Index for ghos

Ghosal, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Halder, S.: Location-Wise Predetermined Deployment for Optimizing Life...

Ghosal, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akhtar, M.S.: All-in-One: Emotion, Sentiment and Intensity Prediction ...
     with: Bhattacharyya, P.: All-in-One: Emotion, Sentiment and Intensity Predic...
     with: Chuah, C.N.: Security Vulnerabilities and Protection Algorithms for Ba...
     with: Ekbal, A.: All-in-One: Emotion, Sentiment and Intensity Prediction Usi...
     with: Kurohashi, S.: All-in-One: Emotion, Sentiment and Intensity Prediction...
     with: Yen, C.C.: Security Vulnerabilities and Protection Algorithms for Back...
     with: Zhang, M.: Security Vulnerabilities and Protection Algorithms for Back...
7 for Ghosal, D.

Ghosal, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Blythman, R.: Jointformer: Single-Frame Lifting Transformer with Error...
     with: Lutz, S.: Jointformer: Single-Frame Lifting Transformer with Error Pre...
     with: Moynihan, M.: Jointformer: Single-Frame Lifting Transformer with Error...
     with: Rana, A.: Aesthetic Image Captioning From Weakly-Labelled Photographs
     with: Simms, C.: Jointformer: Single-Frame Lifting Transformer with Error Pr...
     with: Smolic, A.: Aesthetic Image Captioning From Weakly-Labelled Photographs
     with: Smolic, A.: Image Aesthetics Assessment Using Graph Attention Network
     with: Smolic, A.: Jointformer: Single-Frame Lifting Transformer with Error P...
8 for Ghosal, K.

Ghosal, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aggarwal, G.: Efficient Query Modification for Image Retrieval
     with: Aggarwal, G.: iPURE: Perceptual and User-friendly REtrieval of Images
     with: Dubey, P.: Efficient Query Modification for Image Retrieval
     with: Dubey, P.: iPURE: Perceptual and User-friendly REtrieval of Images
     with: Kulshreshtha, A.: iPURE: Perceptual and User-friendly REtrieval of Ima...
     with: Li, M.: Fast Translation Invariant Multiscale Image Denoising
     with: McKee, D.C.: Target Detection in Foveal ATR Systems
     with: Mehrotra, R.: Detection Of Composite Edges
     with: Mehrotra, R.: Edge detection using orthogonal moment-based operators
     with: Mehrotra, R.: Moment-Based Unified Approach to Image Feature Detection...
     with: Mehrotra, R.: Orthogonal Moment Operators for Subpixel Edge Detection
     with: Mehrotra, R.: Range Surface Characterization and Segmentation Using Ne...
     with: Mehrotra, R.: Robust Optical Flow Estimation
     with: Mehrotra, R.: Robust Optical-Flow Estimation Using Semi-Invariant Loca...
     with: Mehrotra, R.: Segmentation of Range Images: An Orthogonal Moment-Based...
     with: Mehrotra, R.: Zernike moment-based feature detectors
     with: Pankanti, S.: Hierarchical Partitioned Least Squares Filter-bank for F...
     with: Pankanti, S.: Learning Partitioned Least Squares Filters for Fingerpri...
     with: Ratha, N.K.: Hierarchical Partitioned Least Squares Filter-bank for Fi...
     with: Ratha, N.K.: Learning Partitioned Least Squares Filters for Fingerprin...
     with: Ray, N.: Deep deformable registration: Enhancing accuracy by fully con...
     with: Sarkar, A.: iPURE: Perceptual and User-friendly REtrieval of Images
     with: Udupa, R.: Hierarchical Partitioned Least Squares Filter-bank for Fing...
     with: Udupa, R.: Learning Partitioned Least Squares Filters for Fingerprint ...
     with: Vanek, P.: Fast Scalable Algorithm for Discontinuous Optical-Flow Esti...
25 for Ghosal, S.

Ghosal, S.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, Y.X.: Are Vision Transformers Robust to Spurious Correlations?

Ghosal, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gupta, P.: Face Classification Using Gabor Wavelets and Random Forest
     with: Tikmani, P.: Face Classification Using Gabor Wavelets and Random Forest

Ghose, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chu, Z.Q.: Fast Accurate Fish Recognition with Deep Learning Based on ...
     with: Desai, S.: Active Learning for Improved Semi-Supervised Semantic Segme...
     with: Fang, L.: Fast Accurate Fish Recognition with Deep Learning Based on a...
     with: Korhonen, J.: Fast Accurate Fish Recognition with Deep Learning Based ...
     with: Lin, Y.: Fast Accurate Fish Recognition with Deep Learning Based on a ...
     with: Liu, J.: Fast Accurate Fish Recognition with Deep Learning Based on a ...
     with: Liu, X.R.: Fast Accurate Fish Recognition with Deep Learning Based on ...
     with: Xu, J.Y.: Fast Accurate Fish Recognition with Deep Learning Based on a...
     with: Yang, W.: Fast Accurate Fish Recognition with Deep Learning Based on a...
     with: You, J.Y.: Fast Accurate Fish Recognition with Deep Learning Based on ...
10 for Ghose, D.

Ghose, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhunia, A.K.: deep one-shot network for query-based logo retrieval, A
     with: Bhunia, A.K.: Joint Visual Semantic Reasoning: Multi-Stage Decoder for...
     with: Bhunia, A.K.: MetaHTR: Towards Writer-Adaptive Handwritten Text Recogn...
     with: Chaudhury, S.: Connectionist Approach for Clustering with Applications...
     with: Chaudhury, S.: Connectionist Approach for Gray Level Image Segmentatio...
     with: Chaudhury, S.: Connectionist Approach for Peak Detection in Hough Spac...
     with: Chowdhury, P.N.: Joint Visual Semantic Reasoning: Multi-Stage Decoder ...
     with: Chowdhury, P.N.: MetaHTR: Towards Writer-Adaptive Handwritten Text Rec...
     with: Chowdhury, P.N.: Modeling Extent-of-Texture Information for Ground Ter...
     with: Chowdhury, P.N.: UDBNET: Unsupervised Document Binarization Network vi...
     with: Comet, J.: Mumford-Shah functional based variational model with contou...
     with: Comet, J.: Statistical Shape and Probability Prior Model for Automatic...
     with: Comet, J.: Supervised Learning Framework for Automatic Prostate Segmen...
     with: Comet, J.: Weighted likelihood function of multiple statistical parame...
     with: Das, A.: deep one-shot network for query-based logo retrieval, A
     with: Dowling, J.A.: Fast Multiatlas Selection Using Composition of Transfor...
     with: Freixenet, J.: coupled schema of probabilistic atlas and statistical s...
     with: Freixenet, J.: Graph cut energy minimization in a probabilistic learni...
     with: Freixenet, J.: Mumford-Shah functional based variational model with co...
     with: Freixenet, J.: probabilistic framework for automatic prostate segmenta...
     with: Freixenet, J.: Statistical Shape and Probability Prior Model for Autom...
     with: Freixenet, J.: Supervised Learning Framework for Automatic Prostate Se...
     with: Fripp, J.: Fast Multiatlas Selection Using Composition of Transformati...
     with: Greer, P.B.: Fast Multiatlas Selection Using Composition of Transforma...
     with: Kato, Z.: Non-Linear Diffeomorphic Framework for Prostate Multimodal R...
     with: Kato, Z.: Spectral clustering to model deformations for fast multimoda...
     with: Kumar, A.: Joint Visual Semantic Reasoning: Multi-Stage Decoder for Te...
     with: Kumar, A.: MetaHTR: Towards Writer-Adaptive Handwritten Text Recognition
     with: Kumar, A.: UDBNET: Unsupervised Document Binarization Network via Adve...
     with: Llado, X.: coupled schema of probabilistic atlas and statistical shape...
     with: Llado, X.: Graph cut energy minimization in a probabilistic learning f...
     with: Llado, X.: Mumford-Shah functional based variational model with contou...
     with: Llado, X.: Non-Linear Diffeomorphic Framework for Prostate Multimodal ...
     with: Llado, X.: probabilistic framework for automatic prostate segmentation...
     with: Llado, X.: Spectral clustering to model deformations for fast multimod...
     with: Llado, X.: Statistical Shape and Probability Prior Model for Automatic...
     with: Llado, X.: Supervised Learning Framework for Automatic Prostate Segmen...
     with: Llado, X.: Weighted likelihood function of multiple statistical parame...
     with: Marti, R.: coupled schema of probabilistic atlas and statistical shape...
     with: Marti, R.: Graph cut energy minimization in a probabilistic learning f...
     with: Marti, R.: Mumford-Shah functional based variational model with contou...
     with: Marti, R.: Non-Linear Diffeomorphic Framework for Prostate Multimodal ...
     with: Marti, R.: probabilistic framework for automatic prostate segmentation...
     with: Marti, R.: Spectral clustering to model deformations for fast multimod...
     with: Marti, R.: Statistical Shape and Probability Prior Model for Automatic...
     with: Marti, R.: Supervised Learning Framework for Automatic Prostate Segmen...
     with: Marti, R.: Weighted likelihood function of multiple statistical parame...
     with: Meriaudeau, F.: coupled schema of probabilistic atlas and statistical ...
     with: Meriaudeau, F.: Graph cut energy minimization in a probabilistic learn...
     with: Meriaudeau, F.: Mumford-Shah functional based variational model with c...
     with: Meriaudeau, F.: Non-Linear Diffeomorphic Framework for Prostate Multim...
     with: Meriaudeau, F.: probabilistic framework for automatic prostate segment...
     with: Meriaudeau, F.: Spectral clustering to model deformations for fast mul...
     with: Meriaudeau, F.: Statistical Shape and Probability Prior Model for Auto...
     with: Meriaudeau, F.: Supervised Learning Framework for Automatic Prostate S...
     with: Meriaudeau, F.: Weighted likelihood function of multiple statistical p...
     with: Mitra, J.: coupled schema of probabilistic atlas and statistical shape...
     with: Mitra, J.: Graph cut energy minimization in a probabilistic learning f...
     with: Mitra, J.: Mumford-Shah functional based variational model with contou...
     with: Mitra, J.: Non-Linear Diffeomorphic Framework for Prostate Multimodal ...
     with: Mitra, J.: Spectral clustering to model deformations for fast multimod...
     with: Mitra, J.: Statistical Shape and Probability Prior Model for Automatic...
     with: Mitra, J.: Supervised Learning Framework for Automatic Prostate Segmen...
     with: Mitra, J.: Weighted likelihood function of multiple statistical parame...
     with: Mukherjee, J.: Connectionist Approach for Clustering with Applications...
     with: Mukherjee, J.: Connectionist Approach for Gray Level Image Segmentatio...
     with: Mukherjee, J.: Connectionist Approach for Peak Detection in Hough Spac...
     with: Oliver, A.: coupled schema of probabilistic atlas and statistical shap...
     with: Oliver, A.: Graph cut energy minimization in a probabilistic learning ...
     with: Oliver, A.: Mumford-Shah functional based variational model with conto...
     with: Oliver, A.: Non-Linear Diffeomorphic Framework for Prostate Multimodal...
     with: Oliver, A.: probabilistic framework for automatic prostate segmentatio...
     with: Oliver, A.: Spectral clustering to model deformations for fast multimo...
     with: Oliver, A.: Statistical Shape and Probability Prior Model for Automati...
     with: Oliver, A.: Supervised Learning Framework for Automatic Prostate Segme...
     with: Oliver, A.: Weighted likelihood function of multiple statistical param...
     with: Pal, U.: deep one-shot network for query-based logo retrieval, A
     with: Pal, U.: Modeling Extent-of-Texture Information for Ground Terrain Rec...
     with: Pal, U.: UDBNET: Unsupervised Document Binarization Network via Advers...
     with: Pluim, J.P.W.: Fast Multiatlas Selection Using Composition of Transfor...
     with: Prevost, J.J.: AutoFoley: Artificial Synthesis of Synchronized Sound T...
     with: Prevost, J.J.: FoleyGAN: Visually Guided Generative Adversarial Networ...
     with: Rivest Henault, D.: Fast Multiatlas Selection Using Composition of Tra...
     with: Roy, P.P.: deep one-shot network for query-based logo retrieval, A
     with: Roy, P.P.: Modeling Extent-of-Texture Information for Ground Terrain R...
     with: Roy, P.P.: UDBNET: Unsupervised Document Binarization Network via Adve...
     with: Sain, A.: Joint Visual Semantic Reasoning: Multi-Stage Decoder for Tex...
     with: Sain, A.: MetaHTR: Towards Writer-Adaptive Handwritten Text Recognition
     with: Sidibe, D.: coupled schema of probabilistic atlas and statistical shap...
     with: Sidibe, D.: Graph cut energy minimization in a probabilistic learning ...
     with: Sidibe, D.: Mumford-Shah functional based variational model with conto...
     with: Sidibe, D.: Spectral clustering to model deformations for fast multimo...
     with: Sidibe, D.: Supervised Learning Framework for Automatic Prostate Segme...
     with: Sidibe, D.: Weighted likelihood function of multiple statistical param...
     with: Song, Y.Z.: Joint Visual Semantic Reasoning: Multi-Stage Decoder for T...
     with: Song, Y.Z.: MetaHTR: Towards Writer-Adaptive Handwritten Text Recognit...
     with: Vilanova, J.C.: coupled schema of probabilistic atlas and statistical ...
     with: Vilanova, J.C.: Graph cut energy minimization in a probabilistic learn...
     with: Vilanova, J.C.: Mumford-Shah functional based variational model with c...
     with: Vilanova, J.C.: Non-Linear Diffeomorphic Framework for Prostate Multim...
     with: Vilanova, J.C.: probabilistic framework for automatic prostate segment...
     with: Vilanova, J.C.: Spectral clustering to model deformations for fast mul...
     with: Vilanova, J.C.: Statistical Shape and Probability Prior Model for Auto...
     with: Vilanova, J.C.: Supervised Learning Framework for Automatic Prostate S...
     with: Vilanova, J.C.: Weighted likelihood function of multiple statistical p...
     with: Vinod, V.V.: Connectionist Approach for Clustering with Applications i...
     with: Vinod, V.V.: Connectionist Approach for Gray Level Image Segmentation, A
     with: Vinod, V.V.: Connectionist Approach for Peak Detection in Hough Space, A
     with: Vinod, V.V.: Point Matching Using Asymmetric Neural Networks
110 for Ghose, S.

Ghose, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Biswas, M.K.: Fractal Dimension Estimation For Texture Images: A Paral...
     with: Biswas, P.K.: Fractal Dimension Estimation For Texture Images: A Paral...
     with: Guha, S.: Fractal Dimension Estimation For Texture Images: A Parallel ...

Ghosh Roy, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Habiballah, I.O.: On-Line Legal Aid: Markov Chain Model for Efficient ...
     with: Irving, M.R.: On-Line Legal Aid: Markov Chain Model for Efficient Retr...
     with: Stonham, T.J.: On-Line Legal Aid: Markov Chain Model for Efficient Ret...

