Update Dates 1110

1110 * *BMVC
* *European Workshop on Visual Information Processing
* *European Workshop on Visual Information Processing
* *IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems and Technology (ARRAY),
* *Model-based Imaging, Rendering, Image Analysis and Graphical special Effects
* *Photogrammetric Image Analysis
* 124 Mpixels/s VLSI Design for Histogram-Based Joint Bilateral Filtering, A
* 3-D Time-Domain SAR Imaging of a Forest Using Airborne Multibaseline Data at L- and P-Bands
* 3D fast spatial filtering method
* 3D Human model adaptation by frame selection and shape-texture optimization
* 3D Model-based Reconstruction of the Proximal Femur from Low-dose Biplanar X-Ray Images
* 3D Modeling of Haussmannian Facades
* 3D Rotation-Invariant Description from Tensor Operation on Spherical HOG Field
* 3D Scene interpretation by combining probability theory and logic: The tower of knowledge
* a priori Shading Correction Technique for Contact Imaging Devices, An
* Absolute Attitude From Monostatic Radar Measurements of Rotating Objects
* Absolute Orientation of Stereoscopic Cameras by Aligning Contours in Pairs of Images and Reference Images
* Accelerated Proximal Gradient Algorithm for Frame-Based Image Restoration via the Balanced Approach, An
* Accounting for Atmospheric Delays in InSAR Data in a Search for Long-Wavelength Deformation in South America
* Accurate Focusing and Resolution Analysis Method in Geosynchronous SAR, The
* Accurate Landmarking of Three-Dimensional Facial Data in the Presence of Facial Expressions and Occlusions Using a Three-Dimensional Statistical Facial Feature Model
* Accurate Moving Cast Shadow Suppression Based on Local Color Constancy Detection
* Accurate Regression Procedures for Active Appearance Models
* Active Learning using Dirichlet Processes for Rare Class Discovery and Classification
* adaptive framework for H.264 optimized encoding, An
* Adaptive fuzzy commitment scheme based on iris-code error analysis
* adaptive local binarization method for document images based on a novel thresholding method and dynamic windows, An
* Adaptive Methodologies for Energy-Efficient Object Detection and Tracking With Battery-Powered Embedded Smart Cameras
* Adaptive modulation method for MGS video streaming
* Adaptive Multicarrier OFDM SAR Signal Processing
* Adaptive pre-interpolation filter for high efficiency video coding
* Adaptive quantization based on saliency map at frame level of H.264/AVC rate control scheme
* Adaptive Sampling for Feature Detection, Tracking, and Recognition on Mobile Platforms
* Adaptive Scale Selection for Hierarchical Stereo
* Adaptive Time-Frequency Detection and Filtering for Imaging in Heavy Clutter
* Advances in large-format visible focal plane technology
* Advantages of Selective Change-Driven Vision for Resource-Limited Systems
* Age classification using Radon transform and entropy based scaling SVM
* Alternating Direction Method for Image Inpainting in Wavelet Domains
* Analysis and comparison of quality metrics with reference based on uniform colour spaces
* Analysis and evaluation of a general camera model
* Analysis of Dyadic Approximation Error for Hybrid Video Codecs With Integer Transforms
* Analysis of the Multimode Feedhorn Concept for Multichannel SAR-GMTI
* Analyzing Tomographic SAR Data of a Forest With Respect to Frequency, Polarization, and Focusing Technique
* Anatomically Oriented Breast Coordinate System for Mammogram Analysis, An
* Approximate and exact hybrid algorithms for private nearest-neighbor queries with database protection
* Approximate Fourier phase information in the phase retrieval problem: what it gives and how to use it
* Are MSER Features Really Interesting?
* Artifact reduction of compressed images and video combining adaptive fuzzy filtering and directional anisotropic diffusion
* Augmented Kernel Matrix vs Classifier Fusion for Object Recognition
* Augmented Lagrangian Method for Total Variation Video Restoration, An
* Augmented-reality TV
* Augmenting Training Samples with a Large Number of Rough Segmentation Datasets
* Automated Assembly of Shredded Pieces From Multiple Photos
* Automated Non-Gaussian Clustering of Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Automatic Aneurysm Neck Detection Using Surface Voronoi Diagrams
* Automatic Classification of Ground-Penetrating-Radar Signals for Railway-Ballast Assessment
* Automatic image registration for arm radiographies
* Automatic Nonrigid Calibration of Image Registration for Real Time MR-Guided HIFU Ablations of Mobile Organs
* Automatic salient object segmentation based on context and shape prior
* Automatic Scale Detection for Contour Fragment Based on Difference of Curvature
* Automatic Surveillance Camera Calibration without Pedestrian Tracking
* Automatic Target Recognition of SAR Images Based on Global Scattering Center Model
* Background subtraction using spatio-temporal continuities
* Background suppression with low-resolution camera in the context of medication intake monitoring
* Bayesian Estimation of Beta Mixture Models with Variational Inference
* Bayesian-Compressive-Sampling-Based Inversion for Imaging Sparse Scatterers, A
* Beyond classical biometrics: When using hidden biometrics to identify individuals
* Bias-Variance Approach for the Nonlocal Means, A
* Binding Computer Vision to Physics Based Simulation: The Case Study of a Bouncing Ball
* Binocular Photometric Stereo
* Bit-Rate Allocation for Multiple Video Streams Using a Pricing-Based Mechanism
* Block ridgelet and SVM based fingerprint matching
* boosting approach for supervised Mahalanobis distance metric learning, A
* Boosting Pseudo Census Transform Features for Face Alignment
* Branch&Rank: Non-Linear Object Detection
* Bringing 3D to the Small Screen
* Building footprint database improvement for 3D reconstruction: A split and merge approach and its evaluation
* Building Rome in a Day
* Bundle Adjustment for Stereoscopic 3D
