Index for pand

Panda, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: George, K.K.: Analysis of cosine distance features for speaker verific...
     with: Kumar, C.S.: Analysis of cosine distance features for speaker verifica...
     with: Mukherjee, D.P.: Bi-Modal Compositional Network for Feature Disentangl...
     with: Mukherjee, D.P.: Compositional Zero-Shot Learning using Multi-Branch G...
     with: Mukherjee, D.P.: Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation by Multiple Hypoth...
     with: Naskar, R.: Deep learning approach for segmentation of plain carbon st...
     with: Pal, S.: Deep learning approach for segmentation of plain carbon steel...
     with: Ramachandran, K.I.: Analysis of cosine distance features for speaker v...
     with: Santra, B.: Bi-Modal Compositional Network for Feature Disentanglement
     with: Sivadas, S.I.: Analysis of cosine distance features for speaker verifi...
10 for Panda, A.

Panda, A.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Majhi, B.: Parallel geometric hashing for robust iris indexing
     with: Mehrotra, H.: Parallel geometric hashing for robust iris indexing

Panda, A.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ghosh, A.: Registration of CT and MR image in multi-resolution framewo...
     with: Nanda, P.K.: Registration of CT and MR image in multi-resolution frame...
     with: Sahoo, S.: Registration of CT and MR image in multi-resolution framewo...
     with: Samant, S.: Registration of CT and MR image in multi-resolution framew...

Panda, C.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Mallick, P.K.: Object tracking using parallel local colour histogram m...
     with: Patnaik, S.: Object tracking using parallel local colour histogram met...

Panda, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chaudhury, K.N.: Fast Scale-Adaptive Bilateral Texture Smoothing
     with: Gavaskar, R.G.: Fast Scale-Adaptive Bilateral Texture Smoothing
     with: Ghosh, S.: Fast Scale-Adaptive Bilateral Texture Smoothing

Panda, D.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Meher, S.: Adaptive spatio-temporal background subtraction using impro...
     with: Meher, S.: Detection of Moving Objects Using Fuzzy Color Difference Hi...
     with: Meher, S.: new Wronskian change detection model based codebook backgro...
     with: Meher, S.: Robust real-time object tracking under background clutter

Panda, D.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aggarwal, R.K.: Context Dependent Automatic Image Recognition System
     with: Bazakos, M.E.: Context Dependent Automatic Image Recognition System
     with: Dubitzki, T.: Statistical Analysis of Some Edge Operators
     with: Kak, A.C.: Recursive Least Squares Smoothing of Noise in Images
     with: Rosenfeld, A.: Image Segmentation by Pixel Classification in (gray le...
     with: Wittenburg, T.M.: Context Dependent Automatic Image Recognition System

Panda, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dash, K.S.: BESAC: Binary External Symmetry Axis Constellation for unc...
     with: Dash, K.S.: Gestalt configural superiority effect: A complexity paradi...
     with: Dash, K.S.: Handwritten numeral recognition using non-redundant Stockw...
     with: Dash, K.S.: On extraction of features for handwritten Odia numeral rec...
     with: Dash, P.K.: reduced and comprehensible polynomial neural network for c...
     with: Dash, T.K.: Detection of COVID-19 from speech signal using bio-inspire...
     with: Dehuri, S.: reduced and comprehensible polynomial neural network for c...
     with: Kukde, R.: Reduced complexity diffusion filtered x least mean square a...
     with: Majhi, B.: GA-Based Pruning Strategy and Weight Update Algorithm for E...
     with: Majhi, R.: Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for financial portf...
     with: Manikandan, M.S.: Reduced complexity diffusion filtered x least mean s...
     with: Martha, S.R.: Energy-based virtual screening of drugs documented for s...
     with: Meher, S.: Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for financial portf...
     with: Mishra, S.: Detection of COVID-19 from speech signal using bio-inspire...
     with: Mishra, S.K.: Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for financial po...
     with: Misra, B.B.: reduced and comprehensible polynomial neural network for ...
     with: Mohanty, D.: GA-Based Pruning Strategy and Weight Update Algorithm for...
     with: Panda, M.K.: ResNet-101 deep learning framework induced transfer learn...
     with: Panigrahi, U.: ResNet-101 deep learning framework induced transfer lea...
     with: Patri, M.: Energy-based virtual screening of drugs documented for schi...
     with: Puhan, N.B.: BESAC: Binary External Symmetry Axis Constellation for un...
     with: Puhan, N.B.: Gestalt configural superiority effect: A complexity parad...
     with: Puhan, N.B.: Handwritten numeral recognition using non-redundant Stock...
     with: Puhan, N.B.: new evolving-update-based feedback cancellation scheme fo...
     with: Puhan, N.B.: On extraction of features for handwritten Odia numeral re...
     with: Sahoo, A.K.: GA-Based Pruning Strategy and Weight Update Algorithm for...
     with: Sahoo, P.K.: ResNet-101 deep learning framework induced transfer learn...
     with: Satapathy, S.C.: Detection of COVID-19 from speech signal using bio-in...
     with: Vasundhara: new evolving-update-based feedback cancellation scheme for...
29 for Panda, G.

Panda, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Brown, M.S.: Offline Mobile Instance Retrieval with a Small Memory Foo...
     with: Girdhar, R.: Optimizing Storage Intensive Vision Applications to Devic...
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Efficient and Rich Annotations for Large Photo Collecti...
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Offline Mobile Instance Retrieval with a Small Memory F...
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Optimizing Storage Intensive Vision Applications to Dev...

Panda, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Borisov, M.: Comparative Assessment of Pixel and Object-Based Approach...
     with: Domazetovic, F.: Comparative Assessment of Pixel and Object-Based Appr...
     with: Domazetovic, F.: New Method for Automated Quantification of Vertical S...
     with: Domazetovic, F.: New Systematic Framework for Optimization of Multi-Te...
     with: Gasparovic, M.: Comparative Assessment of Pixel and Object-Based Appro...
     with: Loncar, N.: New Method for Automated Quantification of Vertical Spatio...
     with: Maric, I.: Comparative Assessment of Pixel and Object-Based Approaches...
     with: Maric, I.: New Method for Automated Quantification of Vertical Spatio-...
     with: Maric, I.: New Systematic Framework for Optimization of Multi-Temporal...
     with: Milosevic, R.: Comparative Assessment of Pixel and Object-Based Approa...
     with: Siljeg, A.: Comparative Assessment of Pixel and Object-Based Approache...
     with: Siljeg, A.: New Method for Automated Quantification of Vertical Spatio...
     with: Siljeg, A.: New Systematic Framework for Optimization of Multi-Tempora...
13 for Panda, L.

Panda, M.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bajpai, V.: Encoder and decoder network with ResNet-50 and global aver...
     with: Jakhetiya, V.: Encoder and decoder network with ResNet-50 and global a...
     with: Panda, G.: ResNet-101 deep learning framework induced transfer learnin...
     with: Panigrahi, U.: ResNet-101 deep learning framework induced transfer lea...
     with: Sahoo, P.K.: ResNet-101 deep learning framework induced transfer learn...
     with: Sharma, A.: Encoder and decoder network with ResNet-50 and global aver...
     with: Subudhi, B.N.: Encoder and decoder network with ResNet-50 and global a...
     with: Thangaraj, V.: Encoder and decoder network with ResNet-50 and global a...
8 for Panda, M.K.

Panda, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Balasubramanian, V.N.: Instance-wise Causal Feature Selection for Mode...
     with: Bovik, A.C.: In-Capture Mobile Video Distortions: A Study of Subjectiv...
     with: Foldy Porto, T.: Activation Density Driven Efficient Pruning in Training
     with: Geller, T.: Neuromorphic Data Augmentation for Training Spiking Neural...
     with: Ghadiyaram, D.: In-Capture Mobile Video Distortions: A Study of Subjec...
     with: Hilton, M.L.: Wavelet-based cosine crossings of signals
     with: Hsu, D.: Low-Drift Fixed-Point 8X8 IDCT Approximationwith 8-Bit Transf...
     with: Jawerth, B.: Wavelet-based cosine crossings of signals
     with: Kancheti, S.S.: Instance-wise Causal Feature Selection for Model Inter...
     with: Kim, Y.: Exploring Lottery Ticket Hypothesis in Spiking Neural Networks
     with: Kim, Y.: Neural Architecture Search for Spiking Neural Networks
     with: Kim, Y.: Neuromorphic Data Augmentation for Training Spiking Neural Ne...
     with: Li, Y.H.: Exploring Lottery Ticket Hypothesis in Spiking Neural Networks
     with: Li, Y.H.: Neural Architecture Search for Spiking Neural Networks
     with: Li, Y.H.: Neuromorphic Data Augmentation for Training Spiking Neural N...
     with: Moorthy, A.K.: In-Capture Mobile Video Distortions: A Study of Subject...
     with: Pan, J.: In-Capture Mobile Video Distortions: A Study of Subjective Be...
     with: Park, H.: Exploring Lottery Ticket Hypothesis in Spiking Neural Networks
     with: Park, H.: Neural Architecture Search for Spiking Neural Networks
     with: Park, H.: Neuromorphic Data Augmentation for Training Spiking Neural N...
     with: Pillai, B.: Low-Drift Fixed-Point 8X8 IDCT Approximationwith 8-Bit Tra...
     with: Rathi, N.: Inherent Adversarial Robustness of Deep Spiking Neural Netw...
     with: Reznik, Y.A.: Low-Drift Fixed-Point 8X8 IDCT Approximationwith 8-Bit T...
     with: Roy, K.: Inherent Adversarial Robustness of Deep Spiking Neural Networ...
     with: Sharmin, S.: Inherent Adversarial Robustness of Deep Spiking Neural Ne...
     with: Sweldens, W.: Wavelet-based cosine crossings of signals
     with: Venkatesha, Y.: Activation Density Driven Efficient Pruning in Training
     with: Venkatesha, Y.: Exploring Lottery Ticket Hypothesis in Spiking Neural ...
     with: Venkatesha, Y.: Neural Architecture Search for Spiking Neural Networks
     with: Yang, K.: In-Capture Mobile Video Distortions: A Study of Subjective B...
     with: Yin, R.: Exploring Lottery Ticket Hypothesis in Spiking Neural Networks
31 for Panda, P.

