Journals starting with comp

Comp and Elec in Ag(171) * machine-learning approach for classifying defects on tree trunks using terrestrial LiDAR, A

Comp. Biomed. Res.(4) * Computer Determination of the Constituent Structure of Biological Images

Comp. Biomed. Res.(5) * Automatic Boundary Detection of the Left Ventricle from Cineangiograms

Comp. Graphics Forum(14) * Image Warping Using Few Anchor Points and Radial Functions

CompAgri( Vol No. ) * *Computers and Electronics in Agriculture

CompAgri(9) * Colour Segmentation Based on a Light Reflection Model to Locate Citrus Fruits for Robotic Harvesting

CompBio( Vol No. ) * *Computational Biology

CompBio(5) * I Look in Your Eyes, Honey: Internal Face Features Induce Spatial Frequency Preference for Human Face Processing

CompElAg( Vol No. ) * *Computers and Electronics in Agriculture

CompElAg(76) * feature extraction software tool for agricultural object-based image analysis, A

CompElAg(81) * methodology to select particle morpho-chemical characteristics to use in source apportionment of particulate matter from livestock houses, A

CompElAg(90) * Automated extraction of tree and plot-based parameters in citrus orchards from aerial images

CompGeo(35) * Boosting a fast neural network for supervised land cover classification

CompGeomApp( Vol No. ) * *International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications

CompGeomApp(15) * efficient method to determine the intended solution for a system of geometric constraints, An

CompGeomApp(6) * On Approximation of Polygonal Curves with Minimum Number of Line Segments or Minimum Error

CompGeoSci( Vol No. ) * *Computers and Geosciences

CompGeoSci(36) * Definition of a comprehensive set of texture semivariogram features and their evaluation for object-oriented image classification

CompGosSci(50) * Using semivariogram indices to analyse heterogeneity in spatial patterns in remotely sensed images

CompIMAGE10 * *Computational Modeling of Objects Represented in Images
* Algorithm to Decompose n-Dimensional Rotations into Planar Rotations, An
* Characterization of a SimMechanics Model for a Virtual Glove Rehabilitation System
* Circular Acquisition to Define the Minimal Set of Projections for Optimal MRI Reconstruction
* Coding a Simulation Model of the 3D Structure of Paper
* Collage of Iso-Picture Languages and P Systems
* Compact Binary Patterns (CBP) with Multiple Patch Classifiers for Fast and Accurate Face Recognition
* Connectedness of Offset Digitizations in Higher Dimensions
* Crowd Behavior Surveillance Using Bhattacharyya Distance Metric
* Curvature Estimation for Discrete Curves Based on Auto-adaptive Masks of Convolution
* Customizable Visualization on Demand for Hierarchically Organized Information in Biochemical Networks
* Digital Stars and Visibility of Digital Objects
* Direction-Dependency of a Binary Tomographic Reconstruction Algorithm
* Fast Automatic Microstructural Segmentation of Ferrous Alloy Samples Using Optimum-Path Forest
* Generalized Perpendicular Bisector and Circumcenter
* Graph-Theoretic Image Alignment Using Topological Features
* Improved Kernel Common Vector Method for Face Recognition Varying in Background Conditions
* New Method for Generation of Three-Dimensional Cubes, A
* Numerical Methods for the Semi-automatic Analysis of Multimodal Wound Healing Images
* Numerical Simulations of Hypoeutectoid Steels under Loading Conditions, Based on Image Processing and Digital Material Representation
* Omega-Arithmetization of Ellipses
* On the Effects of Normalization in Adaptive MRF Hierarchies
* Online Tessellation Automaton Recognizing Various Classes of Convex Polyominoes
* Polyoisominoes
* Surface Finish Control in Machining Processes Using Haralick Descriptors and Neuronal Networks
* Surface Reconstruction with an Interactive Modification of Point Normals
* Surface-Based Imaging Methods for High-Resolution Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Tile Pasting Systems for Tessellation and Tiling Patterns
* Topology Preserving Parallel Smoothing for 3D Binary Images
29 for CompIMAGE10

CompIMAGE12 * *Computational Modeling of Objects Represented in Images

CompIMAGE14 * *Computational Modeling of Objects Represented in Images
* Adaptive Sampling and Non Linear Reconstruction for Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Analysis and Segmentation of a Three-Dimensional X-ray Computed Tomography Image of a Textile Composite
* Analysis of Cardiac MRI Based Regional Timing of Left Ventricular Mechanical Contraction as a Biomarker for Electrical Dyssynchrony in Heart-Failure Patients
* Characterization of a Novel Imaging-Based Metric of Patellofemoral Separation Using Computational Modeling
* Computational Image Modeling for Characterization and Analysis of Intracellular Cargo Transport
* Computing Probabilistic Optical Flow Using Markov Random Fields
* Curvature-Based Registration for Slice Interpolation of Medical Images
* Data-Driven Investigation and Estimation of Optimal Topologies under Variable Loading Configurations, A
* Detection of Myocardial Perfusion Defects Using First Pass Perfusion Cardiac MRI Data
* Element Stiffness Matrix Integration in Image-Based Cartesian Grid Finite Element Method
* Extended Edge-Weighted Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation for Image Segmentation
* Feasibility Study on Kinematic Feature Extraction from the Human Interventricular Septum toward Hypertension Classification, A
* Feature-Sensitive and Adaptive Mesh Generation of Grayscale Images
* Flow Simulations on 3D Segmented Images Using Reinitialization and Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation
* General Framework for Nonlinear Regularized Krylov-Based Image Restoration, A
* HIFU Treatment of Liver Cancer: Reciprocal Effect of Blood Flow and US Studied from a Patient-Specific Configuration
* Identification of Distinct Blood Vessels in Retinal Fundus Images
* Image Restoration of Phase Contrast Nano Scale X-ray CT Images
* Image Segmentation by Image Analogies
* Improving Atlas-Based Medical Image Segmentation with a Relaxed Object Search
* Innovative On-line Handwriting Identification Algorithm Based on Stroke Features
* Inter-Projection Interpolation (IPI) Approach with Geometric Model Restriction to Reduce Image Dose in Cone Beam CT (CBCT), An
* Knapsack Intersection Graphs and Efficient Computation of Their Maximal Cliques
* Modelling of Bioimpedance Measurements: Application to Sensitivity Analysis
* New Method to Improve Quality of Reconstructed Images in Tomography, A
* Nonlinear Transformation of the Distance Function in the Nearest Neighbor Image Recognition
* Numerical Simulation from Medical Images: Accurate Integration by Means of the Cartesian Grid Finite Element Method
* Parallel Adaptive Physics-Based Non-rigid Registration Framework for Brain Tumor Resection, A
* Pattern Classes in Retinal Fundus Images Based on Function Norms
* Pixel Based Meshfree Modeling of Skeletal Muscles
* Predictive Modeling for 2D Form Design
* Random Decision Forests Approach to Face Detection, A
* Segmentation of Skin Lesions Using Level Set Method
* Segmentation of Two-Phase Flow: A Free Representation for Levet Set Method with a Priori Knowledge
* Subdividing Prismatic Meshes by Cutting Flow
* Time-of-Flight Camera Based Virtual Reality Interaction for Balance Rehabilitation Purposes
* UAVision: A Modular Time-Constrained Vision Library for Color-Coded Object Detection
* Wavelet-Based Computer-Aided Detection of Bright Lesions in Retinal Fundus Images
* Well-Posed Gaussian-Like Models for Image Denoising and Sharpening
40 for CompIMAGE14

