Update Dates 1003

1003 * *GeoSpatial Semantics
* *Visual Informatics: Bridging Research and Practice
* 3-D Audio-Visual Corpus of Affective Communication, A
* 3-D B-spline Wavelet-Based Local Standard Deviation (BWLSD): Its Application to Edge Detection and Vascular Segmentation in Magnetic Resonance Angiography
* 3-D Mesh Geometry Compression With Set Partitioning in the Spectral Domain
* 3-D Target-Based Distributed Smart Camera Network Localization
* 3D reconstruction of specular surfaces using a calibrated projector-camera setup
* 3D road marking reconstruction from street-level calibrated stereo pairs
* 3D search engine based on 3D curve analysis, A
* 3D Segmentation of MRI Brain Using Level Set and Unsupervised Classification
* About Neighborhood Counting Measure Metric and Minimum Risk Metric
* Accurate Interactive Animation of Deformable Models At Arbitrary Resolution
* Accurate reversible color-to-gray mapping algorithm without distortion conditions
* Accurate UWB Radar Three-Dimensional Imaging Algorithm for a Complex Boundary Without Range Point Connections
* Accurate video text detection through classification of low and high contrast images
* Accurately Locating a Vertical Magnetic Dipole Buried in a Conducting Earth
* Achieving Subpixel Georeferencing Accuracy in the Canadian AVHRR Processing System
* Acquiring Multiview C-Arm Images to Assist Cardiac Ablation Procedures
* Active Reranking for Web Image Search
* Activity Based Matching in Distributed Camera Networks
* Adaptive Appearance Model and Condensation Algorithm for Robust Face Tracking
* Adaptive Directional Wavelet Transform Based on Directional Prefiltering
* Adaptive enhancement of sea-surface targets in infrared images based on local frequency cues
* Adaptive filtering and hypothesis testing: Application to cancerous cells detection
* Adaptive linear models for regression: Improving prediction when population has changed
* Adaptive Nonlinear Image Enhancement of Gaussian Degraded Images
* Adaptive online camera coordination for multi-camera multi-target surveillance
* Adaptive Region-Based Image Enhancement Method for Robust Face Recognition Under Variable Illumination Conditions
* Adaptive resynchronization approach for scalable video over wireless channel
* Adaptive Sensing and Optimal Power Allocation for Wireless Video Sensors With Sigma-Delta Imager
* Adaptive Single-Multiple Prediction for H.264/AVC Intra Coding
* Adaptive Unicast Video Streaming With Rateless Codes and Feedback
* adaptive unsupervised approach toward pixel clustering and color image segmentation, An
* Addressing the value of art in cartographic communication
* Adjusted pixel features for robust facial component classification
* Advanced Level-Set-Based Cell Tracking in Time-Lapse Fluorescence Microscopy
* Affective Audio-Visual Words and Latent Topic Driving Model for Realizing Movie Affective Scene Classification
* Affective Visualization and Retrieval for Music Video
* Age-Invariant Face Recognition
* agglomerative segmentation framework for non-convex regions within uterine cervix images, An
* algorithm to find distant repeats in a pair of protein sequences, An
* Algorithms for constrained k-nearest neighbor queries over moving object trajectories
* Aligning windows of live video from an imprecise pan-tilt-zoom camera into a remote panoramic display for remote nature observation
* Analysis of an evolutionary RBFN design algorithm, CO2RBFN, for imbalanced data sets
* Analysis of colour channel coupling from a physics-based viewpoint: Application to colour edge detection
* Analysis of new top-hat transformation and the application for infrared dim small target detection
* Analysis of Random Projection for Changeable and Privacy-Preserving Biometric Verification, An
* Analysis of the Role of Lead Resistivity in Specific Absorption Rate for Deep Brain Stimulator Leads at 3T MRI
* Analytical 3D views and virtual globes: Scientific results in a familiar spatial context
* Anisotropic diffusion with generalized diffusion coefficient function for defect detection in low-contrast surface images
* AntShrink: Ant colony optimization for image shrinkage
* APC Trajectory Design for One-Active Linear-Array Three-Dimensional Imaging SAR
* Apparent diffusion coefficient dependent fMRI: Spatiotemporal characteristics and implications on calibrated fMRI
* Application and Evaluation of a Measured Spatially Variant System Model for PET Image Reconstruction
* Application of Multidimensional Time-Frequency Analysis as a Base for the Unified Watermarking Approach, An
* Application of the computational theory of perceptions to human gait pattern recognition
* Applications of projected circle centers in camera calibration
* Approach to the Parameterization of Structure for Fast Categorization, An
* Arabic script web page language identifications using decision tree neural networks
* Arterial spin labeling at ultra-high field: All that glitters is not gold
* Artificial bee colony (ABC) optimized edge potential function (EPF) approach to target recognition for low-altitude aircraft
* Assessing the Uniqueness and Permanence of Facial Actions for Use in Biometric Applications
* asymmetric post-processing for correspondence problem, An
* Audiovisual Information Fusion in Human-Computer Interfaces and Intelligent Environments: A Survey
* Audiovisual Information Fusion in Human-Computer Interfaces and Intelligent Environments: A Survey
* Augmented keyframe
* Augmented paper maps: Exploring the design space of a mixed reality system
* Augmented Reality for Art, Design and Cultural Heritage: System Design and Evaluation
* Authentication by Biometric Verification
* Auto-Calibrated Parallel Imaging Reconstruction for Arbitrary Trajectories Using k-Space Sparse Matrices (kSPA)
* Automatic 3-D Breath-Hold Related Motion Correction of Dynamic Multislice MRI
* Automatic and Robust Algorithm of Reestablishment of Digital Dental Occlusion, An
* Automatic Best Reference Slice Selection for Smooth Volume Reconstruction of a Mouse Brain From Histological Images
* Automatic Color Based Reassembly of Fragmented Images and Paintings
* Automatic Construction of Correspondences for Tubular Surfaces
* Automatic Detection and Analysis of Player Action in Moving Background Sports Video Sequences
* Automatic detection of Mura defect in TFT-LCD based on regression diagnostics
* Automatic Detection of Residential Buildings Using LIDAR Data and Multispectral Imagery
* Automatic edge-based localization of facial features from images with complex facial expressions
* Automatic Face Segmentation and Facial Landmark Detection in Range Images
* automatic mosaicking method for building facade texture mapping using a monocular close-range image sequence, An
* Axial Anisotropic Conductivity Imaging Based on Projected Current Density in MREIT
* Backscatter coefficient as an attribute for the classification of full-waveform airborne laser scanning data in urban areas
* Backscatter-Contour-Attenuation Joint Estimation Model for Attenuation Compensation in Ultrasound Imagery
* Bagging Constraint Score for feature selection with pairwise constraints
* Balanced steady state free precession fMRI
* Bayesian Error Concealment With DCT Pyramid for Images
* Bayesian estimation of regularization and point spread function parameters for Wiener-Hunt deconvolution
* Bayesian k-Space-Time Reconstruction of MR Spectroscopic Imaging for Enhanced Resolution
* Bayesian network for combining descriptors: Application to symbol recognition, A
* Bayesian Tracking for Video Analytics
* benefits of rapid 3D fMRI, The
* Best of Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition 2008
* Bezier curve-based generic shape encoder
* Bias-corrected rational polynomial coefficients for high accuracy geo-positioning of QuickBird stereo imagery
* Binary Biometrics: An Analytic Framework to Estimate the Performance Curves Under Gaussian Assumption
* Bisection approach for pixel labelling problem
* Blur invariants: A novel representation in the wavelet domain
* Blurred Image Recognition by Legendre Moment Invariants
* Boolean Derivatives With Application to Edge Detection for Imaging Systems
* Boundary fitting for 2D curve reconstruction
* Braille document recognition using Belief Propagation
* Building 3-D Statistical Shape Models by Direct Optimization
* Building gene networks with time-delayed regulations
* Building Height Retrieval From VHR SAR Imagery Based on an Iterative Simulation and Matching Technique
* Camera handoff with adaptive resource management for multi-camera multi-object tracking
* Camera Network Calibration and Synchronization from Silhouettes in Archived Video
* camera on-line recalibration framework using SIFT, A
* Cancelable Templates for Sequence-Based Biometrics with Application to On-line Signature Recognition
