Update Dates 0611

0611 * 3-D Discrete Analytical Ridgelet Transform
* 3-D Virtual Environments on Mobile Devices for Remote Surveillance
* 3D and Texture Modelling of Precolombian Objects
* 3D Geometry from Uncalibrated Images
* 3D Human Motion Analysis in Monocular Video Techniques and Challenges
* 3D model retrieval using principal plane analysis and dynamic programming
* 3D Mumford-Shah Based Active Mesh
* 3D Segmentation of Mammospheres for Localization Studies
* 3D Surface Reconstruction and Registration for Image Guided Medialization Laryngoplasty
* 3D Vector Directional Filters to Process Video Sequences
* 4-D Wavelet-Based Multiview Video Coding
* Abandoned/Removed Objects Detection Algorithm and Its Evaluation on PETS Datasets, An
* Accurate Extraction of Reciprocal Space Information from Transmission Electron Microscopy Images
* Accurate object contour tracking based on boundary edge selection
* Accurately defining the reference condition for summary biotic metrics
* Active Appearance Models for Automatic Fitting of 3D Morphable Models
* Active Head Tracking System for Distance Education and Videoconferencing Applications, An
* Active learning for image retrieval with Co-SVM
* Active Single Landmark Based Global Localization of Autonomous Mobile Robots
* Active Stabilization of Images Acquired on a Walking Robotic Platform
* Activity Recognition Via Classification Constrained Diffusion Maps
* Activity Topology Estimation for Large Networks of Cameras
* Adaptive Background Generation for Video Object Segmentation
* Adaptive combination of adaptive classifiers for handwritten character recognition
* Adaptive Intra-Frame Assignment and Bit-Rate Estimation for Variable GOP Length in H.264
* Adaptive Real-Time Rendering for Large-Scale Molecular Models
* Adaptive simplification of solution for support vector machine
* Adaptive Video Watermarking Utilizing Video Characteristics in 3D-DCT Domain
* Affine and projective active contour models
* Affine Camera for 3-D Retinal Surface Reconstruction
* Affine invariant comparison of point-sets using convex hulls and hausdorff distances
* algorithm for projective point matching in the presence of spurious points, An
* Alignment of Paragraphs in Bilingual Texts Using Bilingual Dictionaries and Dynamic Programming
* ALSBIR: A local-structure-based image retrieval
* Analog 2-D DCT Processor, An
* Analysis and Comparison of Typical Reversible Watermarking Methods
* Analysis and Design of Graphical Password Techniques
* Analysis of LIDAR Data Fused with Co-Registered Bands
* Analysis of Optimal Search Interval for Estimation of Modified Quantization Step Size in Quantization-Based Audio Watermark Detection
* Analysis of Superimposed Oriented Patterns
* Analyzing Human Movements from Silhouettes Using Manifold Learning
* Apparatus for protecting occupant in vehicle
* Application of Iterative Techniques for Electromagnetic Scattering From Dielectric Random and Reentrant Rough Surfaces
* Application of Neural Networks for Image Reconstruction in Electrical Capacitance Tomography Applied to Oil Industry, An
* Application of RFID Technology in Production Control in the Discrete Manufacturing Industry, The
* Applying the Hough transform pseudo-linearity property to improve computing speed
* Approach to Automatic Target Recognition in Radar Images Using SVM, An
* Approaches to Classification of Multichannel Images
* Approximating 3D Facial Shape from Photographs Using Coupled Statistical Models
* Arithmetic Discrete Parabolas
* Articulated Object Recognition: A General Framework and a Case Study
* Associative Memories Applied to Image Categorization
* Associative Recall of Spatial Correlated Patterns, The
* Attack on JPEG2000 Steganography Using LRCA
* Attention-based similarity
* Audio Surveillance Eye, The
* Audio-Visual Biometrics
* Authorship Attribution Using Word Sequences
* Auto-focusing in Extreme Zoom Surveillance: A System Approach with Application to Faces
* Automated Procedure for Word Balloon Placement in Cinema Comics, An
* Automated System for Contact Lens Inspection, An
* Automated Ultrasonic Measurement of Fetal Nuchal Translucency Using Dynamic Programming
* Automatic Band Selection in Multispectral Images Using Mutual Information-Based Clustering
* Automatic Camera Calibration and Scene Reconstruction with Scale-Invariant Features
* Automatic Contour Propagation in Cine Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Images
* Automatic Learning of Articulated Skeletons from 3D Marker Trajectories
* Automatic Object Extraction Over Multiscale Edge Field for Multimedia Retrieval
* Automatic Recognition by Gait
* Automatic recognition of biological particles in microscopic images
* Autonomous Vehicle Video Aided Navigation: Coupling INS and Video Approaches
* background robust active appearance model using active contour technique, A
* Bayesian Gaussian Process Classification with the EM-EP Algorithm
* Behavior Recognition in Human Object Interactions with a Task Model
* Bicoherence Used to Predict Lucky Regions in Turbulence Affected Surveillance
* Bilateral Edge Detection on a Virtual Hexagonal Structure
* Binocular Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo
* Blind Deconvolution Using a Variational Approach to Parameter, Image, and Blur Estimation
* Blob Tracking with Adaptive Feature Selection and Accurate Scale Determination
* Building an Optimal WSD Ensemble Using Per-Word Selection of Best System
* Calculating geometric properties of three-dimensional objects from the spherical harmonic representation
* Calibration and removal of lateral chromatic aberration in images
* Calibration of the Envisat Radar Altimeter Receiver by a Passive Technique, The
* Camera calibration with one-dimensional objects moving under gravity
* Camera Self-calibration in Scheimpflug Condition for Air Flow Investigation
* Capacity Enhancement of Compressed Domain Watermarking Channel Using Duo-binary Coding
* Car Plate Detection Using Cascaded Tree-Style Learner Based on Hybrid Object Features
* Case-Based Object Recognition with Application to Biological Images
* Category Attack for LSB Steganalysis of JPEG Images
* CBIR Approach to Building Image Retrieval Based on Linear Edge Distribution
* Center-based nearest neighbor classifier
* Characterization of the Closest Discrete Approximation of a Line in the 3-Dimensional Space
* Classification of run-length encoded binary data
* Classification of Unattended and Stolen Objects in Video-Surveillance System
* Classification-Based Likelihood Functions for Bayesian Tracking
* Classifier hierarchy learning by means of genetic algorithms
* Cloud Masking for Ocean Color Data Processing in the Coastal Regions