Panda, P.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Silpa, B.V.N.: Adaptive Partitioning of Vertex Shader for Low Power Hi...
     with: Vemuri, K.S.S.: Adaptive Partitioning of Vertex Shader for Low Power H...

Panda, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abraham, A.: efficient multiclass classifier for classification of Alz...
     with: Abraham, A.: novel adaptive class weight adjustment-based multiclass s...
     with: Abraham, A.: Novel fuzzy clustering-based bias field correction techni...
     with: Abraham, A.: novel region-based multimodal image fusion technique usin...
     with: Abraham, A.: Novel Square Error Minimization-Based Multilevel Threshol...
     with: Abraham, A.: novel threshold score based multiclass segmentation techn...
     with: Abraham, A.: Novel Type-2 Fuzzy C-Means Clustering for Brain MR Image ...
     with: Agrawal, S.: efficient multiclass classifier for classification of Alz...
     with: Agrawal, S.: Novel fuzzy clustering-based bias field correction techni...
     with: Agrawal, S.: novel region-based multimodal image fusion technique usin...
     with: Agrawal, S.: Novel Segmentation Error Minimization-Based Method for Mu...
     with: Agrawal, S.: Novel Type-2 Fuzzy C-Means Clustering for Brain MR Image ...
     with: Agrawal, S.: Relevant edge probability-based adaptively weighted activ...
     with: Ahmed, S.M.: Camera On-Boarding for Person Re-Identification Using Hyp...
     with: Aich, A.: Non-Adversarial Video Synthesis with Learned Priors
     with: Alfassy, A.: Detector-Free Weakly Supervised Grounding by Separation
     with: Arbelle, A.: CODA-Prompt: COntinual Decomposed Attention-Based Prompti...
     with: Arbelle, A.: ConStruct-VL: Data-Free Continual Structured VL Concepts ...
     with: Arbelle, A.: Detector-Free Weakly Supervised Grounding by Separation
     with: Arbelle, A.: Teaching Structured Vision and Language Concepts to Visio...
     with: Asif, M.S.: Non-Adversarial Video Synthesis with Learned Priors
     with: Bhuiyan, A.: Adaptation of person re-identification models for on-boar...
     with: Bhuiyan, A.: Unsupervised Adaptive Re-identification in Open World Dyn...
     with: Bischof, H.: MAtch, eXpand and Improve: Unsupervised Finetuning for Ze...
     with: Boggust, A.: Multimodal Clustering Networks for Self-supervised Learni...
     with: Bronstein, A.M.: Detector-Free Weakly Supervised Grounding by Separation
     with: Cascante Bonilla, P.: CODA-Prompt: COntinual Decomposed Attention-Base...
     with: Cascante Bonilla, P.: ConStruct-VL: Data-Free Continual Structured VL ...
     with: Cascante Bonilla, P.: Going Beyond Nouns With Vision & Language Mo...
     with: Chakraborty, O.: Semi-Supervised Action Recognition with Temporal Cont...
     with: Chang, S.F.: Multimodal Clustering Networks for Self-supervised Learni...
     with: Chatterji, B.N.: Least squares generalized B-spline signal and image p...
     with: Chatterji, B.N.: Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Using Tuned Filters...
     with: Chen, B.: Multimodal Clustering Networks for Self-supervised Learning ...
     with: Chen, C.F.: Broad Study on the Transferability of Visual Representatio...
     with: Chen, C.F.: Detector-Free Weakly Supervised Grounding by Separation
     with: Chen, C.F.R.: AdaMML: Adaptive Multi-Modal Learning for Efficient Vide...
     with: Chen, C.F.R.: CrossViT: Cross-Attention Multi-Scale Vision Transformer...
     with: Chen, C.F.R.: Deep Analysis of CNN-based Spatio-temporal Representatio...
     with: Chen, C.F.R.: Dynamic Network Quantization for Efficient Video Inference
     with: Chen, C.F.R.: Improved Techniques for Quantizing Deep Networks with Ad...
     with: Chen, C.F.R.: Task2Sim: Towards Effective Pre-training and Transfer fr...
     with: Chen, C.F.R.: VALHALLA: Visual multimodal-conditioned generation CV...
     with: Chowdhury, A.S.: frequency domain approach to silhouette based gait re...
     with: Chowdhury, A.S.: Nystrom Approximated Temporally Constrained Multisimi...
     with: Chowdhury, A.S.: Scalable Video Summarization Using Skeleton Graph and...
     with: Chowdhury, A.S.: Video key frame extraction through dynamic Delaunay c...
     with: Chowdhury, A.S.: Video storyboard design using Delaunay graphs
     with: Cohn, J.: Deep Analysis of CNN-based Spatio-temporal Representations f...
     with: Cox, D.: ConStruct-VL: Data-Free Continual Structured VL Concepts Lear...
     with: Cox, D.: VALHALLA: Visual multimodal-conditioned generation CVPR22
     with: Das, A.: Active image pair selection for continuous person re-identifi...
     with: Das, A.: Continuous adaptation of multi-camera person identification m...
     with: Das, A.: Embedded sparse coding for summarizing multi-view videos
     with: Das, A.: Select, Label, and Mix: Learning Discriminative Invariant Fea...
     with: Das, A.: Semi-Supervised Action Recognition with Temporal Contrastive ...
     with: Das, A.: Weakly Supervised Summarization of Web Videos
     with: Das, G.: Novel Segmentation Error Minimization-Based Method for Multil...
     with: Das, M.N.: Video storyboard design using Delaunay graphs
     with: Dasy, A.: Video summarization in a multi-view camera network
     with: Dora, L.: efficient multiclass classifier for classification of Alzhei...
     with: Dora, L.: novel region-based multimodal image fusion technique using i...
     with: Doveh, S.: Detector-Free Weakly Supervised Grounding by Separation
     with: Doveh, S.: Going Beyond Nouns With Vision & Language Models Using ...
     with: Doveh, S.: Teaching Structured Vision and Language Concepts to Vision ...
     with: Duarte, K.: Multimodal Clustering Networks for Self-supervised Learnin...
     with: Ernst, J.: Weakly Supervised Summarization of Web Videos
     with: Fan, Q.: Relationship Matters: Relation Guided Knowledge Transfer for ...
     with: Fan, Q.F.: AdaMML: Adaptive Multi-Modal Learning for Efficient Video R...
     with: Fan, Q.F.: CrossViT: Cross-Attention Multi-Scale Vision Transformer fo...
     with: Fan, Q.F.: Deep Analysis of CNN-based Spatio-temporal Representations ...
     with: Feris, R.: Improved Techniques for Quantizing Deep Networks with Adapt...
     with: Feris, R.: Relationship Matters: Relation Guided Knowledge Transfer fo...
     with: Feris, R.S.: AdaMML: Adaptive Multi-Modal Learning for Efficient Video...
     with: Feris, R.S.: Ar-net: Adaptive Frame Resolution for Efficient Action Re...
     with: Feris, R.S.: Broad Study on the Transferability of Visual Representati...
     with: Feris, R.S.: CODA-Prompt: COntinual Decomposed Attention-Based Prompti...
     with: Feris, R.S.: ConStruct-VL: Data-Free Continual Structured VL Concepts ...
     with: Feris, R.S.: Deep Analysis of CNN-based Spatio-temporal Representation...
     with: Feris, R.S.: Detector-Free Weakly Supervised Grounding by Separation
     with: Feris, R.S.: Dynamic Network Quantization for Efficient Video Inference
     with: Feris, R.S.: Going Beyond Nouns With Vision & Language Models Usin...
     with: Feris, R.S.: MAtch, eXpand and Improve: Unsupervised Finetuning for Ze...
     with: Feris, R.S.: Multimodal Clustering Networks for Self-supervised Learni...
     with: Feris, R.S.: Select, Label, and Mix: Learning Discriminative Invariant...
     with: Feris, R.S.: Semi-Supervised Action Recognition with Temporal Contrast...
     with: Feris, R.S.: Task2Sim: Towards Effective Pre-training and Transfer fro...
     with: Feris, R.S.: Teaching Structured Vision and Language Concepts to Visio...
     with: Feris, R.S.: VALHALLA: Visual multimodal-conditioned generation CVP...
     with: Giryes, R.: Detector-Free Weakly Supervised Grounding by Separation
     with: Giryes, R.: Teaching Structured Vision and Language Concepts to Vision...
     with: Glass, J.: Multimodal Clustering Networks for Self-supervised Learning...
     with: Gomes, P.: Emotionally-Relevant Features for Classification and Regres...
     with: Gupta, A.: Non-Adversarial Video Synthesis with Learned Priors
     with: Gutta, V.: CODA-Prompt: COntinual Decomposed Attention-Based Prompting...
     with: Halder, U.: frequency domain approach to silhouette based gait recogni...
     with: Harary, S.: Teaching Structured Vision and Language Concepts to Vision...
     with: Harwath, D.: Multimodal Clustering Networks for Self-supervised Learni...
     with: Henning, J.: Relationship Matters: Relation Guided Knowledge Transfer ...
     with: Herzig, R.: Teaching Structured Vision and Language Concepts to Vision...
     with: Hyder, R.: Non-Adversarial Video Synthesis with Learned Priors
     with: Islam, A.: Broad Study on the Transferability of Visual Representation...
     with: Karlinsky, L.: Ar-net: Adaptive Frame Resolution for Efficient Action ...
     with: Karlinsky, L.: Broad Study on the Transferability of Visual Representa...
     with: Karlinsky, L.: CODA-Prompt: COntinual Decomposed Attention-Based Promp...
     with: Karlinsky, L.: ConStruct-VL: Data-Free Continual Structured VL Concept...
     with: Karlinsky, L.: Detector-Free Weakly Supervised Grounding by Separation
     with: Karlinsky, L.: Going Beyond Nouns With Vision & Language Models Us...
     with: Karlinsky, L.: MAtch, eXpand and Improve: Unsupervised Finetuning for ...
     with: Karlinsky, L.: Task2Sim: Towards Effective Pre-training and Transfer f...
     with: Karlinsky, L.: Teaching Structured Vision and Language Concepts to Vis...
     with: Kim, D.H.: CODA-Prompt: COntinual Decomposed Attention-Based Prompting...
     with: Kim, D.H.: ConStruct-VL: Data-Free Continual Structured VL Concepts Le...
     with: Kim, D.H.: Going Beyond Nouns With Vision & Language Models Using ...
     with: Kim, Y.: VALHALLA: Visual multimodal-conditioned generation CVPR22
