Update Dates 1606

1606 * *Automated Analysis of Video Data for Wildlife Surveillance
* *Computational Topology in Image Context
* *Computer Vision Applications in Surveillance and Transportation
* *Image and Signal Processing
* 1-D Filter for Ring Artifact Suppression
* 30 m Resolution Surface Water Mask Including Estimation of Positional and Thematic Differences Using Landsat 8, SRTM and OpenStreetMap: A Case Study in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia, A
* 3D building reconstruction from ALS data using unambiguous decomposition into elementary structures
* 3D face recognition using covariance based descriptors
* 3D Fast Automatic Segmentation of Kidney Based on Modified AAM and Random Forest
* 3D Quantification of Wall Shear Stress and Oscillatory Shear Index Using a Finite-Element Method in 3D CINE PC-MRI Data of the Thoracic Aorta
* 3D Shape and Indirect Appearance by Structured Light Transport
* 3D shape retrieval using a single depth image from low-cost sensors
* 6DOF point cloud alignment using geometric algebra-based adaptive filtering
* Abstraction hierarchy and self annotation update for fine grained activity recognition
* Accelerated catadioptric omnidirectional view image unwrapping processing using GPU parallelisation
* Accurate 3D bone segmentation in challenging CT images: Bottom-up parsing and contextualized optimization
* Accurate and efficient pulse measurement from facial videos on smartphones
* Accurate eye center localization using Snakuscule
* Accurate Segmentation of CT Male Pelvic Organs via Regression-Based Deformable Models and Multi-Task Random Forests
* Action recognition via spatio-temporal local features: A comprehensive study
* Active contours for selective object segmentation
* actively decoupled dual transceiver coil system for continuous ASL at 7 T, An
* Activity recognition and prediction with pose based discriminative patch model
* Adapting attributes by selecting features similar across domains
* Adaptive descriptor-based robust stereo matching under radiometric changes
* Adaptive Hybrid Digital-Analog Video Transmission in Wireless Fading Channel
* Adaptive Layer Switching Algorithm Based on Buffer Underflow Probability for Scalable Video Streaming Over Wireless Networks
* Adaptive low-complexity motion estimation algorithm for high efficiency video coding encoder
* Adaptive Part-Level Model Knowledge Transfer for Gender Classification
* Adaptive Perceptual Block Compressive Sensing for Image Compression
* Adaptive Quantization Parameter Cascading in HEVC Hierarchical Coding
* Adaptive Robust Online Constructive Fuzzy Control of a Complex Surface Vehicle System
* Adaptive Tangential Cover for Noisy Digital Contours
* Adaptive Time-Series Probabilistic Framework for 4-D Trajectory Conformance Monitoring, An
* Adaptively weighted orthogonal gradient binary pattern for single sample face recognition under varying illumination
* Advantages of Using Microwave Satellite Soil Moisture over Gridded Precipitation Products and Land Surface Model Output in Assessing Regional Vegetation Water Availability and Growth Dynamics for a Lateral Inflow Receiving Landscape
* Alternating direction method for TGV-TGV* based cartoon-texture image decomposition
* analysis of 1-to-first matching in iris recognition, An
* Analysis of Red and Far-Red Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Their Ratio in Different Canopies Based on Observed and Modeled Data
* Analysis of Sentinel-1 Radiometric Stability and Quality for Land Surface Applications
* Analyzing documents with Quantum Clustering: A novel pattern recognition algorithm based on quantum mechanics
* Analyzing human appearance as a cue for dating images
* Analyzing the Vegetation Parameterization in the TU-Wien ASCAT Soil Moisture Retrieval
* Application of Open Source Coding Technologies in the Production of Land Surface Temperature (LST) Maps from Landsat: A PyQGIS Plugin
* Architectural decomposition for 3D landmark building understanding
* Assessing Future Vegetation Trends and Restoration Prospects in the Karst Regions of Southwest China
* Assessing tracking performance in complex scenarios using mean time between failures
* Assessment of the Impact of Reservoirs in the Upper Mekong River Using Satellite Radar Altimetry and Remote Sensing Imageries
* Assessment on the Impact of Arable Land Protection Policies in a Rapidly Developing Region
* Assignment of Persistent Scatterers to Buildings
* assistive haptic interface for appearance-based indoor navigation, An
* Atomic scenes for scalable traffic scene recognition in monocular videos
* Automated Bias-Compensation Approach for Pushbroom Sensor Modeling Using Digital Elevation Model
* Automated detection of glioblastoma tumor in brain magnetic imaging using ANFIS classifier
* Automated Detection of Three-Dimensional Cars in Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds Using DBM-Hough-Forests
* Automatic 3D reconstruction of manifold meshes via delaunay triangulation and mesh sweeping
* Automatic and Accurate Conflation of Different Road-Network Vector Data towards Multi-Modal Navigation
* Automatic and quantitative evaluation of attribute discovery methods
* Automatic Design of Factors in a Human-Pose Estimation System Using Neural Networks, An
* Automatic detection and analysis of photovoltaic modules in aerial infrared imagery
* Automatic Detection and Classification of Oil Tanks in Optical Satellite Images Based on Convolutional Neural Network
* Automatic Detection of Compound Structures by Joint Selection of Region Groups From a Hierarchical Segmentation
* Automatic Forest Mapping at Individual Tree Levels from Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Clouds with a Hierarchical Minimum Cut Method
* Automatic Object-Based Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Complex Diffusions and a New Distance Metric
* Automatic reading of domestic electric meter: an intelligent device based on image processing and ZigBee/Ethernet communication
* Automatic Registration Method for Optical Remote Sensing Images with Large Background Variations Using Line Segments
* Automatic Target Detection Algorithm for Swath Sonar Backscatter Imagery, Using Image Texture and Independent Component Analysis, An
* Automatic video editing for sensor-rich videos
* Bayesian Network for Flood Detection Combining SAR Imagery and Ancillary Data, A
* Bias-Compensated Normalized Subband Adaptive Filter Algorithm
* Bijective Rigid Motions of the 2D Cartesian Grid
* binary clonal flower pollination algorithm for feature selection, A
* Binary patterns for shape description in RGB-D object registration
* Biobjective Nonnegative Matrix Factorization: Linear Versus Kernel-Based Models
* Biologically Inspired Control System for 3-D Locomotion of a Humanoid Biped Robot
* BLAID: Boundaries from Locally Adaptive Isotropic Detection
* Boosted Cross-Domain Dictionary Learning for Visual Categorization
* Brain tumor detection and diagnosis using ANFIS classifier
* Brainprint biometric id hits 100% accuracy
* Building Point Detection from Vehicle-Borne LiDAR Data Based on Voxel Group and Horizontal Hollow Analysis
* Can we still avoid automatic face detection?
* Can you program ethics into a self-driving car?