* Category Level Object Segmentation by Combining Bag-of-Words Models with Dirichlet Processes and Random Fields
* causal discovery algorithm using multiple regressions, A
* Cells Segmentation From 3-D Confocal Images of Early Zebrafish Embryogenesis
* Challenges for molecular neuroimaging with MRI
* Chameleon-Like Vision System, The
* Chaotic Scan: A Low Complexity Video Transmission System for Efficiently Sending Relevant Image Features
* Characterization of Necking Phenomena in High-Speed Experiments by Using a Single Camera
* Choice of a pertinent color space for color texture characterization using parametric spectral analysis
* Classification of sport videos using edge-based features and autoassociative neural network models
* Classifying historical remotely sensed imagery using a tempo-spatial feature evolution (T-SFE) model
* Clothing-invariant gait identification using part-based clothing categorization and adaptive weight control
* Cluster-Based Distributed Face Tracking in Camera Networks
* Clustering ellipses for anomaly detection
* Clustering ensembles and space discretization: A new regard toward diversity and consensus
* Clustering of temporal gene expression data by regularized spline regression and an energy based similarity measure
* Clustering of Vehicle Trajectories
* Coarray Synthesis Based on Polynomial Decomposition
* Coarse-to-fine surface reconstruction from silhouettes and range data using mesh deformation
* Coherent radiance capture of scenes under changing illumination conditions for relighting applications
* Color correction of texture images for true photorealistic visualization
* Color image segmentation using histogram thresholding: Fuzzy C-means hybrid approach
* Color Independent Components Based SIFT Descriptors for Object/Scene Classification
* Combinatorial Method for Topology Adaptations in 3D Deformable Models, A
* Combining Context, Consistency, and Diversity Cues for Interactive Image Categorization
* Comment on Developing DCE-CT to Quantify Intra-Tumor Heterogeneity in Breast Tumors With Differing Angiogenic Phenotype
* Commercial Shot Classification Based on Multiple Features Combination
* Comparative Analysis of 3-D Robot Teleoperation Interfaces With Novice Users
* Comparative Study of Mobile-Based Landmark Recognition Techniques, A
* Comparing compact codebooks for visual categorization
* Comparing Operational MSG/SEVIRI Land Surface Albedo Products From Land SAF With Ground Measurements and MODIS
* Comparison of optimization techniques for sequence pattern discovery by maximum-likelihood
* Comparison of point matching algorithms for the UAV aerial refueling problem
* Competitive Equilibrium Bitrate Allocation for Multiple Video Streams
* Complexity Scalable H.264/AVC Encoding
* Comprehensive Framework for Image Inpainting, A
* Compress Compound Images in H.264/MPEG-4 AVC by Exploiting Spatial Correlation
* Computational Line Geometry
* Computationally efficient algorithm for face super-resolution using (2D)2-PCA based prior
* Computer-Assisted Scan Protocol and Reconstruction (CASPAR): Reduction of Image Noise and Patient Dose
* Computing Spatio-Temporal Multiple View Geometry from Mutual Projections of Multiple Cameras
* Concept Of Triangular Spatial Relationship And B-tree For Partially Occluded Object Recognition: An Efficient And Robust Approach
* Conditional random field for text segmentation from images with complex background
* Conjoint Analysis for Evaluating Parameterized Gamut Mapping Algorithms
* Connectivity Statistics of Store-and-Forward Intervehicle Communication
* Consistency of accuracy assessment indices for soft classification: Simulation analysis
* Constructing Surface Features Through Deformation
* Consumer photo management and browsing facilitated by near-duplicate detection with feature filtering
* Content-based irregularly shaped macroblock partition for inter frame prediction in video coding
* Context-based embedded image compression using binary wavelet transform
* Contourlet Domain Multiband Deblurring Based on Color Correlation for Fluid Lens Cameras
* Contourlet-Based Image Watermarking Using Optimum Detector in a Noisy Environment
* Contrast-Optimization-Based Range-Profile Autofocus for Polarimetric Stepped-Frequency Radar
* Controller for Urban Intersections Based on Wireless Communications and Fuzzy Logic
* Convex Optimization for Nonrigid Stereo Reconstruction
* Cooperative clustering
* Cooperative Object Tracking and Composite Event Detection With Wireless Embedded Smart Cameras
* CORS: A cooperative overlay routing service to enhance interactive multimedia communications
* Coupled Level Set Framework for Bladder Wall Segmentation With Application to MR Cystography, A
* Coupled region-edge shape priors for simultaneous localization and figure-ground segmentation
* Coupled Simulated Annealing
* Creating The Displacement Mapped Low-level Mesh And Its Application For CG Software
* Crowd Analysis Using Computer Vision Techniques
* CUDA-MEME: Accelerating motif discovery in biological sequences using CUDA-enabled graphics processing units
* Curvelet Transform, The
* Curvelet-based fingerprint anti-spoofing
* CyberC3: A Prototype Cybernetic Transportation System for Urban Applications
* DAISY: An Efficient Dense Descriptor Applied to Wide-Baseline Stereo
* Data Embedding in JPEG Bitstream by Code Mapping
* Deblurring Poissonian images by split Bregman techniques
* Decoupled Linear Estimation of Affine Geometric Deformations and Nonlinear Intensity Transformations of Images
* Deform PF-MT: Particle Filter With Mode Tracker for Tracking Nonaffine Contour Deformations
* Degeneracy of the Linear Seventeen-Point Algorithm for Generalized Essential Matrix
* Delay Constrained Multiplexing of Video Streams Using Dual-Frame Video Coding
* Delineation and geometric modeling of road networks
* Delivery System for Streaming Video Over DiffServ Networks, A
* Delving deeper into the whorl of flower segmentation
* DEM generalization by minor valley branch detection and grid filling, A
* DEM-Aided Block Adjustment for Satellite Images With Weak Convergence Geometry
* Depth Image-Based Temporal Error Concealment for 3-D Video Transmission
* Design of an Automatic Wood Types Classification System by Using Fluorescence Spectra
* Detailed Performance and Waiting-Time Predictability Analysis of Scheduling Options in On-Demand Video Streaming
* Detecting and discriminating behavioural anomalies
* Detecting Object Boundaries Using Low-, Mid-, and High-level Information
* Detection Algorithm of Earthquake-Related Rock Failures From Satellite-Borne Microwave Radiometer Data
* Detection and correction of purple fringing using color desaturation in the xy chromaticity diagram and the gradient information
* Detection and Segmentation of Colonic Polyps on Implicit Isosurfaces by Second Principal Curvature Flow
* Detection of Blood Vessels in Retinal Images
* Detection of landmines and underground utilities from acoustic and GPR images with a cepstral approach
* Detection of microaneurysms using multi-scale correlation coefficients
* Detection of Moving Targets by Focusing in UWB SAR: Theory and Experimental Results
* Detection of the non-topology preservation of Ma and Sonka's algorithm, by the use of P-simple points
* Detection Of Tongue Crack Based On Distant Gradient And Prior Knowledge
* Determining the Optimal Configuration of Highway Routes for Real-Time Traffic Information: A Case Study
* Developing A Next Generation Colonoscopy Simulator
* development of an integrated technical-methodical approach to visualise hydrological processes in an exemplary post-mining area in Central Germany, The
* Development of an XYZ Digital Camera with Embedded Color Calibration System for Accurate Color Acquisition
* Directional binary code with application to PolyU near-infrared face database
* discrete geometry approach for dominant point detection, A
* Discrete visual features modeling via leave-one-out likelihood estimation and applications
* Discrimination of Breast Tumors in Ultrasonic Images Using an Ensemble Classifier Based on the AdaBoost Algorithm With Feature Selection
* Discriminative human action recognition in the learned hierarchical manifold space
* Distinguishing variance embedding
* Distortion-tolerant 3D recognition of underwater objects using neural networks
* Distributed Geometric Fuzzy Multiagent Urban Traffic Signal Control
* Distributed Image Coding for Digital Image Recovery From the Print-Scan Channel
* Distributed Topological Camera Network Representation for Tracking Applications, A
* Distributed Video Coding with Multiple Side Information Sets
* Dividing protein interaction networks for modular network comparative analysis
* Do video coding impairments disturb the visual attention deployment?
