Update Dates 1112

1112 * *Image Analysis and Signal Processing
* *International Conference on Image Information Processing
* *Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal Imaging. Computational Challenges and Clinical Opportunities
* 2D shape representation and similarity measurement for 3D recognition problems: An experimental analysis
* 3-D geometric signal compression method based on compressed sensing
* 3D facial expression recognition using SIFT descriptors of automatically detected keypoints
* Accurate and Efficient Optic Disc Detection and Segmentation by a Circular Transformation
* Acoustic Hazard Detection for Pedestrians With Obscured Hearing
* Active Pedestrian Safety by Automatic Braking and Evasive Steering
* Adaptive Background Modeling Integrated With Luminosity Sensors and Occlusion Processing for Reliable Vehicle Detection
* Adaptive Context-Tree-Based Statistical Filtering for Raster Map Image Denoising
* Adaptive Detection of a Partly Known Signal Corrupted by Strong Interference
* Adaptive Diffusion Augmented CLMS Algorithm for Distributed Filtering of Noncircular Complex Signals, An
* Adaptive edge preserving regularized image restoration
* Adaptive Manifold Learning
* Adaptive Performance Optimization for Large-Scale Traffic Control Systems
* Adaptive Sub-Optimal Hopfield Neural Network image restoration base on edge detection
* Advances in theory and applications of pattern recognition, image processing and computer vision
* Algorithm and Architecture Design of Perception Engine for Video Coding Applications
* algorithm based on HRRP for target recognition, An
* Algorithm for Power Line Detection and Warning Based on a Millimeter-Wave Radar Video, An
* Algorithm for the Contextual Adaption of SURF Octave Selection With Good Matching Performance: Best Octaves, An
* algorithm of doppler frequency rate-of-change estimation for coherent pulse train, An
* Analysis and calculation of the moored ship cable tension based on Monte Carlo Method
* analysis and research of visual perception and image processing in visual information design: Take Google Earth for example, The
* Analysis of brain MRI images of intracerebral haemorrhage using frequency domain technique
* Analysis of Imaging Spectrometer Data Using N-Dimensional Geometry and a Mixture-Tuned Matched Filtering Approach
* Analysis of Non-Local Image Denoising Methods
* Analysis of physical ageing effects in iris biometrics
* Analysis of spatial domain information for footstep recognition
* Analysis of training parameters for classifiers based on Haar-like features to detect human faces
* Analysis of variance of Gabor filter banks parameters for optimal face recognition
* Analytical study of parallel and distributed image processing
* Analyzing Image Deblurring Through Three Paradigms
* Angular Embedding: A Robust Quadratic Criterion
* Anomaly Detection and Reconstruction From Random Projections
* application of a ZigBee based wireless sensor network in the LED street lamp control system, The
* application of middleware technology to communication network real-time monitoring system, The
* Application of morphological connected openings and levelings on magnetic resonance images of the brain
* Application of particle filter in high accuracy geometry measurement
* Application of slit island method in the measure of the fractal dimensions of pore section border in eggshells
* Application of the LP-ELM Model on Transportation System Lifetime Optimization
* application of Visual Computational Theory in spatial frequency domain: The simulation of dynamic radiated fringes, An
* application of VMI in automobile manufacturing SCM based on information system integration, The
* Applications of Objective Image Quality Assessment Methods
* approach for fully automating perspective images based on symmetry and line intersection, An
* approach to the radiometric aerotriangulation of photogrammetric images, An
* Arbitrary Body Segmentation With a Novel Graph Cuts-Based Algorithm
* Assemble New Object Detector With Few Examples
* Assessing Visual Quality of 3-D Polygonal Models
* Assessment of digital camera-derived vegetation indices in quantitative monitoring of seasonal rice growth
* Audiovisual Quality Components
* Augmenting graph cut with TV-L1 approach for robust stereo matching
* Augmenting Live Broadcast Sports with 3D Tracking Information
* Auto-detection and integration of tectonically significant lineaments from SRTM DEM and remotely-sensed geophysical data
* Automated cell classification and visualization for analyzing remyelination therapy
* Automated maze solving using fluid mechanics based numerical approach
* Automated ovarian follicle recognition for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
* Automated test data generation for mutation testing using AspectJ programs
* automatic and simple breast tumor classification using area matching, An
* Automatic citrus canker detection from leaf images captured in field
* Automatic detection of facial feature points in image sequences
* Automatic Image Equalization and Contrast Enhancement Using Gaussian Mixture Modeling
* Automatic Image Segmentation by Dynamic Region Merging
* Automatic segmentation of crop leaf spot disease images by integrating local threshold and seeded region growing
* Autonomous Framework to Produce and Distribute Personalized Team-Sport Video Summaries: A Basketball Case Study, An
* B-Spline Explicit Active Surfaces: An Efficient Framework for Real-Time 3-D Region-Based Segmentation
* Background Foreground Segmentation for SLAM
* Balancing Attended and Global Stimuli in Perceived Video Quality Assessment
* Ball Carrier Detection and Behavior Recognition in Basketball Match Using Covariance Descriptor
* Bayesian Approach for False Positive Reduction in CTC CAD, A
* Bayesian Robust Principal Component Analysis
* Bayesian Theoretic Approach to Multiscale Complex-Phase-Order Representations, A
* Benefits of Dense Stereo for Pedestrian Detection, The
* better approach for object tracking using dual-tree complex wavelet transform, A
* Binarization of Low-Quality Barcode Images Captured by Mobile Phones Using Local Window of Adaptive Location and Size
* Binary segmentation algorithm for English cursive handwriting recognition
* Biometric recognition of conjunctival vasculature using GLCM features
* Blind Image Quality Assessment: From Natural Scene Statistics to Perceptual Quality
* Blind Separation of Superimposed Moving Images Using Image Statistics
* Block-Based Depth Maps Interpolation for Efficient Multiview Content Generation
* Blood microscopic image segmentation using rough sets
* Blur Invariants Constructed From Arbitrary Moments
* Blurring length estimation using ringing artifacts in a deblurred image
* Brightness preserving contrast enhancement in digital pathology
* Building Development Monitoring in Multitemporal Remotely Sensed Image Pairs with Stochastic Birth-Death Dynamics
* Building look and feel concept models from color combinations: With applications in image classification, retrieval, and color transfer
* bundle adjustment approach with inner constraints for the scaled orthographic projection, A
* Calibration of omnidirectional cameras in practice: A comparison of methods
* Capacity Analysis For Orthogonal Halftone Orientation Modulation Channels
* Case Study of Evaluating Traffic Signal Control Systems Using Computational Experiments, A
* CCD performance model and noise control
* Central catadioptric image processing with geodesic metric
* Cerebral Artery-Vein Separation Using 0.1-Hz Oscillation in Dual-Wavelength Optical Imaging
* Chance-Constrained Robust Minimum-Volume Enclosing Simplex Algorithm for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Change Detection Based on Information Measure
