Index for jaco

Jacob da Col, M.A.[Marie Andree] Co Author Listing * nD Quasi-Affine Transformations
* Quasi-Affine Transformation in 3-D: Theory and Algorithms
* Quasi-Linear Transformations, Numeration Systems and Fractals
* Thickness Estimation of Discrete Tree-Like Tubular Objects: Application to Vessel Quantification
Includes: Jacob da Col, M.A.[Marie Andree] Jacob-da Col, M.A.[Marie-Andrée] Jacob-da Col, M.A.

Jacob, A. Co Author Listing * Assessing hypertemporal SENTINEL-1 COHERENCE maps for LAND COVER monitoring
* Drought in Northern Italy: Long Earth Observation Time Series Reveal Snow Line Elevation to Be Several Hundred Meters Above Long-Term Average in 2022
* Mountain crop monitoring with multitemporal Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 imagery
* Object-Based Fusion of Multitemporal Multiangle ENVISAT ASAR and HJ-1B Multispectral Data for Urban Land-Cover Mapping
* openEO API-Harmonising the Use of Earth Observation Cloud Services Using Virtual Data Cube Functionalities, The
* Performance of Supervised Classifiers for Damage Scoring of Zebrafish Neuromasts
* Relationship between Spatiotemporal Variations of Climate, Snow Cover and Plant Phenology over the Alps: An Earth Observation-Based Analysis
* Spaceborne SAR data for global urban mapping at 30M resolution using a robust urban extractor
* Spatiotemporal variations of alpine climate, snow cover and phenology
Includes: Jacob, A. Jacob, A.[Alexander]
9 for Jacob, A.

Jacob, A.L.[Aerin L.] Co Author Listing * Topographic and spectral data resolve land cover misclassification to distinguish and monitor wetlands in western Uganda

Jacob, A.P.[Ajey P.] Co Author Listing * Towards Energy-efficient Hyperspectral Image Processing Inside Camera Pixels

Jacob, B. Co Author Listing * Quantization and Training of Neural Networks for Efficient Integer-Arithmetic-Only Inference

Jacob, C.[Christian] Co Author Listing * Interactive multilevel focus+context visualization framework
* Pathological categorization of lung carcinoma from multimodality images using convolutional neural networks
Includes: Jacob, C.[Christian] Jacob, C.[Chinnu]

Jacob, D.[Daniela] Co Author Listing * Application of Copernicus Data for Climate-Relevant Urban Planning Using the Example of Water, Heat, and Vegetation
* Using Qualitative Data Analysis to Measure User Experience in a Serious Game for Premed Students
Includes: Jacob, D.[Daniela] Jacob, D.[Daniel]

Jacob, E.[Eduado] Co Author Listing * New Watermarking Method Using High Frequency Components to Guide the Insertion Process in the Spatial Domain, A

Jacob, G.[Gary] Co Author Listing * Robust Contour Tracking in Echocardiographic Sequences
* shape-space-based approach to tracking myocardial borders and quantifying regional left-ventricular function applied in echocardiography, A
Includes: Jacob, G.[Gary] Jacob, G.

Jacob, G.M.[Geethu Miriam] Co Author Listing * Facial Action Unit Detection With Transformers
* GreenWarps: A Two-Stage Warping Model for Stitching Images Using Diffeomorphic Meshes and Green Coordinates
* Large Parallax Image Stitching Using an Edge-Preserving Diffeomorphic Warping Process
* Moving object segmentation for jittery videos, by clustering of stabilized latent trajectories
* Online Knowledge Distillation for Multi-task Learning
* Panorama from Representative Frames of Unconstrained Videos Using DiffeoMeshes
* Selecting an Iconic Pose From an Action Video
7 for Jacob, G.M.

Jacob, G.P.[George Poothicottu] Co Author Listing * Fitting Smooth Manifolds to Point Clouds in a Level Set Formulation

Jacob, I.J.[Israel Jeena] Co Author Listing * Hybrid fully convolutional networks-based skin lesion segmentation and melanoma detection using deep feature
* Local Oppugnant Color Texture Pattern for image retrieval system
Includes: Jacob, I.J.[Israel Jeena] Jacob, I.J.[I. Jeena]

Jacob, J.[Johnny] Co Author Listing * Driving Data Collection Framework Using Low Cost Hardware
* Learning from multiple annotators for medical image segmentation
* Lossless Compression of Images Using Logic Minimization
* MisMatch: Calibrated Segmentation via Consistency on Differential Morphological Feature Perturbations With Limited Labels
* Pulmonary Lobe Segmentation With Probabilistic Segmentation of the Fissures and a Groupwise Fissure Prior
* Upper Ocean Responses to the Tropical Cyclones Ida and Felicia (2021) in the Gulf of Mexico and the Eastern North Pacific
Includes: Jacob, J.[Johnny] Jacob, J.[Joseph] Jacob, J.[James] Jacob, J. Jacob, J.[Jan]

Jacob, J.C. Co Author Listing * Data Processing and Analysis Approach to Retrieve Carbon Dioxide Weighted-Column Mixing Ratio and 2-mu m Reflectance With an Airborne Laser Absorption Spectrometer

Jacob, J.P.[Jean Pascal] Co Author Listing * Extrema Temporal Chaining: A New Method for Computing the 2D-Displacement Field of the Heart from Tagged MRI
* Particle detection and tracking in fluorescence time-lapse imaging: A contrario approach
Includes: Jacob, J.P.[Jean Pascal] Jacob, J.P.[Jean-Pascal]

Jacob, K. Co Author Listing * Electromagnetic Design and Performance of a Conical Microwave Blackbody Target for Radiometer Calibration

Jacob, K.P.[K. Poulose] Co Author Listing * Feature fusion method using BoVW framework for enhancing image retrieval
* Image Retrieval Using Low Level Features of Object Regions with Application to Partially Occluded Images