* Clustering Based Approach for Automatic Image Segmentation: An Application to Biplane Ventriculograms, A
* Color Pair Clustering for Texture Detection
* Color Texture Segmentation Based on Quaternion-Gabor Features
* Color Texture Segmentation by Decomposition of Gaussian Mixture Model
* Color-Based Signal Light Tracking in Real-Time Video
* Color-texture image segmentation by integrating directional operators into JSEG method
* Colorization Based Animation Broadcast System with Traitor Tracing Capability, A
* Combinatorial Pyramids and Discrete Geometry for Energy-Minimizing Segmentation
* Combined 2D/3D Face Recognition Using Log-Gabor Templates
* Combined Classifier of Cry Units with New Acoustic Attributes, A
* Combined Frame Memory Motion Compensation for Video Coding
* Combining Neural Networks and Clustering Techniques for Object Recognition in Indoor Video Sequences
* Combining Neural Networks for Gait Classification
* Combining Pixelization and Dimensional Stacking
* Combining Shape-from-Motion Output with Partial Metadata
* Combining wavelets and watersheds for robust multiscale image segmentation
* Compact Architecture for Wireless Video Surveillance over CDMA Network, A
* Comparative Study of Face Representations in the Frequency Domain, A
* Comparison of Histogram Based Image Matching Methods, A
* Compression of textured surfaces represented as surfel sets
* Computing Homology for Surfaces with Generalized Maps: Application to 3D Images
* Conceptual K-Means Algorithm Based on Complex Features
* Conditional models for contextual human motion recognition
* consensus-based method for tracking: Modelling background scenario and foreground appearance, A
* Consideration of illumination effects and optimization of window size for accurate calculation of depth map for 3D shape recovery
* Constrained Delaunay Triangulation Using Delaunay Visibility
* Content-based image collection summarization and comparison using self-organizing maps
* Context-Based Gesture Recognition
* Context-based Visual Feedback Recognition
* Contour salience descriptors for effective image retrieval and analysis
* Convex hull based skew estimation
* Convex Shapes and Convergence Speed of Discrete Tangent Estimators
* cooperative constructive method for neural networks for pattern recognition, A
* Corner Detection by Searching Two Class Pattern Substrings
* Correlation Filters for Detection and Localization of Objects in Degraded Images
* Correlation Pattern Recognition for Face Recognition
* CPU-GPU Multithreaded Programming Model: Application to the Path Tracing with Next Event Estimation Algorithm
* Creating Multi-layered 3D Images Using Reversible Jump MCMC Algorithms
* Creation and Application of a Simulated Database of Dynamic 18-F MPPF PET Acquisitions Incorporating Inter-Individual Anatomical and Biological Variability
* Critical Appraisal of the Box Counting Method to Assess the Fractal Dimension of Tree Crowns, A
* Cross Validation Study of Deep Brain Stimulation Targeting: From Experts to Atlas-Based, Segmentation-Based and Automatic Registration Algorithms, A
* curve tracing algorithm using level set based affine transform, A
* Data Fusion and Confidence Measure in Image Feature Detection
* Data Fusion in Sensor Networks
* Data Hiding in Film Grain
* Decoding of Ternary Error Correcting Output Codes
* decomposition scheme for 3D fuzzy objects based on fuzzy distance information, A
* Desynchronization in Compression Process for Collusion Resilient Video Fingerprint
* Detecting Changes in Grey Level Sequences by ML Isotonic Regression
* Detection and Characterization of Abnormal Vascular Patterns in Automated Cervical Image Analysis
* Detection and Localization of the Top Object in the Stack of Objects
* Detection of Coding Regions in Large DNA Sequences Using the Short Time Fourier Transform with Reduced Computational Load
* Detection of Image Splicing Based on Hilbert-Huang Transform and Moments of Characteristic Functions with Wavelet Decomposition
* Deterministic Tourist Walks as an Image Analysis Methodology Based
* Development of Early Tunnel Fire Detection Algorithm Using the Image Processing
* Diagnosis of Chronic Idiopathic Inflammatory Bowel Disease Using Bayesian Networks
* Diagnostic Application of Brain Image Processing and Analysis System for Ischemic Stroke, The
* Digital image watermarking capacity and detection error rate
* Direct Estimation of the Stereo Geometry from Monocular Normal Flows
* Discovering the Local Co-occurring Patterns in Visual Categorization
* Dissecting the Image of the Absolute Conic
* Distances with neighbourhood sequences in cubic and triangular grids
* distributed hierarchical genetic algorithm for efficient optimization and pattern matching, A
* DNA Microarray Image Enhancement Using Conditional Sub-Block Bi-Histogram Equalization
* Document Mining Based on Semantic Understanding of Text
* Document Representation Based on Maximal Frequent Sequence Sets
* Domain described support vector classifier for multi-classification problems
* Domain Reduction Algorithm for Incremental Projective Reconstruction, A
* Dynamic Control of Adaptive Mixture-of-Gaussians Background Model
* Dynamic Monitoring of Bridges Using a High-Speed Coherent Radar
* Dynamic Programming-Based Reverse Frame Selection for VBR Video Delivery Under Constrained Resources
* Dynamic Reconstruction of Complex Planar Objects on Irregular Isothetic Grids
* Dynamic Scene Reconstruction for Efficient Remote Surveillance
* Dynamic shadow removal from front projection displays
* Dynamic Shape and Appearance Models
* Dynamic Texture Analysis and Synthesis Using Tensor Decomposition
* Dynamic User Concept Pattern Learning Framework for Content-Based Image Retrieval, A
* Edge Detection Using a Complex-Valued Directional Vector Representation
* Edge-Forming Methods for Image Zooming
* Effect of Finite Sample Size in Content-Based Image Retrieval
* effect of imbalanced data sets on LDA: A theoretical and empirical analysis, The
* Effective Fades and Flashlight Detection Based on Accumulating Histogram Difference
* Effects of Layer Partitioning in Collaborative 3D Visualizations
* Efficient Algorithm for Connected Attribute Thinnings and Thickenings, An
* Efficient Hardware Architecture for Full-Search Variable Block Size Motion Estimation in H.264/AVC, An
* Efficient Huber-Markov Edge-Preserving Image Restoration
* efficient image authentication method based on Hamming code, An
* Efficient Motion Search in Large Motion Capture Databases
* Efficient Photon Mapping Algorithm for Rendering Light-Emitting Fluids, An
* Efficient Video Enhancement Method Using LA*B* Analysis, An