* Capturing facial videos with Kinect 2.0: A multithreaded open source tool and database
* Capturing Hands in Action Using Discriminative Salient Points and Physics Simulation
* Cascade of Tasks for facial expression analysis
* Categorizing cubes: Revisiting pose normalization
* Centerlines of Tubular Volumes Based on Orthogonal Plane Estimation
* Chaff point generation mechanism for improving fuzzy vault security
* Changes in Aerosol Optical and Micro-Physical Properties over Northeast Asia from a Severe Dust Storm in April 2014
* Changes in Global Grassland Productivity during 1982 to 2011 Attributable to Climatic Factors
* Chaotic Cryptosystem for Color Image with Dynamic Look-Up Table, A
* Characterizing everyday activities from visual lifelogs based on enhancing concept representation
* Characterizing Pavement Surface Distress Conditions with Hyper-Spatial Resolution Natural Color Aerial Photography
* Classification of Eukaryotic Organisms Through Cepstral Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA
* Classification of malignant melanoma and benign skin lesions: implementation of automatic ABCD rule
* Classifying networked text data with positive and unlabeled examples
* Classwise Sparse and Collaborative Patch Representation for Face Recognition
* Clustered-Dot Screen Design for Digital Multitoning
* coarse-to-fine deep learning for person re-identification, A
* Collaborative Unmixing Hyperspectral Imagery via Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Color Correction in 3D Digital Documentation: Case Study
* Color Image Database for Haze Model and Dehazing Methods Evaluation, A
* Color multi-fusion fisher vector feature for fine art painting categorization and influence analysis
* Colorimetric analysis of outdoor illumination across varieties of atmospheric conditions
* Combined Model- and Learning-Based Framework for Interaction-Aware Maneuver Prediction, A
* Combining multiple sources of knowledge in deep CNNs for action recognition
* Combining Region-of-Interest Extraction and Image Enhancement for Nighttime Vehicle Detection
* Communication Scheduling and Control of a Platoon of Vehicles in VANETs
* Compact CNN for indexing egocentric videos
* Comparative analysis of implicit models for real-time short-term traffic predictions
* comparative study of pose representation and dynamics modelling for online motion quality assessment, A
* Comparison of Canopy Volume Measurements of Scattered Eucalypt Farm Trees Derived from High Spatial Resolution Imagery and LiDAR
* Comparison of Channel Methods and Observer Models for the Task-Based Assessment of Multi-Projection Imaging in the Presence of Structured Anatomical Noise
* Comparison of Some Methods for Direct 2D Reconstruction from Discrete Projected Views, A
* Comparison of UAV- and TLS-derived Plant Height for Crop Monitoring: Using Polygon Grids for the Analysis of Crop Surface Models (CSMs), A
* Comparison of XH2O Retrieved from GOSAT Short-Wavelength Infrared Spectra with Observations from the TCCON Network
* Complexity scalability for real-time HEVC encoders
* Compressive Sensing Image Restoration Using Adaptive Curvelet Thresholding and Nonlocal Sparse Regularization
* Computation of the Normal Vector to a Digital Plane by Sampling Significant Points
* Computer Vision Color Constancy from Maximal Projections Mean Assumption
* Computer-Assisted Screw Size and Insertion Trajectory Planning for Pedicle Screw Placement Surgery
* Constructing image mosaics using focus based depth analysis
* Construction of Digital Ellipse by Recursive Integer Intervals
* Context-based prediction filtering of impulse noise images
* Contextual phase estimation from two-plane intensity measurements
* Continent-Wide 2-D Co-Seismic Deformation of the 2015 Mw 8.3 Illapel, Chile Earthquake Derived from Sentinel-1A Data: Correction of Azimuth Co-Registration Error
* Continuous 1985-2012 Landsat Monitoring to Assess Fire Effects on Meadows in Yosemite National Park, California
* Continuous Magnetic Field Monitoring Using Rapid Re-Excitation of NMR Probe Sets
* Continuous sign language recognition using level building based on fast hidden Markov model
* Contribution of neuroimaging in the diagnosis of brain disorders: Recent findings and future applications
* Convergent Geometric Estimators with Digital Volume and Surface Integrals
* Cooperative Localization for Mobile Networks: A Distributed Belief Propagation: Mean Field Message Passing Algorithm
* CoRBS: Comprehensive RGB-D benchmark for SLAM using Kinect v2
* Correlation filter cascade for facial landmark localization
* Could scene context be beneficial for scene text detection?
* Coupled depth learning
* Coupling Reranking and Structured Output SVM Co-Train for Multitarget Tracking
* Crowd density estimation based on rich features and random projection forest
* Crowd Event Detection on Optical Flow Manifolds
* Crowdsourcing in ITS: The State of the Work and the Networking
* Crowdsourcing, Citizen Science or Volunteered Geographic Information? The Current State of Crowdsourced Geographic Information
* Curve Digitization Variability
* Curve Extraction by Geodesics Fusion: Application to Polymer Reptation Analysis
* Customized expression recognition for performance-driven cutout character animation
* Cutting through the clutter: Task-relevant features for image matching
* CVD2014: A Database for Evaluating No-Reference Video Quality Assessment Algorithms
* Data-Driven Imputation Method for Traffic Data in Sectional Units of Road Links
* Data-Driven Transit Network Design From Mobile Phone Trajectories
* Decomposing time series with application to temporal segmentation
* Deep belief network based statistical feature learning for fingerprint liveness detection
* deep convolutional neural network trained on representative samples for circulating tumor cell detection, A
* Deep learning architectures for domain adaptation in HOV/HOT lane enforcement
* Deep learning the dynamic appearance and shape of facial action units
* Deep recursive and hierarchical conditional random fields for human action recognition
* Deep Structured Model with Radius-Margin Bound for 3D Human Activity Recognition, A
* Deep tree-structured face: A unified representation for multi-task facial biometrics
* Defect Detection on Patterned Fabrics Using Entropy Cues
* Defocus Blur-Invariant Scale-Space Feature Extractions
* Degenerate motions in multicamera cluster SLAM with non-overlapping fields of view
* Delineating Urban Fringe Area by Land Cover Information Entropy: An Empirical Study of Guangzhou-Foshan Metropolitan Area, China
* Demosaicking Method for Multispectral Images Based on Spatial Gradient and Inter-channel Correlation
* Dense Image Matching vs. Airborne Laser Scanning: Comparison of two methods for deriving terrain models
* Density-Based Clustering with Geographical Background Constraints Using a Semantic Expression Model
* Depth estimation and camera calibration of a focused plenoptic camera for visual odometry
* Design and Evaluation of a Touch-Centered Calming Interaction with a Social Robot
* Designing a multimodal generalised ride sharing system
* Designing an Experiment to Investigate Subpixel Mapping as an Alternative Method to Obtain Land Use/Land Cover Maps
* Detecting plains and Grevy's Zebras in the realworld
* Detecting temporally consistent objects in videos through object class label propagation
* Detection and Segmentation of Small Trees in the Forest-Tundra Ecotone Using Airborne Laser Scanning
* Detection of Activities During Newborn Resuscitation Based on Short-Time Energy of Acceleration Signal
* Detection of cracks in nuclear power plant using spatial-temporal grouping of local patches
* Detection of Driver Cognitive Distraction: A Comparison Study of Stop-Controlled Intersection and Speed-Limited Highway
* Detection of Inland Open Water Surfaces Using Dual Polarization L-Band Radar for the Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission
* Detection of quadrilateral document regions from digital photographs
* Development, Production and Evaluation of Aerosol Climate Data Records from European Satellite Observations (Aerosol_cci)
* Diatom Phenology in the Southern Ocean: Mean Patterns, Trends and the Role of Climate Oscillations
* Dictionary Learning for Sparse Coding: Algorithms and Convergence Analysis
* Digital Disks by Weighted Distances in the Triangular Grid
* Digital Surfaces of Revolution Made Simple
* Digital Watermarking Scheme Based on Arnold and Anti-Arnold Transforms
* Digitization of Partitions and Tessellations
* Dilation-aware enrolment for iris recognition
* Direct 3D pose estimation of a planar target
* Direct face detection and video reconstruction from event cameras
* Direction-of-Arrival Estimation of VHF Signals Recorded on the International Space Station and Simultaneous Observations of Optical Lightning
* Directional Prediction CamShift algorithm based on Adaptive Search Pattern for moving object tracking
* Discounted Trade Reduction Mechanism for Dynamic Ridesharing Pricing, A
* Discovering picturesque highlights from egocentric vacation videos
