* 1-D Mosaics as a Tool for Structuring and Navigation in Digital Video Content
* 2D Grey-Level Convex Hull Computation: A Discrete 3D Approach
* 2D Z-string: A new spatial knowledge representation for image databases
* 3-D face modeling using two views and a generic face model with application to 3-D face recognition
* 3-D Modeling of an Outdoor Scene from Multiple Image Sequences by Estimating Camera Motion Parameters
* 3-D visualization method for image-guided brain surgery, A
* 3-dimensional object reconstruction from frequency diverse RF systems
* 3D Parametric Intensity Models for the Localization of Different Types of 3D Anatomical Point Landmarks in Tomographic Images
* 3D Reconstruction of Human Skeleton from Single Images or Monocular Video Sequences
* 3D Wiener Filtering to Reduce Reverberations in Ultrasound Image Sequences
* 3D-Color-Structure-Code: A Hierarchical Region Growing Method for Segmentation of 3D-Images
* 3D-Orientation Space; Filters and Sampling
* 3D-Polar Coordinate Colour Representation Well Adapted to Image Analysis, A
* 3DMODS 3D moving obstacle detection system
* 4-source photometric stereo technique for three-dimensional surfaces in the presence of highlights and shadows, The
* absolute localization method using a synthetic panoramic image base, An
* Access control system with high level security using fingerprints
* accurate and fast point-to-plane registration technique, An
* Accurate and robust line segment extraction by analyzing distribution around peaks in Hough space
* Accurate dense optical flow estimation using adaptive structure tensors and a parametric model
* Accurate spatio-temporal restoration of compact single frame defects in aged motion pictures
* Adaptive Beamforming with Sidelobe Control: A Second-Order Cone Programming Approach
* Adaptive color quantization based on perceptive edge protection
* Adaptive live video streaming by priority drop
* Adaptive object identification and recognition using neural networks and surface signatures
* adaptive rough fuzzy single pass algorithm for clustering large data sets, An
* Adaptive Spatial and Temporal Prefiltering for Video Compression
* Advantages of using a space filling curve for computing wavelet transforms of road traffic images
* Affine Structure from Translational Motion in Image Sequences
* Affine-Invariant Visual Features Contain Supplementary Information to Enhance Speech Recognition
* agent-based approach for tracking people in indoor complex environments, An
* Algorithm for Detection and Elimination of False Minutiae in Fingerprint Images
* Almost translation invariant wavelet transformations for speckle reduction of SAR images
* Alpha Scale Spaces on a Bounded Domain
* Analysing the Curvature of the Pectoralis Muscle in Mammograms
* Analysis and understanding of multi-class invoices
* Analysis of Minutiae Matching Strength, An
* Anatomical Coordinate System for Bilateral Registration of Mammograms
* Anisotropic Channel Filtering
* Application of adaptive block matching in the extraction of temporal motor activity signals from video recordings of neonatal seizures
* Application of nonlinear pre- and post-processing in low bit rate, error resilient image communication
* Approximating Non-linear Diffusion
* Architecture for Synchronous Multiparty Authentication Using Biometrics
* ASM Driven Snakes in Rheumatoid Arthritis Assessment
* Assessment of Time Dependency in Face Recognition: An Initial Study
* Associative memory based on ratio learning for real time skin color detection
* Attributed skeletal graphs for shape modelling and matching
* Audio-Visual Speaker Identification Based on the Use of Dynamic Audio and Visual Features
* Auto Camera Calibration Method for Person Tracking Applications
* Automated detection and segmentation of table of contents page and index pages from document images
* Automated Interpretation of Cardiac Scintigrams
* Automated Interpretation of Ventilation-Perfusion Lung Scintigrams for the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism Using Support Vector Machines
* Automated multisensor image registration
* Automated removal of ghost noise from SAR images using wavelet packet transform
* Automatic and Robust Computation of 3D Medial Models Incorporating Object Variability
* Automatic camera selection and fusion for outdoor surveillance under changing weather conditions
* Automatic Estimation of a Priori Speaker Dependent Thresholds in Speaker Verification
* Automatic Extraction of Object Region from Photographs
* Automatic face region tracking for highly accurate face recognition in unconstrained environments
* Automatic Facial Feature Extraction and Facial Expression Recognition
* Automatic Gait Recognition by Symmetry Analysis
* Automatic Gait Recognition via Fourier Descriptors of Deformable Objects
* Automatic Generation of Personalized Video Summary Based on Context Flow and Distinctive Events
* Automatic learning of an activity-based semantic scene model
* Automatic Pedestrian Detection and Tracking for Real-Time Video Surveillance
* Automatic Pixel Selection for Optimizing Facial Expression Recognition Using Eigenfaces
* Automatic Reconstruction of Silhouettes Using B-Splines
* Automatic segmentation of MR images based on adaptive anisotropic filtering
* Automatic segmentation of overlapping nuclei with high background variation using robust estimation and flexible contour models
* Automatic Traffic Surveillance System for Vehicle Tracking and Classification, An
* Automatic Videoconference Objects Watermarking Using Object Adapted Qualified Significant Wavelet Trees
* Automatical detection of face features and exact face contour
* Autonomous fuzzy parking control of a car-like mobile robot
* BANCA Database and Evaluation Protocol, The
* Band selection using independent component analysis for hyperspectral image processing
* Basic Morphological Operations, Band-Limited Images and Sampling
* Battlefields that see
* Bayesian Approach to Audio-Visual Speaker Identification, A
* Bayesian MCMC On-line Signature Verification, A
* Bayesian Network Approach for Combining Pitch and Reliable Spectral Envelope Features for Robust Speaker Verification, A
* Bayesian shape model for facial feature extraction and recognition
* Bidimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition Modified for Texture Analysis
* Binary Co-occurrence Matrix in Image Database Indexing
* Bio-imaging and bio-informatics
* BIOMET: A Multimodal Person Authentication Database Including Face, Voice, Fingerprint, Hand and Signature Modalities
* Biometric Template Selection: A Case Study in Fingerprints
* BioSig: An Imaging Bioinformatics System for Phenotypic Analysis
* Block Matching Integrating Intensity, Hue, and Range
* Boosting a Haar-Like Feature Set for Face Verification
* Boosting object detection using feature selection
* Bootstrapping Sequential Monte Carlo Tracking
* Bottom Reflectance Influence on a Color Correction Algorithm for Underwater Images
* Bucketing Techniques in Robust Regression for Computer Vision
* Building an Image-Based System to Automatically Score Psoriasis
* Calibration of panoramic catadioptric sensors made easier
* Camera calibration and 3D reconstruction using interval analysis
* Capabilities of Biometrics for Authentication in Wireless Devices
* Cascaded attention and grouping for object recognition from video
* change-detection algorithm based on structure and colour, A
* Character prototyping in document images using Gabor filters
* Characterization of suburban areas for land use planning using landscape ecological indicators derived from Ikonos-2 multispectral imagery
* Children's understanding of imagery in picture books
* Class-oriented recognizer design by weighting local decisions
* Classical Theory of Invariants and Object Recognition Using Algebraic Curve and Surfaces, The
* Classification and feature extraction for remote sensing images from urban areas based on morphological transformations
* Classification based on iterative object symmetry transform
* Classification method for colored natural textures using gabor filtering
* Classification with Controlled Robustness in High-Resolution SAR Data
* Classification with reject option in text categorisation systems
* Cluster-Dependent Feature Transformation for Telephone-Based Speaker Verification
* Coding techniques for CFA data images
* Cognitive Vision Needs Attention to Link Sensing with Recognition
* Cognitive Vision Systems: From Ideas to Specifications