Jacob, M. Co Author Listing * 3-D Shape Estimation of DNA Molecules From Stereo Cryo-Electron Micro-Graphs Using a Projection-Steerable Snake
* Accelerated Dynamic MRI Exploiting Sparsity and Low-Rank Structure: k-t SLR
* Accelerated dynamic MRI using structured low rank matrix completion
* Algebraic Decomposition of Fat and Water in MRI
* Blind Compressive Sensing Dynamic MRI
* BSLIM: Spectral Localization by Imaging With Explicit B{0} Field Inhomogeneity Compensation
* Calibration-Free B0 Correction of EPI Data Using Structured Low Rank Matrix Recovery
* Computational MRI: Compressive Sensing and Beyond
* Convex clustering and recovery of partially observed data
* Deep Generalization of Structured Low-Rank Algorithms (Deep-SLR)
* Deep Tomographic Image Reconstruction: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: Editorial for the 2nd Special Issue Machine Learning for Image Reconstruction
* Deformation Corrected Compressed Sensing (DC-CS): A Novel Framework for Accelerated Dynamic MRI
* Design of Steerable Filters for Feature Detection Using Canny-Like Criteria
* Dynamic Imaging Using a Deep Generative SToRM (Gen-SToRM) Model
* Dynamic Imaging Using Deep Bi-Linear Unsupervised Representation (DEBLUR)
* Dynamic MRI Using SmooThness Regularization on Manifolds (SToRM)
* Efficient Energies and Algorithms for Parametric Snakes
* Efficient model-based quantification of left ventricular function in 3-D echocardiography
* ENSURE: A General Approach for Unsupervised Training of Deep Image Reconstruction Algorithms
* Fast Majorize-Minimize Algorithm for the Recovery of Sparse and Low-Rank Matrices, A
* Free-Breathing and Ungated Dynamic MRI Using Navigator-Less Spiral SToRM
* Free-Breathing Ungated Cardiac MRI Using Iterative SToRM (i-SToRM)
* Generalized Higher Degree Total Variation (HDTV) Regularization
* Generalized Structured Low-Rank Matrix Completion Algorithm for MR Image Recovery, A
* Higher Degree Total Variation (HDTV) Regularization for Image Recovery
* Hyperspectral Image Recovery Using Nonconvex Sparsity and Low-Rank Regularizations
* Improved Model-Based Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging
* Iterative Shrinkage Algorithm for Patch-Smoothness Regularized Medical Image Recovery
* Joint Calibrationless Reconstruction and Segmentation of Parallel MRI
* MoDL-MUSSELS: Model-Based Deep Learning for Multishot Sensitivity-Encoded Diffusion MRI
* MoDL: Model-Based Deep Learning Architecture for Inverse Problems
* Multiple degree total variation (MDTV) regularization for image restoration
* Nonlocal Regularization of Inverse Problems: A Unified Variational Framework
* Off-the-Grid Recovery of Piecewise Constant Images from Few Fourier Samples
* Optimal steerable filters for feature detection
* Orthogonal Quincunx Wavelets with Fractional Orders
* Quantitative Comparison of Reconstruction Methods for Intra-Voxel Fiber Recovery From Diffusion MRI
* Recovery of Damped Exponentials Using Structured Low Rank Matrix Completion
* Recovery of Discontinuous Signals Using Group Sparse Higher Degree Total Variation
* Recovery of Low Rank and Jointly Sparse Matrices with Two Sampling Matrices
* Recovery of Surfaces and Functions in High Dimensions: Sampling Theory and Links to Neural Networks
* Robust Reconstruction of MRSI Data Using a Sparse Spectral Model and High Resolution MRI Priors
* Shape estimation of 3-D DNA molecules from stereo cryo-electron micro-graphs
* Structured Low-Rank Algorithms: Theory, Magnetic Resonance Applications, and Links to Machine Learning
* Structured low-rank recovery of piecewise constant signals with performance guarantees
* Three-Dimensional Feature Detection Using Optimal Steerable Filters
* Validation of the Hurricane Imaging Radiometer Forward Radiative Transfer Model for a Convective Rain Event
* Variational Manifold Learning From Incomplete Data: Application to Multislice Dynamic MRI
Includes: Jacob, M. Jacob, M.[Mathews] Jacob, M.[Maria]
48 for Jacob, M.

Jacob, M.G.[Mithun George] Co Author Listing * Collaboration With a Robotic Scrub Nurse
* Context-based hand gesture recognition for the operating room
* Intention, Context and Gesture Recognition for Sterile MRI Navigation in the Operating Room
Includes: Jacob, M.G.[Mithun George] Jacob, M.G.[Mithun G.]

Jacob, M.M.[Mellina M.] Co Author Listing * Spatial properties of L- and M-cone driven incremental (On-) and decremental (Off-) electroretinograms: evidence for the involvement of multiple post-receptoral mechanisms

Jacob, N. Co Author Listing * Crowdsensing Framework for Monitoring Bridge Vibrations Using Moving Smartphones

Jacob, P.[Pierre] Co Author Listing * DIABLO: Dictionary-based attention block for deep metric learning
* Efficient Codebook and Factorization for Second Order Representation Learning
* Improving Deep Metric Learning with Virtual Classes and Examples Mining
* Leveraging Implicit Spatial Information in Global Features for Image Retrieval
* Metric Learning With HORDE: High-Order Regularizer for Deep Embeddings
* STEEX: Steering Counterfactual Explanations with Semantics
Includes: Jacob, P.[Pierre] Jacob, P.[Paul]

Jacob, R.[Robert] Co Author Listing * Designing Brain-Computer Interfaces for Attention-Aware Systems

Jacob, R.J.K. Co Author Listing * Eye-gaze computer interfaces: What you look at is what you get
* use of eye movements in human-computer interaction techniques: What you look at is what you get, The

Jacob, S.[Stefan] Co Author Listing * Parameter optimisation of an image processing system using evolutionary algorithms

