* *Combinatorial Image Analysis
* *Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart
* *Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
* *Leafsnap
* *mSonar
* *True Vision: Capture, Transmission And Display of 3D Video, The
* 2.5D building modeling with topology control
* 2.5D Elastic graph matching
* 2D nonrigid partial shape matching using MCMC and contour subdivision
* 3-D marked point process model for multi-view people detection, A
* 3-D object recognition from point cloud data
* 3D Buildings Extraction from Aerial Images
* 3D dense reconstruction from 2D video sequence via 3D geometric segmentation
* 3D Human pose and shape estimation from multi-view imagery
* 3D Local Scale Solar Radiation Model Based on Urban Lidar Data
* 3D motion reconstruction for real-world camera motion
* 3D Pose tracking of walker users' lower limb with a structured-light camera on a moving platform
* 3D Saliency maps
* 3D video and free viewpoint video: From capture to display
* 3D-Video-fMRI: 3D Motion Tracking in a 3T MRI Environment
* Abnormal detection using interaction energy potentials
* Accelerated low-rank visual recovery by random projection
* Accelerating neuromorphic vision on FPGAs
* Acceleration of an improved Retinex algorithm
* Accuracy of Pseudo-Inverse Covariance Learning: A Random Matrix Theory Analysis
* Accurate chequerboard corner localisation for camera calibration
* Accurate Matching and Reconstruction of Line Features from Ultra High Resolution Stereo Aerial Images
* Action recognition by dense trajectories
* Action recognition from a distributed representation of pose and appearance
* Action recognition using context and appearance distribution features
* Action recognition with multiscale spatio-temporal contexts
* Action spotting exploiting the frequency domain
* Active Learning for Dialogue Act Labelling
* Active learning for piecewise planar 3D reconstruction
* Activity recognition using dynamic subspace angles
* Activity related biometric authentication using Spherical Harmonics
* Actom sequence models for efficient action detection
* AdaBoost on low-rank PSD matrices for metric learning
* Adapted Gaussian models for image classification
* Adapting algorithms for hardware implementation
* Adapting an object detector by considering the worst case: A conservative approach
* Adaptive and discriminative metric differential tracking
* Adaptive Approach to Detect Warning Traffic Signs Using SOM and Windowed Hough Transform, An
* adaptive image authentication scheme for vector quantization compressed image, An
* Adaptive Multi-Channel Spectroellipsometer for Ecological Monitoring, An
* Adaptive Non-linear Diffusion in Wavelet Domain
* Adaptive random forest: How many experts to ask before making a decision?
* Adaptive Shadow Detection Using a Blackbody Radiator Model
* Adequate reconstruction of transparent objects on a shoestring budget
* Advances in phonetics-based sub-unit modeling for transcription alignment and sign language recognition
* Aesthetic quality classification of photographs based on color harmony
* Affine Illumination Compensation on Hyperspectral/Multiangular Remote Sensing Images
* Affine moment invariants generated by graph method
* Affine-invariant diffusion geometry for the analysis of deformable 3D shapes
* Affinity learning on a tensor product graph with applications to shape and image retrieval
* Age Regression from Soft Aligned Face Images Using Low Computational Resources
* Aggregating gradient distributions into intensity orders: A novel local image descriptor
* Algorithm to Detect the Weak-Symmetry of a Simple Polygon, An
* Analysis of patterns of motor behavior in gamers with down syndrome
* analysis of using high-frequency sinusoidal illumination to measure the 3D shape of translucent objects, An
* And-Or Graph Grammar for Architectural Floor Plan Representation, Learning and Recognition. A Semantic, Structural and Hierarchical Model
* Approximate partitioning of observations in hierarchical particle filter body tracking
* Arabidopsis Thaliana Automatic Cell File Detection and Cell Length Estimation
* Are sparse representations really relevant for image classification?
* Articulated pose estimation with flexible mixtures-of-parts
* Assessment of ALOS PALSAR 50 m Orthorectified FBD Data for Regional Land Cover Classification by Support Vector Machines
* Assessment of UltraCamD performance in an arid environment: A case study in Libya
* associate-predict model for face recognition, An
* Asymmetric distances for binary embeddings
* Auto-directed video stabilization with robust L1 optimal camera paths
* Automated detection in complex objects using a tracking algorithm in multiple X-ray views
* Automated segmentation of iris images using visible wavelength face images
* Automatic adaptation of a generic pedestrian detector to a specific traffic scene
* Automatic alignment of 3D reconstructions using a Digital Surface Model
* Automatic and Semi-automatic Analysis of the Extension of Myocardial Infarction in an Experimental Murine Model
* Automatic body segmentation with graph cut and self-adaptive initialization level set (SAILS)
* Automatic Branching Detection in IVUS Sequences
* Automatic Detection of Facial Feature Points via HOGs and Geometric Prior Models
* Automatic estimation of asymmetry for gradient-based alignment of noisy images on Lie group
* Automatic Estimation of the Number of Segmentation Groups Based on MI
* Automatic Eye Detection in Human Faces Using Geostatistical Functions and Support Vector Machines
* Automatic HyperParameter Estimation in fMRI
* Automatic initialization and tracking using attentional mechanisms
* Automatic Interpretation of High Resolution SAR Images: First Results of SAR Image Simulation for Single Buildings
* Automatic photo-to-terrain alignment for the annotation of mountain pictures
* Automatic Recognition of 2D Shapes from a Set of Points
* Automatic Road Gap Detection using Fuzzy Inference System
* Automatic Training Site Selection of Agricultural Crop Classification: A Case Study on Karacabey Plain, Turkey
* Automatic video activity detection using compressed domain motion trajectories for H.264 videos
* Automatic visual mimicry expression analysis in interpersonal interaction
* Automatically Detecting Pain in Video Through Facial Action Units
* BabyTalk: Understanding and Generating Simple Image Descriptions
* Background Images Generation Based on the Nelder-Mead Simplex Algorithm Using the Eigenbackground Model
* Bag-of-Paths Based Serialized Subgraph Matching for Symbol Spotting in Line Drawings, A
* Bagging-based spectral clustering ensemble selection
* Bayesian approach to adaptive video super resolution, A
* Bayesian deblurring with integrated noise estimation
* Bayesian Hyperspectral Image Segmentation With Discriminative Class Learning
* Beyond Alhazen's problem: Analytical projection model for non-central catadioptric cameras with quadric mirrors
* Biased normalized cuts
* Biologically inspired template matching using scene context
* Biologically plausible detection of amorphous objects in the wild
* Biometric score fusion through discriminative training
* Blind deconvolution using a normalized sparsity measure
* Blur kernel estimation using the radon transform
* Bone graphs: Medial shape parsing and abstraction
* Boosted local structured HOG-LBP for object localization
* Boundary Preserving Dense Local Regions
* branch and contract algorithm for globally optimal fundamental matrix estimation, A
* Branch and track
* brute-force algorithm for reconstructing a scene from two projections, A
* Building Monitoring with Differential DSMS
* Bypassing synthesis: PLS for face recognition with pose, low-resolution and sketch
* CAIP: Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns
* Camera calibration with lens distortion from low-rank textures
* Camera-based video synchronization for a federation of mobile projectors
* Can Gender Be Predicted from Near-Infrared Face Images?