* Burst-Loss-Resilient Packetization of Video
* Calibration of Housing Parameters for Underwater Stereo-Camera Rigs
* Camera Resectioning from Image Edges with the L_inf-Norm Using Linear Programming
* CAMSHIFT improvement on multi-hue object and multi-object tracking
* Cardiac motion analysis using factorization method
* Causal Inference on Discrete Data Using Additive Noise Models
* Cellular Neural Networks, the Navier-Stokes Equation, and Microarray Image Reconstruction
* Challenges in Seafloor Imaging and Mapping With Synthetic Aperture Sonar
* Change Detection in Urban Areas by Direct Comparison of Multi-view and Multi-temporal ALS Data
* CIE uniform chromaticity scale diagram for measuring performance of OSA-UCS Delta-EE and CIEDE00 formulas
* Circle Detection Using a Gabor Annulus
* Circular Harmonic Functions: A unifying mathematical framework for image restoration, enhancement, indexing, retrieval and recognition
* Class-specific 3D localization using constellations of object parts
* Classification of gender and face based on gradient faces
* Classification of type-2 diabetic patients by using Apriori and predictive Apriori
* cloud mask methodology for high resolution remote sensing data combining information from high and medium resolution optical sensors, A
* Co-operative surveillance cameras for high quality face acquisition in a real-time door monitoring system
* Collaborative cameras for multi-target tracking using color based particle filter and object contour
* Color face-tuned salient detection for image quality assessment
* Combinatorial Continuous Maximum Flow
* Combined Affine Geometric Transformations and Spatially Dependent Radiometric Deformations: A Decoupled Linear Estimation Framework
* Combining Self Training and Active Learning for Video Segmentation
* Combining Visible and Near-Infrared Cues for image Categorisation
* Comparative evaluation of 3D vs. 2D modality for automatic detection of facial action units
* Comparison of polarimetric techniques for the identification of biological and chemical materials using Mueller matrices, lateral waves, and surface waves
* Complementary texture and intensity gradient estimation and fusion for watershed segmentation
* Complex Object Correspondence Construction in Two-Dimensional Animation
* Component-Wise Analysis of Constructible Match Cost Functions for Global Stereopsis, A
* Compressive Inverse Light Transport
* Computation of Fluid and Particle Motion From a Time-Sequenced Image Pair: A Global Outlier Identification Approach
* Computation of Level-Set Components From Level Lines
* Computational color constancy
* Computational Intelligibility Model for Assessment and Compression of American Sign Language Video, A
* Computational Modeling of Top-down Visual Attention in Interactive Environments
* Computational versus Psychophysical Bottom-Up Image Saliency: A Comparative Evaluation Study
* Computing Steerable Principal Components of a Large Set of Images and Their Rotations
* Computing the Inner Distances of Volumetric Models for Articulated Shape Description with a Visibility Graph
* condensed semantics for qualitative spatial reasoning about oriented straight line segments, A
* Conditional Random Fields for Urban Scene Classification with Full Waveform LiDAR Data
* Content Based Image Retrieval Using Visual-Words Distribution Entropy
* Content-based classification of graphical document images
* Contour Stencils: Total Variation along Curves for Adaptive Image Interpolation
* Contour-based iterative pose estimation of 3D rigid object
* Contour-based object detection
* Converting local spectral and spatial information from a priori classifiers into contextual knowledge for impervious surface classification
* Convexity Measure for Open and Closed Contours, A
* Cooperative Layered Video Multicast Using Randomized Distributed Space Time Codes
* Cost-Effective and Robust Edge-Based Blur Metric Based on Careful Computation of Edge Slope, A
* Cost-effective solution to synchronised audio-visual data capture using multiple sensors
* Coupling edge and region-based information for boundary finding in biomedical imagery
* Coverage problems in sensor networks: A survey
* Creating Chinkin Works in the Virtual Space
* Custom Pictorial Structures for Re-identification
* DAML: Domain Adaptation Metric Learning
* DBS Doppler Centroid Estimation Algorithm Based on Entropy Minimization, A
* De-striping hyperspectral imagery using wavelet transform and adaptive frequency domain filtering
* Decryption of noisy encrypted images by statistical analysis
* Definition of descriptors for semantic image interpretation
* Degraded color document image enhancement based on NRCIR
* DEM matching for bias compensation of rigorous pushbroom sensor models
* Demisting the Hough Transform for 3D Shape Recognition and Registration
* Demonstration of a virtual active hyperspectral LiDAR in automated point cloud classification
* Dense Disparity Real-Time Stereo Vision Algorithm for Resource-Limited Systems
* Design of reject rules for ECOC classification systems
* Detection of gullies in roughly textured terrain using airborne laser scanning data
* Detection of Windows in IR Building Textures Using Masked Correlation
* Determination of motion parameters of a moving range sensor approximated by polynomials for rectification of distorted 3D data
* devil is in the details: An evaluation of recent feature encoding methods, The
* Diagnostic quality assessment of medical images: Challenges and trends
* Dimensionality Reduction for Histogram Features Based on Supervised Non-negative Matrix Factorization
* Discriminative Learning of Contour Fragments for Object Detection
* Distributed KD-Trees for Ultra Large Scale Object Recognition
* Distributed, multi-sensor tracking of multiple participants within immersive environments using a 2-cohort camera setup
* Does Human Action Recognition Benefit from Pose Estimation?
