* 3D Line Motion Matrix and Alignment of Line Reconstructions, The
* Accelerated image processing on FPGAs
* Accurate road following and reconstruction by computer vision
* Adaptation in Statistical Pattern Recognition Using Tangent Vectors
* Adaptive entropy coded subband coding of images
* Adaptive fuzzy multilevel median filter
* Adaptive image restoration using a generalized Gaussian model for unknown noise
* Adaptive median filters: new algorithms and results
* Adaptive model-based motion estimation
* Adaptive postprocessing algorithms for low bit rate video signals
* Adaptive Postprocessing Technique for the Reduction of Color Bleeding in DCT-Coded Images, An
* Adaptive wavelet packet basis selection for zerotree image coding
* algorithm for distinguishing the types of objects on the road using laser radar and vision, An
* Analysis of interlaced video signals and its applications
* Analysis of Planar Shapes Using Geodesic Paths on Shape Spaces
* Analysis of the DCT Coefficient Distributions for Document Coding
* Analytical comparison of sensor signal processing enhancements for NDT synthetic aperture ultrasonic imaging
* Application of fusion techniques to speaker authentication over ip networks
* Application of machine-learning techniques toward the creation of a consistent and calibrated global chlorophyll concentration baseline dataset using remotely sensed ocean color data
* ARKTOS: An Intelligent System for SAR Sea Ice Image Classification
* Array imaging with beam-steered data
* Artificial vision in extreme environments for snowcat tracks detection
* Automatic assessment of constraint sets in image restoration
* Automatic Detection and Recognition of Signs From Natural Scenes
* Automatic eyeglasses removal from face images
* Automatic gradient threshold determination for edge detection
* Automatic satellite image georeferencing using a contour-matching approach
* Backprojection by upsampled Fourier series expansion and interpolated FFT
* Bayesian approach to image expansion for improved definition, A
* Bayesian multichannel image restoration using compound Gauss-Markov random fields
* Bayesian reconstruction of 3D shapes and scenes from a single image
* Bayesian reconstruction of signals invariant under a space-group symmetry from Fourier transform magnitudes
* Bayesian Shape Localization for Face Recognition Using Global and Local Textures
* Bayesian transformation model for wavelet shrinkage, A
* Binary image synthesis using mixed linear integer programming
* Bispectral analysis and model validation of texture images
* Bit allocation for dependent quantization with applications to multiresolution and MPEG video coders
* Block-iterative methods for image reconstruction from projections
* Blur identification by residual spectral matching
* Blur identification by the method of generalized cross-validation
* Camera Autocalibration and Horopter Curves
* Causal and semicausal AR image model identification using the EM algorithm
* Cell-loss concealment techniques for layered video codecs in an ATM network
* Chaotic phenomena in adaptive blind equalisers
* Circular-Mellin features for texture segmentation
* class of robust entropic functionals for image restoration, A
* Clustered DPCM for the Lossless Compression of Hyperspectral Images
* Coarray synthesis with circular and elliptical boundary arrays
* Codebook organization to enhance maximum a posteriori detection of progressive transmission of vector quantized images over noisy channels
* cognitive pyramid for contextual classification of remote sensing images, A
* Colorization algorithm using probabilistic relaxation
* Colour and Texture Segmentation Using Wavelet Frame Analysis, Deterministic Relaxation, and Fast Marching Algorithms
* Combined techniques of singular value decomposition and vector quantization for image coding
* compact integrated visual motion sensor for ITS applications, A
* Comparative Evaluation of Length Estimators of Digital Curves, A
* Comparing Cooccurrence Probabilities and Markov Random Fields for Texture Analysis of SAR Sea Ice Imagery
* Comparison between adaptive search and bit allocation algorithms for image compression using vector quantization
* comparison of deconvolution techniques for the ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation of materials, A
* comparison of several vector quantization codebook generation approaches, A
* complexity reduction technique for image vector quantization, A
* computational approach to determination of main subject regions in photographic images, A
* computational model for periodic pattern perception based on frieze and wallpaper groups, A
* Computer vision algorithms for intersection monitoring
* Concealment of damaged block transform coded images using projections onto convex sets
* Constrained nonlinear optimization approaches to color-signal separation
