon, C.H.: CryoPoseNet: End-to-End Simultaneous Learning of Single-pa...
     with: Yu, F.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Yu, H.Y.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Yu, J.Q.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Yu, L.: Multimodal complex event detection framework for wide area sur...
     with: Yu, Q.J.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Yu, W.C.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zajc, L.C.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Ze, K.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhai, J.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhang, C.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhang, C.W.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhang, K.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhang, L.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB...
     with: Zhang, T.Z.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhang, W.K.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhang, Y.S.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhang, Z.B.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhang, Z.P.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhang, Z.Q.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhao, J.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB ...
     with: Zhao, J.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhao, S.C.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhao, Y.Z.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RG...
     with: Zheng, F.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zheng, H.X.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zheng, M.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhong, B.N.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhu, J.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhu, X.F.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhu, Z.Y.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB...
     with: Zhuang, Y.T.: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, ...
272 for Gupta, H.

Gupta, H.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Grover, J.: Score level fusion of multimodal biometrics using triangul...
     with: Gupta, S.N.: Linear MMSE Filtering for Restoration of Images Degraded ...
     with: Gupta, S.N.: Maximum a Posteriori Estimation in Presence of Film Grain...
     with: Gureja, A.: Score level fusion of multimodal biometrics using triangul...
     with: Hanmandlu, M.: Automatic Ear Detection for Online Biometric Applications
     with: Hanmandlu, M.: Decision level biometric fusion using Ant Colony Optimi...
     with: Hanmandlu, M.: Score level fusion of multimodal biometrics using trian...
     with: Kuldeep, M.: Automatic Ear Detection for Online Biometric Applications
     with: Kumar, A.: Automatic Ear Detection for Online Biometric Applications
     with: Kumar, A.: Decision level biometric fusion using Ant Colony Optimization
     with: Sanghvi, H.: Decision level biometric fusion using Ant Colony Optimiza...
     with: Shankar, P.M.: Image Detection in the Presence of Speckle
     with: Tavildar, A.S.: Linear MMSE Filtering for Restoration of Images Degrad...
     with: Tavildar, A.S.: Maximum a Posteriori Estimation in Presence of Film Gr...
14 for Gupta, H.M.

Gupta, H.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bagi, R.: Leveraging Smart Devices for Scene Text Preserved Image Styl...
     with: Bagi, R.: Met-MLTS: Leveraging Smartphones for End-to-End Spotting of ...
     with: Biswas, B.: Early Classification Approach for Multivariate Time Series...
     with: Dutta, T.: Bayesian Game Based Approach for Associating the Nodes to t...
     with: Dutta, T.: Early Classification Approach for Multivariate Time Series ...
     with: Dutta, T.: Efficient System for Hazy Scene Text Detection using a Deep...
     with: Dutta, T.: FactorNet: Holistic Actor, Object, and Scene Factorization ...
     with: Dutta, T.: Leveraging Smart Devices for Scene Text Preserved Image Sty...
     with: Dutta, T.: Met-MLTS: Leveraging Smartphones for End-to-End Spotting of...
     with: Dutta, T.: Real Testbed for Autonomous Anomaly Detection in Power Grid...
     with: Dutta, T.: Recurrent Global Convolutional Network for Scene Text Detec...
     with: Dutta, T.: robust watermarking framework for High Efficiency Video Cod...
     with: Gona, P.: Real Testbed for Autonomous Anomaly Detection in Power Grid ...
     with: Gupta, A.: Early Classification Approach for Multivariate Time Series ...
     with: Kumar, R.: Federated Learning Approach With Imperfect Labels in LoRa-B...
     with: Kumari, P.: Bayesian Game Based Approach for Associating the Nodes to ...
     with: Mishra, R.: Federated Learning Approach With Imperfect Labels in LoRa-...
     with: Mohanty, S.: Efficient System for Hazy Scene Text Detection using a De...
     with: Mohanty, S.: Leveraging Smart Devices for Scene Text Preserved Image S...
     with: Mohanty, S.: Recurrent Global Convolutional Network for Scene Text Det...
     with: Nigam, N.: FactorNet: Holistic Actor, Object, and Scene Factorization ...
     with: Nigam, N.: Met-MLTS: Leveraging Smartphones for End-to-End Spotting of...
     with: Rao, S.V.: Analysis of Stochastic k-Coverage and Connectivity in Senso...
     with: Soni, A.: Real Testbed for Autonomous Anomaly Detection in Power Grid ...
     with: Tamarapalli, V.T.: Analysis of Stochastic k-Coverage and Connectivity ...
     with: Verma, D.: Met-MLTS: Leveraging Smartphones for End-to-End Spotting of...
29 for Gupta, H.P.

Gupta, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arora, C.: Pose Aware Fine-Grained Visual Classification Using Pose Ex...
     with: Bhalla, I.: Scattering Transform for Matching Surgically Altered Face ...
     with: Bhardwaj, K.: Multi-Resolution Probabilistic Information Fusion for Ca...
     with: Chaudhury, S.: Multi-Resolution Probabilistic Information Fusion for C...
     with: Chopra, A.: Pose Aware Fine-Grained Visual Classification Using Pose E...
     with: Dutta Roy, S.: Multi-Resolution Probabilistic Information Fusion for C...
     with: Gupta, S.: Classification of bamboo plant based on digital image proce...
     with: Gupta, S.: Detection of Alzheimer's Disease Using Deep Convolutional N...
     with: Gupta, S.: Different CNN-based Architectures for Detection of Invasive...
     with: Gupta, S.: Multi-Resolution Probabilistic Information Fusion for Camer...
     with: Kaur, S.: Detection of Alzheimer's Disease Using Deep Convolutional Ne...
     with: Khurana, T.: Pose Aware Fine-Grained Visual Classification Using Pose ...
     with: Mahajan, K.: Pose Aware Fine-Grained Visual Classification Using Pose ...
     with: Mishra, B.S.P.: Robust Approach to Plagiarism Detection in Handwritten...
     with: Pandey, O.: Robust Approach to Plagiarism Detection in Handwritten Doc...
     with: Rai, A.: Pose Aware Fine-Grained Visual Classification Using Pose Expe...
     with: Raman, B.: Partial Encryption on SPIHT Compressed Images
     with: Rangesh, A.: 3D Bounding Boxes for Road Vehicles: A One-Stage, Localiz...
     with: Singh, K.: Classification of bamboo plant based on digital image proce...
     with: Singh, R.: Scattering Transform for Matching Surgically Altered Face I...
     with: Singh, S.: Detection of Alzheimer's Disease Using Deep Convolutional N...
     with: Singh, S.: Different CNN-based Architectures for Detection of Invasive...
     with: Taneja, N.: Partial Encryption on SPIHT Compressed Images
     with: Trivedi, M.: 3D Bounding Boxes for Road Vehicles: A One-Stage, Localiz...
     with: Vatsa, M.: Scattering Transform for Matching Surgically Altered Face I...
25 for Gupta, I.

Gupta, I.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Morrison, A.W.: Desired Features of Adaptive Antenna Arrays for GNSS R...
     with: van der Merwe, A.: Novel Signal Processing Technique for Clutter Reduc...
     with: Weiss, I.M.: Desired Features of Adaptive Antenna Arrays for GNSS Rece...

Gupta, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agarwal, S.: Variational Information Bottleneck Based Method to Compre...
     with: Arya, D.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferenc...
     with: Athreyas, N.: Analog signal processing solution for machine vision app...
     with: Bejnordi, B.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infe...
     with: Bhowmick, D.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infe...
     with: Bhushan, K.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infer...
     with: Chavan, A.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
     with: Dixit, D.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferen...
     with: Dutta, O.: Variational Information Bottleneck Based Method to Compress...
     with: Gankhuyag, G.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inf...
     with: Ghodrati, A.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infe...
     with: Gulshad, S.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infer...
     with: Gupta, A.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferen...
     with: Gupta, D.: Analog signal processing solution for machine vision applic...
     with: Gupta, D.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferen...
     with: Habibian, A.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infe...
     with: Holston, A.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infer...
     with: Jeong, S.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferen...
     with: Jung, H.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferenc...
     with: Kim, B.H.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferen...
     with: Kim, C.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inference...
     with: Kim, H.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inference...
     with: Kim, S.B.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferen...
     with: Kwak, Y.J.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
     with: Lee, Y.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inference...
     with: Lele, N.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferenc...
     with: Liu, Z.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inference...
     with: Mago, G.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferenc...
     with: Park, C.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inferenc...
     with: Prasad, D.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
     with: Prathosh, A.P.: Variational Information Bottleneck Based Method to Com...
     with: Ryu, J.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inference...
     with: Sharan, S.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
     with: Shen, Z.Q.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
     with: Srivastava, A.: Variational Information Bottleneck Based Method to Com...
     with: Tiwari, R.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
     with: Vo, T.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inference ...
     with: Wang, S.H.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
     with: Yang, Y.K.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
     with: Yu, J.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inference ...
     with: Zaheer, S.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
     with: Zhao, S.W.: RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Infere...
43 for Gupta, J.

Gupta, J.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhattacharya, K.: Handwritten words recognition for legal amounts of b...
     with: Chanda, B.: Ensemble classifier-based off-line handwritten word recogn...
     with: Chanda, B.: Model Based Text Line Segmentation Method for Off-line Han...
     with: Kariveda, T.: Handwritten words recognition for legal amounts of bank ...
     with: Samanta, S.: Ensemble classifier-based off-line handwritten word recog...
     with: Singh, S.: Handwritten words recognition for legal amounts of bank che...

Gupta, J.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhattacharya, A.: EvDNeRF: Reconstructing Event Data with Dynamic Neur...
     with: Bonatti, R.: EvDNeRF: Reconstructing Event Data with Dynamic Neural Ra...
     with: Cladera, F.: EvDNeRF: Reconstructing Event Data with Dynamic Neural Ra...
     with: Daniilidis, K.: EvDNeRF: Reconstructing Event Data with Dynamic Neural...
     with: Kapoor, A.: EvDNeRF: Reconstructing Event Data with Dynamic Neural Rad...
     with: Kumar, V.: EvDNeRF: Reconstructing Event Data with Dynamic Neural Radi...
     with: Madaan, R.: EvDNeRF: Reconstructing Event Data with Dynamic Neural Rad...
     with: Matni, N.: EvDNeRF: Reconstructing Event Data with Dynamic Neural Radi...
     with: Vemprala, S.: EvDNeRF: Reconstructing Event Data with Dynamic Neural R...
9 for Gupta, J.K.

Gupta, J.N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Wintz, P.A.: Boundary Finding Algorithm and Its Applications, A

Gupta, J.N.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Huang, G.: second order cone programming approach for semi-supervised ...
     with: Song, S.J.: second order cone programming approach for semi-supervised...
     with: Wu, C.: second order cone programming approach for semi-supervised lea...

Gupta, J.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agrawal, D.D.: robust semi fragile lossless image data hiding approach...
     with: Dixit, P.: robust semi fragile lossless image data hiding approach, A
     with: Kumar, V.: robust semi fragile lossless image data hiding approach, A
     with: Singh, N.: robust semi fragile lossless image data hiding approach, A

Gupta, J.R.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhardwaj, S.: GFM-Based Methods for Speaker Identification
     with: Hanmandlu, M.: GFM-Based Methods for Speaker Identification
     with: Srivastava, S.: GFM-Based Methods for Speaker Identification

Gupta, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Achille, A.: LayoutTransformer: Layout Generation and Completion with ...
     with: Ahmad, F.: EGO-SLAM: A Robust Monocular SLAM for Egocentric Videos
     with: Arora, C.: EGO-SLAM: A Robust Monocular SLAM for Egocentric Videos
     with: Asthana, A.: Reducing the Side-Effects of Oscillations in Training of ...
     with: Awate, S.P.: Bayesian Reconstruction of Undersampled Multicoil HARDI
     with: Awate, S.P.: Random Forests for Simultaneous-Multislice (SMS) Undersam...
     with: Banerjee, S.: EGO-SLAM: A Robust Monocular SLAM for Egocentric Videos
     with: Bansal, M.: Compression Scheme for Handwritten Patterns Based on Curve...
     with: Batra, D.: Visual Dialog
     with: Bhavsar, A.: Class-specific hierarchical classification for HEP-2 spec...
     with: Bhavsar, A.: CNN Based HEp-2 Specimen Image Segmentation and Identific...
     with: Bhavsar, A.: Effectiveness of Grasp Attributes and Motion-Constraints ...
     with: Bhavsar, A.: Scale Invariant Human Action Detection from Depth Cameras...
     with: Bhowmick, B.: Motion blur removal via coupled autoencoder
     with: Burschka, D.: Effectiveness of Grasp Attributes and Motion-Constraints...
     with: Chaudhury, S.: Compression Scheme for Handwritten Patterns Based on Cu...
     with: Chellappa, R.: EyePAD++: A Distillation-based approach for joint Eye A...
     with: Chen, H.: Lottery Ticket Hypothesis for Object Recognition, The
     with: Das, A.: Visual Dialog
     with: Davis, L.: LayoutTransformer: Layout Generation and Completion with Se...
     with: Davis, L.: Lottery Ticket Hypothesis for Object Recognition, The
     with: Davis, L.S.: Neural Space-Filling Curves
     with: Dhar, P.: EyePAD++: A Distillation-based approach for joint Eye Authen...
     with: Elnagar, A.: Motion Prediction of Moving Objects Based on Autoregressi...
     with: Esteves, C.: ASIC: Aligning Sparse in-the-wild Image Collections
     with: Fayyad, J.: Exploiting classifier inter-level features for efficient o...
     with: Gautam, D.: cViL: Cross-Lingual Training of Vision-Language Models usi...
     with: Girish, S.: Lottery Ticket Hypothesis for Object Recognition, The
     with: Girish, S.: SHACIRA: Scalable HAsh-grid Compression for Implicit Neura...
     with: Goldbaum, M.: Glaucoma Precognition Based on Confocal Scanning Laser O...
     with: Goldbaum, M.: Glaucoma Precognition: Recognizing Preclinical Visual Fu...
     with: Gruyer, D.: Exploiting classifier inter-level features for efficient o...
     with: Gupta, V.: Class-specific hierarchical classification for HEP-2 specim...
     with: Hartley, R.I.: CullNet: Calibrated and Pose Aware Confidence Scores fo...
     with: He, B.: Chop & Learn: Recognizing and Generating Object-State Comp...
     with: Jabbireddy, S.: Improved Modeling of 3D Shapes with Multi-view Depth M...
     with: Jaiprasad: Dual Stream Network with Selective Optimization for Skin Di...
     with: Jampani, V.: ASIC: Aligning Sparse in-the-wild Image Collections
     with: Jayasundara, V.: Chop & Learn: Recognizing and Generating Object-S...
     with: Kaplan, K.: EyePAD++: A Distillation-based approach for joint Eye Auth...
     with: Kar, A.: ASIC: Aligning Sparse in-the-wild Image Collections
     with: Kottur, S.: Visual Dialog
     with: Krishnan, M.: Dual Stream Network with Selective Optimization for Skin...
     with: Kumar, A.: EyePAD++: A Distillation-based approach for joint Eye Authe...
     with: Lazarow, J.: LayoutTransformer: Layout Generation and Completion with ...
     with: Lee, S.: Visual Dialog
     with: Mahadevan, V.: LayoutTransformer: Layout Generation and Completion wit...
     with: Mahdian, N.: Exploiting classifier inter-level features for efficient ...
     with: Maiya, S.R.: Lottery Ticket Hypothesis for Object Recognition, The
     with: Majumdar, A.: Learning autoencoders with low-rank weights
     with: Majumdar, A.: Motion blur removal via coupled autoencoder
     with: Makadia, A.: ASIC: Aligning Sparse in-the-wild Image Collections
     with: Mamidi, R.: cViL: Cross-Lingual Training of Vision-Language Models usi...
     with: Mishra, N.: Conceptual description of visual scenes from linguistic mo...
     with: Moura, J.M.F.: Visual Dialog
     with: Mukerjee, A.: Conceptual description of visual scenes from linguistic ...
     with: Najjaran, H.: Development of a Plug-and-Play Infrared Landing System f...
     with: Najjaran, H.: Exploiting classifier inter-level features for efficient...
     with: Narayan, N.S.: Dual Stream Network with Selective Optimization for Ski...
     with: Narayanan, A.: Dual Stream Network with Selective Optimization for Ski...
     with: Nautiyal, S.: Conceptual description of visual scenes from linguistic ...
     with: Nowak, E.: Development of a Plug-and-Play Infrared Landing System for ...
     with: Parikh, D.: Visual Dialog
     with: Patra, S.: EGO-SLAM: A Robust Monocular SLAM for Egocentric Videos
     with: Petersson, L.: CullNet: Calibrated and Pose Aware Confidence Scores fo...
     with: Ranjan, R.: EyePAD++: A Distillation-based approach for joint Eye Auth...
     with: Saini, N.: Chop & Learn: Recognizing and Generating Object-State C...
     with: Sao, A.K.: Class-specific hierarchical classification for HEP-2 specim...
     with: Sao, A.K.: CNN Based HEp-2 Specimen Image Segmentation and Identificat...
     with: Shah, K.: Improved Modeling of 3D Shapes with Multi-view Depth Maps
     with: Shrivastava, A.: ASIC: Aligning Sparse in-the-wild Image Collections
     with: Shrivastava, A.: Chop & Learn: Recognizing and Generating Object-S...
     with: Shrivastava, A.: Improved Modeling of 3D Shapes with Multi-view Depth ...
     with: Shrivastava, A.: LayoutTransformer: Layout Generation and Completion w...
     with: Shrivastava, A.: Lottery Ticket Hypothesis for Object Recognition, The
     with: Shrivastava, A.: Neural Space-Filling Curves
     with: Shrivastava, A.: PatchVAE: Learning Local Latent Codes for Recognition
     with: Shrivastava, A.: SHACIRA: Scalable HAsh-grid Compression for Implicit ...
     with: Shrivastava, A.: Teaching Matters: Investigating the Role of Supervisi...
     with: Singh, A.: Visual Dialog
     with: Singh, M.P.: Conceptual description of visual scenes from linguistic m...
     with: Singh, S.: PatchVAE: Learning Local Latent Codes for Recognition
     with: Snavely, N.: ASIC: Aligning Sparse in-the-wild Image Collections
     with: Suri, S.: Teaching Matters: Investigating the Role of Supervision in V...
     with: Swaminathan, A.: Chop & Learn: Recognizing and Generating Object-S...
     with: Thakur, A.: Glaucoma Precognition: Recognizing Preclinical Visual Func...
     with: Walmer, M.: Teaching Matters: Investigating the Role of Supervision in...
     with: Wang, H.Y.: Chop & Learn: Recognizing and Generating Object-State ...
     with: Wang, H.Y.: Neural Space-Filling Curves
     with: Xu, Z.K.: Complete 3D Boundary Representation from Multiple Range Imag...
     with: Yadav, D.: Visual Dialog
     with: Yousefi, S.: Glaucoma Precognition Based on Confocal Scanning Laser Op...
     with: Yousefi, S.: Glaucoma Precognition: Recognizing Preclinical Visual Fun...
     with: Zwicker, M.: Improved Modeling of 3D Shapes with Multi-view Depth Maps
101 for Gupta, K.

Gupta, K.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Macri, L.: Domain Adaptation under Data Misalignment: An Application t...
     with: Vilalta, R.: Domain Adaptation under Data Misalignment: An Application...

Gupta, K.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gupta, R.: Despeckle and geographical feature extraction in SAR images...

Gupta, K.O. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chatur, P.N.: Gradient self-weighting linear collaborative discriminan...