Ghosh, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Achutha, S.: Basis Illumination Approach to BRDF Measurement, A
     with: Achutha, S.: BRDF Acquisition with Basis Illumination
     with: Adhikari, S.: Planning for Sustainable Cities in Africa: Experiences, ...
     with: Aggarwal, V.: DeepPool: Distributed Model-Free Algorithm for Ride-Shar...
     with: Ajanthan, T.: Conditional Deep Generative Model of People in Natural I...
     with: Ajanthan, T.: DGPose: Deep Generative Models for Human Body Analysis
     with: Ajanthan, T.: Semi-supervised Deep Generative Model for Human Body Ana...
     with: Al Abbasi, A.O.: DeepPool: Distributed Model-Free Algorithm for Ride-S...
     with: Ameling, S.: Automatic Segmentation and Inpainting of Specular Highlig...
     with: Andrushia, A.D.: Recognition of Hand Gesture Image Using Deep Convolut...
     with: Arnold, M.: Automatic Segmentation and Inpainting of Specular Highligh...
     with: Arnold, M.: Indistinct Frame Detection in Colonoscopy Videos
     with: Babu, R.V.: Deep Implicit Surface Point Prediction Networks
     with: Bandyopadhyay, S.: Holographic Implementation of a Binary Associative ...
     with: Bandyopadhyay, S.: Stable feature selection using copula based mutual ...
     with: Barman, D.: FewFaceNet: A Lightweight Few-Shot Learning-based Incremen...
     with: Bhadra, S.: Robust generalised quadratic discriminant analysis
     with: Biswas, B.: novel automated magnetic resonance image segmentation appr...
     with: Biswas, B.: SDCA: a novel stack deep convolutional autoencoder- an app...
     with: Boral, S.: MEQA: Manifold embedding quality assessment via anisotropic...
     with: Boukhayma, A.: Conditional Deep Generative Model of People in Natural ...
     with: Boukhayma, A.: DGPose: Deep Generative Models for Human Body Analysis
     with: Boukhayma, A.: Semi-supervised Deep Generative Model for Human Body An...
     with: Boult, T.E.: Infoprint: Information Theoretic Digital Image Forensics
     with: Bovolo, F.: Context-Sensitive Technique for Unsupervised Change Detect...
     with: Bruzzone, L.: Context-Sensitive Technique for Unsupervised Change Dete...
     with: Bruzzone, L.: Integration of Gibbs Markov Random Field and Hopfield-Ty...
     with: Bruzzone, L.: Remote Sensing Image Classification: A Neuro-fuzzy MCS A...
     with: Chakrabarti, A.: VEA: Vessel Extraction Algorithm by Active Contour Mo...
     with: Chakrabarty, S.: Robust generalised quadratic discriminant analysis
     with: Chakraborty, D.: Integration of deep feature extraction and ensemble l...
     with: Chatterjee, J.: High-Magnification Multi-views Based Classification of...
     with: Chaudhry, R.: AB Initio Tomography With Object Heterogeneity and Unkno...
     with: Chawla, G.: Practical and Scalable Desktop-Based High-Quality Facial C...
     with: Cheema, N.: Synthesis of Compositional Animations from Textual Descrip...
     with: Chellappa, R.: Deep feature extraction in the DCT domain
     with: Chellappa, R.: Stacked U-Nets for Ground Material Segmentation in Remo...
     with: Creusen, E.: Fiber Enhancement in Diffusion-Weighted MRI
     with: Creusen, E.J.: Morphological and Linear Scale Spaces for Fiber Enhance...
     with: Creusen, E.J.: Numerical Schemes for Linear and Non-linear Enhancement...
     with: Crimi, A.: Maximum a Posteriori Estimation of Linear Shape Variation W...
     with: Crommelinck, S.: Crowd-Driven and Automated Mapping of Field Boundarie...
     with: Cruz, S.: Infoprint: Information Theoretic Digital Image Forensics
     with: Dabral, R.: REMOS: 3d Motion-Conditioned Reaction Synthesis for Two-Pe...
     with: Dam, E.B.: Maximum a Posteriori Estimation of Linear Shape Variation W...
     with: Das, A.K.: black-box adversarial attack strategy with adjustable spars...
     with: Das, S.: black-box adversarial attack strategy with adjustable sparsit...
     with: Datta, A.: Wrapper based feature selection in hyperspectral image data...
     with: Datta, A.K.: Holographic Implementation of a Binary Associative Memory...
     with: Datta, S.: black-box adversarial attack strategy with adjustable spars...
     with: Davis, L.: Stacked U-Nets for Ground Material Segmentation in Remote S...
     with: de Bem, R.: Conditional Deep Generative Model of People in Natural Ima...
     with: de Bem, R.: DGPose: Deep Generative Models for Human Body Analysis
     with: de Bem, R.: Semi-supervised Deep Generative Model for Human Body Analy...
     with: de Bie, K.: Crowd-Driven and Automated Mapping of Field Boundaries in ...
     with: de Bruijne, M.: Maximum a Posteriori Estimation of Linear Shape Variat...
     with: De, R.K.: Machine Interpretation of Patterns: Image Analysis and Data ...
     with: Debevec, P.: Effect of illumination on automatic expression recognitio...
     with: Debevec, P.: Estimating Surface Normals from Spherical Stokes Reflecta...
     with: Debevec, P.: Exploring the effect of illumination on automatic express...
     with: Debevec, P.: Image-based separation of diffuse and specular reflection...
     with: Deperlioglu, O.: Recognition of Hand Gesture Image Using Deep Convolut...
     with: Deschaintre, V.: Deep Polarization Imaging for 3D Shape and SVBRDF Acq...
     with: Distante, C.: FewFaceNet: A Lightweight Few-Shot Learning-based Increm...
     with: Dokania, P.: Interactive Sketch Fill: Multiclass Sketch-to-Image Trans...
     with: Dokania, P.K.: Multi-agent Diverse Generative Adversarial Networks
     with: Duits, R.: Fiber Enhancement in Diffusion-Weighted MRI
     with: Duits, R.: Morphological and Linear Scale Spaces for Fiber Enhancement...
     with: Duits, R.: Numerical Schemes for Linear and Non-linear Enhancement of ...
     with: Efros, A.: Interactive Sketch Fill: Multiclass Sketch-to-Image Transla...
     with: Ehrlich, M.: Stacked U-Nets for Ground Material Segmentation in Remote...
     with: Elngar, A.A.: Recognition of Hand Gesture Image Using Deep Convolution...
     with: Esakkirajan, S.: Kernelized Fuzzy Modal Variation for Local Change Det...
     with: Filipi, L.: Practical and Scalable Desktop-Based High-Quality Facial C...
     with: Fritz, S.: Crowd-Driven and Automated Mapping of Field Boundaries in H...
     with: Fuentes Orrego, J.M.: Stratification of Patients With Liver Fibrosis U...
     with: Garud, H.: High-Magnification Multi-views Based Classification of Brea...
     with: Gecer, B.: AvatarMe++: Facial Shape and BRDF Inference With Photoreali...
     with: Gecer, B.: AvatarMe: Realistically Renderable 3D Facial Reconstruction...
     with: Ghosh, S.: Aggregation Pheromone Density Based Image Segmentation
     with: Ghosh, S.: Aggregation pheromone metaphor for semi-supervised classifi...
     with: Ghosh, S.: Change detection for moving object segmentation with robust...
     with: Ghosh, S.: Context-Sensitive Technique for Unsupervised Change Detecti...
     with: Ghosh, S.: Distributed differential evolution algorithm for MAP estima...
     with: Ghosh, S.: Object Detection From Videos Captured by Moving Camera by F...
     with: Ghosh, S.: Partially Camouflaged Object Tracking using Modified Probab...
     with: Ghosh, S.: Semi-supervised Learning with Multilayer Perceptron for Det...
     with: Ghosh, S.: Spatial constraint Hopfield-type neural networks for detect...
     with: Ghosh, S.: Use of aggregation pheromone density for image segmentation
     with: Ghosh, S.: Wrapper based feature selection in hyperspectral image data...
     with: Ghosh, S.K.: novel automated magnetic resonance image segmentation app...
     with: Ghosh, S.K.: novel intuitionistic fuzzy soft set based colonogram enha...
     with: Ghosh, S.K.: SDCA: a novel stack deep convolutional autoencoder- an ap...
     with: Ghosh, S.K.: VEA: Vessel Extraction Algorithm by Active Contour Model ...
     with: Golyanik, V.: REMOS: 3d Motion-Conditioned Reaction Synthesis for Two-...
     with: Guarnera, G.C.: Estimating Surface Normals from Spherical Stokes Refle...
     with: Guarnera, G.C.: Practical and Scalable Desktop-Based High-Quality Faci...
     with: Guarnera, G.C.: Practical Measurement and Neural Encoding of Hyperspec...
     with: Haije, T.C.J.D.: Fiber Enhancement in Diffusion-Weighted MRI
     with: Haije, T.C.J.D.: Morphological and Linear Scale Spaces for Fiber Enhan...
     with: Haije, T.C.J.D.: Numerical Schemes for Linear and Non-linear Enhanceme...
     with: Halder, A.: Aggregation Pheromone Density Based Image Segmentation
     with: Halder, A.: Aggregation pheromone metaphor for semi-supervised classif...
     with: Halder, A.: Use of aggregation pheromone density for image segmentation
     with: Han, L.: SINE: SINgle Image Editing with Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
     with: Heidrich, W.: Basis Illumination Approach to BRDF Measurement, A
     with: Heidrich, W.: BRDF Acquisition with Basis Illumination
     with: Henry, M.: Planning for Sustainable Cities in Africa: Experiences, Cha...
     with: Hijmans, R.J.: Satellite-Based Observations Reveal Effects of Weather ...
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Dynamic Narratives for Heritage Tour
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Towards Structured Analysis of Broadcast Badminton Videos
     with: Jeni, L.A.: Deep Implicit Surface Point Prediction Networks
     with: Joshi, P.K.: Hyperspectral imagery for disaggregation of land surface ...
     with: Kampouris, C.: Fine-Grained Material Classification Using Micro-geomet...
     with: Kannan, J.: Practical and Scalable Desktop-Based High-Quality Facial C...
     with: Kanungo, P.: Classification of Objects and Background Using Parallel G...
     with: Karar, V.: Non-parametric modified histogram equalisation for contrast...
     with: Karmali, T.: Deep Implicit Surface Point Prediction Networks
     with: Karri, S.P.K.: High-Magnification Multi-views Based Classification of ...
     with: Kim, J.W.: Acquiring Axially-Symmetric Transparent Objects Using Singl...
     with: Kohli, D.: Crowd-Driven and Automated Mapping of Field Boundaries in H...
     with: Koirala, P.: Planning for Sustainable Cities in Africa: Experiences, C...
     with: Kothari, M.: Aggregation Pheromone Density Based Image Segmentation
     with: Kothari, M.: Use of aggregation pheromone density for image segmentation
     with: Kulharia, V.: Multi-agent Diverse Generative Adversarial Networks
     with: Lacey, G.: Automatic Segmentation and Inpainting of Specular Highlight...
     with: Lacey, G.: Indistinct Frame Detection in Colonoscopy Videos
     with: Lall, S.: Stable feature selection using copula based mutual information
     with: Lamb, P.: Stratification of Patients With Liver Fibrosis Using Dual-En...
     with: Lamond, B.: Image-based separation of diffuse and specular reflections...
     with: Lan, A.: Contrastive Learning Improves Model Robustness Under Label No...
     with: Lan, A.: Do We Really Need Gold Samples for Sample Weighting under Lab...
     with: Lattas, A.: AvatarMe++: Facial Shape and BRDF Inference With Photoreal...
     with: Lattas, A.: AvatarMe: Realistically Renderable 3D Facial Reconstructio...
     with: Lattas, A.: Practical and Scalable Desktop-Based High-Quality Facial C...
     with: Leo, M.: FewFaceNet: A Lightweight Few-Shot Learning-based Incremental...
     with: Li, B.H.: FewFaceNet: A Lightweight Few-Shot Learning-based Incrementa...
     with: Li, X.H.: Practical Measurement and Neural Encoding of Hyperspectral S...
     with: Lillholm, M.: Maximum a Posteriori Estimation of Linear Shape Variatio...
     with: Lin, A.: Practical Measurement and Neural Encoding of Hyperspectral Sk...
     with: Lin, W.Y.: Relation Preserving Triplet Mining for Stabilising the Trip...
     with: Lin, Y.M.: Deep Polarization Imaging for 3D Shape and SVBRDF Acquisition
     with: Lin, Y.M.: Practical and Scalable Desktop-Based High-Quality Facial Ca...
     with: Linquist, B.A.: Satellite-Based Observations Reveal Effects of Weather...
     with: Lu, Y.: Food Recognition in the Presence of Label Noise
     with: Mahadevappa, M.: High-Magnification Multi-views Based Classification o...
     with: Maity, A.K.: High-Magnification Multi-views Based Classification of Br...
     with: Malassiotis, S.: Fine-Grained Material Classification Using Micro-geom...
     with: Mallipeddi, R.: black-box adversarial attack strategy with adjustable ...
     with: Mandal, D.P.: Machine Interpretation of Patterns: Image Analysis and D...
     with: Marshall, M.: Crowd-Driven and Automated Mapping of Field Boundaries i...
     with: McCann, M.: Learning Sparsity-Promoting Regularizers Using Bilevel Opt...
     with: Meher, S.K.: novel fuzzy classifier based on product aggregation opera...
     with: Meher, S.K.: Remote Sensing Image Classification: A Neuro-fuzzy MCS Ap...
     with: Meher, S.K.: Wavelet-Feature-Based Classifiers for Multispectral Remot...
     with: Mendonca, P.R.S.: Stratification of Patients With Liver Fibrosis Using...
     with: Mertz, C.: Learned Two-Plane Perspective Prior based Image Resampling ...
     with: Metaxas, D.N.: SINE: SINgle Image Editing with Text-to-Image Diffusion...
     with: Miksik, O.: DGPose: Deep Generative Models for Human Body Analysis
     with: Miksik, O.: Semi-supervised Deep Generative Model for Human Body Analy...
     with: Mishra, S.K.: Investigations in Psychological Stress Detection from So...
     with: Mitchell, M.: Learning Sparsity-Promoting Regularizers Using Bilevel O...
     with: Mondal, A.: Distributed differential evolution algorithm for MAP estim...
     with: Mondal, A.: Partially Camouflaged Object Tracking using Modified Proba...
     with: Morency, L.P.: Effect of illumination on automatic expression recognit...
     with: Morency, L.P.: Exploring the effect of illumination on automatic expre...
     with: Moschoglou, S.: AvatarMe++: Facial Shape and BRDF Inference With Photo...
     with: Moschoglou, S.: AvatarMe: Realistically Renderable 3D Facial Reconstru...
     with: Mougiakakou, S.: Food Recognition in the Presence of Label Noise
     with: Mulcahy, H.: Indistinct Frame Detection in Colonoscopy Videos
     with: Mullick, S.S.: black-box adversarial attack strategy with adjustable s...
     with: Namboodiri, V.: Multi-agent Diverse Generative Adversarial Networks
     with: Nanda, P.K.: Change Information Based Fast Algorithm for Video Object ...
     with: Nanda, P.K.: Classification of Objects and Background Using Parallel G...
     with: Nanda, P.K.: Entropy based region selection for moving object detection
     with: Nanda, P.K.: Registration of CT and MR image in multi-resolution frame...
     with: Narasimhan, S.G.: Learned Two-Plane Perspective Prior based Image Resa...
     with: Narayanan, V.: Integration of deep feature extraction and ensemble lea...
     with: Nelson, A.: Crowd-Driven and Automated Mapping of Field Boundaries in ...
     with: Nielsen, M.: Maximum a Posteriori Estimation of Linear Shape Variation...
     with: O'Toole, M.: Basis Illumination Approach to BRDF Measurement, A
     with: O'Toole, M.: BRDF Acquisition with Basis Illumination
     with: Oguz, C.: Synthesis of Compositional Animations from Textual Descripti...
     with: Ozturk, E.: Practical and Scalable Desktop-Based High-Quality Facial C...
     with: Pal, N.R.: Object Background Classification Using Hopfield Type Neural...
     with: Pal, S.K.: Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy Correlation
     with: Pal, S.K.: Index of Area Coverage of Fuzzy Image Subsets and Object Ex...
     with: Pal, S.K.: Neural Network, Self-Organization and Object Extraction
     with: Pal, S.K.: Non-parametric modified histogram equalisation for contrast...
     with: Pal, S.K.: Object Background Classification Using Hopfield Type Neural...
     with: Pal, S.K.: Segmentation of remotely sensed images with fuzzy threshold...
     with: Panda, A.K.: Registration of CT and MR image in multi-resolution frame...
     with: Papathanail, I.: Food Recognition in the Presence of Label Noise
     with: Parisini, T.: Traffic Control in a Mixed Autonomy Scenario at Urban In...
     with: Patchett, S.: Indistinct Frame Detection in Colonoscopy Videos
     with: Patel, Y.: Dynamic Narratives for Heritage Tour
     with: Patino, M.: Stratification of Patients With Liver Fibrosis Using Dual-...
     with: Patra, S.: Context-Sensitive Technique for Unsupervised Change Detecti...
     with: Patra, S.: Semi-supervised Learning with Multilayer Perceptron for Det...
     with: Peers, P.: Estimating Surface Normals from Spherical Stokes Reflectanc...
     with: Peers, P.: Image-based separation of diffuse and specular reflections ...
     with: Perger, C.: Crowd-Driven and Automated Mapping of Field Boundaries in ...
     with: Petkov, N.: Robustness of Shape Descriptors to Incomplete Contour Repr...
     with: Ploumpis, S.: AvatarMe++: Facial Shape and BRDF Inference With Photore...
     with: Ploumpis, S.: AvatarMe: Realistically Renderable 3D Facial Reconstruct...
     with: Poddar, S.: Non-parametric modified histogram equalisation for contras...
     with: Rahaman, R.: Pretrained Equivariant Features Improve Unsupervised Land...
     with: Rai, G.: Digital image processing technique including improved gray sc...
     with: Rajwade, A.: AB Initio Tomography With Object Heterogeneity and Unknow...
     with: Rakshit, S.: Fast mean filtering technique (FMFT)
     with: Ravishankar, S.: Learning Sparsity-Promoting Regularizers Using Bileve...
     with: Ray, A.K.: High-Magnification Multi-views Based Classification of Brea...
     with: Reddy, N.D.: Learned Two-Plane Perspective Prior based Image Resamplin...
     with: Ren, J.: SINE: SINgle Image Editing with Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
     with: Reshetouski, I.: Acquiring Axially-Symmetric Transparent Objects Using...
     with: Roy, S.M.: Foreground Segmentation Using Adaptive 3 Phase Background M...
     with: Roy, S.M.: Real-Time Adaptive Histogram Min-Max Bucket (HMMB) Model fo...
     with: Sagayam, K.M.: Recognition of Hand Gesture Image Using Deep Convolutio...
     with: Saha, S.: Investigations in Psychological Stress Detection from Social...
     with: Sahani, D.V.: Stratification of Patients With Liver Fibrosis Using Dua...
     with: SahaRay, R.: Robust generalised quadratic discriminant analysis
     with: Sahoo, S.: Registration of CT and MR image in multi-resolution framewo...
     with: Samant, S.: Registration of CT and MR image in multi-resolution framew...
     with: Sarkar, M.: MEQA: Manifold embedding quality assessment via anisotropi...
     with: Sekhar, C.C.: Label Correlation Propagation for Semi-supervised Multi-...
     with: Sengupta, D.: Stable feature selection using copula based mutual infor...
     with: Shah, S.: Stacked U-Nets for Ground Material Segmentation in Remote Se...
     with: Shankar, B.U.: Fast mean filtering technique (FMFT)
     with: Shankar, B.U.: novel fuzzy classifier based on product aggregation ope...
     with: Shankar, B.U.: Remote Sensing Image Classification: A Neuro-fuzzy MCS ...
     with: Shankar, B.U.: Segmentation of remotely sensed images with fuzzy thres...
     with: Shanmugalingam, K.: Relation Preserving Triplet Mining for Stabilising...
     with: Sharma, D.: Non-parametric modified histogram equalisation for contras...
     with: Sharma, S.: Deep Implicit Surface Point Prediction Networks
     with: Shaw, B.: Investigations in Psychological Stress Detection from Social...
     with: Shechtman, E.: Interactive Sketch Fill: Multiclass Sketch-to-Image Tra...
     with: Sheet, D.: High-Magnification Multi-views Based Classification of Brea...
     with: Shew, A.M.: Identifying Dry-Season Rice-Planting Patterns in Banglades...
     with: Siddharth, N.: Conditional Deep Generative Model of People in Natural ...
     with: Siddharth, N.: DGPose: Deep Generative Models for Human Body Analysis
     with: Siddharth, N.: Semi-supervised Deep Generative Model for Human Body An...
     with: Singh, M.: Deep Implicit Surface Point Prediction Networks
     with: Singh, M.: Infoprint: Information Theoretic Digital Image Forensics
     with: Singh, S.: Towards Structured Analysis of Broadcast Badminton Videos
     with: Sinha, D.: Stable feature selection using copula based mutual informat...
     with: Slusallek, P.: REMOS: 3d Motion-Conditioned Reaction Synthesis for Two...
     with: Slusallek, P.: Synthesis of Compositional Animations from Textual Desc...
     with: Sporring, J.: Maximum a Posteriori Estimation of Linear Shape Variatio...
     with: Stratou, G.: Effect of illumination on automatic expression recognitio...
     with: Stratou, G.: Exploring the effect of illumination on automatic express...
     with: Subudhi, B.N.: Change detection for moving object segmentation with ro...
     with: Subudhi, B.N.: Change Information Based Fast Algorithm for Video Objec...
     with: Subudhi, B.N.: Entropy based region selection for moving object detect...
     with: Subudhi, B.N.: Integration of Gibbs Markov Random Field and Hopfield-T...
     with: Subudhi, B.N.: Kernelized Fuzzy Modal Variation for Local Change Detec...
     with: Subudhi, B.N.: Object Detection From Videos Captured by Moving Camera ...
     with: Subudhi, B.N.: Spatial constraint Hopfield-type neural networks for de...
     with: Sufian, A.: FewFaceNet: A Lightweight Few-Shot Learning-based Incremen...
     with: Sukhwani, M.: Dynamic Narratives for Heritage Tour
     with: ter Haar Romeny, B.M.: Fiber Enhancement in Diffusion-Weighted MRI
     with: Tewary, S.: Non-parametric modified histogram equalisation for contras...
     with: Theobalt, C.: REMOS: 3d Motion-Conditioned Reaction Synthesis for Two-...
     with: Theobalt, C.: Synthesis of Compositional Animations from Textual Descr...
     with: Thiery, A.H.: Pretrained Equivariant Features Improve Unsupervised Lan...
     with: Torr, P.H.S.: Conditional Deep Generative Model of People in Natural I...
     with: Torr, P.H.S.: DGPose: Deep Generative Models for Human Body Analysis
     with: Torr, P.H.S.: Interactive Sketch Fill: Multiclass Sketch-to-Image Tran...
     with: Torr, P.H.S.: Multi-agent Diverse Generative Adversarial Networks
     with: Torr, P.H.S.: Semi-supervised Deep Generative Model for Human Body Ana...
     with: Triantafyllou, V.: AvatarMe: Realistically Renderable 3D Facial Recons...
     with: Uma Shankar, B.: Wavelet-Feature-Based Classifiers for Multispectral R...
     with: Veerakumar, T.: Kernelized Fuzzy Modal Variation for Local Change Dete...
     with: Veeravasarapu, S.: Infoprint: Information Theoretic Digital Image Fore...
     with: Venkatesh, R.: Deep Implicit Surface Point Prediction Networks
     with: Vilanova, A.: Fiber Enhancement in Diffusion-Weighted MRI
     with: Wang, H.F.: Satellite-Based Observations Reveal Effects of Weather Var...
     with: Wang, O.: Interactive Sketch Fill: Multiclass Sketch-to-Image Translat...
     with: Yang, M.Y.: Crowd-Driven and Automated Mapping of Field Boundaries in ...
     with: Zafeiriou, S.P.: AvatarMe++: Facial Shape and BRDF Inference With Phot...
     with: Zafeiriou, S.P.: AvatarMe: Realistically Renderable 3D Facial Reconstr...
     with: Zafeiriou, S.P.: Fine-Grained Material Classification Using Micro-geom...
     with: Zhang, R.: Interactive Sketch Fill: Multiclass Sketch-to-Image Transla...
     with: Zhang, Z.X.: SINE: SINgle Image Editing with Text-to-Image Diffusion M...
     with: Zhong, Z.: Infoprint: Information Theoretic Digital Image Forensics
287 for Ghosh, A.

