* 124 MSamples/s Pixel-Pipelined Motion-JPEG 2000 Codec Without Tile Memory
* 2007 AMI(DA) System for Meeting Transcription, The
* 3-D Object-Based Scalable Wavelet Video Coding With Boundary Effect Suppression
* 3D Content-Based Retrieval in Artwork Databases
* 3D Footwear Model Matching System using Two Cameras
* 3D Object Recognition by Eigen-Scale-Space of Contours
* 3D Scene Reconstruction System with Hand-Held Stereo Cameras
* 3D Tree-Structured Object Tracking for Autonomous Ground Vehicles
* 3D TV Interface by an Intelligent Remote Controller
* 3D Videoconferencing System with 2D Backwards Compatibility, A
* 3D Vision: Developing an Embedded Stereo-Vision System
* 3D-Camera for Scene Capturing and Augmented Reality Applications
* 3D-Camera for Scene Capturing and Augmented Reality Applications
* 3D-Reconstruction of Soccer Scenes
* 3DTV System using Depth Image-Based Video in the MPEG-4 Multimedia Framework
* Accelerating feature-vector matching using multiple-tree and sub-vector methods
* Acoustic Event Detection: SVM-Based System and Evaluation Setup in CLEAR'07
* Acoustic Event Detector of AIT, The
* Acoustic Speaker Identification: The LIMSI CLEAR'07 System
* Active Modification of Reconstructed Wavefronts in Application of Digital Comparative Holography
* Adaptive Appearance Model for Object Contour Tracking in Videos
* Adaptive surface inspection via interactive evolution
* Advances in vision algorithms and systems beyond the visible spectrum
* AF control apparatus and AF control method
* AIT 2D Face Detection and Tracking System for CLEAR 2007, The
* AIT 3D Audio / Visual Person Tracker for CLEAR 2007, The
* AIT Multimodal Person Identification System for CLEAR 2007, The
* AIT Outdoor Tracker for Vehicles and Pedestrians in CLEAR2007, The
* Analysis of Emotional Gestures for the Generation of Expressive Copying Behaviour in an Embodied Agent
* Analytical piecewise radial distortion model for precision camera calibration
* Anisotropic alpha-Kernels and Associated Flows
* Appearance-Based Particle Filter for Visual Tracking in Smart Rooms, An
* Application and Evaluation of a 2D+3D Face Authentication System
* Approximation of Curvature and Velocity for Gesture Segmentation and Synthesis
* Architecture for Prototyping and Application Development of Visual Tracking Systems, An
* Articulated Motion Segmentation Using RANSAC with Priors
* Articulated-Body Tracking Through Anisotropic Edge Detection
* Asymmetric Coding of Stereoscopic Video for Transmission Over T-DMB
* Augmented Reality Tools for Enhanced Robotics Teleoperation Systems
* Automated Detection of Mitosis in Embryonic Tissues
* Automatic Annotation of Humans in Surveillance Video
* Automatic Classification of Expressive Hand Gestures on Tangible Acoustic Interfaces According to Laban's Theory of Effort
* Automatic Detection and Clustering of Actor Faces based on Spectral Clustering Techniques
* Automatic Panoramic Image Stitching using Invariant Features
* AVC Based Stereoscopic Video Codec for 3D DMB
* Background Estimation under Rapid Gain Change in Thermal Imagery
* Background Modeling Method with Simple Operations for 3D Video, A
* Background-subtraction using contour-based fusion of thermal and visible imagery
* Basic Holographic Characteristics of Panchromatic Light Sensitive Material for Reflective Auto Stereoscopic 3D Display
* Batch Algorithm for Implicit Non-rigid Shape and Motion Recovery, A
* Bayesian Non-local Means Filter, Image Redundancy and Adaptive Dictionaries for Noise Removal
* Bayesian Tracking with Auxiliary Discrete Processes. Application to Detection and Tracking of Objects with Occlusions
* Beauty with Variational Methods: An Optic Flow Approach to Hairstyle Simulation
* Bessel Functions-Based Reconstruction of Non-Uniformly Sampled Diffraction Fields
* Best Basis Compressed Sensing
* Biologically Inspired System for Classification of Natural Images, A
* Bit Allocation and Rate Control for Stereoscopic Video Coding
* Blur Invariant Image Priors
* Boosted manifold principal angles for image set-based recognition
* Bounds on the Minimizers of (nonconvex) Regularized Least-Squares
* Camera Sensor Model for Visual SLAM
* Can Lucas-Kanade be used to estimate motion parallax in 3D cluttered scenes?
