Update Dates 1101

1101 * *Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition
* 2-point algorithm for 3D reconstruction of horizontal lines from a single omni-directional image, A
* 2D Barcode localization and motion deblurring using a flutter shutter camera
* 2D Feature Space for Snow Particle Classification into Snowflake and Graupel
* 2D Image Transmission Using Bandwidth Efficient Mapping Technique
* 3-D without four eyes
* 3D Archive System for Traditional Performing Arts: Application of 3D Reconstruction Method Using Graph-cuts
* 3D articulated object retrieval using a graph-based representation
* 3D Displays without Glasses: Coming to a Screen near You
* 3D Face Reconstruction from a Single Image Using a Single Reference Face Shape
* 3D Graph cut with new edge weights for cerebral white matter segmentation
* 3D Line Drawing for Archaeological Illustration
* 3D model retrieval using weighted bipartite graph matching
* 3D Object recognition using a voting algorithm in a real-world environment
* 3D Objects Localization Using Fuzzy Approach and Hierarchical Belief Propagation: Application at Level Crossings
* 3D relevance feedback via multilevel relevance judgements
* 3D scene retrieval and recognition with Depth Gradient Images
* 4D Frequency Analysis of Computational Cameras for Depth of Field Extension
* 4D Photogeometric face recognition with time-of-flight sensors
* Abnormality detection using low-level co-occurring events
* Accurate Depth Dependent Lens Distortion Models: An Application to Planar View Scenarios
* Accurate estimation of the boundaries of a structured light pattern
* Accurate M-hausdorff distance similarity combining distance orientation for matching multi-modal sensor images
* Action recognition: A region based approach
* action selection process to simulate the human behavior in virtual humans with real personality, An
* Active inference for retrieval in camera networks
* Active learning with adaptive regularization
* Active stereo vision for improving long range hearing using a Laser Doppler Vibrometer
* Adaptive Filter to Approximate the Bayesian Strategy for Sonographic Beamforming, An
* Adaptive Imaging for Lesion Detection Using a Zoom-in PET System
* Adaptive Lagrange Multiplier Selection Using Classification-Maximization and Its Application to Chroma QP Offset Decision
* Adaptive learning codebook for action recognition
* Adaptive Pixon Represented Segmentation (APRS) for 3D MR Brain Images Based on Mean Shift and Markov Random Fields
* Adaptive Sequential Prediction of Multidimensional Signals With Applications to Lossless Image Coding
* adaptive steganographic method based on the measurement of just noticeable distortion profile, An
* additional branch free algebraic B-spline curve fitting method, An
* Advanced H.264/AVC-Based Perceptual Video Coding: Architecture, Tools, and Assessment
* AirTouch: Interacting with computer systems at a distance
* Algorithm and Architecture Design of Image Inpainting Engine for Video Error Concealment Applications
* Aligning Scan Acquisition Circles in Optical Coherence Tomography Images of The Retinal Nerve Fibre Layer
* Aligning surfaces without aligning surfaces
* Alignment of non-texture video frames using kalman filter
* Analysis and retargeting of ball sports video
* Analysis of eye gaze pattern of infants at risk of autism spectrum disorder using Markov models
* analysis of facial shape and texture for recognition: A large scale evaluation on FRGC ver2.0, An
* Analysis of Human Fibroadenomas Using Three-Dimensional Impedance Maps
* Analysis of pattern recognition techniques for in-air signature biometrics
* Analytic signal space partitioning and symbolic dynamic filtering for degradation monitoring of electric motors
* Analytical Evaluation of the Error in Queue Length Estimation at Traffic Signals From Probe Vehicle Data
* Analyzing Ancient Maya Glyph Collections with Contextual Shape Descriptors
* Anisotropic Morphological Filters With Spatially-Variant Structuring Elements Based on Image-Dependent Gradient Fields
* Anti-aliased Euclidean distance transform
* Applying Property Testing to an Image Partitioning Problem
* Approximate Nearest Subspace Search
* APSCAN: A parameter free algorithm for clustering
* Artificial neural network approach to authentication of coins by vision-based minimization
* Artificial Vision For The Blind: A Bio-inspired Algorithm For Objects And Obstacles Detection
* Assessing intra-annual vegetation regrowth after fire using the pixel based regeneration index
* Assessment of radargrammetric DSMs from TerraSAR-X Stripmap images in a mountainous relief area of the Amazon region
* assisted photography method for street scenes, An
* Attention-based video streaming
* Attentive processing improves object recognition
* Augmented distinctive features for efficient image matching
* Augmented reality for immersive remote collaboration
* Augmented transit maps
* Augmenting photometric stereo with coaxial illumination
* AUTO GMM-SAMT: An Automatic Object Tracking System for Video Surveillance in Traffic Scenarios
* Automated fabric defect detection: A review
* Automated On-Ramp Merging System for Congested Traffic Situations
* Automatic detection and tracking of pedestrians from a moving stereo rig
* Automatic Digital Document Processing and Management: Problems, Algorithms and Techniques
* Automatic initialization for 3D soccer player tracking
* Automatic multiple view inspection using geometrical tracking and feature analysis in aluminum wheels
* Automatic recognition of complete palynomorphs in digital images
* Automatic recognition of woven fabrics based on texture and using SVM
* Automatic registration and fast volume reconstruction from serial histology sections
* Automatic Road Environment Classification
* Automatic Segmentation and Inpainting of Specular Highlights for Endoscopic Imaging
* Automatic Traffic Signs and Panels Inspection System Using Computer Vision
* Autonomous Pedestrian Collision Avoidance Using a Fuzzy Steering Controller
* B-spline wavelets for signal denoising and image compression
* bag of words approach for retrieval and categorization of 3D objects, The
* Balancing of Queues or Waiting Times on Metered Dual-Branch On-Ramps
* BASSUM: A Bayesian semi-supervised method for classification feature selection
* Bayesian 3D model based human detection in crowded scenes using efficient optimization
* Bayesian texture classification and retrieval based on multiscale feature vector
* Beam Spoiling Correction for Spaceborne Microwave Radiometers Using the Two-Point Vicarious Calibration Method
* Behavioural Analysis with Movement Cluster Model for Concurrent Actions
* benchmark for interactive image segmentation algorithms, A
* Beyond Kinect: Microsoft's vision for next-gen interfaces
* Beyond topographic representation: Decoding visuospatial attention from local activity patterns in the human frontal cortex
* BigBackground-Based Illumination Compensation for Surveillance Video
* Binary Histogrammed Intensity Patches for Efficient and Robust Matching
* Bit-vector Algorithms for Binary Constraint Satisfaction and Subgraph Isomorphism
* Blaire Mossman (1950-2011)
* Blockwise projection matrix versus blockwise data on undersampled problems: Analysis, comparison and applications
* Body color sets: A compact and reliable representation of images
* Boosted multi-class semi-supervised learning for human action recognition
* Building a multi-modal Arabic corpus (MMAC)
* Bundle Adjustment With Rational Polynomial Camera Models Based on Generic Method
* Camera distortion self-calibration using the plumb-line constraint and minimal Hough entropy
* Camera hacking
* Camera movement for chasing a subject with unknown behavior based on real-time viewpoint goodness evaluation
* Camera Network Coverage Improving by Particle Swarm Optimization
* Can an Algorithm Recognize Montage Portraits as Human Faces?