Ghosh, A.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhowmik, M.K.: Analysis and Performance Evaluation of ICA-Based Archit...
     with: Chaudhuri, P.: Classification Based on Hybridization of Parametric and...
     with: Chaudhuri, P.: Multiscale Classification Using Nearest Neighbor Densit...
     with: Chaudhuri, P.: On Visualization and Aggregation of Nearest Neighbor Cl...
     with: Dhar, P.: Analysis and Performance Evaluation of ICA-Based Architectur...
     with: Mondal, P.K.: High dimensional nearest neighbor classification based o...
     with: Murthy, C.A.: Multiscale Classification Using Nearest Neighbor Density...
     with: Murthy, C.A.: On Visualization and Aggregation of Nearest Neighbor Cla...
     with: Oja, H.: Classification Based on Hybridization of Parametric and Nonpa...
     with: Pal, A.K.: High dimensional nearest neighbor classification based on m...
     with: Sarkar, S.: On Perfect Clustering of High Dimension, Low Sample Size D...
     with: Singha, A.: Analysis and Performance Evaluation of ICA-Based Architect...
12 for Ghosh, A.K.

Ghosh, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Asif, M.T.: Dynamic Prediction of the Incident Duration Using Adaptive...
     with: Basu, B.: Multivariate Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting Using Time-...
     with: Bhatnagar, S.: Development of Hybrid Models to Estimate Gross Primary ...
     with: Bhatnagar, S.: Drone Image Segmentation Using Machine and Deep Learnin...
     with: Bhatnagar, S.: nested drone-satellite approach to monitoring the ecolo...
     with: Connolly, J.: Development of Hybrid Models to Estimate Gross Primary P...
     with: Dauwels, J.: Dynamic Prediction of the Incident Duration Using Adaptiv...
     with: Dunne, S.: Weather Adaptive Traffic Prediction Using Neurowavelet Models
     with: Fastenrath, U.: Dynamic Prediction of the Incident Duration Using Adap...
     with: Gill, L.: Development of Hybrid Models to Estimate Gross Primary Produ...
     with: Gill, L.: Drone Image Segmentation Using Machine and Deep Learning for...
     with: Gill, L.: nested drone-satellite approach to monitoring the ecological...
     with: Guo, H.: Dynamic Prediction of the Incident Duration Using Adaptive Fe...
     with: Ingle, R.: Development of Hybrid Models to Estimate Gross Primary Prod...
     with: O'Mahony, M.: Multivariate Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting Using T...
     with: Regan, S.: Development of Hybrid Models to Estimate Gross Primary Prod...
     with: Regan, S.: nested drone-satellite approach to monitoring the ecologica...
     with: Saunders, M.: Development of Hybrid Models to Estimate Gross Primary P...
     with: Waldren, S.: nested drone-satellite approach to monitoring the ecologi...
19 for Ghosh, B.

Ghosh, B.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fang, X.: Image segmentation based on multiresolution filtering
     with: Zhou, J.: Image segmentation based on multiresolution filtering

Ghosh, B.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, B.: Finite-Time Velocity-Free Rendezvous Control of Multiple AUV...
     with: Hu, J.P.: Finite-Time Velocity-Free Rendezvous Control of Multiple AUV...
     with: Kong, M.Q.: Spatio-temporal continuous wavelet transforms for motion-b...
     with: Leduc, J.P.: Spatio-temporal continuous wavelet transforms for motion-...
     with: Loucks, E.P.: Perspective Theory for Motion and Shape Estimation in Ma...
     with: Unel, M.: Modeling and Estimation of the Dynamics of Planar Algebraic ...
     with: Wang, H.Y.: Geometric Active Deformable Models in Shape Modeling
     with: Wang, H.Y.: Geometric deformable model and segmentation
     with: Wickerhauser, M.V.: Spatio-temporal continuous wavelet transforms for ...
     with: Yazicioglu, A.Y.: Modeling and Estimation of the Dynamics of Planar Al...
     with: Zhao, Y.Y.: Finite-Time Velocity-Free Rendezvous Control of Multiple A...
11 for Ghosh, B.K.

Ghosh, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Midya, A.: Simulating Parallel Internal Column Contextual Array Gramma...
     with: Thomas, D.G.: Simulating Parallel Internal Column Contextual Array Gra...
     with: Vaandrager, F.: Simulating Parallel Internal Column Contextual Array G...

Ghosh, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Acharya, R.: On Dempster-Shafer and bayesian detectors
     with: Aflalo, E.: Getting it Right: Improving Spatial Consistency in Text-to...
     with: Alam, M.: XDNet: A Few-Shot Meta-Learning Approach for Cross-Domain Vi...
     with: Alsuhaibani, A.M.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Manage...
     with: Bandyopadhyay, S.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Manage...
     with: Baral, C.: Getting it Right: Improving Spatial Consistency in Text-to-...
     with: Ben Melech Stan, G.: Getting it Right: Improving Spatial Consistency i...
     with: Bennett, T.D.: Bidirectional Mapping-Based Domain Adaptation for Nucle...
     with: Bharali, U.: Cardiac Motion Estimation from Echocardiographic Image Se...
     with: Bhuyan, M.K.: Continuous Hand Gesture Segmentation and Co-articulation...
     with: Bora, P.K.: Continuous Hand Gesture Segmentation and Co-articulation D...
     with: Chatterjee, A.: Getting it Right: Improving Spatial Consistency in Tex...
     with: Cornish, T.C.: Bidirectional Mapping-Based Domain Adaptation for Nucle...
     with: Das, A.: Automatic Generation of Route Control Chart From Validated Si...
     with: Das, B.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Management Zones...
     with: Diaz, T.G.: XDNet: A Few-Shot Meta-Learning Approach for Cross-Domain ...
     with: Dube, T.: Script Recognition: A Review
     with: Farahat, A.: XDNet: A Few-Shot Meta-Learning Approach for Cross-Domain...
     with: Gaber, A.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Management Zon...
     with: Gangwar, M.K.: Automatic Generation of Route Control Chart From Valida...
     with: Garg, M.: GestFormer: Multiscale Wavelet Pooling Transformer Network f...
     with: Garg, M.: Multiscaled Multi-Head Attention-Based Video Transformer Net...
     with: Ghosh, R.: Exploring the self similar properties for monitoring of air...
     with: Gokhale, T.: Getting it Right: Improving Spatial Consistency in Text-t...
     with: Gupta, C.: XDNet: A Few-Shot Meta-Learning Approach for Cross-Domain V...
     with: Gurugopinath, S.: Novel Modified Mel-DCT Filter Bank Structure With Ap...
     with: Hajishirzi, H.: Getting it Right: Improving Spatial Consistency in Tex...
     with: Hossain, A.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Management Z...
     with: Hu, W.C.: robust iterative super-resolution mosaicking algorithm using...
     with: Jena, R.K.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Management Zo...
     with: Kaabouch, N.: robust iterative super-resolution mosaicking algorithm u...
     with: Kaabouch, N.: survey on image mosaicing techniques, A
     with: Khatter, K.: In-Path Oracles for Road Networks
     with: Kumar, N.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Management Zon...
     with: Lal, V.: Getting it Right: Improving Spatial Consistency in Text-to-im...
     with: Lee, X.Y.: XDNet: A Few-Shot Meta-Learning Approach for Cross-Domain V...
     with: Llinas, J.: On Dempster-Shafer and bayesian detectors
     with: Mandal, C.: Automatic Generation of Route Control Chart From Validated...
     with: Mittal, A.: Adaptive binarization of severely degraded and non-uniform...
     with: Mittal, A.: Multi-Oriented Text Extraction in Stylistic Documents
     with: Mittal, A.: novel method for straightening curved text-lines in stylis...
     with: Moharana, P.C.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Managemen...
     with: Mukherjee, A.: Exploring the self similar properties for monitoring of...
     with: Muralishankar, R.: Novel Modified Mel-DCT Filter Bank Structure With A...
     with: Pados, D.A.: On Dempster-Shafer and bayesian detectors
     with: Padua, S.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Management Zon...
     with: Paul, S.: Getting it Right: Improving Spatial Consistency in Text-to-i...
     with: Peddoju, S.K.: Multi-resolution mobile vision system for plant leaf di...
     with: Pedrycz, W.: Robust twin support vector regression based on rescaled H...
     with: Pradhan, P.M.: GestFormer: Multiscale Wavelet Pooling Transformer Netw...
     with: Pradhan, P.M.: Multiscaled Multi-Head Attention-Based Video Transforme...
     with: Pradhan, U.K.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Management...
     with: Prasad, S.: Multi-resolution mobile vision system for plant leaf disea...
     with: Ramachandran, S.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Managem...
     with: Ray, P.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Management Zones...
     with: Ray, S.K.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Management Zon...
     with: Roy, P.D.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Management Zon...
     with: Roy, S.: Exploring the self similar properties for monitoring of air q...
     with: Samet, H.: In-Path Oracles for Road Networks
     with: Sankaranarayanan, J.: In-Path Oracles for Road Networks
     with: Schmidt, L.: Getting it Right: Improving Spatial Consistency in Text-t...
     with: Sengupta, A.: Automatic Generation of Route Control Chart From Validat...
     with: Sharma, G.K.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Management ...
     with: Sharma, R.: Adaptive binarization of severely degraded and non-uniform...
     with: Sharma, R.: Multi-Oriented Text Extraction in Stylistic Documents
     with: Shivaprasad, A.: Script Recognition: A Review
     with: Shivaprasad, A.P.: analytic approach for generation of artificial hand...
     with: Shivaprasad, A.P.: Fast Codeword Search Algorithm for Real Time Codebo...
     with: Shukla, K.K.: Robust twin support vector regression based on rescaled ...
     with: Singh, B.: novel method for straightening curved text-lines in stylist...
     with: Singh, B.M.: Adaptive binarization of severely degraded and non-unifor...
     with: Singh, B.M.: Multi-Oriented Text Extraction in Stylistic Documents
     with: Singh, S.K.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Management Z...
     with: Singla, M.: Robust twin support vector regression based on rescaled Hi...
     with: Vidyaratne, L.: XDNet: A Few-Shot Meta-Learning Approach for Cross-Dom...
     with: Waris, M.M.: Automatic Generation of Route Control Chart From Validate...
     with: Wei, D.C.T.: Material Classification Using Morphological Pattern Spect...
     with: Xing, F.Y.: Bidirectional Mapping-Based Domain Adaptation for Nucleus ...
     with: Yang, Y.Z.: Getting it Right: Improving Spatial Consistency in Text-to...
79 for Ghosh, D.

