Update Dates 1603

1603 * *2D and 3D Geometric Properties from Incomplete Data
* *Computer Vision and Image Analysis Applications
* *Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications
* *International Conference on 3D Imaging
* *International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing
* *Mathematical and Computational Methods in Biomedical Imaging and Image Analysis
* *Passive and Active Electro-Optical Sensors for Aerial and Space Imaging
* *PSIVT Workshops
* *Robot Vision
* *Scene Background Initialization (SBI) Dataset
* *Vision Meets Graphics
* *VS
* 3-D Modeling from Concept Sketches of Human Characters with Minimal User Interaction
* 3D Cadastral Data Model Based on Conformal Geometry Algebra
* 3D object retrieval based on sparse coding in weak supervision
* 3D virtual tour of the Santa Maria della Scala Museum Complex in Siena, Italy, based on the use of Oculus Rift HMD, A
* Abnormal event detection and localisation in traffic videos based on group sparse topical coding
* Accuracy of Reconstruction of the Tree Stem Surface Using Terrestrial Close-Range Photogrammetry
* Accurate 3D UWB radar super-resolution imaging for a bi-static antenna configuration
* Accurate rapid averaging of multihue ensembles is due to a limited capacity subsampling mechanism
* Accurate, swift and noiseless image binarization
* adaptive clustering approach for group detection in the crowd, An
* Adaptive estimates of egocentric distance from vergence in telestereoscopic viewing: Von Hofsten's model revisited
* Adaptive features extraction for Capsule Endoscopy (CE) video summarization
* Adaptive Nullforming to Mitigate Ground Clutter on the National Weather Radar Testbed Phased Array Radar
* Adaptive Scheduling Framework for Real-Time Video Encoding on Heterogeneous Systems
* Adaptive visual target detection and tracking using weakly supervised incremental appearance learning and RGM-PHD tracker
* Adaptive-Weather-Surveillance and Multifunction Capabilities of the National Weather Radar Testbed Phased Array Radar
* Added Value of Stratified Topographic Correction of Multispectral Images, The
* Adjusting to a sudden 'aging' of the lens
* Adopting Abstract Images for Semantic Scene Understanding
* Advance flood detection and notification system based on sensor technology and machine learning algorithm
* Aerial Car Detection and Urban Understanding
* aerial image recognition framework using discrimination and redundancy quality measure, An
* Affine invariant shape projection distribution for shape matching using relaxation labelling
* AFL Player Detection and Tracking
* Aggregator operations considering authentication for electrical charging of EVs
* Airborne Hyperspectral Data Predict Fine-Scale Plant Species Diversity in Grazed Dry Grasslands
* Alcohol and the oculomotor neural circuit: System identification, a delay-based approach
* algorithm for parameter selection in 3D shooting, independent from stereopair registration methods, The
* Algorithm for the Segmentation of Highly Abnormal Hearts Using a Generic Statistical Shape Model, An
* algorithm to find the best time to tweet, An
* Amateur or Professional: Assessing the Expertise of Major Contributors in OpenStreetMap Based on Contributing Behaviors
* Analog and RF Interference Mitigation for Integrated MIMO Receiver Arrays
* Analysis and predicting electricity energy consumption using data mining techniques: A case study I.R. Iran - Mazandaran province
* Analysis of Aerosol Properties in Beijing Based on Ground-Based Sun Photometer and Air Quality Monitoring Observations from 2005 to 2014
* Analysis of EEG Signals and Facial Expressions for Continuous Emotion Detection
* Analysis of Human Engagement Behaviour Using Descriptors from Human Feedback, Eye Tracking, and Saliency Modelling, An
* Analysis on Coupled Line Cameras Using Projective Geometry
* analytical model of the influence of cone sensitivity and numerosity on the Rayleigh match, An
* analytical review for event prediction system on time series, An
* Anatomical Skin Segmentation in Reflectance Confocal Microscopy with Weak Labels
* Angle features extraction of handwritten signatures
* Anisotropic Diffusion Model Based on a New Diffusion Coefficient and Fractional Order Differential for Image Denoising
* Anomaly Detection of Man-Made Objects in Large Aerial Images
* Applied machine learning classifiers for medical applications: Clarifying the behavioural patterns using a variety of datasets
* APPOS: An adaptive partial occlusion segmentation method for multiple vehicles tracking
* Approximated RPCA for fast and efficient recovery of corrupted and linearly correlated images and video frames
* Approximately Symmetrical Face Images for Image Preprocessing in Face Recognition and Sparse Representation Based Classification
* Assessing the Contribution of Woody Materials to Forest Angular Gap Fraction and Effective Leaf Area Index Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data
* Assessing the Distribution of Urban Green Spaces and its Anisotropic Cooling Distance on Urban Heat Island Pattern in Baotou, China
* Assessing the effects of dynamic luminance contrast noise masking on a color discrimination task
* Assessing the Effects of Suomi NPP VIIRS M15/M16 Detector Radiometric Stability and Relative Spectral Response Variation on Striping
* Assessing the performance bounds of local feature detectors: Taking inspiration from electronics design practices
* Assessment of GPM-IMERG and Other Precipitation Products against Gauge Data under Different Topographic and Climatic Conditions in Iran: Preliminary Results
* Assessment of S-NPP VIIRS On-Orbit Radiometric Calibration and Performance
* Assessment of stenosis introduced flow resistance in CCTA-reconstructed coronary arteries
* Assessment of the Cultivated Cropland Class of NLCD 2006 Using a Multi-Source and Multi-Criteria Approach, An
* Assessment of the Suomi NPP VIIRS Land Surface Albedo Data Using Station Measurements and High-Resolution Albedo Maps
* Assessment of trabecular bone structure using fuzzy distance transform based on Min-Max operations
* Assessment of Urban Surface Energy Fluxes Using a Sub-Pixel Remote Sensing Analysis: A Case Study in Suzhou, China, An
* Attribute Based Affordance Detection from Human-Object Interaction Images
* Authentic mobile-biometric signature verification system
* Automated and Objective Assessment of Surgical Training: Detection of Procedural Steps on Videotaped Performances
* automated image processing system for the detection of photoreceptor cells in adaptive optics retinal images, An
* Automated lesion border detection of dermoscopy images using spectral clustering
* Automated Mass Detection in Mammograms Using Cascaded Deep Learning and Random Forests
* Automatic 3DS conversion of historical aerial photographs
* Automatic Algorithm for Tracking Small Intestine in CT Enterography, An
* Automatic Detection and Reconstruction of 2-D/3-D Building Shapes From Spaceborne TomoSAR Point Clouds
* Automatic detection of injuries in mammograms using image analysis techniques
* Automatic Diagnosis Support System Using Nuclear and Luminal Features
* Automatic generation of 3D building models from building polygons on digital maps
* Automatic Image Registration of Multimodal Remotely Sensed Data With Global Shearlet Features
* Automatic Image Segmentation Based on Maximal Similarity Based Region Merging
* Automatic license plate detection in hazardous condition
* Automatic Matting Using Depth and Adaptive Trimap
* Automatic Pose Estimation Using Contour Information from X-Ray Images
* Automatic Preview Frame Selection for Online Videos
* Automatic Pulmonary Artery-Vein Separation and Classification in Computed Tomography Using Tree Partitioning and Peripheral Vessel Matching
* Automatic Retinal Minimum Distance Band (MDB)Computation from SD-OCT Images
* Automatic Segmentation of Bones in X-ray Images Based on Entropy Measure
* Automatic segmentation of masses in digital mammograms using particle swarm optimization and graph clustering
* Automatic Stem Cell Detection in Microscopic Whole Mouse Cryo-Imaging
* Automotive Three-Dimensional Vision Through a Single-Photon Counting SPAD Camera
* Bags of Affine Subspaces for Robust Object Tracking
* Batch color classification using bag of colors and discriminative sparse coding
* Batch Mode Active Learning for Object Detection Based on Maximum Mean Discrepancy
* Bayesian Constrained Local Models Revisited
* Benchmarking Platform for Mitotic Cell Classification of ANA IIF HEp-2 Images, A
* Benefits of Digital Phased Array Radars
* Beyond Background Feature Extraction: An Anomaly Detection Algorithm Inspired by Slowly Varying Signal Analysis
* Big Data for Social Transportation