* Cognitive Vision: Integrating Symbolic Qualitative Representations with Computer Vision
* Coherence-Enhancing Shock Filters
* Color correction for digital photographs
* Color filter array demosaicking: New method and performance measures
* color image restoration with adjacent parallel lines inhibition, A
* Color Image Segmentation Using a Model-Based Clustering and a MFA-EM Algorithm
* Color matching by using tuple matching
* Color-Based Image Retrieval from High-Similarity Image Databases
* Color-Based Object Tracking in Multi-camera Environments
* Color-based video stabilization for real-time on-board object detection on high-speed trains
* Colour Image Analysis in 3D-Polar Coordinates
* Combined blur and affine moment invariants and their use in pattern recognition
* Combined Face Detection/Recognition System for Smart Rooms
* Combined Fisherfaces framework
* combined fuzzy pixel-based and object-based approach for classification of high-resolution multispectral data over urban areas, A
* Combined line-based architecture for the 5-3 and 9-7 wavelet transform of JPEG2000
* Combined wavelet domain and temporal video denoising
* Combining Face and Iris Biometrics for Identity Verification
* Combining Fingerprint and Hand-Geometry Verification Decisions
* Combining MPEG-7 Based Visual Experts for Reaching Semantics
* Combining multiple classifiers based on third-order dependency for handwritten numeral recognition
* Combining SVM Classifiers for Multiclass Problem: Its Application to Face Recognition
* Combining vision and computer graphics for video motion capture
* Combining White-Patch Retinex and the Gray World Assumption to Achieve Color Constancy for Multiple Illuminants
* Combining words and object-based visual features in image retrieval
* Common Viewpoint on Broad Kernel Filtering and Nonlinear Diffusion, A
* Comparative Evaluation of Fusion Strategies for Multimodal Biometric Verification, A
* Comparative Performance Analysis of JPEG 2000 vs. WSQ for Fingerprint Image Compression, A
* Comparative Performance Evaluation of Gray-Scale and Color Information for Face Recognition Tasks
* Comparative Study of Automatic Face Verification Algorithms on the BANCA Database, A
* Comparing Clustering Methods for Database Categorization in Image Retrieval
* Comparing Objective and Subjective Quality Results for Compression Pre-processing with Non-linear Diffusion
* Comparison of Digital Length Estimators for Image Features, A
* comparison of exact and approximate adjoint sensitivities in fluorescence tomography, A
* Comparison of Face/Non-face Classifiers, A
* Comparison of MLP and GMM Classifiers for Face Verification on XM2VTS
* Comparison of Viewing Geometries for Augmented Reality, A
* Complementary features combined in an HMM-based system to recognize handwritten digits
* complete and stable set of affine-invariant Fourier descriptors, A
* Complete Signal Modeling and Score Normalization for Function-Based Dynamic Signature Verification
* Complete System of Measurement Invariants for Abelian Lie Transformation Groups, A
* Component Fusion for Face Detection in the Presence of Heteroscedastic Noise
* Component-Based Face Recognition with 3D Morphable Models
* Components analysis of hidden Markov models in computer vision
* Computation of Generic Features for Object Classification
* Computation-aware scheme for software-based block motion estimation
* Computational Model of Early Auditory-Visual Integration, A
* computational study of several relocation methods for k-means algorithms, A
* Computer aided detection of clustered microcalcifications in digitized mammograms using Gabor functions
* Computer based method and apparatus for object recognition
* Computer-aided detection and classification of microcalcifications in mammograms: a survey
* Computerized Cell Image Analysis: Past, Present, and Future
* Cone-beam reprojection using projection-matrices
* Consistent labeling of tracked objects in multiple cameras with overlapping fields of view
* Consistent Multi-view Reconstruction from Epipolar Geometries with Outliers
* Constant resolution omnidirectional cameras
* Constraint Shape Model Using Edge Constraint and Gabor Wavelet Based Search
* Constructing support vector machine ensemble
* Content Adaptation: The Panacea for Usage Diversity?
* Content Based Image Retrieval Using Multiscale Top Points: A Feasibility Study
* Content-based video summarization and adaptation for ubiquitous media access
* Context Clustering in Lossless Compression of Gray-Scale Image
* Continuous Curve Matching with Scale-Space Curvature and Extrema-Based Scale Selection
* Contour/Texture Approach for Visual Tracking
* Converting bitmap objects to polygons
* Convex Colour Sieves
* Correcting image distortion in the X-ray digital tomosynthesis system for PCB solder joint inspection
* Correcting Show-Through Effects on Scanned Color Document Images by Multiscale Analysis
* Correspondences between Wavelet Shrinkage and Nonlinear Diffusion
* Covariant-Conics Decomposition of Quartics for 2D Shape Recognition and Alignment
* Cross-Channel Histogram Equalisation for Colour Face Recognition
* Crossing Line Profile: A New Approach to Detecting Defects in Aluminium Die Casting
* Cumulative level-line matching for image registration
* Curvature Consistency for Shape-from-Shading
* Curvature Dependent Skeletonization
* Curvature-Based Algorithms for Nonrigid Motion and Correspondence Estimation
* Curvature-Based Singular Points Detection
* Data association for fusion in spatial and spectral imaging
* Data dimensionality estimation methods: a survey
* Defect detection on patterned jacquard fabric
* Defect Image Classification and Retrieval with MPEG-7 Descriptors
* Defering range/domain comparisons in fractal image compression
* Deformable M-Reps for 3D Medical Image Segmentation
* Dense 3D Interpretation of Image Sequences: A Variational Approach Using Anisotropic Diffusion
* Dense Stereomatching Algorithm Performance for View Prediction and Structure Reconstruction
* Dental Biometrics: Human Identification Using Dental Radiographs
* Depth-Based Indexing and Retrieval of Photographic Images
* Depth-first K-nearest neighbor finding using the MaxNearestDist estimator
* Design Options on the Development of a New Tree-Based Wavelet Image Coder
* Detecting abandoned packages in a multi-camera video surveillance system
* Detecting Distinguished Regions by Saliency
* Detecting Moving Objects with an Omnidirectional Camera Based on Adaptive Background Subtraction
* Detecting Moving Objects, Ghosts, and Shadows in Video Streams
* Detecting pattern-based outliers
* Detecting, recognizing and understanding video events in surveillance video
* Detection and Localization of Random Signals
* Detection and recognition of moving objects using statistical motion detection and Fourier descriptors
* Detection of changes in surveillance videos
* Detection of connecting points in Thai printed characters by combining inductive logic programming with backpropagation neural network
* Detection of skin color under changing illumination:a comparative study
* Detection of Strong Shadows in Monochromatic Video Streams
* Detection of Vehicles Using Gabor Filters and Affine Moment Invariants from an Image
* DETER: Detection of events for threat evaluation and recognition
* Determining Position and Fine Shape Detail in Radiological Anatomy
* Development and Real-Time Implementation of a Rule-Based Auto-Focus Algorithm
* Diatom Screening and Classification by Shape Analysis
* digital retina-like low-level vision processor, A
* Digital Watermarking of Spectral Images with Three-Dimensional Wavelet Transform
* Directional Properties of Colour Co-occurrence Features for Lip Location and Segmentation
* Directly Invertible Nonlinear Divisive Normalization Pyramid for Image Representation
* Discovering Bayesian causality among visual events in a complex outdoor scene
* Discrete and differential two-view constraints for general imaging systems
* Discrete event modeling of misrecognition in PTZ tracking
* Discrete tomography in medical imaging
* Discriminative Face Recognition
* Distance sets for shape filters and shape recognition
* distributed visual surveillance system, A
* Distribution Distance Measures Applied to 3-D Object Recognition: A Case Study
* divide and conquer deformable contour method with a model based searching algorithm, A
* Do mixture models in chromaticity space improve skin detection?