CompIMAGE16 * *Computational Modeling of Objects Represented in Images
* Accelerated H.264/AVC Encoder on Graphic Processing Unit for UAV Videos, An
* Atypical (Rare) Elements Detection: A Conditional Nonparametric Approach
* Automated Brain Tumor Diagnosis and Severity Analysis from Brain MRI
* Boundary and Shape Complexity of a Digital Object
* Concepts of Binary Morphological Operations Dilation and Erosion on the Triangular Grid
* CVT-Based 3D Image Segmentation for Quality Tetrahedral Meshing
* Detection of Counterfeit Coins Based on Modeling and Restoration of 3D Images
* Direct Phasing of Crystalline Materials from X-ray Powder Diffraction
* Finding Shortest Isothetic Path Inside a 3D Digital Object
* Interior and Exterior Shape Representations Using the Screened Poisson Equation
* Medical Image Segmentation Using Improved Affinity Propagation
* Model Development and Incremental Learning Based on Case-Based Reasoning for Signal and Image Analysis
* Picture Scanning Automata
* Scrambling Cryptography Using Programmable SLM-Based Filter for Video Streaming Over a WDM Network
* Simple Signed-Distance Function Depth Calculation Applied to Measurement of the fMRI BOLD Hemodynamic Response Function in Human Visual Cortex
* Structuring Digital Spaces by Path-Partition Induced Closure Operators on Graphs
* Study of Children Facial Recognition for Privacy in Smart TV, A
* Two-Dimensional Input-Revolving Automata
* Unified Characterization of P-Simple Points in Triangular, Square, and Hexagonal Grids
20 for CompIMAGE16

CompImg( Vol No. ) * *IEEE Trans. Computational Imaging

CompImg(1) * Hand-held video deblurring via efficient Fourier aggregation

CompIntel( Vol No. ) * *Computational Intelligence

CompIntel(1) * Knowledge Organization and Its Role in Representation and Interpretation for Time-Varying Data: The ALVEN System

CompIntel(13) * Regularity-Based Perceptual Grouping

CompIntel(14) * Utilizing Moment Invariants and Grobner Bases to Reason About Shapes

Complexity(3) * Optimal Algorithms: Tools for Mathematical Modeling

Complexity(4) * Regularized Solution to Edge Detection, A

CompMath( Vol No. ) * *Computational and Applied Mathematics
* *Foundations of Computational Mathematics

CompMath(25) * On an inverse boundary value problem

CompMath(5) * Approximations of shape metrics and application to shape warping and empirical shape statistics

CompMathApp( Vol No. ) * *Computers and Mathematics with Applications

CompMathApp(33) * Measuring 2-D Shape Compactness Using the Contact Perimeter
* Shape-Preserving Approximations by Polynomials and Splines

ComponentAnalysis07 * *Workshop on Component Analysis Methods for Classification, Clustering, Modeling and Estimation Problems in Computer Vision
* Conformal Embedding Analysis with Local Graph Modeling on the Unit Hypersphere
* Dimensionality Reduction and Clustering on Statistical Manifolds
* Estimating Cluster Overlap on Manifolds and its Application to Neuropsychiatric Disorders
* Graph Cut Approach to Image Segmentation in Tensor Space, A
* Hierarchical Isometric Self-Organizing Map for Manifold Representation, The
* linear estimation method for 3D pose and facial animation tracking, A
* Manifold Learning Techniques in Image Analysis of High-dimensional Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Images
* Nonnegative Tucker Decomposition
* Optimal Dimensionality Discriminant Analysis and Its Application to Image Recognition
* Regularized Mixed Dimensionality and Density Learning in Computer Vision
* Sparse Kernels for Bayes Optimal Discriminant Analysis
12 for ComponentAnalysis07

CompPhot10 * *Workshop on Computational Photography and Aesthetics
* Artist-Led Suggestions towards an Approach in Content Aware 3D Non-photorealistic Rendering
* Automatically Detecting Protruding Objects When Shooting Environmental Portraits
* Data-Driven Approach to Understanding Skill in Photographic Composition, A
* Image Information in Digital Photography
* Simulating Artworks through Filter Blending

CompPhot12 * *Workshop on Computational Photography and Low-Level Vision
* Adaptive Sampling for Low Latency Vision Processing
* Camera Calibration Using Vertical Lines
* Class-Specified Segmentation with Multi-scale Superpixels
* Colorimetric Correction for Stereoscopic Camera Arrays
* Flexible Auto White Balance Based on Histogram Overlap, A
* Region Segmentation and Object Extraction Based on Virtual Edge and Global Features
* Vehicle Localization Using Omnidirectional Camera with GPS Supporting in Wide Urban Area
8 for CompPhot12

