Update Dates 0811

0811 * 1D Camera Geometry and Its Application to the Self-Calibration of Circular Motion Sequences
* 3D Anthropometric Signatures for Face Verification
* 3D natural hand interaction for AR applications
* 3D shape recursive decomposition by Poisson equation
* 3D SSD Tracking with Estimated 3D Planes
* 3D video scanner for face performance capture, A
* Abstracts of the LIX Fall Colloquium 2008: Emerging Trends in Visual Computing
* Accelerating 3D Medical Image Segmentation with High Performance Computing
* Accurate eye-like segmentation in a heavily untextured contrasted scene
* Activity Analysis, Summarization, and Visualization for Indoor Human Activity Monitoring
* Adaptive 3D Reconstruction system with improved recovery of miscoded region to automatically adjust projected light patterns
* Adaptive De-Interlacing With Robust Overlapped Block Motion Compensation
* Adaptive Feature Thresholding for off-line signature verification
* adaptive image Euclidean distance, An
* Adaptive image retrieval based on the spatial organization of colors
* Adaptive Multipattern Fast Block-Matching Algorithm Based on Motion Classification Techniques
* Adaptive SVD-Based Digital Image Watermarking
* Adaptive Threshold Based Robust Watermark Detection Method
* Affine Registration of Point Sets Using ICP and ICA
* Algorithm for Modeling Print and Scan Operations Used for Watermarking, An
* All Binary Sub-Pixel Motion Estimation Approach and its Hardware Architecture, An
* Altered Image Alignment Technique for 3D Motion Estimation of a Reflective Sphere, An
* Application of Three-Class ROC Analysis to Task-Based Image Quality Assessment of Simultaneous Dual-Isotope Myocardial Perfusion SPECT (MPS)
* Applications for bio-inspired visual processing algorithms
* approach for evaluating robustness of edge operators using real-world driving scenes, An
* Artificial Neural Networks Based Image Processing and Pattern Recognition: From Concepts to Real-World Applications
* Aspects of binary image reconstruction from Fourier amplitude data
* Assessing the naturalness of scenes: An approach using statistics of local features
* Audio-Assisted Movie Dialogue Detection
* Automated Detection of Unusual Events on Stairs
* Automated Human Recognition by Gait using Neural Network
* Automated Identification of Chromosome Segments Involved in Translocations by Combining Spectral Karyotyping and Banding Analysis
* Automatic 3D lip shape segmentation and modelling
* Automatic Construction of 3D-ASM Intensity Models by Simulating Image Acquisition: Application to Myocardial Gated SPECT Studies
* Automatic detection of abnormal gait
* Automatic detection of chemotaxis cells in angiogenesis process
* Automatic Gabor Features Extraction for Face Recognition using Neural Networks
* Automatic generation of adaptive, educational and multimedia computer games
* Automatic Medical Image Annotation in ImageCLEF 2007: Overview, Results, and Discussion
* Automatic regions of interest identification and classification in CT images: Application to kidney cysts
* Autonomous vision-based robotic exploration and mapping using hybrid maps and particle filters
* Balanced Multiwavelets Based Digital Image Watermarking
* Bayesian Networks for Edge Preserving Salt and Pepper Image Denoising
* Bayesian Tensor Approach for 3-D Face Modeling
* Black Spot: A prototype camera module
* Blind Detection of Digital Forgery Image Based on the Local Entropy of the Gradient
* Block Adaptive Inter-Color Compensation Algorithm for RGB 4:4:4 Video Coding
* Bright Future for Distributed Smart Cameras, A
* Broadcast Court-Net Sports Video Analysis Using Fast 3-D Camera Modeling
* Building Verification from Disparity of Contour Points
* Calibrating Distributed Camera Networks
* Camera based face tracking for enhancing surgical teamwork training with non-verbal communication
* Camera Calibration With Three Noncollinear Points Under Special Motions
* Can graph-cutting improve microarray gene expression reconstructions?
