* 2-level domain decomposition algorithm for inverse diffuse optical tomography, A
* 2D Human Tracking by Efficient Model Fitting Using a Path Relinking Particle Filter
* 2D Shape Recognition Using Discrete Wavelet Descriptor Under Similitude Transform
* 3-D CA-based edge operator for 3-D images, A
* 3-D Deformable Image Registration: A Topology Preservation Scheme Based on Hierarchical Deformation Models and Interval Analysis Optimization
* 3-d geometry enhancement by contour optimization in turntable sequences
* 3D Digitization of a Hand-Held Object with a Wearable Vision Sensor
* 3d face recognition using local shape map
* 3D Feature Tracking Using a Dynamic Structured Light System
* 3D Finger Biometrics
* 3D gait estimation from monoscopic video
* 3D Head Pose Estimation with Symmetry Based Illumination Model in Low Resolution Video
* 3D Human Walking Modeling
* 3d medical image segmentation approach based on multi-label front propagation
* 3d mesh watermarking using projection onto convex sets
* 3D model of the human lung with lung regions characterization, A
* 3D Model-Assisted Face Recognition in Video
* 3D Orthographic Reconstruction Based on Robust Factorization Method with Outliers
* 3D Reconstruction of Environments for Planetary Exploration
* 3D Segmentation and Quantification of Human Vessels Based on a New 3D Parametric Intensity Model
* 3D SSD Tracking with Estimated 3D Planes
* 3D Topological Thinning by Identifying Non-simple Voxels
* 3D-color-structure-code: Segmentation by using a new non-plainness island hierarchy
* Abrupt and gradual scene transition detection in MPEG-4 compressed video sequences using texture and macroblock information
* Accelerate Video Decoding With Generic GPU
* Accelerating svd on reconfigurable hardware for image denoising
* Accelerating the Computation of GLCM and Haralick Texture Features on Reconfigurable Hardware
* Acceleration of CSRBF-based image reconstruction by wavelet domain preconditioning
* Accuracy-scalable motion coding for efficient scalable video compression
* accurate and adaptive optical flow estimation algorithm, An
* Accurate and Efficient Approximation of the Continuous Gaussian Scale-Space
* AcouMotion: An Interactive Sonification System for Acoustic Motion Control
* Action modeling with volumetric data
* Action segmentation and recognition in meeting room scenarios
* Active contour models: A multiscale implementation for anatomical feature delineation in cervical images
* Active Shape Models and Segmentation of the Left Ventricle in Echocardiography
* Adaptation of Mesh Morphing Techniques for Avatars Used in Web Applications
* Adapted Total Variation for Artifact Free Decompression of JPEG Images
* Adaptive Binarization Technique for Low Quality Historical Documents, An
* Adaptive block sub-sampling algorithm for motion-estimation on SIMD processors
* Adaptive Computer Vision: Online Learning for Object Recognition
* Adaptive eigen-backgrounds for object detection
* Adaptive Estimation of Normals and Surface Area for Discrete 3-D Objects: Application to Snow Binary Data From X-Ray Tomography
* Adaptive Feature Selection in Image Segmentation
* Adaptive fuzzy post-filtering for highly compressed video
* Adaptive gating in gaussian bayesian multi-target tracking
* Adaptive Image Content Representation and Segmentation Approach to Automatic Image Annotation, An
* Adaptive Local Binarization Method for Recognition of Vehicle License Plates
* Adaptive lossless video compression using an integer wavelet transform
* adaptive motion estimation algorithm based on evolution strategies with correlated mutations, An
* Adaptive photo collection page layout
* Adaptive rate control for H.264
* Adaptive Region Growing Color Segmentation for Text Using Irregular Pyramid
* Adaptive Sampling of Motion Trajectories for Discrete Task-Based Analysis and Synthesis of Gesture
* adaptive scheme for estimating motion, An
* Adaptive segmentation for gymnastic exercises based on change detection over multiresolution combined differences
* Adaptive skin detection using multiple cues
* Adaptive spatio-temporal filtering for video de-noising
* Adaptive stereo matching algorithm based on edge detection
* Adaptive wavelet restoration of noisy video sequences
* Adding Semantics to Audiovisual Content: The FAETHON Project
* Advanced block size selection algorithm for inter frame coding in H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
* Advances in texture analysis- energy dominant component & multiple hypothesis testing
* Affine Invariant Pattern Recognition Using Multiscale Autoconvolution
* Affine-invariant curve matching
* Air-borne approaching target detection and tracking in infrared image sequence
* Algorithm for Fast Pattern Recognition with Random Spikes, An
* Algorithms in Digital Geometry Based on Cellular Topology
* Alteration-Locating Authentication Watermarking for Binary Images
* Ambient Intelligence Through Image Retrieval
* Analysis of Human Walking Based on aSpaces
* Analysis of impulse train illuminated images for 2d velocity measurement
* Analysis of Player Actions in Selected Hockey Game Situations
* Analysis of the efficiency of SNR-scalable strategies for motion compensated video coders
* Analysis of Variational Alignment of Curves in Images, An
* Analysis/synthesis systems for progressive-to-lossless embedded wavelet image coding
* angular transform of gait sequences for gait assisted recognition, An
* Ankle cartilage surface segmentation using directional gradient vector flow snakes
* Annoyance of spatio-temporal artifacts in segmentation quality assessment
* Ant Colony Optimization for Feature Selection in Face Recognition
* Anti-Collusion Forensics of Multimedia Fingerprinting Using Orthogonal Modulation
* Application of BPCS steganography to wavelet compressed video
* application of dyadic wavelet in the RS building image edge detection, The
* Application of Fractal Image-Set Coding in Facial Recognition, An
* Application of Multi-criteria Analysis for the Creation of a Risk Assessment Knowledgebase for Biometric Systems
* Application of Repeated GA to Deformable Template Matching in Cattle Images
* Applying binary partitioning to weighted finite automata for image compression
* Approximate Confidence Intervals for Estimation of Matching Error Rates of Biometric Identification Devices
* Approximation of Images by Basis Functions for Multiple Region Segmentation with Level Sets
* AR Human Computer Interface for Object Localization in a Cognitive Vision Framework, An
* Arbitrary viewpoints image representation based on 3-d geometric model and specular reflection tracing
* Architecture of MPEG-7 color structure description generator for realtime video applications
* Architectures for Biometric Match-on-Token Solutions
* Area and Volume Restoration in Elastically Deformable Solids
* Area matching based on belief propagation with applications to face modeling
* Arm-Pointer: 3D Pointing Interface for Real-World Interaction
* Assessing Scene Structuring in Consumer Videos
* Astrophysical image denoising using bivariate isotropic Cauchy distributions in the undecimated wavelet domain
* Atlas-based motion correction for on-line MR temperature mapping
* attack to BPCS-steganography using complexity histogram and countermeasure, An
* Attentional Framework for Stereo Vision, An
* Attributed Graph Matching Based Engineering Drawings Retrieval
* Audio-visual flow: A variational approach to multi-modal flow estimation
* Authentic Emotion Detection in Real-Time Video
* Authentication of lossy compressed video data by semi-fragile watermarking
* Authentication of MPEG-4-based surveillance video
* Auto-Correlation Wavelet Support Vector Machine and Its Applications to Regression
* Automated Behavioral Phenotype Detection and Analysis Using Color-Based Motion Tracking
* Automated cell nucleus segmentation using improved snake
* Automated Person Identification in Video
* Automated red-eye detection and correction in digital photographs
* Automated treatment of film tear in degraded archived media
* Automatic assessment of mammographic positioning on the mediolateral oblique view
* Automatic classification of teeth in bitewing dental images
* Automatic detection of digital zooms
* Automatic Detection of Heads in Colored Images
* Automatic Detection of Red Lesions in Digital Color Fundus Photographs
* Automatic Detection of the Optimal Acceptance Threshold in a Face Verification System
* Automatic detection of vibrato in monophonic music
* Automatic determination of intrinsic cluster number family in spectral clustering using random walk on graph
* Automatic Extraction of Filled-In Items from Bank-Check Images
* Automatic extraction of semantic concepts in medical images
* Automatic Face Recognition by Support Vector Machines
* Automatic Fax Routing
* Automatic Generation of German Sign Language Glosses from German Words
* Automatic generation of pen-and-ink drawings from photos
* Automatic Generation of Personalized Digest Based on Context Flow and Distinctive Events
* Automatic image decomposition
* Automatic keystone correction for smart projectors with embedded camera
* Automatic Metadata Retrieval from Ancient Manuscripts
* Automatic Segmentation Combining Mixture Analysis and Adaptive Region Information: A Level Set Approach, An
* Automatic segmentation of brain MRI through learning by example
* Automatic text segmentation from complex background
* Automatically learning structural units in educational videos with the hierarchical hidden markov models
* Automating Microscope Colour Image Analysis Using the Expectation Maximisation Algorithm
* Automating the 3D Modeling Pipeline
* Average Cell Orientation, Shape and Size Estimated from Tissue Images
* Background differencing technique for image segmentation based on the status of reference pixels
* Background Learning for Robust Face Recognition With PCA in the Presence of Clutter
* Background Maintenance Model in the Spatial-Range Domain, A
* Background modeling and subtraction by codebook construction
* Background Subtraction using Self-Identifying Patterns
* Balance Maintenance Model for Human-like Characters with Whole Body Motion
* Basis picking for matching pursuits image coding
* Bayesian adaptation for user-dependent multimodal biometric authentication
* Bayesian inference for multiband image segmentation via model-based cluster trees
* Bayesian integration of a discrete choice pedestrian behavioral model and image correlation techniques for automatic multi object tracking
* Bayesian postprocessing algorithm for dwt-based compressed image
* Behavior classification by eigendecomposition of periodic motions
* Behavior of the Laplacian of Gaussian Extrema
* Benchmarking of Fingerprint Sensors
* Benefits of temporal oversampling in optical flow estimation
* Better Use of Human Visual Model in Watermarking Based on Linear Prediction Synthesis Filter
* Beyond Digital Archiving: A Virtual Portal to the World's Heritage
* Bi-level image watermarking for image authentication surviving JPEG lossy compression
* Bias Error Analysis of the Generalised Hough Transform
* Bidimensional dictionary and coding screme for a very low bitrate matching pursuit video coder
* Binary Matrices Under the Microscope: A Tomographical Problem
* Binary Tomography by Iterating Linear Programs from Noisy Projections
* BioEVA: An Evaluation Tool for Biometric Algorithms
* Biometric Face Authentication Using Pixel-Based Weak Classifiers
* Biometric Personal Authentication Based on Handwritten Signals
* Biometric Sensor Interoperability: A Case Study in Fingerprints
* Biometric User Authentication for Heightened Information Security
* Biometric User Authentication on Smart Cards by Means of Handwritten Signatures
* Biometrics of Asymmetrical Face
* Biometrics Person Authentication Using Projection-Based Face Recognition System in Verification Scenario
* Bleed-Through Removal from Degraded Documents Using a Color Decorrelation Method
* Blind CDMA Image Watermarking Scheme in Wavelet Domain, A
* Blind Deconvolution of Images Using Optimal Sparse Representations
* Blind MPEG-2 video watermarking robust against scaling
* blind robust watermarking scheme for copyright protection of 3d mesh models, A
* Blind source camera identification
* Blood flow generation in b-mode ultrasound images of the carotidartery
* Blur Identification and Image Restoration Based on Evolutionary Multiple Object Segmentation for Digital Auto-focusing
* Blurred image recognition based on complex moment invariants
* Body Tracking in HumanWalk from Monocular Video Sequences
* bottom-up algorithm for finding principal curves with applications to image skeletonization, A
* Breast cancer diagnosis using image retrieval for different ultrasonic systems
* Building a Motion Resolution Pyramid by Combining Velocity Distributions
* Building blocks for autonomous navigation using contour correspondences
* Calculating Distance with Neighborhood Sequences in the Hexagonal Grid
* calibrated-pinhole camera model for single viewpoint omnidirectional imaging systems, A
* Camera Autocalibration and the Calibration Pencil
* Camera based evaluation of photometric compensation methods on multi-projector displays
* Camera calibration without metric information using 1D objects
* Camera Orientation of Mars Express Using DTM Information
* Camera response function recovery from different illuminations of identical subject matter
* Capacity and Examples of Template-Protecting Biometric Authentication Systems
* Captured Motion Data Processing for Real Time Synthesis of Sign Language
* Cascading statistical and structural classifiers for iris recognition
* Cell nuclei segmentation using fuzzy logic engine
* Challenges in Exploiting Prioritized Inverse Kinematics for Motion Capture and Postural Control
* Channel modeling and its effect on the end-to-end distortion in wireless video communications
* Channel-aware rate-distortion optimized leaky motion prediction
* Characteristics of the Identification Algorithm Using a Matching Score Matrix
* Characterization of Bijective Discretized Rotations
* Choosing best basis in wavelet packets for fingerprint matching
* Chromosome counting via digital image analysis
* CIMWOS Multimedia Indexing System, The
* classification approach to color demosaicking, A
* Classification of fingerprints using singular points and their principal axes
* classifier design for detecting image manipulations, A
* CLEF Cross Language Image Retrieval Track (ImageCLEF) 2004, The
* Clustering-based match propagation for image-based rendering from multiple images
* Co-retrieval: A Boosted Reranking Approach for Video Retrieval
* Coefficient thresholding and optimized selection of the lagrangian multiplier for non-reference frames in H.264 video coding
* Collaboration of geometry and photometry for virtual exhibitions of tangible and intangible cultural heritages
* Collaborative Exploration for a Group of Self-Interested Robots
* Collision and Event Detection using Geometric Features in Spatio-Temporal Volumes
* Color Alignment for Texturing 3D Geometric Model
* Color and r.o.i. with jpeg2000 for wireless video-surveillance
* Color channel encoding with NMF for face recognition