CompPhys( Vol No. ) * *Journal of Computational Physics

CompPhys(114) * Level Set Approach for Computing Solutions to Incompressible Two-Phase Flow, A

CompPhys(155) * PDE-based fast local level set method, A

CompPhys(174) * Variational Problems and Partial Differential Equations on Implicit Surfaces

CompPhys(227) * Nonstationary phase boundary estimation in electrical impedance tomography using unscented Kalman filter

CompSysSci( Vol No. ) * *Computer and System Sciences

CompSysSci(26) * Time-Space-Optimal String Matching

CompSysSci(37) * Complexity of Recognizing Polyhedral Scenes, The

CompuImaging(7) * Polyblur: Removing mild blur by polynomial reblurring

Comput. Opt.(38) * method for extracting watermarks from textured printed documents, A

ComputationalApp22 * *Applications of Computational Imaging
* Feature-Align Network with Knowledge Distillation for Efficient Denoising
* Generalizing Imaging Through Scattering Media With Uncertainty Estimates
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution in Arbitrary Input-Output Band Settings
* IDEA-Net: Adaptive Dual Self-Attention Network for Single Image Denoising
* Joint Multi-Scale Tone Mapping and Denoising for HDR Image Enhancement
* Multi-View Motion Synthesis via Applying Rotated Dual-Pixel Blur Kernels
* STP-Net: Spatio-Temporal Polarization Network for action recognition using polarimetric videos
* Temporally Consistent Relighting for Portrait Videos
9 for ComputationalApp22

Computer Aided Surgery(4) * AnatomyBrowser: A novel approach to visualization and integration of medical information

Computer and Info. Sciences * Theoretical and Experimental Study of a Model for Pattern Recognition, A

Computer Comm.(21) * System for Screening Objectionable Images

Computer Graphics Forum(28) * Exposure fusion: A simple and practical alternative to high dynamic range photography

Computer Graphics( Vol No ) * *ACM SIGGraph, Computer Graphics

Computer Graphics(10) * Recognition of Three-Dimensional Objects from Orthographic Views

Computer Graphics(12) * 3D Representation for Computer Graphics and Computer Vision

Computer Graphics(13) * Automatic Extraction of Irregular Network Digital Terrain Models

Computer Graphics(16) * Color image quantization for frame buffer display
* Color Image Quantization for Frame Buffer Display
* New General Triangulation Method for Planar Contours, A

Computer Graphics(17) * Computer Graphic Modeling of American Sign Language
* Design of Solids with Free-Form Surfaces
* Localized Set Operations for Solid Modeling
* Solid Model Input Through Orthographic Views

Computer Graphics(18) * Global and Local Deformations of Solid Primitives

Computer Graphics(20) * Consistent Hierarchical Representation for Vector Data, A

Computer Graphics(21) * Energy constraints on parameterized models
* Marching Cubes: A High Resolution 3D Surface Construction Algorithm

Computer Graphics(23) * Rendering fur with three dimensional textures

Computer Graphics(25) * Piecewise Surface Flattening for Non-Distorted Texture Mapping

Computer Graphics(26) * Surface modeling with Oriented Particle Systems

Computer Graphics(28) * Smooth Spline Surfaces over Irregular Meshes

Computer Graphics(29) * Cantata: Visual Programming Environment for the Khoros System

Computer Graphics(33) * Vision-Assisted Image Editing

Computer Graphics(38) * OpenSpace: Bringing NASA Missions to the Public

Computer Graphics(6) * Performance Analysis of Compaction Techniques for Map Representations in Geographic databases

Computer Journal(11) * Algorithm for Piecewise Straight Line Approximations

Computer Journal(14) * Note on the Approximation of Plane Regions, A

Computer Journal(22) * Constructing the Convex Hull of a Set of Points in the Plane

Computer Journal(24) * Computing the N-Dimensional Delaunay Tessellation with Application to Voronoi Polytopes
* Framework for the Investigation of a Spatial Data Base, A

Computer Journal(26) * Operations on Quadtree Leaves and Related Image Areas
* Operations on Quadtree-Encoded Images

Computer Journal(28) * Computer Architecture for Solving Consistent Labeling Problems

Computer Journal(39) * Cognitive Approach to Road Recognition with Novel Feature Indicators, A
* Interpolation Method for Grid-Based Terrain Modeling, An

Computer Journal(40) * Lossless Image Compression by Block Matching
* Recent Developments in Context Based Predictive Techniques for Lossless Image Compression
* Text Image Compression Using Soft Pattern Matching

Computer Science Press * Algorithms for Graphics and Image Processing

Computer Society Press * *Advances in Image Understanding: A Festschrift for Azriel Rosenfeld
* Decision Fusion
* Digital Image Processing: Papers
* Document Image Analysis
* Image Data Compression: Block Truncation Coding
* Nearest Neighbor (NN) Norms: NN Pattern Classification Techniques

Computer( Vol No. ) * *IEEE Computer

Computer(10) * Simple Hand/Eye Experimental Set-Up for Computer Vision Research, A

Computer(13) * Computer Vision Systems for Industrial Inspection and Assembly
* Industrial Computer Vision in Japan
* Industry Begins to Use Visual Pattern Recognition
* Machine Perception for Industrial Applications
* Visual Inspection Automation
* Visual Inspection System Design

Computer(14) * Analysis of Visual Motion by Biological and Computer Systems
* Computer Analysis of Time Varying Images
* Dynamic Scene Analysis Using Pixel-Based Processes
* Lower-level Estimates and Interpretation of Visual Motion
* Manipulating Data Structures in Pictorial Information Systems
* Pictorial Data-Base Systems
* Pictorial Information Processing of LANDSAT Data for Geographic Analysis
* Picture Query Languages for Pictorial Database Systems
* Representation of Moving Rigid Objects Based on Visual Observations
* Video Data Conversion and Real Time Tracking
* Visually Interpreting the Motion of Objects in Space
11 for Computer(14)