     with: Kingsbury, B.: Multimodal Clustering Networks for Self-supervised Lear...
     with: Kira, Z.: CODA-Prompt: COntinual Decomposed Attention-Based Prompting ...
     with: Kira, Z.: ConStruct-VL: Data-Free Continual Structured VL Concepts Lea...
     with: Kozinski, M.: MAtch, eXpand and Improve: Unsupervised Finetuning for Z...
     with: Kuanar, S.K.: Nystrom Approximated Temporally Constrained Multisimilar...
     with: Kuanar, S.K.: Scalable Video Summarization Using Skeleton Graph and Ra...
     with: Kuanar, S.K.: Video key frame extraction through dynamic Delaunay clus...
     with: Kuanar, S.K.: Video storyboard design using Delaunay graphs
     with: Kuehne, H.: Detector-Free Weakly Supervised Grounding by Separation
     with: Kuehne, H.: MAtch, eXpand and Improve: Unsupervised Finetuning for Zer...
     with: Kuehne, H.: Multimodal Clustering Networks for Self-supervised Learnin...
     with: Lan, S.: FFNet: Video Fast-Forwarding via Reinforcement Learning
     with: Lee, J.Y.: Contemplating Visual Emotions: Understanding and Overcoming...
     with: Lejbolle, A.R.: Camera On-Boarding for Person Re-Identification Using ...
     with: Lev, G.: Detector-Free Weakly Supervised Grounding by Separation
     with: Levi, H.B.: Detector-Free Weakly Supervised Grounding by Separation
     with: Li, H.X.: Contemplating Visual Emotions: Understanding and Overcoming ...
     with: Li, Y.: VALHALLA: Visual multimodal-conditioned generation CVPR22
     with: Lin, C.C.: Ar-net: Adaptive Frame Resolution for Efficient Action Reco...
     with: Lin, W.: MAtch, eXpand and Improve: Unsupervised Finetuning for Zero-S...
     with: Liu, M.: Exploiting Global Camera Network Constraints for Unsupervised...
     with: Lu, X.: Contemplating Visual Emotions: Understanding and Overcoming Da...
     with: Malheiro, R.: Audio Features for Music Emotion Recognition: A Survey
     with: Malheiro, R.: Emotionally-Relevant Features for Classification and Reg...
     with: Malheiro, R.: Novel Audio Features for Music Emotion Recognition
     with: Meher, B.: novel region-based multimodal image fusion technique using ...
     with: Meng, Y.: Ar-net: Adaptive Frame Resolution for Efficient Action Recog...
     with: Mishra, S.: Task2Sim: Towards Effective Pre-training and Transfer from...
     with: Mishro, P.K.: Novel fuzzy clustering-based bias field correction techn...
     with: Mishro, P.K.: Novel Type-2 Fuzzy C-Means Clustering for Brain MR Image...
     with: Mithun, N.C.: Construction of Diverse Image Datasets From Web Collecti...
     with: Mithun, N.C.: Diversity-Aware Multi-Video Summarization
     with: Murino, V.: Adaptation of person re-identification models for on-board...
     with: Murino, V.: Unsupervised Adaptive Re-identification in Open World Dyna...
     with: Naik, M.K.: novel adaptive class weight adjustment-based multiclass se...
     with: Naik, M.K.: Novel Square Error Minimization-Based Multilevel Threshold...
     with: Naik, M.K.: novel threshold score based multiclass segmentation techni...
     with: Oliva, A.: AdaMML: Adaptive Multi-Modal Learning for Efficient Video R...
     with: Oliva, A.: Ar-net: Adaptive Frame Resolution for Efficient Action Reco...
     with: Oliva, A.: Deep Analysis of CNN-based Spatio-temporal Representations ...
     with: Oliva, A.: Dynamic Network Quantization for Efficient Video Inference
     with: Oliva, A.: Going Beyond Nouns With Vision & Language Models Using ...
     with: Oliva, A.: Improved Techniques for Quantizing Deep Networks with Adapt...
     with: Oliva, A.: Relationship Matters: Relation Guided Knowledge Transfer fo...
     with: Ordonez, V.: Going Beyond Nouns With Vision & Language Models Usin...
     with: Paiva, R.P.: Audio Features for Music Emotion Recognition: A Survey
     with: Paiva, R.P.: Emotionally-Relevant Features for Classification and Regr...
     with: Paiva, R.P.: Novel Audio Features for Music Emotion Recognition
     with: Pan, B.: Improved Techniques for Quantizing Deep Networks with Adaptiv...
     with: Phoo, C.P.: Task2Sim: Towards Effective Pre-training and Transfer from...
     with: Picheny, M.: Multimodal Clustering Networks for Self-supervised Learni...
     with: Possegger, H.: MAtch, eXpand and Improve: Unsupervised Finetuning for ...
     with: Radke, R.: Broad Study on the Transferability of Visual Representation...
     with: Rahman, M.M.: Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation with Auto-Encoder via ...
     with: Ramakrishnan, K.: Deep Analysis of CNN-based Spatio-temporal Represent...
     with: Ramakrishnan, K.: Relationship Matters: Relation Guided Knowledge Tran...
     with: Rouditchenko, A.: Multimodal Clustering Networks for Self-supervised L...
     with: Roy Chowdhury, A.K.: Active image pair selection for continuous person...
     with: Roy Chowdhury, A.K.: Adaptation of person re-identification models for...
     with: Roy Chowdhury, A.K.: Camera On-Boarding for Person Re-Identification U...
     with: Roy Chowdhury, A.K.: Collaborative Summarization of Topic-Related Videos
     with: Roy Chowdhury, A.K.: Construction of Diverse Image Datasets From Web C...
     with: Roy Chowdhury, A.K.: Contemplating Visual Emotions: Understanding and ...
     with: Roy Chowdhury, A.K.: Continuous adaptation of multi-camera person iden...
     with: Roy Chowdhury, A.K.: Diversity-Aware Multi-Video Summarization
     with: Roy Chowdhury, A.K.: Embedded sparse coding for summarizing multi-view...
     with: Roy Chowdhury, A.K.: Exploiting Global Camera Network Constraints for ...
     with: Roy Chowdhury, A.K.: FFNet: Video Fast-Forwarding via Reinforcement Le...
     with: Roy Chowdhury, A.K.: Multi-View Surveillance Video Summarization via J...
     with: Roy Chowdhury, A.K.: Non-Adversarial Video Synthesis with Learned Priors
     with: Roy Chowdhury, A.K.: Unsupervised Adaptive Re-identification in Open W...
     with: Roy Chowdhury, A.K.: Video summarization in a multi-view camera network
     with: Roy Chowdhury, A.K.: Weakly Supervised Summarization of Web Videos
     with: Sa, B.K.: Relevant edge probability-based adaptively weighted active c...
     with: Saenko, K.: AdaMML: Adaptive Multi-Modal Learning for Efficient Video ...
     with: Saenko, K.: Ar-net: Adaptive Frame Resolution for Efficient Action Rec...
     with: Saenko, K.: Detector-Free Weakly Supervised Grounding by Separation
     with: Saenko, K.: Dynamic Network Quantization for Efficient Video Inference
     with: Saenko, K.: Improved Techniques for Quantizing Deep Networks with Adap...
     with: Saenko, K.: Select, Label, and Mix: Learning Discriminative Invariant ...
     with: Saenko, K.: Semi-Supervised Action Recognition with Temporal Contrasti...
     with: Saenko, K.: Task2Sim: Towards Effective Pre-training and Transfer from...
     with: Sahoo, A.: Select, Label, and Mix: Learning Discriminative Invariant F...
     with: Saligrama, V.: Task2Sim: Towards Effective Pre-training and Transfer f...
     with: Samantaray, L.: novel adaptive class weight adjustment-based multiclas...
     with: Samantaray, L.: Novel Segmentation Error Minimization-Based Method for...
     with: Samantaray, L.: novel threshold score based multiclass segmentation te...
     with: Sattigeri, P.: Ar-net: Adaptive Frame Resolution for Efficient Action ...
     with: Sattigeri, P.: Detector-Free Weakly Supervised Grounding by Separation
     with: Schwartz, E.: Detector-Free Weakly Supervised Grounding by Separation
     with: Schwartz, E.: Teaching Structured Vision and Language Concepts to Visi...
     with: Sengupta, S.: frequency domain approach to silhouette based gait recog...
     with: Shehada, K.: Going Beyond Nouns With Vision & Language Models Usin...
     with: Shtok, J.: Detector-Free Weakly Supervised Grounding by Separation
     with: Shvetsova, N.: MAtch, eXpand and Improve: Unsupervised Finetuning for ...
     with: Singh, A.: Semi-Supervised Action Recognition with Temporal Contrastiv...
     with: Smith, J.S.: CODA-Prompt: COntinual Decomposed Attention-Based Prompti...
     with: Smith, J.S.: ConStruct-VL: Data-Free Continual Structured VL Concepts ...
     with: Smith, J.S.: Going Beyond Nouns With Vision & Language Models Usin...
     with: Sun, X.: AdaMML: Adaptive Multi-Modal Learning for Efficient Video Rec...
     with: Sun, X.: Dynamic Network Quantization for Efficient Video Inference
     with: Sun, X.: Improved Techniques for Quantizing Deep Networks with Adaptiv...
     with: Swain, M.: Novel Square Error Minimization-Based Multilevel Thresholdi...
     with: Thomas, S.: Multimodal Clustering Networks for Self-supervised Learnin...
     with: Ul Alam, M.A.: Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation with Auto-Encoder via...
     with: Ullman, S.: Detector-Free Weakly Supervised Grounding by Separation
     with: Ullman, S.: Teaching Structured Vision and Language Concepts to Vision...
     with: Varol, G.: Going Beyond Nouns With Vision & Language Models Using ...
     with: Varshney, A.: Semi-Supervised Action Recognition with Temporal Contras...
     with: Vasconcelos, N.M.: VALHALLA: Visual multimodal-conditioned generation ...
     with: Wang, N.: Improved Techniques for Quantizing Deep Networks with Adapti...
     with: Wang, X.P.: Exploiting Global Camera Network Constraints for Unsupervi...
     with: Wang, Y.N.: Exploiting Global Camera Network Constraints for Unsupervi...
     with: Wu, Z.: Weakly Supervised Summarization of Web Videos
     with: Yang, D.: ConStruct-VL: Data-Free Continual Structured VL Concepts Lea...
     with: Zhang, J.M.: Contemplating Visual Emotions: Understanding and Overcomi...
     with: Zhu, Q.: FFNet: Video Fast-Forwarding via Reinforcement Learning
232 for Panda, R.