* Color Image Compression Using Adaptive Color Quantization
* Color invariant density estimation for image segmentation and object tracking
* Color segmentation of ink-characters: Application to Meat Tracabeality Control
* Color space selection for unsupervised color image segmentation by histogram multithresholding
* Color textural features under varying illumination
* Colour Map Classification for Archive Documents
* Combination of Shape and Texture Classifiers for a Face Verification System, A
* Combinatorial Transparent Surface Modeling from Polarization Images, A
* Combined 3d object motion estimation in medical sequences
* Combining exclusive and continuous fingerprint classification
* Combining Fingerprint and Voiceprint Biometrics for Identity Verification: an Experimental Comparison
* Combining Local and Global Features for Image Segmentation Using Iterative Classification and Region Merging
* Combining local class patterns and discovered semantics for image retrieval
* Combining luminance and edge based metrics for robust temporal video segmentation
* Combining Model-based and Discriminative Approaches in a Modular Two-stage Classification System: Application to Isolated Handwritten Digit Recognition
* Combining Simple Models to Approximate Complex Dynamics
* Compact rotation-invariant texture classification
* comparative study of statistical and neural methods for remote sensing image classification and decision fusion, A
* Comparing Classification Metrics for Labeling Segmented Remote Sensing Images
* Comparing color and textural information in very high resolution satellite image classification
* Comparing Visual Features for Morphing Based Recognition
* Comparison Between Etymon- and Word-Based Chinese Sign Language Recognition Systems, A
* Comparison Between MAP and Postprocessed ML for Image Reconstruction in Emission Tomography When Anatomical Knowledge Is Available
* Comparison of Algorithm Design Paradigms in Active Contours for Muscle Recognition, A
* Comparison of Classification Methods for Time-Series Detection of Perspiration as a Liveness Test in Fingerprint Devices
* comparison of continuous vs. discrete image models for probabilistic image and video retrieval, A
* Comparison of linear spectral reconstruction methods for multispectral imaging
* Comparison of lossy to lossless compression techniques for digital cinema
* comparison of non-orthogonal and orthogonal fractal decoding, A
* Comparison of Nonparametric Transformations and Bit Vector Matching for Stereo Correlation
* Comparison of Property Estimators in Stereology and Digital Geometry, A
* comparison of the octave-band directional filter bank and gabor filters for texture classification, A
* Compensatory Algorithm for Fingerprint Recognition
* Complete 3-d models from video: a global approach
* Complete Approach to the Conversion of Typewritten Historical Documents for Digital Archives, A
* Complex Articulated Object Tracking
* Complex Articulated Object Tracking
* Complex curve tracing based on a minimum spanning tree model and regularized fuzzy clustering
* Compliant encryption of JPEG2000 codestreams
* Compressed domain feature transformation using evolutionary strategies for image classification
* compressed-domain heterogeneous video transcoder, A
* Computational Model for Color Naming and Describing Color Composition of Images, A
* Computer Graphics Research at KAIST
* Computer Vision in the Movies: From the Lab to the Big Screen
* Computer Vision System for Monitoring Medication Intake, A
* Computing Depth Maps from Descent Imagery
* Concealment of interpolation errors for low bit-rate motion compensated interpolation
* Concurrent encoding in hierachical trees for wavelet based image compression
* Configurable Text Stamp Identification Tool with Application of Fuzzy Logic
* Congestion-aware rate allocation for multipath video streaming over ad hoc wireless networks
* connectivity solution for extraction of thin objects, A
* Constant quality rate-control for video encoding based on activity segmentation
* Constrained Gesture Interaction in 3D Geometric Constructions
* Constructing SVM Multiple Tree for Face Membership Authentication
* Constructing the topological solution of jigsaw puzzles
* Construction and Application of Hybrid Wavelet and Other Parametric Orthogonal Transforms
* Content and transformation effect matching for automated home video editing
* Content Based Image Synthesis
* Content-Based Image Retrieval and Characterization on Specific Web Collections
* Content-based periodic macroblock for error-resilient transmission of H.264 video
* Context-dependent tree-structured image classification using the QDA distortion measure and the hidden markov model
* Contextual disambiguation for multi-class object detection
* Contextual Swarm-Based Multi-layered Lattices: A New Architecture for Contextual Pattern Recognition
* Contextual System of Symbol Structural Recognition based on an Object-Process Methodology
* Contour simplification using non-linear diffusion
* Contour tracking by minimal cost path approach. application to cephalometry
* Contrast enhancement of radiograph images based on local heterogeneity measures
* Contrast Invariant Approach to Motion Estimation, A
* Contribution of NLP to the Content Indexing of Multimedia Documents
* Controlling Camera and Lights for Intelligent Image Acquisition and Merging
* Convergence analysis of active contours in image segmentation
* Convex Functions on Discrete Sets
* Convex Hulls in a 3-Dimensional Space
* Cooperative Optimization for Energy Minimization in Computer Vision: A Case Study of Stereo Matching
* Coordination of Multiple Agents for Probabilistic Object Tracking
* Copyright tracing using invariants of contents
* Corner Detection and Curve Partitioning Using Arc-Chord Distance
* Corner detection of gray level images using gabor wavelets
* Correction of underexposed images using scene radiance estimation
* Corridor scissors: a semi-automatic segmentation tool employing minimum-cost circular paths
* Corrupted Face Image Authentication Based on Noise Model
* Counter-Geometric Distortions Data Hiding Scheme Using Double Channels in Color Images, A
* Cross layer optimization for wireless multi-user video streaming
* Crowd Segmentation Through Emergent Labeling
* Cryptanalysis of a Wavelet Based Watermarking Scheme
* CT image compression with level of interest
* Curvature based human face recognition using depth weighted hausdorff distance
* Curve Tracking by Hypothesis Propagation and Voting-Based Verification
* Curved wavelet transform and overlapped extension for image coding
* Curves, Hypersurfaces, and Good Pairs of Adjacency Relations
* CVPIC Colour/Shape Histograms for Compressed Domain Image Retrieval
* CVPIC image retrieval based on block colour co-occurance matrix and pattern histogram
* Cylindrical sensor calibration using lines
* Dance Motion Analysis and Synthesis using Motion Capture Data
* Data hiding in curves for collusion-resistant digital fingerprinting
* Data hiding in JPEG 2000 code streams
* Data hiding using trellis coded quantization
* DCT-Based Adaptive Thresholding Algorithm for Binary Motion Estimation
* DCT-based phase correlation motion estimation
* Decision Fusion for Face Authentication
* Decomposition of range images using markov random fields
* Defect detection on hardwood logs using high resolution three dimensional laser scan data
* Deformable Object Matching Based on Multi-scale Local Histograms
* Deformable structural models
* Deixis: How to Determine Demonstrated Objects Using a Pointing Cone
* Demosaicking and JPEG2000 compression of microscopy images
* Denoising of Audio Data by Nonlinear Diffusion
* Dense Motion Field Estimation by 3-D Gabor Representation
* Density estimation using modified expectation-maximization algorithm for a linear combination of gaussians
* Deringing and deblocking DCT compression artifacts with efficient shifted transforms
* Desensitisation of medical images restoration under crude estimates of mobile radio channels
* Design and FPGA implementation of non-separable 2-d biorthogonal wavelet transforms for image/video coding
* Design and Implementation of a Robot Soccer Team Based on Omni-Directional Wheels
* Design flexibility using FPGA dynamical reconfiguration
* Design of IIR orthogonal wavelet filter banks using lifting scheme
* Design of reversible variable-length codes using properties of the Huffman code and average length function
* Detecting Abnormal Gait
* Detecting Emotional Content from the Motion of an Orchestra Conductor
* Detecting Human Heads and Face Orientations Under Dynamic Environment
* Detecting Liveness in Fingerprint Scanners Using Wavelets: Results of the Test Dataset
* Detection and classification of bright lesions in color fundus images
* Detection and Classification of Gateways for the Acquisition of Structured Robot Maps
* Detection and deterrence of counterfeiting of valuable documents
* Detection and recognition of lung nodules in spiral CT images using deformable templates and Bayesian post-classification
* Detection and tracking of moving objects in image sequences with varying illumination
* Detection of Linear and Cubic Interpolation in JPEG Compressed Images
* Detection of Multi-Part Objects by Top-Down Perceptual Grouping
* Detection of Occlusion Edges from the Derivatives of Weather Degraded Images
* Detection of unique people in news programs using multimodal shot clustering
* detection-based multiple object tracking method, A
* DH-LZW lossless data hiding in LZW compression
* Differential Analysis of Two Model-Based Vehicle Tracking Approaches
* Digital image inpainting using monte carlo method
* Digital watermarking based on locally linear embedding
* Dimensionality reduction in hyperspectral image classification
* Direct Gray-Scale Minutiae Extraction
* Direct N-Point DCT Computation from Three Adjacent N/3-Point DCT Coefficients
* Direct Reconstruction of Kinetic Parameter Images From Dynamic PET Data
* Disclosure of Non-scripted Video Content: InDiCo and M4/AMI
* Discontinuity-Preserving Computation of Variational Optic Flow in Real-Time
* Discovering meaningful multimedia patterns with audio-visual concepts and associated text
* Discrete Orthogonal Decomposition and Variational Fluid Flow Estimation
* Discrete Representation of Top Points via Scale Space Tessellation
* Discrete Surfaces Segmentation into Discrete Planes
* Discrete Techniques for Real-Time Inspection and Interaction in Virtual Reality
* Discriminant iris feature and support vector machines for IRIS recognition
* Discrimination and identification for subpixel targets in hyperspectral imagery
* Discrimination of similar handwritten numerals based on invariant curvature features
* Discriminative lip-motion features for biometric speaker identification
* Discussion of Nonlinear Variants of Biased Discriminants for Interactive Image Retrieval, A
* Disparity estimation using color coherence and stochastic diffusion
* Distortion Correction of Range Data Obtained from Floating Laser Range Sensor using Parameterized Deformation Registration
* Distortion in the ISAR (inverse synthetic aperture radar) images from moving targets
* Distortion-buffer optimized TCP video streaming
* Distributed coding of multispectral images: a set theoretic approach
* Distributed compression of the plenoptic function
* Distributed MPEG-7 image indexing using small world user agents
* Distributed Vector Processing of a New Local MultiScale Fourier Transform for Medical Imaging Applications
* Djinn: Interaction Framework for Home Environment Using Speech and Vision
* DL Architecture for Indic Scripts
* DocMining: A Document Analysis System Builder
* Document Analysis System Based on Text Line Matching of Multiple OCR Outputs, A
* Document Analysis Systems for Digital Libraries: Challenges and Opportunities
* Document image rectification using fuzzy sets and morphological operators
* Document Image Retrieval in a Question Answering System for Document Images
* Document image secret sharing using bit-level processing
* Document Image Watermarking Based on Weight-Invariant Partition Using Support Vector Machine
* Drift reduction for a H.264/AVC fine grain scalability with motion compensation architecture
* Dry Granular Flows Need Special Tools
* Dynamic bayesian network based event detection for soccer highlight extraction
* Dynamic Control of Captured Motions to Verify New Constraints
* Dynamic Local Feature Analysis for Face Recognition
* Ear Biometrics Based on Geometrical Method of Feature Extraction
* early detection of all-zero DCT blocks in H.264, An
* early fire-detection method based on image processing, An
* Edge and line detection as exercises in hypothesis testing
* Edge detection based on decision-level information fusion and its application in hybrid image filtering
* Edge directed filter based error concealment for wavelet-based images
* Edge-Based Identification of DP-Features on Free-Form Solids
* EDU: A Model of Video Summarization
* effect of global motion parameter accuracies on the efficiency of video coding, The
* Effective Approach Towards Content-Based Image Retrieval, An
* effective fractal image coding method without search, An
* Effective interpolation for free viewpoint images using multi-layered dynamic background buffers
* Efficient Algorithms for Image Template and Dictionary Matching
* Efficient and reliable dynamic quality control for compression of compound document images
* Efficient Approximations for Support Vector Machines in Object Detection
* efficient change detection algorithm based on a statistical non-parametric camera noise model, An
* Efficient classification of scanned media using spatial statistics
* efficient coding for 3-d geometry data based on surface simplification and wavelet transform, An
* Efficient coding mode decision in MPEG-4 part-10 AVC/H.264 main profile
* Efficient Computation of Optical Flow Using the Census Transform
* Efficient congestion control for streaming scalable video over unreliable IP networks
* Efficient Content-Adaptive Motion-Compensated 3-D DWT With Enhanced Spatial and Temporal Scalability, An
* Efficient encryption of wavelet-based coded color images
* Efficient error recovery for multiple description video coding
* Efficient Euclidean Distance Transform, An
* Efficient Face Detection by a Cascaded Support Vector Machine Using Haar-Like Features
* Efficient face orientation discrimination
* Efficient Feature Tracking for Long Video Sequences
* Efficient Fingerprint Image Enhancement for Mobile Embedded Systems
* Efficient fuzzy-connectedness segmentation using symmetric convolution and adaptive thresholding
* Efficient image coding for access to pixel ranges
* Efficient inscribing of noisy rectangular objects in scanned images
* Efficient memory management control for H.264
* Efficient packet loss protection for JPEG2000 images enabling backward compatibility with a standard decoder
* Efficient path aggregation and error control for video streaming
* efficient phase retrieval method using snakes for image reconstruction, An
* Efficient proposal distributions for MCMC image segmentation
* Efficient Quality-Aware Memory Controller for Multimedia Platform SoC, An