* Characterization of motion cardiac patterns in magnetic resonance cine
* Characterizing Colonic Detections in CT Colonography Using Curvature-Based Feature Descriptor and Bag-of-Words Model
* Choice of low resolution sample sets for efficient super-resolution signal reconstruction
* Classification of bamboo plant based on digital image processing by Central moment
* Classification of characters and grading writers in offline handwritten Gurmukhi script
* Classification of printed Gujarati characters using som based k-Nearest Neighbor Classifier
* Classifying the typefaces of the Gutenberg 42-line bible
* clustering-based approach for the identification of a class of temporally switched linear systems, A
* Co-Saliency Model of Image Pairs, A
* Coarse-to-Fine Subpixel Registration Method to Recover Local Perspective Deformation in the Application of Image Super-Resolution, A
* code and domain independent traitor tracing system based on the eigen-decomposition of fingerprinted images, A
* Coevolutionary learning of neural network ensemble for complex classification tasks
* Cohort-based kernel visualisation with scatter matrices
* CoLDImage: Contrast and luminance distribution for content-based image retrieval
* Collinear Segment Detection Using HT Neighborhoods
* collision detection algorithm based on bounding volumes and space subdivision, The
* Colon Visualization Using Shape Preserving Flattening
* Color based skin classification
* Color harmony for clothing image
* Colorectal Polyp Segmentation Based on Geodesic Active Contours with a Shape-Prior Model
* Colored Noise Based Multicondition Training Technique for Robust Speaker Identification
* Combined Manifold Learning Analysis of Shape and Appearance to Characterize Neonatal Brain Development, A
* Combining algorithms for automatic detection of optic disc and macula in fundus images
* Combining analytic phase and Fourier phase for face recognition
* Combining multiple clusterings using fast simulated annealing
* Combining Total Variation and Nonlocal Means Regularization for Edge Preserving Image Deconvolution
* Comments on Generalized Sampling Expansion for Bandlimited Signals Associated With Fractional Fourier Transform
* Communication Mechanisms and Middleware for Distributed Video Surveillance
* Comparative study of Directional antenna gain for MANET Nodes and Cluster Head Gateway in Integrated Mobile Adhoc Network
* comparative study of moment-based shape descriptors for product image retrieval, A
* Comparison of Markov Chain Abstraction and Monte Carlo Simulation for the Safety Assessment of Autonomous Cars
* Complementary Modularized Ramp Metering Approach Based on Iterative Learning Control and ALINEA, A
* Component Analysis-Based Unsupervised Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Compressed Sensing With Nonlinear Analog Mapping in a Noisy Environment
* Computational Analysis of the Human Eye with Applications
* Computational Cameras: Convergence of Optics and Processing
* Computationally Inexpensive Tracking Control of High-Speed Trains With Traction/Braking Saturation
* Computer-Aided Detection of Small Bowel Strictures for Emergency Radiology in CT Enterography
* Computer-Assisted Diagnosis for Quantitative Image-Based Analysis of Crohn's Disease in CT Enterography
* Conformal Geometry Based Supine and Prone Colon Registration
* Connotative Space for Supporting Movie Affective Recommendation, A
* Constant-Time Filtering Using Shiftable Kernels
* Construction of convex hull classifiers in high dimensions
* Content adaptive fast motion estimation based on spatio-temporal homogeneity analysis and motion classification
* Context-based biometric key generation for Iris
* Contextual and Variational Contrast Enhancement
* Continuous Multiclass Labeling Approaches and Algorithms
* Converting 2D Video to 3D: An Efficient Path to a 3D Experience
* Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control: A Reinforcement Learning Approach
* corpus for benchmarking of people detection algorithms, A
* Corrections to Impact of DEM-Assisted Coregistration on High-Resolution SAR Interferometry
* Coupled Bias-Variance Tradeoff for Cross-Pose Face Recognition
* Cross-pose face recognition based on partial least squares
* Cultural Analytics in Large-Scale Visualization Environments
* Curved Glide-Reflection Symmetry Detection
* Cybercrime forensic system in cloud computing
* Cytoplasm and nucleus segmentation in cervical smear images using Radiating GVF Snake
* Data mining approach for coronary artery disease screening
* Data mining by density estimation using wavelet
* Data Modeling and Optimization for Wireless Drive-Through Applications
* Data-driven approach for automatic orientation of 3D shapes
* Data-Driven Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Survey
* Decentralized Coordinated Downlink Beamforming via Primal Decomposition
* Decision Fusion and Reasoning Module for a Traffic Sign Recognition System, A
* Delay optimized array multiplier for signal and image processing
* Denoising method for acoustic wake based on correlation of multiwavelet coefficient
* design and implementation of a Visual Workflow Modeling tool based on Eclipse plug-ins, The
* Design and Implementation of Multisteerable Matched Filters
* Design and Realization of a Framework for Human-System Interaction in Smart Homes
* design of a face recognition system based on skin color and geometrical characteristics, The
* Design of a simulink model for uncertainty quantification of concentration of contaminant transport through ground water
* design of embedded vehicle-mounted anti-collision system, The
* Design of Real-Time Self-Frame-Rate-Control Foreground Detection for Multiple Camera Surveillance System
* Design of wide-band array with frequency invariant beam pattern by using adaptive synthesis method
* Design on self-balancing and track-searching cart
* Design strategies for direct multi-scale and multi-orientation feature extraction in the log-polar domain
* Detecting Bladder Abnormalities Based on Inter-layer Intensity Curve for Virtual Cystoscopy
* Detection of doctored images using bispectral analysis
* Detection of Parked Vehicles Using Spatiotemporal Maps
* Detection of river ice using relevance vector machine
* Detection of the Invasion of Bladder Tumor into Adjacent Wall Based on Textural Features Extracted from MRI Images
* Determination of Amylose content in rice using electronic tongue
* DHP Method for Ramp Metering of Freeway Traffic
* Diagnosis of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma using image processing techniques
* Dictionaries Construction Using Alternating Projection Method in Compressive Sensing
* Diffuse Imaging: Creating Optical Images With Unfocused Time-Resolved Illumination and Sensing
* direct boosting algorithm for the k-nearest neighbor classifier via local warping of the distance metric, A
* Direct relative orientation with four independent constraints
* Dirichlet Gaussian mixture model: Application to image segmentation
* Discovering City Dynamics through Sports Tracking Applications
* Discovering Traffic Bottlenecks in an Urban Network by Spatiotemporal Data Mining on Location-Based Services
* Discretization of Parametrizable Signal Manifolds
* Disparity estimation using fractional dual tree complex wavelet transform
* Distributed differential evolution algorithm for MAP estimation of MRF model for detecting moving objects
* DLIG: Direct Local Indirect Global Alignment for Video Mosaicing
* DNA encoding based feature extraction for biometric watermarking
* Does the Cost Function Matter in Bayes Decision Rule?