Computer(15) * Computer Vision and Robotics Laboratory, A
* Computer Vision Techniques for Industrial Applications and Robot Control
* Image Processing for Data Capture
* Imprecision in Computer Vision
* Measuring Curved Surfaces for Robot Vision
* Pattern Recognition for Automatic Visual Inspection
* Research Directions in Industrial Machine Vision: A Workshop Summary
* Robotics and Automation
* Using Handwriting Action to Construct Models of Engineering Objects
9 for Computer(15)

Computer(153) * Using DaVinci Technology for Digital Video Devices

Computer(16) * Biomedical Image Processing
* Cellular Logic Computers for Pattern Recognition
* Computer Architectures for Image Processing
* Image Processing Machines in Japan
* Image Processing on the Massively Parallel Processor
* Integrated Computer Architectures for Image Processing and Database Management
* Optical Scanning Digitizers
* Parallel Image Processing Using Cellular Arrays
* Representing Knowledge of the Visual World
9 for Computer(16)

Computer(17) * Digital Type Manufacture: An Interactive Approach
* Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision
* Technique for High-Performance Data Compression, A
* Top-Down Construction of 3-D Mechanical Object Shapes from Engineering Drawings

Computer(18) * Chinese/Kanji Text and Data Processing
* Computer Recognition of Two Overlapping Parts Using a Single Camera

Computer(20) * CAD Model-Based Localization of Parts in Manufacturing
* CAD System Based on Spherical Dual Representations, A
* CAD-Based 3D Object Representation for Robot Vision
* CAD-Based Robot Vision
* Model-Based Strategy Planning for Recognizing Partially Occluded Parts
* Prediction-Based Vision for Robot Control
* Special Issue: Systolic Arrays-From Concept To Implementation
7 for Computer(20)

Computer(21) * Architecture and Applications of the Connection Machine
* BioID: A Multimodal Biometric Identification System
* Biometrics: The Future of Identification
* Computing Motion Using Analog and Binary Resistive Networks
* Face Recognition for Smart Environments
* Federal Biometric Technology Legislation
* Fuzzy Logic
* Introduction to Evaluating Biometric Systems, An
* Iris Biometric System for Public and Personal Use, An
* Neural Nets for Adaptive Filtering and Adaptive Pattern Recognition
* Neural Network for Visual Pattern Recognition, A
* Practical Systems for Personal Fingerprint Authentication
12 for Computer(21)

Computer(22) * Abingdon Cross Benchmark Survey, The
* Algorithmic Motion Planning in Robotics
* AMBLER: An Autonomous Rover for Planetary Exploration
* Autonomous Intelligent Machines
* Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation and Learning
* Building an Environment Model Using Depth Information
* Image Database Management
* ISR: A Database for Symbolic Processing in Computer Vision
* Knowledge-Based Computer Vision: Integrated Programming Language and Data Management System Design
* Map Data Processing in Geographic Information Systems
* Object Model for Image Recognition, An
* Specification of Spatial Integrity Constraints in Pictorial Database
* Task-Level Planning of Pick-and-Place Robot Motions
* Using Occupancy Grids for Mobile Robot Perception and Navigation
* Vision System for Robotic Inspection and Manipulation, A
15 for Computer(22)

Computer(23) * Fundamentals of Bar Code Information Theory
* Image Processing on the Macintosh
* Intelligent Character Recognition

Computer(24) * Advances in Interactive Digital Multimedia Systems
* Autonomous Robotic Inspection and Manipulation Using Multisensor Feedback
* Computer Music System the Follows a Human Conductor, A
* Continuous Media I/O Server and Its Synchronization Mechanism, A
* Editors Introduction: Multimedia Information Systems: The Unfolding of a Reality
* Eye Monitor: Microcomputer-Based Instrument Uses an Internal Model to Track the Eye
* Multimedia Conferencing in the Etherphone Environment
* Spatio-Temporal Composition of Distributed Multimedia Objects for Value-Added Networks
8 for Computer(24)

Computer(25) * 3DP: A Processor Architecture for Three-Dimensional Applications, The
* Celesstin: CAD Conversion of Mechanical Drawings
* Dynamic Control and Prototyping of Parallel Algorithms for Intermediate- and High-Level Vision
* Effective Use of SIMD Parallelism in Low- and Intermediate-Level Vision
* From Paper to Office Document Standard Representation
* Image Understanding Architecture: Exploiting Potential Parallelism in Machine Vision
* Interpretation System for Land Register Maps, An
* Mapping Computer-Vision-Related Tasks onto Reconfigurable Parallel-Processing Systems
* Model-Based Visual Feedback Control for a Hand-Eye Coordinated Robotic System
* Postal Address Block Location in Real Time
* Prototype Document Image Analysis System for Technical Journals, A
* RightPages Image-Based Electronic Library for Alerting and Browsing, The
* Rochester Checkers Player: Multimodal Parallel Programming for Animate Vision, The
* Software Environment for Parallel Computer Vision, A
* Special Issue Parallel Processing
* Steps Toward Architecture-Independent Image Processing
16 for Computer(25)

Computer(26) * Eye-gaze computer interfaces: What you look at is what you get

Computer(28) * Automatic-Indexing and Content-Based Retrieval of Captioned Images
* Chabot: Retrieval from a Relational Database of Images
* Content-Based Image Retrieval-Systems
* Heterogeneous Multimedia Reasoning
* Query by Image and Video Content: The QBIC System
* Real-Time Image Processing on a Custom Computing Platform
* Similar-Shape Retrieval in Shape Data Management
7 for Computer(28)

Computer(29) * Digital Library for Geographically Referenced Materials, A
* Intelligent Access to Digital Video: Informedia Project
* Interactive Visualization for Rapid Noninvasive Cardiac Assessment
* Optical Navigator for Brain Surgery, An
* Robust Distributed Computing and Sensing Algorithm

