Cyber( Vol No. )
* *IEEE Tranactions on Cybernetics
* 3-D Rigid Body Tracking Using Vision and Depth Sensors
* Accurate Estimation of Human Body Orientation From RGB-D Sensors
* Activity Discovery and Activity Recognition: A New Partnership
* Adaptation of Hidden Markov Models for Recognizing Speech of Reduced Frame Rate
* Animation Control of Surface Motion Capture
* Art Critic: Multisignal Vision and Speech Interaction System in a Gaming Context
* Autofocus of Iris Patterns Using a Triangle Aperture
* Bayesian Framework for Active Artificial Perception, A
* Bayesian Supervised Dimensionality Reduction
* Co.Vi.Wo.: Color Visual Words Based on Non-Predefined Size Codebooks
* Computer vision for RGB-D sensors: Kinect and its applications
* Convergence of Evolutionary Algorithms on the n-Dimensional Continuous Space
* Correcting Scale Drift by Object Recognition in Single-Camera SLAM
* Depth-Aware Image Seam Carving
* Depth-Color Fusion Strategy for 3-D Scene Modeling With Kinect
* Describing and Recognizing Patterns of Events in Smart Environments With Description Logic
* Discriminative Exemplar Coding for Sign Language Recognition With Kinect
* Distributed Sensor Fusion for Scalar Field Mapping Using Mobile Sensor Networks
* Effect of Sound on Visual Fidelity Perception in Stereoscopic 3-D, The
* Efficient Genetic Algorithm for Maximum Coverage Deployment in Wireless Sensor Networks, An
* Enhanced Computer Vision With Microsoft Kinect Sensor: A Review
* Exponential Local Discriminant Embedding and Its Application to Face Recognition
* Fast and Robust Level Set Method for Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy Clustering and Lattice Boltzmann Method, A
* Free-Viewpoint Video of Human Actors Using Multiple Handheld Kinects
* Fusing Visual and Behavioral Cues for Modeling User Experience in Games
* Fuzzy Neural Network Technique for System State Forecasting
* GFM-Based Methods for Speaker Identification
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Modern Control for Computer Games
* HCI2 Framework: A Software Framework for Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction Systems
* Hierarchical Feature Extraction With Local Neural Response for Image Recognition
* How Much Control Is Enough? Influence of Unreliable Input on User Experience
* Image and Video Restorations via Nonlocal Kernel Regression
* Image Cosegmentation by Incorporating Color Reward Strategy and Active Contour Model
* Improving the Generalization Capacity of Cascade Classifiers
* Incremental Learning for Video-Based Gait Recognition With LBP Flow
* Intrinsic Image Decomposition Using Optimization and User Scribbles
* Inverse Dynamics for Action Recognition
* Joint Attention by Gaze Interpolation and Saliency
* Laplacian Eigenmap With Temporal Constraints for Local Abnormality Detection in Crowded Scenes
* LDFT-Based Watermarking Resilient to Local Desynchronization Attacks
* Learning Discriminative Key Poses for Action Recognition
* Linear Tracking for 3-D Medical Ultrasound Imaging
* Memetic Algorithm for Real-Time Combinatorial Stochastic Simulation Optimization Problems With Performance Analysis
* Most Probable Longest Common Subsequence for Recognition of Gesture Character Input
* Multilevel Depth and Image Fusion for Human Activity Detection
* Multiple Model Approach to Track Head Orientation With Delta Quaternions, A
* n, k, p)-Gray Code for Image Systems
* Nonlinear Dynamic Model for Visual Object Tracking on Grassmann Manifolds With Partial Occlusion Handling
* Nonsymmetric Mixture Model for Unsupervised Image Segmentation, A
* Novel Decision-Tree Method for Structured Continuous-Label Classification, A
* Occupancy Mapping and Surface Reconstruction Using Local Gaussian Processes With Kinect Sensors
* Particle Swarm Optimization for Feature Selection in Classification: A Multi-Objective Approach
* Rank Preserving Sparse Learning for Kinect Based Scene Classification
* Real-Time Multiple Human Perception With Color-Depth Cameras on a Mobile Robot
* Real-Time Posture Reconstruction for Microsoft Kinect
* Strip Features for Fast Object Detection
* Target Localization Using Ensemble Support Vector Regression in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Tensor Body: Real-Time Reconstruction of the Human Body and Avatar Synthesis From RGB-D
* Toward Efficient Computation of the Dempster-Shafer Belief Theoretic Conditionals
* Tracking Control of Mobile Robots Localized via Chained Fusion of Discrete and Continuous Epipolar Geometry, IMU and Odometry
* Unbounded Motion Optimization by Developmental Learning
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* 4-D Facial Expression Recognition by Learning Geometric Deformations
* Affective State Level Recognition in Naturalistic Facial and Vocal Expressions
* Alternatively Constrained Dictionary Learning For Image Superresolution
* Automated Adjustment of Region-Based Active Contour Parameters Using Local Image Geometry
* Automated Graph Regularized Projective Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Document Clustering
* Biometric Recognition Based on Free-Text Keystroke Dynamics
* Constrained Concept Factorization for Image Representation
* Constraint Neighborhood Projections for Semi-Supervised Clustering
* Cost-Sensitive AdaBoost Algorithm for Ordinal Regression Based on Extreme Learning Machine
* Data Uncertainty in Face Recognition
* Detection of Moving Objects Using Multi-channel Kernel Fuzzy Correlogram Based Background Subtraction
* Development and Investigation of a Long-Range Time-of-Flight and Color Imaging System
* Discriminative BoW Framework for Mobile Landmark Recognition
* Discriminative Object Tracking via Sparse Representation and Online Dictionary Learning
* Distributed Object Detection With Linear SVMs
* Dominance-Based Ranking Functions for Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets
* Dynamic Appearance Descriptor Approach to Facial Actions Temporal Modeling, A
* Dynamic Path Planning Approach for Multirobot Sensor-Based Coverage Considering Energy Constraints, A
* Ecological Sampling of Gaze Shifts
* Efficient and Robust Pupil Size and Blink Estimation From Near-Field Video Sequences for Human-Machine Interaction
* Efficient Interval Type-2 Fuzzy CMAC for Chaos Time-Series Prediction and Synchronization, An
* Efficient Iterative Pose Estimation Using an Invariant to Rotations
* Efficient Model Selection for Mixtures of Probabilistic PCA Via Hierarchical BIC
* Evolutionary Algorithms With Segment-Based Search for Multiobjective Optimization Problems
* Exemplar-Based Human Action Pose Correction
* Exposure Fusion Using Boosting Laplacian Pyramid
* Expressive Body Movement Responses to Music Are Coherent, Consistent, and Low Dimensional
* Extremely High-Dimensional Feature Selection via Feature Generating Samplings
* Facial Skin Beautification Using Adaptive Region-Aware Masks
* Feature Correlation Hypergraph: Exploiting High-order Potentials for Multimodal Recognition
* Feature Selection Inspired Classifier Ensemble Reduction
* Fisher Discriminant Analysis With L1-Norm
* Framework for Periodic Outlier Pattern Detection in Time-Series Sequences, A
* From Heuristic Optimization to Dictionary Learning: A Review and Comprehensive Comparison of Image Denoising Algorithms
* Generalization Performance of Regularized Regression Algorithms Based on Markov Sampling, The
* Generalized Laplacian Eigenmaps for Modeling and Tracking Human Motions
* Hierarchical Heuristic Search Using a Gaussian Mixture Model for UAV Coverage Planning
* High-Order Distance-Based Multiview Stochastic Learning in Image Classification
* Human Body Segmentation via Data-Driven Graph Cut
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Functional Data Analysis
* Image Annotation by Multiple-Instance Learning With Discriminative Feature Mapping and Selection
* Introducing Memory and Association Mechanism Into a Biologically Inspired Visual Model
* KANTS: A Stigmergic Ant Algorithm for Cluster Analysis and Swarm Art
* Learning From Errors in Super-Resolution
* Loop Closure Detection by Algorithmic Information Theory: Implemented on Range and Camera Image Data
* Low-Computational Approach on Gaze Estimation With Eye Touch System, A
* Low-Level Feature Extraction for Edge Detection Using Genetic Programming
* Many-to-Many Superpixel Matching for Robust Tracking
* Minimizing Illumination Differences for 3D to 2D Face Recognition Using Lighting Maps
* Monocular 3-D Gait Tracking in Surveillance Scenes
* Multilevel Chinese Takeaway Process and Label-Based Processes for Rule Induction in the Context of Automated Sports Video Annotation
* Multiple-Feature and Multiple-Kernel Scene Segmentation Algorithm for Humanoid Robot, A
* Multiresolution Imaging
* NCC-RANSAC: A Fast Plane Extraction Method for 3-D Range Data Segmentation
* New Approach to Classifier Fusion Based on Upper Integral, A
* Non-Naive Bayesian Classifiers for Classification Problems With Continuous Attributes
* Nonlinear Adaptive Level Set for Image Segmentation, A
* Nonparallel Support Vector Machines for Pattern Classification
* Novel Strategy for Solving the Stochastic Point Location Problem Using a Hierarchical Searching Scheme, A
* Occlusion Handling via Random Subspace Classifiers for Human Detection
* Optimal Object Association in the Dempster-Shafer Framework
* Optimal Swarm Formation for Odor Plume Finding
* Principal Component Analysis by L_p-Norm Maximization
* Radial Basis Function Based Neural Network for Motion Detection in Dynamic Scenes
* Reduced-Complexity Data-Fusion Algorithm Using Belief Propagation for Location Tracking in Heterogeneous Observations, A
* Relative Saliency Model over Multiple Images with an Application to Yarn Surface Evaluation
* Reweighted Low-Rank Matrix Recovery and its Application in Image Restoration
* Robust Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Under Noisy Audio-Video Conditions
* Robust Face Recognition via Adaptive Sparse Representation
* Robust Object Tracking With Reacquisition Ability Using Online Learned Detector
* Robust Vision-Based Sensor Fusion Approach for Real-Time Pose Estimation, A
* Route 20, Autobahn 7, and Slime Mold: Approximating the Longest Roads in USA and Germany With Slime Mold on 3-D Terrains
* Sensor-Driven Area Coverage for an Autonomous Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Significant Body Point Labeling and Tracking
* Social Image Tagging With Diverse Semantics
* Spatially Informative Optic Flow Model of Bee Colony With Saccadic Flight Strategy for Global Optimization, A
* Spatio-Temporal Laplacian Pyramid Coding for Action Recognition
* Spectral Embedded Hashing for Scalable Image Retrieval
* Spherical Blurred Shape Model for 3-D Object and Pose Recognition: Quantitative Analysis and HCI Applications in Smart Environments
* Structural Generative Descriptions for Time Series Classification
* Symmetry Constraint for Foreground Extraction
* Three-Domain Fuzzy Support Vector Regression for Image Denoising and Experimental Studies, A
* Topological Coding and Its Application in the Refinement of SIFT
* TOPSIS-Based Consensus Model for Group Decision-Making With Incomplete Interval Fuzzy Preference Relations
* Visual Words Assignment Via Information-Theoretic Manifold Embedding
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* 3-D Facial Landmark Localization With Asymmetry Patterns and Shape Regression from Incomplete Local Features
* 3-D Human Action Recognition by Shape Analysis of Motion Trajectories on Riemannian Manifold
* 3-D Model-Based Tracking for UAV Indoor Localization
* Accelerometer-Based Gait Recognition by Sparse Representation of Signature Points With Clusters
* Adaptive Ranking Mutation Operator Based Differential Evolution for Constrained Optimization
* Bio-inspired Group Modeling and Analysis for Intruder Detection in Mobile Sensor/Robotic Networks
* Biologically Inspired Visual Model With Preliminary Cognition and Active Attention Adjustment
* Boosting for Multi-Graph Classification
* Collaborative Fuzzy Clustering From Multiple Weighted Views