* Efficient Wavelet-Based Image Retrieval Using Coarse Segmentation and Fine Region Feature Extraction
* Eigenspace-Based Face Hashing
* Elevation contours extraction from a color-coded relief scanned map
* Elliptic arc vectorization for 3d pie chart recognition
* EM Enhancement of 3D Head Pose Estimated by Perspective Invariance
* Empirical Investigation of the Scalability of a Multiple Viewpoint CBIR System, An
* Encoder and decoder optimization for source-channel prediction in error resilient video transmission
* Encryption of wavelet-coded imagery using random permutations
* Energy distributed update steps(edu) in lifting based motion compensated video coding
* Energy scalability in multimedia codec using NQDCT
* Energy-Aware IP Core Design for the Variable-Length DCT/IDCT Targeting at MPEG4 Shape-Adaptive Transforms, An
* energy-based framework using global spatial constraints for the stereo correspondence problem, An
* Enhance the Alignment Accuracy of Active Shape Models Using Elastic Graph Matching
* Enhanced mosaic blending using intrinsic camera parameters from a rotating and zooming camera
* Enhanced motion estimation for interframe wavelet video coding
* Enhanced neural gas network for prototype-based clustering
* Enhancing Images Painted on Manifolds
* Enhancing latent semantic analysis video object retrieval with structural information
* Enhancing processing and visualization efficiency of 3D Scanned Meshes
* Enriching Historical Manuscripts: The Bovary Project
* Ensembles of Classifiers for Handwritten Word Recognition Specialized on Individual Handwriting Style
* Entropy-Based Image Merging
* Equivalence Between Regular n-G-Maps and n-Surfaces
* Error resilience analysis of multi-hypothesis motion compensated prediction for video coding
* Error resilience supporting bi-directional frame recovery for video streaming
* Error resilience video coding in H.264 encoder with potential distortion tracking
* Error Resilient MQ Coder and map JPEG 2000 Decoding
* Error-propagation reduction in a balanced multiple description video coder
* Error-resilient wireless video transmission using motion-based unequal error protection and intra-frame packet interleaving
* Estimate Large Motions Using Reliability-Based Dynamic Programming
* Estimate surface color from changing illumination
* Estimating 3D Human Body Pose from Stereo Image Sequences
* Estimating and undoing rotation for print-scan resilient data hiding
* Estimating facial pose from a sparse representation
* Estimating Fingerprint Deformation
* Estimating first-order finite-difference information in image restoration problems
* Estimating the phase congruency of localised frequencies
* Estimating the quality of face localization for face verification
* Estimation of Attacker's Scale and Noise Variance for QIM-DC Watermark Embedding
* Estimation of Extraction Fraction (EF) and Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) Using MRI: Considerations Derived From a New Gd-Chelate Biodistribution Model Simulation
* Estimation of mixtures of probabilistic PCA with stochastic EM for the 3d biplanar reconstruction of scoliotic rib cage
* Estimation of Multiple Orientations at Corners and Junctions
* Estimation of multiple orientations in multi-dimensional signals
* Estimation of the Optimal Variational Parameter via SNR Analysis
* Estimation of the radiometric response functions of a color camera from differently illuminated images
* Evaluation of shadow classification techniques for object detection and tracking
* Evaluation of Texture Features for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Evaluation of the Parallelization Potential for Efficient Multimedia Implementations: Dynamic Evaluation of Algorithm Critical Path
* Event detection based on non-broadcast sports video
* Everything Gets Better All the Time, Apart from the Amount of Data
* Evolutionary agents for epipolar geometry estimation
* Evolutionary Algorithm Based Approach for Dynamic Thresholding in Multimodal Biometrics, An
* Evolutionary gibbs sampler for image segmentation
* evolutionary snake algorithm for the segmentation of nuclei in histopathological images, An
* Exact Optimization of Discrete Constrained Total Variation Minimization Problems
* Experimental Comparison of a Hierarchical Range Image Segmentation Algorithm, An
* Exploiting Problem Domain Knowledge for Accurate Building Image Classification
* Exploring Interactions Specific to Mixed Reality 3D Modeling Systems
* Exploring margin setting for good generalization in multiple class discrimination
* Expression morphing from distant viewpoints
* Extension of AAM with 3D shape model for facial shape tracking
* Externalized Fingerprint Matching
* Extracting Meaningful Curves from Images
* Extracting projective invariant of 3d line set from a single view
* Extracting Table Information from the Web
* Extraction of Glasses in Human Face Images
* Extraction of Salient Features for Image Retrieval Using Multi-scale Image Relevance Function
* Eye Movements in Biometrics
* Face alignment using intrinsic information
* Face as Mouse Through Visual Face Tracking
* Face Authentication Competition on the BANCA Database
* Face Authentication from Cell Phone Camera Images with Illumination and Temporal Variations
* Face contour tracking in video using active contour model
* Face detection in the compressed domain
* Face detection technique based on intesity and skin color distribution
* Face Detection Using Combinations of Classifiers
* Face Exemplars Selection from Video Streams for Online Learning
* Face identification from one single sample face image
* face image recognition scheme with strong tolerances to lighting fluctuations, A
* Face Recognition Based on Locally Salient ICA Information
* Face Recognition from Color Images in Presence of Dynamic Orientations and Illumination Conditions
* Face Recognition Using Asymmetric Faces
* Face Recognition Using Recursive Fisher Linear Discriminant with Gabor Wavelet Coding
* Face recognition using reinforcement learning
* Face Recognition with 3D Model-Based Synthesis
* Face Recognition with Weighted Locally Linear Embedding
* Facial event mining using coupled hidden markov models
* Facial expression analysis by kernel figenspace method based on class features (kemc) using non-linear basis for separation of expression-classes
* Facial Expression Recognition Based on Dimension Model of Emotion with Autonomously Extracted Sparse Representations
* Facial recognition/verification using gabor wavelets and kernel methods
* Facial similarity across age disguise illumination and pose
* Factorization of Natural 4X4 Patch Distributions
* factorization-based projective reconstruction algorithm with circular motion constraint, A
* Fast acquisition of dense depth data by a new structured light scheme
* Fast alignment of digital images using a lower bound on an entropy metric
* fast and adaptive method for image contrast enhancement, A
* fast and robust simultaneous pose tracking and structure recovery algorithm for augmented reality applications, A
* Fast and robust text detection in images and video frames
* Fast block-matching motion estimation bv recent-biased search for multiple reference frames
* Fast face segmentation in component color space
* Fast facial feature extraction using a deformable shape model with haar-wavelet based local texture attributes
* Fast full search block motion estimation for H.264/AVC with multilevel successive elimination algorithm
* fast H.264 intra prediction algorithm using macroblock properties, A
* fast image-scramble method using public-key encryption allowing backward compatibility with jpeg2000, A
* Fast in-band motion estimation with variable size block matching
* Fast Incorporation of Optical Flow Into Active Polygons
* Fast Intra Mode Decision Algorithm for H.264/AVC Video Coding
* Fast macroblock inter mode decision and motion estimation for H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
* Fast macroblock mode selection based on motion content classification in H.264/AVC
* fast method to improve the stability of interest point detection under illumination changes, A
* Fast mode decision for inter prediction in H.264
* Fast model based stereo matching using soar
* Fast Monocular Bayesian Detection of Independently Moving Objects by a Moving Observer
* Fast motion estimation and motion segmentation using multi-scale approach
* fast procedure for the computation of similarities between gaussian HMMS, A
* Fast Random Sample Matching of 3d Fragments
* Fast Relative Newton Algorithm for Blind Deconvolution of Images
* Fast Segmentation of High-Resolution Satellite Images Using Watershed Transform Combined with an Efficient Region Merging Approach
* Fast Separable Gabor Filter for Fingerprint Enhancement
* Fast Simultaneous Alignment of Multiple Range Images
* Fast Statistically Geometric Reasoning About Uncertain Line Segments in 2D- and 3D-Space
* Fast transcoding of intra frames between H.263 and H.264
* Fast video shot retrieval by trace geometry matching in principal component space
* Fast VQ encoding algorithms using angular constraint
* Faster Exact Histogram Intersection on Large Data Collections Using Inverted VA-Files
* feasibility study on a novel method of visual obstacle detection, A
* Feature and Viewpoint Selection for Industrial Car Assembly
* Feature Based Cut Detection with Automatic Threshold Selection
* Feature Planning for Robust Execution of General Robot Tasks using Visual Servoing
* Feature point extraction using scale-space representation
* Feature selection for subject identification in surveillance photos
* Feature space analysis using low-order tensor voting
* Feature statistical retrieval applied to content-based copy identification
* Feature-based detection of faces in color images
* Feature-based intra-prediction mode decision for H.264
* Feature-Level Fusion for Effective Palmprint Authentication
* Features extraction on complex images
* Features for Image Retrieval: A Quantitative Comparison
* Fidelity-Controlled Robustness Enhancement of Blind Watermarking Schemes Using Evolutionary Computational Techniques
* Figure Field Analysis of Linear Scale-Space Image
* Filter bank selection for the ownership verification of wavelet based digital image watermarking
* Filtering Approach to Edge Preserving MAP Estimation of Images, A
* Filtering of color map images by context tree modeling
* Finding Motion Primitives in Human Body Gestures
* Finding Person X: Correlating Names with Visual Appearances
* fine-structure image/video quality measure using local statistics, A
* Finger Tracking Methods Using EyesWeb
* Fingerprint Alignment Using Line Segments
* Fingerprint Classification: An Approach Based on Singularities and Analysis of Fingerprint Structure
* Fingerprint Distortion Measurement
* Fingerprint image quality analysis
* Fingerprint image quality analysis B
* Fingerprint Matching Integrating the Global Orientation Field with Minutia
* Fingerprint Matching Using Minutiae Triangulation, A
* Fingerprint Minutiae Matching with Orientation and Ridge
* Fingerprint Reference Point Detection
* Fingerprint Verification by Decision-Level Fusion of Optical and Capacitive Sensors
* Fingerprinting Curves
* Fisher-Rao Metric for Projective Transformations of the Line, The
* Flaws in Generic Watermarking Protocols Based on Zero-Knowledge Proofs
* Flexible Heterogeneous Multicore Architectures for Versatile Media Processing Via Customized Long Instruction Words
* Flexible p-picture (FLEXP) coding for tue efficient fine-granular scalability (FGS)
* fluid model for error propagation characterization in video coding, A
* Flying Laser Range Sensor: A Novel Aerial Sensing System for Large-scale Heritage
* FMRI signal modeling using laguerre polynomials
* FNS, CFNS and HEIV: A Unifying Approach
* Focal length self-calibration based on degenerated kruppa's equations method and evaluation
* focus measure for light field rendering, A
* Force field feature extraction for ear biometrics
* Forensic Analysis of Nonlinear Collusion Attacks for Multimedia Fingerprinting
* Format-independent scalable bit-stream adaptation using mpeg-21 dia
* Four-Pixel Scheme for Singular Differential Equations, A
* Framework for Foreground Detection in Complex Environments, A
* Framework for Semantic Classification of Scenes Using Finite State Machines, A
* framework for soft hashing and its application to robust image hashing, A
* Free viewpoint video extraction, representation, coding, and rendering
* French Sign Language Processing: Verb Agreement
* Frequent Graph Discovery: Application to Line Drawing Document Images
* From 8-Tap DCT to 4-Tap Integer-Transform for MPEG to H.264/AVC Transcoding
* From Acoustic Cues to an Expressive Agent
* Full blind denoising through noise covariance estimation using gaussian scale mixtures in the wavelet domain
* Fusing video and sparse depth data in structure from motion
* Fusion of 2D and 3D data in three-dimensional face recognition
* Fusion of Auxiliary Information for Multi-modal Biometrics Authentication
* Fusion of HMM's Likelihood and Viterbi Path for On-line Signature Verification
* Fusion of multi-exposure images
* Fusion of SVD and LDA for face recognition
* Fuzzy non-rigid motion estimation robust to rotation
* Fuzzy Normalisation Methods for Pattern Verification
* FVC2004: Third Fingerprint Verification Competition
* Gap closure in (road) networks using higher-order active contours
* Gender determining method using thermography
* General Framework for 3D Soccer Ball Estimation and Tracking, A
* general framework for three-dimensional surface reconstruction by self-consistent fusion of shading and shadow features, A
* Generalization of an Anonymous Buyer-Seller Watermarking Protocol and Its Application to Mobile Communications, A
* Generalization of angular radial transform
* Generalized Discrete Radon Transforms and Their Use in the Ridgelet Transform
* Generalized Likelihood Ratio Tests for Complex fMRI Data: A Simulation Study
* Generalized Method for Constructing and Proving Zero-Knowledge Watermark Proof Systems, A
* Generalized subspace rules for on-line PCA and their application in signal and image compression
* Generalizing Inverse Perspective
* Generation of Video Metadata Supporting Video-GIS Integration
* Generic method for 2D image resizing with non-separable filters
* generic method for generating multispectral filter arrays, A
* generic mid-level representation for semantic video analysis, A
* Generic slow-motion replay detection in sports video
* genetic-based adaptive threshold selection method for dynamic path tree structured vector quantization, A
* Geometric Algebra for Pose Estimation and Surface Morphing in Human Motion Estimation
* Geometric construction of the caustic curves for catadioptric sensors
* Geometric Formulation of Gradient Descent for Variational Problems with Moving Surfaces, A
* Geometric Structure of Degeneracy for Multi-body Motion Segmentation
* Geometrical image denoising using quadtree segmentation
* Geometrical Key-Frame Selection Method Exploiting Dominant Motion Estimation in Video, A
* Geometry of Isophote Curves
* Gestural Interactions for Multi-parameter Audio Control and Audification