Gupta, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Amendolia, S.R.: Neural network trigger algorithms for heavy quark eve...
     with: Appel, V.: Generative Adversarial Networks for Facilitating Stain-Inde...
     with: Balakrishnan, S.: Hybrid SVM: Random Forest classication system for or...
     with: Boor, P.: Generative Adversarial Networks for Facilitating Stain-Indep...
     with: Charles, A.: Prototype selection rules for neural network training
     with: Charles, A.: Robust Automatic Target Recognition Using a Localized Bou...
     with: Charles, A.: Three-Layer Perceptron Based Classifiers for the Partial ...
     with: Chung, B.: Tongue-Movement Communication and Control Concept for Hands...
     with: Das, S.: Hierarchical Approach to Landform Classification of Satellite...
     with: Das, S.: Integrating region and edge information for texture segmentat...
     with: Das, S.: Texture Edge Detection using Multi-resolution Features and SOM
     with: Denby, B.: Neural network trigger algorithms for heavy quark event sel...
     with: Dimitrova, N.: Classification method for microarray probe selection us...
     with: Fadem, K.C.: Multi-stimuli multi-channel data and decision fusion stra...
     with: Gadermayr, M.: Generative Adversarial Networks for Facilitating Stain-...
     with: Gagrani, A.: Hierarchical Approach to Landform Classification of Satel...
     with: Gorthi, A.: Classification method for microarray probe selection using...
     with: Grieco, G.: Neural network trigger algorithms for heavy quark event se...
     with: Kamalakaran, S.: Classification method for microarray probe selection ...
     with: Kisatsky, P.: Prototype selection rules for neural network training
     with: Kisatsky, P.: Robust Automatic Target Recognition Using a Localized Bo...
     with: Kisatsky, P.: Three-Layer Perceptron Based Classifiers for the Partial...
     with: Klinkhammer, B.M.: Generative Adversarial Networks for Facilitating St...
     with: Kook, H.: Tongue-Movement Communication and Control Concept for Hands-...
     with: Kook, H.S.: Multi-stimuli multi-channel data and decision fusion strat...
     with: Kook, H.S.: offline/real-time artifact rejection strategy to improve t...
     with: Kota, S.: Central-tendency estimation and nearest-estimate classificat...
     with: Kota, S.: offline/real-time artifact rejection strategy to improve the...
     with: Kota, S.: Tongue-Movement Communication and Control Concept for Hands-...
     with: Kumar, S.I.: Classification method for microarray probe selection usin...
     with: Lakshmi, B.: Classification method for microarray probe selection usin...
     with: Lyytinen, H.: offline/real-time artifact rejection strategy to improve...
     with: Ma, S.W.: Gesture-based interaction and communication: Automated Clas...
     with: Malakapalli, K.: Robust Partial Shape Classification Using Invariant B...
     with: Mangai, U.G.: Integrating region and edge information for texture segm...
     with: McAvoy, M.: Classification of temporal sequences via prediction using ...
     with: McAvoy, M.: Investigating the prediction capabilities of the simple re...
     with: Merhof, D.: Generative Adversarial Networks for Facilitating Stain-Ind...
     with: Molfese, D.: Multi-stimuli multi-channel data and decision fusion stra...
     with: Molfese, D.: offline/real-time artifact rejection strategy to improve ...
     with: Molfese, D.L.: Central-tendency estimation and nearest-estimate classi...
     with: Naik, S.K.: Hybrid SVM: Random Forest classication system for oral can...
     with: Pai, D.: Classification method for microarray probe selection using se...
     with: Pai, K.M.: Hybrid SVM: Random Forest classication system for oral canc...
     with: Panchal, V.K.: Hierarchical Approach to Landform Classification of Sat...
     with: Phegley, J.: Classification of temporal sequences via prediction using...
     with: Ravindran, B.: Hierarchical Approach to Landform Classification of Sat...
     with: Roychowdhury, P.: Hierarchical Approach to Landform Classification of ...
     with: Santhosh, C.: Hybrid SVM: Random Forest classication system for oral c...
     with: Sayeh, M.R.: Neural Network Approach to Robust Shape Classification, A
     with: Shaik, R.: Classification method for microarray probe selection using ...
     with: Singh, R.: Classification method for microarray probe selection using ...
     with: Singh, R.K.: Hybrid SVM: Random Forest classication system for oral ca...
     with: Sortrakul, T.: Gaussian-Mixture-Based Image Segmentation Algorithm, A
     with: Sortrakul, T.: Robust Automatic Target Recognition Using a Localized B...
     with: Srinath, M.D.: Contour Sequence Moments For The Classification Of Clos...
     with: Srinath, M.D.: Invariant Planar Shape Recognition Using Dynamic Alignm...
     with: Tammana, R.: discrepancy measure for improved clustering, A
     with: Tammana, R.: Neural Network Approach to Robust Shape Classification, A
     with: Thakur, R.S.: PReLU and edge-aware filter-based image denoiser using c...
     with: Thakur, R.S.: State-of-art analysis of image denoising methods using c...
     with: Upadhye, A.M.: Neural network trigger algorithms for heavy quark event...
     with: Upadhye, A.M.: Non-Linear Alignment of Neural Net Outputs for Partial ...
     with: Vaidyanathan, R.: Tongue-Movement Communication and Control Concept fo...
     with: Wang, J.S.: Prototype selection rules for neural network training
     with: Wang, J.S.: Three-Layer Perceptron Based Classifiers for the Partial S...
     with: West, J.D.: Tongue-Movement Communication and Control Concept for Hand...
     with: Wigler, M.: Classification method for microarray probe selection using...
     with: Yadav, R.N.: PReLU and edge-aware filter-based image denoiser using co...
     with: Yadav, R.N.: State-of-art analysis of image denoising methods using co...
     with: Yarlagadda, P.: Central-tendency estimation and nearest-estimate class...
     with: Zhao, X.Y.: Classification method for microarray probe selection using...
72 for Gupta, L.

Gupta, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agarwal, A.: Generalized Iris Presentation Attack Detection Algorithm ...
     with: Agarwal, N.: Generation of Non-Linear Technique Based 6 Hourly Wind Re...
     with: Agarwal, V.: Multi-Task Knowledge Distillation for Eye Disease Predict...
     with: Agrawal, A.: Flexible Voxels for Motion-Aware Videography
     with: Agrawal, A.: Optimal coded sampling for temporal super-resolution
     with: Agrawal, A.: Practical Approach to 3D Scanning in the Presence of Inte...
     with: Agrawal, A.: Structured light 3D scanning in the presence of global il...
     with: Agrawal, N.: Evaluating the Performance of PRISMA Shortwave Infrared I...
     with: Ali, M.M.: Generation of Non-Linear Technique Based 6 Hourly Wind Rean...
     with: Allebach, J.P.: Clustered-Dot Halftoning With Direct Binary Search
     with: Allebach, J.P.: Electro-photographic model based stochastic clustered-...
     with: Ardelean, A.: Learned Compressive Representations for Single-Photon 3D...
     with: Ardelean, A.: SoDaCam: Software-defined Cameras via Single-Photon Imag...
     with: Armstrong, R.: Comparing usability of a single versus dual interaction...
     with: Arora, C.: Surpassing the Human Accuracy: Detecting Gallbladder Cancer...
     with: Babu, S.: Comparing usability of a single versus dual interaction meta...
     with: Banerjee, S.: When Two Cameras Are a Crowd
     with: Bansal, A.: Optimized ResUNet++-Enabled Blood Vessel Segmentation for ...
     with: Bartol, K.: Smart Time-Multiplexing of Quads Solves the Multicamera In...
     with: Basu, S.: Surpassing the Human Accuracy: Detecting Gallbladder Cancer ...
     with: Behera, L.: Novel Vision-Based Tracking Algorithm for a Human-Followin...
     with: Behera, L.: on-line visual human tracking algorithm using SURF-based d...
     with: Bera, R.: Target detection of ISAR data by principal component transfo...
     with: Bertrand, J.: Comparing usability of a single versus dual interaction ...
     with: Bhaskar, D.: Target detection of ISAR data by principal component tran...
     with: Bhaskarpandit, S.: Similarity Learning based Few Shot Learning for ECG...
     with: Bhowmick, S.A.: Generation of Non-Linear Technique Based 6 Hourly Wind...
     with: Bindlish, R.: Development of High-Resolution Soil Hydraulic Parameters...
     with: Biswas, S.: Target detection of ISAR data by principal component trans...
     with: Bojanic, D.: Smart Time-Multiplexing of Quads Solves the Multicamera I...
     with: Bruschini, C.: Learned Compressive Representations for Single-Photon 3...
     with: Brusschini, C.: SoDaCam: Software-defined Cameras via Single-Photon Im...
     with: Buttafava, M.: Passive Inter-Photon Imaging
     with: Cairco Dukes, L.: Comparing usability of a single versus dual interact...
     with: Camci, E.: QLP: Deep Q-Learning for Pruning Deep Neural Networks
     with: Chakraborty, A.: Generation of Non-Linear Technique Based 6 Hourly Win...
     with: Chandra, B.: Robust Approach for Estimating Probabilities in Naive-Bay...
     with: Charbon, E.: Burst Vision Using Single-Photon Cameras
     with: Charbon, E.: Learned Compressive Representations for Single-Photon 3D ...
     with: Charbon, E.: SoDaCam: Software-defined Cameras via Single-Photon Imaging
     with: Chatterjee, R.: Invisible Perturbations: Physical Adversarial Examples...
     with: Chauhan, K.: Robust outlier detection by de-biasing VAE likelihoods
     with: Chelaramani, S.: Multi-Task Knowledge Distillation for Eye Disease Pre...
     with: Chowdary, V.M.: Runoff simulation using distributed hydrological model...
     with: Cossairt, O.: Digital refocusing with incoherent holography
     with: Cossairt, O.: MC3D: Motion Contrast 3D Scanning
     with: Cossairt, O.S.: When Does Computational Imaging Improve Performance?
     with: Dai, Q.H.: Recovering Scene Geometry under Wavy Fluid via Distortion a...
     with: Desai, V.R.: Runoff simulation using distributed hydrological modeling...
     with: Dutson, M.: Event Neural Networks
     with: Dutson, M.: Eventful Transformers: Leveraging Temporal Redundancy in V...
     with: Dutson, M.: Spike-Based Anytime Perception
     with: Fasolino, T.: Comparing usability of a single versus dual interaction ...
     with: Fernandes, E.: Invisible Perturbations: Physical Adversarial Examples ...
     with: Fischer, M.: Clustered-Dot Halftoning With Direct Binary Search
     with: Fischer, M.: Electro-photographic model based stochastic clustered-dot...
     with: Galitz, J.: HealTech - A System for Predicting Patient Hospitalization...
     with: Garg, S.: on-line visual human tracking algorithm using SURF-based dyn...
     with: Gormish, M.: Block Color Quantization: a New Method for Color Halftoning
     with: Govil, H.: Evaluating the Performance of PRISMA Shortwave Infrared Ima...
     with: Goyal, B.: Photon-Starved Scene Inference using Single Photon Cameras
     with: Goyal, P.: Clustered-Dot Halftoning With Direct Binary Search
     with: Goyal, P.: Electro-photographic model based stochastic clustered-dot h...
     with: Gray, R.: Color Conversion Using Maximum Entropy Estimation
     with: Gray, R.M.: Analysis and classification of internal pipeline images
     with: Gu, J.W.: Efficient Space-Time Sampling with Pixel-Wise Coded Exposure...
     with: Gu, J.W.: Multiplexed illumination for scene recovery in the presence ...
     with: Gu, J.W.: Video from a single coded exposure photograph using a learne...
     with: Gu, X.F.: High Resolution Tracking of Non-Rigid 3D Motion of Densely S...
     with: Gu, X.F.: High Resolution Tracking of Non-Rigid Motion of Densely Samp...
     with: Gupta, A.: Asynchronous Single-Photon 3D Imaging
     with: Gupta, A.: Photon-Flooded Single-Photon 3D Cameras
     with: Gupta, M.P.: Robust Approach for Estimating Probabilities in Naive-Bay...
     with: Gupta, P.: Multi-Task Knowledge Distillation for Eye Disease Prediction
     with: Gupta, P.: Similarity Learning based Few Shot Learning for ECG Time Se...
     with: Gupta, P.: Surpassing the Human Accuracy: Detecting Gallbladder Cancer...
     with: Gupta, S.: Eulerian Single-Photon Vision
     with: Gupta, S.: Passive Inter-Photon Imaging
     with: Gutierrez Barragan, F.: Compressive Single-Photon 3D Cameras
     with: Gutierrez Barragan, F.: Learned Compressive Representations for Single...
     with: Gutierrez Barragan, F.: Practical Coding Function Design for Time-Of-F...
     with: Gutierrez Barragan, F.: Single-Photon Camera Guided Extreme Dynamic Ra...
     with: Habash, R.: Multi-Task Knowledge Distillation for Eye Disease Prediction
     with: Hagene, J.K.: Analysis and classification of internal pipeline images
     with: Hager, G.: Active background modeling: Actors on a stage
     with: Hitomi, Y.: Efficient Space-Time Sampling with Pixel-Wise Coded Exposu...
     with: Hitomi, Y.: Video from a single coded exposure photograph using a lear...
     with: Hodges, L.F.: Comparing usability of a single versus dual interaction ...
     with: Hooda, A.: Invisible Perturbations: Physical Adversarial Examples Expl...
     with: Huang, P.S.: High Resolution Tracking of Non-Rigid 3D Motion of Densel...
     with: Huang, P.S.: High Resolution Tracking of Non-Rigid Motion of Densely S...
     with: Ingle, A.: 3D Scene Inference from Transient Histograms
     with: Ingle, A.: Asynchronous Single-Photon 3D Imaging
     with: Ingle, A.: Compressive Single-Photon 3D Cameras
     with: Ingle, A.: High Flux Passive Imaging With Single-Photon Sensors
     with: Ingle, A.: Learned Compressive Representations for Single-Photon 3D Im...
     with: Ingle, A.: Panoramas from Photons
     with: Ingle, A.: Passive Inter-Photon Imaging
     with: Ingle, A.: Photon-Flooded Single-Photon 3D Cameras
     with: Ingle, A.: Single-Photon Camera Guided Extreme Dynamic Range Imaging
     with: Iso, D.: Fibonacci Exposure Bracketing for High Dynamic Range Imaging
     with: Jauhari, A.: Compressive Light Field Reconstructions Using Deep Learning
     with: Jayasuriya, S.: Compressive Light Field Reconstructions Using Deep Lea...
     with: Jeyaram, A.: Runoff simulation using distributed hydrological modeling...
     with: Jo, K.: SpeDo: 6 DOF Ego-Motion Sensor Using Speckle Defocus Imaging
     with: Jungerman, S.: 3D Scene Inference from Transient Histograms
     with: Jungerman, S.: Panoramas from Photons
     with: Kashti, T.: Electro-photographic model based stochastic clustered-dot ...
     with: Kaur, R.: Food Image-based Nutritional Management System to Overcome P...
     with: Klotz, J.: Computational 3D Imaging with Position Sensors
     with: Kobayashi, T.: Multiplexed illumination for scene recovery in the pres...
     with: Krishnaswamy, B.: When Two Cameras Are a Crowd
     with: Kulkarni, K.: Compressive Light Field Reconstructions Using Deep Learn...
     with: Kumar, A.: Zero Shot License Plate Re-Identification
     with: Kumar, R.: Food Image-based Nutritional Management System to Overcome ...
     with: Kumar, S.: Novel Vision-Based Tracking Algorithm for a Human-Following...
     with: Kumar, S.: on-line visual human tracking algorithm using SURF-based dy...
     with: Lee, J.: Blocks-World Cameras
     with: Lee, J.: Mitigating AC and DC Interference in Multi-ToF-Camera Environ...
     with: Lee, J.: Stochastic Exposure Coding for Handling Multi-ToF-Camera Inte...
     with: Lee, J.H.: When Two Cameras Are a Crowd
     with: Li, Y.: 3D Scene Inference from Transient Histograms
     with: Li, Y.: Event Neural Networks
     with: Li, Y.: Eventful Transformers: Leveraging Temporal Redundancy in Visio...
     with: Li, Y.: Learned Compressive Representations for Single-Photon 3D Imaging
     with: Li, Y.: Spike-Based Anytime Perception
     with: Lin, H.: Active background modeling: Actors on a stage
     with: Lin, J.: QLP: Deep Q-Learning for Pruning Deep Neural Networks
     with: Lin, X.: Recovering Scene Geometry under Wavy Fluid via Distortion and...
     with: Liu, D.Y.: Efficient Space-Time Sampling with Pixel-Wise Coded Exposur...
     with: Liu, D.Y.: Video from a single coded exposure photograph using a learn...
     with: Liu, M.: HealTech - A System for Predicting Patient Hospitalization Ri...
     with: Liu, M.: WSNet: Towards An Effective Method for Wound Image Segmentation
     with: Liu, Y.H.: Single-Photon Camera Guided Extreme Dynamic Range Imaging
     with: Ma, S.: 3D Scene Flow from 4D Light Field Gradients
     with: Ma, S.: Burst Vision Using Single-Photon Cameras
     with: Ma, S.: Differential Scene Flow from Light Field Gradients
     with: Ma, S.Z.: Inertial Safety from Structured Light
     with: Ma, S.Z.: Single-Photon Structured Light
     with: Madhvanath, S.: Zero Shot License Plate Re-Identification
     with: Matsuda, N.: Digital refocusing with incoherent holography
     with: Matsuda, N.: MC3D: Motion Contrast 3D Scanning
     with: Mishra, G.: Evaluating the Performance of PRISMA Shortwave Infrared Im...
     with: Mishra, R.K.: Sparse Reconstruction of Log-Conductivity in Current Den...
     with: Mitsunaga, T.: Efficient Space-Time Sampling with Pixel-Wise Coded Exp...
     with: Mitsunaga, T.: Video from a single coded exposure photograph using a l...
     with: Mohammed, S.: HealTech - A System for Predicting Patient Hospitalizati...
     with: Mohammed, S.: WSNet: Towards An Effective Method for Wound Image Segme...
     with: Mohan, U.B.: Robust outlier detection by de-biasing VAE likelihoods
     with: Molnar, A.: Compressive Light Field Reconstructions Using Deep Learning
     with: Mos, P.: Burst Vision Using Single-Photon Cameras
     with: Mu, F.Z.: Learned Compressive Representations for Single-Photon 3D Ima...
     with: Mukherjee, S.: Towards Situation Awareness in Integrated Air Defence U...
     with: Murthy, Y.V.N.K.: Runoff simulation using distributed hydrological mod...
     with: Nakhate, N.: Geometric Perspective on Structured Light Coding, A
     with: Narasimhan, S.G.: Combined Theory of Defocused Illumination and Global...
     with: Narasimhan, S.G.: De) focusing on global light transport for active sc...
     with: Narasimhan, S.G.: Dual Structured Light 3D Using a 1D Sensor
     with: Narasimhan, S.G.: Flexible Voxels for Motion-Aware Videography
     with: Narasimhan, S.G.: On controlling light transport in poor visibility en...
     with: Narasimhan, S.G.: Optimal coded sampling for temporal super-resolution
     with: Narasimhan, S.G.: Practical Approach to 3D Scanning in the Presence of...
     with: Narasimhan, S.G.: Structured light 3D scanning in the presence of glob...
     with: Nayar, S.: Micro-Baseline Structured Light
     with: Nayar, S.K.: Diffuse structured light
     with: Nayar, S.K.: Efficient Space-Time Sampling with Pixel-Wise Coded Expos...
     with: Nayar, S.K.: Fibonacci Exposure Bracketing for High Dynamic Range Imag...
     with: Nayar, S.K.: Micro Phase Shifting
     with: Nayar, S.K.: Multiplexed illumination for scene recovery in the presen...
     with: Nayar, S.K.: SpeDo: 6 DOF Ego-Motion Sensor Using Speckle Defocus Imag...
     with: Nayar, S.K.: Structured Light in Sunlight
     with: Nayar, S.K.: Trapping Light for Time of Flight
     with: Nayar, S.K.: Video from a single coded exposure photograph using a lea...
     with: Nayar, S.K.: When Does Computational Imaging Improve Performance?
     with: O'Brien, D.: Analysis and classification of internal pipeline images
     with: O'Toole, M.: Tracking Multiple Objects Outside the Line of Sight Using...
     with: Oota, S.R.: HealTech - A System for Predicting Patient Hospitalization...
     with: Oota, S.R.: WSNet: Towards An Effective Method for Wound Image Segment...
     with: Pandey, D.K.: Development of High-Resolution Soil Hydraulic Parameters...
     with: Petkovic, T.: Smart Time-Multiplexing of Quads Solves the Multicamera ...
     with: Petropoulos, G.P.: Assessment of a Dynamic Physically Based Slope Stab...
     with: Pioro, E.P.: Volumetric analysis of MR images for glioma classificatio...
     with: Prabhakar Rao, B.V.V.S.N.: Volumetric analysis of MR images for glioma...
     with: Pribanic, T.: Smart Time-Multiplexing of Quads Solves the Multicamera ...
     with: Rajagopalan, V.: Volumetric analysis of MR images for glioma classific...
     with: Rana, P.: Surpassing the Human Accuracy: Detecting Gallbladder Cancer ...
     with: Reza, S.A.: Practical Coding Function Design for Time-Of-Flight Imaging
     with: Rowtula, V.: HealTech - A System for Predicting Patient Hospitalizatio...
     with: Rowtula, V.: WSNet: Towards An Effective Method for Wound Image Segmen...
     with: Roy, S.: Sparse Reconstruction of Log-Conductivity in Current Density ...
     with: Samaras, D.: Face Modeling and Analysis in Stony Brook University
     with: Samaras, D.: High Resolution Tracking of Non-Rigid 3D Motion of Densel...
     with: Samaras, D.: High Resolution Tracking of Non-Rigid Motion of Densely S...
     with: Sankaranarayanan, A.C.: Computational 3D Imaging with Position Sensors
     with: Sankaranarayanan, A.C.: Dual Structured Light 3D Using a 1D Sensor
     with: Sankaranarayanan, A.C.: LiSens- A Scalable Architecture for Video Comp...
     with: Sankaranarayanan, A.C.: Single-Photon Structured Light
     with: Sau, P.C.: Optimized ResUNet++-Enabled Blood Vessel Segmentation for R...
     with: Sayles, A.: Invisible Perturbations: Physical Adversarial Examples Exp...
     with: Schechner, Y.Y.: On controlling light transport in poor visibility env...
     with: Seets, T.: Compressive Single-Photon 3D Cameras
     with: Seets, T.: Passive Inter-Photon Imaging
     with: Shacham, O.: Clustered-Dot Halftoning With Direct Binary Search
     with: Shacham, O.: Electro-photographic model based stochastic clustered-dot...
     with: Sharma, R.: Generation of Non-Linear Technique Based 6 Hourly Wind Rea...
     with: Shenoy, P.: Robust outlier detection by de-biasing VAE likelihoods
     with: Singh, R.: Generalized Iris Presentation Attack Detection Algorithm un...
     with: Singh, V.: Generalized Iris Presentation Attack Detection Algorithm un...
     with: Smith, B.M.: 3D Scene Flow from 4D Light Field Gradients
     with: Smith, B.M.: Differential Scene Flow from Light Field Gradients
     with: Smith, B.M.: Tracking Multiple Objects Outside the Line of Sight Using...
     with: Sridharan, D.: Robust outlier detection by de-biasing VAE likelihoods
     with: Srivastava, P.K.: Assessment of a Dynamic Physically Based Slope Stabi...
     with: Srivastava, P.K.: Development of High-Resolution Soil Hydraulic Parame...
     with: Srivastava, P.K.: Evaluating the Performance of PRISMA Shortwave Infra...
     with: Staelin, C.: Clustered-Dot Halftoning With Direct Binary Search
     with: Staelin, C.: Electro-photographic model based stochastic clustered-dot...
     with: Stork, S.: Block Color Quantization: a New Method for Color Halftoning
     with: Subramanian, V.K.: Novel Vision-Based Tracking Algorithm for a Human-F...
     with: Sundar, V.: Single-Photon Structured Light
     with: Sundar, V.: SoDaCam: Software-defined Cameras via Single-Photon Imaging
     with: Suo, J.: Recovering Scene Geometry under Wavy Fluid via Distortion and...
     with: Swedish, T.: SoDaCam: Software-defined Cameras via Single-Photon Imaging
     with: Sznitman, R.: Active background modeling: Actors on a stage
     with: Thomas, J.: Assessment of a Dynamic Physically Based Slope Stability M...
     with: Thomas, J.: Development of High-Resolution Soil Hydraulic Parameters w...
     with: Tian, Y.D.: Combined Theory of Defocused Illumination and Global Light...
     with: Tian, Y.D.: De) focusing on global light transport for active scene re...
     with: Tosi, A.: Passive Inter-Photon Imaging
     with: Turaga, P.K.: Compressive Light Field Reconstructions Using Deep Learn...
     with: Vatsa, M.: Generalized Iris Presentation Attack Detection Algorithm un...
     with: Veeraraghavan, A.: Flexible Voxels for Motion-Aware Videography
     with: Veeraraghavan, A.: Optimal coded sampling for temporal super-resolution
     with: Veeraraghavan, A.: Practical Approach to 3D Scanning in the Presence o...
     with: Veeraraghavan, A.: Structured light 3D scanning in the presence of glo...
     with: Velten, A.: Compressive Single-Photon 3D Cameras
     with: Velten, A.: High Flux Passive Imaging With Single-Photon Sensors
     with: Velten, A.: Learned Compressive Representations for Single-Photon 3D I...
     with: Velten, A.: Passive Inter-Photon Imaging
     with: Velten, A.: Photon-Flooded Single-Photon 3D Cameras
     with: Velten, A.: Practical Coding Function Design for Time-Of-Flight Imaging
     with: Velten, A.: Single-Photon Camera Guided Extreme Dynamic Range Imaging
     with: Venkata, V.S.R.: Micro-Baseline Structured Light
     with: Wang, J.: Dual Structured Light 3D Using a 1D Sensor
     with: Wang, J.: LiSens- A Scalable Architecture for Video Compressive Sensing
     with: Wang, J.: Micro-Baseline Structured Light
     with: Wang, S.: Face Modeling and Analysis in Stony Brook University
     with: Wang, S.: High Resolution Tracking of Non-Rigid 3D Motion of Densely S...
     with: Wang, S.: High Resolution Tracking of Non-Rigid Motion of Densely Samp...
     with: Wang, Y.: Face Modeling and Analysis in Stony Brook University
     with: Wang, Y.: High Resolution Tracking of Non-Rigid 3D Motion of Densely S...
     with: Wang, Y.: High Resolution Tracking of Non-Rigid Motion of Densely Samp...
     with: Wu, M.: QLP: Deep Q-Learning for Pruning Deep Neural Networks
     with: Xu, R.: Trapping Light for Time of Flight
     with: Yin, Q.: Structured Light in Sunlight
     with: Zhang, L.: Combined Theory of Defocused Illumination and Global Light ...
     with: Zhang, L.: De) focusing on global light transport for active scene rec...
     with: Zhang, L.: Face Modeling and Analysis in Stony Brook University
     with: Zhang, M.J.: Recovering Scene Geometry under Wavy Fluid via Distortion...
     with: Zhang, S.: High Resolution Tracking of Non-Rigid 3D Motion of Densely ...
     with: Zhang, S.: High Resolution Tracking of Non-Rigid Motion of Densely Sam...
261 for Gupta, M.