* CHIL RT07 Evaluation Data, The
* Classification of Bovine Reproductive Cycle Phase using Ultrasound-Detected Features
* CLEAR 2007 Evaluation, The
* CLEAR'07 Evaluation of USC Human Tracking System for Surveillance Videos
* CLEF 2005 Automatic Medical Image Annotation Task, The
* clustering procedure for exploratory mining of vector time series, A
* CMUcam3: An Open Programmable Embedded Vision Sensor
* Coalitional tracking
* Coarse to over-fine optical flow estimation
* CODDYAC: Connectivity Driven Dynamic Mesh Compression
* Color image compression based on block truncation coding using pattern fitting principle
* Combining Curvature Motion and Edge-Preserving Denoising
* Combining Different Types of Scale Space Interest Points Using Canonical Sets
* Compact Lateral Shearing Interferometer to Determine Continuous Wave Fronts
* Comparison of Phoneme and Viseme Based Acoustic Units for Speech Driven Realistic lip Animation
* Complex-valued growing and pruning RBF neural networks for communication channel equalisation
* Complexity Scalable Universal DCT Domain Image Resizing Algorithm, A
* Component-based Framework for Face Detection and Identification, A
* Compression of Video Data Using Parametric Line and Natural Cubic Spline Block Level Approximation
* Computation-Free Motion Estimation with Inter-View Mode Decision for Multiview Video Coding
* Computationally Efficient Super-Resolution Algorithm for Video Processing Using Partition Filters, A
* Computer Assisted Detection of Polycystic Ovary Morphology in Ultrasound Images
* Computer Generated Content for 3D TV
* Computer vision applications: Special issue
* Computer vision methods for optical microscopes
* Computing View-normalized Body Parts Trajectories
* Connectivity-Guided Adaptive Lifting Transform for Image Like Compression of Meshes
* Consistent Spatio-temporal Motion Estimator for Atmospheric Layers, A
* Constrained One-Bit Transform for Low Complexity Block Motion Estimation
* Constructing Face Image Logs that are Both Complete and Concise
* Constructing heads from 3D models and 2D silhouettes
* Convex Inverse Scale Spaces
* Coordinate-Free Diffusion over Compact Lie-Groups
* Corridor Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance using Visual Potential for Mobile Robot
* Counter-Examples for Bayesian MAP Restoration
* Crosstalk Measurement Methodology for Auto-Stereoscopic Screens
* Curve Evolution in Subspaces
* Data Compression of Integral Images for 3D TV
* Data Processing in 3D Video System Based on Data from Structered Light Measurement System
* Data-driven feature modeling, recognition and analysis in a discovery of supersonic cracks in multimillion-atom simulations
* Defining and computing stable representations of volume shapes from discrete trace using volume primitives: Application to 3D image analysis in soil science
* Dense Optical Flow Estimation from the Monogenic Curvature Tensor
* Dense Stereo Range Sensing with Marching Pseudo-Random Patterns
* Depth Dependent Quality Metric for Evaluation of Coded Integral Imaging Based 3D-Images, A
* Depth Estimation for View Synthesis in Multiview Video Coding
* Depth Image Processing Technique for Representing Human Actors in 3DTV using Single Depth Camera
* Depth Map Quantization: How Much is Sufficient?