* Domain Decomposition for Parallel Variational Optical Flow Computation
* Domain-based multiple description coding of images and video
* DTM extraction of Lidar returns via adaptive processing
* Dual band (MWIR/LWIR) hyperspectral imager
* Dual-Factor Authentication System Featuring Speaker Verification and Token Technology, A
* Dynamic region of interest transcoding for multipoint video conferencing
* Dynamic X-ray computed tomography
* Edge and Junction Detection with an Improved Structure Tensor
* Edge detection in multispectral images using the self-organizing map
* Effect of Window Size and Shift Period in Mel-Warped Cepstral Feature Extraction on GMM-Based Speaker Verification
* efficient algorithm for exhaustive template matching based on normalized cross correlation, An
* Efficient and Consistent Recursive Filtering of Images with Reflective Extension
* Efficient Beltrami Flow Using a Short Time Kernel
* Efficient computation of discrete polynomial transforms
* efficient design of a variable fractional delay filter using a first-order differentiator, An
* Efficient design of advanced correlation filters for robust distortion-tolerant face recognition
* Efficient Image Matching Algorithms Based on Procedures of Searching for 2D Templates
* Efficient Method for Half-Pixel Block Motion Estimation Using Block Differentials
* Efficient Polygon Decomposition into Singular and Regular Regions Via Voronoi Diagrams
* efficient rate-distortion optimal shape coding approach utilizing a skeleton-based decomposition, An
* Efficient spotlight SAR raw signal simulation of extended scenes
* efficient vehicle queue detection system based on image processing, An
* efficient VLSI implementation of the discrete wavelet transform using embedded instruction codes for symmetric filters, An
* EigenGait: Motion-Based Recognition of People Using Image Self-Similarity
* Eigenvector method for shape-from-shading, An
* Eigenviews for object recognition in multispectral imaging systems
* Eliminating Variation of Face Images Using Face Symmetry
* Emergence of Visual Categories: A Computational Perspective, The
* Emotional facial expression model building
* Empirical Analysis of Detection Cascades of Boosted Classifiers for Rapid Object Detection
* empirical comparison of in-learning and post-learning optimization schemes for tuning the support vector machines in cost-sensitive applications, An
* empirical performance evaluation technique for discrete second derivative edge detectors, An
* End-Stop Exemplar Based Recognition
* Enhanced Model for Chromaticity Differences
* Enhanced VQ-Based Algorithms for Speech Independent Speaker Identification
* Enumeration of Contour Correspondence
* Environmental Monitoring Using Image Analysis
* Epidaure: a research project in medical image analysis, simulation, and robotics at INRIA
* Equi-areal catadioptric sensors
* Equivalence Results for TV Diffusion and TV Regularisation
* Error Resilient Video Coding Using Unequally Protected Key Pictures
* Error-Bounds on Curvature Estimation
* Estimating motion from MRI data
* Estimating Motion in Ultrasound Images of the Small Bowel: Optical Flow without Image Structure
* Estimating the essential matrix by efficient linear techniques
* Estimation of 3D gazed position using view lines
* Estimation of Asymmetry in Facial Actions for the Analysis of Motion Dysfunction Due to Paralysis
* Estimation of Curvature along Curves with Application to Fibres in 3D Images of Paper
* Estimation of Curvature Based Shape Properties of Surfaces in 3D Grey-Value Images
* Estimation of Skill Levels in Sports Based on Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Correspondences
* Estimation of Surface Flow and Net Heat Flux from Infrared Image Sequences
* Eulerian PDE Approach for Computing Tissue Thickness, An
* Evaluation of Uniform and Non-uniform Optical Flow Techniques Using Finite Element Methods
* Evaluation of Visual Speech Features for the Tasks of Speech and Speaker Recognition, An
* Evidence on Skill Differences of Women and Men Concerning Face Recognition
* Evolution of medical tomographic imaging: As seen from a Darwinian perspective
* Evolution of the Critical Points in the Curvature and Affine Morphological Scale Spaces
* Evolutionary semi-supervised fuzzy clustering
* Exact Optimization for Markov Random Fields with Convex Priors
* experimental assessment of minimum mapping unit size, An
* Experimental results from using a rank and fuse approach for multi-target tracking in CCTV surveillance
* Experimental Results on Fusion of Multiple Fingerprint Matchers
* Experimentation on the Use of Chromaticity Features, Local Binary Pattern, and Discrete Cosine Transform in Colour Texture Analysis
* Explanation for the Logarithmic Connection between Linear and Morphological Systems, An
* Expression-Invariant 3D Face Recognition
* expressive three-mode principal components model of human action style, An
* Extended Model-Based Automatic Gait Recognition of Walking and Running
* Extended Perspective Three Points Problem, An
* Extracting Symbolic Descriptors for Interactive Object Retrieval
* Extraction of 3D Structure from Video Sequences
* Extraction of Dermo-epidermal Surface from 3d Volumetric Images of Human Skin
* Extraction of Multiple Motion Trajectories in Human Motion
* Extraction of Orientation from Floor Structure for Odometry Correction in Mobile Robotics
* Extraction of Singular Points from Dense Motion Fields: An Analytic Approach
* Extrema Edges, The
* Eyes from Eyes: New Cameras for Structure from Motion
* Face Authentication Based on Multiple Profiles Extracted from Range Data
* Face cataloger: multi-scale imaging for relating identity to location
* Face Detection and Facial Component Extraction by Wavelet Decomposition and Support Vector Machines
* Face detection and tracking in a video by propagating detection probabilities
* Face detection for visual surveillance
* Face Detection on Still Images Using HIT Maps
* Face Detection Using an SVM Trained in Eigenfaces Space
* Face Hallucination and Recognition
* Face Identification and Verification via ECOC
* Face Location Algorithm Robust to Complex Lighting Conditions, A
* Face Recognition by Auto-associative Radial Basis Function Network
* Face recognition committee machines: dynamic vs. static structures
* Face Recognition for Video Indexing: Randomization of Face Templates Improves Robustness to Facial Expression
* Face Recognition From 2D And 3D Images
* Face Recognition System Based on Local Feature Analysis, A
* Face Recognition System Using Accurate and Rapid Estimation of Facial Position and Scale
* Face Recognition Using Independent Component Analysis and Support Vector Machines
* Face Recognition Using Independent Gabor Wavelet Features
* Face Recognition Using Support Vector Machines with the Feature Set Extracted by Genetic Algorithms
* Face Recognition Vendor Test 2002 Performance Metrics
* Face Tracking and Recognition from Stereo Sequence
* Face tracking system based on color, stereovision and elliptical shape features
* Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
* Facial Recognition in Video
* Facing Position Variability in Minutiae-Based Fingerprint Verification through Multiple References and Score Normalization Techniques
* Fame: A flexible appearance modeling environment
* Families of Generalised Morphological Scale Spaces
* Fast 3D Mean Shift Filter for CT Images
* Fast adaptive PNN-based thresholding algorithms
* Fast Anchor Person Searching Scheme in News Sequences, A
* Fast and Accurate Fingerprint Verification
* Fast Computation of Scale Normalised Gaussian Receptive Fields
* Fast Feature Selection in an HMM-Based Multiple Classifier System for Handwriting Recognition
* Fast Frontal-View Face Detection Using a Multi-path Decision Tree
* Fast good features selection for wide area monitoring
* Fast image segmentation based on multi-resolution analysis and wavelets
* Fast parallel algorithm for distance transform
* Fast volume scanning approaches by X-ray-computed tomography
* Fast, Simple, Feature Preserving and Memory Efficient Simplification of Triangle Meshes
* Fast-forward solvers for the low-frequency detection of buried dielectric objects
* Feature Coding with a Statistically Independent Cortical Representation
* Feature extraction and calibration for stereo reconstruction using non-SVP optics in a panoramic stereo-vision sensor
* Feature Extraction Using a Chaincoded Contour Representation of Fingerprint Images
* feature-based face recognition system, A
* FFT-Based Disparity Estimation for Stereo Image Coding
* Filter Banks, Wavelets, and Frames with Applications in Computer Vision and Image Processing (A Review)
* Finding cavities and tunnels in 3D complex objects
* Finding essential features for tracking star fish in a video sequence
* Finding Object Categories in Cluttered Images Using Minimal Shape Prototypes
* Fingerprint Alignment Using Similarity Histogram