* binary-segmentation algorithm based on shearlet transform and eigenvectors, A
* Bio-Cell Image Segmentation Using Bayes Graph-Cut Model
* Birdcall Retrieval from Environmental Acoustic Recordings Using Image Processing
* blind deconvolution model for scene text detection and recognition in video, A
* Blind Image Quality Assessment Based on Multichannel Feature Fusion and Label Transfer
* Blind Quality Assessment of Tone-Mapped Images Via Analysis of Information, Naturalness, and Structure
* Blind subjects faces database
* blind system identification approach to cancelable fingerprint templates, A
* Bo(V)W models for object recognition from video
* Body Parts Segmentation with Attached Props Using RGB-D Imaging
* Building Change Detection Based on Markov Random Field: Exploiting Both Pixel and Corner Features
* Camera Network Topology Estimation by Lighting Variation
* Carotid Artery Wall Segmentation in Multispectral MRI by Coupled Optimal Surface Graph Cuts
* Cartoon filter via adaptive abstraction
* Cascades of Regression Tree Fields for Image Restoration
* CCR: Clustering and Collaborative Representation for Fast Single Image Super-Resolution
* Centralized Charging Strategy and Scheduling Algorithm for Electric Vehicles Under a Battery Swapping Scenario
* CGSR features: Toward RGB-D image matching using color gradient description of geometrically stable regions
* Change detection based on graph cuts
* Change detection in underwater imagery
* Changes in unique hues induced by chromatic surrounds
* Characterization of a Highly Biodiverse Floodplain Meadow Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing within a Plant Functional Trait Framework
* Characterization of Available Light for Seagrass and Patch Reef Productivity in Sugarloaf Key, Lower Florida Keys
* Characterization of Black Sand Mining Activities and Their Environmental Impacts in the Philippines Using Remote Sensing
* Class-Semantic Textons with Superpixel Neighborhoods for Natural Roadside Vegetation Classification
* Classification of routing protocols in wireless sensor network
* Classification of Small-Scale Eucalyptus Plantations Based on NDVI Time Series Obtained from Multiple High-Resolution Datasets
* Closed-Form Semi-Blind Receiver For MIMO Relay Systems Using Double Khatri-Rao Space-Time Coding
* Closed-Form Solutions for Low-Rank Non-Rigid Reconstruction
* Clustering algorithms for face recognition based on client-server architecture
* CoDe4D: Color-Depth Local Spatio-Temporal Features for Human Activity Recognition From RGB-D Videos
* Cognitive biometric cryptosystems a case study on EEG
* Collaborative expression representation using peak expression and intra class variation face images for practical subject-independent emotion recognition in videos
* Collaborative multicue fusion using the cross-diffusion process for salient object detection
* Collaborative Wireless Freeview Video Streaming With Network Coding
* Color constancy of color-deficient observers under illuminations defined by individual color discrimination ellipsoids
* Color vision: introduction by the feature editors 2016
* Color-motion feature-binding errors are mediated by a higher-order chromatic representation
* Combination of Plant NDVI and LiDAR Measurements Improve the Estimation of Pasture Biomass in Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinacea var. Fletcher), A
* Combinatorial Auction-Based Pricing for Multi-Tenant Autonomous Vehicle Public Transportation System
* combined distance measure for 2D shape matching, A
* Combined spectroscopic analysis for identification of mural paintings materials
* Combined Use of Airborne Remote Sensing Techniques within a GIS Environment for the Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Urban Areas: An Operational Application, The
* Communication between deaf and hearing children using statistical machine translation
* Comparative analysis between discrete cosine transform and wavelet transform techniques for medical image compression
* Comparative Study of Cross-Product NDVI Dynamics in the Kilimanjaro Region: A Matter of Sensor, Degradation Calibration, and Significance, A
* Comparing and Combining Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature Products for Improved Hydrological Applications
* Comparison between K mean and fuzzy C-mean methods for segmentation of near infrared fluorescent image for diagnosing prostate cancer
* Comparison of segmentation accuracy for different LUTs applied to digital mammograms
* Comparison of Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Estimates Obtained from Four Portable Field Spectroradiometers
* Comparison of the Calibration Algorithms and SI Traceability of MODIS, VIIRS, GOES, and GOES-R ABI Sensors
* Comparison of Valid Ocean Observations Between MODIS Terra and Aqua Over the Global Oceans
* Comparison of volumes of subcortical regions in schizophrenia patients and healthy controls using MRI
* Complexity and implementation analysis of synthesized view distortion estimation architecture in 3D High Efficiency Video Coding
* Compressed-Sensed-Domain L1-PCA Video Surveillance
* Compressive Deconvolution in Medical Ultrasound Imaging
* Compressive sensing for power spectrum estimation of multi-dimensional processes under missing data
* Computer aided diagnosis system for early lung cancer detection
* Computer Aided Theragnosis Using Quantitative Ultrasound Spectroscopy and Maximum Mean Discrepancy in Locally Advanced Breast Cancer
* Computer Vision Technology for Vehicular Robot to Follow Guided Track Using Neuro-Fuzzy System
* conceptual model for IT Governance: A case study research, A
* Consistency of color representation in smart phones
* Consistent Coding Scheme for Single-Image Super-Resolution Via Independent Dictionaries
* Contrast adaptation to luminance and brightness modulations
* Convolutional Fusion Network for Face Verification in the Wild
* Correlated and uncorrelated invisible temporal white noise alters mesopic rod signaling
* Coupled Sparse Denoising and Unmixing With Low-Rank Constraint for Hyperspectral Image
* Coupling parareal and adaptive control in optical flow estimation with application in movie's restoration
* Creating Compact and Discriminative Visual Vocabularies Using Visual Bits
* Creating Simplified 3D Models with High Quality Textures
* Crowd density estimation based on voxel model in multi-view surveillance systems
* Crowdsourcing Phase and Timing of Pre-Timed Traffic Signals in the Presence of Queues: Algorithms and Back-End System Architecture
* CU encoding depth prediction, early CU splitting termination and fast mode decision for fast HEVC intra-coding
* Data Fusion Technique Using Wavelet Transform and Taguchi Methods for Automatic Landslide Detection From Airborne Laser Scanning Data and QuickBird Satellite Imagery
* Data-Driven Online Speed Optimization in Autonomous Sailboats
* Dauphin: A Signal Processing Language - Statistical Signal Processing Made Easy
* Daytime Thermal Anisotropy of Urban Neighbourhoods: Morphological Causation
* DBN-based Spectral Feature Representation for Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis
* Decomposition of Space-Variant Blur in Image Deconvolution
* DEFEATnet: A Deep Conventional Image Representation for Image Classification
* Deformation and Source Parameters of the 2015 Mw 6.5 Earthquake in Pishan, Western China, from Sentinel-1A and ALOS-2 Data
* Degree of spacial dependence quantification algorithm in AODV protocol
* Denoising by low-rank and sparse representations
* Dense Correspondence Using Non-Local DAISY Forest
* Dependence of chromatic responses in V1 on visual field eccentricity and spatial frequency: an fMRI study
* Depth Intra Coding for 3D Video Based on Geometric Primitives
* Depth-based hypergraph complexity traces from directed line graphs
* Design and Calibration of Multi-camera Systems for 3D Computer Vision: Lessons Learnt from Two Case Studies
* Design and Comparison of Robust Nonlinear Controllers for the Lateral Dynamics of Intelligent Vehicles
* Design of Energy- and Cost-Efficient Massive MIMO Arrays
* Detecting the optimal active contour in the computed tomography image by using entropy to choose coefficients in energy equation
* detection of Dacrocyte, Schistocyte and Elliptocyte cells in Iron Deficiency Anemia, The
* Detection of Land Use/Land Cover Changes and Urban Sprawl in Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia: An Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data
* Detection of Spatio-Temporal Changes of Norway Spruce Forest Stands in Ore Mountains Using Landsat Time Series and Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery
* Detection of stuck-to-background objects in converted S3D movies
