Update Dates 2207

2207 * 25th ICPR: Real-time Visual Surveillance as-a-Service (VSaaS) for smart security solutions
* 3-D Multi-Object Path Planning Method for Electric Vehicle Considering the Energy Consumption and Distance, A
* 3-D Non-Stationary Model for Beyond 5G and 6G Vehicle-to-Vehicle mmWave Massive MIMO Channels, A
* 3D Semantic Scene Completion: A Survey
* 3D Shape Analysis Through a Quantum Lens: The Average Mixing Kernel Signature
* 3M-RL: Multi-Resolution, Multi-Agent, Mean-Field Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous UAV Routing
* 4D Temporally Coherent Multi-Person Semantic Reconstruction and Segmentation
* Action Shuffling for Weakly Supervised Temporal Localization
* Actor and Action Modular Network for Text-Based Video Segmentation
* Adaptive Beamforming-Based Gigabit Message Dissemination for Highway VANETs
* Adaptive Fusion CNN Features for RGBT Object Tracking
* Adaptive Kernel Kalman Filter Based Belief Propagation Algorithm for Maneuvering Multi-Target Tracking
* Adaptive Label-Aware Graph Convolutional Networks for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Adaptive Metro Service Schedule and Train Composition With a Proximal Policy Optimization Approach Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Adaptive Parameter Identification of a Fuel Cell System for Health-Conscious Energy Management Applications
* Adaptive personalized routing for vulnerable road users
* Adaptive Semantic-Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Lip Reading
* Adaptively weighted learning method for magnetic resonance fingerprinting
* Adversarial CAPTCHAs
* Adversarial UV-Transformation Texture Estimation for 3D Face Aging
* AI Takes a Dumpster Dive: Computer-vision systems sort your recyclables at superhuman speed
* AIBM: Accurate and Instant Background Modeling for Moving Object Detection
* all-inclusive computer-aided melanoma diagnosis based on soft computing, An
* ALSA: Adversarial Learning of Supervised Attentions for Visual Question Answering
* alternative approach for determining the cholesterol level: Iris analysis, An
* Analysis of Driver Gaze Behaviour at Roundabouts, An
* Analysis of the synthetic periocular iris images for robust Presentation Attacks Detection algorithms
* Anda: An Innovative Micro-Location Mobile Ticketing Solution Based on NFC and BLE Technologies
* Annotation-Free Restoration Network for Cataractous Fundus Images, An
* Annular-Graph Attention Model for Personalized Sequential Recommendation
* Anti-Forensics for Face Swapping Videos via Adversarial Training
* Anticipative and Predictive Control of Automated Vehicles in Communication-Constrained Connected Mixed Traffic
* APMC: Adjacent Pixels Based Measurement Coding System for Compressively Sensed Images
* Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation for ASD Diagnosis
* Application of a Genetic Algorithm With a Fuzzy Objective Function for Optimized Siting of Electric Vehicle Charging Devices in Urban Road Networks
* Application of Data Mining Techniques for the Investigation of Factors Affecting Transportation Enterprises
* Applications of Passive GPS Data to Characterize the Movement of Freight Trucks: A Case Study in the Calgary Region of Canada
* Are We Hungry for 3D LiDAR Data for Semantic Segmentation? A Survey of Datasets and Methods
* ASFlow: Unsupervised Optical Flow Learning With Adaptive Pyramid Sampling
* Attribute Prototype Network for Any-Shot Learning
* Attribute-Aware Feature Encoding for Object Recognition and Segmentation
* Automated Software Defect Detection and Identification in Vehicular Embedded Systems
* Automatic Vehicle Avoidance Control Model for Dangerous Lane-Changing Behavior, An
* Automotive LiDAR Technology: A Survey
* Automotive Radar-Based Vehicle Tracking Using Data-Region Association
* Autonomous UAV-Assisted Distance-Aware Crowd Sensing Platform Using Deep ShuffleNet Transfer Learning, An
* Autonomous vehicles' intended cooperative motion planning for unprotected turning at intersections
* BARLD: Barometer-Assisted Road-Layer Detection
* BARNet: Boundary Aware Refinement Network for Crack Detection
* Bayesian Imaging with Data-Driven Priors Encoded by Neural Networks
* BDU-net: Toward accurate segmentation of dental image using border guidance and feature map distortion
* Behavior2vector: Embedding Users' Personalized Travel Behavior to Vector
* BERT-Based Deep Spatial-Temporal Network for Taxi Demand Prediction
* Better, Faster Small Hazard Detection: Instance-Aware Techniques, Metrics and Benchmarking
* Beyond Monocular Deraining: Parallel Stereo Deraining Network Via Semantic Prior
* BFF R-CNN: Balanced Feature Fusion for Object Detection
* Bi-Objective Colored Traveling Salesman Problems
* Bid Generation Problem in Truckload Transportation Service Procurement Considering Multiple Periods and Uncertainty: Model and Benders Decomposition Approach, A
* Bilateral Temporal Re-Aggregation for Weakly-Supervised Video Object Segmentation
* Bioinspired Scene Classification by Deep Active Learning With Remote Sensing Applications
* Bit-level image encryption algorithm based on fully-connected-like network and random modification of edge pixels
* Blockchain in Big Data Security for Intelligent Transportation With 6G
* Blockchain-Integrated Multiagent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Securing Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
* BMT-Net: Broad Multitask Transformer Network for Sentiment Analysis
* Boosted Genetic Algorithm Using Machine Learning for Traffic Control Optimization
* Boosting Fast Adversarial Training With Learnable Adversarial Initialization
* Boosting Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation With Part Aware Attention
* Buoy Light Pattern Classification for Autonomous Ship Navigation Using Recurrent Neural Networks
* CACrowdGAN: Cascaded Attentional Generative Adversarial Network for Crowd Counting
* Camera-LIDAR Integration: Probabilistic Sensor Fusion for Semantic Mapping
* Can AI Abuse Personal Information in an EV Fast-Charging Market?
* Capacitated Air/Rail Hub Location Problem With Uncertainty: A Model, Efficient Solution Algorithm, and Case Study
* Caption Generation From Road Images for Traffic Scene Modeling
* CARE-Share: A Cooperative and Adaptive Strategy for Distributed Taxi Ride Sharing
* Category-Level Adversarial Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation Using Purified Features
* CBREN: Convolutional Neural Networks for Constant Bit Rate Video Quality Enhancement
* Central Difference Graph Convolutional Operator for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition, A
* Chest X-Ray Diagnostic Quality Assessment: How Much Is Pixel-Wise Supervision Needed?
