* *MultiSpec: A Freeware Multispectral Image Data Analysis System
* *PRTools: The Matlab Toolbox for Pattern Recognition
* 1000 fps Visual Feedback Control of an Active Vision System over a High-Load Network
* 2-D and 3-D Image Registration: For Medical, Remote Sensing, and Industrial Applications
* 3-D Face Detection, Landmark Localization, and Registration Using a Point Distribution Model
* 3-D Head Model Retrieval Using a Single Face View Query
* 3.2 kHz, Stereo Sensing Module Using Two Profile Sensors, A
* 3D avatar modeling of realworld objects using a depth camera, A
* 3D content generation for autostereoscopic displays
* 3D Edge Detection by Selection of Level Surface Patches
* 3D holographic display with optically addressed spatial light modulator
* 3D Model-Based Pose Invariant Face Recognition from Multiple Views
* 3D Modeling from Multiple Views with Integrated Registration and Data Fusion
* 3D Object Pose Estimation with Dense Sample Images Discussions about Limitation of Parameter Estimation Ability by the Linear Regressions
* 3D Porous Media Liquid-Solid Interaction Simulation Using SPH Modeling and Tomographic Images
* 3D Shape Recovery of Smooth Surfaces: Dropping the Fixed-Viewpoint Assumption
* 3D structure inference by integrating segmentation and reconstruction from a single image
* 3D Topological Map Extraction from Oriented Boundary Graph
* 3DTV rendering from multiple cameras
* Abnormal Spatial Event Detection and Video Content Searching in a Multi-Camera Surveillance System
* Accelerated multi-view stereo using parallel processing capababilities of the GPUS
* Accurate 3D reconstruction via surface-consistency
* Accurate multi-view depth reconstruction with occlusions handling
* Active Appearance Model with a Derivative-Free Optimization, An
* Active Rearranged Capturing of Image-Based Rendering Scenes: Theory and Practice
* Adaptive and Fast CFAR Algorithm Based on Automatic Censoring for Target Detection in High-Resolution SAR Images, An
* Adaptive Fuzzy Filtering for Artifact Reduction in Compressed Images and Videos
* Adaptive group-of-pictures and scene change detection methods based on existing H.264 advanced video coding information
* Adaptive Media-Aware Retransmission Timeout Estimation Method for Low-Delay Packet Video, An
* Adaptive Monte Carlo Retinex Method for Illumination and Reflectance Separation and Color Image Enhancement
* Adaptive rate control for motion JPEG2000
* Adaptive real-time image processing exploiting two dimensional reconfigurable architecture
* Adaptive smooth surface fitting with manifolds
* Adaptive spatial information-theoretic clustering for image segmentation
* Adding Semantics to Detectors for Video Retrieval
* Admission Control Scheme Based on Online Measurement for VBR Video Streams Over Wireless Home Networks, An
* Advanced indexing schema for imaging applications: three case studies
* Advanced intelligent computing theory and methodology
* Affine invariant matching of broken boundaries based on an enhanced genetic algorithm and distance transform
* AI Goggles: Real-time Description and Retrieval in the Real World with Online Learning
* Algorithm for Image Denoising with Automatic Noise Estimate, An
* Algorithmic Considerations for Real-Time Stereo Vision Applications
* Algorithms for connected component labeling based on quadtrees
* Analysis of Technical Documents: The REDRAW System
* Annotated Contraction Kernels for Interactive Image Segmentation
* Appearance Based Fast Linear Pose Estimation, An
* Application of a model to the evaluation of flood damage
* Application of Co-Occurrence Frequency Image
* application of one-class support vector machines in content-based image retrieval, An
* AR GIS on a Physical Map Based on Map Image Retrieval Using LLAH Tracking
* Arc-Consistency Checking with Bilevel Constraints: An Optimization
* ASIFT: A New Framework For Fully Affine Invariant Image Comparison
* Association and Temporal Rule Mining for Post-Filtering of Semantic Concept Detection in Video
* Association Rule-Based Method to Support Medical Image Diagnosis With Efficiency, An
* Associative Naive Bayes classifier: Automated linking of gene ontology to medline documents
* Audio-Visual Affect Recognition
* Audio-Visual Affective Expression Recognition Through Multistream Fused HMM
* Audio-Visual Event Recognition in Surveillance Video Sequences
* Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems (AFIS)
* Automated Human Facial Feature Extraction Using Double Resolution Pyramid
* Automated Hyperspectral Cueing for Civilian Search and Rescue
* Automated Spatial-Semantic Modeling with Applications to Place Labeling and Informed Search
* Automated Three-Dimensional Identification and Tracking of Micro/Nanobiological Organisms by Computational Holographic Microscopy
* Automated tools within workflows for 3D structural construction from surface and subsurface data
* Automatic 3D face recognition from depth and intensity Gabor features
* Automatic Analysis of Fish Behaviors and Abnormality Detection
* Automatic Creation of Massive Virtual Cities
* Automatic Extraction of Droppers in Catenary Scenes
* Automatic extraction of head and face boundaries and facial features
* Automatic Extraction of Layer Structure for Retina in OCT Image Using Morphological Operation and Active Net
* Automatic extraction of lips based on multi-scale wavelet edge detection
* Automatic face detection in video sequences using local normalization and optimal adaptive correlation techniques
* Automatic Fitting of a Deformable Face Mask Using a Single Image
* Automatic Generation of Seamline Network Using Area Voronoi Diagrams With Overlap
* Automatic Gigapixel Mosaicing in Large Scale Unstructured Underground Environments
* Automatic GIS Updating from High Resolution Satellite Images
* Automatic Golf Ball Trajectory Reconstruction and Visualization
* Automatic Meeting Segmentation Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks
* Automatic player's view generation of real soccer scenes based on trajectory tracking
* automatic procedure for co-registration of terrestrial laser scanners and digital cameras, An
* Automatic Recognition of Printed Music
* Automatic Recognition of Several Types of Musical Notation
* Automatic registration of multiple range images based on cycle space
* Automatic segmentation of cells from microscopic imagery using ellipse detection
* Automatic Segmentation of Scanned Human Body Using Curve Skeleton Analysis
* Automatic skin segmentation and tracking in sign language recognition
* Automatically-Determined Region of Interest in JPEG 2000
* AVS trick modes for PVR and VOD services
* Bag of Words Approach for 3D Object Categorization, A
* Bagging null space locality preserving discriminant classifiers for face recognition
* Batch Nearest Neighbor Search for Video Retrieval
* Bayesian Algorithm for Reading 1D Barcodes, A
* Bayesian Approach for Morphology-Based 2-D Human Motion Capture
* Bayesian Data Fusion of Multiview Synthetic Aperture Sonar Imagery for Seabed Classification
* Bayesian Tracking of Linear Structures in Aerial Images
* Behavior Recognition with HMM and Feature Analysis using a Wide-view Camera and a PTZ camera
* Biometric dispersion matcher versus LDA
* Biometric Systems: Technology, Design and Performance Evaluation
* blackboard approach towards integrated Farsi OCR system, A
* blackboard approach towards integrated Farsi OCR system, A
* Blind blur assessment for vision-based applications
* Blind Robust 3-D Mesh Watermarking Based on Oblate Spheroidal Harmonics
* Block adaptive binarisation of ill-conditioned business card images acquired in a PDA using a modified quadratic filter
* Block Matching Technique Using Unit Gradient Vectors, A
* Block motion estimation using adaptive modified two-bit transform
* Boosting-Based Multimodal Speaker Detection for Distributed Meeting Videos
* Bottom-up spatiotemporal visual attention model for video analysis
* Building a Multi-Touch Display Based on Computer Vision Techniques
* Can High-Level Concepts Fill the Semantic Gap in Video Retrieval? A Case Study With Broadcast News
* Canine Pose Estimation: A Computing for Public Safety Solution
* Carbon Nanotube Detection by Scanning Electron Microscopy
* Catadioptric single-shot rangefinder for textured map building in robot navigation
* Cell AT-Models for Digital Volumes
* Channel Aware Multiuser Scalable Video Streaming Over Lossy Under-Provisioned Channels: Modeling and Analysis
* Chaos UWB Radar for Through-the-Wall Imaging
* Character Recognition Systems: A Guide for Students and Practitioners
* Characteristic Polynomial Analysis on Matrix Representations of Graphs
* Characterization of Shannon Entropy and Bhattacharyya Measure of Contrast in Polarimetric and Interferometric SAR Image, A
* Chromosome Image Recognition with Local Band Patterns
* Classification Based on Hybridization of Parametric and Nonparametric Classifiers