* Capturing Time-of-Flight data with confidence
* Character confusion versus focus word-based correction of spelling and OCR variants in corpora
* Character-Level Interaction in Multimodal Computer-Assisted Transcription of Text Images
* Characteristics of Very High Resolution Optical Satellites for Topographic Mapping
* Characterization of contour regularities based on the Levenshtein edit distance
* Characterization of Land Cover Types in TerraSAR-X Images by Combined Analysis of Speckle Statistics and Intensity Information
* Characterizing Graphs Using Approximate von Neumann Entropy
* City structure analysis on Quickbird imagery by multiscale radon transformation
* City-scale landmark identification on mobile devices
* Class of Image Metrics Based on the Structural Similarity Quality Index, A
* Class-dependent projection based method for text categorization
* Classification accuracy increase using multisensor data fusion
* Classification of Atomic Density Distributions Using Scale Invariant Blob Localization
* Classification of High Dimensional and Imbalanced Hyperspectral Imagery Data
* Classification of Repetitive Patterns Using Symmetry Group Prototypes
* Classification of Ultrasound Medical Images Using Distance Based Feature Selection and Fuzzy-SVM
* Classification with scattering operators
* Classification-Based Segmentation of the Region of Interest in Chromatographic Images
* Classifying Data Considering Pairs of Patients in a Relational Space
* Classifying Melodies Using Tree Grammars
* closed form solution to robust subspace estimation and clustering, A
* Clues from the beaten path: Location estimation with bursty sequences of tourist photos
* coarse-to-fine approach for fast deformable object detection, A
* Collaborative personalization of image enhancement
* Collision handling for free-form deformation embedded surface
* Color Image Compression Using Fast VQ with DCT Based Block Indexing Method
* Color Textons for Building Detection
* Combination of TERRASAR-X and Optical Imagery for LU/LC Mapping using an Object-Based Approach
* Combination of user- and enrollee-specific statistical information in verification systems
* Combining attributes and Fisher vectors for efficient image retrieval
* Combining Growcut and Temporal Correlation for IVUS Lumen Segmentation
* Combining randomization and discrimination for fine-grained image categorization
* common framework for real-time emotion recognition and facial action unit detection, A
* Compact hashing with joint optimization of search accuracy and time
* Comparing data-dependent and data-independent embeddings for classification and ranking of Internet images
* Comparison of Spectrum Kernel Machines for Protein Subnuclear Localization, A
* complete statistical inverse ray tracing approach to multi-view stereo, A
* Complex Wavelet Transform Variants in a Scale Invariant Classification of Celiac Disease
* computationally efficient approach to 3D ear recognition employing local and holistic features, A
* Computationally efficient, one-pass algorithm for morphological filters
* Computer vision methods for visual MIMO optical system
* Conditional Random Fields for the Classification of LiDAR Point Clouds
* ConnectBoard: Enabling Genuine Eye Contact and Accurate Gaze in Remote Collaboration
* Connected operators on 3D data for human body analysis
* Connecting non-quadratic variational models and MRFs
* Consistent pose normalization of non-rigid shapes using One-Class Support Vector Machines
* Constructing image panoramas using dual-homography warping
* Contactless fingerprint identification using level zero features
* Content-based image retrieval with relevance feedback using random walks
* Context tracker: Exploring supporters and distracters in unconstrained environments
* Contextual Kernel and Spectral Methods for Learning the Semantics of Images
* Contextualizing object detection and classification
* Continuous Primal-Dual Methods For Image Processing
* Continuously tracking and see-through occlusion based on a new hybrid synthetic aperture imaging model
* Contour cut: Identifying salient contours in images by solving a Hermitian eigenvalue problem
* Contour-based joint clustering of multiple segmentations
* Controlling patterns of geospatial phenomena
* Core Concepts in Data Analysis: Summarization, Correlation and Visualization
* Correction of Atmospheric Turbulence Degraded Sequences Using Grid Smoothing
* Correspondence driven adaptation for human profile recognition
* Cost-Sensitive Multi-Label Learning for Audio Tag Annotation and Retrieval
* Coupled information-theoretic encoding for face photo-sketch recognition
* Coupled label and intensity MRF models for IR target detection
* Crevasse Detection in Antarctica Using ASTER Images
* cross-sensor evaluation of three commercial iris cameras for iris biometrics, A
* Cross-view action recognition via view knowledge transfer
* CrossTrack: Robust 3D tracking from two cross-sectional views
* Crucial Points of Interferometric Processing for DEM Generation using High Resolution SAR Data
* Curvilinear Structure Enhancement and Detection in Geophysical Images
* Data Acquisition through the Model Aircraft for Mapping Purposes
* data model and query language for spatio-temporal decision support, A
* Database for Offline Arabic Handwritten Text Recognition, A
* Deciphering the face
* Defocus map estimation from a single image
* Deformable image alignment as a source of stereo correspondences on portraits
* Deformation and illumination invariant feature point descriptor
* deformation and lighting insensitive metric for face recognition based on dense correspondences, A
* Deforming the Blurred Shape Model for Shape Description and Recognition
* Delineating parameters for object-based urban structure mapping in Santiago de Chile using Quickbird data
* DEM Generation from High Resolution Satellite Images through a new 3D Least Squares Matching Algorithm
* DEM Generation with Radarsat-2 Data without GCP
* Dense depth estimation using adaptive structured light and cooperative algorithm
* Dense shape correspondences using spectral high-order graph matching
* Depth Image-Based Rendering With Advanced Texture Synthesis for 3-D Video
* Designing frameworks for automatic affect prediction and classification in dimensional space
* Designing Fuzzy Adaptive Nonlinear Filter for Land Vehicle Ultra-Tightly Coupled Integrated Navigation Sensor Fusion
* detailed investigation into low-level feature detection in spectrogram images, A
* Detecting Spatiotemporal Changes of Corn Developmental Stages in the U.S. Corn Belt Using MODIS WDRVI Data
* Detection free tracking: Exploiting motion and topology for segmenting and tracking under entanglement
* Detection of mitosis within a stem cell population of high cell confluence in phase-contrast microscopy images
* Detection of Multiple Preceding Cars in Busy Traffic Using Taillights
* Detection of Water Surfaces in Full-Waveform Laser Scanning Data
* Detection Performance Evaluation of Boosted Random Ferns
* Deterministically maximizing feasible subsystem for robust model fitting with unit norm constraint
* Diagnostic of Pathology on the Vertebral Column with Embedded Reject Option
* Dictionary Learning in Texture Classification
* Diffuse Liver Disease Classification from Ultrasound Surface Characterization, Clinical and Laboratorial Data
* Diffusion features for target specific recognition with synthetic aperture sonar raw signals and acoustic color
* Digital Imaging for Cultural Heritage Preservation: Analysis, Restoration, and Reconstruction of Ancient Artworks
* Digital weight watching: reconstruction of scanned documents
* direct formulation for totally-corrective multi-class boosting, A
* Dirichlet process mixture models on symmetric positive definite matrices for appearance clustering in video surveillance applications
* Discrete Wavelet Transform-Based Satellite Image Resolution Enhancement
* Discrete-continuous optimization for large-scale structure from motion
* Discriminative affine sparse codes for image classification
* Discriminative image warping with attribute flow
* Discriminative spatial pyramid
* Discriminative tag learning on YouTube videos with latent sub-tags
* Displays: Fundamentals and Applications
* distance between shape centroids is less than a quarter of the shape perimeter, The
* Distance for Partially Labeled Trees, A
* Distance Maps from Unthresholded Magnitudes
* Distributed computer vision algorithms through distributed averaging
* Distributed message passing for large scale graphical models
* Distributed Multiple Description Video Coding on Packet Loss Channels
* Domain-specific entity extraction from noisy, unstructured data using ontology-guided search
* DSM generation from high resolution SAR sensors with radargrammetric model. Application with COSMO-SkyMed and TerraSAR-X
* Dual Carrier Probing For Spaceborne SAR Imaging
* Dual Layer Voting Method for Efficient Multi-label Classification
* Dual Photography
* Dynamic batch mode active learning
* Dynamic modeling of streaklines for motion pattern analysis in video
* Earth mover's prototypes: A convex learning approach for discovering activity patterns in dynamic scenes
* Edge Detection by Sliding Wedgelets
* Edge-based compression of cartoon-like images with homogeneous diffusion
* Edgel index for large-scale sketch-based image search
* Editing by Viewing: Automatic Home Video Summarization by Viewing Behavior Analysis
* Editorial: Research advances in computer graphics and multimedia security
* effect of lossy image compression on object based image classification: WorldView-2 case study, The
* Effective 3D object detection and regression using probabilistic segmentation features in CT images
* effective document image deblurring algorithm, An
* Effective Semantic Annotation by Image-to-Concept Distribution Model
* Efficiency of Context-Based Attributes for Land Use Classification of Urban Environments
* Efficient block prediction-based coding of computer screen images with precise block classification
* Efficient Euclidean distance transform using perpendicular bisector segmentation
* Efficient groupwise non-rigid registration of textured surfaces
* efficient hyperellipsoidal clustering algorithm for resource-constrained environments, An
* Efficient Many-to-Many Feature Matching under the L1 Norm
* Efficient marginal likelihood optimization in blind deconvolution
* Efficient MCMC sampling with implicit shape representations
* Efficient multi-camera detection, tracking, and identification using a shared set of haar-features
* Efficient nonlinear DTI registration using DCT basis functions
* Efficient reconfigurable entropy coder for embedded multi-standards video adaptation
* Efficient region search for object detection
* Efficient structure from motion with weak position and orientation priors
* Efficient subwindow search with submodular score functions
* Efficient track linking methods for track graphs using network-flow and set-cover techniques
* Efficient training for pairwise or higher order CRFs via dual decomposition
* Ego-motion compensated face detection on a mobile device
* Elastic Sequence Correlation for Human Action Analysis
* elements of probabilistic time geography, The