* Canonical correlation analysis using within-class coupling
* Capturing Village-Level Heritages with a Hand-held Camera-Laser Fusion Sensor
* Car-Rec: A real time car recognition system
* Cascaded online boosting
* Case Retrieval in Medical Databases by Fusing Heterogeneous Information
* CC-RANSAC: Fitting planes in the presence of multiple surfaces in range data
* Cell image analysis: Algorithms, system and applications
* CG2Real: Improving the Realism of Computer Generated Images using a Large Collection of Photographs
* Channelized Hotelling observers for the assessment of volumetric imaging data sets
* Characteristic analysis of Otsu threshold and its applications
* ChitChat: Making Video Chat Robust to Packet Loss
* Choice of similarity measure, likelihood function and parameters for histogram based particle filter tracking in CCTV grey scale video
* Classification of image registration problems using support vector machines
* Classification of traffic video based on a spatiotemporal orientation analysis
* Clinical decision support system for early prediction of Down syndrome fetus using sonogram images
* Close range photogrammetry for industrial applications
* Closed-form solutions to multiple-view homography estimation
* Cluster-Analysis-Based Efficient Multibaseline Phase-Unwrapping Algorithm, A
* Clustering data in an uncertain environment using an artificial immune system
* Co-training framework of generative and discriminative trackers with partial occlusion handling
* Coding Images with Local Features
* Coding of Image Feature Descriptors for Distributed Rate-efficient Visual Correspondences
* Collaborative color calibration for multi-camera systems
* Color Extended Visual Cryptography Using Error Diffusion
* Color image segmentation using pixel wise support vector machine classification
* Color invariant chroma keying and color spill neutralization for dynamic scenes and cameras
* Color texture image segmentation based on neutrosophic set and wavelet transformation
* Color-to-gray conversion using ISOMAP
* Combination of Advanced Inversion Techniques for an Accurate Target Localization via GPR for Demining Applications
* combination of features for symbol-independent writer identification in old music scores, A
* Combined pattern search optimization of feature extraction and classification parameters in facial recognition
* Combined X-ray and facial videos for phoneme-level articulator dynamics
* Combining diverse systems for handwritten text line recognition
* Combining RGB and ToF cameras for real-time 3D hand gesture interaction
* comment on: Fast and numerically stable methods for the computation of Zernike moments, A
* Comments on Image Denoising by Sparse 3-D Transform-Domain Collaborative Filtering
* Comments on OFDM Transmission for Time-Based Range Estimation
* Comments on Optimal Fault-Tolerant Path-Tracking Control for 4WS4WD Electric Vehicles
* commutative digital image watermarking and encryption method in the tree structured Haar transform domain, A
* comparative study of existing metrics for 3D-mesh segmentation evaluation, A
* Comparing state-of-the-art visual features on invariant object recognition tasks
* Comparison Between Parallel Hole and Rotating Slat Collimation: Analytical Noise Propagation Models
* Comparison of stochastic filtering methods for 3D tracking
* Compressive imaging: hybrid measurement basis design
* Computational Market for Distributed Control of Urban Road Traffic Systems, A
* Computational Perceptual Features for Texture Representation and Retrieval
* Computational Re-Photography
* Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing: Recent Trends
* Computationally efficient retrieval-based tracking system and augmented reality for large-scale areas
* Computer Assisted Method for Nuclear Cataract Grading From Slit-Lamp Images Using Ranking, A
* Computing the scene of a crime
* Consistency of functional learning methods based on derivatives
* Content-aware copying and pasting in images
* Content-based binary image retrieval using the adaptive hierarchical density histogram
* Contextual Information and Covariance Descriptors for People Surveillance: An Application for Safety of Construction Workers
* Contrast prescription for multiscale image editing
* Cooperative Wireless Broadcast for Scalable Video Coding
* Coordination of Cluster Ensembles via Exact Methods
* Cost-Sensitive Active Visual Category Learning
* Cost-Sensitive Boosting
* Cost-sensitive learning of top-down modulation for attentional control
* Coupled Nonparametric Shape and Moment-Based Intershape Pose Priors for Multiple Basal Ganglia Structure Segmentation
* Crash Probability and Error Rates for Head-On Collisions Based on Stochastic Analyses
* Creating Enhanced Maps for Lane-Level Vehicle Navigation
* Critical Scenarios and Their Identification in Parallel Railroad Level Crossing Traffic Control Systems
* Crowdsourcing geospatial data
* DCT-domain coder for digital video applications
* de-texturing and spatially constrained K-means approach for image segmentation, A
* Decentralized Approach for Anticipatory Vehicle Routing Using Delegate Multiagent Systems, A
* Decision tree-based contrast enhancement for various color images
* Decoding of multichannel EEG activity from the visual cortex in response to pseudorandom binary sequences of visual stimuli
* Decoding the nonstationary neural activity in motor cortex for brain machine interfaces
* Decoupled Active Contour (DAC) for Boundary Detection
* Decoupled Conflict-Resolution Procedures for Decentralized Air Traffic Control
* Deformable Model Fitting by Regularized Landmark Mean-Shift
* Deformable probability maps: Probabilistic shape and appearance-based object segmentation
* deformation model to reduce the effect of expressions in 3D face recognition, A
* Defuzzification of spatial fuzzy sets by feature distance minimization
* Delaunay deformable mesh for the weathering and erosion of 3D terrain
* Dense Mirroring Surface Recovery from 1D Homographies and Sparse Correspondences
* Dense optical flow via robust data fusion
* Dense point-to-point correspondences between 3D faces using parametric remeshing for constructing 3D Morphable Models
* Depth rendition of three-dimensional displays
* Design of Vertically Aligned Binocular Omnistereo Vision Sensor
* Designing efficient fusion schemes for multimodal biometric systems using face and palmprint
* Designing On-Demand Four-Wheel-Drive Vehicles via Active Control of the Central Transfer Case
* Detecting anomalies in people's trajectories using spectral graph analysis
* Detecting people carrying objects based on an optical flow motion model
* Detecting questionable observers using face track clustering
* Detection and correction of specular reflections for automatic surgical tool segmentation in thoracoscopic images
* Detection of quadratic phase coupling from human EEG signals using higher order statistics and spectra
* Detection of static objects for the task of video surveillance
* Diffeomorphic Brain Registration Under Exhaustive Sulcal Constraints
* Differential evolution for optimizing the positioning of prototypes in nearest neighbor classification
* Direct Method for Video-Based Navigation Using a Digital Terrain Map
* Direct Sparse Deblurring
* Discrete geometry for computer imagery
* Discriminative deep belief networks for visual data classification
* Discriminative semi-supervised learning of dynamical systems for motion estimation
* Dissimilarity-based detection of schizophrenia
* Distance Regularized Level Set Evolution and Its Application to Image Segmentation
* Distributed Video Sensor Networks
* Document image binarization using background estimation and stroke edges
* Down-Sampling Based Video Coding Using Super-Resolution Technique
* Driver Inattention Monitoring System for Intelligent Vehicles: A Review
* dynamical neighborhood selection based on the sampling density and manifold curvature for isometric data embedding, The
* EasiTia: A Pervasive Traffic Information Acquisition System Based on Wireless Sensor Networks
* Edge and line oriented contour detection: State of the art
* Edge detection in the feature space
* Edge Enhancement Algorithm Based on the Wavelet Transform for Automatic Edge Detection in SAR Images