* Classification of Audio Signals Using Fuzzy C-Means with Divergence-Based Kernel
* Classification of In-Vivo Endomicroscopic Images of the Alveolar Respiratory System
* Classification of Spectators' State in Video Sequences by Voting of Facial Expressions and Face Directions
* Classification of Wet/Dry Area Based on the Mahalanobis Distance of Feature from Time Space Image Analysis
* Classification, parameter estimation and state estimation: An engineering approach using Matlab
* Classified image compression using optimally structured auto-association networks
* Close-range constrained image sequences
* Cloth Detection Method Based on Image Wrinkle Feature for Daily Assistive Robots, A
* Clustering with r-regular graphs
* Co-occurrence Probabilities And Wavelet-based Spoof Fingerprint Detection
* Coarse-to-Fine Matching of Shapes Using Disconnected Skeletons by Learning Class-Specific Boundary Deformations
* Coined Quantum Walks Lift the Cospectrality of Graphs and Trees
* Color Appearance Models
* Color Gamut Mapping
* Color Image Classification Using Locally Linear Manifolds and Learning
* Color Transfer in Images Based on Separation of Chromatic and Achromatic Colors
* Color-Based Image Salient Region Segmentation Using Novel Region Merging Strategy
* Colour image compression based on the measure of just noticeable colour difference
* Combination of Warping Robust Elastic Graph Matching and Kernel-Based Projection Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition
* Combined adaptive-fixed interpolation with multi-directional filters
* Combining shadow detection and simulation for estimation of vehicle size and position
* Combining Slanted-Frame Classifiers for Improved HMM-Based Arabic Handwriting Recognition
* Combining ubiquitous direction-sensitive digitizing with a multimedia electronic dictionary for enhanced understanding
* Comments on An SVD-Based Watermarking Scheme for Protecting Rightful Ownership
* Compact quad-based representation for 3D video
* Comparative Study of Hierarchical Matching Algorithms for Face Recognition, A
* Comparison of 2-D and 3-D computer models for the M. Salta rock fall, Vajont Valley, northern Italy
* Comparison of Conventional US and Spatial Compound Imaging in Diagnostic Performances of Computer Aided Diagnosis System
* Comparison of GIS-based methodologies for the landslide susceptibility assessment
* Comparison of Perceptual Grouping Criteria within an Integrated Hierarchical Framework
* Complexity analysis of morphological area openings and closings with set union
* Comprehensive Survey on Three-Dimensional Mesh Watermarking, A
* Compression of 3-D Point Visual Data Using Vector Quantization and Rate-Distortion Optimization
* Compression of depth information for 3D rendering
* Compression of multi-polarimetric SAR intensity images based on 3D-matrix transform
* Computation of orthogonal Fourier-Mellin moments in two coordinate systems
* Computational Approach to Semantic Event Detection in Video, A
* Computational Geometry Approach to Automated Pulmonary Fissure Segmentation in CT Examinations, A
* Computationally fast techniques to reduce AWGN and speckle in videos
* Computed Tomography: Fundamentals, System Technology, Image Quality, Applications
* Computed Tomography: Fundamentals, System Technology, Image Quality, Applications, 2nd Edition
* Computing and Visualizing a Graph-Based Decomposition for Non-manifold Shapes
* Computing surfaces via pq-permutations
* Concealment of Whole-Picture Loss in Hierarchical B-Picture Scalable Video Coding
* Constant-Time Algorithm for Finding Neighbors in Quadtrees, A
* Constrained Probabilistic Petri Net Framework for Human Activity Detection in Video, A
* Consumer electronics control system based on hand gesture moment invariants
* Content-Aware Playout and Packet Scheduling for Video Streaming Over Wireless Links
* Content-Aware Prediction Algorithm With Inter-View Mode Decision for Multiview Video Coding
* Content-Based Attention Ranking Using Visual and Contextual Attention Model for Baseball Videos
* Content-Based Copy Retrieval Using Distortion-Based Probabilistic Similarity Search
* Content-Based Image Retrieval by Feature Adaptation and Relevance Feedback
* Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Multiresolution Color and Texture Features
* Content-Based Multimedia Information Retrieval: State-of-the-Art and Challenges
* Content-based object organization for efficient image retrieval in image databases
* Content-Based Retrieval of 3-D Objects Using Spin Image Signatures
* Context-Aware Person Identification in Personal Photo Collections
* Context-Aware Visual Tracking
* Context-based entropy coding in AVS video coding standard
* Continuous Global Optimization in Multiview 3D Reconstruction
* Contour evolution scheme for variational image segmentation and smoothing
* Contrast enhancement and phase-sensitive boundary detection in ultrasonic speckle using bessel spatial filters
* Controlling Virtual Cameras Based on a Robust Model-Free Pose Acquisition Technique
* Conves Mathematical Programs for Relational Matching of Object Views
* Crack measurement: Development, testing and applications of an automatic image-based algorithm
* critical examination of the assumptions used in dynamic allocation, A
* Cross-Dimensional Perceptual Quality Assessment for Low Bit-Rate Videos
* Cross-talk measurement for 3D displays
* DabR: A multitouch system for intuitive 3D scene navigation, The
* Data clustering as an optimum-path forest problem with applications in image analysis
* Decomposition of Mixed Pixels Based on Bayesian Self-Organizing Map and Gaussian Mixture Model
* Delay-Constrained and R-D Optimized Transrating for High-Definition Video Streaming Over WLANs
* Delay-Distortion Optimization for Content-Adaptive Video Streaming
* Depth map recovery for multi-view using belief propagation
* Depth range of a 3D image sampled by a lens array with the integral method
* Derivation of blur-invariant features using orthogonal Legendre moments
* Design and Evaluation of Features That Best Define Text in Complex Scene Images
* Design of a computer vision system for a differential spraying operation in precision agriculture using hebbian learning
* Design of Feature Extraction Operators for Use on Biologically Motivated Hexagonal Image Structures
* Designing a novel high-performance FPGA architecture for data intensive applications
* Detection of Abnormal Objects in a Scene Based on Local Features
* Detection of Approaching Pedestrians from a Distance Using Temporal Intensity Patterns
* Detection of Overlapped Ellipses by Combining Region and Edge Data
* Development of System for Comprehensively Measuring Driving Ability for Elderly Safe Driving
* Developmental Vision, Audition, Robots and Beyond
* Difficult Cases in Handwritten Numeral Recognition
* Digital Color Image Processing
* Digital Image Processing: PIKS Scientific Inside
* Digital Image Tracing by Sequential Multiple Watermarking
* Dimensionality reduction for more stable vision parameter estimation
* DISCOV: A Framework for Discovering Objects in Video
* Discrete Fourier Analysis and Wavelets: Applications to Signal and Image Processing
* Discrete image modelling for piecewise constant segmentation by artificial neural networks
* Discrete Wavelet Transform on Consumer-Level Graphics Hardware
* Discriminant analysis of the two-dimensional Gabor features for face recognition
* Discriminant Graph Structures for Facial Expression Recognition
* Dissimilarity-based classification in the absence of local ground truth: Application to the diagnostic interpretation of chest radiographs
* Distortions of synthesized views caused by compression of views and depth maps
* Document binarisation using Kohonen SOM
* Document Image Analysis Using Logic-Grammar-Based Syntactic Pattern Recognition
* Document Image Defect Models
* Document Image Processing for Paper Side Communications
* Dual-layer approach for improved mesh-based motion compensation
* Dual-RBF based surface reconstruction
* Dynamic frame-skipping transcoding with motion information considered
* Easy Technique for Fisheye Camera Calibration, An
* Edge Potential Functions (EPF) and Genetic Algorithms (GA) for Edge-Based Matching of Visual Objects
* Edition within a Graph Kernel Framework for Shape Recognition
* Editorial: Selected papers from the Digital Image Computing Technology and Applications conference 2007 (DICTA 2007)
* Editorial: Visual Information Engineering
* Editorial: Visual information engineering
* EEG Data Driven Animation and Its Application
* Effect of Oblique X-ray Incidence in Flat-Panel Computed Tomography of the Breast
* Effective Annotation and Search for Video Blogs with Integration of Context and Content Analysis
* effective calibration procedure for correction of parallax unmatched image pairs, An
* efficient 2D to 3D video conversion method based on skeleton line tracking, An