* Fingerprint and speaker verification decisions fusion
* Fingerprint Classification by Combination of Flat and Structural Approaches
* Fingerprint Classification with Combinations of Support Vector Machines
* Fingerprint Enhancement Using Oriented Diffusion Filter
* Fingerprint Fusion Based on Minutiae and Ridge for Enrollment
* Fingerprint identification: classification vs. indexing
* Fingerprint Matching with Registration Pattern Inspection
* Fingerprint Verification Using Correlation Filters
* Flexible view recognition for indoor navigation based on Gabor filters and support vector machines
* FNS and HEIV: relating two vision parameter estimation frameworks
* Foreword to the special issue on urban remote sensing by satellite
* Foveated analysis of video
* frame-level FSBM motion estimation architecture with large search range, A
* framework for cell movement image analysis, A
* Framework for Cognitive Vision Systems or Identifying Obstacles to Integration, A
* framework for heading-guided recognition of human activity, A
* Framework for the Analysis of Majority Voting, A
* Fully Automatic Segmentation of MRI Brain Images Using Probabilistic Anisotropic Diffusion and Multi-scale Watersheds
* Fused spectropolarimetric visible near-IR imaging
* Fusing face and ECG for personal identification
* Fusion for registration of medical images: A study
* Fusion of Audio-Visual Information for Integrated Speech Processing
* Fusion of Statistical and Structural Fingerprint Classifiers
* Fusion techniques for automatic target recognition
* Fuzzy connectedness and image segmentation
* Fuzzy Connectivity Tree for Hierarchical Extraction of Venous Structures, A
* Fuzzy Modeling Based Recognition of Multi-font Numerals
* GA based approach for boundary detection of left ventricle with echocardiographic image sequences, A
* Gait Analysis for Human Identification
* Gait Shape Estimation for Identification
* Gaussian Scale Space from Insufficient Image Information
* Gaze Detection System by Wide and Auto Pan/Tilt Narrow View Camera
* Gaze tracking system and method
* general approach for egomotion estimation with omnidirectional images, A
* Generalized Discrete Scale-Space Formulation for 2-D and 3-D Signals, A
* Generalized Use of Homographies for Piecewise Planar Reconstruction
* Generalizing the Virtual Camera Pose for View Synthesis
* Generating Rotation-Invariant Texture Features by Randomization of Operator Orientation
* Generative Model Based Approach to Motion Segmentation, A
* Genetic Algorithm-Based Video Segmentation with Adaptive Population Size
* Geo-spatial active visual surveillance on wireless networks
* Geodesic morphometry with applications to 3-D morpho-functional anatomy
* Geometric preprocessing and neurocomputing for pattern recognition and pose estimation
* Geometric Segmentation and Object Recognition in Unordered and Incomplete Point Cloud
* Geometric-photometric approach to monocular shape estimation
* Geometry of single axis motions using conic fitting
* Gibbs Probability Distributions for Stereo Reconstruction
* Glasses Removal from Facial Image Using Recursive PCA Reconstruction
* global description of medical imaging with high precision, A
* Graphics Hardware Implementation of the Generalized Hough Transform for Fast Object Recognition, Scale, and 3D Pose Detection, A
* Greedy Kernel Principal Component Analysis
* Grey-level morphology combined with an artificial neural networks aproach for multimodal segmentation of the hippocampus
* Guest Editorial Medial and Medical: A Good Match for Image Analysis
* Hand Recognition Using Implicit Polynomials and Geometric Features
* Head modeling using color unequal phase stepping method
* Heart-surface reconstruction and ECG electrodes localization using fluoroscopy, epipolar geometry and stereovision: application to noninvasive imaging of cardiac electrical activity
* Heterogeneity of MR signal intensity mapped onto brain surface models
* hierarchical fuzzy classification approach for high-resolution multispectral data over urban areas, A
* Hierarchical matching of panoramic images
* Hierarchical Method for Stereophotogrammetric Multi-object-position Measurement
* Hierarchical modeling via optimal context quantization
* Hierarchical motion estimation with content-based meshes
* Hierarchical visualization of time-series data using switching linear dynamical systems
* Hierarchies Relating Topology and Geometry
* Hierarchy of Partitions with Dual Graph Contraction
* High-performance embedded morphological wavelet coding
* Highlight extraction in soccer videos
* HMM On-line Signature Verification Algorithm, An
* HMM-Based Subband Processing Approach to Speaker Identification, An
* Horizon picking in 3D Seismic Images
* hough transform-based method for radial lens distortion correction, A
* Human body pose estimation using silhouette shape analysis
* Human detection and tracking within hostile aquatic environments
* Human detection using depth and gray images
* Human Recognition on Combining Kinematic and Stationary Features
* Humanoid Machine Vision System and GPS
* hybrid approach to character segmentation of Gurmukhi script characters, A
* Hybrid Biometric Person Authentication Using Face and Voice Features
* Hybrid Distance Map Based and Morphologic Thinning Algorithm, A
* Hypotheses-Driven Affine Invariant Localization of Faces in Verification Systems
* Identification of different script lines from multi-script documents
* IEEE 1394 (firewire) based embedded video system for surveillance applications, An
* Illumination Correction from Psoriasis Image Data
* Illumination Insensitive Template Matching with Hyperplanes
* Illumination Normalization Using Logarithm Transforms for Face Authentication
* Image analysis by bidimensional empirical mode decomposition
* Image compression system and method of determining quantization parameters therefor
* Image Cube Trajectory Analysis for Concentric Mosaics
* Image Decomposition Application to SAR Images
* Image Decomposition by Radial Basis Functions
* Image enhancement using a contrast measure in the compressed domain
* Image formation through walls using a distributed radar sensor array
* Image Matching Using Distance Transform
* Image Matching Using Distant Landmarks
* Image Preprocessing Algorithm for Illumination Invariant Face Recognition, An
* Image processing in catadioptric planes: spatiotemporal derivatives and optical flow computation
* Image Reconstruction from Multiscale Critical Points
* Image Registration Methods: A Survey
* Image retrieval using BDIP and BVLC moments
* Image Retrieval Using Local Compact DCT-Based Representation
* Image Retrieval Using Mixture Models and EM Algorithm
* Image segmentation by three-level thresholding based on maximum fuzzy entropy and genetic algorithm
* Image Segmentation Using Dynamic Run-Length Coding Technique
* Image Sequence Analysis in Environmental and Live Sciences
* Imaging elastic properties of biological tissues by low-frequency harmonic vibration
* Imaging of moving targets using a Doppler compensated multiresolution method
* Implementation of Linear Prediction Models for Lossless Compression of Hyperspectral Images in Novel Parallel Environments
* Implementation of the USB Token System for Fingerprint Verification
* impossibility of affine reconstruction from perspective image pairs obtained by a translating camera with varying parameters, The
* Improved Audio-Visual Speaker Recognition via the Use of a Hybrid Combination Strategy
* Improved Error Concealment Using Scene Information
* Improved Fingerprint Indexing Algorithm Based on the Triplet Approach, An
* Improved Image Enhancement Scheme For Fingerprint Minutiae Extraction in Biometric Identification, An
* improved method of photometric stereo using local shape from shading, An
* improved optimal bit allocation method for sub-band coding, An
* Improved Variogram Analysis of the Maximum Expected Disparity in Stereo Images, An
* Improvements to urban area characterization using multitemporal and multiangle SAR images
* Improving Children's Speech Recognition by HMM Interpolation with an Adults' Speech Recognizer
* Improving Object Recognition Accuracy and Speed Through Non-Uniform Sampling
* Improving shape recovery by estimating properties of slightly-rough surfaces
* Improving the extraction of temporal motion strength signals from video recordings of neonatal seizures
* Improving the performance of classifiers in high-dimensional remote sensing applications: an adaptive resampling strategy for error-prone exemplars (ARESEPE)
* In-loop atom modulus quantization for matching pursuit and its application to video coding
* Including Biometric Authentication in a Smart Card Operating System
* Independent Component Analysis and Support Vector Machine for Face Feature Extraction
* Information fusion for scene understanding from interferometric SAR data in urban environments
* Information Fusion in Biometrics
* Information Technology for the Morphological Analysis of the Lymphoid Cell Nuclei