* Doppler-Hitchhiker: A Novel Passive Synthetic Aperture Radar Using Ultranarrowband Sources of Opportunity
* driver's sixth sense, A
* DWT-based robust video fingerprinting
* Dynamic Processing Allocation in Video
* Dynamic Resource Allocation by Ranking SVM for Particle Filter Tracking
* Edge-preserving color image denoising through tensor voting
* Edge-Sensing Generic Demosaicing Algorithm With Application to Image Resampling, An
* Editing and versioning for high performance network models in a multiuser environment
* EEG-Based Cognitive Interfaces for Ubiquitous Applications: Developments and Challenges
* effective and efficient visual quality index based on local edge gradients, An
* Effects of a Reflecting Background on the Results of Active MMW SAR Imaging of Concealed Objects
* Efficient 3D Object Detection using Multiple Pose-Specific Classifiers
* Efficient Deterministic Compressed Sensing for Images with Chirps and Reed-Muller Codes
* Efficient Full Aperture Processing of TOPS Mode Data Using the Moving Band Chirp Z-Transform
* Efficient model-based 3D tracking of hand articulations using Kinect
* Efficient motion vector prediction algorithm using pattern matching
* Efficient Neumann Series-Based Algorithm for Thermoacoustic and Photoacoustic Tomography with Variable Sound Speed, An
* efficient no-reference metric for perceived blur, An
* Efficient Second Order Multi-Target Tracking with Exclusion Constraints
* Efficient video coding based on audio-visual focus of attention
* Efficient Video Mosaicking by Multiple Loop Closing
* Elastic appearance models
* Enabling Composition-Based Video-Conferencing for the Home
* Enhancement of low light image based on Gaussian Mixture Modeling
* Enhancing Gradient Sparsity for Parametrized Motion Estimation
* Enhancing the output of spatial color algorithms
* Entropy Driven Hierarchical Search for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Estimating the Mutual Orientation in a Multi-camera System with a Non Overlapping Field of View
* Evaluation of robustness against rotation of LBP, CCR and ILBP features in granite texture classification
* Evaluation on Estimators for Stochastic and Heuristic Based Cost Functions Using the Epipolar-Constraint, An
* Event Detection Based on a Pedestrian Interaction Graph Using Hidden Markov Models
* Evolutionary neural network for noise cancellation in image data
* Example-Driven Manifold Priors for Image Deconvolution
* experimental study of one- and two-level classifier fusion for different sample sizes, An
* Explicit Occlusion Reasoning for 3D Object Detection
* Exploiting Visual-Audio-Textual Characteristics for Automatic TV Commercial Block Detection and Segmentation
* Extracting a Good Quality Frontal Face Image From a Low-Resolution Video Sequence
* Extracting discriminative color features for face recognition
* Extraction and Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Isolated Buildings in Urban Scenes From High-Resolution Optical and SAR Spaceborne Images
* Extraction of complex patterns from multiresolution remote sensing images: A hierarchical top-down methodology
* Extraction of Non-forest Trees for Biomass Assessment Based on Airborne and Terrestrial LiDAR Data
* Face Alignment with Part-Based Modeling
* Face detection and stereo matching algorithms for smart surveillance system with IP cameras
* Face Discovery with Social Context
* Face recognition based on Gabor features
* Facial Movement Based Recognition
* Facial recognition progress report
* Factored Shapes and Appearances for Parts-based Object Understanding
* Fast and accurate motion segmentation using Linear Combination of Views
* Fast and robust semi-local stereo matching using possibility distributions
* Fast and Simple 2D Shape Retrieval Using Discrete Shock Graph
* Fast digital optical flow estimation based on EMD
* Fast EPILE Combined With FBM for Electromagnetic Scattering From Dielectric Targets Above and Below the Dielectric Rough Surface, The
* Fast Facial Image Super-Resolution via Local Linear Transformations for Resource-Limited Applications
* Fast HDR image generation from multi-exposed multiple-view LDR images
* Fast human activity recognition based on structure and motion
* Fast image interpolation using Circular Harmonic Functions
* Fast Inference with Min-Sum Matrix Product
* Fast Marching for Robust Surface Segmentation
* Fast mode dependent directional transform via butterfly-style transform and integer lifting steps
* Fast Shape Matching Using Statistical Features of Shape Contexts
* Fast Tracking of Deformable Objects in Depth and Colour Video
* Feature Combination beyond Basic Arithmetics
* Feature extraction based on fuzzy local discriminant embedding with applications to face recognition
* Feature selection for facial expression recognition
* Feature-Based Sparse Representation for Image Similarity Assessment
* Finsler Streamline Tracking with Single Tensor Orientation Distribution Function for High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging
* Fluorescence microscopy three-dimensional depth variant point spread function interpolation using Zernike moments
* Foreground prediction for bilayer segmentation of videos
* Forensic identification by computer-aided craniofacial superimposition: A survey
* Forest parameter estimation in the Pol-InSAR context employing the multiplicative-additive speckle noise model
* Foreword to the Special Issue on Synthetic Aperture Radar Technologies and Techniques
* Framework for Hand Gesture Recognition Based on Accelerometer and EMG Sensors, A
* Framework for the Recognition of Nonmanual Markers in Segmented Sequences of American Sign Language, A
* Frequency-Domain Optical Tomographic Imaging of Arthritic Finger Joints
* From computational attention to image fusion
* Fusion by combination of scores multi-biometric systems
* Fusion of Digital Elevation Models Using Sparse Representations
* Fuzzy Similarity-Based Emotional Classification of Color Images
* Fuzzy-GA hybridization in M-band wavelets for collusion resilient optimized SS watermarking
* Gable Roof Detection in Terrestrial Images
* Gait-Based Gender Classification Using Mixed Conditional Random Field
* Gallbladder Segmentation from 2-D Ultrasound Images Using Active Contour Models and Gradient Vector Flow
* GANC: Greedy agglomerative normalized cut for graph clustering
* Gaze shifts as dynamical random sampling
* Gender Recognition Using 3-D Human Body Shapes