* Efficient 3-D TOF PET Reconstruction Using View-Grouped Histo-Images: DIRECT-Direct Image Reconstruction for TOF
* Efficient algorithm for very low bit rate embedded image coding
* Efficient and Fast Active Contour Model for Salient Object Detection, An
* Efficient Background Subtraction and Shadow Removal for Monochromatic Video Sequences
* Efficient compression algorithm for hyperspectral images based on correlation coefficients adaptive 3D zerotree coding
* Efficient Deblocking With Coefficient Regularization, Shape-Adaptive Filtering, and Quantization Constraint
* Efficient Geometric, Photometric, and Temporal Calibration of an Array of Unsynchronized Video Cameras
* Efficient Local Invariant Region Detector for Image Retrieval, An
* Efficient Mode Decision Algorithm for H.264/AVC Encoding Optimization, An
* Efficient Mode Selection Prior to the Actual Encoding for H.264/AVC Encoder, An
* Efficient motion data indexing and retrieval with local similarity measure of motion strings
* Efficient Online Egomotion Estimation Using Visual and Inertial Readings
* Efficient Short Video Repeat Identification With Application to News Video Structure Analysis
* Efficient Suboptimal Graph Isomorphism
* Efficient Target Recovery Using STAGE for Mean-shift Tracking
* efficient two steps algorithm for wide baseline image matching, An
* efficient VLSI architecture for CBAC of AVS HDTV decoder, An
* Efficient Watermarking Method Based on Significant Difference of Wavelet Coefficient Quantization, An
* Electric Field Theory Motivated Graph Construction for Optimal Medical Image Segmentation
* Electromagnetic probing for target detection: Rejection of surface clutter based on the Wigner distribution
* Electronic Noise Modeling in Statistical Iterative Reconstruction
* Encoding of Affine Motion Vectors
* End-to-End Embedded Approach for Multicast/Broadcast of Scalable Video over Multiuser CDMA Wireless Networks, An
* Energy efficient novel architectures for the lifting-based discrete wavelet transform
* Energy-based video tracking using joint target density processing with an application to unmanned aerial vehicle surveillance
* Energy-Constrained Distortion Reduction Optimization for Wavelet-Based Coded Image Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Enhanced Eigen-Audioframes for Audiovisual Scene Change Detection
* Environment Classification for Indoor/Outdoor Robotic Mapping
* Epipolar Angular Factorisation of Essential Matrix for Camera Pose Calibration
* Error Analysis of Stereo Calibration and Reconstruction
* Error concealment of multi-view video sequences using inter-view and intra-view correlations
* Error resilient video coding with priority data classification using H.264 flexible macroblock ordering
* Error-resilient pattern classification using a combination of spreading and coding gains
* Estimation Of Translation, Rotation, and Scaling Between Noisy Images Using The Fourier-Mellin Transform
* Evaluation of point localisation and similarity fusion methods for gabor jet-based face verification
* Evaluation of stereo video coding schemes for mobile devices
* Evaluation of the geometric stability and the accuracy potential of digital cameras: Comparing mechanical stabilisation versus parameterisation
* Event Tactic Analysis Based on Broadcast Sports Video
* Example-based image super-resolution with class-specific predictors
* Experimental investigation of holographic 3D-TV approach
* Exploitation of 3D Information for Directing Visual Attention and Object Recognition
* Exploiting Motion Correlations in 3-D Articulated Human Motion Tracking
* Exploration of term relationship for Bayesian network based sentence retrieval
* Expression-Invariant Face Recognition With Constrained Optical Flow Warping
* Extracting 3D Polyhedral Building Models from Aerial Images Using a Featureless and Direct Approach
* Extracting Appearance Information inside the Pupil for Cataract Screening
* Extracting characters from real vehicle licence plates out-of-doors
* Extraction of activity patterns on large video recordings
* Eye Blink Based Fatigue Detection for Prevention of Computer Vision Syndrome
* Eye Detection Using Intensity and Appearance Information
* Facade Structure Parameterization Based on Similarity Detection from Single Image
* Face Annotation Using Transductive Kernel Fisher Discriminant
* Face Blurring for Privacy in Street-level Geoviewers Combining Face, Body and Skin Detectors
* Face Classification Using Gabor Wavelets and Random Forest
* Face detection for video summary using illumination-compensation and morphological processing
* Face detection using simplified Gabor features and hierarchical regions in a cascade of classifiers
* Face Modeling and Animation Language for MPEG-4 XMT Framework
* Face Recognition by Combining Complementary Matchings of Single Image and Sequential Images
* FaceSeg: Automatic Face Segmentation for Real-Time Video
* Facial feature localization based on an improved active shape model
* Facial Recognition Using Multisensor Images Based on Localized Kernel Eigen Spaces
* Fast 2D Shape Recovery Approach by Fusing Features and Appearance, A
* Fast approximate focal stack transform
* Fast Best-Match Shape Searching in Rotation-Invariant Metric Spaces
* Fast centre-surround contrast modification
* Fast connected-component labeling
* fast content-based indexing and retrieval technique by the shape information in large image database, A
* fast estimation method for the generalized Gaussian mixture distribution on complex images, A
* Fast gradient-based mesh generation method for the stereo image representation
* Fast Inter Mode Decision Using Spatial Property of Motion Field
* Fast intra-prediction with near pixel correlation approach for H.264/AVC system
* Fast Motion Estimation on Graphics Hardware for H.264 Video Encoding
* Fast nonlinear autocorrelation algorithm for source separation
* Fast numerical scheme for gradient vector flow computation using a multigrid method
* Fast numerically stable computation of orthogonal Fourier-Mellin moments
* Fast searching algorithm for vector quantisation based on features of vector and subvector
* Faster retrieval with a two-pass dynamic-time-warping lower bound
* Feature Level Clustering of Large Biometric Database
* Feature selection based on loss-margin of nearest neighbor classification
* Field of view expansion for 3-D holographic display using a single spatial light modulator with scanning reconstruction light
* First Step toward Combinatorial Pyramids in n-D Spaces, A
* Fitting Curves on Riemannian Manifolds Using Energy Minimization
* Flash Lighting Space Sampling
* Flattest histogram specification with accurate brightness preservation
* Flexible prediction block decomposition with multi-channel filter banks for video coding
* Flow Complexity: Fast Polytopal Graph Complexity and 3D Object Clustering
* Focal Stack Photography: High-Performance Photography with a Conventional Camera
* Focusing of Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Data From Highly Nonlinear Flight Tracks
* Fractal indexing with the joint statistical properties and its application in texture image retrieval
* Fragile Watermarking With Error-Free Restoration Capability
* framework for linguistic relevance feedback in content-based image retrieval using fuzzy logic, A
* Free Space Detection for Autonomous Navigation in Daytime Foggy Weather
* Free-View TV watermark selection based on the distribution characteristics
* From Interactive Positioning to Automatic Try-On of Garments
* From Random to Hierarchical Data through an Irregular Pyramidal Structure
* Fundamentals of Three-dimensional Digital Image Processing
* fusion neural network classifier for image classification, A
* Fusion of color spaces for ear authentication
* Gene boosting for cancer classification based on gene expression profiles
* General methods for L/M-fold resizing of compressed images using lapped transforms
* general multiview LCD stereo image composition method based on optical plate technology, A
* Generalized least squares-based parametric motion estimation
* Generalized Risk Zone: Selecting Observations for Classification
* Generating anatomical substructures for physically-based facial animation. Part 1: A methodology for skull fitting
* Generation of 3D-TV LDV-content with Time-Of-Flight Camera
* Generation Of Optimal Multiresolution Models For Deforming Mesh Sequence
* Generation of Overhead View Images by Estimating Intrinsic and Extrinsic Camera Parameters of Multiple Fish-Eye Cameras
* generative model for graph matching and embedding, A
* Generic Framework for Efficient 2-D and 3-D Facial Expression Analogy, A
* Generic Moment Invariants Based Supervised Learning Framework for Classification Using Partial Object Information, A
* Geometric active contours without re-initialization for image segmentation