* Change detection using a statistical model in an optimally selected color space
* Characterization of a capacitive imaging system for skin surface analysis
* Classification of colonic polyps using Hidden Markov Models
* Classifier cascades for support vector machines
* Clustering Multivariate Normal Distributions
* Clustering: Algorithms and Applications
* Collusion-Traceable Secure Multimedia Distribution Based on Controllable Modulation
* Color image segmentation in HSI space for automotive applications
* Color Image Watermarking Scheme in the Associated Domain of DWT and DCT Domains Based on Multi-channel Watermarking Framework, A
* Combined thermal-LIDAR imagery for urban mapping
* Combined Top-Down/Bottom-Up Segmentation
* Combining Fuzzy Vector Quantization With Linear Discriminant Analysis for Continuous Human Movement Recognition
* Combining similarity measures in content-based image retrieval
* Community based feedback techniques to improve video search
* Comparing subspace methods for face recognition
* Comparison of Hadamard imaging and compressed sensing for low resolution hyperspectral imaging
* Complex Derivative Filters
* Comprehensive Approach to the Analysis of Contrast Enhanced Cardiac MR Images, A
* Computational Geometry from the Viewpoint of Affine Differential Geometry
* Computational Photography: Epsilon to Coded Photography
* computer vision model for visual-object-based attention and eye movements, A
* configurable method for multi-style license plate recognition, A
* Constant-Working-Space Algorithms for Image Processing
* Content Based Image Retrieval: Review of State of Art and Future Directions
* Content Sharing Based on Personal Information in Virtually Secured Space
* Contour Detection of Labelled Cellular Structures from Serial Ultrathin Electron Microscopy Sections using GAC and Prior Analysis
* Corner validation based on extracted corner properties
* Correlation Metric for Generalized Feature Extraction
* Cost-efficient Automated Visual Inspection system for small manufacturing industries based on SIFT
* Creating a view dependent rendering system for mainstream use
* Curve matching for open 2D curves
* Custom parallel caching schemes for hardware-accelerated image compression
* Deblocking Algorithms with Edge Filters for DCT Compressed Images
* Deblocking Filtering for Illumination Compensation in Multiview Video Coding
* Deformations, patches, and discriminative models for automatic annotation of medical radiographs
* Demosaicing of Color Filter Array Captured Images Using Gradient Edge Detection Masks and Adaptive Heterogeneity-Projection
* Denoising for 3-D Photon-Limited Imaging Data Using Nonseparable Filterbanks
* Description of interest regions with local binary patterns
* Design of Collusion-Resistant Fingerprinting Systems: Review and New Results
* Detection and Counting of in vivo cells to predict cell migratory potential
* Detection and Segmentation of Concealed Objects in Terahertz Images
* Detection of Double MPEG Compression Based on First Digit Statistics
* Detection of Hidden Information in Webpage Based on Higher-Order Statistics
* Detection of wind velocities from scintillation images
* Developing mobile phone AR applications using J2ME
* Differences between stereo and motion behaviour on synthetic and real-world stereo sequences
* Digital Camera Identification from Images: Estimating False Acceptance Probability
* Digital Forgery Image Detection Algorithm Based on Wavelet Homomorphic Filtering, A
* Digital image analysis based automated kiwifruit counting technique
* Direction Dependent Decomposition and Edge Detection
* Disconnected Skeleton: Shape at Its Absolute Scale
* Discrete Curvature Flows for Surfaces and 3-Manifolds
* Discriminative cue integration for medical image annotation
* Disparities Maps Generation Employing Multi-resolution Analysis and Perceptual Grouping
* Dissimilarity between two skeletal trees in a context
* Distinctive Similarity Measure for stereo matching under point ambiguity
* DIVFRP: An automatic divisive hierarchical clustering method based on the furthest reference points
* Duality TV-L1 flow with fundamental matrix prior
* dynamic data granulation through adjustable fuzzy clustering, A
* Dynamic Facial Expression Analysis and Synthesis With MPEG-4 Facial Animation Parameters
* Dynamic fire modeling in Three-dimensional space
* Ear Localization from Side Face Images using Distance Transform and Template Matching
* Edge-based detection of sky regions in images for solar exposure prediction
* Editorial to the Special Issue on Medical Image Annotation in ImageCLEF 2007
* Effectiveness of global features for automatic medical image classification and retrieval: The experiences of OHSU at ImageCLEFmed