* General Adaptive Neighborhood-Based Pretopological Image Filtering
* Generalized Accelerated Proximal Gradient Approach for Total-Variation-Based Image Restoration, A
* Generalized Local Binary Patterns for Texture Classification
* Generating fuzzy edge images from gradient magnitudes
* Genetic algorithm clustering for color image quantization
* Genetically identical irises have texture similarity that is not detected by iris biometrics
* Geolocation and Stereo Height Estimation Using TerraSAR-X Spotlight Image Data
* Geometric distortion measurement for shape coding: A contemporary review
* Geometry of Reflectance Symmetries, The
* Global Selection vs Local Ordering of Color SIFT Independent Components for Object/Scene Classification
* GPSlam: Marrying Sparse Geometric and Dense Probabilistic Visual Mapping
* Gradient-Based Source and Mask Optimization in Optical Lithography
* Graph theory based segmentation of traced boundary into open and closed sub-sections
* Graph-based Particle Filter for Human Tracking with Stylistic Variations
* Ground Moving Target Indication via Multichannel Airborne SAR
* Group Sparse Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Multi-Manifold Learning
* Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Award-Winning Papers from the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2009 (CVPR 2009)
* Halftone Image Classification Using LMS Algorithm and Naive Bayes
* Halftone-Image Security Improving Using Overall Minimal-Error Searching
* Hallucinating Face in the DCT Domain
* Hamming Color Code for Dense and Robust One-shot 3D Scanning
* Hand detection using multiple proposals
* Head Pose-free Approach for Appearance-based Gaze Estimation, A
* Here's looking at you, kid. Detecting people looking at each other in videos
* Heteroscedastic linear feature extraction based on sufficiency conditions
* Hierarchical and Modular Surveillance Systems in ITS
* Hierarchical Classification of Images by Sparse Approximation 1
* High-level scene structure using visibility and occlusion
* Hough Forests for Object Detection, Tracking, and Action Recognition
* Human Instance Segmentation from Video using Detector-based Conditional Random Fields
* Human Object Inpainting Using Manifold Learning-Based Posture Sequence Estimation
* HVS-metric-based performance analysis of image denoising algorithms
* Hybrid active learning for reducing the annotation effort of operators in classification systems
* hybrid approach to outlier detection based on boundary region, A
* hybrid watermarking scheme for CCL-applied video contents, A
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Dictionary-Based Sparse Representation
* Hyperspectral Image Segmentation Using a New Bayesian Approach With Active Learning
* Ice Sheet Bed Mapping With Airborne SAR Tomography
* Identification of ancient coins based on fusion of shape and local features
* Identification of hazelnut fields using spectral and Gabor textural features
* Identifying Rare and Subtle Behaviors: A Weakly Supervised Joint Topic Model
* Illumination normalization of facial images by reversing the process of image formation
* image authentication method by applying Hamming code on rearranged bits, An
* Image Categorization Using Scene-Context Scale Based on Random Forests
* Image Coding Using Depth Blurring for Aesthetically Acceptable Distortion
* Image denoising by adaptive lifting schemes
* Image denoising using Bilateral filter in high dimensional patch-space
* Image Denoising via Improved Sparse Coding
* Image denoising with patch based PCA: local versus global
* Image distortion analysis and classification scheme using a neural approach
* Image Magnification Using Interval Information
* Image Matting with Transductive Inference
* Image Quality Assessment by Separately Evaluating Detail Losses and Additive Impairments
* Image quality metrics based multifocus image fusion
* Image representation for generic object recognition using higher-order local autocorrelation features on posterior probability images
* Image retrieval using improved texton co-occurrence matrix
* Image Segmentation Using Local Variation and Edge-Weighted Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations
* Image Sequence Interpolation Using Optimal Control
* Image Sequence Processing in Stereovision Mobile Mapping: Steps towards Robust and Accurate Monoscopic 3D Measurements and Image-Based Georeferencing
* Image-Driven Parameter Estimation in Absorption-Diffusion Models of Chromoscopy
* Imaging the Social Brain by Simultaneous Hyperscanning during Subject Interaction
* Impact of edges characterization on image clustering
* Improve gamut mapping of Color Management System by perceptual quality-oriented analysis
* improved contour-based thinning method for character images, An
* Improved Corrections of Forest Effects on Passive Microwave Satellite Remote Sensing of Snow Over Boreal and Subarctic Regions
* Improved Elastic Registration of Low-Contrast Fluorescent Microscopy Images Using the Behaviour of Local Similarity
* Improved Iris Recognition through Fusion of Hamming Distance and Fragile Bit Distance
* Improved side information generation for distributed video coding
* Improved Spatio-temporal Salient Feature Detection for Action Recognition
* Improving Brain-Computer Interfaces
* Improving image quality assessment with modeling visual attention
* Improving Keypoint Orientation Assignment
* Improving the Kinect by Cross-Modal Stereo
* Improving Web Image Search by Bag-Based Reranking
* In Good Shape: Robust People Detection based on Appearance and Shape
* In-Network Packet Scheduling and Rate Allocation: A Content Delivery Perspective
* In-Strip Matching and Reconstruction of Line Segments from UHR Aerial Image Triplets
* Indexing of multilingual news telecast using audio-visual keywords
* Influence of sample size on line-based positional assessment methods for road data
* Integrated Content and Context Analysis for Mobile Landmark Recognition
* Interactive 3-D Audio System With Loudspeakers, An
* Interference Suppression Algorithm for SAR Based on Time-Frequency Transform
* Interpolation-Dependent Image Downsampling
* Intrinsic dimension estimation by maximum likelihood in isotropic probabilistic PCA
* Inverse Rendering with a Morphable Model: A Multilinear Approach
* Inversion Formulas for a Cylindrical Radon Transform
* Iris features extraction using wave atoms