Panda, R.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Colliander, A.: Validation of SMAP Soil Moisture Products Using Ground...
     with: Das, N.N.: Validation of SMAP Soil Moisture Products Using Ground-Base...
     with: Entekhabi, D.: Validation of SMAP Soil Moisture Products Using Ground-...
     with: Jackson, T.J.: Validation of SMAP Soil Moisture Products Using Ground-...
     with: Mohanty, B.P.: Validation of SMAP Soil Moisture Products Using Ground-...
     with: Singh, G.: Validation of SMAP Soil Moisture Products Using Ground-Base...
     with: Yueh, S.H.: Validation of SMAP Soil Moisture Products Using Ground-Bas...
7 for Panda, R.K.

Panda, R.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bheemanahalli, R.: Hyperspectral Reflectance and Machine Learning Appr...
     with: Brooks, J.P.: Hyperspectral Reflectance and Machine Learning Approache...
     with: Ramamoorthy, P.: Hyperspectral Reflectance and Machine Learning Approa...
     with: Reddy, K.R.: Hyperspectral Reflectance and Machine Learning Approaches...
     with: Samiappan, S.: Hyperspectral Reflectance and Machine Learning Approach...
     with: Shrestha, A.: Hyperspectral Reflectance and Machine Learning Approache...
     with: Wubben, M.J.: Hyperspectral Reflectance and Machine Learning Approache...
7 for Panda, R.M.

Panda, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ames, D.: Application of Vegetation Indices for Agricultural Crop Yiel...
     with: Balabantaray, B.K.: Uncertainty Aware Implicit Image Function for Arbi...
     with: Chen, A.: Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) at Barrow, A...
     with: Gupta, R.: Foreground-background separation on GPU using order based a...
     with: Gusmeroli, A.: Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) at Barr...
     with: Jafarov, E.: Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) at Barrow...
     with: Jena, S.: Uncertainty Aware Implicit Image Function for Arbitrary-Scal...
     with: Kumawat, A.: Integrated Double Hybrid Fusion Approach for Image Smooth...
     with: Liu, L.: Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) at Barrow, Al...
     with: Mittal, A.: Foreground-background separation on GPU using order based ...
     with: Nanda, P.K.: Unsupervised Color Image Segmentation Using Compound Mark...
     with: Nayak, R.: Uncertainty Aware Implicit Image Function for Arbitrary-Sca...
     with: Panigrahi, S.: Application of Vegetation Indices for Agricultural Crop...
     with: Parsekian, A.: Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) at Barr...
     with: Payne, C.: Remote Sensing of River Erosion on the Colville River, Nort...
     with: Prakash, A.: Remote Sensing of River Erosion on the Colville River, No...
     with: Sailaja, R.M.: Foreground-background separation on GPU using order bas...
     with: Schaefer, K.: Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) at Barro...
     with: Schaefer, T.: Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) at Barro...
     with: Sharma, S.: Foreground-background separation on GPU using order based ...
     with: Zebker, H.A.: Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) at Barro...
     with: Zhang, T.J.: Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) at Barrow...
22 for Panda, S.

Panda, S.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alazab, M.: Smart Cloud Service Management Algorithm for Vehicular Clo...
     with: Amory Mazaudier, C.: Signatures of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles and Ionos...
     with: Badola, A.: Assessing Wildfire Burn Severity and Its Relationship with...
     with: Badola, A.: Estimation and Validation of Sub-Pixel Needleleaf Cover Fr...
     with: Badola, A.: Hyperspectral Data Simulation (Sentinel-2 to AVIRIS-NG) fo...
     with: Bhatt, U.S.: Assessing Wildfire Burn Severity and Its Relationship wit...
     with: Bhatt, U.S.: Estimation and Validation of Sub-Pixel Needleleaf Cover F...
     with: Bhatt, U.S.: Hyperspectral Data Simulation (Sentinel-2 to AVIRIS-NG) f...
     with: Bhatt, U.S.: Improved Boreal Forest Wildfire Fuel Type Mapping in Inte...
     with: Dabbakuti, J.R.K.K.: Comparative Analysis of the Effect of Orbital Geo...
     with: Das, S.: Smart Cloud Service Management Algorithm for Vehicular Clouds...
     with: Dashora, N.: Comparative Analysis of the Effect of Orbital Geometry an...
     with: Devanaboyina, V.R.: Signatures of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles and Ionosp...
     with: Fleury, R.: Signatures of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles and Ionospheric Sc...
     with: Haq, M.A.: Signatures of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles and Ionospheric Sci...
     with: Hrobak, J.L.: Assessing Wildfire Burn Severity and Its Relationship wi...
     with: Jamjareegulgarn, P.: Signatures of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles and Ionos...
     with: Jamjareegulgarn, P.: Trailing Equatorial Plasma Bubble Occurrences at ...
     with: Jandt, R.R.: Hyperspectral Data Simulation (Sentinel-2 to AVIRIS-NG) f...
     with: Jawed, M.K.: Agronav: Autonomous Navigation Framework for Agricultural...
     with: Lee, Y.: Agronav: Autonomous Navigation Framework for Agricultural Rob...
     with: Luhach, A.K.: Smart Cloud Service Management Algorithm for Vehicular C...
     with: Meyer, F.J.: Assessing Wildfire Burn Severity and Its Relationship wit...
     with: Meyer, F.J.: Improved Boreal Forest Wildfire Fuel Type Mapping in Inte...
     with: Nayyar, A.: Smart Cloud Service Management Algorithm for Vehicular Clo...
     with: Okoh, D.: Signatures of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles and Ionospheric Scin...
     with: Pande, S.K.: Smart Cloud Service Management Algorithm for Vehicular Cl...
     with: Pant, T.K.: Signatures of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles and Ionospheric Sc...
     with: Roberts, D.A.: Estimation and Validation of Sub-Pixel Needleleaf Cover...
     with: Roberts, D.A.: Hyperspectral Data Simulation (Sentinel-2 to AVIRIS-NG)...
     with: Sahoo, K.S.: Smart Cloud Service Management Algorithm for Vehicular Cl...
     with: Seemala, G.K.: Signatures of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles and Ionospheric...
     with: Seemala, G.K.: Trailing Equatorial Plasma Bubble Occurrences at a Low-...
     with: Siddiqui, M.I.H.: Trailing Equatorial Plasma Bubble Occurrences at a L...
     with: Smith, C.W.: Assessing Wildfire Burn Severity and Its Relationship wit...
     with: Smith, C.W.: Hyperspectral Data Simulation (Sentinel-2 to AVIRIS-NG) f...
     with: Smith, C.W.: Improved Boreal Forest Wildfire Fuel Type Mapping in Inte...
     with: Thompson, D.R.: Estimation and Validation of Sub-Pixel Needleleaf Cove...
     with: Vankadara, R.: Comparative Analysis of the Effect of Orbital Geometry ...
     with: Vankadara, R.K.: Signatures of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles and Ionospher...
     with: Vankadara, R.K.: Trailing Equatorial Plasma Bubble Occurrences at a Lo...
     with: Waigl, C.F.: Estimation and Validation of Sub-Pixel Needleleaf Cover F...
     with: Waigl, C.F.: Hyperspectral Data Simulation (Sentinel-2 to AVIRIS-NG) f...
43 for Panda, S.K.