* Collaborative Multifeature Fusion for Transductive Spectral Learning
* Consistent Depth Video Segmentation Using Adaptive Surface Models
* Content-Based Visual Landmark Search via Multimodal Hypergraph Learning
* Dense Multiperson Tracking with Robust Hierarchical Linear Assignment
* Direct Solution to the Minimal Generalized Pose
* Discriminative and Compact Coding for Robust Face Recognition
* Distributed Soft-Data-Constrained Multi-Model Particle Filter
* Effects of Controlled Element Dynamics on Human Feedforward Behavior in Ramp-Tracking Tasks
* Efficient Video Stitching Based on Fast Structure Deformation
* Estimating Position of Mobile Robots From Omnidirectional Vision Using an Adaptive Algorithm
* Evolutionary Fuzzy Control and Navigation for Two Wheeled Robots Cooperatively Carrying an Object in Unknown Environments
* Evolutionary Multiobjective Image Feature Extraction in the Presence of Noise
* Evolutionary Path Control Strategy for Solving Many-Objective Optimization Problem
* Evolving Transport Networks With Cellular Automata Models Inspired by Slime Mould
* Fault Diagnosis in Discrete-Event Systems with Incomplete Models: Learnability and Diagnosability
* Feature Selection Based on Dependency Margin
* Feature Selection in Supervised Saliency Prediction
* Fuzzy Integral-Based Gaze Control of a Robotic Head for Human Robot Interaction
* Generalization Ability of SVM Classification Based on Markov Sampling, The
* Genetic-Algorithm-Based Explicit Description of Object Contour and its Ability to Facilitate Recognition, A
* Graph Ensemble Boosting for Imbalanced Noisy Graph Stream Classification
* Graph-Based Segmentation for RGB-D Data Using 3-D Geometry Enhanced Superpixels
* Hand-Dorsa Vein Recognition by Matching Local Features of Multisource Keypoints
* Hierarchical Ensemble of Background Models for PTZ-Based Video Surveillance
* High-Order Statistics of Weber Local Descriptors for Image Representation
* Human Age Estimation Based on Locality and Ordinal Information
* Human-Like Behavior Generation Based on Head-Arms Model for Robot Tracking External Targets and Body Parts
* Hybrid Adaptive Classifier Ensemble
* Image Classification With Densely Sampled Image Windows and Generalized Adaptive Multiple Kernel Learning
* Image Pair Analysis With Matrix-Value Operator
* Image Search Reranking With Hierarchical Topic Awareness
* Integrated Framework for Human-Robot Collaborative Manipulation, An
* Joint Tensor Feature Analysis For Visual Object Recognition
* Key Point Detection by Max Pooling for Tracking
* Label Image Constrained Multiatlas Selection
* Large Scale Spectral Clustering Via Landmark-Based Sparse Representation
* Large Tanker Motion Model Identification Using Generalized Ellipsoidal Basis Function-Based Fuzzy Neural Networks
* Learning Computational Models of Video Memorability from fMRI Brain Imaging
* Learning Local Appearances With Sparse Representation for Robust and Fast Visual Tracking
* Learning Multiscale Active Facial Patches for Expression Analysis
* Manifold Adaptive Label Propagation for Face Clustering
* Methods for Multiloop Identification of Visual and Neuromuscular Pilot Responses
* Mining Spatial-Temporal Patterns and Structural Sparsity for Human Motion Data Denoising
* Multilayer Joint Gait-Pose Manifolds for Human Gait Motion Modeling
* Multilayer Obstacle-Avoiding X-Architecture Steiner Minimal Tree Construction Based on Particle Swarm Optimization
* Multipe/Single-View Human Action Recognition via Part-Induced Multitask Structural Learning
* Multirobot Path-Planning Strategy for Autonomous Wilderness Search and Rescue, A
* Multitask Spectral Clustering by Exploring Intertask Correlation
* Nonconvex Compressed Sensing by Nature-Inspired Optimization Algorithms
* Nonrigid Structure From Motion via Sparse Representation
* Object-Level High-Order Contextual Descriptor Based on Semantic, Spatial, and Scale Cues, An
* Online Anomaly Detection in Crowd Scenes via Structure Analysis
* Online Signature Verification Based on DCT and Sparse Representation
* Online State-Based Structured SVM Combined With Incremental PCA for Robust Visual Tracking
* Parameter Selection of Gaussian Kernel for One-Class SVM
* Person Reidentification by Minimum Classification Error-Based KISS Metric Learning
* Pose Estimation for General Cameras Using Lines
* Prototype-Based Discriminative Feature Learning for Kinship Verification
* Quasi-Dense Matching Approach and its Calibration Application with Internet Photos, A
* Real-Time Human Movement Retrieval and Assessment With Kinect Sensor
* Robust 2DPCA With Non-greedy L_1-Norm Maximization for Image Analysis
* Robust Face Clustering Via Tensor Decomposition
* Robust Match Fusion Using Optimization
* Scale and Orientation Invariant Text Segmentation for Born-Digital Compound Images
* Scene Parsing From an MAP Perspective
* Semi-Flocking Algorithm for Motion Control of Mobile Sensors in Large-Scale Surveillance Systems
* Semi-Supervised Multitask Learning for Scene Recognition
* Simultaneous Recognition and Modeling for Learning 3-D Object Models From Everyday Scenes
* Stochastic Framework for Robust Fuzzy Filtering and Analysis of Signals: Part II, A
* Temporal Bayesian Fusion for Affect Sensing: Combining Video, Audio, and Lexical Modalities
* Terrain Classification From Body-Mounted Cameras During Human Locomotion
* Texture Classification and Retrieval Using Shearlets and Linear Regression
* Treelets Binary Feature Retrieval for Fast Keypoint Recognition
* Variational Approach to Simultaneous Image Segmentation and Bias Correction, A
* Video, Text, and Speech-Driven Realistic 3-D Virtual Head for Human-Machine Interface, A
* Visual Tracking via Weighted Local Cosine Similarity
* Visual-Patch-Attention-Aware Saliency Detection
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* Adaptive Norm Selection for Regularized Image Restoration and Super-Resolution
* Adaptive Robust Online Constructive Fuzzy Control of a Complex Surface Vehicle System
* Analysis of Image Contrast: From Quality Assessment to Automatic Enhancement, The
* Architecture-Driven Level Set Optimization: From Clustering to Subpixel Image Segmentation
* Automated GPR Rebar Analysis for Robotic Bridge Deck Evaluation
* Binarization With Boosting and Oversampling for Multiclass Classification
* Biologically Inspired Model for Visual Cognition Achieving Unsupervised Episodic and Semantic Feature Learning
* Block-Row Sparse Multiview Multilabel Learning for Image Classification
* Classification Algorithm for Electroencephalography Signals by Self-Induced Emotional Stimuli, A
* Classifying Discriminative Features for Blur Detection
* Coupled Dictionary Learning for the Detail-Enhanced Synthesis of 3-D Facial Expressions
* Creating Discriminative Models for Time Series Classification and Clustering by HMM Ensembles
* Crowd Event Detection on Optical Flow Manifolds
* Detection-Free Multiobject Tracking by Reconfigurable Inference With Bundle Representations
* Discrimination Between Native and Non-Native Speech Using Visual Features Only
* Discriminative Tracking Using Tensor Pooling
* Dynamic Scene Classification Using Redundant Spatial Scenelets
* Edge-Aware Filtering with Local Polynomial Approximation and Rectangle-Based Weighting
* EEG-Based Classification of Implicit Intention During Self-Relevant Sentence Reading
* Efficient and Robust Learning for Sustainable and Reacquisition-Enabled Hand Tracking
* Efficient Fine-to-Coarse Wayfinding Strategy for Robot Navigation in Regionalized Environments, An
* Enhanced Local Gradient Order Features and Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition
* Entropy Measurement for Biometric Verification Systems
* Event Detection in Twitter Microblogging
* Extending the Capture Volume of an Iris Recognition System Using Wavefront Coding and Super-Resolution
* Fast Image-Based Obstacle Detection From Unmanned Surface Vehicles
* Fast Sound Source Localization Using Two-Level Search Space Clustering
* Feature Set Evaluation for Offline Handwriting Recognition Systems: Application to the Recurrent Neural Network Model
* From the Symbolic Analysis of Virtual Faces to a Smiles Machine
* Generalized 2-D Principal Component Analysis by Lp-Norm for Image Analysis
* Gesture Recognition System for Detecting Behavioral Patterns of ADHD, A
* Good Practices for Learning to Recognize Actions Using FV and VLAD
* Hand-Eye Calibration in Visually-Guided Robot Grinding
* Heuristic Distributed Task Allocation Method for Multivehicle Multitask Problems and Its Application to Search and Rescue Scenario, A
* Hierarchical Model Predictive Image-Based Visual Servoing of Underwater Vehicles With Adaptive Neural Network Dynamic Control
* High Capacity Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images by Patch-Level Sparse Representation
* High-Order Energies for Stereo Segmentation
* Hybrid k-Nearest Neighbor Classifier
* Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection by Graph Pixel Selection
* Hyperspectral Image Classification via Multitask Joint Sparse Representation and Stepwise MRF Optimization
* Identification-Based Closed-Loop NMES Limb Tracking With Amplitude-Modulated Control Input
* Inference With Collaborative Model for Interactive Tumor Segmentation in Medical Image Sequences
* Infrared Ship Target Segmentation Based on Spatial Information Improved FCM
* Intensity Estimation of Spontaneous Facial Action Units Based on Their Sparsity Properties
* Intent Inference for Hand Pointing Gesture-Based Interactions in Vehicles
* Large-Scale Aerial Image Categorization Using a Multitask Topological Codebook
* Learning A Superpixel-Driven Speed Function for Level Set Tracking
* Learning Hierarchical Spectral-Spatial Features for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Learning Receptive Fields and Quality Lookups for Blind Quality Assessment of Stereoscopic Images
* Learning Spatio-Temporal Representations for Action Recognition: A Genetic Programming Approach
* Learning the Inverse Dynamics of Robotic Manipulators in Structured Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space
* Level Set Approach to Image Segmentation With Intensity Inhomogeneity, A
* Low-Complexity Hand Gesture Recognition System for Continuous Streams of Digits and Letters
* Multiobjective Vehicle Routing Problems With Simultaneous Delivery and Pickup and Time Windows: Formulation, Instances, and Algorithms
* Multistage Approach for Image Registration, A
* Multiview Uncorrelated Discriminant Analysis
* Near-Optimal Tracking Control of Mobile Robots Via Receding-Horizon Dual Heuristic Programming
* No-Reference Image Blur Assessment Based on Discrete Orthogonal Moments
* Novel Extreme Learning Control Framework of Unmanned Surface Vehicles, A
* On Configuration Trajectory Formation in Spatiotemporal Profile for Reproducing Human Hand Reaching Movement
* On Integral Invariants for Effective 3-D Motion Trajectory Matching and Recognition
* Optimal Decision-Making in an Opportunistic Sensing Problem
* Optimized Assistive Human-Robot Interaction Using Reinforcement Learning
* Perceptual Attributes Optimization for Multivideo Summarization
* Pervasive Sound Sensing: A Weakly Supervised Training Approach
* Principal Component 2-D Long Short-Term Memory for Font Recognition on Single Chinese Characters
* Promoting Interactions Between Humans and Robots Using Robotic Emotional Behavior
* Prototype Generation Using Multiobjective Particle Swarm Optimization for Nearest Neighbor Classification
* Relative Attribute SVM: Learning for Age Estimation
* Road Risk Modeling and Cloud-Aided Safety-Based Route Planning
* Robotic Assistance by Impedance Compensation for Hand Movements While Manual Welding
* Robotic Online Path Planning on Point Cloud
* Robust Semi-Supervised Subspace Clustering via Non-Negative Low-Rank Representation
* Robust Visual Tracking via Exclusive Context Modeling
* Salient Feature of Haptic-Based Guidance of People in Low Visibility Environments Using Hard Reins
* Semi-Supervised Nonnegative Matrix Factorization via Constraint Propagation