* Gesture Analysis of Violin Bow Strokes
* Gesture Recognition Using Image Comparison Methods
* Gesture Spotting in Continuous Whole Body Action Sequences Using Discrete Hidden Markov Models
* GET: The Connection Between Monogenic Scale-Space and Gaussian Derivatives
* Global motion estimation for mpeg-encoded streams
* Globally Consistent 3-D Reconstruction by Utilizing Loops in Camera Movement
* Globally Optimal Geodesic Active Contours
* Goal detection in soccer video using audio/visual keywords
* gradient based approach for stereoscopic error concealment, A
* Gradient based dominant motion estimation with integral projections for real time video stabilisation
* Graph Edit Distance Based on Node Merging, A
* Graph-Based Framework for Web Document Mining, A
* Graph-based representation for 2-d shape using decomposition scheme
* graph-spectral method for surface height recovery, A
* Graphics-to-video encoding for 3g mobile game viewer multicast using depth values
* Grayscale image connected components segmentation
* Grouping video shots into scenes based on 1D mosaic descriptors
* Guest Editorial, Morphology
* Guide Wire Reconstruction and Visualization in 3DRA Using Monoplane Fluoroscopic Imaging
* H-thinning for gray-scale images
* H.264-based stream morphing with scalable motion coding
* H.264/AVC data partitioning for mobile video communication
* Halftone/contone conversion using neural networks
* Hallucinating Face by Eigen-transformation with Distortion Reduction
* Hand Gesture Recognition in Camera-Projector System*
* Hand Pose Estimation Using Hierarchical Detection
* Hand Recognition Using Geometric Classifiers
* Handiposte: Ergonomic Evaluation of the Adaptation of Physically Disabled People's Workplaces
* Haptic Sculpting Technique Based on Volumetric Representation, A
* Hardware implementation of optical flow constraint equation using FPGAs
* Head Pose Estimation of Partially Occluded Faces
* Head Tracking with Shape Modeling and Detection
* heuristic k-means clustering algorithm by kernel pca, A
* Hexagonal Pattern Languages
* hidden markov model framework for traffic event detection using video features, A
* Hierarchical Hough Transform for Fingerprint Matching, A
* Hierarchical Image Segmentation Based on Semidefinite Programming
* Hierarchical mode search with classification of bisectional prediction modes based on the position of motion boundary
* Hierarchical multiple image watermarking for image authentication and ownership verification
* Hierarchical Non-Parametric Method for Capturing Non-Rigid Deformations, A
* Hierarchy Approach for Singular Point Detection in Fingerprint Images, A
* High Performance Speaker Verification System Based on Multilayer Perceptrons and Real-Time Enrollment
* High speed processing of biomedical images using programmable GPU
* High-Abstraction Level Complexity Analysis and Memory Architecture Simulations of Multimedia Algorithms
* High-capacity data hiding in halftone images using minimal error bit searching
* High-dimensional mutual information estimation for image registration
* High-level soccer indexing on low-level feature space
* High-throughput image rotation using sign-prediction based redundant cordic algorithm
* Higher Order MRF-Model for Stereo-Reconstruction, A
* highly scalable speck image coder, A
* Hilbertian Metrics on Probability Measures and Their Application in SVMs
* Histogram Equalization using Neighborhood Metrics
* HMM Model Selection Issues for Soccer Video
* HMMs Based Palmprint Identification
* How to Find a Khalimsky-Continuous Approximation of a Real-Valued Function
* Human Body Analysis with Biomechanics Criteria
* Human detection in groups using a fast mean shift procedure
* Hybrid Approach to Detect Graphical Symbols in Documents, A
* Hybrid Model-Based Estimation of Multiple Non-dominant Motions
* hybrid wavelet framework for modeling VBR video traffic, A
* Hyperbolic Function Model for Multiple Biometrics Decision Fusion, A
* Hyperspectral anomaly detection using kernel rx-algorithm
* Hyperspectral target detection using kernel matched subspace detector
* I/P/B frame type decision by collinearity of displacements
* ICA Based Face Recognition Robust to Partial Occlusions and Local Distortions
* ICBR: Multimedia Management System for Intelligent Content Based Retrieval
* Identification of insect damaged wheat kernels using transmittance images
* Identifying Precursory Cancer Lesions Using Temporal Texture Analysis
* Illumination estimation based on valid pixel selection in highlight region
* Image and Depth Coherent Surface Description
* Image and Video Retrieval Using New Capture and Display Devices
* Image Classification into Object / Non-object Classes
* Image coding with iterated contourlet and wavelet transforms
* Image content-based active sensor planning for a mobile trinocular active vision system
* Image Cues Fusion for Object Tracking Based on Particle Filter
* Image database retrieval using sketched queries
* Image Deblurring in the Presence of Salt-and-Pepper Noise
* Image Denoising by Statistical Area Thresholding
* Image denoising using fresnel multi-resolution image analysis
* Image enhancement using stochastic resonance
* Image Features and the 1-D, 2nd Order Gaussian Derivative Jet
* Image fusion and wavelet analysis for 3-D reconstruction using 2-D images obtained under different illumination conditions
* Image fusion based on non-negative matrix factorization
* Image fusion method based on nonseparable wavelets
* Image fusion system and method
* Image fusion using weighted multiscale fundamental form
* Image interpolation based on inter-scale dependency in wavelet domain
* Image Manifolds which are Isometric to Euclidean Space
* Image Morphing Based on Mutual Information and Optimal Mass Transport
* image normalization based watermarking scheme robust to general affine transformation, An
* Image partioning by level set multiregion competition
* Image Reconstruction by Linear Programming
* Image retrieval based on feature weighting and relevance feedback
* Image retrieval based on projective invariance
* Image Retrieval Interfaces: A User Perspective
* Image scale and rotation from the phase-only bispectrum
* Image Segmentation as Regularized Clustering: A Fully Global Curve Evolution Method
* Image segmentation based on hierarchical mapping
* Image segmentation by cooperative optimization
* Image segmentation via brittle fracture mechanics
* Image set compression through minimal-cost prediction structures
* Image understanding and scene models: a generic framework integrating domain knowledge and gestalt theory
* Image-Based Approach to Fingerprint Acceptability Assessment
* image-quality guaranteed method for quantization-based watermarking using a DWT, An
* Imitation of Assembly Tasks for Realizing Dexterous Manipulation
* Immersive Panoramic Imagery
* Implementation of JPEG2000 arithmetic decoder using dynamic reconfiguration of FPGA
* implemented architecture of deblocking filter for H.264/AVC, An
* Implementing Expressive Gesture Synthesis for Embodied Conversational Agents
* importance measurement for video and its application to TV news items distillation, An
* Improve robustness of image watermarking via adaptive receiving
* Improve security of fragile watermarking via parameterized wavelet
* Improved bit rate control for real-time mpeg watermarking
* Improved blue sky detection using polynomial model fit
* Improved dictionaries for generalized bitplanes-based matching pursuits video coding using ridgelets
* improved EZW algorithm based on set partitioning in hierarchical trees using wavelet regularity, An
* Improved fast search method for vector quantization using discrete walsh transform
* Improved macroblock-based reverse play algorithm for MPEG video streaming
* improved rate-quantization model for rate control in real-time video encoding, An
* Improved throughput arithmetic coder for jpeg2000
* Improved Video Content Indexing by Multiple Latent Semantic Analysis
* Improvement of Modal Matching Image Objects in Dynamic Pedobarography using Optimization Techniques
* Improvement of Modal Matching Image Objects in Dynamic Pedobarography using Optimization Techniques
* Improvement of phase-based algorithms for disparity estimation by means of magnitude information
* Improving Fingerprint Recognition Based on Crease Detection
* Improving indoor and outdoor face recognition using unified subspace analysis and Gabor features
* Improving Iris Recognition Accuracy via Cascaded Classifiers
* Improving the Forward Solver for the Complete Electrode Model in EIT Using Algebraic Multigrid
* Increased Video Compression with Error-Resilience Capability Based on Macroblock Processing
* Increasing bandwidth utilization in next generation IPTV networks
* Indexing Model of Remote Sensing Images, An
* Individual Recognition Based on Human Iris Using Fractal Dimension Approach
* Inference Network Approach to Image Retrieval, An
* Information Retrieval System for Handwritten Documents
* information theoretic framework for image segmentation, An
* Informed Detection Revisited
* Inkjet Printer Model-Based Halftoning
* Integral Trees: Subtree Depth and Diameter
* Integrated Approach for Automatic Semantic Structure Extraction in Document Images, An
* Integrated compressed domain resolution conversion with de-interlacing for DV to MPEG-4 transcoding
* Integrated Dual Factor Authenticator Based on the Face Data and Tokenised Random Number, An
* Integrated Joint Source-Channel Coding Framework for Video Transmission over Packet Lossy Networks, An
* Integrated registration of dynamic renal perfusion MR images
* Integrating Faces, Fingerprints, and Soft Biometric Traits for User Recognition
* Integration of motion and image features for automatic video object segmentation
* Integration of multiresolution image segmentation and neural networks for object depth recovery
* Inter frame coding with template matching spatio-temporal prediction
* Inter-plane prediction for RGB video coding
* Interactive Content-Based Retrieval Using Pre-computed Object-Object Similarities
* Interactive segmentation using curve evolution and relevance feedback
* Interoperability Support for Ontology-Based Video Retrieval Applications
* Interplay Between Intensity Standardization and Inhomogeneity Correction in MR Image Processing
* Intra-Frame Error Concealment: Non-Linear Pattern Alignment and Directional Interpolation, An
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Integrated Multimedia Platforms
* Invariants for Discrete Structures: An Extension of Haar Integrals over Transformation Groups to Dirac Delta Functions
* investigation of 3D dual-tree wavelet transform for video coding, An
* Iris Based Human Verification Algorithms
* IRIS features extraction using wavelet packets
* Iris Identification Using Wavelet Packet for Images in Visible Light Illumination
* Iris Recognition Algorithm Using Local Extreme Points, An
* Iris Recognition Based on Location of Key Points
* Iris Recognition for Palm-Top Application
* Iris Recognition in Wearable Computer
* ISAR: Radar Imaging of Targets with Complicated Motion
* Isometric Embedding of Facial Surfaces into S3
* Isotropic-polyharmonic B-splines and wavelets
* Iterative Corner Extraction and Matching for Mosaic Construction
* Iterative joint source-channel decoding of variable length encoded video sequences exploiting source semantics
* iterative object symmetry transform, The
* Joint blind separation and restoration of mixed degraded images for document analysis
* Joint control for hybrid transcoding using multidimensional rate distortion modeling
* Joint data compression and error protection for collaborative transmission
* Joint Dense 3D Interpretation and Multiple Motion Segmentation of Temporal Image Sequences: A Variational Framework with Active Curve Evolution and Level Sets
* joint design of dictionary approximation and maximum atom extraction for fast matching pursuit, A
* Joint Non-rigid Motion Estimation and Segmentation
* Joint object-based video encoding and power management for energy efficient wireless video communications
* Joint server/peer receiver-driven rate-distortion optimized video streaming using asynchronous clocks
* Joint Source-Channel Distortion Model for JPEG Compressed Images, A
* Jordan Surfaces in Discrete Antimatroid Topologies
* JPEG-matched data filling of sparse images
* JPEG2000 vs. JPEG from an image retrieval point of view
* JPEG2000-based shape adaptive algorithm for the efficient coding of multiple regions-of interest
* Junction and Corner Detection Through the Extraction and Analysis of Line Segments
* k-populations algorithm for clustering categorical data, A
* Kernel Density Estimation and Intrinsic Alignment for Knowledge-Driven Segmentation: Teaching Level Sets to Walk
* Kernel generalized nonlinear discriminant analysis algorithm for pattern recognition
* Kinematic Variables Estimation using Eye-in-Hand Robot Camera System
* Knowledge Assisted Analysis and Categorization for Semantic Video Retrieval
* Knowledge Management System for Intelligent Retrieval of Geo-Spatial Imagery, A
* knowledge-based approach to domain-specific compressed video analysis, A
* Knowledge-driven segmentation of the central sulcus from human brain MR images
* L-inf Norm Based Second Generation Image Coding
* Lagrangian optimized rate control algorithm for the H.264/AVC encoder, A
* land use classification method based on region and edge information fusion, A
* Landcover Classification in MRF Context Using Dempster-Shafer Fusion for Multisensor Imagery
* Large Vocabulary Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Using the Janus Speech Recognition Toolkit
* Large-scale infographic image downsizing
* Lattice Image Processing: A Unification of Morphological and Fuzzy Algebraic Systems
* Layered motion estimation and coding for fully scalable 3D wavelet video coding
* layered stereo algorithm using image segmentation and global visibility constraints, A
* Layered unequal loss protection with pre-interleaving for progressive image transmission over packet loss channels
* Layout and Content Extraction for PDF Documents
* Learning Depth from Stereo
* Learning Everyday Manipulation Tasks from Observation
* Learning from Labeled and Unlabeled Data Using Random Walks
* Learning Model Structure from Data: An Application to On-Line Handwriting
* Learning Multiview Face Subspaces and Facial Pose Estimation Using Independent Component Analysis
* Learning skin distribution using a sparse map
* Learning structured dictionaries for image representation
* Learning to Find Graph Pre-images
* Learning with Distance Substitution Kernels
* Least-squares interband denoising of color and multispectral images
* Least-squares mesh model for image compression
* Lesion Preserving Image Registration with Applications to Human Brains
* Level Set Based Image Segmentation with Multiple Regions
* Light field compression based on prediction propagating and wavelet packet
* Lightfield completion
* Linear camera autocalibration with varying parameters
* Linear Euclidean Distance Transform Algorithm Based on the Linear-Time Legendre Transform, A
* Linear Image Reconstruction Framework Based on Sobolev Type Inner Products, A