* Driving School System: Learning Basic Driving Skills From a Teacher in a Real Car, The
* DToLIP: Detection and tracking of lip contours from human facial images using Snake's method
* Dual watermarking based on Multiple parameter fractional Fourier transform and LSB technique
* Dual-ADC based digital calibration of timing skew for a time-interleaved ADC
* Dynamic selection of generative-discriminative ensembles for off-line signature verification
* Dynamic three-dimensional virtual scene design based on VRML
* Dynamic-Zone-Based Coordinated Ramp-Metering Algorithm With Queue Constraints for Minnesota's Freeways, A
* e-Document retrieval using rough-set theory
* Ear recognition based on local information fusion
* ECG based biometric authentication-a novel data modelling approach
* Echo energy analysis for pulse position modulation sequences used for non-crosstalk sonar systems
* Edge based segmentation for pedestrian detection using NIR camera
* Edge detection based on mathematical morphology theory
* Edge preserved image fusion based on multiscale toggle contrast operator
* Edge preserving filter of side scan sonar images with wavelet modulus maxima shift-correlative technique
* Edge Strength Filter Based Color Filter Array Interpolation
* Editorial introduction to the special issue ICVGIP
* effective content based video retrieval utilizing texture, color and optimal key frame features, An
* effective discretization based on Class-Attribute Coherence Maximization, An
* effective double-bounded tree-connected Isomap algorithm for microarray data classification, An
* efficient algorithm for 3-D object reconstruction from 2-D images, An
* efficient and robust face detection method using neuro-fuzzy approach, An
* Efficient Computational Architecture for a Collision Early-Warning System for Vehicles, Pedestrians, and Bicyclists, An
* efficient decision-based and edge-preserving method for salt-and-pepper noise removal, An
* efficient face recognition approach using PCA and minimum distance classifier, An
* Efficient Feature Detection and Effective Post-Verification for Large Scale Near-Duplicate Image Search
* Efficient Feedforward Categorization of Objects and Human Postures with Address-Event Image Sensors
* Efficient Learning of Sample-Specific Discriminative Features for Scene Classification
* Efficient MEG signal decoding of direction in wrist movement using curve fitting (EMDC)
* Efficient Registration of Nonrigid 3-D Bodies
* Efficient Reversible Watermarking Based on Adaptive Prediction-Error Expansion and Pixel Selection
* Efficient Selective Perceptual-Based Super-Resolution Estimator, An
* Electronic Cleansing in CT Colonography: Past, Present, and Future
* elegant approach for automatic license plate recognition, An
* Emotion recognition based on texture analysis of facial expression
* emotional expression of punctuation in the network language, The
* Empirical modeling using symbolic regression via postfix Genetic Programming
* Endmember Extraction of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images Based on the Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
* Energy saving routing algorithm based on SPIN protocol in WSN
* Energy-Based Model for the Image Edge-Histogram Specification Problem, An
* Enhanced Biologically Inspired Model for Object Recognition
* Enhanced Sign Language Recognition Using Weighted Intrinsic-Mode Entropy and Signer's Level of Deafness
* Enhancement of RC5 for image encryption
* Enhancing face matching in a suitable binary environment
* Enhancing Hyperspectral Image Unmixing With Spatial Correlations
* Enhancing information retrieval efficiency using semantic-based-combined-similarity-measure
* Entropy based region selection for moving object detection
* error filtration method based on local similarity of the character to identify soiled vehicle license plate, An
* Estimating the Effect of Satellite Orbital Error Using Wavelet-Based Robust Regression Applied to InSAR Deformation Data
* Estimation of Biomass Burned Areas Using Multiple-Satellite-Observed Active Fires
* Estimation of facial expression intensity from a sequence of binary face images
* Estimation of Necrosis Volumes in Focal Liver Lesions Based on Multi-phase Hepatic CT Images
* Evaluation and analysis of illumination normalization methods for face recognition
* Evaluation of features for automated transcription of dual-handed sign language alphabets
* Evaluation of image resolution and super-resolution on face recognition performance
* Evaluation of segmentation techniques using region area and boundary matching information
* Experimental analysis on sub-pixel subdivision algorithm of image measurement
* Experimental study with enhanced Vision System prototype unit
* Exponentially weighted moving average charts for detecting concept drift
* Extraction of Landmarks and Features from Virtual Colon Models
* Extrapolation Algorithm for (a,b,c,d) -Bandlimited Signals, An
* Face recognition using multimodal biometric features
* False-Positive Reduction in Computer-Aided Detection of Polyps in CT Colonography: A Massive-Training Support Vector Regression Approach
* family Particle Swarm Optimization based on the family tree, A
* fast 3D reconstruction of inextensible surfaces using adaptive weights, A
* fast algorithm for discrete sine transform using first-order moment, A
* Fast algorithm for multiplicative noise removal
* Fast and Accurate Fingerprint Indexing Based on Ridge Orientation and Frequency
* Fast and Efficient Multi-View Depth Image Coding Method Based on Temporal and Inter-View Correlations of Texture Images, A
* Fast and Robust Circular Object Detection With Probabilistic Pairwise Voting
* Fast and versatile texture-based wireframe rendering
* Fast Bi-Directional Prediction Selection in H.264/MPEG-4 AVC Temporal Scalable Video Coding
* Fast bilateral filter for HDR imaging
* Fast bilateral filtering using image redundancy reduction
* Fast bilateral filtering using motion detection
* Fast O(1) Bilateral Filtering Using Trigonometric Range Kernels
* Fast Radix-2 Algorithm for the Discrete Hartley Transform of Type II
* fast template matching algorithm for aerial object tracking, A
* Fast Vanishing-Point Detection in Unstructured Environments
* Fault detection in metallic grid scattering
* Feature detection and tracking in optical flow on non-flat manifolds
* Feature Selection with Conjunctions of Decision Stumps and Learning from Microarray Data
* Fingerprint Singular Point Detection Based on Multiple-Scale Orientation Entropy
* Flat Refractive Geometry
* Font Search Engine for Large Font Databases, A
* FoSA: F* Seed-growing Approach for crack-line detection from pavement images
* Fourier shape-frequency words for actions
* Fourier-Domain Multichannel Autofocus for Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Fractional anisotropy-weighted front evolution algorithm for white matter tractography based on diffusion tensor imaging data
* Frame Complexity Guided Lagrange Multiplier Selection for H.264 Intra-Frame Coding
* Framework for human action recognition using spatial temporal based cuboids
* Frequency Domain Echo Canceller for DMT-Based Systems
* frequent itemset storing structure, A
* Fully Constrained Least Squares Spectral Unmixing by Simplex Projection
* Fundamentals of Imaging: From Particles to Galaxies, The
* Fusion of Log-Gabor wavelet and orthogonal locality sensitive discriminant analysis for face recognition
* Fusion of multimodality Medical Images using combined Activity Level Measurement and Contourlet Transform
* Future trends in biometric processing
* Fuzzy Directional (FD) Filter for impulsive noise reduction in colour video sequences
* Gain-phase mismatch correction technique for I/Q channel receiver
* Gaussian Process Dynamical Models for hand gesture interpretation in Sign Language
* Generalized Hybrid Intra and Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Generalized Random Walks for Fusion of Multi-Exposure Images
* Generating realtime panorama using a generalized feature vector approach
* Generation and evaluation of multitemporal digital terrain models of the Mt. Everest area from different optical sensors
* geometric-based method for recognizing overlapping polygonal-shaped and semi-transparent particles in gray tone images, A
* Geometrically Guided Exemplar-Based Inpainting
* Geometrically local embedding in manifolds for dimension reduction
* Global and local choice of the number of nearest neighbors in locally linear embedding