* Joint Adaptive Colour Modelling and Skin, Hair and Clothes Segmentation using Coherent Probabilistic Index Maps
* Joint Histogram Modelling for Segmentation Multiple Sclerosis Lesions
* Joint Registration and Super-Resolution With Omnidirectional Images
* Kernel Optimization Based Semi-Supervised KBDA Scheme for Image Retrieval
* L and VHF Band Airborne SAR. System Features and Comparative Image Analysis
* Labeling Image Patches by Boosting based Median Classifier
* Laboratory Measurement of the DInSAR Response to Spatiotemporal Variations in Soil Moisture
* Land use and land cover classification over a large area in Iran based on single date analysis of satellite imagery
* Large margin based nonnegative matrix factorization and partial least squares regression for face recognition
* Large-Scale Database of Images and Captions for Automatic Face Naming, A
* Latent Boosting for Action Recognition
* Leaf Segmentation and Tracking Using Probabilistic Parametric Active Contours
* Learning Dictionaries of Discriminative Image Patches
* Learning discriminative spatial representation for image classification
* Learning Hierarchical Image Representation with Sparsity, Saliency and Locality
* Learning Sequential Patterns for Lipreading
* Learning Tree-structured Quantizers for Image Categorization
* Learning-Based Prediction of Visual Attention for Video Signals
* Less is More: Efficient 3-D Object Retrieval With Query View Selection
* Level Set Based Multispectral Segmentation with Corners
* Light-Efficient Photography
* Line Search Multilevel Optimization as Computational Methods for Dense Optical Flow
* Link-Based Approach to the Cluster Ensemble Problem, A
* Local Binary Patterns and Its Application to Facial Image Analysis: A Survey
* Local Feature Based Unsupervised Alignment of Object Class Images
* Lookup-Table-Based Gradient Field Reconstruction
* Low Complexity Sign Detection and Text Localization Method for Mobile Applications, A
* Low complexity truncated Gray-coded bit plane matching based multiple candidate motion estimation
* Low Power and Low Complexity Compressor for Video Capsule Endoscopy
* Low-Complexity Inverse Transforms of Video Codecs in an Embedded Programmable Platform
* Low-Complexity Tracking-Aware H.264 Video Compression for Transportation Surveillance
* Lung Cancer Detection from Thoracic CT Scans Using 3-D Deformable Models Based on Statistical Anatomical Analysis
* machine-vision system for automated quality control of welded rings, A
* Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography for Monitoring Electric Field Distribution During Tissue Electroporation
* Markov random fields for abnormal behavior detection on highways
* Markov Random Fields using complex line process: An application to Bayesian image restoration
* Markup SVG: An Online Content-Aware Image Abstraction and Annotation Tool
* Matching between Different Image Domains
* Max-margin Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Image Classification and Annotation
* Max-Margin Semi-NMF
* Maximum likelihood autocalibration
* Mean Predictive Block Matching (MPBM) for fast block-matching motion estimation
* Measurement Accuracy of Center Location of a Circle by Centroid Method
* Measuring perceptual contrast in uncontrolled environments
* Medical Image Segmentation Using Descriptive Image Features
* Memory Allocation Exploiting Temporal Locality for Reducing Data-Transfer Bottlenecks in Heterogeneous Multicore Processors
* Millimeter-Wave Imaging With Optimized Sparse Periodic Array for Short-Range Applications
* Minimal Solution to Radial Distortion Autocalibration, A
* Missing Image Data Reconstruction Based on Adaptive Inverse Projection via Sparse Representation
* MobiUP: An Upsampling-Based System Architecture for High-Quality Video Streaming on Mobile Devices
* Model-Based Acoustic Remote Sensing of Seafloor Characteristics
* Modeling and measuring the spatial relation along: Regions, contours and fuzzy sets
* Modeling long memory eye gaze data
* Modeling Motion of Body Parts for Action Recognition
* Modeling Urban Heat Islands and Their Relationship With Impervious Surface and Vegetation Abundance by Using ASTER Images
* Modeling visual information by spatio-temporal patterns to analyze event tactic in sports video
* Modelling eye-movement control via a constrained search approach
* Modern displays: Why we see different colors, and what it means?
* Modified confusion-diffusion based satellite image cipher using chaotic standard, logistic and sine maps
* Morphometric Shape Analysis with Measurement Covariance Estimates
* Motion Regularization for Matting Motion Blurred Objects
* MOVIES: indexing moving objects by shooting index images
* MPEG-4 LASeR-based thin client remote viewer
* Multi scale Harris corner detector based on Differential Morphological Decomposition
* Multi-Class Image Labeling with Top-Down Segmentation and Generalized Robust P^N Potentials
* Multi-Instance Multi-Label Learning for Image Classification with Large Vocabularies
* Multi-object visual tracking based on reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo
* Multi-Pinhole SPECT Calibration: Influence of Data Noise and Systematic Orbit Deviations
* Multi-scale neural texture classification using the GPU as a stream processing engine
* Multi-spectral False Color Shadow Detection
* Multi-view Alpha Matte for Free Viewpoint Rendering
* Multilabel classifiers with a probabilistic thresholding strategy
* Multilevel Mixture-of-Experts Framework for Pedestrian Classification, A
* Multipath Model and Exploitation in Through-the-Wall and Urban Radar Sensing
* Multiple-Kernel Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm for Image Segmentation, A
* Multiresolution subspace-based optimization method for inverse scattering problems
* Multiscale Local Map-Drift-Driven Multilateration SAR Autofocus Using Fast Polar Format Image Synthesis
* Multitarget region tracking based on short-sight modelling of background and color distribution temporal variation
* Multiwindow Approach for Radargrammetric Improvements, A
* Music classification via the bag-of-features approach
* mutual information based face clustering algorithm for movie content analysis, A
* NASA's L-Band Digital Beamforming Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Nearest-Neighbor based Metric Functions for indoor scene recognition
* New Advances of the Extended Minimum Cost Flow Phase Unwrapping Algorithm for SBAS-DInSAR Analysis at Full Spatial Resolution