* Effects of sub-sampling and quantisation on colour bleeding due to image and video compression
* Efficient Adaptive Combination of Histograms for Real-Time Tracking
* efficient algorithm for image retrieval through fusion of two clustering approaches based on combined features, An
* Efficient Buyer-Seller Watermarking Protocol Based on Chameleon Encryption, An
* Efficient Framework for Brain Tumor Segmentation in Magnetic Resonance Images, An
* Efficient H.264 Intra Frame Coder System, An
* Efficient Hardware Architecture Design for H.264/AVC INTRA 4X4 Algorithm, An
* Efficient high-performance implementation of JPEG-LS encoder
* Efficient Inter-Layer Motion Compensation for Spatially Scalable Video Coding
* Efficient Progressive Coding Method for Arbitrarily-Sampled Image Data, An
* efficient protocol for private and accurate mining of support counts, An
* Efficiently computing and deriving topological relation matrices between complex regions with broad boundaries
* Embedded computer vision framework on a multimedia processor
* Emotion Recognition Based on Physiological Changes in Music Listening
* Empirical Comparison of Automatic Image Annotation Systems
* Enhanced MC-EZBC Scalable Video Coder
* Equalized Heteroscedastic Linear Discriminant Analysis Algorithm, An
* Estimation of pasture biomass using dual-polarisation radar imagery: A preliminary study
* Estimation of rapid-motion for mobile devices using temporal coherence
* Euclidean Skeletons of Digital Image and Volume Data in Linear Time by the Integer Medial Axis Transform
* Evaluating Multiple Object Tracking Performance: The CLEAR MOT Metrics
* Evaluation and Improvement of Digital Watermarking Algorithm Based on Cryptographic Security Models
* Evaluation of Iterative Sparse Object Reconstruction From Few Projections for 3-D Rotational Coronary Angiography
* Evaluation of moving object segmentation comparing 6D-vision and monocular motion constraints
* Event Detection Using Trajectory Clustering and 4-D Histograms
* Expandable Data-Driven Graphical Modeling of Human Actions Based on Salient Postures
* experimental comparison of performance measures for classification, An
* Exploiting document feature interactions for efficient information fusion in high dimensional spaces
* Exploration of configural representation in landmark learning using working memory toolkit
* Exploring and exploiting the structure of saddle points in Gaussian scale space
* Exploring Co-Occurence Between Speech and Body Movement for Audio-Guided Video Localization
* Exposure Time Change Attack on Image Watermarking Systems
* Extracting key postures using radon transform
* Extraction of curvilinear features from noisy point patterns using principal curves
* Facial expression recognition from image sequences using optimized feature selection
* Fast PDE approach to surface reconstruction from large cloud of points
* Fast stereo with background removal using phase correlation
* Feature Classification for Robust Shape-Based Collaborative Tracking and Model Updating
* Feature extraction and relevance evaluation for heterogeneous image database recognition
* Fingerprint Identification using Radon Transform
* Firearm identification based on FIR system characterizing rotation invariant feature of cartridge case image
* First Digit Law and Its Application to Digital Forensics
* Focal length and registration correction for building panorama from photographs
* Formal Analysis of Two Buyer-Seller Watermarking Protocols
* Formulation of distortion error for the line-of-sight (LOS) vector adjustment model and its role in restitution of SPOT imagery
* Four-Chamber Heart Modeling and Automatic Segmentation for 3-D Cardiac CT Volumes Using Marginal Space Learning and Steerable Features
* FPGA Codesign Implementation of Vector Directional Filter
* FPGA implementation of a real-time biologically inspired image enhancement algorithm
* Frame and Frequency Acquisition for OFDM
* Frame Buffer Access Reduction for MPEG Video Decoder
* framework and baseline results for the CLEF medical automatic annotation task, A
* From Segmented Images to Good Quality Meshes Using Delaunay Refinement
* Front-view vehicle detection by Markov chain Monte Carlo method
* Fully Automated Motion Correction in First-Pass Myocardial Perfusion MR Image Sequences
* Fuzzy Co-Clustering of medical images using bacterial foraging
* general shape context framework for object identification, A
* Generalised Model for Distortion Performance Analysis of Wavelet Based Watermarking, A
* Geodesic active contour, inertia and initial speed
* Graph Cut based Panoramic 3D Modeling and Ground Truth Comparison with a Mobile Platform: The Wagele
* Grayscale medical image annotation using local relational features
* Groupware Design for Online Diagnosis Support