* Domain Adaptation Problems: A DASVM Classification Technique and a Circular Validation Strategy
* Driver Steering Assistance for Lane-Departure Avoidance Based on Hybrid Automata and Composite Lyapunov Function
* Driving Safety Monitoring Using Semisupervised Learning on Time Series Data
* Dual Frame Motion Compensation With Optimal Long-Term Reference Frame Selection and Bit Allocation
* Dynamic Data Regulation for Fixed Vehicle Detectors
* Early SKIP mode decision for MVC using inter-view correlation
* Early-season crop area estimates for winter crops in NE Australia using MODIS satellite imagery
* EDBoost algorithm towards robust face recognition in JPEG compressed domain, An
* Edge Embedded Marker-Based Watershed Algorithm for High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Image Segmentation, An
* Edge-Directed Error Concealment
* Edge-Driven Dual-Bootstrap Iterative Closest Point Algorithm for Registration of Multimodal Fluorescein Angiogram Sequence, The
* Edgelist phase unwrapping algorithm for time series InSAR analysis
* effective solution for trademark image retrieval by combining shape description and feature matching, An
* Efficient Architecture for 3-D Discrete Wavelet Transform, An
* Efficient Bit Allocation and Rate Control Algorithms for Hierarchical Video Coding
* Efficient CABAC Rate Estimation for H.264/AVC Mode Decision
* Efficient Component-Separable Inter Layer Interpolation Scheme Applied in Scalable Video Coding, An
* Efficient Compression of Encrypted Grayscale Images
* Efficient evaluation of continuous spatio-temporal queries on moving objects with uncertain velocity
* Efficient Fourier-Wavelet Super-Resolution
* Efficient Invariant Image Registration Utilizing Pre-shifted Logarithmic Spiral
* Efficient Motion Re-Estimation With Rate-Distortion Optimization for MPEG-2 to H.264/AVC Transcoding
* Efficient motion vector recovery algorithm for H.264 using directional interpolation
* Efficient Multisensory Barrier for Obstacle Detection on Railways
* Efficient Numerical Method for General L_{p} Regularization in Fluorescence Molecular Tomography, An
* efficient raster font compression for embedded systems, An
* efficient retinex-like brightness normalization method for coding camera flashes and strong brightness variation in videos, An
* efficient stochastic approach for building footprint extraction from digital elevation models, An
* Efficient update of the covariance matrix inverse in iterated linear discriminant analysis
* Electric contacts inspection using machine vision
* Electromechanical Wave Imaging of Normal and Ischemic Hearts In Vivo
* Ellipsoidal decision regions for motif-based patterned fabric defect detection
* Elliptical Object Detection by a Modified RANSAC with Sampling Constraint from Boundary Curves' Clustering
* Embedding HMMs-based models in a Euclidean space: The topological hidden Markov models
* Emotion Recognition in Text for 3-D Facial Expression Rendering
* Emulating biological strategies for uncontrolled face recognition
* Enabling scalable spectral clustering for image segmentation
* end of the blur, The
* End-to-end optimized TCP-friendly rate control for real-time video streaming over wireless multi-hop networks
* Error Evaluation in a Stereovision-Based 3D Reconstruction System
* Error-Resilient and Low-Complexity Onboard Lossless Compression of Hyperspectral Images by Means of Distributed Source Coding
* Error-Resilient H.264/AVC Video Transmission Using Two-Way Decodable Variable Length Data Block
* Esaliency (Extended Saliency): Meaningful Attention Using Stochastic Image Modeling
* Estimating and Fusing Quality Factors for Iris Biometric Images
* Estimating Cohesion in Small Groups Using Audio-Visual Nonverbal Behavior
* Estimating Surface Water Speeds With a Single-Phase Center SAR Versus an Along-Track Interferometric SAR
* Estimation Method for InSAR Interferometric Phase Based on MMSE Criterion, An
* Estimation of Forest Structure, Ground, and Canopy Layer Characteristics From Multibaseline Polarimetric Interferometric SAR Data
* Estimation of Inferential Uncertainty in Assessing Expert Segmentation Performance From STAPLE
* Estimation of Optimal Fiducial Target Registration Error in the Presence of Heteroscedastic Noise
* Evaluating the benefits of multimodal interface design for CoMPASS: A Mobile GIS
* evaluation of measures for quantifying map information, An
* Evolutionary clustering based vector quantization and SPIHT coding for image compression
* Evolutionary Cross-Domain Discriminative Hessian Eigenmaps
* Evolutionary multiobjective optimization of Topological Active Nets
* Expanding global mapping of the foliage clumping index with multi-angular POLDER three measurements: Evaluation and topographic compensation
* Expectation-Maximization algorithm for the Wishart mixture model: Application to movement clustering, An
* Expectations of Random Sets and Their Boundaries Using Oriented Distance Functions
* Experimental Study of Graph Connectivity for Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation, An
* Exploiting geographic references of documents in a geographical information retrieval system using an ontology-based index
* Exploiting Textons Distributions on Spatial Hierarchy for Scene Classification
* Extended Phase Field Higher-Order Active Contour Models for Networks: Its Application to Road Network Extraction from VHR Satellite Images
* Extended-Depth-of-Field Iris Recognition Using Unrestored Wavefront-Coded Imagery
* Extraction of illumination invariant facial features from a single image using nonsubsampled contourlet transform
* Extraction of Moving Objects From Their Background Based on Multiple Adaptive Thresholds and Boundary Evaluation
* F-k Filter Designs to Suppress Direct Waves for Bistatic Ground Penetrating Radar
* Fabric defect classification using radial basis function network
* Face and Human Gait Recognition Using Image-to-Class Distance
* Face Recognition by Computers and Humans
* Face recognition using combined multiple feature extraction based on Fourier-Mellin approach for single example image per person
* Facial expression recognition on multiple manifolds
* Facial feature localization using weighted vector concentration approach
* Facial Gender Classification Using Shape-from-Shading
* Facial Image Recognition Based on a Statistical Uncorrelated Near Class Discriminant Approach
* fair optimization scheduling scheme for IEEE 802.16 networks in multimedia applications, A
* Fairness Strategies for Wireless Resource Allocation Among Autonomous Multimedia Users
* Fast agglomerative clustering using information of k-nearest neighbors
* Fast and Memory Efficient SPIHT Image Encoder, A
* Fast and numerically stable methods for the computation of Zernike moments
* Fast and Robust Methods for Multiple-View Vision
* Fast Block Matching Technique Using a Gradual Voting Strategy, A
* Fast colour space transformations using minimax approximations
* Fast computation of pseudo Zernike moments
* Fast exact k nearest neighbors search using an orthogonal search tree
* Fast Exact/Quasi-Exact FBP Algorithms for Triple-Source Helical Cone-Beam CT
* Fast First-Order Polynomials Convolution Interpolation for Real-Time Digital Image Reconstruction
* Fast Frequency Template Matching Using Higher Order Statistics
* Fast global k-means clustering using cluster membership and inequality
* Fast ICP Algorithm for 3-D Human Body Motion Tracking, A
* Fast Interframe mode decision algorithm based on mode mapping and MB activity for MPEG-2 to H.264/AVC transcoding
* Fast Mode Decision Algorithm for Scalable Video Coding Using Bayesian Theorem Detection and Markov Process
* Fast Mode Decision Using All-Zero Block Detection for Fidelity and Spatial Scalable Video Coding
* Fast motion estimation using modified orthogonal search algorithm for video compression
* Fast Nonparametric Noncausal MRF-Based Texture Synthesis Scheme Using a Novel FKDE Algorithm, A
* Fast segmentation of porcelain images based on texture features
* Fast shape description based on a set of moments defined on the unit disc and inspired by three-dimensional spherical harmonics
* Fast support-based clustering method for large-scale problems
* Fast three-dimensional Otsu thresholding with shuffled frog-leaping algorithm
* fast vector quantization encoding algorithm based on projection pyramid with Hadamard transformation, A
* Feature Interaction Descriptor for Pedestrian Detection
* Feedback Control of Crowd Evacuation in One Dimension
* Filtered Multitensor Tractography
* Fingerprint Matching
* Finite Sample Bias of Robust Estimators in Segmentation of Closely Spaced Structures: A Comparative Study
* Flexible distribution of complexity by hybrid predictive-distributed video coding
* Forest Modeling For Height Inversion Using Single-Baseline InSAR/Pol-InSAR Data
* Fragmented Particles-based Robust Object Tracking With Feature Fusion
* framework for creating and validating a non-linear spectrum-biomass model to estimate the secondary succession biomass in moist tropical forests, A
* framework for end-to-end video quality prediction of MPEG video, A