Computer(30) * Machine Vision Technology for the Forest Products Industry
* Neural and Fuzzy Methods in Handwriting Recognition
* Vision-Based Vehicle Guidance
* Visual Servoing for Online Facilities
* Wearable Computing: A First Step Toward Personal Imaging

Computer(31) * Biometrics: A New Era in Security
* Convergence of Graphics and Vision, The
* Exploring Steganography: Seeing the Unseen

Computer(33) * Art of Massive Storage: A Web Image Archive, The
* Next-Generation Web Searches from Visual Content
* Video Image Processing with the Sonic Architecture

Computer(34) * Aria: An Agent for Annotating and Retreiving Images
* Future of 3D Video, The
* Keyframe-Based User Interfaces for Digital Video
* Location Systems for Ubiquitous Computing
* Proxy Servers for Scalable Interactive Video Support
* Scalable and Reliable Paradigm for Media on Demand, A
* Streaming Technology in 3G Mobile Communication Systems
* Streaming-Media Knowledge Discovery
8 for Computer(34)

Computer(35) * BioSig: An Imaging Bioinformatic System for Studying Phenomics
* Smart Cameras as Embedded Systems

Computer(36) * Technical challenges of protecting digital entertainment content
* Two technologies vie for recognition in speech market

Computer(37) * BEES: exploring Mars with bioinspired technologies
* Biometrics and the threat to civil liberties
* Biomimetic robots
* Expanding the digital camera's reach
* Modeling multimodal human-computer interaction

Computer(38) * Autostereoscopic 3D Displays
* Computer-Generated Holography as a Generic Display Technology
* Embedded entertainment with smart projectors
* Smoke, Mirrors, and Manufacturable Displays
* Ultimate Display: Where Will All the Pixels Come From?, The
* Utility model for on-demand digital content
* Volumetric 3D Displays and Application Infrastructure
7 for Computer(38)

Computer(39) * Computational Cameras: Redefining the Image
* Detecting Ads in Video Streams Using Acoustic and Visual Cues
* Guest Editor's Introduction: Computational Photography-The Next Big Step
* IGSTK: an open source software toolkit for image-guided surgery
* Interacting with large displays
* Light Fields and Computational Imaging
* Making virtual reality more accessible
* Memory-Based In Situ Learning for Unmanned Vehicles
* Moment Camera, The
* On the Importance of Being Contextual
* Perception and Planning Architecture for Autonomous Ground Vehicles
* Speech Recognition Moves from Software to Hardware
* Testing Driver Skill for High-Speed Autonomous Vehicles
* To Drive Is Human
* Unmanned Vehicles Come of Age: The DARPA Grand Challenge
* Virtual Cinematography: Relighting through Computation
* Vision for Supporting Autonomous Navigation in Urban Environments, A
* VisLab and the Evolution of Vision-Based UGVs
18 for Computer(39)

Computer(40) * 3D Body Scanning and Healthcare Applications
* 3D Display Using Passive Optical Scatterers
* 3D Vision: Developing an Embedded Stereo-Vision System
* AQUA: An Amphibious Autonomous Robot
* Autonomy for Mars Rovers: Past, Present, and Future
* From Pixels to Semantic Spaces: Advances in Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Handwriting Recognition: Tablet PC Text Input
* Holistic Sensing and Active Displays for Intelligent Driver Support Systems
* Immersidata Analysis: Four Case Studies
* iMouse: An Integrated Mobile Surveillance and Wireless Sensor System
* Interactive Multimedia Diary for the Home, An
* Language for Human Action, A
* Magic Paper: Sketch-Understanding Research
* Motion Capture Moves into New Realms
* SensorMap for Wide-Area Sensor Webs
* Taking Online Maps Down to Street Level
* Virtual Reality: How Much Immersion Is Enough?
17 for Computer(40)

Computer(41) * Activity Recognition for the Digital Home
* Analysis and Semantic Querying in Large Biomedical Image Datasets
* Practical Paradigm and Platform for Video-Based Human-Computer Interaction, A
* Quantitative Retrieval of Geophysical Parameters Using Satellite Data

Computer(42) * Augmented Reality: No Longer a Novelty?
* Beyond Pinch and Flick: Enriching Mobile Gesture Interaction
* Don't Trust Your Eyes: Cutting-Edge Visual Effects
* Dynamic Privacy in Public Surveillance
* Melting the Boundaries Between Fantasy and Reality
* Virtual Graphics for Broadcast Production
* Visual Effects and Beyond
* Visual Effects in Computer Games
8 for Computer(42)

Computer(43) * Aerial Computer Vision for a 3D Virtual Habitat
* Authentication by Biometric Verification
* Capturing the World
* Face Recognition by Computers and Humans
* Fingerprint Matching
* Google Street View: Capturing the World at Street Level
* Iris Recognition: The Path Forward
* Mediaprinting: Identifying Multimedia Content for Digital Rights Management
* On-Body Sensing: From Gesture-Based Input to Activity-Driven Interaction
* Reconstructing Rome
* Scene Reconstruction from Community Photo Collections
* Scientists Develop Camera Made of Fabric
* Steganography Development Offers Promise
* Unconstrained Biometric Identification: Emerging Technologies
* Visual-Concept Search Solved?
15 for Computer(43)

Computer(44) * 3D Displays without Glasses: Coming to a Screen near You
* 3D Models for Cultural Heritage: Beyond Plain Visualization
* Bringing 3D to the Small Screen
* Computational Archaeology: Reviving the Past with Present-Day Tools
* Computer-Assisted Archaeological Line Drawing
* Cultural Analytics in Large-Scale Visualization Environments
* Dealing with Archaeology's Data Avalanche
* Discovering City Dynamics through Sports Tracking Applications
* From Sites to Landscapes: How Computing Technology Is Shaping Archaeological Practice
* Human Ear Recognition
* Improving Face Recognition Technology
* Kinect Identity: Technology and Experience
* Machine Learning Approaches for the Neuroimaging Study of Alzheimer's Disease
* Matching Forensic Sketches and Mug Shots to Apprehend Criminals
* Object Digitization for Everyone
* Scanning the Future with New Barcodes
* Stereoscopic Technologies and Effects
* What Are Soft Biometrics and How Can They Be Used?
18 for Computer(44)