* Egomotion Estimation as an Appearance-Based Classification Problem
* Eigenconjugation: An Approach for Computing Image Similarity
* Emotion-Based Textile Indexing Using Colors, Texture and Patterns
* Empirical Evaluation of a Visual Interface for Exploring Message Boards
* Engineering efficient metric indexes
* Enhanced Kernel-Based Tracking for Monochromatic and Thermographic Video
* Enhancing Information on Large Scenes by Mixing Renderings
* Error Resilient Image Authentication Using Feature Statistical and Spatial Properties
* Estimation of Internal and External Parameters for Camera Calibration Using 1D Pattern
* Estimation of skew angles for scanned documents based on piecewise covering by parallelograms
* Evaluating the mid-secretory endometrium appearance using hysteroscopic digital video summarization
* Evaluation of Four Probability Distribution Models for Speckle in Clinical Cardiac Ultrasound Images
* Evaluation of Subpixel Tracking Algorithms
* Evaluation of Time and Frequency Domain-Based Methods for the Estimation of Harmonics-to-Noise-Ratios in Voice Signals
* eVLBI Development in TIGO
* Evolution-Based Tabu Search Approach to Codebook Design, An
* EXDRAP: An Extended Dead Reckoning Architectural Pattern for the Development of Web-Based DVE Applications
* Experiential Approach to Interacting with Biological Information, An
* Experimental study for the comparison of classifier combination methods
* Exploiting Class Hierarchies for Knowledge Transfer in Hyperspectral Data
* Extracting image orientation feature by using integration operator
* Extraction and analysis of forensic document examiner features used for writer identification
* Extraction of Blood Vessels in Ophthalmic Color Images of Human Retinas
* Face Description with Local Binary Patterns: Application to Face Recognition
* Face Detection with High Precision Based on Radial-Symmetry Transform and Eye-Pair Checking
* Face Recognition by Humans: Nineteen Results All Computer Vision Researchers Should Know About
* Face Recognition Using 2-D, 3-D, and Infrared: Is Multimodal Better Than Multisample?
* Face Recognition Using 2D and 3D Multimodal Local Features
* Face Recognition Using 3-D Models: Pose and Illumination
* Face recognition using a kernel fractional-step discriminant analysis algorithm
* Face recognition with local steerable phase feature
* Face Recognition with Region Division and Spin Images
* Facial boundary detection with an active contour model
* Facial Expression Transformations for Expression-Invariant Face Recognition
* Fast 2D-3D Point-Based Registration Using GPU-Based Preprocessing for Image-Guided Surgery
* Fast Adaboosting Based Method for Iris and Pupil Contour Detection, A
* Fast and robust fuzzy c-means clustering algorithms incorporating local information for image segmentation
* Fast and versatile algorithm for nearest neighbor search based on a lower bound tree
* Fast Dense Stereo Matching Using Adaptive Window in Hierarchical Framework
* Fast estimation of slopes of linear and quasi-linear structures in noisy background, using Fourier methods
* Fast Fingerprint Matching Based on the Novel Structure Combining the Singular Point with Its Neighborhood Minutiae
* Fast k-nearest-neighbor search based on projection and triangular inequality
* Fast mean filtering technique (FMFT)
* Fast Method for Localization of Local Illumination Variations and Photometric Normalization in Face Images, A
* Fast Prediction Mode Decision Algorithm for H.264 Based on Hierarchical Mode Classification Framework
* Fast Probabilistic Model for Hypothesis Rejection in SIFT-Based Object Recognition, A
* Fast Stereo Matching Algorithm for Intermediate View Reconstruction of Stereoscopic Television Images
* Fast Surface Segmentation Guided by User Input Using Implicit Extension of Minimal Paths
* Fast Variable Block Size Motion Estimation for H.264 Using Likelihood and Correlation of Motion Field
* Faster and more robust point symmetry-based K-means algorithm
* Faster Graph-Based Segmentation Algorithm with Statistical Region Merge, A
* Feature Correspondences from Multiple Views of Coplanar Ellipses
* Feature Extraction and Selection for Recognizing Humans by Their Gait
* Feature Extraction Using Clustering of Protein
* Feature Extraction Using Recursive Cluster-Based Linear Discriminant With Application to Face Recognition
* Feature Modelling of PCA Difference Vectors for 2D and 3D Face Recognition
* Feature Selection Based on Mutual Correlation
* Filling holes on locally smooth surfaces reconstructed from point clouds
* Fingerprint enhancement using STFT analysis
* Fingerprint matching from minutiae texture maps
* Finite Sample Bias of Robust Scale Estimators in Computer Vision Problems
* Flexible Hardware JPEG 2000 Decoder for Digital Cinema, A
* Flexible Segmentation and Smoothing of DT-MRI Fields Through a Customizable Structure Tensor
* Free viewpoint action recognition using motion history volumes
* From Lossy to Lossless Wavelet Image Coding in a Tree-Based Encoder with Resolution Scalability
* Fully automatic coloring of grayscale images
* Further results on the subspace distance
* Fusing Features in Direct Volume Rendered Images
* Fusing Individual Algorithms and Humans Improves Face Recognition Accuracy
* Fusion of Gaussian Kernels Within Support Vector Classification
* Fusion of Omnidirectional and PTZ Cameras for Accurate Cooperative Tracking
* Fuzzy Rank LUM Filters
* GA-SSD-ARC-NLM for Parametric Image Registration
* Gabor Kernels for Textured Image Representation and Classification
* Gabor wavelet similarity maps for optimising hierarchical road sign classifiers
* Gender Classification of Faces Using Adaboost
* Gender Classification Using Principal Geodesic Analysis and Gaussian Mixture Models
* Gene subset selection in kernel-induced feature space
* general method for human activity recognition in video, A
* General Pose Face Recognition Using Frontal Face Model
* Generalized Overlap Measures for Evaluation and Validation in Medical Image Analysis
* Generating and Updating Textures for a Large-Scale Environment
* Generating Stochastic Dispersed and Periodic Clustered Textures Using a Composite Hybrid Screen
* Generic Object Recognition Using a Combination of ICA and Shape Cues
* genetic framework using contextual knowledge for segmentation and recognition of handwritten numeral strings, A
* Geodesic Matching with Free Extremities
* geometric approach to non-parametric density estimation, A
* Geometric Interpretations of the Relation between the Image of the Absolute Conic and Sphere Images
* Geometric Invariant Domain for Image Watermarking