* Depth Perception Under Motion and Stereo with Implications for 3D TV
* Depth-Image Representation Employing Meshes for Intermediate-View Rendering and Coding
* Detecting Irregularities in Images and in Video
* Detecting Regions of Dynamic Texture
* Detection and Completion of Filaments: A Vector Field and PDE Approach
* Digital Holography Methods in 3D-TV
* Dimensionality Reduction for Articulated Body Tracking
* Direct Segmentation of Multiple 2-D Motion Models of Different Types
* Direct Shape-from-Shading with Adaptive Higher Order Regularisation
* Discrete Regularization on Weighted Graphs for Image and Mesh Filtering
* Distributed Coding-Based Extension of a Mono-View to a Multi-View Video System, A
* Dynamic Texture Recognition Using Volume Local Binary Patterns
* Effects of Color-Multiplex Stereoscopic View on Memory and Navigation
* Effects of the Gesture Viewpoint on the Students' Memory of Words and Stories, The
* Efficient 3D shape matching and retrieval using a concrete radialized spherical projection representation
* Efficient Beltrami Filtering of Color Images Via Vector Extrapolation
* Efficient camera motion and 3D recovery using an inertial sensor
* Efficient Compression of Multi-View Depth Data Based on MVC
* Efficient indexing for strongly similar subimage retrieval
* Efficient Non-Parametric Corner Detection: An Approach Based on Small Eigenvalue
* Efficient Registration of 3D SPHARM Surfaces
* Efficient Segmentation of Piecewise Smooth Images
* Efficient Shape Modeling: Entropy, Adaptive Coding, and Boundary Curves -vs- Blum's Medial Axis
* Efficient Subtree Pruning Scheme in Tree-Structured Hierarchy
* Electrical Impedance Tomography for Piecewise Constant Domains Using Boundary Element Shape-Based Inverse Solutions
* Energy Efficient Robot Rendezvous
* Enhancing a Sign Language Translation System with Vision-Based Features
* Ergonomic Analysis of the Workplace of Physically Disabled Individuals, The
* Error Concealment for Scalable Motion-Compensated Subband/Wavelet Video Coders
* Error Resilient Layered Stereoscopic Video Streaming
* Essential Matrix Estimation Using Gauss-Newton Iterations on a Manifold
* Establishing Visual Correspondence from Multi-Resolution Graph Cuts for Stereo-Motion
* Estimating the Pose of a 3D Sensor in a Non-rigid Environment
* Estimation of electron probe profile from SEM image through wavelet multiresolution analysis for inline SEM inspection
* Evaluation of 3DTV Service using Asymmetric View Coding Based on MPEG-2
* Examining the uncertainty of the recovered surface normal in three light photometric stereo
* Exploiting Homologies in Global Calibration of a Multi-imager Array
* Extending Graph-Cut to Continuous Value Domain Minimization
* Extracting Salient Objects from Operator-Framed Images
* Extrinsic Recalibration in Camera Networks
* Face detection in digital images
* Factorized Recursive Estimation of Structure and Motion from Image Velocities, A
* Faithful Recovery of Vector Valued Functions from Incomplete Data Recolorization and Art Restoration
* Fast Algorithm and Architecture Design of Low-Power Integer Motion Estimation for H.264/AVC
* Fast Algorithm and Its VLSI Architecture for Fractional Motion Estimation for H.264/MPEG-4 AVC Video Coding, A
* Fast and Accurate Gaussian Derivatives Based on B-Splines
* Feature Vector Similarity Based on Local Structure
* Feature-Based Intra-/InterCoding Mode Selection for H.264/AVC
* Figure-ground segmentation using a hierarchical conditional random field
* Finding Two Optimal Positions of a Hand-Held Camera for the Best Reconstruction
* Finite Generalized Gaussian Mixture Modeling and Applications to Image and Video Foreground Segmentation
* Flexible-length fast fourier transform for mapping onto single-instruction multiple-data computing architecture
* Force/Vision Based Active Damping Control of Contact Transition in Dynamic Environments
* Fourier tags: Smoothly degradable fiducial markers for use in human-robot interaction
* Frame-Level {rho}-Domain R-D Optimization in H.264
* Framework for 3D Hand Tracking and Gesture Recognition using Elements of Genetic Programming, A
* Framework for Scene-Flow Driven Creation of Time-Consistent Dynamic 3D Objects using Mesh Parametrizations, A
* Free Viewpoint Image Generation Synchronized with Free Listening-Point Audio for 3-D Real Space Navigation
* From 2D- to Stereo- to Multi-view Video
* Full Affine Wavelets Are Scale-Space with a Twist
* Full-Parallax Hologram Synthesis of Triangular Meshes using a Graphical Processing Unit