* Content-based event retrieval using semantic scene interpretation for automated traffic surveillance
* Context Modeling Based on Context Quantization With Application in Wavelet Image Coding
* Convolution backprojection image reconstruction for spotlight mode synthetic aperture radar
* Convolution-based interpolation for fast, high-quality rotation of images
* Cosine-modulated wavelet based texture features for content-based image retrieval
* Cost-Effective Semisupervised Classifier Approach With Kernels, A
* Data compression on multifont Chinese character patterns
* Decision Boundaries Using Bayes Factors: The Case of Cloud Masks
* Deformable model-guided region split and merge of image regions
* Depth distortion under calibration uncertainty
* Depth-Based Target Segmentation for Intelligent Vehicles: Fusion of Radar and Binocular Stereo
* derivative-free noncircular fan-beam reconstruction formula, A
* Designing human-centered automation: Trade-offs in collision avoidance system design
* Detecting image orientation based on low-level visual content
* Detection and characterization of junctions in a 2D image
* Detection and classification of vehicles
* Determining driver visual attention with one camera
* Development of night-vision system
* development of symmetric extension method for subband image coding, A
* Diffraction tomographic reconstruction from intensity data
* digit-serial architecture for gray-scale morphological filtering, A
* Directional Filter Bank-Based Fingerprint Feature Extraction and Matching
* Disclaimer: Relative fuzzy connectedness and object definition: theory, algorithms, and applications in image segmentation
* Discrete minimum entropy quantization
* Discrimination Mode Processing for EMI and GPR Sensors for Hand-Held Land Mine Detection
* Discrimination of the road condition toward understanding of vehicle driving environments
* Displacement Following of Hidden Objects in a Video Sequence
* Distance-Reciprocal Distortion Measure for Binary Document Images
* distortion measure for blocking artifacts in images based on human visual sensitivity, A
* domain operator for binary morphological processing, A
* Downsampling dependent upsampling of images
* DPA: a deterministic approach to the MAP problem
* DPCM picture transmission over noisy channels with the aid of a Markov model
* Dynamic Behavior Analysis in Compressed Fingerprint Videos
* Dynamic camera calibration of roadside traffic management cameras for vehicle speed estimation
* edge preserving differential image coding scheme, An
* Editorial biometrics on the internet
* Effects of luminance quantization error on color image processing
* efficient and scalable low bit-rate video coding with virtual SPIHT, An
* Efficient detection under varying illumination conditions and image plane rotations
* efficient method for transposing large matrices and its application to separable processing of two-dimensional signals, An
* Efficient multiframe Wiener restoration of blurred and noisy image sequences
* Efficient restoration technique for missing blocks in images
* Efficient Set Estimator in High Dimensions: Consistency and Applications to Fast Data Visualization, An
* Efficiently comparing face images using a modified Hausdorff distance
* Electromagnetic Detection of Dielectric Scatterers Using Phaseless Synthetic and Real Data and the Memetic Algorithm
* Empirical Validation of the Saliency-based Model of Visual Attention
* Enhanced Two-Stage Multiple Description Video Coder With Drift Reduction, An
* Enlargement or reduction of digital images with minimum loss of information
* Error Analysis of Pure Rotation-Based Self-Calibration
* error concealment algorithm for images subject to channel errors, An
* Error-diffused image compression using a binary-to-gray-scale decoder and predictive pruned tree-structured vector quantization
* Estimating the amount of defocus through a wavelet transform approach
* Expectation-maximization algorithms, null spaces, and MAP image restoration
* Extended lapped transform in image coding
* Extraction, matching, and pose recovery based on dominant rectangular structures
* Face Sketch Recognition
* Faraday Rotation Effects on L-Band Spaceborne SAR Data
* fast and accurate Fourier algorithm for iterative parallel-beam tomography, A
* Fast Euclidean Distance Transformation in Two Scans Using a 3X3 Neighborhood
* Fast Fingerprint Verification Using Subregions of Fingerprint Images
* Fast full search equivalent encoding algorithms for image compression using vector quantization
* Fast Implementations of the Kalman-Bucy Filter for Satellite Data Assimilation
* fast learning algorithm for Gabor transformation, A
* Fast obstacle detection for urban traffic situations
* Fast SAR Image Restoration, Segmentation, and Detection of High-Reflectance Regions
* Fast stitching algorithm for moving object detection and mosaic construction
* Faster image template matching in the sum of the absolute value of differences measure