* Semi-Supervised SVM With Extended Hidden Features
* Semi-Supervised Text Classification With Universum Learning
* Simulating Kinect Infrared and Depth Images
* Spectral Multimodal Hashing and Its Application to Multimedia Retrieval
* Stochastic Framework for Robust Fuzzy Filtering and Analysis of Signals: Part I, A
* Synchronization of a Group of Mobile Agents With Variable Speeds Over Proximity Nets
* Time-Delay Neural Network for Continuous Emotional Dimension Prediction From Facial Expression Sequences
* Total Variation Regularized RPCA for Irregularly Moving Object Detection Under Dynamic Background
* Transfer Latent SVM for Joint Recognition and Localization of Actions in Videos
* Tree-Based Visualization and Optimization for Image Collection
* Two-Stage Learning to Predict Human Eye Fixations via SDAEs
* Unfalsified Visual Servoing for Simultaneous Object Recognition and Pose Tracking
* Unsupervised Local Feature Hashing for Image Similarity Search
* View Transformation Model Incorporating Quality Measures for Cross-View Gait Recognition
* Vision-Based Human Tracking Control of a Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Robot
* Visual Tracking via Random Walks on Graph Model
* Weakly Supervised Human Fixations Prediction
* Weakly Supervised Multilabel Clustering and its Applications in Computer Vision
* Weighted Average Consensus-Based Unscented Kalman Filtering
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* Adaptive Control of Semi-Autonomous Teleoperation System With Asymmetric Time-Varying Delays and Input Uncertainties
* Adaptive Neural Synchronization Control for Bilateral Teleoperation Systems With Time Delay and Backlash-Like Hysteresis
* Benchmarking a Multimodal and Multiview and Interactive Dataset for Human Action Recognition
* Bi-Level Semantic Representation Analysis for Multimedia Event Detection
* Correntropy Matching Pursuit With Application to Robust Digit and Face Recognition
* Coupled Deep Autoencoder for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Cross-Modal Retrieval With CNN Visual Features: A New Baseline
* Cross-View Retrieval via Probability-Based Semantics-Preserving Hashing
* Deep Multimodal Distance Metric Learning Using Click Constraints for Image Ranking
* Discriminant Kernel Assignment for Image Coding
* Distributed Time-Varying Formation Robust Tracking for General Linear Multiagent Systems With Parameter Uncertainties and External Disturbances
* Efficient Method for Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Extreme Learning Machine, An
* Energy-Efficient Distributed Filtering in Sensor Networks: A Unified Switched System Approach
* Evolutionary Dynamics of Collective Behavior Selection and Drift: Flocking, Collapse, and Oscillation
* Evolutionary Fuzzy Block-Matching-Based Camera Raw Image Denoising
* Evolutionary Metric-Learning-Based Recognition Algorithm for Online Isolated Persian/Arabic Characters, Reconstructed Using Inertial Pen Signals
* Excavation Equipment Recognition Based on Novel Acoustic Statistical Features
* Framework of Camera Source Identification Bayesian Game, A
* FUIQA: Fetal Ultrasound Image Quality Assessment With Deep Convolutional Networks
* Geometric Hypergraph Learning for Visual Tracking
* Geospatial Modeling Using Dempster-Shafer Theory
* Grassmannian Approach to Address View Change Problem in Gait Recognition, A
* GrCS: Granular Computing-Based Crowd Segmentation
* Half-Face Dictionary Integration for Representation-Based Classification
* Hazard Detection for Motorcycles via Accelerometers: A Self-Organizing Map Approach
* Hierarchical Relaxed Partitioning System for Activity Recognition
* Incremental Hashing for Semantic Image Retrieval in Nonstationary Environments
* Information Fusion of Passive Sensors for Detection of Moving Targets in Dynamic Environments
* Instance Annotation via Optimal BoW for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Integration of Global and Local Metrics for Domain Adaptation Learning Via Dimensionality Reduction
* Joint Dictionary Learning for Multispectral Change Detection
* Largest Matching Areas for Illumination and Occlusion Robust Face Recognition
* Latent Max-Margin Multitask Learning with Skelets for 3-D Action Recognition
* Low-Rank Discriminant Embedding for Multiview Learning
* Maximum Margin of Twin Spheres Support Vector Machine for Imbalanced Data Classification
* Micro-GA Embedded PSO Feature Selection Approach to Intelligent Facial Emotion Recognition, A
* Multimodal Image Registration With Line Segments by Selective Search
* Multisensor-Based Periodic Estimation in Sensor Networks With Transmission Constraint and Periodic Mixed Storage
* Multiview Convolutional Neural Networks for Multidocument Extractive Summarization
* Neural Network-Based Passivity Control of Teleoperation System Under Time-Varying Delays
* New Deformation Model of Biological Tissue for Surgery Simulation, A
* No-Reference Quality Metric of Contrast-Distorted Images Based on Information Maximization
* Noise Robust Face Image Super-Resolution Through Smooth Sparse Representation
* Noise-Filtered Under-Sampling Scheme for Imbalanced Classification, A
* On Solving the Problem of Identifying Unreliable Sensors Without a Knowledge of the Ground Truth: The Case of Stochastic Environments
* On-Board Object Detection: Multicue, Multimodal, and Multiview Random Forest of Local Experts
* One-Shot Learning of Human Activity With an MAP Adapted GMM and Simplex-HMM
* Perceptually Guided Photo Retargeting
* Person Reidentification in a Distributed Camera Network Framework
* Q-Learning Approach to Flocking With UAVs in a Stochastic Environment, A
* Rate and Distortion Optimization for Reversible Data Hiding Using Multiple Histogram Shifting
* Relational-Regularized Discriminative Sparse Learning for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
* Road Disturbance Estimation and Cloud-Aided Comfort-Based Route Planning
* Robust and Fast Method for Sidescan Sonar Image Segmentation Using Nonlocal Despeckling and Active Contour Model, A
* Robust Object Tracking via Key Patch Sparse Representation
* Rotational Invariant Dimensionality Reduction Algorithms
* Semi-Supervised Image-to-Video Adaptation for Video Action Recognition
* Semi-Supervised Method for Surveillance-Based Visual Location Recognition, A
* Single-Image Distance Measurement by a Smart Mobile Device
* SnapVideo: Personalized Video Generation for a Sightseeing Trip
* Spectral Contextual Classification of Hyperspectral Imagery With Probabilistic Relaxation Labeling
* Spectral-Spatial Shared Linear Regression for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Stacked Convolutional Denoising Auto-Encoders for Feature Representation
* Statistical Hypothesis Detector for Abnormal Event Detection in Crowded Scenes
* Superimposed Sparse Parameter Classifiers for Face Recognition
* Template Deformation-Based 3-D Reconstruction of Full Human Body Scans From Low-Cost Depth Cameras
* Temporal Restricted Visual Tracking Via Reverse-Low-Rank Sparse Learning
* Toward Simultaneous Visual Comfort and Depth Sensation Optimization for Stereoscopic 3-D Experience
* Trajectory Predictor by Using Recurrent Neural Networks in Visual Tracking
* Trifocal Tensor-Based Adaptive Visual Trajectory Tracking Control of Mobile Robots
* Ultrasound Standard Plane Detection Using a Composite Neural Network Framework
* Unsupervised Topic Hypergraph Hashing for Efficient Mobile Image Retrieval
* Visual Tracking With Convolutional Random Vector Functional Link Network
* Wearable Virtual Usher for Vision-Based Cognitive Indoor Navigation, A
* Weighted Joint Sparse Representation for Removing Mixed Noise in Image
* Weighted Optimization-Based Distributed Kalman Filter for Nonlinear Target Tracking in Collaborative Sensor Networks
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* 3-D Gabor Phase-Based Coding and Matching Framework for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification, A
* Adaptive Discrete Hypergraph Matching
* Adaptive Graph Matching
* Adaptive Neural Network Control for Robotic Manipulators With Unknown Deadzone
* Adaptive Trajectory Tracking of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots Using Vision-Based Position and Velocity Estimation
* Angle 2DPCA: A New Formulation for 2DPCA
* Automatic Facial Expression Recognition System Using Deep Network-Based Data Fusion
* Auxiliary Demographic Information Assisted Age Estimation With Cascaded Structure
* Background Extraction Using Random Walk Image Fusion
* Bayesian Intent Prediction in Object Tracking Using Bridging Distributions
* Bio-Inspired Approach to Traffic Network Equilibrium Assignment Problem, A
* Body Joint Guided 3-D Deep Convolutional Descriptors for Action Recognition
* Camera-Assisted Video Saliency Prediction and Its Applications
* Characteristic-Based Framework for Multiple Sequence Aligners, A
* CNNs-Based RGB-D Saliency Detection via Cross-View Transfer and Multiview Fusion
* Collective Behaviors of Mobile Robots Beyond the Nearest Neighbor Rules With Switching Topology
* Composite Backstepping Consensus Algorithms of Leader-Follower Higher-Order Nonlinear Multiagent Systems Subject to Mismatched Disturbances
* Compositional Model-Based Sketch Generator in Facial Entertainment
* Compressive-Sensing-Based Structure Identification for Multilayer Networks
* Connection Between Dynamic Region-Following Formation Control and Distributed Average Tracking, A
* Connectivity-Preserving Approach for Distributed Adaptive Synchronized Tracking of Networked Uncertain Nonholonomic Mobile Robots
* Constrained Superpixel Tracking
* Content-Driven Associative Memories for Color Image Patterns
* Cooperative Robots to Observe Moving Targets: Review
* Correlation Filter Learning Toward Peak Strength for Visual Tracking
* Correlation-Based Tracking of Multiple Targets With Hierarchical Layered Structure
* Deep Nonlinear Metric Learning for 3-D Shape Retrieval
* Deformable Parts Correlation Filters for Robust Visual Tracking
* Denoising Hyperspectral Image With Non-i.i.d. Noise Structure
* Dynamic Signature Verification System Based on One Real Signature
* Edge-Preserving Depth Map Upsampling by Joint Trilateral Filter
* Effects of Preview on Human Control Behavior in Tracking Tasks With Various Controlled Elements
* Engineering Deep Representations for Modeling Aesthetic Perception
* Expanding Training Data for Facial Image Super-Resolution
* Exploring Web Images to Enhance Skin Disease Analysis Under A Computer Vision Framework
* Fast and Accurate Poisson Denoising With Trainable Nonlinear Diffusion
* Fast Variable Structure Stochastic Automaton for Discovering and Tracking Spatiotemporal Event Patterns
* Feature Selection for Nonstationary Data: Application to Human Recognition Using Medical Biometrics
* Fixation Prediction and Visual Priority Maps for Biped Locomotion
* Formation Learning Control of Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles With Heterogeneous Nonlinear Uncertain Dynamics
* Fuzzy Sparse Autoencoder Framework for Single Image Per Person Face Recognition
* Gait Recognition Based on Normal Distance Maps
* Generalized Multi-View Embedding for Visual Recognition and Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Generic Deep-Learning-Based Approach for Automated Surface Inspection, A
* GII Representation-Based Cross-View Gait Recognition by Discriminative Projection With List-Wise Constraints
* Global Low-Rank Image Restoration With Gaussian Mixture Model
* Heterogeneous Face Recognition by Margin-Based Cross-Modality Metric Learning
* Incorporation of Efficient Second-Order Solvers Into Latent Factor Models for Accurate Prediction of Missing QoS Data
* Incremental Codebook Adaptation for Visual Representation and Categorization
* Information-Theoretic Performance Analysis of Sensor Networks via Markov Modeling of Time Series Data
* Intelligent Actuator Fault Reconstruction Scheme for Robotic Manipulators, An
* Joint Feature Selection and Classification for Multilabel Learning