* Discovering Primary Objects in Videos by Saliency Fusion and Iterative Appearance Estimation
* Discovering useful parts for pose estimation in sparsely annotated datasets
* Discovery of facial motions using deep machine perception
* Discrete Calculus, Optimisation and Inverse Problems in Imaging
* Discrete Spherical Laplacian Operator
* Discretizations of Isometries
* Discriminating between Native Norway Spruce and Invasive Sitka Spruce: A Comparison of Multitemporal Landsat 8 Imagery, Aerial Images and Airborne Laser Scanner Data
* discriminative and sparse topic model for image classification and annotation, A
* Discriminative FaceTopics for face recognition via latent Dirichlet allocation
* Discriminative Multiple Kernel Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Discriminative Representation of Convolutional Features for Indoor Scene Recognition, A
* Discriminative training of CRF models with probably submodular constraints
* Distance interior ratio: A new shape signature for 2D shape retrieval
* Distributed Multi-Target Tracking and Data Association in Vision Networks
* driver fatigue detection method based on multi-sensor signals, A
* Driver Gaze Region Estimation without Use of Eye Movement
* DropSample: A new training method to enhance deep convolutional neural networks for large-scale unconstrained handwritten Chinese character recognition
* DSets-DBSCAN: A Parameter-Free Clustering Algorithm
* Dynamic belief fusion for object detection
* Dynamic charging systems for electric vehicles: Simulation for the daily energy estimation on motorways
* Dynamic video encryption algorithm for H.264/AVC based on a spatiotemporal chaos system
* Dynamical Spectral Unmixing of Multitemporal Hyperspectral Images
* Early Drought Detection by Spectral Analysis of Satellite Time Series of Precipitation and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)
* ECG Authentication System Design Based on Signal Analysis in Mobile and Wearable Devices
* Edge Detection Based on Riesz Transform
* Effect of illicit drug abuse on face recognition
* Effectiveness of power strategies for video applications: A practical study
* Effects of pose and image resolution on automatic face recognition
* Efficient Demodulation of General APSK Constellations
* Efficient joint stereo estimation and land usage classification for multiview satellite data
* Efficient Multiple-Feature Learning-Based Hyperspectral Image Classification with Limited Training Samples
* Efficient object annotation for surveillance and automotive applications
* Efficient Quantization Based on Rate-Distortion Optimization for Video Coding
* Efficient Raw Signal Generation Based on Equivalent Scatterer and Subaperture Processing for One-Stationary Bistatic SAR Including Motion Errors
* Efficient Synthesis-Based Depth Map Coding in AVC-Compatible 3D Video Coding
* Efficient transductive semantic segmentation
* Efficient Two-Step Middle-Level Part Feature Extraction for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* Efficient video-based retrieval of human motion with flexible alignment
* elastic functional data analysis framework for preoperative evaluation of patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, An
* Empirical Model for Television Frequency Interference Correction of AMSR2 Data Over Ocean Near the U.S. and Europe, An
* Encoding Specific 3D Polyhedral Complexes Using 3D Binary Images
* end-to-end generative framework for video segmentation and recognition, An
* Energy-efficient ConvNets through approximate computing
* Enhanced control of a wheelchair-mounted robotic manipulator using 3-D vision and multimodal interaction
* enhanced deep feature representation for person re-identification, An
* Enhanced low-complexity pruning for corner detection
* Enhanced manifold regularization for semi-supervised classification
* Enhancing feature tracking with gyro regularization
* Enhancing Spatio-Temporal Identity: States of Existence and Presence
* Error-Component Analysis of TRMM-Based Multi-Satellite Precipitation Estimates over Mainland China
* ESTARFM Fusion Framework for the Generation of Large-Scale Time Series in Cloud-Prone and Heterogeneous Landscapes, An
* Estimating Head Orientation Using a Combination of Multiple Cues
* Estimating the focus of expansion in a video sequence using the trajectories of interest points
* Estimating the Intrinsic Dimension of Hyperspectral Images Using a Noise-Whitened Eigengap Approach
* Estimating Tree Frontal Area in Urban Areas Using Terrestrial LiDAR Data
* Evaluating the true potential of diffusion-based inpainting in a compression context
* Evaluation of HY-2A Scatterometer Wind Vectors Using Data from Buoys, ERA-Interim and ASCAT during 2012-2014
* Evaluation of ICA-Based ICTD for PolSAR Data Analysis Using a Sliding Window Approach: Convergence Rate, Gaussian Sources, and Spatial Correlation
* Evaluation of MODIS Gross Primary Production across Multiple Biomes in China Using Eddy Covariance Flux Data
* Evaluation of MODIS LAI/FPAR Product Collection 6. Part 1: Consistency and Improvements
* Evaluation of PERSIANN-CDR for Meteorological Drought Monitoring over China
* Evaluation of Radiometric and Atmospheric Correction Algorithms for Aboveground Forest Biomass Estimation Using Landsat 5 TM Data
* Evaluation of Stray Light Correction for GOCI Remote Sensing Reflectance Using in Situ Measurements
* Evaluation of the Chinese Fine Spatial Resolution Hyperspectral Satellite TianGong-1 in Urban Land-Cover Classification
* Exploiting Privileged Information from Web Data for Action and Event Recognition
* Exploring bounding box context for multi-object tracker fusion
* Expressive visual text-to-speech as an assistive technology for individuals with autism spectrum conditions
* Extended coherent point drift algorithm with correspondence priors and optimal subsampling
* Extracting Information From Previous Full-Dose CT Scan for Knowledge-Based Bayesian Reconstruction of Current Low-Dose CT Images
* Eye blink detection based on motion vectors analysis
* Face fiducial detection by consensus of exemplars
* Face recognition using deep multi-pose representations
* Face reconstruction from image sequences for forensic face comparison
* Face Sketch-Photo Matching Using the Local Gradient Fuzzy Pattern
* Fashion apparel detection: The role of deep convolutional neural network and pose-dependent priors
* Fast and Accurate Plane Segmentation of Airborne LiDAR Point Cloud Using Cross-Line Elements
* Fast and reliable noise level estimation based on local statistic
* fast and robust text spotter, A
* Fast Autonomous Crater Detection by Image Analysis: For Unmanned Landing on Unknown Terrain
* Fast content access and retrieval of JPEG compressed images
* fast DBSCAN clustering algorithm by accelerating neighbor searching using Groups method, A
* Fast Frequency Estimation Algorithm by Least Squares Phase Unwrapping
* Fast Gabor texture feature extraction with separable filters using GPU
* Fast GPU-based denoising filter using isoline levels
* Fast localised active contour for inhomogeneous image segmentation
* Fast similarity metric for real-time template-matching applications
* Feature Asymmetry of the Conformal Monogenic Signal
* Feature Extraction Based on Bandpass Filtering for Frog Call Classification
* Filling in the blanks: reconstructing microscopic crowd motion from multiple disparate noisy sensors
* Filtering graphs to check isomorphism and extracting mapping by using the Conductance Electrical Model
* Finding Shortest Triangular Path in a Digital Object
* Finding the Shortest Path in Stochastic Vehicle Routing: A Cardinality Minimization Approach
* Fine-grained classification via mixture of deep convolutional neural networks
* Fine-Grained Sketch-Based Image Retrieval: The Role of Part-Aware Attributes
* Fine-tuning human pose estimations in videos
* Finger image quality assessment features: definitions and evaluation
* First in-Flight Radiometric Calibration of MUX and WFI on-Board CBERS-4
* FLEX End-to-End Mission Performance Simulator
* Flexible System Architecture for Acquisition and Storage of Naturalistic Driving Data, A
* Food Image Recognition Using Covariance of Convolutional Layer Feature Maps
* FPGA Design and Implementation of Kinect-Like Depth Sensing
* FPGA-accelerated partial duplicate image retrieval engine for a document search system, An
* Fragile Watermarking Scheme for Image Authentication Using Wavelet Transform, A
* Frequency-Domain Imaging Algorithm for Highly Squinted SAR Mounted on Maneuvering Platforms With Nonlinear Trajectory, A
* Frontal to profile face verification in the wild
* Fully automatic person segmentation in unconstrained video using spatio-temporal conditional random fields
* Furthering fingerprint-based authentication: Introducing the true-neighbor template
* Fusing R Features and Local Features with Context-Aware Kernels for Action Recognition
* Fusion Methods for Land Surface Emissivity and Temperature Retrieval of the Landsat Data Continuity Mission Data
* Fusion of LiDAR Orthowaveforms and Hyperspectral Imagery for Shallow River Bathymetry and Turbidity Estimation