* Detection of Surface Defects of Type orange skin in Furniture Elements with Conventional Image Processing Methods
* Determination of the SNPP VIIRS SDSM Screen Relative Transmittance From Both Yaw Maneuver and Regular On-Orbit Data
* Determining the Performance of Fluorescence Molecular Imaging Devices Using Traceable Working Standards With SI Units of Radiance
* Determining Utterance Timing of a Driving Agent With Double Articulation Analyzer
* Development of a cross-platform mobile eGovernment system for suppliers (A case study from UAE)
* Development of Real-Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Mouse Hearts at 9.4 Tesla: Simulations and First Application
* Device-Free Radio Vision for Assisted Living: Leveraging wireless channel quality information for human sensing
* DIC Microscopy Image Reconstruction Using a Novel Variational Framework
* Dichoptic perception of brown
* Digital Phased Arrays: Challenges and Opportunities
* dim view of M-cone onsets, A
* Diphone spanish text-to-speech synthesizer
* Direct 6-DoF Pose Estimation from Point-Plane Correspondences
* Discrimination thresholds of normal and anomalous trichromats: Model of senescent changes in ocular media density on the Cambridge Colour Test
* Discriminative training of HMM using MASPER procedure
* Dissociation of equilibrium points for color-discrimination and color-appearance mechanisms in incomplete chromatic adaptation
* Distance-Computation-Free Search Scheme for Binary Code Databases, A
* distortion evaluation framework in 3D video view synthesis, A
* Distributed Particle Filter for Bearings-Only Tracking on Spherical Surfaces, A
* Diurnal Variability of Turbidity Fronts Observed by Geostationary Satellite Ocean Color Remote Sensing
* Do normal pupil diameter differences in the population underlie the color selection of #thedress?
* Does H.265 based peri and para-foveal quality flicker disrupt natural viewing patterns?
* Driving posture recognition by convolutional neural networks
* Dual Half-Edge: A Topological Primal/Dual Data Structure and Construction Operators for Modelling and Manipulating Cell Complexes, The
* Dual-Clustering-Based Hyperspectral Band Selection by Contextual Analysis
* Dual-Platform Large Along-Track Baseline GMTI
* dynamic cost-centric risk impact metrics development, A
* Dynamic Mapping of Evapotranspiration Using an Energy Balance-Based Model over an Andean Páramo Catchment of Southern Ecuador
* e-Mobility Forecast for the Transnational e-Corridor Planning
* EEG Biometrics Using Visual Stimuli: A Longitudinal Study
* effect of the distance from the webcam in heart rate estimation from face video images, The
* Effective Multimodality Fusion Framework for Cross-Media Topic Detection
* Effects of surrounding stimulus properties on color constancy based on luminance balance
* efficient and secure cipher scheme for images confidentiality preservation, An
* Efficient Bit Rate Transcoding for High Efficiency Video Coding
* efficient clustering technique for cameras identification using sensor pattern noise, An
* Efficient Emulation of Radiative Transfer Codes Using Gaussian Processes and Application to Land Surface Parameter Inferences
* efficient information retrieval technique for e-health systems, An
* Efficient Summarization From Multiple Georeferenced User-Generated Videos
* efficient troubleshooting testing scenario for IPTV over DSL lines: Practical examples, An
* Efficient visual object detection with spatially global Gaussian mixture models and uncertainties
* Energy Efficient Beacon Based Synchronization for Alarm Driven Wireless Sensor Networks
* Energy-Efficient Train Tracking Operation Based on Multiple Optimization Models
* EnGeoMAP 2.0: Automated Hyperspectral Mineral Identification for the German EnMAP Space Mission
* Enhanced-IPMH as a Robust Visual Descriptor from H.264/AVC and Evaluation of Parameters Effects
* Enhancing Automated Defect Detection in Collagen Based Manufacturing by Employing a Smart Machine Vision Technique
* Enhancing Sensor Pattern Noise via Filtering Distortion Removal
* Estimation of Forest Structural Diversity Using the Spectral and Textural Information Derived from SPOT-5 Satellite Images
* Estimation of Land Surface Temperature through Blending MODIS and AMSR-E Data with the Bayesian Maximum Entropy Method
* Evaluating Multi-Sensor Nighttime Earth Observation Data for Identification of Mixed vs. Residential Use in Urban Areas
* Evaluating Spatio-Temporal Parameters in Video Similarity Detection by Global Descriptors
* Evaluation of Background Subtraction Algorithms on Fused Infrared-Visible Video Streams, An
* Evaluation of color descriptors for projector-camera systems
* Evaluation of MEMS sensors accuracy for bicycle tracking and positioning
* Evaluation of observers' sensitivity to lens distortion discrepancies in stereoscopic moving pictures
* Evaluation of Simplified Polarimetric Decomposition for Soil Moisture Retrieval over Vegetated Agricultural Fields
* Evaluation of VIIRS and MODIS Thermal Emissive Band Calibration Stability Using Ground Target
* Evaluation Protocol of Skeletonization Applied to Grayscale Curvilinear Structures
* Event Analogy Based Privacy Preservation in Visual Surveillance
* Evidence theory for image segmentation using information from stochastic Watershed and Hessian filtering
* Evolution to Modern Phased Array Architectures, The
* Examining the Spectral Separability of Prosopis Glandulosa from Co-Existent Species Using Field Spectral Measurement and Guided Regularized Random Forest
* Expectation-Maximization with Image-Weighted Markov Random Fields to Handle Severe Pathology
* Experimental evaluation of the impact of receiver front-end on spectrum sensing
* Exposure Adjustment for Hyperspectral Cameras
* Expression recognition using directional gradient local pattern and gradient-based ternary texture patterns
* Extracting Information From Previous Full-Dose CT Scan for Knowledge-Based Bayesian Reconstruction of Current Low-Dose CT Images
* Extracting Player’s Stance Information from 3D Motion Data: A Case Study in Tennis Groundstrokes
* Extracting Soil Water Holding Capacity Parameters of a Distributed Agro-Hydrological Model from High Resolution Optical Satellite Observations Series
* Extrinsic parameters and focal length calibration using rotation-symmetric patterns
* Eye center localization and gaze gesture recognition for human-computer interaction
* Face filtering: Insights from real-world data
* Face image classification by pooling raw features
* Face parts importance in face and expression recognition
* Face Recognition against Mouth Shape Variations
* Face Recognition Despite Wearing Glasses
* Face recognition using a fourier polar based approach
* Face Recognition Using Two-Dimensional Tunable-Q Wavelet Transform
* Facial expression recognition using high order directional derivative local binary patterns
* Fast and adaptive license plate recognition algorithm for Persian plates
* fast and robust circle detection method using isosceles triangles sampling, A
* Fast and Robust Edge Extraction in Unorganized Point Clouds
* Fast and robust L0-tracker using compressive sensing
* Fast coding unit decision and mode selection for intra-frame coding in high-efficiency video coding
* Fast deformable structure regression tracking
* Fast Distribution Fitting for Parameter Estimation of Range-Weighted Neighborhood Filters
* Fast documentation and accurate real-time investigation for historical Buddhist building
* Fast scale space image decomposition
* feature transformation method based on multi objective particle swarm optimization for reducing support vector machine error, A
* Fetal ECG extraction using pi-Tucker decomposition
* First Robotic SPECT for Minimally Invasive Sentinel Lymph Node Mapping
* Fisher Kernel Coding Framework for High Spatial Resolution Scene Classification, The
* flexible hierarchical approach for facial age estimation based on multiple features, A
* framework for semantic people description in multi-camera surveillance systems, A
* Fraud detection in international calls using fuzzy logic
* Frequency domain DOA estimation for positioning in impulse radio ultra-widband systems
* Frequency domain DOA estimation for positioning in impulse radio ultra-widband systems
* Functional Approach to Border Handling in Image Processing, A
* Fusing directional wavelet local binary pattern and moments for human action recognition
* Fusion of Foreground Object, Spatial and Frequency Domain Motion Information for Video Summarization
* Gait identification with partial occlusion using six modules and consideration of occluded module exclusion
* Gap Acceptance During Lane Changes by Large-Truck Drivers: An Image-Based Analysis
* Gender recognition from facial images: two or three dimensions?