* Joint-Feature Guided Depth Map Super-Resolution with Face Priors
* Key Frame Extraction in the Summary Space
* Landmark Image Retrieval by Jointing Feature Refinement and Multimodal Classifier Learning
* Large-Scale Sparse Learning From Noisy Tags for Semantic Segmentation
* Learning and Recognition of Clothing Genres From Full-Body Images
* Learning From Short Text Streams With Topic Drifts
* Learning Sparse Representation for Objective Image Retargeting Quality Assessment
* Locally Linear Approximation Approach for Incomplete Data
* Locally Weighted Ensemble Clustering
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Multiple Camera Target Tracking on Grassmann Tangent Subspace
* moGrams: A Network-Based Methodology for Visualizing the Set of Nondominated Solutions in Multiobjective Optimization
* Multiobjective Evolution of Biped Robot Gaits Using Advanced Continuous Ant-Colony Optimized Recurrent Neural Networks
* New Conflict Resolution Method for Multiple Mobile Robots in Cluttered Environments With Motion-Liveness, A
* Nonrigid Point Set Registration by Preserving Local Connectivity
* Novel Cyber Attack Detection Method in Networked Control Systems, A
* Novel Integer-Coded Memetic Algorithm for the Set-k-Cover Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks, A
* Nystrom Approximated Temporally Constrained Multisimilarity Spectral Clustering Approach for Movie Scene Detection
* Object Discovery via Cohesion Measurement
* Objective Model Selection for Identifying the Human Feedforward Response in Manual Control
* On the Exploration of Information From the DTW Cost Matrix for Online Signature Verification
* Overcomplete Dictionary-Based Directional Estimation Model and Nonconvex Reconstruction Methods, The
* Pairwise Identity Verification via Linear Concentrative Metric Learning
* Parallel Intelligent Systems for Integrated High-Speed Railway Operation Control and Dynamic Scheduling
* Person Reidentification via Discrepancy Matrix and Matrix Metric
* Quaternion Locality-Constrained Coding for Color Face Hallucination
* Real-Time Multimedia Social Event Detection in Microblog
* Robust Distributed Predictive Control of Waterborne AGVs: A Cooperative and Cost-Effective Approach
* Robust Face Hallucination via Locality-Constrained Bi-Layer Representation
* Robust Fusion of Color and Depth Data for RGB-D Target Tracking Using Adaptive Range-Invariant Depth Models and Spatio-Temporal Consistency Constraints
* Robust Gait Recognition by Integrating Inertial and RGBD Sensors
* Robust Visual Tracking via Online Discriminative and Low-Rank Dictionary Learning
* RRV: A Spatiotemporal Descriptor for Rigid Body Motion Recognition
* Scan-Line Forest Growing-Based Hand Segmentation Framework With Multipriority Vertex Stereo Matching for Wearable Devices, A
* Selective Sampling Importance Resampling Particle Filter Tracking With Multibag Subspace Restoration
* Semisupervised Prior Free Rare Category Detection With Mixed Criteria
* Simultaneous Spectral-Spatial Feature Selection and Extraction for Hyperspectral Images
* Static and Dynamic Synthesis of Bengali and Devanagari Signatures
* Study on the Security Levels of Spread-Spectrum Embedding Schemes in the WOA Framework, A
* Superpixel-Based Foreground Extraction With Fast Adaptive Trimaps
* Thermal Augmented Expression Recognition
* Towards Occlusion Handling: Object Tracking With Background Estimation
* Training-Based Gradient LBP Feature Models for Multiresolution Texture Classification
* Video Decolorization Using Visual Proximity Coherence Optimization
* View-Based 3-D Model Retrieval: A Benchmark
* Weakly Supervised Facial Action Unit Recognition With Domain Knowledge
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* 3-D Fully Convolutional Networks for Multimodal Isointense Infant Brain Image Segmentation
* Adaptive Consensus-Based Distributed Target Tracking With Dynamic Cluster in Sensor Networks
* Adaptive Semi-Supervised Classifier Ensemble for High Dimensional Data Classification
* Adaptive Tracking Control of Surface Vessel Using Optimized Backstepping Technique
* Aggregation of Classifiers: A Justifiable Information Granularity Approach
* Better Dense Trajectories by Motion in Videos
* Clothing Landmark Detection Using Deep Networks With Prior of Key Point Associations
* Consensus of Leader-Following Multiagent Systems: A Distributed Event-Triggered Impulsive Control Strategy
* Consensus-Based Odor Source Localization by Multiagent Systems
* Context-Aware Semantic Inpainting
* Deep Attention-Based Spatially Recursive Networks for Fine-Grained Visual Recognition
* Deep Self-Taught Hashing for Image Retrieval
* Describing Video With Attention-Based Bidirectional LSTM
* Dimension Reduction for Non-Gaussian Data by Adaptive Discriminative Analysis
* Effects of Target Signal Shape and System Dynamics on Feedforward in Manual Control
* EmotionMeter: A Multimodal Framework for Recognizing Human Emotions
* Error Transformation Approach for Connectivity-Preserving and Collision-Avoiding Formation Tracking of Networked Uncertain Underactuated Surface Vessels, An
* Estimation of the Volume of the Left Ventricle From MRI Images Using Deep Neural Networks
* Event-Based Rendezvous Control for a Group of Robots With Asynchronous Periodic Detection and Communication Time Delays
* Event-Triggered Coordination for Formation Tracking Control in Constrained Space With Limited Communication
* Face Detection With Different Scales Based on Faster R-CNN
* Facial Attribute Recognition by Recurrent Learning With Visual Fixation
* Fast Large-Scale Spectral Clustering via Explicit Feature Mapping
* Feature Learning Using Spatial-Spectral Hypergraph Discriminant Analysis for Hyperspectral Image
* Feature-Related Searching Control Model for Curve Detection
* Framework of Randomized Distribution Features for Visual Representation and Categorization
* Generalized Hidden-Mapping Transductive Transfer Learning for Recognition of Epileptic Electroencephalogram Signals
* Hough Forest With Optimized Leaves for Global Hand Pose Estimation With Arbitrary Postures
* Hybrid Level Set With Semantic Shape Constraint for Object Segmentation, A
* Image Representation and Learning With Graph-Laplacian Tucker Tensor Decomposition
* Improving Speech Related Facial Action Unit Recognition by Audiovisual Information Fusion
* Incremental Hash-Bit Learning for Semantic Image Retrieval in Nonstationary Environments
* Intelligent Safe Driving Methods Based on Hybrid Automata and Ensemble CART Algorithms for Multihigh-Speed Trains
* Kinematic Model for Swarm Finite-Time Trajectory Tracking, A
* Large-Scale Robust Semisupervised Classification
* Learning Latent Stable Patterns for Image Understanding With Weak and Noisy Labels
* Learning Stylometric Representations for Authorship Analysis
* Learning-Based Framework for Error Compensation in 3D Printing, A
* Longitudinally Guided Super-Resolution of Neonatal Brain Magnetic Resonance Images
* Low-Rank 2-D Neighborhood Preserving Projection for Enhanced Robust Image Representation
* Matching Larger Image Areas for Unconstrained Face Identification
* Multiagent Rendezvous With Shortest Distance to Convex Regions With Empty Intersection: Algorithms and Experiments
* Multiobject Tracking by Submodular Optimization
* Multiobjective Learning in the Model Space for Time Series Classification
* Multiobjective Sparse Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
* Multiview, Few-Labeled Object Categorization by Predicting Labels With View Consistency
* Noise-Induced Improvement of the Parkinsonian State: A Computational Study
* Novel Deep Learning-Based Collaborative Filtering Model for Recommendation System, A
* Odometry-Vision-Based Ground Vehicle Motion Estimation With SE(2)-Constrained SE(3) Poses
* Online Scale Adaptive Visual Tracking Based on Multilayer Convolutional Features
* p-Laplacian Regularization for Scene Recognition
* Pareto-Based Sparse Subspace Learning Framework, A
* Pornographic Image Recognition via Weighted Multiple Instance Learning
* Pricing Mechanism With Noncooperative Game and Revenue Sharing Contract in Electricity Market
* Reach-Avoid Games With Two Defenders and One Attacker: An Analytical Approach
* Regularized Gaussian Mixture Model for High-Dimensional Clustering
* Remote Nonlinear State Estimation With Stochastic Event-Triggered Sensor Schedule
* Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Minimum Spanning Superpixel Tree Detector
* Robust Landmark Detection and Position Measurement Based on Monocular Vision for Autonomous Aerial Refueling of UAVs
* R_1-2-DPCA and Face Recognition
* Scene Categorization Using Deeply Learned Gaze Shifting Kernel
* Semi-Supervised Salient Object Detection Using a Linear Feedback Control System Model
* SG-FCN: A Motion and Memory-Based Deep Learning Model for Video Saliency Detection
* Spatial-Temporal Recurrent Neural Network for Emotion Recognition
* Speedup 3-D Texture-Less Object Recognition Against Self-Occlusion for Intelligent Manufacturing
* Stereo Video Object Segmentation Using Stereoscopic Foreground Trajectories
* Taste Recognition in E-Tongue Using Local Discriminant Preservation Projection
* Tooth-Marked Tongue Recognition Using Multiple Instance Learning and CNN Features
* Trajectory Optimization of Space Maneuver Vehicle Using a Hybrid Optimal Control Solver
* Two-Stage Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm for Multiobjective Multidepot Vehicle Routing Problem With Time Windows, A
* Unsupervised Learning of 3-D Local Features From Raw Voxels Based on a Novel Permutation Voxelization Strategy
* UUV's Hierarchical DE-Based Motion Planning in a Semi Dynamic Underwater Wireless Sensor Network
* Velocity-Free Leader-Follower Cooperative Attitude Tracking of Multiple Rigid Bodies on SO(3)
* Visual Classification With Multikernel Shared Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model
* Visual Servoing of Wheeled Mobile Robots Without Desired Images
* Weighted General Group Lasso for Gene Selection in Cancer Classification
* Zero-Shot Learning via Latent Space Encoding
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* 3-D Scene Graph: A Sparse and Semantic Representation of Physical Environments for Intelligent Agents
* Ant Colony Optimization for the Control of Pollutant Spreading on Social Networks
* Automatic Leader-Follower Persistent Formation Generation With Minimum Agent-Movement in Various Switching Topologies
* Automatically Designing CNN Architectures Using the Genetic Algorithm for Image Classification
* Bionic Face Sketch Generator
* Blind Audio-Visual Localization and Separation via Low-Rank and Sparsity
* Blind Noisy Image Quality Assessment Using Sub-Band Kurtosis
* Context-Aware Deep Spatiotemporal Network for Hand Pose Estimation From Depth Images
* Context-Patch Face Hallucination Based on Thresholding Locality-Constrained Representation and Reproducing Learning
* Contextual Correlation Preserving Multiview Featured Graph Clustering
* Cooperative Moving-Target Enclosing of Networked Vehicles With Constant Linear Velocities
* Data-Driven Cyber Security in Perspective: Intelligent Traffic Analysis
* Deep Evaluator for Image Retargeting Quality by Geometrical and Contextual Interaction, A
* Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Imagery Based on Spatial-Spectral Manifold Learning
* Discrete Semantic Alignment Hashing for Cross-Media Retrieval
* Discriminative and Geometry-Aware Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Discriminative Cross-Modal Transfer Learning and Densely Cross-Level Feedback Fusion for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Enhancing Sketch-Based Image Retrieval by CNN Semantic Re-Ranking
* Ensemble Super-Resolution With a Reference Dataset
* Error Correction Regression Framework for Enhancing the Decoding Accuracies of Ear-EEG Brain-Computer Interfaces
* Estimation and Observability Analysis of Human Motion on Lie Groups
* Evaluation of Gaze Tracking Calibration for Longitudinal Biomedical Imaging Studies