* Integrated System for Automatic Face Recognition, An
* Integrating Video Information over Time. Example: Face Recognition from Video
* Intelligent road detection based on local averaging classifier in real-time environments
* Interest Point Detection and Scale Selection in Space-Time
* Interleaving Object Categorization and Segmentation
* Intrinsic Coordinate System for Fingerprint Matching, An
* Invariant feature extraction and biased statistical inference for video surveillance
* invariant representations of a quadric cone and a twisted cubic, The
* Inverse scattering for a three-dimensional object in the time domain
* IR Pedestrian Detection for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
* Iris Feature Extraction and Matching Based on Multiscale and Directional Image Representation
* Iris Feature Extraction Using Independent Component Analysis
* Iris Recognition with Low Template Size
* Iris Verification Using Correlation Filters
* Iris-Based Personal Authentication Using a Normalized Directional Energy Feature
* Irradiation direction from texture
* Iterative Orientation Tuning in V1: A Simple Cell Circuit with Cross-Orientation Suppression
* JC-BioAPI Compliant Smart Card with Biometrics for Secure Access Control, A
* Kidney Glomerulus Observation in Interactive VR Space
* Knowledge discovery in medical and biological datasets using a hybrid Bayes classifier/evolutionary algorithm
* Learning an Analysis Strategy for Knowledge-Based Exploration of Scenes
* Learning an Object Model for Feature Matching in Clutter
* Learning Features for Fingerprint Classification
* Learning Human-Like Opponent Behavior for Interactive Computer Games
* Learning mixtures of point distribution models with the EM algorithm
* Least Squares and Robust Estimation of Local Image Structure
* Level Set Curve Matching and Particle Image Velocimetry for Resolving Chemistry and Turbulence Interactions in Propagating Flames
* Level-set-based artery-vein separation in blood pool agent CE-MR angiograms
* Lexicon-driven HMM decoding for large vocabulary handwriting recognition with multiple character models
* License plate surveillance system using weighted template matching
* Linear and nonlinear terrain deformation maps from a reduced set of interferometric SAR images
* Linear array processors with multiple access modes memory for real-time image processing
* Lip Recognition Using Morphological Pattern Spectrum
* Local entropy-based transition region extraction and thresholding
* Local Representations for Multi-object Recognition
* Localization of Piled Boxes by Means of the Hough Transform
* Locally Optimized RANSAC
* Locating human faces within images
* Loglets: Generalized Quadrature and Phase for Local Spatio-Temporal Structure Estimation
* Lossless Coding Using Predictors and Arithmetic Code Optimized for Each Image
* LUT-Based AdaBoost for Gender Classification
* LWDOS: Language for Writing Descriptors of Outline Shapes
* machine learning approach for human posture detection in domotics applications, A
* Macroblock classification for complexity management of video encoders
* mantis head camera (why the praying mantis is so good at catching its prey), The
* Many-to-Many Feature Matching in Object Recognition
* Many-to-Many Matching of Scale-Space Feature Hierarchies Using Metric Embedding
* MAPS: Multiscale Attention-Based PreSegmentation of Color Images
* Markov Random Field Approach to Multi-scale Shape Analysis, A
* markov random field-based approach to decision-level fusion for remote sensing image classification, A
* Matching clinical and biological needs with emerging imaging technologies
* Matching Occluded Objects Invariant to Rotations, Translations, Reflections, and Scale Changes
* Matching of characters in scene images by using local shape feature vectors
* Matching of graphical symbols in line-drawing images using angular signature information
* Mathematical modeling in genetic networks: relationships between the genetic expression and both chromosomic breakage and positive circuits
* Maximum Principle for Beltrami Color Flow, The
* Maximum-Likelihood Deformation Analysis of Different-Sized Fingerprints
* Mean-square-error optimality of orthogonal space-time block codes
* Measuring Perimeter and Area in Low Resolution Images Using a Fuzzy Approach
* Median Filtering of Tensor-Valued Images
* Medical image registration using mutual information
* Method and apparatus for image registration using large deformation diffeomorphisms on a sphere
* Method and system for indexing, sorting, and displaying a video database
* Method for Image Informational Properties Exploitation in Pattern Recognition Environment
* Method for Simultaneous Outlier Rejection in Image Super-Resolution, A
* Method of Creating of Functional Invariants under One-Parameter Geometric Image Transformations
* method of optimum transformation of 3D objects used as a measure of shape dissimilarity, A
* Microphysical cross validation of spaceborne radar and ground polarimetric radar
* Milestones on the road to higher resolution, quantitative, and functional ultrasonic imaging
* minimum entropy approach to adaptive image polygonization, A
* Mining residue contacts in proteins using local structure predictions
* Mirror design of a prescribed accuracy omnidirectional vision system
* Mixing catadioptric and perspective cameras
* Mode Estimation Using Pessimistic Scale Space Tracking
* Model Based Segmentation for Retinal Fundus Images
* Modeling Knot Geometry in Norway Spruce from Industrial CT Images
* Modeling of Pose Effects in Oriented Filter Responses for Head Pose Estimation
* Modeling the 3D kinematics of the eye in the geometric algebra framework
* Modeling the world: the virtualization pipeline
* Modification of Spatial Distribution in Primitive and Point Configuration Texture Model
* modification to the Goldstein radar interferogram filter, A
* Modified Fast Marching Method, A
* Modified luminance based MSR for fast and efficient image enhancement
* Moment computation for objects with spline curve boundary
* Monogenic Scale Space on a Bounded Domain and Its Applications, The
* mosaicing approach for the acquisition and representation of 3D painted surfaces for conservation and restoration purposes, A
* Motion analysis: Model selection and motion segmentation
* Motion Vector Estimation and Encoding for Motion Compensated DWT
* Moving cast shadow elimination for robust vehicle extraction based on 2D joint vehicle/shadow models
* Moving object detection between multiple and color images
* MPEG-4-Based Automatic Fine Granularity Personalization of Broadcast Multimedia Content
* MRF-MAP-MFT visual object segmentation based on motion boundary field
* Mugshot database acquisition in video surveillance networks using incremental auto-clustering quality measures
* Multi-block PCA method for image change detection
* multi-camera conical imaging system for robust 3D motion estimation, positioning and mapping from UAVs, A
* Multi-criteria Optimization for Scalable Bitstreams
* Multi-module switching and fusion for robust video surveillance
* Multi-oriented English Text Line Identification
* Multi-resolution Mosaic Construction Using Resolution Maps
* Multi-scale Binary Patterns for Texture Analysis
* Multi-view Method for Gait Recognition Using Static Body Parameters, A
* Multimodal Authentication Using Asynchronous HMMs
* Multimodal biometric authentication using quality signals in mobile communications
* Multiphase Level Set Framework for Motion Segmentation, A
* Multiple Classifier Systems for the Recognition of Orthoptera Songs
* Multiple Genetic Snakes for People Segmentation in Video Sequences
* Multiple Landmark Feature Point Mapping for Robust Face Recognition
* Multiresolution Approach to Biomedical Image Segmentation with Statistical Models of Appearance
* Multiresolution genetic clustering algorithm for texture segmentation
* Multiresolution Texture Analysis of Surface Reflection Images
* Multiscale Decomposition Approach to Gel Image Interpretation, A
* Multiscale fourier descriptor for shape classification
* Multiscale Medial Loci and Their Properties
* Multiscale medial shape-based analysis of image objects
* Multiscale modeling and imaging: the challenges of biocomplexity
* Multiscale skeletons by image foresting transform and its application to neuromorphometry
* Multisensor and spectral image fusion and mining: From neural systems to applications
* Multispectral imaging of the Archimedes palimpsest
* Multitemporal land use and land cover classification of urbanized areas within sensitive coastal environments
* Multitemporal/multiband SAR classification of urban areas using spatial analysis: statistical versus neural kernel-based approach
* Multiview panoramic cameras using a mirror pyramid
* N-division output coding method applied to face recognition
* Neural network based skin color model for face detection