Jacob, S.G.[Shomona Gracia] Co Author Listing * Automatic prediction of Diabetic Retinopathy and Glaucoma through retinal image analysis and data mining techniques

Jacob, T. Co Author Listing * Joint Color Space GMMs for CFA Demosaicking
* Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Joint GMM Method
* Variable Length Compression of Codeword Indices for Lossy Compression

Jacob, V.G.[Vivek George] Co Author Listing * Colorization of grayscale images and videos using a semiautomatic approach

Jacobi, U. Co Author Listing * Estimation of Optimal Morphological TAU-opening Parameters Based on Independent Observation of Signal and Noise Pattern Spectra

Jacobo Berlles, J.[Julio] Co Author Listing * Dynamic Textures Segmentation with GPU
* Evaluation of Keypoint Descriptors for Gender Recognition
* Face recognition on partially occluded images using compressed sensing
* Flexible image segmentation and quality assessment for real-time iris recognition
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Robust Recognition Methods for Multimodal Interaction
* Randomized Face Recognition on Partially Occluded Images
* Special issue on computer vision applying pattern recognition techniques
Includes: Jacobo Berlles, J.[Julio] Jacobo-Berlles, J.[Julio]
7 for Jacobo Berlles, J.

Jacobo Berlles, J.C.[Julio C.] Co Author Listing * Performance of dynamic texture segmentation using GPU
* Supervised Constrained Optimization of Bayesian Nonlocal Means Filter With Sigma Preselection for Despeckling SAR Images
Includes: Jacobo Berlles, J.C.[Julio C.] Jacobo-Berlles, J.C.[Julio C.] Jacobo-Berlles, J.C.

Jacobo Lopez, A.R.[Angel R.] Co Author Listing * Less is More: Pursuing the Visual Turing Test with the Kuleshov Effect
Includes: Jacobo Lopez, A.R.[Angel R.] Jacobo-Lopez, A.R.[Angel R.]

Jacobo, J.[Julio] Co Author Listing * Assessment of SAR Image Filtering Using Adaptive Stack Filters
* decision step for Shape Context matching, A
* Detection and Tracking of Coronal Mass Ejections
* Detection and tracking of coronal mass ejections based on supervised segmentation and level set
* Detection of Coronal Mass Ejections
* Multi-style License Plate Recognition System Based on Tree of Shapes for Character Segmentation, A
* Multiple Clues for License Plate Detection and Recognition
* SAR image processing using adaptive stack filter
* SAR Image Segmentation Using Level Sets and Region Competition under the GHGH Model
* Supervised Biometric System Using Multimodal Compression Scheme
10 for Jacobo, J.

Jacobs, A. Co Author Listing * 3-D Liquid Crystal Displays and Their Applications
* Computational Eye, The
* Hybrid Model-Based Estimation of Multiple Non-dominant Motions
Includes: Jacobs, A. Jacobs, A.[Arne]

Jacobs, A.M.[Ariel M.] Co Author Listing * Effect of Climatological Variables on Future UAS-Based Atmospheric Profiling in the Lower Atmosphere, The

Jacobs, B.[Bart] Co Author Listing * Biometrics and their use in e-passports
* Scenarizing Metropolitan Views: FlanoGraphing the Urban Spaces
Includes: Jacobs, B.[Bart] Jacobs, B.[Bénédicte]

Jacobs, C. Co Author Listing * Bag-of-Frequencies: A Descriptor of Pulmonary Nodules in Computed Tomography Images
* Fast Multiresolution Image Querying
* Leveraging Multilingual Transfer for Unsupervised Semantic Acoustic Word Embeddings
* Nodule Detection and Generation on Chest X-Rays: NODE21 Challenge
* Pulmonary Nodule Detection in CT Images: False Positive Reduction Using Multi-View Convolutional Networks
* Relational Modeling for Robust and Efficient Pulmonary Lobe Segmentation in CT Scans
* Shared Data Sources in the Geographical Domain: A Classification Schema and Corresponding Visualization Techniques
* Text recognition of low-resolution document images
Includes: Jacobs, C. Jacobs, C.[Christiaan] Jacobs, C.[Colin] Jacobs, C.[Clemens]
8 for Jacobs, C.

Jacobs, C.E.[Charles E.] Co Author Listing * Rapid computer modeling of faces for animation

Jacobs, C.L. Co Author Listing * Iterative Fuzzy Image Segmentation

Jacobs, D. Co Author Listing * Deep Single-Image Portrait Relighting
* Dog Breed Classification Using Part Localization
* Efficient Algorithm for Learning Distances that Obey the Triangle Inequality, An
* GLoSH: Global-Local Spherical Harmonics for Intrinsic Image Decomposition
* HaLP: Hallucinating Latent Positives for Skeleton-based Self-Supervised Learning of Actions
* Hyperbolic Contrastive Learning for Visual Representations beyond Objects
* LD-ZNet: A Latent Diffusion Approach for Text-Based Image Segmentation
* Long Video Generation with Time-Agnostic VQGAN and Time-Sensitive Transformer
* Low Curvature Activations Reduce Overfitting in Adversarial Training
* Low-Light Phase Retrieval With Implicit Generative Priors
* Neural Inverse Rendering of an Indoor Scene From a Single Image
* Poisons that are learned faster are more effective
* Preserve Your Own Correlation: A Noise Prior for Video Diffusion Models
* SharinGAN: Combining Synthetic and Real Data for Unsupervised Geometry Estimation
Includes: Jacobs, D. Jacobs, D.[David] Jacobs, D.[Daniel]
14 for Jacobs, D.