* Class of Low-Complexity DCT-Like Transforms for Image and Video Coding, A
* Classification of hyperspectral images via improved cycle-MLP
* Click Fraud Detection of Online Advertising: LSH Based Tensor Recovery Mechanism
* Clustering Ensemble Based on Hybrid Multiview Clustering
* Collaborative Unsupervised Multi-View Representation Learning
* Collision Avoidance Predictive Motion Planning Based on Integrated Perception and V2V Communication
* Combined Longitudinal and Lateral Control for Heterogeneous Nodes in Mixed Vehicle Platoon Under V2I Communication
* Comparative Analysis of LiDAR SLAM-Based Indoor Navigation for Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Comparing Roundabouts and Signalized Intersections Through Multiple- Model Simulation
* Comparison of Cooperative Driving Strategies for CAVs at Signal-Free Intersections
* Complementary Data Augmentation for Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification
* Component-based nearest neighbour subspace clustering
* Computationally Efficient Algorithm for Eco-Driving Over Long Look-Ahead Horizons
* Confidence-and-Refinement Adaptation Model for Cross-Domain Semantic Segmentation
* Confidence-Aware Reinforcement Learning for Self-Driving Cars
* Congestion-Aware Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control for Mitigation of Self-Organized Traffic Jams
* Consensus Feature Network for Scene Parsing
* Constellation Design for Deep Joint Source-Channel Coding
* Controllable and Identity-Aware Facial Attribute Transformation
* Convex Non-Negative Matrix Factorization With Adaptive Graph for Unsupervised Feature Selection
* Convolutional Recurrent Reconstructive Network for Spatiotemporal Anomaly Detection in Solder Paste Inspection
* Cooperative Game-Based Driver Assistance Control for Vehicles Suffering Actuator Faults
* Cooperative Package Assignment for Heterogeneous Express Stations
* Cooperative Training of Fast Thinking Initializer and Slow Thinking Solver for Conditional Learning
* Coordinated Charge and Discharge Scheduling of Electric Vehicles for Load Curve Shaping
* Coordinating Vehicle Platoons for Highway Bottleneck Decongestion and Throughput Improvement
* CORNet: Context-Based Ordinal Regression Network for Monocular Depth Estimation
* Corrections and Comments on An Efficient Algorithm for Maneuvering Target Tracking
* Countering Malicious DeepFakes: Survey, Battleground, and Horizon
* Coupled Splines for Sparse Curve Fitting
* CR-SSL: A closely related self-supervised learning based approach for improving breast ultrasound tumor segmentation
* Cross-Layer Design for UAV-Based Streaming Media Transmission
* Cross-Regional Transmission Control for Satellite Network-Assisted Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Cross-Scale Residual Network: A General Framework for Image Super-Resolution, Denoising, and Deblocking
* CRS-CONT: A Well-Trained General Encoder for Facial Expression Analysis
* CSG: Classifier-Aware Defense Strategy Based on Compressive Sensing and Generative Networks for Visual Recognition in Autonomous Vehicle Systems
* Curriculum Learning: A Survey
* Curved Alleyway Understanding Based on Monocular Vision in Street Scenes
* Data Acquisition and Preparation for Dual-Reference Deep Learning of Image Super-Resolution
* DCT2net: An Interpretable Shallow CNN for Image Denoising
* DD-YOLO: An object detection method combining knowledge distillation and Differentiable Architecture Search
* Deblurring Dynamic Scenes via Spatially Varying Recurrent Neural Networks
* Decentralized Quality of Service Based System for Energy Trading Among Electric Vehicles
* Decision-Based Attack to Speaker Recognition System via Local Low-Frequency Perturbation
* Deep Bingham Networks: Dealing with Uncertainty and Ambiguity in Pose Estimation
* Deep Declarative Networks
* Deep Direct Visual Odometry
* deep hybrid model for advertisements detection in broadcast TV and radio content, A
* Deep Joint Demosaicing and High Dynamic Range Imaging Within a Single Shot
* Deep Learning for Road Traffic Forecasting: Does it Make a Difference?
* Deep Learning in Lane Marking Detection: A Survey
* Deep learning model based on cascaded autoencoders and one-class learning for detection and localization of anomalies from surveillance videos
* Deep learning solution for machine vision problem of vehicle body damage classification
* Deep Learning Versus Traditional Solutions for Group Trajectory Outliers
* Deep learning-based automated mitosis detection in histopathology images for breast cancer grading
* Deep Learning-Based Incorporation of Planar Constraints for Robust Stereo Depth Estimation in Autonomous Vehicle Applications
* deep learning-based method for pixel-level crack detection on concrete bridges, A
* Deep Metric Learning With Manifold Class Variability Analysis
* Deep Modality Assistance Co-Training Network for Semi-Supervised Multi-Label Semantic Decoding
* Deep Model Intellectual Property Protection via Deep Watermarking
* Deep Multiview Union Learning Network for Multisource Image Classification
* Deep Polynomial Neural Networks
* Deep Trident Decomposition Network for Single License Plate Image Glare Removal
* Deep-fUS: A Deep Learning Platform for Functional Ultrasound Imaging of the Brain Using Sparse Data
* DeepSuite: A Test Suite Optimizer for Autonomous Vehicles
* Delay-Aware Content Delivery With Deep Reinforcement Learning in Internet of Vehicles
* Dense Dual-Attention Network for Light Field Image Super-Resolution
* Density-Aware Curriculum Learning for Crowd Counting
* Density-Aware Haze Image Synthesis by Self-Supervised Content-Style Disentanglement
* Depth-Aware Multi-Grid Deep Homography Estimation With Contextual Correlation
* Design of rectangular coaxial slot antenna for ultra-high-field magnetic resonance imaging
* Detecting Taxi Trajectory Anomaly Based on Spatio-Temporal Relations
* Detection and Isolation of Sensor Attacks for Autonomous Vehicles: Framework, Algorithms, and Validation
* Detection of False Data Injection Attack in Connected and Automated Vehicles via Cloud-Based Sandboxing
* Diabetes Noninvasive Recognition via Improved Capsule Network
* DIOR: Deep Iterative Optimization-Based Residual-Learning for Limited-Angle CT Reconstruction
* Discrimination-Aware Network Pruning for Deep Model Compression
* Disparity-Aware Reference Frame Generation Network for Multiview Video Coding
* Distracted Driver Detection Based on a CNN With Decreasing Filter Size
* Distributed Algorithm for Task Offloading in Vehicular Networks With Hybrid Fog/Cloud Computing, A
* Distributed Car-Following Control for Intelligent Connected Vehicle Using Improved Super-Twisting Compensator Subject to Sudden Velocity Changes of Leading Vehicle
* Distributed Kuramoto Self-Synchronization of Vehicle Speed Trajectories in Traffic Networks
* Distributed Model-Free Algorithm for Multi-Hop Ride-Sharing Using Deep Reinforcement Learning, A
* Distributed Task Assignment for Multiple Robots Under Limited Communication Range
* Distributed Trajectory Optimization and Sliding Mode Control of Heterogenous Vehicular Platoons
* Distributionally Robust and Multi-Objective Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* DNA: Deeply Supervised Nonlinear Aggregation for Salient Object Detection
* Driver Distraction Detection Using Octave-Like Convolutional Neural Network
* Driver Glance Behavior Modeling Based on Semi-Supervised Clustering and Piecewise Aggregate Representation
* Driving Authority Allocation Strategy Based on Driving Authority Real-Time Allocation Domain
* Driving Behavior Analysis Guidelines for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Driving Event Recognition of Battery Electric Taxi Based on Big Data Analysis
* DS-SRI: Diversity similarity measure against scaling, rotation, and illumination change for robust template matching
* Dual Convolutional Neural Networks for Low-Level Vision
* Dual Encoding for Video Retrieval by Text
* Dual Spoof Disentanglement Generation for Face Anti-Spoofing With Depth Uncertainty Learning