* Geometrical Error Modeling and Compensation Using Neural Networks
* Geometry of a Non-Overlapping Multi-Camera Network
* Global Hand Pose Estimation by Multiple Camera Ellipse Tracking
* GLOBAL Topology Preservation in Isosurface Extraction of Volumetric Data
* Global-to-Local Histogram Match Culling for Epipolar Geometry Estimation
* GPU Accelerated Isosurface Extraction on Tetrahedral Grids
* GPU-Based Active Contour Segmentation Using Gradient Vector Flow
* Gradual model generator for single-pass clustering
* Graph-Based Multi-resolution Temporal-Based Face Reconstruction
* GrayCut: Object Segmentation in IR-Images
* Grey-level hit-or-miss transforms--Part I: Unified theory
* Grey-level hit-or-miss transforms--part II: Application to angiographic image processing
* Group Detection at Camera Handoff for Collecting People Appearance in Multi-camera Systems
* Grouped-People Splitting Based on Face Detection and Body Proportion Constraints
* Guest Editorial
* Guiding a Bottom-Up Visual Attention Mechanism to Locate Specific Image Regions Using a Distributed Genetic Optimization
* Handwritten Bangla numeral recognition system and its application to postal automation
* Handwritten digit classification using higher order singular value decomposition
* Harmonic Embeddings for Linear Shape Analysis
* Hierarchical Image Database Navigation on a Hue Sphere
* High-Accuracy Urban DEM Using Permanent Scatterers
* High-Quality Real Time Motion Detection Using PTZ Cameras
* High-Resolution Video from Series of Still Photographs
* High-Speed Parallel Architecture for Stereo Matching, A
* High-Throughput Architecture for H.264/AVC CABAC Compression System
* History Trees as Descriptors of Macromolecular Structures
* Holonic Multi-agent Systems to Integrate Independent Multi-sensor Platforms in Complex Surveillance
* Human Body Part Labeling and Tracking Using Graph Matching Theory
* Human body pose detection using Bayesian spatio-temporal templates
* Human Face Reconstruction Using Bayesian Deformable Models
* Hybrid Cone-Cylinder Codebook Model for Foreground Detection with Shadow and Highlight Suppression
* Identity verification through finger matching: A comparison of Support Vector Machines and Gaussian Basis Functions classifiers
* Illumination Normalization for Color Face Images
* Image analysis by modified Legendre moments
* Image classification with the use of radial basis function neural networks and the minimization of the localized generalization error
* Image Compression Algorithm Based on Morphological Associative Memories
* Image Contrast Enhancement Based on Block-Wise Intensity-Pair Distribution with Two Expansion Forces
* Image Denoising Via Sparse and Redundant Representations Over Learned Dictionaries
* Image denoising with complex ridgelets
* Image encryption by random grids
* Image reconstruction from limited range projections using orthogonal moments
* Image restoration using digital inpainting and noise removal
* Image Retrieval by Local Contrast Patterns and Color
* Image Segmentation Algorithm Using Iteratively the Mean Shift, An
* Image thresholding based on the EM algorithm and the generalized Gaussian distribution
* Image warping for compressing and spatially organizing a dense collection of images
* Image-Based Informatics for Preclinical Biomedical Research
* image-hiding method with high hiding capacity based on best-block matching and k-means clustering, An
* Imaging Simulation of Polarimetric SAR for a Comprehensive Terrain Scene Using the Mapping and Projection Algorithm
* Immersing Tele-operators in Collaborative Augmented Reality
* Impact of Initialization on Design of Endmember Extraction Algorithms
* improved BioHashing for human authentication, An
* Improved Differential Energy Watermarking for Embedding Watermark
* Improved Face Recognition Using Extended Modular Principal Component Analysis
* improved incremental training algorithm for support vector machines using active query, An
* Improved Representation of Junctions Through Asymmetric Tensor Diffusion, An
* Improved Super-Resolution Reconstruction From Video
* Improved Vehicle Classification in Long Traffic Video by Cooperating Tracker and Classifier Modules
* improved watershed algorithm based on efficient computation of shortest paths, An
* Improvement of DCT-Based Compression Algorithms Using Poisson's Equation
* Improving Brightness for a Multi-projector Display Considering Image Content
* Improving nearest neighbor rule with a simple adaptive distance measure
* Improving Spatiotemporal Inpainting with Layer Appearance Models
* Improving the Speed of Kernel PCA on Large Scale Datasets
* Improving Weapon Detection in Single Energy X-Ray Images Through Pseudocoloring
* In-Vivo IVUS Tissue Classification: A Comparison Between RF Signal Analysis and Reconstructed Images
* Incorporating multiple SVMs for automatic image annotation
* Independent Moving Object Detection Using a Colour Background Model
* Information cut for clustering using a gradient descent approach
* Integration of Multiple Methods for Class and Specific Object Recognition
* Intellectual Property Rights Management Using Combination Encryption in MPEG-4
* Interactive representation of still and dynamic scenes
* Interpolation by Piecewise Quadric Polynomial to Scattered Data Points
* Intuitionistic fuzzy information: Applications to pattern recognition
* Inverse tensor transfer with applications to novel view synthesis and multi-baseline stereo
* Invertible Polygonalization of 3D Planar Digital Curves and Application to Volume Data Reconstruction
* Investigating the Dynamics of Facial Expression
* investigation of the modified direction feature for cursive character recognition, An
* Iris on the Move: Acquisition of Images for Iris Recognition in Less Constrained Environments
* Iris Recognition Using a Low Level of Details
* Irregular Pyramid Segmentations with Stochastic Graph Decimation Strategies
* Issues and Implementation of C1 and C2 Natural Neighbor Interpolation
* Iterative Closest SIFT Formulation for Robust Feature Matching
* Iterative Estimation of 3D Transformations for Object Alignment
* Joint Prediction Algorithm and Architecture for Stereo Video Hybrid Coding Systems
* Joint Screening Halftoning and Visual Cryptography for Image Protection
* K-SVD: An Algorithm for Designing Overcomplete Dictionaries for Sparse Representation
* Kernel clustering-based discriminant analysis
* Kernel Hetero-associative Memory for Robust Face Recognition
* Kernel PCA for novelty detection
* Kernel-based classification using quantum mechanics
* Knowledge-Based Approach for Detecting Unattended Packages in Surveillance Video, A
* Large System Decision Fusion Performance in Inhomogeneous Sensor Networks