* FCO sampling of digital video using perfect reconstruction filter banks
* Feasibility analysis of steering control as a driver-assistance function in collision situations
* Feature matching in omnidirectional images with a large sensor motion for map generation of a mobile robot
* filter based bit allocation scheme for subband compression of HDTV, A
* Filters involving derivatives with application to reconstruction from scanned halftone images
* Fingerprint enhancement in the singular point area
* finite mixtures algorithm for finding proportions in SAR images, A
* Flat zones filtering, connected operators, and filters by reconstruction
* Flexible design of multidimensional perfect reconstruction FIR 2-band filters using transformations of variables
* Focused Image Recovery from Two Defocused Images Recorded with Different Camera Settings
* Formal Classification of 3D Medial Axis Points and their Local Geometry, A
* Fractal image denoising
* Frame representations for texture segmentation
* frequency domain performance analysis of Horn and Schunck's optical flow algorithm for deformable motion, A
* From FNS to HEIV: A Link Between Two Vision Parameter Estimation Methods
* full-plane block Kalman filter for image restoration, A
* Further results on MAP optimality and strong consistency of certain classes of morphological filters
* Fuzzy clustering with a knowledge-based guidance
* fuzzy operator for the enhancement of blurred and noisy images, A
* Fuzzy vector quantization algorithms and their application in image compression
* Gaussian derivative-based transform, A
* general framework for frequency domain multi-channel signal processing, A
* General Framework for the Selection of World Coordinate Systems in Perspective and Catadioptric Imaging Applications, A
* Generalized block coding of black and white images
* Generalized Discrete Morphological Skeleton Transform with Multiple Structuring Elements for the Extraction of Structural Shape Components, A
* generalized Gabor transform, The
* generalized Gaussian image model for edge-preserving MAP estimation, A
* Generalized Model for Scratch Detection, A
* Generalized parallel-perspective stereo mosaics from airborne video
* Generalized symmetric extension for size-limited multirate filter banks
* Generalized Symmetry Transform With Selective Attention Capability for Specific Corner Angles, A
* Generalized-cost-measure-based address-predictive vector quantization
* Generic deformable implicit mesh models for automated reconstruction
* Genetic algorithm for model-based matching of projected images of three-dimensional objects
* Geometric Accuracy of Ikonos: Zoom In
* Geometric transformations on the hexagonal grid
* Gibbs Point Process for Road Extraction from Remotely Sensed Images, A
* Globally convergent algorithms for maximum a posteriori transmission tomography
* Gradient Vector Flow Fast Geodesic Active Contours
* Gray-scale structuring element decomposition
* Gridline: Automatic Grid Alignment in DNA Microarray Scans
* Guest Editorial: IEEE 5th international conference on intelligent transportation systems papers
* Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Issue on Image- and Video-Based Biometrics
* Halftone to continuous-tone conversion of error-diffusion coded images
* Hierarchical Markovian segmentation of multispectral images for the reconstruction of water depth maps
* Hierarchical morphological segmentation for image sequence coding
* Hierarchical reconstruction using geometry and sinogram restoration
* High resolution coherent source location using transmit/receive arrays
* High-order moment computation of gray-level images
* Highway overhead structure detection using video image sequences
* How Iris Recognition Works
* Hue-preserving color image enhancement without gamut problem
* hybrid quantization scheme for image compression, A
* Identification and restoration of spatially variant motion blurs in sequential images
* Identification of image and blur parameters in frequency domain using the EM algorithm
* Illumination control as a means of enhancing image features in active vision systems
* Image analysis and rule-based reasoning for a traffic monitoring system
* Image classification using spectral and spatial information based on MRF models
* Image coding based on a fractal theory of iterated contractive image transformations
* Image coding by block prediction of multiresolution subimages
* Image coding using adaptive recursive interpolative DPCM
* Image coding using entropy-constrained residual vector quantization
* Image coding using variable-rate side-match finite-state vector quantization
* Image Coding Using Wavelet Transforms and Entropy-Constrained Trellis-Coded Quantization
* Image compression via improved quadtree decomposition algorithms
* Image denoising based on wavelets and multifractals for singularity detection