* future of augmented reality: Hololens-Microsoft's AR headset shines despite rough edges, The
* Fuzzy C means integrated with spatial information and contrast enhancement for segmentation of MR brain images
* Fuzzy c-ordered medoids clustering for interval-valued data
* Gabor Cube Selection Based Multitask Joint Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Gait Planning of Omnidirectional Walk on Inclined Ground for Biped Robots
* Gaze Estimation in the 3D Space Using RGB-D Sensors
* Gender and gaze gesture recognition for human-computer interaction
* Generalized Brillinger-Like Transforms
* Generalized Empirical Formulas of Threshold Distance to Characterize Cyclone-Cyclone Interactions
* generalized relative pose and scale problem: View-graph fusion via 2D-2D registration, The
* Generalized Terrain Topography in Radar Scattering Models
* Generating cancellable fingerprint templates based on Delaunay triangle feature set construction
* Generating reliable video annotations by exploiting the crowd
* Generation of Digital Planes Using Generalized Continued-Fractions Algorithms
* Generic Framework for Using Multi-Dimensional Earth Observation Data in GIS, A
* Geneva Minimalistic Acoustic Parameter Set (GeMAPS) for Voice Research and Affective Computing, The
* Genre-Adaptive Semantic Computing and Audio-Based Modelling for Music Mood Annotation
* Geodesic pixel neighborhoods for 2D and 3D scene understanding
* Geometric-Algebra LMS Adaptive Filter and Its Application to Rotation Estimation
* Geometrical Characterization of the Uniqueness Regions Under Special Sets of Three Directions in Discrete Tomography
* geometry of a scene: On deep semantics for visual perception driven cognitive film, studies, The
* Geostatistical Analysis of CH4 Columns over Monsoon Asia Using Five Years of GOSAT Observations
* Global and Local Saliency Analysis for the Extraction of Residential Areas in High-Spatial-Resolution Remote Sensing Image
* Global Estimates for High-Spatial-Resolution Clear-Sky Land Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation From MODIS Data
* Global Hypothesis Verification Framework for 3D Object Recognition in Clutter, A
* Global Research on Artificial Intelligence from 1990-2014: Spatially-Explicit Bibliometric Analysis
* Global variational method for fingerprint segmentation by three-part decomposition
* Going deeper in facial expression recognition using deep neural networks
* GPU accelerated regional lung air volume measurements from phase contrast X-ray images
* GPU-accelerated level-set segmentation
* Graph matching with low-rank regularization
* Greedy dictionary learning for kernel sparse representation based classifier
* Ground-Moving Target Imaging and Velocity Estimation Based on Mismatched Compression for Bistatic Forward-Looking SAR
* Guest Editorial
* Guest Editorial An Overview of Biomedical Robotics and Bio-Mechatronics Systems and Applications
* Guest Editorial: Big Data for Driver, Vehicle, and System Control in ITS
* Guest Editorial: Human Activity Understanding from 2D and 3D Data
* Guest Editorial: Special Section on CVPR 2014
* Half hypersphere confinement for piecewise linear regression
* hardware centric algorithm for the best matching unit searching stage of the SOM-based quantizer and its FPGA implementation, A
* Heartbeat Rate Measurement from Facial Video
* Heat propagation contours for 3D non-rigid shape analysis
* HeHOP: Highly efficient head orientation and position estimation
* HEVC-Based Perceptually Adaptive Video Coding Using a DCT-Based Local Distortion Detection Probability Model
* Hide and seek: Uncovering facial occlusion with variable-threshold robust PCA
* Hierarchical Approach to Three-Dimensional Segmentation of LiDAR Data at Single-Tree Level in a Multilayered Forest, A
* Hierarchical Coding Vectors for Scene Level Land-Use Classification
* Hierarchical Video Description for Complex Activity Understanding, A
* High accuracy model-based object pose estimation for autonomous recharging applications
* High-dimensional and large-scale anomaly detection using a linear one-class SVM with deep learning
* High-Order Energies for Stereo Segmentation
* Higher-order class-specific priors for semantic segmentation of 3D outdoor scenes
* Homotopic Thinning in 2D and 3D Cubical Complexes Based on Critical Kernels
* Hue-preserving and saturation-improved color histogram equalization algorithm
* Human and sheep facial landmarks localisation by triplet interpolated features
* Human fall detection in videos via boosting and fusing statistical features of appearance, shape and motion dynamics on Riemannian manifolds with applications to assisted living
* Human gait recognition based on deterministic learning through multiple views fusion
* Hybrid Combination of Multiple SVM Classifiers for Automatic Recognition of the Damages and Symptoms on Plant Leaves, A
* Hybrid Distortion Ranking Tuned Bitstream-Layer Video Quality Assessment
* Hyper-Graphs Inference through Convex Relaxations and Move Making Algorithms: Contributions and Applications in Artificial Vision
* Hyperspectral Image Classification via Basic Thresholding Classifier
* Hyperspectral Local Intrinsic Dimensionality
* Identification-Based Closed-Loop NMES Limb Tracking With Amplitude-Modulated Control Input
* Identifying Absorbing Aerosols Above Clouds From the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager Coupled With NASA A-Train Multiple Sensors
* Identifying Categorical Land Use Transition and Land Degradation in Northwestern Drylands of Ethiopia
* Identifying deficits of visual security metrics for images
* Image Deblurring via Enhanced Low-Rank Prior
* Image Dehazing Using Quadtree Decomposition and Entropy-Based Contextual Regularization
* Image set classification by symmetric positive semi-definite matrices
* Image-based historical manuscript dating using contour and stroke fragments
* Impact of Climate Change on Vegetation Growth in Arid Northwest of China from 1982 to 2011
* Impact of MODIS Quality Control on Temporally Aggregated Urban Surface Temperature and Long-Term Surface Urban Heat Island Intensity
* Impact of Satellite Remote Sensing Data on Simulations of Coastal Circulation and Hypoxia on the Louisiana Continental Shelf
* Improved Early Crop Type Identification By Joint Use of High Temporal Resolution SAR And Optical Image Time Series
* Improved Singularity Analysis for ASCAT Wind Quality Control: Application to Low Winds, An
* Improving clustering performance by incorporating uncertainty
* Improving Multiyear Sea Ice Concentration Estimates with Sea Ice Drift
* Improving posture classification accuracy for depth sensor-based human activity monitoring in smart environments
* Improving Sensor Fusion: A Parametric Method for the Geometric Coalignment of Airborne Hyperspectral and Lidar Data
* Improving the axial and lateral resolution of three-dimensional fluorescence microscopy using random speckle illuminations
* Improving the Goertzel-Blahut Algorithm
* Improving the Spatial Resolution of Land Surface Phenology by Fusing Medium- and Coarse-Resolution Inputs
* Incidence Angle Correction of SAR Sea Ice Data Based on Locally Linear Mapping
* Incidence Angle Dependency of Leaf Vegetation Indices from Hyperspectral Lidar Measurements
* Individual Persuasive Eco-travel Technology, a mobile persuasive application for implementing voluntary travel behaviour change programmes
* Individual utility-based path suggestions in transit trip planners
* Individualized learning for improving kernel Fisher discriminant analysis
* Information Available to a Moving Observer on Shape with Unknown, Isotropic BRDFs, The
* Inner-Product Calculus for Periodic Functions and Curves, An
* InSAR-Based Mapping of Tidal Inundation Extent and Amplitude in Louisiana Coastal Wetlands
* Inspecting lens collars for defects using discrete cosine transformation based on an image restoration scheme
* integrated artificial vision framework for assisting visually impaired users, An
* Integrated Dilemma Zone Protection System Using Connected Vehicle Technology, An
* Integrated Optimization of Long-Range Underwater Signal Detection, Feature Extraction, and Classification for Nuclear Treaty Monitoring
* Interactive Curvature Tensor Visualization on Digital Surfaces
* Interactive multiple object learning with scanty human supervision
* Interferometric Processing of ScanSAR Data Using Stripmap Processor: New Insights From Coregistration
* Investigating the Feasibility of Geo-Tagged Photographs as Sources of Land Cover Input Data
* Investigation of SMAP Fusion Algorithms With Airborne Active and Passive L-Band Microwave Remote Sensing
* IPDC: Iterative part-based dense correspondence between point clouds
* Irrigation Impacts on Scaling Properties of Soil Moisture and the Calibration of a Multifractal Downscaling Model
* Is 2D Unlabeled Data Adequate for Recognizing Facial Expressions?
* Is alice chasing or being chased?: Determining subject and object of activities in videos
* Is image super-resolution helpful for other vision tasks?