* Generalized mean for robust principal component analysis
* Generic Model to Exploit Urban Regulation Knowledge, A
* Genetic algorithm and mathematical morphology based binarization method for strip steel defect image with non-uniform illumination
* Geosimulation Approach for Data Scarce Environments: Modeling Dynamics of Forest Insect Infestation across Different Landscapes, A
* GPU Accelerated Face Recognition System with Enhanced Local Ternary Patterns Using OpenCL
* Green novel power control framework for dense femtocell grids
* Greenness of Major Shrublands in China Increased from 2001 to 2013, The
* Ground penetrating radar survey inside a historical monument
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on mobile biometrics
* Guest Editorial: Special Section on CVPR 2013
* Hardware Acceleration of SVM-Based Classifier for Melanoma Images
* Heuristic Assessment of Parameters of the Local Ground Approximation from Terrestrial LIDAR Data
* HEVC-based 3D holoscopic video coding using self-similarity compensated prediction
* Hierarchical Aggregation Based Deep Aging Feature for Age Prediction
* Hierarchical Image Saliency Detection on Extended CSSD
* Hierarchical Object-Based Mapping of Riverscape Units and in-Stream Mesohabitats Using LiDAR and VHR Imagery
* High Accuracy Monocular SFM and Scale Correction for Autonomous Driving
* High resolution volume quantification of the knee joint space based on a semi-automatic segmentation of computed tomography images
* High-Accuracy Localization for Assisted Living: 5G systems will turn multipath channels from foe to friend
* High-dynamic range image generation from single low-dynamic range image
* High-Sensitivity Phased Array Receivers for Radio Astronomy
* High-Throughput Hardware Design of a One-Dimensional SPIHT Algorithm, A
* Histopathological Image Classification Using Discriminative Feature-Oriented Dictionary Learning
* How humans can help computers to solve an artificial problem?
* Human action recognition using multi-layer codebooks of key poses and atomic motions
* Hybrid Method for Interpolating Missing Data in Heterogeneous Spatio-Temporal Datasets, A
* Hybrid Zero Block Detection for High Efficiency Video Coding
* Hyperspectral Imagery Classification Using Sparse Representations of Convolutional Neural Network Features
* I-SEA: Improved shape exchange algorithm for quasi-periodic time series alignment
* Identification of non linear system modeled in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space using a new criterion
* Identification of non linear system modeled in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space using a new criterion
* IKONOS Image-Based Extraction of the Distribution Area of Stellera chamaejasme L. in Qilian County of Qinghai Province, China
* Illumination Compensated Segmentation of Microscopic Images of Activated Sludge Flocs
* Illumination Invariant Efficient Face Recognition Using a Single Training Image
* Illumination, phase step optimization and improvements in simultaneous multiple frequency measurement for Time-of-Flight sensors
* Image Analysis-Based Automatic Utility Pole Detection for Remote Surveillance
* Image gray-level enhancement using Black Hole algorithm
* Image Labeling by Integrating Local, Middle and Global Information
* Image processing from laser scanners for remote diagnostic and virtual fruition of cultural heritage
* Image thresholding using type-2 fuzzy c-partition entropy and particle swarm optimization algorithm
* Impact of Assimilating SARAL/AltiKa SWH in SWAN Model During Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclone Phailin
* impact of complexity in the rate-distortion optimization: A visualization tool, The
* Impact of Scene Decorrelation on Geosynchronous SAR Data Focusing
* Impacts of Re-Vegetation on Surface Soil Moisture over the Chinese Loess Plateau Based on Remote Sensing Datasets
* Implementation of Gaussian and Box Kernel Based Approximation of Bilateral Filter Using OpenCL
* Implementation of optical correlator for face recognition applications
* improved augmented reality system based on AndAR, An
* Improved Classification and Reconstruction by Introducing Independence and Randomization in Deep Neural Networks
* Improved IIR Low-Pass Smoothers and Differentiators with Tunable Delay
* Improved Impulse Noise Removal with Generalized Median Filter
* Improved K-Nearest-Neighbor Indoor Localization Method Based on Spearman Distance, An
* Improved MUSIC-Based SMOS RFI Source Detection and Geolocation Algorithm
* Improved Pansharpening with Un-Mixing of Mixed MS Sub-Pixels near Boundaries between Vegetation and Non-Vegetation Objects
* Improved reference picture list sorting in video coding
* improved scheme for data hiding in encrypted H.264/AVC videos, An
* Improvement of moving objects tracking via modified particle distribution in particle filter algorithm
* Improvement of speech emotion recognition with neural network classifier by using speech spectrogram
* Improving Near-Miss Event Detection Rate at Railway Level Crossings
* Improving Optoacoustic Image Quality via Geometric Pixel Super-Resolution Approach
* Improving the barrier of communication between healthcare professionals and their patients using a Prescription Tracking System
* Improving the performance of Kalman filter for hand tracking in Persian sign language video
* Improving visual quality in wireless capsule endoscopy images with contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization
* In Situ Leaf Classification Using Histograms of Oriented Gradients
* Indexing and encoding based image feature representation with bin overlapped similarity measure for CBIR applications
* Inertial Measurement Unit-Based Wearable Computers for Assisted Living Applications: A signal processing perspective
* Influence of surround proximity on induction of brown and darkness
* Information Maximizing Optimal Sensor Placement Robust Against Variations of Traffic Demand Based on Importance of Nodes
* Integrated Active Contour Approach to Shoreline Mapping Using HSI and DEM, An
* Integrated Parallel 2D-Leap-Frog Algorithm for Noisy Three Image Photometric Stereo
* Integrated Repainting System for Digital Restoration of Vijayanagara Murals, An
* Integrated WiFi/PDR/Smartphone Using an Adaptive System Noise Extended Kalman Filter Algorithm for Indoor Localization
* Intelligent feature subset selection with unspecified number for body fat prediction based on binary-GA and Fuzzy-Binary-GA
* intelligent video surveillance system for fall and anesthesia detection for elderly and patients, An
* Intentional approach to improve the discovery of Web services
* Inter-prediction optimisations for fast HEVC encoding of ultra high definition content
* Interactive Cell Segmentation Based on Active and Semi-Supervised Learning
* Interactive view point transition on synchronised video streams
* Interference and Outage Probability Analysis for Massive MIMO Downlink with MF Precoding