* Groupwise Geometric and Photometric Direct Image Registration
* GSM Based Security Analysis for Add-SS Watermarking
* Guest Editorial Functional Imaging of the Heart
* Haralick feature extraction from LBP images for color texture classification
* Hierarchical classification using a frequency-based weighting and simple visual features
* Hierarchical Non-Parametric Method for Capturing Non-Rigid Deformations, A
* High Capacity Steganographic Algorithm in Color Images, A
* high-performance and low-power unified 4X4 / 8X8 transform architecture for the H.264/AVC Codec, A
* HLS Distorted colour model for enhanced colour image segmentation
* Human-Computer Interface Using Symmetry Between Eyes to Detect Gaze Direction, A
* HW/SW Interface Impact on an Adaptive Multimedia System Performance: Case study
* Hybrid face detection system with robust face and non-face discriminability
* Hybrid Localization System for Mobile Outdoor Augmented Reality Applications
* Hyperspectral Image Compression: Adapting SPIHT and EZW to Anisotropic 3-D Wavelet Coding
* ICA Mixture Hidden Markov Model for Video Content Analysis, An
* ICA-based neighborhood preserving analysis for face recognition
* Image Decomposition and Texture Segmentation via Sparse Representation
* Image Denoising in the Wavelet Transform Domain Based on Stein's Principle
* Image Encryption and Compression for Medical Image Security
* Image indexing and retrieval using expressive fuzzy description logics
* Image rectification for stereoscopic visualization
* Image registration based on kernel-predictability
* Image Registration using Bayes Theory and a Maximum Likelihood Framework with an EM Algorithm
* Image segmentation algorithm development using ground truth image data sets
* Image statistics and data mining of anal intraepithelial neoplasia
* Implementation of real-time pedestrian detection on FPGA
* Improved filtering parameter determination for the Goldstein radar interferogram filter
* improved image segmentation algorithm for salient object detection, An
* Improved spread spectrum image watermarking in contourlet domain
* Improving Color Constancy Using Indoor-Outdoor Image Classification
* Improving efficiency and effectiveness of the image distortion model
* Improving face gender classification by adding deliberately misaligned faces to the training data
* Improving the SIFT descriptor with smooth derivative filters
* Information Geometry and Its Applications: Convex Function and Dually Flat Manifold
* Information Theoretic Methods for Diffusion-Weighted MRI Analysis
* Integrated Bayesian multi-cue tracker for objects observed from moving cameras
* Integrating a wavelet based perspiration liveness check with fingerprint recognition
* Interactions between Symmetric Cone and Information Geometries: Bruhat-Tits and Siegel Spaces Models for High Resolution Autoregressive Doppler Imagery
* Intrinsic Geometries in Learning
* Introduction to Distributed Smart Cameras, An
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Event Analysis in Videos, An
* investigation into noise-bound shadow detection and removal, An
* Investigation of profile registration with application to the FastSCAN™ range of laser scanners
* Investigation on LP-residual representations for speaker identification
* IRGS: Image Segmentation Using Edge Penalties and Region Growing
* Iris Recognition using Steerable Pyramids
* Iterative Object Localization Algorithm Using Visual Images with a Reference Coordinate
* Kernel-based spectral color image segmentation
* Kernels for Generalized Multiple-Instance Learning
* Knowledge-based power line detection for UAV surveillance and inspection systems
* Kruppa equation based camera calibration from homography induced by remote plane
* Latent-Space Variational Bayes
* Learning from partially supervised data using mixture models and belief functions
* learning method for association between vision and ego-motion which is Capable of Adapting to Arbitrary Image Distortion, A
* line segment table: a fast region description algorithm, The
* Local Binary Pattern Approach and its Applications to Face Analysis, The
* Local Region Descriptors for Active Contours Evolution
* Low-Complexity Implementation of the Affine Projection Algorithm
* Low-Complexity Parabolic Lip Contour Model With Speaker Normalization for High-Level Feature Extraction in Noise-Robust Audiovisual Speech Recognition, A
* Machine Recognition of Human Activities: A Survey
* Machine Vision Based Quality Monitoring in Olive Oil Conditioning
* Macroscopic Human Behavior Interpretation Using Distributed Imager and Other Sensors
* Maximum entropy method for diffractive imaging
* Medipix imaging: Evaluation of datasets with PCA
* Memory Efficient Hierarchical Lookup Tables for Mass Arbitrary-Side Growing Huffman Trees Decoding