* Dual-Population Based Evolutionary Algorithm for Multi-Objective Location Problem Under Uncertainty of Facilities, A
* DualVGR: A Dual-Visual Graph Reasoning Unit for Video Question Answering
* DUT: Learning Video Stabilization by Simply Watching Unstable Videos
* Dynamic Hybrid Choice Model to Quantify Stress in a Simulated Driving Environment, A
* Dynamic Instance Domain Adaptation
* Dynamic Lane-Changing Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Vehicles Based on Discrete Global Trajectory
* Dynamic Pricing for Intelligent Transportation System in the 6G Unlicensed Band
* Dynamic Pyramid Tilling Method for Traffic Data Stream Based on Flink, A
* Dynamic Robustness Analysis of a Two-Layer Rail Transit Network Model
* Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Attention Network for Early Anticipation of Traffic Accidents, A
* EAOD-Net: Effective anomaly object detection networks for X-ray images
* Early breast cancer diagnosis using cogent activation function-based deep learning implementation on screened mammograms
* Edge-Preserving Image Filtering Based on Soft Clustering
* effective detection of COVID-19 using adaptive dual-stage horse herd bidirectional long short-term memory framework, An
* Effectiveness of a Driver Assistance System With Deceleration Control and Brake Hold Functions in Stop Sign Intersection Scenarios
* Efficient Burst Raw Denoising with Variance Stabilization and Multi-frequency Denoising Network
* Efficient Low-Rank Matrix Factorization Based on l1,e-Norm for Online Background Subtraction
* Embedded Hamiltonian Graph-Guided Heuristic Algorithm for Two-Echelon Vehicle Routing Problem, An
* Empirical Review of Deep Learning Frameworks for Change Detection: Model Design, Experimental Frameworks, Challenges and Research Needs, An
* End-to-End Multi-Task Learning Model for Drivable Road Detection via Edge Refinement and Geometric Deformation, An
* Energy Efficiency Optimization of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces With Electromagnetic Field Exposure Constraints
* Energy Efficient Video Decoding for VVC Using a Greedy Strategy-Based Design Space Exploration
* Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for 6G Backscatter-Enabled NOMA IoV Networks
* Energy-optimal study integrated speed trajectories, timetable and the layout of neutral sections for high-speed railway
* Enhanced Predictive Cruise Control System Design With Data-Driven Traffic Prediction, An
* Entity-Oriented Multi-Modal Alignment and Fusion Network for Fake News Detection
* EPRNet: Efficient Pyramid Representation Network for Real-Time Street Scene Segmentation
* Ergonomic Path Planning for Autonomous Vehicles: An Investigation on the Effect of Transition Curves on Motion Sickness
* Estimation of Nonhomogeneous Noise in 2D Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* EU-Net: A novel semantic segmentation architecture for surface defect detection of mobile phone screens
* Event-Triggered Adaptive Neural Fault-Tolerant Control of Underactuated MSVs With Input Saturation
* Event-Triggered Hybrid Consensus Filter for Distributed Sensor Network, An
* Event-Triggered Non-Switching Networked Sliding Mode Control for Active Suspension System With Random Actuation Network Delay
* Evolutionary Game Approach to Safety-Aware Speed Recommendation in Fog/Cloud-Based Intelligent Transportation Systems, An
* Explainability of Methods for Critical Information Extraction From Clinical Documents: A survey of representative works
* Explaining Artificial Intelligence Generation and Creativity: Human interpretability for novel ideas and artifacts
* Explanatory Paradigms in Neural Networks: Towards relevant and contextual explanations
* Exploring Language Hierarchy for Video Grounding
* Exploring Spatial Significance via Hybrid Pyramidal Graph Network for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Exploring the Spatio-Temporal Aware Graph for video captioning
* Extended Social Force Model via Pedestrian Heterogeneity Affecting the Self-Driven Force, An
* Facial Kinship Verification: A Comprehensive Review and Outlook
* False Data Injection Attack in a Platoon of CACC: Real-Time Detection and Isolation With a PDE Approach
* Families in Wild Multimedia: A Multimodal Database for Recognizing Kinship
* Farther the Better: Balanced Stereo Matching via Depth-Based Sampling and Adaptive Feature Refinement, The
* Fast Point Cloud Ground Segmentation Approach Based on Coarse-To-Fine Markov Random Field, A
* Fast Run-Length Compression of Point Cloud Geometry
* Fast Trajectory Generation and Asteroid Sequence Selection in Multispacecraft for Multiasteroid Exploration
* Fast Visual Tracking With Siamese Oriented Region Proposal Network
* Fault Modeling Based Runtime Diagnostic Mechanism for Vehicular Distributed Control Systems, A
* Fault-Tolerant Cooperative Control for Multiple Vehicle Systems Based on Topology Reconfiguration
* Feature Cloud: Improving Deep Visual Recognition with Probabilistic Feature Augmentation
* Feature Engineering and Deep Learning for Stereo Matching Under Adverse Driving Conditions
* Fine Tuning of Deep Contexts Toward Improved Perceptual Quality of In-Paintings
* Fine-Grained Access Control and Security Approach for Intelligent Vehicular Transport in 6G Communication System, A
* Fixed-Dimensional and Permutation Invariant State Representation of Autonomous Driving
* Fixed-Time Slip Control With Extended-State Observer Using Only Wheel Speed for Anti-Lock Braking Systems of Electric Vehicles
* Flexible Delivery Routing for Elastic Logistics: A Model and an Algorithm
* Fluid Mechanics-Based Model to Estimate VINET Capacity in an Urban Scene, A
* Follow My Eye: Using Gaze to Supervise Computer-Aided Diagnosis
* FOVQA: Blind Foveated Video Quality Assessment
* Framework for the Comparative Analysis of Multi-Modal Travel Demand: Case Study on Brisbane Network, A
* Frequency Feature Pyramid Network With Global-Local Consistency Loss for Crowd-and-Vehicle Counting in Congested Scenes
* From Human Driving to Automated Driving: What Do We Know About Drivers?
* Gait Recognition Based on Local Graphical Skeleton Descriptor With Pairwise Similarity Network
* Game Theory Based Dynamic Adaptive Video Streaming for Multi-Client Over NDN
* Gating Revisited: Deep Multi-Layer RNNs That can be Trained
* Generalized Auto-Sequencing Bus Headway Control Formulation
* Generalized Domain Conditioned Adaptation Network
* Generative Sketch Healing
* Geometric Algorithm for Finding Time-Sensitive Data Gathering Path in Energy Harvesting Sensor Networks
* Gesture Recognition in Robotic Surgery With Multimodal Attention
* Global-Local Interplay in Semantic Alignment for Few-Shot Learning
* Globality constrained adaptive graph regularized non-negative matrix factorization for data representation
* Gradient boosting regression for faster Partitioned Iterated Function Systems-based head pose estimation
* Grammar-Induced Wavelet Network for Human Parsing
* Graph Convolutional Network-Based Image Matting Algorithm for Computer Vision Applications
* Graph Convolutional Stacked Bidirectional Unidirectional-LSTM Neural Network for Metro Ridership Prediction, A
* Graph Regularized Autoencoder and its Application in Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
* Graph-Based Temporal Attention Framework for Multi-Sensor Traffic Flow Forecasting, A
* Gray Augmentation Exploration with All-Modality Center-Triplet Loss for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* GUDCP: Generalization of Underwater Dark Channel Prior for Underwater Image Restoration
* Guest Editorial Intelligent Autonomous Transportation System With 6G: II
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Context Prediction of Autonomous Vehicles
* H-SegMed: A Hybrid Method for Prostate Segmentation in TRUS Images via Improved Closed Principal Curve and Improved Enhanced Machine Learning
* Half-Dimension Subspace Decomposition for Fast Direction Finding With Arbitrary Linear Arrays
