Journals starting with pr_8

PR(8) * algorithm for segmentation of metaphase spreads, An
* Application of constrained generalized inverse to pattern classification
* application of rate-distortion theory to pattern recognition and classification, An
* Application of Stochastic Languages to Fingerprint Pattern Recognition, An
* Application of Texture Analysis to Materials Inspection, An
* Approaches to Chinese Character Recognition
* Approximations for the probability of misclassification
* CLASS: A Nonparametric Clustering Algorithm
* Clustering techniques: The user's dilemma
* Context in word recognition
* Empirical tests for feature selection based on a psychological theory of character recognition
* Feature enhancement techniques for the detection of spinal cord injury
* Feature extraction for fingerprint classification
* Feature Extraction of Three-Dimensional Objects and Visual Processing in a Hand-Eye System Using Laser Tracker
* Feature selection for low error rate OCR
* Further results on the effect of intraclass correlation among training samples in discriminant analysis
* impact of new hardware on OCR designs, The
* Learning with probabilistic labeling
* locally sensitive method for cluster analysis, A
* method of real-time recognition of moving objects and its application, A
* net-structure learning system for pattern description, A
* on-line character recognition aimed at a substitution for a billing machine keyboard, An
* orthogonal feature selection method, An
* parallel processing model for the study of possible pattern recognition mechanisms in the brain, A
* Pattern recognition by means of disjoint principal components models
* Pattern recognition categories
* processing of bathythermograph data: A picture analysis approach, The
* Quantitative analysis of preprocessing techniques for the recognition of handprinted characters
* Representation of structured events and efficient procedures for their recognition
* Some Concepts of Character Recognition
* Unit measure violations in pattern recognition: Ambiguity and irrelevancy
* whitening transformation for two-color blood cell images, A
32 for PR(8)

PR(80) * Adaptive Batch Normalization for practical domain adaptation
* Attribute-Based Synthetic Network (ABS-Net): Learning more from pseudo feature representations
* Breast mass classification via deeply integrating the contextual information from multi-view data
* constrained total variation model for single image dehazing, A
* Curriculum learning of visual attribute clusters for multi-task classification
* Deep contextual recurrent residual networks for scene labeling
* Deep super-class learning for long-tail distributed image classification
* Finite mixtures of skewed matrix variate distributions
* Fuzzy classifiers with information granules in feature space and logic-based computing
* Learning a deep network with spherical part model for 3D hand pose estimation
* Multi-label learning based deep transfer neural network for facial attribute classification
* Non-rigid point set registration using dual-feature finite mixture model and global-local structural preservation
* novel hierarchical-based framework for upper bound computation of graph edit distance, A
* Occluded face recognition using low-rank regression with generalized gradient direction
* Reversed Sketch: A scalable and comparable shape representation
* Rough-fuzzy based scene categorization for text detection and recognition in video
* Saliency driven region-edge-based top down level set evolution reveals the asynchronous focus in image segmentation
* Semi-supervised time series classification on positive and unlabeled problems using cross-recurrence quantification analysis
* Structured dynamic time warping for continuous hand trajectory gesture recognition
* Unified multi-spectral pedestrian detection based on probabilistic fusion networks
20 for PR(80)