* Feature Extraction for Classification of Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Using Patch-to-Patch CNN
* Fixed-Time Leader-Following Consensus for Multiple Wheeled Mobile Robots
* Fusion of Multiple Person Re-id Methods With Model and Data-Aware Abilities
* Generative and Discriminative Fuzzy Restricted Boltzmann Machine Learning for Text and Image Classification
* Going From RGB to RGBD Saliency: A Depth-Guided Transformation Model
* Hyperspectral Image Restoration Using Weighted Group Sparsity-Regularized Low-Rank Tensor Decomposition
* Importance of Vertices in Complex Networks Applied to Texture Analysis
* Incomplete Multiview Spectral Clustering With Adaptive Graph Learning
* Making Sense of Spatio-Temporal Preserving Representations for EEG-Based Human Intention Recognition
* Maneuvering Target Tracking With Event-Based Mixture Kalman Filter in Mobile Sensor Networks
* Modal Regression-Based Atomic Representation for Robust Face Recognition and Reconstruction
* Multisource Transfer Learning for Cross-Subject EEG Emotion Recognition
* Nonlocal Sparse Tensor Factorization for Semiblind Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Fusion
* Online Reinforcement Learning Control for the Personalization of a Robotic Knee Prosthesis
* Online Tool Condition Monitoring Based on Parsimonious Ensemble+
* Outdoor Shadow Estimating Using Multiclass Geometric Decomposition Based on BLS
* Output-Feedback Cooperative Formation Maneuvering of Autonomous Surface Vehicles With Connectivity Preservation and Collision Avoidance
* Predicting COVID-19 in China Using Hybrid AI Model
* Real-World ISAR Object Recognition Using Deep Multimodal Relation Learning
* Robust Collision Perception Visual Neural Network With Specific Selectivity to Darker Objects, A
* Robust Formation Control for Multiple Quadrotors With Nonlinearities and Disturbances
* Robust Graph Learning From Noisy Data
* Robust Point Set Registration Using Signature Quadratic Form Distance
* Selection of Robust and Relevant Features for 3-D Steganalysis
* SG-One: Similarity Guidance Network for One-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* Solving Trajectory Optimization Problems in the Presence of Probabilistic Constraints
* Stacking-Based Deep Neural Network: Deep Analytic Network for Pattern Classification
* Stochastic Fixed Point Optimization Algorithm for Classifier Ensemble
* Text Image Deblurring Using Kernel Sparsity Prior
* Toward Occlusion Handling in Visual Tracking via Probabilistic Finite State Machines
* Ultra-Wideband and Odometry-Based Cooperative Relative Localization With Application to Multi-UAV Formation Control
* Unified Graph-Based Multicue Feature Fusion for Robust Visual Tracking
* Visual Object Tracking by Hierarchical Attention Siamese Network
* Visual Tracking and Depth Estimation of Mobile Robots Without Desired Velocity Information
* Wavelet Frame-Based Fuzzy C-Means Clustering for Segmenting Images on Graphs
* Weakly Supervised Deep Learning for Brain Disease Prognosis Using MRI and Incomplete Clinical Scores
* Weakly Supervised Deep Learning for Whole Slide Lung Cancer Image Analysis
* Weighted Low-Rank Tensor Recovery for Hyperspectral Image Restoration
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* 2-D Stochastic Configuration Networks for Image Data Analytics
* 3-D RoI-Aware U-Net for Accurate and Efficient Colorectal Tumor Segmentation
* Acoustic Target Tracking Through a Cluster of Mobile Agents
* Adaptive Deep Cascade Broad Learning System and Its Application in Image Denoising
* Adaptive Formation Control of Networked Robotic Systems With Bearing-Only Measurements
* Adaptive Neural Network Fixed-Time Leader-Follower Consensus for Multiagent Systems With Constraints and Disturbances
* Adaptive Weighting of Handcrafted Feature Losses for Facial Expression Recognition
* Adversarial Learning for Multiscale Crowd Counting Under Complex Scenes
* AdvKin: Adversarial Convolutional Network for Kinship Verification
* Ant Colony Evacuation Planner: An Ant Colony System With Incremental Flow Assignment for Multipath Crowd Evacuation
* ASIF-Net: Attention Steered Interweave Fusion Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Audio-Driven Robot Upper-Body Motion Synthesis
* Automatic Symmetry Detection From Brain MRI Based on a 2-Channel Convolutional Neural Network
* Bayesian Estimation of Human Impedance and Motion Intention for Human-Robot Collaboration
* Bio-Inspired Approach for Long-Range Underwater Navigation Using Model Predictive Control
* Bio-Inspired Representation Learning for Visual Attention Prediction
* Building Personalized Transportation Model for Online Taxi-Hailing Demand Prediction
* Cascaded MultiTask 3-D Fully Convolutional Networks for Pancreas Segmentation
* Cascading and Enhanced Residual Networks for Accurate Single-Image Super-Resolution
* Circumnavigation on Multiple Circles Around a Nonstationary Target With Desired Angular Spacing
* Common Spatial Pattern Reformulated for Regularizations in Brain-Computer Interfaces
* Communication and Interaction With Semiautonomous Ground Vehicles by Force Control Steering
* Context-Aware Correlation Filter Learning Toward Peak Strength for Visual Tracking
* Convolutional Neural Network Based on Bandwise-Independent Convolution and Hard Thresholding for Hyperspectral Band Selection
* Cyber-Physical System-Based Velocity-Profile Prediction Method and Case Study of Application in Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle, A
* d-Norm-Based Robust Regression With Applications to Image Analysis
* Deep-Learning-Based Probabilistic Forecasting of Electric Vehicle Charging Load With a Novel Queuing Model
* DeepVolume: Brain Structure and Spatial Connection-Aware Network for Brain MRI Super-Resolution
* Depthwise Nonlocal Module for Fast Salient Object Detection Using a Single Thread
* Distributed Formation Control: Asymptotic Stabilization Results Under Local Noisy Information
* Distributed H8-Consensus Filtering for Attitude Tracking Using Ground-Based Radars
* Distributed Robust Fault Estimation Using Relative Measurements for Leader-Follower Multiagent Systems
* Diversity-Sensitive Generative Adversarial Network for Terrain Mapping Under Limited Human Intervention
* Divisively Normalized Sparse Coding: Toward Perceptual Visual Signal Representation
* Driving Performance Forecasting System Based on Brain Dynamic State Analysis Using 4-D Convolutional Neural Networks, A
* Efficient Person Search via Expert-Guided Knowledge Distillation
* Emotion Correlation Mining Through Deep Learning Models on Natural Language Text
* Emotion Recognition From Multimodal Physiological Signals Using a Regularized Deep Fusion of Kernel Machine
* Error-Tolerant Deep Learning for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification
* Event-Based Secure Leader-Following Consensus Control for Multiagent Systems With Multiple Cyber Attacks
* Evolutionary Multiobjective Route Grouping-Based Heuristic Algorithm for Large-Scale Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problems, An
* Fast Online Video Pose Estimation by Dynamic Bayesian Modeling of Mode Transitions
* Fast Supervised Topic Models for Short Text Emotion Detection
* Feature-Aware Adaptation and Density Alignment for Crowd Counting in Video Surveillance
* Fingerprint Identification With Shallow Multifeature View Classifier
* Finite-Time Coverage Control for Multiagent Systems With Unidirectional Motion on a Closed Curve
* Fused Sparse Network Learning for Longitudinal Analysis of Mild Cognitive Impairment
* Global Receptive-Based Neural Network for Target Recognition in SAR Images
* GreenSea: Visual Soccer Analysis Using Broad Learning System
* Group Reidentification with Multigrained Matching and Integration
* I-Keyboard: Fully Imaginary Keyboard on Touch Devices Empowered by Deep Neural Decoder
* Identity Recognition Based on Bioacoustics of Human Body
* Illumination-Invariant Flotation Froth Color Measuring via Wasserstein Distance-Based CycleGAN With Structure-Preserving Constraint
* Intelligent Visual Acuity Estimation System With Hand Motion Recognition
* Joint and Progressive Subspace Analysis (JPSA) With Spatial-Spectral Manifold Alignment for Semisupervised Hyperspectral Dimensionality Reduction
* Joint Reflection Removal and Depth Estimation from a Single Image
* Joint Transformation Learning via the L2,1-Norm Metric for Robust Graph Matching
* Joint Versus Independent Multiview Hashing for Cross-View Retrieval
* Large-Angle Velocity-Free Attitude Tracking Control of Satellites: An Observer-Free Framework
* Learning Dual Geometric Low-Rank Structure for Semisupervised Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Learning Image Profile Enhancement and Denoising Statistics Priors for Single-Image Super-Resolution
* Learning Kernel for Conditional Moment-Matching Discrepancy-Based Image Classification
* Learning Manifold Structures With Subspace Segmentations
* Lightweight Salient Object Detection via Hierarchical Visual Perception Learning
* Local Manifold-Based Sparse Discriminant Learning for Feature Extraction of Hyperspectral Image
* Low-Rank and Sparse Decomposition With Mixture of Gaussian for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* Massive Maritime Path Planning: A Contextual Online Learning Approach
* Multimodal Learning of Social Image Representation by Exploiting Social Relations
* Multiobjective Overtaking Maneuver Planning for Autonomous Ground Vehicles
* Multitask Air-Quality Prediction Based on LSTM-Autoencoder Model
* Multitask Feature Learning Meets Robust Tensor Decomposition for EEG Classification
* Multivehicle Flocking With Collision Avoidance via Distributed Model Predictive Control
* Multiview High Dynamic Range Image Synthesis Using Fuzzy Broad Learning System
* Neural-Network-Based Adaptive Singularity-Free Fixed-Time Attitude Tracking Control for Spacecrafts
* New Contour Cue-Based Hybrid Sparse Learning for Salient Object Detection
* New Method for Topology Identification of Complex Dynamical Networks, A
* Novel Path-Following-Method-Based Polynomial Fuzzy Control Design, A
* Novel Type-2 Fuzzy C-Means Clustering for Brain MR Image Segmentation, A
* Object Activity Scene Description, Construction, and Recognition
* Observer-Based Event-Triggered Adaptive Fuzzy Control for Leader-Following Consensus of Nonlinear Strict-Feedback Systems
* Online and Unsupervised Anomaly Detection for Streaming Data Using an Array of Sliding Windows and PDDs
* Output-Feedback Flocking Control of Multiple Autonomous Surface Vehicles Based on Data-Driven Adaptive Extended State Observers
* Performance Evaluation Methodology for Long-Term Single-Object Tracking
* Person Reidentification via Unsupervised Cross-View Metric Learning
* Point Set Registration With Similarity and Affine Transformations Based on Bidirectional KMPE Loss
* RecapNet: Action Proposal Generation Mimicking Human Cognitive Process
* Rotated Sphere Haar Wavelet and Deep Contractive Auto-Encoder Network With Fuzzy Gaussian SVM for Pilot's Pupil Center Detection
* Scene Categorization by Deeply Learning Gaze Behavior in a Semisupervised Context
* Scheduling-Guided Automatic Processing of Massive Hyperspectral Image Classification on Cloud Computing Architectures
* Secure Adaptive Control for Cooperative Driving of Autonomous Connected Vehicles in the Presence of Heterogeneous Communication Delays and Cyberattacks, A
* Self-Supervised Multiscale Adversarial Regression Network for Stereo Disparity Estimation
* Single-Image Dehazing via Compositional Adversarial Network
* Small Fault Detection of Discrete-Time Nonlinear Uncertain Systems
* Solving Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem With Occasional Drivers via Evolutionary Multitasking
* Spatiotemporal-Filtering-Based Channel Selection for Single-Trial EEG Classification
* Spectral-Spatial Weighted Kernel Manifold Embedded Distribution Alignment for Remote Sensing Image Classification
* SPRNet: Single-Pixel Reconstruction for One-Stage Instance Segmentation
* Switching Structured Prediction for Simple and Complex Human Activity Recognition