* new algorithm for computing the 2-dimensional matching distance between size functions, A
* new algorithm for initial cluster centers in k-means algorithm, A
* New biometric approach based on geometrical humain brain patterns recognition: Some preliminary results
* New Buckling Model for Cloth Simulation, A
* New Feature-preserving Nonlinear Anisotropic Diffusion Method for Image Denoising, A
* new FPGA-based dynamic partial reconfiguration design flow and environment for image processing applications, A
* new method for license plate validation using the orientations algorithm, A
* new support vector machine method for medical image classification, A
* New Variational Formulations for Level Set Evolution Without Reinitialization with Applications to Image Segmentation
* No-reference blurred image quality assessment
* Noise-robust edge detector combining isotropic and anisotropic Gaussian kernels
* Nonlinear Inversion for Multiple Objects in Transient Electromagnetic Induction Sensing of Unexploded Ordnance: Technique and Applications
* Nonparametric Scene Parsing via Label Transfer
* Nonrigid Registration Framework Using Spatially Encoded Mutual Information and Free-Form Deformations, A
* noRANSAC for fundamental matrix estimation
* novel approach for Persian/Arabic intelligent word recognition, A
* Novel Approach to Image Assessment by Seeking Unification of Subjective and Objective Criteria Based on Supervised Learning, A
* Novel Image-Based 3D Reconstruction of the Human Jaw using Shape from Shading and Feature Descriptors
* Novel intra prediction via position-dependent filtering
* Object and Action Classification with Latent Variables
* Object Digitization for Everyone
* Object Mining for Large Video data
* Object Tracking and Target Reacquisition Based on 3-D Range Data for Moving Vehicles
* Objective validation of a dynamical and plausible computational model of visual attention
* Offline Recognition of Devanagari Script: A Survey
* Omni-directional vision system with fibre grating device for obstacle detection
* On Data Collection Using Mobile Robot in Wireless Sensor Networks
* On Dependent Bit Allocation for Multiview Image Coding With Depth-Image-Based Rendering
* On Distributed Multimedia Scheduling With Constrained Control Channels
* On Implicit Image Derivatives and Their Applications
* On Improving the Efficiency of Tensor Voting
* On Regularized Reconstruction of Vector Fields
* On-line Hough Forests
* one-pass estimation algorithm for real-time video coding, A
* One-Pulse FEC Coding for Robust CELP-Coded Speech Transmission Over Erasure Channels
* Online Buffer Fullness Estimation Aided Adaptive Media Playout for Video Streaming
* Ontology-driven discovery of geospatial evidence in web pages
* Optimal Compression Plane for Efficient Video Coding
* Optimal Gabor Filters and Haralick Features for the Industrial Polarization Imaging
* Optimal Rebinning of Time-of-Flight PET Data
* Optimal Tag Sets for Automatic Image Annotation
* Optimization in Differentiable Manifolds in Order to Determine the Method of Construction of Prehistoric Wall Paintings
* Optimizing FEC Transmission Strategy for Minimizing Delay in Lossless Sequential Streaming
* Optimizing Multi-Rate Peer-to-Peer Video Conferencing Applications
* Orientation histogram of SIFT displacement for recognizing actions in broadcast videos
* Parallel Framework for Fast Photomosaics, A
* Parametric Level Set Methods for Inverse Problems
* PatchMatch Stereo: Stereo Matching with Slanted Support Windows
* Pattern Recognition Approaches for Identifying Subcortical Targets during Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery
* Perceiving distortions in visual signals
* Perception: Insights from the sensori-motor approach
* Perceptual coding for 3D reconstruction
* Perceptual Similarity: A Texture Challenge
* Performance analysis, parameter selection and extensions to H.264/AVC FRExt for high resolution video coding
* Performance Evaluation of IPTV Over Wireless Home Networks
* Performance Requirements for Ionospheric Correction of Low-Frequency SAR Data
* Performance Study on Different Stereo Matching Costs Using Airborne Image Sequences and Satellite Images, A
* Period Coded Phase Shifting Strategy for Real-time 3-D Structured Light Illumination
* Phase Unwrapping for Very Large Interferometric Data Sets
* Photographic assessment of retroreflective film properties
* Place Recognition and Online Learning in Dynamic Scenes with Spatio-Temporal Landmarks
* Planar shape representation and matching under projective transformation
* Plane Surface Detection and Reconstruction using Induced Stereo Symmetry
* PopTract: Population-Based Tractography
* Pose Normalization via Learned 2D Warping for Fully Automatic Face Recognition
* Pose-Free Structure From Motion Using Depth From Motion Constraints
* Practical Orientation Field Estimation for Embedded Fingerprint Recognition Systems
* Practical System for Modelling Body Shapes from Single View Measurements, A
* Pre-processing of a sample of multi-scene and multi-date Landsat imagery used to monitor forest cover changes over the tropics
* Predicting Social Interactions for Visual Tracking
* Prediction of L-band signal attenuation in forests using 3D vegetation structure from airborne LiDAR
* Prism-Mask System for Multispectral Video Acquisition, A
* Processing the Azimuth-Variant Bistatic SAR Data by Using Monostatic Imaging Algorithms Based on Two-Dimensional Principle of Stationary Phase
* Protuberance Selection descriptor for breast cancer diagnosis
* Public System for Image Based 3D Model Generation, A
* Push and Pull: Iterative grouping of media
* Quality Assessment for Crowdsourced Object Annotations
* Quality estimation based on interest points through hierarchical saliency maps
* Radar Backscatter Mapping Using TerraSAR-X
* Real-Time Artifact-Free Image Upscaling
* Real-time Dense Visual Tracking under Large Lighting Variations
* Real-Time Multi-Person Tracking with Time-Constrained Detection
* Real-Time Multi-view Human Motion Tracking Using 3D Model and Latency Tolerant Parallel Particle Swarm Optimization
* Real-time through-wall imaging using an ultrawideband multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) phased array radar system
* Real-time TV commercial monitoring based on robust visual hashing
* Real-Time Upper-Body Human Pose Estimation Using a Depth Camera
* Recent progress in quantifying colour reproduction quality