Gupta, M.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Antony, M.: KL divergence based agglomerative clustering for automated...
     with: Huang, T.S.: Bregman distance to L1 regularized logistic regression
     with: Huang, T.S.: Classifiers for Motion
     with: Huang, T.S.: Learning-Based Nonparametric Image Super-Resolution
     with: Huang, T.S.: Models for Patch-Based Image Restoration
     with: Huang, T.S.: Non-Parametric Image Super-Resolution Using Multiple Images
     with: Huang, T.S.: Restoration and Recognition in a Loop
     with: Kumar, S.: Non-convex P-Norm Projection for Robust Sparsity
     with: Madhukara, J.: KL divergence based agglomerative clustering for automa...
     with: Petrovic, N.: Classifiers for Motion
     with: Petrovic, N.: Learning-Based Nonparametric Image Super-Resolution
     with: Petrovic, N.: Models for Patch-Based Image Restoration
     with: Petrovic, N.: Non-Parametric Image Super-Resolution Using Multiple Ima...
     with: Petrovic, N.: Restoration and Recognition in a Loop
     with: Rajaram, S.: Classifiers for Motion
     with: Rajaram, S.: Learning-Based Nonparametric Image Super-Resolution
     with: Rajaram, S.: Models for Patch-Based Image Restoration
     with: Rajaram, S.: Non-Parametric Image Super-Resolution Using Multiple Images
     with: Rajaram, S.: Restoration and Recognition in a Loop
     with: Sarkar, P.: Shared Parts Model for Document Image Recognition, A
     with: Shah, P.: Simultaneous Registration and Segmentation by L1 Minimization
     with: Srinivasa, S.: KL divergence based agglomerative clustering for automa...
     with: Xiao, J.: Non-negative matrix factorization as a feature selection too...
26 for Gupta, M.D.

Gupta, M.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fujimori, A.: Adaptive Navigation of Mobile Robots with Obstacle Avoid...
     with: Nikiforuk, P.N.: Adaptive Navigation of Mobile Robots with Obstacle Av...
     with: Yan, H.: Special Section on Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic for Imagin...

Gupta, M.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chandra, B.: Robust Approach for Estimating Probabilities in Naive-Bay...
     with: Gupta, M.: Robust Approach for Estimating Probabilities in Naive-Bayes...

Gupta, M.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arora, R.: Optimized Regression for Efficient Function Evaluation
     with: Bowen, J.J.: Ranked dither for high-quality robust printing
     with: Cazzanti, L.: Generative models for similarity-based classification
     with: Chin, E.M.: Adaptive Local Linear Regression With Application to Print...
     with: Chin, E.M.: Color Management of Printers by Regression over Enclosing ...
     with: Cole, J.B.: Linear Fusion of Image Sets for Display
     with: Garcia, E.: Optimized Regression for Efficient Function Evaluation
     with: Garcia, E.K.: Adaptive Local Linear Regression With Application to Pri...
     with: Garcia, E.K.: Color Management of Printers by Regression over Enclosin...
     with: Garcia, E.K.: OCR binarization and image pre-processing for searching ...
     with: Gray, R.M.: Nonparametric Supervised Learning by Linear Interpolation ...
     with: Hrustemovic, N.: Multiresolutional regularization of local linear regr...
     with: Jacobson, N.P.: Design Goals and Solutions for Display of Hyperspectra...
     with: Jacobson, N.P.: Linear Fusion of Image Sets for Display
     with: Jacobson, N.P.: OCR binarization and image pre-processing for searchin...
     with: Jacobson, N.P.: SNR-Adaptive Linear Fusion of Hyperspectral Images for...
     with: Jacobson, N.P.: Wavelet Principal Component Analysis and its Applicati...
     with: Koppal, A.J.: Generative models for similarity-based classification
     with: Olshen, R.A.: Nonparametric Supervised Learning by Linear Interpolatio...
20 for Gupta, M.R.

Gupta, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adali, T.: blockwise relaxation labeling scheme and its application to...
     with: Agarwal, A.: Budgeted Batch Mode Active Learning with Generalized Cost...
     with: Agarwal, P.: Pentuplet Loss for Simultaneous Shots and Critical Points...
     with: Aggarwal, S.: MIB: Using mutual information for biclustering gene expr...
     with: Agrawal, M.: Efficient pattern synthesis for nearest neighbour classif...
     with: Ari, S.: Change detection in Landsat images based on local neighbourho...
     with: Asharif, M.R.: Perceptual Adaptation of Image Based on Chevreul: Mach ...
     with: Banerjee, S.: On line predictive appearance-based tracking
     with: Budhiraja, R.: Hybrid Massive MIMO Two-Way Relaying With Users and Rel...
     with: Chakraborti, S.: Extracting information from a query image, for conten...
     with: Chakraborti, S.: Hierarchy of visual features for object recognition
     with: Chattopadhyay, C.: novel feature transform framework using deep neural...
     with: Chaudhury, S.: On line predictive appearance-based tracking
     with: Chauhan, P.S.: Why Big Data and Data Analytics for Smart City
     with: Chaurasia, G.: Virtual chaotic traffic simulation
     with: Corcoba, V.: Analysis of Driving Patterns and On-Board Feedback-Based ...
     with: Das, S.: Extracting information from a query image, for content based ...
     with: Das, S.: Hierarchy of visual features for object recognition
     with: Dey, L.: Detection and Characterization of Anomalous Entities in Socia...
     with: Dey, S.: Hybrid Massive MIMO Two-Way Relaying With Users and Relay Har...
     with: Dikshit, G.: Why Big Data and Data Analytics for Smart City
     with: Dubey, S.: Why Big Data and Data Analytics for Smart City
     with: Garcia, R.: Analysis of Driving Patterns and On-Board Feedback-Based T...
     with: Goldberg, A.: Dual band (MWIR/LWIR) hyperspectral imager
     with: Haskovic, E.: Polarization Imaging for crystallographic orientation of...
     with: Hinnrichs, M.: Dual band (MWIR/LWIR) hyperspectral imager
     with: Jagannatham, A.K.: Transceiver Optimization for Unicast/Multicast MIMO...
     with: Jain, A.: Pentuplet Loss for Simultaneous Shots and Critical Points De...
     with: Jin, F.: Polarization Imaging for crystallographic orientation of larg...
     with: Khanna, P.: fast and efficient computer aided diagnostic system to det...
     with: Khanna, P.: non-invasive and adaptive CAD system to detect brain tumor...
     with: Khosravy, M.: Perceptual Adaptation of Image Based on Chevreul: Mach B...
     with: Kim, J.S.: Polarization Imaging for crystallographic orientation of la...
     with: Kumar, S.: Virtual chaotic traffic simulation
     with: Kutcher, S.: Polarization Imaging for crystallographic orientation of ...
     with: Marina, N.: Perceptual Adaptation of Image Based on Chevreul: Mach Ban...
     with: Mehta, S.: Budgeted Batch Mode Active Learning with Generalized Cost a...
     with: Mehta, S.: Learning an Order Preserving Image Similarity through Deep ...
     with: Mehta, S.: novel feature transform framework using deep neural network...
     with: Mehta, S.: Pentuplet Loss for Simultaneous Shots and Critical Points D...
     with: Melendi, D.: Analysis of Driving Patterns and On-Board Feedback-Based ...
     with: Meyers, D.: Polarization Imaging for crystallographic orientation of l...
     with: Mishra, A.: Why Big Data and Data Analytics for Smart City
     with: Mittal, P.: On line predictive appearance-based tracking
     with: Mujumdar, S.: Budgeted Batch Mode Active Learning with Generalized Cos...
     with: Mujumdar, S.: Learning an Order Preserving Image Similarity through De...
     with: Mujumdar, S.: Pentuplet Loss for Simultaneous Shots and Critical Point...
     with: Murty, M.N.: Efficient pattern synthesis for nearest neighbour classif...
     with: Nair, R.: Why Big Data and Data Analytics for Smart City
     with: Paneda, X.G.: Analysis of Driving Patterns and On-Board Feedback-Based...
     with: Patwardhan, K.S.: On line predictive appearance-based tracking
     with: Pillai, G.V.: Change detection in Landsat images based on local neighb...
     with: Plotkin, E.: Despeckling of Medical Ultrasound Images Using Data and R...
     with: Plotkin, E.I.: Temporally-Adaptive MAP Estimation for Video Denoising ...
     with: Plotkin, E.I.: Wavelet domain-based video noise reduction using tempor...
     with: Pozueco, L.: Analysis of Driving Patterns and On-Board Feedback-Based ...
     with: Rionda, A.: Analysis of Driving Patterns and On-Board Feedback-Based T...
     with: Rohil, M.K.: improved model for no-reference image quality assessment ...
     with: Roy, S.D.: On line predictive appearance-based tracking
     with: Samanta, S.: Learning an Order Preserving Image Similarity through Dee...
     with: Sarkar, D.: Operations on binary images represented by interpolation b...
     with: Selvamani, B.R.: Virtual chaotic traffic simulation
     with: Sethi, I.K.: Perceptual Adaptation of Image Based on Chevreul: Mach Ba...
     with: Sharma, D.: novel feature transform framework using deep neural networ...
     with: Sharma, E.: Hybrid Massive MIMO Two-Way Relaying With Users and Relay ...
     with: Shreelekshmi, R.: Efficient pattern synthesis for nearest neighbour cl...
     with: Smith, D.: field-portable simultaneous dual-band infrared hyperspectra...
     with: Soos, J.: Polarization Imaging for crystallographic orientation of lar...
     with: Swamy, M.N.S.: Despeckling of Medical Ultrasound Images Using Data and...
     with: Swamy, M.N.S.: Temporally-Adaptive MAP Estimation for Video Denoising ...
     with: Swamy, M.N.S.: Wavelet domain-based video noise reduction using tempor...
     with: Trivedi, S.: Polarization Imaging for crystallographic orientation of ...
     with: Tuero, A.G.: Analysis of Driving Patterns and On-Board Feedback-Based ...
     with: Verma, D.K.: Why Big Data and Data Analytics for Smart City
     with: Wang, Y.: blockwise relaxation labeling scheme and its application to ...
     with: Yadav, P.: improved model for no-reference image quality assessment an...
76 for Gupta, N.

Gupta, N.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kanal, L.N.: 3-D Motion Estimation from Motion Field
     with: Kanal, L.N.: Gradient Based Image Motion Estimation Without Computing ...

Gupta, O. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bawendi, M.G.: Recovering three-dimensional shape around a corner usin...
     with: Dubey, A.: Pairwise Confusion for Fine-Grained Visual Classification
     with: Farrell, R.: Pairwise Confusion for Fine-Grained Visual Classification
     with: Guo, P.: Pairwise Confusion for Fine-Grained Visual Classification
     with: McDuff, D.: Real-Time Physiological Measurement and Visualization Usin...
     with: Naik, N.: Pairwise Confusion for Fine-Grained Visual Classification
     with: Raskar, R.: Illumination invariants in deep video expression recognition
     with: Raskar, R.: Multi-Velocity Neural Networks for Facial Expression Recog...
     with: Raskar, R.: NoPeek-Infer: Preventing face reconstruction attacks in di...
     with: Raskar, R.: Pairwise Confusion for Fine-Grained Visual Classification
     with: Raskar, R.: Real-Time Physiological Measurement and Visualization Usin...
     with: Raskar, R.: Recovering three-dimensional shape around a corner using u...
     with: Raviv, D.: Illumination invariants in deep video expression recognition
     with: Raviv, D.: Multi-Velocity Neural Networks for Facial Expression Recogn...
     with: Singh, A.: NoPeek-Infer: Preventing face reconstruction attacks in dis...
     with: Veeraraghavan, A.: Recovering three-dimensional shape around a corner ...
     with: Velten, A.: Recovering three-dimensional shape around a corner using u...
     with: Vepakomma, P.: NoPeek-Infer: Preventing face reconstruction attacks in...
     with: Willwacher, T.: Recovering three-dimensional shape around a corner usi...
     with: Zhang, E.: NoPeek-Infer: Preventing face reconstruction attacks in dis...
20 for Gupta, O.

Gupta, O.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jarvis, R.A.: Using a Virtual World to Design a Simulation Platform fo...