* Framework for Scalable Summarization of Video, A
* FRATS: Functional Regression Analysis of DTI Tract Statistics
* Freeway Corridor Performance Measurement Based on Vehicle Reidentification
* From 2D Silhouettes to 3D Object Retrieval: Contributions and Benchmarking
* From Images to Shape Models for Object Detection
* FRVT 2006 and ICE 2006 Large-Scale Experimental Results
* FRVT 2006: Quo Vadis face quality
* Full-Reference Quality Metric for Geometrically Distorted Images, A
* Fuzzy clustering with semantically distinct families of variables: Descriptive and predictive aspects
* Fuzzy clustering with weighted medoids for relational data
* Fuzzy Logic-Based Algorithms for Video De-Interlacing
* Gait Recognition Using Geometric Features and Soft Biometrics
* Gait recognition without subject cooperation
* Gamma model and its analysis for phase measuring profilometry
* Gap-Filling for the High-Resolution PET Sinograms With a Dedicated DCT-Domain Filter
* Gaussian Approximation for Tracking Occluding and Interacting Targets
* Gaussian Processes for Object Categorization
* General Framework to Detect Unsafe System States From Multisensor Data Stream, A
* General Methodology for the Determination of 2D Bodies Elastic Deformation Invariants: Application to the Automatic Identification of Parasites, A
* Generalized Probabilistic Scale Space for Image Restoration
* Generalized q-Sampling Imaging
* Generalized Regular Sampling of Trigonometric Polynomials and Optimal Sensor Arrangement
* Generalized sparse MRF appearance models
* Generalized Thin-Plate Spline Warps
* Generalizing Inverse Compositional and ESM Image Alignment
* Generating the Depth Map from the Motion Information of H.264-Encoded 2D Video Sequence
* Generation and use of handwritten CAPTCHAs
* Generation of three-dimensional deformation maps from InSAR data using spectral diversity techniques
* Geometric characterization and clustering of graphs using heat kernel embeddings
* Geometric Distortion Insensitive Image Watermarking in Affine Covariant Regions
* Geometry of Visual Perception: Retinotopic and Nonretinotopic Representations in the Human Visual System, The
* Global Illumination Invariant Object Detection With Level Set Based Bimodal Segmentation
* Global Optimal Solution With Higher Order Continuity for the Estimation of Surface Velocity From Infrared Images, A
* Graph-based classification of multiple observation sets
* Graph-optimized locality preserving projections
* Grouped photon mapping
* Guest Editorial Special Section on ITS and Road Safety
* Guest Editorial: Network Technologies for Emerging Broadband Multimedia Services
* Guest editorial: Special issue on neuroimaging
* Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Shape Analysis and Its Applications in Image Understanding
* Gujarati handwritten numeral optical character reorganization through neural network
* Hallucinating face by position-patch
* Hand-Drawn Face Sketch Recognition by Humans and a PCA-Based Algorithm for Forensic Applications
* Handling Occlusions for Robust Augmented Reality Systems
* Hardware design of motion data decoding process for H.264/AVC
* Hardware-Efficient Multi-Resolution Block Matching Algorithm and its VLSI Architecture for High Definition MPEG-Like Video Encoders, A
* Hardware-Friendly Descreening
* Hardware/Software Codesign of a Low-Cost Rate Control Scheme for H.264/AVC
* Harmony Filter: A robust visual tracking system using the improved harmony search algorithm
* Hellinger Distance-Based Parameter Tuning for epsilon-Filter
* Hiding Multitone Watermarks in Halftone Images
* Hierarchical and Contextual Model for Aerial Image Parsing, A
* Hierarchical Parameterization of Triangular Mesh with a Boundary Polygon Triangulation
* Hierarchical quantization indexing for wavelet and wavelet packet image coding
* High-Definition 3D Stereoscopic Microscope Display System for Biomedical Applications
* High-throughput low-cost VLSI architecture for AVC/H.264 CAVLC decoding
* Historical document enhancement using LUT classification
* Holistic Approach to the Integration of Safety Applications: The INSAFES Subproject Within the European Framework Programme 6 Integrating Project PReVENT, A
* Homogeneity similarity based image denoising
* How the Number of Interest Points Affect Scene Classification
* Human action detection via boosted local motion histograms
* Human action recognition using boosted EigenActions
* Hybrid Edge Detector Using Fuzzy Logic And Mathematical Morphology, A
* hybrid SVM based decision tree, A
* Hyperspectral boundary detection based on the Busyness Multiple Correlation Edge Detector and Alternating Vector Field Convolution snakes
* Hyperspectral Signal Subspace Identification in the Presence of Rare Signal Components
* Identification and analysis of transcription factor family-specific features derived from DNA and protein information
* Identifying multiple spatiotemporal patterns: A refined view on terrestrial photosynthetic activity
* IFS-CoCo: Instance and feature selection based on cooperative coevolution with nearest neighbor rule
* Illumination-robust variational optical flow using cross-correlation
* Image and Video Colorization Using Vector-Valued Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces
* Image and Video Processing for Cultural Heritage
* Image Clustering Using Local Discriminant Models and Global Integration
* Image Comparison by Compound Disjoint Information with Applications to Perceptual Visual Quality Assessment, Image Registration and Tracking
* image contrast enhancement method based on genetic algorithm, An
* Image Fusion: Theories, Techniques and Applications
* Image matching with higher-order geometric features
* Image Processing on Multicore x86 Architectures
* Image quality assessment by discrete orthogonal moments
* Image Restoration: Past, Present and Future
* Image retrieval based on multi-texton histogram
* Image secret sharing method with two-decoding-options: Lossless recovery and previewing capability
* Image segmentation algorithms based on the machine learning of features
* Image-adaptive watermarking using 2D chirps
* Image-Derived Prediction of Spectral Image Utility for Target Detection Applications
* Impact of Radarsat-2 SAR Ultrafine-Mode Parameters on Stereo-Radargrammetric DEMs
* impact of tree structures on the performance of zerotree-based wavelet video codecs, The
* improved anisotropic diffusion model for detail- and edge-preserving smoothing, An
* Improved CAVLC for H.264/AVC Lossless Intra-Coding
* Improved Group Sparse Classifier
* Improved Hough Transform Neighborhood Map for Straight Line Segments, An
* Improved Hyperspectral Image Processing Algorithm Testing Using Synthetic Imagery and Factorial Designed Experiments
* Improved Model to Obtain Some Statistical Properties of Surface Slopes via Remote Sensing Using Variable Reflection Angle, An
* Improved Subspace-Based Optimization Method and Its Implementation in Solving Three-Dimensional Inverse Problems, An
* Improving Bag-of-Features for Large Scale Image Search
* Improving Clumping and LAI Algorithms Based on Multiangle Airborne Imagery and Ground Measurements
* Improving performance of HMM-based off-line signature verification systems through a multi-hypothesis approach
* In a Blink of an Eye and a Switch of a Transistor: Cortically Coupled Computer Vision
* In Vivo Supervised Analysis of Stent Reendothelialization From Optical Coherence Tomography
* In-Band Disparity Compensation for Multiview Image Compression and View Synthesis
* Incremental discriminant-analysis of canonical correlations for action recognition
* incremental nested partition method for data clustering, An
* Individual tooth segmentation from CT images using level set method with shape and intensity prior
* Information-Constrained Resource Allocation in Multicamera Wireless Surveillance Networks
* Infrared target-flare discrimination using a ZISC hardware neural network
* integrated bundle adjustment approach to range camera geometric self-calibration, An
* Integration of Gene Ontology-based similarities for supporting analysis of protein-protein interaction networks
* Integration of Recursive Temporal LMMSE Denoising Filter Into Video Codec
* Inter-image outliers and their application to image classification
* Interactive image segmentation using probabilistic hypergraphs
* Interesting faces: A graph-based approach for finding people in news
* Intervehicle-Communication-Assisted Localization
* Intervehicular Communication Architecture for Safety and Entertainment, An
* Intrinsic MANOVA for Riemannian Manifolds with an Application to Kendall's Space of Planar Shapes
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Recent Advances in Biometrics
* intuitive polygon morphing, An
* Inverse Problem Approach for Elasticity Imaging through Vibroacoustics, An
* Invertible secret image sharing with steganography
* Investigation of Driver Performance With Night Vision and Pedestrian Detection Systems Part I: Empirical Study on Visual Clutter and Glance Behavior
* Iris Recognition: The Path Forward
* Iris segmentation in non-ideal images using graph cuts
* Is Denoising Dead?