* Effect of Orientation Angle Compensation on Coherency Matrix and Polarimetric Target Decompositions, The
* Effective algorithm for detecting various wipe patterns and discriminating wipe from object and camera motion
* Efficient appointment information extraction from short messages in mobile devices with limited hardware resources
* Efficient approximate Regularized Least Squares by Toeplitz matrix
* Efficient Inter Mode Prediction Based on Model Selection and Rate Feedback for H.264/AVC
* Efficient Optimization Approach to Real-Time Coordinated and Integrated Freeway Traffic Control, An
* Efficient Pass-Parallel Architecture for Embedded Block Coder in JPEG 2000, An
* Efficient Suboptimal Solutions to the Optimal Triangulation
* efficient VLSI processor chip for variable block size integer motion estimation in H.264/AVC, An
* Efficiently extracting and classifying objects for analyzing color documents
* Efficiently Learning a Detection Cascade With Sparse Eigenvectors
* Empirical Performance Evaluation of Raster-to-Vector Conversion Methods: A Study on Multi-Level Interactions between Different Factors
* Empirical study of light source selection for palmprint recognition
* Energy Detection Limits Under Log-Normal Approximated Noise Uncertainty
* Enhanced Functional Brain Imaging by Using Adaptive Filtering and a Depth Compensation Algorithm in Diffuse Optical Tomography
* Enhancement of feature extraction for low-quality fingerprint images using stochastic resonance
* Enhancing Realism in Modeling Merge Junctions in Analytical Models for System-Optimal Dynamic Traffic Assignment
* Enhancing space-based signal-to-noise ratios without redesigning the satellite
* entropy weighting mixture model for subspace clustering of high-dimensional data, An
* Estimation of the orientation of textured patterns via wavelet analysis
* evaluation of bags-of-words and spatio-temporal shapes for action recognition, An
* Evaluation of Interest Point Detectors and Feature Descriptors for Visual Tracking
* Evaluation of temporal variation of video quality in packet loss networks
* Evaluation of texture registration by epipolar geometry
* Evolutionary-computer-assisted design of image operators that detect interest points using genetic programming
* Evolving improved transforms for reconstruction of quantized ultrasound images
* Exact, scaled image rotations in finite Radon transform space
* Examining high level neural representations of cluttered scenes
* Example-based contrast enhancement by gradient mapping
* Example-based painting guided by color features
* Experimental evidence of a template aging effect in iris biometrics
* Experts-Shift: Learning active spatial classification experts for keyframe-based video segmentation
* Exploiting MIMO SAR Potentialities With Efficient Cross-Track Constellation Configurations for Improved Range Resolution
* Exploiting User Tags to Build a Semantic Cultural Heritage Portal
* Exploratory analysis of time-lapse imagery with fast subset PCA
* Extended Grammar System for Learning and Recognizing Complex Visual Events, An
* Extending metric multidimensional scaling with Bregman divergences
* Eyes Have It, The
* Face recognition across large pose variations via Boosted Tied Factor Analysis
* Face recognition based on the multi-scale local image structures
* Face Recognition by Exploring Information Jointly in Space, Scale and Orientation
* Face Recognition from Still Images to Video Sequences: A Local-Feature-Based Framework
* Faithful polygonal representation of the convex and concave parts of a digital curve
* Fast and low-complexity method for exact computation of 3D Legendre moments
* Fast and scalable keypoint recognition and image retrieval using binary codes
* Fast computation methods for estimation of image spatial entropy
* Fast computation of orthogonal Fourier-Mellin moments in polar coordinates
* Fast H.264/AVC FRExt Intra Coding Using Belief Propagation
* Fast image motion segmentation for surveillance applications
* Fast medical image mixture density clustering segmentation using stratification sampling and kernel density estimation
* Fast Model-Based X-Ray CT Reconstruction Using Spatially Nonhomogeneous ICD Optimization
* Fast modified global k-means algorithm for incremental cluster construction
* Fast palmprint identification with multiple templates per subject
* Fast PRISM: Branch and Bound Hough Transform for Object Class Detection
* fast quasi-Newton method for semi-supervised SVM, A
* Fast robust large-scale mapping from video and internet photo collections
* Fast text categorization using concise semantic analysis
* Faster Dimension Reduction
* Feature extraction for novelty detection as applied to fault detection in machinery
* Feature fusion for vehicle detection and tracking with low-angle cameras
* Feature selection using mutual information in CT colonography
* Feature tracking and matching in video using programmable graphics hardware
* Features extraction from hand images based on new detection operators
* Fiber Continuity: An Anisotropic Prior for ODF Estimation
* Finding aircraft collision-avoidance strategies using policy search methods
* Finding lost children
* Finding relevant features for Korean comparative sentence extraction
* Fingerprint Reconstruction: From Minutiae to Phase
* Focused ultrasound modulates the level of cortical neurotransmitters: Potential as a new functional brain mapping technique
* Focusing of Medium-Earth-Orbit SAR With Advanced Nonlinear Chirp Scaling Algorithm
* Fractal dimension based neurofeedback in serious games
* Fractal Dimension of Color Fractal Images
* framework for error protection of region of interest coded images and videos, A
* framework to meet didactical requirements for serious game design, A
* Free-Viewpoint TV
* From primal templates to invariant recognition
* Fully automated pipeline for quantification and localization of white matter hyperintensity in brain magnetic resonance image
* Fully deformable 3D digital partition model with topological control
* Function-based approach to mixed haptic effects rendering
* Fundamental matrix estimation: A study of error criteria
* Fusion of covariance matrices of PCA and FLD
* Future of Digital Imaging, The
* Fuzzy posterior-probabilistic fusion
* fuzzy topology-based maximum likelihood classification, A
* Gait flow image: A silhouette-based gait representation for human identification
* Gait recognition based on improved dynamic Bayesian networks
* Game-Engine-Based Platform for Modeling and Computing Artificial Transportation Systems, A
* General framework of the construction of biorthogonal wavelets based on bernstein bases: theory analysis and application in image compression
* general stochastic clustering method for automatic cluster discovery, A
* Generalised Gaussian distribution to early detect zero quantised discrete cosine transform coefficients in H.264/AVC video encoding
* Generalization of DEM for terrain analysis using a compound method
* Generalized autofocus
* Generalized darting Monte Carlo
* Generalized playfield segmentation of sport videos using color features
* Generating B-spline curves with points, normals and curvature constraints: a constructive approach
* Generation of high-quality depth maps using hybrid camera system for 3-D video
* Generic Error Model and Its Application to Automatic 3D Modeling of Scenes Using a Catadioptric Camera, A
* Generic Self-calibration of Central Cameras from Two Rotational Flows
* Geometry Splitting: An Acceleration Technique of Quadtree-Based Terrain Rendering Using GPU
* Global-Local transformation for noise resistant shape representation, The
* GMM-Based KLT-Domain Switched-Split Vector Quantization for LSF Coding
* Goal Evaluation of Segmentation Algorithms for Traffic Sign Recognition
* GPU accelerated one-pass algorithm for computing minimal rectangles of connected components
* GPU-based matting Laplacian solver for high resolution image matting, A
* Graph-Based Feature Selection for Object-Oriented Classification in VHR Airborne Imagery
* Ground Moving Targets Imaging Algorithm for Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Ground settlement monitoring based on temporarily coherent points between two SAR acquisitions