Panda, S.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jordan, T.R.: Applied Geospatial Education: Acquisition And Processing...
     with: Madden, M.: Applied Geospatial Education: Acquisition And Processing O...
     with: Sharma, J.B.: Applied Geospatial Education: Acquisition And Processing...

Pandana, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Liu, K.J.R.: Channel aware uncoual error protection for image transmis...
     with: Sun, Y.: Channel aware uncoual error protection for image transmission...

Panday, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Matthews, T.: Observations of Winter Ablation on Glaciers in the Mount...
     with: Maurer, J.: Observations of Winter Ablation on Glaciers in the Mount E...
     with: Pelto, M.: Observations of Winter Ablation on Glaciers in the Mount Ev...
     with: Perry, L.B.: Observations of Winter Ablation on Glaciers in the Mount ...

Panday, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Czech, W.W.: Ubiquitous Interactive Visualization of 3-D Mantle Convec...
     with: Greensky, J.B.S.G.: Ubiquitous Interactive Visualization of 3-D Mantle...
     with: Kameyama, M.C.: Ubiquitous Interactive Visualization of 3-D Mantle Con...
     with: Knox, M.R.: Ubiquitous Interactive Visualization of 3-D Mantle Convect...
     with: McLane, J.C.: Ubiquitous Interactive Visualization of 3-D Mantle Conve...
     with: Senshu, H.: Ubiquitous Interactive Visualization of 3-D Mantle Convect...
     with: Wheeler, V.M.: Ubiquitous Interactive Visualization of 3-D Mantle Conv...
     with: Yuen, D.A.: Ubiquitous Interactive Visualization of 3-D Mantle Convect...
8 for Panday, R.

Panday, U.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dhonju, H.K.: Feasibility Study of Low-cost Image-based Heritage Docum...
     with: Gerke, M.: Fitting of parametric building models to oblique aerial ima...
     with: Mills, J.P.: Feasibility Study of Low-cost Image-based Heritage Docume...
     with: Sarhosis, V.: Feasibility Study of Low-cost Image-based Heritage Docum...
     with: Thapa, L.: Feasibility Study of Low-cost Image-based Heritage Document...
     with: Wang, Z.: Feasibility Study of Low-cost Image-based Heritage Documenta...
     with: Wilkinson, S.: Feasibility Study of Low-cost Image-based Heritage Docu...
     with: Xiao, W.: Feasibility Study of Low-cost Image-based Heritage Documenta...
8 for Panday, U.S.

Pandazo, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kuhail, M.A.: Customizable Time-Oriented Visualizations
     with: Lauesen, S.: Customizable Time-Oriented Visualizations

Pande Chhetri, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abd Elrahman, A.: De-striping hyperspectral imagery using wavelet tran...
     with: Abd Elrahman, A.: Design and Development of a Multi-Purpose Low-Cost H...
     with: Vallad, G.: Design and Development of a Multi-Purpose Low-Cost Hypersp...

Pande, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdel Aty, M.A.: ATMS implementation system for identifying traffic co...
     with: Ahuja, V.: Video Delivery Challenges and Opportunities in 4G Networks
     with: Babu, G.R.: Investigation into the Use of Partial Face in the Mobile E...
     with: Baik, E.: Video Delivery Challenges and Opportunities in 4G Networks
     with: Chen, S.: Hardware Architecture for Video Authentication Using Sensor ...
     with: Choudhuri, R.: Late Blight Forecast Using Mobile Phone Based Agro Advi...
     with: Jagyasi, B.G.: Late Blight Forecast Using Mobile Phone Based Agro Advi...
     with: Kumar, P.: Content-based network resource allocation for real time rem...
     with: Kumar, P.: Investigation into the Use of Partial Face in the Mobile En...
     with: Kumari, G.V.: Investigation into the Use of Partial Face in the Mobile...
     with: Mittal, A.: Content-based network resource allocation for real time re...
     with: Mohapatra, P.: Hardware Architecture for Video Authentication Using Se...
     with: Mohapatra, P.: Securing Multimedia Content Using Joint Compression and...
     with: Mohapatra, P.: Video Delivery Challenges and Opportunities in 4G Netwo...
     with: Rao, G.M.: Investigation into the Use of Partial Face in the Mobile En...
     with: Sivaraj, R.: Video Delivery Challenges and Opportunities in 4G Networks
     with: Zambreno, J.: Hardware Architecture for Video Authentication Using Sen...
     with: Zambreno, J.: secure wavelet transform, The
     with: Zambreno, J.: Securing Multimedia Content Using Joint Compression and ...
19 for Pande, A.

Pande, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aziz, A.: Improved Extraction of Objects from Urine Microscopy Images ...
     with: Cheluvaraju, B.: Improved Extraction of Objects from Urine Microscopy ...
     with: Dastidar, T.R.: Improved Extraction of Objects from Urine Microscopy I...

Pande, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Beniwal, S.: Perceptual color spacing derived from maximum likelihood ...
     with: Bimler, D.: Perceptual color spacing derived from maximum likelihood m...
     with: Bonnardel, V.: Perceptual color spacing derived from maximum likelihoo...
     with: Dubey, N.: Perceptual color spacing derived from maximum likelihood mu...
     with: Knoblauch, K.: Perceptual color spacing derived from maximum likelihoo...

Pande, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Awate, S.P.: Generative Deep-Neural-Network Mixture Modeling with Semi...
     with: Guha, P.: Video Face Book, The
     with: Jain, M.: Video Face Book, The
     with: Kapil, D.: Video Face Book, The

Pande, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Banerjee, A.: Adversarial Approach to Discriminative Modality Distilla...
     with: Banerjee, B.: Adaptive hybrid attention network for hyperspectral imag...
     with: Banerjee, B.: Adversarial Approach to Discriminative Modality Distilla...
     with: Banerjee, B.: Class Reconstruction Driven Adversarial Domain Adaptatio...
     with: Banerjee, B.: Domain Adaptive 3D Shape Retrieval from Monocular Images
     with: Banerjee, B.: FusAtNet: Dual Attention based SpectroSpatial Multimodal...
     with: Banerjee, B.: HyperLoopNet: Hyperspectral image classification using m...
     with: Banerjee, B.: MT-UNET: A Novel U-Net Based Multi-Task Architecture For...
     with: Banerjee, B.: Two Headed Dragons: Multimodal Fusion and Cross Modal Tr...
     with: Bose, R.: Two Headed Dragons: Multimodal Fusion and Cross Modal Transa...
     with: Chaudhuri, S.: Adversarial Approach to Discriminative Modality Distill...
     with: Chaudhuri, S.: FusAtNet: Dual Attention based SpectroSpatial Multimoda...
     with: Chaudhuri, S.: MT-UNET: A Novel U-Net Based Multi-Task Architecture Fo...
     with: Jha, A.: MT-UNET: A Novel U-Net Based Multi-Task Architecture For Visu...
     with: Karanam, S.: Domain Adaptive 3D Shape Retrieval from Monocular Images
     with: Khandelwal, R.: Domain Adaptive 3D Shape Retrieval from Monocular Images
     with: Kumar, A.: MT-UNET: A Novel U-Net Based Multi-Task Architecture For Vi...
     with: Kumar, S.: Adversarial Approach to Discriminative Modality Distillatio...
     with: Mohla, S.: FusAtNet: Dual Attention based SpectroSpatial Multimodal Fu...
     with: Pal, H.: Domain Adaptive 3D Shape Retrieval from Monocular Images
     with: Pizurica, A.: Class Reconstruction Driven Adversarial Domain Adaptatio...
21 for Pande, S.

Pande, S.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alazab, M.: Smart Cloud Service Management Algorithm for Vehicular Clo...
     with: Das, S.: Smart Cloud Service Management Algorithm for Vehicular Clouds...
     with: Luhach, A.K.: Smart Cloud Service Management Algorithm for Vehicular C...
     with: Nayyar, A.: Smart Cloud Service Management Algorithm for Vehicular Clo...
     with: Panda, S.K.: Smart Cloud Service Management Algorithm for Vehicular Cl...
     with: Sahoo, K.S.: Smart Cloud Service Management Algorithm for Vehicular Cl...

Pande, V.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahmad, K.S.: unique approach in text independent speaker recognition u...
     with: Nirmal, J.H.: unique approach in text independent speaker recognition ...
     with: Thosar, A.S.: unique approach in text independent speaker recognition ...

Pande, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Altintas, I.: FIgLib & SmokeyNet: Dataset and Deep Learning Model ...
     with: Braun, H.W.: FIgLib & SmokeyNet: Dataset and Deep Learning Model f...
     with: Cottrell, G.W.: FIgLib & SmokeyNet: Dataset and Deep Learning Mode...
     with: Dewangan, A.: FIgLib & SmokeyNet: Dataset and Deep Learning Model ...
     with: Nguyen, M.H.: FIgLib & SmokeyNet: Dataset and Deep Learning Model ...
     with: Perez, I.: FIgLib & SmokeyNet: Dataset and Deep Learning Model for...
     with: Vernon, F.: FIgLib & SmokeyNet: Dataset and Deep Learning Model fo...
7 for Pande, Y.