* Interleaved Concatenated Coding for Secrecy in the Finite Blocklength Regime
* Intrinsic Scene Properties from a Single RGB-D Image
* Invariant foreground occupation ratio for scale adaptive mean shift tracking
* Investigation into the effects of transmission-channel fidelity loss in RGBD sensor data for SLAM
* Investigation of error propagation and measurement error for 2D block method in Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Iris feature extraction using principally rotated complex wavelet filters (PR-CWF)
* Iris Segmentation Using Geodesic Active Contours and GrabCut
* Is discrimination enhanced at a category boundary? The case of unique red
* Joint image registration and super-resolution based on combinational coefficient matrix
* Joint Inference of Objects and Scenes With Efficient Learning of Text-Object-Scene Relations
* Joint Monostatic and Bistatic STAP for Improved SAR-GMTI Capabilities
* JPEG XT: A Compression Standard for HDR and WCG Images
* JPSS-1 VIIRS Pre-Launch Response Versus Scan Angle Testing and Performance
* Junction-aware water flow approach for urban road network extraction
* Kernel propagation strategy: A novel out-of-sample propagation projection for subspace learning
* Kernel Subspace Integral Image Based Probabilistic Visual Object Tracking
* kernel-based statistical analysis of the residual error in video coding, A
* L-Band Polarimetric Target Decomposition of Mangroves of the Rufiji Delta, Tanzania
* L-Band Radio-Frequency Interference Observations During the SMAP Validation Experiment 2012
* Labeling abnormalities in video based complex Human-Object Interactions by robust affordance modelling
* Large-Scale Image Retrieval Using Local Binary Patterns and Iterative Quantization
* Laser Scanning and Data Integration for Three-Dimensional Digital Recording of Complex Historical Structures: The Case of Mevlana Museum
* Learning a joint discriminative-generative model for action recognition
* Learning Efficiently- The Deep CNNs-Tree Network
* Learning Temporal Alignment Uncertainty for Efficient Event Detection
* Learning-Based Multi-Label Segmentation of Transrectal Ultrasound Images for Prostate Brachytherapy
* Level Set Based Segmentation of Cell Nucleus in Fluorescence Microscopy Images Using Correntropy-Based K-Means Clustering
* Leveraging the Wisdom of the Crowd for Fine-Grained Recognition
* Limits of brightness and color distortions based on subjective evaluation of stereoscopic images
* Linear Complexity Approximate Method for Multi-Target Particle Filter Track before Detect, A
* Linear Feature-Based Approach for the Registration of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remotely-Sensed Images and Airborne LiDAR Data, A
* Local consistent hierarchical Hough Match for image re-ranking
* Local part model for action recognition
* Local texture synthesis: A static texture coding algorithm fully compatible with HEVC
* Locality Sensitive Low-Rank Model for Image Tag Completion, A
* Localized Deep Extreme Learning Machines for Efficient RGB-D Object Recognition
* Localized Multifeature Metric Learning for Image-Set-Based Face Recognition
* Locally Constrained Random Walk Approach for Airway Segmentation of Low-Contrast Computed Tomography (CT) Image, A
* Long term availability analysis of experimental free space optics system
* longitudinal model for variations detection in white matter fiber-bundles, A
* Lossy-to-lossless progressive coding of depth-map images using competing constant and planar models
* Low levels of specularity support operational color constancy, particularly when surface and illumination geometry can be inferred
* Low-poly style image and video processing
* Low-Rank and Sparse Matrix Decomposition-Based Mahalanobis Distance Method for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection, A
* Luminance-dependent long-term chromatic adaptation
* Madagascar's Mangroves: Quantifying Nation-Wide and Ecosystem Specific Dynamics, and Detailed Contemporary Mapping of Distinct Ecosystems
* Magnetic Measurement System and Identification Method for Buried Magnetic Materials Within Wet and Dry Soils, A
* Making Patch Based Descriptors More Distinguishable and Robust for Image Copy Retrieval
* Mammogram Mass Classification with Temporal Features and Multiple Kernel Learning
* Map-Based Probabilistic Visual Self-Localization
* Mapping Complex Urban Land Cover from Spaceborne Imagery: The Influence of Spatial Resolution, Spectral Band Set and Classification Approach
* Mapping Urban Land Use by Using Landsat Images and Open Social Data
* Maximum likelihood conjoint measurement of lightness and chroma
* Meaningful Object Segmentation From SAR Images via a Multiscale Nonlocal Active Contour Model
* Measurement of the Point Response Functions of CERES Scanning Radiometers
* Measurement setup for automatized baselining of WLAN network performance
* Measuring Convexity via Convex Polygons
* Medical images stabilization using sparse-induced similarity measure
* Medium grain scalability for SHVC
* Metamer mismatching in practice versus theory
* Method for Automatic Detection of Psychomotor Entrainment, A
* Method for using visible ocular vasculature for mobile biometrics
* Methods and techniques to support the development of fraud detection system
* Minimal Hough Forest training for pattern detection
* Model Integrating Fire Prediction and Detection for Rural-Urban Interface, A
* model-based approach to camera's auto exposure control, A
* Modeling information resources and application using ontological engineering
* Modeling Land Surface Roughness Effect on Soil Microwave Emission in Community Surface Emissivity Model
* modified convex variational model for multiplicative noise removal, A
* modified hamming distance measure for quick detection of dissimilar binary images, A
* Modular Colored Stochastic Petri Net for Modeling and Analysis of Signalized Intersections, A
* Monitoring Activities of Daily Living in Smart Homes: Understanding human behavior
* Monitoring and Assessing the 2012 Drought in the Great Plains: Analyzing Satellite-Retrieved Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Drought Indices, and Gross Primary Production
* Mono-camera person tracking based on template matching and covariance descriptor
* Monocular Human Motion Tracking with Non-Connected Body Part Dependency
* Monocular Position-Pose Measurement Based on Circular and Linear Features
* Morphological Attribute Profiles With Partial Reconstruction
* Morphological Filtering and Hierarchical Deformation for Partially Overlapping Cell Segmentation
* Morphological operators on graph based on geodesic distance map
* Morphology and Active Contour Model for Multi-Focus Image Fusion
* Moving Cast Shadow Detection Using Joint Color and Texture Features with Neighboring Information
* Moving Shadow Detection from Background Image and Deep Learning
* Moving Towards Dynamic Ocean Management: How Well Do Modeled Ocean Products Predict Species Distributions?