* Geometric Mesh Denoising via Multivariate Kernel Diffusion
* Geometrical-based algorithm for variational segmentation and smoothing of vector-valued images
* GIS-based method for the environmental vulnerability assessment to volcanic ashfall at Etna Volcano
* GPU-based Algorithm For Approximately Finding The Largest Common Point Set In The Plane Under Similarity Transformation, A
* Graph Based Data Model for Graphics Interpretation, A
* Graph Matching Based on Node Signatures
* Graph matching using the interference of discrete-time quantum walks
* Graph Regularisation Using Gaussian Curvature
* Graph-Based Analysis of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma with Bayesian Network Learning Methods
* Graph-Based Multiplayer Detection and Tracking in Broadcast Soccer Videos
* Graph-Based Registration of Partial Images of City Maps Using Geometric Hashing
* Graph-Based Representation of Symbolic Musical Data
* Grey level reduction for segmentation, threshholding and binarisation of images based on optimal partitioning on an interval
* Guest editorial: Contemporary challenges in combinatorial image analysis
* Hand Shape Recognition Based on Kernel Orthogonal Mutual Subspace Method
* Handbook of Fingerprint Recognition
* Handwritten word-spotting using hidden Markov models and universal vocabularies
* Hardware Accelerator with Variable Pixel Representation & Skip Mode Prediction for Feature Point Detection Part of SIFT Algorithm, A
* Harnessing defocus blur to recover high-resolution information in shape-from-focus technique
* Head-Size Equalization for Improved Visual Perception in Video Conferencing
* Heart Cavity Segmentation in Ultrasound Images Based on Supervised Neural Networks
* Hierarchical active shape model with motion prediction for real-time tracking of non-rigid objects
* Hierarchical Segmentation-Based Image Coding Using Hybrid Quad-Binary Trees
* High performance motion detection: Some trends toward new embedded architectures for vision systems
* High Quality Vectorization based on a Generic Object Model
* High-Dimensional Statistical Measure for Region-of-Interest Tracking
* Highly Efficient VLSI Architecture for H.264/AVC CAVLC Decoder, A
* Histogram-based reversible data hiding for vector quantisation-compressed images
* hit-or-miss transform for multivariate images, A
* Homeomorphic Alignment of Edge-Weighted Trees
* Horizontal parallax distortion correction method in toed-in camera with wide-angle lens
* How to make local image features more efficient and distinctive
* Human Age Estimation With Regression on Discriminative Aging Manifold
* Human Behavior Analysis for Highlight Ranking in Broadcast Racket Sports Video
* Human Behavior Analysis Using Multiple 2D Features and Multicategory Support Vector Machine
* Human Fall Detection System Using an Omni-Directional Camera in Practical Environments for Health Care Applications, A
* Human Head Tracking Based on Inheritance and Evolution Concept
* Human identification by quantifying similarity and dissimilarity in electrocardiogram phase space
* Hybrid error concealments based on block content
* hybrid measurement approach for close-range photogrammetry, A
* Hybrid Model for Multiple Object Category Detection and Localization, A
* Hybrid Model to Detect Zero Quantized DCT Coefficients in H.264
* IceSynth: An Image Synthesis System for Sea-Ice Segmentation Evaluation
* iGLANCE: Transmission to medical high definition autostereoscopic displays
* Illuminance flow over anisotropic surfaces with arbitrary viewpoint
* Image Annotation Within the Context of Personal Photo Collections Using Hierarchical Event and Scene Models
* Image Based 3d Face Reconstruction: A Survey
* Image Based Search System Using Hierarchical Object Category Recognition Technique
* Image Based View Localization System Retrieving from a Panorama Database by SURF
* Image Collection Organization and Its Application to Indexing, Browsing, Summarization, and Semantic Retrieval
* Image Correlation for Shape, Motion and Deformation Measurements Basic Concepts,Theory and Applications
* Image denoising algorithm via best wavelet packet base using Wiener cost function
* Image denoising in steerable pyramid domain based on a local Laplace prior
* image engineering system for the inspection of transparent construction materials, An
* Image Forgery Detection Based on Quantization Table Estimation
* Image indexing and similarity retrieval based on spatial relationship model
* Image Processing and Pattern Recognition: Fundamentals and Techniques
* Image Processing Architecture for Real-Time Micro- and Nanohandling Applications
* Image Processing in Retinal Angiography: Extracting Angiographical Features without the Requirement of Contrast Agents
* Image Rectification for Robust Matching of Car-mounted Camera Images
* Image retrieval model based on weighted visual features determined by relevance feedback
* Image Retrieval Over Networks: Active Learning Using Ant Algorithm
* Image retrieval system based on color-complexity and color-spatial features
* Image Retrieval With Relevance Feedback Based on Graph-Theoretic Region Correspondence Estimation
* Image Segmentation Using Graph Representations and Local Appearance and Shape Models
* Image Transmission Over Noisy Channels: TCQ-Based Coding Schemes
* image-based automatic Arabic translation system, An
* Image-based facial recognition in the domain of high-order polynomial one-way mapping
* Image-Based Retrieval and Identification of Ancient Coins
* Image-based three-dimensional free viewpoint video synthesis
* Implementing the 2-D Wavelet Transform on SIMD-Enhanced General-Purpose Processors
* Improved LOT Model for Image Restoration, An
* Improved Matching Accuracy in Traffic Sign Recognition by Using Different Feature Subspaces
* improved multiview stereo video FGS scalable scheme, An
* Improved Structured Light Inspection of Specular Surfaces Based on Quaternary Coding, An
* Improvement of Particle Filtering for Intersection of Targets with Similar Patterns
* improvement on floating search algorithms for feature subset selection, An
* Improving Graph Classification by Isomap
* Improving Robustness of Quantization-Based Image Watermarking via Adaptive Receiver
* In vivo assessment of alveolar morphology using a flexible catheter-based confocal microscope
* Incident Detection Based on Dynamic Background Modeling and Statistical Learning Using Spatio-Temporal Features
* Incorporating Concept Ontology for Hierarchical Video Classification, Annotation, and Visualization
* Incorporating object-centered sampling and Delaunay tetrahedrization for visual hull reconstruction
* Increased accuracy orientation estimation from omnidirectional images using the spherical Fourier transform
* Incremental-LDI for multi-view coding
* Independent query refinement and feature re-weighting using positive and negative examples for content-based image retrieval
* Indoor Map Display Method Using Mixed Reality
* Induction of multiclass multifeature split decision trees from distributed data
* Inexact Matching of Large and Sparse Graphs Using Laplacian Eigenvectors
* Influence of compression on 3D face recognition
* Influence of downsampling filter characteristics on compression performance in wavelet-based scalable video coding
* Information Fusion for Diabetic Retinopathy CAD in Digital Color Fundus Photographs
* Information Fusion in Signal and Image Processing
* Information theoretic regularization in diffuse optical tomography
* Infrared imaging of hand vein patterns for biometric purposes
* Inherent limitations on specular highlight analysis
* Input system for moving integral imaging using full HD camcoder and fly's eye lens
* Integrated Digital Image Correlation for the Identification of Mechanical Properties
* Integrated Mining of Visual Features, Speech Features, and Frequent Patterns for Semantic Video Annotation
* Integrated Noise Modeling for Image Sensor Using Bayer Domain Images
* Integrating 3D point clouds with multi-viewpoint video
* Integrating CFD modelling, neural networks and remote sensing: controlled prediction of chlorophyll-a concentration in the Mejillones of South Bay
* Integration of 3D audio and 3D video for FTV
* Integration of Earth Observation Data: Challenge of GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System of Systems)
* Intelligent Night Vision System for Automobiles, An
* Inter Mode Decision Algorithm For Advanced Video Coding
* Interactive free viewpoint video from multiple stereo
* Interactive Hyperspectral Image Visualization Using Convex Optimization
* Interactive skeletonization of intensity volumes
* Interactive Transmission of JPEG2000 Images Using Web Proxy Caching
* Interpreting Face Images by Fitting a Fast Illumination-Based 3D Active Appearance Model
* Intra/Inter Macroblock Mode Decision for Error-Resilient Transcoding
* Intrinsic Color Acquisition By Active Color Lighting