Ghosh, D.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ari, S.: Edge detection using ACO and F ratio
     with: Ari, S.: Hand gesture recognition using DWT and F-ratio based feature ...
     with: Ari, S.: On an algorithm for Vision-based hand gesture recognition
     with: Bai, F.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM ...
     with: Banerjee, S.: Local directional ZigZag pattern: A rotation invariant d...
     with: Chanda, B.: Local directional ZigZag pattern: A rotation invariant des...
     with: Chaudhuri, B.B.: Local directional ZigZag pattern: A rotation invarian...
     with: Chen, C.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM...
     with: Cheng, J.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AI...
     with: Conde, M.V.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. ...
     with: Dubey, S.R.: Local directional ZigZag pattern: A rotation invariant de...
     with: Feng, C.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM...
     with: Huang, Y.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AI...
     with: Jiang, J.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AI...
     with: Jiang, Y.Y.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. ...
     with: Jung, Y.J.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. A...
     with: Kim, J.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM ...
     with: Kinli, F.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AI...
     with: Kirac, F.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AI...
     with: Lei, L.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM ...
     with: Leng, C.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM...
     with: Leyi, L.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM...
     with: Li, C.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM 2...
     with: Li, C.H.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM...
     with: Li, J.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM 2...
     with: Liu, M.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM ...
     with: Liu, S.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM ...
     with: Liu, X.X.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AI...
     with: Liu, X.Y.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AI...
     with: Mohanty, P.K.: Edge detection using ACO and F ratio
     with: Ozcan, B.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AI...
     with: Peng, J.Y.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. A...
     with: Perez Pellitero, E.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstr...
     with: Rottger, R.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. ...
     with: Roy, S.K.: Local directional ZigZag pattern: A rotation invariant desc...
     with: Sahoo, J.P.: Hand gesture recognition using DWT and F-ratio based feat...
     with: Schneider Kamp, P.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstru...
     with: Sloth, M.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AI...
     with: Song, F.L.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. A...
     with: Timofte, R.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. ...
     with: Uddin, S.M.N.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction...
     with: Vega, J.M.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. A...
     with: Wang, P.S.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. A...
     with: Wang, X.T.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. A...
     with: Yin, Z.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM ...
     with: Yong, A.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AI...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AI...
     with: Zhu, Y.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM ...
     with: Zong, Z.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM...
     with: Zou, B.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM ...
     with: Zuo, W.M.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AI...
52 for Ghosh, D.K.

Ghosh, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Feichtenhofer, C.: CiT: Curation in Training for Effective Vision-Lang...
     with: Howes, R.: CiT: Curation in Training for Effective Vision-Language Data
     with: Huang, P.Y.: CiT: Curation in Training for Effective Vision-Language D...
     with: Majhi, S.: Direct Construction of Optimal Z-Complementary Code Sets wi...
     with: Sarkar, P.: Direct Construction of Optimal Z-Complementary Code Sets w...
     with: Upadhaya, A.K.: Direct Construction of Optimal Z-Complementary Code Se...
     with: Xie, S.: CiT: Curation in Training for Effective Vision-Language Data
     with: Xu, H.: CiT: Curation in Training for Effective Vision-Language Data
     with: Yu, L.C.: CiT: Curation in Training for Effective Vision-Language Data
     with: Zettlemoyer, L.: CiT: Curation in Training for Effective Vision-Langua...
10 for Ghosh, G.

Ghosh, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chaudhury, S.: Managing Document Images in a Digital Library: An Ontol...
     with: Chaudhury, S.: Smart Water Management: An Ontology-Driven Context-Awar...
     with: Dass, J.: density based method for automatic hairstyle discovery and r...
     with: Garg, G.: Telecom Inventory Management via Object Recognition and Loca...
     with: Goel, D.: Smart Water Management: An Ontology-Driven Context-Aware IoT...
     with: Gorai, A.: Indexing of multilingual news telecast using audio-visual k...
     with: Harit, G.: Managing Document Images in a Digital Library: An Ontology ...
     with: Hassan, E.: density based method for automatic hairstyle discovery and...
     with: Hassan, E.: Telecom Inventory Management via Object Recognition and Lo...
     with: Hebbalaguppe, R.: Telecom Inventory Management via Object Recognition ...
     with: Jeph, P.: Content-based classification of graphical document images
     with: Khare, A.: Content-based classification of graphical document images
     with: Khare, A.: Indexing of multilingual news telecast using audio-visual k...
     with: Kopparapu, S.K.: Indexing of multilingual news telecast using audio-vi...
     with: Mishra, S.: Effective Visualization and Navigation in a Multimedia Doc...
     with: Pandharipande, M.: Indexing of multilingual news telecast using audio-...
     with: Saraswat, N.: Study on Size Optimization of Scanned Textual Documents, A
     with: Sharma, M.: density based method for automatic hairstyle discovery and...
     with: Sharma, M.: Histogram of gradient magnitudes: A rotation invariant tex...
     with: Verma, A.: Telecom Inventory Management via Object Recognition and Loc...
20 for Ghosh, H.

Ghosh, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jana, R.K.: Analysis of Causal Interactions and Predictive Modelling o...
     with: Sanyal, M.K.: Analysis of Causal Interactions and Predictive Modelling...

Ghosh, I.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chattopadhyay, A.: investigation into automated age estimation using s...
     with: Das, S.: investigation into automated age estimation using sclera imag...
     with: Mukherjee, S.: Identification of personality traits from handwritten t...

Ghosh, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aggarwal, J.K.: Comparative Study of Three Paradigms for Object Recogn...
     with: Aggarwal, J.K.: Multisensor Integration for Scene Classification: an E...
     with: Bollacker, K.: Linear Feature Extractors Based on Mutual Information
     with: Bollacker, K.D.: Knowledge Reuse in Multiple Classifier Systems
     with: Bovik, A.C.: Blind Image Quality Assessment Without Human Training Usi...
     with: Chang, K.Y.: Unified Model for Probabilistic Principal Surfaces, A
     with: Chen, Y.: Investigation of the Random Forest Framework for Classificat...
     with: Cox, I.J.: Hidden Annotation in Content Based Image Retrieval
     with: Crawford, M.M.: Active Learning Approach to Hyperspectral Data Classif...
     with: Crawford, M.M.: Best-bases feature extraction algorithms for classific...
     with: Crawford, M.M.: Exploiting Class Hierarchies for Knowledge Transfer in...
     with: Crawford, M.M.: Investigation of the Random Forest Framework for Class...
     with: Eledath, J.: Multisensor Integration for Scene Classification: an Expe...
     with: Geisler, W.: Retinally Reconstructed Images: Digital Images Having a R...
     with: Grauman, K.: Discovering important people and objects for egocentric v...
     with: Ham, J.: Investigation of the Random Forest Framework for Classificati...
     with: Jun, G.: Nearest-Manifold Classification with Gaussian Processes
     with: Jun, G.: Semisupervised Learning of Hyperspectral Data With Unknown La...
     with: Jun, G.: Spatially Adaptive Classification of Land Cover With Remote S...
     with: Kumar, S.: Best-bases feature extraction algorithms for classification...
     with: Kuyel, T.: Retinally Reconstructed Images: Digital Images Having a Res...
     with: Lee, Y.J.: Discovering important people and objects for egocentric vid...
     with: Merugu, S.: privacy-sensitive approach to distributed clustering, A
     with: Miller, M.L.: Hidden Annotation in Content Based Image Retrieval
     with: Mittal, A.: Blind Image Quality Assessment Without Human Training Usin...
     with: Muralidhar, G.S.: Blind Image Quality Assessment Without Human Trainin...
     with: Nair, D.: Comparative Study of Three Paradigms for Object Recognition:...
     with: Papathomas, T.V.: Hidden Annotation in Content Based Image Retrieval
     with: Rajan, S.: Active Learning Approach to Hyperspectral Data Classificati...
     with: Rajan, S.: Exploiting Class Hierarchies for Knowledge Transfer in Hype...
     with: Ramamurti, V.: Structural Adaptation in Mixture of Experts
     with: Shah, S.: Multisensor Integration for Scene Classification: an Experim...
     with: Taha, I.: Comparative Study of Three Paradigms for Object Recognition:...
     with: Tumer, K.: Analysis of decision boundaries in linearly combined neural...
     with: Tumer, K.: Estimating the Bayes Error Rate Through Classifier Combining
     with: Yianilos, P.N.: Hidden Annotation in Content Based Image Retrieval
36 for Ghosh, J.

Ghosh, J.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ganpatrao, N.G.: Indian topographical map symbols understanding system
     with: Kolay, S.: Reference data preparation for complex satellite image segm...
     with: Sharma, A.: Reference data preparation for complex satellite image seg...

Ghosh, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bakshi, A.: Comparison Between an HVS Inspired Linear Filter and the B...
     with: Bhattacharjee, D.: Comparison Between an HVS Inspired Linear Filter an...
     with: Bhattacharya, G.: affinity-based new local distance function and simil...
     with: Bhattacharya, G.: Granger Causality Driven AHP for Feature Weighted kNN
     with: Bhattacharya, G.: kNN Classification with an Outlier Informative Dista...
     with: Bhattacharya, G.: Outlier detection using neighborhood rank difference
     with: Bhattacharya, G.: probabilistic framework for dynamic k estimation in ...
     with: Bhattacharya, G.: Test Point Specific k Estimation for kNN Classifier
     with: Bhattacharya, S.: Multi-Latent GAN Inversion for Unsupervised 3D Shape...
     with: Bhattacharya, U.: Hybrid Deep Architecture for Robust Recognition of T...
     with: Bhaumik, K.: Early Vision and Image Processing: Evidences Favouring a ...
     with: Bhaumik, K.: Proposing new methods in low-level vision from the Mach b...
     with: Bhaumik, K.: Understanding image structure from a new multi-scale repr...
     with: Biswas, C.: Hybrid Deep Architecture for Robust Recognition of Text Li...
     with: Biswas, P.K.: Multi-Latent GAN Inversion for Unsupervised 3D Shape Com...
     with: Chowdhury, A.S.: affinity-based new local distance function and simila...
     with: Chowdhury, A.S.: Granger Causality Driven AHP for Feature Weighted kNN
     with: Chowdhury, A.S.: kNN Classification with an Outlier Informative Distan...
     with: Chowdhury, A.S.: Outlier detection using neighborhood rank difference
     with: Chowdhury, A.S.: probabilistic framework for dynamic k estimation in k...
     with: Chowdhury, A.S.: Test Point Specific k Estimation for kNN Classifier
     with: Das, A.: Enhancing face matching in a suitable binary environment
     with: Das, A.: Exemplar-Free Continual Transformer with Convolutions
     with: Dhar, A.S.: fast VLSI architecture of a hierarchical block matching al...
     with: Ghosh, S.: Exemplar-Free Continual Transformer with Convolutions
     with: Kar, A.: Multi-Latent GAN Inversion for Unsupervised 3D Shape Completion
     with: Khare, S.: Phenology Analysis Of Forest Vegetation To Environmental Va...
     with: Latifi, H.: Phenology Analysis Of Forest Vegetation To Environmental V...
     with: Maiti, A.K.: HVS Inspired Robust Non-blind Watermarking Scheme in YCbC...
     with: Mitra, S.: Bri3L: a Brightness Illusion Image Dataset for Identificati...
     with: Mukherjee, P.S.: Hybrid Deep Architecture for Robust Recognition of Te...
     with: Pal, S.K.: Some Insights Into Brightness Perception of Images in the L...
     with: Parui, S.K.: Hybrid Deep Architecture for Robust Recognition of Text L...
     with: Roy, A.: Bri3L: a Brightness Illusion Image Dataset for Identification...
     with: Roy, A.: Exemplar-Free Continual Transformer with Convolutions
     with: Roy, A.: HVS Inspired Robust Non-blind Watermarking Scheme in YCbCr Co...
     with: Roy, A.: Neuro-visually inspired figure-ground segregation
     with: Saha, C.: Estimation of facial expression intensity from a sequence of...
     with: Sarkar, S.: Early Vision and Image Processing: Evidences Favouring a D...
     with: Sarkar, S.: Proposing new methods in low-level vision from the Mach ba...
     with: Sarkar, S.: Understanding image structure from a new multi-scale repre...
     with: Sen, D.: Multi-Latent GAN Inversion for Unsupervised 3D Shape Completion
     with: Verma, V.K.: Exemplar-Free Continual Transformer with Convolutions
     with: Voonna, S.: Exemplar-Free Continual Transformer with Convolutions
46 for Ghosh, K.

Ghosh, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhattacharya, D.: Music-Induced Emotion Classification from the Prefro...
     with: De, A.: Music-Induced Emotion Classification from the Prefrontal Hemod...
     with: Konar, A.: Music-Induced Emotion Classification from the Prefrontal He...
     with: Samanta, P.: Music-Induced Emotion Classification from the Prefrontal ...

Ghosh, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Blumenstein, M.: Novel Approach for Structural Feature Extraction: Con...
     with: Chakraborty, C.: Plasmodium vivax segmentation using modified fuzzy di...
     with: Chakraborty, C.: Probabilistic prediction of malaria using morphologic...
     with: Chatterjee, R.: Cell Tracking in Video Microscopy Using Bipartite Grap...
     with: Chowdhury, A.S.: Cell Tracking in Video Microscopy Using Bipartite Gra...
     with: Das, D.: Plasmodium vivax segmentation using modified fuzzy divergence
     with: Das, D.: Probabilistic prediction of malaria using morphological and t...
     with: Maiti, A.K.: Probabilistic prediction of malaria using morphological a...
     with: Mukherjee, H.: SEN: Stack Ensemble Shallow Convolution Neural Network ...
     with: Obaidullah, S.M.: SEN: Stack Ensemble Shallow Convolution Neural Netwo...
     with: Pal, M.: Probabilistic prediction of malaria using morphological and t...
     with: Pal, U.: SEN: Stack Ensemble Shallow Convolution Neural Network for Si...
     with: Ray, A.K.: Plasmodium vivax segmentation using modified fuzzy divergence
     with: Ray, N.: Cell Tracking in Video Microscopy Using Bipartite Graph Match...
     with: Roy, K.: SEN: Stack Ensemble Shallow Convolution Neural Network for Si...
     with: Singhal, C.: MO-QoE: Video QoE using multi-feature fusion based Optimi...
     with: Verma, B.: neural-evolutionary approach for feature and architecture s...
     with: Verma, B.: Novel Approach for Structural Feature Extraction: Contour v...
18 for Ghosh, M.

Ghosh, M.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dutta, P.K.: Fuzzy shape based motion evaluation of left ventricle usi...
     with: Dutta, P.K.: GA based approach for boundary detection of left ventricl...
     with: Dutta, P.K.: Non-rigid cardiac motion quantification from 2D image seq...
     with: Koech, R.: Mapping Coastal Dynamics Induced Land Use Change in Sandwip...
     with: Kumar, L.: Monitoring the coastline change of Hatiya Island in Banglad...
     with: Langat, P.K.: Mapping Coastal Dynamics Induced Land Use Change in Sand...
     with: Mishra, A.: Fuzzy shape based motion evaluation of left ventricle usin...
     with: Mishra, A.: GA based approach for boundary detection of left ventricle...
     with: Mishra, A.: Non-rigid cardiac motion quantification from 2D image sequ...
     with: Neupane, A.: Mapping Coastal Dynamics Induced Land Use Change in Sandw...
     with: Roy, C.: Mapping Coastal Dynamics Induced Land Use Change in Sandwip I...
     with: Roy, C.: Monitoring the coastline change of Hatiya Island in Banglades...
     with: Talukdar, P.: Mapping Coastal Dynamics Induced Land Use Change in Sand...
13 for Ghosh, M.K.