* Fully Adaptive Distance-Dependent Thresholding Search (FADTS) Algorithm for Performance-Management Motion Estimation, A
* Fuzzy Region Competition: A Convex Two-Phase Segmentation Framework
* Generating Data for Signer Adaptation
* Generic Approach to the Filtering of Matrix Fields with Singular PDEs, A
* Generic Maximum Likely Scale Selection
* Genetic Algorithms for Finite Mixture Model Based Voxel Classification in Neuroimaging
* Genetic-fuzzy rule mining approach and evaluation of feature selection techniques for anomaly intrusion detection
* Geometric Sampling of Manifolds for Image Representation and Processing
* Geometric Variational Framework for Simultaneous Registration and Parcellation of Homologous Surfaces, A
* Geometric-Functional-Based Image Segmentation and Inpainting, A
* Geometry and Effort in Gestural Renderings of Musical Sound
* Gesture Control of Sound Spatialization for Live Musical Performance
* Gesture Modelling for Linguistic Purposes
* Gesture Recognition Based on Elastic Deformation Energies
* Gestures to Intuitively Control Large Displays
* Globally Optimal Estimates for Geometric Reconstruction Problems
* Haptic Access to Conventional 2D Maps for the Visually Impaired
* Harmonic Silhouette Matching for 3D Models
* Head Orientation Estimation Using Particle Filtering in Multiview Scenarios
* Head Pose Estimation in Single- and Multi-view Environments: Results on the CLEAR'07 Benchmarks
* High Order Finite Co-volume Scheme for Denoising Using Radial Basis Functions, An
* High-Density Scanning for Virtual Heritage and Archeology : Reproduction and Restoration
* High-Speed Dense Stereo Via Directional Center-Biased Windows on Graphics Hardware
* High-Speed H.264/AVC CABAC Decoding
* Histogram Based Segmentation Using Wasserstein Distances
* Histogram-oriented watermarking algorithm: colour image watermarking scheme robust against geometric attacks and signal processing
* HMM Based System for Acoustic Event Detection, An
* HMM-Based Acoustic Event Detection with AdaBoost Feature Selection
* Holistic Sensing and Active Displays for Intelligent Driver Support Systems
* Holovizio 3D Display System
* Homeomorphic Manifold Analysis: Learning Decomposable Generative Models for Human Motion Analysis
* HPO Hologram Synthesis for Full-Parallax Reconstruction Setup
* Human gait recognition by the fusion of motion and static spatio-temporal templates
* Human Perception of Asymmetrical 3-D Inputs
* IBM Rich Transcription 2007 Speech-to-Text Systems for Lecture Meetings, The
* IBM RT07 Evaluation Systems for Speaker Diarization on Lecture Meetings, The
* ICSI RT07s Speaker Diarization System, The
* Identification and Recognition of Objects in Color Stereo Images Using a Hierachial SOM
* Identification of Grain Boundary Contours at Atomic Scale
* Image authentication using generalised finite automata
* Image coding of 3D volume using wavelet transform for fast retrieval of 2D images
* Image Pattern Recognition: Synthesis and Analysis in biometrics
* Image quality metric with an integrated bottom-up and top-down HVS approach
* Images Restoration Using an Iterative Dynamic Programming Approach
* Imaging the Distribution of Magnetic Nanoparticles With Ultrasound
* Immersive Haptic Eye Tele-Surgery Training Simulation
* Implementing Distinctive Behavior for Conversational Agents
* importance of scale when selecting pixels for image registration, The
* improved likelihood model for eye tracking, An
* Improved Reconstruction for MR Spectroscopic Imaging
* Improving local wiener filtering using matched filter
* Improving the Believability of Virtual Characters Using Qualitative Gesture Analysis
* Increasing the discrimination power of the co-occurrence matrix-based features
* Integrating 3D Time-of-Flight Camera Data and High Resolution Images for 3DTV Applications
* Interactive Multi-View Video and View-Dependent Audio Under MPEG-21 DIA (Digital Item Adaptation)
* Interactive Multimedia Diary for the Home, An
* INVICON: A Toolkit for Knowledge-Based Control of Vision Systems
* ISL Person Identification Systems in the CLEAR 2007 Evaluations
* ISL RT-07 Speech-to-Text System, The
* Iterated Nonlocal Means for Texture Restoration
* Iterative Image Reconstruction Using Inverse Fourier Rebinning for Fully 3-D PET
* Jet Metric, The
* Joint Bayesian Tracking of Head Location and Pose from Low-Resolution Video
* Key Frame Estimation in Video Using Randomness Measure of Feature Point Pattern
* Kullback Leibler Divergence Based Curve Matching Method