* Introduction to 3D Computer Vision Techniques and Algorithms, An
* Introduction To The Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing
* Invariant pattern recognition using radon, dual-tree complex wavelet and Fourier transforms
* Invariant trajectory classification of dynamical systems with a case study on ECG
* Investigation of OCT Images Descriptions on the Base of Representational MDL Principle
* Iris quality assessment and bi-orthogonal wavelet based encoding for recognition
* Iris recognition by local extremum points of multiscale Taylor expansion
* Iris recognition on edge maps
* Irregular Graph Pyramids and Representative Cocycles of Cohomology Generators
* Irregular Pyramid for Multi-scale Analysis of Objects and Their Parts, An
* It's All Done with Mirrors: Calibration-and-Correspondence-Free 3D Reconstruction
* Iterative compensation schemes for multimedia content authentication
* itleAutomatic view selection through depth-based view stability analysis
* JEDI: Adaptive Stochastic Estimation for Joint Enhancement and Despeckling of Images for SAR
* Joined Spectral Trees for Scalable SPIHT-Based Multispectral Image Compression
* Joint Design of Source Rate Control and QoS-Aware Congestion Control for Video Streaming Over the Internet
* Joint Source-Channel Video Coding Scheme Based on Distributed Source Coding, A
* JPEG 2000 Suite, The
* Julia Set of the Newton Method for Solving Some Complex Exponential Equation
* Keypoint Extraction and Selection for Object Recognition
* Knowledge Based Radar Detection, Tracking and Classification
* Landmark MDS ensemble
* Languages for constrained binary segmentation based on maximum a posteriori probability labeling
* Large Area Video Surveillance System with Handoff Scheme among Multiple Cameras
* Large Scale Image Search
* Large-Scale Stereo for Improvement of 3D Measurement Accuracy in Gaze-Observation
* Lavatube: A Software Framework for Computer Vision Research and Development
* Learned Lexicon-Driven Paradigm for Interactive Video Retrieval, A
* Learning Algorithm for the Optimum-Path Forest Classifier, A
* Learning Based Relevance Feedback in Image Retrieval
* Learning Model Complexity in an Online Environment
* Learning Personal Preference From Viewer's Operations for Browsing and Its Application to Baseball Video Retrieval and Summarization
* Learning Visual Concepts for Content Based Retrieval
* Lecture Video Enhancement and Editing by Integrating Posture, Gesture, and Text
* Level Set Segmentation of Knee Bones Using Normal Profile Models
* Light source estimation of outdoor scenes for mixed reality
* Linear Quasi-Parallax SfM Using Laterally-Placed Eyes
* Linear Rate Control and Optimum Statistical Multiplexing for H.264 Video Broadcast
* Local 3D structure recognition in range images
* Local Histogram Based Segmentation Using the Wasserstein Distance
* Local probabilistic descriptors for image categorisation
* local-motion-based probabilistic model for visual tracking, A
* Lossless image compression using binary wavelet transform
* Lossless parameterisation of image contour for shape recognition
* Low Complexity Detection of Discrete Cross Differences for Fast H.264/AVC Intra Prediction, A
* Low cost multi-view video system for wireless channel
* Low memory implementation of generic hierarchical transforms for parent-children tree (PCT) production and its application in image compression
* Low-Complexity Heterogeneous Video Transcoding Using Data Mining
* low-complexity rate allocation algorithm for joint source-channel video coding, A
* Low-Cost Multi-image Based 3D Human Body Modeling
* Low-delay video control in a personal area network for augmented reality
* Machine Vision Algorithms and Applications
* Machine Vision for Excess Gluing Inspection in Spindle Motor Assembly
* Major Cast Detection in Video Using Both Speaker and Face Information
* Map Structure Recognition and Automatic Map Data Acquisition
* Matching Hierarchies of Deformable Shapes
* Mathematical-morphology-based edge detectors for detection of thin edges in low-contrast regions
* Measure-Valued Images, Associated Fractal Transforms, and the Affine Self-Similarity of Images
* Measuring Conicity from Shape Boundaries
* Medial Features for Superpixel Segmentation
* Median graphs: A genetic approach based on new theoretical properties
* Memory and architectural optimizations for soft video encoders
* Meshless Virtual Cloth
* Method for Assessing Spectral Image Utility, A
* Migrating real-time depth image-based rendering from traditional to next-gen GPGPU
* Minimal model dimension/order determination algorithms for recurrent neural networks
* Minimum Distance between Pattern Transformation Manifolds: Algorithm and Applications
* Mining Appearance Models Directly From Compressed Video
* Mixed resolution coding of stereoscopic video for Mobile devices
* Model-Based 3D Object Tracking with Online Texture Update
* Model-Based Approach for Human Body Reconstruction from 3D Scanned Data, A
* Modeling and Mining of Users' Capture Intention for Home Videos
* Modeling Human Judgment of Digital Imagery for Multimedia Retrieval
* Modelling intrusion detection as an allocation problem
* Modelling periodic scene elements for visual surveillance
* Modelling sequences using pairwise relational features
* Modified differential evolution based fuzzy clustering for pixel classification in remote sensing imagery
* Modified Histogram Based Fuzzy Filter
* Monitoring large volumes of interest by using voxel visibility
* Morphological preprocessing method to thresholding degraded word images
* Motion Flow-Based Video Retrieval
* Motion Histogram Analysis Based Key Frame Extraction for Human Action/Activity Representation
* Motion segmentation and activity representation in crowds
* Motion Segmentation Using Divisive Graph Cuts
* Moving cast shadow detection by exploiting multiple cues
* Moving Cast Shadows Detection Using Ratio Edge
* Moving Grid Framework for Geometric Deformable Models, A
* Moving-Object Detection, Association, and Selection in Home Videos
* MPEG-21 and Its Interoperability with Rights-Information Standards
* Mr-SDM: a novel statistical deformable model for object deformation
* Multi-component image segmentation using a hybrid dynamic genetic algorithm and fuzzy C-means
* Multi-direction search algorithm for block motion estimation in H.264/AVC
* Multi-view face identification and pose estimation using B-spline interpolation
* Multi-view Player Action Recognition in Soccer Games
* Multi-view stereo using multi-luminance images
* Multicamera Vision System Supporting the Development of Wide-Area Exertainment Applications, A
* Multicue Bayesian State Estimator for Gaze Prediction in Open Signed Video, A
* Multidimensional AM-FM Models with Image Processing Applications
* Multilevel Asymmetric Scheme for Digital Fingerprinting, A
* Multimodal and Multilevel Ranking Scheme for Large-Scale Video Retrieval, A
* Multimodal interaction of auditory spatial cues and passive observer movement in simulated self motion
* Multimodal Scheme for Program Segmentation and Representation in Broadcast Video Streams, A
* Multiobjective Genetic SVM Approach for Classification Problems With Limited Training Samples, A
* Multiple Hypothesis Tracking Method with Fragmentation Handling, A
* Multiple Object Detection for Pick-and-Place Applications
* Multiple-Person Tracking for a Mobile Robot Using Stereo
* Multiresolution video object extraction fitted to scalable wavelet-based object coding
* Multisensory integration of a sound with stereo 3-D visual events
* Multistreaming of 3-D Scenes With Optimized Transmission and Rendering Scalability
* Multiview plus depth scalable coding in the depth domain
* N-Point Hough transform for line detection
* Near-computation-free image encoding scheme based on adaptive decimation
* Near-Duplicate Keyframe Identification With Interest Point Matching and Pattern Learning
* Near-Real-Time Image Matting with Known Background
* Neighborhood sequences in the diamond grid: Algorithms with two and three neighbors
* Neuro-wavelet Model Using Fuzzy Vector Quantization For Efficient Image Compression, A
* New Approach for In-Vehicle Camera Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition, A
* New developments with design and construction of a thermal/vacuum qualified photogrammetric system
* New Distance Measure for Model-Based Sequence Clustering, A
* new energy-based method for 3D motion estimation of incompressible PIV flows, A
* New Flat Pattern Oriented Order Statistic Filter for Impulse Noise Reduction from Highly Corrupted Images, A
* New Human Face Expression Tracking
* new hybrid ant colony optimization algorithm for the vehicle routing problem, A
* New image matching technique based on hyper-vectorisation of grey level sliced binary image
* New Image Quality Metric Using the Harris Response