* Harmonious Textual Layout Generation Over Natural Images via Deep Aesthetics Learning
* Hazardous Scenario Enhanced Generation for Automated Vehicle Testing Based on Optimization Searching Method
* Heterogeneous Hypergraph Variational Autoencoder for Link Prediction
* Hierarchical Framework for Interactive Behaviour Prediction of Heterogeneous Traffic Participants Based on Graph Neural Network, A
* Hierarchical Model Predictive Control Approaches for Strategic Platoon Engagement of Heavy-Duty Trucks
* Hierarchical Random Walker Segmentation for Large Volumetric Biomedical Images
* Hierarchical Structure-Based Fault-Tolerant Tracking Control of Multiple 3-DOF Laboratory Helicopters
* Hierarchical Superpixel Segmentation by Parallel CRTrees Labeling
* High Dimensional Similarity Search With Satellite System Graph: Efficiency, Scalability, and Unindexed Query Compatibility
* High Throughput and Energy Efficient Lepton Hardware Encoder With Hash-Based Memory Optimization, A
* High-Order Interaction Learning for Image Captioning
* High-Resolution Spectral Estimation for Continuous Wave Jamming Mitigation of GNSS Signals in Autonomous Vehicles
* High-Speed Balanced-Detection Visible-Light Optical Coherence Tomography in the Human Retina Using Subpixel Spectrometer Calibration
* Hilbert Space Filling Curve Based Scan-Order for Point Cloud Attribute Compression
* Hitch Angle Estimation of a Towing Vehicle With Arbitrary Configuration
* How Many Facilities are Needed? Evaluating Configurations of Subway Security Check Systems via a Hybrid Queueing Model
* Human Activity Recognition Models in Ontology Networks
* Human Trajectory Forecasting in Crowds: A Deep Learning Perspective
* Hybrid Bayesian-Convolutional Neural Network for Adversarial Robustness, A
* hybrid feature fusion strategy for early fusion and majority voting for late fusion towards melanocytic skin lesion detection, A
* Hybrid Group Anomaly Detection for Sequence Data: Application to Trajectory Data Analytics
* Hybrid Optimization Model for Multi-Hop Protocol of Linear Railway Disaster Wireless Monitoring Networks
* Hybrid State Estimation: A Contribution Towards Reliability Enhancement of Artificial Neural Network Estimators
* Hybrid time-reassigned multisynchrosqueezing transform-Picard-based automated electroencephalography artifact correction methodology for brain-computer interface applications
* I3CL: Intra- and Inter-Instance Collaborative Learning for Arbitrary-Shaped Scene Text Detection
* IDBP: Image Dehazing Using Blended Priors Including Non-Local, Local, and Global Priors
* Identification of white blood cells for the diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia
* Identity-Aware Facial Expression Recognition Via Deep Metric Learning Based on Synthesized Images
* iFlowGAN: An Invertible Flow-Based Generative Adversarial Network for Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
* IG-RL: Inductive Graph Reinforcement Learning for Massive-Scale Traffic Signal Control
* Image denoising for magnetic resonance imaging medical images using improved generalized cross-validation based on the diffusivity function
* Image fragile watermarking algorithm based on deneighbourhood mapping
* Impact of Stochastic Generation/Load Variations on Distributed Optimal Energy Management in DC Microgrids for Transportation Electrification
* Impedance Variation and Learning Strategies in Human-Robot Interaction
* Implementation and Evaluation of Load Balancing Mechanism With Multiple Edge Server Cooperation for Dynamic Map System
* Improved Dyna-Q Algorithm for Mobile Robot Path Planning in Unknown Dynamic Environment, An
* Improved Point-Voxel Region Convolutional Neural Network: 3D Object Detectors for Autonomous Driving
* Improved sparse representation algorithm for optical coherence tomography images
* Improving Frame-Online Neural Speech Enhancement With Overlapped-Frame Prediction
* Improving Physical Layer Security in Vehicles and Pedestrians Networks With Ambient Backscatter Communication
* Improving Semantic Analysis on Point Clouds via Auxiliary Supervision of Local Geometric Priors
* Improving Video Temporal Consistency via Broad Learning System
* IMU-Assisted Online Video Background Identification
* Individual Differentiated Multidimensional Hawkes Model: Uncovering Urban Spatial Interaction Using Mobile-Phone Data
* Information Fusion Approach to Intelligent Traffic Signal Control Using the Joint Methods of Multiagent Reinforcement Learning and Artificial Intelligence of Things, An
* Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Deep Decomposition Network and Saliency Analysis
* Instance-Dependent Positive and Unlabeled Learning With Labeling Bias Estimation
* Instance-Invariant Domain Adaptive Object Detection Via Progressive Disentanglement
* Integrated Aircraft and Passenger Recovery With Enhancements in Modeling, Solution Algorithm, and Intermodalism
* Intelligent Bus Operation Optimization by Integrating Cases and Data Driven Based on Business Chain and Enhanced Quantum Genetic Algorithm
* Intelligent Content Caching Strategy in Autonomous Driving Toward 6G
* Intelligent Energy Management Strategy Based on an Improved Reinforcement Learning Algorithm With Exploration Factor for a Plug-in PHEV
* intelligent fuzzy inference rule-based expert recommendation system for predictive diabetes diagnosis, An
* Interpretable Feature Selection Based on Particle Swarm Optimization, An
* Interpreting Adversarial Examples and Robustness for Deep Learning-Based Auto-Driving Systems
* Interpreting Brain Biomarkers: Challenges and solutions in interpreting machine learning-based predictive neuroimaging
* Intra-City Traffic Data Visualization: A Systematic Literature Review
* Intrusion Detection Method Based on Machine Learning and State Observer for Train-Ground Communication Systems, An
* Investigating the Role of Image Retrieval for Visual Localization
* IRA++: Distributed Incremental Rotation Averaging
* Iterative Residual Feature Refinement Network for Bit-Depth Enhancement
* Iteratively Optimized Patch Label Inference Network for Automatic Pavement Distress Detection, An
* Jerk-Limited Time-Optimal Speed Planning for Arbitrary Paths
* Joint Communication and Computation Resource Scheduling of a UAV-Assisted Mobile Edge Computing System for Platooning Vehicles
* Joint Depth and Density Guided Single Image De-Raining
* Joint Discriminative Latent Subspace Learning for Image Classification
* Joint Optimization and Online Algorithms of Fuel-Aware Multi-Objective Routing for Autonomous Vehicles
* Joint Rebalancing and Vehicle-to-Grid Coordination for Autonomous Vehicle Public Transportation System
* Joint Route Guidance and Demand Management for Real-Time Control of Multi-Regional Traffic Networks
* Joint Routing and Charging Problem of Multiple Electric Vehicles: A Fast Optimization Algorithm
* Joint Spine Segmentation and Noise Removal From Ultrasound Volume Projection Images With Selective Feature Sharing
* Joint Video Packet Assignment, Power Control and User Scheduling Over Cognitive Multi-Homing Heterogeneous NOMA Networks
* JP-DAP: An Intelligent Data Analytics Platform for Metro Rail Transport Systems
* JPD-SE: High-Level Semantics for Joint Perception-Distortion Enhancement in Image Compression
* Key Points Estimation and Point Instance Segmentation Approach for Lane Detection
* Keyframe-Editable Real-Time Motion Synthesis
* Knowing What to Learn: A Metric-Oriented Focal Mechanism for Image Captioning
* Kyushu Decorative Tumuli Project: From e-Heritage to Cyber-Archaeology
* Lane Change Prediction With an Echo State Network and Recurrent Neural Network in the Urban Area
* Lane Detection Model Based on Spatio-Temporal Network With Double Convolutional Gated Recurrent Units
* Large-Scale Spatio-Temporal Person Re-Identification: Algorithms and Benchmark
* Large-Size Data Distribution in IoV Based on 5G/6G Compatible Heterogeneous Network
* LDNet: End-to-End Lane Marking Detection Approach Using a Dynamic Vision Sensor
* Learning an Occlusion-Aware Network for Video Deblurring