Jacobs, D.E.[David E.] Co Author Listing * Deep Saliency Prior for Reducing Visual Distraction
* Dynamic Image Stacks
* Frankencamera: An Experimental Platform for Computational Photography, The

Jacobs, D.W.[David W.] Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Jacobs, D.W.[David W.]: djacobs AT cs umd edu
* 2-D Images of 3-D Oriented Points
* 3-D to 2-D Pose Determination with Regions
* 3D Menagerie: Modeling the 3D Shape and Pose of Animals
* 3D to 2D Recognition with Regions
* Active Image Clustering with Pairwise Constraints from Humans
* Active image clustering: Seeking constraints from humans to complement algorithms
* Active inference for retrieval in camera networks
* Active subclustering
* Affine Matching With Bounded Sensor Error: Study of Geometric Hashing and Alignment
* Appearance Characterization of Linear Lambertian Objects, Generalized Photometric Stereo, and Illumination-Invariant Face Recognition
* Approximate earth mover's distance in linear time
* Biconvex Relaxation for Semidefinite Programming in Computer Vision
* Birdsnap: Large-Scale Fine-Grained Visual Categorization of Birds
* Bypassing synthesis: PLS for face recognition with pose, low-resolution and sketch
* Characterization of Human Faces under Illumination Variations Using Rank, Integrability, and Symmetry Constraints
* Classification with Nonmetric Distances: Image Retrieval and Class Representation
* Clustering Appearances of 3D Objects
* Comparing and combining lighting insensitive approaches for face recognition
* Comparing Images Under Variable Illumination
* Condensing Image Databases when Retrieval is Based on Non-Metric Distances
* Constancy and Similarity
* Data insufficiency in sketch versus photo face recognition
* Deep hierarchical parsing for semantic segmentation
* deformation and lighting insensitive metric for face recognition based on dense correspondences, A
* Deformation Invariant Image Matching
* Determining the Similarity of Deformable Shapes
* Dynamic Processing Allocation in Video
* Efficient determination of shape from multiple images containing partial information
* Efficient segmentation of leaves in semi-controlled conditions
* Efficiently Determining Silhouette Consistency
* End-to-End Recovery of Human Shape and Pose
* Error Propagation in 3D-from-2D Recognition: Scaled-Orthographic and Perspective Projections
* Error Propagation in Full 3-D and 2-D Object Recognition
* Evaluating Local Features for Day-Night Matching
* Fast Illumination and Deformation Insensitive Image Comparison Algorithm Using Wavelet-Based Geodesics, A
* Fast Light-Weight Near-Field Photometric Stereo
* Finding Structurally Consistent Motion Correspondences
* From Shading to Local Shape
* Frontal to profile face verification in the wild
* Generalized Multiview Analysis: A discriminative latent space
* GROPER: A Grouping Based Recognition System for Two Dimensional Objects
* Grouping for Recognition
* Guest editors' introduction to the special section on perceptual organization in computer vision
* Illumination Recovery From Image With Cast Shadows Via Sparse Representation
* In Search of Illumination Invariants
* Judging Whether Multiple Silhouettes Can Come from the Same Object
* Label Denoising Adversarial Network (LDAN) for Inverse Lighting of Faces
* Lambertian Reflectance and Linear Subspaces
* Leafsnap: A Computer Vision System for Automatic Plant Species Identification
* Linear Elastic Force Optimization Model for Shape Matching, A
* Linear Fitting with Missing Data for Structure-from-Motion
* Linear Fitting with Missing Data: Applications to Structure from Motion and to Characterizing Intensity Images
* Local Parallel Computation of Stochastic Completion Fields
* Localizing Parts of Faces Using a Consensus of Exemplars
* Matching 3-D Models to 2-D Images
* Model-Group Indexing for Recognition
* New Rank Constraint on Multi-view Fundamental Matrices, and Its Application to Camera Location Recovery, A
* Non-Negative Lighting and Specular Object Recognition
* On the Equivalence of Common Approaches to Lighting Insensitive Recognition
* Optimal Matching of Planar Models in 3D Scenes
* Photometric Stereo with General, Unknown Lighting
* Projective Alignment with Regions
* Recognition Using Region Correspondences
* Recognizing 3-D Objects Using 2-D Images
* Robust and efficient detection of convex groups
* Robust and Efficient Detection of Salient Convex Groups
* Robust pose invariant face recognition using coupled latent space discriminant analysis
* Searching the World's Herbaria: A System for Visual Identification of Plant Species
* Seeing What is Not There: Learning Context to Determine Where Objects are Missing
* SfSNet: Learning Shape, Reflectance and Illuminance of Faces in the Wild
* Shape and Material Capture at Home
* Shape Classification Using the Inner-Distance
* Solving Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo Using Fewer Images by Jointly Optimizing Low-rank Matrix Completion and Integrability
* Space and Time Bounds on Indexing 3-D Models from 2-D Images
* Space Efficient 3D Model Indexing
* Space Requirements of Indexing under Perspective Projections, The
* Space/Time Tradeoffs for Associative Memory
* Sparse representation of cast shadows via L1-regularized least squares
* Special Editors' Introduction to the Special Issue on Award-Winning Papers from the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2010 (CVPR 2010)
* Stochastic Completion Fields: A Neural Model of Illusory Contour Shape and Salience
* Study of Affine Matching with Bounded Sensor Error, A
* Study of Face Recognition as People Age, A
* Surface Dependent Representations for Illumination Insensitive Image Comparison
* Tracking Down Under: Following the Satin Bowerbird
* Trainable 3D recognition using stereo matching
* Uncertainty Propagation in Model-Based Recognition
* Use of Grouping in Visual Object Recognition, The
* Using specularities for recognition
* Using specularities in comparing 3D models and 2D images
* Using Stereo Matching for 2-D Face Recognition Across Pose
* Using Stereo Matching with General Epipolar Geometry for 2D Face Recognition across Pose
* Using the Inner-Distance for Classification of Articulated Shapes
* Visibility constraints on features of 3D objects
* WarpNet: Weakly Supervised Matching for Single-View Reconstruction
* Whitening for Photometric Comparison of Smooth Surfaces under Varying Illumination
* Wide-baseline stereo for face recognition with large pose variation
Includes: Jacobs, D.W.[David W.] Jacobs, D.W.
98 for Jacobs, D.W.