* Groupwise pose normalization for craniofacial applications
* Growing Artificial Transportation Systems: A Rule-Based Iterative Design Process
* Guest editorial of the special issue on real-time vision-based motion analysis and intelligent transportation systems
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Artificial Transportation Systems and Simulation
* Guest editorial: Special issue on pattern recognition in neuroimaging
* Guided Locally Linear Embedding
* H.264/AVC entropy decoder complexity analysis and its applications
* Handoff Optimization Using Hidden Markov Model
* Hierarchical annotation of medical images
* Hierarchical Hybrid Decision Tree Fusion of Multiple Hyperspectral Data Processing Chains
* Hierarchical Method for Foreground Detection Using Codebook Model
* hierarchical stimulus presentation paradigm for a P300-based Hangul speller, A
* Hierarchical structuring of video previews by Leading-Cluster-Analysis
* Hierarchical Task and Motion Planning in the Now
* High Speed Progressive Digital-Reversal Algorithm
* High-performance adaptive group-of-picture rate control for H.264/AVC
* High-Resolution Imaging Via Moving Random Exposure and Its Simulation
* Hilbert Scan Based Bag-of-Features for Image Retrieval
* Historical comparison of vehicles using scanned x-ray images
* Homotopy-based surface reconstruction with application to acoustic signals
* Human face recognition based on multidimensional PCA and extreme learning machine
* Human gait estimation using a wearable camera
* Human posture recognition for intelligent vehicles
* Hybrid Cone-Beam Tomographic Reconstruction: Incorporation of Prior Anatomical Models to Compensate for Missing Data
* Hybrid line simplification for cartographic generalization
* Hybrid Small Animal Imaging System Combining Magnetic Resonance Imaging With Fluorescence Tomography Using Single Photon Avalanche Diode Detectors
* Hyperconnected Attribute Filters Based on k-Flat Zones
* Hypergraph with sampling for image retrieval
* Ideal observer analysis for task normalization of pattern classifier performance applied to EEG and fMRI data
* Identifying Join Candidates in the Cairo Genizah
* iDUDE Framework for Grayscale Image Denoising, The
* Illumination change compensation techniques to improve kinematic tracking
* Illumination invariant feature extraction and mutual-information-based local matching for face recognition under illumination variation and occlusion
* Image Denoising Based on Hierarchical Markov Random Field
* Image Guided Reconstruction of Un-sampled Data: A Filling Technique for Cultural Heritage Models
* Image inpainting with salient structure completion and texture propagation
* Image Matching Optimization Via Vision And Inertial Data Fusion: Application To Navigation Of The Visually Impaired
* Image matching with distinctive visual vocabulary
* Image reconstruction in photoacoustic tomography involving layered acoustic media
* Image region re-weighting via multiple instance learning
* Image registration for visual inspection of imprinted pharmaceutical tablets
* Image representation using Laplacian regularized nonnegative tensor factorization
* Image segmentation based on the integration of colour-texture descriptors: A review
* Image segmentation by iterated region merging with localized graph cuts
* Image segmentation via coherent clustering in L*a*b* color space
* Image-Based Network Rendering of Large Meshes for Cloud Computing
* Image-based rendering of intersecting surfaces for dynamic comparative visualization
* Image-Based Variational Meshing
* Immersive Visual Communication
* Impact of Ambulance Dispatch Policies on Performance of Emergency Medical Services
* improved data hiding approach for polygon meshes, An
* improved fast mode decision algorithm for intraprediction in H.264/AVC video coding, An
* Improved Image Compression Algorithm Using Binary Space Partition Scheme and Geometric Wavelets, An
* Improved learning of I2C distance and accelerating the neighborhood search for image classification
* improved local tangent space alignment method for manifold learning, An
* improved methodology to design rate compatible punctured turbo codes, An
* improved noise-robust voice activity detector based on hidden semi-Markov models, An
* Improved Scheme for Target Discrimination in High-Resolution SAR Images, An
* Improvement of X-ray castings inspection reliability by using Dempster-Shafer data fusion theory
* Improving Immersive Experiences in Telecommunication with Motion Parallax
* Improving the Accuracy of Least-Squares Probabilistic Classifiers
* Incremental Kernel Learning for Active Image Retrieval Without Global Dictionaries
* Incremental Linear Discriminant Analysis Using Sufficient Spanning Sets and Its Applications
* Incremental Online Object Learning in a Vehicular Radar-Vision Fusion Framework
* Incremental Training of a Detector Using Online Sparse Eigendecomposition
* Indexing in large scale image collections: Scaling properties and benchmark
* Individual attribute prior setting methods for naive Bayesian classifiers
* Induction and selection of the most interesting Gene Ontology based multiattribute rules for descriptions of gene groups
* Induction motor fault detection and diagnosis using a current state space pattern recognition
* Information fusion in low-resolution iris videos using Principal Components Transform
* Informed character pose and proportion design
* Infrared Imaging Detection of Water Permeation on Field Large-Scale Rock Relics
* Inpainting by Joint Optimization of Linear Combinations of Exemplars
* Integer approximation of 3D chamfer mask coefficients using a scaling factor in anisotropic grids
* Integrated Framework for Avatar Data Collection from the Virtual World, An
* integrated model of visual attention using shape-based features, An
* Integrated video motion estimator with Retinex-like pre-processing for robust motion analysis in automotive scenarios: algorithmic and real-time architecture design
* Integrating the Projective Transform with Particle Filtering for Visual Tracking
* Integration of Driving and Traffic Simulation: Issues and First Solutions
* intelligent flying eye, The
* Intelligent Multifeature Statistical Approach for the Discrimination of Driving Conditions of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle, An
* Inter-Landmark Approach to 4-D Shape Extraction and Interpretation: Application to Myocardial Motion Assessment in MRI, An
* Interactive evolutionary 3D fractal modeling
* Interactive motion photography from a single image
* Interactive region of interest scalability for wavelet based scalable video coder
* Interactive segmentation based on component-trees
* interactive whiteboard for immersive telecollaboration, An
* Internal Calibration Scheme for Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar System, An
* Interval Fuzzy Controller for Vehicle Active Suspension Systems, An
* Interval Macroscopic Models for Traffic Networks
* Intra-frame loss concealment based on directional extrapolation
* Investigation of Driver Performance With Night-Vision and Pedestrian-Detection Systems Part 2: Queuing Network Human Performance Modeling
* Investigation of spectrally coherent resting-state networks using non-negative matrix factorization for functional MRI data
* Iris recognition based on elastic graph matching and Gabor wavelets
* Iterative Approach to Near-Uniform Group-Delay Error Design of FIR Filters, An
* iterative/subdivision hybrid algorithm for curve/curve intersection, An
* Joint DOD and DOA Estimation for MIMO Array With Velocity Receive Sensors
* Joint Subspace Learning for View-Invariant Gait Recognition
* Journal of real-time image processing: second issue of volume 6
* JPEG image encryption using fuzzy PN sequences
* k-means type clustering algorithm for subspace clustering of mixed numeric and categorical datasets, A
* K-NN Regression to Improve Statistical Feature Extraction for Texture Retrieval
* Kernel-based regularized-angle spectral matching for target detection in hyperspectral imagery
* Key to Three-View Geometry, The
* Kurtosis-based no-reference quality assessment of JPEG2000 images