Gupta, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abramoff, M.D.: Automated Measurement of the Arteriolar-to-Venular Wid...
     with: Agarwal, V.: Multi-Task Knowledge Distillation for Eye Disease Predict...
     with: Aggarwal, A.: Quo Vadis, Skeleton Action Recognition?
     with: Agrawal, P.: Fuzzy rule based unsupervised approach for salient gene e...
     with: Agrawal, P.: MRI brain image segmentation for spotting tumors using im...
     with: Arora, C.: Surpassing the Human Accuracy: Detecting Gallbladder Cancer...
     with: Arrabolu, S.S.: Video scene categorization by 3D hierarchical histogra...
     with: Arya, K.V.: Image registration using robust M-estimators
     with: Badrinath, G.S.: efficient iris recognition using local feature descri...
     with: Badrinath, G.S.: Novel Representation of Palm-Print for Recognition, A
     with: Badrinath, G.S.: Palmprint Verification using SIFT features
     with: Badrinath, G.S.: Robust Biometric System Using Palmprint for Personal ...
     with: Badrinath, G.S.: Score level fusion of voting strategy of geometric ha...
     with: Bampis, C.G.: Multivariate Statistics for Blind Image Quality Applicat...
     with: Bampis, C.G.: Natural Scene Statistics for Noise Estimation
     with: Bampis, C.G.: Predicting the Quality of Images Compressed After Distor...
     with: Bampis, C.G.: SpEED-QA: Spatial Efficient Entropic Differencing for Im...
     with: Banchs, R.E.: deep source-context feature for lexical selection in sta...
     with: Bansal, M.: Neuromorphic Adaptable Ocular Dominance Maps
     with: Barbato, D.G.: Impact of the ARSET Program on Use of Remote-Sensing Data
     with: Basu, S.: Surpassing the Human Accuracy: Detecting Gallbladder Cancer ...
     with: Behera, S.: On Iris Spoofing Using Print Attack
     with: Bera, A.: Contextual Emotion Learning Challenge
     with: Bhaskarpandit, S.: Similarity Learning based Few Shot Learning for ECG...
     with: Bhowmick, B.: Exploring the Feasibility of Face Video Based Instantane...
     with: Bhowmik, B.: Accurate heart-rate estimation from face videos using qua...
     with: Bhowmik, B.: Robust Adaptive Heart-Rate Monitoring Using Face Videos
     with: Bhuyan, M.K.: Contextual Emotion Learning Challenge
     with: Birla, L.: ALPINE: Improving Remote Heart Rate Estimation using Contra...
     with: Birla, L.: RADIANT: Better rPPG estimation using signal embeddings and...
     with: Blevins, B.: Impact of the ARSET Program on Use of Remote-Sensing Data
     with: Bovik, A.: From Patches to Pictures (PaQ-2-PiQ): Mapping the Perceptua...
     with: Bovik, A.C.: Generalized Gaussian scale mixtures: A model for wavelet ...
     with: Bovik, A.C.: Modeling the Perceptual Quality of Immersive Images Rende...
     with: Bovik, A.C.: Multivariate Statistics for Blind Image Quality Applicati...
     with: Bovik, A.C.: Natural Scene Statistics for Noise Estimation
     with: Bovik, A.C.: Predicting Detection Performance on Security X-Ray Images...
     with: Bovik, A.C.: Predicting the Quality of Images Compressed After Distort...
     with: Bovik, A.C.: SpEED-QA: Spatial Efficient Entropic Differencing for Ima...
     with: Brown, M.: Video scene categorization by 3D hierarchical histogram mat...
     with: Butta, S.: Contextual Emotion Learning Challenge
     with: Cao, X.: Modeling the Perceptual Quality of Immersive Images Rendered ...
     with: Carleton Hug, A.: Impact of the ARSET Program on Use of Remote-Sensing...
     with: Carmona, J.M.: Evaluation of MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth and Surface D...
     with: Carmona, J.M.: Spatial and Temporal Distribution of PM2.5 Pollution ov...
     with: Chaudhury, S.: model guided document image analysis scheme, A
     with: Chelaramani, S.: Multi-Task Knowledge Distillation for Eye Disease Pre...
     with: Christopher, S.: Global Distribution of Column Satellite Aerosol Optic...
     with: Christopher, S.A.: High-Resolution Gridded Level 3 Aerosol Optical Dep...
     with: Christopher, S.A.: Multisensor Data Product Fusion for Aerosol Research
     with: Colbrn, A.: Contextual Emotion Learning Challenge
     with: Costa jussa, M.R.: deep source-context feature for lexical selection i...
     with: Cui, Y.: Fuzzy rule based unsupervised approach for salient gene extra...
     with: Cui, Y.: MRI brain image segmentation for spotting tumors using improv...
     with: da Vitoria Lobo, N.: Markerless tracking and gesture recognition using...
     with: Das, S.: Quo Vadis, Skeleton Action Recognition?
     with: DeMenthon, D.F.: Beam search for feature selection in automatic SVM de...
     with: Doermann, D.: Beam search for feature selection in automatic SVM defec...
     with: Dumitrescu, A.V.: Automated Measurement of the Arteriolar-to-Venular W...
     with: Dutta, M.K.: Biometric Based Unique Key Generation for Authentic Audio...
     with: Eberhardt, S.: What are the Visual Features Underlying Human Versus Ma...
     with: Folk, J.C.: Automated Measurement of the Arteriolar-to-Venular Width R...
     with: Follette Cook, M.: Impact of the ARSET Program on Use of Remote-Sensin...
     with: Gasso, S.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol Syst...
     with: Ghadiyaram, D.: From Patches to Pictures (PaQ-2-PiQ): Mapping the Perc...
     with: Ghosal, V.: Face Classification Using Gabor Wavelets and Random Forest
     with: Glover, J.L.: Predicting Detection Performance on Security X-Ray Image...
     with: Goel, P.: Contextual Emotion Learning Challenge
     with: Grover, N.: New Method for Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multiattribute Decisio...
     with: Gupta, A.: Watermarking of MPEG-4 Videos
     with: Gupta, A.K.: ALPINE: Improving Remote Heart Rate Estimation using Cont...
     with: Gupta, A.K.: Contextual Emotion Learning Challenge
     with: Gupta, A.K.: RADIANT: Better rPPG estimation using signal embeddings a...
     with: Gupta, M.: Multi-Task Knowledge Distillation for Eye Disease Prediction
     with: Gupta, M.: Similarity Learning based Few Shot Learning for ECG Time Se...
     with: Gupta, M.: Surpassing the Human Accuracy: Detecting Gallbladder Cancer...
     with: Gupta, P.: Fingerprint Orientation Modeling Using Symmetric Filters
     with: Gupta, P.: Slap fingerprint segmentation using symmetric filters based...
     with: Gupta, S.: Saliency Prediction for Mobile User Interfaces
     with: Gupta, S.: Synthesis of a face image at a desired pose from a given pose
     with: Habash, R.: Multi-Task Knowledge Distillation for Eye Disease Prediction
     with: Harit, G.: model guided document image analysis scheme, A
     with: Hebbalaguppe, R.: Real Time Hand Segmentation on Frugal Headmounted De...
     with: Hernandez Paniagua, I.Y.: Evaluation of MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth an...
     with: Holben, B.N.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol S...
     with: Hook, E.: Impact of the ARSET Program on Use of Remote-Sensing Data
     with: Huang, M.: Modeling the Perceptual Quality of Immersive Images Rendere...
     with: Hudson Odoi, S.: Impact of the ARSET Program on Use of Remote-Sensing ...
     with: Hwang, C.J.: Efficient Quadtree Datastructure For Neighbor Finding Alg...
     with: Hwang, C.J.: Finding connected components in digital images by aggress...
     with: Ichoku, C.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol Sys...
     with: Jayagopal, A.: Saliency Prediction for Mobile User Interfaces
     with: Jayaraman, U.: Connected component based technique for automatic ear d...
     with: Jayaraman, U.: Ear Localization from Side Face Images using Distance T...
     with: Jayaraman, U.: iris retrieval technique based on color and texture, An
     with: Jayaraman, U.: score based indexing scheme for palmprint databases, A
     with: Jin, Y.: Natural Scene Statistics for Noise Estimation
     with: Joshi, S.D.: model guided document image analysis scheme, A
     with: Kachi, N.: Palmprint based Verification System Robust to Occlusion usi...
     with: Kalra, P.K.: Image registration using robust M-estimators
     with: Kapoor, S.: Synthesis of a face image at a desired pose from a given p...
     with: Kela, N.: Illumination Invariant Elastic Bunch Graph Matching for Effi...
     with: Khanna, V.: Finding connected components in digital images by aggressi...
     with: Kim, M.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol System...
     with: Kinsey, T.: Impact of the ARSET Program on Use of Remote-Sensing Data
     with: Kisku, D.R.: Face Identification Using Local Ternary Tree Pattern Base...
     with: Kisku, D.R.: Face recognition by fusion of local and global matching s...
     with: Kisku, D.R.: Feature Level Clustering of Large Biometric Database
     with: Kisku, D.R.: Graph application on face for personal authentication and...
     with: Kisku, D.R.: Multibiometrics Belief Fusion
     with: Kleidman, R.G.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol...
     with: Kumar, B.: Iris Recognition Using Discrete Cosine Transform and Relati...
     with: Kumar, B.: Robust Contact Lens Detection Using Local Phase Quantizatio...
     with: Kumar, B.P.: Efficient Quadtree Datastructure For Neighbor Finding Alg...
     with: Kumar, R.: RADIANT: Better rPPG estimation using signal embeddings and...
     with: Lalwani, V.: Contextual Emotion Learning Challenge
     with: LaViola, J.J.: Markerless tracking and gesture recognition using polar...
     with: Levy, R.C.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol Sys...
     with: Levy, R.C.: High-Resolution Gridded Level 3 Aerosol Optical Depth Data...
     with: Li, R.R.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol Syste...
     with: Lin, C.T.: New Method for Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multiattribute Decision...
     with: Linsley, D.: What are the Visual Features Underlying Human Versus Mach...
     with: Lovish: Robust Contact Lens Detection Using Local Phase Quantization a...
     with: Lozano Garcia, D.F.: Evaluation of MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth and Sur...
     with: Lozano Garcia, D.F.: Spatial and Temporal Distribution of PM2.5 Pollut...
     with: Ma, Z.: Modeling the Perceptual Quality of Immersive Images Rendered o...
     with: Mahajan, D.: From Patches to Pictures (PaQ-2-PiQ): Mapping the Percept...
     with: Maheshwari, S.: Quo Vadis, Skeleton Action Recognition?
     with: Majhi, B.: Annular Iris Recognition Using SURF
     with: Majhi, B.: efficient iris recognition using local feature descriptor, An
     with: Majhi, B.: Feature Level Clustering of Large Biometric Database
     with: Marathe, K.: Contextual Emotion Learning Challenge
     with: Markan, C.M.: Neuromorphic Adaptable Ocular Dominance Maps
     with: Mattoo, S.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol Sys...
     with: Maurya, J.: Real Time Hand Segmentation on Frugal Headmounted Device f...
     with: McCullum, A.J.: Impact of the ARSET Program on Use of Remote-Sensing D...
     with: Meena, B.R.: Iris Based Human Verification Algorithms
     with: Mehlawat, M.K.: New Method for Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multiattribute Dec...
     with: Mehrotra, H.: Annular Iris Recognition Using SURF
     with: Mehrotra, H.: efficient iris recognition using local feature descripto...
     with: Mehrotra, H.: Feature Level Clustering of Large Biometric Database
     with: Mehrotra, H.: Score level fusion of voting strategy of geometric hashi...
     with: Mehta, A.: Impact of the ARSET Program on Use of Remote-Sensing Data
     with: Mendoza, A.: Evaluation of MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth and Surface Dat...
     with: Mendoza, A.: Spatial and Temporal Distribution of PM2.5 Pollution over...
     with: Mitra, P.: Image registration using robust M-estimators
     with: Moorthy, A.K.: Generalized Gaussian scale mixtures: A model for wavele...
     with: Munchak, L.A.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol ...
     with: Neog, D.R.: Contextual Emotion Learning Challenge
     with: Niemeijer, M.: Automated Measurement of the Arteriolar-to-Venular Widt...
     with: Nigam, A.: Comparing human faces using edge weighted dissimilarity mea...
     with: Nigam, A.: Iris Recognition Using Consistent Corner Optical Flow
     with: Nigam, A.: Iris Recognition Using Discrete Cosine Transform and Relati...
     with: Nigam, A.: Quality assessment of knuckleprint biometric images
     with: Nigam, A.: Robust Contact Lens Detection Using Local Phase Quantizatio...
     with: Nigam, A.: Robust Ear Recognition Using Gradient Ordinal Relationship ...
     with: Niu, H.: From Patches to Pictures (PaQ-2-PiQ): Mapping the Perceptual ...
     with: Pahwa, K.: Clock Algorithm Analysis for Increasing Quality of Digital ...
     with: Pal, A.: Accurate heart-rate estimation from face videos using quality...
     with: Pal, A.: Exploring the Feasibility of Face Video Based Instantaneous H...
     with: Pal, A.: Robust Adaptive Heart-Rate Monitoring Using Face Videos
     with: Pal, S.: Saliency Prediction for Mobile User Interfaces
     with: Paliwal, A.: score based indexing scheme for palmprint databases, A
     with: Patadia, F.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol Sy...
     with: Patadia, F.: High-Resolution Gridded Level 3 Aerosol Optical Depth Dat...
     with: Patadia, F.: Multisensor Data Product Fusion for Aerosol Research
     with: Pathak, V.K.: Biometric Based Unique Key Generation for Authentic Audi...
     with: Paulter, N.G.: Predicting Detection Performance on Security X-Ray Imag...
     with: Podest, E.: Impact of the ARSET Program on Use of Remote-Sensing Data
     with: Prados, A.I.: Impact of the ARSET Program on Use of Remote-Sensing Data
     with: Prakash, S.: Connected component based technique for automatic ear det...
     with: Prakash, S.: Ear Localization from Side Face Images using Distance Tra...
     with: Prakash, S.: efficient ear localization technique, An
     with: Prakash, S.: iris retrieval technique based on color and texture, An
     with: Prakash, S.: rotation and scale invariant technique for ear detection ...
     with: Radhika, V.B.: Feature Level Clustering of Large Biometric Database
     with: Rahtu, E.: CIIDefence: Defeating Adversarial Attacks by Fusing Class-S...
     with: Rahtu, E.: MLAttack: Fooling Semantic Segmentation Networks by Multi-l...
     with: Rakshit, R.D.: Face Identification Using Local Ternary Tree Pattern Ba...
     with: Rana, P.: Surpassing the Human Accuracy: Detecting Gallbladder Cancer ...
     with: Rattani, A.: Graph application on face for personal authentication and...
     with: Rattani, A.: Illumination Invariant Elastic Bunch Graph Matching for E...
     with: Remer, L.A.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol Sy...
     with: Remer, L.A.: High-Resolution Gridded Level 3 Aerosol Optical Depth Dat...
     with: Rosso, P.: deep source-context feature for lexical selection in statis...
     with: Sanyal, S.: Contextual Emotion Learning Challenge
     with: Sarkar, A.: Contextual Emotion Learning Challenge
     with: Sarvadevabhatla, R.: FLOAT: Factorized Learning of Object Attributes f...
     with: Sarvadevabhatla, R.K.: Quo Vadis, Skeleton Action Recognition?
     with: Sarvadevabhatla, R.K.: Syntactically Guided Generative Embeddings for ...
     with: Savarese, S.: Video scene categorization by 3D hierarchical histogram ...
     with: Sawyer, V.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol Sys...
     with: Schmidt, C.: Impact of the ARSET Program on Use of Remote-Sensing Data
     with: Serre, T.: What are the Visual Features Underlying Human Versus Machin...
     with: Shapiro, L.G.: Contextual Emotion Learning Challenge
     with: Sharma, D.: Syntactically Guided Generative Embeddings for Zero-Shot S...
     with: Sharma, T.: What are the Visual Features Underlying Human Versus Machi...
     with: Shen, Q.: Modeling the Perceptual Quality of Immersive Images Rendered...
     with: Shenoy, P.: FLOAT: Factorized Learning of Object Attributes for Improv...
     with: Shi, Y.X.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol Syst...
     with: Shukla, J.: Contextual Emotion Learning Challenge
     with: Shukla, S.: ALPINE: Improving Remote Heart Rate Estimation using Contr...
     with: Sing, J.K.: Face recognition by fusion of local and global matching sc...
     with: Sing, J.K.: Multibiometrics Belief Fusion
     with: Singh, R.: FLOAT: Factorized Learning of Object Attributes for Improve...
     with: Singh, R.: Iris Based Human Verification Algorithms
     with: Singh, R.: On Iris Spoofing Using Print Attack
     with: Singh, S.K.: Fusion of electrocardiogram with unobtrusive biometrics: ...
     with: Singh, Y.N.: Biometrics Method for Human Identification Using Electroc...
     with: Singh, Y.N.: ECG to Individual Identification
     with: Singh, Y.N.: Fusion of electrocardiogram with unobtrusive biometrics: ...
     with: Singh, Y.N.: Quantitative Evaluation of Normalization Techniques of Ma...
     with: Sinha, R.: Saliency Prediction for Mobile User Interfaces
     with: Sinno, Z.: Predicting Detection Performance on Security X-Ray Images a...
     with: Soundararajan, R.: Generalized Gaussian scale mixtures: A model for wa...
     with: Soundararajan, R.: SpEED-QA: Spatial Efficient Entropic Differencing f...
     with: Srinivas, B.: Palmprint based Verification System Robust to Occlusion ...
     with: Tanre, D.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol Syst...
     with: Thatipelli, A.: Quo Vadis, Skeleton Action Recognition?
     with: Tikmani, P.: Face Classification Using Gabor Wavelets and Random Forest
     with: Tistarelli, M.: Face Identification Using Local Ternary Tree Pattern B...
     with: Tistarelli, M.: Face recognition by fusion of local and global matchin...
     with: Tistarelli, M.: Graph application on face for personal authentication ...
     with: Tiwari, K.: Indexing fingerprint database with minutiae based coaxial ...
     with: Trivedi, N.: Quo Vadis, Skeleton Action Recognition?
     with: Triyar, J.: Iris Recognition Using Discrete Cosine Transform and Relat...
     with: van Ginneken, B.: Automated Measurement of the Arteriolar-to-Venular W...
     with: Vanoye, A.Y.: Evaluation of MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth and Surface Da...
     with: Vanoye, A.Y.: Spatial and Temporal Distribution of PM2.5 Pollution ove...
     with: Vatsa, M.: Iris Based Human Verification Algorithms
     with: Vatsa, M.: On Iris Spoofing Using Print Attack
     with: Verma, N.K.: Fuzzy rule based unsupervised approach for salient gene e...
     with: Verma, N.K.: MRI brain image segmentation for spotting tumors using im...
     with: Vohra, N.: model guided document image analysis scheme, A
     with: Xu, X.: Automated Measurement of the Arteriolar-to-Venular Width Ratio...
     with: Yepez, F.D.: Spatial and Temporal Distribution of PM2.5 Pollution over...
     with: Ying, Z.: From Patches to Pictures (PaQ-2-PiQ): Mapping the Perceptual...
     with: Yu, X.: Predicting the Quality of Images Compressed After Distortion i...
     with: Zhou, R.: Modeling the Perceptual Quality of Immersive Images Rendered...
     with: Zhou, Y.P.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol Sys...
242 for Gupta, P.

Gupta, P.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Khandelwal, S.S.: Multitier Biometric Template Security Using Cryptogr...

Gupta, P.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agarwal, S.: Spatial-spectral endmember extraction for spaceborne hype...
     with: Aggarwal, S.P.: Climate and Lulc Change Scenarios To Study Its Impact ...
     with: Aouf, L.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiKa A...
     with: Belgiu, M.: Assessing the Effect of Training Sampling Design on the Pe...
     with: Bhowmick, S.A.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/Al...
     with: Birol, F.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiKa ...
     with: Bonnefond, P.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/Alt...
     with: Calmant, S.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiK...
     with: Conchy, T.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiKa...
     with: Cretaux, J.F.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/Alt...
     with: Dibarboure, G.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/Al...
     with: Dubey, A.K.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiK...
     with: Faugere, Y.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiK...
     with: Garg, V.: Climate and Lulc Change Scenarios To Study Its Impact On Hyd...
     with: Guerreiro, K.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/Alt...
     with: Hamon, M.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiKa ...
     with: Jebri, F.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiKa ...
     with: Kumar, R.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiKa ...
     with: Kumaresan, R.: Vector-Radix Algorithm for a 2-D Discrete Hartley Trans...
     with: Mishra, S.: Automated test data generation for mutation testing using ...
     with: Morrow, R.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiKa...
     with: Nikam, B.R.: Climate and Lulc Change Scenarios To Study Its Impact On ...
     with: Pargal, S.: Spatial-spectral endmember extraction for spaceborne hyper...
     with: Pascual, A.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiK...
     with: Pujol, M.I.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiK...
     with: Raju, P.L.N.: Satellite Based Education And Training In Remote Sensing...
     with: Remy, E.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiKa A...
     with: Remy, F.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiKa A...
     with: Saini, M.: Enhancing information retrieval efficiency using semantic-b...
     with: Sharma, D.: Enhancing information retrieval efficiency using semantic-...
     with: Shetty, S.: Assessing the Effect of Training Sampling Design on the Pe...
     with: Singh, M.: Automated test data generation for mutation testing using A...
     with: Smith, W.H.F.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/Alt...
     with: Srivastav, S.K.: Assessing the Effect of Training Sampling Design on t...
     with: Thakur, P.K.: Climate and Lulc Change Scenarios To Study Its Impact On...
     with: Tournadre, J.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/Alt...
     with: van der Werff, H.M.A.: Spatial-spectral endmember extraction for space...
     with: Vergara, O.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiK...
     with: Verron, J.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiKa...
39 for Gupta, P.K.

Gupta, P.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Maurya, R.: Road extraction using K-Means clustering and morphological...
     with: Shukla, A.S.: Road extraction using K-Means clustering and morphologic...

Gupta, P.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abrevaya, V.: Adversarial Likelihood Estimation With One-Way Flows
     with: Ben Dov, O.: Adversarial Likelihood Estimation With One-Way Flows
     with: Black, M.J.: Adversarial Likelihood Estimation With One-Way Flows
     with: Black, M.J.: GIF: Generative Interpretable Faces
     with: Bolkart, T.: GIF: Generative Interpretable Faces
     with: Choi, G.S.: DRCAS: Deep Restoration Network for Hardware Based Compres...
     with: Ghosh, P.: Adversarial Likelihood Estimation With One-Way Flows
     with: Ghosh, P.: GIF: Generative Interpretable Faces
     with: Ranjan, A.: GIF: Generative Interpretable Faces
     with: Uziel, R.: GIF: Generative Interpretable Faces
     with: Yuan, X.: DRCAS: Deep Restoration Network for Hardware Based Compressi...
11 for Gupta, P.S.