* JND Model Using a Texture-Edge Selector Based on Faber-Schauder Wavelet Lifting Scheme, A
* Joint Data Filtering and Labeling Using Gaussian Processes and Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
* Joint geometric graph embedding for partial shape matching in images
* Joint Image Clustering and Labeling by Matrix Factorization
* Joint Object Recognition and Pose Estimation Using a Nonlinear View-Invariant Latent Generative Model
* Joint point and line segment matching on wide-baseline stereo images
* Joint Segmentation and Shape Regularization With a Generalized Forward-Backward Algorithm
* Kernel auto-encoder for semi-supervised hashing
* Kernel Bundle Diffeomorphic Image Registration Using Stationary Velocity Fields and Wendland Basis Functions
* Kernel Low-Rank and Sparse Graph for Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Classification of Hyperspectral Images
* Kernel matrix decomposition via empirical kernel map
* Kernelized Multiview Projection for Robust Action Recognition
* Key Frame Extraction Based on Chaos Theory and Color Information for Video Summarization
* Kinect Depth Holes Filling by Similarity and Position Constrained Sparse Representation
* Knowledge-Based Step Length Estimation Method Based on Fuzzy Logic and Multi-Sensor Fusion Algorithms for a Pedestrian Dead Reckoning System, A
* KrishnaCam: Using a longitudinal, single-person, egocentric dataset for scene understanding tasks
* Label-Embedding for Image Classification
* Land Classification Using Remotely Sensed Data: Going Multilabel
* Land Cover Characterization in West Sudanian Savannas Using Seasonal Features from Annual Landsat Time Series
* Land Surface Water Mapping Using Multi-Scale Level Sets and a Visual Saliency Model from SAR Images
* Landsat ETM+ and SRTM Data Provide Near Real-Time Monitoring of Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) Habitats in Africa
* Large color gamut displays with diffraction gratings
* LATCH: Learned arrangements of three patch codes
* Layered Coding for Mobile Cloud Gaming Using Scalable Blinn-Phong Lighting
* Leaf Classification Using Convexity Measure of Polygons
* Learning a structured dictionary for video-based face recognition
* Learning A Superpixel-Driven Speed Function for Level Set Tracking
* Learning Contextual Dependence With Convolutional Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Networks
* Learning deep-sea substrate types with visual topic models
* Learning Hierarchical Spectral-Spatial Features for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Learning Invariant Color Features for Person Reidentification
* Learning patch-dependent kernel forest for person re-identification
* Learning the Inverse Dynamics of Robotic Manipulators in Structured Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space
* Learning to Deblur
* Learning-Based Superresolution Land Cover Mapping
* Leveraging single for multi-target tracking using a novel trajectory overlap affinity measure
* LiCHy: The CAF's LiDAR, CCD and Hyperspectral Integrated Airborne Observation System
* Lifting GIS maps into strong geometric context for scene understanding
* Lifting Object Detection Datasets into 3D
* Line segment matching: A benchmark
* Linear Spatial Spectral Mixture Model
* Linear-time online action detection from 3D skeletal data using bags of gesturelets
* Linking Land Surface Phenology and Vegetation-Plot Databases to Model Terrestrial Plant a-Diversity of the Okavango Basin
* Lip event detection using oriented histograms of regional optical flow and low rank affinity pursuit
* Local fractal dimension and binary patterns in texture recognition
* Local Spectral Component Decomposition for Multi-Channel Image Denoising
* Localization and tracking in known large environments using portable real-time 3D sensors
* Location-Wise Predetermined Deployment for Optimizing Lifetime in Visual Sensor Networks, A
* Long Term Validation of Land Surface Temperature Retrieved from MSG/SEVIRI with Continuous in-Situ Measurements in Africa
* Low resolution vehicle re-identification based on appearance features for wide area motion imagery
* Low-Delay Rate Control for Consistent Quality Using Distortion-Based Lagrange Multiplier
* Managing Spatial Graph Dependencies in Large Volumes of Traffic Data for Travel-Time Prediction
* Manifold Alignment Approach for Hyperspectral Image Visualization With Natural Color, A
* Map-matching algorithm applied to bicycle global positioning system traces in Bologna
* Mapping Deforestation and Forest Degradation Patterns in Western Himalaya, Pakistan
* Mapping Paddy Rice in China in 2002, 2005, 2010 and 2014 with MODIS Time Series
* Mapping Wetlands in Zambia Using Seasonal Backscatter Signatures Derived from ENVISAT ASAR Time Series
* Marker-Free Registration of Forest Terrestrial Laser Scanner Data Pairs With Embedded Confidence Metrics
* Mass Flux Solution in the Tibetan Plateau Using Mascon Modeling
* Maximum margin hidden Markov models for sequence classification
* Maximum-Likelihood Blind Synchronization for GFDM Systems
* Measure of Q-Convexity, A
* Measuring and modeling apple trees using time-of-flight data for automation of dormant pruning applications
* Measuring Spectral Reflectance and 3D Shape Using Multi-primary Image Projector
* Memetic Extreme Learning Machine
* Method for Traffic Congestion Clustering Judgment Based on Grey Relational Analysis, A
* Micro-Expression Recognition by Regression Model and Group Sparse Spatio-Temporal Feature Learning
* Microwave Scattering and Medium Characterization for Terrestrial Snow With QCA-Mie and Bicontinuous Models: Comparison Studies
* mid-level representation of visual structures for video compression, A
* MIDI-assisted egocentric optical music recognition
* Minimal Paths by Sum of Distance Transforms
* Mixed Spectrum Analysis on fMRI Time-Series
* Mobile phone and cloud: A dream team for 3D reconstruction
* Mode-shape interpretation: Re-thinking modal space for recovering deformable shapes
* Model-Based Evaluation of Signal-to-Clutter Ratio for Landmine Detection Using Ground-Penetrating Radar
* Model-based head pose-free gaze estimation for assistive communication
* Model-less and model-based computationally efficient motion estimation for video compression in transportation applications
* Modified omega-k Algorithm for HS-SAR Small-Aperture Data Imaging, A
* MODIS-Based Mapping of Secchi Disk Depth Using a Qualitative Algorithm in the Shallow Arabian Gulf
* Moho Density Contrast in Central Eurasia from GOCE Gravity Gradients
* Monitoring Cultural Heritage Sites with Advanced Multi-Temporal InSAR Technique: The Case Study of the Summer Palace
* Monitoring of Non-Linear Ground Movement in an Open Pit Iron Mine Based on an Integration of Advanced DInSAR Techniques Using TerraSAR-X Data
* Monitoring the Topography of a Dynamic Tidal Inlet Using UAV Imagery
* Mono camera multi-view diminished reality
* Monocular obstacle avoidance for blind people using probabilistic focus of expansion estimation
* Mosaicing scenes with a quadcopter
* Motif-Based Design for Connected Vehicle Systems in Presence of Heterogeneous Connectivity Structures and Time Delays
* Moving-Target Tracking by Cognitive RF Stealth Radar Using Frequency Diverse Array Antenna
* Multi-Element Approach to Location Inference of Twitter: A Case for Emergency Response, A
* Multi-face tracking by extended bag-of-tracklets in egocentric photo-streams
* Multi-Level Canonical Correlation Analysis for Standard-Dose PET Image Estimation
* Multi-Modal Curriculum Learning for Semi-Supervised Image Classification
* multi-modal feature fusion framework for kinect-based facial expression recognition using Dual Kernel Discriminant Analysis (DKDA), A
* multi-modal perception based assistive robotic system for the elderly, A
* Multi-modal RGB-Depth-Thermal Human Body Segmentation
* multi-objective approach towards cost effective isolated handwritten Bangla character and digit recognition, A
* Multi-View Dense Point Cloud Generation Algorithm Based on Low-Altitude Remote Sensing Images, A
* Multi-view dynamic texture learning
* Multi-Viewpoint Panorama Construction With Wide-Baseline Images
* Multicamera Joint Video Synopsis
* Multilevel Point-Cluster-Based Discriminative Feature for ALS Point Cloud Classification, A
* Multimodal emotion recognition using deep learning architectures
* Multimode Coherent Pattern in Bistatic Scattering From Randomly Corrugated Surfaces With Irregular Grooves at L-Band
* Multimutation Differential Evolution Algorithm and Its Application to Seismic Inversion
* Multiple Constraints Based Robust Matching of Poor-Texture Close-Range Images for Monitoring a Simulated Landslide
* Multiple Kernel Point Set Registration
* Multiple-Instance Multiple-Label Learning for the Classification of Frog Calls with Acoustic Event Detection