* Label Fusion in Atlas-Based Segmentation Using a Selective and Iterative Method for Performance Level Estimation (SIMPLE)
* Labeling of Lumbar Discs Using Both Pixel- and Object-Level Features With a Two-Level Probabilistic Model
* Land Cover Classification of Cloud-Contaminated Multitemporal High-Resolution Images
* Land cover classification of VHR airborne images for citrus grove identification
* Land Geophysical Parameters Retrieval Using the Interference Pattern GNSS-R Technique
* Laplacian Approach to Multi-Oriented Text Detection in Video, A
* Large Disparity Motion Layer Extraction via Topological Clustering
* Large sample group independent component analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging using anatomical atlas-based reduction and bootstrapped clustering
* Large-scale vehicle detection in challenging urban surveillance environments
* Latent visual context learning for web image applications
* Layer Assignment Based on Depth Data Distribution for Multiview-Plus-Depth Scalable Video Coding
* Learning aspect models with partially labeled data
* Learning context-sensitive similarity by shortest path propagation
* Learning Generic Invariances in Object Recognition: Translation and Scale
* Learning Linear Discriminant Projections for Dimensionality Reduction of Image Descriptors
* Learning Real-Time Perspective Patch Rectification
* Learning to Detect a Salient Object
* Learning with few examples for binary and multiclass classification using regularization of randomized trees
* Light speed labeling: efficient connected component labeling on RISC architectures
* Light-Stripe-Projection-Based Target Position Designation for Intelligent Parking-Assist System
* Lightness Recovery for Pictorial Surfaces
* lightweight approach to repairing digitized polygon meshes, A
* Line based motion estimation and reconstruction of piece-wise planar scenes
* Line Localization from Single Catadioptric Images
* line-based representation for matching words in historical manuscripts, A
* linear discriminant analysis method based on mutual information maximization, A
* Linear-nonlinear neuronal model for shape from shading
* Local albedo-insensitive single image dehazing
* Local autocorrelation of similarities with subspaces for shift invariant scene classification
* Local density adaptive similarity measurement for spectral clustering
* Local MAP estimation for quality improvement of compressed color images
* Local rank transform: Properties and applications
* Localized support vector machines using Parzen window for incomplete sets of categories
* Localizing blurry and low-resolution text in natural images
* LOGISMOS: Layered Optimal Graph Image Segmentation of Multiple Objects and Surfaces: Cartilage Segmentation in the Knee Joint
* Looking Beyond Stereoscopic 3D's Revival
* Loop-shaping techniques applied to the least-mean-squares algorithm
* Low delay distributed video coding with refined side information
* Low-Complexity Algorithm for Static Background Estimation from Cluttered Image Sequences in Surveillance Contexts, A
* Low-Complexity Channel-Estimate Based Adaptive Linear Equalizer
* Low-Complexity Mode Decision for MVC
* low-cost multi-sensoral mobile mapping system and its feasibility for tree measurements, A
* M-estimator for high breakdown robust estimation in computer vision, An
* Machine fusion to enhance the topology preservation of vector quantization artificial neural networks
* Machine Learning for Vision-Based Motion Analysis: Theory and Techniques
* Making Sense of Real-Time Behavior
* Markov Model for Headway/Spacing Distribution of Road Traffic, A
* matching criterion for motion compensation in the temporal coding of video signal, A
* Material Classification of an Unknown Object Using Turbulence-Degraded Polarimetric Imagery
* Matrix Tools for General Observability Analysis in Traffic Networks
* MC-JBIG2: an improved algorithm for Chinese textual image compression
* Mean Square Error Estimation in Thresholding
* Measuring and Predicting Object Importance
* Measuring Squareness and Orientation of Shapes
* Measuring the Quality of Quality Measures
* Measuring tree stem diameters using intensity profiles from ground-based scanning lidar from a fixed viewpoint
* Mediaprinting: Identifying Multimedia Content for Digital Rights Management
* Methodological improvement on local Gabor face recognition based on feature selection and enhanced Borda count
* Model of Risk-Sensitive Route-Choice Behavior and the Potential Benefit of Route Guidance, A
* Modeling alternatives for fuzzy Markov chain-based classification of multitemporal remote sensing data
* Modeling continuous visual features for semantic image annotation and retrieval
* Modeling the Stochastic Drift of a MEMS-Based Gyroscope in Gyro/Odometer/GPS Integrated Navigation
* Morphological dilation image coding with context weights prediction
* Motion Adaptive Deinterlacing With Modular Neural Networks
* Motion vector generation for video coding by gray prediction
* Moving object detection with background model based on spatio-temporal texture
* Moving-edge detection via heat flow analogy
* MR Water Quantitative Priors Improves the Accuracy of Optical Breast Imaging
* Multi-Camera Tracking with Adaptive Resource Allocation
* multi-LREP decomposition of solids and its application to a point-in-polyhedron inclusion test, The
* Multi-modal summarization of key events and top players in sports tournament videos
* Multi-modal visual concept classification of images via Markov random walk over tags
* Multi-scale 2D tracking of articulated objects using hierarchical spring systems
* Multi-scale edge detection on range and intensity images
* Multi-Scale Multi-Level Generative Model in Scene Classification
* Multi-scale stacked sequential learning
* Multi-view human action recognition system employing 2DPCA
* Multiagent Approach to the Dynamic Enactment of Semantic Transportation Services, A
* Multidirectional Scratch Detection and Restoration in Digitized Old Images
* Multifocus image fusion using modified pulse coupled neural network for improved image quality
* Multilinear Supervised Neighborhood Embedding with Local Descriptor Tensor for Face Recognition
* Multimedia translation for linking visual data to semantics in videos
* Multimodal Telepresence Systems
* Multiple ant tracking with global foreground maximization and variable target proposal distribution
* Multiple description coding of animated meshes
* Multiple-Goal Reinforcement Learning Method for Complex Vehicle Overtaking Maneuvers, A
* Multisensory embedded pose estimation
* Multivariate kernel diffusion for surface denoising
* Multivariate online kernel density estimation with Gaussian kernels
* Near Real-Time Fuel-Optimal En Route Conflict Resolution
* Near-Infrared Ink Differentiation in Medieval Manuscripts
* Near-real-time stereo matching with slanted surface modeling and sub-pixel accuracy
* Nearest Feature Space Analysis for Classification
* nearly optimal algorithm for covering the interior of an Art Gallery, A
* Network-based sparse Bayesian classification
* Neurons That Confuse Mirror-Symmetric Object Views
* New Adaptive Component-Substitution-Based Satellite Image Fusion by Using Partial Replacement, A
* New Histogram Modification Based Reversible Data Hiding Algorithm Considering the Human Visual System, A
* new scheme for unconstrained handwritten text-line segmentation, A
* New separating hyperplane method with application to the optimisation of direct marketing campaigns
* New Supervised Method for Blood Vessel Segmentation in Retinal Images by Using Gray-Level and Moment Invariants-Based Features, A
* new, open standard for 3D imaging data, A
* No-Reference Blur Assessment of Digital Pictures Based on Multifeature Classifiers
* Non-rigid image registration of brain magnetic resonance images using graph-cuts
* Nonconvex Online Support Vector Machines
* Nonhomogeneous scaling optimization for realtime image resizing
* Nonlinear nonnegative matrix factorization based on Mercer kernel construction
* Nonuniform Directional Filter Banks With Arbitrary Frequency Partitioning
* Normalized Cuts Revisited: A Reformulation for Segmentation with Linear Grouping Constraints
* Not Seeing the Crime for the Cameras?