Computer(45) * Accurate Wireless Localization in Sports
* Anywhere Interfaces Using Handheld Augmented Reality
* Augmented Reality in a Public Space: The Natural History Museum, London
* Augmented Reality in the Classroom
* Automatic Detection of Altered Fingerprints
* Biometric Authentication: System Security and User Privacy
* Brain-Computer Interfaces: Beyond Medical Applications
* Building a Virtual World: The Pipeline and Process
* Cloud Streaming Brings Video to Mobile Devices
* Computer-Assisted Audiovisual Language Learning
* Computing for the Next-Generation Automobile
* EEG for Automatic Person Recognition
* Facial Analytics: From Big Data to Law Enforcement
* First Deployments of Augmented Reality in Operating Rooms
* Gestural Interaction in Vehicular Applications
* Intelligent Video Surveillance
* Interactive Digital Signage
* Mobile Applications and Museum Visitation
* Multitouching the Fourth Dimension
* Projection-Based Augmented Reality in Disney Theme Parks
* Sports Sensing: An Olympic Challenge for Computing
* Tattoo Image Matching and Retrieval
* Toward More Precise Radiotherapy Treatment of Lung Tumors
23 for Computer(45)

Computer(46) * Activity Recognition for the Mind: Toward a Cognitive Quantified Self
* Bixplorer: Visual Analytics with Biclusters
* Case Study of Automated Face Recognition: The Boston Marathon Bombings Suspects, A
* Evaluation: A Challenge for Visual Analytics
* Gestural Technology: Moving Interfaces in a New Direction
* Improving Healthcare with Interactive Visualization
* Kinecting to Mathematics through Embodied Interactions
* Large Area Displays: The Changing Face of Visualization
* Large-Scale Graph Visualization and Analytics
* Next Biometric Challenge: Medical Alterations, The
* Opportunistic Human Activity and Context Recognition
* Putting a Kinder Face on Public Cameras
* Real-Time Visual Analytics for Text Streams
* Reimagining the Scientific Visualization Interaction Paradigm
* Research Challenges for Visualization Software
* Robotic Surgery: On the Cutting Edge of Ethics
* Situational Awareness through Biometrics
* Storytelling: The Next Step for Visualization
* Ultrascale Visualization of Climate Data
* Understanding Blood-Flow Dynamics: New Challenges for Visualization
* Visual Analysis of Social Media Data
* Visual Analytics Infrastructures: From Data Management to Exploration
* Visual Analytics Support for Intelligence Analysis
* Visual Analytics: Seeking the Unknown
24 for Computer(46)

Computer(47) * Beyond Recognition: The Promise of Biometric Analytics
* Camera Networks for Healthcare, Teleimmersion, and Surveillance
* Cloud-Assisted Smart Camera Networks for Energy-Efficient 3D Video Streaming
* Computing in Astronomy: Applications and Examples
* Computing in Astronomy: To See the Unseen
* Cosmetic Contact Lenses and Iris Recognition Spoofing
* Crowdsourcing Quality-of-Experience Assessments
* IEEE Standards for Advanced Audio and Video Coding in Emerging Applications
* Immersive 3D Telepresence
* Influences on Query Reformulation in Collaborative Web Search
* Integrating Consumer Smart Cameras into Camera Networks: Opportunities and Obstacles
* New Opportunities for Computer Vision-Based Assistive Technology Systems for the Visually Impaired
* Rethinking Context: Leveraging Human and Machine Computation in Disaster Response
* Reverse Engineering Animal Vision with Virtual Reality and Genetics
* Rich Nonverbal Sensing Technology for Automated Social Skills Training
* Satellite Imagery Analysis: What Can Hospital Parking Lots Tell Us about a Disease Outbreak?
* Self-Reconfigurable Smart Camera Networks
* Smart Camera Networks [Guest editors' introduction]
* Social Multimedia Crawling for Mining and Search
* Social Multimedia Experience, The
* Standardizing 3D Medical Imaging
* Thinking Virtual
* Toward Compressive Camera Networks
* Transcending the Self in Immersive Virtual Reality
* Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for Combat-Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
* Wireless Smart Camera Networks for the Surveillance of Public Spaces
26 for Computer(47)

Computer(48) * Anil Jain: 25 Years of Biometric Recognition
* Architectural Aspects of Self-Aware and Self-Expressive Computing Systems: From Psychology to Engineering
* Automated Vehicle License Plate Recognition System, An
* Codesign Lessons Learned from Implementing Graph Matching on Multithreaded Architectures
* Combining EEG with Pupillometry to Improve Cognitive Workload Detection
* Designing Brain-Computer Interfaces for Attention-Aware Systems
* Enabling Smart Camera Networks with Smartphone Processors
* Flexible Displays, Rigid Designs?
* Order Picking with Head-Up Displays
* People Tracking in Camera Networks: Three Open Questions
* Self-Aware and Self-Expressive Camera Networks
* Stress Detection Using Physiological Sensors
* Tailoring Design for Embedded Computer Vision Applications
* User-Independent and Sensor-Tolerant Wearable Activity Classifier, A
14 for Computer(48)

Computer(49) * Applications of Social Networks and Crowdsourcing for Disaster Management Improvement
* Biobotic Distributed Sensor Network for Under-Rubble Search and Rescue, A
* Brain-Network Paradigm: Using Functional Imaging Data to Study How the Brain Works, The
* Computing Tools and Techniques for Emergency Response
* Cuddly User Interfaces
* Emergency Informatics: Using Computing to Improve Disaster Management
* Enabling Stem Cell Characterization from Large Microscopy Images
* Future of Learning at the Workplace Is Augmented Reality, The
* Graphical Instruction for Home Robots
* Impromptu Crisis Mapping to Prioritize Emergency Response
* Interdevice Media: Choreographing Content to Maximize Viewer Engagement
* Low Acceptance Rates of Conference Papers Considered Harmful
* Machine Learning in Cardiac Health Monitoring and Decision Support
* Semantic, Cognitive, and Perceptual Computing: Paradigms That Shape Human Experience
* Swarm-Oriented Programming of Distributed Robot Networks
* Tactile Digital Braille Display
* Using 2D Maps for 3D Localization
* Using Radon Transform to Recognize Skewed Images of Vehicular License Plates
* Using Smart Homes to Detect and Analyze Health Events
19 for Computer(49)