* Language for Human Action, A
* Large Scale 3D Environmental Modelling for Stereoscopic Walk-Through Visualisation
* Laser-based detection and tracking of multiple people in crowds
* Learning a Person-Independent Representation for Precise 3D Pose Estimation
* Learning Active Shape Models for Bifurcating Contours
* Learning Saccadic Gaze Control via Motion Prediciton
* Learning-Based Segmentation Framework for Tissue Images Containing Gene Expression Data
* Level Set Methods for Watershed Image Segmentation
* LIA RT'07 Speaker Diarization System, The
* Lighting Direction Estimation in Perspective Shape from Shading by Genetic Algorithm
* LIMSI RT07 Lecture Transcription System, The
* linear discriminant analysis framework based on random subspace for face recognition, A
* Linear Image Reconstruction by Sobolev Norms on the Bounded Domain
* Linear Transition Detection as a Unified Shot Detection Approach
* Local Graph Matching for Object Category Recognition
* Low Bit-Rate Object-based Multi-view Video Coding using MVC
* Low Cost 3D Tracker for Parallax Barrier Display, A
* Mapping and Exploration of Complex Environments Using Persistent 3D Model
* Maximum a posteriori-based approach to blind nonlinear underdetermined mixture
* Maximum Likelihood Metameres for Local 2nd Order Image Structure of Natural Images
* mean field annealing approach to accurate free form shape matching, A
* Mechanism analysis of highly overlapped interpolation contrast enhancement
* Memory-efficient and high-speed split-radix FFT/IFFT processor based on pipelined CORDIC rotations
* Mesh Optimization Guided by Just-Noticeable-Difference and Stereo Discretization
* Method and apparatus for computerized image background analysis
* Method and apparatus for correcting camera tilt distortion in panoramic images
* Method for Selection of Optimal Hand Gesture Vocabularies, A
* Method for the Transport and Registration of Images on Implicit Surfaces, A
* Mid-Air Display for Physical Exercise and Gaming
* MIT Lincoln Laboratory Multimodal Person Identification System in the CLEAR 2007 Evaluation
* Mnemonical Body Shortcuts for Interacting with Mobile Devices
* Model Based Three Dimensional Television
* model for optimal design of robot vision systems based on kinematic error correction, The
* Model-Based Coding of 3D Head Sequences
* Modeling Foveal Vision
* Modulating the Size of Backprojection Surface Patches, in Volumetric Stereo, for Increasing Reconstruction Accuracy and Robustness
* Monocular Range Estimation through a Double-Sided Half-Mirror Plate
* More Robust Subsampling-Based Image Watermarking, A
* Motion Compensated Video Super Resolution
* Motion Control for Realistic Walking Behavior using Inverse Kinematics
* Motion estimation/compensation for screen capture video
* Motion Primitives and Probabilistic Edit Distance for Action Recognition
* Motion Segmentation for 3D Video Based on Spherical Registration
* Motion Segmentation Using an Occlusion Detector
* Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation Using Bilateral Motion Estimation and Adaptive Overlapped Block Motion Compensation
* Motion-Compensated Temporal Filtering and Motion Vector Coding Using Biorthogonal Filters
* Multi-level Particle Filter Fusion of Features and Cues for Audio-Visual Person Tracking
* Multi-person Tracking Strategies Based on Voxel Analysis
* Multi-spectral and multi-perspective video arrays for driver body tracking and activity analysis
* Multi-stage Speaker Diarization for Conference and Lecture Meetings
* Multi-View 3D Video Transport using Application Layer Multicast with View Switching Delay Constraints
* Multi-View Video and Multi-Channel Audio Broadcasting System
* Multi-view Video Coding via Dense Depth Estimation
* Multichannel and Multimodality Person Identification
* Multimodal 3D Healthcare Communication System, A
* Multiple appearance models
* Multiple Description Coding of 3D Geometry with Forward Error Correction Codes
* Multispeaker Localization and Tracking in Intelligent Environments
* Mumford-Shah Regularizer with Spatial Coherence
* Mutual information based registration of multimodal stereo videos for person tracking
* Mutual Information in 3D Video
* Near-Optimal Watermark Estimation and Its Countermeasure: Antidisclosure Watermark for Multiple Watermark Embedding
* New Multiple-Windows Depth from Stereo Algorithm for 3D Displays, A
* New Possibilities with Sobolev Active Contours
* new segmentation method for MRI images of the shoulder joint, A