Gupta, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdelhamed, A.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset,...
     with: Abdelraouf, A.: Driving through the Concept Gridlock: Unraveling Expla...
     with: Abdelraouf, A.: M2DAR: Multi-View Multi-Scale Driver Action Recognitio...
     with: Abousamra, S.: Multi-Class Cell Detection Using Spatial Context Repres...
     with: Abousamra, S.: Topology-Guided Multi-Class Cell Context Generation for...
     with: Afifi, M.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Allard, F.: Multi-Class Cell Detection Using Spatial Context Represent...
     with: Ankur: Edge feature enhanced convolutional neural networks for face re...
     with: Audhkhasi, K.: Modeling Multiple Time Series Annotations as Noisy Dist...
     with: Bahl, R.: Estimation of instantaneous frequencies using iterative empi...
     with: Bai, D.W.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Bansod, P.: Quality Measure of the Compressed Echo, X-Ray and CT Images
     with: Bao, L.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Method...
     with: Bastani, F.: SatlasPretrain: A Large-Scale Dataset for Remote Sensing ...
     with: Baweja, T.: DeepSAR: Vessel Detection in SAR Imagery with Noisy Labels
     with: Belinsky, D.: Multi-Class Cell Detection Using Spatial Context Represe...
     with: Bhattacharya, A.: DeepSAR: Vessel Detection in SAR Imagery with Noisy ...
     with: Bisht, G.: Currency Detection Application for Visually Impaired using ...
     with: Brockman, S.: Scale-MAE: A Scale-Aware Masked Autoencoder for Multisca...
     with: Brown, M.S.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Me...
     with: Candido, S.: Scale-MAE: A Scale-Aware Masked Autoencoder for Multiscal...
     with: Cao, Y.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Method...
     with: Cao, Y.L.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Cao, Y.P.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Chang, T.: Stereo from Uncalibrated Cameras
     with: Chaudhury, S.: Enhancement of Old Manuscript Images
     with: Chaudhury, S.: Locating text in images using matched wavelets
     with: Chaudhury, S.: Parametric coding of texture in multi-view videos for 3...
     with: Chaudhury, S.: Text Extraction and Document Image Segmentation Using M...
     with: Chaudhury, S.: Visual saliency guided video compression algorithm
     with: Chauhan, A.: Currency Detection Application for Visually Impaired usin...
     with: Chen, C.: Multi-Class Cell Detection Using Spatial Context Representat...
     with: Chen, C.: Topology-Guided Multi-Class Cell Context Generation for Digi...
     with: Chen, W.D.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Chernyak, Y.: X-Ray Computed Tomography Through Scatter
     with: Cho, H.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Method...
     with: Choi, H.S.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Choi, J.H.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Christensen, C.: Class Prototypes based Contrastive Learning for Class...
     with: Cincebeaux, M.: Class Prototypes based Contrastive Learning for Classi...
     with: Clipp, B.: Scale-MAE: A Scale-Aware Masked Autoencoder for Multiscale ...
     with: Darrell, T.J.: Scale-MAE: A Scale-Aware Masked Autoencoder for Multisc...
     with: Dave, I.: TCLR: Temporal contrastive learning for video representation
     with: Ding, E.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Metho...
     with: Divakaran, A.: Class Prototypes based Contrastive Learning for Classif...
     with: Echterhoff, J.: Driving through the Concept Gridlock: Unraveling Expla...
     with: Espy Wilson, C.: Modeling Feature Representations for Affective Speech...
     with: Fan, Y.C.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Fan, Y.W.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Ferdinando, J.: SatlasPretrain: A Large-Scale Dataset for Remote Sensi...
     with: Funk, C.: Scale-MAE: A Scale-Aware Masked Autoencoder for Multiscale G...
     with: Gamad, R.S.: Quality Measure of the Compressed Echo, X-Ray and CT Images
     with: Gerard, S.: Class Prototypes based Contrastive Learning for Classifyin...
     with: Geva, A.: X-Ray Computed Tomography Through Scatter
     with: Goksel, O.: Multi-Scale Feature Alignment for Continual Learning of Un...
     with: Grindal, T.: Class Prototypes based Contrastive Learning for Classifyi...
     with: Gupta, A.: Currency Detection Application for Visually Impaired using ...
     with: Gupta, A.: Enhancement of Old Manuscript Images
     with: Gupta, K.K.: Despeckle and geographical feature extraction in SAR imag...
     with: Gupta, S.: Extraction of Multiple Diseases in Apple Leaf Using Machine...
     with: Gurrin, C.: Approaches for Event Segmentation of Visual Lifelog Data
     with: Han, J.Y.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Han, K.T.: Driving through the Concept Gridlock: Unraveling Explainabi...
     with: Han, K.T.: M2DAR: Multi-View Multi-Scale Driver Action Recognition wit...
     with: Hartley, R.I.: Camera calibration for 2.5-D X-ray metrology
     with: Hartley, R.I.: Computing Matched-Epipolar Projections
     with: Hartley, R.I.: High-Precision X-Ray Stereo for Automated 3-D Cad-Based...
     with: Hartley, R.I.: Linear Pushbroom Cameras
     with: Hartley, R.I.: Stereo from Uncalibrated Cameras
     with: Hu, F.S.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Metho...
     with: Huang, T.S.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Me...
     with: Jacokes, Z.: Modeling Multiple Time Series Annotations as Noisy Distor...
     with: Jaiswal, R.: User-Guided Variable Rate Learned Image Compression
     with: Jeong, J.C.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Me...
     with: Joshi, S.D.: Enhancement of Old Manuscript Images
     with: Joshi, S.D.: Locating text in images using matched wavelets
     with: Joshi, S.D.: Text Extraction and Document Image Segmentation Using Mat...
     with: Kang, M.J.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Kansal, P.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Kapoor, N.: User-Guided Variable Rate Learned Image Compression
     with: Kapoor, R.: Morphological mapping for non-linear dimensionality reduct...
     with: Kapoor, R.: Non-linear dimensionality reduction using fuzzy lattices
     with: Kembhavi, A.: SatlasPretrain: A Large-Scale Dataset for Remote Sensing...
     with: Keutzer, K.: Scale-MAE: A Scale-Aware Masked Autoencoder for Multiscal...
     with: Khanna, M.T.: Visual saliency guided video compression algorithm
     with: Khanna, N.: Locating text in images using matched wavelets
     with: Khanna, N.: Text Extraction and Document Image Segmentation Using Matc...
     with: Khassenov, A.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, ...
     with: Kim, J.H.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Kim, S.H.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Kim, S.J.: Class Prototypes based Contrastive Learning for Classifying...
     with: Kim, S.J.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Kim, W.J.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Kim, Y.J.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Kulkarni, K.: User-Guided Variable Rate Learned Image Compression
     with: Kumar, A.: Estimation of instantaneous frequencies using iterative emp...
     with: Kumar, S.: Enhancement of Old Manuscript Images
     with: Kumar, S.I.: Locating text in images using matched wavelets
     with: Kumar, S.I.: Text Extraction and Document Image Segmentation Using Mat...
     with: Kumar, V.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Kurc, T.: Multi-Class Cell Detection Using Spatial Context Representat...
     with: Kurc, T.: Topology-Guided Multi-Class Cell Context Generation for Digi...
     with: Lall, B.: Parametric coding of texture in multi-view videos for 3DTV
     with: Latkowski, T.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, ...
     with: Lee, J.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Method...
     with: Lee, J.W.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Lei, C.X.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Li, B.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Methods...
     with: Li, C.H.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Metho...
     with: Li, S.: Scale-MAE: A Scale-Aware Masked Autoencoder for Multiscale Geo...
     with: Li, Z.H.: M2DAR: Multi-View Multi-Scale Driver Action Recognition with...
     with: Li, Z.H.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Metho...
     with: Liu, B.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Method...
     with: Liu, J.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Method...
     with: Liu, J.T.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Liu, M.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Method...
     with: Liu, S.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Method...
     with: Liu, W.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Method...
     with: Lu, X.M.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Metho...
     with: Lu, X.W.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Metho...
     with: Lu, Y.H.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Metho...
     with: Lv, S.L.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Metho...
     with: Ma, K.: Joint Spatial and Magnification Based Attention Framework for ...
     with: Ma, Y.S.: M2DAR: Multi-View Multi-Scale Driver Action Recognition with...
     with: Maggioni, M.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, M...
     with: Marras, I.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Marvaniya, S.: Adaptive locally affine-invariant shape matching
     with: Marvaniya, S.: Illumination and Affine-Invariant Point Matching using ...
     with: McAuley, J.: Driving through the Concept Gridlock: Unraveling Explaina...
     with: Mehrotra, D.: Computational complexity of fractal image compression al...
     with: Meltzer, J.: Multiple View Feature Descriptors from Image Sequences vi...
     with: Michelini, P.N.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset...
     with: Mittal, A.: Adaptive locally affine-invariant shape matching
     with: Mittal, A.: Foreground-background separation on GPU using order based ...
     with: Mittal, A.: Illumination and Affine-Invariant Point Matching using an ...
     with: Mittal, A.: Local Ternary Patterns and Maximum Bipartite Matching for ...
     with: Mittal, A.: Robust order-based methods for feature description
     with: Mittal, A.: SMD: A Locally Stable Monotonic Change Invariant Feature D...
     with: Morency, L.P.: Robust real-time egomotion from stereo images
     with: Mozejko, M.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Me...
     with: Mundy, J.L.: Camera calibration for 2.5-D X-ray metrology
     with: Mundy, J.L.: High-Precision X-Ray Stereo for Automated 3-D Cad-Based I...
     with: Nan, N.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Method...
     with: Nanda, S.J.: Improved framework of many-objective evolutionary algorit...
     with: Nangi, S.: User-Guided Variable Rate Learned Image Compression
     with: Narayanan, S.: Joint Multi-Dimensional Model for Global and Time-Serie...
     with: Narayanan, S.: Modeling Multiple Time Series Annotations as Noisy Dist...
     with: Nathan, S.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Noble, J.A.: Camera calibration for 2.5-D X-ray metrology
     with: Noble, J.A.: High-Precision X-Ray Stereo for Automated 3-D Cad-Based I...
     with: Pan, Z.H.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Panda, S.: Foreground-background separation on GPU using order based a...
     with: Park, B.J.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Pati, P.: Multi-Scale Feature Alignment for Continual Learning of Unla...
     with: Patil, H.: Robust order-based methods for feature description
     with: Patnaik, R.: Local Ternary Patterns and Maximum Bipartite Matching for...
     with: Piccinelli, L.: Multi-Scale Feature Alignment for Continual Learning o...
     with: Pillai, M.S.: DeepSAR: Vessel Detection in SAR Imagery with Noisy Labels
     with: Ramakrishna, A.: Joint Multi-Dimensional Model for Global and Time-Ser...
     with: Reed, C.J.: Scale-MAE: A Scale-Aware Masked Autoencoder for Multiscale...
     with: Rho, K.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Method...
     with: Rizve, M.N.: TCLR: Temporal contrastive learning for video representat...
     with: Rohilla, M.K.: Edge feature enhanced convolutional neural networks for...
     with: Roy, A.: Class Prototypes based Contrastive Learning for Classifying M...
     with: Rozga, A.: Modeling Multiple Time Series Annotations as Noisy Distorti...
     with: Sahu, S.: Modeling Feature Representations for Affective Speech Using ...
     with: Sailaja, R.M.: Foreground-background separation on GPU using order bas...
     with: Saltz, J.: Joint Spatial and Magnification Based Attention Framework f...
     with: Saltz, J.: Multi-Class Cell Detection Using Spatial Context Representa...
     with: Saltz, J.: Topology-Guided Multi-Class Cell Context Generation for Dig...
     with: Samaras, D.: Joint Spatial and Magnification Based Attention Framework...
     with: Samaras, D.: Multi-Class Cell Detection Using Spatial Context Represen...
     with: Samaras, D.: Topology-Guided Multi-Class Cell Context Generation for D...
     with: Schechner, Y.Y.: X-Ray Computed Tomography Through Scatter
     with: Schmitz, A.: Camera calibration for 2.5-D X-ray metrology
     with: Schmitz, A.: High-Precision X-Ray Stereo for Automated 3-D Cad-Based I...
     with: Shah, M.: Class Prototypes based Contrastive Learning for Classifying ...
     with: Shah, M.: DeepSAR: Vessel Detection in SAR Imagery with Noisy Labels
     with: Shah, M.: RescueNet: Joint Building Segmentation and Damage Assessment...
     with: Shah, M.: TCLR: Temporal contrastive learning for video representation
     with: Shah, N.A.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Sharma, S.: Foreground-background separation on GPU using order based ...
     with: Shin, C.Y.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Singh, S.: Extraction of Multiple Diseases in Apple Leaf Using Machine...
     with: Slabaugh, G.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, M...
     with: Soatto, S.: Multiple View Feature Descriptors from Image Sequences via...
     with: Song, K.M.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Suryateja, B.V.: User-Guided Variable Rate Learned Image Compression
     with: Szafraniuk, M.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset,...
     with: Tanay, T.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Tang, P.L.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Tang, S.L.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Tanta, A.: Extraction of Multiple Diseases in Apple Leaf Using Machine...
     with: Thandiackal, K.: Multi-Scale Feature Alignment for Continual Learning ...
     with: Timofte, R.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Me...
     with: Treszczotko, L.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset...
     with: Tripathi, V.: Currency Detection Application for Visually Impaired usi...
     with: Trojanowski, K.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset...
     with: Tyagi, R.K.: Computational complexity of fractal image compression alg...
     with: Uyttendaele, M.T.: Scale-MAE: A Scale-Aware Masked Autoencoder for Mul...
     with: Vakalopoulou, M.: Joint Spatial and Magnification Based Attention Fram...
     with: van Arnam, J.: Joint Spatial and Magnification Based Attention Framewo...
     with: van Arnam, J.: Multi-Class Cell Detection Using Spatial Context Repres...
     with: Wang, S.Q.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Wang, T.N.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Wang, Z.: M2DAR: Multi-View Multi-Scale Driver Action Recognition with...
     with: Wen, C.Y.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Wolters, P.: SatlasPretrain: A Large-Scale Dataset for Remote Sensing ...
     with: Wu, Y.H.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Metho...
     with: Wu, Y.Q.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Metho...
     with: Xi, T.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Methods...
     with: Xu, S.S.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Metho...
     with: Yan, A.: Driving through the Concept Gridlock: Unraveling Explainabili...
     with: Yan, Q.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Method...
     with: Yan, Y.L.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Yang, J.X.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Yang, M.H.: Multiple View Feature Descriptors from Image Sequences via...
     with: Yang, Z.L.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Ye, Z.Y.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Metho...
     with: Yee, E.: Multi-Class Cell Detection Using Spatial Context Representation
     with: Yu, S.H.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Metho...
     with: Yu, X.Y.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Metho...
     with: Yuan, L.Q.: M2DAR: Multi-View Multi-Scale Driver Action Recognition wi...
     with: Zhang, G.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Zhang, J.W.: Joint Spatial and Magnification Based Attention Framework...
     with: Zhang, X.L.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Me...
     with: Zhang, Y.C.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Me...
     with: Zhang, Z.L.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Me...
     with: Zhao, Y.Y.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Zhao, Y.Z.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Zhou, Y.Q.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Zhussip, M.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Me...
     with: Zong, Z.Y.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Zuo, W.M.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
235 for Gupta, R.

Gupta, R.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Snyder, W.E.: Detection of Multiple Preceding Cars in Busy Traffic Usi...

Gupta, R.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agrawal, S.: School Mapping And Geospatial Analysis Of The Schools In ...
     with: Dash, J.K.: Content-based image retrieval using fuzzy class membership...
     with: Dash, J.K.: Content-based texture image retrieval using fuzzy class me...
     with: Dash, J.K.: Rotation invariant textural feature extraction for image r...
     with: Mukhopadhyay, S.: Content-based image retrieval using fuzzy class memb...
     with: Mukhopadhyay, S.: Content-based texture image retrieval using fuzzy cl...
     with: Murayama, Y.: Assessing Local Climate Change by Spatiotemporal Seasona...
     with: Sarif, M.O.: Assessing Local Climate Change by Spatiotemporal Seasonal...
     with: Sudipta, M.: Rotation invariant textural feature extraction for image ...
9 for Gupta, R.D.

Gupta, R.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhattacharya, P.: Exploring the Contextual Factors Affecting Multimoda...
     with: Chia, A.Y.S.: Learning Discriminative Visual N-grams from Mid-level Im...
     with: Cho, S.Y.: color-based approach for disparity refinement, A
     with: Cho, S.Y.: Correlation-Based Approach for Real-Time Stereo Matching, A
     with: Cho, S.Y.: Real-time Stereo Matching using Adaptive Binary Window
     with: Cho, S.Y.: Window-based approach for fast stereo correspondence
     with: Frahm, J.M.: Adaptive eye-camera calibration for head-worn devices
     with: Gandhi, T.: Efficient Medical Supply Chain Forecasting Using Time Seri...
     with: Gandhi, T.K.: Classification of patients with tumor using MR FLAIR ima...
     with: Gupta, T.: Classification of patients with tumor using MR FLAIR images
     with: Gupta, V.: Efficient Medical Supply Chain Forecasting Using Time Serie...
     with: Hong, D.: Local Binary Pattern Networks
     with: Kothari, J.: System for capability based multimedia streaming over a n...
     with: Lazarow, J.: Local Binary Pattern Networks
     with: Leung, M.K.H.: Error Bounded Tangent Estimator for Digitized Elliptic ...
     with: Lin, J.: Local Binary Pattern Networks
     with: Lin, J.H.: Binarized Convolutional Neural Networks with Separable Filt...
     with: Mulla, A.: Glaucoma Classification Using Deep Learning and Image Proce...
     with: Pandey, M.: Learning Discriminative Visual N-grams from Mid-level Imag...
     with: Panigrahi, B.K.: Classification of patients with tumor using MR FLAIR ...
     with: Patel, M.: Glaucoma Classification Using Deep Learning and Image Proce...
     with: Perra, D.: Adaptive eye-camera calibration for head-worn devices
     with: Prasad, D.K.: Error Bounded Tangent Estimator for Digitized Elliptic C...
     with: Sahai, A.: System for capability based multimedia streaming over a net...
     with: Shah, V.: Efficient Medical Supply Chain Forecasting Using Time Series...
     with: Srivastava, M.: Binarized Convolutional Neural Networks with Separable...
     with: Tu, Z.: Binarized Convolutional Neural Networks with Separable Filters...
     with: Tu, Z.: Local Binary Pattern Networks
     with: Xing, T.: Binarized Convolutional Neural Networks with Separable Filte...
     with: Yang, Y.: Local Binary Pattern Networks
     with: Yang, Y.P.: Exploring the Contextual Factors Affecting Multimodal Emot...
     with: Yang, Y.P.: Leveraging Multi-modal Analyses and Online Knowledge Base ...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Binarized Convolutional Neural Networks with Separable Filt...
     with: Zhao, R.: Binarized Convolutional Neural Networks with Separable Filte...
34 for Gupta, R.K.

Gupta, R.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agarwal, A.: Robust Histopathology Image Analysis: To Label or to Synt...
     with: Chen, W.J.: Sparse autoencoder for unsupervised nucleus detection and ...
     with: Foran, D.: Sparse autoencoder for unsupervised nucleus detection and r...
     with: Gao, Y.: Sparse autoencoder for unsupervised nucleus detection and rep...
     with: Hou, L.: Robust Histopathology Image Analysis: To Label or to Synthesi...
     with: Hou, L.: Sparse autoencoder for unsupervised nucleus detection and rep...
     with: Kanevsky, A.B.: Sparse autoencoder for unsupervised nucleus detection ...
     with: Kurc, T.M.: Robust Histopathology Image Analysis: To Label or to Synth...
     with: Kurc, T.M.: Sparse autoencoder for unsupervised nucleus detection and ...
     with: Nguyen, V.: Sparse autoencoder for unsupervised nucleus detection and ...
     with: Saltz, J.H.: Robust Histopathology Image Analysis: To Label or to Synt...
     with: Saltz, J.H.: Sparse autoencoder for unsupervised nucleus detection and...
     with: Samaras, D.: Robust Histopathology Image Analysis: To Label or to Synt...
     with: Samaras, D.: Sparse autoencoder for unsupervised nucleus detection and...
     with: Zhao, T.H.: Sparse autoencoder for unsupervised nucleus detection and ...
15 for Gupta, R.R.