* Learning Calibrated Class Centers for Few-Shot Classification by Pair-Wise Similarity
* Learning Contrastive Representation for Semantic Correspondence
* Learning End-to-End Lossy Image Compression: A Benchmark
* Learning Feature Recovery Transformer for Occluded Person Re-Identification
* Learning From Ambiguous Labels for Lung Nodule Malignancy Prediction
* Learning Hybrid Semantic Affinity for Point Cloud Segmentation
* Learning interactive multi-object segmentation through appearance embedding and spatial attention
* Learning Inverse Depth Regression for Pixelwise Visibility-Aware Multi-View Stereo Networks
* Learning JPEG Compression Artifacts for Image Manipulation Detection and Localization
* Learning of 3D Graph Convolution Networks for Point Cloud Analysis
* Learning to Capture the Query Distribution for Few-Shot Learning
* Learning to Drive Like Human Beings: A Method Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Learning to Enhance Low-Light Image via Zero-Reference Deep Curve Estimation
* Learning-Based Noise Component Map Estimation for Image Denoising
* Learning-Based Quality Assessment for Image Super-Resolution
* Leveraging Blur Information for Plenoptic Camera Calibration
* Leveraging Multimodal Semantic Fusion for Gastric Cancer Screening via Hierarchical Attention Mechanism
* Lightweight Texture Correlation Network for Pose Guided Person Image Generation
* Linear Convergence of Randomized Kaczmarz Method for Solving Complex-Valued Phaseless Equations
* LineGAN: An image colourisation method combined with a line art network
* Linkable Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Location-Based Services
* Locality Filtering for Efficient Ride Sharing Platforms
* Logical consistency verification of state sensing in safety-critical decision: A case study of train routing selection
* Long-Term Urban Traffic Speed Prediction With Deep Learning on Graphs
* Loop-Closure Detection Using Local Relative Orientation Matching
* Low Quality and Recognition of Image Content
* Low Rank Tensor Completion With Poisson Observations
* Low-Complexity Chroma Subsampling Using Optimal Lines of Subproblems of Pixel Distortion
* Low-light image haze removal with light segmentation and nonlinear image depth estimation
* Lung cancer classification using exponential mean saturation linear unit activation function in various generative adversarial network models
* Map Matching for Sparse Automatic Vehicle Identification Data
* MARS: Learning Modality-Agnostic Representation for Scalable Cross-Media Retrieval
* MAT: Multianchor Visual Tracking With Selective Search Region
* Matching Visual Features to Hierarchical Semantic Topics for Image Paragraph Captioning
* Maximizing the Coverage of Sensor Deployments Using a Memetic Algorithm and Fast Coverage Estimation
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Probe Vehicle Penetration Rates and Queue Length Distributions From Probe Vehicle Data
* Meal delivery routing optimization with order allocation strategy based on transfer stations for instant logistics services
* MePark: Using Meters as Sensors for Citywide On-Street Parking Availability Prediction
* MetaLabelNet: Learning to Generate Soft-Labels From Noisy-Labels
* Method for predicting the remaining mileage of electric vehicles based on dimension expansion and model fusion
* Micro-Safe: Microservices- and Deep Learning-Based Safety-as-a-Service Architecture for 6G-Enabled Intelligent Transportation System
* MIG-Net: Multi-Scale Network Alternatively Guided by Intensity and Gradient Features for Depth Map Super-Resolution
* Mining Actionable Patterns of Road Mobility From Heterogeneous Traffic Data Using Biclustering
* Mining Factors Affecting Taxi Detour Behavior from GPS Traces at Directional Road Segment Level
* Missing Data Repairs for Traffic Flow With Self-Attention Generative Adversarial Imputation Net
* Mixed X-Ray Image Separation for Artworks With Concealed Designs
* Mixed-Integer Program (MIP) for One-Way Multiple-Type Shared Electric Vehicles Allocation With Uncertain Demand, A
* MLRNN: Taxi Demand Prediction Based on Multi-Level Deep Learning and Regional Heterogeneity Analysis
* MM-UrbanFAC: Urban Functional Area Classification Model Based on Multimodal Machine Learning
* Mobile Storage for Demand Charge Reduction
* Model Predictive Control for Connected Vehicle Platoon Under Switching Communication Topology
* Model-Reference Reinforcement Learning for Collision-Free Tracking Control of Autonomous Surface Vehicles
* Modeling Bias Error in 4D Flow MRI Velocity Measurements
* Modeling Heterogeneous Traffic Mixing Regular, Connected, and Connected-Autonomous Vehicles Under Connected Environment
* Modelling Ethical Algorithms in Autonomous Vehicles Using Crash Data
* Modelling of the Vertical Dynamics of an Electric Kick Scooter
* MOFISSLAM: A Multi-Object Semantic SLAM System With Front-View, Inertial, and Surround-View Sensors for Indoor Parking
* Morphological geodesic active contour algorithm for the segmentation of the histogram-equalized welding bead image edges
* Motorcycle State Estimation and Tire Cornering Stiffness Identification Applied to Road Safety: Using Observer-Based Identifiers
* MRDFlow: Unsupervised Optical Flow Estimation Network With Multi-Scale Recurrent Decoder
* MS-Net: Multi-Source Spatio-Temporal Network for Traffic Flow Prediction
* MSA-Net: Establishing Reliable Correspondences by Multiscale Attention Network
* MSTA-Net: Forgery Detection by Generating Manipulation Trace Based on Multi-Scale Self-Texture Attention
* Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction With Heterogeneous Edge-Enhanced Graph Attention Network
* Multi-Angle Projection Based Blind Omnidirectional Image Quality Assessment
* Multi-Helper NOMA for Cooperative Mobile Edge Computing
* Multi-Label Image Classification via Category Prototype Compositional Learning
* Multi-stage attention network for video-based person re-identification
* Multi-Task SE-Network for Image Splicing Localization
* Multi-Task Y-Shaped Graph Neural Network for Point Cloud Learning in Autonomous Driving
* Multikernel Capsule Network for Schizophrenia Identification
* Multiple Hypothesis Tracking with Merged Bounding Box Measurements Considering Occlusion
* Multiresolution synthetic fingerprint generation
* Multistage Framework With Mean Subspace Computation and Recursive Feedback for Online Unsupervised Domain Adaptation, A
* Multistatic Localization With Unknown Transmitter Position and Signal Propagation Speed
* Multitask, Multilabel, and Multidomain Learning With Convolutional Networks for Emotion Recognition
* MW-GAN+ for Perceptual Quality Enhancement on Compressed Video
* Natural Language Video Localization: A Revisit in Span-Based Question Answering Framework
* Navigation of a UAV Network for Optimal Surveillance of a Group of Ground Targets Moving Along a Road
* NC-PDNet: A Density-Compensated Unrolled Network for 2D and 3D Non-Cartesian MRI Reconstruction
* Neural Granger Causality
* Neural System Identification With Spike-Triggered Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
* Neuromuscular disease detection based on feature extraction from time-frequency images of EMG signals employing robust hyperbolic Stockwell transform
* New City Air Terminal Service Mode: Urban Mobile Station for Luggage Check-in Service and Evolutionary Approach, A
* New Class of Optimal Z-Complementary Code Sets
* New descriptors' combination for 3D mesh correspondence and retrieval
* New Lane Keeping Method Based on Human-Simulated Intelligent Control, A
* Night Time Vehicle Detection and Tracking by Fusing Vehicle Parts From Multiple Cameras
* Nonblind Image Deconvolution via Leveraging Model Uncertainty in An Untrained Deep Neural Network
* Nonlinear Orthogonal NMF on the Stiefel Manifold With Graph-Based Total Variation Regularization
* Nonparametric Testing Under Randomized Sketching
* Novel Approach for Model-Based Pedestrian Tracking Using Automotive Radar, A