* Embedded face and biometric technologies for national and border security
* Embedded neuromorphic vision for humanoid robots
* endmember extraction algorithm for hyperspectral images using watershed and normalized cuts, An
* Energy based multiple model fitting for non-rigid structure from motion
* Energy-Efficient Foreground Object Detection on Embedded Smart Cameras by Hardware-Level Operations
* Energy-optimized mapping of application to smartphone platform: A case study of mobile face recognition
* Enforcing similarity constraints with integer programming for better scene text recognition
* Enforcing topological constraints in random field image segmentation
* Enhanced discrete return technology for 3D vegetation mapping
* Enhancing by saliency-guided decolorization
* Enhancing Video Denoising Algorithms by Fusion from Multiple Views
* Ensemble of local and global information for finger-knuckle-print recognition
* Entropy rate superpixel segmentation
* Estimating Motion and size of moving non-line-of-sight objects in cluttered environments
* Estimation of Alpha Mattes for Multiple Image Layers
* EuroSDR project Radiometric aspects of digital photogrammetric images: Results of empirical phase
* Evaluating combinational color constancy methods on real-world images
* Evaluating knowledge transfer and zero-shot learning in a large-scale setting
* Evaluation of background subtraction techniques for video surveillance
* Evaluation of InSAR DEM from High-Resolution Spaceborne SAR Data
* Evaluation of selected features for car detection in aerial images
* Event Detection and Recognition using Histogram of Oriented Gradients and Hidden Markov Models
* Event-Based Semantic Image Adaptation for User-Centric Mobile Display Devices
* Event-driven stereo vision for fall detection
* Exhaustive family of energies minimizable exactly by a graph cut
* Explicit Length Modelling for Statistical Machine Translation
* Exploiting phonological constraints for handshape inference in ASL video
* Exploring aligned complementary image pair for blind motion deblurring
* Exploring relations of visual codes for image classification
* Exposing Digital Image Forgeries by Detecting Discrepancies in Motion Blur
* extended fuzzy SOM for anomalous behaviour detection, An
* Extracting and locating temporal motifs in video scenes using a hierarchical non parametric Bayesian model
* Extracting Roof Parameters and Heat Bridges over the City of Oldenburg from Hyperspectral-, Thermal-, and Airborne Laser Scanning Data
* Extracting spatially and spectrally coherent regions from multispectral images
* Extracting vanishing points across multiple views
* Face illumination transfer through edge-preserving filters
* Face Image Modeling by Multilinear Subspace Analysis With Missing Values
* Face image retrieval by shape manipulation
* Face recognition in unconstrained videos with matched background similarity
* Face recognition in video with closed-loop super-resolution
* Face Recognition on Low Quality Surveillance Images, by Compensating Degradation
* Face recognition system using Extended Curvature Gabor classifier bunch for low-resolution face image
* Face recognizability evaluation for ATM applications with exceptional occlusion handling
* Facial behaviometrics: The case of facial deformation in spontaneous smile/laughter
* Facial curves between keypoints for recognition of 3D faces with missing parts
* Facial marks as biometric signatures to distinguish between identical twins
* Fair P2P Scalable Video Streaming Scheme Using Improved Priority Index Assignment and Multi-hierarchical Topology, A
* Fast Action Detection via Discriminative Random Forest Voting and Top-K Subvolume Search
* Fast Algorithm for Euler's Elastica Model Using Augmented Lagrangian Method, A
* Fast and high-performance template matching method
* Fast and the Flexible: Extended Pseudo Two-Dimensional Warping for Face Recognition, The
* Fast block based local motion estimation for video stabilization
* Fast boosting trees for classification, pose detection, and boundary detection on a GPU
* Fast Classification in Incrementally Growing Spaces
* Fast Cost-Volume Filtering for Visual Correspondence and Beyond
* fast segmentation method based on constraint optimization and its applications: Intensity inhomogeneity and texture segmentation, A
* Fast unsupervised ego-action learning for first-person sports videos
* Fast, recurrent, attentional modulation improves saliency representation and scene recognition
* Feature context for image classification and object detection
* Feature guided motion artifact reduction with structure-awareness in 4D CT images
* Feature Selection for Gender Classification
* Feature Selection for Tracker-Less Human Activity Recognition
* Feature selection from high resolution remote sensing data for biotope mapping
* Feature Selection in Regression Tasks Using Conditional Mutual Information
* Feature Selection with Complexity Measure in a Quadratic Programming Setting
* Feature Set Search Space for FuzzyBoost Learning
* Feature- and depth-supported modified total variation optical flow for 3D motion field estimation in real scenes
* Filled-in Document Identification Using Local Features and a Direct Voting Scheme
* Finding the weakest link in person detectors
* Fingerprint Pattern and Minutiae Fusion in Various Operational Scenarios
* Fingerprint Verification Using Rotation Invariant Feature Codes
* Fitting of parametric building models to oblique aerial images
* Flash Translation Layer for NAND Flash-Based Multimedia Storage Devices, A
* Flexible Framework for Local Phase Coherence Computation, A
* Flexible Multimodal Camera Using a Light Field Architecture
* FlowBoost: Appearance learning from sparsely annotated video
* Focus Improvement of Highly Squinted Data Based on Azimuth Nonlinear Scaling
* Foreground segmentation of live videos using locally competing 1SVMs
* Foreground-background segmentation using iterated distribution matching
* Fourier Slice Photography
* FPGA implementation of Naive Bayes classifier for visual object recognition
* From 3D scene geometry to human workspace
* From active contours to active surfaces
* From co-saliency to co-segmentation: An efficient and fully unsupervised energy minimization model
* From Optical Flow to Tracking Objects on Movie Videos
* From partial shape matching through local deformation to robust global shape similarity for object detection
* From region similarity to category discovery
* From Tiger to Panda: Animal Head Detection
* fully automated greedy square jigsaw puzzle solver, A
* Fully automatic multi-projector calibration with an uncalibrated camera
* Functional categorization of objects using real-time markerless motion capture
* Fusion of Elevation Data into Satellite Image Classification Using Refined Production Rules
* Fusion of GPS and Structure-from-Motion Using Constrained Bundle Adjustments
* Fusion of Multi-spectral Image Using Non-separable Additive Wavelets for High Spatial Resolution Enhancement
* Fusion of Multiple Candidate Orientations in Fingerprints
* Fuzzification of a Crisp Near-Real-Time Operational Automatic Spectral-Rule-Based Decision-Tree Preliminary Classifier of Multisource Multispectral Remotely Sensed Images
* Gait Identification Using a Novel Gait Representation: Radon Transform of Mean Gait Energy Image
* Gated classifiers: Boosting under high intra-class variation
* Gauss-Laguerre Keypoints Extraction Using Fast Hermite Projection Method
* Gender Classification Using a Novel Gait Template: Radon Transform of Mean Gait Energy Image
* Genealogical face recognition based on UB KinFace database
* general method for the point of regard estimation in 3D space, A
* Generalised residual images' effect on illumination artifact removal for correspondence algorithms
* Generalized Gaussian process models
* Generalized group sparse classifiers with application in fMRI brain decoding
* Generalized Probabilistic Framework for Compact Codebook Creation, A
* Generalized projection based M-estimator: Theory and applications
* Generalized Sampling-Based Motion Planners
* Generalized Spatial Models of Forest Structure using Airborne Multispectral and Laser Scanner Data
* Generation of 3D Digital Phantoms of Colon Tissue
* generative model for 3D urban scene understanding from movable platforms, A
* generative statistical model for tracking multiple smooth trajectories, A
* generic framework for median graph computation based on a recursive embedding approach, A
* Genetic Snake for Medical Ultrasound Image Segmentation
* Geometric LP-norm feature pooling for image classification
* Georeference of TerraSAR-X Images using Networks of Ground Control Linear Features
* Glare encoding of high dynamic range images
* Global contrast based salient region detection C
* global optimization approach to robust multi-model fitting, A
* Global optimization for optimal generalized procrustes analysis
* global sampling method for alpha matting, A
* Global stereo matching leveraged by sparse ground control points
* Global temporal registration of multiple non-rigid surface sequences
* Globally-optimal greedy algorithms for tracking a variable number of objects
* Gradient Profile Prior and Its Applications in Image Super-Resolution and Enhancement
* Gradient-based edge detection for motion estimation in H.264/AVC
* Graph attribute embedding via Riemannian submersion learning
* Graph connectivity in sparse subspace clustering
* Graph embedding discriminant analysis on Grassmannian manifolds for improved image set matching
* Graph Matching on a Low-Cost and Parallel Architecture
* Graph matching through entropic manifold alignment
* Graph quantization
* Graph-based markerless registration of city maps using geometric hashing
* Graph-based quadratic optimization: A fast evolutionary approach
* Graph-Kernel Method for Re-identification, A
* GraphTrack: Fast and globally optimal tracking in videos
* H.264 video watermarking with secret image sharing
* Hand Geometry Analysis by Continuous Skeletons
* Handwritten Digits Recognition Improved by Multiresolution Classifier Fusion
* Handwritten Word Spotting in Old Manuscript Images Using a Pseudo-structural Descriptor Organized in a Hash Structure
* Heat-mapping: A robust approach toward perceptually consistent mesh segmentation
* Hello neighbor: Accurate object retrieval with k-reciprocal nearest neighbors
* Helmholtz Principle Approach To Parameter Free Change Detection And Coherent Motion Using Exchangeable Random Variables, A
* Help-Training for semi-supervised support vector machines
* Heterogeneous image feature integration via multi-modal spectral clustering
* Hidden Part Models for Human Action Recognition: Probabilistic versus Max Margin
* Hierarchical anatomical brain networks for MCI prediction by partial least square analysis
* hierarchical conditional random field model for labeling and segmenting images of street scenes, A
* Hierarchical semantic indexing for large scale image retrieval
* Hierarchical Spatial Matching Kernel for Image Categorization
* High level describable attributes for predicting aesthetics and interestingness
* High resolution DSM and classified volumetric generation: An operational approach to the improvement of geospatial intelligence.