* Image Denoising Using Robust Regression
* Image detection under low-level illumination
* Image enhancement using the modified ICM method
* Image identification and restoration in the subband domain
* Image Matching with Scale Adjustment
* Image mosaicing by stratified matching
* Image quality and position variability assessment in minutiae-based fingerprint verification
* Image restoration using a modified Hopfield network
* Image restoration using the W-slice method
* Image segmentation using a texture gradient based watershed transform
* Image sequence coding at very low bit rates: a review
* image-sharing method with user-friendly shadow images, An
* improved face recognition technique based on modular PCA approach, An
* improved fast encoding algorithm for vector quantization using 2-pixel-merging sum pyramid data structure, An
* Improved Full-Search-Equivalent Vector Quantization Method Using the Law of Cosines, An
* Improved interpolation, motion estimation, and compensation for interlaced pictures
* improved method for 2-D self-similar image synthesis, An
* Improvement on image transform coding by reducing interblock correlation
* Improvement on performance of modified Hopfield neural network for image restoration
* improvement to MBASIC algorithm for 3-D motion and depth estimation, An
* Improving Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition
* Improving the Payload of Watermarking Channels via LDPC Coding
* Index assignment for progressive transmission of full-search vector quantization
* Inferring identity from user behaviour
* Information loss recovery for block-based image coding techniques: A fuzzy logic approach
* Information Mining in Remote Sensing Image Archives: System Concepts
* Interactive 3D building modeling using a hierarchical representation
* Interframe DPCM with robust median-based predictors for transmission of image sequences over noisy channels
* Introduction to Biometric Recognition, An
* Invariant texture retrieval using modified Zernike moments
* Inverse halftoning and kernel estimation for error diffusion
* Inverse halftoning using binary permutation filters
* Investigating Hidden Markov Models Capabilities in 2D Shape Classification
* Iterative image reconstruction algorithms based on cross-entropy minimization
* Iterative maximum likelihood displacement field estimation in quantum-limited image sequences
* Joint estimation of forward and backward motion vectors for interpolative prediction of video
* Joint lossless-source and channel coding using ARQ-(N, M) for image transmission
* Kalman filtering approach to stochastic global and region-of-interest tomography, A
* Lane detection and tracking using B-Snake
* Language-based querying of image collections on the basis of an extensible ontology
* Layered image coding using the DCT pyramid
* Leaders-Subleaders: An efficient hierarchical clustering algorithm for large data sets
* Learning-based spatio-temporal vehicle tracking and indexing for transportation multimedia database systems
* Least-squares font metric estimation from images
* LED location beacon system based on processing of digital images
* Lifting-based invertible motion adaptive transform (LIMAT) framework for highly scalable video compression
* Likelihood-Ratio-Based Biometric Verification
* Line segment detector
* Linear-quadratic noise-smoothing filters for quantum-limited images
* linear-time component-labeling algorithm using contour tracing technique, A
* Lip Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy Clustering Incorporating an Elliptic Shape Function
* localization/verification scheme for finding text in images and video frames based on contrast independent features and machine learning methods, A
* Location of title and author regions in document images based on the Delaunay triangulation
* Lossless compression of AVIRIS images
* lossless image compression algorithm using variable block size segmentation, A
* Low bit rate video coding using robust motion vector regeneration in the decoder
* Low entropy image pyramids for efficient lossless coding
* Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: A Unifying Framework
* Machine printed text and handwriting identification in noisy document images
* Mapping colour in image stitching applications
* Markov edit distance
* Maximum Likelihood Localization of 2-D Patterns in the Gauss-Laguerre Transform Domain: Theoretic Framework and Preliminary Results
* Maximum likelihood parameter estimation of textures using a Wold-decomposition based model
* Maximum likelihood parametric blur identification based on a continuous spatial domain model
* MCYT baseline corpus: a bimodal biometric database
* Mean and variance of implicitly defined biased estimators (such as penalized maximum likelihood): applications to tomography
* Method and apparatus for indexing and locating key frames in streaming and variable-frame-length data