* ISAR Imaging of Maneuvering Target Based on the L-Class of Fourth-Order Complex-Lag PWVD
* iterative approach for fitting multiple connected ellipse structure to silhouette, An
* Iterative joint source-channel decoding of H.264 compressed video
* Iterative Surface Evolution Algorithm for Multiview Stereo, An
* Joint Compressive Video Coding and Analysis
* Joint Decoding of Unequally Protected JPEG2000 Bitstreams and Reed-Solomon Codes
* Joint Manifolds for Data Fusion
* JP3D compressed-domain watermarking of still and volumetric medical images
* Kernel Entropy Component Analysis
* Kinetic Quantitation of Cerebral PET-FDG Studies Without Concurrent Blood Sampling: Statistical Recovery of the Arterial Input Function
* knowledge infrastructure for intelligent query answering in location-based services, A
* Knowledge-Based Building Reconstruction from Terrestrial Video Sequences
* Lagrangian Half-Quadratic approach to robust estimation and its applications to road scene analysis, A
* lambda-Perceptron: An adaptive classifier for data streams
* Lane-Level Integrity Provision for Navigation and Map Matching With GNSS, Dead Reckoning, and Enhanced Maps
* Lateral superresolution using a posteriori phase shift estimation for a moving object: experimental results
* Lazy texture selection based on active learning
* Learning Articulated Structure and Motion
* Learning automatic concept detectors from online video
* Learning Context-Sensitive Shape Similarity by Graph Transduction
* Learning natural scene categories by selective multi-scale feature extraction
* Learning Relevant Image Features with Multiple-Kernel Classification
* Learning state machine-based string edit kernels
* Learning to Match: Deriving Optimal Template-Matching Algorithms from Probabilistic Image Models
* Learning With L1-Graph for Image Analysis
* License plate localization based on a probabilistic model
* Lifting Scheme for Wavelet Bi-Frames: Theory, Structure, and Algorithm, The
* Linear discriminant projection embedding based on patches alignment
* Linear Image Processing Operations With Operational Tight Packing
* Link between copula and tomography
* Local contrast enhancement and adaptive feature extraction for illumination-invariant face recognition
* Local Two-Dimensional Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Local Wavelet Features for Statistical Object Classification and Localization
* Localization and Trajectory Reconstruction in Surveillance Cameras with Nonoverlapping Views
* Long distance bigram models applied to word clustering
* Long-term relevance feedback and feature selection for adaptive content based image suggestion
* Lossless Image Compression Using Super-Spatial Structure Prediction
* Lossy-to-lossless image compression based on multiplier-less reversible integer time domain lapped transform
* Low-bit-rate coding of underwater color image using improved wavelet difference reduction
* Low-Complexity Transcoding of JPEG Images With Near-Optimal Quality Using a Predictive Quality Factor and Scaling Parameters
* LPP solution schemes for use with face recognition
* LSD: A Fast Line Segment Detector with a False Detection Control
* M2FEC: An effective FEC based multi-path transmission scheme for interactive multimedia communication
* Machine Interpretation of Patterns: Image Analysis and Data Mining
* Magnetic Resonance Poroelastography: An Algorithm for Estimating the Mechanical Properties of Fluid-Saturated Soft Tissues
* Managing sensor traffic data and forecasting unusual behaviour propagation
* Maneuver-Based Trajectory Planning for Highly Autonomous Vehicles on Real Road With Traffic and Driver Interaction
* MAP Estimation for Multiresolution Fusion in Remotely Sensed Images Using an IGMRF Prior Model
* Mapping Postfire Vegetation Recovery Using EO-1 Hyperion Imagery
* Marginal discriminant projections: An adaptable margin discriminant approach to feature reduction and extraction
* Mastering map scale: balancing workloads using display and geometry change in multi-scale mapping
* Matching Descriptors Of Noisy Outline Shapes
* Mathematics for Computer Graphics
* MATLAB for Signal Processing on Multiprocessors and Multicores
* Maximum SNR pattern strategy for phase shifting methods in structured light illumination
* Mean Shift tracking with multiple reference color histograms
* Medical Image Retrieval Based on Complexity Analysis
* Mesh Topological Optimization for Improving Piecewise-Linear Image Registration
* Meta-heuristic intelligence based image processing
* Metric Learning for Image Alignment
* Microarray Data Classifier Consisting of k-Top-Scoring Rank-Comparison Decision Rules With a Variable Number of Genes
* Minimum classification error learning for sequential data in the wavelet domain
* Minimum variance unbiased subpixel centroid estimation of point image limited by photon shot noise
* Misalignment-Robust Face Recognition
* Missile target automatic recognition from its decoys based on image time-series
* Mitral Annulus Segmentation From 3D Ultrasound Using Graph Cuts
* Mixed-state causal modeling for statistical KL-based motion texture tracking
* Mobile Robot Navigation Modulated by Artificial Emotions
* Mobile Robot Navigation with Intelligent Infrared Image Interpretation
* Mobility Management for Video Streaming on Heterogeneous Networks
* Model Optimization Approach to the Automatic Segmentation of Medical Images, A
* model validation approach to texture recognition and inpainting, A
* Model-Based Analysis and Classification of Driver Distraction Under Secondary Tasks
* Model-Based Estimation of Forest Canopy Height in Red and Austrian Pine Stands Using Shuttle Radar Topography Mission and Ancillary Data: A Proof-of-Concept Study
* Model-Based Threat Assessment for Avoiding Arbitrary Vehicle Collisions
* Modeling and Algorithms of GPS Data Reduction for the Qinghai-Tibet Railway
* Modeling and querying approximate direction relations
* Modeling Media Synchronization with Semiotic Agents
* Modeling of Audiofrequency Track Circuits for Validation, Tuning, and Conducted Interference Prediction
* Modeling the Performance Characteristics of Computed Radiography (CR) Systems
* Modelling human perception of static facial expressions
* Modified Fuzzy Min-Max Neural Network With a Genetic-Algorithm-Based Rule Extractor for Pattern Classification, A
* Moment Invariants of the Weighted Image
* Monitoring forest areas from continental to territorial levels using a sample of medium spatial resolution satellite imagery
* Monocular Head Pose Estimation Using Generalized Adaptive View-Based Appearance Model
* Morphological Attribute Profiles for the Analysis of Very High Resolution Images
* Morphological Connected Filtering on Viscous Lattices
* motion vector prediction method for multi-view video coding, A
* multi-class classification strategy for Fisher scores: Application to signer independent sign language recognition, A
* Multi-class pairwise linear dimensionality reduction using heteroscedastic schemes
* Multi-focus image fusion using PCNN
* Multi-level pixel-based texture classification through efficient prototype selection via normalized cut
* Multi-model classification method in heterogeneous image databases
* Multi-Object Analysis of Volume, Pose, and Shape Using Statistical Discrimination
* Multi-object detection and tracking by stereo vision
* Multi-oriented Bangla and Devnagari text recognition
* Multi-PIE
* multi-scale framework for adaptive binarization of degraded document images, A
* Multi-view face segmentation using fusion of statistical shape and appearance models
* Multi-weight vector projection support vector machines
* Multichannel Blind Separation and Deconvolution of Images for Document Analysis
* Multichannel InSAR Building Edge Detection
* Multicore Image Processing with OpenMP
* multilevel approach for learning from labeled and unlabeled data on graphs, A
* Multimodal Constellation Model for Object Image Classification, A
* Multimodal genetic algorithms-based algorithm for automatic point correspondence
* Multimodal interactive transcription of text images
* Multiphase Soft Segmentation with Total Variation and H1 Regularization
* Multiplicative Noise Removal Using L1 Fidelity on Frame Coefficients
* Multiplicative Noise Removal via a Novel Variational Model
* Multiscale Model of Liver DCE-MRI Towards a Better Understanding of Tumor Complexity
* Multitransform Architecture for H.264/AVC High-Profile Coders, A
* Multiview Segmentation and Tracking of Dynamic Occluding Layers
* Natural Enhancement of Color Image
* Neighborhood Counting Measure and Minimum Risk Metric
* Neighborhood linear embedding for intrinsic structure discovery
* Network-driven low complexity coding for wireless multi-view video system
* Neural Networks for the Prediction of Species-Specific Plot Volumes Using Airborne Laser Scanning and Aerial Photographs
* new convex objective function for the supervised learning of single-layer neural networks, A
* New Low-Complexity Integer Distortion Estimation Method for H.264/AVC Encoder, A
* new measurement for assessing polygonal approximation of curves, A
* New Method for Performance Evaluation of Grayscale Image Denoising Filters
* new perceptual quality metric for compressed video based on mean squared error, A
* New Plot/character-based Interactive System For Story-based Virtual Reality Applications, A
* new ranking method for principal components analysis and its application to face image analysis, A
* New single-ended objective measure for non-intrusive speech quality evaluation
* new uniform parameterization and invariant 3D spherical harmonic shape descriptors for shape analysis of the heart's left ventricle: A pilot study, A
* new wavelet-based fuzzy single and multi-channel image denoising, A
* No-Reference Metric for Perceived Ringing Artifacts in Images, A
* Noise adaptive rational filter
* Non-contact 3D acquisition system based on stereo vision and laser triangulation
* Non-Orthogonal View Iris Recognition System
* Non-Parametric Mixture Model Based Evolution of Level Sets and Application to Medical Images