* High resolution multispectral video capture with a hybrid camera system
* High-dimensional signature compression for large-scale image classification
* High-frequency shape and albedo from shading using natural image statistics
* High-precision localization using visual landmarks fused with range data
* High-quality shape from multi-view stereo and shading under general illumination
* High-Quality Visualization for Geographically Distributed 3-D Teleimmersive Applications
* High-resolution hyperspectral imaging via matrix factorization
* High-Resolution SAR images for fire susceptibility estimation in urban forestry
* Higher-Dimensional Affine Registration and Vision Applications
* Higher-Order Model for Fluid Motion Estimation, A
* HMM-MIO: An enhanced hidden Markov model for action recognition
* Homomorphic filtering based illumination normalization method for face recognition
* How Accurate Can Block Matches Be In Stereo Vision?
* How does person identity recognition help multi-person tracking?
* Human action recognition in crowded surveillance video sequences by using features taken from key-point trajectories
* Human Activity Recognition from Accelerometer Data Using a Wearable Device
* Human brain labeling using image similarities
* Human detection using depth information by Kinect
* Human Recognition Based on Gait Poses
* Hybrid Automatic Building Interpretation System
* Hybrid generative-discriminative classification using posterior divergence
* Hybrid Probabilistic Model for Unified Collaborative and Content-Based Image Tagging, A
* Hybrid Representation of Imbalanced Points for Two-Layer Matching, A
* Hyper-graph matching via reweighted random walks
* Hyperspectral Image Resolution Enhancement Based on Spectral Unmixing and Information Fusion
* Identification of Erythrocyte Types in Greyscale MGG Images for Computer-Assisted Diagnosis
* Identifying players in broadcast sports videos using conditional random fields
* Identifying Potentially Cancerous Tissues in Chromoendoscopy Images
* Illumination estimation and cast shadow detection through a higher-order graphical model
* Illumination invariant feature extraction based on natural images statistics: Taking face images as an example
* Image analysis by counting on a grid
* Image and Video Processing in the Compressed Domain
* Image annotation using bi-relational graph of images and semantic labels
* Image classification by non-negative sparse coding, low-rank and sparse decomposition
* Image Processing Approach to Distance Estimation for Automated Strawberry Harvesting, An
* Image ranking and retrieval based on multi-attribute queries
* Image retrieval based on micro-structure descriptor
* Image retrieval systems based on compact shape descriptor and relevance feedback information
* Image retrieval with geometry-preserving visual phrases
* Image saliency: From intrinsic to extrinsic context
* Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy Region Competition and Spatial/Frequency Information
* Impact of the Approaches Involved on Word-Graph Derivation from the ASR System
* Implementation and evaluation of FAST corner detection on the massively parallel embedded processor MX-G
* Importance filtering for image retargeting
* importance of intermediate representations for the modeling of 2D shape detection: Endstopping and curvature tuned computations, The
* Improved anomaly detection in crowded scenes via cell-based analysis of foreground speed, size and texture
* improved model for surround suppression by steerable filters and multilevel inhibition with application to contour detection, An
* Improving classifiers with unlabeled weakly-related videos
* Improving vector space embedding of graphs through feature selection algorithms
* Incremental manifold learning by spectral embedding methods
* Independent Component Analysis for Blind Unmixing of Hyperspectral Imagery With Additional Constraints
* Indexing fingerprints using minutiae quadruplets
* Individual Feature-Appearance for Facial Action Recognition
* Inertial sensor-aligned visual feature descriptors
* Inference for order reduction in Markov random fields
* Inferring tracklets for multi-object tracking
* Infinite Generalized Gaussian Mixture Modeling and Applications
* Instantly telling what happens in a video sequence using simple features
* Integral image compression based on optical characteristic
* Integrating external knowledge into SVM classification: Fusing hyperspectral and laserscanning data by kernel composition.
* Integration of Fuzzy Spatial Information in Tracking Based on Particle Filtering
* Integro-Differential Equations Based On (BV, L^1) Image Decomposition
* Interactive Labeling of WCE Images
* Interactive Segmentation of 3D Images Using a Region Adjacency Graph Representation
* Interactive segmentation of non-star-shaped contours by dynamic programming
* Interactive Structured Output Prediction: Application to Chromosome Classification
* Interactively building a discriminative vocabulary of nameable attributes
* Internal statistics of a single natural image
* Interreflection removal for photometric stereo by using spectrum-dependent albedo
* Intrinsic dense 3D surface tracking
* Intrinsic images decomposition using a local and global sparse representation of reflectance
* Intrinsic images using optimization
* Introduction to the ICME2010 Special Issue
* Invariant Representative Cocycles of Cohomology Generators Using Irregular Graph Pyramids
* Iris matching using multi-dimensional artificial neural network
* Is face recognition really a Compressive Sensing problem?
* Is there a connection between face symmetry and face recognition?