PR(81) * Accurate detection of ellipses with false detection control at video rates using a gradient analysis
* Adaptive weighted nonnegative low-rank representation
* approach to supervised distance metric learning based on difference of convex functions programming, An
* Blind image quality prediction by exploiting multi-level deep representations
* Classification of patterns of benignity and malignancy based on CT using topology-based phylogenetic diversity index and convolutional neural network
* Clustering ensembles: A hedonic game theoretical approach
* Community discovery in networks with deep sparse filtering
* Conditional classifiers and boosted conditional Gaussian mixture model for novelty detection
* Convex clustering with metric learning
* Deep CNN based binary hash video representations for face retrieval
* Deep variance network: An iterative, improved CNN framework for unbalanced training datasets
* Efficient auto-refocusing for light field camera
* Entropy and orthogonality based deep discriminative feature learning for object recognition
* Fast copy-move forgery detection using local bidirectional coherency error refinement
* Feature weight estimation based on dynamic representation and neighbor sparse reconstruction
* fiducial tag invariant to rotation, translation, and perspective transformations, A
* Handling data irregularities in classification: Foundations, trends, and future challenges
* heuristic based dependency calculation technique for rough set theory, A
* Human action recognition by means of subtensor projections and dense trajectories
* Joint intermodal and intramodal correlation preservation for semi-paired learning
* Keyword spotting in historical handwritten documents based on graph matching
* Knowledge transfer for spectral clustering
* Learning bag-of-embedded-words representations for textual information retrieval
* Learning content and style: Joint action recognition and person identification from human skeletons
* Learning domain-shared group-sparse representation for unsupervised domain adaptation
* Learning structures of interval-based Bayesian networks in probabilistic generative model for human complex activity recognition
* Learning with privileged information for multi-Label classification
* Line matching based on line-points invariant and local homography
* Monocular 3D facial shape reconstruction from a single 2D image with coupled-dictionary learning and sparse coding
* On feature selection protocols for very low-sample-size data
* Overlapping community detection in rating-based social networks through analyzing topics, ratings and links
* Pairwise based deep ranking hashing for histopathology image classification and retrieval
* Personal digital bodyguards for e-security, e-learning and e-health: A prospective survey
* Personal identification utilizing lip print furrow based patterns. A new approach
* Random forest classification based acoustic event detection utilizing contextual-information and bottleneck features
* Robust occlusion-aware part-based visual tracking with object scale adaptation
* Robust regression for image binarization under heavy noise and nonuniform background
* Robust statistical approaches for circle fitting in laser scanning three-dimensional point cloud data
* Robust, discriminative and comprehensive dictionary learning for face recognition
* Spatial and Class Structure Regularized Sparse Representation Graph for Semi-Supervised Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Structured and weighted multi-task low rank tracker
* Time Alignment Measurement for Time Series
* Towards interval-valued fuzzy set-based collaborative fuzzy clustering algorithms
* Understanding of indoor scenes based on projection of spatial rectangles
* Variational inference based bayes online classifiers with concept drift adaptation
* Vehicle verification between two nonoverlapped views using sparse representation
* Visual tracking via Boolean map representations
* Weight-Shape decomposition of density estimates: A framework for clustering and image analysis algorithms, The
48 for PR(81)

PR(82) * adaptive-scale active contour model for inhomogeneous image segmentation and bias field estimation, An
* Complexity of concept classes induced by discrete Markov networks and Bayesian networks
* Data-independent Random Projections from the feature-space of the homogeneous polynomial kernel
* Deep cross residual network for HEp-2 cell staining pattern classification
* Deep feature learning via structured graph Laplacian embedding for person re-identification
* Description and retrieval of geometric patterns on surface meshes using an edge-based LBP approach
* factor graph evidence combining approach to image defogging, A
* Hierarchical brain tumour segmentation using extremely randomized trees
* Improved spatial pyramid matching for scene recognition
* nonlinear orthogonal non-negative matrix factorization approach to subspace clustering, A
* novel and simple strategy for evolving prototype based clustering, A
* Pattern recognition for high performance imaging
* Two combination stages of clustered One-Class Classifiers for writer identification from text fragments
13 for PR(82)