Pandeirada, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Barbosa, D.: ATLAS: Latest Advancements and First Observations
     with: Bergano, M.: ATLAS: Latest Advancements and First Observations
     with: Coelho, B.: ATLAS: Latest Advancements and First Observations
     with: Figueiredo, M.: ATLAS: Latest Advancements and First Observations
     with: Marques, P.: ATLAS: Latest Advancements and First Observations

Pandele, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bastos, L.: Kinematic Galileo and GPS Performances in Aerial, Terrestr...
     with: Buist, P.: Kinematic Galileo and GPS Performances in Aerial, Terrestri...
     with: Cefalo, R.: Kinematic Galileo and GPS Performances in Aerial, Terrestr...
     with: Goncalves, J.A.: Kinematic Galileo and GPS Performances in Aerial, Ter...
     with: Ivan, A.: Kinematic Galileo and GPS Performances in Aerial, Terrestria...
     with: Magalhaes, A.: Kinematic Galileo and GPS Performances in Aerial, Terre...
     with: Porretta, M.: Kinematic Galileo and GPS Performances in Aerial, Terres...
     with: Radutu, A.: Kinematic Galileo and GPS Performances in Aerial, Terrestr...
     with: Sluga, T.: Kinematic Galileo and GPS Performances in Aerial, Terrestri...
     with: Snider, P.: Kinematic Galileo and GPS Performances in Aerial, Terrestr...
10 for Pandele, A.

Pandelea, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cambria, E.: ECPEC: Emotion-Cause Pair Extraction in Conversations
     with: Ge, M.: ECPEC: Emotion-Cause Pair Extraction in Conversations
     with: Li, W.: ECPEC: Emotion-Cause Pair Extraction in Conversations
     with: Li, Y.: ECPEC: Emotion-Cause Pair Extraction in Conversations
     with: Zhu, L.: ECPEC: Emotion-Cause Pair Extraction in Conversations

Pander, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Casas Mulet, R.: Assessing Stream Thermal Heterogeneity and Cold-Water...
     with: Casas Mulet, R.: Determining Riverine Surface Roughness at Fluvial Mes...
     with: Geist, J.: Assessing Stream Thermal Heterogeneity and Cold-Water Patch...
     with: Geist, J.: Determining Riverine Surface Roughness at Fluvial Mesohabit...
     with: Habersetzer, L.: Determining Riverine Surface Roughness at Fluvial Mes...
     with: Kuhn, J.: Assessing Stream Thermal Heterogeneity and Cold-Water Patche...
     with: Kuhn, J.: Determining Riverine Surface Roughness at Fluvial Mesohabita...
7 for Pander, J.

Pandermalis, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kiparissi, S.: Method of Evaluating the Internal Precision of Multi-Vi...
     with: Skarlatos, D.: Method of Evaluating the Internal Precision of Multi-Vi...
     with: Theodoridou, S.: Method of Evaluating the Internal Precision of Multi-...

Pandey, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aryan: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Optimiz...
     with: Aubel, A.: Towards Realistic Generative 3D Face Models
     with: Bandaru, R.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based O...
     with: Cao, K.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Optim...
     with: Carlone, L.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based O...
     with: Carrasco, F.V.: Towards Realistic Generative 3D Face Models
     with: Chandran, S.: Efficient image updates using light fields
     with: Chen, S.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Opti...
     with: Choudhury, B.: Efficient image updates using light fields
     with: Dantu, K.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Opt...
     with: de la Torre, F.: Towards Realistic Generative 3D Face Models
     with: Du, Y.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Optimi...
     with: Fu, T.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Optimi...
     with: Gao, D.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Optim...
     with: Geng, J.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Opti...
     with: Gupta, H.: Towards Realistic Generative 3D Face Models
     with: He, H.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Optimi...
     with: Hu, Y.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Optimi...
     with: Huang, D.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Opt...
     with: Hutter, M.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Op...
     with: Jain, A.: Combining Remotely Sensed Imagery with Survival Models for O...
     with: Kashyap, A.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based O...
     with: Kim, D.: Towards Realistic Generative 3D Face Models
     with: Li, B.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Optimi...
     with: Lin, X.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Optim...
     with: Lyons, N.: Robust Representations for Keyword Spotting Systems
     with: Mishra, A.: Adversarial Joint-Distribution Learning for Novel Class Sk...
     with: Mishra, A.: Stacked Adversarial Network for Zero-Shot Sketch based Ima...
     with: Mishra, A.: Towards Zero-Shot Learning with Fewer Seen Class Examples
     with: Mittal, A.: Adversarial Joint-Distribution Learning for Novel Class Sk...
     with: Mittal, A.: Stacked Adversarial Network for Zero-Shot Sketch based Ima...
     with: Moon, B.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Opti...
     with: Murthy, H.A.: Adversarial Joint-Distribution Learning for Novel Class ...
     with: Murthy, H.A.: Stacked Adversarial Network for Zero-Shot Sketch based I...
     with: Murthy, H.A.: Towards Zero-Shot Learning with Fewer Seen Class Examples
     with: Pati, U.C.: Development of saliency-based seamless image compositing u...
     with: Pati, U.C.: Image mosaicing: A deeper insight
     with: Prakash, A.: Towards Realistic Generative 3D Face Models
     with: Qiu, Y.H.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Opt...
     with: Rai, A.: Towards Realistic Generative 3D Face Models
     with: Rai, P.: Towards Zero-Shot Learning with Fewer Seen Class Examples
     with: Reddy, P.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Opt...
     with: Ren, Z.Q.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Opt...
     with: Santra, A.: Robust Representations for Keyword Spotting Systems
     with: Scherer, S.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based O...
     with: Shah, T.: Combining Remotely Sensed Imagery with Survival Models for O...
     with: Shi, J.N.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Opt...
     with: Smyth, A.: Robust Representations for Keyword Spotting Systems
     with: Takagi, S.J.: Towards Realistic Generative 3D Face Models
     with: Talak, R.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Opt...
     with: Verma, V.K.: Adversarial Joint-Distribution Learning for Novel Class S...
     with: Verma, V.K.: Stacked Adversarial Network for Zero-Shot Sketch based Im...
     with: Verma, V.K.: Towards Zero-Shot Learning with Fewer Seen Class Examples
     with: Wada, T.: Robust Representations for Keyword Spotting Systems
     with: Wang, C.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Opti...
     with: Wang, H.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Opti...
     with: Wang, S.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Opti...
     with: Wang, W.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Opti...
     with: Wang, Y.F.: Interpretation of 3D Structure and Motion Using Structured...
     with: Wang, Y.F.: Study on Using Structured Lighting to Analyze Time Varying...
     with: Wu, J.J.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Opti...
     with: Wu, T.H.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Opti...
     with: Xie, L.H.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Opt...
     with: Xu, J.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Optimi...
     with: Xu, K.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Optimi...
     with: Yang, F.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Opti...
     with: Yousefhussien, M.: Combining Remotely Sensed Imagery with Survival Mod...
     with: Yu, H.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Optimi...
     with: Zhao, S.: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Opti...
     with: Zopf, R.: Robust Representations for Keyword Spotting Systems
70 for Pandey, A.

Pandey, A.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bar, S.: Pixel-Based Long-Term (2001-2020) Estimations of Forest Fire ...
     with: Kumar, N.: Pixel-Based Long-Term (2001-2020) Estimations of Forest Fir...
     with: Parida, B.R.: Pixel-Based Long-Term (2001-2020) Estimations of Forest ...

Pandey, A.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alshehri, A.: 6G Connected Vehicle Framework to Support Intelligent Ro...
     with: Aradah, F.: 6G Connected Vehicle Framework to Support Intelligent Road...
     with: Banerjee, S.: SAU: Smooth Activation Function Using Convolution with A...
     with: Banerjee, S.: Smooth Maximum Unit: Smooth Activation Function for Deep...
     with: Biswas, K.: SAU: Smooth Activation Function Using Convolution with App...
     with: Biswas, K.: Smooth Maximum Unit: Smooth Activation Function for Deep N...
     with: Chang, M.C.: Railcar Detection, Identification and Tracking for Rail Y...
     with: Doctor, F.: 6G Connected Vehicle Framework to Support Intelligent Road...
     with: Giunchiglia, F.: Unseen) event recognition via semantic compositionality
     with: Hijji, M.: 6G Connected Vehicle Framework to Support Intelligent Road ...
     with: Iqbal, R.: 6G Connected Vehicle Framework to Support Intelligent Road ...
     with: Karyotis, C.: 6G Connected Vehicle Framework to Support Intelligent Ro...
     with: Kumar, S.: SAU: Smooth Activation Function Using Convolution with Appr...
     with: Kumar, S.: Smooth Maximum Unit: Smooth Activation Function for Deep Ne...
     with: Pulver, A.: Railcar Detection, Identification and Tracking for Rail Ya...
     with: Rajeh, W.: 6G Connected Vehicle Framework to Support Intelligent Road ...
     with: Sebe, N.: Unseen) event recognition via semantic compositionality
     with: Stottinger, J.: Unseen) event recognition via semantic compositionality
     with: Tu, P.: Railcar Detection, Identification and Tracking for Rail Yard M...
     with: Uijlings, J.R.R.: Unseen) event recognition via semantic compositional...
     with: Zhao, G.: Railcar Detection, Identification and Tracking for Rail Yard...
21 for Pandey, A.K.