* Noisy Phase Unwrap for Fringe Techniques: Adaptive Local Polynomial Approximations
* Non Parametric Distortion Correction in Endoscopic Medical Images
* Non-Invasive Approach for Driving Virtual Talking Heads from Real Facial Movements, A
* non-myopic approach to visual search, A
* Non-negative Sparse Modeling of Textures
* Non-Rigid Multi-Modal Image Registration Using Cross-Cumulative Residual Entropy
* Non-Uniform Hierarchical Geo-consistency for Multi-baseline Stereo
* Nonconvex Model to Remove Multiplicative Noise, A
* Noninteger View Multiplexing for 3D Lenticular Display
* Nonlinear Diffusion on the 2D Euclidean Motion Group
* Nonlinear Discriminant Analysis on Embedded Manifold
* Nonparametric analysis of fingerprint data on large data sets
* Nonparametric Estimation of Multiple Structures with Outliers
* Novel H.264/AVC Based Multi-View Video Coding Scheme, A
* Numerical Invariantization for Morphological PDE Schemes
* Object surface recovery using a multi-light photometric stereo technique for non-Lambertian surfaces subject to shadows and specularities
* Objective Evaluation of Pedestrian and Vehicle Tracking on the CLEAR Surveillance Dataset
* On the Parametrization of Clapping
* On the Spatial Statistics of Optical Flow
* On the Statistical Interpretation of the Piecewise Smooth Mumford-Shah Functional
* Online Video Registration of Dynamic Scenes Using Frame Prediction
* Optical and Holographic Properties of Nano-Sized Amorphous Semiconductor Films as a Part of Optically Addressed Spatial Light Modulator
* Optimal Aspect Ratio for 3D TV
* Oriented-Filters Based Head Pose Estimation
* Parallel Encoding: Decoding Operation for Multiview Video Coding with High Coding Efficiency
* Paretian Similarity for Partial Comparison of Non-rigid Objects
* Partial Linear Gaussian Models for Tracking in Image Sequences Using Sequential Monte Carlo Methods
* Partial Overlap Stereo
* Pattern Projection with a Sinusoidal Phase Grating
* Pattern-Theoretic Characterization of Biological Growth, A
* Pedestrian detection and tracking in infrared imagery using shape and appearance
* Pedestrian detection by means of far-infrared stereo vision
* Perceptually Correct 3D Model for Live 3D TV, A
* Person and Vehicle Tracking in Surveillance Video
* Person Tracking in UAV Video
* Person Tracking System for CHIL Meetings, A
* Person-Independent 3D Sign Language Recognition
* Petri Net-Based Cooperation In Multi-Agent Systems
* PFAAM: An Active Appearance Model based Particle Filter for both Robust and Precise Tracking
* Piecewise Constant Level Set Method for 3D Image Segmentation
* Piecewise-Planar 3D Reconstruction in Rate-Distortion Sense
* Pipe eccentricity measurement using laser triangulation
* PittPatt Face Detection and Tracking for the CLEAR 2007 Evaluation
* Planning of a Multi Stereo Visual Sensor System: Depth Accuracy and Variable Baseline Approach
* Practical and Realistic Animation of Cloth
* Precise acquisition and unsupervised segmentation of multi-spectral images
* Probabilistic Framework for Correspondence and Egomotion, A
* Probabilistic Head Pose Tracking Evaluation in Single and Multiple Camera Setups
* Processing Iconic Gestures in a Multimodal Virtual Construction Environment
* Produced Quality is Not Perceived Quality: A Qualitative Approach to Overall Audiovisual Quality
* Progress in the AMIDA Speaker Diarization System for Meeting Data
* Projective Visual Hulls
* Prototype No-Reference Video Quality System, A
* Qualitative and Quantitative Characterisation of Style in Sign Language Gestures, A
* Quantitative Evaluation of Feature Extractors for Visual SLAM
* Rao-Blackwellized Parts-Constellation Tracker, A
* Rapid prototyping 3D objects from scanned measurement data
* Rate Control for H.264 Video With Enhanced Rate and Distortion Models
* Rate Distortion Framework for 3D Browsing, A
* Rate-Distortion Modeling for Efficient H.264/AVC Encoding
* Rate-Distortion-Authentication Optimized Streaming of Authenticated Video
* Rayleigh-Maximum-Likelihood Filtering for Speckle Reduction of Ultrasound Images
* Real time multispectral high temperature measurement: Application to control in the industry
* Real-Time Commercial Recognition Using Color Moments and Hashing
* Real-time eye blink detection with GPU-based SIFT tracking
* Real-Time Image-Based Rendering Framework, A
* Real-Time Photorealistic 3D Map Building using Mobile Multiple Stereo Cameras Setup
* Real-Time Tracking with Classifiers
* Reconstruction of Scalar Diffraction Field from Distributed Data Points Over 3D Space