* Locating the optic disk in retinal images via plausible detection and constraint satisfaction
* Location-Based Information Support System Using Multiple Cameras and LED Light Sources with the Compact Battery-Less Information Terminal (CoBIT)
* Long Integration Fine Resolution SAR Image Formation
* Lossless Compression of Color Mosaic Images
* Lossy-To-Lossless Block-Based Compression of Hyperspectral Volumetric Data
* Low complexity lossless video compression
* Low-complexity macroblock mode selection for H.264/AVC encoders
* Low-Complexity Rate-Distortion Optimized Video Streaming
* low-complexity soft VLC decoder using performance modeling, A
* Lowpass filtering of rate-distortion functions for quality smoothing for real-time video recording and streaming
* LV contour tracking in MRI sequences based on the generalized fuzzy GVF
* M-band wavelets application to palmprint recognition based on texture features
* Magnification in Digital Topology
* Margin-maximization discriminant analysis for face recognition
* Markerless motion capture with single and multiple cameras
* Markov random field estimation of lost DCT coefficients in JPEG due to packet errors
* Matching 2.5D Scans for Face Recognition
* matching method based on marker-controlled watershed segmentation, A
* Matrix-Valued Filters as Convex Programs
* Maximum Likelihood and Maximum a Posteriori Adaptation for Distributed Speaker Recognition Systems
* Maximum Set of (26,6)-Connected Digital Surfaces, A
* MDC and path diversity in video streaming
* Mean shift based nonparametric motion characterization
* Mean-shift background image modelling
* Mean-shift based mixture model for face detection in color image
* Mean-Shift Blob Tracking with Kernel-Color Distribution Estimate and Adaptive Model Update Criterion
* measure for spatial dependence in natural stochastic textures, A
* Medial Axes and Mean Curvature Motion II: Singularities
* Medical Image Registration and Interpolation by Optical Flow with Maximal Rigidity
* Medical image segmentation with minimal path deformable models
* Memory Centric Design of an MPEG-4 Video Encoder
* Merging ratio images based realistic object class re-rendering
* Method for Designing High-Radix Multiplier-Based Processing Units for Multimedia Applications, A
* Microcalcification detection based on localized texture comparison
* Minimal Non-simple Sets in 4-Dimensional Binary Images with (8,80)-Adjacency
* Minimizing a weighted error criterion for spatial error concealment of missing image data
* Minimizing distortion for multi-path video streaming over ad hoc networks
* Minimum Bayes Error Features for Visual Recognition by Sequential Feature Selection and Extraction
* Minimum hardware implementation of multipliers of the lifting wavelet transform
* Minimum-Length Polygon of a Simple Cube-Curve in 3D Space
* MinOver Revisited for Incremental Support-Vector-Classification
* MMSE reconstruction for 3d ultrasound images
* Mode mapping method for H.264/AVC spatial downscaling transcoding
* Model based algorithm for singular point detection from fingerprint images
* Model based steganalysis
* model for image splicing, A
* Model of Motion, Stereo, and Monocular Depth Perception, A
* Model-Based Head and Facial Motion Tracking
* model-based motion compensated video coder with JPEG2000 compatibility, A
* Model-based MPEG compression of synthetic video sequences
* Modeling Gaze Behavior for a 3D ECA in a Dialogue Situation
* Modeling Prior Shape and Appearance Knowledge in Watershed Segmentation
* Modelling Spikes with Mixtures of Factor Analysers
* Modelling visual attention and motion effect for visual quality evaluation
* Models of Interaction with Video Information
* Modulation-feature based textured image segmentation using curve evolution
* Monocular Collision Warning System, A
* Morphological corner detector using paired triangular structuring elements
* Morphological Erosions and Openings: Fast Algorithms Based on Anchors
* Morphological gradient operators for colour images
* Morphological Pyramids in Multiresolution MIP Rendering of Large Volume Data: Survey and New Results
* Morphological segmentation produces a Voronoi tesselation of the markers
* Morphology on Label Images: Flat-Type Operators and Connections
* Mosaics from Arbitrary Stereo Video Sequences
* Motion blur removal and its application to vehicle speed detection
* Motion Compensated Shape Error Concealment
* Motion compensated super-resolution of video by level sets evolution
* Motion compensated temporal filtering with optimal temporal distance between each motion compensation pair
* motion confidence measure from phase information, A
* Motion detection based on contour strings
* Motion estimation and detection of complex object by analyzing resampled movements of parts
* Motion Estimation from Motion Smear: A System Identification Approach
* Motion estimation in high resolution image reconstruction from compressed video sequences
* motion field reconstruction scheme for smooth boundary video object segmentation, A
* Motion wavelet difference reduction (MWDR) video codec
* Motion-based shape error concealment for object-based video
* Motion-based spatial-temporal image repairing
* Motion-compensated temporal filtering within the H.264/AVC standard
* Motion-compensated temporal pre-filtering for noise reduction in a video encoder
* Motivational System for Human-Robot Interaction
* Moving shadow representation based on a level curves decomposition
* MPEG-21 digital item adaptation by applying perceived motion energy to H.264 video
* Multi-camera correspondence based on principal axis of human body
* Multi-component Document Image Coding Using Regions-of-Interest
* Multi-feature Based Invertible Authentication Watermarking for JPEG Images, A
* Multi-label SVM active learning for image classification
* Multi-layer semantic representation learning for image retrieval
* Multi-level fast multipole method for thin plate spline evaluation
* Multi-Model Component-Based Tracking Using Robust Information Fusion
* Multi-resolution parametric region tracking for 2D object replacement in video
* Multi-resolution streaming and rendering of 3-D dynamic data
* Multi-resolution surface reconstruction
* Multi-scale feature identification using evolution strategies
* Multi-scale Singularity Trees: Soft-Linked Scale-Space Hierarchies
* Multi-scale space vehicle component identification
* Multi-step Entropy Based Sensor Control for Visual Object Tracking
* Multi-unit Biometric Fusion in Fingerprint Verification
* Multi-unit Iris Recognition System by Image Check Algorithm
* Multi-video compression in texture space
* Multi-View Face Image Synthesis Using Factorization Model
* Multi-view HAC for Semi-supervised Document Image Classification
* Multi-View Head Pose Estimation using Neural Networks
* Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction of Dense Shape and Complex Appearance
* multicamera fusion framework for multiple occluding objects tracking in intelligent monitoring and sport viewing applications, A
* Multidimensional Orthogonal Filter Bank Characterization and Design Using the Cayley Transform
* Multidimensional Signal Compression Using Multi-Scale Recurrent Patterns with Smooth Side-Match Criterion
* Multiframe nonrigid motion analysis with anisotropic spatial constraints: applications to cardiac image analysis
* Multiframe Selective Information Fusion From Robust Error Estimation Theory
* Multigrid Approach to Image Processing, A
* Multimedia Retrieval Using Multiple Examples
* Multimodal Dance Training System based on Motion Analysis
* Multimodal information fusion for video concept detection
* Multimodal Salient Objects: General Building Blocks of Semantic Video Concepts
* Multiple Description Coding with Error Correction Capabilities: An Application to Motion JPEG 2000
* Multiple description wavelet coding of layered video
* Multiple Facial Feature Tracking Using Multi-cue Based Prediction Model
* Multiple motion segmentation with level sets without prior information
* Multiple view tracking of humans modelled by kinematic chains
* Multiple-description coding for robust image watermarking
* Multiplicative multiresolution decomposition for 2D signals: application to speckle reduction in sar images
* Multipurpose Image Watermarking Algorithm Based on Multistage Vector Quantization
* Multiresolution fragile watermarking using complex chirp signal for content integrity verification
* Multiscale Active Contours
* Multiscale Connected Operators
* Multiscale Handwriting Characterization for Writers' Classification
* Multiscale segmentation of textured sonar images using cooccurence statistics
* Multiscale surface representation and rendering for point clouds
* Multiscale, asymmetry signatures for texture analysis
* Multisensor raster and vector data fusion based on uncertainty modeling
* multistage fast motion estimation scheme for video compression, A
* Multivariate Regression via Stiefel Manifold Constraints
* multiview 3D modeling system based on stereo vision techniques, A
* Mumford-Shah Model Based Man-Made Objects Detection from Aerial Images
* Naive bayes face/nonface classifier: a study of preprocessing and feature extraction techniques
* Natural Language Processing of Patents and Technical Documentation
* Natural Scene Retrieval Based on a Semantic Modeling Step
* Navigation Regimes for Off-Road Autonomy
* Near-linear Time Algorithm for Binarization of Fingerprint Images Using Distance Transform, A
* Network friendly media security: rationales, solutions, and open issues
* Neural Network Classifier for Junk E-Mail, A
* Neuroanatomy Registration: An Algebraic-Topology Based Approach
* New Adaptive Partial Distortion Search Using Clustered Pixel Matching Error Characteristic
* new algorithm for collusion resistant video watermarking, A
* new application of texture unit coding to mass classification for mammograms, A
* New Approach on Multimodal Biometrics Based on Combining Neural Networks Using AdaBoost, A
* new approach to automatic music video summarization, A
* New Approach to Personal Identification in Large Databases by Hierarchical Palmprint Coding with Multi-features, A
* new approach to thinning based on time-reversed heat conduction model, A
* new color transform for RGB coding, A
* New Enhanced Nearest Feature Space (ENFS) Classifier for Gabor Wavelets Features-Based Face Recognition, A
* new facial expression recognition technique using 2-D DCT and K-means algorithm, A
* new family of embedded multiple description scalar quantizers, A
* new feature clustering method for object detection with an active camera, A
* New features for affine-invariant shape classification
* New Features for Authentication by On-Line Handwritten Signatures
* new maximum margin algorithm for one-class problems and its boosting implementation, A
* New Multi-baseline Stereo by Counting Interest Points
* new multiple description layered coding method over ad-hoc network, A
* new palette histogram similarity measure for mpeg-7 dominant color descriptor, A
* New Photo Consistency Test for Voxel Coloring, A
* new rate control scheme for H.264 video coding, A
* New real-time watermarking algorithm for compressed video in vlc domain
* new representation of character shape and its use in on-line character recognition by a self organizing map, A
* New Robust Technique for Stabilizing Brightness Fluctuations in Image Sequences, A
* New scaling technique for direct mode coding in B pictures
* new similarity measure using Hausdorff distance map, A
* new subdivision based approach for piecewise smooth approximation of 3D polygonal curves, A
* New Technique for Local Symmetry Estimation, A
* New Time Distributed DCT Architecture for MPEG-4 Hardware Reference Model, A
* News sports video shot classification with sports play field and motion features
* News Video Mining Method Based on Statistical Analysis and Visualization, A
* No-reference quality assessment for jpeg2000 compressed images
* Noise reduction and interlaced-to-progressive conversion based on optimal adaptation
* Noise reduction of images with multiple subband transforms
* Noise removal and impainting model for IRIS image
* noisy chaotic neural network approach to image denoising, A
* Non rigid registration of shapes via diffeomorphic point matching and clustering
* Non-convex PDE Scale Space, A
* Non-photorealistic rendering from multiple images
* Non-uniform quantizer design for image data hiding
* nondestructive automated defect detection system for silicon carbide wafers, A
* Nonlinear warping function recovery by scan-line search using dynamic programming
* normalized model for color-ratio based demosaicking schemes, A
* novel 2D shape matching algorithm based on B-spline modeling, A
* Novel aircraft type recognition with learning capabilities in satellite images
* novel boundary handling scheme for arbitrary object shape in video and image compression, A
* novel combined fisherfaces framework, A
* novel compressed domain shot segmentation algorithm on H.264/AVC, A
* novel digital image watermarking scheme using blind source separation, A
* Novel Digitizing Pen for the Analysis of Pen Pressure and Inclination in Handwriting Biometrics, A
* novel flatted hexagon search pattern for fast block motion estimation, A
* Novel frame interpolation method for hold-type displays
* novel hashing algorithm for video sequences, A
* novel image recognition method based on feature-extraction vector scheme, A
* novel lossy-to-lossless watermarking scheme for JEPG2000 images, A
* novel progressive thick slab paradigm for volumetric medical image compression and navigation, A
* novel pupil localization method based on GaborEye model and radial symmetry operator, A
* Novel Scheme for Fingerprint Identification, A
* novel two-steps strategy for automatic GIS-image registration, A
* novel visual distortion sensitivity analysis for video encoder bit allocation, A
* Novel Wearable System for Capturing User View Images, A
* Novelty Detection in Image Sequences with Dynamic Background
* Null Space Approach of Fisher Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition
* Numerical experiments on the accuracy of rotation moments invariants
* O.G.R.E.: Open Gestures Recognition Engine, a Platform for Gesture-Based Communication and Interaction
* Object color propagation in an unregistered distributed video sensor network
* Object Detection System using Image Reconstruction with PCA, An
* Object recognition based on binary partition trees
* Object Segmentation and Ontologies for MPEG-2 Video Indexing and Retrieval
* Object tracking by adaptive feature extraction
* Object-based video coding using a dynamic coding approach
* Off-line Signature Verification System Based on Fusion of Local and Global Information, An
* Omni-directional face detection based on real adaboost
* On a Kernels, Lévy Processes, and Natural Image Statistics
* On automatic determination of varying focal lengths using semidefinite programming
* On Correcting the Unevenness of Angle Distributions Arising from Integer Ratios Lying in Restricted Portions of the Farey Plane
* On decoder-latency versus performance tradeoffs in differential predictive coding