* Gradient-Based Image Recovery Methods From Incomplete Fourier Measurements
* Graphical Models and Inference on Graphs in Genomics: Challenges of high-throughput data analysis
* Graphical Speech Training system for hearing impaired
* Grayscale digital halftoning using BPSO-GA combined optimization technique
* Greenhouse Gas Emission Impacts of Carsharing in North America
* Guided Face Cartoon Synthesis
* Guided wave signal recognition by matching pursuit based on evolutionary programming algorithm
* Hand gesture animation by key frame extraction
* Hand gesture recognition for human computer interaction
* Hand vein biometry based on geometry and appearance methods
* Handwritten Bangla character recognition in machine-printed forms using gradient information and Haar wavelet
* hardware/software co-design model for face recognition using Cognimem Neural Network chip, A
* Hardware/software co-design of embedded image processing system using systemc modeling platform
* Harris 3D: a robust extension of the Harris operator for interest point detection on 3D meshes
* Harvesting maps on the web
* Haustral Fold Segmentation of CT Colonography Using Ridge Line Detection
* Hidden-Markov-Model-Based Segmentation Confidence Applied to Container Code Character Extraction
* Hierarchical clustering on texture statistics for search space reduction of large scale face recognition
* Hierarchical spatio-temporal extraction of models for moving rigid parts
* hierarchical threshold secret image sharing, A
* High efficient distributed video coding with parallelized design for LDPCA decoding on CUDA based GPGPU
* High-Accuracy Sub-Pixel Registration for Noisy Images Based on Phase Correlation
* High-Quality Reflection Separation Using Polarized Images
* High-Resolution ISAR Imaging With Sparse Stepped-Frequency Waveforms
* Highly Parallel Line-Based Image Coding for Many Cores
* Hooke and jeeves algorithm for linear least-square problems in sparse signal reconstruction
* How to Transform and Filter Images Using Iterated Function Systems
* Human Gait Recognition Using Patch Distribution Feature and Locality-Constrained Group Sparse Representation
* Human pose estimation in surveillance videos using temporal continuity on static pose
* Human Psychology of Common Appraisal: The Reddit Score
* human-machine gambling system based on System on Programming Chip (SOPC), A
* Hybrid Automatic Endmember Extraction Algorithm Based on a Local Window, A
* hybrid demosaicking algorithm using frequency domain and wavelet methods, A
* hybrid feature selection method using both filter and wrapper in mammography CAD, A
* Hybrid feature to encode shape and texture for Content Based Image Retrieval
* Hybrid Parallel Extraction of Isosurface Components from 3D Rectilinear Volume Data
* Hyperconnections and Hierarchical Representations for Grayscale and Multiband Image Processing
* Hyperspectral Unmixing via L_1/2 Sparsity-Constrained Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Hypothesis test on quality measures for synthetic aperture radar images
* IAIR-CarPed: A psychophysically annotated dataset with fine-grained and layered semantic labels for object recognition
* Identification and Analysis of Queue Spillovers in City Street Networks
* Identifying Regional Cardiac Abnormalities From Myocardial Strains Using Nontracking-Based Strain Estimation and Spatio-Temporal Tensor Analysis
* Illumination invariant extraction for face recognition using neighboring wavelet coefficients
* Image Authentication Using Distributed Source Coding
* Image decomposition via learning the morphological diversity
* Image Deconvolution With Multi-Stage Convex Relaxation and Its Perceptual Evaluation
* Image feature detection from phase congruency based on two-dimensional Hilbert transform
* Image fusion using hierarchical PCA.
* Image hiding using unitary similarity transformation
* Image Inpainting Based on Coherence Transport with Adapted Distance Functions
* Image Interpolation Via Regularized Local Linear Regression
* image matching evolutionary algorithm based on Hu invariant moments, An
* Image Multidistortion Estimation
* Image quality assessment based on local edge direction histogram
* image ray transform for structural feature detection, The
* image recognition algorithm based on thickness of ice cover of transmission line, An
* Image registration: A pre-step in patient's position verification in radiation therapy
* Image Segmentation by Probabilistic Bottom-Up Aggregation and Cue Integration
* Image Signature: Highlighting Sparse Salient Regions
* Images as sets of locally weighted features
* Impact of bit error on video transmission over wireless networks and error resiliency
* Implementation of Max Principle with PCA in image fusion for Surveillance and Navigation Application
* Implementation of Scale and Rotation Invariant On-Line Object Tracking Based on CUDA
* Imprinted Braille-character pattern recognition using image processing techniques
* Improved accuracy assessment indices for object-based high resolution remotely sensed imagery classification
* improved algorithm For UWB based imaging of breast tumors, An
* Improved Block Truncation Coding Using Extreme Mean Value Scaling and Block-Based High Speed Direct Binary Search
* Improved conjugate gradient implementation for least squares support vector machines
* Improved Curvature Estimation for Shape Analysis in Computer-Aided Detection of Colonic Polyps
* Improved feature extraction and matching in urban environments based on 3D viewpoint normalization
* Improved filtering method used for linear CCD light spot image
* Improved Image Recovery From Compressed Data Contaminated With Impulsive Noise
* Improved Joint DOD and DOA Estimation for MIMO Array With Velocity Receive Sensors
* Improved SIMD Architecture for High Performance Video Processors
* Improving Korean verb-verb morphological disambiguation using lexical knowledge from unambiguous unlabeled data and selective web counts
* Improving Lossless Intra Coding of H.264/AVC by Pixel-Wise Spatial Interleave Prediction
* Improving Spatial-Spectral Endmember Extraction in the Presence of Anomalous Ground Objects
* Improving sub-pixel accuracy for long range stereo
* Improving the assessment of ICESat water altimetry accuracy accounting for autocorrelation
* Improving the Speech Quality of VoIP by Packet Prioritization
* Improving the Wishart Synthetic Aperture Radar image classifications through Deterministic Simulated Annealing
* Infinite Liouville mixture models with application to text and texture categorization
* Influence of Aircraft Maneuver Preference Variability on Airspace Usage
* Influence of shape parameters on optimal scale selection in multi-resolution segmentation
* Information fusion for 3D face recognition
* Inpainting with image patches for compression
* Inquiry-Based Learning Through Image Processing
* Integrating Segmentation Information for Improved MRF-Based Elastic Image Registration
* integration of directional information and local region information for accurate image segmentation, The
* Integration of Hough Transform of lines and planes in the framework of conformal geometric algebra for 2D and 3D robot vision
* Integration of RSM model for optimization of immobilized lipase mediated solvent-free synthesis of flavour ester by genetic algorithm
* Intelligent Highway Traffic Surveillance With Self-Diagnosis Abilities
* Intelligent region-based thresholding for color document images with highlighted regions
* Intelligent transportation system based on SIP/ZigBee architecture
* Interactive H.264/SVC error control methods design and implementation
* Intercomparison and Validation of Techniques for Spectral Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images: A Planetary Case Study
* International Large-Scale Vehicle Corpora for Research on Driver Behavior on the Road
* Interpolated eigenfunctions for volumetric shape processing
* Interpolating Sparse GPS Measurements Via Relaxation Labeling and Belief Propagation for the Redeployment of Ambulances
* Intrinsic nonlinear multiscale image decomposition: A 2D empirical mode decomposition-like tool
* Introduction to Parallel Control and Management for High-Speed Railway Systems, An
* investigation into robust spectral indices for leaf chlorophyll estimation, An
* IP-Based Mobile and Fixed Network Audiovisual Media Services
* Is the Kanizsa illusion triggered by the simultaneous contrast mechanism?