* note on the computation of high-dimensional integral images, A
* novel algorithm of fingerprint encryption using minutiae-based transformation, A
* novel bacterial foraging technique for edge detection, A
* novel classifier based on shortest feature line segment, A
* Novel Feature Extraction Scheme For Human Gait Recognition, A
* novel illumination-robust face recognition using statistical and non-statistical method, A
* novel multi-view learning developed from single-view patterns, A
* novel multiset integrated canonical correlation analysis framework and its application in feature fusion, A
* Novel Saliency-Based Graph Learning Framework with Application to CBIR, A
* novel semi-blind-and-semi-reversible robust watermarking scheme for 3D polygonal models, A
* novel terrain rendering algorithm based on quasi Delaunay triangulation, A
* novel watermarking scheme for H.264/AVC video authentication, A
* Nuclear Norm Heuristic Approach to Fractionally Spaced Blind Channel Equalization, A
* Object categorization using bone graphs
* Object matching using feature aggregation over a frame sequence
* Object recognition using proportion-based prior information: Application to fisheries acoustics
* Object-based image analysis through nonlinear scale-space filtering
* Offline handwritten Amharic word recognition
* Offline handwritten Arabic cursive text recognition using Hidden Markov Models and re-ranking
* Omnidirectional Image Stabilization for Visual Object Recognition
* On accurate orientation extraction and appropriate distance measure for low-resolution palmprint recognition
* On Combining Fractional-Pixel Interpolation and Motion Estimation: A Cost-Effective Approach
* On the computation of the (3, 4, 5) curve skeleton of 3D objects
* On the discriminability of keystroke feature vectors used in fixed text keystroke authentication
* On the modelling of uncertainty in radar CFAR detection
* On the reliability of eye color as a soft biometric trait
* On the security of multiple Huffman table based encryption
* On the use of multispectral conjunctival vasculature as a soft biometric
* On the Use of Q^{2} Abstractions to Lower the Computational Cost of Derivation of Conflict Resolution Advisories in Air Traffic Control
* One video is sufficient? Human activity recognition using active video composition
* Online Animation System For Practicing Cued Speech
* Online Driver Distraction Detection Using Long Short-Term Memory
* Online error correcting output codes
* Online Learning from Local Features for Video-Based Face Recognition
* Optic Disk and Cup Segmentation From Monocular Color Retinal Images for Glaucoma Assessment
* Optical Reconstruction of High-Speed Surface Dynamics in an Uncontrollable Environment
* Optimal Gaussian Kernel Parameter Selection for SVM Classifier
* Optimal Inversion of the Anscombe Transformation in Low-Count Poisson Image Denoising
* Optimal multiple-seams search for image resizing with smoothness and shape prior
* Optimality and stability of the K-hyperline clustering algorithm
* Optimization for limited angle tomography in medical image processing
* Optimized discriminative transformations for speech features based on minimum classification error
* Orthorectification of VHR optical satellite data exploiting the geometric accuracy of TerraSAR-X data
* Outdoor/indoor Vision-based Localization For Blind Pedestrian Navigation Assistance
* Overcoming Shadows in 3-Source Photometric Stereo
* overview of automatic event detection in soccer matches, An
* Ovuscule, The
* Pair-polar coordinate-based cancelable fingerprint templates
* Pairwise optimized Rocchio algorithm for text categorization
* parallel region based object recognition system, A
* Parameterized real-time moment computation on gray images using block techniques
* Parametric models of linear prediction error distribution for color texture and satellite image segmentation
* Partial AUC maximization in a linear combination of dichotomizers
* Partial matching of real textured 3D objects using color cubic higher-order local auto-correlation features
* Passive Polarimetric Imagery-Based Material Classification Robust to Illumination Source Position and Viewpoint
* Pattern analysis in neuroimaging: Beyond two-class categorization
* Pattern-Recognition Approach for Driving Skill Characterization, A
* Pedestrian Detection for Counting Applications Using a Top-View Camera
* Perceptual-saliency extremum lines for 3D shape illustration
* Perceptually Motivated Automatic Color Contrast Enhancement Based on Color Constancy Estimation
* Perceptually tuned subband coder for JPEG
* Performance Bounds of Network Coding Aided Cooperative Multiuser Systems
* performance study of an intelligent headlight control system, A
* Periodic pattern of texture analysis and synthesis based on texels distribution
* Personal driving diary: Constructing a video archive of everyday driving events
* Personalized video summarization with human in the loop
* Physical Limitations on Detecting Tunnels Using Underground-Focusing Spotlight Synthetic Aperture Radar
* pilot study on augmented speech communication based on Electro-Magnetic Articulography, A
* PIRF-Nav 2: Speeded-up online and incremental appearance-based SLAM in an indoor environment
* Plane-Based Calibration for Linear Cameras
* PLBP: An effective local binary patterns texture descriptor with pyramid representation
* polynomial algorithm for submap isomorphism of general maps, A
* Practical Color-Based Motion Capture
* Precise Hausdorff distance computation for planar freeform curves using biarcs and depth buffer
* Predicting Articulated Human Motion from Spatial Processes
* Predicting individual tree attributes from airborne laser point clouds based on the random forests technique
* Prediction Intervals to Account for Uncertainties in Travel Time Prediction
* Prediction of the Spatial Resolution of Magnetic Particle Imaging Using the Modulation Transfer Function of the Imaging Process
* Preface: Special Issue on 3D Object Retrieval 2009
* Prior model evaluation from Null Space Compensation perspective with application to surface reconstruction from single images
* Privacy Protection of Fingerprint Database
* Probabilistic Framework to Detect Buildings in Aerial and Satellite Images, A
* Probabilistic Model for Automatic Segmentation of the Esophagus in 3-D CT Scans, A
* probabilistic model of classifier competence for dynamic ensemble selection, A
* Progressive dimensionality reduction by transform for hyperspectral imagery
* projected gradient algorithm based on the augmented Lagrangian strategy for image restoration and texture extraction, A
* Projective rectification of image triplets
* Prominent Field for Shape Processing and Analysis of Archaeological Artifacts
* Quadtree decomposition based extended vector space model for image retrieval
* Quality adaptive least squares trained filters for video compression artifacts removal using a no-reference block visibility metric
* Quality Assessment of Deblocked Images
* Quantitative analysis of human facial beauty using geometric features
* Quaternion Gradient Operator and Its Applications, A
* Radial basis function based level set interpolation and evolution for deformable modelling
* Radiometric calibration of small-footprint full-waveform airborne laser scanner measurements: Basic physical concepts
* random center surround bottom up visual attention model useful for salient region detection, A
* Random one-dependence estimators
* Random Phase Textures: Theory and Synthesis
* Rao-Blackwellised particle filter for colour-based tracking
* Rate controlled redundancy-adaptive multiple description video coding
* Rate Distortion Data Hiding of Motion Vector Competition Information in Chroma and Luma Samples for Video Compression
* Rational function modeling for spaceborne SAR datasets
* Real-time coherent stylization for augmented reality
* Real-time data driven deformation with affine bones
* Real-time data driven deformation with affine bones
* Real-time detection and reading of LED/LCD displays for visually impaired persons
* Real-Time Freeway Network Traffic Surveillance: Large-Scale Field-Testing Results in Southern Italy
* Real-time illumination-invariant motion detection in spatio-temporal image volumes