* new algorithm for bit rate allocation in JPEG2000 tile encoding, A
* New Approach for Error Resilience in Video Transmission Using ECC, A
* New Area Based Metrics for Gait Recognition
* New Distance Measure for Probabilistic Shape Modeling, A
* New Geometric Transform Based on Stochastic Geometry in the Context of Pattern Recognition
* New Self-Recovery Technique for Image Authentication, A
* New Shielding Functions to Enhance Privacy and Prevent Misuse of Biometric Templates
* New View at Differential and Tensor-Based Motion Estimation Schemes, A
* Next generation IR focal plane arrays and applications
* NIST HumanID Evaluation Framework, The
* Noninvasive assessment of bone architecture by magnetic resonance micro-imaging-based virtual bone biopsy
* Nonparametric Approach to Face Detection Using Ranklets, A
* Normalized Averaging Using Adaptive Applicability Functions with Applications in Image Reconstruction from Sparsely and Randomly Sampled Data
* Note on Evaluation of Image Recognition Systems, A
* novel approach to detect and correct highlighted face region in color image, A
* Novel Method to Extract Features for Iris Recognition System, A
* Novel Temporal Views of Moving Objects for Gait Biometrics
* novel video key-frame-extraction algorithm based on perceived motion energy model, A
* Object Recognition under Various Lighting Conditions
* Object recognition via recognition of finger pointing actions
* Object segmentation using feature based conditional morphology
* Object-level structured contour map extraction
* Obtaining complete 2.5D view representation of polyhedra using concept of seedling single-view area
* Old fashioned state-of-the-art image classification
* Olympus: An Ambient Intelligence Architecture on the Verge of Reality
* Omnidirectional Camera Model and Epipolar Geometry Estimation by RANSAC with Bucketing
* Omnidirectional imaging and optical flow
* Omnidirectional sensing for human interaction
* Omnidirectional video
* On 3D Scanning, Reconstruction, Enhancement, and Segmentation of Logs
* On bending invariant signatures for surfaces
* On Consistent Discrimination between Directed and Diffuse Outdoor Illumination
* On Content-Based Very Low Bitrate Video Coding
* On Manifolds in Gaussian Scale Space
* On Optimality of Context Modeling for Bit-Plane Entropy Coding in the JPEG2000 Standard
* On registration of regions of interest (ROI) in video sequences
* On Robust Regression in Photogrammetric Point Clouds
* On Sampling the Spectrum of Approaches Toward Cognitive Vision Systems
* On scene interpretation with description logics
* On the choice of consistent canonical form during moment normalization
* On the Correlation of Image Size to System Accuracy in Automatic Fingerprint Identification Systems
* On the Dengfeng-Chuntian similarity measure and its application to pattern recognition
* On the Number of Modes of a Gaussian Mixture
* On the optimal parameter choice for v-support vector machines
* On the Relevance of Global Knowledge for Correlation-Based Seismic Image Interpretation
* On the selection and classification of independent features
* On the Similarity Based Impulsive Noise Removal Technique for Multichannel Images
* On-Line Signature Verifier Incorporating Pen Position, Pen Pressure, and Pen Inclination Trajectories
* One-Class Classification with Subgaussians
* Online Gaming and Emotion Representation
* Online signature verification using a new extreme points warping technique
* Open World Face Recognition with Credibility and Confidence Measures
* Optimal 3-d coefficient tree structure for 3-d wavelet video coding
* Optimal Scale Selection for Circular Edge Extraction
* Optimized recursive subband synthesis windowing for implementing efficient MPEG audio decoders
* Optimum model-based segmentation techniques for multifrequency polarimetric SAR images of urban areas
* Organization of Architectures for Cognitive Vision Systems
* Orientation Fields Filtering by Derivatives of a Gaussian
* Orientation Scanning to Improve Lossless Compression of Fingerprint Images
* Overview of methods for image reconstruction from projections in emission computed tomography
* Painting crack elimination using viscous morphological reconstruction
* Panel Position Notes: Video Coding: Present and Future
* Panoramic mosaicing with a 180 deg field of view lens
* Panoramic Movie Generation Using an Omnidirectional Multi-camera System for Telepresence
* Parallel implementation of exact dilations and multi-scale skeletonization
* Partial Optimal Labeling Search for a NP-Hard Subclass of (max,+) Problems
* particle-filter-based detection scheme, A
* Path Processing and Block Adjustment With RADARSAT-1 SAR Images
* Pathological lesion detection in 3D dynamic PET images using asymmetry
* Pattern Spaces from Graph Polynomials
* PCA vs low resolution images in face verification
* PDE Based Shape from Specularities
* PDE Based Surface Estimation for Structure from Motion
* perception of breast cancers: A spatial frequency analysis of what differentiates missed from reported cancers, The
* Perceptive visual texture classification and retrieval
* Perceptual grouping of segmented regions in color images
* Perceptual Organization of Directional Primitives Using a Pseudocolor Hough Transform
* Performance Analysis of Time-Distance Gait Parameters under Different Speeds
* Performance Evaluation of an Automatic Fingerprint Classification Algorithm Adapted to a Vucetich Based Classification System
* Performance evaluation of color based road detection using neural nets and support vector machines
* Performance Evaluation of Face Recognition Algorithms on the Asian Face Database, KFDB
* Performance evaluation of finite normal mixture model-based image segmentation techniques
* Performance of a mixed-traffic CDMA2000 wireless network with scalable streaming video
* Performance of three recursive algorithms for fast space-variant Gaussian filtering
* Performance Tests for Visual Servo Control Systems, with Application to Partitioned Approaches to Visual Servo Control
* Personal authentication using feature points on finger and palmar creases
* Personal Verification Using Palmprint and Hand Geometry Biometric
* Perspectives on the fusion of image and non-image data
* Photo-Identification of Humpback and Gray Whales using Affine Moment Invariants
* Photo-realistic representation of anatomical structures for medical education by fusion of volumetric and surface image data
* Photometric Aspects: A New Approach For 3D Free Form Object Recognition Using a Single Luminance Image
* Pixel Classification by Divergence-Based Integration of Multiple Texture Methods and Its Application to Fabric Defect Detection
* Plenoptic video geometry
* PMHT based multiple point targets tracking using multiple models in infrared image sequence
* Point similarity measures for non-rigid registration of multi-modal data
* Polarimetric SAR Speckle Noise Model
* Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Data and the Complex Wishart Distribution
* Polygonal Approximation of Closed Contours
* Poor Man Vote with M-ary Classifiers. Application to Iris Recognition
* Pose Estimation of Cylindrical Fragments for Semi-automatic Bone Fracture Reduction
* Pose Estimation of Free-Form Surface Models
* Pose for Fusing Infrared and Visible-Spectrum Imagery
* Pose-Independent Face Identification from Video Sequences
* Posed Face Image Synthesis Using Nonlinear Manifold Learning
* Postprocessing of JPEG-2000 images to remove compression artifacts
* Posture estimation in visual surveillance of archaeological sites
* Predicting Detection Events from Bayesian Scene Recognition
* Predicting Large Population Data Cumulative Match Characteristic Performance from Small Population Data
* Prediction suffix trees for supervised classification of sequences
* PrimeEye: A Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition System Robust to Illumination Changes
* Primitive and Point Configuration Texture Model and Primitive Estimation Using Mathematical Morphology
* Probabilistic Definition of Intrinsic Dimensionality for Images, A
* Probabilistic Generative Modelling
* Probability density estimation from optimally condensed data samples
* Progress in human ID
* Projectile identification system
* Projective Reconstruction of Surfaces of Revolution
* Properties of Brownian Image Models in Scale-Space
* Protein Spot Detection by Symmetry Derivatives of Gaussians
* Quad Phase Minimum Average Correlation Energy Filters for Reduced Memory Illumination Tolerant Face Authentication
* Quadtree Decomposition Texture Analysis in Paper Formation Determination
* Qualitative Characterization and Use of Prior Information
* Quality Measures of Fingerprint Images
* Quantitative fusion of performance results from actual and simulated image data
* Quantum image processing (QuIP)
* Quick response airborne deployment of VIPER muzzle flash detection and location system during DC sniper attacks