PR(83) * 3D-2D silhouette-based image registration for comparative radiography-based forensic identification
* Auto-weighted 2-dimensional maximum margin criterion
* benchmark and comparison of active learning for logistic regression, A
* Building discriminative CNN image representations for object retrieval using the replicator equation
* Characterising shape patterns using features derived from best-fitting ellipsoids
* Chunk incremental learning for cost-sensitive hinge loss support vector machine
* Clustering in large data sets with the limited memory bundle method
* Clustering via binary embedding
* Collinear groupwise feature selection via discrete fusion group regression
* Color space construction by optimizing luminance and chrominance components for face recognition
* Contactless and partial 3D fingerprint recognition using multi-view deep representation
* Curvature-aware manifold learning
* Deep Discrete Cross-Modal Hashing for Cross-Media Retrieval
* Deep hierarchical guidance and regularization learning for end-to-end depth estimation
* Deep learning for image-based cancer detection and diagnosis: A survey
* Discriminatively boosted image clustering with fully convolutional auto-encoders
* Dynamic ensemble selection for multi-class classification with one-class classifiers
* Fast and accurate computation of orthogonal moments for texture analysis
* fast clustering algorithm based on pruning unnecessary distance computations in DBSCAN for high-dimensional data, A
* Grouping points by shared subspaces for effective subspace clustering
* Hierarchical objectness network for region proposal generation and object detection
* Image stitching by line-guided local warping with global similarity constraint
* Improved ear verification after surgery-An approach based on collaborative representation of locally competitive features
* Improving context-sensitive similarity via smooth neighborhood for object retrieval
* Improving one class support vector machine novelty detection scheme using nonlinear features
* Individual identification using a gait dynamics graph
* Kernel Partial least square based feature selection method, A
* Monocular depth estimation with hierarchical fusion of dilated CNNs and soft-weighted-sum inference
* Nonnegative Locally Linear KNN model for image recognition, A
* Perceptually aware image inpainting
* Polyp detection during colonoscopy using a regression-based convolutional neural network with a tracker
* Reimagining the central challenge of face recognition: Turning a problem into an advantage
* Robust sparse representation based multi-focus image fusion with dictionary construction and local spatial consistency
* Sparse Generalised Principal Component Analysis
* Structured Sparse Subspace Clustering with Within-Cluster Grouping
* Visual speaker authentication with random prompt texts by a dual-task CNN framework
* Visual tracking using spatio-temporally nonlocally regularized correlation filter
* Vote-boosting ensembles
38 for PR(83)

PR(84) * Affinity learning via a diffusion process for subspace clustering
* Angular Radon spectrum for rotation estimation
* Binary Partition Tree construction from multiple features for image segmentation
* Circular mesh-based shape and margin descriptor for object detection
* Conditional convolution neural network enhanced random forest for facial expression recognition
* Correntropy-based robust multilayer extreme learning machines
* Detection and classification of cancer in whole slide breast histopathology images using deep convolutional networks
* Distinctiveness, complexity, and repeatability of online signature templates
* F-NSP+: A fast negative sequential patterns mining method with self-adaptive data storage
* Face Recognition from Multiple Stylistic Sketches: Scenarios, Datasets, and Evaluation
* fast robust geometric fitting method for parabolic curves, A
* Learning spatial relations and shapes for structural object description and scene recognition
* Learning visual and textual representations for multimodal matching and classification
* Model-based learning for point pattern data
* MoE-SPNet: A mixture-of-experts scene parsing network
* Morphological classifiers
* Multi-view label embedding
* novel formulation of orthogonal polynomial kernel functions for SVM classifiers: The Gegenbauer family, A
* novel framework for background subtraction and foreground detection, A
* Online multi-label streaming feature selection based on neighborhood rough set
* Parametric and nonparametric context models: A unified approach to scene parsing
* Robust one-class support vector machine with rescaled hinge loss function
* safe sample screening rule for Laplacian twin parametric-margin support vector machine, A
* Subject-Specific prior shape knowledge in feature-oriented probability maps for fully automatized liver segmentation in MR volume data
* Using fuzzy least squares support vector machine with metric learning for object tracking
* Weakly-supervised object detection via mining pseudo ground truth bounding-boxes
* Wild Patterns: Ten Years After the Rise of Adversarial Machine Learning
27 for PR(84)

PR(85) * Asymmetric 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for action recognition
* Automated Pulmonary Nodule Detection in CT Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Data-free metrics for Dirichlet and generalized Dirichlet mixture-based HMMs: A practical study
* Discriminative representation combinations for accurate face spoofing detection
* Exploiting multiplex data relationships in Support Vector Machines
* FIRE-DES++: Enhanced online pruning of base classifiers for dynamic ensemble selection
* Hierarchical Bayesian image analysis: From low-level modeling to robust supervised learning
* Illumination-aware faster R-CNN for robust multispectral pedestrian detection
* Mellin polar coordinate moment and its affine invariance
* novel ensemble method for k-nearest neighbor, A
* Online local pool generation for dynamic classifier selection
* Open-set human activity recognition based on micro-Doppler signatures
* Prediction of partially observed human activity based on pre-trained deep representation
* Pseudo low rank video representation
* Real-time geometric fitting and pose estimation for surface of revolution
* Robust procedural model fitting with a new geometric similarity estimator
* Script identification in natural scene image and video frames using an attention based Convolutional-LSTM network
* Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation Via Fredholm Integral Based Kernel Methods
* Step-wise integration of deep class-specific learning for dermoscopic image segmentation
19 for PR(85)