* Non-rigid face tracking with enforced convexity and local appearance consistency constraint
* Nonlinear Harmonic Model for Fitting Satellite Image Time Series: Analysis and Prediction of Land Cover Dynamics, A
* Nonlinear Image Upsampling Method Based on Radial Basis Function Interpolation
* Nonlinear Non-Negative Component Analysis Algorithms
* Nonnegative Least-Correlated Component Analysis for Separation of Dependent Sources by Volume Maximization
* Nonparametric Feature Extraction and Its Application to Nearest Neighbor Classification for Hyperspectral Image Data, A
* Nonstationary Shape Activities: Dynamic Models for Landmark Shape Change and Applications
* Normalized Framework for the Design of Feature Spaces Assessing the Left Ventricular Function, A
* Novel higher-order local autocorrelation-like feature extraction methodology for facial expression recognition
* novel image template matching based on particle filtering optimization, A
* novel MAP-MRF approach for multispectral image contextual classification using combination of suboptimal iterative algorithms, A
* Novel Method to Estimate Subpixel Temperature by Fusing Solar-Reflective and Thermal-Infrared Remote-Sensing Data With an Artificial Neural Network, A
* Novel Protocol for Accuracy Assessment in Classification of Very High Resolution Images, A
* novel rotation/scale invariant template matching algorithm using weighted adaptive lifting scheme transform, A
* Novel Rotationally Invariant Region-Based Hidden Markov Model for Efficient 3-D Image Segmentation, A
* novel statistical model for finding patterns in cell-cycle transcription data, A
* Object classification by fusing SVMs and Gaussian mixtures
* Object Tracking in Structured Environments for Video Surveillance Applications
* Object-Based Coding for Plenoptic Videos
* Object-Based Visual Attention Model for Robotic Applications, An
* OCL for formal modelling of topological constraints involving regions with broad boundaries
* Omnidirectional texturing based on robust 3D registration through Euclidean reconstruction from two spherical images
* On Exploration of Classifier Ensemble Synergism in Pedestrian Detection
* On Guo and Nixon's Criterion for Feature Subset Selection: Assumptions, Implications, and Alternative Options
* On the Complexity of Mumford-Shah-Type Regularization, Viewed as a Relaxed Sparsity Constraint
* On the Decomposition of Interval-Valued Fuzzy Morphological Operators
* On The Evaluation Of Progressive Point-sampled Geometry
* On the Recording Reference Contribution to EEG Correlation, Phase Synchorony, and Coherence
* On the regularization path of the support vector domain description
* On the Total Variation Dictionary Model
* On the use of graph parsing for recognition of isolated hand postures of Polish Sign Language
* On voting-based consensus of cluster ensembles
* On-line Learning of Mutually Orthogonal Subspaces for Face Recognition by Image Sets
* Online adaptive radial basis function networks for robust object tracking
* Online finger-knuckle-print verification for personal authentication
* Optical implementation of micro-zoom arrays for parallel focusing in integral imaging
* Optical Music Recognition for Scores Written in White Mensural Notation
* Optical Recognition of Music Symbols: A Comparative Study
* Optimal Experimental Design for Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging
* Optimal Fault-Tolerant Path-Tracking Control for 4WS4WD Electric Vehicles
* Optimal Rate Allocation for Video Transmission over Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
* Optimization of Arithmetic Coding for JPEG2000
* Optimization of Spatiotemporal Clustering for Target Tracking From Multisensor Data
* optimization on pictogram identification for the road-sign recognition task using SVMs, An
* Optimized high speed pixel sorting and its application in watershed based image segmentation
* Optimizing Freeway Traffic Sensor Locations by Clustering Global-Positioning-System-Derived Speed Patterns
* OPTIMOL: automatic Online Picture collecTion via Incremental MOdel Learning
* Parallel and Pipeline Architectures for High-Throughput Computation of Multilevel 3-D DWT
* Parallel Control and Management for Intelligent Transportation Systems: Concepts, Architectures, and Applications
* Parallel transmit and receive technology in high-field magnetic resonance neuroimaging
* Parametric Estimation of Affine Transformations: An Exact Linear Solution
* Partial differences as tools for filtering data on graphs
* Partial Least Squares: A Method to Estimate Efficient Channels for the Ideal Observers
* Partially Pipelined VLSI Implementation Of Blowfish Encryption/decryption Algorithm
* Particle filtering with multiple and heterogeneous cameras
* Pascal Visual Object Classes (VOC) Challenge, The
* Patch-Based Background Initialization in Heavily Cluttered Video
* Patient-Specific Modeling and Quantification of the Aortic and Mitral Valves From 4-D Cardiac CT and TEE
* Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics
* Pattern-information fMRI: New questions which it opens up and challenges which face it
* Pedestrian Detection and Tracking in an Urban Environment Using a Multilayer Laser Scanner
* Perceptual Image Hashing Based on Virtual Watermark Detection
* Perceptually Unequal Packet Loss Protection by Weighting Saliency and Error Propagation
* performance driven methodology for cancelable face templates generation, A
* Performance evaluation of score level fusion in multimodal biometric systems
* Performance Evaluation of UHF RFID Technologies for Real-Time Passenger Recognition in Intelligent Public Transportation Systems
* Performance of Multiagent Taxi Dispatch on Extended-Runtime Taxi Availability: A Simulation Study
* Performance of reconstruction-based super-resolution with regularization
* performance study for camera pose estimation using visual marker based tracking, A
* Phase retrieval for superposed signals from multiple binary objects
* Phase Spectrum of Signals in Ground-Penetrating Radar Applications
* Photogrammetric modeling of underwater environments
* Physical Optics Imaging of 3-D PEC Objects: Vector and Multipolarized Approaches
* Physically Consistent and Efficient Variational Denoising of Image Fluid Flow Estimates
* Plane-based external camera calibration with accuracy measured by relative deflection angle
* Planning to see: A hierarchical approach to planning visual actions on a robot using POMDPs
* Polarimetric Characterization and Temporal Stability Analysis of Urban Target Scattering
* Polarimetric SAR Data in Land Cover Mapping in Boreal Zone
* Polygonal approximation of digital planar curves through adaptive optimizations
* Polynomial Time Algorithms for Ratio Regions and a Variant of Normalized Cut
* Pornographic image screening by integrating recognition module and image black-list/ white-list subsystem
* Position-Invariant Robust Features for Long-Term Recognition of Dynamic Outdoor Scenes
* pre-screened and normalized multiple endmember spectral mixture analysis for mapping impervious surface area in Lake Kasumigaura Basin, Japan, A
* Predicting incomplete gene microarray data with the use of supervised learning algorithms
* Predicting Speaker Head Nods and the Effects of Affective Information
* Predictions of Urban Volumes in Single Time Series
* Predictive Multidimensional Model for Vegetation Anomalies Derived From Remote-Sensing Observations, A
* Preface: Semantic and Conceptual Issues in Geographic Information Systems
* Privacy-Aware Traffic Monitoring
* Probabilistic learning for fully automatic face recognition across pose
* Probabilistic Model of Overt Visual Attention for Cognitive Robots, A
* Probability density difference-based active contour for ultrasound image segmentation
* Procedural Modeling for Digital Cultural Heritage
* Progressive Coding and Illumination and View Dependent Transmission of 3-D Meshes Using R-D Optimization
* Progressive randomization: Seeing the unseen
* Projections Onto Convex Sets through Particle Swarm Optimization and its application for remote sensing image restoration
* protein sequence meta-functional signature for calcium binding residue prediction, A
* Prototype selection algorithms for distributed learning
* Push-Pull marginal discriminant analysis for feature extraction
* QoE-aware mobile IPTV channel control algorithm over WiMAX network
* quadratic programming based cluster correspondence projection algorithm for fast point matching, A
* Qualitative test-cost sensitive classification
* Quality-Based Score Normalization With Device Qualitative Information for Multimodal Biometric Fusion
* Quantized Transform-Domain Motion Estimation for SP-Frame Coding in Viewpoint Switching of Multiview Video
* Quantum-inspired immune clone algorithm and multiscale Bandelet based image representation
* quasi-perspective model: Geometric properties and 3D reconstruction, The
* Quasi-perspective Projection Model: Theory and Application to Structure and Motion Factorization from Uncalibrated Image Sequences
* Quasi-random nonlinear scale space
* Question classification based on co-training style semi-supervised learning
* quick scale-invariant interest point detecting approach, A
* Radio Frequency Tomography for Tunnel Detection
* Radiometric stability assessment of an airborne photogrammetric sensor in a test field
* Radiometric, Geometric, and Image Quality Assessment of ALOS AVNIR-2 and PRISM Sensors
* Range and AGC normalization in airborne discrete-return LiDAR intensity data for forest canopies
* Range segmentation of large building exteriors: A hierarchical robust approach
* Rapid automated detection of roots in minirhizotron images
* Rate Control Performance under End-User's Perspective: A Test Tool
* Rate-Distortion Criterion Based Picture Padding for Arbitrary Resolution Video Coding Using H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
* Ray-Tracing Simulation Techniques for Understanding High-Resolution SAR Images
* Reaction-diffusion network for geometric multiscale high speed image processing