* Novel Cascade Path Planning Algorithm for Autonomous Truck-Trailer Parking, A
* Novel Contract Theory-Based Incentive Mechanism for Cooperative Task-Offloading in Electrical Vehicular Networks, A
* novel discriminant feature selection-based mutual information extraction from MR brain images for Alzheimer's stages detection and prediction, A
* Novel Dynamic Segmentation for Human-Posture Learning System Using Hidden Logistic Regression
* novel EEG channel selection and classification methodology for multi-class motor imagery-based BCI system design, A
* Novel k-times Extended Coprime Array for DOA Estimation With Increased Degrees of Freedom, A
* novel method for the detection of road intersections and traffic rules using big floating car data, A
* novel software framework for magnetic particle imaging reconstruction, A
* novel threshold score based multiclass segmentation technique for brain magnetic resonance images using adaptive opposition slime mold algorithm, A
* Novel Video Steganographic Scheme Incorporating the Consistency Degree of Motion Vectors, A
* Novel Workload-Aware Approach to Mobile User Reallocation in Crowded Mobile Edge Computing Environment
* NPCNet: Jointly Segment Primary Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Tumors and Metastatic Lymph Nodes in MR Images
* NSGA-II Algorithm for Task Scheduling in UAV-Enabled MEC System, A
* Objective Quality Assessment of Lenslet Light Field Image Based on Focus Stack
* Obstacle Detection for Unmanned Surface Vehicles by Fusion Refinement Network
* Occluded Video Instance Segmentation: A Benchmark
* On Model Selection for Scalable Time Series Forecasting in Transport Networks
* On the Arbitrary-Oriented Object Detection: Classification Based Approaches Revisited
* On the Realization of Impulse Invariant Low-Rank Volterra Kernels
* On Time Headway Selection in Platoons Under the MPF Topology in the Presence of Communication Delays
* Online Estimation and Prediction of Large-Scale Network Traffic From Sparse Probe Vehicle Data
* Online Learning for Chance-Constrained Observer of Leading Heavy-Duty Vehicle Power Capability
* Online Reinforcement Learning Approach for User-Optimal Parking Searching Strategy Exploiting Unique Problem Property and Network Topology, An
* Online vehicle trajectory compression algorithm based on motion pattern recognition
* Optical Camera Communication in Vehicular Applications: A Review
* Optimal Pricing for Offloaded Hard- and Soft-Deadline Tasks in Edge Computing
* Optimal Three-Dimensional Drone Layout Method for Maximum Signal Coverage and Minimum Interference in Complex Pipeline Networks, An
* Optimizing Energy Savings for a Fleet of Commercial Autonomous Trucks
* Optimizing Living Material Delivery During the COVID-19 Outbreak
* ORYX-MRSI: A fully-automated open-source software for proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging data analysis
* OVASO: Integrated binary CNN models to classify COVID-19, pneumonia and healthy lung in X-ray images
* Part-Level Car Parsing and Reconstruction in Single Street View Images
* Partial Visual-Tactile Fused Learning for Robotic Object Recognition
* Partial-Fréchet-Distance-Based Framework for Bus Route Identification, A
* Path Signature Neural Network of Cortical Features for Prediction of Infant Cognitive Scores
* Path-Tracking Considering Yaw Stability With Passivity-Based Control for Autonomous Vehicles
* PCGAN: Prediction-Compensation Generative Adversarial Network for Meshes
* Pedestrian-Aware Statistical Risk Assessment
* Perceiving Humans: From Monocular 3D Localization to Social Distancing
* Perceptual Enhancement for Autonomous Vehicles: Restoring Visually Degraded Images for Context Prediction via Adversarial Training
* Performance and Efficiency Analysis of a Linear Learning-Based Prediction Model Used for Unintended Lane-Departure Detection
* Performance Evaluation of RIS-Assisted UAV-Enabled Vehicular Communication System With Multiple Non-Identical Interferers
* Performance Evaluation of Station-Based Autonomous On-Demand Car-Sharing Systems
* Performance of Decentralized Cooperative Perception in V2V Connected Traffic
* Personalized Situation Adaptive Human-Vehicles-Interaction (HVI) Prediction in COVID-19 Context
* PH-GCN: Person Retrieval With Part-Based Hierarchical Graph Convolutional Network
* Physics Informed Deep Reinforcement Learning for Aircraft Conflict Resolution
* PLVA: Privacy-Preserving and Lightweight V2I Authentication Protocol
* Point-convolution-based human skeletal pose estimation on millimetre wave frequency modulated continuous wave multiple-input multiple-output radar
* Polynomial-Decomposition-Based LPC for Formant Estimation
* POS-Trends Dynamic-Aware Model for Video Caption
* Pose Measurement at Small Scale by Spectral Analysis of Periodic Patterns
* Pose2UV: Single-Shot Multiperson Mesh Recovery With Deep UV Prior
* Post Hoc Explainability for Time Series Classification: Toward a signal processing perspective
* Post-Disaster Distribution System Restoration With Logistics Support and Geographical Characteristics
* PPVF: Privacy-Preserving Protocol for Vehicle Feedback in Cloud-Assisted VANET
* PR-RL: Portrait Relighting Via Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Practical O(N^2) Outlier Removal Method for Correspondence-Based Point Cloud Registration, A
* PRECOM: A Parallel Recommendation Engine for Control, Operations, and Management on Congested Urban Traffic Networks
* Predicting Driver Takeover Time in Conditionally Automated Driving
* Prediction of Evolution Behaviors of Transportation Hubs Based on Spatiotemporal Neural Network
* Prediction of On-Street Parking Level of Service Based on Random Undersampling Decision Trees
* Privacy-Preserved Federated Learning for Autonomous Driving
* Progressive and Aligned Pose Attention Transfer for Person Image Generation
* Progressive Language-Customized Visual Feature Learning for One-Stage Visual Grounding
* Prototyping and Evaluation of Infrastructure-Assisted Transition of Control for Cooperative Automated Vehicles
* Pseudo-LiDAR Point Cloud Interpolation Based on 3D Motion Representation and Spatial Supervision
* Q-Learning-Based Supervisory Control Adaptability Investigation for Hybrid Electric Vehicles
* QoS-Balancing Algorithm for Optimal Relay Selection in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks
* Quality Evaluation of Holographic Images Coded With Standard Codecs
* Quantified Edge Server Placement With Quantum Encoding in Internet of Vehicles
* Quantization Step Estimation for JPEG Image Forensics
* Quantum neural network application for exudate affected retinal image patch identification
* Quaternion Screened Poisson Equation for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Radar Scheme With Raised Reflector for NLOS Vehicle Detection
* Radiomic Deformation and Textural Heterogeneity (R-DepTH) Descriptor to Characterize Tumor Field Effect: Application to Survival Prediction in Glioblastoma
* RaLL: End-to-End Radar Localization on Lidar Map Using Differentiable Measurement Model
* Re-Thinking Co-Salient Object Detection
* Real-time automated segmentation of breast lesions using CNN-based deep learning paradigm: Investigation on mammogram and ultrasound
* Real-Time Human Action Recognition Using Locally Aggregated Kinematic-Guided Skeletonlet and Supervised Hashing-by-Analysis Model
* Real-Time Intelligent Automatic Transportation Safety Based on Big Data Management
* Real-Time Performance-Focused Localization Techniques for Autonomous Vehicle: A Review
* RECISTSup: Weakly-Supervised Lesion Volume Segmentation Using RECIST Measurement
* Recognition of human Iris for biometric identification using Daugman's method
* Recursive Copy and Paste GAN: Face Hallucination From Shaded Thumbnails
* Reinforcement Learning and Particle Swarm Optimization Supporting Real-Time Rescue Assignments for Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
* Reinforcement Learning Approach for Enacting Cautious Behaviours in Autonomous Driving System: Safe Speed Choice in the Interaction With Distracted Pedestrians, A