* Laser Altimeter Performance Model and Its Application to BELA, A
* Lateral and Depth Calibration of PMD-Distance Sensors
* Layered Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Layout of Multiple Views for Volume Visualization: A User Study
* Learning a New Statistical Shape Prior Model for Object Detection by Geodesic Active Contours
* Learning Feature Extraction and Classification for Tracking Multiple Objects: A Unified Framework
* Learning for Multi-view 3D Tracking in the Context of Particle Filters
* Learning Foveal Sensing Strategies in Unconstrained Surveillance Environments
* Learning the Stylistic Similarity Between Human Motions
* Learning Variability of Image Feature Appearance Using Statistical Methods
* Learning-based dynamic coupling of discrete and continuous trackers
* Least-squares-based fitting of paraboloids
* Light Simulation in a Distributed Driving Simulator
* Linear Radial Patterns Characterization for Automatic Detection of Tonic Intestinal Contractions
* Lip Detection Using Confidence-Based Adaptive Thresholding
* LMI Approach for Reliable PTZ Camera Self-Calibration, An
* Local anisotropy analysis for non-smooth images
* Local Linear Approximation for Kernel Methods: The Railway Kernel
* Locally adaptive block thresholding method with continuity constraint
* Logistic regression using covariates obtained by product-unit neural network models
* Lossless Compression of Map Contours by Context Tree Modeling of Chain Codes
* Lossless Data Hiding Using Histogram Shifting Method Based on Integer Wavelets
* Lossless Video Coding Using Lattice Based Distributed Source Coding Techniques
* Low Level Moving-Feature Extraction Via Heat Flow Analogy
* Low-Complexity Multiresolution Image Compression Using Wavelet Lower Trees
* Low-Cost Attack on Branch-Based Software Watermarking Schemes, A
* Low-dose, large-angled cone-beam helical CT data reconstruction using algebraic reconstruction techniques
* Luminance- and Contrast-Invariant Edge-Similarity Measure, A
* Machine Learning Framework Using SOMs: Applications in the Intestinal Motility Assessment, A
* Margin Maximizing Discriminant Analysis for Multi-shot Based Object Recognition
* Markerless Pose Tracking for Augmented Reality
* Markerless tracking of complex human motions from multiple views
* Markov random fields for catadioptric image processing
* Matching actions in presence of camera motion
* Maximin Initialization for Cluster Analysis
* MCMC Data Association and Sparse Factorization Updating for Real Time Multitarget Tracking with Merged and Multiple Measurements
* Mean shift algorithm equipped with the intersection of confidence intervals rule for image segmentation
* Measurement of 3-D Loci and Attitudes of the Golf Driver Head While Swinging
* Measuring Skin Topographic Structures through Capacitance Image Analysis
* Medical image segmentation, volume representation and registration using spheres in the geometric algebra framework
* Mesh Optimisation Using Edge Information in Feature-Based Surface Reconstruction
* Method for Detection and Modeling of the Human Spine Based on Principal Curvatures, A
* Method for the Automatic Analysis of Colour Category Pixel Shifts During Dichromatic Vision, A
* Method for the extraction of image features caused by structure light using template information
* Method of Improving Cloud Predictions for Real-Time Weather Forecasting and Visualization, A
* method to compute distance between two categorical values of same attribute in unsupervised learning for categorical data set, A
* Methodology for the design of NN-based month-word recognizers written on Brazilian bank checks
* MILES: Multiple-Instance Learning via Embedded Instance Selection
* Mining evolving data streams for frequent patterns
* Mitigating the Effects of Variable Illumination for Tracking across Disjoint Camera Views
* Mixed-State Auto-Models and Motion Texture Modeling
* Mobile Low-Cost Motion Capture System Based on Accelerometers, A
* model based approach for pose estimation and rotation invariant object matching, A
* Model-based evaluation of clustering validation measures
* Model-Based Localization Method by Non-speech Sound Via Wavelet Transform and Dynamic Neural Network
* Modeling people: Vision-based understanding of a person's shape, appearance, movement, and behaviour
* modified Gabor function for content based image retrieval, A
* Monte Carlo Evaluation of the Hausdorff Distance for Shape Matching
* Morphological segmentation of yeast by image analysis
* Mosaic-Based 3D Scene Representation and Rendering
* Mosaicing of Microscope Images with Global Geometric and Radiometric Corrections
* Motion Detection Using an Improved Colour Model
* Motion Estimation with Edge Continuity Constraint for Crowd Scene Analysis
* Motion Trajectory Classification for Visual Surveillance and Tracking
* Movement Epenthesis Generation Using NURBS-Based Spatial Interpolation
* Moving dim point target detection with three-dimensional wide-to-exact search directional filtering
* Multi Bit Plane Image Steganography
* Multi-class pattern classification using neural networks
* Multi-Class Tracker Using a Scalable Condensation Filter, A
* Multi-Modal Interface for Road Planning Tasks Using Vision, Haptics and Sound, A
* Multi-view Intelligent Vehicle Surveillance System
* Multimedia Surveillance and Monitoring
* Multiple Description Coding for Robust Video Transmission Over Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks
* Multiple Exemplar-Based Facial Image Retrieval Using Independent Component Analysis
* Multiple Hypothesis Target Tracking Using Merge and Split of Graph's Nodes
* Multiple statistical models for soft decision in noisy speech enhancement
* Multiresolution mammogram analysis in multilevel decomposition
* Multiscale Hybrid Linear Models for Lossy Image Representation
* Multiview Range Image Registration Using the Surface Interpenetration Measure
* Natural Interface for Sign Language Mathematics, A
* Near- and Far- Infrared Imaging for Vein Pattern Biometrics
* Neighbor number, valley seeking and clustering
* Networked Heterogeneous Camera System for High Resolution Face Images
* neural network system for matching dental radiographs, A
* Neuro-Fuzzy Control for MPEG Video Transmission Over Bluetooth
* new 3D model retrieval approach based on the elevation descriptor, A
* New Algorithm for Solid Texture Synthesis, A
* new approach to estimate fractal dimensions of corrosion images, A
* New Approach to Multi-class Linear Dimensionality Reduction, A
* New Method for Approximating Optimal Parameterization of Polynomial Curves, A