* On Image Reconstruction from Multiscale Top Points
* On information hiding with incomplete information about steganalysis
* On line predictive appearance-based tracking
* On Optimal Estimate of Directional Maps for Fingerprint Images
* On packetization of JPEG2000 code-streams in wireless channels
* On Processing and Registration of Forward-Scan Acoustic Video Imagery
* On Recognizable Infinite Array Languages
* On resizing images in the DCT domain
* On Security Notions of Steganographic Systems
* On Similarity-Invariant Fairness Measures
* On the Language of Standard Discrete Planes and Surfaces
* On the Number of Digitizations of a Disc Depending on Its Position
* On the Reconstruction of Crystals Through Discrete Tomography
* On the Source of Asymmetry in Image Registration Problems
* On Topological Watersheds
* On-line handwritten chinese character recognition using a radical-based affine transformation
* On-Line Signature Verification Based on Discrete Wavelet Domain Adaptive Signal Processing
* On-Line Signature Verification Based on PCA (Principal Component Analysis) and MCA (Minor Component Analysis)
* On-Line Signature Verification by Explicit Solution to the Point Correspondence Problem
* On-line writer recognition for Thai based on velocity of barycenter of pen-point movement
* On-the-Fly Training
* one-dimensional analysis for the probability of error of linear classifiers for normally distributed classes, A
* One-Pass Incremental Membership Authentication by Face Classification
* One-time calibration eye gaze detection system
* Online Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Learning for Video Applications
* Online face recognition system for videos based on modified probabilistic neural networks
* Optimal bit allocation for MPEG-4 multiple video objects
* Optimal Block Boundary Pre/Postfiltering for Wavelet-Based Image and Video Compression
* Optimal erasure protection for scalably compressed video streams with limited retransmission on channels with IID and bursty loss characteristics
* Optimal hierarchical representation and simulation of cloth and deformable objects
* Optimal multiresolution polygonal approximation
* Optimal Nonlinear Extension of Linear Filters Based on Distributed Arithmetic, An
* Optimal object-based video communications over differentiated services networks
* Optimal per-pixel estimation for scalable video coding
* Optimal rate and input format control for content and context adaptive video streaming
* Optimal retransmission timeout selection for delay-constrainfd multimedia communications
* Optimal segmentation of signals and its application to image denoising and boundary feature extraction
* Optimal sensor selection for video-based target tracking in a wireless sensor network
* Optimal sparse representations for blind source separation and blind deconvolution: a learning approach
* Optimal Subspace Analysis for Face Recognition, An
* Optimal thresholding for key generation based on biometrics
* Optimal video summarization with a bit budget constraint
* Optimal watermark detection on interpolated images under noise
* Optimization of h264 for low delay video communications over lossy channels
* Optimized filtering and reconstruction in predictive quantization with losses
* Optimized space frequency kernel for texture classification
* Optimized space sampling for circular image cube trajectory analysis
* Optimum bit allocation for FGS video coding
* Order Filter with Progressively Decimated Filtering Window: Application to Colour Image Enhancement
* Over-complete representation and fusion for semantic concept detection
* Over-sampled and under-sampled Pre/post-filters for block DCT coders
* Overlap pattern synthesis with an efficient nearest neighbor classifier
* Overlay and peer-to-peer multicast with network-embedded FEC
* Overlay multi-hop fec scheme for video streaming over peer-to-peer networks
* Overview of the CREST Digital Archiving Project: Digital Archiving of Cultural Heritage Objects Using Observation and Computer Vision Techniques
* Palette reordering under an exponential power distribution model of prediction residuals
* Palmprint Acquisition Device with Time-Sharing Light Source Used in Personal Verification, A
* Palmprint Authentication System for Civil Applications
* Panoramic stereo reconstruction using non-SVP optics
* para-pseudo inverse based method for reconstruction of filter bank frame-expanded signals from erasures, A
* parallel mediated reality platform, A
* Parametric and Non-parametric Methods for Linear Extraction
* partial differential equation approach to image zoom, A
* Patch-Duplets for Object Recognition and Pose Estimation
* Path Openings and Closings
* Path-based morphological openings
* Pattern Mining in Large-Scale Image and Video Sources
* Pattern recognition in compressed dct domain
* PCA-based watermarking scheme for tamper-proof of web pages, A
* PDE-Based Deconvolution with Forward-Backward Diffusivities and Diffusion Tensors
* PDE-Based Robust Robotic Navigation
* Peer-to-peer multipoint videoconferencing
* peer-to-peer video-on-demand system using multiple description coding and server diversity, A
* People monitoring using face recognition with observation constraints
* People Tracking using Robust Motion Detection and Estimation
* Perception and Synthesis of Biologically Plausible Motion: From Human Physiology to Virtual Reality
* Perceptual image quality assessment based on bayesian networks
* Perceptual Influence of Spatiotemporal Noise on the Reconstruction of Shape from Dynamic Occlusion, The
* Perceptual model based data embedding in medical images
* Perceptual quality metrics: evaluation of individual components
* Perceptually weighted distortion measure in low bitrate block based video coders
* Perceptually-adaptive pre-processing for motion-compensated residue in video coding
* Perceptually-tuned multiscale color-texture segmentation
* Perfect reconstruction deinterlacer banks for field scalable video compression
* Performance analysis of an improved tensor based correspondence algorithm for automatic 3d modeling
* Performance assessment of a visual attention system entirely based on a human vision modeling
* Performance evaluation of back-projection and range migration algorithms in foliage penetration radar imaging
* Performance Evaluation of Binarizations of Scanned Insect Footprints
* Performance Evaluation of Symbol Recognition
* Performance versus Computational Complexity Trade-Off in Face Verification
* Perfusion Analysis of Nonlinear Liver Ultrasound Images Based on Nonlinear Matrix Diffusion
* Person authentication using ASM based lip shape and intensity information
* Personal Identification and Verification: Fusion of Palmprint Representations
* Phase Based Image Reconstruction in the Monogenic Scale Space
* Phase Contrast MRI Segmentation Using Velocity and Intensity
* Photogrammetric reconstruction of free-form objects with curvilinear structures
* Photometric Stereo via Locality Sensitive High-Dimension Hashing
* Physical Layout Analysis of Complex Structured Arabic Documents Using Artificial Neural Nets
* Piecewise Constant Level Set Methods and Image Segmentation
* pinhole camera modeling of motion vector field for tennis video analysis, A
* Pixel recovery via el minimization in the wavelet domain
* Pixel-to-Pixel Matching for Image Recognition Using Hungarian Graph Matching
* Planar rectification by solving the intersection of two circles under 2D homography
* Platform to Extract Knowledge from Graphic Documents. Application to an Architectural Sketch Understanding Scenario, A
* Playing Air Instruments: Mimicry of Sound-Producing Gestures by Novices and Experts
* POI Detection Using Channel Clustering and the 2D Energy Tensor
* Point to Point Calibration Method of Structured Light for Facial Data Reconstruction
* Polarization-based Shape Estimation of Transparent Objects for Digitizing Cultural Assets
* Polyphase spatial subsampling multiple description coding of video streams with h264
* Pose and illumination compensation for 3D face recognition
* Pose Estimation for Multi-camera Systems
* Pose estimation using feature correspondences and DTM
* Pose Invariant Face Recognition Under Arbitrary Unknown Lighting Using Spherical Harmonics
* Pose Invariant Face Recognition Using Linear Pose Transformation in Feature Space
* Possibilistic support vector machines
* Post-processing of Handwritten Pitman's Shorthand Using Unigram and Heuristic Approaches
* Posture recognition of nuclear power plant operators by supervised learning
* Power-Rate-Distortion Analysis for Wireless Video Communication Under Energy Constraints
* practical algorithm to correct geometrical distortion of image acquisition cameras, A
* Practical Gaze Point Detecting System
* Practical Interface Experiments with Implant Technology
* Practical low bit rate predictive image coder using multi-rate processing and adaptive entropy coding
* Practical Region-Based Matching for Stereo Vision
* Practical Version of Wong's Watermarking Technique, A
* Precise Robot-Assisted Guide Positioning for Distal Locking of Intramedullary Nails
* Prediction-error based reversible watermarking
* Predictive Discretization During Model Selection
* Preprocessing and Segmentation of Bad Quality Machine Typed Documents
* Prior Knowledge Based Motion Model Representation
* Private Fingerprint Verification without Local Storage
* Probabilistic Approach to Large Displacement Optical Flow and Occlusion Detection, A
* probabilistic cooperation between trackers of coupled objects, A
* Probabilistic Framework for Articulated Shape Recognition, A
* probabilistic framework for object recognition in video, A
* Probabilistic Framework for Robust and Accurate Matching of Point Clouds, A
* probabilistic framework for segmentation and tracking of multiple non rigid objects for video surveillance, A
* Probabilistic logic with minimum perplexity: Application to language modeling
* Probabilistic Tracking of the Soccer Ball
* Processing of wavelet transform data for improved image compression
* Progress in Sign and Gesture Recognition
* Progressive compression of 3d dynamic mesh sequences
* Progressive polygon encoding of segmentation maps
* Progressive protection of jpeg2000 codestreams
* Pronunciation Clustering and Modeling of Variability for Appearance-Based Sign Language Recognition
* Proposal of the hybrid spectral gradient method to extract character-text regions from general scene images
* Pruning Approach for GMM-Based Speaker Verification in Mobile Embedded Systems, A
* public-key authentication watermarking for binary images, A
* QIM watermarking games
* Quality and complexity comparison of H.264 intra mode with JPEG2000 and JPEG
* Quantitative analysis of lymphocyte membrane protein redistribution from fluorescence microscopy
* Quantitative analysis of resolution synthesis
* Quantitative Comparison of 4 Algorithms for Recovering Dense Accurate Depth, A
* Quantitative steganalysis of binary images
* Quasi-Linear Algorithms for the Topological Watershed
* Quaternion wavelets for image analysis and processing
* Radon Transform Orientation Estimation for Rotation Invariant Texture Analysis
* Radon/ridgelet signature for image authentication
* Ranger finder device and camera
* Rapid Evaluation of the Handwriting Performance for Gesture Based Text Input
* Rate and decoding power constrained video coding scheme for mobile multimedia players
* Rate distortion analysis of leaky prediction layered video coding using quantization noise modeling
* Rate estimation for H.264/AVC spatial resolution reduction
* rate-constrafned key-frame extraction scheme for channel-aware video streaming, A
* Rate-constrained adaptive FEC for video over erasure channels with memory
* Rate-distortion analysis of random access for compressed light fields
* Rate-distortion bounds for motion compensated rate scalable video coders
* Rate-distortion modeling of scalable video coders
* Rate-distortion optimal joint macroblock mode selection and motion estimation for mpeg-like video coders
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Streaming for 3-D Wavelet Video
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Streaming of Video with Multiple Independent Encodings
* Rate-distortion optimized video coding with stopping rules: Quality and complexity
* Rate-distortion-complexity adaptive video compression and streaming
* Rate-distortion-complexity optimization of fast motion estimation in H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
* Re-illuminating single images using Albedo estimation
* Re-sampling for Chinese Sign Language Recognition
* Real Time High Speed Measurement of Photogrammetric Targets
* Real Time Segmentation and Tracking of Face and Hands in VR Applications
* Real-Time Acrobatic Gesture Analysis
* Real-time Detection of Faces in Video Streams
* Real-Time Focusing Algorithm for Iris Recognition Camera, A
* Real-time H.264/AVC codec on Intel architectures
* Real-time multiple people tracking using competitive condensation
* Real-Time Person Tracking and Pointing Gesture Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction
* Real-time temporal texture characterisation using block based motion co-occurrence statistics
* Real-Time Video Indexing System for Live Digital Broadcast TV Programs
* Real-Time Video Surveillance with Self-Organizing Maps
* Recognition and Tracking of the Members of a Moving Human Body
* Recognition of Deictic Gestures for Wearable Computing
* Recognition of Deictic Gestures with Context
* Recognition of human and animal movement using infrared video streams
* Recognition of Partially Occluded Objects Using Perfect Hashing: An Efficient and Robust Approach
* Recognition of partly occluded person actions in meeting scenarios
* Recognizing Freeform Digital Ink Annotations
* Recognizing Hand-Raising Gestures using HMM
* Reconstruction of 3D tooth images
* Reconstruction of High-Resolution Facial Image Using Recursive Error Back-Projection
* Reconstruction of Nonuniformly Sampled Images in Spline Spaces
* Reconstruction, Registration, and Modeling of Deformable Object Shapes
* Reconstruction-free matching for fingerprint sweep sensors
* Recovering field of view lines by using projective invariants
* Recovering imaging device sensitivities: a data-driven approach
* Recovery of Distorted Shapes Obtained from the Flying Laser Range Sensor for Large-Scale Cultural Heritages
* Recursive algorithm based on fuzzy 2-partition entropy for 2-level image thresholding
* recursive approach for de-interlacing using improved ELA and motion compensation based on bi-directional BMA, A
* Recursive decoder distortion estimation based on AF(1) source modeling for video
* Recursive temporal denoising and motion estimation of video
* Reduced cross-discrimination for discriminative filters
* Reduced-complexity biometric recognition using 1-D cross-sections of correlation filters
* Reducing Silicon Fingerprint Sensor Area
* Reduction of Feature Statistics Estimation Error for Small Training Sample Size in Off-Line Signature Verification
* Redundancy Pyramid and Its Application to Segmentation on an Image Sequence, The