* Multi-Camera Tracking of Intelligent Targets with Hidden Reciprocal Chains
* Multi-channel sub-Nyquist cross-spectral estimation for modal analysis of vibrating structures
* Multi-Class Simultaneous Adaptive Segmentation and Quality Control of Point Cloud Data
* Multi-Factor Authentication on Cloud
* Multi-Hop Broadcast Protocol for Emergency Message Dissemination in Urban Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, A
* Multi-Kernel Local Level Set Image Segmentation Algorithm for Fluorescence Microscopy Images, A
* Multi-layer feature extractions for image classification: Knowledge from deep CNNs
* Multi-layer feature extractions for image classification: Knowledge from deep CNNs
* Multi-Objective Transit Route Network Design as Set Covering Problem
* Multi-Run: An Approach for Filling in Missing Information of 3D Roadside Reconstruction
* Multi-View Stereo Matching Based on Self-Adaptive Patch and Image Grouping for Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery
* Multi-View Subspace Clustering for Face Images
* Multifractal-Based Wavefront Phase Estimation Technique for Ground-Based Astronomical Observations, A
* Multifunction Phased Array Radar for Aircraft and Weather Surveillance
* Multiple feature distinctions based saliency flow model
* Multiscale texture features for the retrieval of high resolution satellite images
* MVS: A multi-view video synopsis framework
* Near real-time point cloud processing using the PCL
* Network in network based weakly supervised learning for visual tracking
* Network Intrusion Detection Based on Neural Networks and D-S Evidence
* neural network based application for remote monitoring of human behaviour, A
* Neural network technique for image compression
* neutrosophic filter for high-density Salt and Pepper noise based on pixel-wise adaptive smoothing parameter, A
* New Era in Elemental Digital Beamforming for Spaceborne Communications Phased Arrays, A
* new framework for autonomic mobile cloud computing, A
* new hybrid algorithm for speckle noise reduction of SAR images based on mean-median filter and SRAD method, A
* New Insights into the Kalman Filter Beamformer: Applications to Speech and Robustness
* New Model for the Segmentation of Multiple, Overlapping, Near-Circular Objects, A
* new privacy-preserving web metering scheme using third-party-centric analytics, A
* new robust semi-blind image watermarking based on block classification and visual cryptography, A
* Neyman-Pearson-Based Early Mode Decision for HEVC Encoding
* No effects of surround complexity on brown induction
* Noise Simulation and Correction in Synthetic Airborne TIR Data for Mineral Quantification
* Non-Local Noise Estimation for Adaptive Image Denoising
* Non-Rigid Structure from Motion through Estimation of Blend Shapes
* novel approach for feature selection based on MapReduce for biomarker discovery, A
* novel design of an ADC converter using for sensor network receiver, A
* Novel Lip Descriptor for Audio-Visual Keyword Spotting Based on Adaptive Decision Fusion, A
* novel moving object segmentation framework utilizing camera motion recognition for H.264 compressed videos, A
* Novel Saliency Model for Stereoscopic Images, A
* novel Shape Constrained Feature-based Active Contour model for lips/mouth segmentation in the wild, A
* Novel Vision-Based Adaptive Scanning for the Compression of Remote Sensing Images, A
* Novelty-based Spatiotemporal Saliency Detection for Prediction of Gaze in Egocentric Video
* Object tracking with occlusion handling using mean shift, Kalman filter and Edge Histogram
* Observability and Sensor Placement Problem on Highway Segments: A Traffic Dynamics-Based Approach
* Observer based discrete-time chaotic systems synchronization for secure image transmission
* Offline signature verification and quality characterization using poset-oriented grid features
* On the Coiflet-TDS Solution for Scattering by Sharp Coated Cones and Its Application to Emissivity Determination
* On the Design of Phased Arrays for Medical Applications
* On the Effects of Low Video Quality in Human Action Recognition
* On the performance of modern video coding standards with textured sequences
* On the Problem of Pairing Aircraft for Closely Spaced Parallel Approaches
* On the selection of 2D Krawtchouk moments for face recognition
* Opening up Smart Cities: Citizen-Centric Challenges and Opportunities from GIScience
* Optimal Knots Selection for Sparse Reduced Data
* Optimal Solar Geometry Definition for Global Long-Term Landsat Time-Series Bidirectional Reflectance Normalization
* Optimization Approach to Scanning Skin Direct Immunofluorescence Specimens, An
* Optimized Higher Order CRF for Automated Labeling and Segmentation of Video Objects, An
* Optimizing camera positions for multi-view 3D reconstruction
* Ordinal judgments of depth in monocularly- and stereoscopically-viewed photographs of complex natural scenes
* Organismic-Scale Remote Sensing of Canopy Foliar Traits in Lowland Tropical Forests
* Orientation selection for printing 3D models
* Overview of the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) Science Data Product Calibration and Validation, An
* Parallel Implementation for Computing the Region-Adjacency-Tree of a Segmentation of a 2D Digital Image, A
* Parallel Rendering for Legible Illustrative Visualizations of Dense Geometries on Commodity CPUs
* Parameter Estimation from Heterogeneous/Multimodal Data Sets
* Parameterless edge preserving colour image diffusion
* Partial Sum Minimization of Singular Values in Robust PCA: Algorithm and Applications
* Particle-filter-based phase estimation in digital holographic interferometry
* Partitioning the Input Domain for Classification
* PEL: A Predictive Edge Linking algorithm
* Penalized Spline-Based Attitude Model for High-Resolution Satellite Imagery, A
* Perception aware coding of stereoscopic video
* Perception of saturation in natural scenes
* Perceptual color spacing derived from maximum likelihood multidimensional scaling
* Perceptual edge detection via entropy-driven gradient evaluation
* Perceptually adaptive filtering for stereoscopic video compression
* Performance characterization of image feature detectors in relation to the scene content utilizing a large image database
* Performance Evaluation of a Newly Proposed Novel L-SPECT System for SPECT Imaging
* Performance evaluation of support vector machine and artificial neural network in the classification of liver cirhosis and hemachromatosis
* Phase Calibration of Airborne Tomographic SAR Data via Phase Center Double Localization
* Photometric Ambient Occlusion for Intrinsic Image Decomposition
* Piecewise-planar reconstruction using two views
* Plane-Tree Low-Bitrate Mesh Compression
* Polarimetric Bias Correction of Practical Planar Scanned Antennas for Meteorological Applications
* Polarimetric Decomposition of L-Band PolSAR Backscattering Over the Austfonna Ice Cap
* Potential of Autonomous Ship-Borne Hyperspectral Radiometers for the Validation of Ocean Color Radiometry Data, The
* Predicting Movie Trailer Viewer's Like/Dislike via Learned Shot Editing Patterns
* Prediction-Based Audiovisual Fusion for Classification of Non-Linguistic Vocalisations
* Preface: Recent Advances in Remote Sensing for Crop Growth Monitoring
* Preface: Remote Sensing of Water Resources
* premixed autostereoscopic OptiX-based volume rendering, A
* Probabilistic Detection of Pointing Directions for Human-Robot Interaction
* Processing of Very High Resolution Spaceborne Sliding Spotlight SAR Data Using Velocity Scaling
* Profile HMMs for skeleton-based human action recognition
* Properties of lateral interaction in color and brightness induction
* Pseudo 2D String Matching Technique for High Efficiency Screen Content Coding
* PSInSAR Analysis in the Pisa Urban Area (Italy): A Case Study of Subsidence Related to Stratigraphical Factors and Urbanization
* QoE Evaluation of Multimedia Services Based on Audiovisual Quality and User Interest
* Qualitative Verificaction of CE-2's Microwave Measurement: Relative Calibration Based on Brightness Temperature Model and Data Fusion
* Quality improvement Of 3-D voxel models based on histograms of model reprojection
* Quality metric-based fitness function for robust watermarking optimisation with Bees algorithm