* Method and apparatus for locating multi-region objects in an image or video database
* Method and apparatus to reduce false alarms in exit/entrance situations for residential security monitoring
* Method for summarizing a video using motion and color descriptors
* Method of multi-level facial image recognition and system using the same
* Methods for choosing the regularization parameter and estimating the noise variance in image restoration and their relation
* Methods for Volumetric Reconstruction of Visual Scenes
* Methods of analyzing traffic imagery collected from aerial platforms
* Model-based extraction of femoral medulla ducts from radiographic images
* model-based method for building reconstruction, A
* Model-based rate control implementation for low-power video communications systems
* Modeling and subjective assessment of cell discard in ATM video
* Modified Hausdorff distance for model-based 3-D object recognition from a single view
* Moment relations and blur invariant conditions for finite-extent signals in one, two and N-dimensions
* moment-based variational approach to tomographic reconstruction, A
* Morphological pyramids with alternating sequential filters
* Morphological representation of order-statistics filters
* Motion vector quantization for video coding
* Motion-based filtering of magneto-optic imagers
* Multichannel restoration of single channel images using a wavelet-based subband decomposition
* Multiconstraint Wiener-based motion compensation using wavelet pyramids
* Multidimensional chirp algorithms for computing Fourier transforms
* Multimodal biometric user-identification system for network-based applications
* Multiple View Geometry of General Algebraic Curves
* Multiple-cost constraints for the design of tree-structured vector quantizers
* Multiplication free vector quantization using L1 distortion measure and its variants
* Multiplicationless Burt and Adelson's Pyramids for Motion Estimation
* Multirate 3-D subband coding of video
* Multiresolution registration of remote sensing imagery by optimization of mutual information using a stochastic gradient
* Multiresolution tomographic reconstruction using wavelets
* multiscale relaxation algorithm for SNR maximization in nonorthogonal subband coding, A
* multiscale stochastic image model for automated inspection, A
* multiview sequence CODEC with view scalability, A
* neural network for recovering 3D shape from erroneous and few depth maps of shaded images, A
* neural network-based stochastic active contour model (NNS-SNAKE) for contour finding of distinct features, A
* new algorithm for image noise reduction using mathematical morphology, A
* new class of B/W halftoning algorithms, A
* new constrained parameter estimator for computer vision applications, A
* New Hybrid Approach to Handwritten Address Verification, A
* new look at spotlight mode synthetic aperture radar as tomography: imaging 3-D targets, A
* new polarimetric classification approach evaluated for agricultural crops, A
* new robust circular Gabor based object matching by using weighted Hausdorff distance, A
* New studies on adaptive predictive coding of images using multiplicative autoregressive models
* New visual secret sharing schemes using probabilistic method
* Newspaper layout analysis incorporating connected component separation
* Next-state functions for finite-state vector quantization
* Noise Radar for Range/Doppler Processing and Digital Beamforming Using Low-Bit ADC
* Noise reduction of image sequences using motion compensation and signal decomposition
* Noise removal using fourth-order partial differential equation with applications to medical magnetic resonance images in space and time
* Nonlinear Color Space and Spatiotemporal MRF for Hierarchical Segmentation of Face Features in Video
* Nonlinear dynamic range transformation in visual communication channels
* Nonlinear Estimation of the Fundamental Matrix with Minimal Parameters
* Nonlinear image recovery with half-quadratic regularization
* Nonlinear multivariate image filtering techniques
* Nonlinear scale-space filtering and multiresolution system
* Nonlinear ultrasonic image processing based on signal-adaptive filters and self-organizing neural networks
* Nonlinear wavelet transforms for image coding via lifting
* Nonparametric multiscale energy-based model and its application in some imagery problems
* Nonrigid registration of medical image by linear singular blending techniques
* Nonuniform image representation in area-of-interest systems
* Note on Zeng's Technique for Color Reindexing of Palette-Based Images, A
* Novel Watermarking Technique for Tampering Detection in Digital Images, A
* Object Detection Using the Statistics of Parts
* Observations on Adaptive Vector Filters for Noise Reduction in Color Images
* obstacle detection method by fusion of radar and motion stereo, An