* new impulse detection and filtering method for removal of wide range impulse noises, A
* New Method for Projector Calibration Based on Visual Servoing, A
* New Model-Based Digital Halftoning and Data Hiding Designed With LMS Optimization, A
* New rate-distortion modeling and efficient rate control for H.264/AVC video coding
* New System Implementation on SIMD Processor for Reliable Fingerprint Singularity Detection by Singular Candidate Method
* No-Reference PSNR Estimation for Quality Monitoring of Motion JPEG2000 Video Over Lossy Packet Networks
* Non-Accidental Features for Gesture Spotting
* Nonlinear Image Processing
* Nonlinear Mean Shift over Riemannian Manifolds
* Nonlinear Ultrafast Focal-Point Optics for Microscopic Imaging, Manipulation, and Machining
* Nonparametric shape priors for active contour-based image segmentation
* Nonrigid Motion and Structure Analysis from 2D with Application Towards 3D Cloud Tracking
* novel 3D audio display system using radiated loudspeaker for future 3D multimodal communications, A
* Novel 4-D Perceptual Quantization Modeling for H.264 Bit-Rate Control, A
* Novel Algorithm for Detecting Singular Points from Fingerprint Images, A
* Novel Algorithm for Extraction of the Layers of the Cornea, A
* Novel Approach to Spatio-Temporal Video Analysis and Retrieval, A
* novel extended local-binary-pattern operator for texture analysis, A
* Novel Feature Selection Methodology for Automated Inspection Systems, A
* Novel Framework for Semantic Annotation and Personalized Retrieval of Sports Video, A
* novel Hough transform based on eliminating particle swarm optimization and its applications, A
* novel modular neural network for imbalanced classification problems, A
* Novel Parameter Decomposition Based Optimization Approach for Automatic Pose Estimation of Distal Locking Holes From Single Calibrated Fluoroscopic Image, A
* Novel Point-Oriented Inner Searches for Fast Block Motion Estimation
* novel soft cluster neural network for the classification of suspicious areas in digital mammograms, A
* Novel Transducer: From Lip Motion to Voice Message, A
* Novel Video Summarization Based on Mining the Story-Structure and Semantic Relations Among Concept Entities, A
* O(N2) Square Root Unscented Kalman Filter for Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, An
* Object Detection by Keygraph Classification
* Object localisation using the Generative Template of Features
* Object Pose Estimation Using Patch-Duplet/SIFT Hybrids
* Object-Based Subband/Wavelet Video Compression
* Objective quality assessment method of stereo images
* Objective quality assessment of depth image based rendering in 3DTV system
* OCR Based Thresholding
* Off-line Identification with Handwritten Signature Images: Survey and Perspectives
* omni-directional inter-camera color calibration, A
* On a Technique for Evaluating Performance of Wipers Based on Forward Visibility
* On Color Texture Normalization for Active Appearance Models
* On Computing Canonical Subsets of Graph-Based Behavioral Representations
* On estimating performance indices for biometric identification
* On Face Recognition Using Hierarchical Self-Organized Gabor Features
* On performance of lossless compression for HDR image quantized in color space
* On tables of contents and how to recognize them
* On the Use of Ray-tracing for Viewpoint Interpolation in Panoramic Imagery
* On Transcoding a B-Frame to a P-Frame in the Compressed Domain
* On-line signature verification system with failure to enrol management
* One-iteration dejittering of digital video images
* Opti-Acoustic Stereo Imaging: On System Calibration and 3-D Target Reconstruction
* Optical coherence tomography used for security and fingerprint-sensing applications
* Optical Flow from Motion Blurred Color Images
* Optical Techniques for Detecting and Identifying Biological-Warfare Agents
* Optical Techniques for Information Security
* Optical Video Cryptosystem with Adaptive Steganography, An
* Optics and Photonics for Security and Defense
* Optimal Online Data Sampling or How to Hire the Best Secretaries
* Optimal pixel aspect ratio for stereoscopic 3D displays under practical viewing conditions
* Optimal Threshold Selection for Tomogram Segmentation by Projection Distance Minimization
* Optimisation-Based Approach to Mesh Smoothing: Reformulation and Extensions, An
* Optimization and comparision of coding algorithms for mobile 3DTV
* Optimized Content-Aware Authentication Scheme for Streaming JPEG-2000 Images Over Lossy Networks, An
* Optimizing Multiple Object Tracking and Best View Video Synthesis
* Orbital Debris Mitigation Using Minimum Uncertainty Optical States
* Overlap Vehicle Detection by Tracking Horizontal Lines
* Overview of AVS-video coding standards
* Overview of Techniques for Graphics Recognition, An
* Paired Subimage Matching Watermarking Method on Ordered Dither Images and Its High-Quality Progressive Coding
* Pairwise Similarity Propagation Based Graph Clustering for Scalable Object Indexing and Retrieval
* Parameterization-Based Numerical Method for Isotropic and Anisotropic Diffusion Smoothing on Non-Flat Surfaces, A
* Partition-distance methods for assessing spatial segmentations of images and videos
* Partitioning of Multiple Fine-Grained Scalable Video Sequences Concurrently Streamed to Heterogeneous Clients
* Pattern-Based Data Hiding for Binary Image Authentication by Connectivity-Preserving
* Pedestrian Segmentation From Uncalibrated Monocular Videos Using a Projection Map
* People detection and tracking with multiple stereo cameras using particle filters
* People Re-Identification by Means of a Camera Network Using a Graph-Based Approach
* Perceptual Temporal Quality Metric for Compressed Video
* Perceptually Optimized 3-D Transmission Over Wireless Networks
* Performance evaluation of local features in human classification and detection
* Photorealistic Large-Scale Urban City Model Reconstruction
* Physically constrained Fourier transform deconvolution method
* Physiological Modulations in Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Pick-by-vision: augmented reality supported order picking
* Piecewise Bézier Volume Deformation Model and Its Applications in Facial Motion Capture, A
* Platform-independent MB-based AVS video standard implementation
* Point control of the interpolating curve with a rational cubic spline
* Polynomial Algorithm for Submap Isomorphism: Application to Searching Patterns in Images, A
* Precision potential of photogrammetric 6DOF pose estimation with a single camera
* Predicting Attainable Region of Vehicle Using Trajectory Clustering
* Predicting Visual Focus of Attention From Intention in Remote Collaborative Tasks
* Preface: Geology and information technology
* preliminary method for the evaluation of the landslides volume at a regional scale, A
* Preprocessing of Low-Quality Handwritten Documents Using Markov Random Fields
* Principles of Digital Image Processing: Fundamental Techniques
* Probabilistic 3D Tracking: Rollator Users' Leg Pose from Coronal Images
* Probabilistic BPRRC: Robust Change Detection against Illumination Changes and Background Movements
* Probabilistic convexity measure
* Probabilistic relevance feedback approach for content-based image retrieval based on gaussian mixture models
* Probabilistic-Based Semantic Image Feature Using Visual Words
* Producing stylized videos using the AnimVideo rendering tool
* Progress in 3-D Multiperspective Display by Integral Imaging
* Progressive content access to databases of JPEG-compressed images
* Proposal of Exaggeration Method Based on Shape and Positional Relations of Automotive Parts
* pseudo-skeletonization algorithm for static handwritten scripts, A
* Quad-Tree Motion Estimation in the Frequency Domain Using Gradient Correlation
* quadratic programming approach to image labelling, A
* Quadratic Regularization Design for 2-D CT
* Quality assessment of 3D asymmetric view coding using spatial frequency dominance model
* Quality comparison and acceleration for digital hologram generation method based on segmentation
* Quality improving techniques in DIBR for free-viewpoint video
* Question interface for 3D picture creation on an autostereoscopic digital picture frame
* Random Hole Display: A non-uniform barrier autostereoscopic display
* Rapid Creation of Large-Scale Photorealistic Virtual Environments
* Rate control algorithm based on intra-picture complexity for H.264/AVC
* Rate-distortion optimized H.264/MVc video communications over QoS-enabled networks
* Rate-Invariant Recognition of Humans and Their Activities
* Re-projective Pose Estimation of a Planar Prototype
* Real-time 3D video synthesis from binocular capture system based on commodity graphic hardware
* Real-time color holographic video display system
* Real-time free-viewpoint viewer from multiview video plus depth representation coded by H.264/AVC MVC extension
* Real-time implementation of order-statistics-based directional filters