* Multiscale Centerline Detection
* Multiscale fully convolutional network with application to industrial inspection
* Multiscale patch-based contrast measure for small infrared target detection
* Multisource Geospatial Data Fusion via Local Joint Sparse Representation
* Multivideo Object Cosegmentation for Irrelevant Frames Involved Videos
* Myocardial Infarct Segmentation From Magnetic Resonance Images for Personalized Modeling of Cardiac Electrophysiology
* N-Ink Printer Characterization With Barycentric Subdivision
* Naming TV characters by watching and analyzing dialogs
* nD Quasi-Affine Transformations
* Network-Coding-Assisted Data Dissemination via Cooperative Vehicle-to-Vehicle/-Infrastructure Communications
* Neurite Tracing With Object Process
* new computer vision-based system to help clinicians objectively assess visual pursuit with the moving mirror stimulus for the diagnosis of minimally conscious state, A
* New Method for Arabic Text Detection in Natural Scene Image Based on the Color Homogeneity, A
* New Method for Earth Observation Data Analytics Based on Symbolic Machine Learning, A
* New Method of Gold Foil Damage Detection in Stone Carving Relics Based on Multi-Temporal 3D LiDAR Point Clouds, A
* New Results on Generalized Fractional Programming Problems With Toeplitz Quadratics
* New Semiautomated Detection Mapping of Flood Extent From TerraSAR-X Satellite Image Using Rule-Based Classification and Taguchi Optimization Techniques, A
* No-Reference 3D Mesh Quality Assessment Based on Dihedral Angles Model and Support Vector Regression
* No-Reference Video Quality Assessment With 3D Shearlet Transform and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Noise Characterization and Performance of MODIS Thermal Emissive Bands
* Non-Iterative Rigid 2D/3D Point-Set Registration Using Semidefinite Programming
* Non-Linear Extension of Generalized Hyperplane Approximation
* Non-negative embedding for fully unsupervised domain adaptation
* non-parametric approach to extending generic binary classifiers for multi-classification, A
* Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction via Path-Based Isometric Mapping
* Nonlinear Estimation of Chromophore Concentrations and Shading from Hyperspectral Images
* Nonlinear Multiple Kernel Learning With Multiple-Structure-Element Extended Morphological Profiles for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* novel 2D/3D database with automatic face annotation for head tracking and pose estimation, A
* Novel Dual Speed-Curve Optimization Based Approach for Energy-Saving Operation of High-Speed Trains, A
* novel framework method for non-blind deconvolution using subspace images priors, A
* Novel Geometrical Approach for a Rapid Estimation of the HARDI Signal in Diffusion MRI, A
* Novel Hardware Architecture of the Lucas-Kanade Optical Flow for Reduced Frame Memory Access, A
* novel inheritable color space with application to kinship verification, A
* novel method for detection of voxels for decision making: An fMRI study, A
* Number of Words Characterizing Digital Balls on the Triangular Tiling
* Object Classification and Grasp Planning Using Visual and Tactile Sensing
* Object detection in 20 questions
* Object-Based Image Analysis Approach for Detecting Penguin Guano in very High Spatial Resolution Satellite Images, An
* Object-oriented approach to oil spill detection using ENVISAT ASAR images
* Occlusion-aware video registration for highly non-rigid objects
* OCPAD: Occluded checkerboard pattern detector
* Omnidirectional image capture on mobile devices for fast automatic generation of 2.5D indoor maps
* On Functionality of Quadraginta Octants of Naive Sphere with Application to Circle Drawing
* On Geocasting over Urban Bus-Based Networks by Mining Trajectories
* On the Benefit of State Separation for Tracking in Image Space with an Interacting Multiple Model Filter
* On the importance of normalisation layers in deep learning with piecewise linear activation units
* On the Influence of an Iterative Affect Annotation Approach on Inter-Observer and Self-Observer Reliability
* On Weighted Distances on the Khalimsky Grid
* One-to-many face recognition with bilinear CNNs
* Online inspection of 3D parts via a locally overlapping camera network
* Online Regulation of High Speed Train Trajectory Control Based on T-S Fuzzy Bilinear Model
* Online tracking using saliency
* Online unsupervised feature learning for visual tracking
* Ontology-Based Semantic Image Segmentation Using Mixture Models and Multiple CRFs
* Open source structure-from-motion for aerial video
* Open-Loop Tracking of Rising and Setting GPS Radio-Occultation Signals From an Airborne Platform: Signal Model and Error Analysis
* OpenFace: An open source facial behavior analysis toolkit
* Operational Radiometric Landsat Preprocessing Framework for Large-Area Time Series Applications, An
* Optimal channels for channelized quadratic estimators
* Optimal feature learning and discriminative framework for polarimetric thermal to visible face recognition
* Optimal Parameter Estimation Method of Internal Solitary Waves in SAR Images and the Cramer-Rao Bound
* Optimal radiometric calibration for camera-display communication
* Orthogonal enhanced linear discriminant analysis for face recognition
* Orthogonal Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Combining Multiple Features for Spectral-Spatial Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Imagery
* Orthonormal dictionary learning and its application to face recognition
* Otolith Recognition System Using a Normal Angles Contour
* Overlaid Arrow Detection for Labeling Regions of Interest in Biomedical Images
* Overview of research on facial ageing using the FG-NET ageing database
* Overview of the End-of-Mission Observation Experiments of Precipitation Radar Onboard the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Satellite
* Ozone Profile Retrievals From the Cross-Track Infrared Sounder
* P-Simple Points and General-Simple Deletion Rules
* Palm Trees Detection from High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery Using a New Contextual Classification Method with Constraints
* Parallel Transportation Management and Control System and Its Applications in Building Smart Cities
* Parallelization Strategy for Elementary Morphological Operators on Graphs
* Parsing Fashion Image into Mid-Level Semantic Parts Based on Chain-Conditional Random Fields
* Partial Optimality by Pruning for MAP-Inference with General Graphical Models
* PATMOS-x Cloud Climate Record Trend Sensitivity to Reanalysis Products
* Pattern Recognition, Part 2
* Pedestrian lane detection in unstructured scenes for assistive navigation
* People detection in crowded scenes by context-driven label propagation
* Perception-Based Hybrid Model for Video Quality Assessment, A
* Performance comparison of texture feature analysis methods using PNN classifier for segmentation and classification of brain CT images
* Persistent 3D stabilization for aerial imagery
* Person re-identification using deformable patch metric learning
* Person re-identification using multiple first-person-views on wearable devices
* Person-following UAVs
* Physical Layer Definition for a Long-Haul HF Antarctica to Spain Radio Link
* POL-SAR Image Classification Based on Wishart DBN and Local Spatial Information
* Polarimetric SAR Change Detection With the Complex Hotelling-Lawley Trace Statistic
* Polarimetric SAR Image Filtering Based on Patch Ordering and Simultaneous Sparse Coding
* Pose tracking by efficiently exploiting global features
* Postprocessing of Compressed Images via Sequential Denoising
* practical approach to real-time neutral feature subtraction for facial expression recognition, A
* Precise deterministic change detection for smooth surfaces
* Precise Vehicle Speed Measurement Based on a Hierarchical Homographic Transform Estimation for Law Enforcement Applications
* Privacy Preserving Dynamic Room Layout Mapping
* Procrustean decomposition for orthogonal cascade detection
* Production of the Japan 30-m Land Cover Map of 2013-2015 Using a Random Forests-Based Feature Optimization Approach
* Prospects of the ICESat-2 laser altimetry mission for savanna ecosystem structural studies based on airborne simulation data
* Pseudo-Pilot: A Novel Paradigm of Channel Estimation
* Pulmonary Fissure Detection in CT Images Using a Derivative of Stick Filter
* Purely vision-based segmentation of web pages for assistive technology
* PW-COG: An Effective Texture Descriptor for VHR Satellite Imagery Using a Pointwise Approach on Covariance Matrix of Oriented Gradients
* Quaternion Collaborative and Sparse Representation With Application to Color Face Recognition
* Radiometric cross Calibration of Gaofen-1 WFV Cameras Using Landsat-8 OLI Images: A Simple Image-Based Method