* Isocube-based spherical wavelet for image-based relighting
* Iterative quantization: A procrustean approach to learning binary codes
* Joint face alignment with a generic deformable face model
* Joint gait-pose manifold for video-based human motion estimation
* Joint segmentation and classification of human actions in video
* Joint target tracking and recognition using view and identity manifolds
* Kalman Filter Based Feature Analysis for Tracking People from Airborne Images
* Kernel Fusion of Audio and Visual Information for Emotion Recognition
* Kernel PLS regression for robust monocular pose estimation
* Kernelized structural SVM learning for supervised object segmentation
* L1 rotation averaging using the Weiszfeld algorithm
* L1-based variational model for Retinex theory and its application to medical images, An
* Land-Mine Detection With Ground-Penetrating Radar Using Multistream Discrete Hidden Markov Models
* Landmark/image-based deformable registration of gene expression data
* Language Identification for Interactive Handwriting Transcription of Multilingual Documents
* Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunction metrics and geodesic shape distance features for shape matching in synthetic aperture sonar
* large-scale benchmark dataset for event recognition in surveillance video, A
* Large-scale image classification: Fast feature extraction and SVM training
* Large-Scale Live Active Learning: Training Object Detectors with Crawled Data and Crowds
* Late fusion for person detection in camera networks
* Layer-Aware Forward Error Correction for Mobile Broadcast of Layered Media
* Lazy Sliding Window Implementation of the Bilateral Filter on Parallel Architectures
* Learning a blind measure of perceptual image quality
* Learning a discriminative dictionary for sparse coding via label consistent K-SVD
* Learning a Gaussian basis for spectra representation aimed at reflectance classification
* Learning affinities and dependencies for multi-target tracking using a CRF model
* Learning and matching multiscale template descriptors for real-time detection, localization and tracking
* Learning better image representations using flobject analysis
* Learning context for collective activity recognition
* Learning effective color features for content based image retrieval in dermatology
* Learning effective human pose estimation from inaccurate annotation
* Learning Features for Human Action Recognition Using Multilayer Architectures
* Learning graph prototypes for shape recognition
* Learning hierarchical invariant spatio-temporal features for action recognition with independent subspace analysis
* Learning hierarchical poselets for human parsing
* Learning human behaviour patterns in work environments
* Learning image representations from the pixel level via hierarchical sparse coding
* Learning image Vicept description via mixed-norm regularization for large scale semantic image search
* Learning invariance through imitation
* Learning invariant structure for object identification by using graph methods
* Learning message-passing inference machines for structured prediction
* Learning multi-view correspondences from temporal coincidences
* Learning non-local range Markov Random field for image restoration
* Learning object color models from multi-view constraints
* Learning people detection models from few training samples
* Learning photographic global tonal adjustment with a database of input-output image pairs
* Learning scene categories from high resolution satellite image for aerial video analysis
* Learning Sparse Features On-Line for Image Classification
* Learning structured prediction models for interactive image labeling
* Learning temporally consistent rigidities
* Learning the easy things first: Self-paced visual category discovery
* Learning to find occlusion regions
* Learning to recognize objects in egocentric activities
* Learning to share visual appearance for multiclass object detection
* Learning-based hypothesis fusion for robust catheter tracking in 2D X-ray fluoroscopy
* Least squares surface reconstruction from gradients: Direct algebraic methods with spectral, Tikhonov, and constrained regularization
* Level Set Segmentation with Shape and Appearance Models Using Affine Moment Descriptors
* Leveraging social network information to recognize people
* Light Field Photography with a Hand-Held Plenoptic Camera
* light-path less traveled, The
* Line-based relative pose estimation
* Linear Prediction Based Mixture Models for Event Detection in Video Sequences
* Linear Scale and Rotation Invariant Matching
* Linearity of each channel pixel values from a surface in and out of shadows and its applications
* Local Image Features Resulting From 3-Dimensional Geometric Features, Illumination, And Movement: II
* Local isomorphism to solve the pre-image problem in kernel methods
* Local self-similarity as a dense stereo correspondence measure for themal-visible video registration
* Locality-sensitive support vector machine by exploring local correlation and global regularization
* Localizing actions through sequential 2D video projections
* Localizing Parts of Faces Using a Consensus of Exemplars
* Locally affine patch mapping and global refinement for image super-resolution
* Locally Parallel Texture Modeling
* Lossless Compression of Polar Iris Image Data
* Lossless Compression of Satellite Image Sets Using Spatial Area Overlap Compensation
* Low bit rate ROI based video coding for HDTV aerial surveillance video sequences
* Low-power and efficient ambient assistive care system for elders
* Lung segmentation in chest radiographs by fusing shape information in iterative thresholding
* Machine Vision Beyond Visible Spectrum
* Machine Vision Framework for Automated Localization of Microinjection Sites on Low-Contrast Single Adherent Cells, A
* Machine-Vision Software Enters the Third Dimension
* magic sigma, The
* Majorization-minimization mixture model determination in image segmentation
* Majorize-Minimize Strategy for Subspace Optimization Applied to Image Restoration, A
* Making impostor pass rates meaningless: A case of snoop-forge-replay attack on continuous cyber-behavioral verification with keystrokes
* Making the right moves: Guiding alpha-expansion using local primal-dual gaps
* Mammographic mass segmentation: Embedding multiple features in vector-valued level set in ambiguous regions
* Maneuvering Head Motion Tracking by Coarse-to-Fine Particle Filter
* Mapping understory trees using airborne discrete-return LiDAR data
* Markerless motion capture of interacting characters using multi-view image segmentation
* Matching 2D image lines to 3D models: Two improvements and a new algorithm
* Matching Forensic Sketches and Mug Shots to Apprehend Criminals
* Mathematical Image Processing
* Max-margin clustering: Detecting margins from projections of points on lines
* Maximum Likelihood Classification of High-Resolution Polarimetric SAR Images in Urban Area
* Measuring the Coverage of Interest Point Detectors
* Merging GPS and Atmospherically Corrected InSAR Data to Map 3-D Terrain Displacement Velocity
* Mesh-based global motion compensation for robust mosaicking and detection of moving objects in aerial surveillance
* method for object localization in a multiview multimodal camera system, A
* Method for Robust Multispectral Face Recognition, A
* Microscopic shape from focus with optimal illumination
* Minimum error bounded efficient L1 tracker with occlusion detection
* Mining boundary effects in areally referenced spatial data using the Bayesian information criterion
* Mining discriminative co-occurrence patterns for visual recognition
* MKPM: A multiclass extension to the kernel projection machine
* Modeling Bidirectional Texture Functions with Multivariate Spherical Radial Basis Functions
* Modeling human activities as speech
* Modeling spacecraft oscillations in HRSC images of Mars Express
* Modeling the joint density of two images under a variety of transformations
* Modelling composite shapes by Gibbs random fields
* Models and algorithms for computing the common labelling of a set of attributed graphs
* Monocular 3D scene understanding with explicit occlusion reasoning
* Morphologic Quality of DSMs Based on Optical and Radar Space Imagery
* Morphological filling of digital elevation models
* motion based real-time foveation control loop for rapid and relevant 3D laser scanning, A
* Motion denoising with application to time-lapse photography
* Motion-refined rewriting of H.264/AVC-coded video to SVC streams
* Moving Edge Segment Matching for the Detection of Moving Object
* Moving Region Segmentation From Compressed Video Using Global Motion Estimation and Markov Random Fields
* mu-Nect: On using a gaming RGBD camera in micro-metrology applications
* Multi-agent event recognition in structured scenarios
* Multi-camera Relay Tracker Utilizing Color-Based Particle Filtering
* Multi-class Probabilistic Atlas-Based Segmentation Method in Breast MRI
* Multi-Gesture Interaction System Using a 3-D Iris Disk Model for Gaze Estimation and an Active Appearance Model for 3-D Hand Pointing, A
* Multi-label learning with incomplete class assignments