Jacobs, E.[Emily] Co Author Listing * Geodesic Regression Characterizes 3D Shape Changes in the Female Brain During Menstruation

Jacobs, E.L. Co Author Listing * Investigation of Computational Vision and Principal Component Analysis with Application to Target Classification

Jacobs, E.M.[Elizabeth Michelle] Co Author Listing * Threat Perception Captured by Emotion, Motor and Empathetic System Responses: A Systematic Review

Jacobs, G.[Gregg] Co Author Listing * Facilitating Inversion of the Error Covariance Models for the Wide-Swath Altimeters

Jacobs, I.[Igor] Co Author Listing * Segmentation-based Assessment of Tumor-Vessel Involvement for Surgical Resectability Prediction of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma

Jacobs, J.[Jennifer] Co Author Listing * Editing Self-Image
* Fusion of Spectral and Structural Datasets Derived from an Airborne Multispectral Sensor for Estimation of Pasture Dry Matter Yield at Paddock Scale with Time, The
* generalized God-object method for plausible finger-based interactions in virtual environments, A
* Localized Shortcut Removal
Includes: Jacobs, J.[Jennifer] Jacobs, J.[Joe] Jacobs, J.[Jan] Jacobs, J.[Jochen]

Jacobs, J.G.[Joseph G.] Co Author Listing * Gleason Grading of Prostate Tumours with Max-Margin Conditional Random Fields

Jacobs, J.M.[Jennifer M.] Co Author Listing * Application of Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Satellite Data in Seismic Response Assessment
* Comparing Three Freeze-Thaw Schemes Using C-Band Radar Data in Southeastern New Hampshire, USA
* Evaluating Consistency of Snow Water Equivalent Retrievals from Passive Microwave Sensors over the North Central U. S.: SSM/I vs. SSMIS and AMSR-E vs. AMSR2
* Evaluating the Effects of UAS Flight Speed on Lidar Snow Depth Estimation in a Heterogeneous Landscape
* Evaluation of SMAP Freeze/Thaw Retrieval Accuracy at Core Validation Sites in the Contiguous United States

Jacobs, K.[Katrien] Co Author Listing * Coherent radiance capture of scenes under changing illumination conditions for relighting applications

Jacobs, L.A.[Laure Anne] Co Author Listing * Scenarizing Metropolitan Views: FlanoGraphing the Urban Spaces
Includes: Jacobs, L.A.[Laure Anne] Jacobs, L.A.[Laure-Anne]

Jacobs, M.[Marc] Co Author Listing * ErfgoedApp: An Educational Experiment with Augmented Reality, Cityscapes and Campusscapes in Brussels
* Exact Computation of Area Moments for Spline and Wavelet Curves
* Exact Method for Computing the Area Moments of Wavelet and Spline Curves, An
* Fast MBO Scheme for Multiclass Data Classification, A
* Side-Information-Dependent Correlation Channel Estimation in Hash-Based Distributed Video Coding
Includes: Jacobs, M.[Marc] Jacobs, M.[Mathews] Jacobs, M.[Matt] Jacobs, M.

Jacobs, M.A. Co Author Listing * Volume-preserving nonrigid registration of MR breast images using free-form deformation with an incompressibility constraint

Jacobs, N.[Nathan] Co Author Listing * Adventures in archiving and using three years of webcam images
* Analyzing human appearance as a cue for dating images
* Appearance based background subtraction for PTZ cameras
* ArcGeo: Localizing Limited Field-of-View Images using Cross-view Matching
* BirdSAT: Cross-View Contrastive Masked Autoencoders for Bird Species Classification and Mapping
* Building Dynamic Cloud Maps from the Ground Up
* Camera geo-calibration using an MCMC approach
* Cloud Motion as a Calibration Cue
* Cloudmaps from static ground-view video
* Consistent Temporal Variations in Many Outdoor Scenes
* Covariance-Based PCA for Multi-size Data
* CRF approach to fitting a generalized hand skeleton model, A
* DEEPFOCAL: A method for direct focal length estimation
* Detecting Vanishing Points Using Global Image Context in a Non-ManhattanWorld
* Dynamic Traffic Modeling From Overhead Imagery
* Efficient tracking of many objects in structured environments
* Estimating cloudmaps from outdoor image sequences
* Exploring the geo-dependence of human face appearance
* Extending Absolute Pose Regression to Multiple Scenes
* FACE2GPS: Estimating geographic location from facial features
* FARSA: Fully Automated Roadway Safety Assessment
* fast method for estimating transient scene attributes, A
* Finding Minimal Parameterizations of Cylindrical Image Manifolds
* FROSSL: Frobenius Norm Minimization for Efficient Multiview Self-supervised Learning
* Generative Model of Worldwide Facial Appearance, A
* Geolocating Static Cameras
* GeoSynth: Contextually-Aware High-Resolution Satellite Image Synthesis
* Horizon Lines in the Wild
* Large-scale geo-facial image analysis
* Learning a Dynamic Map of Visual Appearance
* Learning to Look around Objects for Top-View Representations of Outdoor Scenes
* Location-specific Transition Distributions for Tracking
* LOST: Longterm Observation of Scenes (with Tracks)
* Motion and appearance based background subtraction for freely moving cameras
* MPCA: EM-based PCA for mixed-size image datasets
* Multi-Branch Attention Networks for Classifying Galaxy Clusters
* Neural Network Decision-Making Criteria Consistency Analysis via Inputs Sensitivity
* On analyzing video with very small motions
* On the location dependence of convolutional neural network features
* Passive vision: The global webcam imaging network
* Persistence and tracking: Putting vehicles and trajectories in context
* Pot of Gold: Rainbows as a Calibration Cue, A
* Predicting Ground-Level Scene Layout from Aerial Imagery
* Quantifying curb appeal
* RasterNet: Modeling Free-Flow Speed using LiDAR and Overhead Imagery
* Real-time constant memory visual summaries for surveillance
* Revisiting IM2GPS in the Deep Learning Era
* Revisiting Near/Remote Sensing with Geospatial Attention
* Sat2Cap: Mapping Fine-Grained Textual Descriptions from Satellite Images
* Scene shape estimation from multiple partly cloudy days
* Shape Background Modeling: The Shape of Things That Came
* Sky segmentation in the wild: An empirical study
* Structure-Aware Method for Direct Pose Estimation, A
* Time Scales in Video Surveillance
* Toward Fully Automatic Geo-Location and Geo-Orientation of Static Outdoor Cameras
* Two Cloud-Based Cues for Estimating Scene Structure and Camera Calibration
* Understanding and Mapping Natural Beauty
* Unified Model for Near and Remote Sensing, A
* Unifying Guided and Unguided Outdoor Image Synthesis
* Using cloud shadows to infer scene structure and camera calibration
* Vision-Language Pseudo-Labels for Single-Positive Multi-Label Learning
* Visual Active Search Framework for Geospatial Exploration, A
* WATCH: Wide-Area Terrestrial Change Hypercube
* Webcam geo-localization using aggregate light levels
* Webcam2Satellite: Estimating cloud maps from webcam imagery
* Wide-Area Image Geolocalization with Aerial Reference Imagery
Includes: Jacobs, N.[Nathan] Jacobs, N.
66 for Jacobs, N.