* On 2-D recursive LMS algorithms using ARMA prediction for ADPCM encoding of images
* On cosine-modulated wavelet orthonormal bases
* On Kalman filter solution of space-time interpolation
* On Some Bayesian/Regularization Methods for Image Restoration
* On the accuracy of PSF representation in image restoration
* On the computational model of a kind of deconvolution problem
* On the metric properties of discrete space-filling curves
* On the modeling of DCT and subband image data for compression
* On the optimality of nonunitary filter banks in subband coders
* On the performance of linear phase wavelet transforms in low bit-rate image coding
* On the Use of Complex SAR Image Spectral Analysis for Target Detection: Assessment of Polarimetry
* One-pixel-wide closed boundary identification
* Online Recognition of Chinese Characters: The State-of-the-Art
* Optical flow computation using extended constraints
* Optical flow using textures
* Optimal buffered compression and coding mode selection for MPEG-4 shape coding
* Optimal color filters in the presence of noise
* Optimal detection and estimation of straight patterns
* Optimal median-type filtering under structural constraints
* Optimal scan for time-varying tomography: I. Theoretical analysis and fundamental limitations
* Optimal scan for time-varying tomography: II. Efficient design and experimental validation
* Optimal space-varying regularization in iterative image restoration
* Optimal transforms for multispectral and multilayer image coding
* Optimal trellis-based buffered compression and fast approximations
* Optimally adaptive transform coding
* Optimization of sensor response functions for colorimetry of reflective and emissive objects
* Optimization of Weights in a Multiple Classifier Handwritten Word Recognition System Using a Genetic Algorithm
* Orientation adaptive subband coding of images
* Overlapped block motion compensation: an estimation-theoretic approach
* Overview of compression and packet loss effects in speech biometrics
* Parameter Estimation in Bayesian High-Resolution Image Reconstruction with Multisensors
* Parameter reduction for the compound Gauss-Markov model
* Partial eigenvalue decomposition of large images using spatial temporal adaptive method
* Patient information extraction in digitized X-ray imagery
* Penalized maximum-likelihood image reconstruction using space-alternating generalized EM algorithms
* Perceptual analysis of handwritten signatures for biometric authentication
* Perceptual Coding of Digital Monochrome Images
* Perceptual coding of images for halftone display
* Perceptual coding of images for halftone display
* perceptually efficient VBR rate control algorithm, A
* Performance Assessment of Feature Detection Algorithms: A Methodology and Case Study on Corner Detectors
* Permutation weighted order statistic filter lattices
* Phase and amplitude phase restoration in synthetic aperture radar imaging
* Phase and magnitude in normalized images
* Phase unwrapping of MR phase images using Poisson equation
* Phytoplankton determination in an optically complex coastal region using a multilayer perceptron neural network
* Pipeline architectures for recursive morphological operations
* Pixon-based image segmentation with Markov random fields
* POCS-based restoration of space-varying blurred images
* Point-source localization in blurred images by a frequency-domain eigenvector-based method
* Pose-based clustering in action sequences
* Preceding vehicle recognition based on learning from sample images
* Predictive classified vector quantization
* Predictive residual vector quantization
* Preserving step edges in low bit rate progressive image compression
* Printer models and error diffusion
* Prioritized DCT for compression and progressive transmission of images
* Probabilistic Active Support Vector Learning Algorithm, A
* Probabilistic Criterion to Detect Rigid Point Matches Between Two Images and Estimate the Fundamental Matrix, A
* Probabilistic Multiple Face Detection and Tracking Using Entropy Measures
* Probabilistic Space-Time Video Modeling via Piecewise GMM
* Progressive encoding of binary voxel models using pyramidal decomposition
* progressive secret reveal system based on SPIHT image transmission, A
* Projection-based spatially adaptive reconstruction of block-transform compressed images
* Pruned tree-structured vector quantization of medical images with segmentation and improved prediction
* Pyramidal lattice vector quantization for multiscale image coding
* Quadtree-Based Multiregion Multiquality Image Coding
* Quintic G2-splines for the iterative steering of vision-based autonomous vehicles
* Rank-Order Filters for FOPEN Target Detection
* Rate-distortion optimal fast thresholding with complete JPEG/MPEG decoder compatibility
* Real time repeated video sequence identification
* Real-time High Density People Counter Using Morphological Tools