Pandey, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Seto, K.C.: Robust Method to Generate a Consistent Time Series From DM...
     with: Zhang, Q.: Robust Method to Generate a Consistent Time Series From DMS...

Pandey, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dikshit, O.: GPS and GLONASS Combined Static Precise Point Positioning...
     with: Dwivedi, R.: GPS and GLONASS Combined Static Precise Point Positioning...
     with: Singh, A.K.: GPS and GLONASS Combined Static Precise Point Positioning...
     with: Wang, H.: Accurate vessel segmentation using maximum entropy incorpora...
     with: Yin, X.X.: Accurate vessel segmentation using maximum entropy incorpor...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Accurate vessel segmentation using maximum entropy incorpor...

Pandey, D.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bindlish, R.: Development of High-Resolution Soil Hydraulic Parameters...
     with: Gupta, M.: Development of High-Resolution Soil Hydraulic Parameters wi...
     with: O'Neill, P.E.: Appraisal of SMAP Operational Soil Moisture Product fro...
     with: Petropoulos, G.P.: Appraisal of SMAP Operational Soil Moisture Product...
     with: Srivastava, P.K.: Appraisal of SMAP Operational Soil Moisture Product ...
     with: Srivastava, P.K.: Development of High-Resolution Soil Hydraulic Parame...
     with: Suman, S.: Appraisal of SMAP Operational Soil Moisture Product from a ...
     with: Thomas, J.: Development of High-Resolution Soil Hydraulic Parameters w...
8 for Pandey, D.K.

Pandey, D.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Yu, Q.: Multidimensional Belief Quantification for Label-Efficient Met...

Pandey, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chung, S.J.: RGB-X Object Detection via Scene-Specific Fusion Modules
     with: Deevi, S.A.: RGB-X Object Detection via Scene-Specific Fusion Modules
     with: Dukkipati, A.: Learning to Segment With Image-Level Supervision
     with: Gan, L.: RGB-X Object Detection via Scene-Specific Fusion Modules
     with: Ghanekar, U.: Classification of priors and regularization techniques a...
     with: Jain, U.: Compact Environment-Invariant Codes for Robust Visual Place ...
     with: Kim, A.: DHSGAN: An End to End Dehazing Network for Fog and Smoke
     with: Kumar, B.: multi-faceted CNN architecture for automatic classification...
     with: Lee, C.: RGB-X Object Detection via Scene-Specific Fusion Modules
     with: Liu, H.X.: Hierarchical Vehicle Behavior Prediction Framework With Tra...
     with: Lohani, B.: multi-faceted CNN architecture for automatic classificatio...
     with: Malav, R.: DHSGAN: An End to End Dehazing Network for Fog and Smoke
     with: Masoud, N.: Hierarchical Vehicle Behavior Prediction Framework With Tr...
     with: McBride, J.R.: Fast Localization of Autonomous Vehicles Using Discrimi...
     with: Misra, S.C.: multi-faceted CNN architecture for automatic classificati...
     with: Nagesh, S.: RGB-X Object Detection via Scene-Specific Fusion Modules
     with: Namboodiri, V.P.: Compact Environment-Invariant Codes for Robust Visua...
     with: Pensia, A.: Fast Localization of Autonomous Vehicles Using Discriminat...
     with: Sahoo, S.R.: DHSGAN: An End to End Dehazing Network for Fog and Smoke
     with: Sharma, G.: Fast Localization of Autonomous Vehicles Using Discriminat...
     with: Yang, Z.: Hierarchical Vehicle Behavior Prediction Framework With Traf...
     with: Zhang, R.: Hierarchical Vehicle Behavior Prediction Framework With Tra...
22 for Pandey, G.

Pandey, H.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Guo, G.D.: Cascaded Split-and-Aggregate Learning with Feature Recombin...
     with: Gupta, D.: Automated detection and classification of fundus diabetic r...
     with: Khanna, A.: Automated detection and classification of fundus diabetic ...
     with: Lakshmanaprabu, S.K.: Automated detection and classification of fundus...
     with: Lee, S.J.: dimension-reduction based multilayer perception method for ...
     with: Lei, Z.: Cascaded Split-and-Aggregate Learning with Feature Recombinat...
     with: Li, S.Z.: Cascaded Split-and-Aggregate Learning with Feature Recombina...
     with: Lin, G.T.R.: dimension-reduction based multilayer perception method fo...
     with: Muhammad, K.: dimension-reduction based multilayer perception method f...
     with: Sait, A.R.W.: Automated detection and classification of fundus diabeti...
     with: Shankar, K.: Automated detection and classification of fundus diabetic...
     with: Tan, Z.C.: Cascaded Split-and-Aggregate Learning with Feature Recombin...
     with: Tiwari, P.: Cascaded Split-and-Aggregate Learning with Feature Recombi...
     with: Tseng, C.H.: dimension-reduction based multilayer perception method fo...
     with: Wan, J.: Cascaded Split-and-Aggregate Learning with Feature Recombinat...
     with: Yang, P.: dimension-reduction based multilayer perception method for s...
     with: Yang, Y.: Cascaded Split-and-Aggregate Learning with Feature Recombina...
     with: Yang, Y.: dimension-reduction based multilayer perception method for s...
18 for Pandey, H.M.

Pandey, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akhtar, H.: Navigation in AR based on digital replicas
     with: Rathee, G.: Navigation in AR based on digital replicas
     with: Sharma, O.: Navigation in AR based on digital replicas

Pandey, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Mandt, S.: Complete Recipe for Diffusion Generative Models, A

Pandey, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ashok, M.: HCIU: Hybrid clustered inception-based UNET for the automat...
     with: Baumes, J.: Personalized Economy of Images in Social Forums: An Analys...
     with: Cannons, K.J.: Multimedia event detection with multimodal feature fusi...
     with: Chia, A.Y.S.: Learning Discriminative Visual N-grams from Mid-level Im...
     with: Corso, J.J.: Multimedia event detection with multimodal feature fusion...
     with: Gupta, A.: HCIU: Hybrid clustered inception-based UNET for the automat...
     with: Gupta, R.K.: Learning Discriminative Visual N-grams from Mid-level Ima...
     with: Hajimirsadeghi, H.: Multimedia event detection with multimodal feature...
     with: Hoogs, A.: Image-oriented economic perspective on user behavior in mul...
     with: Hoogs, A.: Personalized Economy of Images in Social Forums: An Analysi...
     with: Kim, I.: Image-oriented economic perspective on user behavior in multi...
     with: Kim, I.: Multimedia event detection with multimodal feature fusion and...
     with: Kim, I.: Personalized Economy of Images in Social Forums: An Analysis ...
     with: Lazebnik, S.: Scene recognition and weakly supervised object localizat...
     with: McCloskey, S.: Multimedia event detection with multimodal feature fusi...
     with: Mori, G.: Multimedia event detection with multimodal feature fusion an...
     with: Oh, S.M.: Image-oriented economic perspective on user behavior in mult...
     with: Oh, S.M.: Multimedia event detection with multimodal feature fusion an...
     with: Oh, S.M.: Personalized Economy of Images in Social Forums: An Analysis...
     with: Perera, A.G.A.: Multimedia event detection with multimodal feature fus...
     with: Vahdat, A.: Multimedia event detection with multimodal feature fusion ...
21 for Pandey, M.

Pandey, M.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anand, A.: Integrating Multi-Sensors Data for Species Distribution Map...
     with: Gupta, A.: Integrating Multi-Sensors Data for Species Distribution Map...
     with: Khan, M.L.: Integrating Multi-Sensors Data for Species Distribution Ma...
     with: Srivastava, P.K.: Integrating Multi-Sensors Data for Species Distribut...

Pandey, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdulla, W.: Multi-view Gait recognition using sparse representation
     with: Salcic, Z.: Multi-view Gait recognition using sparse representation

Pandey, N.N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dutta, M.K.: MacD-Net: An automatic guided-ensemble approach for macul...
     with: Joshi, R.C.: MacD-Net: An automatic guided-ensemble approach for macul...
     with: Maurya, R.: MacD-Net: An automatic guided-ensemble approach for macula...

Pandey, N.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adhikari, N.K.: Real-Time, Accurate, and Consistent Video Semantic Seg...
     with: Borse, S.M.: Real-Time, Accurate, and Consistent Video Semantic Segmen...
     with: Cai, H.: Real-Time, Accurate, and Consistent Video Semantic Segmentati...
     with: Calidas, B.: Real-Time, Accurate, and Consistent Video Semantic Segmen...
     with: Fournarakis, M.: Softmax Bias Correction for Quantized Generative Models
     with: Mayer, F.: Real-Time, Accurate, and Consistent Video Semantic Segmenta...
     with: Nagel, M.: Softmax Bias Correction for Quantized Generative Models
     with: Park, H.: Real-Time, Accurate, and Consistent Video Semantic Segmentat...
     with: Patel, C.: Softmax Bias Correction for Quantized Generative Models
     with: Porikli, F.M.: Real-Time, Accurate, and Consistent Video Semantic Segm...
     with: Singhal, T.: Real-Time, Accurate, and Consistent Video Semantic Segmen...
     with: Yessenbayev, A.: Real-Time, Accurate, and Consistent Video Semantic Se...
     with: Yin, F.: Real-Time, Accurate, and Consistent Video Semantic Segmentati...
     with: Zhang, Y.Z.: Real-Time, Accurate, and Consistent Video Semantic Segmen...
14 for Pandey, N.P.