* Iterative bicluster-based least square framework for estimation of missing values in microarray gene expression data
* Iterative Narrowband-Based Graph Cuts Optimization for Geodesic Active Contours With Region Forces (GACWRF)
* Iterative Quadratic Optimization for the Bus Holding Control Problem
* Joint Clock and Frequency Synchronization for OFDM-Based Cellular Systems
* Joint dynamic sparse representation for multi-view face recognition
* Joint photometric and geometric image registration in the total least square sense
* k-nearest neighbor based offline handwritten Gurmukhi character recognition
* Kernel discrimination via oblique projection
* Kernel Eigenvoices (Revisited) for Large-Vocabulary Speech Recognition
* Kernel Framework for Content-Based Artist Recommendation System in Music, A
* Kernel-based feature extraction under maximum margin criterion
* Key frame extraction based on visual attention model
* Large-scale, dense city reconstruction from user-contributed photos
* Latent topic model-based group activity discovery
* LDAHash: Improved Matching with Smaller Descriptors
* Learning based video authentication using statistical local information
* Learning Discriminative Sparse Representations for Modeling, Source Separation, and Mapping of Hyperspectral Imagery
* Learning pairwise image similarities for multi-classification using Kernel Regression Trees
* Learning to Detect 3D Rectal Tubes in CT Colonography Using a Global Shape Model
* LEGION-Based Automatic Road Extraction From Satellite Imagery
* Linear-quadratic blind source separating structure for removing show-through in scanned documents
* Linking the von Kries model to Wien's law for the estimation of an illuminant invariant image
* Local Feedback-Based Mainstream Traffic Flow Control on Motorways Using Variable Speed Limits
* Locality-Sensitive Hashing for Chi2 Distance
* LODE: A distance-based classifier built on ensembles of positive and negative observations
* Logical Approach to Real Options Identification With Application to UAV Systems, A
* Lossless data hiding for halftone images
* Low Distortion Transform for Reversible Watermarking
* Low SNR signal time-frequency analyzing method
* Low-dimensional and comprehensive color texture description
* Machine Learning for the New York City Power Grid
* Mapping grassland leaf area index with airborne hyperspectral imagery: A comparison study of statistical approaches and inversion of radiative transfer models
* Mapping impervious surfaces with the integrated use of Landsat Thematic Mapper and radar data: A case study in an urban-rural landscape in the Brazilian Amazon
* Markov-random-field-based super-resolution mapping for identification of urban trees in VHR images
* Matching Handwritten Line Drawings with Von Mises Distributions
* Mathematical Model for Urban Traffic and Traffic Optimization Using a Developed ICA Technique, A
* Maximizing the Sum-Rate of Amplify-and-Forward Two-Way Relaying Networks
* Measuring linearity of open planar curve segments
* Memory-Efficient Architecture for Hysteresis Thresholding and Object Feature Extraction
* Meta-Analysis of Vibrotactile and Visual Information Displays for Improving Task Performance, A
* metadata access strategy of learning resources based on HDFS, A
* method for mixed states texture segmentation with simultaneous parameter estimation, A
* Method of counting thin steel plates based on digital image processing
* method of measuring the semantic gap in image retrieval: Using the information theory, A
* Metro Traffic Regulation by Adaptive Optimal Control
* Mining User Movement Behavior Patterns in a Mobile Service Environment
* Minutiae based thermal face recognition using blood perfusion data
* model based on three-layer agent of personalized information retrieval systems, A
* Model With a Heuristic Algorithm for Solving the Long-Term Many-to-Many Car Pooling Problem, A
* Modeling and Formalization of Fuzzy Finite Automata for Detection of Irregular Fire Flames
* Modeling and Tracking the Driving Environment With a Particle-Based Occupancy Grid
* Modeling Evacuation of a Transport System: Application of a Multimodal Mesoscopic Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model
* modified ant colony optimization based approach for image edge detection, A
* Modified PPPE architecture for two-dimensional Radon Transform computation
* Monitoring the water quality of Liangzi Lake based on HJ-1 data
* Movement-Imagery Brain-Computer Interface: EEG Classification of Beta Rhythm Synchronization Based on Cumulative Distribution Function
* Moving object detection based on T-test combined with kirsch operator
* MPEG-DASH Standard for Multimedia Streaming Over the Internet, The
* MPEG-M: Multimedia Service Platform Technologies
* Multi-Resolution Design for Large-Scale and High-Resolution Monitoring
* Multi-resolution image fusion by FFT
* Multi-task learning to rank for web search
* Multi-view dense matching supported by triangular meshes
* Multi-view fast object detection by using extended haar filters in uncontrolled environments
* Multiband Image Segmentation and Object Recognition for Understanding Road Scenes
* Multichannel digital watermarking of color images using SVD
* Multimedia Quality Assessment
* Multimedia Quality Assessment Standards in ITU-T SG12
* Multimodal Speaker Diarization
* Multiple Exposure Fusion for High Dynamic Range Image Acquisition
* Multiple-Hypothesis Map-Matching Method Suitable for Weighted and Box-Shaped State Estimation for Localization, A
* multiresolution approach for rotation invariant texture image retrieval with orthogonal polynomials model, A
* Multitemporal Unmixing of Medium-Spatial-Resolution Satellite Images: A Case Study Using MERIS Images for Land-Cover Mapping
* Multivariate Compressive Sensing for Image Reconstruction in the Wavelet Domain: Using Scale Mixture Models
* Multiview depth coding based on combined color/depth segmentation
* Multiview human pose estimation with unconstrained motions
* Mumford-Shah-Euler Flow with Sphere Constraint and Applications to Color Image Inpainting
* Mumford-Shah-Like Method for Limited Data Tomography with an Application to Electron Tomography, A
* N8(P) detail preserving adaptive filter for impulse noise removal, A
* Natural Matting for Degraded Pictures
* Natural scene category recognition based on multiple channels of PHOW
* Near real time enhancement of geospatial imagery via systolic implementation of neural network-adapted convex regularization techniques
* Near Real-Time Stereo Matching Using Geodesic Diffusion
* Neuro-visually inspired figure-ground segregation
* Neutrosophic approach of MRI denoising, A
* New Accordion based video compression approach
* new algorithm for 3D object representation and its application for human face verification, A
* New Algorithm for Real Data Convolutions With j -Circulants, A
* New Algorithm for Robust Pedestrian Tracking Based on Manifold Learning and Feature Selection, A
* new angle on imaging, A
* new discriminant subspace analysis approach for multi-class problems, A
* New fMRI analysis method for multiple stimuli using reference estimation
* New Fractional Random Wavelet Transform for Fingerprint Security, A
* New Framework for Stereo Sensor Pose Through Road Segmentation and Registration, A
* New Method for Temporal Phase Unwrapping of Persistent Scatterers InSAR Time Series, A
* New Multiobjective Signal Optimization for Oversaturated Networks, A
* New splitting algorithms for geometric transformations of digital images and their error analysis
* New super-exponential iteration blind equalization algorithm for underwater acoustic communications
* New Vehicle Motion Model for Improved Predictions and Situation Assessment, A
* Newborn's ear recognition: Can it be done?