* Range Imaging of E-Region Field-Aligned Irregularities by Using a Multifrequency Technique: Validation and Initial Results
* RapidScat Diurnal Cycles Over Land
* Real-Time Eye Pupil Localization Using Hough Regression Forest
* Real-time human action recognition based on depth motion maps
* real-time Human-Robot Interaction system based on gestures for assistive scenarios, A
* Real-time road traffic density estimation using block variance
* real-time visual card reader for mobile devices, A
* ReBreathe: A Calibration Protocol that Improves Stress/Relax Classification by Relabeling Deep Breathing Relaxation Exercises
* Recognition of Digital Polyhedra with a Fixed Number of Faces
* Recognizing Stress Using Semantics and Modulation of Speech and Gestures
* Reconstructing Sessions from Data Discovery and Access Logs to Build a Semantic Knowledge Base for Improving Data Discovery
* Reconstruction of Concealed Objects in a Corrugated Wall With a Smoothly Varying Roughness Using the Linear Sampling Method
* Recursive Orthogonal Projection-Based Simplex Growing Algorithm
* Reflectance and Fluorescence Spectral Recovery via Actively Lit RGB Images
* Region graph based method for multi-object detection and tracking using depth cameras
* Regional Changes in Earth's Color and Texture as Observed From Space Over a 15-Year Period
* Relationship Induced Multi-Template Learning for Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment
* Relative Impact of Ghosting and Noise on the Perceived Quality of MR Images, The
* Remote Estimation of Vegetation Fraction and Flower Fraction in Oilseed Rape with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Data
* Remote Sensing Image Classification Using Attribute Filters Defined Over the Tree of Shapes
* Remote Sensing-Based Exploration of Structurally-Related Mineralizations around Mount Isa, Queensland, Australia
* Repeatability and Similarity of Freeway Traffic Flow and Long-Term Prediction Under Big Data
* Representation Learning of Temporal Dynamics for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Representation of Imprecise Digital Objects
* Research on Parallel Control Mechanism and Its Implementation in ATP
* Resolution enhancement in single depth map and aligned image
* Retrieval of Aerosol Fine-Mode Fraction from Intensity and Polarization Measurements by PARASOL over East Asia
* Retrieving Precipitable Water Vapor Data Using GPS Zenith Delays and Global Reanalysis Data in China
* Reversible data hiding with contrast enhancement using adaptive histogram shifting and pixel value ordering
* revisit to human action recognition from depth sequences: Guided SVM-sampling for joint selection, A
* RGB-D camera based wearable navigation system for the visually impaired
* Road centerline extraction from airborne LiDAR point cloud based on hierarchical fusion and optimization
* Road Network Extraction via Aperiodic Directional Structure Measurement
* Road-Geometry-Based Risk Estimation Model for Horizontal Curves
* Robust Approach for Recovery of Rigorous Sensor Model Using Rational Function Model
* Robust Cell Detection of Histopathological Brain Tumor Images Using Sparse Reconstruction and Adaptive Dictionary Selection
* Robust Cross-view Hashing for Multimedia Retrieval
* Robust ellipse detection with Gaussian mixture models
* Robust face alignment and tracking by combining local search and global fitting
* Robust Feature Matching in Long-Running Poor-Quality Videos
* Robust individual and holistic features for crowd scene classification
* Robust multi-dimensional motion features for first-person vision activity recognition
* Robust multiple-instance learning ensembles using random subspace instance selection
* Robust Object Tracking with Compressive Sensing and Patches Matching
* Robust Print-cam Image Watermarking in Fourier Domain
* Robust Single Image Super-Resolution via Deep Networks With Sparse Prior
* Robust traffic lights detection on mobile devices for pedestrians with visual impairment
* Rotation Invariant Texture Description Using Symmetric Dense Microblock Difference
* Saliency Detection for Stereoscopic Images Based on Depth Confidence Analysis and Multiple Cues Fusion
* Saliency Detection Via Similar Image Retrieval
* SAR Image Despeckling by the Use of Variational Methods With Adaptive Nonlocal Functionals
* SAR Image Segmentation Based on Hierarchical Visual Semantic and Adaptive Neighborhood Multinomial Latent Model
* Satellite image collection modeling for large area hazard emergency response
* Satellite Retrievals of Karenia brevis Harmful Algal Blooms in the West Florida Shelf Using Neural Networks and Comparisons with Other Techniques
* scalable H.264/AVC deblocking filter architecture, A
* Scalable Multisensor Multitarget Tracking Using the Marginalized delta-GLMB Density
* Scale Effect in Indirect Measurement of Leaf Area Index
* Scale-space spatio-temporal random fields: Application to the detection of growing microbial patterns from surface roughness
* Scattering From Layered Rough Surfaces: Analytical and Numerical Investigations
* Scattering-Based Nonlocal Means SAR Despeckling
* Scene-independent feature- and classifier-based vehicle headlight and shadow removal in video sequences
* Scheme for unsupervised colour-texture image segmentation using neutrosophic set and non-subsampled contourlet transform
* Score reliability based weighting technique for score-level fusion in multi-biometric systems
* Searching for doppelgangers: assessing the universality of the IrisCode impostors distribution
* Securing SIFT: Privacy-Preserving Outsourcing Computation of Feature Extractions Over Encrypted Image Data
* Security authentication with a three-dimensional optical phase code using random forest classifier
* Segmentation of cell nuclei in fluorescence microscopy images: An integrated framework using level set segmentation and touching-cell splitting
* Self-taught object localization with deep networks
* Semantic Annotation of High-Resolution Satellite Images via Weakly Supervised Learning
* Semantic labeling for prosthetic vision
* Semantic Registry Method Using Sensor Metadata Ontology to Manage Heterogeneous Sensor Information in the Geospatial Sensor Web, A
* Semantic segmentation of modular furniture
* Semi-Automatic Creation of Youth Slang Corpus and Its Application to Affective Computing
* Semi-Local Scaling Exponent Estimation With Box-Penalty Constraints and Total-Variation Regularization
* Semisupervised Discriminant Feature Learning for SAR Image Category via Sparse Ensemble
* Semisupervised Multilabel Learning With Joint Dimensionality Reduction
* Shape Classification According to LBP Persistence of Critical Points
* Shape-based object recognition via Evidence Accumulation Inference
* Signature of a Shape Based on Its Pixel Coverage Representation
* Simple Method for Detecting Phenological Change From Time Series of Vegetation Index, A
* Simulation of the Impact of a Sensor's PSF on Mixed Pixel Decomposition: 1. Nonuniformity Effect
* Simultaneous semantic segmentation of a set of partially labeled images
* Simultaneous Stationary Scene Imaging and Ground Moving Target Indication for High-Resolution Wide-Swath SAR System
* Single Image Super-Resolution Using Sparse Representation on a K-NN Dictionary
* Single-Loop Architecture for JPEG 2000
* Sky segmentation in the wild: An empirical study
* Small dim object tracking using frequency and spatial domain information
* Small Infrared Target Detection Based on Weighted Local Difference Measure
* Sparse and Low-Rank Graph for Discriminant Analysis of Hyperspectral Imagery
* Sparse Coding for Alpha Matting
* Spatial Data Infrastructure Integrating Multisource Heterogeneous Geospatial Data and Time Series: A Study Case in Agriculture, A
* Spatio-Temporal Hough Forest for efficient detection-localisation-recognition of fingerwriting in egocentric camera
* Spatio-Temporal Model for Forest Fire Detection Using HJ-IRS Satellite Data, A
* Spatio-Temporal Multiscale Denoising of Fluoroscopic Sequence
* Spatio-Temporal Rich Model-Based Video Steganalysis on Cross Sections of Motion Vector Planes
* Spatiotemporal Statistics for Video Quality Assessment
* Spatiotemporal Variability in Start and End of Growing Season in China Related to Climate Variability
* Speaker Classification via Supervised Hierarchical Clustering Using ICA Mixture Model
* Speaker Discrimination Based on a Fusion Between Neural and Statistical Classifiers
* Speaker Discrimination Using Several Classifiers and a Relativistic Speaker Characterization
* Special Issue on Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics: Assistive Solutions for Mobility, Communication and HMI
* Special issue on Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics: Part I
* Spectral imaging using consumer-level devices and kernel-based regression
* Spectral-Spatial Sparse Subspace Clustering for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images