* New Method of Illumination Normalization for Robust Face Recognition, A
* New Multi-set Modulation Technique for Increasing Hiding Capacity of Binary Watermark for Print and Scan Processes, A
* New Nearest Neighbor Rule for Text Categorization, A
* New Photographing Apparatus for Skin Maps of Human Face Rendering, A
* Next Best View Algorithms for Interior and Exterior Model Acquisition
* NGVF: An improved external force field for active contour model
* NIST Fingerprint Evaluations and Developments
* Non-photorealistic Rendering of Seurat's Pointillism, A
* Nonparametric Background Modeling Using the CONDENSATION Algorithm
* Nonrigid 2-D/3-D Registration for Patient Specific Bronchoscopy Simulation With Statistical Shape Modeling: Phantom Validation
* Nonrigid registration of brain MRI using NURBS
* Novel 3D Statistical Shape Model for Segmentation of Medical Images, A
* Novel Approach to Automatic Color Matching, A
* novel approach to photometric motion, A
* novel edge detection method based on the maximizing objective function, A
* novel framework for the interactive transmission of 3D scenes, A
* novel fuzzy classification entropy approach to image thresholding, A
* Novel Gait Recognition Method Via Fusing Shape and Kinematics Features, A
* Novel Method for Mapping Land Cover Changes: Incorporating Time and Space With Geostatistics, A
* Novel Metric on Partitions for Image Segmentation, A
* Novel Multibit Watermarking Scheme Combining Spread Spectrum and Quantization, A
* Novel Statistical Model for Speech Recognition and POS Tagging, A
* Novel Transductive SVM for Semisupervised Classification of Remote-Sensing Images, A
* Novelty Detection Approach for Foreground Region Detection in Videos with Quasi-stationary Backgrounds, A
* Number Plate Recognition Based on Support Vector Machines
* numerical recipe for accurate image reconstruction from discrete orthogonal moments, A
* Object Contour Tracking in Videos by Matching Finite Mixture Models
* Object Recognition and Tracking in Video Sequences: A New Integrated Methodology
* Object Recognition Using Local Descriptors: A Comparison
* Object Segmentation Using Growing Neural Gas and Generalized Gradient Vector Flow in the Geometric Algebra Framework
* OCR binarization and image pre-processing for searching historical documents
* Omni-Directional Camera Networks and Data Fusion for Vehicle Tracking in an Indoor Parking Lot
* Omnidirectional Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction by Contour Matching
* On Asymmetric Classifier Training for Detector Cascades
* On Optimisation of Smart Card Face Verification Systems
* On Person Authentication by Fusing Visual and Thermal Face Biometrics
* On the Azimuthally Anisotropy Effects of Polarization for Altimetric Measurements
* On the Design and Implementation of a High Performance Configurable Architecture for Testor Identification
* On the Distribution of Saliency
* On the Performance and Use of Speaker Recognition Systems for Surveillance
* On the Processing of Fuzzy Patterns for Text Independent Phonetic Speech Segmentation
* On the use of the overlapping area matrix for image segmentation evaluation: A survey and new performance measures
* On-line signature recognition based on VQ-DTW
* On-line, interactive view synthesis and augmentation
* Online Discriminative Approach to Background Subtraction, An
* Open Source Vision Library (OpenVL) Based Local Positioning System
* Optic Flow Integration at Multiple Spatial Frequencies: Neural Mechanism and Algorithm
* Optical System for Guidance of Terrain Following in UAVs, An
* Optimal Parameterizations of Bézier Surfaces
* Optimal Power Scheduling for Data Fusion in Inhomogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks
* Optimizing resources in model selection for support vector machine
* ORIENT-CAM, A Camera That Knows Its Orientation and Some Applications
* Orientation Invariant Features for Multiclass Object Recognition
* Oscillating Feature Subset Search Algorithm for Text Categorization
* Oven conveyor alignment system apparatus and method
* Panoramic Appearance Map (PAM) for Multi-camera Based Person Re-identification
* parallel application for 3D reconstruction of coronal loops using image morphing, A
* Parameter Embedding in Motion-JPEG2000 through ROI for Variable-Coefficient Invertible Deinterlacing
* Parameterizations of digital surfaces homeomorphic to a sphere using discrete harmonic functions
* Parametric Inversion Technique for Location of Cylindrical Structures by Cross-Hole Measurements
* Pedestrian Detection and Tracking for Counting Applications in Crowded Situations
* People Tracking Using a Time-of-Flight Depth Sensor
* Perceptual Grouping Based on Iterative Multi-scale Tensor Voting
* Petroglyph digitization: enabling cultural heritage scholarship
* Phase congruence measurement for image similarity assessment
* Phenomenological Model of Diffuse Global and Regional Atrophy Using Finite-Element Methods
* Physically Interacting with Four Dimensions
* Physically-Based Real-Time Diffraction Using Spherical Harmonics
* Pixel-Wise Histograms for Visual Segment Description and Applications
* Planar Surface Detection in Image Pairs Using Homographic Constraints
* Polyhedrization of Discrete Convex Volumes
* Pose-invariant face recognition system and process
* Practical Considerations for Real-Time Implementation of Speech-Based Gender Detection
* Predicting fingerprint biometrics performance from a small gallery
* Principal Component Analysis of Multi-view Images for Viewpoint-Independent Face Recognition
* Probabilistic Approach to Build 2D Line Based Maps from Laser Scans in Indoor Environments, A
* Probabilistic Shot Boundary Detection Using Interframe Histogram Differences
* Probing the Uniqueness and Randomness of IrisCodes: Results From 200 Billion Iris Pair Comparisons
* Procedural Image Processing for Visualization
* Processing of FORMOSAT-2 Daily Revisit Imagery for Site Surveillance
* Progressive Coding of 3-D Objects Based on Overcomplete Decompositions
* Progressive Transmission of Images Over Fading Channels Using Rate-Compatible LDPC Codes
* Proposal for a Unified Methodology for Evaluating Supervised and Non-supervised Classification Algorithms
* Prototype of Autonomous Intelligent Surveillance Cameras, A
* Quantitative Evaluation of Three Calibration Methods for 3-D Freehand Ultrasound
* Random Field Model for Improved Feature Extraction and Tracking, A
* Random Multispace Quantization as an Analytic Mechanism for BioHashing of Biometric and Random Identity Inputs
* Rate-distortion-optimized predictive compression of dynamic 3D mesh sequences
* Real Time Hand Gesture Recognition Including Hand Segmentation and Tracking