* NMS-based blurred image sub-pixel registration
* Non-crosstalk ultrasonic ranging system excited using chaotic sine frequency modulated sequences
* Non-homogeneous temporal Boolean models to study endocytosis
* Non-invasive measurement study of human blood alcohol concentration based on NIR dynamic spectrum
* non-linear image denoising method for salt-and-pepper noise removal using Fuzzy-Based approach, A
* Non-linear pattern recognition based on SVM and genetic algorithm
* Non-metrical scene reconstruction using a quasi-calibrated prime lens based camera
* Noniterative Coordinated Beamforming for Multiuser MIMO Systems With Limited Feedforward
* Nonlinear Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images Using a Generalized Bilinear Model
* Nonparametric Bayesian Dictionary Learning for Analysis of Noisy and Incomplete Images
* Nonrigid Brain MR Image Registration Using Uniform Spherical Region Descriptor
* Nonuniform sampling and reconstruction for high resolution satellite images
* novel algorithm for real time moving object tracking, A
* Novel Algorithm for View and Illumination Invariant Image Matching, A
* novel approach for delineation and feature extraction in QRS complex of ECG signal, A
* novel approach for depth image based rendering, based on non-linear transformation of depth values, A
* Novel Bayes' Theorem-Based Saliency Detection Model, A
* novel fountain code-based mobile IPTV multicast system architecture over WiMAX network, A
* novel frontal view synthesis method based on Neighbor Embedding, A
* novel hybrid CNN-SVM classifier for recognizing handwritten digits, A
* novel method for frame rate up-conversion, A
* novel predual dictionary learning algorithm, A
* Novel Word Spotting Method Based on Recurrent Neural Networks, A
* Object Retrieval Using Visual Query Context
* Object-based image fusion for minimization of color distortion in high-resolution satellite imagery
* Object-Graphs for Context-Aware Visual Category Discovery
* Objective Assessment of Multiresolution Image Fusion Algorithms for Context Enhancement in Night Vision: A Comparative Study
* Occluded face recognition based on the improved SVM and block weighted LBP
* OCR-character segmentation using Routing based fast replacement paths in Reach Algorithm, An
* On Comparison Of Pilot-Aided OFDM channel estimation algorithms
* On Complexity Modeling of H.264/AVC Video Decoding and Its Application for Energy Efficient Decoding
* On Phase Transition of Compressed Sensing in the Complex Domain
* On Sensor Bias in Experimental Methods for Comparing Interest-Point, Saliency, and Recognition Algorithms
* On the Effectiveness of an Opportunistic Traffic Management System for Vehicular Networks
* On the implementation of a information hiding design based on saliency map
* On the Inter-Conversion Between Hermite and Laguerre Local Image Expansions
* On the Use of Unit-Norm Tight Frames to Improve the Average MSE Performance in Compressive Sensing Applications
* On-line digital image stabilization for translational and rotational motion
* Online Distance Metric Learning for Object Tracking
* Online Learning Approach to Occlusion Boundary Detection, An
* Online signature verification using GA-SVM
* Online Video Stream Abstraction and Stylization
* OPQ: OT-Based Private Querying in VANETs
* Optimal Distributed Kalman Filtering Fusion Algorithm Without Invertibility of Estimation Error and Sensor Noise Covariances
* Optimal Layered Video IPTV Multicast Streaming Over Mobile WiMAX Systems
* Optimal pixel aspect ratio for enhanced 3D TV visualization
* Optimization model of number of scheduled freight train formation cars
* Optimization of Taxiway Routing and Runway Scheduling
* Optimization-Based Feedback Control for Pedestrian Evacuation From an Exit Corridor
* Optimized Pilot Placement for Sparse Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems
* Optimum band selection in hyperspectral imagery using swarm intelligence optimization algorithms
* Overlapping Mixtures of Gaussian Processes for the data association problem
* P2P Multiuser Low-Cost Universal Solution for On-Demand GPS Positioning and Tracking in Large Environments
* Pain monitoring: A dynamic and context-sensitive system
* Palm-dorsa vein recognition based on independent principle component analysis
* Palm-dorsa vein recognition based on Two-Dimensional Fisher Linear Discriminant
* Palmprint identification based on fusion of PCA and DT-CWT features
* Paper web defection segmentation using Gauss-Markov random field texture features
* Parameter and State Estimation in Vehicle Roll Dynamics
* Part-in-whole 3D shape matching and docking
* PatchMatch Randomized Matching Algorithm for Image Manipulation, The
* Pattern recognition approach to identify natural clusters of acoustic emission signals
* Peer-to-Peer Media Streaming: Insights and New Developments
* Peer-to-Peer Media Streaming: Insights and New Developments
* Performance analysis of object tracking algorithm
* Performance analysis of spectrum efficiency of cognitive radio
* Performance characterization of automotive computer vision systems using Graphics Processing Units (GPUs)
* Performance Evaluation of Full Search Equivalent Pattern Matching Algorithms
* Performance metrics for image contrast
* Performance of active appearance model-based pose-robust face recognition
* Performance of non-coherent signal detection of mary frequency-shift keying in triple layer Wireless Sensor Networks
* Personalized Coverage of Large Athletic Events
* Petri Net Modeling of the Cooperation Behavior of a Driver and a Copilot in an Advanced Driving Assistance System
* pitch tracking method mixing ACF and AMDF algorithms based on correlations, A
* Pixel Unmixing in Hyperspectral Data by Means of Neural Networks
* Pixel-Unmixing Moderate-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Using Pairwise Coupling Support Vector Machines: A Case Study
* Plant leaf imaging technique for agronomy
* Plasmodium vivax segmentation using modified fuzzy divergence
* Polarimetrically-Persistent-Scatterer-Based Automatic Target Recognition
* Post classification using Cellular Automata for Landsat images in developing countries
* Power-Constrained Contrast Enhancement for Emissive Displays Based on Histogram Equalization
* Practical String Stability of Platoon of Adaptive Cruise Control Vehicles
* Preconditioning for Edge-Preserving Image Super Resolution
* Predicting Pedestrian Counts in Crowded Scenes With Rich and High-Dimensional Features
* Prediction of cirrhosis from liver ultrasound B-mode images based on Laws' masks analysis
* Prediction of Lane Clearance Time of Freeway Incidents Using the M5P Tree Algorithm
* Predictive Threat Assessment via Reachability Analysis and Set Invariance Theory
* Preface to special issue on 3DOR 2010
* prefix and suffix query of Chinese word segmentation algorithm for maximum matching, The
* Preserving Wayang Kulit for Future Generations
* Primal-Dual Method for Total-Variation-Based Wavelet Domain Inpainting, A
* Probabilistic 3D object recognition and pose estimation using multiple interpretations generation
* Probabilistic Analysis of Link Duration in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, A
* probabilistic approach to printed document understanding, A
* Probabilistic Exposure Fusion
* Probabilistic Models for Inference about Identity
* Probabilistic prediction of malaria using morphological and textural information
* Probabilistic Rail Vehicle Localization With Eddy Current Sensors in Topological Maps
* Probability Density of Weight Deviations Given Preceding Weight Deviations for Proportionate-Type LMS Adaptive Algorithms
* Prominent object sharpening using reference image
* PROSOPON: A virtual anatomical 3D head model
* PSF Estimation via Gradient Domain Correlation
* Psychovisual Quality Metric in Free-Energy Principle, A
* Quality based illumination compensation for face recognition
* Quality evaluation of Foeniculum vulgare (Fennel) seeds using colorization
* Quality of Multimedia: Challenges and Trends, The
* Quantitative clinical marker extraction from colour fundus images for non-proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy grading
* Quantitative evaluation of the effects of aging on biometric templates
* Quantitative stereological analysis of confocal laser scanning microscopic images of cells
* Radial Imaging With Multipolar Magnetic Encoding Fields
* Random automatic detection of clusters
* rapid and automatic method for camera calibration based on LCD circle pattern, A