* Readjusting Unstable Regions to Improve the Quality of High Accuracy Optical Flow
* Real-time 2D+3D facial action and expression recognition
* Real-time compression architecture for efficient coding in autostereoscopic displays
* Real-Time Human Detection Using Hierarchical HOG Matrices
* Real-time registration of airborne laser data with sub-decimeter accuracy
* Real-Time Simplex Growing Algorithms for Hyperspectral Endmember Extraction
* Recognition of 3D Objects Based on Implicit Polynomials
* Recognizing Planar Symbols with Severe Perspective Deformation
* Reconfigurable Embedded System for 1000 f/s Real-Time Vision, A
* Reconstruction and Finite Element Mesh Generation of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms From Computerized Tomography Angiography Data With Minimal User Interactions
* Recursive estimation of motion and a scene model with a two-camera system of divergent view
* refined motion estimation strategy for adaptive interpolation filter, A
* Reflectance spectra recovery from tristimulus values by adaptive estimation with metameric shape correction
* Region-Based Predictive Decoding of Video
* Registering Aerial Video Images Using the Projective Constraint
* Registering Preprocedure Volumetric Images With Intraprocedure 3-D Ultrasound Using an Ultrasound Imaging Model
* Registration-Based Propagation Framework for Automatic Whole Heart Segmentation of Cardiac MRI, A
* regularization framework for multiclass classification: A deterministic annealing approach, A
* Regularized margin-based conditional log-likelihood loss for prototype learning
* Rejection of non-meaningful activities for HMM-based activity recognition system
* Relevance of knowledge from bit-saving in progressive transmission
* Reliability of Travel Time Forecasting, The
* Reliable JPEG steganalysis based on multi-directional correlations
* Removing outliers by minimizing the sum of infeasibilities
* Representation Bound for Human Facial Mimic with the Aid of Principal Component Analysis
* Resolution Enhancement for Inversed Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging Under Low SNR via Improved Compressive Sensing
* Response to Letter Regarding Article: Developing DCE-CT to Quantify Intra-Tumor Heterogeneity in Breast Tumors With Differing Angiogenic Phenotype
* Restoration of images corrupted by Gaussian and uniform impulsive noise
* Reverse engineering the human face
* Review of Active Appearance Models, A
* Ricci Flow for 3D Shape Analysis
* Rigid Registration of Renal Perfusion Images Using a Neurobiology-Based Visual Saliency Model
* Rigid Shape Matching by Segmentation Averaging
* Rigid Structure from Motion from a Blind Source Separation Perspective
* Ripplet: A new transform for image processing
* Road Network Extraction in VHR SAR Images of Urban and Suburban Areas by Means of Class-Aided Feature-Level Fusion
* Robust 3-D Airway Tree Segmentation for Image-Guided Peripheral Bronchoscopy
* Robust Adaptive 3-D Segmentation of Vessel Laminae From Fluorescence Confocal Microscope Images and Parallel GPU Implementation
* Robust Algebraic Segmentation of Mixed Rigid-Body and Planar Motions from Two Views
* Robust bilayer video segmentation by adaptive propagation of global shape and local appearance
* Robust CCD and IR Image Registration Using Gradient-Based Statistical Information
* Robust Distributed Multiview Video Compression for Wireless Camera Networks
* Robust Filtering Technique for Reduction of Temporal Fluctuation in H.264 Video Sequences
* Robust human authentication using appearance and holistic anthropometric features
* Robust Image Watermarking in the Ridgelet Domain Using Universally Optimum Decoder, A
* robust method for linear regression of symbolic interval data, A
* Robust Object Segmentation System Using a Probability-Based Background Extraction Algorithm, A
* Robust Object Tracking via Combining Observation Models
* Robust Symbolic Dual-View Facial Expression Recognition With Skin Wrinkles: Local Versus Global Approach
* Robust Tensor Analysis With L1-Norm
* Robust video multicast with joint network coding and video interleaving
* Robust Visual Behavior Recognition
* Robust, accurate and efficient face recognition from a single training image: A uniform pursuit approach
* Saliency of color image derivatives: A comparison between computational models and human perception
* Sampling Bounds for 2-D Vector Field Tomography
* Sampling Optimization for Printer Characterization by Greedy Search
* SAR Calibration Aided by Permanent Scatterers
* SATD-Based Intra Mode Decision for H.264/AVC Video Coding
* Scalable diagnosis in IP networks using path-based measurement and inference: A learning framework
* Scalable user-friendly image sharing
* Scale-independent quality criteria for dimensionality reduction
* Scanned Compound Document Encoding Using Multiscale Recurrent Patterns
* Scattering Model for a Pine Tree Employing VIE With a Broadband MLFMA and Comparison to ICA
* Scene categorization via contextual visual words
* Scientists Develop Camera Made of Fabric
* secure digital camera based fingerprint verification system, A
* Secure transcoders for single layer video data
* Segment-Based Mesh Design for Building Parallel-Perspective Stereo Mosaics, A
* Segmentation and Classification of Hyperspectral Images Using Minimum Spanning Forest Grown From Automatically Selected Markers
* Segmentation and classification of hyperspectral images using watershed transformation
* Segmentation and Reconstruction of Polyhedral Building Roofs From Aerial Lidar Point Clouds
* Segmentation of Brain MR Images Using Reformative Expectation-maximization Algorithm, The
* Segmentation of Human Body Parts Using Deformable Triangulation
* Segmentation of ISAR Images of Targets Moving in Formation
* Segmentation of the Left Ventricle From Cardiac MR Images Using a Subject-Specific Dynamical Model
* segmented and annotated IAPR TC-12 benchmark, The
* Selected Papers from MultiMedia Modeling Conference 2009
* Selection based heuristics for the non-unique oligonucleotide probe selection problem in microarray design
* Selection-fusion approach for classification of datasets with missing values
* Self-Calibrating Method for Photogeometric Acquisition of 3D Objects, A
* Self-organization of sensor networks for detection of pervasive faults
* semantic and language-based representation of an environmental scene, A
* semantic approach for question classification using WordNet and Wikipedia, A
* Semantic modeling of natural scenes based on contextual Bayesian networks
* Semantic-based pruning of redundant and uninteresting frequent geographic patterns
* Semi-automatic Surface Scanner For Medical Tangible User Interfaces
* Sensor-Deployment Strategies for Indoor Robot Navigation
* Sexual Dimorphism Analysis and Gender Classification in 3D Human Face
* Shape detection from line drawings with local neighborhood structure
* Shape from silhouette using Dempster-Shafer theory
* Shape recognition based on Kernel-edit distance
* Shape-Based Human Detection and Segmentation via Hierarchical Part-Template Matching
* Shape-based Invariant Texture Indexing
* Signal Multi-Vector, The
* Signal Processing and 3DTV
* Signal Processing for Improved Detection of Trapped Victims Using UWB Radar
* Signal Processing for Improved Detection of Trapped Victims Using UWB Radar
* Signal processing for sidelobe suppression in optical coherence tomography images
* similarity-based approach for shape classification using Aslan skeletons, A
* Simulated Multispectral Imagery for Tree Species Classification Using Support Vector Machines
* Simulation and Analysis of Human Micro-Dopplers in Through-Wall Environments
* Simulation of Bonding Effects and Their Impacts on Pedestrian Dynamics, A
* Simultaneous Object Classification and Segmentation With High-Order Multiple Shape Models
* Situation Assessment for Automatic Lane-Change Maneuvers
* Situation-Adaptive Lane-Keeping Support System: Overview of the SAFELANE Approach, A
* SL(2) Invariant Shape Median, An
* Smart meeting systems: A survey of state-of-the-art and open issues
* Smoothing of optical flow using robustified diffusion kernels
* solution to illumination direction estimation of a shaded image: Genetic algorithm, A
* Solving the minimum sum-of-squares clustering problem by hyperbolic smoothing and partition into boundary and gravitational regions
* Some Properties of Digital Covering Spaces
* Sparse ensembles using weighted combination methods based on linear programming
* Sparse learning for support vector classification
* Sparse Multiple Kernel Learning for Signal Processing Applications
* Spatial-Temporal Fusion for High Accuracy Depth Maps Using Dynamic MRFs
* Spatially Adaptive Mixture Modeling for Analysis of fMRI Time Series
* Special issue on image and video retrieval evaluation
* Special Issue on Multimodal Affective Interaction
* Special Issue on Probabilistic Models for Image Understanding
* Special Section on Distributed Camera Networks: Sensing, Processing, Communication, and Implementation
* Spectral Sensitivity Design For Optical Sensors
* Spherical approximation for multiple cameras in motion estimation: Its applicability and advantages
* Spherical Demons: Fast Diffeomorphic Landmark-Free Surface Registration
* stability approach to convergence of curve evolution methods, A
* Stabilization of 2D nonsymmetric half-plane digital filters using the concept of reciprocity
* Statistical Framework for Optimal Design Matrix Generation With Application to fMRI, A
* Statistical Modeling in the Wavelet Domain for Compact Feature Extraction and Similarity Measure of Images
* Statistical Tests of Anisotropy for Fractional Brownian Textures. Application to Full-field Digital Mammography
* Statistics for Image Processing
* Steerable Wavelet Frames Based on the Riesz Transform
* Steerable Weighted Median Filters
* Stereo depth estimation using synchronous optimization with segment based regularization
* Stereo vision for robotic applications in the presence of non-ideal lighting conditions