* Time-Series Clustering Based on the Characterization of Segment Typologies
* Uniform Distribution Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Multiview Clustering
* Unsupervised Eyeglasses Removal in the Wild
* Vision-to-Language Tasks Based on Attributes and Attention Mechanism
* Visual Structural Assessment and Anomaly Detection for High-Velocity Data Streams
* Visual-Textual Hybrid Sequence Matching for Joint Reasoning
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* 3-D Deconvolutional Networks for the Unsupervised Representation Learning of Human Motions
* 3-D Human Pose Estimation Using Iterative Conditional Squeeze and Excitation Networks
* Adaptive Bearing-Only Formation Tracking Control for Nonholonomic Multiagent Systems
* Adaptive Coordinated Formation Control of Heterogeneous Vertical Takeoff and Landing UAVs Subject to Parametric Uncertainties
* Adaptive Force Guidance System for Computer-Guided Laparoscopy Training, An
* Adaptive Sensor Fault Accommodation for Vehicle Active Suspensions via Partial Measurement Information
* Adversarial CAPTCHAs
* ALIS: Learning Affective Causality Behind Daily Activities From a Wearable Life-Log System
* ALSA: Adversarial Learning of Supervised Attentions for Visual Question Answering
* Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation for ASD Diagnosis
* Asymmetric Weighted Logistic Metric Learning for Hyperspectral Target Detection
* Attention-Guided Hybrid Network for Dementia Diagnosis With Structural MR Images
* Automated Segmentation of the Clinical Target Volume in the Planning CT for Breast Cancer Using Deep Neural Networks
* Autonomous Tracking and State Estimation With Generalized Group Lasso
* Bearing-Only Formation Control With Prespecified Convergence Time
* BiFNet: Bidirectional Fusion Network for Road Segmentation
* Bilevel Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Capacitated Electric Vehicle Routing Problem, A
* Bioinspired Scene Classification by Deep Active Learning With Remote Sensing Applications
* Biprediction-Based Video Quality Enhancement via Learning
* BMT-Net: Broad Multitask Transformer Network for Sentiment Analysis
* Brain EEG Time-Series Clustering Using Maximum-Weight Clique
* ChaLearn Looking at People: IsoGD and ConGD Large-Scale RGB-D Gesture Recognition
* Chinese Image Caption Generation via Visual Attention and Topic Modeling
* Clustering Ensemble Based on Hybrid Multiview Clustering
* Community-Aware Photo Quality Evaluation by Deeply Encoding Human Perception
* Complementarity-Aware Attention Network for Salient Object Detection
* Continuous Support Vector Regression for Nonstationary Streaming Data
* Controllable and Identity-Aware Facial Attribute Transformation
* Convex Discriminant Semantic Correlation Analysis for Cross-View Recognition, A
* Convex Non-Negative Matrix Factorization With Adaptive Graph for Unsupervised Feature Selection
* Convolutional Recurrent Reconstructive Network for Spatiotemporal Anomaly Detection in Solder Paste Inspection
* Cooperative Adaptive Iterative Learning Fault-Tolerant Control Scheme for Multiple Subway Trains
* Coordinated Planar Path-Following Control for Multiple Nonholonomic Wheeled Mobile Robots
* Cross-Scale Residual Network: A General Framework for Image Super-Resolution, Denoising, and Deblocking
* Daedalus: Breaking Nonmaximum Suppression in Object Detection via Adversarial Examples
* Decision and Event-Based Fixed-Time Consensus Control for Electromagnetic Source Localization
* Deep Correlated Joint Network for 2-D Image-Based 3-D Model Retrieval
* Deep Learning Method for Grasping Novel Objects Using Dexterous Hands
* Deep Learning Versus Traditional Solutions for Group Trajectory Outliers
* Deep Multiview Union Learning Network for Multisource Image Classification
* Deep Pain: Exploiting Long Short-Term Memory Networks for Facial Expression Classification
* Deep Reinforcement Learning for Solving the Heterogeneous Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem
* Deep Semisupervised Multiview Learning With Increasing Views
* Deep-Ensemble-Level-Based Interpretable Takagi-Sugeno-Kang Fuzzy Classifier for Imbalanced Data, A
* Deep-Learning-Based Automatic Selection of Fewest Channels for Brain-Machine Interfaces
* Delay-Dependent Stability Analysis of Load Frequency Control Systems With Electric Vehicles
* Density-Aware Curriculum Learning for Crowd Counting
* Detection of Small Aerial Object Using Random Projection Feature With Region Clustering
* Direction Control and Adaptive Path Following of 3-D Snake-Like Robot Motion
* Discriminative Transfer Learning for Driving Pattern Recognition in Unlabeled Scenes
* Distributed Pursuit of an Evader With Collision and Obstacle Avoidance
* Distributed UAV Swarm Formation and Collision Avoidance Strategies Over Fixed and Switching Topologies
* DNA: Deeply Supervised Nonlinear Aggregation for Salient Object Detection
* Domain-Adversarial-Guided Siamese Network for Unsupervised Cross-Domain 3-D Object Retrieval
* Dual Learning for Facial Action Unit Detection Under Nonfull Annotation
* Dually Distribution Pulling Network for Cross-Resolution Person Reidentification
* Dynamic Fusion Module Evolves Drivable Area and Road Anomaly Detection: A Benchmark and Algorithms
* Dynamic Hybrid Model to Forecast the Spread of COVID-19 Using LSTM and Behavioral Models Under Uncertainty
* Early Screening of Autism in Toddlers via Response-To-Instructions Protocol
* Effective Transfer Learning Algorithm in Spiking Neural Networks
* Efficient Image Categorization Method With Insufficient Training Samples, An
* Efficient Unsupervised Dimension Reduction for Streaming Multiview Data
* Embedded Hamiltonian Graph-Guided Heuristic Algorithm for Two-Echelon Vehicle Routing Problem, An
* Emotional Semantics-Preserved and Feature-Aligned CycleGAN for Visual Emotion Adaptation
* Energy-Saving Optimization and Control of Autonomous Electric Vehicles With Considering Multiconstraints
* Enhancing Geometric Factors in Model Learning and Inference for Object Detection and Instance Segmentation
* Event-Triggered Dynamic Positioning for Mass-Switched Unmanned Marine Vehicles in Network Environments
* Exploring Structural Knowledge for Automated Visual Inspection of Moving Trains
* Fast Trajectory Generation and Asteroid Sequence Selection in Multispacecraft for Multiasteroid Exploration
* Fatigue Detection of Pilots' Brain Through Brains Cognitive Map and Multilayer Latent Incremental Learning Model
* Fault-Tolerant Cooperative Control for Multiple Vehicle Systems Based on Topology Reconfiguration
* Fine Tuning of Deep Contexts Toward Improved Perceptual Quality of In-Paintings
* Fine-Grained Unsupervised Temporal Action Segmentation and Distributed Representation for Skeleton-Based Human Motion Analysis
* Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detector Using Global-Local Model
* Force-Based Algorithm for Motion Planning of Large Agent
* Fully Uncalibrated Image-Based Visual Servoing of 2DOFs Planar Manipulators With a Fixed Camera
* GAFnet: Group Attention Fusion Network for PAN and MS Image High-Resolution Classification
* Hallucinating Color Face Image by Learning Graph Representation in Quaternion Space
* Hierarchical Density-Aware Dehazing Network
* Hierarchical Hand Gesture Recognition Framework for Sports Referee Training-Based EMG and Accelerometer Sensors, A
* Hierarchical Motion Learning for Goal-Oriented Movements With Speed-Accuracy Tradeoff of a Musculoskeletal System
* Hierarchical Spatiotemporal Graph Regularized Discriminative Correlation Filter for Visual Object Tracking
* Human Activity Recognition Models in Ontology Networks
* Hybrid Model-Based Emotion Contextual Recognition for Cognitive Assistance Services
* Hyperspectral Image Classification via Discriminant Gabor Ensemble Filter
* Image Hallucination From Attribute Pairs
* Impedance Variation and Learning Strategies in Human-Robot Interaction
* Improving Semantic Analysis on Point Clouds via Auxiliary Supervision of Local Geometric Priors
* Improving Video Temporal Consistency via Broad Learning System
* Incipient Fault Diagnosis for High-Speed Train Traction Systems via Stacked Generalization
* Indoor Place Category Recognition for a Cleaning Robot by Fusing a Probabilistic Approach and Deep Learning
* Inner-Imaging Networks: Put Lenses Into Convolutional Structure
* Inter-Algorithm Multiobjective Cooperation for Phylogenetic Reconstruction on Amino Acid Data
* Intermittent Estimator-Based Mixed Passive and H8 Control for High-Speed Train With Actuator Stochastic Fault
* Interpretability-Based Multimodal Convolutional Neural Networks for Skin Lesion Diagnosis
* Iris Liveness Detection Using Fusion of Domain-Specific Multiple BSIF and DenseNet Features
* LSCIDMR: Large-Scale Satellite Cloud Image Database for Meteorological Research
* MAT: Multianchor Visual Tracking With Selective Search Region
* Maximizing the Coverage of Sensor Deployments Using a Memetic Algorithm and Fast Coverage Estimation
* Motor-Imagery-Based Brain-Computer Interface Using Signal Derivation and Aggregation Functions
* Multikernel Capsule Network for Schizophrenia Identification
* Multimodal Data Processing System for LiDAR-Based Human Activity Recognition, A
* Multimodal Gait Recognition for Neurodegenerative Diseases
* Multimodal Perception-Driven Self Evolving Autonomous Ground Vehicle, A
* Multiobjective Sine Cosine Algorithm for Remote Sensing Image Spatial-Spectral Clustering
* Multiperiod Location Models for Urban System Planning With Fuzzy Intercity Passenger Transportation Demands
* Multitask, Multilabel, and Multidomain Learning With Convolutional Networks for Emotion Recognition
* Multiview Graph Restricted Boltzmann Machines
* Multiview Subspace Clustering Using Low-Rank Representation
* Navigation of a Fuzzy-Controlled Wheeled Robot Through the Combination of Expert Knowledge and Data-Driven Multiobjective Evolutionary Learning
* Navigation of Three Cooperative Object-Transportation Robots Using a Multistage Evolutionary Fuzzy Control Approach
* Network-Based Line-of-Sight Path Tracking of Underactuated Unmanned Surface Vehicles With Experiment Results
* Neural System Identification With Spike-Triggered Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
* NeuroGrasp: Real-Time EEG Classification of High-Level Motor Imagery Tasks Using a Dual-Stage Deep Learning Framework
* Neuromorphic Vision-Based Fall Localization in Event Streams With Temporal-Spatial Attention Weighted Network
* NGA-Inspired Nanorobots-Assisted Detection of Multifocal Cancer
* No Need for Landmarks: An Embodied Neural Controller for Robust Insect-Like Navigation Behaviors
* No Reference Quality Assessment for Screen Content Images Using Stacked Autoencoders in Pictorial and Textual Regions
* Noise-Aware Framework for Robust Visual Tracking
* Novel Ground Metric for Optimal Transport-Based Chronological Age Estimation, A
* Novel Method for Constructing EEG Large-Scale Cortical Dynamical Functional Network Connectivity (dFNC): WTCS, A
* Novel Multiple-View Adversarial Learning Network for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Action Recognition, A
* Optimal Bounded Ellipsoid Identification With Deterministic and Bounded Learning Gains: Design and Application to Euler-Lagrange Systems
* Optimal Three-Dimensional Drone Layout Method for Maximum Signal Coverage and Minimum Interference in Complex Pipeline Networks, An
* PAM-DenseNet: A Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Computer-Aided COVID-19 Diagnosis
* Personalized Image Aesthetics Assessment via Meta-Learning With Bilevel Gradient Optimization
* Point Adversarial Self-Mining: A Simple Method for Facial Expression Recognition
* PRDP: Person Reidentification With Dirty and Poor Data
* Pseudo-Label Guided Collective Matrix Factorization for Multiview Clustering
* Quantized Output-Feedback Control for Unmanned Marine Vehicles With Thruster Faults via Sliding-Mode Technique
* RBDF: Reciprocal Bidirectional Framework for Visible Infrared Person Reidentification