* Multi-layer group sparse coding: For concurrent image classification and annotation
* Multi-level inference by relaxed dual decomposition for human pose segmentation
* Multi-object detection and behavior recognition from motion 3D data
* Multi-Objective Four-Dimensional Vehicle Motion Planning in Large Dynamic Environments
* Multi-scale 2D tracking of articulated objects using hierarchical spring systems
* Multi-sensor People Counting
* Multi-spectral SIFT for scene category recognition
* Multi-target tracking by continuous energy minimization
* Multi-view reconstruction preserving weakly-supported surfaces
* Multichannel Edge-Weighted Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation algorithm for 3D super-alloy image segmentation, A
* Multicore bundle adjustment
* Multifactor analysis based on factor-dependent geometry
* Multimodal complex event detection framework for wide area surveillance
* Multiobject tracking as maximum weight independent set
* Multiple Classifier System for Urban Area's Extraction from High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Multiple Player Tracking in Sports Video: A Dual-Mode Two-Way Bayesian Inference Approach With Progressive Observation Modeling
* Multiple-sample fusion of matching scores in biometric systems
* Multiscale geometric and spectral analysis of plane arrangements
* Multispectral Satellite Image Understanding: From Land Classification to Building and Road Detection
* Multitemporal Crop Type Classification using Conditional Random Fields and RapidEye Data
* Multiview registration via graph diffusion of dual quaternions
* Multiview specular stereo reconstruction of large mirror surfaces
* Music Score Binarization Based on Domain Knowledge
* Myocardial Perfusion Analysis from Adenosine-Induced Stress MDCT
* Natural image denoising: Optimality and inherent bounds
* Natural Material Segmentation and Classification Using Polarisation
* Near real-time Fast Bilateral Stereo on the GPU
* NeuFlow: A runtime reconfigurable dataflow processor for vision
* New Algorithm for Segmentation of Images Represented as Hypergraph Hexagonal-Grid
* New Approach for Road Extraction from High Resolution Remotely Sensed Images Using the Quaternionic Wavelet
* New Bayesian Algorithm for Sea Ice Detection With QuikSCAT
* New Image-Based Method for Event Detection and Extraction of Noisy Hydrophone Data, A
* Noise resistant graph ranking for improved web image search
* Noise suppression in low-light images through joint denoising and demosaicing
* non-convex relaxation approach to sparse dictionary learning, A
* Non-Local Fuzzy Segmentation Method: Application to Brain MRI, A
* Non-negative local coordinate factorization for image representation
* Non-negative matrix factorization as a feature selection tool for maximum margin classifiers
* Non-rigid Multi-modal Registration of Coronary Arteries Using SIFTflow
* Non-rigid structure from motion with complementary rank-3 spaces
* Non-rigid tracking of musk shrews in video for detection of emetic episodes
* NonLinear refinement of structure from motion reconstruction by taking advantage of a partial knowledge of the environment
* Nonlinear shape manifolds as shape priors in level set segmentation and tracking
* Nonlocal matting
* Nonlocal Mumford-Shah Regularizers for Color Image Restoration
* Nonlocal PDEs-Based Morphology on Weighted Graphs for Image and Data Processing
* Nonnegative sparse coding for discriminative semi-supervised learning
* nonparametric Bayesian approach for enhanced pedestrian detection and foreground segmentation, A
* Nonparametric density estimation on a graph: Learning framework, fast approximation and application in image segmentation
* Novel 4-D Open-Curve Active Contour and curve completion approach for automated tree structure extraction
* Novel and Efficient Feedback Method for Pupil and Iris Localization, A
* Novel Edge Detection Algorithm Based on Global Minimization Active Contour Model for Oil Slick Infrared Aerial Image, A
* Novel Image Encryption Framework Based on Markov Map and Singular Value Decomposition, A
* novel parametrization of the perspective-three-point problem for a direct computation of absolute camera position and orientation, A
* novel supervised level set method for non-rigid object tracking, A
* Novelty detection from an ego-centric perspective
* Null Space Based Image Recognition Using Incremental Eigendecomposition
* Null-Space Method for the Phase Unwrapping of Multitemporal SAR Interferometric Stacks, A
* O(N) implicit subspace embedding for unsupervised multi-scale image segmentation
* Object association across PTZ cameras using logistic MIL
* Object based image analysis to support environmental monitoring under the European Habitat Directive: A case study from DeCOVER
* Object cosegmentation
* Object recognition with hierarchical kernel descriptors
* Object segmentation by alignment of poselet activations to image contours
* Object stereo: Joint stereo matching and object segmentation
* Occlusion boundary detection and figure/ground assignment from optical flow
* Occlusion Management in Sequential Mean Field Monte Carlo Methods
* Occlusion robust multi-camera face tracking
* On analyzing video with very small motions
* On deep generative models with applications to recognition
* On dynamic scene geometry for view-invariant action matching
* On dynamic scene geometry for view-invariant action matching
* On Importance of Interactions and Context in Human Action Recognition
* On Kleinberg's Stochastic Discrimination Procedure
* On Random Transformations for Changeable Face Verification
* On the Distribution of Dissimilarity Increments
* On The Illumination Invariance Of The Level Lines Under Directed Light: Application To Change Detection
* On the Influence of Spatial Information for Hyper-spectral Satellite Imaging Characterization
* On the Use of Diagonal and Class-Dependent Weighted Distances for the Probabilistic k-Nearest Neighbor
* On the Use of Dot Scoring for Speaker Diarization
* On-Line Classification of Data Streams with Missing Values Based on Reinforcement Learning
* Online detection of unusual events in videos via dynamic sparse coding
* Online domain adaptation of a pre-trained cascade of classifiers
* Online environment mapping
* Online group-structured dictionary learning
* Online Metric Learning Approach through Margin Maximization, An
* Opponent Colors for Human Detection
* Optic flow based on multi-scale anchor point movement and discontinuity-preserving regularization
* Optical and Microwave Detection of Wave Breaking in the Surf Zone
* Optimal Image Alignment With Random Projections of Manifolds: Algorithm and Geometric Analysis
* Optimal similarity registration of volumetric images
* Optimal spatio-temporal path discovery for video event detection
* optimized Silicon Retina stereo matching algorithm using time-space correlation, An
* optimized vision library approach for embedded systems, An
* Optimizing a Tone Curve for Backward-Compatible High Dynamic Range Image and Video Compression
* Ordinal hyperplanes ranker with cost sensitivities for age estimation
* Orientation and anisotropy of multi-component shapes from boundary information
* Orthorectification of WorldView-2 stereopair images using a new rigorous orientation model
* P2C2: Programmable pixel compressive camera for high speed imaging
* Panchromatic and Multispectral Image Fusion Based on Maximization of Both Spectral and Spatial Similarities
* Paramer Mismatch-Based Spectral Gamut Mapping
* Parameter learning with truncated message-passing
* Parsing human motion with stretchable models
* Part-based localisation and segmentation of landmark-related auditory cortical regions
* partial sequenced route query with traveling rules in road networks, The
* Partial similarity based nonparametric scene parsing in certain environment
* Particle filter with state permutations for solving image jigsaw puzzles
* Passive infrared technique for buried object detection and classification
* Passive-Aggressive for On-Line Learning in Statistical Machine Translation
* Patch-based probabilistic image quality assessment for face selection and improved video-based face recognition
* pattern framework driven by the Hamming distance for structured light-based reconstruction with a single image, A
* PClines: Line detection using parallel coordinates
* Pedestrian detection using GPU-accelerated multiple cue computation
* Pedestrian sensing using time-of-flight range camera
* Penrose Pixels for Super-Resolution
* Perceptual Segmentation: Combining Image Segmentation With Object Tagging
* Person re-identification by probabilistic relative distance comparison
* Person re-identification in multi-camera networks
* Person Re-identification Using Appearance Classification
* Phase Congruency Based Technique for the Removal of Rain from Video
* Photo-based 3D scanning vs. laser scanning: Competitive data acquisition methods for digital terrain modelling of steep mountain slopes
* Photoface database, The
* Photorealistic 3D face modeling on a smartphone
* Piecing together the segmentation jigsaw using context