* Recognition of Traffic Lights in Live Video Streams on Mobile Devices
* recognition-based motion capture baseline on the HumanEva II test data, A
* Reconstructive and Discriminative Sparse Representation for Visual Object Categorization
* Reducing the false alarm rate in abandoned object detection
* Refined Non-rigid Registration of a Panoramic Image Sequence to a LiDAR Point Cloud
* Regionwise Classification of Building Facade Images
* Regressing Local to Global Shape Properties for Online Segmentation and Tracking
* Relative orientation based on multi-features
* Reliable Image Matching with Recursive Tiling
* Removing Artefacts From Color and Contrast Modifications
* Removing Motion Blur With Space-Time Processing
* Representing topological relationships for spatiotemporal objects
* Residues Cluster-Based Segmentation and Outlier-Detection Method for Large-Scale Phase Unwrapping
* Resource-Aware Coverage and Task Assignment in Visual Sensor Networks
* Retrieval of Sea Surface Range Velocities From Envisat ASAR Doppler Centroid Measurements
* Reversible watermarking using prediction and Difference Expansion
* Revisiting Complex Moments for 2-D Shape Representation and Image Normalization
* Road environment modeling using robust perspective analysis and recursive Bayesian segmentation
* Robust Image Alignment Algorithm for Video Stabilization Purposes, A
* Robust line matching through line-point invariants
* Robust Multiscale Stereo Matching from Fundus Images with Radiometric Differences
* Robust Real-Time Visual Odometry with a Single Camera and an IMU
* Robust Statistical Label Fusion Through Consensus Level, Labeler Accuracy, and Truth Estimation (COLLATE)
* Robust visual speakingness detection using bi-level HMM
* Robust Visual Tracking and Vehicle Classification via Sparse Representation
* Rotation invariant complex Zernike moments features and their applications to human face and character recognition
* Running Max/Min Filters Using 1+o(1) Comparisons per Sample
* Saliency Detection Based on Frequency and Spatial Domain Analyses
* Salient region detection with opponent color boosting
* Scalable Object Discovery: A Hash-Based Approach to Clustering Co-occurring Visual Words
* Scalable video coding using motion-compensated temporal filtering
* Scattering Simulation and Reconstruction of a 3-D Complex Target Using Downward-Looking Step-Frequency Radar
* Scene classification in compressed and constrained domain
* Scene Flow from Depth and Color Images
* Scheme for the Detection and Tracking of People Tuned for Aerial Image Sequences, A
* Score level fusion of multimodal biometrics using triangular norms
* Seeing is Not Enough
* Segmentation and Tracking Multiple Objects Under Occlusion From Multiview Video
* Segmentation of objects in a detection window by Nonparametric Inhomogeneous CRFs
* Segmentation of Parchment Scrolls for Virtual Unrolling
* Segmentation-based document image denoising
* Selection of Network Coding Nodes for Minimal Playback Delay in Streaming Overlays
* Semantic Image Labelling as a Label Puzzle Game
* Semi Supervised Learning for Wild Faces and Video
* semi-automatic relative calibration of a fixed and PTZ camera pair for master-slave control, A
* semi-interactive panorama based 3D reconstruction framework for indoor scenes, A
* Shadow Detection based on Colour Segmentation and Estimated Illumination
* Shape Constraint Strategies: Novel Approaches and Comparative Robustness
* Shape recovery of color textured object using Fast Marching Method via self-calibration
* Shape-Based Online Multitarget Tracking and Detection for Targets Causing Multiple Measurements: Variational Bayesian Clustering and Lossless Data Association
* Side-Information based Linear Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition
* Similarity and prototype: Two key issues in perceptive and subjective information
* Similarity Measure for Image and Volumetric Data Based on Hermann Weyl's Discrepancy, A
* simplified gravitational model to analyze texture roughness, A
* Simultaneous estimation of vanishing points and their converging lines using the EM algorithm
* Simultaneous Image Registration and Monocular Volumetric Reconstruction of a Fluid Flow
* Simultaneous Multi-scale Registration Using Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping
* Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior
* Skeletal Graph Based Human Pose Estimation in Real-Time
* Smoothness of viewpoint transitions in multiview video systems
* Snap Image Composition
* Social interaction discovery by statistical analysis of F-formations
* Space Adaptive Quantizer for Spaceborne SAR, A
* Sparse Representation Based Projections
* Sparse Representation-Based Super Resolution for Face Recognition At a Distance
* Sparse representations for spatial prediction and texture refinement
* Spatial and temporal statistical information based motion estimation
* Spatial Resolution of Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar: Impact of Acquisition Geometry on Imaging Performance
* Spatial skyline queries: exact and approximation algorithms
* Special Issue on Video Analysis on Resource-Limited Systems
* Special Section on Interactive Multimedia
* Special section on spatial and temporal databases
* Specificity: A Graph-Based Estimator of Divergence
* Specular Flow and Shape in One Shot:
* Speed Improvement of B-Snake Algorithm Using Dynamic Programming Optimization
* Spread Spectrum Image Watermarking Based on Perceptual Quality Metric
* Stable Sensorless Localization of 3-D Objects
* Statistical 3D Shape Analysis by Local Generative Descriptors
* Statistical analysis of signal measurement in time-of-flight cameras
* Statistical analysis of the quantization stage of robust perceptual image hashing
* Statistical Computations on Grassmann and Stiefel Manifolds for Image and Video-Based Recognition
* Statistical evaluation of no-reference image visual quality metrics
* Statistical Unbiased Background Modeling for Moving Platforms
* Steerable Pyramids and Tight Wavelet Frames in L_2(BBR^d)
* Stereovision based algorithm for measuring fire spreading characteristics
* study on light information hiding method compatible with conventional H.264/AVC decoder, A
* Study on the interest of hybrid fundamental matrix for head mounted eye tracker modeling
* Subjective quality assessment of MPEG-4 Scalable Video Coding in a mobile scenario