* method to segment moving vehicle cast shadow based on wavelet transform, A
* Methods of Artificial Enlargement of the Training Set for Statistical Shape Models
* MinGPU: a minimum GPU library for computer vision
* Minimum Bayes error features for visual recognition
* Mining Recurring Events Through Forest Growing
* Mining top-k Hot Melody Structures over online music query streams
* Mixed pixel return separation for a full-field ranger
* Modality Mixture Projections for Semantic Video Event Detection
* Model-Based Imaging of Cardiac Apparent Conductivity and Local Conduction Velocity for Diagnosis and Planning of Therapy
* Modeling timing structures in gait image sequences using bottom-up clustering
* Motion Detection Using Fourier Image Reconstruction
* Moving plane detection under translational camera motion using the c-velocity concept
* MR Image Monomodal Registration Using Structure Similarity Index
* Multi-rate recognition of human gestures by concurrent frame rate control
* Multi-scale feature extraction for 3d surface registration using local shape variation
* Multibit Assignment Steganography in Palette Images
* Multifeature Object Trajectory Clustering for Video Analysis
* Multihypothesis Prior for Segmentation of Stereo Disparity
* Multiple initial point prediction based search pattern selection for fast motion estimation
* Multiple Watermarking with Side Information
* Multiresolution Bilateral Filtering for Image Denoising
* Multiresolution Stochastic Level Set Method for Mumford-Shah Image Segmentation, A
* Multivariate indexing of multichannel images based on the copula theory
* New Approach to Face Image Coding using Gabor Wavelet Networks, A
* New Clustering Approach for Face Identification, A
* new combination of local and global constraints for optical flow computation, A
* New mass description in mammographies
* New Multiplication-Free Block Matching Criterion, A
* New sequential exact Euclidean distance transform algorithms based on convex analysis
* New Spatial Approach to Image Restoration, A
* non-local regularization strategy for image deconvolution, A
* Non-malleable Schemes Resisting Adaptive Adversaries
* Noninvasive Three-Dimensional Cardiac Activation Imaging From Body Surface Potential Maps: A Computational and Experimental Study on a Rabbit Model
* Nonlinear Decision-Based Algorithm for Removal of Strip Lines, Drop Lines, Blotches, Band Missing and Impulses in Images and Videos
* Nonlinear Scale Space with Spatially Varying Stopping Time
* note on two-dimensional linear discriminant analysis, A
* Novel Approach for JPEG Steganography, A
* Novel Approach to Hand-Gesture Recognition in a Human-Robot Dialog System, A
* Novel Computational Complexity and Power Reduction Technique for H.264 Intra Prediction, A
* Novel depth cues from light scattering
* Novel Method for Block Size Forensics Based on Morphological Operations, A
* novel monitoring architecture for media services adaptation based on network QoS to perceived QoS mapping, A
* Novel Real-Time MPEG-2 Video Watermarking Scheme in Copyright Protection, A
* Novel Semantic Video Classification Model, A
* Novel Steganographic Algorithm Resisting Targeted Steganalytic Attacks on LSB Matching, A
* Object detection and identification applied to planes and aircraft for airport surveillance
* Object detection using image reconstruction with PCA
* Object Detection, Tracking and Recognition for Multiple Smart Cameras
* Object handoff between uncalibrated views without planar ground assumption
* Object-based target search using remotely sensed data: A case study in detecting invasive exotic Australian Pine in south Florida
* On 3D face feature segmentation using implicit surface active contours
* On fusion of active range data and passive stereo data for 3D scene modelling
* On the Performance of Wavelet Decomposition Steganalysis with JSteg Steganography
* On-line writer identification based on handwriting velocity and curvature of script
* Online Quality measurement of face localization obtained by neural networks trained with Zernike moments feature vectors
* Open/Closed Eye Analysis for Drowsiness Detection
* Optimising dynamic graphical models for video content analysis
* Palmprint Verification using SIFT features
* Parallel and Pipelined Architectures for Cyclic Convolution by Block Circulant Formulation Using Low-Complexity Short-Length Algorithms
* Part aggregation in a compositional model based on the evaluation of feature cooccurrence statistics
* Particle swarm optimisation for object classification
* patient position guidance system in radiation therapy using augmented reality, A
* Pattern classification by a Gibbsian Kohonen neural network with an application to Arabic character recognition
* Pattern discovery for object categorization