PR(86) * Attention driven person re-identification
* Bayesian denoising hashing for robust image retrieval
* Clustering as physically inspired energy minimization
* convex formulation for multiple ordinal output classification, A
* Cost-sensitive classifier chains: Selecting low-cost features in multi-label classification
* Cross-spectral iris recognition using CNN and supervised discrete hashing
* Efficient algorithms for graph regularized PLSA for probabilistic topic modeling
* Fractional-order orthogonal Chebyshev Moments and Moment Invariants for image representation and pattern recognition
* From aging to early-stage Alzheimer's: Uncovering handwriting multimodal behaviors by semi-supervised learning and sequential representation learning
* Information extraction from historical handwritten document images with a context-aware neural model
* Landmark-based algorithms for group average and pattern recognition
* Learning principal orientations and residual descriptor for action recognition
* Learning structured and non-redundant representations with deep neural networks
* Manga face detection based on deep neural networks fusing global and local information
* Multi-label learning of part detectors for occluded pedestrian detection
* Multi-modal fusion network with multi-scale multi-path and cross-modal interactions for RGB-D salient object detection
* Multi-view intact space clustering
* Nonlinear regression via incremental decision trees
* OFS-Density: A novel online streaming feature selection method
* Scene wireframes sketching for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* selectional auto-encoder approach for document image binarization, A
* Shall deep learning be the mandatory future of document analysis problems?
* Sparse autoencoder for unsupervised nucleus detection and representation in histopathology images
* SPM-SLAM: Simultaneous localization and mapping with squared planar markers
* Symmetry-adapted representation learning
* Texture analysis for muscular dystrophy classification in MRI with improved class activation mapping
* Unsupervised Multi-task Learning with Hierarchical Data Structure
* Unsupervised online clustering and detection algorithms using crowdsourced data for malaria diagnosis
* Visualization and machine learning analysis of complex networks in hyperspherical space
29 for PR(86)

PR(87) * Accurate vessel extraction via tensor completion of background layer in X-ray coronary angiograms
* Bayesian estimation of generalized Gamma mixture model based on variational EM algorithm
* Blind separation of temporally correlated noncircular sources using complex matrix joint diagonalization
* Classification of symmetric positive definite matrices based on bilinear isometric Riemannian embedding
* CONFIRM: Clustering of noisy form images using robust matching
* Content driven clustering algorithm combining density and distance functions
* Convolutional factor analysis model with application to radar automatic target recognition
* Cumulative attribute space regression for head pose estimation and color constancy
* Evolving rule-based classifiers with genetic programming on GPUs for drifting data streams
* GaitGANv2: Invariant gait feature extraction using generative adversarial networks
* Gaussian process approach for metric learning
* IAN: The Individual Aggregation Network for Person Search
* Joint learning for voice based disease detection
* Latent multi-feature co-regression for visual recognition by discriminatively leveraging multi-source models
* Mirror symmetry detection in curves represented by means of the Slope Chain Code
* Multi attention module for visual tracking
* Multi-level context-adaptive correlation tracking
* nonlinear dimensionality reduction framework using smooth geodesics, A
* Nonlinear supervised dimensionality reduction via smooth regular embeddings
* Oblique aerial image matching based on iterative simulation and homography evaluation
* pooling based scene text proposal technique for scene text reading in the wild, A
* posterior evaluation algorithm of steganalysis accuracy inspired by residual co-occurrence probability, A
* Precision direction and compact surface type representation for 3D palmprint identification
* recursive Bayesian approach to describe retinal vasculature geometry, A
* Scene-dependent proposals for efficient person detection
* Seeded graph matching
26 for PR(87)