* Real-time image segmentation for visual inspection of pharmaceutical tablets
* Real-Time Measurement of Link Vehicle Count and Travel Time in a Road Network
* Realistic stereo error models and finite optimal stereo baselines
* Recent Advances in Graph-Based Pattern Recognition with Applications in Document Analysis
* Reciprocal and Extensible Architecture for Multiple-Target Tracking in a Smart Home, A
* Recognition and classification of red blood cells using digital holographic microscopy and data clustering with discriminant analysis
* Reconstruction of non-rigid 3D shapes from stereo-motion
* Rectification-Based View Interpolation and Extrapolation for Multiview Video Coding
* recursive Otsu thresholding method for scanned document binarization, A
* Recursive projection twin support vector machine via within-class variance minimization
* REDMAPS: Reduced-Dimensionality Matching for Prostate Brachytherapy Seed Reconstruction
* Regional Objective Analysis for Merging High-Resolution MERIS, MODIS/Aqua, and SeaWiFS Chlorophyll-a Data From 1998 to 2008 on the European Atlantic Shelf
* Regression based automatic face annotation for deformable model building
* Regularized Image Reconstruction Algorithms for Dual-Isotope Myocardial Perfusion SPECT (MPS) Imaging Using a Cross-Tracer Prior
* Regularized Subspace Gaussian Mixture Models for Speech Recognition
* Reinforcement Learning With Function Approximation for Traffic Signal Control
* Relevance of airborne lidar and multispectral image data for urban scene classification using Random Forests
* Remote-Sensing Image Compression Using Two-Dimensional Oriented Wavelet Transform
* Restoration for weakly blurred and strongly noisy images
* Retraction notice: A framework with modified fast FCM for brain MR images segmentation
* Review of: Digital color management, encoding solutions
* Review of: LTE: The UMTS Long Term Evolution: From Theory to Practise
* Riding the Rails
* Robust 3D face recognition based on resolution invariant features
* Robust alignment of wide baseline terrestrial laser scans via 3D viewpoint normalization
* Robust camera pose tracking for augmented reality using particle filtering framework
* Robust Class Similarity Measure for Traffic Sign Recognition
* Robust classification of face and head gestures in video
* Robust contour tracking based on a coupling between geodesic active contours and conditional random fields
* Robust face recognition with partial occlusion, illumination variation and limited training data by optimal feature selection
* Robust Gait Recognition by Learning and Exploiting Sub-gait Characteristics
* robust hybrid method for nonrigid image registration, A
* Robust image hash in Radon transform domain for authentication
* Robust line detection using two-orthogonal direction image scanning
* robust method for parameter estimation of AR systems using empirical mode decomposition, A
* Robust modified L2 local optical flow estimation and feature tracking
* Robust multi-view camera calibration for wide-baseline camera networks
* Robust Pose Recognition of the Obscured Human Body
* Robust real-time multi-user pupil detection and tracking under various illumination and large-scale head motion
* Robust realtime feature detection in raw 3D face images
* Robust refinement methods for camera calibration and 3D reconstruction from multiple images
* Robust skeletonization using the discrete lambda-medial axis
* Robust speech recognition using spatial-temporal feature distribution characteristics
* Robust Surface Reconstruction via Laplace-Beltrami Eigen-Projection and Boundary Deformation
* robust template tracking algorithm with weighted active drift correction, A
* Robust, Real-Time 3D Face Tracking from a Monocular View
* Room-structure estimation in Manhattan-like environments from dense 2½D range data using minumum entropy and histograms
* Rotation and translation invariants of Gaussian-Hermite moments
* Rough set based approaches to feature selection for Case-Based Reasoning classifiers
* RSLAM: A System for Large-Scale Mapping in Constant-Time Using Stereo
* Saliency detection based on proto-objects and topic model
* Saliency retargeting: An approach to enhance image aesthetics
* SALSAS: Sub-linear active learning strategy with approximate k-NN search
* scalable, high-precision, and low-noise detector of shift-invariant image locations, A
* Scale invariant and deformation tolerant partial shape matching
* Scanning the Future with New Barcodes
* Scene Categorization with Classified Codebook Model
* Scene Classification with a Biologically Inspired Method
* Scene-based nonuniformity correction algorithm based on interframe registration
* Seamless video composition using optimized mean-value cloning
* Security Analysis on Spatial +/- 1 Steganography for JPEG Decompressed Images
* Segmentation of retinal blood vessels using the radial projection and semi-supervised approach
* Segmenting color images into surface patches by exploiting sparse depth data
* Segmenting point-sampled surfaces
* Seismic Source Quantitative Parameters Retrieval From InSAR Data and Neural Networks
* SEMARTCam scheduler: semantics driven real-time data collection from indoor camera networks to maximize event detection
* semi-automatic algorithm for grey level estimation in tomography, A
* Semi-supervised Elastic net for pedestrian counting
* Separable algorithms for distance transformations on irregular grids
* Shadow Compensation Using Fourier Analysis With Application to Face Recognition
* Shape from focus using fast discrete curvelet transform
* Shape from Sheen
* shape-based voting algorithm for pedestrian detection and tracking, A
* SIFT Flow: Dense Correspondence across Scenes and its Applications R
* Simulation of the Retina: A Tool for Visual Prostheses
* Simultaneous Dual Frequency ^1-H and ^19-F Open Coil Imaging of Arthritic Rabbit Knee at 3T
* Simultaneous Motion Detection and Background Reconstruction with a Conditional Mixed-State Markov Random Field
* Simultaneous motion segmentation and Structure from Motion
* Single trial variability in brain-computer interfaces based on motor imagery: Learning in the presence of labeling noise
* Skeleton Search: Category-Specific Object Recognition and Segmentation Using a Skeletal Shape Model
* Skeleton-aware size variations in digital mannequins
* SkelTre: Robust skeleton extraction from imperfect point clouds
* Sketch-based Interfaces and Modeling
* Skew detection in document images based on rectangular active contour
* SLAM combining ToF and high-resolution cameras
* Soft margin keyframe comparison: Enhancing precision of fraud detection in retail surveillance
* Sparse Aperture MIMO-SAR-Based UWB Imaging System for Concealed Weapon Detection, A
* sparse version of the ridge logistic regression for large-scale text categorization, A
* Spatial-temporal consistent labeling of tracked pedestrians across non-overlapping camera views
* SPEC Method: A Fine Coregistration Method for SAR Interferometry
* Special edition on semi-supervised learning for visual content analysis and understanding
* Special issue on Cyberworlds 2010
* Speckle suppression in projection displays by using a motionless changing diffuser
* Spectrogram Image Feature for Sound Event Classification in Mismatched Conditions
* Spline-Based Cardiac Motion Tracking Using Velocity-Encoded Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Stabilization and optimization of PLUS factorization and its application in image coding
* Stacked spatial-pyramid kernel: An object-class recognition method to combine scores from random trees
* Standard Deviation for Obtaining the Optimal Direction in the Removal of Impulse Noise
* Standards institute improves remote-sensing instrument calibration
* State-space dynamics distance for clustering sequential data
* Statistical Method for Counting Pedestrians in Crowded Environments, A
* Statistical modeling for the detection, localization and extraction of text from heterogeneous textual images using combined feature scheme
* Status and future of laser scanning, synthetic aperture radar and hyperspectral remote sensing data for forest biomass assessment
* steganographic method for digital images with four-pixel differencing and modified LSB substitution, A