* Recursive Structure from Motion Using Hybrid Matching Constraints with Error Feedback
* Region Based Image Segmentation Using a Modified Mumford-Shah Algorithm
* Region detection and description for Object Category Recognition
* Registration of IR and EO Video Sequences based on Frame Difference
* Relevance feedback based on non-negative matrix factorisation for image retrieval
* Remote Virtual-Surgery Training and Teaching System, A
* Representation of Human Postures for Vision-Based Gesture Recognition in Real-Time
* Restoration of Images with Piecewise Space-Variant Blur
* Rich Transcription 2007 Meeting Recognition Evaluation, The
* Riemannian Curvature-Driven Flows for Tensor-Valued Data
* Robust 2D/3D Face Landmarking
* Robust 3D Segmentation of Multiple Moving Objects Under Weak Perspective
* Robust Free-Viewpoint Video System for Sport Scenes, A
* Robust Speaker Identification for Meetings: UPC CLEAR'07 Meeting Room Evaluation System
* Robust Subspace Position Measurement Using Localized Sub-Windows
* Robust Tracking for Processing of Videos of Communication's Gestures
* Robust Transmission of Multi-View Video Streams using Flexible Macroblock Ordering and Systematic LT Codes
* Robust Transmission of SPIHT-Coded Images Over Packet Networks
* Robust Video Foreground Segmentation by Using Generalized Gaussian Mixture Modeling, A
* Rock image classification based on k-nearest neighbour voting
* Salient Regions from Scale-Space Trees
* SAR Sea Ice Image Segmentation Based on Edge-preserving Watersheds
* Scalable Linear Predictive Coding of Time-Consistent 3D Mesh Sequences
* Scale Selection for Compact Scale-Space Representation of Vector-Valued Images
* Scale Spaces on Lie Groups
* Scale-Space Clustering with Recursive Validation
* Scale-Space Reeb-Graph of Topological Invariants of Images and Its Applications to Content Identification, A
* Scanning Led Array Based Volumetric Display
* Screen-Camera Calibration using a Spherical Mirror
* See through HMD type MF 3D display for AR
* Segment-Based Stereo-Matching Via Plane and Angle Sweeping
* Segmentation and Guidance of Multiple Rigid Objects for Intra-operative Endoscopic Vision
* Segmentation Under Occlusions Using Selective Shape Prior
* Segmenting Dynamic Textures with Ising Descriptors, ARX Models and Level Sets
* Selection of localised salient features from a single facial image
* Self-Localization in Scanned 3DTV Sets
* Sequential Belief-Based Fusion of Manual and Non-manual Information for Recognizing Isolated Signs
* Shape from Unstructured Light
* Shared Linguistic Resources for the Meeting Domain
* Signs Workshop: The Importance of Natural Gestures in the Promotion of Early Communication Skills of Children with Developmental Disabilities
* simple decomposition algorithm for support vector machines with polynomial-time convergence, A
* Simple Operator for Very Precise Estimation of Ellipses, A
* Sinusoidal modelling using perceptual matching pursuits in the bark scale for parametric audio coding
* Skin Color Profile Capture for Scale and Rotation Invariant Hand Gesture Recognition
* Smooth and Stable Fly-Through Scheme for Virtual Navigation of 3D CT Colonography, A
* Solving the Chan-Vese Model by a Multiphase Level Set Algorithm Based on the Topological Derivative
* Some Remarks on Perspective Shape-from-Shading Models
* Space of Multibody Fundamental Matrices: Rank, Geometry and Projection, The
* Space-Time Segmentation Based on a Joint Entropy with Estimation of Nonparametric Distributions
* Spatial Segmentation of Temporal Texture Using Mixture Linear Models
* Spatial Topology Graphs for Feature-Minimal Correspondence
* Spatially Adaptive Wavelet-Based Method Using the Cauchy Prior for Denoising the SAR Images
* Spatio-Temporal Regularity Flow (SPREF): Its Estimation and Applications
* Spatio-temporal Scale-Spaces
* Speaker Diarization for Conference Room: The UPC RT07s Evaluation System
* Speaker Diarization Using Direction of Arrival Estimate and Acoustic Feature Information: The I2R-NTU Submission for the NIST RT 2007 Evaluation
* Specifying Virtual Cameras in Uncalibrated View Synthesis
* Speckle Simulation Based on B-Mode Echographic Image Acquisition Model
* Speed Performance Improvement of Vehicle Blob Tracking System
* SRI-ICSI Spring 2007 Meeting and Lecture Recognition System, The
* Stand-alone embedded vision system based on fuzzy associative database
* statistical approach to sparse multi-scale phase-based stereo, A
* Stereo-coupled face shape registration