* Real-Time and Robust Monocular SLAM Using Predictive Multi-resolution Descriptors
* Real-time constant memory visual summaries for surveillance
* Real-Time Detection of Camera Tampering
* Real-Time Detection of Out-of-Plane Objects in Stereo Vision
* Real-time detection of steam in video images
* Real-Time GPU-Based Simulation of Dynamic Terrain
* Real-Time Model-Based SLAM Using Line Segments
* Real-Time Multi-view 3D Object Tracking in Cluttered Scenes
* Real-Time Rendering of Light Shafts on GPU
* Real-Time Video Segmentation with VGA Resolution and Memory Bandwidth Reduction
* Recent Developments in 3D Multi-modal Laser Imaging Applied to Cultural Heritage
* Recognition of 3D Object Using Attributed Relation Graph of Silhouette's Extended Convex Hull
* Recognizing Action Primitives in Complex Actions Using Hidden Markov Models
* Recognizing Facial Expressions in Videos Using a Facial Action Analysis-Synthesis Scheme
* Recovering Facial Shape Using a Statistical Model of Surface Normal Direction
* Recovery of Circular Motion Geometry in Spite of Varying Intrinsic Parameters
* Rectification of Illumination in Images Used for Shape from Focus
* Region partition and feature matching based color recognition of tongue image
* region-based multi-sensor image fusion scheme using pulse-coupled neural network, A
* region-based selective optical flow back-projection for genuine motion vector estimation, A
* Registration of Multimodal Stereo Images Using Disparity Voting from Correspondence Windows
* Rejection Strategies for Offline Handwritten Text Line Recognition
* relative distance of key point based iris recognition, The
* Rendering Dynamic Real-World Scenes Using Image Spheres
* Retinal Spot Lesion Detection Using Adaptive Multiscale Morphological Processing
* Retrieval of images of man-made structures based on projective invariance
* Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Side Match Vector Quantization, A
* Reversible Visible Watermarking and Lossless Recovery of Original Images
* Reversible Watermarking Based on Histogram Shifting, A
* Reversible Watermarking for Error Diffused Halftone Images Using Statistical Features
* Riemannian approach to graph embedding, A
* RLS Filter for Nonuniformity and Ghosting Correction of Infrared Image Sequences, A
* Robust Audio Watermarking Based on Low-Order Zernike Moments
* Robust Auto-Calibration from Pedestrians
* Robust Hausdorff distance measure for face recognition
* Robust kernel Isomap
* Robust License Plate Detection Using Covariance Descriptor in a Neural Network Framework
* Robust Pose Estimation from a Planar Target
* Robust Quality-Scalable Transmission of JPEG2000 Images over Wireless Channels Using LDPC Codes
* Robust Region Based Level Set Framework for Medical Image Segmentation, A
* Robust Video Watermarking Scheme Via Temporal Segmentation and Middle Frequency Component Adaptive Modification, A
* Robustness Analysis of the Neural Gas Learning Algorithm
* Role of Motion Models in Super-Resolving Surveillance Video for Face Recognition, The
* Rotation Moment Invariants for Recognition of Symmetric Objects
* Rotation-Invariant Secure Image Watermarking Algorithm Incorporating Steerable Pyramid Transform, A
* Rounding Mismatch Between Spatial-Domain and Transform-Domain Video Codecs
* S-kernel: A measure of symmetry of objects, The
* Satellite Tracks Removal in Astronomical Images
* Scalable Multiuser Framework for Video Over OFDM Networks: Fairness and Efficiency, A
* Scalable Protection and Access Control in Full Scalable Video Coding
* Scalable Surveillance Software Architecture
* Scale Consistent Image Completion
* Sea Ice Roughness From Airborne LIDAR Profiles
* Search Method of Time Sensitive Frequent Itemsets in Data Streams
* Secure and Robust Authentication Scheme for Video Transcoding, A
* Secure Digital Watermarking Scheme for MPEG-2 Video Copyright Protection, A
* Secure Quantization Index Modulation Watermark Detection
* Secure Watermark Embedding Through Partial Encryption
* Security identification system
* Segmentation of Three Dimensional Cell Culture Models from a Single Focal Plane
* Segmentation of Triangular Meshes Using Multi-scale Normal Variation
* Segmentation of Vectorial Image Features Using Shape Gradients and Information Measures
* Segmentation-Based Registration of Organs in Intraoperative Video Sequences
* Selecting Objects for ALVOT
* Self-adaptive RBF Neural Networks for Face Recognition
* Self-Calibration with Two Views Using the Scale-Invariant Feature Transform
* Semantically Relevant Image Retrieval by Combining Image and Linguistic Analysis
* Semi-automatic 3D Reconstruction Algorithm for Telepresence, A
* Semi-Fragile Lossless Digital Watermarking Scheme Based on Integer Wavelet Transform, A
* Sensor Bandwidth Assignment through Video Annotation
* Sensor Fusion Based Obstacle Detection/Classification for Active Pedestrian Protection System
* Shape recognition using eigenvalues of the Dirichlet Laplacian
* Shape Reconstruction by Line Voting in Discrete Space
* Shape Representation and Classification Using the Poisson Equation
* Shape Retrieval Using Matching Pursuit Decomposition
* Shape Tracking and Registration for 4D Visualization of MRI and Structure
* Signal Based Node Activation in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Similarity Measures Between Intuitionistic Fuzzy (Vague) Sets: A Comparative Analysis
* Simulation of Artificial Winds Using a Hardware Illumination Technique
* Simulation of Diabetic Retinopathy Neovascularization in Color Digital Fundus Images
* Simultaneous Features and Objects Selection for Mixed and Incomplete Data
* Singular Value Decomposition-Based Illumination Compensation in Video
* Skeletonization of Digital Objects
* Skin Colour-Based Face Detection in Colour Images
* Smith-Waterman Local Alignment Approach for Spatial Activity Recognition, A
* Smoothing Segmented Lung Boundary in Chest CT Images Using Scan Line Search
* SOM Segmentation of gray scale images for optical recognition
* Spatial Data Description by Means of Knowledge-Based System
* Special issue on 3D acquisition technology for cultural heritage
* Special Issue on Biometrics: Algorithms and Applications
* Spectral distortion measures for biological sequence comparisons and database searching
* Spectral Median Graphs Applied to Graphical Symbol Recognition
* Speech Recognition Moves from Software to Hardware
* SPIHT-Based Coding of the Shape and Texture of Arbitrarily Shaped Visual Objects
* Statistical Recursive Filtering Estimation of Detector Offset Nonuniformity in Infrared Imaging Systems