* Rate control for MPEG-2 SNR scalability and stream morphing using codeword estimation and overhead modelling
* RBF Neural Networks for Hand-Based Biometric Recognition
* Real time face detection from color video stream based on PCA method
* real time vehicle's license plate recognition system, A
* Real-Time Audiovisual Feature Extraction for Online Service Provision over DVB Streams
* Real-time detection of threat
* Real-Time Emotion Recognition Using Biologically Inspired Models
* Real-Time Face Detection Using Edge-Orientation Matching
* Real-time hand shape recognition for human interface
* Real-time human figure control using tracked blobs
* Real-Time Implementation of Face Recognition Algorithms on DSP Chip
* Real-Time Inspection System for Printed Circuit Boards
* Real-Time N-Descriptions Video Coding Architecture, A
* Real-Time Recognition of 3D-Pointing Gestures for Human-Machine-Interaction
* Real-Time Scale Selection in Hybrid Multi-scale Representations
* Real-Time System for Counting the Number of Passing People Using a Single Camera
* real-time text-independent speaker identification system, A
* Real-Time Texture-Based 3-D Tracking
* Real-time tracking of multiple persons
* Real-Time Tracking of Video Sequences in a Panoramic View for Object-Based Video Coding
* Real-Time visual attention on a massively parallel SIMD architecture
* real-time wide field of view passive millimeter-wave imaging camera, A
* Recognising moving hand shapes
* Recognition and detection of occluded faces by a neural network classifier with recursive data reconstruction
* Recognition Method of Lung Nodule Shadows in X-ray Ct Images Using 3d Object Models, A
* Recognition of hand-printed characters based on structural description and inductive logic programming
* Recognizing human activities
* Recognizing image style and activities in video using local features and naive Bayes
* Reconstructing 3D City Models by Merging Ground-Based and Airborne Views
* Reconstructing discontinuous surfaces from a given gradient field using partial integrability
* Reconstructing specimens using DIC microscope images
* Reconstructing the Optical Thickness from Hoffman Modulation Contrast Images
* Reconstruction of Linearly Parameterized Models from a Single Image Using the Vanishing Points
* Refining Face Tracking with Integral Projections
* Reflectance-based material classification for printed circuit boards
* Region Based Seed Detection for Root Detection in Minirhizotron Images, A
* Region-based wavelet coding methods for digital mammography
* Registration and Analysis of Vascular Images
* Registration of range data from unmanned aerial and ground vehicles
* Registration of Seal Images Using Contour Analysis
* Regularity Classes for Locally Orderless Images
* Regularized discriminant analysis for the small sample size problem in face recognition
* Regularizing a Set of Unstructured 3D Points from a Sequence of Stereo Images
* Relevance feedback in content-based image retrieval system by selective region growing in the feature space
* Reliable 3D reconstruction from a few catadioptric images
* reliable-inference framework for recognition of human actions, A
* Resampling for Face Recognition
* research of semantic content applied to image fusion, The
* Resolution conversion of gray-level images by discrete geometry
* Retrieval of 3D objects using curvature maps and weighted walkthroughs
* Retrieving leaf area index with a neural network method: simulation and validation
* review on egomotion by means of differential epipolar geometry applied to the movement of a mobile robot, A
* Revisiting Carl Bildt's Impostor: Would a Speaker Verification System Foil Him?
* Revisiting image splitting
* Road lane segmentation using dynamic programming for active safety vehicles
* Robust Camera Calibration from Images and Rotation Data
* Robust Curve Detection Using a Radon Transform in Orientation Space
* Robust DNA microarray image analysis
* Robust Face Recognition in the Presence of Clutter
* Robust Face-Tracking Using Skin Color and Facial Shape
* Robust Features for Frontal Face Authentication in Difficult Image Conditions
* Robust Hand-Eye Calibration of an Endoscopic Surgery Robot Using Dual Quaternions
* Robust Image Sequence Mosaicing
* Robust Medical Image Recognition System Employing Edge-Based Feature Vector Representation, A
* robust motion-estimation algorithm for multiple-target tracking at close proximity based on hexagonal partitioning, A
* Robust Multi-scale Extraction of Blob Features
* Robust Multiscale Deformable Registration of 3d Ultrasound Images
* Robust Online Appearance Models for Visual Tracking
* Robust Orientation, Calibration, and Disparity Estimation of Image Triplets
* robust support vector algorithm for nonparametric spectral analysis, A
* Robustness to noise of stereo matching
* Rotationally Invariant Wavelet Shrinkage
* Rough Surface Estimation Using the Kirchhoff Model
* S.O.M. based algorithm for video surveillance system parameter optimal selection, A
* SAR raw signal simulation for urban structures
* Scalability Analysis of Audio-Visual Person Identity Verification
* Scalable and Modular Solution for Virtual View Creation in Image-Based Rendering Systems, A
* scalable image-based multi-camera visual surveillance system, A
* Scale Space for Contour Registration Using Minimal Surfaces, A
* Scale-Space Image Analysis Based on Hermite Polynomials Theory
* Scale-Space on Image Profiles about an Object Boundary
* Scanning the issue: Special issue on emerging medical imaging technology
* scheme for spatial scalability using nonscalable encoders, A
* Searching Technique in a Spectral Image Database
* Searching through a Speech Memory for Text-Independent Speaker Verification
* Segmentation and Free Space Detection Using Gabor Filters
* Segmentation and range sensing using a moving-aperture lens
* Segmentation approach by learning: different image applications
* Segmentation of Cell Nuclei in Tissue by Combining Seeded Watersheds with Gradient Information
* Segmentation of Coarse and Fine Scale Features Using Multi-scale Diffusion and Mumford-Shah
* Segmentation of Faces in Video Footage Using Controlled Weights on HSV Color
* Segmentation of Histopathological Sections Using Snakes
* Segmentation of Laparoscopic Images for Computer Assisted Surgery
* Segmentation of T1-MRI of the Human Cortex Using a 3D Grey-level Morphology Approach
* Self-occlusion immune video tracking of objects in cluttered environments
* semi-direct approach to structure from motion, A
* Sensor and classifier fusion for outdoor obstacle detection: An application of data fusion to autonomous off-road navigation
* separable low complexity 2D HMM with application to face recognition, A
* Set of Novel Features for Writer Identification, A
* Shape Based People Detection for Visual Surveillance Systems
* Shape Description Using Gradient Vector Field Histograms
* Shape Preservation during Digitization: Tight Bounds Based on the Morphing Distance
* Shape recognition by distributed recursive learning of multiscale trees
* shortest path representation for video summarisation, A
* Shortest Route on Gray-Level Map Using Distance Transform on Curved Space
* Signal recognition: Fourier transform vs. Hartley transform
* Significance map pruning and other enhancements to SPIHT image coding algorithm
* Similarity Measure for Corner Redetection
* similarity metric for edge images, A
* Simple 1D Discrete Hidden Markov Models for Face Recognition
* simple and high-hiding capacity method for hiding digit-by-digit data in images based on modulus function, A
* Simplified Vehicle Calibration Using Multilinear Constraints
* Simultaneous Inpainting and Motion Estimation of Highly Degraded Video-Sequences
* Single-Scan Algorithm for Connected Components Labelling in a Traffic Monitoring Application, A
* Site calibration for large indoor scenes
* Smart interpolation by anisotropic diffusion
* Soft morphological Filtering of Spectral Images
* Solutions for Model-Based Analysis of Human Gait
* Some Issues of Biological Shape Modelling with Applications
* Space of Cognitive Vision, The
* Space weather research: a major application of imagery and data fusion
* Spatial data structures for version management of engineering drawings in CAD database
* Speaker Pruning Algorithm for Real-Time Speaker Identification, A
* Speckle filtering and coherence estimation of polarimetric SAR interferometry data for forest applications
* spectral analysis of perceptual shape variation, A
* Spectral Color Imaging
* Spectral histogram representations for visual modeling
* Spectral resolution requirements for mapping urban areas
* Spherical Decision Surfaces Using Conformal Modelling
* Splines and Wavelets: New Perspectives for Pattern Recognition
* state of the art in Japanese online handwriting recognition compared to techniques in western handwriting recognition, The
* State of the art on automatic road extraction for GIS update: A Novel Classification