* Real-Time Motion Trajectory-Based Indexing and Retrieval of Video Sequences
* Real-time Motion-based Gesture Recognition Using the GPU
* Real-Time Near-Duplicate Elimination for Web Video Search With Content and Context
* Real-time scratching behavior quantification system for laboratory mice using high-speed vision
* Real-time transmission of high-resolution multi-view stereo video over IP networks
* Real-Time Uncharacteristic-Part Tracking Based on Points Tracking
* Real-Time Viola-Jones Face Detection in a Web Browser
* Real-Time Vision and Speech Driven Avatars for Multimedia Applications
* Real-Time Whiteboard Capture and Processing Using a Video Camera for Remote Collaboration
* Realistic Face Animation for Audiovisual Speech Applications: A Densification Approach Driven by Sparse Stereo Meshes
* Recent Advances in LWIR Type-II InAs/GaSb Superlattice Photodetectors and Focal Plane Arrays at the Center for Quantum Devices
* Recognition of Hand-printed Chinese Characters and the Japanese Cursive Syllabary
* Recognition of Lung Cancers on CT Using 3-D Object Models of Different Classes
* Recognition of Road Markings from In-Vehicle Camera Images by a Generative Learning Method
* Recognition System for Printed Piano Music using Musical Knowledge and Constraints, A
* Recognizability of iso-picture languages by Wang systems
* Recognizing Hand-Drawn Electrical Circuit Symbols with Attributed Graph Matching
* Recognizing Human Emotional State From Audiovisual Signals
* Recognizing Human Emotional State From Audiovisual Signals*
* Reconfigurable video coding framework and decoder reconfiguration instantiation of AVS
* Reconstruction Of Single-Grain Orientation Distribution Functions for Crystalline Materials
* Reconstruction of Vectorial Acoustic Sources in Time-Domain Tomography
* Recovery of 3D Solar Magnetic Field Model Parameter Using Image Structure Matching
* Recursive algorithm, architectures and FPGA implementation of the two-dimensional discrete cosine transform
* Recursive Embedding Approach to Median Graph Computation, A
* Region-Based vs. Edge-Based Registration for 3D Motion Capture by Real Time Monoscopic Vision
* Regionally Optimized Reconstruction for Partially Parallel Imaging in MRI Applications
* Registration of depth and video data in depth image based rendering
* Regularities and Singularities in Line Pictures
* Regularizing method for the determination of the backscatter cross section in lidar data
* Remote and collaborative 3D interactions
* Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation
* Removal of Correlated Noise by Modeling the Signal of Interest in the Wavelet Domain
* Reproducible research in signal processing
* Reproduction of Colour, The
* Residue-free video coding with pixelwise adaptive spatio-temporal prediction
* Review of Phased Array Steering for Narrow-Band Electrooptical Systems, A
* Rhombic Dodecahedron Map: An Efficient Scheme for Encoding Panoramic Video, The
* Road sign detection using eigen colour
* Robot Control and Augmented Reality Interface for Multiple Robots, A
* robust approach to text line grouping in online handwritten Japanese documents, A
* Robust Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Based on Late Integration
* Robust Background Segmentation Using Background Models for Surveillance Application
* Robust Biometric Person Identification Using Automatic Classifier Fusion of Speech, Mouth, and Face Experts
* Robust Detection and Tracking of Multiple Moving Objects with 3D Features by an Uncalibrated Monocular Camera
* Robust dual watermarking algorithm for AVS video
* Robust global motion estimation and novel updating strategy for sprite generation
* Robust human tracking based on multi-cue integration and mean-shift
* Robust Image Corner Detection Based on the Chord-to-Point Distance Accumulation Technique
* Robust MMSE Beamforming for Multiuser MISO Systems With Limited Feedback
* Robust Monocular Egomotion Estimation Based on an IEKF
* Robust Video Transmission for Feedback Channels
* Robust Vision-Based Target Tracking Control System for an Unmanned Helicopter Using Feature Fusion
* Rolling penetrate descriptor for shape-based image retrieval and object recognition
* Rotation-invariant colour texture classification through multilayer CCR
* Rough-fuzzy weighted k-nearest leader classifier for large data sets
* Rule Based Technique for Extraction of Visual Attention Regions Based on Real-Time Clustering, A
* Scalable 3-D Terrain Visualization Through Reversible JPEG2000-Based Blind Data Hiding
* Scalable Near-Optimal Recursive Structure from Motion
* Scalable, Wavelet-Based Video: From Server to Hardware-Accelerated Client
* Scale-Invariant Visual Language Modeling for Object Categorization
* Scale-Space Analysis of Discrete Filtering Over Arbitrary Triangulated Surfaces
* Scallop Detection from Gravel-Seabed Images for Fishery Investigation
* Scene Classification Using Generalized Local Correlation
* Scene Detection in Videos Using Shot Clustering and Sequence Alignment
* Scene Parsing Using Region-Based Generative Models
* Scene-Change Aware Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for Real-Time VBR Video Transmission Over IEEE 802.15.3 Wireless Home Networks
* Science of Color, The
* Screen-Camera Calibration Using Gray Codes
* Seabed Segmentation Using Optimized Statistics of Sonar Textures
* Searching High-Dimensional Neighbours: CPU-Based Tailored Data-Structures Versus GPU-Based Brute-Force Method
* SEC: Stochastic Ensemble Consensus Approach to Unsupervised SAR Sea-Ice Segmentation
* Security and Robustness Enhancement for Image Data Hiding
* Segment and Fusion-Based Stereo Approach, A
* Segmentation of Femoral Head from CT after Femoral Neck Fracture
* Segmentation-Driven Image Fusion Based on Alpha-Stable Modeling of Wavelet Coefficients
* Selection of Concept Detectors for Video Search by Ontology-Enriched Semantic Spaces
* Selective VS-MRF-ME and intra coding in H.264 based on spatiotemporal continuity of motion field
* Self Image Rectification for Uncalibrated Stereo Video with Varying Camera Motions and Zooming Effects
* Self-Similarity Driven Color Demosaicking
* Self-Structural Syntax-Directed Pattern Recognition of Dimensioning Components in Engineering Drawings
* Semantic Image and Video Indexing in Broad Domains
* Semi-Automatically Labeling Objects in Images
* Semi-explicit Solution and Fast Minimization Scheme for an Energy with L1-Fitting and Tikhonov-Like Regularization
* Semi-structured document categorization with a semantic kernel
* Semi-Supervised Spectral Mapping for Enhancing Separation between Classes
* Sensor Based Navigation Algorithm for Moving Obstacles Assuring Convergence Property, A
* Shape and Motion Estimation from Near-Field Echo-Based Sensor Data
* Shape Indexing and Recognition Based on Regional Analysis
* Shape Measurement System of Foot Sole Surface from Flatbed Scanner Image
* Shape Recovery of Specular Surface Using Color Highlight Stripe and Light Source Coding
* Shape-Based Object Localization for Descriptive Classification
* Shape-based retrieval of industrial surface defects using angular radius Fourier descriptor
* Shot Change Detection via Local Keypoint Matching
* Sign Language Spotting with a Threshold Model Based on Conditional Random Fields
* SignTutor: An Interactive System for Sign Language Tutoring
* SimBIL: appearance-based simulation of burst-illumination laser sequences
* Similarity measures for depth estimation
* Simple 3D Reconstruction of Single Indoor Image with Perspective Cues
* Simultaneous estimation of super-resolved depth and all-in-focus images from a plenoptic camera
* Single iteration view interpolation for multiview video applications
* Singular Vectors of a Linear Imaging System as Efficient Channels for the Bayesian Ideal Observer
* Sinuosity pattern recognition of road features for segmentation purposes in cartographic generalization
* SMART-I2: Spatial Multi-user Audio-visual Real-time interactive interface, A broadcast application context
* Smoothing transforms for wavelet approximation of piecewise smooth functions
* Space-Surface Bistatic SAR Image Formation Algorithms
* Sparse Image Reconstruction for Molecular Imaging
* Sparse Modeling of Textures
* Sparse multinomial kernel discriminant analysis (sMKDA)
* Spatial error concealment method based on POCS with a correlation-based initial block
* Spatial kernel K-harmonic means clustering for multi-spectral image segmentation
* Spatial-temporal content-adaptive deinterlacing algorithm
* Spatio-Temporal Scene Analysis Based on Graph Algorithms to Determine Rigid and Articulated Objects
* Spatio-Temporal Tracking of Faces by Stereo Vision
* Spatiotemporal Motion Analysis for the Detection and Classification of Moving Targets
* Spatiotemporal Visual Considerations for Video Coding
* Special issue on AVS and its applications: Guest editorial