Gupta, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agarwal, A.: deep learning approach for classification of COVID and pn...
     with: Agarwal, S.: Optimal Control for Congestion Pricing: Theory, Simulatio...
     with: Aggarwal, E.: Investigating the Influence of River Geomorphology on Hu...
     with: Aggarwal, J.K.: 3D Face Recognition Founded on the Structural Diversit...
     with: Aggarwal, J.K.: 3D face recognition with the average-half-face
     with: Agrawal, R.: Psychovisual saliency in color images
     with: Ahmed, W.: Radatron: Accurate Detection Using Multi-resolution Cascade...
     with: Akin, B.: Discovering Multi-Hardware Mobile Models via Architecture Se...
     with: Akin, B.: MobileDets: Searching for Object Detection Architectures for...
     with: Akin, B.: Searching for Efficient Neural Architectures for On-Device M...
     with: Alahi, A.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Chal...
     with: Anand, R.S.: Classification of hardwood species using ANN classifier
     with: Anvekar, T.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Ch...
     with: Arbelaez, P.: Aligning 3D models to RGB-D images of cluttered scenes
     with: Arbelaez, P.: Indoor Scene Understanding with RGB-D Images: Bottom-up ...
     with: Arbelaez, P.: Learning Rich Features from RGB-D Images for Object Dete...
     with: Arbelaez, P.: Perceptual Organization and Recognition of Indoor Scenes...
     with: Arbelaez, P.: Semantic segmentation using regions and parts
     with: Arbelaez, P.: three R's of computer vision: Recognition, reconstructio...
     with: Arikan, O.: Discovering Multi-Hardware Mobile Models via Architecture ...
     with: Arora, T.: Postal Automation System in Gurmukhi Script using Deep Lear...
     with: Arora, T.: Review on Natural Disaster Detection in Social Media and Sa...
     with: Ashley, D.: Multiple adverse effects prediction in longitudinal cancer...
     with: Ashraf, K.: Multi-resolution streaming and rendering of 3-D dynamic data
     with: Atmaca, A.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Cha...
     with: Augustin, J.L.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023:...
     with: Avrahami, O.: SpaText: Spatio-Textual Representation for Controllable ...
     with: Azadi, S.: Make-An-Animation: Large-Scale Text-conditional 3D Human Mo...
     with: Azam, A.: Video stabilization using regularity of energy flow
     with: Bajpai, R.: Motion Estimation from Motion Smear: A System Identificati...
     with: Banerjee, B.: Zero-Shot Sketch Based Image Retrieval Using Graph Trans...
     with: Bansal, S.: Kitchen activity recognition based on scene context
     with: Bartl, V.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Chal...
     with: Bender, G.: Discovering Multi-Hardware Mobile Models via Architecture ...
     with: Bender, G.: MobileDets: Searching for Object Detection Architectures f...
     with: Bernardino, A.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023:...
     with: Bhanushali, A.: Rapid Training Data Creation by Synthesizing Medical I...
     with: Bhardwaj, A.: Image Authentication Using Block Truncation Coding in Li...
     with: Bhardwaj, K.: Multi-Resolution Probabilistic Information Fusion for Ca...
     with: Bhattacharya, S.: Background estimation and motion saliency detection ...
     with: Bhattacharya, S.: Dehazing of color image using stochastic enhancement
     with: Bhattacharya, S.: Spatiotemporal Colorization of Video Using 3D Steera...
     with: Bhattacharya, S.: spatiotemporal restoration of partial color artifact...
     with: Bhattacharya, S.: Visual Saliency Detection Using Spatiotemporal Decom...
     with: Bhattacharya, S.: Visual saliency detection using video decomposition
     with: Bhojwani, N.: GeoEngine: A Platform for Production-Ready Geospatial Re...
     with: Bhowmik, N.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Ch...
     with: Bonetti, S.: Global Mapping of Soil Water Characteristics Parameters: ...
     with: Bourdev, L.: Semantic segmentation using regions and parts
     with: Bovik, A.C.: 3D Face Recognition Founded on the Structural Diversity o...
     with: Bovik, A.C.: Anthropometric 3D Face Recognition
     with: Bovik, A.C.: Complex Wavelet Structural Similarity: A New Image Simila...
     with: Bovik, A.C.: Facial Range Image Matching Using the Complex Wavelet Str...
     with: Bovik, A.C.: Texas 3D Face Recognition Database
     with: Breckon, T.P.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: ...
     with: Brighton, A.: Discovering Multi-Hardware Mobile Models via Architectur...
     with: Burman, P.: Least Committed Splines in 3D Modelling of Free Form Objec...
     with: Buttafava, M.: Passive Inter-Photon Imaging
     with: Carreira, J.: three R's of computer vision: Recognition, reconstructio...
     with: Castleman, K.R.: Texas 3D Face Recognition Database
     with: Chakareski, J.: mmWave Networking and Edge Computing for Scalable 360°...
     with: Chaplot, D.S.: Neural Topological SLAM for Visual Navigation
     with: Chaplot, D.S.: Semantic Curiosity for Active Visual Learning
     with: Chaudhuri, U.: Zero-Shot Sketch Based Image Retrieval Using Graph Tran...
     with: Chaudhury, S.: Multi-Resolution Probabilistic Information Fusion for C...
     with: Chauhan, R.C.: Locally adaptive wavelet domain bayesian processor for ...
     with: Chen, B.: MobileDets: Searching for Object Detection Architectures for...
     with: Chen, C.: Learning Topological Interactions for Multi-Class Medical Im...
     with: Chin, T.J.: Assessing domain gap for continual domain adaptation in ob...
     with: Chin, T.J.: Sensor Allocation and Online-Learning-Based Path Planning ...
     with: Cho, S.H.: Current Developments and Future Trends in Audio Authenticat...
     with: Chu, G.: Discovering Multi-Hardware Mobile Models via Architecture Sea...
     with: Chung, K.: Learning Topological Interactions for Multi-Class Medical I...
     with: Costa, A.C.: Optimising Citizen-Driven Air Quality Monitoring Networks...
     with: Crispo, B.: IDeAuth: A novel behavioral biometric-based implicit deaut...
     with: Crispo, B.: survey of human-computer interaction (HCI) and natural hab...
     with: Dahiya, N.: Review on Deep Learning Classifier for Hyperspectral Imagi...
     with: Darrell, T.J.: Learning with Side Information through Modality Halluci...
     with: Das, S.: RV-GAN: Recurrent GAN for Unconditional Video Generation
     with: Dasgupta, A.: Analysis of training parameters for classifiers based on...
     with: Dastidar, T.R.: Rapid Training Data Creation by Synthesizing Medical I...
     with: Davidson, J.: Cognitive Mapping and Planning for Visual Navigation
     with: Dawkins, M.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Ch...
     with: de Alcantara Andrade, F.A.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (...
     with: de Castro, A.I.: Watson on the Farm: Using Cloud-Based Artificial Inte...
     with: de Vleeschouwer, C.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) ...
     with: Degbelo, A.: Optimising Citizen-Driven Air Quality Monitoring Networks...
     with: Deng, L.: From captions to visual concepts and back
     with: Dentinger, A.: 4D vessel segmentation and tracking in Ultrasound
     with: Dewal, M.L.: Classification of hardwood species using ANN classifier
     with: Dhall, A.: Speak2Label: Using Domain Knowledge for Creating a Large Sc...
     with: Dhalla, S.: Multi-model Ensemble to Classify Acute Lymphoblastic Leuke...
     with: Doan, A.D.: Assessing domain gap for continual domain adaptation in ob...
     with: Doan, A.D.: Sensor Allocation and Online-Learning-Based Path Planning ...
     with: Dollar, P.: From captions to visual concepts and back
     with: Dora, S.: Identifying brain regions contributing to Alzheimer's diseas...
     with: Dua, I.: Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation by Similarity Based Pseudo-...
     with: Dube, P.: Improving the affordability of robustness training for DNNs
     with: Dutta Roy, S.: Multi-Resolution Probabilistic Information Fusion for C...
     with: Dutta, U.: GeoEngine: A Platform for Production-Ready Geospatial Resea...
     with: Efros, A.A.: Factoring Shape, Pose, and Layout from the 2D Image of a ...
     with: Ehsani, K.: Use the Force, Luke! Learning to Predict Physical Forces b...
     with: Evangeliou, N.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023:...
     with: Exe, N.: GeoEngine: A Platform for Production-Ready Geospatial Research
     with: Fang, H.: From captions to visual concepts and back
     with: Fang, Z.Y.: TIDEE: Tidying Up Novel Rooms Using Visuo-Semantic Commons...
     with: Farhadi, A.: Use the Force, Luke! Learning to Predict Physical Forces ...
     with: Ferroni, F.: Far3Det: Towards Far-Field 3D Detection
     with: Fouhey, D.: Factoring Shape, Pose, and Layout from the 2D Image of a 3...
     with: Fragkiadaki, K.: three R's of computer vision: Recognition, reconstruc...
     with: Fragkiadaki, K.: TIDEE: Tidying Up Novel Rooms Using Visuo-Semantic Co...
     with: Freeman, D.: Watson on the Farm: Using Cloud-Based Artificial Intellig...
     with: Fried, O.: SpaText: Spatio-Textual Representation for Controllable Ima...
     with: Frosio, I.: Robust Model-Based 3D Head Pose Estimation
     with: Gafni, O.: SpaText: Spatio-Textual Representation for Controllable Ima...
     with: Ganotra, R.: Identifying brain regions contributing to Alzheimer's dis...
     with: Gao, J.F.: From captions to visual concepts and back
     with: Ghanshyam, C.: Plant leaf imaging technique for agronomy
     with: Ghosh, S.: Speak2Label: Using Domain Knowledge for Creating a Large Sc...
     with: Girshick, R.: Aligning 3D models to RGB-D images of cluttered scenes
     with: Girshick, R.: Indoor Scene Understanding with RGB-D Images: Bottom-up ...
     with: Girshick, R.: Learning Rich Features from RGB-D Images for Object Dete...
     with: Girshick, R.: Perceptual Organization and Recognition of Indoor Scenes...
     with: Girshick, R.: three R's of computer vision: Recognition, reconstructio...
     with: Gkioxari, G.: three R's of computer vision: Recognition, reconstructio...
     with: Gore, A.: Objective color image quality assessment based on Sobel magn...
     with: Goswami, S.: GeoEngine: A Platform for Production-Ready Geospatial Res...
     with: Goyal, D.: Kitchen activity recognition based on scene context
     with: Goyal, M.: Human Hands as Probes for Interactive Object Understanding
     with: Goyal, R.: Human Hands as Probes for Interactive Object Understanding
     with: Grover, S.: Unified Approach for Digital Image Inpainting Using Bounde...
     with: Gu, C.H.: Semantic segmentation using regions and parts
     with: Guan, J.: Radatron: Accurate Detection Using Multi-resolution Cascaded...
     with: Guan, J.: Through Fog High-Resolution Imaging Using Millimeter Wave Ra...
     with: Guettier, C.: Sensor Allocation and Online-Learning-Based Path Plannin...
     with: Gupta, A.: Aligning Videos in Space and Time
     with: Gupta, A.: Neural Topological SLAM for Visual Navigation
     with: Gupta, A.: Semantic Curiosity for Active Visual Learning
     with: Gupta, A.: Use the Force, Luke! Learning to Predict Physical Forces by...
     with: Gupta, G.: Efficient Registration of Aerial Image Sequences Without Ca...
     with: Gupta, I.: Classification of bamboo plant based on digital image proce...
     with: Gupta, I.: Detection of Alzheimer's Disease Using Deep Convolutional N...
     with: Gupta, I.: Different CNN-based Architectures for Detection of Invasive...
     with: Gupta, I.: Multi-Resolution Probabilistic Information Fusion for Camer...
     with: Gupta, M.: Eulerian Single-Photon Vision
     with: Gupta, M.: Passive Inter-Photon Imaging
     with: Gupta, P.: Saliency Prediction for Mobile User Interfaces
     with: Gupta, P.: Synthesis of a face image at a desired pose from a given pose
     with: Gupta, R.: Extraction of Multiple Diseases in Apple Leaf Using Machine...
     with: Hanmandlu, M.: approach to divide pre-detected Devanagari words from t...
     with: Harguess, J.: 3D face recognition with the average-half-face
     with: Hariharan, B.: Semantic segmentation using regions and parts
     with: Hariharan, B.: three R's of computer vision: Recognition, reconstructi...
     with: Harley, A.W.: TIDEE: Tidying Up Novel Rooms Using Visuo-Semantic Commo...
     with: Hassanieh, H.: Radatron: Accurate Detection Using Multi-resolution Cas...
     with: Hassanieh, H.: Through Fog High-Resolution Imaging Using Millimeter Wa...
     with: Havaei, M.: AdaBest: Minimizing Client Drift in Federated Learning via...
     with: Hayes, T.: Make-An-Animation: Large-Scale Text-conditional 3D Human Mo...
     with: Hayes, T.: SpaText: Spatio-Textual Representation for Controllable Ima...
     with: Hays, J.: Far3Det: Towards Far-Field 3D Detection
     with: He, X.D.: From captions to visual concepts and back
     with: Hegde, N.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Chal...
     with: Hengl, T.: Global Mapping of Soil Water Characteristics Parameters: Fu...
     with: Herout, A.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Cha...
     with: Hofer, T.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Chal...
     with: Hoffman, J.: Cross Modal Distillation for Supervision Transfer
     with: Hoffman, J.: Learning with Side Information through Modality Hallucina...
     with: Hou, X.Y.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Chal...
     with: Howard, A.: Discovering Multi-Hardware Mobile Models via Architecture ...
     with: Hsu, C.C.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Chal...
     with: Hu, X.L.: Learning Topological Interactions for Multi-Class Medical Im...
     with: Huang, H.W.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Ch...
     with: Hwang, J.N.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Ch...
     with: Iandola, F.: From captions to visual concepts and back
     with: Ingle, A.: Passive Inter-Photon Imaging
     with: Jacob, V.G.: Colorization of grayscale images and videos using a semia...
     with: Jain, A.: High Quality Compression of Educational Videos Using Content...
     with: Jain, S.: High Quality Compression of Educational Videos Using Content...
     with: Jayagopal, A.: Saliency Prediction for Mobile User Interfaces
     with: Jaynes, C.O.: Active Pursuit Tracking in a Projector-Camera System wit...
     with: Jeon, E.I.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Cha...
     with: Jhang, Y.A.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Ch...
     with: Jia, Z.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Challe...
     with: Jiang, H.: Semantic Curiosity for Active Visual Learning
     with: Jiang, S.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Chal...
     with: Jin, M.: Learning Topological Interactions for Multi-Class Medical Ima...
     with: Jin, X.: Wavelet-based feature extraction using probabilistic finite s...
     with: Jinka, S.S.: Supervision by Landmarks: An Enhanced Facial De-occlusion...
     with: Jog, S.: Through Fog High-Resolution Imaging Using Millimeter Wave Radar
     with: Joshi, T.R.: GeoEngine: A Platform for Production-Ready Geospatial Res...
     with: Joy, T.T.: Hyperparameter tuning for big data using Bayesian optimisat...
     with: Kaan, J.: Learning Topological Interactions for Multi-Class Medical Im...
     with: Kachroo, P.: Optimal Control for Congestion Pricing: Theory, Simulatio...
     with: Kacimi, M.: IDeAuth: A novel behavioral biometric-based implicit deaut...
     with: Kamkar, I.: Stable clinical prediction using graph support vector mach...
     with: Kanal, L.N.: Computing Discontinuity-Preserved Image Flow
     with: Kanjani, J.: Far3Det: Towards Far-Field 3D Detection
     with: Kapoor, S.: Synthesis of a face image at a desired pose from a given p...
     with: Kapur, P.: Plant leaf imaging technique for agronomy
     with: Kar, A.: three R's of computer vision: Recognition, reconstruction and...
     with: Karnatak, H.: Geo-informatics in India: Major Milestones and Present S...
     with: Kassim, A.A.: Compression of Dynamic 3D Geometry Data Using Iterative ...
     with: Kaur, L.: Modified spatial neutrosophic clustering technique for bound...
     with: Kaur, S.: Detection of Alzheimer's Disease Using Deep Convolutional Ne...
     with: Kaur, S.: Review on Natural Disaster Detection in Social Media and Sat...
     with: Kaur, T.: Quantitative metric for MR brain tumour grade classification...
     with: Kautz, J.: Hand gesture recognition with 3D convolutional neural netwo...
     with: Kautz, J.: Online Detection and Classification of Dynamic Hand Gesture...
     with: Kautz, J.: Robust Model-Based 3D Head Pose Estimation
     with: Keshari, A.: RV-GAN: Recurrent GAN for Unconditional Video Generation
     with: Khandelwal, S.: Kitchen activity recognition based on scene context
     with: Kiefer, B.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Cha...
     with: Kim, K.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Challe...
     with: Kim, K.: Hand gesture recognition with 3D convolutional neural networks
     with: Kim, K.: Multi-sensor system for driver's hand-gesture recognition
     with: Kim, K.: Online Detection and Classification of Dynamic Hand Gestures ...
     with: Kim, P.K.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Chal...
     with: Kindermans, P.J.: Discovering Multi-Hardware Mobile Models via Archite...
     with: Kindermans, P.J.: MobileDets: Searching for Object Detection Architect...
     with: KKV, A.K.: Parallelogrammic neighborhood (PN) system for nonparametric...
     with: Koch, B.: Comparative Analysis of Clustering-Based Approaches for 3-D ...
     with: Kong, S.: Far3Det: Towards Far-Field 3D Detection
     with: Koundal, D.: Speckle reduction method for thyroid ultrasound images in...
     with: Krishnapuram, R.: Edge detection in range images through morphological...
     with: Krishnapuram, R.: Morphological Methods for Detection and Classificati...
     with: Kristan, M.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Ch...
     with: Kumar, H.: Blur parameter locus curve and its applications
     with: Kumar, H.: Depth Map Estimation Using Defocus and Motion Cues
     with: Kumar, H.: Realtime dehazing using colour uniformity principle
     with: Kumar, H.: Simultaneous Estimation of Defocus and Motion Blurs From Si...
     with: Kumar, K.P.: Spatio-temporal multi-view synthesis for free viewpoint t...
     with: Kumar, N.: Postal Automation System in Gurmukhi Script using Deep Lear...
     with: Kumar, R.: IDeAuth: A novel behavioral biometric-based implicit deauth...
     with: Kumar, R.: Video stabilization using regularity of energy flow
     with: Kumar, S.: LiteCovidNet: A lightweight deep neural network model for d...
     with: Kumar, S.: Motion Estimation from Motion Smear: A System Identificatio...
     with: Kumar, S.: Objective color image quality assessment based on Sobel mag...
     with: Kumar, S.: Zero-Shot Sketch Based Image Retrieval Using Graph Transfor...
     with: Kumaraguru, P.: Attentional Road Safety Networks
     with: Kundargi, S.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: C...
     with: Kuo, C.C.J.: Current Developments and Future Trends in Audio Authentic...
     with: Kurc, T.: Learning Topological Interactions for Multi-Class Medical Im...
     with: Kuse, M.: Classification Scheme for Lymphocyte Segmentation in H&E Sta...
     with: Kushwaha, A.: Rapid Training Data Creation by Synthesizing Medical Ima...
     with: Lakhotia, S.: ViTOL: Vision Transformer for Weakly Supervised Object L...
     with: Lal, M.: Modified spatial neutrosophic clustering technique for bounda...
     with: Lan, L.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Challe...
     with: Layek, R.: Psychovisual saliency in color images
     with: Lee, I.Y.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Chal...
     with: Lee, K.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Challe...
     with: Lehmann, P.: Global Mapping of Soil Water Characteristics Parameters: ...
     with: Levine, S.: Cognitive Mapping and Planning for Visual Navigation
     with: Li, C.: Multiple adverse effects prediction in longitudinal cancer tre...
     with: Li, C.: Stable clinical prediction using graph support vector machines
     with: Li, H.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Challen...
     with: Li, M.T.: Far3Det: Towards Far-Field 3D Detection
     with: Li, S.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Challen...
     with: Li, Y.L.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Chall...
     with: Lischinski, D.: SpaText: Spatio-Textual Representation for Controllabl...
     with: Liu, D.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Challe...
     with: Liu, H.X.: Discovering Multi-Hardware Mobile Models via Architecture S...
     with: Liu, H.X.: MobileDets: Searching for Object Detection Architectures fo...
     with: Liu, S.W.: Building Rearticulable Models for Arbitrary 3D Objects from...
     with: Liu, S.W.: ContactGen: Generative Contact Modeling for Grasp Generation
     with: Livingston, T.: Multiple adverse effects prediction in longitudinal ca...
     with: Loddo, A.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Chal...
     with: Loh, K.J.: Noncontact Electrical Permittivity Mapping and pH-Sensitive...
     with: Long, Y.: Searching for Efficient Neural Architectures for On-Device M...
     with: Madani, S.: Radatron: Accurate Detection Using Multi-resolution Cascad...
     with: Madani, S.: Through Fog High-Resolution Imaging Using Millimeter Wave ...
     with: Mahajan, S.: LiteCovidNet: A lightweight deep neural network model for...
     with: Maja, J.M.: Watson on the Farm: Using Cloud-Based Artificial Intellige...
     with: Malhotra, R.: CB-D2RNet: An efficient context bridge network for gliom...
     with: Malik, J.: Aligning 3D models to RGB-D images of cluttered scenes
     with: Malik, J.: Cognitive Mapping and Planning for Visual Navigation
     with: Malik, J.: Cross Modal Distillation for Supervision Transfer
     with: Malik, J.: Factoring Shape, Pose, and Layout from the 2D Image of a 3D...
     with: Malik, J.: Indoor Scene Understanding with RGB-D Images: Bottom-up Seg...
     with: Malik, J.: Learning Rich Features from RGB-D Images for Object Detecti...
     with: Malik, J.: Perceptual Organization and Recognition of Indoor Scenes fr...
     with: Malik, J.: Semantic segmentation using regions and parts
     with: Malik, J.: three R's of computer vision: Recognition, reconstruction a...
     with: Mani, S.: Objective color image quality assessment based on Sobel magn...
     with: Mansotra, V.: LiteCovidNet: A lightweight deep neural network model fo...
     with: Maple, C.: survey of human-computer interaction (HCI) and natural habi...
     with: Markey, M.K.: 3D Face Recognition Founded on the Structural Diversity ...
     with: Markey, M.K.: Anthropometric 3D Face Recognition
     with: Markey, M.K.: Complex Wavelet Structural Similarity: A New Image Simil...
     with: Markey, M.K.: Facial Range Image Matching Using the Complex Wavelet St...
     with: Markey, M.K.: Texas 3D Face Recognition Database
     with: Martinelli, F.: survey of human-computer interaction (HCI) and natural...
     with: Matwin, S.: AdaBest: Minimizing Client Drift in Federated Learning via...
     with: Meyer, G.P.: Robust Model-Based 3D Head Pose Estimation
     with: Mills, D.: 4D vessel segmentation and tracking in Ultrasound
     with: Mitchell, M.: From captions to visual concepts and back
     with: Mittal, A.: High Quality Compression of Educational Videos Using Conte...
     with: Mittal, A.: Multi-model Ensemble to Classify Acute Lymphoblastic Leuke...
     with: Modem, S.: Phase congruency and ODBTC based image retrieval
     with: Modi, S.: Human Hands as Probes for Interactive Object Understanding
     with: Mohan, N.: LiteCovidNet: A lightweight deep neural network model for d...
     with: Mohanta, D.K.: Digital image processing approach using combined wavele...
     with: Molchanov, P.: Hand gesture recognition with 3D convolutional neural n...
     with: Molchanov, P.: Multi-sensor system for driver's hand-gesture recognition
     with: Molchanov, P.: Online Detection and Classification of Dynamic Hand Ges...
     with: Mooney, R.J.: Using closed captions to train activity recognizers that...
     with: Mpoy, M.: Learning Topological Interactions for Multi-Class Medical Im...
     with: Mudengudi, U.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: ...
     with: Mukerjee, A.: Efficient Registration of Aerial Image Sequences Without...
     with: Mukherjee, K.: Statistical-Mechanics-Inspired Optimization of Sensor F...
     with: Mukherjee, K.: Wavelet-based feature extraction using probabilistic fi...
     with: Mukhopadhyay, J.: Psychovisual saliency in color images
     with: Mullick, S.K.: Estimation of depth from defocus as polynomial system i...
     with: Muralidhara, S.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023...
     with: Murthy, O.V.R.: approach to divide pre-detected Devanagari words from ...
     with: Murthy, V.S.: Digital image processing approach using combined wavelet...
     with: Namboodiri, A.M.: Repudiation Detection in Handwritten Documents
     with: Namboodiri, A.M.: Supervision by Landmarks: An Enhanced Facial De-occl...
     with: Narang, V.: approach to divide pre-detected Devanagari words from the ...
     with: Narendra, V.: Restoration of Partial Color Artifact and Blotches using...
     with: Nguyen Truong, H.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 20...
     with: Nguyen, B.L.: Assessing domain gap for continual domain adaptation in ...
     with: Nguyen, B.L.: Sensor Allocation and Online-Learning-Based Path Plannin...
     with: Nguyen, V.: Multiple adverse effects prediction in longitudinal cancer...
     with: Niranjan, S.: Efficient Registration of Aerial Image Sequences Without...
     with: Omer, O.J.: Motion Estimation from Motion Smear: A System Identificati...
     with: Or, D.: Global Mapping of Soil Water Characteristics Parameters: Fusin...
     with: Owen, J.S.: Watson on the Farm: Using Cloud-Based Artificial Intellige...
     with: Ozbay, K.: Optimal Control for Congestion Pricing: Theory, Simulation,...
     with: Pal, S.: Saliency Prediction for Mobile User Interfaces
     with: Pandya, A.S.: deep learning approach for classification of COVID and p...
     with: Panigrahi, A.: GeoEngine: A Platform for Production-Ready Geospatial R...
     with: Panigrahi, A.: QFabric: Multi-Task Change Detection Dataset
     with: Panigrahi, S.K.: Curvelet-based multiscale denoising using non-local m...
     with: Panigrahi, S.K.: Joint Bilateral Filter for Signal Recovery from Phase...
     with: Papritz, A.: Global Mapping of Soil Water Characteristics Parameters: ...
     with: Pardeshi, S.: GeoEngine: A Platform for Production-Ready Geospatial Re...
     with: Parikh, D.: Make-An-Animation: Large-Scale Text-conditional 3D Human M...
     with: Parikh, D.: SpaText: Spatio-Textual Representation for Controllable Im...
     with: Parra, E.: Sensor Allocation and Online-Learning-Based Path Planning f...
     with: Patel, R.H.: deep learning approach for classification of COVID and pn...
     with: Patwardhan, K.A.: 4D vessel segmentation and tracking in Ultrasound
     with: Paul, S.: Spatiotemporal Colorization of Video Using 3D Steerable Pyra...
     with: Pebesma, E.: Optimising Citizen-Driven Air Quality Monitoring Networks...
     with: Pena, J.M.: Watson on the Farm: Using Cloud-Based Artificial Intellige...
     with: Pers, J.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Chall...
     with: Phung, D.: Stable clinical prediction using graph support vector machi...
     with: Phung, D.: Transfer learning for rare cancer problems via Discriminati...
     with: Platt, J.C.: From captions to visual concepts and back
     with: Poiesi, F.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Cha...
     with: Popovski, P.: mmWave Networking and Edge Computing for Scalable 360° V...
     with: Prasanna, P.: Learning Topological Interactions for Multi-Class Medica...
     with: Pulli, K.: Multi-sensor system for driver's hand-gesture recognition
     with: Purushwalkam, S.: Aligning Videos in Space and Time
     with: Quan, Y.T.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Cha...
     with: Raghavan, S.: Computing Discontinuity-Preserved Image Flow
     with: Raitoharju, J.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023:...
     with: Raja, K.: survey of human-computer interaction (HCI) and natural habit...
     with: Raju, P.L.N.: Geo-informatics in India: Major Milestones and Present S...
     with: Ramanan, D.: Far3Det: Towards Far-Field 3D Detection
     with: Ramanathan, S.: Multi-resolution streaming and rendering of 3-D dynami...
     with: Rana, S.: Bayesian nonparametric Multiple Instance Regression
     with: Rana, S.: Hyperparameter tuning for big data using Bayesian optimisation
     with: Rana, S.: Multiple adverse effects prediction in longitudinal cancer t...
     with: Rani, R.: LiteCovidNet: A lightweight deep neural network model for de...
     with: Ranjan, R.: Image retrieval using dictionary similarity measure
     with: Rao, K.R.: Image-independent optimal non-negative integer bit allocati...
     with: Rawat, A.: Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation by Similarity Based Pseud...
     with: Rawat, A.: ViTOL: Vision Transformer for Weakly Supervised Object Loca...
     with: Ray, A.: Statistical-Mechanics-Inspired Optimization of Sensor Field C...
     with: Ray, A.: Wavelet-based feature extraction using probabilistic finite s...
     with: Rayala, J.: Estimation of depth from defocus as polynomial system iden...
     with: Reddy, D.: Robust Model-Based 3D Head Pose Estimation
     with: Reid, I.: Assessing domain gap for continual domain adaptation in obje...
     with: Reid, I.: Sensor Allocation and Online-Learning-Based Path Planning fo...
     with: Robbins, J.: Watson on the Farm: Using Cloud-Based Artificial Intellig...
     with: Robles Kelly, A.: Feature-Extracting Functions for Neural Logic Rule L...
     with: Routray, A.: Analysis of training parameters for classifiers based on ...
     with: Roy, S.: approach to divide pre-detected Devanagari words from the sce...
     with: Ruberto, C.D.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: ...
     with: Saghayi, M.: AdaBest: Minimizing Client Drift in Federated Learning vi...
     with: Saha, B.: Transfer learning for rare cancer problems via Discriminativ...
     with: Sahu, P.K.: Curvelet-based multiscale denoising using non-local means ...
     with: Saini, B.S.: Quantitative metric for MR brain tumour grade classificat...
     with: Salakhutdinov, R.: Neural Topological SLAM for Visual Navigation
     with: Saltz, J.: Learning Topological Interactions for Multi-Class Medical I...
     with: Saltz, M.: Learning Topological Interactions for Multi-Class Medical I...
     with: Sampat, M.P.: Complex Wavelet Structural Similarity: A New Image Simil...
     with: Sampat, M.P.: Facial Range Image Matching Using the Complex Wavelet St...
     with: Sanghvi, H.A.: deep learning approach for classification of COVID and ...
     with: Sankar, G.: New Technique for Region of Interest Tomographic Image Rec...
     with: Sarch, G.: TIDEE: Tidying Up Novel Rooms Using Visuo-Semantic Commonse...
     with: Sarj, A.A.K.: Unified Approach for Digital Image Inpainting Using Boun...
     with: Sawhney, V.: deep learning approach for classification of COVID and pn...
     with: Saxena, S.C.: Locally adaptive wavelet domain bayesian processor for d...
     with: Schydlo, P.: TIDEE: Tidying Up Novel Rooms Using Visuo-Semantic Common...
     with: Sebe, N.: Speak2Label: Using Domain Knowledge for Creating a Large Sca...
     with: Seets, T.: Passive Inter-Photon Imaging
     with: Sengupta, K.: Compression of Dynamic 3D Geometry Data Using Iterative ...
     with: Sengupta, K.: Least Committed Splines in 3D Modelling of Free Form Obj...
     with: Sengupta, K.: Multi-resolution streaming and rendering of 3-D dynamic ...
     with: Sevyeri, L.R.: AdaBest: Minimizing Client Drift in Federated Learning ...
     with: Shah, A.: Make-An-Animation: Large-Scale Text-conditional 3D Human Mot...
     with: Sharma, A.: Attention based Occlusion Removal for Hybrid Telepresence ...
     with: Sharma, A.: Supervision by Landmarks: An Enhanced Facial De-occlusion ...
     with: Sharma, G.: Speak2Label: Using Domain Knowledge for Creating a Large S...
     with: Sharma, S.: Postal Automation System in Gurmukhi Script using Deep Lea...
     with: Sharma, T.: Classification Scheme for Lymphocyte Segmentation in H&E S...
     with: Shastri, S.: LiteCovidNet: A lightweight deep neural network model for...
     with: Shetty, A.: Attention based Occlusion Removal for Hybrid Telepresence ...
     with: Shin, H.: GeoEngine: A Platform for Production-Ready Geospatial Research
     with: Shivling, V.D.: Plant leaf imaging technique for agronomy
     with: Singh Saini, B.: CB-D2RNet: An efficient context bridge network for gl...
     with: Singh, G.: Learning Topological Interactions for Multi-Class Medical I...
     with: Singh, H.: Multi-model Ensemble to Classify Acute Lymphoblastic Leukem...
     with: Singh, K.: Classification of bamboo plant based on digital image proce...
     with: Singh, K.: LiteCovidNet: A lightweight deep neural network model for d...
     with: Singh, S.: Detection of Alzheimer's Disease Using Deep Convolutional N...
     with: Singh, S.: Different CNN-based Architectures for Detection of Invasive...
     with: Singh, S.: Extraction of Multiple Diseases in Apple Leaf Using Machine...
     with: Singh, S.: Integrating saliency with fuzzy thresholding for brain tumo...
     with: Singh, S.: Review on Deep Learning Classifier for Hyperspectral Imagin...
     with: Singh, S.: Review on Natural Disaster Detection in Social Media and Sa...
     with: Singh, S.: Speckle reduction method for thyroid ultrasound images in n...
     with: Singh, V.: MobileDets: Searching for Object Detection Architectures fo...
     with: Singla, A.: Plant leaf imaging technique for agronomy
     with: Sinha, A.: Approximation of Conditional Density of Markov Random Field...
     with: Sinha, A.: Fast Nonparametric Noncausal MRF-Based Texture Synthesis Sc...
     with: Sinha, A.: Nonparametric Markov random field order estimation and its ...
     with: Sinha, A.: Parallelogrammic neighborhood (PN) system for nonparametric...
     with: Sinha, R.: Saliency Prediction for Mobile User Interfaces
     with: Sivakumar, P.B.: Bayesian nonparametric Multiple Instance Regression
     with: Smith, D.H.: Watson on the Farm: Using Cloud-Based Artificial Intellig...
     with: Somers, V.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Cha...
     with: Sommer, L.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Cha...
     with: Song, Y.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Chall...
     with: Spanhel, J.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Ch...
     with: Spiridonov, A.: Searching for Efficient Neural Architectures for On-De...
     with: Spraul, R.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Cha...
     with: Sran, P.K.: Integrating saliency with fuzzy thresholding for brain tum...
     with: Srivastava, P.K.: Objective color image quality assessment based on So...
     with: Srivastava, R.K.: From captions to visual concepts and back
     with: Srivatsav, D.: Attentional Road Safety Networks
     with: Stefanakis, E.: Examining Map Projection Distortions using Geospatial ...
     with: Subramanian, S.: Bayesian nonparametric Multiple Instance Regression
     with: Subramanian, V.K.: Blur parameter locus curve and its applications
     with: Subramanian, V.K.: Context Driven Optimized Perceptual Video Summariza...
     with: Subramanian, V.K.: Event Detection on Roads Using Perceptual Video Sum...
     with: Subramanian, V.K.: Perceptual synoptic view of pixel, object and seman...
     with: Subramanian, V.K.: Perceptual synoptic view-based video retrieval usin...
     with: Subramanian, V.K.: Perceptual Video Summarization: A New Framework for...
     with: Subramanyam, A.V.: Attentional Road Safety Networks
     with: Sukthankar, R.: Cognitive Mapping and Planning for Visual Navigation
     with: Tabib, R.A.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Ch...
     with: Taigman, Y.: SpaText: Spatio-Textual Representation for Controllable I...
     with: Tallamraju, R.: Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation by Similarity Based ...
     with: Tallamraju, R.: ViTOL: Vision Transformer for Weakly Supervised Object...
     with: Tan, C.H.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Chal...
     with: Tan, M.X.: MobileDets: Searching for Object Detection Architectures fo...
     with: Tanta, A.: Extraction of Multiple Diseases in Apple Leaf Using Machine...
     with: Tao, D.C.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Chal...
     with: Tarr, M.J.: TIDEE: Tidying Up Novel Rooms Using Visuo-Semantic Commons...
     with: Tassiopoulos, A.: Learning Topological Interactions for Multi-Class Me...
     with: Thakre, V.V.: Phase congruency and ODBTC based image retrieval
     with: Thakur, K.: Hybrid WPT-BDCT transform for high-quality image compression
     with: Thakur, K.: Image-independent optimal non-negative integer bit allocat...
     with: Thakur, K.: improved symbol reduction technique based Huffman coder fo...
     with: Thakur, V.S.: Hybrid WPT-BDCT transform for high-quality image compres...
     with: Thakur, V.S.: Image-independent optimal non-negative integer bit alloc...
     with: Thakur, V.S.: improved symbol reduction technique based Huffman coder ...
     with: Thomas, S.S.: Context Driven Optimized Perceptual Video Summarization ...
     with: Thomas, S.S.: Event Detection on Roads Using Perceptual Video Summariz...
     with: Thomas, S.S.: Perceptual synoptic view of pixel, object and semantic b...
     with: Thomas, S.S.: Perceptual synoptic view-based video retrieval using met...
     with: Thomas, S.S.: Perceptual Video Summarization: A New Framework for Vide...
     with: Tienaah, T.: Examining Map Projection Distortions using Geospatial Web...
     with: Tolani, V.: Cognitive Mapping and Planning for Visual Navigation
     with: Tosi, A.: Passive Inter-Photon Imaging
     with: Tulsiani, S.: Factoring Shape, Pose, and Layout from the 2D Image of a...
     with: Tulsiani, S.: three R's of computer vision: Recognition, reconstructio...
     with: Tulsiani, S.: Use the Force, Luke! Learning to Predict Physical Forces...
     with: Tyree, S.: Online Detection and Classification of Dynamic Hand Gesture...
     with: Tzes, A.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Chall...
     with: Varno, F.: AdaBest: Minimizing Client Drift in Federated Learning via ...
     with: Vasardani, M.: Negotiation Between Vehicles and Pedestrians for the Ri...
     with: Vats, A.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Chall...
     with: Velayutham, C.S.: Bayesian nonparametric Multiple Instance Regression
     with: Velten, A.: Passive Inter-Photon Imaging
     with: Venkatesh, K.S.: Dehazing of color image using stochastic enhancement
     with: Venkatesh, K.S.: Depth Map Estimation Using Defocus and Motion Cues
     with: Venkatesh, K.S.: Image retrieval using dictionary similarity measure
     with: Venkatesh, K.S.: Motion Estimation from Motion Smear: A System Identif...
     with: Venkatesh, K.S.: Realtime dehazing using colour uniformity principle
     with: Venkatesh, K.S.: Simultaneous Estimation of Defocus and Motion Blurs F...
     with: Venkatesh, K.S.: Spatio-temporal multi-view synthesis for free viewpoi...
     with: Venkatesh, K.S.: Video stabilization using regularity of energy flow
     with: Venkatesh, K.S.: Visual Saliency Detection Using Spatiotemporal Decomp...
     with: Venkatesh, S.: Hyperparameter tuning for big data using Bayesian optim...
     with: Venkatesh, S.: Multiple adverse effects prediction in longitudinal can...
     with: Venkatesh, S.: Stable clinical prediction using graph support vector m...
     with: Venkatesh, S.: Transfer learning for rare cancer problems via Discrimi...
     with: Venkateshc, S.: Bayesian nonparametric Multiple Instance Regression
     with: Venkatsh, K.S.: Background estimation and motion saliency detection us...
     with: Venkatsh, K.S.: spatiotemporal restoration of partial color artifacts ...
     with: Venkatsh, K.S.: Visual saliency detection using video decomposition
     with: Verma, A.: Improving the affordability of robustness training for DNNs
     with: Verma, S.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Chal...
     with: Verma, S.: GeoEngine: A Platform for Production-Ready Geospatial Resea...
     with: Verma, S.: QFabric: Multi-Task Change Detection Dataset
     with: Verma, V.S.: Image Authentication Using Block Truncation Coding in Lif...
     with: Vu, T.A.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Chall...
     with: Wagner, M.: Assessing domain gap for continual domain adaptation in ob...
     with: Wagner, M.: Sensor Allocation and Online-Learning-Based Path Planning ...
     with: Waknis, J.: Feature Assisted Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm
     with: Wang, S.: ContactGen: Generative Contact Modeling for Grasp Generation
     with: Wang, S.L.: Building Rearticulable Models for Arbitrary 3D Objects fro...
     with: Wang, W.J.: Discovering Multi-Hardware Mobile Models via Architecture ...
     with: Wang, Y.Z.: MobileDets: Searching for Object Detection Architectures f...
     with: Wang, Z.: Complex Wavelet Structural Similarity: A New Image Similarit...
     with: Wang, Z.: Facial Range Image Matching Using the Complex Wavelet Struct...
     with: Wang, Z.: Searching for Efficient Neural Architectures for On-Device M...
     with: Weinacker, H.: Comparative Analysis of Clustering-Based Approaches for...
     with: Wettergren, T.A.: Statistical-Mechanics-Inspired Optimization of Senso...
     with: White, M.: Searching for Efficient Neural Architectures for On-Device ...
     with: Whittaker, A.C.: Investigating the Influence of River Geomorphology on...
     with: Winter, S.: Negotiation Between Vehicles and Pedestrians for the Right...
     with: Xing, D.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Chall...
     with: Xiong, Y.Y.: MobileDets: Searching for Object Detection Architectures ...
     with: Xu, H.: Searching for Efficient Neural Architectures for On-Device ML ...
     with: Xu, Y.F.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Chall...
     with: Yadav, A.R.: Classification of hardwood species using ANN classifier
     with: Yadav, A.S.: Depth Map Estimation Using Defocus and Motion Cues
     with: Yadav, R.: spatiotemporal restoration of partial color artifacts in ar...
     with: Yang, C.Y.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Cha...
     with: Yang, J.: ContactGen: Generative Contact Modeling for Grasp Generation
     with: Yang, M.T.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Cha...
     with: Yang, S.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Chall...
     with: Yang, X.: Online Detection and Classification of Dynamic Hand Gestures...
     with: Yautsiukhin, A.: survey of human-computer interaction (HCI) and natura...
     with: Ye, T.: Aligning Videos in Space and Time
     with: Yeung, S.K.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Ch...
     with: Yin, X.: SpaText: Spatio-Textual Representation for Controllable Image...
     with: Yu, Y.J.: 4D vessel segmentation and tracking in Ultrasound
     with: Zedda, L.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Chal...
     with: Zhang, H.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Chal...
     with: Zhang, J.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Chal...
     with: Zhang, Q.M.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Ch...
     with: Zhao, H.Y.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Cha...
     with: Zhao, Y.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Chall...
     with: Zhou, P.: Searching for Efficient Neural Architectures for On-Device M...
     with: Zhou, Y.: ContactGen: Generative Contact Modeling for Grasp Generation
     with: Zhou, Y.Q.: Searching for Efficient Neural Architectures for On-Device...
     with: Zi Qiang, Z.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: C...
     with: Zitnick, C.L.: From captions to visual concepts and back
     with: Zust, L.: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Chall...
     with: Zweig, G.: From captions to visual concepts and back
561 for Gupta, S.