Ghosh, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhanu, B.: Bayesian based 3D shape reconstruction from video
     with: Bhanu, B.: Evolving Bayesian Graph for Three-Dimensional Vehicle Model...
     with: Bhanu, B.: How current BNs fail to represent evolvable pattern recogni...
     with: Bhanu, B.: Incremental Unsupervised Three-Dimensional Vehicle Model Le...
     with: Bhanu, B.: Incremental Vehicle 3-D Modeling from Video
     with: Bhanu, B.: Psychological Adaptive Model For Video Analysis, A

Ghosh, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abrevaya, V.: Adversarial Likelihood Estimation With One-Way Flows
     with: Arora, S.: Estimating Contribution of Water Flow Components to Kameng ...
     with: Balwani, M.: Face Recognition from Images with High Pose Variations by...
     with: Ben Dov, O.: Adversarial Likelihood Estimation With One-Way Flows
     with: Bertelli, L.: Nonconservative Flow Field for Robust Variational Image ...
     with: Bertelli, L.: Reference-based probabilistic segmentation as non-rigid ...
     with: Black, M.J.: Adversarial Likelihood Estimation With One-Way Flows
     with: Black, M.J.: GIF: Generative Interpretable Faces
     with: Black, M.J.: Populating 3D Scenes by Learning Human-Scene Interaction
     with: Black, M.J.: SCULPT: Shape-Conditioned Unpaired Learning of Pose-depen...
     with: Bolkart, T.: GIF: Generative Interpretable Faces
     with: Bolkart, T.: SCULPT: Shape-Conditioned Unpaired Learning of Pose-depen...
     with: Bose, P.: Curbing Pandemic Through Evolutionary Algorithm-Based Priori...
     with: Chen, B.C.: Detection of Metadata Tampering Through Discrepancy Betwee...
     with: Das, A.: Face Recognition from Images with High Pose Variations by Tra...
     with: Das, S.K.: Chaotic firefly algorithm-based fuzzy C-means algorithm for...
     with: Davis, L.S.: Depth Completion Using a View-constrained Deep Prior
     with: Davis, L.S.: Detection of Metadata Tampering Through Discrepancy Betwe...
     with: Davis, L.S.: Learning Graphs for Knowledge Transfer with Limited Labels
     with: Davis, L.S.: Stacked Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for ...
     with: Davis, L.S.: Understanding Center Loss Based Network for Image Retriev...
     with: Divakaran, A.: Stacked Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks fo...
     with: Gibou, F.: Reference-based probabilistic segmentation as non-rigid reg...
     with: Gupta, P.S.: Adversarial Likelihood Estimation With One-Way Flows
     with: Gupta, P.S.: GIF: Generative Interpretable Faces
     with: Hassan, M.: Populating 3D Scenes by Learning Human-Scene Interaction
     with: Jacobs, D.: LD-ZNet: A Latent Diffusion Approach for Text-Based Image ...
     with: Joshi, N.: Depth Completion Using a View-constrained Deep Prior
     with: Koutilya, P.N.V.R.: LD-ZNet: A Latent Diffusion Approach for Text-Base...
     with: Kulkarni, A.V.: Estimating Contribution of Water Flow Components to Ka...
     with: Mali, K.: Chaotic firefly algorithm-based fuzzy C-means algorithm for ...
     with: Manjunath, B.S.: Efficient and Robust Detection of Duplicate Videos in...
     with: Manjunath, B.S.: Generalized simultaneous registration and segmentation
     with: Manjunath, B.S.: Nonconservative Flow Field for Robust Variational Ima...
     with: Manjunath, B.S.: Object Tracking with Ratio Cycles Using Shape and App...
     with: Manjunath, B.S.: Reference-based probabilistic segmentation as non-rig...
     with: Manjunath, B.S.: Retina Layer Segmentation and Spatial Alignment of An...
     with: Manjunath, B.S.: Robust dynamical model for simultaneous registration ...
     with: Manjunath, B.S.: Robust Simultaneous Registration and Segmentation wit...
     with: Morariu, V.I.: Detection of Metadata Tampering Through Discrepancy Bet...
     with: Ranjan, A.: GIF: Generative Interpretable Faces
     with: Rose, K.: Object Tracking with Ratio Cycles Using Shape and Appearance...
     with: Roy, S.: Curbing Pandemic Through Evolutionary Algorithm-Based Priorit...
     with: Saini, N.: Learning Graphs for Knowledge Transfer with Limited Labels
     with: Sanyal, S.: SCULPT: Shape-Conditioned Unpaired Learning of Pose-depend...
     with: Sargin, M.E.: Generalized simultaneous registration and segmentation
     with: Sargin, M.E.: Object Tracking with Ratio Cycles Using Shape and Appear...
     with: Sargin, M.E.: Robust dynamical model for simultaneous registration and...
     with: Sarkar, A.: Efficient and Robust Detection of Duplicate Videos in a La...
     with: Satheesh, S.K.: Estimating Contribution of Water Flow Components to Ka...
     with: Shrivastava, A.: Depth Completion Using a View-constrained Deep Prior
     with: Shrivastava, A.: Learning Graphs for Knowledge Transfer with Limited L...
     with: Siddiquie, B.: LD-ZNet: A Latent Diffusion Approach for Text-Based Ima...
     with: Singh, A.: Efficient and Robust Detection of Duplicate Videos in a Lar...
     with: Singh, B.: LD-ZNet: A Latent Diffusion Approach for Text-Based Image S...
     with: Singh, V.: Efficient and Robust Detection of Duplicate Videos in a Lar...
     with: Sinha, S.: Depth Completion Using a View-constrained Deep Prior
     with: Sumengen, B.: Nonconservative Flow Field for Robust Variational Image ...
     with: Tesch, J.: Populating 3D Scenes by Learning Human-Scene Interaction
     with: Thies, J.: SCULPT: Shape-Conditioned Unpaired Learning of Pose-depende...
     with: Thota, R.: Face Recognition from Images with High Pose Variations by T...
     with: Tzionas, D.: Populating 3D Scenes by Learning Human-Scene Interaction
     with: Uziel, R.: GIF: Generative Interpretable Faces
     with: Venkatesh, K.S.: Fast and efficient computation of stereo depth maps
     with: Vineet, V.: Depth Completion Using a View-constrained Deep Prior
     with: Vishwakarma, P.: Empowering Smart Cities: A Comprehensive Edge Computi...
     with: Vu, N.: Retina Layer Segmentation and Spatial Alignment of Antibody Ex...
     with: Wang, N.: D-Extract: Extracting Dimensional Attributes From Product Im...
     with: Yang, J.L.: SCULPT: Shape-Conditioned Unpaired Learning of Pose-depend...
     with: Yao, Y.: Stacked Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Acti...
     with: Yenigalla, P.: D-Extract: Extracting Dimensional Attributes From Produ...
71 for Ghosh, P.

Ghosh, P.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Haralick, R.M.: Mathematical Morphological Operations of Boundary-Repr...
     with: Kumar, K.V.: Support Function Representation of Convex Bodies, Its App...
     with: Madhusudana, P.C.: Multiple Spectral Peak Tracking for Heart Rate Moni...
     with: Meenakshi, G.N.: Robust Whisper Activity Detection Using Long-Term Log...
     with: Murthy, N.K.L.: Multiple Spectral Peak Tracking for Heart Rate Monitor...
     with: Periyasamy, V.: Multiple Spectral Peak Tracking for Heart Rate Monitor...
     with: Rao, M.V.A.: SFNet: A Computationally Efficient Source Filter Model Ba...
     with: Suresha, P.: Multiple Spectral Peak Tracking for Heart Rate Monitoring...
8 for Ghosh, P.K.

Ghosh, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akula, A.: Moving target detection in thermal infrared imagery using s...
     with: Barker, B.: Performance Evaluation of Parallel Structure from Motion (...
     with: Bhowmick, B.: Deep Representation Learning Characterized by Inter-Clas...
     with: Cai, Y.P.: Toward Large-Scale Mapping of Tree Crops with High-Resoluti...
     with: Chakrabarti, A.: Rician noise removal in magnitude MRI images using ef...
     with: Chang, A.: Performance Evaluation of Parallel Structure from Motion (S...
     with: Chen, M.: deep transfer learning framework for mapping high spatiotemp...
     with: Das, D.: Deep Representation Learning Characterized by Inter-Class Sep...
     with: Das, P.: Rician noise removal in magnitude MRI images using efficient ...
     with: Ghosh, D.: Exploring the self similar properties for monitoring of air...
     with: Guan, K.Y.: deep transfer learning framework for mapping high spatiote...
     with: Guan, K.Y.: Toward Large-Scale Mapping of Tree Crops with High-Resolut...
     with: Gupta, A.K.: Investigating Convolutional Neural Networks using Spatial...
     with: Jia, X.W.: deep transfer learning framework for mapping high spatiotem...
     with: Jiang, C.: deep transfer learning framework for mapping high spatiotem...
     with: Jin, Z.: deep transfer learning framework for mapping high spatiotempo...
     with: Jin, Z.N.: Toward Large-Scale Mapping of Tree Crops with High-Resoluti...
     with: Jung, J.H.: Performance Evaluation of Parallel Structure from Motion (...
     with: Kang, Y.H.: deep transfer learning framework for mapping high spatiote...
     with: Kumar, P.: RNN based online handwritten word recognition in Devanagari...
     with: Kumar, S.: Moving target detection in thermal infrared imagery using s...
     with: Kumar, V.: deep transfer learning framework for mapping high spatiotem...
     with: Kumar, V.: Toward Large-Scale Mapping of Tree Crops with High-Resoluti...
     with: Landivar, J.: Performance Evaluation of Parallel Structure from Motion...
     with: Lin, C.X.: Toward Large-Scale Mapping of Tree Crops with High-Resoluti...
     with: Liu, L.C.: deep transfer learning framework for mapping high spatiotem...
     with: Mishra, M.K.: hybrid scheme of image compression employing wavelets an...
     with: Motani, M.: Investigating Convolutional Neural Networks using Spatial ...
     with: Mukherjee, A.: Exploring the self similar properties for monitoring of...
     with: Mukhopadhyay, S.: hybrid scheme of image compression employing wavelet...
     with: Mulla, D.: Toward Large-Scale Mapping of Tree Crops with High-Resoluti...
     with: Pal, C.: Rician noise removal in magnitude MRI images using efficient ...
     with: Roy, P.P.: Study of two zone-based features for online Bengali and Dev...
     with: Roy, S.: Exploring the self similar properties for monitoring of air q...
     with: Sardana, H.K.: Moving target detection in thermal infrared imagery usi...
     with: Vamshi, C.: RNN based online handwritten word recognition in Devanagar...
     with: Xu, S.M.: deep transfer learning framework for mapping high spatiotemp...
     with: Yang, Q.: deep transfer learning framework for mapping high spatiotemp...
     with: Zhou, J.X.: deep transfer learning framework for mapping high spatiote...
46 for Ghosh, R.

Ghosh, R.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chaudhuri, B.B.: multiple-classifier system for recognition of printed...
     with: Garain, U.: multiple-classifier system for recognition of printed math...