Computer(50) * Applications and Challenges of Wearable Visual Lifeloggers
* Are They Paying Attention? A Model-Based Method to Identify Individuals' Mental States
* Computer Architectures for Autonomous Driving
* Current US Federal Policy Framework for Self-Driving Vehicles: Opportunities and Challenges
* Developing the Sense of Vision for Autonomous Road Vehicles at UniBwM
* Does Neurotechnology Produce a Better Brain?
* Face in any Form: New Challenges and Opportunities for Face Recognition Technology, A
* Human Tagging
* Interactive Systems Based on Electrical Muscle Stimulation
* Mobile Phone as Surveillance Device: Progress, Perils, and Protective Measures, The
* Networked Computer Vision: The Importance of a Holistic Simulator
* On-Skin Interaction Using Body Landmarks
* Personalizing 3D-Printed Smart Eyeglasses to Augment Daily Life
* Purdue University Team Tackles Global Underwater-Vehicle Competition
* Real-Time Video Analytics: The Killer App for Edge Computing
* Revisiting the Astonishing Growth of Human-Computer Interaction Research
* Self-Driving Cars
* Third Eye: A Shopping Assistant for the Visually Impaired
* Unified Cloud Platform for Autonomous Driving, A
* Using Multimodal Wearable Technology to Detect Conflict among Couples
20 for Computer(50)

Computer(51) * Age of Artificial Emotional Intelligence, The
* Automated Driving: The Cyber-Physical Perspective
* Deep Learning for Human Activity Recognition in Mobile Computing
* Emotion and Motivation in Cognitive Assistive Technologies for Dementia
* Enabling Human-Centric Smart Cities: Crowdsourcing-Based Practice in China
* Expanding Frontier of Artificial Intelligence, The
* Finding Small-Bowel Lesions: Challenges in Endoscopy-Image-Based Learning Systems
* Hybrid Vehicular Crowdsourcing With Driverless Cars: Challenges and a Solution
* Intrusion Detection in the Era of IoT: Building Trust via Traffic Filtering and Sampling
* Smart City Development With Urban Transfer Learning
* Wearables and Medical Interoperability: The Evolving Frontier
* What Affective Computing Reveals about Autistic Children's Facial Expressions of Joy or Fear
12 for Computer(51)

Computer(52) * Age of Social Sensing, The
* Artificial Intelligence of Things in Sports Science: Weight Training as an Example
* Can We Trust Smart Cameras?
* Cloud-Based Artificial Intelligence System for Large-Scale Arrhythmia Screening
* Future Millimeter-Wave Indoor Systems: A Blueprint for Joint Communication and Sensing
* Human Eye Movements Reveal Video Frame Importance
* Interactive Visual Event Analytics: Opportunities and Challenges
* Microexpressions: A Chance for Computers to Beat Humans at Detecting Hidden Emotions?
* On the Effectiveness of Deep Representation Learning: The Atrial Fibrillation Case
* Practical Drone Delivery
* Predicting Personality Traits From Physical Activity Intensity
* See the World Through Network Cameras
* Vehicle Telematics: The Good, Bad and Ugly
13 for Computer(52)

Computer(53) * Artificial Intelligence-Based Referral System for Patients With Diabetic Retinopathy
* Autonomous Last-Mile Delivery Vehicles in Complex Traffic Environments
* Exploring a Humanoid Video-Understanding Algorithm Guided by Behavior
* Is Immersive Virtual Reality the Ultimate Interface for 3D Animators?
* Promise of Interactive Shared Augmented Reality, The
* Real-Time Object Processing and Routing for Intelligent Drones: A Novel Approach
* Transparency for Whom? Assessing Discriminatory Artificial Intelligence
* Use of Biometric Fingerprints for On-the-Fly Digital Signing of Documents, The
* Virtual Avatar-Based Life Coaching for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
9 for Computer(53)

Computer(54) * ?-RT: A Runtime Framework to Enable Energy-Efficient Real-Time Robotic Vision Applications on Heterogeneous Architectures
* Adversarial Machine Learning: Attacks From Laboratories to the Real World
* Blockchain-Based Continuous Auditing for Dynamic Data Sharing in Autonomous Vehicular Networks
* Crowd-Machine Hybrid Urban Sensing and Computing
* Ethics in Autonomous Vehicle Software: The Dilemmas
* Ethics, Safety, and Autonomous Vehicles
* From Neuron Coverage to Steering Angle: Testing Autonomous Vehicles Effectively
* Indian Sign Language Generation System
* Interplay of AI and Biometrics: Challenges and Opportunities, The
* Multiagent Pathfinding Under Rigid, Optimization, and Uncertainty Constraints
* Multidrone Systems: More Than the Sum of the Parts
* Online Multistep-Forward Voltage-Prediction Approach Based on an LSTM-TD Model and KF Algorithm, An
* Role of Modularity in Multimodal Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Systems, The
* Safety, Complexity, and Automated Driving: Holistic Perspectives on Safety Assurance
* Safety, Security, and Reliability of Autonomous Vehicle Software
* Secure V2V and V2I Technologies for the Next-Generation Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Toward Formal Methods for Smart Cities
* Toward Improving Confidence in Autonomous Vehicle Software: A Study on Traffic Sign Recognition Systems
18 for Computer(54)