PR(88) * 3D registration based on the direction sensor measurements
* Active contours driven by global and local weighted signed pressure force for image segmentation
* Adaptive-weighting discriminative regression for multi-view classification
* Aggregating minutia-centred deep convolutional features for fingerprint indexing
* Attention guided deep audio-face fusion for efficient speaker naming
* Attention-based convolutional neural network and long short-term memory for short-term detection of mood disorders based on elicited speech responses
* Auto-weighted multi-view clustering via kernelized graph learning
* Autoencoder node saliency: Selecting relevant latent representations
* Block sparse representation for pattern classification: Theory, extensions and applications
* Blood vessel segmentation from fundus image by a cascade classification framework
* Cascade learning from adversarial synthetic images for accurate pupil detection
* Class-specific attribute weighted naive Bayes
* Collaborative representation based face classification exploiting block weighted LBP and analysis dictionary learning
* Convolutional network architectures for super-resolution/sub-pixel mapping of drone-derived images
* Deep adaptive learning for writer identification based on single handwritten word images
* Deep gated attention networks for large-scale street-level scene segmentation
* Deep representation design from deep kernel networks
* Detecting Abnormal Crowd Behaviors Based on the Div-Curl Characteristics of Flow Fields
* Diffusion network embedding
* Dual-force convolutional neural networks for accurate brain tumor segmentation
* Efficient robust methods via monitoring for clustering and multivariate data analysis
* Encoding sparse and competitive structures among tasks in multi-task learning
* Fast stochastic second-order method logarithmic in condition number
* Fingerprint growth model for mitigating the ageing effect on children's fingerprints matching
* Fixed-length asymmetric binary hashing for fingerprint verification through GMM-SVM based representations
* Hard negative generation for identity-disentangled facial expression recognition
* HG-means: A scalable hybrid genetic algorithm for minimum sum-of-squares clustering
* High-quality spectral-spatial reconstruction using saliency detection and deep feature enhancement
* Improving classification with semi-supervised and fine-grained learning
* Incremental commute time and its online applications
* Incremental semi-supervised learning on streaming data
* Intelligent character recognition using fully convolutional neural networks
* Joint interaction with context operation for collaborative filtering
* K-Nets: Clustering through nearest neighbors networks
* label-specific multi-label feature selection algorithm based on the Pareto dominance concept, A
* Laplacian pyramid adversarial network for face completion
* Learning from crowds with variational Gaussian processes
* LightweightNet: Toward fast and lightweight convolutional neural networks via architecture distillation
* Linear classifier design in the weight space
* Multi-view subspace clustering with intactness-aware similarity
* multiscale bowler-hat transform for blood vessel enhancement in retinal images, The
* Nasal similarity measure of 3D faces based on curve shape space
* New set of multi-channel orthogonal moments for color image representation and recognition
* On-line Elastic Similarity Measures for time series
* Online anomaly detection for long-term ECG monitoring using wearable devices
* Perceptually-guided deep neural networks for ego-action prediction: Object grasping
* Quantum-based subgraph convolutional neural networks
* Random forest dissimilarity based multi-view learning for Radiomics application
* Robust visual tracking via nonlocal regularized multi-view sparse representation
* Semi-supervised person re-identification using multi-view clustering
* Simultaneous color-depth super-resolution with conditional generative adversarial networks
* Sparse, collaborative, or nonnegative representation: Which helps pattern classification?
* Strength and similarity guided group-level brain functional network construction for MCI diagnosis
* Structured sparsity regularized multiple kernel learning for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis
* tensor framework for geosensor data forecasting of significant societal events, A
* To cluster, or not to cluster: An analysis of clusterability methods
* Unsupervised object discovery and co-localization by deep descriptor transformation
* Unsupervised pattern recognition of mixed data structures with numerical and categorical features using a mixture regression modelling framework
* Word spotting and recognition via a joint deep embedding of image and text
* Zero-Shot Event Detection Via Event-Adaptive Concept Relevance Mining
60 for PR(88)

PR(89) * Blind quality index for tone-mapped images based on luminance partition
* Dictionaries of deep features for land-use scene classification of very high spatial resolution images
* From superpixel to human shape modelling for carried object detection
* Improving CNN linear layers with power mean non-linearity
* Integration of deep feature extraction and ensemble learning for outlier detection
* Joint sparse matrix regression and nonnegative spectral analysis for two-dimensional unsupervised feature selection
* new fast algorithm to compute continuous moments defined in a rectangular region, A
* Online latent semantic hashing for cross-media retrieval
* People re-identification using skeleton standard posture and color descriptors from RGB-D data
* Quaternion Grassmann average network for learning representation of histopathological image
* Robust heterogeneous discriminative analysis for face recognition with single sample per person
* Single shot active learning using pseudo annotators
* Subspace segmentation with a large number of subspaces using infinity norm minimization
* Time series feature learning with labeled and unlabeled data
14 for PR(89)

Index for "p"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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