Ghosh, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Acton, S.T.: Automated 3D Muscle Segmentation from MRI Data Using Conv...
     with: Agarwal, A.: Mobile periocular matching with pre-post cataract surgery
     with: Agarwal, V.: What's in the Flow? Exploiting Temporal Motion Cues for U...
     with: Al Najjar, M.: Robust object tracking using correspondence voting for ...
     with: Albright, M.: Bridging the Gap Between Computational Photography and V...
     with: Allebach, J.: One-Stage Object Referring with Gaze Estimation
     with: Amarnath, G.: Assessing the Performance of the Satellite-Based Precipi...
     with: Amon, P.: Deep Network Pruning for Object Detection
     with: Amon, P.: Detecting closely spaced and occluded pedestrians using spec...
     with: Amon, P.: Reliable pedestrian detection using a deep neural network tr...
     with: Andrieu, J.: Multiscale Diagnosis of Mangrove Status in Data-Poor Cont...
     with: Bag, S.: improvement on thinning to handle characters with noisy conto...
     with: Bagdanov, A.: ICDAR 2015 competition on Robust Reading
     with: Baghel, T.: Assessing the Performance of the Satellite-Based Precipita...
     with: Bal, M.: Multi scale mirror connection based encoder decoder network f...
     with: Balachandran, N.: Multiscale Diagnosis of Mangrove Status in Data-Poor...
     with: Banerjee, S.: Bridging the Gap Between Computational Photography and V...
     with: Barman, U.: OCR system for the Meetei Mayek script, An
     with: Basak, A.: Multi scale mirror connection based encoder decoder network...
     with: Basak, N.: Formal Methods for Validation and Test Point Prioritization...
     with: Batra, D.: Taking a HINT: Leveraging Explanations to Make Vision and L...
     with: Bayoumi, M.: gradient-based hybrid image fusion scheme using object ex...
     with: Bayoumi, M.: multi-modal automatic image registration technique based ...
     with: Bayoumi, M.: Robust object tracking using correspondence voting for sm...
     with: Belbase, D.: Assessing the Performance of the Satellite-Based Precipit...
     with: Betke, M.: Context-Sensitive Prediction of Facial Expressivity Using M...
     with: Betke, M.: Personalizing Gesture Recognition Using Hierarchical Bayesi...
     with: Bhanu, B.: Predictive models for multibiometric systems
     with: Bhattacharya, S.: Attention W-Net: Improved Skip Connections for Bette...
     with: Bhattacharya, S.: Multi-scale attention guided pose transfer
     with: Bhattacharya, S.: Scene Aware Person Image Generation through Global C...
     with: Bhattacharya, S.: STEFANN: Scene Text Editor Using Font Adaptive Neura...
     with: Bhattacharya, S.: TIPS: Text-Induced Pose Synthesis
     with: Blemker, S.S.: Automated 3D Muscle Segmentation from MRI Data Using Co...
     with: Blumenstein, M.: Scene Aware Person Image Generation through Global Co...
     with: Blumenstein, M.: TIPS: Text-Induced Pose Synthesis
     with: Bora, P.K.: OCR system for the Meetei Mayek script, An
     with: Boulanger, P.: Automated 3D Muscle Segmentation from MRI Data Using Co...
     with: Boulanger, P.: Structured Deep-Learning Based Approach for the Automat...
     with: Bovolo, F.: Context-Sensitive Technique for Unsupervised Change Detect...
     with: Bruzzone, L.: Context-Sensitive Technique for Unsupervised Change Dete...
     with: Busari, S.A.: Robust, Resilient and Reliable Architecture for V2X Comm...
     with: Cai, C.: Bayesian Adaptive Beamformer for Robust Electromagnetic Brain...
     with: Cai, C.: Joint Learning of Full-Structure Noise in Hierarchical Bayesi...
     with: Cai, J.F.: MARLIN: Masked Autoencoder for facial video Representation ...
     with: Cai, Z.X.: Glitch in the matrix: A large scale benchmark for content d...
     with: Cai, Z.X.: MARLIN: Masked Autoencoder for facial video Representation ...
     with: Chan, D.: Scalable and Accurate Self-supervised Multimodal Representat...
     with: Chandrasekhar, V.R.: ICDAR 2015 competition on Robust Reading
     with: Chang, S.F.: One-Stage Object Referring with Gaze Estimation
     with: Chaudhary, V.: Feature analysis for automatic classification of HEp-2 ...
     with: Chaudhuri, B.B.: Composite Script Identification and Orientation Detec...
     with: Chaudhuri, B.B.: OCR system for the Meetei Mayek script, An
     with: Chaudhury, K.N.: Fast bilateral filtering of vector-valued images
     with: Chaudhury, K.N.: Fast Bright-Pass Bilateral Filtering for Low-Light En...
     with: Chaudhury, K.N.: Fast Scale-Adaptive Bilateral Texture Smoothing
     with: Chaudhury, K.N.: Kernel-Based Image Filtering: Fast Algorithms and App...
     with: Chaudhury, K.N.: Lucky DCT aggregation for camera shake removal
     with: Chaudhury, K.N.: On Fast Bilateral Filtering Using Fourier Kernels
     with: Chaudhury, K.N.: Optimized Fourier Bilateral Filtering
     with: Chaudhury, K.N.: Pruned non-local means
     with: Chen, H.T.: Bridging the Gap Between Computational Photography and Vis...
     with: Chen, J.H.: One-Stage Object Referring with Gaze Estimation
     with: Chin, W.C.: Bridging the Gap Between Computational Photography and Vis...
     with: Chiniya, P.: AV-RIR: Audio-Visual Room Impulse Response Estimation
     with: Choi, J.S.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and ...
     with: Chowdhury, S.: AdVerb: Visually Guided Audio Dereverberation
     with: Cossairt, O.: Ptychnet: CNN based fourier ptychography
     with: Cossairt, O.: SeLFVi: Self-supervised Light-Field Video Reconstruction...
     with: Dagiuklas, T.: Robust, Resilient and Reliable Architecture for V2X Com...
     with: Das, A.: Convolutional Prompting meets Language Models for Continual L...
     with: Das, A.: Exemplar-Free Continual Transformer with Convolutions
     with: Das, A.: Formal Methods for Validation and Test Point Prioritization i...
     with: Das, I.: Understanding Deep Learning Techniques for Image Segmentation
     with: Das, N.: Multi scale mirror connection based encoder decoder network f...
     with: Das, N.: Reshaping inputs for convolutional neural network: Some commo...
     with: Das, N.: Two-phase Dynamic Routing for Micro and Macro-level Equivaria...
     with: Das, N.: Understanding Deep Learning Techniques for Image Segmentation
     with: Das, R.: Framework for Content-Based Image Identification with Standar...
     with: Das, R.: Novel feature extraction technique for content-based image re...
     with: Dasgupta, P.: Formal Methods for Validation and Test Point Prioritizat...
     with: Dasgupta, S.: AdVerb: Visually Guided Audio Dereverberation
     with: Datta, A.: Wrapper based feature selection in hyperspectral image data...
     with: Davalos, P.: Bridging the Gap Between Computational Photography and Vi...
     with: De, P.: Designing an Experience Sampling Method for Smartphone Based E...
     with: De, S.: FPGA implementation of semi-fragile reversible watermarking by...
     with: Dhall, A.: Automatic Gaze Analysis: A Survey of Deep Learning Based Ap...
     with: Dhall, A.: Automatic Group Affect Analysis in Images via Visual Attrib...
     with: Dhall, A.: Automatic Prediction of Group Cohesiveness in Images
     with: Dhall, A.: AV-GAZE: A Study on the Effectiveness of Audio Guided Visua...
     with: Dhall, A.: Glitch in the matrix: A large scale benchmark for content d...
     with: Dhall, A.: Labelling the Gaps: A Weakly Supervised Automatic Eye Gaze ...
     with: Dhall, A.: MARLIN: Masked Autoencoder for facial video Representation ...
     with: Dhall, A.: MTGLS: Multi-Task Gaze Estimation with Limited Supervision
     with: Dhall, A.: Role of Group Level Affect to Find the Most Influential Per...
     with: Dhall, A.: Speak2Label: Using Domain Knowledge for Creating a Large Sc...
     with: Diwakar, M.: Bayesian Adaptive Beamformer for Robust Electromagnetic B...
     with: Dong, G.T.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and ...
     with: Duffy, K.: Multi-Scale Association between Vegetation Growth and Clima...
     with: Dutta, K.: Multi scale mirror connection based encoder decoder network...
     with: Dutta, S.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and R...
     with: Fang, J.K.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and ...
     with: Gallego, G.: Low-power, Continuous Remote Behavioral Localization with...
     with: Ganguly, N.: Designing an Experience Sampling Method for Smartphone Ba...
     with: Ganguly, S.: Multi-Scale Association between Vegetation Growth and Cli...
     with: Gao, F.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and Res...
     with: Gao, Y.J.: Bayesian Adaptive Beamformer for Robust Electromagnetic Bra...
     with: Gao, Y.J.: Joint Learning of Full-Structure Noise in Hierarchical Baye...
     with: Garai, A.: Image downscaling via co-occurrence learning
     with: Gavaskar, R.G.: Fast Scale-Adaptive Bilateral Texture Smoothing
     with: Gedeon, T.: Automatic Prediction of Group Cohesiveness in Images
     with: Gedeon, T.: Glitch in the matrix: A large scale benchmark for content ...
     with: Ghantous, M.: gradient-based hybrid image fusion scheme using object e...
     with: Ghantous, M.: multi-modal automatic image registration technique based...
     with: Ghosh, A.: Aggregation Pheromone Density Based Image Segmentation
     with: Ghosh, A.: Aggregation pheromone metaphor for semi-supervised classifi...
     with: Ghosh, A.: Change detection for moving object segmentation with robust...
     with: Ghosh, A.: Context-Sensitive Technique for Unsupervised Change Detecti...
     with: Ghosh, A.: Distributed differential evolution algorithm for MAP estima...
     with: Ghosh, A.: Object Detection From Videos Captured by Moving Camera by F...
     with: Ghosh, A.: Partially Camouflaged Object Tracking using Modified Probab...
     with: Ghosh, A.: Semi-supervised Learning with Multilayer Perceptron for Det...
     with: Ghosh, A.: Spatial constraint Hopfield-type neural networks for detect...
     with: Ghosh, A.: Use of aggregation pheromone density for image segmentation
     with: Ghosh, A.: Wrapper based feature selection in hyperspectral image data...
     with: Ghosh, K.: Exemplar-Free Continual Transformer with Convolutions
     with: Ghosh, S.: novel spatio-temporal Siamese network for 3D signature reco...
     with: Ghosh, S.K.: Hybrid Path Planner for Efficient Navigation in Urban Roa...
     with: Gnanapragasam, D.: Condense: Consistent 2d/3d Pre-training for Dense a...
     with: Gomez Bigorda, L.: ICDAR 2015 competition on Robust Reading
     with: Gothe, S.V.: What's in the Flow? Exploiting Temporal Motion Cues for U...
     with: Govindaraju, V.: Shared Parameter Model for Gesture and Sub-gesture An...
     with: Guibas, L.J.: Condense: Consistent 2d/3d Pre-training for Dense and Sp...
     with: Gunnery, S.: Context-Sensitive Prediction of Facial Expressivity Using...
     with: Gupta, S.: Speak2Label: Using Domain Knowledge for Creating a Large Sc...
     with: Haffari, R.: MARLIN: Masked Autoencoder for facial video Representatio...
     with: Haldar, D.: Machine Learning Techniques for Phenology Assessment of Su...
     with: Halder, A.: Aggregation Pheromone Density Based Image Segmentation
     with: Halder, A.: Aggregation pheromone metaphor for semi-supervised classif...
     with: Halder, A.: Use of aggregation pheromone density for image segmentation
     with: Hamann, F.: Low-power, Continuous Remote Behavioral Localization with ...
     with: Hamza, W.: Scalable and Accurate Self-supervised Multimodal Representa...
     with: Hart, T.: Low-power, Continuous Remote Behavioral Localization with Ev...
     with: Hashemi, A.: Bayesian Adaptive Beamformer for Robust Electromagnetic B...
     with: Hashemi, A.: Joint Learning of Full-Structure Noise in Hierarchical Ba...
     with: Hassenruck, C.: Multiscale Diagnosis of Mangrove Status in Data-Poor C...
     with: Haufe, S.: Bayesian Adaptive Beamformer for Robust Electromagnetic Bra...
     with: Haufe, S.: Joint Learning of Full-Structure Noise in Hierarchical Baye...
     with: Hayat, M.: Automatic Gaze Analysis: A Survey of Deep Learning Based Ap...
     with: Hayat, M.: AV-GAZE: A Study on the Effectiveness of Audio Guided Visua...
     with: Hayat, M.: Glitch in the matrix: A large scale benchmark for content d...
     with: Hayat, M.: Labelling the Gaps: A Weakly Supervised Automatic Eye Gaze ...
     with: Hayat, M.: MARLIN: Masked Autoencoder for facial video Representation ...
     with: Hayat, M.: MTGLS: Multi-Task Gaze Estimation with Limited Supervision
     with: Hazra, S.: FPGA implementation of semi-fragile reversible watermarking...
     with: Heck, L.: Class-incremental Learning via Deep Model Consolidation
     with: Heck, L.: Taking a HINT: Leveraging Explanations to Make Vision and La...
     with: Helfer, V.: Multiscale Diagnosis of Mangrove Status in Data-Poor Conte...
     with: Holloway, J.: Ptychnet: CNN based fourier ptychography
     with: Hong, M.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and Re...
     with: Hu, Y.Y.: Bridging the Gap Between Computational Photography and Visua...
     with: Hua, Y.: IEGAN: Multi-Purpose Perceptual Quality Image Enhancement Usi...
     with: Huang, J.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and R...
     with: Huang, L.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and R...
     with: Huang, T.W.: Bridging the Gap Between Computational Photography and Vi...
     with: Huq, K.M.S.: Robust, Resilient and Reliable Architecture for V2X Commu...
     with: Hutter, A.: Deep Network Pruning for Object Detection
     with: Hutter, A.: Detecting closely spaced and occluded pedestrians using sp...
     with: Hutter, A.: Reliable pedestrian detection using a deep neural network ...
     with: Ignatov, A.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and...
     with: Iqbal, M.: Robust, Resilient and Reliable Architecture for V2X Communi...
     with: Iwamura, M.: ICDAR 2015 competition on Robust Reading
     with: Iyer, R.: Talisman: Targeted Active Learning for Object Detection with...
     with: Jampani, V.: Condense: Consistent 2d/3d Pre-training for Dense and Spa...
     with: Ji, Q.: Automatic Gaze Analysis: A Survey of Deep Learning Based Appro...
     with: Jin, H.: Taking a HINT: Leveraging Explanations to Make Vision and Lan...
     with: Joshi, A.: Context-Sensitive Prediction of Facial Expressivity Using M...
     with: Joshi, A.: Personalizing Gesture Recognition Using Hierarchical Bayesi...
     with: Joshi, J.: LSTM-DNN based Approach for Pain Intensity and Protective B...
     with: Kacelnik, A.: Low-power, Continuous Remote Behavioral Localization wit...
     with: Kandula, P.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and...
     with: Kandur, B.R.: What's in the Flow? Exploiting Temporal Motion Cues for ...
     with: Kappeler, A.: Ptychnet: CNN based fourier ptychography
     with: Karatzas, D.: ICDAR 2015 competition on Robust Reading
     with: Kashyap, P.: What's in the Flow? Exploiting Temporal Motion Cues for U...
     with: Katiyar, A.: Formal Methods for Validation and Test Point Prioritizati...
     with: Katsaggelos, A.K.: Ptychnet: CNN based fourier ptychography
     with: Kaup, A.: Deep Network Pruning for Object Detection
     with: Kaup, A.: Detecting closely spaced and occluded pedestrians using spec...
     with: Kaup, A.: Reliable pedestrian detection using a deep neural network tr...
     with: Keshari, R.: AUTO-G: Gesture Recognition in the Crowd for Autonomous V...
     with: Keshari, R.: Face identification from low resolution near-infrared ima...
     with: Keshari, R.: Mobile periocular matching with pre-post cataract surgery
     with: Khairnar, P.: Explanation and Use of Uncertainty Quantified by Bayesia...
     with: Khan, M.A.: Robust, Resilient and Reliable Architecture for V2X Commun...
     with: Kim, M.C.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and R...
     with: Knibbe, J.: Automatic Gaze Analysis: A Survey of Deep Learning Based A...
     with: Knibbe, J.: AV-GAZE: A Study on the Effectiveness of Audio Guided Visu...
     with: Knibbe, J.: Labelling the Gaps: A Weakly Supervised Automatic Eye Gaze...
     with: Knibbe, J.: MTGLS: Multi-Task Gaze Estimation with Limited Supervision
     with: Kothari, M.: Aggregation Pheromone Density Based Image Segmentation
     with: Kothari, M.: Use of aggregation pheromone density for image segmentation
     with: Kothawade, S.: Talisman: Targeted Active Learning for Object Detection...
     with: Krishnaswamy, J.: Multi-Scale Association between Vegetation Growth an...
     with: Kumar, A.: Neuro-Emotional Mapping of Human Emotions via EEG Signals
     with: Kumar, D.: Neuro-Emotional Mapping of Human Emotions via EEG Signals
     with: Kumar, P.: novel spatio-temporal Siamese network for 3D signature reco...
     with: Kumar, S.: Assessing the Performance of the Satellite-Based Precipitat...
     with: Kumar, S.: AV-RIR: Audio-Visual Room Impulse Response Estimation
     with: Kumar, S.: Machine Learning Techniques for Phenology Assessment of Sug...
     with: Kumari, N.: Aboveground Forest Biomass Estimation by the Integration o...
     with: Kundu, M.: Multi scale mirror connection based encoder decoder network...
     with: Kuo, C.C.J.: Class-incremental Learning via Deep Model Consolidation
     with: Kushwaha, S.K.P.: Aboveground Forest Biomass Estimation by the Integra...
     with: Lababidi, M.: Bridging the Gap Between Computational Photography and V...
     with: Lee, S.: Taking a HINT: Leveraging Explanations to Make Vision and Lan...
     with: Li, D.: Class-incremental Learning via Deep Model Consolidation
     with: Li, D.W.: Regularize, Expand and Compress: NonExpansive Continual Lear...
     with: Li, J.D.: Quantum-soft Qubo Suppression for Accurate Object Detection
     with: Li, Y.: LSTM-DNN based Approach for Pain Intensity and Protective Beha...
     with: Li, Y.C.: Bridging the Gap Between Computational Photography and Visua...
     with: Lialin, V.: Scalable and Accurate Self-supervised Multimodal Represent...
     with: Lin, W.Y.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and R...
     with: Liu, D.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and Res...
     with: Liu, J.Y.: Bridging the Gap Between Computational Photography and Visu...
     with: Liu, R.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and Res...
     with: Lohan, B.: Experimental Evaluation of LIDAR Data Visualization Schemes
     with: Lohani, B.: Heuristical Feature Extraction From Lidar Data And Their V...
     with: Long, Y.S.: Bayesian Adaptive Beamformer for Robust Electromagnetic Br...
     with: Lu, S.J.: ICDAR 2015 competition on Robust Reading
     with: Malgireddy, M.R.: Shared Parameter Model for Gesture and Sub-gesture A...
     with: Mandal, A.K.: Pruned non-local means
     with: Mandal, B.: Two-phase Dynamic Routing for Micro and Macro-level Equiva...
     with: Mandal, P.K.: Surface fitting in SPECT imaging useful for detecting Pa...
     with: Manocha, D.: AdVerb: Visually Guided Audio Dereverberation
     with: Manocha, D.: AV-RIR: Audio-Visual Room Impulse Response Estimation
     with: Mao, X.Y.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and R...
     with: Martinez, I.J.: Low-power, Continuous Remote Behavioral Localization w...
     with: Matas, J.G.: ICDAR 2015 competition on Robust Reading
     with: Mathevet, R.: Multiscale Diagnosis of Mangrove Status in Data-Poor Con...
     with: Maulik, U.: Understanding Deep Learning Techniques for Image Segmentat...
     with: McCloskey, S.: Bridging the Gap Between Computational Photography and ...
     with: Miller, B.: Bridging the Gap Between Computational Photography and Vis...
     with: Mishra, D.R.: Analyzing the Long-Term Phenological Trends of Salt Mars...
     with: Mitra, B.: Designing an Experience Sampling Method for Smartphone Base...
     with: Mitra, K.: SeLFVi: Self-supervised Light-Field Video Reconstruction fr...
     with: Mitra, P.: Combining content and structure similarity for XML document...
     with: Mitra, S.: Incorporating Fuzziness to CLARANS
     with: Mohan, S.: Attention W-Net: Improved Skip Connections for Better Repre...
     with: Mondal, A.: Distributed differential evolution algorithm for MAP estim...
     with: Mondal, A.: Partially Camouflaged Object Tracking using Modified Proba...
     with: Moulick, R.: Convolutional Prompting meets Language Models for Continu...
     with: Mukherjee, S.S.: IEGAN: Multi-Purpose Perceptual Quality Image Enhance...
     with: Muller, K.R.: Joint Learning of Full-Structure Noise in Hierarchical B...
     with: Mulligan, J.: general framework for reconciling multiple weak segmenta...
     with: Mumtaz, S.: Robust, Resilient and Reliable Architecture for V2X Commun...
     with: Muthusankar, G.: Multiscale Diagnosis of Mangrove Status in Data-Poor ...
     with: Nagarajan, S.S.: Bayesian Adaptive Beamformer for Robust Electromagnet...
     with: Nagarajan, S.S.: Joint Learning of Full-Structure Noise in Hierarchica...
     with: Nagesh, S.: Bridging the Gap Between Computational Photography and Vis...
     with: Naik, S.: Lucky DCT aggregation for camera shake removal
     with: Nair, P.: Optimized Fourier Bilateral Filtering
     with: Nair, S.K.R.: Predictive models for multibiometric systems
     with: Nandy, S.: Aboveground Forest Biomass Estimation by the Integration of...
     with: Nandy, S.: Reliable pose estimation of underwater dock using single ca...
     with: Narendran, R.: Multiscale Diagnosis of Mangrove Status in Data-Poor Co...
     with: Nasipuri, M.: Multi scale mirror connection based encoder decoder netw...
     with: Nasipuri, M.: Reshaping inputs for convolutional neural network: Some ...
     with: Nasipuri, M.: Two-phase Dynamic Routing for Micro and Macro-level Equi...
     with: Natarajan, P.: One-Stage Object Referring with Gaze Estimation
     with: Nemani, R.: Multi-Scale Association between Vegetation Growth and Clim...
     with: Neumann, L.: ICDAR 2015 competition on Robust Reading
     with: Nicolaou, A.: ICDAR 2015 competition on Robust Reading
     with: Nirala, M.K.: Hybrid Path Planner for Efficient Navigation in Urban Ro...
     with: Noore, A.: RGB-D Face Recognition using Reconstruction based Shared Re...
     with: Nwogu, I.: Shared Parameter Model for Gesture and Sub-gesture Analysis...
     with: Otto, C.: Bridging the Gap Between Computational Photography and Visua...
     with: Oviatt, S.: LSTM-DNN based Approach for Pain Intensity and Protective ...
     with: Padalia, H.: Aboveground Forest Biomass Estimation by the Integration ...
     with: Pal, N.R.: Some classification algorithms integrating Dempster-Shafer ...
     with: Pal, U.: Multi-scale attention guided pose transfer
     with: Pal, U.: Scene Aware Person Image Generation through Global Contextual...
     with: Pal, U.: STEFANN: Scene Text Editor Using Font Adaptive Neural Network
     with: Pal, U.: TIPS: Text-Induced Pose Synthesis
     with: Panda, D.: Fast Scale-Adaptive Bilateral Texture Smoothing
     with: Parikh, D.: Taking a HINT: Leveraging Explanations to Make Vision and ...
     with: Park, E.: Assessing the Performance of the Satellite-Based Precipitati...
     with: Park, W.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and Re...
     with: Patel, J.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and R...
     with: Patra, S.: Context-Sensitive Technique for Unsupervised Change Detecti...
     with: Patra, S.: Semi-supervised Learning with Multilayer Perceptron for Det...
     with: Paul, R.K.: Machine Learning Techniques for Phenology Assessment of Su...
     with: Pfeiffer, J.J.: general framework for reconciling multiple weak segmen...
     with: Pfister, H.: Personalizing Gesture Recognition Using Hierarchical Baye...
     with: Pramanik, M.: Assessing the Performance of the Satellite-Based Precipi...
     with: Prashanth, R.: Surface fitting in SPECT imaging useful for detecting P...
     with: Proisy, C.: Multiscale Diagnosis of Mangrove Status in Data-Poor Conte...
     with: Purohit, K.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and...
     with: Qu, Y.Y.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and Re...
     with: Rahaman, H.: FPGA implementation of semi-fragile reversible watermarki...
     with: Rajagopalan, A.N.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Metho...
     with: Raman, B.: Neuro-Emotional Mapping of Human Emotions via EEG Signals
     with: Rao, C.R.: Third Order Backward Elimination Approach for Fuzzy-Rough S...
     with: Rao, S.: Sensor Network Design for Smart Highways
     with: Ratnarajah, A.: AdVerb: Visually Guided Audio Dereverberation
     with: Ratnarajah, A.: AV-RIR: Audio-Visual Room Impulse Response Estimation
     with: Rawls, S.: Scalable and Accurate Self-supervised Multimodal Representa...
     with: Ray, N.: Automated 3D Muscle Segmentation from MRI Data Using Convolut...
     with: Ray, N.: Structured Deep-Learning Based Approach for the Automated Seg...
     with: Ray, R.: Reliable pose estimation of underwater dock using single came...
     with: Rezatofighi, H.: MARLIN: Masked Autoencoder for facial video Represent...
     with: Richard Webster, B.: Bridging the Gap Between Computational Photograph...
     with: Robertson, N.: IEGAN: Multi-Purpose Perceptual Quality Image Enhanceme...
     with: Rodriguez, J.: Robust, Resilient and Reliable Architecture for V2X Com...
     with: Roy, A.: Convolutional Prompting meets Language Models for Continual L...
     with: Roy, A.: Exemplar-Free Continual Transformer with Convolutions
     with: Roy, P.: Multi-scale attention guided pose transfer
     with: Roy, P.: Scene Aware Person Image Generation through Global Contextual...
     with: Roy, P.: STEFANN: Scene Text Editor Using Font Adaptive Neural Network
     with: Roy, P.: TIPS: Text-Induced Pose Synthesis
     with: Roy, P.P.: novel spatio-temporal Siamese network for 3D signature reco...
     with: Roy, S.D.: Surface fitting in SPECT imaging useful for detecting Parki...
     with: Roy, T.: Cyberattack Detection-Isolation Algorithm for CAV Under Chang...
     with: Rumshisky, A.: Scalable and Accurate Self-supervised Multimodal Repres...
     with: Saha, N.: Cyberattack Detection-Isolation Algorithm for CAV Under Chan...
     with: Saha, R.: simple and robust algorithm for the detection of multidirect...
     with: Sai Prasad, P.S.V.S.: Third Order Backward Elimination Approach for Fu...
     with: Sarkhel, R.: Two-phase Dynamic Routing for Micro and Macro-level Equiv...
     with: Scheirer, W.J.: Bridging the Gap Between Computational Photography and...
     with: Scheme, E.: novel spatio-temporal Siamese network for 3D signature rec...
     with: Schiffers, F.: SeLFVi: Self-supervised Light-Field Video Reconstructio...
     with: Sclaroff, S.: Context-Sensitive Prediction of Facial Expressivity Usin...
     with: Sclaroff, S.: Personalizing Gesture Recognition Using Hierarchical Bay...
     with: Sebastian, D.E.: Multi-Scale Association between Vegetation Growth and...
     with: Sebe, N.: Automatic Group Affect Analysis in Images via Visual Attribu...
     with: Sebe, N.: Automatic Prediction of Group Cohesiveness in Images
     with: Sebe, N.: Speak2Label: Using Domain Knowledge for Creating a Large Sca...
     with: Sekihara, K.: Bayesian Adaptive Beamformer for Robust Electromagnetic ...
     with: Selvaraju, R.R.: Taking a HINT: Leveraging Explanations to Make Vision...
     with: Shafait, F.: ICDAR 2015 competition on Robust Reading
     with: Shang, M.M.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and...
     with: Sharma, G.: Speak2Label: Using Domain Knowledge for Creating a Large S...
     with: Sharma, P.K.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods an...
     with: Shedligeri, P.: SeLFVi: Self-supervised Light-Field Video Reconstructi...
     with: Shekhar, S.: Talisman: Targeted Active Learning for Object Detection w...
     with: Shen, Y.: Taking a HINT: Leveraging Explanations to Make Vision and La...
     with: Shome, S.N.: Reliable pose estimation of underwater dock using single ...
     with: Singh, A.: Aboveground Forest Biomass Estimation by the Integration of...
     with: Singh, P.: Neuro-Emotional Mapping of Human Emotions via EEG Signals
     with: Singh, R.: AUTO-G: Gesture Recognition in the Crowd for Autonomous Veh...
     with: Singh, R.: Face identification from low resolution near-infrared images
     with: Singh, R.: Mobile periocular matching with pre-post cataract surgery
     with: Singh, R.: On Learning Density Aware Embeddings
     with: Singh, R.: RGB-D Face Recognition using Reconstruction based Shared Re...
     with: Singh, T.H.: OCR system for the Meetei Mayek script, An
     with: Sinha, S.: Hybrid Path Planner for Efficient Navigation in Urban Road ...
     with: Srinivasa, S.K.K.: Deep Network Pruning for Object Detection
     with: Srivastava, A.: Aboveground Forest Biomass Estimation by the Integrati...
     with: Stefanov, K.: Glitch in the matrix: A large scale benchmark for conten...
     with: Stefanov, K.: MARLIN: Masked Autoencoder for facial video Representati...
     with: Su, H.: Condense: Consistent 2d/3d Pre-training for Dense and Sparse F...
     with: Subudhi, B.N.: Change detection for moving object segmentation with ro...
     with: Subudhi, B.N.: Object Detection From Videos Captured by Moving Camera ...
     with: Subudhi, B.N.: Spatial constraint Hopfield-type neural networks for de...
     with: Sudderth, E.B.: Nonparametric learning for layered segmentation of nat...
     with: Suin, M.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and Re...
     with: Sun, W.X.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and R...
     with: Sur, A.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and Res...
     with: Tambo, A.: Bridging the Gap Between Computational Photography and Visu...
     with: Tasci, S.: Class-incremental Learning via Deep Model Consolidation
     with: Thakoor, N.S.: Predictive models for multibiometric systems
     with: Thepade, S.: Framework for Content-Based Image Identification with Sta...
     with: Thepade, S.: Novel feature extraction technique for content-based imag...
     with: Thiagarajan, P.: Explanation and Use of Uncertainty Quantified by Baye...
     with: Tian, X.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and Re...
     with: Tickle Degnen, L.: Context-Sensitive Prediction of Facial Expressivity...
     with: Timofte, R.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and...
     with: Tripathi, N.T.: Guided Filtering of Hyperspectral Images
     with: Tripathi, P.: AUTO-G: Gesture Recognition in the Crowd for Autonomous ...
     with: Tyagi, U.: AdVerb: Visually Guided Audio Dereverberation
     with: Uchida, S.: ICDAR 2015 competition on Robust Reading
     with: Vachhani, J.R.: What's in the Flow? Exploiting Temporal Motion Cues fo...
     with: Vadali, S.R.K.: Reliable pose estimation of underwater dock using sing...
     with: Valveny, E.: ICDAR 2015 competition on Robust Reading
     with: Vatsa, M.: AUTO-G: Gesture Recognition in the Crowd for Autonomous Veh...
     with: Vatsa, M.: Face identification from low resolution near-infrared images
     with: Vatsa, M.: Mobile periocular matching with pre-post cataract surgery
     with: Vatsa, M.: On Learning Density Aware Embeddings
     with: Vatsa, M.: RGB-D Face Recognition using Reconstruction based Shared Re...
     with: Venkiteswaran, B.: Sensor Network Design for Smart Highways
     with: Verma, V.K.: Convolutional Prompting meets Language Models for Continu...
     with: Verma, V.K.: Exemplar-Free Continual Transformer with Convolutions
     with: Vidal Mata, R.G.: Bridging the Gap Between Computational Photography a...
     with: Voonna, S.: Exemplar-Free Continual Transformer with Convolutions
     with: Wang, J.Y.: Assessing the Performance of the Satellite-Based Precipita...
     with: Wang, Y.L.: Regularize, Expand and Compress: NonExpansive Continual Le...
     with: Wang, Z.C.: Condense: Consistent 2d/3d Pre-training for Dense and Spar...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Bridging the Gap Between Computational Photography and Vis...
     with: Wu, J.: Bridging the Gap Between Computational Photography and Visual ...
     with: Wu, W.: Bayesian Adaptive Beamformer for Robust Electromagnetic Brain ...
     with: Wu, Y.: One-Stage Object Referring with Gaze Estimation
     with: Xiang, Y.: Talisman: Targeted Active Learning for Object Detection wit...
     with: Xiong, Z.W.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and...
     with: Yan, Q.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and Res...
     with: Yang, C.X.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and ...
     with: Yang, W.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and Re...
     with: Yang, W.H.: Bridging the Gap Between Computational Photography and Vis...
     with: Yao, M.D.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and R...
     with: Ye, X.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and Resu...
     with: Yeasin, M.: Machine Learning Techniques for Phenology Assessment of Su...
     with: Yuan, Y.: Bridging the Gap Between Computational Photography and Visua...
     with: Zhang, H.: Class-incremental Learning via Deep Model Consolidation
     with: Zhang, H.M.: Regularize, Expand and Compress: NonExpansive Continual L...
     with: Zhang, J.: Class-incremental Learning via Deep Model Consolidation
     with: Zhang, J.: Regularize, Expand and Compress: NonExpansive Continual Lea...
     with: Zhang, J.T.: Regularize, Expand and Compress: NonExpansive Continual L...
     with: Zhang, X.: One-Stage Object Referring with Gaze Estimation
     with: Zhang, X.S.: Bridging the Gap Between Computational Photography and Vi...
     with: Zhang, X.S.: Condense: Consistent 2d/3d Pre-training for Dense and Spa...
     with: Zheng, B.L.: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and...
     with: Zhou, H.: Condense: Consistent 2d/3d Pre-training for Dense and Sparse...
     with: Zhu, J.W.: Regularize, Expand and Compress: NonExpansive Continual Lea...
427 for Ghosh, S.