Gupta, S.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Rajagopalan, A.N.: HDR Recovery Under Rolling Shutter Distortions
     with: Seetharaman, G.: HDR Recovery Under Rolling Shutter Distortions

Gupta, S.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Babu, N.V.: Twitter sentiment analysis using ensemble based deep learn...
     with: Patra, R.K.: Twitter sentiment analysis using ensemble based deep lear...
     with: Sunitha, D.: Twitter sentiment analysis using ensemble based deep lear...
     with: Suresh, A.: Twitter sentiment analysis using ensemble based deep learn...

Gupta, S.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Biswas, S.N.: Robust DWT-Based Compressed Domain Video Watermarking Te...
     with: Sakib, M.N.: Robust DWT-Based Compressed Domain Video Watermarking Tec...

Gupta, S.I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdolshah, M.: Expected Hypervolume Improvement with Constraints
     with: Bhushan, S.: automated system to detect crop diseases using deep learn...
     with: Chandra, D.S.: Continual Learning with Dependency Preserving Hypernetw...
     with: Do, K.: Black-Box Few-Shot Knowledge Distillation
     with: Dudhane, A.: Unified Recurrent Video Object Segmentation Framework for...
     with: Gill, A.: Factor Screening using Bayesian Active Learning and Gaussian...
     with: Gonde, A.B.: Unified Recurrent Video Object Segmentation Framework for...
     with: Hoang, T.: Learn to Unlearn for Deep Neural Networks: Minimizing Unlea...
     with: Kulkarni, A.: Unified Multi-Weather Visibility Restoration
     with: Kulkarni, A.: Unified Recurrent Video Object Segmentation Framework fo...
     with: Kumar, M.: automated system to detect crop diseases using deep learnin...
     with: Le, T.M.: Guiding Visual Question Answering with Attention Priors
     with: Le, V.: Guiding Visual Question Answering with Attention Priors
     with: Li, C.: Factor Screening using Bayesian Active Learning and Gaussian P...
     with: Murala, S.: Multi-weather Image Restoration via Domain Translation
     with: Murala, S.: Unified Multi-Weather Visibility Restoration
     with: Murala, S.: Unified Recurrent Video Object Segmentation Framework for ...
     with: Nguyen, D.: Black-Box Few-Shot Knowledge Distillation
     with: Nguyen, D.: Factor Screening using Bayesian Active Learning and Gaussi...
     with: Nguyen, T.: Bayesian Nonparametric Framework for Activity Recognition ...
     with: Nguyen, T.: Nonparametric discovery of movement patterns from accelero...
     with: Patil, P.W.: Dual-frame spatio-temporal feature modulation for video e...
     with: Patil, P.W.: Multi-weather Image Restoration via Domain Translation
     with: Patil, P.W.: Unified Multi-Weather Visibility Restoration
     with: Patil, P.W.: Unified Recurrent Video Object Segmentation Framework for...
     with: Patil, P.W.: Video Restoration Framework and Its Meta-adaptations to D...
     with: Phung, D.Q.: Bayesian Nonparametric Framework for Activity Recognition...
     with: Phung, D.Q.: Nonparametric discovery of movement patterns from acceler...
     with: Rana, S.: Dual-frame spatio-temporal feature modulation for video enha...
     with: Rana, S.: Expected Hypervolume Improvement with Constraints
     with: Rana, S.: Factor Screening using Bayesian Active Learning and Gaussian...
     with: Rana, S.: Learn to Unlearn for Deep Neural Networks: Minimizing Unlear...
     with: Rana, S.: Multi-weather Image Restoration via Domain Translation
     with: Rana, S.: Video Restoration Framework and Its Meta-adaptations to Data...
     with: Sharma, P.: automated system to detect crop diseases using deep learni...
     with: Sharma, R.: automated system to detect crop diseases using deep learni...
     with: Shilton, A.: Expected Hypervolume Improvement with Constraints
     with: Srijith, P.K.: Continual Learning with Dependency Preserving Hypernetw...
     with: Tran, T.: Guiding Visual Question Answering with Attention Priors
     with: Varshney, S.: Continual Learning with Dependency Preserving Hypernetwo...
     with: Venkatesh, S.: Bayesian Nonparametric Framework for Activity Recogniti...
     with: Venkatesh, S.: Black-Box Few-Shot Knowledge Distillation
     with: Venkatesh, S.: Dual-frame spatio-temporal feature modulation for video...
     with: Venkatesh, S.: Expected Hypervolume Improvement with Constraints
     with: Venkatesh, S.: Factor Screening using Bayesian Active Learning and Gau...
     with: Venkatesh, S.: Guiding Visual Question Answering with Attention Priors
     with: Venkatesh, S.: Learn to Unlearn for Deep Neural Networks: Minimizing U...
     with: Venkatesh, S.: Multi-weather Image Restoration via Domain Translation
     with: Venkatesh, S.: Nonparametric discovery of movement patterns from accel...
     with: Venkatesh, S.: Video Restoration Framework and Its Meta-adaptations to...
50 for Gupta, S.I.

Gupta, S.I.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kumar, Y.S.: Learning Feature Trajectories Using Gabor Filter Bank for...
     with: Phung, D.: nonparametric Bayesian Poisson gamma model for count data, A
     with: Ramakrishnan, K.R.: Learning Feature Trajectories Using Gabor Filter B...
     with: Venkatesh, S.: nonparametric Bayesian Poisson gamma model for count da...

Gupta, S.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agarwal, M.: Optimized Dual Fire Attention Network and Medium-Scale Fi...
     with: Alshamrani, S.S.: novel approach for securing data against adversary a...
     with: Baik, S.W.: Optimized Dual Fire Attention Network and Medium-Scale Fir...
     with: Banerjee, A.G.: Step Towards Automated Design of Side Actions in Injec...
     with: Baz, M.: novel approach for securing data against adversary attacks in...
     with: Bhardwaj, A.K.: Potential of Lightweight Drones and Object-Oriented Im...
     with: Biswas, K.K.: Color and Shape Index for Region-Based Image Retrieval
     with: Biswas, K.K.: Dominant color region based indexing for CBIR
     with: Biswas, K.K.: Integrated Approach for Range Image Segmentation and Rep...
     with: Biswas, K.K.: Model-Based Object Recognition: The Role of Affine Invar...
     with: Biswas, K.K.: Region-based image retrieval using integrated color, sha...
     with: Bose, S.K.: Integrated Approach for Range Image Segmentation and Repre...
     with: Bose, S.K.: Model-Based Object Recognition: The Role of Affine Invaria...
     with: Dhawan, A.: Efficient Approximate Vedic Multiplier: Design, Analysis, ...
     with: Dixit, J.: Potential of Lightweight Drones and Object-Oriented Image S...
     with: Gupta, U.: VI-NET: A hybrid deep convolutional neural network using VG...
     with: Hannah, J.M.: Percetually motivated bit-allocation for H.264 encoded v...
     with: Huang, Y.B.: Improving Potato Yield Prediction by Combining Cultivar I...
     with: Hussain, T.: Optimized Dual Fire Attention Network and Medium-Scale Fi...
     with: Jha, S.K.: Efficient Approximate Vedic Multiplier: Design, Analysis, a...
     with: Kanga, S.: Potential of Lightweight Drones and Object-Oriented Image S...
     with: Kaur, M.: VI-NET: A hybrid deep convolutional neural network using VGG...
     with: Khan, Z.A.: Optimized Dual Fire Attention Network and Medium-Scale Fir...
     with: Khanam, Z.: novel approach for securing data against adversary attacks...
     with: Kumar, P.: Potential of Lightweight Drones and Object-Oriented Image S...
     with: Kumar, S.: VI-NET: A hybrid deep convolutional neural network using VG...
     with: Li, D.: Improving Potato Yield Prediction by Combining Cultivar Inform...
     with: Meraj, G.: Potential of Lightweight Drones and Object-Oriented Image S...
     with: Miao, Y.X.: Improving Potato Yield Prediction by Combining Cultivar In...
     with: Nau, D.S.: Towards Multiprocessor Feature Recognition
     with: Nguyen, T.: Connectivity, Online Social Capital, and Mood: A Bayesian ...
     with: Phung, D.Q.: Connectivity, Online Social Capital, and Mood: A Bayesian...
     with: Prasad, B.G.: Color and Shape Index for Region-Based Image Retrieval
     with: Prasad, B.G.: Dominant color region based indexing for CBIR
     with: Prasad, B.G.: Region-based image retrieval using integrated color, sha...
     with: Priyadarshi, A.K.: Finding Mold-Piece Regions Using Computer Graphics ...
     with: Rashid, M.: novel approach for securing data against adversary attacks...
     with: Ravishankar, K.C.: Dominant color region based indexing for CBIR
     with: Regli, W.C.: Towards Multiprocessor Feature Recognition
     with: Rosen, C.J.: Improving Potato Yield Prediction by Combining Cultivar I...
     with: Sajan, B.: Potential of Lightweight Drones and Object-Oriented Image S...
     with: Sengupta, S.: Percetually motivated bit-allocation for H.264 encoded v...
     with: Singh, S.: Potential of Lightweight Drones and Object-Oriented Image S...
     with: Singh, S.K.: Potential of Lightweight Drones and Object-Oriented Image...
     with: Tiwari, M.: Efficient Approximate Vedic Multiplier: Design, Analysis, ...
     with: Venkatesh, S.: Connectivity, Online Social Capital, and Mood: A Bayesi...
     with: Wang, C.Y.: Improving Potato Yield Prediction by Combining Cultivar In...
     with: Wang, L.: Improving Potato Yield Prediction by Combining Cultivar Info...
     with: Wani, A.R.: novel approach for securing data against adversary attacks...
     with: Yadav, N.K.: Efficient Approximate Vedic Multiplier: Design, Analysis,...
     with: Yar, H.: Optimized Dual Fire Attention Network and Medium-Scale Fire C...
     with: Yuan, F.: Improving Potato Yield Prediction by Combining Cultivar Info...
52 for Gupta, S.K.