* Quality, quantity and precision of depth perception in stereoscopic displays
* Quantification of the CEST effect by Gaussian mixture modeling of Z-spectrum
* Quantifying Multiscale Habitat Structural Complexity: A Cost-Effective Framework for Underwater 3D Modelling
* Quantifying the Daytime and Night-Time Urban Heat Island in Birmingham, UK: A Comparison of Satellite Derived Land Surface Temperature and High Resolution Air Temperature Observations
* Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation of Performance and Robustness of Image Stitching Algorithms
* Quantitative Estimation of the Velocity of Urbanization in China Using Nighttime Luminosity Data
* Quantitative Quality Evaluation of Pansharpened Imagery: Consistency Versus Synthesis
* Quick Atmospheric Correction (QUAC) Algorithm for Hyperspectral Image Processing: Extending QUAC to a Coastal Scene, The
* Radar Signal Processing for Elderly Fall Detection: The future for in-home monitoring
* Radar Waveform Sidelobe Level Optimality and Sampling
* Radiometric Resolution Analysis and a Simulation Model
* Random NL-Means to Restoration of Colour Images
* Rank-Based Methods for Selection of Landscape Metrics for Land Cover Pattern Change Detection
* Rate-energy-accuracy optimization of convolutional architectures for face recognition
* Real-Time Automatic Artery Segmentation, Reconstruction and Registration for Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anaesthesia of the Femoral Nerve
* Real-Time Classification of Seagrass Meadows on Flat Bottom with Bathymetric Data Measured by a Narrow Multibeam Sonar System
* Real-time H264/AVC high definition video encoder on a multicore DSP TMS320C6678
* Real-Time Image Based Lighting for 360-Degree Panoramic Video
* Real-Time Traffic Light Detection With Adaptive Background Suppression Filter
* Reasoning About Mean Time to Failure in Vehicular Clouds
* Recent Progress in In-Flight Radiometric Calibration and Validation of the RapidEye Constellation of 5 Multispectral Remote Sensing Satellites
* Recognition of Farsi handwriting strokes using profile HMM
* Recognition Using Hybrid Classifiers
* Recognizing Focal Liver Lesions in CEUS With Dynamically Trained Latent Structured Models
* Reconstruction-Free Action Inference from Compressive Imagers
* Reduction of temporal distortion in video coding based on detection of just-noticeable temporal pumping artifact
* Relative Depth Estimation from Hyperspectral Data
* Reliable Hybrid Positioning Methodology for Land Vehicles Using Low-Cost Sensors, A
* Remote Sensing of Coral Reefs for Monitoring and Management: A Review
* Remote Sensing of Soil Alkalinity and Salinity in the Wuyu'er-Shuangyang River Basin, Northeast China
* Representation of Block-Based Image Features in a Multi-Scale Framework for Built-Up Area Detection
* Rescheduling Trains Using Petri Nets and Heuristic Search
* Retinal blood vessels extraction using morphological operations
* Retinal vessel segmentation using system fuzzy and DBSCAN algorithm
* Revisit of Methods for Determining the Fundamental Matrix with Planes, A
* robust 3D mesh watermarking scheme against cropping, A
* Robust Angle Invariant GAS Meter Reading
* Robust Attenuation Correction System for Reflectivity and Differential Reflectivity in Weather Radars, A
* Robust Automatic Face Clustering in News Video
* Robust fusion of color and local descriptors for image retrieval and classification
* Robust Human Tracking to Occlusion in Crowded Scenes
* Robust Learning-Based Camera Motion Characterization Scheme With Applications to Video Stabilization
* Robust Linear Depolarization Ratio Estimation for Dual-Polarization Weather Radar
* Robust nose tip detection for face range images based on local features in scale-space
* Robust residual error consistent tracker with ranking mechanism
* Robust Segmentation of Aerial Image Data Recorded for Landscape Ecology Studies
* Robust stereo matching using census cost, discontinuity-preserving disparity computation and view-consistent refinement
* Role of FPGAs in the Push to Modern and Ubiquitous Arrays, The
* Rotation Invariant Spatial Pyramid Matching for Image Classification
* Rotation-Based Support Vector Machine Ensemble in Classification of Hyperspectral Data With Limited Training Samples
* SAR Passband Problem: Analytical Model and Possible Practical Solutions, The
* Satellite SST-Based Coral Disease Outbreak Predictions for the Hawaiian Archipelago
* Satellite-Based Thermophysical Analysis of Volcaniclastic Deposits: A Terrestrial Analog for Mantled Lava Flows on Mars
* scalable pattern spotting system for historical documents, A
* Scale Adaptive Filters
* Scene Classification via a Gradient Boosting Random Convolutional Network Framework
* Seasonal Variation in the NDVI-Species Richness Relationship in a Prairie Grassland Experiment (Cedar Creek)
* Secure Lightweight Texture Encryption Scheme, A
* Secure Reversible Image Data Hiding Over Encrypted Domain via Key Modulation
* Secure transfer of medical images using hybrid encryption: Authentication, confidentiality, integrity
* Segmentation by weighted aggregation and perceptual hash for pedestrian detection
* Segmentation of Breast Masses in Local Dense Background Using Adaptive Clip Limit-CLAHE
* Segmentation of cell clusters in Pap smear images using intensity variation between superpixels
* Segmentation of gait cycles using foot-mounted 3D accelerometers
* Segregating animals in naturalistic surroundings: Interaction of color distributions and mechanisms
* Selecting Interesting Image Regions to Automatically Create Cinemagraphs
* Selective Multi-Source Total Variation Image Restoration
* Self co-articulation detection and trajectory guided recognition for dynamic hand gestures
* Self-driving cars and the law
* Self-Reported Symptoms of Depression and PTSD Are Associated with Reduced Vowel Space in Screening Interviews
* Semantic Concept Co-Occurrence Patterns for Image Annotation and Retrieval
* Semantic Segmentation of RGB-D Images Using 3D and Local Neighbouring Features
* Semi-Supervised Bi-Dictionary Learning for Image Classification With Smooth Representation-Based Label Propagation
* Semi-Supervised Cross-Media Feature Learning With Unified Patch Graph Regularization
* Sensitivity Enhancement in Magnetic Particle Imaging by Background Subtraction
* Sensors in Assisted Living: A survey of signal and image processing methods
* Sentiment Analysis: From Opinion Mining to Human-Agent Interaction
* Separation of multiplicative image components by Bayesian Independent Component Analysis
* Shannon information for joint estimation/detection tasks and complex imaging systems
* Shape decomposition and classification by searching optimal part pruning sequence
* Shapelet-Based Sparse Representation for Landcover Classification of Hyperspectral Images
* Signal Processing for Assisted Living: Developments and Open Problems
* Signal-dependent noise removal for color videos using temporal and cross-channel priors
* simple principled approach for modeling and understanding uniform color metrics, A
* Simplified Computer Vision System for Road Surface Inspection and Maintenance, A
* Single Image Dehazing Via Multi-Scale Gradient Domain Contrast Enhancement
* single-shot structured light means by encoding both color and geometrical features, A
* Sketch retrieval via local dense stroke features
* Skin detection based on contextual information
* Skin Hair Removal for 2D Psoriasis Images
* Skin-based privacy filter for surveillance systems
* Small fingerprint scanners used in mobile devices: The impact on biometric performance
* Smooth Globally Warp Locally: Video Stabilization Using Homography Fields
* Sparse based adaptive non separable vector lifting scheme for holograms compression
* Sparse molecular image representation
* Sparse Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Mesh Segmentation
* Spatial properties of L- and M-cone driven incremental (On-) and decremental (Off-) electroretinograms: evidence for the involvement of multiple post-receptoral mechanisms
* Spatio-Temporal Variation and Impact Factors for Vegetation Carbon Sequestration and Oxygen Production Based on Rocky Desertification Control in the Karst Region of Southwest China
* Spatio-Temporal VGI Model Considering Trust-Related Information, A