* Statistical method for object alignment under affine transformation
* Statistical motion model based on the change of feature relationships: Human gait-based recognition
* statistical rationalisation of Hartley's normalised eight-point algorithm, A
* Stereo mosaics with slanting parallel projections from many cameras or a moving camera
* Stochastic models for recognition of occluded targets
* Stochastic Models of Video Structure for Program Genre Detection
* Stroke Segmentation in Infrared Reflectograms
* Structurally noise resistant classifier for multi-modal person verification
* Structure Estimation and Surface Triangulation of Deformable Objects
* Structure-Preserving Segmentation of Individual Tree Crowns by Brownian Motion
* Study on Performance Evaluation of Fingerprint Sensors, A
* Subblock matching-based conditional motion estimation with automatic threshold selection for video compression
* Summarizing Video: Content, Features, and HMM Topologies
* Superresolution from image sequence
* Supervised Approach in Background Modelling for Visual Surveillance, A
* Supervised Segmentation of Volume Textures Using 3D Probabilistic Relaxation
* Supervised-PCA and SVM classifiers for object detection in infrared images
* support system for maintenance training by augmented reality, A
* Surface parameterization in volumetric images for curvature-based feature classification
* Surface Shape from Specularities
* Surface Soil Moisture Retrieval from L-Band Radiometry: A Global Regression Study
* survey of camera self-calibration, A
* survey of recent developments in theoretical neuroscience and machine vision, A
* SVM approximation for real-time image segmentation by using an improved hyperrectangles-based method
* Synthesis of High-Resolution Facial Image Based on Top-Down Learning
* Synthetic Eyes
* System Concept for Image Sequence Classification in Laser Welding
* System for Object Class Detection, A
* system for the automatic layout segmentation and classification of digital documents, A
* Techniques for Parallel Execution of the Particle Filter
* Template-Based Eye and Mouth Detection for 3D Video Conferencing
* Temporal Dynamical Interactions between Multiple Layers of Local Image Features for Event Detection in Video Sequences
* Temporal Scale Spaces
* Temporal Structure Tree in Digital Linear Scale Space
* Texture analysis and classification of ERS SAR images for map updating of urban areas in the Netherlands
* Texture analysis based on local semicovers
* Texture and speckle statistics in polarimetric SAR synthesized images
* Texture Classification by Combining Local Binary Pattern Features and a Self-Organizing Map
* Texture Classification through Multiscale Orientation Histogram Analysis
* Texture classification using the support vector machines
* Texture segmentation using wavelet transform
* Theoretic Evidence k-Nearest Neighbourhood Classifiers in a Bimodal Biometric Verification System
* Theory analysis on FSLDA and ULDA
* Things That See: Context-Aware Multi-modal Interaction
* Three Dimensional Reconstruction of Coronary Arteries by Using Registration and Texture-mapping onto Epicardial Surface on Nuclear 3d Image
* Three-dimensional edge-preserving image enhancement for computed tomography
* Three-dimensional guide-wire reconstruction from biplane image sequences for integrated display in 3-d vasculature
* Three-Dimensional Imaging of Buried Objects in Very Lossy Earth by Inversion of VETEM Data
* Three-dimensional segmentation and growth-rate estimation of small pulmonary nodules in helical CT images
* Tile-Based Transport of JPEG 2000 Images
* To See What You Cannot See
* topological approach for segmenting human body shape, A
* Toward an automated system for the analysis of cytogenetic abnormalities using fluorescence in situ hybridization technique
* Toward Person Authentication with Point Light Display Using Neural Network Ensembles
* Towards a view invariant gait recognition algorithm
* Towards automatic 3D reconstruction of urban scenes from low-altitude aerial images
* Towards automatic transcription of Syriac handwriting
* Towards Recognition-Based Variational Segmentation Using Shape Priors and Dynamic Labeling
* Towards Semantic Universal Multimedia Access
* Tracking a Planar Patch by Additive Image Registration
* Tracking and handoff between multiple perspective camera views
* Tracking Human Heads Based on Interaction between Hypotheses with Certainty
* Tracking the Pose of Objects through Subspace
* Tracking Weather Storms Using 3D Doppler Radial Velocity Information
* Training and Recognition of Complex Scenes Using a Holistic Statistical Model
* Trajectories extraction from image sequences based on kinematic
* Transcoding, Scalable Coding,and Standardized Metadata
* Tree-Structured Markov Random Field Model for Bayesian Image Segmentation, A
* Triplet Based Approach for Indexing of Fingerprint Database for Identification, A
* Tube Methods for BV Regularization
* Two Linear Methods for Camera Calibration and Their Applications to Augmented Reality and 3D Reconstruction
* Two-Dimensional Channel Representation for Multiple Velocities
* Two-Frame Motion Estimation Based on Polynomial Expansion
* U-NORM Likelihood Normalization in PIN-Based Speaker Verification Systems
* Unconstrained logo detection in document images
* unified framework for alignment and correspondence, A
* Unified fusion rules for multisensor multihypothesis network decision systems
* Unsupervised fuzzy clustering and image segmentation using weighted neural networks
* Unsupervised robust nonparametric estimation of the hemodynamic response function for any FMRI experiment
* Unsupervised texture segmentation by dominant sets and game dynamics
* Untangling the Blum Medial Axis Transform
* Urban building height variance from multibaseline ERS coherence
* use of fully polarimetric information for the fuzzy neural classification of SAR images, The
* use of high-resolution imagery for identification of urban climax forest species using traditional and rule-based classification approach, The
* Using an Active Shape Structural Model for Biometric Sketch Recognition
* Using hidden Markov models and wavelets for face recognition
* Using Image Segments in PicSOM CBIR System
* Using Linear Symmetry Features as a Pre-processing Step for Fingerprint Images
* Using Mixture Covariance Matrices to Improve Face and Facial Expression Recognitions
* Using Optical Flow as Evidence for Probabilistic Tracking
* Using Real Shadows to Create Virtual Ones
* Using set partitioning in hierarchical trees to authenticate digital images
* Using symmetry in robust model fitting
* Using the Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation for Digital Inpainting in 2D and 3D
* Vanishing points and three-dimensional lines from omni-directional video
* Variance Component Estimation in Performance Characteristics Applied to Feature Extraction Procedures
* Variational Dense Motion Estimation Using the Helmholtz Decomposition
* Vehicle detection approaches using the NVESD Sensor Fusion Testbed
* Vesselness enhancement diffusion
* Video Coding with Lifted Wavelet Transforms and Frame-Adaptive Motion Compensation
* Video Denoising Using Multiple Class Averaging with Multiresolution
* Video extraction in compressed domain
* Video object segmentation for head-shoulder sequences in the cellular neural networks architecture
* Video surveillance and human activity recognition for anti-terrorism and force protection
* View synthesis from uncalibrated images using parallax
* View-based recognition of 3D-textured surfaces
* View-invariant face detection method based on local PCA cells
* Virtual gaze redirection in face images
* Vision-based positioning and terrain mapping by global alignment for UAVs
* Visual Analysis of the Use of Mixture Covariance Matrices in Face Recognition
* Visual Capabilities in an Interactive Autonomous Robot
* Visual Categorization of Children and Adult Walking Styles
* Visual Features Extracting and Selecting for Lipreading
* Visual literacy: an overview
* Visual Quality Inspection System Based on a Hierarchical 3D Pose Estimation Algorithm, A
* Visual self-localisation using automatic topology construction
* Visual Speech: A Physiological or Behavioural Biometric?
* volumetric approach for interactive 3D modeling, A
* Vote counting measures for ensemble classifiers
* Wavelet domain image denoising by thresholding and wiener filtering
* Wavelet-Based 2-Parameter Regularized Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition
* Way of Multiplexing TV-Anytime Metadata and AV Contents to Provide Personalized Services in Digital Broadcasting, A
* Weighted Thin-Plate Spline Image Denoising
* What Can Video Analysis Do for MPEG Standards?
* Who's Who? Challenges in Biometric Authentication
* Wiener filter improvement combining wavelet domains, A
* Working with JPEG2000: two proposals for sparse histogram images
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