Gupta, S.K.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Amperayani, V.N.S.A.: Concept Embedding through Canonical Forms: A Cas...
     with: Banerjee, A.: Concept Embedding through Canonical Forms: A Case Study ...
     with: Kamzin, A.: Concept Embedding through Canonical Forms: A Case Study on...
     with: Sukhapalli, P.: Concept Embedding through Canonical Forms: A Case Stud...

Gupta, S.N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Androutsellis Theotokis, S.: Bandpass Optical Flow for Tagged MR Imaging
     with: Gupta, H.M.: Linear MMSE Filtering for Restoration of Images Degraded ...
     with: Gupta, H.M.: Maximum a Posteriori Estimation in Presence of Film Grain...
     with: Links, J.M.: vector Wiener filter for dual-radionuclide imaging, A
     with: Prince, J.L.: Bandpass Optical Flow for Tagged MR Imaging
     with: Prince, J.L.: On Div-Curl Regularization for Motion Estimation in 3D V...
     with: Prince, J.L.: Stochastic formulations of optical flow algorithms under...
     with: Prince, J.L.: vector Wiener filter for dual-radionuclide imaging, A
     with: Tavildar, A.S.: Linear MMSE Filtering for Restoration of Images Degrad...
     with: Tavildar, A.S.: Maximum a Posteriori Estimation in Presence of Film Gr...
10 for Gupta, S.N.

Gupta, S.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Banik, P.P.: Combining highlight removal and low-light image enhanceme...
     with: Kim, K.D.: Combining highlight removal and low-light image enhancement...
     with: Saha, R.: Combining highlight removal and low-light image enhancement ...

Gupta, S.T.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Furst, M.: HPERL: 3D Human Pose Estimation from RGB and LiDAR
     with: Schuster, R.: HPERL: 3D Human Pose Estimation from RGB and LiDAR
     with: Stricker, D.: HPERL: 3D Human Pose Estimation from RGB and LiDAR
     with: Wasenmuller, O.: HPERL: 3D Human Pose Estimation from RGB and LiDAR

Gupta, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Balasubramanian, R.: Deep Learning Frame-Work for Recognizing Developm...
     with: Bhanu, B.: Early Wildfire Smoke Detection in Videos
     with: Chechik, G.: Contrastive Learning for Weakly Supervised Phrase Grounding
     with: Clark, C.: Webly Supervised Concept Expansion for General Purpose Visi...
     with: Farhadi, A.: Imagine This! Scripts to Compositions to Videos
     with: Gandhi, T.K.: Classification of patients with tumor using MR FLAIR ima...
     with: Gupta, R.K.: Classification of patients with tumor using MR FLAIR images
     with: Gwak, J.: Completing 3D object shape from one depth image
     with: Hoiem, D.: Aligned Image-Word Representations Improve Inductive Transf...
     with: Hoiem, D.: Completing 3D object shape from one depth image
     with: Hoiem, D.: Contrastive Learning for Weakly Supervised Phrase Grounding
     with: Hoiem, D.: Imagine This! Scripts to Compositions to Videos
     with: Hoiem, D.: No-Frills Human-Object Interaction Detection: Factorization...
     with: Hoiem, D.: Towards General Purpose Vision Systems: An End-to-End Task-...
     with: Hoiem, D.: ViCo: Word Embeddings From Visual Co-Occurrences
     with: Hoiem, D.: Webly Supervised Concept Expansion for General Purpose Visi...
     with: Kamath, A.: Towards General Purpose Vision Systems: An End-to-End Task...
     with: Kamath, A.: Webly Supervised Concept Expansion for General Purpose Vis...
     with: Kautz, J.: Contrastive Learning for Weakly Supervised Phrase Grounding
     with: Kembhavi, A.: Imagine This! Scripts to Compositions to Videos
     with: Kembhavi, A.: Towards General Purpose Vision Systems: An End-to-End Ta...
     with: Kembhavi, A.: Visual Programming: Compositional visual reasoning witho...
     with: Kembhavi, A.: Visual Semantic Role Labeling for Video Understanding
     with: Kembhavi, A.: Webly Supervised Concept Expansion for General Purpose V...
     with: Kolve, E.: Webly Supervised Concept Expansion for General Purpose Visi...
     with: Liu, H.Y.: Early Wildfire Smoke Detection in Videos
     with: Nevatia, R.: Visual Semantic Role Labeling for Video Understanding
     with: Panigrahi, B.K.: Classification of patients with tumor using MR FLAIR ...
     with: Rock, J.: Completing 3D object shape from one depth image
     with: Sadhu, A.: Visual Semantic Role Labeling for Video Understanding
     with: Saini, A.: Deep Learning Frame-Work for Recognizing Developmental Diso...
     with: Schwenk, D.: Imagine This! Scripts to Compositions to Videos
     with: Schwing, A.: No-Frills Human-Object Interaction Detection: Factorizati...
     with: Schwing, A.G.: ViCo: Word Embeddings From Visual Co-Occurrences
     with: Shih, K.J.: Aligned Image-Word Representations Improve Inductive Trans...
     with: Shin, D.: Completing 3D object shape from one depth image
     with: Shukla, P.: Deep Learning Frame-Work for Recognizing Developmental Dis...
     with: Singh, P.: Deep Learning Frame-Work for Recognizing Developmental Diso...
     with: Singh, S.: Aligned Image-Word Representations Improve Inductive Transf...
     with: Thorsen, J.: Completing 3D object shape from one depth image
     with: Vahdat, A.: Contrastive Learning for Weakly Supervised Phrase Grounding
     with: Yang, X.D.: Contrastive Learning for Weakly Supervised Phrase Grounding
     with: Yatskar, M.: Visual Semantic Role Labeling for Video Understanding
43 for Gupta, T.

Gupta, T.V.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gandhi, A.S.: simple and efficient approach for medical image security...
     with: Naveen, C.: simple and efficient approach for medical image security u...
     with: Satpute, V.R.: simple and efficient approach for medical image securit...

Gupta, U. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahuja, V.R.: Siamese-SR: A Siamese Super-Resolution Model for Boosting...
     with: Balasubramanian, V.N.: MASON: A Model AgnoStic ObjectNess Framework
     with: Bansal, P.: LEAF-QA: Locate, Encode Attend for Figure Question Answering
     with: Chaudhry, R.: LEAF-QA: Locate, Encode Attend for Figure Question Answe...
     with: Day Stirrat, R.J.: Siamese-SR: A Siamese Super-Resolution Model for Bo...
     with: Dwivedi, S.P.: Graph Similarity Using Tree Edit Distance
     with: Gupta, S.K.: VI-NET: A hybrid deep convolutional neural network using ...
     with: Hofmann, R.: Siamese-SR: A Siamese Super-Resolution Model for Boosting...
     with: Joseph, K.J.: MASON: A Model AgnoStic ObjectNess Framework
     with: Joshi, A.: LEAF-QA: Locate, Encode Attend for Figure Question Answering
     with: Kaur, M.: VI-NET: A hybrid deep convolutional neural network using VGG...
     with: Kumar, S.: VI-NET: A hybrid deep convolutional neural network using VG...
     with: Kumar, V.: Improving Stock Market Forecasting Using Advanced Time Seri...
     with: Maneriker, P.: LEAF-QA: Locate, Encode Attend for Figure Question Answ...
     with: Patel, R.C.: MASON: A Model AgnoStic ObjectNess Framework
     with: Prakash, J.: Siamese-SR: A Siamese Super-Resolution Model for Boosting...
     with: Ranganathan, N.: microeconomic approach to multi-objective spatial clu...
     with: Rapole, S.R.: Siamese-SR: A Siamese Super-Resolution Model for Boostin...
     with: Roy, S.: Improving Stock Market Forecasting Using Advanced Time Series...
     with: Saxena, N.: Siamese-SR: A Siamese Super-Resolution Model for Boosting ...
     with: Shekhar, S.: LEAF-QA: Locate, Encode Attend for Figure Question Answer...
     with: Srivastava, A.: MASON: A Model AgnoStic ObjectNess Framework
     with: Srivastava, V.: Graph Similarity Using Tree Edit Distance
     with: Yalavarthy, P.K.: Siamese-SR: A Siamese Super-Resolution Model for Boo...
24 for Gupta, U.

Gupta, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Acharya, U.R.: Automated detection of focal EEG signals using features...
     with: Aguiar, N.: Data-Driven Contract Design for Multi-Agent Systems With C...
     with: Ahmed, S.: Out-Of-Distribution Detection for Generalized Zero-Shot Act...
     with: Ahmed, S.: ProtoGAN: Towards Few Shot Learning for Action Recognition
     with: Ahuja, R.: Robust Discriminative Subspace Learning for Person Reidenti...
     with: Arora, V.: EEG-Based Drowsiness Detection With Fuzzy Independent Phase...
     with: Behera, L.: EEG-Based Drowsiness Detection With Fuzzy Independent Phas...
     with: Bera, A.: 3MASSIV: Multilingual, Multimodal and Multi-Aspect dataset o...
     with: Bhavsar, A.: Breast Cancer Histopathological Image Classification: Is ...
     with: Bhavsar, A.: Class-specific hierarchical classification for HEP-2 spec...
     with: Bhavsar, A.: Integrated Multi-scale Model for Breast Cancer Histopatho...
     with: Bhavsar, A.: Sequential Modeling of Deep Features for Breast Cancer Hi...
     with: Biswas, R.: EEG-Based Drowsiness Detection With Fuzzy Independent Phas...
     with: Biswas, S.: Abnormality detection in crowd videos by tracking sparse c...
     with: Byrns, D.: computer-vision-assisted system for Video Description Scrip...
     with: Chamola, V.: Traffic Jam Probability Estimation Based on Blockchain an...
     with: Chapdelaine, C.: computer-vision-assisted system for Video Description...
     with: Chaurasia, V.: Random-valued impulse noise removal using adaptive dual...
     with: Chhipa, P.C.: Functional Knowledge Transfer with Self-supervised Repre...
     with: Chippa, M.S.: Functional Knowledge Transfer with Self-supervised Repre...
     with: Chopra, M.: Functional Knowledge Transfer with Self-supervised Represe...
     with: Dabral, R.: Progression Modelling for Online and Early Gesture Detection
     with: Das, U.: fuzzy rule-based system with decision tree for breast cancer ...
     with: De, K.: Functional Knowledge Transfer with Self-supervised Representat...
     with: Dwivedi, S.K.: Out-Of-Distribution Detection for Generalized Zero-Shot...
     with: Dwivedi, S.K.: Progression Modelling for Online and Early Gesture Dete...
     with: Dwivedi, S.K.: ProtoGAN: Towards Few Shot Learning for Action Recognit...
     with: Foucher, S.: computer-vision-assisted system for Video Description Scr...
     with: Gagnon, L.: computer-vision-assisted system for Video Description Scri...
     with: Gandhi, T.: Efficient Medical Supply Chain Forecasting Using Time Seri...
     with: Garg, S.: Traffic Jam Probability Estimation Based on Blockchain and D...
     with: Gaur, H.: fuzzy rule-based system with decision tree for breast cancer...
     with: Gupta, D.: Detection and Diagnosis of Skin Diseases Using Residual Neu...
     with: Gupta, K.: Class-specific hierarchical classification for HEP-2 specim...
     with: Gupta, R.K.: Efficient Medical Supply Chain Forecasting Using Time Ser...
     with: Hanmandlu, M.: Fuzzy Logic Based Handwritten Character Recognition 2
     with: Hassija, V.: Traffic Jam Probability Estimation Based on Blockchain an...
     with: Hemanth, D.J.: fuzzy rule-based system with decision tree for breast c...
     with: Heritier, M.: computer-vision-assisted system for Video Description Sc...
     with: Holden, L.: Assessing Metrics for Estimating Fire Induced Change in th...
     with: Huang, Y.F.: On Stability and Convergence of Distributed Filters
     with: Jain, A.: Progression Modelling for Online and Early Gesture Detection
     with: Jain, A.: ProtoGAN: Towards Few Shot Learning for Action Recognition
     with: Jain, B.: Detection and Diagnosis of Skin Diseases Using Residual Neur...
     with: Jones, S.D.: Assessing Metrics for Estimating Fire Induced Change in t...
     with: Jones, S.D.: Assessment of Pre- and Post Fire Near Surface Fuel Hazard...
     with: Juneja, M.: novel unsupervised multiple feature hashing for image retr...
     with: Kargeti, C.: Detection and Diagnosis of Skin Diseases Using Residual N...
     with: Khan, F.S.: Out-Of-Distribution Detection for Generalized Zero-Shot Ac...
     with: Kortylewski, A.: SwapMix: Diagnosing and Regularizing the Over-Relianc...
     with: Li, Y.W.: SwapMix: Diagnosing and Regularizing the Over-Reliance on Vi...
     with: Li, Z.W.: SwapMix: Diagnosing and Regularizing the Over-Reliance on Vi...
     with: Liwicki, M.: Functional Knowledge Transfer with Self-supervised Repres...
     with: Maheshwari, M.: 3MASSIV: Multilingual, Multimodal and Multi-Aspect dat...
     with: Makwana, I.: Efficient Color Transfer Method Based on Colormap Cluster...
     with: Mandal, D.: Out-Of-Distribution Detection for Generalized Zero-Shot Ac...
     with: Manocha, D.: 3MASSIV: Multilingual, Multimodal and Multi-Aspect datase...
     with: Mathur, P.: 3MASSIV: Multilingual, Multimodal and Multi-Aspect dataset...
     with: Mengi, G.: Functional Knowledge Transfer with Self-supervised Represen...
     with: Mishra, V.: 3MASSIV: Multilingual, Multimodal and Multi-Aspect dataset...
     with: Mitra, R.: ProtoGAN: Towards Few Shot Learning for Action Recognition
     with: Mittal, T.: 3MASSIV: Multilingual, Multimodal and Multi-Aspect dataset...
     with: Mukherjee, D.: 3MASSIV: Multilingual, Multimodal and Multi-Aspect data...
     with: Murali Mohan, K.R.: Fuzzy Logic Based Handwritten Character Recognitio...
     with: Namboodiri, V.P.: VQuAD: Video Question Answering Diagnostic Dataset
     with: Narayan, S.: Out-Of-Distribution Detection for Generalized Zero-Shot A...
     with: Oza, P.: MeGA-CDA: Memory Guided Attention for Category-Aware Unsuperv...
     with: Pachori, R.B.: Automated detection of focal EEG signals using features...
     with: Parihar, H.: VQuAD: Video Question Answering Diagnostic Dataset
     with: Patel, V.M.: MeGA-CDA: Memory Guided Attention for Category-Aware Unsu...
     with: Patro, B.N.: VQuAD: Video Question Answering Diagnostic Dataset
     with: Prasad, G.: Volumetric Conformal Mapping Approach for Clustering White...
     with: Priya, T.: Automated detection of focal EEG signals using features ext...
     with: Reddy, T.K.: EEG-Based Drowsiness Detection With Fuzzy Independent Pha...
     with: Reinke, K.J.: Assessing Metrics for Estimating Fire Induced Change in ...
     with: Reinke, K.J.: Assessment of Pre- and Post Fire Near Surface Fuel Hazar...
     with: Saini, P.: Aggregated residual transformation network for multistage c...
     with: Saini, R.: Functional Knowledge Transfer with Self-supervised Represen...
     with: Sambyal, N.: Aggregated residual transformation network for multistage...
     with: Sao, A.K.: Class-specific hierarchical classification for HEP-2 specim...
     with: Shah, V.: Efficient Medical Supply Chain Forecasting Using Time Series...
     with: Shandilya, M.: Random-valued impulse noise removal using adaptive dual...
     with: Shao, L.: Out-Of-Distribution Detection for Generalized Zero-Shot Acti...
     with: Sharma, M.: Detection and Diagnosis of Skin Diseases Using Residual Ne...
     with: Sharma, S.: novel unsupervised multiple feature hashing for image retr...
     with: Sindagi, V.A.: MeGA-CDA: Memory Guided Attention for Category-Aware Un...
     with: Singh, V.K.: fuzzy rule-based system with decision tree for breast can...
     with: Subramanyam, A.V.: Robust Discriminative Subspace Learning for Person ...
     with: Syal, R.: Aggregated residual transformation network for multistage cl...
     with: Talebi, S.P.: On Stability and Convergence of Distributed Filters
     with: Thompson, P.M.: Volumetric Conformal Mapping Approach for Clustering W...
     with: Uchida, S.: Functional Knowledge Transfer with Self-supervised Represe...
     with: Upadhyay, R.: Functional Knowledge Transfer with Self-supervised Repre...
     with: Vashishtha, S.: fuzzy rule-based system with decision tree for breast ...
     with: Venkitasubramaniam, P.: Data-Driven Contract Design for Multi-Agent Sy...
     with: VS, V.: MeGA-CDA: Memory Guided Attention for Category-Aware Unsupervi...
     with: Wallace, L.: Assessing Metrics for Estimating Fire Induced Change in t...
     with: Wallace, L.: Assessment of Pre- and Post Fire Near Surface Fuel Hazard...
     with: Werner, S.: On Stability and Convergence of Distributed Filters
     with: Yadav, A.K.: Automated detection of focal EEG signals using features e...
     with: Yuille, A.L.: SwapMix: Diagnosing and Regularizing the Over-Reliance o...
     with: Zaveri, T.: Efficient Color Transfer Method Based on Colormap Clusteri...
     with: Zhang, C.Y.: SwapMix: Diagnosing and Regularizing the Over-Reliance on...
103 for Gupta, V.

Gupta, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hoogi, A.: Self-attention Capsule Network for Tissue Classification in...
     with: Khokher, V.: Hybrid Fusion Based Approach for Multimodal Emotion Recog...
     with: Kumar, P.: Hybrid Fusion Based Approach for Multimodal Emotion Recogni...
     with: Nguyen, H.T.H.: Patch Embedding as Local Features: Unifying Deep Local...
     with: Phan, L.: Patch Embedding as Local Features: Unifying Deep Local and G...
     with: Raman, B.: Hybrid Fusion Based Approach for Multimodal Emotion Recogni...
     with: Rubin, D.: Self-attention Capsule Network for Tissue Classification in...
     with: Warrier, H.: Patch Embedding as Local Features: Unifying Deep Local an...
     with: Wilcox, B.: Self-attention Capsule Network for Tissue Classification i...
9 for Gupta, Y.

Gupte, A.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Amrutur, B.: Memory Bandwidth and Power Reduction Using Lossy Referenc...
     with: Budagavi, M.: Memory Bandwidth and Power Reduction Using Lossy Referen...
     with: Mehendale, M.M.: Memory Bandwidth and Power Reduction Using Lossy Refe...
     with: Rao, A.V.: Memory Bandwidth and Power Reduction Using Lossy Reference ...

Gupte, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Nasser, S.A.: Reverse Knowledge Distillation: Training a Large Model u...
     with: Sethi, A.: Reverse Knowledge Distillation: Training a Large Model usin...

Gupte, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Martin, R.F.K.: Detection and classification of vehicles
     with: Masoud, O.T.: Detection and classification of vehicles
     with: Papanikolopoulos, N.P.: Detection and classification of vehicles
     with: Polania, L.F.: Learning Fashion Compatibility Across Apparel Categorie...

Guptha, N.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Balamurugan, V.: Cross lingual handwritten character recognition using...
     with: Megharaj, G.: Cross lingual handwritten character recognition using lo...
     with: Narahari, S.C.: Underground Water Level Prediction in Remote Sensing I...
     with: Rose, J.D.: Cross lingual handwritten character recognition using long...
     with: Sattar, K.N.A.: Cross lingual handwritten character recognition using ...
     with: Srinivas, K.: Underground Water Level Prediction in Remote Sensing Ima...
     with: Stateczny, A.: Underground Water Level Prediction in Remote Sensing Im...
     with: Vurubindi, P.: Underground Water Level Prediction in Remote Sensing Im...
8 for Guptha, N.S.

Index for "g"

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