Jacobs, N.B.[Nathan B.] Co Author Listing * Deep learning for conifer/deciduous classification of airborne LiDAR 3D point clouds representing individual trees

Jacobs, R.[Robert] Co Author Listing * Co-Variability between the Surface Wind Divergence and Vorticity over the Ocean
* integrated algorithm of incremental and robust PCA, An
Includes: Jacobs, R.[Robert] Jacobs, R.

Jacobs, R.A. Co Author Listing * Hierarchical Mixture of experts and the EM Algorithm

Jacobs, R.E. Co Author Listing * Integration of Positron Emission Tomography With Magnetic Resonance Imaging, The

Jacobs, R.L.[Robert L.] Co Author Listing * Video-on demand video server disk/memory streaming selection methodology

Jacobs, S. Co Author Listing * Automatic Target Recognition System Using High Resolution Radar
* Practical Methodology for Guaranteeing Quality of Service for Video-on-Demand, A
* Real-Time MPEG Video on the Web Using Dynamic Rate Shaping

Jacobs, Z.L.[Zoe L.] Co Author Listing * Major Ecosystem Shift in Coastal East African Waters During the 1997/98 Super El Niño as Detected Using Remote Sensing Data, A

Jacobsen, A.[Arnhild] Co Author Listing * Motion-Correction Method for Turbulence Estimates from Floating Lidars, A

Jacobsen, C.[Carsten] Co Author Listing * comparison between neural networks and decision trees based on data from industrial radiographic testing, A
* Lensless X-Ray Nanoimaging: Revolutions and opportunities
* X-ray tomography of extended objects: a comparison of data acquisition approaches
Includes: Jacobsen, C.[Carsten] Jacobsen, C.[Chris]

Jacobsen, C.R.[C. Robert] Co Author Listing * Investigation of the Effects of Data Collection on Visual Stylometry

Jacobsen, H.A.[Hans Arno] Co Author Listing * BlockEV: Efficient and Secure Charging Station Selection for Electric Vehicles
Includes: Jacobsen, H.A.[Hans Arno] Jacobsen, H.A.[Hans-Arno]

Jacobsen, J. Co Author Listing * BUGSYS: A Programming System for Picture Processing -- Not for Debugging
* Incremental Density-Based Clustering on Multicore Processors
Includes: Jacobsen, J. Jacobsen, J.[Jon]

Jacobsen, J.H. Co Author Listing * Structured Receptive Fields in CNNs

Jacobsen, K. Co Author Listing * 3D Building Change Detection Using High Resolution Stereo Images and a GIS Database
* Accuracy and Radiometric Study on Very High Resolution Digital Camera Images
* Analysis and Bias Improvement of Height Models Based on Satellite Images
* Analysis And Correction Of Systematic Height Model Errors
* Analysis of ASTER GDEM elevation models
* Analysis of Height Models Based On Kompsat-3 Images
* Benchmarking and quality analysis of DEM generated from high and very high resolution optical stereo satellite data
* Building Height Estimation in Urban Areas from Very High Resolution Satellite Stereo Images
* Building Monitoring with Differential DSMS
* Characteristics and Accuracy of Large Area Covering Height Models
* Characteristics of Very High Resolution Optical Satellites for Topographic Mapping
* Comparison of Digital Elevation Models Generated from SPOT-5 HRS Stereo Data and CARTOSAT-1 Stereo Data
* Delineation of Building Footprints from High Resolution Satellite Stereo Imagery Using Image Matching and a GIS Database
* DEM Generation from High Resolution Satellite Imagery
* DEM Generation with Short Base Length Pleiades Triplet
* DEM Generation with Worldview-2 Images
* DGPF-Project: Evaluation of Digital Photogrammetric Camera Systems Geometric Performance
* Documentation of Istanbul Historic Peninsula by Static and Mobile Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* DSM Generation with High Resolution Space Imagery over Mountainous Forest Area
* Effective Resolution of Digital Frame Images
* Filtering Process of LIDAR Data
* Geometric Accuracy Analysis of WorldDEM in Relation to AW3D30, SRTM and Aster GDEM2
* Geometric and Mapping Potential of WORLDVIEW-1 Images
* Geometric Property of Large Format Digital Camera DMC II 140
* German camera evaluation project: results from the geometry group., The
* High Resolution Earth Imaging for Geospatial Information
* Historical Aerial Surveys Map Long-Term Changes of Forest Cover and Structure in the Central Congo Basin
* Hybrid Method for Stereo Image Matching, A
* Image Quality Assessment of Pléiades-1A Triplet Bundle and Pan-sharpened Images
* Influence of System Calibration on Direct Sensor Orientation
* Monitoring of Height Changes in Urban Areas from Multi-Temporal, Multi-Scale and Multi-Platform Remotely Sensed Data
* Morphologic Quality of DSMs Based on Optical and Radar Space Imagery
* Orientation Of Oblique Airborne Image Sets: Experiences From The ISPRS/EUROSDR Benchmark On Multi-platform Photogrammetry
* Performance of Large-Format Digital Cameras
* Pléiades Project: Assessment Of Georeferencing Accuracy, Image Quality, Pansharpening Performence And DSM/DTM Quality
* Potential of Manual and Automatic Feature Extraction from High Resolution Space Images in Mountainous Urban Areas
* Problems And Limitations of Satellite Image Orientation For Determination of Height Models
* procedure for semi-Automatic Orthophoto Generation from High Resolution Satellite Imagery, A
* Property of the Large Format Digital Aerial Camera Dmc II
* Radiometric and geometric characteristics of Pleiades images
* Satellite Image Orientation
* Sub-Camera Calibration of a Penta-Camera
* TanDEM-X Mission: Overview and Evaluation of intermediate Results
* Theme issue: Digital aerial cameras
Includes: Jacobsen, K. Jacobsen, K.[Karsten] Jacobsen, K.[Kim]
44 for Jacobsen, K.