Computer(55) * Applying Machine Learning and Data Fusion to the Missing Person Problem
* Autonomous Vehicles Digital Twin: A Practical Paradigm for Autonomous Driving System Development
* Cryptographic-Biometric Self-Sovereign Personal Identities
* Elliptic Curve Pairings
* Multilayered Diagnostics for Smart Cities
* p-Learner: A Lifelong Roadside Learning Framework for Infrastructure Augmented Autonomous Driving
* Reshaping the Intelligent Transportation Scene: Challenges of an Operational and Safe Internet of Vehicles
* Rise of the Autonomous Machines
* Smart City Intersections: Intelligence Nodes for Future Metropolises
* Trends in User Identity and Continuous Authentication
* Where Are They Going? Clustering Event Camera Data to Detect and Track Moving Objects
11 for Computer(55)

Computer(56) * Accountable Deep-Learning-Based Vision Systems for Preterm Infant Monitoring
* Augmented and Virtual Reality Simulation in Industry
* Biometric Surveillance and the Future of War
* Can Video as a Service Paradigm Lead to the Future Internet of Video Things?
* Digital Twins for Protecting Cultural Heritage Against Climate Change
* Economics of Deepfakes, The
* Enhancing Training Data Quality With Visual Analytics
* Evaluating Trustworthiness and Racial Bias in Face Recognition APIs Using Deepfakes
* Evolution of Winning Solutions in the 2021 Low-Power Computer Vision Challenge
* Facial Recognition Technology: Navigating the Ethical Challenges
* Fall Detection Systems at Night
* Impact and Limitations of AR-Based Guidance for Assembly Workers
* Is It Live, or Is It Deepfake?
* Passive Precision Farming Reshapes the Agricultural Sector
* Research Challenges for Energy-Efficient Computing in Automated Vehicles
* Revisiting the Spaceborne Illuminators of Opportunity for Airborne Object Tracking
* Roles of Autonomy and Assurance in the Future of Uncrewed Aircraft Systems in Low-Altitude Airspace Operations, The
* Serverless Electrocardiogram Stream Processing in Federated Clouds With Lambda Architecture
* Smart City as an Urban Intelligent Digital System: The Case of Parma
* Thoughts on Automotive IoT
* Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence Requirements in the Autonomous Driving Domain
* UL 4600: What to Include in an Autonomous Vehicle Safety Case
* Virtual Sensors With 3D Digital Human Motion for Interactive Simulation
* Visualizing Scanner Utilization From MRI Metadata and Clinical Data
24 for Computer(56)

Computer(57) * AI Robustness Against Attacks in City-Scale Autonomous Drone Deployments
* Artificial Intelligence Failures in Autonomous Vehicles: Causes, Implications, and Prevention
* Certifiability Analysis of Machine Learning Systems for Low-Risk Automotive Applications
* Charging Support Communication System Based on Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication for Electric Vehicles
* Computing Through Time: Biometrics
* Deepfake: Risks and Opportunities
* Digital Emotion Regulation on Social Media
* Extended Reality and Artificial Intelligence's Ethical Crossroads: From Sensory Manipulation to Creative Disruption
* Forming Adversarial Example Attacks Against Deep Neural Networks With Reinforcement Learning
* Gender Recognition Based on Hand Images Employing Local and Global Shape Information
* Hazard and Safety Analysis of Machine-Learning-Based Perception Capabilities in Autonomous Vehicles
* Learn to Unlearn: Insights Into Machine Unlearning
* Periocular Biometrics: A Modality for Unconstrained Scenarios
* Root Cause Analysis of a Self-Driving Car Dragging a Pedestrian, A
* Spatial Representation of a Self-Driving Vehicle for the Virtual Entity of a Digital Twin, The
* Systematic Approach Toward Robust Perception in (Semi-)Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Video Surveillance and Privacy: A Solvable Paradox?
17 for Computer(57)

Computer(7) * Interactive Minicomputer Laboratory for Graphics, Image Processing, and Pattern Recognition, An

Computer(8) * Automated Inspection of Electronic Assemblies

Computer(9) * Picture Recognition and Scene Analysis

Computers&Graphics(10) * Determination of Local Coordinate Systems for Texture Synthesis on 3-D Surfaces
* Model Driven Synthesis of Natural Textures for 3-D Scenes

Computers&Graphics(16) * Determining Holes and Connectivity in Binary Images

Computers&Graphics(18) * Modeling Topological Spatial Relations: Strategies for Query-Processing
* Multiple Representations for Cartographic Objects in a Multiscale Tree: An Intelligent Graphical Zoom
* Perspective Terrain Visualization: A Fusion of Remote Sensing, GIS, and Computer Graphics
* Terrain Visibility

Computers&Graphics(19) * Estimation of 3-Dimensional Objects from Orthographic Views with Inconsistencies
* Verifying Machine Vision Systems by Digital Montage

Computers&Graphics(20) * Computer-Aided Surgery: Vision and Feasibility of an Advanced Operation Theater
* Noninvasive 3-D Patient Registration for Image-Guided Skull Base Surgery
* Shape from Shading with Perspective Projection and Camera Calibration

Computers&Graphics(6) * Automatic Adjustment Procedure for Rational Splines, An

Computers&Graphics(7) * Solid Modeling Using a Volume Coding Data Structure
* Transmission of Gray Level Images by Multilevel Dither Techniques

Computing Now * *Computing Now
* Digital Human Faces: From Creation to Emotion

Computing(26) * Note on Linear Expected Time Algorithms for Finding Convex Hulls, A

Computing(59) * Medial Axis Transform on Mesh Connected Computers with Hyperbus Broadcasting

Computing(65) * On the Minimum Common Supergraph of Two Graphs

Computing(xx) * Theoretical Foundations of Anisotropic Diffusion in Image Processing

CompVideo10 * *Video Processing and Computational Video
* 3D Reconstruction and Video-Based Rendering of Casually Captured Videos
* Compressive Rendering of Multidimensional Scenes
* Efficient Rendering of Light Field Images
* Silhouette-Based Variational Methods for Single View Reconstruction
* Single Image Blind Deconvolution with Higher-Order Texture Statistics
* Towards Plenoptic Raumzeit Reconstruction
* Two Algorithms for Motion Estimation from Alternate Exposure Images
* Understanding What we Cannot See: Automatic Analysis of 4D Digital In-Line Holographic Microscopy Data
9 for CompVideo10

Index for "c"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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