* Pattern recognition with a Bayesian kernel combination machine
* Performance of feature-selection methods in the classification of high-dimension data
* Person identification from spatio-temporal volumes
* Perspective correction for improved visual registration using natural features
* Phase retrieval by propagation for localized images
* Phase retrieval from a single near-field diffraction pattern with a large Fresnel number
* Physiological and behavioural approaches for person recognition using videos
* Practical Print-and-Scan Resilient Watermarking for High Resolution Images, A
* Prediction of the Thermal Imaging Minimum Resolvable (Circle) Temperature Difference with Neural Network Application
* predictive and parametrized architecture for image analysis algorithm implementations on FPGA adapted to multispectral imaging, A
* Quadratic programming vs. concurrent correlation matching under non-uniform image contrast and offset
* Radar target recognition based on the multi-resolution analysis theory and neural network
* RBF patching of laser scanner data
* Real-Time Human Pose Estimation: A Case Study in Algorithm Design for Smart Camera Networks
* Real-time object recognition using local features on a DSP-based embedded system
* Real-Time, Multiview Fall Detection System: A LHMM-Based Approach, A
* Realtime face detection and tracking using a single Pan, Tilt, Zoom camera
* Recent Advances in Large Scale Image Search
* Recognition of Arabic License Plates using NN
* Recursive sLORETA-FOCUSS Algorithm for EEG Dipoles Localization
* Region Merging Prior for Variational Level Set Image Segmentation, A
* Region-Level Image Authentication Using Bayesian Structural Content Abstraction
* Registration of surfaces minimizing error propagation for a one-shot multi-slit hand-held scanner
* Relationships Among Various 2-D Quaternion Fourier Transforms
* Reliability Estimation for Statistical Shape Models
* Removal of digitization errors in fingerprint ridgelines using B-splines
* Reproducibility and reliability of the DTI fiber tracking algorithm integrated in the Sisyphe software
* Resource Allocation for Error Resilient Video Coding Over AWGN Using Optimization Approach
* restoration of extended astronomical images using the spatially-variant point spread function, The
* Reversible Data Hiding Based On H.264/AVC Intra Prediction
* Review and Comparison of Measures for Automatic Video Surveillance Systems, A
* Road network extraction with new vectorization and pruning from high-resolution RS images
* robust approach to reconstruct experimentally the camera response function, A
* Robust Audio Watermarking Based on Log-Polar Frequency Index
* Robust calibration of the position of reference targets for a six degrees of freedom pose sensor
* Robust character recognition using adaptive feature extraction
* Robust Face Pose Estimation from Insufficient Data
* Robust Passage Retrieval Algorithm for Video Question Answering, A
* Robust Real-Time 3D Object Tracking with Interfering Background Visual Projections
* Robust upper limb tracking for large interactive displays
* Robust Watermarking Scheme for H.264, A
* Run-Length and Edge Statistics Based Approach for Image Splicing Detection
* Scalability Evaluation of Blind Spread-Spectrum Image Watermarking
* Scalable Clustered Camera System for Multiple Object Tracking, A
* Scale-Space Feature Based Image Watermarking in Contourlet Domain
* Score Fusion of SVD and DCT-RLDA for Face Recognition
* Second and Third Canadian Conferences on Computer and Robot Vision
* Secret Sharing Based Video Watermark Algorithm for Multiuser
* Security and Privacy in Distributed Smart Cameras
* Segmentation of bone marrow stromal cells in phase contrast microscopy images
* Segmentation of noisy images using information theory based approaches
* Segmentation of Tracking Sequences Using Dynamically Updated Adaptive Learning
* Self-calibration of a vision-based sensor network
* Semantic Analysis for Automatic Event Recognition and Segmentation of Wedding Ceremony Videos
* Semiautomatic Segmentation with Compact Shape Prior
* sequential Monte Carlo method for particle filters, A
* Shape from Depth Discontinuities
* Shape from inconsistent silhouette
* Signal Passing Interface and Its Application to Embedded Implementation of Smart Camera Applications, The
* Simultaneous detection of abrupt cuts and dissolves in videos using support vector machines
* Slice Sorting for Unequal Loss Protection of Video Streams
* Smart Camera Based Monitoring System and Its Application to Assisted Living
* Smart Camera Networks in Virtual Reality
* Smart Cameras and the Right to Privacy
* Soft clustering for nonparametric probability density function estimation
* Space Time Block Coding for Spread Spectrum Watermarking Systems