* Reinforcement Learning Approach for Rebalancing Electric Vehicle Sharing Systems, A
* Reinforcement-Tracking: An Effective Trajectory Tracking and Navigation Method for Autonomous Urban Driving
* Relation Regularized Scene Graph Generation
* Relation-Aware Compositional Zero-Shot Learning for Attribute-Object Pair Recognition
* Relay Cooperative Transmission Algorithms for IoV Under Aggregated Interference
* Resource Allocation of Video Streaming Over Vehicular Networks: A Survey, Some Research Issues and Challenges
* Resource Management for Intelligent Vehicular Edge Computing Networks
* Rethinking and Designing a High-Performing Automatic License Plate Recognition Approach
* Rethinking Deinterlacing for Early Interlaced Videos
* Rethinking Road Surface 3-D Reconstruction and Pothole Detection: From Perspective Transformation to Disparity Map Segmentation
* Reversible Data Hiding Based on Multiple Adaptive Two-Dimensional Prediction-Error Histograms Modification
* Review on Vehicle-Trailer State and Parameter Estimation, A
* REVISE: A Tool for Measuring and Mitigating Bias in Visual Datasets
* RFAP: A Revocable Fine-Grained Access Control Mechanism for Autonomous Vehicle Platoon
* RIHOOP: Robust Invisible Hyperlinks in Offline and Online Photographs
* Risk-Based Formulation of the Transit Priority Network Design
* Road Surface Recognition at mm-Wavelengths Using a Polarimetric Radar
* ROAM: Random layer mixup for semi-supervised learning in medical images
* Robust Character Labeling in Movie Videos: Data Resources and Self-Supervised Feature Adaptation
* Robust Edge-Preserving Stereo Matching Method for Laparoscopic Images, A
* Robust Explainability: A tutorial on gradient-based attribution methods for deep neural networks
* Robust Label Rectifying With Consistent Contrastive-Learning for Domain Adaptive Person Re-Identification
* Robust Low-Tubal-Rank Tensor Recovery From Binary Measurements
* Robust Multispectral Visual-Inertial Navigation With Visual Odometry Failure Recovery
* Robust Target Recognition and Tracking of Self-Driving Cars With Radar and Camera Information Fusion Under Severe Weather Conditions
* Robust Traffic Control Model Considering Uncertainties in Turning Ratios, A
* Robust Traffic Control Using a First Order Macroscopic Traffic Flow Model
* Robust Two-Stage Planning Model for the Charging Station Placement Problem Considering Road Traffic Uncertainty, A
* ROPHS: Determine Real-Time Status of a Multi-Carriage Logistics Train at Airport
* Rotation-Invariant Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Route Choice Behavior Modeling for Emergency Evacuation and Efficiency Analysis Based on Type-II Fuzzy Theory
* Safe and Energy-Efficient Car-Following Control Strategy for Intelligent Electric Vehicles Considering Regenerative Braking
* Safe Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Vehicle Using Monte Carlo Tree Search
* Safety-Aware Real-Time Air Traffic Flow Management Model Under Demand and Capacity Uncertainties, A
* Sampling Possible Reconstructions of Undersampled Acquisitions in MR Imaging With a Deep Learned Prior
* SANet: A Slice-Aware Network for Pulmonary Nodule Detection
* Scalable Discrete Matrix Factorization and Semantic Autoencoder for Cross-Media Retrieval
* Scaling Up Sign Spotting Through Sign Language Dictionaries
* Scene-Aware Error Modeling of LiDAR/Visual Odometry for Fusion-Based Vehicle Localization
* Scene-Graph Augmented Data-Driven Risk Assessment of Autonomous Vehicle Decisions
* Secure and Efficient Data Sharing Among Vehicles Based on Consortium Blockchain
* Secure Dynamic Mix Zone Pseudonym Changing Scheme Based on Traffic Context Prediction, A
* Secure Halftone Image Steganography Based on Feature Space and Layer Embedding
* secure identity and access management system for decentralising user data using blockchain, A
* Security Vulnerabilities and Protection Algorithms for Backpressure-Based Traffic Signal Control at an Isolated Intersection
* Segmentation of the True Lumen of Aorta Dissection via Morphology-Constrained Stepwise Deep Mesh Regression
* Segmentation Scheme for Knowledge Discovery in Human Activity Spotting, A
* Self-Attention-Based Multiscale Feature Learning Optical Flow With Occlusion Feature Map Prediction
* Self-Distillation: Towards Efficient and Compact Neural Networks
* Self-Paced Dynamic Infinite Mixture Model for Fatigue Evaluation of Pilots' Brains
* Self-Reinforcing Unsupervised Matching
* Self-Supervised 3D Reconstruction and Ego-Motion Estimation Via On-Board Monocular Video
* Self-Supervised Graph Convolutional Network for Multi-View Clustering
* Self-Supervised Learning for Few-Shot Medical Image Segmentation
* Self-Supervised Residual Feature Learning Model for Multifocus Image Fusion, A
* Self-Supervised Symmetric Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Self-Supervised Synthesis Ranking for Deep Metric Learning
* Semantic Segmentation for Free Space and Lane Based on Grid-Based Interest Point Detection
* Semantic-Guided Class-Imbalance Learning Model for Zero-Shot Image Classification
* Semantic-meshed and content-guided transformer for image captioning
* Semantically Similarity-Wise Dual-Branch Network for Scene Graph Generation
* Semi-Definite Relaxation-Based ADMM for Cooperative Planning and Control of Connected Autonomous Vehicles
* Semi-Supervised Temporal Action Proposal Generation via Exploiting 2-D Proposal Map
* Sentinel: An Onboard Lane Change Advisory System for Intelligent Vehicles to Reduce Traffic Delay During Freeway Incidents
* Service-Oriented Dynamic Resource Slicing and Optimization for Space-Air-Ground Integrated Vehicular Networks
* Shape and Albedo Recovery by Your Phone using Stereoscopic Flash and No-Flash Photography
* Shaping Visual Representations With Attributes for Few-Shot Recognition
* Ship identification from SAR image using novel deep learning method with reduced false prediction
* Signal timing parameters inference method at intersections using license plate recognition data
* Simultaneous Allocation and Scheduling of Quay Cranes, Yard Cranes, and Trucks in Dynamical Integrated Container Terminal Operations
* Simultaneous Multi-Round Auction Design for Scheduling Multiple Charges of Battery Electric Vehicles on Highways, A
* Single Date Wind Turbine Detection on Sentinel-2 Optical Images
* Single image deraining using contrastive perceptual regularization
* Situation-Aware Drivable Space Estimation for Automated Driving
* Skin lesion segmentation using an improved framework of encoder-decoder based convolutional neural network
* Smart Urban Mobility: When Mobility Systems Meet Smart Data
* Smoothed-NUV Priors for Imaging
* Source-Free Domain Adaptive Polyp Detection Framework With Style Diversification Flow, A
* Spark Cloud-Based Parallel Computing for Traffic Network Flow Predictive Control Using Non-Analytical Predictive Model
* Sparse and Robust Multivariate Functional Principal Component Analysis for Passenger Flow Pattern Discovery in Metro Systems
* Sparse Black-Box Video Attack with Reinforcement Learning
* SpaSSA: Superpixelwise Adaptive SSA for Unsupervised Spatial-Spectral Feature Extraction in Hyperspectral Image
* Spatial Iterative Learning Control for Robotic Path Learning
* Spatio-Temporal Pain Estimation Network With Measuring Pseudo Heart Rate Gain
* Spatio-Temporal Point Processes With Attention for Traffic Congestion Event Modeling
* Spatiotemporal Attention-Based Graph Convolution Network for Segment-Level Traffic Prediction
* Spatiotemporal Learning of Multivehicle Interaction Patterns in Lane-Change Scenarios
* Spatiotemporal Tensor Completion for Improved Urban Traffic Imputation
* Speaker Extraction With Co-Speech Gestures Cue
* Spectrum Situation Awareness Based on Time-Series Depth Networks for LTE-R Communication System
* Speech Driven Talking Face Generation From a Single Image and an Emotion Condition
* SPIDER: A Social Computing Inspired Predictive Routing Scheme for Softwarized Vehicular Networks