* Stereoscopic Video Generation Method using Motion Analysis
* Stereoscopic Viewing of Digital Holograms of Real-World Objects
* String Bowing Gestures at Varying Bow Stroke Frequencies: A Case Study
* Structure for 2D/3D Mixed Service Based on Terrestrial DMB System, A
* Super-resolution based on interpolation and global sub pixel translation
* Super-Resolution Using Sub-band Constrained Total Variation
* Supervised texture classification by integration of multiple texture methods and evaluation windows
* Surface detail in computer models
* System and method for capturing facial and body motion
* System and method for hosting of video content over a network
* System for capturing an image of the retina for identification
* Terrain Modelling for Planetary Exploration
* Texture analysis methods for tool condition monitoring
* Texture Anisotropy of the Brain's White Matter as Revealed by Anatomical MRI
* Texture Synthesis and Modification with a Patch-Valued Wavelet Transform
* Three-dimensional modeling based on photographic images
* Total Variation Minimization and Graph Cuts for Moving Objects Segmentation
* Towards Segmentation Based on a Shape Prior Manifold
* Tracking of Multiple Objects Using Optical Flow Based Multiscale Elastic Matching
* Traffic Monitoring using Multiple Cameras, Homographies and Multi-Hypothesis Tracking
* Traffic monitoring with spaceborne SAR: Theory, simulations, and experiments
* Training Database Adequacy Analysis for Learning-Based Super-Resolution
* Translation and scale invariants of Tchebichef moments
* Tree Structure for Contractible Regions in R3
* Tsinghua Face Detection and Tracking for CLEAR 2007 Evaluation
* TUT Acoustic Event Detection System 2007
* TUT Acoustic Source Tracking System 2007
* TV-Stokes Denoising Algorithm, A
* Two graph theory based methods for identifying the pectoral muscle in mammograms
* UMD_VDT, an Integration of Detection and Tracking Methods for Multiple Human Tracking
* Uncalibrated Factorization Using a Variable Symmetric Affine Camera
* Unified Graphics Rendering Pipeline for Autostereoscopic Rendering, A
* Uniform and Textured Regions Separation in Natural Images Towards MPM Adaptive Denoising
* Universal colour quantisation for different colour spaces
* Use of power law models in detecting region of interest
* Using a Connected Filter for Structure Estimation in Perspective Systems
* Using a Raster Display for Photometric Stereo
* Using Feature Selection For Object Segmentation and Tracking
* Using Hand Gesture and Speech in a Multimodal Augmented Reality Environment
* Validation of an Algorithm for Segmentation of Full-Body Movement Sequences by Perception: A Pilot Experiment
* Variational Approach for 3D Motion Estimation of Incompressible PIV Flows, A
* Variational Approach for Multi-valued Velocity Field Estimation in Transparent Sequences, A
* Variational Framework for Adaptive Satellite Images Segmentation, A
* Variational Framework for Spatio-temporal Smoothing of Fluid Motions, A
* Variational Framework for the Simultaneous Segmentation and Object Behavior Classification of Image Sequences, A
* Variational Method with a Noise Detector for Impulse Noise Removal, A
* Variational Origin of Motion by Gaussian Curvature, The
* Vector-Valued Image Interpolation by an Anisotropic Diffusion-Projection PDE
* Vehicle and Person Tracking in Aerial Videos
* Vehicle Tracking and Distance Estimation Based on Multiple Image Features
* Version and vergence control of a stereo camera head by fitting the movement into the Hering's law
* Video analysis using segmentation gain by area
* Video Based Rendering using Surfaces Patches
* Video-Driven Animation of Human Body Scans
* View synthesis by the parallel use of GPU and CPU
* View-Invariant Modeling and Recognition of Human Actions Using Grammars
* Virtual Reality-Based Framework for Experiments on Perception of Manual Gestures, A
* Visual display methods for in computer-animated speech production models
* Visual learning of texture descriptors for facial expression recognition in thermal imagery
* Vitual Camera Control System for Cinematographic 3D Video Rendering
* Watermarking Tests for Free-View Point Television
* Wavelet Based Joint Denoising of Depth and Luminance Images
* Wavelet feature domain adaptive noise reduction using learning algorithm for text-independent speaker recognition
* Wavelet-based Light Reconstruction from a Single Image
* Weighted distance transforms generalized to modules and their computation on point lattices
497 for 0705