Jacobsen, N. Co Author Listing * Robust image-adaptive data hiding using erasure and error correction

Jacobsen, R.H. Co Author Listing * Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Issue on Connected Vehicles in Intelligent Transportation Systems

Jacobsen, S.[Sven] Co Author Listing * Combined Use of Space Borne Optical and SAR Data to Improve Knowledge about Sea Ice for Shipping
* Extension of Ship Wake Detectability Model for Non-Linear Influences of Parameters Using Satellite Based X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Meteo-Marine Parameters from Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery: Towards Near Real-Time Services for the Baltic Sea

Jacobsen, S.K.[Svein K.] Co Author Listing * Measurement of Snow Water Equivalent Using Drone-Mounted Ultra-Wide-Band Radar

Jacobson, A.[Alec] Co Author Listing * Bayes' Rays: Uncertainty Quantification for Neural Radiance Fields
* Bounded Biharmonic Weights for Real-Time Deformation
* Common Canvas: Open Diffusion Models Trained on Creative-Commons Images
* Neural Geometric Level of Detail: Real-time Rendering with Implicit 3D Shapes
* Neural Shape Mating: Self-Supervised Object Assembly with Adversarial Shape Priors
* Supporting Reference Imagery for Digital Drawing
* VecFusion: Vector Font Generation with Diffusion
Includes: Jacobson, A.[Alec] Jacobson, A.[Austin]
7 for Jacobson, A.

Jacobson, A.D. Co Author Listing * liquid crystal light valve, an optical-to-optical interface device, The

Jacobson, B. Co Author Listing * Quasi-Linear Optimal Path Controller Applied to Post Impact Vehicle Dynamics
* Simulator Study Comparing Characteristics of Manual and Automated Driving During Lane Changes of Long Combination Vehicles, A

Jacobson, C.[Christina] Co Author Listing * Biometric Identification of Mice

Jacobson, J.[Josh] Co Author Listing * Spatial Statistical Prediction of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) from Multivariate OCO-2 Data

Jacobson, J.L. Co Author Listing * Parameterization-Invariant Shape Comparisons of Anatomical Surfaces

Jacobson, J.S.[Judah S.] Co Author Listing * Unsupervised Learning of Visual Structure

Jacobson, K. Co Author Listing * Analysis and Exploitation of Musician Social Networks for Recommendation and Discovery

Jacobson, L.[Lowell] Co Author Listing * Derivation of Optical Flow Using a Spatiotemporal-Frequency Approach
* Invariant Analogical Image Representation and Pattern Recognition
* Invariant Architectures for Low-Level Vision
* Paradigm for Invariant Object Recognition of Brightness, Optical Flow and Binocular Disparity Images, A
* Theory for Invariant Object Recognition in the Frontoparallel Plane, A
Includes: Jacobson, L.[Lowell] Jacobson, L.

Jacobson, L.D.[Lowell D.] Co Author Listing * Machine vision system for object feature analysis and validation based on multiple object images

Jacobson, M. Co Author Listing * Penalized-Likelihood Reconstruction With High-Fidelity Measurement Models for High-Resolution Cone-Beam Imaging

Jacobson, M.W. Co Author Listing * Effects of Image Quality on the Fundamental Limits of Image Registration Accuracy
* Expanded Theoretical Treatment of Iteration-Dependent Majorize-Minimize Algorithms, An

Jacobson, N. Co Author Listing * Novel Approach to FRUC Using Discriminant Saliency and Frame Segmentation, A
* Online Learning Approach to Occlusion Boundary Detection, An
* Scale-Aware Saliency for Application to Frame Rate Upconversion

Jacobson, N.P.[Nathaniel P.] Co Author Listing * Design Goals and Solutions for Display of Hyperspectral Images
* Linear Fusion of Image Sets for Display
* OCR binarization and image pre-processing for searching historical documents
* SNR-Adaptive Linear Fusion of Hyperspectral Images for Color Display
* Wavelet Principal Component Analysis and its Application to Hyperspectral Images
Includes: Jacobson, N.P.[Nathaniel P.] Jacobson, N.P.