* Redundant image representations in security applications
* Reference line approach for vector data compression
* Reflectance correction for perspiring faces
* Refractive and Specular 3D Shape by Light-Path Reconstruction
* region based multiple frame-rate tradeoff of video streaming, A
* Region correspondence for image retrieval using graph-theoretic approach and maximum likelihood estimation
* Region-based coding of motion fields for low-bitrate video compression
* region-based method for graph to image registration with an application to cadastre data, A
* Region-oriented compression of multispectral images by shape-adaptive wavelet transform and SPIHT
* Registration and Modeling of Elastic Deformations of Fingerprints
* Registration Uncertainty for Robot Self-localization in 3D
* Regularity and Scale-Space Properties of Fractional High Order Linear Filtering
* Regularization studies on LDA for face recognition
* Relating words and image segments on multiple layers for effective browsing and retrieval
* Relations Between Higher Order TV Regularization and Support Vector Regression
* Relations Between Regularization and Diffusion Filtering
* Relativistic Scale-Spaces
* Relevance Feedback for Keyword and Visual Feature-Based Image Retrieval
* Relevance Feedback Reinforced with Semantics Accumulation
* Remeshing algorithm for multiresolution prior model in segmentation
* Resampling 4-D Images Using Adaptive Filtering
* Resizing of images in the DCT space by arbitrary factors
* Restoration and demosaicing for pixel mixture images in dsc video clips
* Restoration of halftoned color-quantized images using projection onto convex sets
* Results of a Study on Invoice-Reading Systems in Germany
* Retin al: an active learning strategy for image category retrieval
* Retinex by Two Bilateral Filters
* Retrieving ClipArt Images by Content
* Reversible Data Hiding
* Reversible Data Hiding Using Integer Wavelet Transform and Companding Technique
* Reversible data-embedding with a hierarchical structure
* Riesz-Transforms Versus Derivatives: On the Relationship Between the Boundary Tensor and the Energy Tensor
* robust and non-iterative estimation method of multiple 2d motions, A
* Robust automatic selection of optimal views in multi-view free-form object recognition
* Robust bayesian cameras motion estimation using random sampling
* Robust Braille Recognition System, A
* Robust circle detection using a weighted MSE estimator
* Robust correction step for CFA interpolation schemes
* Robust ego-motion estimation and 3d model refinement using depth based parallax model
* Robust Encoding of Local Ordinal Measures: A General Framework of Iris Recognition
* Robust Estimation of Amplitude Modification for Scalar Costa Scheme Based Audio Watermark Detection
* robust face detector under partial occlusion, A
* robust feature extraction framework for face recognition, A
* Robust Fingerprint Minutiae Matching Algorithm Based on the Support Model, A
* Robust Frequency Domain Audio Watermarking: A Tuning Analysis
* robust method for recovering geometric proxy from multiple panoramic images, A
* Robust motion-based image segmentation using fusion
* Robust nose detection in 3d facial data using local characteristics
* Robust optical flow from photometric invariants
* Robust perceptual image hashing using feature points
* Robust perceptual image hashing via matrix invariants
* Robust Pose Estimation for Arbitrary Objects in Complex Scenes
* Robust real-time 3D head pose estimation from range data
* Robust reconstruction of 3d points from images
* Robust shape based two hand tracker
* robust shape-from-shading using multiple surface normal approximations, A
* Robust skin segmentation using neighborhood information
* robust speckle reducing anisotropic diffusion, A
* robust spread-spectrum watermarking method using two-level quantization, A
* Robust video signature based on ordinal measure
* Robust video transmission using H.264 and real-valued BCH frames
* Robust visual similarity retrieval in single model face databases
* Robust Watermarking on Polygonal Meshes Using Distribution of Vertex Norms
* Robust wireless transmission of regions of interest in jpeg2000
* Rotation and cropping resilient data hiding with zernike moments
* Rotation and scale insensitive image watermarking
* Rotation invariant texture classification using directional filter bank and support vector machine
* Rotation invariant texture features using rotated complex wavelet for content based image retrieval
* Rotation of foveated image in the wavelet domain
* Rotation-Invariant Multiresolution Texture Analysis Using Radon and Wavelet Transforms
* RST resilient object-based video watermarking scheme, A
* Rule-Based Structural Analysis of Web Pages
* saliency grouping field, The
* Salient Objects: Semantic Building Blocks for Image Concept Interpretation
* Salient Regions for Query by Image Content
* SAR image formation via inversion of radon transforms
* SAR Image Segmentation with Active Contours and Level Sets
* Scalable coding of variable size blocks motion vectors
* scalable model-based hand posture analysis system, A
* Scalable motion vector coding
* Scalable predictive coding by nested quantization with layered side information
* Scalable video coding based on motion-compensated temporal filtering: complexity and functionality analysis
* Scale and rotation invariant texture features from the dual-tree complex wavelet transform
* Scale Invariant Texture Analysis Using Multi-scale Local Autocorrelation Features
* Scale Space Method for Volume Preserving Image Registration, A
* Scale-based formulations of statistical self-similarity in images
* Scale-Invariant Object Categorization Using a Scale-Adaptive Mean-Shift Search
* Scale-Space Analysis of a Contour Figure Using a Crystalline Flow, A
* Scale-Space Generation via Uncertainty Principles
* Scene Reconstruction with Sparse Range Information
* SCULPTEUR: Multimedia Retrieval for Museums
* seamlessly multiplexed embedded codec (SMEC) and its application in image coding, The
* Search for Genericity in Graphics Recognition Applications: Design Issues of the Qgar Software System, The
* Search window size decision for motion estimation algorithm in H.264 video coder
* Searching for an Optimal Reference System for On-Line Signature Verification Based on (x, y) Alignment
* secure image authentication algorithm with pixel-level tamper localization, A
* Secure Internet-Based Personal Identity Verification System Using Lossless Watermarking and Fingerprint Recognition, A
* Secure media streaming and secure adaptation for non-scalable video
* Secure Protocol for Data Hiding in Compressed Fingerprint Images, A
* Secure transcoding with JPSEC confidentiality and authentication
* Security analysis for key generation systems using face images
* Security evaluation for communication-friendly encryption of multimedia
* Seeing the Trees before the Forest
* Segment-Based Hand Pose Estimation
* Segmentation and Feature Extraction to Evaluate the Stomach Dynamic
* Segmentation based disparity estimation using color and depth information
* Segmentation of anatomical structures from 3D brain MRI using automatically-built statistical shape models
* Segmentation of Handwritten Characters for Digitalizing Korean Historical Documents
* Segmentation of Laparoscopic Images: Integrating Graph-Based Segmentation and Multistage Region Merging
* Segmentation of microscope cell images via adaptive eigenfilters
* Segmentation of object regions using depth information
* Segmentation of regions in jpeg compressed medical images
* Segmentation of remote-sensing images by supervised TS-MRF
* Segmentation-driven perceptual quality metrics
* Segmentation-Free Recognition Technique to Assist Old Greek Handwritten Manuscript OCR, A
* Selective FEC for error-resilient image coding and transmission using similarity check functions
* Selective-Attention Correlation Measure for Precision Video Tracking
* Self quotient image for face recognition
* Self-organizing Maps and Ancient Documents
* Semantic Event Detection in Sports Through Motion Understanding
* Semantic Typicality Measure for Natural Scene Categorization, A
* Semantic units based events detection in soccer videos
* Semantic-Based System for Querying Personal Digital Libraries, A
* Semantic-based traffic video retrieval using activity pattern analysis
* Semi-automatic road detection from satellite imagery
* Semi-supervised Kernel Regression Using Whitened Function Classes
* semi-supervised support vector machine for texture segmentation, A
* Separating useful from useless image variation for face recognition
* Sequential Probabilistic Grass Field Segmentation of Soccer Video Images
* Sequential updating algorithm for extracting the basis of Karhunen-Loeve Transformation
* Serialized k-Means for Adaptative Color Image Segmentation
* set theoretic approach to target detection using spectral signature statistics, A
* Shape analysis of concrete aggregates for statistical quality modeling
* Shape classification of partially occluded objects using subspace detectors
* Shape estimation of 3-D DNA molecules from stereo cryo-electron micro-graphs
* Shape from Shading Under Coplanar Light Sources
* Shape gradient for multi-modal image segmentation using mutual information
* Shape Preserving Sampling and Reconstruction of Grayscale Images
* Shape prior based segmentation for organ deformation correction
* Shape reconstruction for color objects using segmentation and photometric stereo
* Shape-adaptive coding using binary set splitting with k-d trees
* Shape-From-Silhouette Across Time Part II: Applications to Human Modeling and Markerless Motion Tracking
* Shape-Tree Semilattice
* Sharing of motion vectors in 3D video coding
* Sharing video annotations
* Sharpening-demosaicking method for removal of image blurs caused by an optical low-pass filter
* Shear-resize factorizations for fast multi-modal volume registration
* Shift-invariant wavelet denoising using interscale dependency
* Short N-Secure Fingerprinting Code for Image
* Short/long-term motion vector prediction in multi-frame video coding system
* Silhouette Based Human Motion Estimation
* similarity-based adaptive neighborhood method for correlation-based stereo matching, A
* simple and fast color-based human face detection scheme for content-based indexing and retrieval, A
* Simple AVC-based codecs with spatial scalability
* Simple New Method for Precise Lens Distortion Correction of Low Cost Camera Systems, A
* Simple Points and Generic Axiomatized Digital Surface-Structures
* Simplified digital holographic reconstruction using statistical methods
* simplified method of endoscopic image distortion correction based on grey level registration, A
* Simulation of Hemiplegic Subjects' Locomotion
* Simultaneous and Causal Appearance Learning and Tracking
* Simultaneous background and foreground modeling for tracking in surveillance video
* Simultaneous Object Tracking and Recognition by Nearest Neighbor Traversing Graph
* Single-frame text super-resolution: a bayesian approach
* Singular value decomposition in additive, multiplicative, and logistic forms
* Singularity Avoidance in Uncalibrated Visual Servoing
* SINR, bit error rate, and shannon capacity optimized spread-spectrum steganography
* SKCS: New kernel family with compact support
* Skeletons of 3D Shapes
* Sketch-Based Shape Retrieval Using Length and Curvature of 2D Digital Contours
* Skilled Forgery Detection in On-Line Signatures: A Multimodal Approach
* Slice group based multiple description video coding using motion vector estimation
* Small Sample Size Performance of Evolutionary Algorithms for Adaptive Image Retrieval
* small-size chinese font display by perception-based method, A
* smart camera for face recognition, A
* Smart image sensor for high speed in-focus detection
* Snake-Aided Automatic Organ Delineation
* SNR-scalable extension of H.264/AVC
* soccer field tracking method with wire frame model from tv images, A
* Soft Biometric Traits for Personal Recognition Systems
* Soft Double Regularization Approach to Parametric Blind Image Deconvolution, A
* Soft shape context for iterative closest point registration
* Software-Controlled Cache Architecture for Energy Efficiency
* Some Experiments in the Gestural Control of Synthesized Sonic Textures
* Source separation in noisy astrophysical images modelled by markov random fields
* Space-Dependent Color Gamut Mapping: A Variational Approach
* Sparse Finite Element Level-Sets for Anisotropic Boundary Detection in 3D Images
* Sparse Multinomial Logistic Regression: Fast Algorithms and Generalization Bounds
* Sparse representation of images with hybrid linear models
* Spatial Decomposition of the Hough Transform
* Spatial scalability and compression efficiency within a flexible motion compensated 3D-DWT
* Spatialised Semantic Relations in French Sign Language: Toward a Computational Modelling
* Spatio-temporal Segmentation Using Laser-scanner and Video Sequences
* Speaker Identification Using Higher Order Spectral Phase Features and their Effectiveness vis-a-vis Mel-Cepstral Features
* Speaker Modeling with Various Speech Representations
* Specification of the Observation Model for Regularized Image Up-Sampling
* Speckle image analysis of cortical blood flow and perfusion using temporally derived contrasts
* Spectral Scene Separating: Illumination distribution and Surface Spectral reflectance
* Spectral Subband Centroids as Complementary Features for Speaker Authentication
* Stabilised Nonlinear Inverse Diffusion for Approximating Hyperbolic PDEs
* Stability of Top-Points in Scale Space
* STACS: New Active Contour Scheme for Cardiac MR Image Segmentation
* state space approach to noise reduction of 3D fluorescent microscopy images, A
* State-of-the-Art in Human-Computer Interaction, The
* Statistical Learning of Evaluation Function for ASM/AAM Image Alignment
* Statistical Measure for Evaluating Regions-of-Interest Based Attention Algorithms, A
* Statistical solution to watershed over-segmentation
* Statistical transformations of frontal models for non-frontal face verification
* Steganalysis of quantization index modulation data hiding
* Steganographic Scheme Using a Block Cipher
* Stereo head/face detection and tracking
* Stereo-based human head detection from crowd scenes
* Stereoscopic image generation based on depth images
* Still-to-Video Face Verification System Using Advanced Correlation Filters, A
* Stochastic modeling of volume images with a 3-d hidden markov model
* Stochastic QIM Algorithm for Robust, Undetectable Image Watermarking, A
* Stochastic Structure of Images, The
* Stratified Self-Calibration Method for a Stereo Rig in Planar Motion with Varying Intrinsic Parameters, A
* STRICT: An Image Retrieval Platform for Queries Based on Regional Content
* Structure Detection of Dance Sequence using Motion Capture and Musical Information
* Structure from Motion using SIFT Features and the PH Transform with Panoramic Imagery
* Structure of Shapes Scale Space Aspects of the (pre-) Symmetry Set, The
* structure-from-motion method for 3-d reconstruction of moving objects from multiple-view image sequences, A
* Structured light system configuration determination for efficient 3d surface reconstruction