* Real-time synthetic aperture sonar imaging using a parallel architecture
* Real-time tracking using trust-region methods
* Recognizing vehicles in infrared images using IMAP parallel vision board
* Reconstruction of objects with jagged edges through Rao-Blackwellized fitting of piecewise smooth subdivision curves
* Recovering radar shadow to improve interferometric phase unwrapping and dem reconstruction
* Recursive erosion, dilation, opening, and closing transforms
* Recursive high-resolution reconstruction of blurred multiframe images
* Recursive optimal pruning with applications to tree structured vector quantizers
* Recursive soft morphological filters
* Recursive time-varying filter banks for subband image coding
* Region-based fractal image compression using heuristic search
* Region-of-interest tomography using exponential radial sampling
* Regularized 3D morphable models
* Regularized constrained total least squares image restoration
* relationship of the multi-shell to multistage and standard median filters, The
* Relevance of Non-Generic Events in Scale Space Models, The
* Repetitive motion analysis: segmentation and event classification
* Research advances in intelligent collision avoidance and adaptive cruise control
* Resource-constrained rate control for Motion JPEG2000
* Restoration of blurred star field images by maximally sparse optimization
* Restoration of differential images for enhancement of compressed video
* Restoration of differently blurred versions of an image with measurement errors in the PSF's
* Restoration of randomly blurred images via the maximum a posteriori criterion
* Restoration of spatially varying blurred images using multiple model-based extended Kalman filters
* Retrieval of oceanic chlorophyll concentration using support vector machines
* Robust adaptive estimator for filtering noise in images
* Robust approach for disparity estimation in stereo vision
* Robust Multipose Face Detection in Images
* robust nonlinear filter for image restoration, A
* Robust Real-Time Face Detection
* Roughness penalties on finite domains
* Sampling the Disparity Space Image
* Scanning tomographic acoustic microscopy
* Segmentation given partial grouping constraints
* Segmentation of remotely sensed images using wavelet features and their evaluation in soft computing framework
* segmentation-based predictive multiresolution image coder, A
* Segmented Linear Subspaces for Illumination-Robust Face Recognition
* self-governing rate buffer control strategy for pseudoconstant bit rate video coding, A
* Separation of image parts using 2-D parallel form recursive filters
* Sequential and Parallel Image Restoration: Neural Network Implementations
* Sequential scalar quantization of vectors: an analysis
* set of transformations for lossless image compression, A
* Side match and overlap match vector quantizers for images
* Sidelobe reduction via adaptive FIR filtering in SAR imagery
* Signal recovery by best feasible approximation
* Signal-to-noise ratio and autocorrelation function of the image intensity in coherent systems. Sub-Rayleigh and super-Rayleigh conditions
* Similarity-Based Aspect-Graph Approach to 3D Object Recognition, A
* Simultaneous detection of lane and pavement boundaries using model-based multisensor fusion
* Simultaneous homographic and comparametric alignment of multiple exposure-adjusted pictures of the same scene
* Simultaneous recursive displacement estimation and restoration of noisy-blurred image sequences
* Size-limited filter banks for subband image compression
* Skew detection of text in a noisy digitized image
* snake model for object tracking in natural sequences, A
* Soft decoding and synchronization of arithmetic codes: Application to image transmission over noisy channels
* Space-frequency localized image compression
* Spatially adaptive subsampling of image sequences
* Spatio-Temporal Deconvolution of NDVI Image Sequences Using Independent Component Analysis
* Special issue on statistical methods in video processing
* Special issue on vision applications and technology for intelligent vehicles: part I-infrastructure
* Special issue on vision applications and technology for intelligent vehicles: Part II - vehicles
* Spectral characteristics and motion-compensated restoration of composite frames
* Spectral Grouping Using the Nystrom Method
* Speeding up the generalized adaptive neural filters
* stabilization algorithm for multichannel multidimensional linear prediction of imagery, A
* stable feedback control of the buffer state using the controlled Lagrange multiplier method, A
* stable vision system for moving vehicles, A
* statistical feedforward/fedback buffer control for the transmission of digital video signals compressed by DCT-based intrafield coding, A
* statistical framework for picture reconstruction using 2D AR models, A
* Statistical models of partial volume effect