Ghosh, S.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhattacharjee, S.: Exploring spatial dependency of meteorological attr...
     with: Bhattacharjee, S.: Spatial Interpolation to Predict Missing Attributes...
     with: Bhattacharya, U.: Two Stage Recognition Scheme for Handwritten Tamil C...
     with: Biswas, B.: novel automated magnetic resonance image segmentation appr...
     with: Biswas, B.: SDCA: a novel stack deep convolutional autoencoder- an app...
     with: Cao, W.P.: Sustainable and Transferable Traffic Sign Recognition for I...
     with: Chakrabarti, A.: VEA: Vessel Extraction Algorithm by Active Contour Mo...
     with: Chakrabarti, I.: Improving the Performance of Deep Learning Based Spee...
     with: Chakraborty, C.: Sustainable and Transferable Traffic Sign Recognition...
     with: Chaudhary, H.: Landslide Identification from IRS-P6 LISS-IV Temporal D...
     with: Chowdary, V.M.: Statistical and Machine Learning Models for Remote Sen...
     with: Das, M.: Data-driven approaches for meteorological time series predict...
     with: Das, M.: Detection of climate zones using multifractal detrended cross...
     with: Das, M.: semBnet: A semantic Bayesian network for multivariate predict...
     with: Das, M.: Spatio-Temporal Prediction of Meteorological Time Series Data...
     with: Das, M.: Statistical and Machine Learning Models for Remote Sensing Da...
     with: Das, P.P.: Fractal image compression: a randomized approach
     with: Dey, A.U.: Beyond visual semantics: Exploring the role of scene text i...
     with: Dey, S.: Aligning Salient Objects to Queries: A Multi-modal and Multi-...
     with: Dey, S.: Learning Cross-Modal Deep Embeddings for Multi-Object Image R...
     with: Dutta, A.: Aligning Salient Objects to Queries: A Multi-modal and Mult...
     with: Dutta, A.: Learning Cross-Modal Deep Embeddings for Multi-Object Image...
     with: Dwivedi, R.: Optimisation of Fuzzy Based Soft Classifiers for Remote S...
     with: Gavas, R.D.: Spatiotemporal Climatic Signal Denoising Based on Spatiot...
     with: Ghosh, A.: novel automated magnetic resonance image segmentation appro...
     with: Ghosh, A.: novel intuitionistic fuzzy soft set based colonogram enhanc...
     with: Ghosh, A.: SDCA: a novel stack deep convolutional autoencoder- an appl...
     with: Ghosh, A.: VEA: Vessel Extraction Algorithm by Active Contour Model an...
     with: Ghosh, S.: Hybrid Path Planner for Efficient Navigation in Urban Road ...
     with: Gomez, L.: Efficient indexing for Query By String text retrieval
     with: Goswami, P.P.: Algorithms for computing diffuse reflection paths in po...
     with: Harit, G.: Beyond visual semantics: Exploring the role of scene text i...
     with: Karatzas, D.: Efficient indexing for Query By String text retrieval
     with: Kumar, A.: High Resolution Temporal Normalized Difference Vegetation I...
     with: Kumar, A.: Landslide Identification from IRS-P6 LISS-IV Temporal DATA:...
     with: Kumar, A.: Optimisation of Fuzzy Based Soft Classifiers for Remote Sen...
     with: Kumar, A.: Soft Computing Approach for Liquefaction Identification Usi...
     with: Kumar, P.: Graph-Theoretic Approach for Studying the Convergence of Fr...
     with: Li, D.: Sustainable and Transferable Traffic Sign Recognition for Inte...
     with: Llados, J.: Aligning Salient Objects to Queries: A Multi-modal and Mul...
     with: Llados, J.: Learning Cross-Modal Deep Embeddings for Multi-Object Imag...
     with: Maheshwari, A.: Algorithms for computing diffuse reflection paths in p...
     with: Mitra, P.: Spatial Interpolation to Predict Missing Attributes in GIS ...
     with: Mitra, P.: Statistical and Machine Learning Models for Remote Sensing ...
     with: Mukherjee, J.: Fractal image compression: a randomized approach
     with: Mukherjee, J.: Graph-Theoretic Approach for Studying the Convergence o...
     with: Nandy, S.C.: Algorithms for computing diffuse reflection paths in poly...
     with: Nirala, M.K.: Hybrid Path Planner for Efficient Navigation in Urban Ro...
     with: Pal, A.: Spatiotemporal Climatic Signal Denoising Based on Spatiotempo...
     with: Pal, S.P.: Algorithms for computing diffuse reflection paths in polygons
     with: Pal, U.: Aligning Salient Objects to Queries: A Multi-modal and Multi-...
     with: Pal, U.: Learning Cross-Modal Deep Embeddings for Multi-Object Image R...
     with: Parui, S.: Two Stage Recognition Scheme for Handwritten Tamil Characte...
     with: Rijal, S.: Statistical and Machine Learning Models for Remote Sensing ...
     with: Roy, P.S.: Optimisation of Fuzzy Based Soft Classifiers for Remote Sen...
     with: Samui, S.: Improving the Performance of Deep Learning Based Speech Enh...
     with: Sarvattomananda, S.: Algorithms for computing diffuse reflection paths...
     with: Sengar, S.S.: Landslide Identification from IRS-P6 LISS-IV Temporal DA...
     with: Sengar, S.S.: Soft Computing Approach for Liquefaction Identification ...
     with: Shyamasundar, R.K.: Linear Time Algorithm for Computing the Convex Hul...
     with: Shyamasundar, R.K.: Linear Time Algorithm for Obtaining the Convex Hul...
     with: Sinha, S.: Hybrid Path Planner for Efficient Navigation in Urban Road ...
     with: Upadhyay, P.: High Resolution Temporal Normalized Difference Vegetatio...
     with: Valveny, E.: Aligning Salient Objects to Queries: A Multi-modal and Mu...
     with: Valveny, E.: Beyond visual semantics: Exploring the role of scene text...
     with: Valveny, E.: Efficient indexing for Query By String text retrieval
     with: Valveny, E.: Learning Cross-Modal Deep Embeddings for Multi-Object Ima...
     with: Valveny, E.: Query by string word spotting based on character bi-gram ...
     with: Valveny, E.: Sliding Window Framework for Word Spotting Based on Word ...
     with: Valveny, E.: Text box proposals for handwritten word spotting from doc...
     with: Wason, H.R.: Soft Computing Approach for Liquefaction Identification U...
     with: Wu, Y.H.: Sustainable and Transferable Traffic Sign Recognition for In...
     with: Zhao, L.: Sustainable and Transferable Traffic Sign Recognition for In...
73 for Ghosh, S.K.

Ghosh, S.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Barik, S.K.: Predicting the Forest Canopy Height from LiDAR and Multi-...
     with: Barnwal, S.: Species-Level Classification and Mapping of a Mangrove Fo...
     with: Behera, M.D.: Canopy Height Estimation Using Sentinel Series Images th...
     with: Behera, M.D.: Predicting the Forest Canopy Height from LiDAR and Multi...
     with: Behera, M.D.: Species-Level Classification and Mapping of a Mangrove F...
     with: Behera, S.K.: Predicting the Forest Canopy Height from LiDAR and Multi...
     with: Behera, S.K.: Species-Level Classification and Mapping of a Mangrove F...
     with: Bhaskaran, P.K.: Predicting the Forest Canopy Height from LiDAR and Mu...
     with: Bhattyacharya, B.K.: Species-Level Classification and Mapping of a Man...
     with: Das, P.: Predicting the Forest Canopy Height from LiDAR and Multi-Sens...
     with: Das, P.: Species-Level Classification and Mapping of a Mangrove Forest...
     with: Jagadish, B.: Species-Level Classification and Mapping of a Mangrove F...
     with: Jeganathan, C.: Predicting the Forest Canopy Height from LiDAR and Mul...
     with: Kumar, S.: Predicting the Forest Canopy Height from LiDAR and Multi-Se...
     with: Paramanik, S.: Canopy Height Estimation Using Sentinel Series Images t...
     with: Paramanik, S.: Species-Level Classification and Mapping of a Mangrove ...
     with: Prakash, A.J.: Predicting the Forest Canopy Height from LiDAR and Mult...
     with: Roy, P.S.: Predicting the Forest Canopy Height from LiDAR and Multi-Se...
     with: Roy, P.S.: Species-Level Classification and Mapping of a Mangrove Fore...
     with: Srivastava, P.K.: Predicting the Forest Canopy Height from LiDAR and M...
20 for Ghosh, S.M.