* Real-Time 3-D Semantic Scene Parsing With LiDAR Sensors
* Real-Time Human Action Recognition Using Locally Aggregated Kinematic-Guided Skeletonlet and Supervised Hashing-by-Analysis Model
* Regularized Matrix Factorization for Multilabel Learning With Missing Labels
* Reinforcement Learning With Multiple Relational Attention for Solving Vehicle Routing Problems
* Relation Regularized Scene Graph Generation
* Relative Pose Estimation with a Single Affine Correspondence
* Reliable Vision-Based Grasping Target Recognition for Upper Limb Prostheses
* Rethinking Road Surface 3-D Reconstruction and Pothole Detection: From Perspective Transformation to Disparity Map Segmentation
* Revealing Fine Structures of the Retinal Receptive Field by Deep-Learning Networks
* RIHOOP: Robust Invisible Hyperlinks in Offline and Online Photographs
* Robust Camera Translation Estimation via Rank Enforcement
* Robust Collaborative Learning of Patch-Level and Image-Level Annotations for Diabetic Retinopathy Grading From Fundus Image
* Robust Estimation of Upscaling Factor on Double JPEG Compressed Images
* Robust Image-Sequence-Based Framework for Visual Place Recognition in Changing Environments, A
* Robust Traffic Prediction From Spatial-Temporal Data Based on Conditional Distribution Learning
* Robustness Analysis of Distributed Kalman Filter for Estimation in Sensor Networks
* Rotation-Invariant Point Cloud Representation for 3-D Model Recognition
* Scalable Discrete Matrix Factorization and Semantic Autoencoder for Cross-Media Retrieval
* Scalable Gamma-Driven Multilayer Network for Brain Workload Detection Through Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
* SE(n)++: An Efficient Solution to Multiple Pose Estimation Problems
* Secure Distributed Adaptive Platooning Control of Automated Vehicles Over Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks Under Denial-of-Service Attacks
* Secure Halftone Image Steganography Based on Feature Space and Layer Embedding
* Segmentation Scheme for Knowledge Discovery in Human Activity Spotting, A
* Self-Learning Robust Control Synthesis and Trajectory Tracking of Uncertain Dynamics
* Self-Paced Dynamic Infinite Mixture Model for Fatigue Evaluation of Pilots' Brains
* Self-Supervision-Augmented Deep Autoencoder for Unsupervised Visual Anomaly Detection
* Semantic-Guided Class-Imbalance Learning Model for Zero-Shot Image Classification
* Semisupervised Consistent Projection Metric Learning for Person Reidentification
* Simultaneous Obstacle Avoidance and Target Tracking of Multiple Wheeled Mobile Robots With Certified Safety
* Small Low-Contrast Target Detection: Data-Driven Spatiotemporal Feature Fusion and Implementation
* SMAN: Stacked Multimodal Attention Network for Cross-Modal Image-Text Retrieval
* Soft Person Reidentification Network Pruning via Blockwise Adjacent Filter Decaying
* Solving Sensor Identification Problem Without Knowledge of the Ground Truth Using Replicator Dynamics
* SpaSSA: Superpixelwise Adaptive SSA for Unsupervised Spatial-Spectral Feature Extraction in Hyperspectral Image
* Spatial Iterative Learning Control for Robotic Path Learning
* Spatio-Temporal-Spectral Hierarchical Graph Convolutional Network with Semisupervised Active Learning for Patient-Specific Seizure Prediction
* Spectral-Spatial-Dependent Global Learning Framework for Insufficient and Imbalanced Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Spectral-Temporal Receptive Field-Based Descriptors and Hierarchical Cascade Deep Belief Network for Guitar Playing Technique Classification
* SSAS: Spatiotemporal Scale Adaptive Selection for Improving Bias Correction on Precipitation
* Structure Constraint Matrix Factorization Framework for Human Behavior Segmentation, A
* Structured Graph Learning for Scalable Subspace Clustering: From Single View to Multiview
* Synchronization of Neural Networks via Periodic Self-Triggered Impulsive Control and Its Application in Image Encryption
* TICNet: A Target-Insight Correlation Network for Object Tracking
* Toward Safer Navigation of Heterogeneous Mobile Robots in Distributed Scheme: A Novel Time-to-Collision-Based Method
* Trajectory Tracking and Obstacle Avoidance for Wheeled Mobile Robots Based on EMPC With an Adaptive Prediction Horizon
* Two-Level LSTM for Sentiment Analysis With Lexicon Embedding and Polar Flipping
* Unifying Framework for Human-Agent Collaborative Systems: Part II: Design Procedure and Application, A
* Unifying Relational Sentence Generation and Retrieval for Medical Image Report Composition
* Unsupervised Change Detection in Multitemporal VHR Images Based on Deep Kernel PCA Convolutional Mapping Network
* Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning via Dual-Level Progressive Similar Instance Selection
* Visual Relationship Detection: A Survey
* Visual Sentiment Analysis With Social Relations-Guided Multiattention Networks
* Visual Servoing of Flexible-Link Manipulators by Considering Vibration Suppression Without Deformation Measurements
* Visual-Depth Matching Network: Deep RGB-D Domain Adaptation With Unequal Categories
* Visual-Tactile Fused Graph Learning for Object Clustering
* WaSR: A Water Segmentation and Refinement Maritime Obstacle Detection Network
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* Accurate UAV 3-D Path Planning Method for Disaster Emergency Response Based on an Improved Multiobjective Swarm Intelligence Algorithm, An
* Achieving Reliable Intervehicle Positioning Based on Redheffer Weighted Least Squares Model Under Multi-GNSS Outages
* Active Human-Following Control of an Exoskeleton Robot With Body Weight Support
* Adaptive Fuzzy Approach to Fault Estimation Observer Design With Actuator Fault and Digital Communication, An
* Adaptive Robust Formation Control of Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Swarm System Based on Constraint Following
* Adaptive Switched Control for Connected Vehicle Platoon With Unknown Input Delays
* Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Convolutive Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
* Anomaly Detection and Correction of Optimizing Autonomous Systems With Inverse Reinforcement Learning
* Attention and Prediction-Guided Motion Detection for Low-Contrast Small Moving Targets
* AutoBCS: Block-Based Image Compressive Sensing With Data-Driven Acquisition and Noniterative Reconstruction
* Automatic Graphic Pattern Generation Algorithm and Its Application to the Multipurpose Camouflage Pattern Design, An
* Automatically Diagnosing Skin Cancers From Multimodality Images Using Two-Stage Genetic Programming
* Balanced Spectral Feature Selection
* Barrier-Based Adaptive Line-of-Sight 3-D Path-Following System for a Multijoint Robotic Fish With Sideslip Compensation
* Bearing-Based Formation Tracking Control With Time-Varying Velocity Estimation
* Beyond CNNs: Exploiting Further Inherent Symmetries in Medical Image Segmentation
* Color-Gray Multi-Image Hybrid Compression-Encryption Scheme Based on BP Neural Network and Knight Tour
* Comprehensive Study of 3-D Vision-Based Robot Manipulation, A
* Cooperative Game-Based Approximate Optimal Control of Modular Robot Manipulators for Human-Robot Collaboration
* Crowd Characterization in Surveillance Videos Using Deep-Graph Convolutional Neural Network
* Deep EEG Superresolution via Correlating Brain Structural and Functional Connectivities
* Deep Perceptual Image Enhancement Network for Exposure Restoration
* Discriminative Geometric-Structure-Based Deep Hashing for Large-Scale Image Retrieval
* Drop Loss for Person Attribute Recognition With Imbalanced Noisy-Labeled Samples
* Dynamic Rigid Bodies Mining and Motion Estimation Based on Monocular Camera
* Dynamic Target Tracking Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Based on Trajectory Prediction
* End-to-End Video-to-Speech Synthesis Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Epidemic Spreading in Metapopulation Networks Coupled With Awareness Propagation
* Experimental Evaluation of a Game-Theoretic Human Driver Steering Control Model
* ExS-GAN: Synthesizing Anti-Forensics Images via Extra Supervised GAN
* Fast and Accurate Road Crack Detection Based on Adaptive Cost-Sensitive Loss Function
* Fast Robust Matrix Completion via Entry-Wise l0-Norm Minimization
* Force Distribution and Estimation for Cooperative Transportation Control on Multiple Unmanned Ground Vehicles
* Formation Tracking Control for Heterogeneous Multiagent Systems With Multiple Nonautonomous Leaders via Dynamic Event-Triggered Mechanisms
* FrMLNet: Framelet-Based Multilevel Network for Pansharpening
* Fuzzy-Model-Based Lateral Control for Networked Autonomous Vehicle Systems Under Hybrid Cyber-Attacks
* Gesture-Based Human-Machine Interaction: Taxonomy, Problem Definition, and Analysis
* GLCM: Global-Local Captioning Model for Remote Sensing Image Captioning
* Global Transformer and Dual Local Attention Network via Deep-Shallow Hierarchical Feature Fusion for Retinal Vessel Segmentation
* GuidedNet: A General CNN Fusion Framework via High-Resolution Guidance for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Handling Imbalanced Classification Problems With Support Vector Machines via Evolutionary Bilevel Optimization
* Human-in-the-Loop Optimization of Wearable Robotic Devices to Improve Human-Robot Interaction: A Systematic Review
* Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Evapotranspiration Estimation of Fruit Tree in Agricultural Cyber-Physical Systems
* Hybrid Visual-Ranging Servoing for Positioning Based on Image and Measurement Features
* Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Classification Based on Structural Optimization Transmission
* Hyperspectral Image Denoising via Weighted Multidirectional Low-Rank Tensor Recovery
* Instance Selection-Based Surrogate-Assisted Genetic Programming for Feature Learning in Image Classification
* Interpretable Unsupervised Unrolling Network for Hyperspectral Pansharpening, An
* JPEG Steganography With Content Similarity Evaluation
* Learning Salient Feature for Salient Object Detection Without Labels
* Learning to Solve 3-D Bin Packing Problem via Deep Reinforcement Learning and Constraint Programming
* Lossless Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Compatible With Homomorphic Processing
* L_1 Sparsity-Regularized Attention Multiple-Instance Network for Hyperspectral Target Detection
* Memorial GAN With Joint Semantic Optimization for Unpaired Image Captioning
* Mission Planning for Energy-Efficient Passive UAV Radar Imaging System Based on Substage Division Collaborative Search
* Modified Dynamic Movement Primitives: Robot Trajectory Planning and Force Control Under Curved Surface Constraints
* Monocular Image-Based 3-D Model Retrieval: A Benchmark
* MSē-GNN: Exploring GNN-Based Multimodal Fusion Network for Depression Detection
* Multi-UUV Maneuvering Counter-Game for Dynamic Target Scenario Based on Fractional-Order Recurrent Neural Network
* Multichannel Image Completion With Mixture Noise: Adaptive Sparse Low-Rank Tensor Subspace Meets Nonlocal Self-Similarity
* Multimodal Multilevel Converged Attention Network for Hand Gesture Recognition With Hybrid sEMG and A-Mode Ultrasound Sensing, A
* Multistep Multiagent Reinforcement Learning for Optimal Energy Schedule Strategy of Charging Stations in Smart Grid
* Multitask Feature Learning as Multiobjective Optimization: A New Genetic Programming Approach to Image Classification
* Novel Bipartite Consensus Tracking Control for Multiagent Systems Under Sensor Deception Attacks, A
* Object-Agnostic Vision Measurement Framework Based on One-Shot Learning and Behavior Tree
* On the Impact of Prior Experiences in Car-Following Models: Model Development, Computational Efficiency, Comparative Analyses, and Extensive Applications
* Onboard Sensors-Based Self-Localization for Autonomous Vehicle With Hierarchical Map
* Optimal Trajectory Planning Method for the Navigation of WIP Vehicles in Unknown Environments: Theory and Experiment
* PANet: Patch-Aware Network for Light Field Salient Object Detection