* Structuring Soccer Video Based on Audio Classification and Segmentation Using Hidden Markov Model
* Study of the Distinctiveness of Level 2 and Level 3 Features in Fragmentary Fingerprint Comparison
* study on a watermarking method for both copyright protection and tamper detection, A
* study on fast rate-distortion optimized coding mode decision for H.264, A
* Study on Supervised Classification of Remote Sensing Satellite Image by Bayesian Algorithm Using Average Fuzzy Intracluster Distance, A
* Sub-Pixel Estimation Error Cancellation on Area-Based Matching
* Sub-pixel registration and estimation of local shifts directly in the fourier domain
* Subject Interfaces: Measuring Bodily Activation During an Emotional Experience of Music
* Subjective assessment of H.264/AVC video for low-bitrate multimedia messaging services
* Submillimeter Measurement of Cup Migration in Clinical Standard Radiographs
* suitable image hiding scheme for jpeg images, A
* Sunlight Illumination Simulation for Archaeological Investigation: Case Study of the Fugoppe Cave
* Super-resolution with significant illumination change
* Supercover of Non-square and Non-cubic Grids
* supervised nonlinear local embedding for face recognition, A
* Supervised parametric and non-parametric classification of chromosome images
* Surface height recovery from surface normals using manifold embedding
* Surface radiance: empirical data against model predictions
* Surface segmentation using a modified ball-pivoting algorithm
* Surface Smoothing for Enhancement of 3D Data Using Curvature-Based Adaptive Regularization
* survey on ISAR autofocusing techniques, A
* SVC2004: First International Signature Verification Competition
* SVM-Based Feature Selection by Direct Objective Minimisation
* SVM-based method for face recognition using a wavelet PCA representation of faces, A
* Symmetry feature in content-based image retrieval
* Synthesizing Movements for Computer Game Characters
* System for Choreographic Simulation of Ballet Using a 3D Motion Archive on the Web, A
* system for human identification from X-ray dental radiographs, A
* system to detect houses and residential street networks in multispectral satellite images, A
* Systematic Approach for Feature Extraction in Fingerprint Images, A
* Systematic Lossy Forward Error Protection for Error-Resilient Digital Video Broadcasting: A Wyner-Ziv Coding Approach
* Target Dependent Score Normalization Techniques and Their Application to Signature Verification
* Task model of lower body motion for a humanoid robot to imitate human dances
* Task-Based User Evaluation of Content-Based Image Database Browsing Systems
* Taut-String Algorithm and Regularization Programs with G-Norm Data Fit
* Techniques for improving stereo depth maps of faces
* Techniques for temporal registration of retinal images
* Temporal color video demosaicking via motion estimation and optimal data fusing
* Temporal filtering of wavelet-compressed motion imagery
* Temporal Measures of Hand and Speech Coordination During French Cued Speech Production
* Temporal stabilization of Video Object Segmentation for 3D-TV applications
* Temporal video segmentation using global motion estimation and discrete curve evolution
* Tennis Video Analysis Based on Transformed Motion Vectors
* Tensor Algebra: A Combinatorial Approach to the Projective Geometry of Figures
* Test-Bed for Region-Based Image Retrieval Using Multiple Segmentation Algorithms and the MPEG-7 eXperimentation Model: The Schema Reference System, A
* Texture analysis based on local analysis of the Bidimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition
* Texture analysis using adaptive biorthogonal wavelet packets
* Texture characterization and compression based on human perception in the JPEG2000 framework
* Texture classification based on spatial dependence features using co-occurrence matrices and markov random fields
* Texture classification of SARS infected region in radiographic image
* Texture discrimination using multimodal wavelet packet subbands
* Texture Feature Extraction and Selection for Classification of Images in a Sequence
* Texture Mapping via Spherical Multi-dimensional Scaling
* Texture segmentation using directional empirical mode decomposition
* Texture Segmentation using LBP embedded Region Competition
* Texture similarity evaluation using ordinal co-occurrence
* Theoretical analysis of some regularized image denoising methods
* Theoretical analysis on optimum word length assignment for integer DCT
* Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Linear Combiners for Multiple Classifier Systems, A
* Thinning by Curvature Flow
* Three Interfaces for Content-Based Access to Image Collections
* Three-dimensional face recognition: an eigensurface approach
* Three-dimensional intrinsic shape
* Tikhonov regularization versus scale space: A new result
* Tilting at Windmills: Adventures in Attempting to Reconstruct Don Quixote
* Time-constraint boost for TV commercials detection
* Time-efficient learning theoretic algorithms for H.264 mode selection
* Time-frequency based radar image formation
* Topic Threading for Structuring a Large-Scale News Video Archive
* Topological Structure of Scale-Space Images, The
* Topology Inference for a Vision-Based Sensor Network
* Total Variation Motion Adaptive Deinterlacing Scheme, A
* Toward an improved error metric
* Toward Personalized Digital Library for Providing Information JIT
* Toward Ubiquitous Acceptance of Biometric Authentication: Template Protection Techniques
* Towards a fractioned treatment in conformal radiotherapy using 3d-multimodal data registration
* Towards a Large Scale Concept Ontology for Broadcast Video
* Towards a new diagnosis aid of cardiovascular diseases using 2d-multimodal data registration and 3d-data superimposition
* Towards a Robust Face Detector
* Towards an Automated Dental Identification System (ADIS)
* Towards Complete Free-Form Reconstruction of Complex 3D Scenes from an Unordered Set of Uncalibrated Images
* Towards computer-assisted photo-identification of humpback whales
* Towards the Public but Noninvertible Watermarking
* Towards unsupervised attention object extraction by integrating visual attention and object growing
* traceable content-adaptive fingerprinting for multimedia, A
* Tracking deformable objects in geospatial applications
* Tracking Football Players with Multiple Cameras
* Tracking multiple people with recovery from partial and total occlusion
* training-based no-reference image quality assessment algorithm, A
* trajectory-based ball detection and tracking algorithm in broadcast tennis video, A
* Trajectory-based video retrieval by string matching
* Transmission protocols for streaming video over wireless
* Transparent information hiding with automatic embedding range selection for ownership verification
* Tree Edit Distances from Singularity Theory
* Tree Species Recognition with Fuzzy Texture Parameters
* Tree structured hybrid intra prediction
* Trinity College Dublin 1872 Online Catalogue, The
* Tunable Nearest Neighbor Classifier
* Two layer segmentation for handling pathological motion in degraded post production media
* Two-Dimensional Discrete Morphing
* Two-dimensional discriminant transform for face recognition
* Two-dimensional FLD for face recognition
* two-dimensional lifting scheme of integer wavelet transform for lossless image compression, A
* Two-Stage Dimensional Reduction Approach to Low-Dimensional Representation of Facial Images, A
* Two-Stage Image Segmentation by Adaptive Thresholding and Gradient Watershed
* two-stage variable block size motion search algorithm for H.264 encoder, A
* Two-Step Area Based Method for Automatic Tight Segmentation of Zona Pellucida in HMC Images of Human Embryos, A
* Typical Sequences Extraction and Recognition
* Unbiased Errors-In-Variables Estimation Using Generalized Eigensystem Analysis
* Uncalibrated stereo rectification for automatic 3d surveillance
* Unconstrained free-viewpoint video coding
* unified adaptive approach to accurate skin detection, A
* Unified Approach to Image Distortion: D-U and U-D Models
* Unified Stochastic Model for Detecting and Tracking Faces, A
* Uniform motion-compensated 5/3 filterhank for subband video coding
* Unifying local and global content-based similarities for home photo retrieval
* Uniqueness of blur measure
* Unity Is Strength: Coupling Media for Thematic Segmentation
* Universal and Personalized Access to Content via J2ME Terminals in the DYMAS System
* Universal minimax binary image denoising under channel uncertainty
* Unsupervised Motion Detection Using a Markovian Temporal Model with Global Spatial Constraints
* Unsupervised segmentation algorithm of HRTEM images
* Unsupervised Text Segmentation Using Color and Wavelet Features
* Upper Body Pose Estimation from Stereo and Hand-Face Tracking
* Upper-Limb Posture Definition During Grasping with Task and Environment Constraints
* Use of Image Subset Features in Image Retrieval with Self-Organizing Maps
* Use of Multiresolution Wavelet Feature Pyramids for Automatic Registration of Multisensor Imagery
* User Authentication through Typing Biometrics Features
* User Strategies in Video Retrieval: A Case Study
* User-Centred System for End-to-End Secure Multimedia Content Delivery: From Content Annotation to Consumer Consumption, A
* Using a Generalized Linear Mixed Model to Study the Configuration Space of a PCA+LDA Human Face Recognition Algorithm
* Using Maximum Entropy for Automatic Image Annotation
* Using Multi-matching System Based on a Simplified Deformable Model of the Human Iris for Iris Recognition
* Using multiscale top points in image matching
* Using natural image properties as demosaicing hints
* Using Otoacoustic Emissions as a Biometric
* Using Pattern Recognition for Self-Localization in Semiconductor Manufacturing Systems
* Using Signing Space as a Representation for Sign Language Processing
* Using Structure for Video Object Retrieval
* Using Vanishing Points To Correct Camera Rotation In Images
* Utilising objective perceptual image quality metrics for implicit link adaptation
* Variable block-size transform and entropy coding at the enhancement layer of FGS
* Variable metric for binary vector quantization
* Variant Design in Immersive Virtual Reality: A Markup Language for Scalable CSG Parts
* Variational Image Binarization and its Multi-Scale Realizations
* Variational Image Registration Approach Based on Curvature Scale Space, A
* Variational Optical Flow Computation in Real Time
* Various image taking strategies for 3-d object modeling based on multiple cameras
* Vector transport for shape-from-shading
* Vectorization-Free Reconstruction of 3D CAD Models from Paper Drawings
* Video Cataloging System for Real-Time Scene Change Detection of News Video
* video coding system for sign language communication at low bit rates, A
* Video Content Classification Based on 3-D Eigen Analysis
* Video Content Foraging
* Video Content Representation as Salient Regions of Activity
* Video Degradation Model and Its Application to Character Recognition in e-Learning Videos
* Video encoder complexity reduction by estimating skip mode distortion
* Video mining: pattern discovery versus pattern recognition
* Video multicast over lossy channels based on distributed source coding
* Video Post-Processing with Adaptive 3-D Filters for Wavelet Ringing Artifact Removal
* Video Program Clustering Indexing Based on Face Recognition Hybrid Model of Hidden Markov Model and Support Vector Machine
* Video quality metric for low bitrate compressed videos
* Video Segmentation Using Hidden Markov Model with Multimodal Features
* Video Summarization and Retrieval System Using Face Recognition and MPEG-7 Descriptors
* Video Watermarking Using the 3-D Wavelet Transform and Two Perceptual Watermarks, A
* Video with Ground-Truth for Validation of Visual Registration, Tracking and Navigation Algorithms
* Video-Based Framework for Face Recognition in Video
* Videoconferencing over an intermediate-proxy
* View Matching with Blob Features
* View-dependent nonuniform sampling for image-based rendering
* Virtual Kawaradera: Fast Shadow Texture for Augmented Reality
* Virtual Touch Screen for Mixed Reality
* Virtual view synthesis through linear processing without geometry
* Virtual Visual Hulls: Example-Based 3D Shape Inference from Silhouettes
* Viscous Lattices
* Viscous Watershed Transform, The
* Visibility of individual packet losses in MPEG-2 video
* Vision-Based Gestural Guidance Interface for Mobile Robotic Platforms, A
* Visual attention based ROI maps from gaze tracking data
* Visual Clustering of Trademarks Using a Component-Based Matching Framework
* Visual content adaptation for low vision users in MPEG-21 framework
* Visual echo cancellation in a projector-camera-whiteboard system
* Visual Model Approach for Parsing Colonoscopy Videos, A
* Visual object recognition using probabilistic kernel subspace similarity
* Visual Sign Language Recognition Based on HMMs and Auto-regressive HMMs
* Vortex and Source Particles for Fluid Motion Estimation
* Watch List Face Surveillance Using Transductive Inference
* Water video analysis
* Watermarking 3D shapes using local moments
* Watermarking Attack: Security of WSS Techniques
* Watermarking color histograms
* Watermarking for JPEG Image Authentication Surviving Integer Rounding in Decompression
* Watermarking of 3d models for data hiding
* Watermarking of MPEG-4 Videos
* Watermarking robust against analog vcr recording
* Watermarking System for QoS Aware Content Adaptation
* Watermarking Technique for Authentication of 3-D Polygonal Meshes
* Wavelet approximation-based affine invariant 2-d shape matching and classification
* Wavelet difference reduction with region-of-interest priority in multispectral video: Small Target Detection
* wavelet domain hierarchical hidden Markov model, A
* Wavelet image coding by dilation-run algorithm
* Wavelet-based color filter array demosaicking
* Wavelet-based contourlet transform and its application to image coding
* Wavelet-Based Two-Stage Near-Lossless Coder, A
* Weighted average spatio-temporal update operator for subband video coding
* Weighted Segmented Digital Watermarking
* What Can I Tell from Your Face?
* What's News, What's Not? Associating News Videos with Words
* When Faces Are Combined with Palmprints: A Novel Biometric Fusion Strategy
* Which Stereo Matching Algorithm for Accurate 3D Face Creation?
* Window-Based Hybrid Signature Verification System, A
* Wireless transmission of images using JPEG2000
* Word Grouping in Document Images Based on Voronoi Tessellation
* Word-Wise Script Identification from Indian Documents
* Writer Identification Method Based on Forensic Knowledge
* Writer Identification Using Dynamic Features
* Writer Identification Using Finger-Bend in Writing Signature
* Wyner-ZIV video coding with hash-based motion compensation at the receiver
* XML Documents Within a Legal Domain: Standards and Tools for the Italian Legislative Environment
* Z-Tilings of Polyominoes and Standard Basis
* Zoom based super-resolution through SAR model fitting
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