* RASIM: A Novel Rotation and Scale Invariant Matching of Local Image Interest Points
* Real-Time Affine Global Motion Estimation Using Phase Correlation and its Application for Digital Image Stabilization
* Real-Time Deformable Detector, A
* Real-time iris localization method
* Real-Time Stereo Matching Using Memory-Efficient Belief Propagation for High-Definition 3D Tele-Presence Systems
* Reasoning about cardinal directions between extended objects: The NP-hardness result
* Recent Advances in Reduction of False Positives in Computerized Detection of Polyps in CT Colonography
* Recognition of Bangla text from scene images through perspective correction
* Recognition of electrical symbols in document images using morphology and geometric analysis
* Recommendation based on Prominent Items
* Reconstructing the 3D Shape and Bone Mineral Density Distribution of the Proximal Femur From Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry
* Reconstruction of high contrast images for dynamic scenes
* Rectangle outline extraction of vehicles in SAR images
* Recursive Bayesian Control of Multichannel Acoustic Echo Cancellation
* Recursive Segmentation and Recognition Templates for Image Parsing
* reduced domain pool based on DCT for a fast fractal image encoding, A
* Reduced order modeling and robust controller design for a heat conduction problem
* Reduced- and No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Reference Estimation in EEG: Analysis of Equivalent Approaches
* Region-based segmentation of 2D and 3D images with tissue-like P systems
* Regularized image restoration with singular value decomposition
* Reinterpretation of three famous experiments on visual perception from the view of spatial frequency multi-channel
* Relations analysis between canal and urban development of Yangzhou supported by space technology
* Remote monitoring and commanding dispatch system of working boats based on C/S structure
* remote sensing adapted image registration method based on SIFT and phase congruency, A
* Representation of watercolor based on regions
* Research about security mechanism in wireless sensor network
* Research and design of GPU-based network video stream decoding and playing system
* Research in HDFS based on the campus network environment
* Research of 3D face reconstruction based on one image
* Research of biogas generator monitoring system model based on probability Petri nets
* Research of biogas power generator system based on internet technology
* Research of data packet transmission based on SMS services
* research of MPPT implementation strategy based on the improved conductance increment method, A
* Research of overload control algorithm fairness based on Parlay
* Research of parallel placed submarine cable route detection method
* Research of space target segmentation algorithm based on ToF camera
* research of tree growth based on image vision theory, The
* Research on a road displacement model and parameters determination based on structure mechanics
* research on arabic numeral symbol's use in poster design, The
* Research on cyanobacteria blooms monitoring ability of HJ-1 CCD
* Research on E-government information service mechanism based on unified communication technology
* Research on HMM_based speech synthesis for Lhasa dialect
* Research on Lhasa Tibetan prosodic model of journalese based on respiratory signal
* research on mobile game engine, The
* Research on modeling for submarine cable monitoring system based on timed colored Petri Nets
* Research on the model of submarine cable route monitoring based on improved Petri Nets
* Research on the restoration of motion-blurred images of Ochotona curzoniae
* Research on using sign language in outdoor advertising
* Retinal nerve fibre layer detection in fundus camera images compared to results from optical coherence tomography
* Retinal vessel segmentation using a probabilistic tracking method
* Retrieval of Canopy Closure and LAI of Moso Bamboo Forest Using Spectral Mixture Analysis Based on Real Scenario Simulation
* Review of Tomographic Imaging using Finite Element Method
* Road extraction framework by using cellular neural network from remote sensing images
* Road extraction using K-Means clustering and morphological operations
* Robust algorithm for tunnel closing in 3D volumetric objects based on topological characteristics of points
* robust area based disparity estimation technique for stereo vision applications, A
* Robust Automatic Knee MR Slice Positioning Through Redundant and Hierarchical Anatomy Detection
* Robust binarization of degraded documents using adaptive-cum-interpolative thresholding in a multi-scale framework
* Robust Contour Tracking by Combining Region and Boundary Information
* robust corner detector based on curvature scale space and harris, A
* Robust Intuitionistic Fuzzy C-means clustering for linearly and nonlinearly separable data
* Robust long range target detection algorithm using adaptive selective top-hat transform
* Robust real-time object tracking under background clutter
* Robust Spatial Matching for Object Retrieval and Its Parallel Implementation on GPU
* Robust video denoising for better subjective evaluation
* Robust Video Restoration by Joint Sparse and Low Rank Matrix Approximation
* Robust watermarking using extended anti-collusion codes
* ROI-based tissue type extraction and volume estimation in 3D brain anatomy
* role of ground reference data collection in the prediction of stem volume with LiDAR data in mountain areas, The
* Rotation invariant texture characterization using a curvelet based descriptor
* Rotation-invariant texture features from the steered Hermite transform
* runway recognition algorithm based on heuristic line extraction, A
* Saliency Density Maximization for Efficient Visual Objects Discovery
* Scale weight selection for feature extraction using complex wavelets: A framework
* Sea-surface image super-resolution based on sparse representation
* Search on automatic target tracking based on PTZ system
* Secret-Sharing-Based Method for Authentication of Grayscale Document Images via the Use of the PNG Image With a Data Repair Capability, A
* Secure fingerprint embedding based on modified GDFT based parametric transform
* seeded region growing algorithm for spot detection in medical image segmentation, A
* Segmentation of urban traffic scene based on 3D structure
* Select Trends in Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing
* Selected mapping and partial transmit sequence schemes to reduce PAPR in OFDM systems
* Selective color transferring via ellipsoid color mixture map
* Self-Stabilizing Colonic Capsule Endoscopy: Pilot Study of Acute Canine Models
* Sequence Alignment by Regression Coding
* Sequential model-based segmentation and recognition of image structures driven by visual features and spatial relations
* Shadow removal based on invariant image with Fisher discrimination criterion
* Shape based local thresholding for binarization of document images
* Shape matching and classification using height functions
* shape prior constraint for implicit active contours, A
* Simple fish-eye calibration method with accuracy evaluation
* simple method to simulate waved water, A
* Simplex Volume Maximization Framework for Hyperspectral Endmember Extraction, A
* simplified multi-class support vector machine with reduced dual optimization, A
* Simultaneous tracking and action recognition for single actor human actions
* Skew correction of engineering drawings by digital-geometric analysis of Farey ranks
* Skewed text correction based on the improved Hough transform
* Skin color and feature-based face detection in complicated backgrounds
* Smile Detection by Boosting Pixel Differences
* Some new product cordial graphs
* Sparse 2-D Canonical Correlation Analysis via Low Rank Matrix Approximation for Feature Extraction
* Sparse Algorithms Are Not Stable: A No-Free-Lunch Theorem
* Sparse and stable gene selection with consensus SVM-RFE
* Sparse Demixing of Hyperspectral Images
* Sparse non-linear denoising: Generalization performance and pattern reproducibility in functional MRI
* Spatial Audio Object Coding With Two-Step Coding Structure for Interactive Audio Service
* Spatial color histogram based center voting method for subsequent object tracking and segmentation
* Spatial-spectral endmember extraction for spaceborne hyperspectral data
* Spatially Adaptive Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Speaker identification based on Classification Sub-space Gaussian Mixture Model
* Special issue on Virtual Representations and Modeling of Large-scale environments (VRML)