* Steganographic Scheme For Gray-level Image Using Pixel Neighborhood And LSB Substitution
* Stepwise Optimal Subspace Pursuit for Improving Sparse Recovery
* Stereo Image Retargeting with Shift-Map
* Streaming compression of hexahedral meshes
* structure-preserved local matching approach for face recognition, A
* Studentized Dynamical System for Robust Object Tracking
* study on combining local field potential and single unit activity for better neural decoding, A
* study on recognizing non-artistic face sketches, A
* Sub-Hexagonal Phase Correlation for Motion Estimation
* Subject and class specific frequency bands selection for multiclass motor imagery classification
* Submodular fractional programming for balanced clustering
* Sufficient Statistics as a Generalization of Binning in Spectral X-ray Imaging
* supervised algorithm with a new differentiated-weighting scheme for identifying the author of a handwritten text, A
* Supervised Framework for the Registration and Segmentation of White Matter Fiber Tracts, A
* Supervised particle filter for tracking 2D human pose in monocular video
* Supervised relevance maps for increasing the distinctiveness of facial images
* system for automatic and interactive detection of static objects, A
* System profiles in content-based image indexing and retrieval
* Tag refinement in an image folksonomy using visual similarity and tag co-occurrence statistics
* Temporally consistent multi-class video-object segmentation with the Video Graph-Shifts algorithm
* Tensor Versus Matrix Completion: A Comparison With Application to Spectral Data
* Tensor-based projection using ridge regression and its application to action classification
* Testbed and Methodology for Comparing Live Video Frame Rate Control Methods, A
* Testing for Spatial Heterogeneity in Functional MRI Using the Multivariate General Linear Model
* Text-independent speaker identification using Radon and discrete cosine transforms based features from speech spectrogram
* Texture classification using multimodal Invariant Local Binary Pattern
* TF-DF indexing for mocap data segments in measuring relevance based on textual search queries
* theoretical analysis of a buffer frame size conversion algorithm for audio applications ensuring minimum latency, A
* thin plate spline robust point matching (TPS-RPM) algorithm: A revisit, The
* Three-Dimensional Model Analysis and Processing
* Three-dimensional point-based shape registration algorithm based on adaptive distance function
* Three-Dimensional SAR Focusing From Multipass Signals Using Compressive Sampling
* time-frequency convolutional neural network for the offline classification of steady-state visual evoked potential responses, A
* Tomographic Reconstruction of Gated Data Acquisition Using DFT Basis Functions
* Topology preservation evaluation of compact-support radial basis functions for image registration
* Topology Preserving Relaxation Labeling for Nonrigid Point Matching
* Toward Robotic Cars
* Towards a standard methodology to evaluate internal cluster validity indices
* Towards robust writer verification by correcting unnatural slant
* TPMSVM: A novel twin parametric-margin support vector machine for pattern recognition
* Tracking and reconstruction of vehicles for accurate position estimation
* Tracking by means of geodesic region models applied to multidimensional and complex medical images
* Tracking gaze direction from far-field surveillance cameras
* Tracking planes with Time of Flight cameras and J-linkage
* Training linear ranking SVMs in linearithmic time using red-black trees
* transductive multi-label learning approach for video concept detection, A
* Transfer latent variable model based on divergence analysis
* TranslatAR: A mobile augmented reality translator
* Transmission and visualization of large geographical maps
* Travelmedia: An intelligent management system for media captured in travel
* Tree-Based Context Model for Object Recognition, A
* Tree-structured image difference for fast histogram and distance between histograms computation
* Tubular Surface Segmentation for Extracting Anatomical Structures From Medical Imagery
* TV Guide, HD Edition
* two-level real-time vision machine combining coarse- and fine-grained parallelism, A
* Uncorrelated trace ratio linear discriminant analysis for undersampled problems
* Understanding and Recreating Visual Appearance Under Natural Illumination
* Uniform Framework for Estimating Illumination Chromaticity, Correspondence, and Specular Reflection, A
* unifying criterion for unsupervised clustering and feature selection, A
* Unsupervised Extraction of Flood-Induced Backscatter Changes in SAR Data Using Markov Image Modeling on Irregular Graphs
* Unsupervised Feature Selection and Category Classification for a Vision-Based Mobile Robot
* Unsupervised range-constrained thresholding
* Unsupervised texture-based image segmentation through pattern discovery
* update on automatic 3D building reconstruction, An
* Urban flood risk analysis for determining optimal flood protection levels based on digital terrain model and flood spreading model
* Urban Transit Coordination Using an Artificial Transportation System
* Usability evaluation of virtual reality interaction techniques for positioning and manoeuvring in reduced, manipulation-oriented environments
* User oriented language model for face detection
* User Study Comparing 3D Modeling with Silhouettes and Google SketchUp, A
* User-driven saliency maps for evaluating Region-of-Interest detection
* Using a Geometric Formulation of Annular-Like Shape Priors for Constraining Variational Level-Sets
* Using Adaptive Tone Mapping to Enhance Edge-Preserving Color Image Automatically
* Using diffusion equations for improving performance of wavelet-based image denoising techniques
* Using local density information to improve IB algorithms
* Using pedestrians walking on uneven terrains for camera calibration
* Using visibility cameras to estimate atmospheric light extinction
* Validity index for clusters of different sizes and densities
* Variable and constant bitrate in a DVC to H.264/AVC transcoder
* Variational Inference for Infinite Mixtures of Gaussian Processes With Applications to Traffic Flow Prediction
* Variational Model to Remove the Multiplicative Noise in Ultrasound Images, A
* Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Car Video Based on Motion Model
* Vehicle detection from low quality aerial LIDAR data
* versatile framework for shape description, A
* Versatile surface detail editing via Laplacian coordinates
* Vessel Boundary Delineation on Fundus Images Using Graph-Based Approach
* Video denoising using shape-adaptive sparse representation over similar spatio-temporal patches
* Video Enhancement from Multiple Compressed Copies in Transform Domain
* Video Mesh: A Data Structure for Image-based Video Editing, The
* Video scene detection using graph-based representations
* Video-based, real-time multi-view stereo
* Video-object segmentation and 3D-trajectory estimation for monocular video sequences
* View context based 2D sketch-3D model alignment
* Virtual Super Resolution of Scale Invariant Textured Images Using Multifractal Stochastic Processes
* Vision-based clad height measurement
* vision-based system for the prevention of car collisions at night, A
* Visual item verification for fraud prevention in retail self-checkout
* Visual tracking of partially observable targets with suboptimal filtering
* Visual Tracking Using High-Order Particle Filtering
* Visual voice activity detection with optical flow
* Volumetric stereo and silhouette fusion for image-based modeling
* Wavelet kernel learning
* Wavelet-based image watermarking with visibility range estimation based on HVS and neural networks
* Weak-perspective structure from motion by fast alternation
* Webcam geo-localization using aggregate light levels
* Window detection from mobile LiDAR data
* X-Ray Luminescence Computed Tomography via Selective Excitation: A Feasibility Study
* Your next camera will shoot 3-D
* Zero-block inter/intra mode decision for mpeg-2 to H.264/AVC inter P-frame transcoding
857 for 1101

Index for "1"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.