* Statistics on the Manifold of Multivariate Normal Distributions: Theory and Application to Diffusion Tensor MRI Processing
* Steganalysis in the Presence of Weak Cryptography and Encoding
* Steganalysis Using High-Dimensional Features Derived from Co-occurrence Matrix and Class-Wise Non-Principal Components Analysis (CNPCA)
* Steganographic Scheme for VQ Compressed Images Using Progressive Exponential Clustering
* Stereo Imaging with Uncalibrated Camera
* Stereovision depth analysis by two-dimensional motion charge memories
* Stochastic exploration and active learning for image retrieval
* Strategies for Part-Based Shape Analysis Using Skeletons
* Strongly normal sets of contractible tiles in N dimensions
* Structured Gaussian Components for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Study on Image Enhancement Techniques for Fingerprint Identification, A
* Subspace evolution analysis for face representation and recognition
* Summarization of Baseball Video Content
* Supplementing Markov Chains with Additional Features for Behavioural Analysis
* Support Vector Machine with External Recurrences for Modeling Dynamic Cerebral Autoregulation
* Support Vector Machine with Weighted Summation Kernel Obtained by Adaboost
* Surface Fitting to Curves with Energy Control
* survey of advances in vision-based human motion capture and analysis, A
* survey of content-based image retrieval with high-level semantics, A
* Survey of Data Mining Approaches to User Modeling for Adaptive Hypermedia
* survey of skin-color modeling and detection methods, A
* Symbol Recognition with Kernel Density Matching
* Symbolic representation of two-dimensional shapes
* System and method for real time lip synchronization
* System Classification by Using Discriminant Functions of Time-Frequency Features
* System for 3D Modeling Frescoed Historical Buildings with Multispectral Texture Information, A
* Template matching applied to selector planes for multiple raster content (MRC) representation of documents
* Template Matching Based on the L_p Norm Using Sufficient Conditions with Incremental Approximations
* Temporal Alignment of Time Varying MRI Datasets for High Resolution Medical Visualization
* temporal fusion strategy for cross-camera data association, A
* Temporal motion models for monocular and multiview 3D human body tracking
* Texture classification using Gabor wavelets based rotation invariant features
* Texture classification using ridgelet transform
* Texture Features and Segmentation Based on Multifractal Approach
* theoretical analysis of GLRAM and its applications, The
* Theoretical Comparison of Two Linear Dimensionality Reduction Techniques, A
* Three-dimensional acquisition of large and detailed cultural heritage objects
* Thresholding based on variance and intensity contrast
* Thresholding of noisy shoeprint images based on pixel context
* Time Series Pattern Recognition Based on MAP Transform and Local Trend Associations
* Toward an Optimal SVM Classification System for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images
* Towards a Modular Network-Distributed Mixed-Reality Learning Space System
* Towards a New Tool for the Evaluation of the Quality of Ultrasound Compressed Images
* Towards Lower Bounds on Embedding Distortion in Information Hiding
* Towards Obtaining an Ideal Real Time Panoramic Video
* Tracking of Individuals in Very Long Video Sequences
* Training of Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks by Using Cellular Genetic Algorithms
* Trifocal Transfer Based Novel View Synthesis for Micromanipulation
* Twenty New Digital Brain Phantoms for Creation of Validation Image Data Bases
* Two Efficient Rate Control Algorithms for Motion JPEG2000
* Two Step Ant Colony System to Solve the Feature Selection Problem
* Two-dimensional locality preserving projections (2DLPP) with its application to palmprint recognition
* Understanding 3D Emotions Through Compact Anthropometric Autoregressive Models
* Unified Algebraic Approach to 2-D and 3-D Motion Segmentation and Estimation, A
* Unifying and Rigorous Shape from Shading Method Adapted to Realistic Data and Applications, A
* Universal JPEG Steganalysis in the Compressed Frequency Domain
* Unsupervised Custering of Shapes
* Unsupervised multiscale oil slick segmentation from SAR images using a vector HMC model
* Use of Fresnelets for Phase-Shifting Digital Hologram Compression
* Using boosting to prune bagging ensembles
* Using Human and Model Performance to Compare MRI Reconstructions
* Using Image Processing Methods to Improve the Explosive Detection Accuracy
* Using perceptual relation of regularity and anisotropy in the texture with independent component model for defect detection
* Using Visualizations to Support Design and Debugging in Virtual Reality
* Validated Method for Dense Non-rigid 3D Face Registration, A
* Validating a Biometric Authentication System: Sample Size Requirements
* Venation Pattern Analysis of Leaf Images
* VHDL-Based Simulation of a Parallel Implementation of a Phase-Based Algorithm for Optical Flow
* Video Compression Using Spatiotemporal Regularity Flow
* Video Indexing and Retrieval in Compressed Domain Using Fuzzy-Categorization
* Video Surveillance at the Beginning of the Third Millennium: The Viewpoint of Research, Industry, Government Bodies, Research Funding Agencies and the Community
* View Independent Gait Identification Using a Particle Filter
* Viewing Scenes Occluded by Smoke
* Viewpoint invariant exemplar-based 3D human tracking
* Viewpoint Selection for Angiographic Volume
* VirtualQWERTY: Textual Communication in Virtual Reality
* Vision-Based Self-localization of Autonomous Guided Vehicle Using Landmarks of Colored Pentagons
* Vision-Based User Interfaces for Health Applications: A Survey
* Visual Recognition of Manual Tasks Using Object Motion Trajectories
* Visual Speech Recognition Method Using Translation, Scale and Rotation Invariant Features
* Visualizing Natural Stereo Images in Short Distance: A New Approach
* VLSI Design of a Wavelet Processing Core
* VR Game Platform Built Upon Wireless Sensor Network, A
* Watermarking for 3D Keyframe Animation Based on Geometry and Interpolator
* Watermarking Is Not Cryptography
* Wavelet Analysis Based Blind Watermarking for 3-D Surface Meshes
* Wavelet Domain Print-Scan and JPEG Resilient Data Hiding Method
* Wavelet-Based Fragile Watermarking Scheme for Secure Image Authentication, A
* Web-based 3D Reconstruction Service
* Web-Based Interface for the Visualization of Microarray Data
* What Can We Learn from Biological Vision Studies for Human Motion Segmentation?
* Wyner-Ziv Video Coding With Universal Prediction
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.