* Stochastic Optimization Model and Solution Algorithm for Robust Double-Track Train-Timetabling Problem
* Stochastic super-resolution image reconstruction
* Stochastic-based pattern-recognition analysis
* Study of a Robust Feature: The Pointwise Lipschitz Regularity
* Study of white matter anatomy and 3D tract reconstruction by diffusion tensor imaging
* Studying brain cytoarchitecture with MRI - Present, future and promises of high field
* Sub-pixel edge detection based on an improved moment
* Successively alternate least square for low-rank matrix factorization with bounded missing data
* Super Resolution for Remote Sensing Images Based on a Universal Hidden Markov Tree Model
* Super-resolution of human face image using canonical correlation analysis
* Supervised feature selection by clustering using conditional mutual information-based distances
* Supervised image segmentation using watershed transform, fuzzy classification and evolutionary computation
* Supporting Drivers in Keeping Safe Speed and Safe Distance: The SASPENCE Subproject Within the European Framework Programme 6 Integrating Project PReVENT
* Survey of Medical Image Registration on Multicore and the GPU, A
* survey on vision-based human action recognition, A
* Symmetric deformable image registration via optimization of information theoretic measures
* syntactic approach based on distortion-tolerant Adjacency Grammars and a spatial-directed parser to interpret sketched diagrams, A
* Syntax for Defining, Communicating, and Implementing Video Decoder Function and Structure, A
* Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing with GPGPU
* Synthetic Magnetic Resonance Imaging Revisited
* System for Real-Time Multimodal Analysis of Nonverbal Affective Social Interaction in User-Centric Media, A
* Target Tracking Errors for 5D and 6D Spatial Measurement Systems
* TE Versus TM for the Shape Reconstruction of 2-D PEC Targets Using the Level-Set Algorithm
* Techniques for BRDF Correction of Hyperspectral Mosaics
* Technologies and the development of the Automated Metadata Indexing and Analysis (AMIA) system
* Template matching using chaotic imperialist competitive algorithm
* Terrain Modeling From Lidar Range Data in Natural Landscapes: A Predictive and Bayesian Framework
* TerraMax Vision at the Urban Challenge 2007
* tetratricopeptide repeats (TPR)-like superfamily of proteins in Leishmania spp., as revealed by multi-relational data mining, The
* Text detection in images using sparse representation with discriminative dictionaries
* text-independent Persian writer identification based on feature relation graph (FRG), A
* Texture based prelens tear film segmentation in interferometry images
* Texture measures combination for improved meningioma classification of histopathological images
* Texture pattern analysis of kidney tissues for disorder identification and classification using dominant Gabor wavelet
* Texture Representation and Retrieval Using the Causal Autoregressive Model
* Texture Synthesis with Grouplets
* Theme issue: Visualization and exploration of geospatial data
* Thermal and reflectance based personal identification methodology under variable illumination
* Thorax biometrics from millimetre-wave images
* Three-Dimensional Imaging Properties of Rotation-Free Square and Hexagonal Micro-CT Systems
* Three-Stage Approach to Shadow Field Estimation From Partial Boundary Information, A
* Time-Reversal Ground-Penetrating Radar: Range Estimation With Cramér-Rao Lower Bounds
* Tomographic SAR Inversion by L_1-Norm Regularization: The Compressive Sensing Approach
* Tone-mapping high dynamic range images by novel histogram adjustment
* Topographic Mapping of the German Tidal Flats Analyzing SAR Images With the Waterline Method
* Topological Properties of Thinning in 2-D Pseudomanifolds
* topology preserving non-rigid registration algorithm with integration shape knowledge to segment brain subcortical structures from MRI images, A
* Topomorphologic Separation of Fused Isointensity Objects via Multiscale Opening: Separating Arteries and Veins in 3-D Pulmonary CT
* Toward Unconstrained Ear Recognition From Two-Dimensional Images
* Towards correct and informative evaluation methodology for texture classification under varying viewpoint and illumination
* Towards the Automotive HMI of the Future: Overview of the AIDE-Integrated Project Results
* Tracking and Activity Recognition Through Consensus in Distributed Camera Networks
* Tracking in a Dense Crowd Using Multiple Cameras
* Tracking of vehicle trajectory by combining a camera and a laser rangefinder
* Tracking Vertex Flow and Model Adaptation for Three-Dimensional Spatiotemporal Face Analysis
* Traffic Signal Optimization in La Almozara District in Saragossa Under Congestion Conditions, Using Genetic Algorithms, Traffic Microsimulation, and Cluster Computing
* Training Based On Real-time Motion Evaluation For Functional Rehabilitation In Virtual Environment
* Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimated From Wide-Swath SAR Images
* Two novel real-time local visual features for omnidirectional vision
* Two-frame structure from motion using optical flow probability distributions for unmanned air vehicle obstacle avoidance
* Two-Stage Object Tracking Method Based on Kernel and Active Contour
* Two-step fuzzy logic-based method for impulse noise detection in colour images
* Two-View Motion Segmentation with Model Selection and Outlier Removal by RANSAC-Enhanced Dirichlet Process Mixture Models
* Uncertainty Analysis for the Classification of Multispectral Satellite Images Using SVMs and SOMs
* Unconstrained Biometric Identification: Emerging Technologies
* Understanding Internet Video sharing site workload: A view from data center design
* Understanding Transit Scenes: A Survey on Human Behavior-Recognition Algorithms
* Unequal Error Protection for Robust Streaming of Scalable Video Over Packet Lossy Networks
* unified approach to self-calibration of terrestrial laser scanners, A
* Uniformly sampling multi-resolution analysis for image-based relighting
* Unsupervised Action Classification Using Space-Time Link Analysis
* Unsupervised Change Detection for Satellite Images Using Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform
* Unsupervised Object Discovery: A Comparison
* Unsupervised Object Segmentation with a Hybrid Graph Model (HGM)
* Upgrading color-difference formulas
* User-Assisted Ink-Bleed Reduction
* Using Basic Image Features for Texture Classification
* Using bidimensional regression to assess face similarity
* Using dynamic Bayesian network for scene modeling and anomaly detection
* Using Gene Ontology annotations in exploratory microarray clustering to understand cancer etiology
* Using Multiscale Spectra in Regularizing Covariance Matrices for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Using simulated Terrestrial Laser Scanning to analyse errors in high-resolution scan data of irregular surfaces
* Using the Particle Filter Approach to Building Partial Correspondences Between Shapes
* Utilizing Hierarchical Multiprocessing for Medical Image Registration
* UWB Through-Wall Imaging Based on Compressive Sensing
* UWB Through-Wall Imaging Based on Compressive Sensing
* Variable selection using random forests
* Variable silhouette energy image representations for recognizing human actions
* variational approach to monocular hand-pose estimation, A
* Variational Image Segmentation for Endoscopic Human Colonic Aberrant Crypt Foci
* Vein Pattern Recognition: A Privacy-Enhancing Biometric
* Versatile Model for Packet Loss Visibility and its Application to Packet Prioritization, A
* Vesicles and Amoebae: On Globally Constrained Shape Deformation
* Vicarious Calibration of the Formosat-2 Remote Sensing Instrument
* Video Analysis in Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera Networks
* Video Analytics for Surveillance: Theory and Practice
* Video Annotation Through Search and Graph Reinforcement Mining
* Video Anomaly Identification
* Video Coding Focusing on Block Partitioning and Occlusion
* Video Coding on Multicore Graphics Processors
* video error resilience redundant slices algorithm and its performance relative to other fixed redundancy schemes, A
* Video Image Clustering Based On Human Face And Shirt Color
* Video Segmentation Based on Motion Coherence of Particles in a Video Sequence
* Video Segmentation with Motion Smoothness
* Video shot boundary detection: Seven years of TRECVid activity
* Virtual Focus and Depth Estimation From Defocused Video Sequences
* Virtual spotlighted advertising for tennis videos
* Vision and Displays for Military and Security Applications: The Advanced Deployable Day/Night Simulation Project
* Vision-Based Infotainment User Determination by Hand Recognition for Driver Assistance
* Visual Image Processing RAM: Memory Architecture With 2-D Data Location Search and Data Consistency Management for a Multicore Object Recognition Processor
* Visualization and Fusion System for Image Guided RFA Procedures, A
* Vlogging: A survey of videoblogging technology on the web
* Volume of Influence for Magnetic Soils and Electromagnetic Induction Sensors
* Volumetric Features for Video Event Detection
* Vs-star: A visual interpretation system for visual surveillance
* Watermarking two dimensional data object identifier for authenticated distribution of digital multimedia contents
* Watershed Cuts: Thinnings, Shortest Path Forests, and Topological Watersheds
* Wavelet Steerability and the Higher-Order Riesz Transform
* What Do the Sun and the Sky Tell Us About the Camera?
* Wheel Slip Control via Second-Order Sliding-Mode Generation
* Wide-Area Motion Imagery
* Wireless link state-aware H.264 MGS coding-based mobile IPTV system over WiMAX network
* Wireless Local Danger Warning: Cooperative Foresighted Driving Using Intervehicle Communication
* Wireless Video Quality Assessment: A Study of Subjective Scores and Objective Algorithms
* Wyner-Ziv Video Transcoder, A
960 for 1003

Index for "1"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.