* Spherical Symmetry of Complex Stochastic Models in Multivariate High-Resolution PolSAR Images
* SSVEP-Based Brain-Computer Interface Controlled Functional Electrical Stimulation System for Upper Extremity Rehabilitation
* Stable least-squares matching for oblique images using bound constrained optimization and a robust loss function
* Staggered Multiple-PRF Ultrafast Color Doppler
* Static action recognition by efficient greedy inference
* Statistical Modeling of PMA Detector for Ship Detection in High-Resolution Dual-Polarization SAR Images
* Statistical Modeling of Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography
* Statistical Performance Analysis of the Adaptive Orthogonal Rejection Detector
* structured approach to predicting image enhancement parameters, A
* study of hardware-friendly methods for gradient domain tone mapping of high dynamic range images, A
* Study of the Effect of Temporal Sampling Frequency on DSCOVR Observations Using the GEOS-5 Nature Run Results (Part II): Cloud Coverage
* Subband-Based Stationary-Component Suppression Method Using Harmonics and Power Ratio for Reverberant Speech Recognition, A
* Super-Resolved Enhancement of a Single Image and Its Application in Cardiac MRI
* Superresolution Land-Cover Change Detection Method Using Remotely Sensed Images With Different Spatial Resolutions, A
* Supervised Classification of Very High Resolution Optical Images Using Wavelet-Based Textural Features
* Supervised Evaluation of Image Segmentation and Object Proposal Techniques
* supervised extreme learning committee for food recognition, A
* Supervised Matrix Factorization Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Support Tensor Machines for Classification of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery
* Support vector machines with time series distance kernels for action classification
* Surface-Consistent Sparse Multichannel Blind Deconvolution of Seismic Signals
* Survey on Moving Object Detection for Wide Area Motion Imagery, A
* Symmetric Masks for In-fill Pixel Interpolation on Discrete p:q Lattices
* Symmetric stability of low level feature detectors
* Synchronization of a Group of Mobile Agents With Variable Speeds Over Proximity Nets
* Synergetic Brain-Machine Interfacing Paradigm for Multi-DOF Robot Control, A
* Task-driven progressive part localization for fine-grained recognition
* Testing energy and emissions assessment models: A highway case study in virtual reality
* Text detection in stores using a repetition prior
* Texture classification for rail surface condition evaluation
* Texture enhancement for improving single-image super-resolution performance
* Texture Feature Extraction and Analysis for Polyp Differentiation via Computed Tomography Colonography
* Texture instance similarity via dense correspondences
* Texture Retrieval from VHR Optical Remote Sensed Images Using the Local Extrema Descriptor with Application to Vineyard Parcel Detection
* Think big, solve small: Scaling up robust PCA with coupled dictionaries
* Three-dimensional and two-and-a-half-dimensional face recognition spoofing using three-dimensional printed models
* Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Building Roofs from Airborne LiDAR Data Based on a Layer Connection and Smoothness Strategy
* Time-Sampling Errors of Earth Radiation From Satellites: Theory for Monthly Mean Albedo
* Time-Series and Frequency-Spectrum Correlation Analysis of Bridge Performance Based on a Real-Time Strain Monitoring System
* Tomographical Interpretation of a Sufficient Condition on h-Graphical Sequences, A
* Tooth guard: A vision system for detecting missing tooth in rope mine shovel
* Toothbrush motion analysis to help children learn proper tooth brushing
* TORD Problem and Its Solution Based on Big Trajectories Data
* Toward a Generalizable Image Representation for Large-Scale Change Detection: Application to Generic Damage Analysis
* Toward correlating and solving abstract tasks using convolutional neural networks
* Toward Patients-' Motion Intention Recognition: Dynamics Modeling and Identification of iLeg: An LLRR Under Motion Constraints
* Transceiver Design to Maximize the Weighted Sum Secrecy Rate in Full-Duplex SWIPT Systems
* Transition Hough forest for trajectory-based action recognition
* Transmission tomography of forward-scattering structures
* Transport models and intelligent transportation system to support urban evacuation planning process
* Traveler Centric Trip Planning: A Behavioral-Driven System
* Traveling Optical Scanner: Case Study on 3D Shape Models of Ancient Brazilian Skulls, The
* Tree Root Automatic Recognition in Ground Penetrating Radar Profiles Based on Randomized Hough Transform
* Tropical Convective Cloud Characterization Using Ground-Based Microwave Radiometric Observations
* Two Measures for the Homology Groups of Binary Volumes
* two-sample test for statistical comparisons of shape populations, A
* two-stage detector for hand detection in ego-centric videos, A
* ULg multimodality drowsiness database (called DROZY) and examples of use, The
* Uncertain LDA: Including Observation Uncertainties in Discriminative Transforms
* Uncertainties in Tidally Adjusted Estimates of Sea Level Rise Flooding (Bathtub Model) for the Greater London
* Unconstrained face verification using deep CNN features
* Unifying diffuse and specular reflections for the photometric stereo problem
* Unlicensed Taxi Identification Model Based on Big Data Analysis, An
* Unlocking the Ground: Increasing the Detectability of Buried Objects by Depositing Passive Superstrates
* Unsupervised categorical shape reconstruction through manifolds
* Unsupervised Classification of Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery Using a Bootstrap Version of the Generalized Mixture Expectation Maximization Algorithm
* Unsupervised network pretraining via encoding human design
* Unsupervised saliency estimation based on robust hypotheses
* Unsupervised SAR image segmentation using high-order conditional random fields model based on product-of-experts
* Unsupervised tissue classification of brain MR images for voxel-based morphometry analysis
* Unsupervised underwater fish detection fusing flow and objectiveness
* Use of Doppler Parameters for Ship Velocity Computation in SAR Images
* Using an Optimized Chinese Address Matching Method to Develop a Geocoding Service: A Case Study of Shenzhen, China
* Using Analytics in the Implementation of Vertical and Horizontal Curvature in Route Calculation
* Using Moderate-Resolution Temporal NDVI Profiles for High-Resolution Crop Mapping in Years of Absent Ground Reference Data: A Case Study of Bole and Manas Counties in Xinjiang, China
* Using NDVI and EVI to Map Spatiotemporal Variation in the Biomass and Quality of Forage for Migratory Elk in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
* Variability and Changes in Climate, Phenology, and Gross Primary Production of an Alpine Wetland Ecosystem
* Variational multi-phase segmentation using high-dimensional local features
* Variations of Land Surface Phenology in Northeast China and Its Responses to Climate Change from 1982 to 2013, The
* Vector Attribute Profiles for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Video summarization for remote invigilation of online exams
* View Transformation Model Incorporating Quality Measures for Cross-View Gait Recognition
* Vision-based adaptive assistance and haptic guidance for safe wheelchair corridor following
* Vision-based counting of pedestrians and cyclists
* Vision-Based Target Detection and Localization via a Team of Cooperative UAV and UGVs
* Visual Face Recognition Using Bag of Dense Derivative Depth Patterns
* Visual Presence: Viewing Geometry Visual Information of UHD S3D Entertainment
* Visual recognition of paper analytical device images for detection of falsified pharmaceuticals
* Visual units and confusion modelling for automatic lip-reading
* Voting-based 3D object cuboid detection robust to partial occlusion from RGB-D images
* Watershed Land Cover/Land Use Mapping Using Remote Sensing and Data Mining in Gorganrood, Iran
* Wearable Microwave Antenna Array for Time-Domain Breast Tumor Screening, A
* Weather Radar Simulator for the Evaluation of Polarimetric Phased Array Performance, A
* Weighted atlas auto-context with application to multiple organ segmentation
* Where is that pixel in the oblique-view video?
* Wishart Deep Stacking Network for Fast POLSAR Image Classification
* Wize Mirror: A smart, multisensory cardio-metabolic risk monitoring system
* You-Do, I-Learn: Egocentric unsupervised discovery of objects and their modes of interaction towards video-based guidance
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Index for "1"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.