* Stable bi-level and multi-level thresholding of images using a new global transformation
* Stable local dimensionality reduction approaches
* Static Estimation of the Meteorological Visibility Distance in Night Fog with Imagery
* Statistical multiple light source detection
* Statistical Reach Feature Method and Its Application to Template Matching
* Statistical, DCT and vector quantisation-based video codec
* Stereo video compression for mobile 3D services
* Stereo Vision: A Java-Based Online Platform
* Stereo-Based System with Inertial Navigation for Outdoor 3D Scanning, A
* Stochastic Filtering Technique for Fluid Flow Velocity Fields Tracking, A
* Structural and Semantic Probabilistic Model for Matching and Representing a Set of Graphs, A
* Study of Early Screening Method of Dementia and Its Systemization
* Summarization of Visual Content in Instructional Videos
* Super-Resolution Framework for 3-D High-Resolution and High-Contrast Imaging Using 2-D Multislice MRI, A
* Super-Resolution of Face Images Using Kernel PCA-Based Prior
* Supervised Learning of Quantizer Codebooks by Information Loss Minimization
* Supervised pattern classification based on optimum-path forest
* Supervised projection approach for boosting classifiers
* Support Vector Machine Based Online Learning Approach for Automated Visual Inspection, A
* Supporting Diagnostics of Coronary Artery Disease with Multi-resolution Image Parameterization and Data Mining
* Symmetric Non-Rigid Registration: A Geometric Theory and Some Numerical Techniques
* Synchronization of Full-View Image and GPS Data for Route Map Building
* Syntactic Analysis of Context Free Plex Languages for Pattern Recognition
* Syntactic and Structural Methods in Document Image Analysis
* Synthesis of Silhouettes and Visual Hull Reconstruction for Articulated Humans
* Target Detection in Clutter Using Adaptive OFDM Radar
* Target Tracking Using a Joint Acoustic Video System
* Task-related population characteristics in handwriting analysis
* Technique to correct yellowing and foxing in antique books
* Technologies for Photonic Sensor Systems
* Template Matching Techniques in Computer Vision: Theory and Practice
* Template-guided inspection of arbitrarily oriented targets
* Temporal motion recognition and segmentation approach
* Temporal reasoning for scenario recognition in video-surveillance using Bayesian networks
* Temporally consistent dense depth map estimation via Belief Propagation
* Temporally consistent layer depth ordering via pixel voting for pseudo 3D representation
* Tensor linear Laplacian discrimination (TLLD) for feature extraction
* Terahertz wave focal-plane multiwavelength phase imaging
* TerraSAR-X Precise Trajectory Estimation and Quality Assessment
* Texture Overlay onto Flexible Object with PCA of Silhouettes and K-Means Method for Search into Database
* Texture Segmentation by Contractive Decomposition and Planar Grouping
* Theme Issue: Image Analysis and Image Engineering in Close Range Photogrammetry
* theoretical solution to MAP-EM partial volume segmentation of medical images, A
* Three-Dimensional Assessment of Skin Wounds Using a Standard Digital Camera
* Through-the-Wall Surveillance With Millimeter-Wave LFMCW Radars
* TIFS: A hybrid scheme integrating partitioned iterated function system and linear transforms
* Tomography
* Total variation regularisation of images corrupted by non-Gaussian noise using a quasi-Newton method
* Total Variation Regularization For Image Denoising, III. Examples.
* Toward Multimodal Human-computer Interface
* Towards a Robust Spatio-Temporal Interest Point Detection for Human Action Recognition
* Towards an omnilingual word retrieval system for ancient manuscripts
* Towards automatic performance-driven animation between multiple types of facial model
* Towards Learning Robotic Reaching and Pointing: An Uncalibrated Visual Servoing Approach
* Towards Navigation Summaries: Automated Production of a Synopsis of a Robot Trajectories
* Tracking and Retexturing Cloth for Real-Time Virtual Clothing Applications
* Tracking Human Motion with Multiple Cameras Using an Articulated Model
* Tracking Objects beyond Rigid Motion
* Transcranial Shear-Mode Ultrasound: Assessment of Imaging Performance and Excitation Techniques
* Translation and Scale Invariants of Hahn Moments
* Two-Dimensional Channel Coding Scheme for MCTF-Based Scalable Video Coding
* two-pass rate control algorithm for H.264/AVC high definition video coding, A
* Unified Framework for Automated 3-D Segmentation of Surface-Stained Living Cells and a Comprehensive Segmentation Evaluation, A
* Unified Relevance Feedback Framework for Web Image Retrieval, A
* Unsupervised Abnormal Behavior Detection for Real-Time Surveillance Using Observed History
* Unsupervised Learning of Characteristic Object Parts from Videos
* Unsupervised Learning of Terrain Appearance for Automated Coral Reef Exploration
* Unsupervised Material Classification of Printed Circuit Boards Using Dimension-Reduced Spectral Information
* Use of Geometric Algebra for 3D Modeling and Registration of Medical Data, The
* Use of Vanishing Point for the Classification of Reflections From Foreground Mask in Videos, The
* User Authentication Using Fusion Of Face And Palmprint
* Using pano-mapping tables for unwarping of omni-images into panoramic and perspective-view images
* Using pre and post-processing methods to improve binding site predictions
* Using Visual Context and Region Semantics for High-Level Concept Detection
* Using Webcast Text for Semantic Event Detection in Broadcast Sports Video
* Utilizing venation features for efficient leaf image retrieval
* Validation of geometric models for fisheye lenses
* Variable frame rate control jerkiness-driven
* Variable frame rate control jerkiness-driven
* Variational B-Spline Level-Set: A Linear Filtering Approach for Fast Deformable Model Evolution
* Variational denoising of partly textured images
* Variational PDE based image restoration using neural network
* Variational tetrahedral mesh generation from discrete volume data
* Vertex partitioning based Multiple Description Coding of 3D dynamic meshes
* Video Annotation Based on Kernel Linear Neighborhood Propagation
* Video Error Concealment Using Spatio-Temporal Boundary Matching and Partial Differential Equation
* Video Event Classification and Image Segmentation Based on Noncausal Multidimensional Hidden Markov Models
* Video Packet Selection and Scheduling for Multipath Streaming
* Video Pause Detection Using Wavelets
* Video plus depth compression for mobile 3D services
* Video Retrieval System Using Handwriting Sketch
* Video Segmentation via Temporal Pattern Classification
* Video Semantic Event/Concept Detection Using a Subspace-Based Multimedia Data Mining Framework
* Video Streaming for Mobile Video Surveillance
* Video texture modelling and synthesis using fractal processes
* Video Watermarking Algorithm Based on Pseudo 3D DCT and Quantization Index Modulation
* Video-Based Face Recognition Using a Probabilistic Graphical Model
* Video-Based Human Movement Analysis and Its Application to Surveillance Systems
* Virtual Viewpoint Replay for a Soccer Match by View Interpolation From Multiple Cameras
* visible watermarking algorithm based on the content and contrast aware (COCOA) technique, A
* Vision Based Metal Spectral Analysis Using Multi-label Classification
* Vision Based Tangent Point Detection Algorithm, Evaluation and Validation
* Vision-Based Augmented-Reality System For Multiuser Collaborative Environments, A
* Vision-Based Control and Interaction Framework for a Legged Underwater Robot, A
* Vision-Based Real-Time Monitoring on the Behavior of Fish School
* Visual information fusion for object-based video image segmentation using unsupervised Bayesian online learning
* Visual Perception Through Video Imagery
* Visual Salience-Guided Mesh Decomposition
* Visual secret sharing by random grids revisited
* Voting Based Video Classification Using Clustering and Learning
* Voxel based annealed particle filtering for markerless 3D articulated motion capture
* Watermark location via back-lighting and recto removal
* Watermarked 3-D Mesh Quality Assessment
* Watermarking Digital 3-D Volumes in the Discrete Fourier Transform Domain
* Wave Field Synthesis
* Wavelet and multiwavelet watermarking
* Wavelet domain-based video noise reduction using temporal discrete cosine transform and hierarchically adapted thresholding
* Wavelet-based image denoising with the normal inverse Gaussian prior and linear MMSE estimator
* Wavelet-based video coding with early-predicted zerotrees
* WebGIS for the dissemination of information on historical landslides and floods in Umbria, Italy, A
* Word-Level Parallel Architecture of JPEG 2000 Embedded Block Coding Decoder
* Worker Behavior and Intension Modeling in Production Process
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