* Sparse Multiscale Patches for Image Processing
* Sparse Registration for Three-Dimensional Stress Echocardiography
* spatial-color mean-shift object tracking algorithm with scale and orientation estimation, A
* Special issue on Multimedia semantics, adaptation and personalization: Editorial
* Spectral derivative feature coding for hyperspectral signature analysis
* Speeded-up Bag-of-Words algorithm for robot localisation through scene recognition
* Statistical Computing on Manifolds: From Riemannian Geometry to Computational Anatomy
* Statistical Video Content Recognition Method Using Invariant Features on Object Trajectories, A
* Steganalysis Based on Difference Image
* Stereo Retinex
* Stereo vision using two PTZ cameras
* Structure Inference for Bayesian Multisensory Scene Understanding
* study on the relevance criteria for medical images, A
* Subgroup discover in large size data sets preprocessed using stratified instance selection for increasing the presence of minority classes
* Subspace manifold learning with sample weights
* Superpipelined high-performance optical-flow computation architecture
* Surface reconstruction of laser scanner data using piecewise RBF methods
* Symmetry detection for astronomical object study
* Systematic Lossy Error Protection of Video Signals
* Text Line Segmentation in Images of Handwritten Historical Documents
* Texture Mapping for the FastSCAN™ hand-held laser scanner
* Texture-suppressing edge detection in real-time
* theoretical comparison of two-class Fisher's and heteroscedastic linear dimensionality reduction schemes, A
* Three-Dimensional Cardiac Strain Estimation Using Spatio-Temporal Elastic Registration of Ultrasound Images: A Feasibility Study
* Three-Dimensional Surface Relief Completion Via Nonparametric Techniques
* Time Series Intra-Video Collusion Attack on Frame-by-Frame Video Watermarking, A
* Tongue diagnosis method for extraction of effective region and classification of tongue coating
* Towards a biophysical 3D model of the DNA
* Towards an intelligent vision processor
* Track and Cut: Simultaneous Tracking and Segmentation of Multiple Objects with Graph Cuts
* Tracking and recognizing actions of multiple hockey players using the boosted particle filter
* Tracking of Moving Objects in Video Through Invariant Features in Their Graph Representation
* Trademark image retrieval using synthetic features for describing global shape and interior structure
* Training of the Beta wavelet networks by the frames theory: Application to face recognition
* Trajectory-Based Anomalous Event Detection
* Trends and Challenges in Mono and Multi Biometrics
* Uncovering non-verbal semantic aspects of collaborative meetings: iterative design and evaluation of the Meeting Miner
* Unifying Subspace and Distance Metric Learning with Bhattacharyya Coefficient for Image Classification
* Unsupervised Category Modeling, Recognition, and Segmentation in Images
* Unsupervised constellation model learning algorithm based on voting weight control for accurate face localization
* Urban models texturing from un-calibrated photographs
* Using acceleration measurements for activity recognition: An effective learning algorithm for constructing neural classifiers
* Using MPEG-21 for cross-layer multimedia content adaptation
* Using multi-instance enrollment to improve performance of 3D face recognition
* Using texture analysis to improve per-pixel classification of very high resolution images for mapping plastic greenhouses
* Variational approximation of a constraint signal by a Mumford-Shah type energy functional
* Video analysis of hockey play in selected game situations
* Video Analysis of Human Gait and Posture to Determine Neurological Disorders
* Video Scene Object Detection Using An A Contrario Approach
* Video Watermarking Based on Spatio-temporal JND Profile
* View independent face detection based on horizontal rectangular features and accuracy improvement using combination kernel of various sizes
* View Matching with Blob Features
* virtual imaging system for colour research, A
* Visual tracking using the harmony search algorithm
* Volumetric InSAS reconstruction using belief propagation
* Watershed segmentation using prior shape and appearance knowledge
* Wavelet based Multifractal Analysis in Fractography
* Wavelet Frame Accelerated Reduced Support Vector Machines
* Wavelet-based blotch detection in old movies
* Weak inclusions and digital spaces
* Web-based on-line computational stereo vision
* Weighted median based colour filter array demosaicking
* Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks: Applications and Testbeds
* Wrapping Based Directional Hartley Transform and Content Based Image Retrieval
439 for 0811

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.