* Poker Vision: Playing Cards and Chips Identification Based on Image Processing
* polar representation of motion and implications for optical flow, A
* Polynomial algorithms for subisomorphism of nD open combinatorial maps
* polynomial characterization of hypergraphs using the Ihara zeta function, A
* Pose-invariant face recognition by matching on multi-resolution MRFs linked by supercoupling transform
* Pose-Robust Recognition of Low-Resolution Face Images
* Potential Evaluation of Different Types Of Images and Their Combination for the Classification of GIS Objects Cropland and Grassland
* Potential of Dense Matching for the Generation of High Quality Digital Elevation models
* Potentials of Image Based Active Ranging to Capture Dynamic Scenes
* Power Watershed: A Unifying Graph-Based Optimization Framework
* Predicting image matching using affine distortion models
* Predicting performance of face recognition systems: An image characterization approach
* Preflight Radiometric Calibration of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory
* Principal regression analysis
* Prioritized data transmission in airborne camera networks for wide area surveillance and image mosaicking
* Probabilistic event logic for interval-based event recognition
* Probabilistic Framework to Obtain a Common Labelling between Attributed Graphs, A
* Probabilistic gaze estimation without active personal calibration
* probabilistic model for recursive factorized image features, A
* Probabilistic Ranking of Product Features from Customer Reviews
* probabilistic representation for efficient large scale visual recognition tasks, A
* Probabilistic simultaneous pose and non-rigid shape recovery
* Projection defocus correction using adaptive kernel sampling and geometric correction in dual-planar environments
* Projective alignment of range and parallax data
* Proposal generation for object detection using cascaded ranking SVMs
* Prototyping a light field display involving direct observation of a video projector array
* Quality assessment based denoising to improve face recognition performance
* Quantitative Assessment of Digital Topographic Data from Different Sources
* Query-aware location anonymization for road networks
* Query-specific visual semantic spaces for web image re-ranking
* Radar Detection of Moving Targets Behind Corners
* Radiometric calibration by transform invariant low-rank structure
* Random field topic model for semantic region analysis in crowded scenes from tracklets
* Random maximum margin hashing
* rank-order distance based clustering algorithm for face tagging, A
* Rank-SIFT: Learning to rank repeatable local interest points
* Rapid classification of specular and diffuse reflection from image velocities
* Rapid reconstruction of small objects on mobile phones
* Re-identification of Visual Targets in Camera Networks: A Comparison of Techniques
* Real Time Head Pose Estimation with Random Regression Forests
* Real-Time 3D Face Recognition with the Integration of Depth and Intensity Images
* Real-time airport security checkpoint surveillance using a camera network
* real-time embedded solution for skew correction in banknote analysis, A
* Real-Time Human Pose Recognition in Parts from Single Depth Images
* Real-time hybrid ToF multi-camera rig fusion system for depth map enhancement
* Real-time license plate localisation on FPGA
* Real-Time People Detection in Videos Using Geometrical Features and Adaptive Boosting
* real-time system for 3D recovery of dynamic scene with multiple RGBD imagers, A
* Real-time tracking of unconstrained full-body motion using Niching Swarm Filtering combined with local optimization
* Real-time tracking using A* heuristic search and template updating
* Real-time visual tracking using compressive sensing
* reasoning engine for intruders' localization in wide open areas using a network of cameras and RFIDs, A
* Recognition of Trademarks during Sport Television Broadcasts
* Recognition using visual phrases
* Recognizing expressions from face and body gesture by temporal normalized motion and appearance features
* Recognizing human actions by attributes
* Recognizing human-vehicle interactions from aerial video without training
* Reconstructing an image from its local descriptors
* Reconstruction of relief objects from line drawings
* Recovering shape from a single image of a mirrored surface from curvature constraints
* Recovery of corrupted low-rank matrices via half-quadratic based nonconvex minimization
* Rectification and 3D reconstruction of curved document images
* Rectifying Non-euclidean Similarity Data through Tangent Space Reprojection
* Reduced epipolar cost for accelerated incremental SfM
* Refinement of Digital Surface Models through Constrained Connectivity Partitioning of Optical Imagery
* Reflection Component Separation Using Statistical Analysis and Polarisation
* Reflection detection in image sequences
* Region Based Forest Change Detection from CARTOSAT-1 Stereo Imagery
* Region Segmentation Method for Colonoscopy Images Using a Model of Polyp Appearance, A
* Registration for 3D surfaces with large deformations using quasi-conformal curvature flow
* Registration of camera captured documents under non-rigid deformation
* Regression-based label fusion for multi-atlas segmentation
* Relative pose problem for non-overlapping surveillance cameras with known gravity vector
* Reliability Fusion of Time-of-Flight Depth and Stereo Geometry for High Quality Depth Maps
* Removing interference components in time-frequency representations using morphological operators
* Repetition-based dense single-view reconstruction
* Report from the AND 2009 working group on noisy text datasets
* Resolving occlusion in multiframe reconstruction of deformable surfaces
* Riemannian Scalar Measure for Diffusion Tensor Images, A
* Road Surface Marking Classification Based on a Hierarchical Markov Model
* Robust airlight estimation for haze removal from a single image
* Robust and efficient regularized boosting using total Bregman divergence
* Robust camera calibration tool for video surveillance camera in urban environment
* Robust classification using structured sparse representation
* Robust control point detection for aerial synthetic aperture radar via a logarithmic quasi-random scale space framework
* Robust discrete wavelet-fan beam transforms-based colour image watermarking
* Robust discriminative wire structure modeling with application to stent enhancement in fluoroscopy
* Robust Endmember Extraction in the Presence of Anomalies
* Robust Face Recognition after Plastic Surgery Using Local Region Analysis
* Robust Hyperspectral Classification Using Relevance Vector Machine
* robust method for vector field learning with application to mismatch removing, A
* Robust named entity detection from optical character recognition output
* Robust point set registration using EM-ICP with information-theoretically optimal outlier handling
* Robust Principal Component Analysis Based on Maximum Correntropy Criterion
* Robust sparse coding for face recognition
* Robust tracking using local sparse appearance model and K-selection
* Rotation, scaling, and translation resilient watermarking for images
* RUNE-Tag: A high accuracy fiducial marker with strong occlusion resilience
* Saliency estimation using a non-parametric low-level vision model
* Salient coding for image classification
* Sampling bedrooms
* scalable dual approach to semidefinite metric learning, A
* Scalable multi-class object detection
* Scale and Rotation Invariant Matching Using Linearly Augmented Trees
* Scale invariant cosegmentation for image groups
* Scale- and Affine-Invariant Fan Feature
* Scaling up biologically-inspired computer vision: A case study in unconstrained face recognition on facebook
* Scanning Scallops in 3-D
* Scenario-based video event recognition by constraint flow
* Scene flow estimation by growing correspondence seeds
* Scene shape from texture of objects
* Scratch Assay Analysis with Topology-Preserving Level Sets and Texture Measures
* Segment an image by looking into an image corpus
* segmentation-aware object detection model with occlusion handling, A
* Segmentation-robust representations, matching, and modeling for sign language
* Selecting Anchor Points for 2D Skeletonization
* Self-trainable System for Moving People Counting by Scene Partitioning, A
* Semantic structure from motion
* SEMD Based Sparse Gabor Representation for Eyeglasses-Face Recognition
* Semi-supervised Probabilistic Relaxation for Image Segmentation
* Semi-Supervised Video Segmentation Using Tree Structured Graphical Models
* Semiglobal Matching Results on the ISPRS Stereo Matching Benchmark
* Semisupervised Dimensionality Reduction and Classification Through Virtual Label Regression
* Sensitivity Analysis of the Human Visual System for Depth Cues in Stereoscopic 3-D Displays
* Separating reflective and fluorescent components of an image
* Separating rigid motion from linear local deformation models
* Shape Analysis of Elastic Curves in Euclidean Spaces
* Shape classification via image-based multiscale description
* Shape estimation in natural illumination
* Shape from specular flow: Is one flow enough?