* Splitting Scheme for Flip-Free Distortion Energies, A
* SPU-Net: Self-Supervised Point Cloud Upsampling by Coarse-to-Fine Reconstruction With Self-Projection Optimization
* Stable Matching Game for V2V Energy Sharing: A User Satisfaction Framework, A
* Stage-Aware Feature Alignment Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation of Street Scenes
* STATER: Slit-Based Trajectory Reconstruction for Dense Urban Network With Overlapping Bluetooth Scanning Zones
* stereo matching algorithm based on an improved adaptive support window, The
* Stochastic Modeling and Analysis of Public Electric Vehicle Fleet Charging Station Operations
* Strategic Hub-Based Platoon Coordination Under Uncertain Travel Times
* String Stability of Connected Vehicle Platoons Under Lossy V2V Communication
* Structure-Aware Long Short-Term Memory Network for 3D Cephalometric Landmark Detection
* Style Normalization and Restitution for Domain Generalization and Adaptation
* Sub-region non-local mean denoising algorithm of synthetic aperture radar images based on statistical characteristics
* Subjective Assessment Experiments That Recruit Few Observers With Repetitions (FOWR)
* Success Probability Analysis of Cooperative C-V2X Communications
* Supervised dual tight frame learning with deep thresholding network for phase retrieval
* Supervised Learning Approach for Explicit Spatial Filtering of Speech
* Suppressing Biased Samples for Robust VQA
* Surrounding Vehicles' Lane Change Maneuver Prediction and Detection for Intelligent Vehicles: A Comprehensive Review
* Survey of Attacks on Controller Area Networks and Corresponding Countermeasures, A
* Survey of Driving Safety With Sensing, Vehicular Communications, and Artificial Intelligence-Based Collision Avoidance, A
* Survey on Cyber-Security of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs), A
* Survey on Explainable Fake News Detection, A
* Survey on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Driving, A
* Survey on Long-Tailed Visual Recognition, A
* Survey on the Analysis and Modeling of Visual Kinship: A Decade in the Making
* SwapInpaint: Identity-Specific Face Inpainting With Identity Swapping
* SwinNet: Swin Transformer Drives Edge-Aware RGB-D and RGB-T Salient Object Detection
* Synergies Between Transportation Systems, Energy Hub and the Grid in Smart Cities
* Synthetic Speech Detection Based on Local Autoregression and Variance Statistics
* System Matrix Based Reconstruction for Pulsed Sequences in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* System of Systems Model for Planning Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure in Intercity Transportation Networks Under Emission Consideration
* Targeted Attack of Deep Hashing Via Prototype-Supervised Adversarial Networks
* Taxonomy and Survey of Edge Cloud Computing for Intelligent Transportation Systems and Connected Vehicles, A
* Temporal Head Pose Estimation From Point Cloud in Naturalistic Driving Conditions
* Three Byte-Based Mutual Authentication Scheme for Autonomous Internet of Vehicles
* Three Principles to Determine the Right-of-Way for AVs: Safe Interaction With Humans
* Time-Delay Estimation by Enhanced Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Method for Thin Asphalt Pavement With Similar Permittivity
* Toward Completely Sampled Extracellular Neural Recording During fMRI
* Toward Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Regression Models: A methodological perspective
* Towards a Weakly Supervised Framework for 3D Point Cloud Object Detection and Annotation
* Towards Multi-Domain Face Synthesis Via Domain-Invariant Representations and Multi-Level Feature Parts
* TrackInFactory: A Tight Coupling Particle Filter for Industrial Vehicle Tracking in Indoor Environments
* Traffic Accident Detection via Self-Supervised Consistency Learning in Driving Scenarios
* Traffic Signal Control Using End-to-End Off-Policy Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Traffic Signal Control With Reinforcement Learning Based on Region-Aware Cooperative Strategy
* Traffic Signal Timing and Trajectory Optimization in a Mixed Autonomy Traffic Stream
* Trajectory Data Acquisition via Private Car Positioning Based on Tightly-coupled GPS/OBD Integration in Urban Environments
* Trajectory Evaluation Platform for Urban Air Mobility (UAM), A
* Trajectory Planning of Autonomous Trucks for Collision Avoidance With Rollover Prevention
* Trajectory Prediction-Based Local Spatio-Temporal Navigation Map for Autonomous Driving in Dynamic Highway Environments
* Transfer Beyond the Field of View: Dense Panoramic Semantic Segmentation via Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Transformer for 3D Point Clouds
* Transformer-Based Feature Segmentation and Region Alignment Method for UAV-View Geo-Localization, A
* Transit Signal Priority Enabling Connected and Automated Buses to Cut Through Traffic
* Trust-Based and Individualizable Adaptive Cruise Control Using Control Barrier Function Approach With Prescribed Performance
* Two-Stage Convolutional Neural Network for Joint Demosaicking and Super-Resolution, A
* two-stage method for single image de-raining based on attention smoothed dilated network, A
* UAV-LiDAR-Based Measuring Framework for Height and Stagger of High-Speed Railway Contact Wire
* UAV-Satellite View Synthesis for Cross-View Geo-Localization
* UHF-RFID-Based Real-Time Vehicle Localization in GPS-Less Environments
* Unifying Framework for n-Dimensional Quasi-Conformal Mappings, A
* Unifying Relational Sentence Generation and Retrieval for Medical Image Report Composition
* Unmanned aerial vehicles object detection based on image haze removal under sea fog conditions
* Unsupervised Deep Background Matting Using Deep Matte Prior
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation by Multi-Loss Gap Minimization Learning for Person Re-Identification
* Unsupervised MRI Reconstruction via Zero-Shot Learned Adversarial Transformers
* Unsupervised Multi-Shot Person Re-Identification Method via Mutual Normalized Sparse Representation and Stepwise Learning, An
* Unsupervised Occlusion-Aware Stereo Matching With Directed Disparity Smoothing
* Unsupervised Person Re-Identification With Stochastic Training Strategy
* Urban Multiple Route Planning Model Using Dynamic Programming in Reinforcement Learning
* Using Reinforcement Learning to Control Traffic Signals in a Real-World Scenario: An Approach Based on Linear Function Approximation
* Value Proposition of Cooperative Bus-Holding Transit Signal Priority Strategy in Connected and Automated Vehicles Environment, A
* Variable Speed Limit and Ramp Metering Control of Highway Networks Using Lax-Hopf Method: A Mixed Integer Linear Programming Approach
* Variational Deep Image Restoration
* Variational HyperAdam: A Meta-Learning Approach to Network Training
* Vehicle Trajectory Interpolation Based on Ensemble Transfer Regression
* Vehicles Detection for Smart Roads Applications on Board of Smart Cameras: A Comparative Analysis
* View graph construction for scenes with duplicate structures via graph convolutional network
* Viewing Behavior Supported Visual Saliency Predictor for 360 Degree Videos
* Visual Attention-Aware High Dynamic Range Quantization for HEVC Video Coding
* Visual Sentiment Analysis With Social Relations-Guided Multiattention Networks
* Visual-Depth Matching Network: Deep RGB-D Domain Adaptation With Unequal Categories
* Voice Communication-Augmented Simulation Framework for Aircraft Trajectory Simulation, A
* Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Detection With Temporal Dependency Learning
* Weakly Supervised Temporal Adjacent Network for Language Grounding
* What is the Root Cause of Congestion in Urban Traffic Networks: Road Infrastructure or Signal Control?
* Wide-Area Crowd Counting: Multi-view Fusion Networks for Counting in Large Scenes
* WINNet: Wavelet-Inspired Invertible Network for Image Denoising
703 for 2207

Index for "2"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.