* Point-Guided Contrastive Learning for Monocular 3-D Object Detection
* PolypSeg+: A Lightweight Context-Aware Network for Real-Time Polyp Segmentation
* Pose-Driven Realistic 2-D Motion Synthesis
* Pose-Guided Hierarchical Graph Reasoning for 3-D Hand Pose Estimation From a Single Depth Image
* Pose-Guided Hierarchical Semantic Decomposition and Composition for Human Parsing
* Probability-Tuned Market-Based Allocations for UAV Swarms Under Unreliable Observations
* Product Fuzzy Convolutional Network for Detecting Driving Fatigue, A
* QCNN-H: Single-Image Dehazing Using Quaternion Neural Networks
* Region-Aware Hierarchical Latent Feature Representation Learning-Guided Clustering for Hyperspectral Band Selection
* Regionwise Generative Adversarial Image Inpainting for Large Missing Areas
* Research on Vision of Intelligent Car Based on Broad Learning System
* Robot Motion Learning Method Using Broad Learning System Verified by Small-Scale Fish-Like Robot, A
* Robust and Precise Facial Landmark Detection by Self-Calibrated Pose Attention Network
* Robust Leaderless Time-Varying Formation Control for Nonlinear Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Swarm System With Communication Delays
* Safety Flight Control Design of a Quadrotor UAV With Capability Analysis
* Satellite Formation-Containment Control Emphasis on Collision Avoidance and Uncertainty Suppression
* Semantic-Aware Dehazing Network With Adaptive Feature Fusion
* Semi-Supervised Domain Alignment Learning for Single Image Dehazing
* Semisupervised Graph Neural Networks for Graph Classification
* Source Aware Deep Learning Framework for Hand Kinematic Reconstruction Using EEG Signal
* Synchronization of Switched Neural Networks via Attacked Mode-Dependent Event-Triggered Control and Its Application in Image Encryption
* Traffic-Driven Epidemic Spreading in Networks: Considering the Transition of Infection From Being Mild to Severe
* Trajectory Tracking of Variable Centroid Objects Based on Fusion of Vision and Force Perception
* Understanding Private Car Aggregation Effect via Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Trajectory Data
* Unsupervised Landmark Detection-Based Spatiotemporal Motion Estimation for 4-D Dynamic Medical Images
* Wavelet Packet Decomposition-Based Multiscale CNN for Fault Diagnosis of Wind Turbine Gearbox
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* 3DSN-Net: A 3-D Scale-Aware convNet With Nonlocal Context Guidance for Kidney and Tumor Segmentation From CT Volumes
* Absent Multiview Semisupervised Classification
* Adaptive Formation Tracking Control of Multiple Vertical Takeoff and Landing UAVs With Bearing-Only Measurements
* Adaptive Safe Reinforcement Learning With Full-State Constraints and Constrained Adaptation for Autonomous Vehicles
* Audio-Visual Kinship Verification: A New Dataset and a Unified Adaptive Adversarial Multimodal Learning Approach
* Bio-Inspired Safety Control System for UAVs in Confined Environment With Disturbance, A
* Coarse to Fine Two-Stage Approach to Robust Tensor Completion of Visual Data
* Collision-Free Formation Control for Heterogeneous Multiagent Systems Under DoS Attacks
* Comparative Study on Noise-Estimation-Based Fuzzy C-Means Clustering for Image Segmentation
* Continuous and Periodic Event-Triggered Sliding-Mode Control for Path Following of Underactuated Surface Vehicles
* Cooperative Time-Varying Formation Fuzzy Tracking Control of Multiple Heterogeneous Uncertain Marine Surface Vehicles With Actuator Failures
* Cross-Subject EEG Feedback for Implicit Image Generation
* Deep Learning Image Segmentation Based on Adaptive Total Variation Preprocessing
* Deep Spatial: Spectral Joint-Sparse Prior Encoding Network for Hyperspectral Target Detection
* Deep Spiking Residual Shrinkage Network for Bearing Fault Diagnosis
* Development and 3-D Path-Following Control of an Agile Robotic Manta With Flexible Pectoral Fins
* Development of a Novel Transformation of Spiking Neural Classifier to an Interpretable Classifier
* Dexterous Hand-Arm Teleoperation System Based on Hand Pose Estimation and Active Vision, A
* Distributed Active Disturbance Rejection Formation Tracking Control for Quadrotor UAVs
* Distributed Fixed-Time Control for Leader-Steered Rigid Shape Formation With Prescribed Performance
* Distributed Learning Control for High-Speed Trains Subject to Operation Safety Constraints
* Distributed Robust Learning-Based Backstepping Control Aided With Neurodynamics for Consensus Formation Tracking of Underwater Vessels
* Divergent Component of Motion Planning and Adaptive Repetitive Control for Wearable Walking Exoskeletons
* Dual Regression-Enhanced Gaze Target Detection in the Wild
* Dynamic Double Event-Triggered Anti-Disturbance Tracking Control for a 2-DOF Small Unmanned Helicopter
* Dynamic Perimeter Surveillance of Multiagent Systems: A Swarm-Based Approach
* Efficient Matching Game Approach to Association Formation in UAV-Enabled Hierarchical Distributed Learning, An
* Egocentric Image Captioning for Privacy-Preserved Passive Dietary Intake Monitoring
* Emotion Recognition From Multimodal Physiological Signals via Discriminative Correlation Fusion With a Temporal Alignment Mechanism
* Explicable Fine-Grained Aircraft Recognition Via Deep Part Parsing Prior Framework for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Fixed-Time Collision-Free Fault-Tolerant Formation Control of Multi-UAVs Under Actuator Faults
* Fixed-Time Rigidity-Based Formation Maneuvering for Nonholonomic Multirobot Systems With Prescribed Performance
* FM-3DFR: Facial Manipulation-Based 3-D Face Reconstruction
* Game-Based Approximate Optimal Motion Planning for Safe Human-Swarm Interaction
* Gaze Dialogue Model: Nonverbal Communication in HHI and HRI, The
* Gaze Estimation by Attention-Induced Hierarchical Variational Auto-Encoder
* Genetic Programming for Document Classification: A Transductive Transfer Learning System
* Genetic-Algorithm-Assisted Self-Scheduled Multidelay PIR Control: Experiments in a Car-Like Vehicle System
* Herd-Foraging-Based Approach to Adaptive Coverage Path Planning in Dual Environments, A
* Hierarchical Data-Driven Predictive Control of Image-Based Visual Servoing Systems With Unknown Dynamics, A
* Human-in-the-Loop Cooperative Control of a Walking Exoskeleton for Following Time-Variable Human Intention
* IA-LSTM: Interaction-Aware LSTM for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
* IFKMHC: Implicit Fuzzy K-Means Model for High-Dimensional Data Clustering
* iHPPPVis: Interactive Visual Analytics Approach for Production Performance Monitoring of Heavy-Plate Production Process
* IM-IAD: Industrial Image Anomaly Detection Benchmark in Manufacturing
* Impulse Noise Image Restoration Using Nonconvex Variational Model and Difference of Convex Functions Algorithm
* Increasing the Robustness of Deep Learning Models for Object Segmentation: A Framework for Blending Automatically Annotated Real and Synthetic Data
* Integrated Modular Neural Control for Versatile Locomotion and Object Transportation of a Dung Beetle-Like Robot
* KepSalinst: Using Peripheral Points to Delineate Salient Instances
* Knowledge-Embedded Mutual Guidance for Visual Reasoning
* Learning Relationship-Enhanced Semantic Graph for Fine-Grained Image-Text Matching
* Learning-Based Multi-UAV Flocking Control With Limited Visual Field and Instinctive Repulsion
* LENAS: Learning-Based Neural Architecture Search and Ensemble for 3-D Radiotherapy Dose Prediction
* Leveraged Matrix Completion With Noise
* Multilevel Fine-Grained Features-Based General Framework for Object Detection
* Multitask Image Clustering via Deep Information Bottleneck
* MVSTT: A Multiview Spatial-Temporal Transformer Network for Traffic-Flow Forecasting
* Nonlinear Disturbance Observer-Based Fault-Tolerant Sliding-Mode Control for 2-D Plane Vehicular Platoon With UTVFD and ANAS
* Optimal Containment Control of a Quadrotor Team With Active Leaders via Reinforcement Learning
* Optimal Task and Motion Planning and Execution for Multiagent Systems in Dynamic Environments
* Physics-Informed Neural Network Approach to Augmented Dynamics Visual Servoing of Multirotors, A
* Prior-Guided Adversarial Learning With Hypergraph for Predicting Abnormal Connections in Alzheimer's Disease
* Refined Fractional-Order Fault-Tolerant Coordinated Tracking Control of Networked Fixed-Wing UAVs Against Faults and Communication Delays via Double Recurrent Perturbation FNNs
* Relational Maneuvering of Leader-Follower Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Flexible Formation
* Relational Part-Aware Learning for Complex Composite Object Detection in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Resilient Cruise Control of Heterogeneous Platoons Against Byzantine Attacks: Theory and Experiment
* Resilient Time-Varying Formation Tracking Control for General Linear Multiagent Systems With a Nonautonomous Leader and Adversarial Followers
* Rigid Formation Control on a Sphere: A Heterogeneous System Approach
* Robust 3-D Path Following Control Framework for Magnetic Helical Millirobots Subject to Fluid Flow and Input Saturation
* Robust Adaptive Leader-Following Formation Control of Nonlinear Multiagents Using Three-Layer Neural Networks
* Robust Collision-Avoidance Formation Navigation of Velocity and Input-Constrained Multirobot Systems
* Robust Formation Tracking Control for Noncooperative Heterogeneous Multiagent Systems
* Robust Hybrid Visual Servoing of Omnidirectional Mobile Manipulator With Kinematic Uncertainties Using a Single Camera
* Safety-Based Speed Control of a Wheelchair Using Robust Adaptive Model Predictive Control
* SAH-NET: Structure-Aware Hierarchical Network for Clustered Microcalcification Classification in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis
* SBHA: Sensitive Binary Hashing Autoencoder for Image Retrieval
* Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning by Video Incoherence Detection
* Semi-Supervised Graph Structure Learning via Dual Reinforcement of Label and Prior Structure
* Similar Formation Control via Range and Odometry Measurements
* Spatial-Temporal Video Quality Assessment Method via Comprehensive HVS Simulation, A
* Stability Analysis for H_inf-Controlled Active Quarter-Vehicle Suspension Systems With a Resilient Event-Triggered Scheme Under Periodic DoS Attacks
* Target Tracking Systems on a Sphere With Topographic Information
* Trajectory Tracking Control of Human Support Robots via Adaptive Sliding-Mode Approach
* Uncalibrated and Unmodeled Image-Based Visual Servoing of Robot Manipulators Using Zeroing Neural Networks
* Unsupervised Adaptation Learning for Real Multiplatform Hyperspectral Image Denoising
* VisEvent: Reliable Object Tracking via Collaboration of Frame and Event Flows
* Weakly Supervised Video Anomaly Detection via Self-Guided Temporal Discriminative Transformer
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* Adjustable Jacobi-Fourier Moment for Image Representation
* Data-Driven Event-Triggered Sliding Mode Secure Control for Autonomous Vehicles Under Actuator Attacks
* Human Collaborative Control of Lower-Limb Prosthesis Based on Game Theory and Fuzzy Approximation
* Online Trajectory Planning Method for Autonomous Ground Vehicles Confronting Sudden and Moving Obstacles Based on LSTM-Attention Network
* Patch-Based Method for Underwater Image Enhancement With Denoising Diffusion Models, A
* Safe Reinforcement Learning: Optimal Formation Control With Collision Avoidance of Multiple Satellite Systems
* Task-Oriented Tool Manipulation With Robotic Dexterous Hands: A Knowledge Graph Approach From Fingers to Functionality
* Uncovering Reward Goals in Distributed Drone Swarms Using Physics-Informed Multiagent Inverse Reinforcement Learning
* Unified Flowing Normality Learning for Rotating Machinery Anomaly Detection in Continuous Time-Varying Conditions
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Cybernetics and Systems(26)
* Book Recognition as an Example of Flat and Structured Objects Classification