* Shape grammar parsing via Reinforcement Learning
* Shape-based pedestrian parsing
* Shared parts for deformable part-based models
* Sharing features between objects and their attributes
* Shortest Path Approach for Vibrating Line Detection and Tracking, A
* Silhouette Segmentation in Multiple Views
* Silhouette-based features for visible-infrared registration
* Similarity measures for image matching despite occlusions in stereo vision
* Simplification of point-sampled geometry with feature preservation
* Simulating human saccadic scanpaths on natural images
* Simultaneous and Integrated Strain Tensor Estimation From Geodetic and Satellite Deformation Measurements to Obtain Three-Dimensional Displacement Maps
* Simultaneous dimensionality reduction and human age estimation via kernel partial least squares regression
* Simultaneous identification and tracking of moving targets
* Simultaneous Lesion Segmentation and Bias Correction in Breast Ultrasound Images
* Simultaneous self-calibration of a projector and a camera using structured light
* Single Image Example-Based Super-Resolution Using Cross-Scale Patch Matching and Markov Random Field Modelling
* Single Image Super-Resolution Using Gaussian Process Regression
* Single-image shadow detection and removal using paired regions
* sLLE: Spherical locally linear embedding with applications to tomography
* Smart Cameras Track and Trace
* Smoothly varying affine stitching
* Sobolev-type metric for polar active contours, A
* Solving Multiple-Target Tracking Using Adaptive Filters
* Space-time super-resolution from a single video
* Sparse approximated nearest points for image set classification
* Sparse concept coding for visual analysis
* Sparse image representation with epitomes
* Sparse reconstruction cost for abnormal event detection
* Sparse representations of image gradient orientations for visual recognition and tracking
* Sparse shape composition: A new framework for shape prior modeling
* Sparse Unmixing of Hyperspectral Data
* Sparsity-based image denoising via dictionary learning and structural clustering
* Spatial-DiscLDA for visual recognition
* spatially adaptive statistical method for the binarization of historical manuscripts and degraded document images, A
* Spatially Variant Dimensionality Reduction for the Visualization of Multi/Hyperspectral Images
* Spatio-chromatic decorrelation by shift-invariant filtering
* Spatiotemporal pattern queries
* Special issue on Graph-Based Representations in Computer Vision
* Special Issue on Noisy Text Analytics, III
* Spectral Matching through Data Compression
* Stability of Sample-Based Scanning-LiDAR-Derived Vegetation Metrics for Forest Monitoring
* Stable multi-target tracking in real-time surveillance video
* Statistical and Wavelet Based Texture Features for Fish Oocytes Classification
* Statistical attack against iris-biometric fuzzy commitment schemes
* Statistical Significance Based Graph Cut Segmentation for Shrinking Bias
* Statistical-Mechanics-Inspired Optimization of Sensor Field Configuration for Detection of Mobile Targets
* Statistics of real-world hyperspectral images
* Steganalysis of LSB Matching Based on the Statistical Analysis of Empirical Matrix
* Stereo and IMU assisted visual odometry on an OMAP3530 for small robots
* Strip Histogram Grid for efficient LIDAR segmentation from urban environments
* Structural Fidelity vs. Naturalness: Objective Assessment of Tone Mapped Images
* Structural Similarity-Based Affine Approximation and Self-similarity of Images Revisited
* Structure from motion blur in low light
* Structure from motion for scenes with large duplicate structures
* Structure-from-motion based hand-eye calibration using L-inf minimization
* Structure-Preserving Smoothing of Biomedical Images
* Structured light 3D scanning in the presence of global illumination
* study of Nesterov's scheme for Lagrangian decomposition and MAP labeling, A
* Style transfer matrix learning for writer adaptation
* Submodular decomposition framework for inference in associative Markov networks with global constraints
* Submodularity beyond submodular energies: Coupling edges in graph cuts
* Subpixel Registration With Gradient Correlation
* Subspace analysis of arbitrarily many linear filter responses with an application to face tracking
* Super Resolution Algorithm to Improve the Hough Transform, A
* Supervised hierarchical Pitman-Yor process for natural scene segmentation
* Supervised hypergraph labeling
* Supervised local subspace learning for continuous head pose estimation
* Supervised semantic relation mining from linguistically noisy text documents
* Support tucker machines
* Support Vector Selection and Adaptation for Remote Sensing Classification
* Surface depth computation and representation from multiple coded projector light
* survey and experimental evaluation of image spam filtering techniques, A
* Symmetric piecewise planar object reconstruction from a single image
* Synergistic use of optical and radar data for rapid mapping of forest fires in the European Mediterranean
* Tag localization with spatial correlations and joint group sparsity
* TaylorBoost: First and second-order boosting algorithms with explicit margin control
* Temperature distribution descriptor for robust 3D shape retrieval
* Terrain Correction of Polarimetric SAR Data and its Application to Mapping Mountain Glacier facies with Radarsat-2 SAR
* TerraSAR-X and RapidEye data for the parameterisation of relational characteristics of urban ATKIS DLM objects
* Text retrieval from early printed books
* Text Segmentation for MRC Document Compression
* Texture-Based Probabilistic Approach for Lung Nodule Segmentation, A
* Textured 3D face recognition using biological vision-based facial representation and optimized weighted sum fusion
* theory of differential photometric stereo for unknown isotropic BRDFs, A
* theory of multi-perspective defocusing, A
* There Is More Than One Way to Get Out of a Car: Automatic Mode Finding for Action Recognition in the Wild
* Three-dimensional kaleidoscopic imaging
* Three-Dimensional Target Geometry and Target Motion Estimation Method Using Multistatic ISAR Movies and Its Performance
* Time and space efficient spectral clustering via column sampling
* Topographic EEG Brain Mapping before, during and after Obstructive Sleep Apnea Episodes
* Topological Well-Composedness and Glamorous Glue: A Digital Gluing Algorithm for Topologically Constrained Front Propagation
* Topologically-robust 3D shape matching based on diffusion geometry and seed growing
* Topology-adaptive multi-view photometric stereo
* Total recall II: Query expansion revisited
* Total variation for cyclic structures: Convex relaxation and efficient minimization
* Total Variation Model For Retinex, A
* Touch Interface Exploiting Time-Frequency Classification Using Zak Transform for Source Localization on Solids, A
* Towards a practical lipreading system
* Towards an Optimal Affect-Sensitive Instructional System of cognitive skills
* Towards cross-category knowledge propagation for learning visual concepts
* Towards information retrieval on historical document collections: The role of matching procedures and special lexica
* Tracking 3D human pose with large root node uncertainty
* Tracking low resolution objects by metric preservation
* Tracking through scattered occlusion
* Trajectory Analysis Using Switched Motion Fields: A Parametric Approach
* Trajectory Space: A Dual Representation for Nonrigid Structure from Motion
* Translation symmetry detection in a fronto-parallel view
* Tree Classifier for Automatic Breast Tissue Classification Based on BIRADS Categories, A
* TVParser: An automatic TV video parsing method
* two-stage reconstruction approach for seeing through water, A
* Ultrasound Plaque Enhanced Activity Index for Predicting Neurological Symptoms
* Unbiased look at dataset bias
* Unconstrained handwritten document retrieval
* Uncovering vein patterns from color skin images for forensic analysis
* Unequal Protection of Video Data According to Slice Relevance
* unified CSF-based framework for edge detection and edge visibility, A
* unified framework for locating and recognizing human actions, A
* Unsupervised auxiliary visual words discovery for large-scale image object retrieval
* Unsupervised Joint Feature Discretization and Selection
* Unsupervised local color correction for coarsely registered images
* Unsupervised random forest indexing for fast action search
* Updating Object for GIS Database Information Using High Resolution Satellite Images: A Case Study Zonguldak
* Upwind Finite-Difference Method For Total Variation-Based Image Smoothing, An
* Use of Active Contours for the Detection of Coastlines in SAR images: A Modular Knowledge-based Framework, The
* Using 3D scene structure to improve tracking
* Using eye gaze, head pose, and facial expression for personalized non-player character interaction
* Using global bag of features models in random fields for joint categorization and segmentation of objects
* Using Grid Based Feature Localization for Fast Image Matching
* Using Mathematical Morphology for Similarity Search of 3D Objects
* Using Ripley's K-function to improve graph-based clustering techniques
* Using specular highlights as pose invariant features for 2D-3D pose estimation
* Using the Pupillary Reflex as a Diabetes Occurrence Screening Aid Tool through Neural Networks
* Variable grouping for energy minimization
* Variational Model for Histogram Transfer of Color Images, A
* Variational Model for Segmentation of Overlapping Objects With Additive Intensity Value, A
* Vehicle Surveillance with a Generic, Adaptive, 3D Vehicle Model
* Vehicle tracking across nonoverlapping cameras using joint kinematic and appearance features
* ViBe: A Universal Background Subtraction Algorithm for Video Sequences
* Video Segmentation and Its Applications
* Video Tracking Based on Sequential Particle Filtering on Graphs
* Viewpoint invariants from three-dimensional data: The role of reflection in human activity understanding
* Viola-Jones Based Detectors: How Much Affects the Training Set?
* Virtual illumination grid for correction of uncontrolled illumination in facial images
* Visual and semantic similarity in ImageNet
* Visual Cryptography and Secret Image Sharing
* Visual object tracking via sample-based Adaptive Sparse Representation (AdaSR)
* Visual saliency detection by spatially weighted dissimilarity
* Visual Saliency Map Based on Random Sub-window Means, A
* Visual textures as realizations of multivariate log-Gaussian Cox processes
* Visual Tracking Using Online Semi-supervised Learning
* Visual Word Aggregation
* Vitality Assessment of Boar Sperm Using N Concentric Squares Resized (NCSR) Texture Descriptor in Digital Images
* vManager, Developing a Complete CBVR System
* Vocabulary Selection for Graph of Words Embedding
* Wavelet belief propagation for large scale inference problems
* Wavelet Domain Blur Invariants for 1D Discrete Signals
* Weighted dynamic time warping for time series classification
* What makes a chair a chair?
* What makes an image memorable?
* What you saw is not what you get: Domain adaptation using asymmetric kernel transforms
* Where is the rat? Tracking in low contrast thermographic images
* Where's Waldo: Matching people in images of crowds
* Which parts of the face give out your identity?
* Who are you with and where are you going?
* Whole Body Interaction
* Wide-angle micro sensors for vision on a tight budget
* Wide-Baseline Correspondence from Locally Affine Invariant Contour Matching
* Wide-baseline stereo for face recognition with large pose variation
* Wigner Distributions and How They Relate to the Light Field
* Wii Remote calibration using the sensor bar
* word spotting framework for historical machine-printed documents, A
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