* Subjective Quality Evaluation via Paired Comparison: Application to Scalable Video Coding
* Subjective quality of SVC-coded videos with different error-patterns concealed using spatial scalability
* Supervised Classification of Multiple View Images in Object Space for Seismic Damage Assessment
* Supervised learning of Gaussian mixture models for visual vocabulary generation
* Supervised Ordering in I!R^p: Application to Morphological Processing of Hyperspectral Images
* Supervised Patch-Based Approach for Human Brain Labeling, A
* Surface Reconstruction of Scenes Using a Catadioptric Camera
* Surface-Preserving Robust Watermarking of 3-D Shapes
* Survey on Visual Content-Based Video Indexing and Retrieval, A
* SVD Inversion of Zero-Offset Profiling Data Obtained in the Vadose Zone Using Cross-Borehole Radar
* Switching Between Collaboration Levels in a Human-Robot Target Recognition System
* Synchronization Quality Enhancement in 3G-324M Video Telephony
* System-on-Chip Solution of Video Stabilization for CMOS Image Sensors in Hand-Held Devices
* Target-Motion Prediction for Robotic Search and Rescue in Wilderness Environments
* Technical Perspective: Visual Reconstruction
* Television over IP overview
* Template-free Shape From Texture with Perspective Cameras
* Temporal Color Consistency-Based Video Reproduction for Dichromats
* Temporal Relations in Videos for Unsupervised Activity Analysis
* Temporal Structure Models for Event Recognition
* Tensor-Based Algorithm for High-Order Graph Matching, A
* Text extraction from degraded document images
* Textual noise analysis and removal for effective search engines
* Texture Classification using a Linear Configuration Model based Descriptor
* Texture Classification Using Dominant Neighborhood Structure
* Texture Segmentation by Grouping Ellipse Ensembles via Active Contours
* three-dimensional localisation algorithm for underwater acoustic sensor networks, A
* Three-Dimensional Magnetic Field and NMR Sensitivity Computations Incorporating Conductivity Anomalies and Variable-Surface Topography
* Three-Dimensional Structure Determination from Common Lines in Cryo-EM by Eigenvectors and Semidefinite Programming
* time series kernel for action recognition, A
* Topology-Based Kernels With Application to Inference Problems in Alzheimer's Disease
* Total Variation as a Local Filter
* Toward Robust Material Recognition for Everyday Objects
* Towards a Global Optimal Multi-Layer Stixel Representation of Dense 3D Data
* Towards Airborne Single Pass Decimeter Resolution SAR Interferometry over Urban Areas
* Towards Efficient and Compact Phenomenological Representation of Arbitrary Bidirectional Surface Reflectance
* Towards high efficiency video coding: Subjective evaluation of potential coding technologies
* Towards reliable matching of images containing repetitive patterns
* Towards Temporally-Coherent Video Matting
* Towards the Automatic Generation of 3D Photo-Realistic Avatars Using 3D Scanned Data
* Track validation using gradient-based normalised cross-correlation
* Tracking Generic Human Motion via Fusion of Low- and High-Dimensional Approaches
* Trajectory Extraction and Density Analysis of Intersecting Pedestrian Flows from Video Recordings
* Trajectory Learning for Activity Understanding: Unsupervised, Multilevel, and Long-Term Adaptive Approach
* Transforming Image Completion
* Tunable halfband-pair wavelet filter banks and application to multifocus image fusion
* Two-Band Hybrid FIR-IIR Filters for Image Compression
* Two-Level Downlink Scheduling for Real-Time Multimedia Services in LTE Networks
* Understanding Blind Deconvolution Algorithms
* unified approach to autofocus and alignment for pattern localization using hybrid weighted Hausdorff distance, A
* Unsupervised 2D gel electrophoresis image segmentation based on active contours
* Unsupervised Organization of Image Collections: Taxonomies and Beyond
* Use of ETM+ images to extend stem volume estimates obtained from LiDAR data
* Use of feedback strategies in the detection of events for video surveillance
* Use of field reflectance data for crop mapping using airborne hyperspectral image
* Use of Salient Features for the Design of a Multistage Framework to Extract Roads From High-Resolution Multispectral Satellite Images
* User-Calibration-Free Gaze Estimation Method Using a Binocular 3D Eye Model
* Using Brain Imaging to Interpret Student Problem Solving
* Using diagonals of orthogonal projection matrices for affine invariant contour matching
* Using Spatially Distributed Patterns for Multiple View Camera Calibration
* Using the HVS binocular properties for the construction of a comprehensive stereoscopic matching model
* Variable selection for image quality assessment using a Neural Network based approach
* Variational Framework for Structure from Motion in Omnidirectional Image Sequences, A
* Vehicle Detection and Motion Analysis in Low-Altitude Airborne Video Under Urban Environment
* Video error concealment based on data hiding in the 3D wavelet domain
* Video Keyframe Analysis Using a Segment-Based Statistical Metric in a Visually Sensitive Parametric Space
* Video Summarization Using a Self-Growing and Self-Organized Neural Gas Network
* Video-based descriptors for object recognition
* Video-Based In Situ Tagging on Mobile Phones
* Viewing Angle Classification of Cryo-Electron Microscopy Images Using Eigenvectors
* Vision of the unseen: Current trends and challenges in digital image and video forensics
* visual attention based reference free perceptual quality metric, A
* Visual quality indices and lowquality images
* visual sensitivity model based stereo image watermarking scheme, A
* Visual Signal Reliability for Robust Audio-Visual Speaker Identification, A
* Volume Scattering Modeling in PolSAR Decompositions: Study of ALOS PALSAR Data Over Boreal Forest
* Wavelength selection and spectral discrimination for paddy rice, with laboratory measurements of hyperspectral leaf reflectance
* Wavelet Band-pass Filters for Matching Multiple Templates in Real-time
* Wavelet-based defect detection in solar wafer images with inhomogeneous texture
* Weakly Supervised Action Detection
* Weakly Supervised Recognition of Daily Life Activities with Wearable Sensors
* Window detection in complex facades
* Zernike-Moment-Based Image Super Resolution
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Index for "1"

Last update:26-Nov-24 17:17:54
Use price@usc.edu for comments.