* Special issue on weakly supervised learning
* Spectral-Spatial Clustering with a Local Weight Parameter Determination Method for Remote Sensing Imagery
* Sphere Phantom Approach to Measure Directional Modulation Transfer Functions for Tomosynthesis Imaging Systems, A
* Stacked Face De-Noising Auto Encoders for Expression-Robust Face Recognition
* Statistics of colors in paintings and natural scenes
* Stereoscopic disparity generation reduction using a dilated Laplacian approach
* Stimulus size dependence of hue changes induced by chromatic surrounds
* Stochastic Newton-Raphson Method with Noisy Function Measurements, A
* String representations and distances in deep Convolutional Neural Networks for image classification
* Study of the Effect of Temporal Sampling Frequency on DSCOVR Observations Using the GEOS-5 Nature Run Results (Part I): Earth's Radiation Budget
* Study of the Region Covariance Descriptor: Impact of Feature Selection and Image Transformations, A
* Study on making omnistereo images for HMD using longer focal length
* Study on Model Selection from the q-Exponential Distribution for Constructing an Organ Point Distribution Model, A
* Study with RK4 ANOVA the location of the tumor at the smallest time for multi-images
* Sub-Pixel Classification of MODIS EVI for Annual Mappings of Impervious Surface Areas
* Subpixel-area based simulation for autostereoscopic displays with lenticular arrays
* Sum Product Networks for Activity Recognition
* Summarizing Surveillance Video by Saliency Transition and Moving Object Information
* Suomi NPP VIIRS Day/Night Band Stray Light Characterization and Correction Using Calibration View Data
* Superpixel-Based Segmentation for 3D Prostate MR Images
* Supporting young students to learn computer programming in an early schooling
* Survey on Human Action Recognition Using Depth Sensors, A
* system based on genetic algorithms as a decision making support for the purchase and sale of assets at Sao Paulo Stock Exchange, A
* System level simulation of LTE MBSFN networks with high mobility users
* Target localization using dual tone frequency radio
* Television viewing distance in British households
* Test illuminant location with respect to the Planckian locus affects chromaticity shifts of real Munsell chips
* Test of six image quality assessment methods
* Text independent writer identification of Arabic manuscripts and the effects of writers increase
* Text-independent speaker verification with ant colony optimization feature selection and support vector machine
* Textons for 3D Binary Data with Applications to Classifying Cancellous Bone
* Texture analysis and synthesis using steerable pyramid decomposition for video coding
* Texture Content Based Successive Approximations for Image Compression and Recognition
* Texture retrieval using mixtures of generalized Gaussian distribution and Cauchy-Schwarz divergence in wavelet domain
* Thin Cloud Removal Based on Signal Transmission Principles and Spectral Mixture Analysis
* Time Efficient Tag Identification Algorithm Using Dual Prefix Probe Scheme (DPPS), A
* Toward Operational Compensation of Ionospheric Effects in SAR Interferograms: The Split-Spectrum Method
* Towards Automatic and Topologically Consistent 3D Regional Geological Modeling from Boundaries and Attitudes
* Towards Fast 3D Reconstruction Using Silhouettes and Sparse Motion
* Towards robust subspace recovery via sparsity-constrained latent low-rank representation
* Track before Detect for Space Situation Awareness
* Treating the Hooking Effect in Satellite Altimetry Data: A Case Study along the Mekong River and Its Tributaries
* Tree Species Abundance Predictions in a Tropical Agricultural Landscape with a Supervised Classification Model and Imbalanced Data
* Trifocal system for high-quality inter-camera mapping and virtual view synthesis
* True Time Delay in Phased Arrays
* Two Plane Volumetric Display for Simultaneous Independent Images at Multiple Depths
* Two stage inter-frame prediction using pixel- and block-wise motion compensation
* Two Techniques for Assessing Virtual Agent Personality
* Ultrashort Microwave-Pumped Real-Time Thermoacoustic Breast Tumor Imaging System
* Ultrasound Imaging with Microbubbles
* Unconventional Phased Array Architectures and Design Methodologies: A Review
* Understanding the Spatial Temporal Vegetation Dynamics in Rwanda
* Unified Lowering Decision of Parametric Thinning in the Hypothesis Test Framework
* Unified Scheme for Super-Resolution and Depth Estimation From Asymmetric Stereoscopic Video, A
* Uniformity-Based Superpixel Segmentation of Hyperspectral Images
* Unique hue correction applied to the color rendering of LED light sources
* Unsupervised Deep Feature Extraction for Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Unsupervised Processing of Vehicle Appearance for Automatic Understanding in Traffic Surveillance
* Use of 3D Point Clouds in Geohazards Special Issue: Current Challenges and Future Trends
* Use of SAR Data for Detecting Floodwater in Urban and Agricultural Areas: The Role of the Interferometric Coherence
* user-controlled assessment approach to perceptual quality in autostereoscopic displays for mobile gaming, A
* User-Service Rating Prediction by Exploring Social Users' Rating Behaviors
* Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Digital Imaging System to Derive a 3D Point Cloud for Landslide Scarp Recognition
* Using electroencephalography to analyze sleepiness due to low-quality audiovisual stimuli
* Using visual texture analysis to classify raw coal components
* utilisation of social media for bridging the gap between patients and pharmaceutical companies, The
* UWB ranging accuracy
* V2X-Based Decentralized Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control in the Vicinity of Intersections
* Validation and Spatiotemporal Analysis of CERES Surface Net Radiation Product
* Validation of MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval over Mountains in Central China Based on a Sun-Sky Radiometer Site of SONET
* Validation of the Calibration Coefficient of the GaoFen-1 PMS Sensor Using the Landsat 8 OLI
* Vehicle counting method based on digital image processing algorithms
* Verification of a Spectrometer Breadboard for Characterization of a Future Spaceborne Sensor
* Verriest Lecture: Short-wave-sensitive cone pathways across the life span, The
* Vertical Profiling of Volcanic Ash from the 2011 Puyehue Cordón Caulle Eruption Using IASI
* Vessel Refocusing and Velocity Estimation on SAR Imagery Using the Fractional Fourier Transform
* VICAP: Using the mechanisms of trans-saccadic memory to distinguish between humans and machines
* Video Classification Based on Spatial Gradient and Optical Flow Descriptors
* Video stabilisation based on modelling of motion imaging
* Violent Scene Detection Using a Super Descriptor Tensor Decomposition
* Virtual-View-Assisted Video Super-Resolution and Enhancement
* Vision-Based Infant Respiratory Frequency Detection System, A
* Visual Attention Retargeting
* Visual Tracking Based on Dynamic Coupled Conditional Random Field Model
* Visualisation of exudates in fundus images using radar chart and color auto correlogram technique
* Visually lossless image compression extension for JPEG based on just-noticeable distortion evaluation
* VR and the death of the screen plane
* watermarking scheme for DIBR images, A
* Weak Tsunami Detection Using GNSS-R-Based Sea Surface Height Measurement
* Weighted averaging fusion for multi-view skeletal data and its application in action recognition
* Weighted Vote Fusion in prototype random subspace for thermal to visible face recognition
* What is a good evaluation protocol for text localization systems? Concerns, arguments, comparisons and solutions
* What Makes for Effective Detection Proposals?
* Which super-resolution algorithm is proper for Farsi text image sequences
* Wide-Area Landslide Deformation Mapping with Multi-Path ALOS PALSAR Data Stacks: A Case Study of Three Gorges Area, China
* writer adaptation method for isolated handwritten digit recognition based on Ensemble Projection of features, A
* X-ray image analysis for cultural heritage investigations
* Zero-determinant Strategies for Multi-player Multi-action Iterated Games
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.