Jacobson, P.L.[Philip L.] Co Author Listing * Few-Shot Image Classification Along Sparse Graphs

Jacobson, P.T.[Paul T.] Co Author Listing * Deep Learning for Automated Detection and Identification of Migrating American Eel Anguilla rostrata from Imaging Sonar Data

Jacobson, S.G.[Samuel G.] Co Author Listing * Reduced-illuminance autofluorescence imaging in ABCA4-associated retinal degenerations

Jacobson, S.H. Co Author Listing * Optimal Aviation Security Screening Strategies With Dynamic Passenger Risk Updates

Jacobson, S.W. Co Author Listing * Parameterization-Invariant Shape Comparisons of Anatomical Surfaces

Jacobson, V. Co Author Listing * Low-Complexity Video Coding for Receiver-Driven Layered Multicast

Jacobsson, H. Co Author Listing * Classification of Functional Patterns in SPECT Brain Scans Based on Partial Least Squares Analysis

Jacobsson, L. Co Author Listing * From Detection of Individual Metastases to Classification of Lymph Node Status at the Patient Level: The CAMELYON17 Challenge

Jacobus, C.J.[Charles J.] Co Author Listing * Gesture-controlled interfaces for self-service machines and other applications
* Human-Centered Approach to UGV Navigation, A
* Intermediate-Level Vision: Building Vertex-String-Surface (V-S-S) Graphs
* Motion Detection and Analysis of Matching Graphs of Intermediate Level Primitives
* Pose determination and tracking by matching 3D objects to a 2D sensor
* Real-time head tracking system for computer games and other applications
* Two New Edge Detectors
Includes: Jacobus, C.J.[Charles J.] Jacobus, C.J.
7 for Jacobus, C.J.

Jacoby, A.R. Co Author Listing * Context-Sensitive Human Activity Classification in Collaborative Learning Environments

Jacoby, D.[Derek] Co Author Listing * Algorithmic Approach to Quantifying GPS Trajectory Error, An

Jacoby, M.[Matan] Co Author Listing * Digital Gimbal: End-to-end Deep Image Stabilization with Learnable Exposure Times
* Physical Passive Patch Adversarial Attacks on Visual Odometry Systems

Jacoby, P.W.[Pete W.] Co Author Listing * High Resolution Multispectral and Thermal Remote Sensing-Based Water Stress Assessment in Subsurface Irrigated Grapevines
* High-Resolution Spatiotemporal Water Use Mapping of Surface and Direct-Root-Zone Drip-Irrigated Grapevines Using UAS-Based Thermal and Multispectral Remote Sensing
* Multispectral, Thermal, and Hyperspectral Sensing Data Depict Stomatal Conductance in Grapevine

Jacoby, S.[Sam] Co Author Listing * Computer Vision-Based Analysis of Buildings and Built Environments: A Systematic Review of Current Approaches

Jacokes, Z.[Zach] Co Author Listing * Modeling Multiple Time Series Annotations as Noisy Distortions of the Ground Truth: An Expectation-Maximization Approach

Jacome, A.[Andres] Co Author Listing * Monitoring Volumetric Surface Soil Moisture Content at the La Grande Basin Boreal Wetland by Radar Multi Polarization Data

Jacome, M.C.[Marcelo Cando] Co Author Listing * Detection of Terrain Deformations Using InSAR Techniques in Relation to Results on Terrain Subsidence (Ciudad de Zaruma, Ecuador)
Includes: Jacome, M.C.[Marcelo Cando] Jácome, M.C.[Marcelo Cando]

Jacome, R.[Roman] Co Author Listing * Deep-Fusion: An End-To-End Approach for Compressive Spectral Image Fusion
* Highly Constrained Coded Aperture Imaging Systems Design Via a Knowledge Distillation Approach
* Invitation to Hypercomplex Phase Retrieval: Theory and applications, An
* LD-GAN: Low-Dimensional Generative Adversarial Network for Spectral Image Generation with Variance Regularization
* Octonion Phase Retrieval
* Optical Solutions for Spectral Imaging Inverse Problems with a Shift-Variant System

Jacon, A.D.[Aline Daniele] Co Author Listing * Advancing Forest Degradation and Regeneration Assessment Through Light Detection and Ranging and Hyperspectral Imaging Integration
* Characterizing Canopy Structure Variability in Amazonian Secondary Successions with Full-Waveform Airborne LiDAR
* Intercomparison of Burned Area Products and Its Implication for Carbon Emission Estimations in the Amazon
Includes: Jacon, A.D.[Aline Daniele] Jacon, A.D.[Aline D.]

Jacopo, B.[Bacenetti] Co Author Listing * Suggestions for the Environmental Sustainability from Precision Livestock Farming and Replacement in Dairy Cows

Jacot Descombes, A. Co Author Listing * Efficient Segmentation and Camera Motion Indexing of Compressed Video
Includes: Jacot Descombes, A. Jacot-Descombes, A.

Jacot, J. Co Author Listing * 3D Objects Localization Using Fuzzy Approach and Hierarchical Belief Propagation: Application at Level Crossings
* Autofocus for Automated Microassembly under a Microscope
* Background subtraction and 3D localization of moving and stationary obstacles at level crossings
* resonant retina: Exploiting vibration noise to optimally detect edges in an image, The
* Trajectory Analysis for Sport and Video Surveillance
Includes: Jacot, J. Jacot, J.[Jacques]

Jacova, C. Co Author Listing * Novel Surface-Smoothing Based Local Gyrification Index

Jacovitti, G. Co Author Listing * Detail-Based Method for Linear Full Reference Image Quality Prediction, A
* Eye detection based on the polynomial Hermite expansion
* Full-reference calibration-free image quality assessment
* Maximum Likelihood Localization of 2-D Patterns in the Gauss-Laguerre Transform Domain: Theoretic Framework and Preliminary Results
* Maximum Likelihood Orientation Estimation of 1-D Patterns in Laguerre-Gauss Subspaces
* On the Inter-Conversion Between Hermite and Laguerre Local Image Expansions
* Texture synthesis with Bussgang techniques
* Texture Synthesis-by-analysis with Hard-limited Gaussian Processes
* Two-Dimensional Approach to Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment Based on Positional Structural Information
Includes: Jacovitti, G. Jacovitti, G.[Giovanni]
9 for Jacovitti, G.

Index for "j"

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