* Stereo image compression using wavelet coefficients morphology
* Stereo person tracking with adaptive plan-view templates of height and occupancy statistics
* Stereo- and neural network-based pedestrian detection
* Stochastic modeling and estimation of multispectral image data
* Strong Markov Random Field Model
* study of logarithmic image processing model and its application to image enhancement, The
* Study of Scattering from an Object Below a Rough Surface, A
* Subband coding of images using asymmetrical filter banks
* Subband coding systems incorporating quantizer models
* Subband image coding using watershed and watercourse lines of the wavelet transform
* subspace tracking algorithm using the fast Fourier transform, A
* Sudden illumination change detection using order consistency
* Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Compressed Video Using Transform-Domain Statistics
* Symbolization assisted SVM classifier for noisy data
* Symmetry-based photo-editing
* Synthetic aperture pulse-echo imaging with rectangular boundary arrays
* System and method for moving target detection
* system model and inversion for synthetic aperture radar imaging, A
* Systematic errors in active 3-D vision sensors
* Target decomposition analysis of SIR-C imagery for characterization of scattering mechanisms and their dependence on observation parameters
* Temporally adaptive motion interpolation exploiting temporal masking in visual perception
* Texture Decomposition by Harmonics Extraction From Higher Order Statistics
* Three-dimensional subband coding with motion compensation
* Three-feature based automatic lane detection algorithm (TFALDA) for autonomous driving
* Time-frequency localisation of Shannon wavelet packets
* Tomographic image sequence reconstruction by edge-preserving interslice MAP methods
* Tomographic reconstruction of 3-D vector fields using inner product probes
* Topological Model for Two-Dimensional Image Representation: Definition and Optimal Extraction Algorithm
* Toward an Optimal Supervised Classifier for the Analysis of Hyperspectral Data
* Toward vision-based intelligent navigator: its concept and prototype
* Tracking multiple vehicles using foreground, background and motion models
* Traffic monitoring and accident detection at intersections
* Trajectory segmentation for the autonomous control of backward motion for truck and trailer
* Transform coded image reconstruction exploiting interblock correlation
* Transformed-Key Asymmetric Watermarking System
* Transmission of images over noisy channels using error-resilient wavelet coding and forward error correction
* Tree coding of image subbands
* Twist Based Acquisition and Tracking of Animal and Human Kinematics
* Two-dimensional filter bank design for optimal reconstruction using limited subband information
* Two-dimensional joint process lattice for adaptive restoration of images
* Two-dimensional phase unwrapping using a minimum spanning tree algorithm
* unified approach to lapped orthogonal transforms, A
* unified approach to statistical tomography using coordinate descent optimization, A
* unified linear fitting approach for singular and nonsingular 3D quadrics from occluding contours, A
* Unique tomographic reconstruction of vector fields using boundary data
* Unscented Kalman filter for visual curve tracking
* Unsupervised learning of an atlas from unlabeled point-sets
* use of computer vision in monitoring weaving sections, The
* Use of the novelty detection technique to identify the range of applicability of empirical ocean color algorithms
* variational approach to the radiometric enhancement of digital imagery, A
* Vector quantization for entropy coding of image subbands
* Vehicle control algorithms for cooperative driving with automated vehicles and intervehicle communications
* vehicle occupant counting system based on near-infrared phenomenology and fuzzy neural classification, A
* Velocity adaptation of spatio-temporal receptive fields for direct recognition of activities: an experimental study
* Velocity-dependent dewarping of images
* Video coding scheme using DCT-pyramid vector quantization
* Vision system computer modeling apparatus including interaction with real scenes with respect to perspective and spatial relationship as measured in real-time
* Vision-Based Force Measurement
* Visual perception of obstacles and vehicles for platooning
* Walking pedestrian recognition
* Watermarking in the space/spatial-frequency domain using two-dimensional Radon-Wigner distribution
* Wavelet transform domain filters: a spatially selective noise filtration technique
* Wavelet-based level set evolution for classification of textured images
* What Energy Functions Can Be Minimized via Graph Cuts?
* Writer Independent Online Handwriting Recognition System Frog On Hand and Cluster Generative Statistical Dynamic Time Warping, The
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