* Spectral colour image processing
* Spectral feature selection for shape characterization and classification
* Speech emotion recognition system based on genetic algorithm and neural network
* Spherical surface parameterization for perspective shape from shading
* Spike Sorting: The First Step in Decoding the Brain
* Spot image processing and simulation of the laser proximity fuze
* Stability analysis of FAST TCP using PI transfer function
* Statistical estimation of emotions in speech notes by featured term analogy
* Statistical Modeling Approach to the Analysis of Spatial Patterns of FDG-PET Uptake in Human Sarcoma, A
* Stereo matching-based low-textured scene reconstruction for ALV navigation
* Stratification-Based Keyframe Cliques for Effective and Efficient Video Representation
* Structure analysis image quality measurement
* Structure-preserved NLTV regularization for image denoising
* study of Bessel Fourier moments invariant for image retrieval and classification, A
* study on 2D signal noise reduction method for wavelet analysis, A
* Study on 3D sketch rendering based on GPU
* Study on binocular stereo camera calibration method
* Study on classification for vegetation spectral feature extraction method based on decision tree algorithm
* study on diagram design and analysis of iPhones' user interfaces, A
* Study on dynamic sharing of military shortwave frequency spectrum
* Study on Hierarchical Pre-treatment Image Fusion Algorithm of Complicated Sea and Airspace Background
* Study on military shortwave frequency planning
* study on standing tree measurement based on image processing embedded in a smartphone, The
* Study on the fusion of MODIS and TM images using the spectral response function and STARFM algorithm
* Subspaces Indexing Model on Grassmann Manifold for Image Search
* Suitability of Complex Wavelets towards Face Recognition
* super-resolution method based on local sparse and global gradient, A
* Supervised neighborhood graph construction for semi-supervised classification
* Suppression of non-text components in handwritten document images
* Susceptibility to Visual Discomfort of 3-D Displays by Visual Performance Measures
* Sustainable image transmission
* SVM Classification of Tree Species Radiometric Signatures Based on the Leica ADS40 Sensor, An
* SVM classifier for recognition of handwritten devanagari numeral
* SVM-Based Unmixing-to-Classification Conversion for Hyperspectral Abundance Quantification
* Symmetric Motion Estimation Method for Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation, A
* Synchronized Display of Virtual Colonoscopic Views in Supine and Prone CT Images
* synthetic digital signal processing method of ultrasonic guided wave pipeline inspection, A
* System framework design of automated data mining technology based on intelligent agents
* systematic approach for 2D-image to 3D-range registration in urban environments, A
* Tagged Visual Cryptography
* Taxonomy and Experimental Study on Prototype Generation for Nearest Neighbor Classification, A
* Telepresence: Virtual Reality in the Real World
* Template-based quadrilateral mesh generation from imaging data
* Teniae Coli Extraction in Human Colon for Computed Tomographic Colonography Images
* Tensor Locally Linear Discriminative Analysis
* Texture-Aware Salient Edge Model for Image Retargeting, A
* Theory of Waveform-Diverse Moving-Target Spotlight Synthetic-Aperture Radar
* Three-Dimensional Deformable-Model-Based Localization and Recognition of Road Vehicles
* Three-Dimensional Imaging and Scattering Mechanism Estimation Over Urban Scenes Using Dual-Baseline Polarimetric InSAR Observations at L-Band
* Three-dimensional modeling of a telerobot based on SolidWorks and Open Inventor
* Time Synchronization Errors in Loosely Coupled GPS-Aided Inertial Navigation Systems
* Timing Acquisition for Bandlimited Long-Code DS-CDMA in Doubly-Selective Fading Channels
* Tissue-Specific Compartmental Analysis for Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Imaging of Complex Tumors
* Total least square kernel regression
* Toward a combined tool to assist dermatologists in melanoma detection from dermoscopic images of pigmented skin lesions
* Toward a Practical Face Recognition System: Robust Alignment and Illumination by Sparse Representation
* Toward Dynamic Image Mosaic Generation With Robustness to Parallax
* Towards automated post-production and semantic annotation of films
* Towards contactless palmprint authentication
* Towards stratified model-based environmental visual perception for humanoid robots
* Tracing specular light paths in point-based scenes
* Tracking and Reconstruction in a Combined Optimization Approach
* Tracking highly correlated targets through statistical multiplexing
* Tracking Web Video Topics: Discovery, Visualization, and Monitoring
* Tracking With a Hierarchical Partitioned Particle Filter and Movement Modelling
* Trajectory Clustering and an Application to Airspace Monitoring
* Transform-Based Computation of the Distribution of a Linear Combination of Random Variables Over Arbitrary Finite Fields
* Transient Wave Imaging with Limited-View Data
* Tree-Based Context Model for Object Recognition, A
* Tuning topical queries for effective information retrieval
* Two-Dimensional Ultrawideband Radar Imaging of a Target With Arbitrary Translation and Rotation
* Unified Framework for Biometric Expert Fusion Incorporating Quality Measures, A
* Uniform Grid Structure to Speed Up Example-Based Photometric Stereo, A
* Uniform Robust Scale-Invariant Feature Matching for Optical Remote Sensing Images
* Unmanned Drones are Flying High in the Military/Aerospace Sector
* Unobtrusive multi-modal biometric recognition using activity-related signatures
* Use of ALS, Airborne CIR and ALOS AVNIR-2 data for estimating tropical forest attributes in Lao PDR
* Using Alpha Shapes to Approximate Signal Strength Based Positioning Performance
* Using Cellular Automata to Form Car Society in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Using snakes for the registration of topographic road database objects to ALS features
* Utilization of Fuel Consumption Data in an Ecodriving Incentive System for Heavy-Duty Vehicle Drivers
* Utilizing Related Samples to Enhance Interactive Concept-Based Video Search
* Vanishing point detection using cascaded 1D Hough Transform from single images
* Variational Stereo Method for the Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Ocean Waves, A
* Vehicle license plate location based on mathematical morphology and variance projection
* Vehicle Re-Identification With Dynamic Time Windows for Vehicle Passage Time Estimation
* Very Low Resolution Face Recognition Problem
* Video coding using fast geometry-adaptive partitioning and an elastic motion model
* Video data mining based on K-Means algorithm for surveillance video
* Video is a Cube
* Video Quality Assessment Based on Measuring Perceptual Noise From Spatial and Temporal Perspectives
* Video Stabilization and Completion Using Two Cameras
* Video Steganalysis Exploiting Motion Vector Reversion-Based Features
* Viewpoint-Independent Object Detection Based on Two-Dimensional Contours and Three-Dimensional Sizes
* virtual hospital system construction based on VRML, A
* Virtual-Point-Based Fault-Tolerant Lateral and Longitudinal Control of 4W-Steering Vehicles
* Vision based preceding vehicle detection using self shadows and structural edge features
* Vision-Based Control of a Multi-Rotor Helicopter
* Visual Attention in Quality Assessment
* Visual Conspicuity Index: Spatial Dissimilarity, Distance, and Central Bias
* Visual Crowd Surveillance Through a Hydrodynamics Lens
* Visual inspection of workpiece quality
* Volume estimation of apple fruits using image processing
* Von Mises-Fisher Models in the Total Variability Subspace for Language Recognition
* Voxel-based shape decomposition for feature-preserving 3D thumbnail creation
* Web Image and Video Mining Towards Universal and Robust Age Estimator
* Weighted association based methods for the combination of heterogeneous partitions
* Widely Linear Complex Unscented Kalman Filter, A
* wireless video streaming system based on OFDMA with multi-layer H.264 coding and adaptive radio resource allocation, A
* Wrapper based feature selection in hyperspectral image data using self-adaptive differential evolution
* You Can Judge an Artist by an Album Cover: Using Images for Music Annotation
841 for 1112

Index for "1"

Last update:26-Nov-24 17:17:54
Use price@usc.edu for comments.