Ghosh, S.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhattacharya, A.: Gaussian Process Regression Model for Crop Biophysic...
     with: Bhogapurapu, N.: Gaussian Process Regression Model for Crop Biophysica...
     with: Dey, S.: Gaussian Process Regression Model for Crop Biophysical Parame...
     with: Homayouni, S.: Gaussian Process Regression Model for Crop Biophysical ...
     with: Hua, Y.: Improving Detection And Recognition Of Degraded Faces By Disc...
     with: McNairn, H.: Gaussian Process Regression Model for Crop Biophysical Pa...
     with: Mukherjee, S.S.: Improving Detection And Recognition Of Degraded Faces...
     with: Robertson, N.M.: Improving Detection And Recognition Of Degraded Faces...
8 for Ghosh, S.S.

Ghosh, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anderson, S.: Aladdin's Magic Lamp: Active Target Calibration of the D...
     with: Anderson, S.J.: VIIRS Day/Night Band: A Flicker Meter in Space?, The
     with: Barentine, J.: VIIRS Day/Night Band: A Flicker Meter in Space?, The
     with: Baugh, K.: Aladdin's Magic Lamp: Active Target Calibration of the DMSP...
     with: Baugh, K.: Cross-Matching VIIRS Boat Detections with Vessel Monitoring...
     with: Baugh, K.: Extending Nighttime Combustion Source Detection Limits with...
     with: Baugh, K.E.: DMSP-OLS Radiance Calibrated Nighttime Lights Time Series...
     with: Baugh, K.E.: Extending the DMSP Nighttime Lights Time Series beyond 2013
     with: Bazilian, M.: Dimming of Lights in China during the COVID-19 Pandemic,...
     with: Bazilian, M.: Dimming of Lights in India during the COVID-19 Pandemic,...
     with: Bazilian, M.: Indicators of Electric Power Instability from Satellite ...
     with: Bazilian, M.: VIIRS Day/Night Band: A Flicker Meter in Space?, The
     with: Budy, W.: Cross-Matching VIIRS Boat Detections with Vessel Monitoring ...
     with: Chakareski, J.: Effective Deep Learning for Semantic Segmentation Base...
     with: Elvidge, C.: Aladdin's Magic Lamp: Active Target Calibration of the DM...
     with: Elvidge, C.: Annual Cycling of Nighttime Lights in India, The
     with: Elvidge, C.: Cross-Sensor Nighttime Lights Image Calibration for DMSP/...
     with: Elvidge, C.: Measuring Gas Flaring in Russia with Multispectral VIIRS ...
     with: Elvidge, C.D.: Annual Time Series of Global VIIRS Nighttime Lights Der...
     with: Elvidge, C.D.: Cross-Matching VIIRS Boat Detections with Vessel Monito...
     with: Elvidge, C.D.: Dimming of Lights in China during the COVID-19 Pandemic...
     with: Elvidge, C.D.: Dimming of Lights in India during the COVID-19 Pandemic...
     with: Elvidge, C.D.: DMSP-OLS Radiance Calibrated Nighttime Lights Time Seri...
     with: Elvidge, C.D.: Extending Nighttime Combustion Source Detection Limits ...
     with: Elvidge, C.D.: Extending the DMSP Nighttime Lights Time Series beyond ...
     with: Elvidge, C.D.: Indicators of Electric Power Instability from Satellite...
     with: Elvidge, C.D.: VIIRS Day/Night Band: A Flicker Meter in Space?, The
     with: Hammerling, D.: VIIRS Day/Night Band: A Flicker Meter in Space?, The
     with: Howells, M.: Measuring Gas Flaring in Russia with Multispectral VIIRS ...
     with: Hsu, F.C.: Annual Cycling of Nighttime Lights in India, The
     with: Hsu, F.C.: Annual Time Series of Global VIIRS Nighttime Lights Derived...
     with: Hsu, F.C.: Cross-Matching VIIRS Boat Detections with Vessel Monitoring...
     with: Hsu, F.C.: Cross-Sensor Nighttime Lights Image Calibration for DMSP/OL...
     with: Hsu, F.C.: Dimming of Lights in China during the COVID-19 Pandemic, The
     with: Hsu, F.C.: Dimming of Lights in India during the COVID-19 Pandemic, The
     with: Hsu, F.C.: DMSP-OLS Radiance Calibrated Nighttime Lights Time Series w...
     with: Hsu, F.C.: Extending Nighttime Combustion Source Detection Limits with...
     with: Hsu, F.C.: Extending the DMSP Nighttime Lights Time Series beyond 2013
     with: Hsu, F.C.: Indicators of Electric Power Instability from Satellite Obs...
     with: Hsu, F.C.: Measuring Gas Flaring in Russia with Multispectral VIIRS Ni...
     with: Hsu, F.C.: VIIRS Day/Night Band: A Flicker Meter in Space?, The
     with: Keith, D.: VIIRS Day/Night Band: A Flicker Meter in Space?, The
     with: Kirby, M.: Linear Centroid Encoder for Supervised Principal Component ...
     with: Kowalik, W.S.: VIIRS Day/Night Band: A Flicker Meter in Space?, The
     with: Kroodsma, D.: Cross-Matching VIIRS Boat Detections with Vessel Monitor...
     with: Kyba, C.C.M.: VIIRS Day/Night Band: A Flicker Meter in Space?, The
     with: Li, L.: Effective Deep Learning for Semantic Segmentation Based Bleedi...
     with: Matveev, A.: Measuring Gas Flaring in Russia with Multispectral VIIRS ...
     with: Miller, S.D.: VIIRS Day/Night Band: A Flicker Meter in Space?, The
     with: Monrad, C.K.: VIIRS Day/Night Band: A Flicker Meter in Space?, The
     with: Naskar, R.: Less is more: A minimalist approach to robust GAN-generate...
     with: Nechaev, D.: Cross-Sensor Nighttime Lights Image Calibration for DMSP/...
     with: Nurzeha, R.: Cross-Matching VIIRS Boat Detections with Vessel Monitori...
     with: Pack, D.W.: VIIRS Day/Night Band: A Flicker Meter in Space?, The
     with: Poyda, A.: Cross-Sensor Nighttime Lights Image Calibration for DMSP/OL...
     with: Poyda, A.: Extending the DMSP Nighttime Lights Time Series beyond 2013
     with: Riyanto, M.: Cross-Matching VIIRS Boat Detections with Vessel Monitori...
     with: Sudarja, Y.: Cross-Matching VIIRS Boat Detections with Vessel Monitori...
     with: Susanto, A.: Cross-Matching VIIRS Boat Detections with Vessel Monitori...
     with: Sutton, P.: Aladdin's Magic Lamp: Active Target Calibration of the DMS...
     with: Sutton, P.C.: VIIRS Day/Night Band: A Flicker Meter in Space?, The
     with: Taneja, J.: Annual Cycling of Nighttime Lights in India, The
     with: Taneja, J.: Annual Time Series of Global VIIRS Nighttime Lights Derive...
     with: Taneja, J.: Indicators of Electric Power Instability from Satellite Ob...
     with: Taneja, J.: VIIRS Day/Night Band: A Flicker Meter in Space?, The
     with: Tuttle, B.T.: Aladdin's Magic Lamp: Active Target Calibration of the D...
     with: Zhi Zhin, M.: Extending Nighttime Combustion Source Detection Limits w...
     with: Zhizhin, M.: Annual Cycling of Nighttime Lights in India, The
     with: Zhizhin, M.: Annual Time Series of Global VIIRS Nighttime Lights Deriv...
     with: Zhizhin, M.: Cross-Matching VIIRS Boat Detections with Vessel Monitori...
     with: Zhizhin, M.: Cross-Sensor Nighttime Lights Image Calibration for DMSP/...
     with: Zhizhin, M.: Dimming of Lights in China during the COVID-19 Pandemic, ...
     with: Zhizhin, M.: Dimming of Lights in India during the COVID-19 Pandemic, ...
     with: Zhizhin, M.: DMSP-OLS Radiance Calibrated Nighttime Lights Time Series...
     with: Zhizhin, M.: Extending the DMSP Nighttime Lights Time Series beyond 2013
     with: Zhizhin, M.: Indicators of Electric Power Instability from Satellite O...
     with: Zhizhin, M.: Measuring Gas Flaring in Russia with Multispectral VIIRS ...
     with: Zhizhin, M.: VIIRS Day/Night Band: A Flicker Meter in Space?, The
78 for Ghosh, T.

Ghosh, T.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kanagasingam, Y.: innovate approach for retinal blood vessel segmentat...
     with: Kanagasingam, Y.: Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation: A Semi-supervised...
     with: Rahaman, G.M.A.: innovate approach for retinal blood vessel segmentati...
     with: Rahaman, G.M.A.: Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation: A Semi-supervised ...
     with: Saha, S.: innovate approach for retinal blood vessel segmentation usin...
     with: Saha, S.: Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation: A Semi-supervised Approach
     with: Sayed, M.A.: innovate approach for retinal blood vessel segmentation u...
     with: Sayed, M.A.: Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation: A Semi-supervised Appr...
8 for Ghosh, T.K.

Ghosh, U. Standard Author Listing
     with: Banerjee, S.: Blockchain-Enabled Sustainable Safety Management Framewo...
     with: Banerjee, S.: Secure Blockchain Enabled V2V Communication System Using...
     with: Biswas, U.: Secure Blockchain Enabled V2V Communication System Using S...
     with: Blakely, B.: Blockchain-Enabled Sustainable Safety Management Framewor...
     with: Chatterjee, P.: Blockchain-Enabled Sustainable Safety Management Frame...
     with: Chatterjee, P.: Secure Blockchain Enabled V2V Communication System Usi...
     with: Das, D.: Blockchain-Enabled Sustainable Safety Management Framework fo...
     with: Das, D.: Secure Blockchain Enabled V2V Communication System Using Smar...
     with: Goswami, P.: AI Based Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Intelligen...
     with: Hazra, R.: AI Based Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Intelligent ...
     with: Mukherjee, A.: AI Based Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Intellig...
     with: Mukherjee, D.P.: Graph-based modelling of superpixels for automatic id...
     with: Qi, Y.N.: AI Based Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Intelligent T...
     with: Ren, Y.J.: Novel Vote Scheme for Decision-Making Feedback Based on Blo...
     with: Santra, B.: Graph-based modelling of superpixels for automatic identif...
     with: Sharma, P.K.: Novel Vote Scheme for Decision-Making Feedback Based on ...
     with: Wang, H.J.: AI Based Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Intelligent...
     with: Wang, J.: Novel Vote Scheme for Decision-Making Feedback Based on Bloc...
     with: Yang, L.X.: AI Based Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Intelligent...
     with: Zhu, F.: Novel Vote Scheme for Decision-Making Feedback Based on Block...
20 for Ghosh, U.

Ghosh, U.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baranval, N.K.: Potentials of Airborne Hyperspectral AVIRIS-NG Data in...
     with: Bhaisal, R.: Potentials of Airborne Hyperspectral AVIRIS-NG Data in th...
     with: Chatterjee, S.: Potentials of Airborne Hyperspectral AVIRIS-NG Data in...
     with: Guha, A.: Potentials of Airborne Hyperspectral AVIRIS-NG Data in the E...
     with: Kumar, K.V.: Potentials of Airborne Hyperspectral AVIRIS-NG Data in th...
     with: Pour, A.B.: Potentials of Airborne Hyperspectral AVIRIS-NG Data in the...
     with: Rani, N.: Potentials of Airborne Hyperspectral AVIRIS-NG Data in the E...
     with: Rao, P.V.N.: Potentials of Airborne Hyperspectral AVIRIS-NG Data in th...
     with: Sinha, J.: Potentials of Airborne Hyperspectral AVIRIS-NG Data in the ...
9 for Ghosh, U.K.

Ghoshal, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Can, D.: Online Automatic Speech Recognition With Listen, Attend and S...
     with: Hsiao, R.: Online Automatic Speech Recognition With Listen, Attend and...
     with: Lu, L.: Regularized Subspace Gaussian Mixture Models for Speech Recogn...
     with: Ng, T.: Online Automatic Speech Recognition With Listen, Attend and Sp...
     with: Renals, S.: Convolutional Neural Networks for Distant Speech Recognition
     with: Renals, S.: Regularized Subspace Gaussian Mixture Models for Speech Re...
     with: Swietojanski, P.: Convolutional Neural Networks for Distant Speech Rec...
     with: Travadi, R.: Online Automatic Speech Recognition With Listen, Attend a...
8 for Ghoshal, A.

Ghoshal, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Acharya, K.: Segmentation of images through curve fitting analysis by ...
     with: Bhadouria, V.S.: Edge detection in electron microscopy biological imag...
     with: Bhadouria, V.S.: new approach for high density saturated impulse noise...
     with: Bhadouria, V.S.: study on genetic expression programming-based approac...
     with: Bhadouria, V.S.: study on regression spline based local minima approac...
     with: Bhattacharyya, B.K.: Segmentation of images through curve fitting anal...
     with: Siddiqi, A.H.: new approach for high density saturated impulse noise r...
7 for Ghoshal, D.

Ghoshal, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ray, K.S.: Neuro Fuzzy Approach to Pattern-Recognition

Ghoshal, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Das, S.: Variance Based Image Binarization Scheme and Its Application ...
     with: Parui, S.K.: Recognition of Bangla text from scene images through pers...
     with: Roy, A.: Recognition of Bangla text from scene images through perspect...
     with: Saha, A.: Variance Based Image Binarization Scheme and Its Application...

Ghoshal, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aalto, R.: Channel and Floodplain Change Analysis over a 100-Year Peri...
     with: Banu, S.: 3D reconstruction of spine image from 2D MRI slices along on...
     with: Bhowmick, P.: 3D Reconstruction from Micro-CT Slices for Non-Destructi...
     with: Chakrabarti, A.: 3D Reconstruction from Micro-CT Slices for Non-Destru...
     with: Chakrabarti, A.: 3D reconstruction of spine image from 2D MRI slices a...
     with: Chakravorti, S.: 3D Reconstruction from Micro-CT Slices for Non-Destru...
     with: James, L.: Channel and Floodplain Change Analysis over a 100-Year Peri...
     with: Pandit, A.: 3D reconstruction of spine image from 2D MRI slices along ...
     with: Sengupta, D.: 3D Reconstruction from Micro-CT Slices for Non-Destructi...
     with: Singer, M.: Channel and Floodplain Change Analysis over a 100-Year Per...
     with: Sur Kolay, S.: 3D Reconstruction from Micro-CT Slices for Non-Destruct...
     with: Sur Kolay, S.: 3D reconstruction of spine image from 2D MRI slices alo...
12 for Ghoshal, S.

Ghoshal, S.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kar, R.: hybrid backtracking search algorithm with wavelet mutation-ba...
     with: Mandal, D.: hybrid backtracking search algorithm with wavelet mutation...
     with: Pal, P.S.: hybrid backtracking search algorithm with wavelet mutation-...

Ghoshdastidar, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chakraborty, C.: Automated ovarian follicle recognition for Polycystic...
     with: Ghoshdastidar, K.: Automated ovarian follicle recognition for Polycyst...
     with: Ghoshdastidar, S.: Automated ovarian follicle recognition for Polycyst...
     with: Mehrotra, P.: Automated ovarian follicle recognition for Polycystic Ov...

Ghoshdastidar, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adsul, A.P.: Spectral Clustering with Jensen-Type Kernels and Their Mu...
     with: Dukkipati, A.: Spectral Clustering with Jensen-Type Kernels and Their ...
     with: Vijayan, A.S.: Spectral Clustering with Jensen-Type Kernels and Their ...

Ghoshdastidar, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chakraborty, C.: Automated ovarian follicle recognition for Polycystic...
     with: Ghoshdastidar, B.: Automated ovarian follicle recognition for Polycyst...
     with: Ghoshdastidar, S.: Automated ovarian follicle recognition for Polycyst...
     with: Mehrotra, P.: Automated ovarian follicle recognition for Polycystic Ov...

Ghoshdastidar, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chakraborty, C.: Automated ovarian follicle recognition for Polycystic...
     with: Ghoshdastidar, B.: Automated ovarian follicle recognition for Polycyst...
     with: Ghoshdastidar, K.: Automated ovarian follicle recognition for Polycyst...
     with: Mehrotra, P.: Automated ovarian follicle recognition for Polycystic Ov...

Ghoshw, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Majumdar, B.: VLSI Implementation of an Efficient ASIC Architecture fo...

Ghosn, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cox, I.J.: Feature-Based Face Recognition Using Mixture Distance
     with: Yianilos, P.N.: Feature-Based Face Recognition Using Mixture Distance

Index for "g"

Last update:15-Jan-25 14:57:33
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