Pandey, O. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gupta, I.: Robust Approach to Plagiarism Detection in Handwritten Docu...
     with: Mishra, B.S.P.: Robust Approach to Plagiarism Detection in Handwritten...

Pandey, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Acosta, J.J.: Hyperspectral Imaging Combined with Machine Learning for...
     with: Ali, S.N.: Modelling Permafrost Distribution in Western Himalaya Using...
     with: Ambekar, S.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation ...
     with: Ap, P.: Generalization on Unseen Domains via Inference-time Label-Pres...
     with: Bhardwaj, A.: Modelling Permafrost Distribution in Western Himalaya Us...
     with: Biswas, K.K.: Fuzzy Rule Based Document Image Segmentation for Compone...
     with: Chasmai, M.: Robust Prototypical Few-Shot Organ Segmentation With Regu...
     with: Chaturvedi, V.: Modelling Permafrost Distribution in Western Himalaya ...
     with: Dastidar, T.R.: Target-Independent Domain Adaptation for WBC Classific...
     with: Deepthi, A.: FoodNet: Recognizing Foods Using Ensemble of Deep Networks
     with: Heine, A.J.: Hyperspectral Imaging Combined with Machine Learning for ...
     with: Kapoor, A.: Fuzzy Rule Based Document Image Segmentation for Component...
     with: Khan, M.A.R.: Modelling Permafrost Distribution in Western Himalaya Us...
     with: Kherada, S.: Improving realism of 3D texture using component based mod...
     with: Kohli, N.: Effect of illicit drug abuse on face recognition
     with: Kyatham, V.: Target-Independent Domain Adaptation for WBC Classificati...
     with: Lall, B.: Robust Prototypical Few-Shot Organ Segmentation With Regular...
     with: Lu, Y.Z.: Hyperspectral Imaging Combined with Machine Learning for the...
     with: Mandal, B.: FoodNet: Recognizing Foods Using Ensemble of Deep Networks
     with: Mishra, D.: Target-Independent Domain Adaptation for WBC Classificatio...
     with: Namboodiri, A.M.: Improving realism of 3D texture using component base...
     with: Noore, A.: Effect of illicit drug abuse on face recognition
     with: Payn, K.G.: Hyperspectral Imaging Combined with Machine Learning for t...
     with: Prathosh, A.P.: Target-Independent Domain Adaptation for WBC Classific...
     with: Prathosh, A.P.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentati...
     with: Puhan, N.B.: FoodNet: Recognizing Foods Using Ensemble of Deep Networks
     with: Raman, M.: Generalization on Unseen Domains via Inference-time Label-P...
     with: Ray, P.K.C.: Modelling Permafrost Distribution in Western Himalaya Usi...
     with: Singh, R.: Effect of illicit drug abuse on face recognition
     with: Singh, S.: Modelling Permafrost Distribution in Western Himalaya Using...
     with: Sur, T.: Robust Prototypical Few-Shot Organ Segmentation With Regulari...
     with: Tyagi, A.K.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation ...
     with: Varambally, S.: Generalization on Unseen Domains via Inference-time La...
     with: Vatsa, M.: Effect of illicit drug abuse on face recognition
     with: Walker, T.D.: Hyperspectral Imaging Combined with Machine Learning for...
     with: Yadav, D.: Effect of illicit drug abuse on face recognition
     with: Young, S.: Hyperspectral Imaging Combined with Machine Learning for th...
37 for Pandey, P.

Pandey, P.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anand, A.: Use of Hyperion for Mangrove Forest Carbon Stock Assessment...
     with: Kumar, R.: Spatio-Temporal Monitoring of Atmospheric Pollutants Using ...
     with: Malhi, R.K.M.: Use of Hyperion for Mangrove Forest Carbon Stock Assess...
     with: Maurya, N.K.: Spatio-Temporal Monitoring of Atmospheric Pollutants Usi...
     with: Pavlides, A.: Use of Hyperion for Mangrove Forest Carbon Stock Assessm...
     with: Petropoulos, G.P.: Use of Hyperion for Mangrove Forest Carbon Stock As...
     with: Sarkar, S.: Spatio-Temporal Monitoring of Atmospheric Pollutants Using...
     with: Sharma, J.K.: Use of Hyperion for Mangrove Forest Carbon Stock Assessm...
     with: Srivastava, P.K.: Spatio-Temporal Monitoring of Atmospheric Pollutants...
     with: Srivastava, P.K.: Use of Hyperion for Mangrove Forest Carbon Stock Ass...
10 for Pandey, P.C.

Pandey, P.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kohs, M.: Visual Programming-based Interactive Analysis of Ancient Doc...
     with: Rajan, V.: Visual Programming-based Interactive Analysis of Ancient Do...
     with: Stiehl, H.S.: Visual Programming-based Interactive Analysis of Ancient...

Pandey, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arora, A.: Towards Vision-Language Mechanistic Interpretability: A Cau...
     with: Bai, Z.Q.: Learning Personalized High Quality Volumetric Head Avatars ...
     with: Balla, P.K.: 4-channelled hazy image input generation and deep learnin...
     with: Beeler, T.: Learning Personalized High Quality Volumetric Head Avatars...
     with: Beniwal, D.: Preliminary Results in Innovative Solutions for Soil Carb...
     with: Bhardwaj, A.: Cascaded sparse color-localized matching for logo retrie...
     with: Bhattacharjee, S.S.: Exponential Hyperbolic Cosine Robust Adaptive Fil...
     with: Bouaziz, S.: Gelato: Generative Latent Textured Objects
     with: Bouaziz, S.: HumanGPS: Geodesic PreServing Feature for Dense Human Cor...
     with: Brown, M.: Gelato: Generative Latent Textured Objects
     with: Chapman, S.: Preliminary Results in Innovative Solutions for Soil Carb...
     with: Cui, L.Z.: Soil Organic Carbon Estimation via Remote Sensing and Machi...
     with: Curless, B.: Controllable Light Diffusion for Portraits
     with: Dalal, R.C.: Preliminary Results in Innovative Solutions for Soil Carb...
     with: Dalal, R.C.: Soil Organic Carbon Estimation via Remote Sensing and Mac...
     with: Dang, Y.P.: Preliminary Results in Innovative Solutions for Soil Carbo...
     with: Dang, Y.P.: Soil Organic Carbon Estimation via Remote Sensing and Mach...
     with: Davidson, P.: Volumetric Capture of Humans With a Single RGBD Camera v...
     with: Di, W.: Cascaded sparse color-localized matching for logo retrieval
     with: Dou, M.S.: HumanGPS: Geodesic PreServing Feature for Dense Human Corre...
     with: Dou, M.S.: Learning Personalized High Quality Volumetric Head Avatars ...
     with: Du, R.F.: HumanGPS: Geodesic PreServing Feature for Dense Human Corres...
     with: Du, R.F.: Learning Personalized High Quality Volumetric Head Avatars f...
     with: Duncan, S.: Preliminary Results in Innovative Solutions for Soil Carbo...
     with: Fajraoui, N.: Preliminary Results in Innovative Solutions for Soil Car...
     with: Fanello, S.: Controllable Light Diffusion for Portraits
     with: Fanello, S.: HumanGPS: Geodesic PreServing Feature for Dense Human Cor...
     with: Fanello, S.: Learning Personalized High Quality Volumetric Head Avatar...
     with: Fanello, S.: Volumetric Capture of Humans With a Single RGBD Camera vi...
     with: Futschik, D.: Controllable Light Diffusion for Portraits
     with: George, N.V.: Exponential Hyperbolic Cosine Robust Adaptive Filters fo...
     with: Ghanekar, U.: Contrast Enhancement-Based Filter for Removal of Random ...
     with: Goldman, D.B.: Gelato: Generative Latent Textured Objects
     with: Goldman, D.B.: Neural Rerendering in the Wild
     with: Guo, K.W.: HumanGPS: Geodesic PreServing Feature for Dense Human Corre...
     with: Hoppe, H.: Neural Rerendering in the Wild
     with: Huang, Z.: Learning Personalized High Quality Volumetric Head Avatars ...
     with: Izadi, S.: Volumetric Capture of Humans With a Single RGBD Camera via ...
     with: Jagadeesh, V.: Cascaded sparse color-localized matching for logo retri...
     with: Kaeser Chen, C.: Efficient 6-DoF Tracking of Handheld Objects from an ...
     with: Keskin, C.: HumanGPS: Geodesic PreServing Feature for Dense Human Corr...
     with: Keskin, C.: Volumetric Capture of Humans With a Single RGBD Camera via...
     with: Khamis, S.: Neural Rerendering in the Wild
     with: Kumar, A.: 4-channelled hazy image input generation and deep learning-...
     with: Kumar, A.: Region-based adaptive single image dehazing, detail enhance...
     with: Kumar, B.P.: Region-based adaptive single image dehazing, detail enhan...
     with: Kumar, K.: Exponential Hyperbolic Cosine Robust Adaptive Filters for A...
     with: Li, Q.: Monitoring Land Use Changes in the Yellow River Delta Using Mu...
     with: Li, T.: Preliminary Results in Innovative Solutions for Soil Carbon Es...
     with: Li, T.: Soil Organic Carbon Estimation via Remote Sensing and Machine ...
     with: Li, Z.: Monitoring Land Use Changes in the Yellow River Delta Using Mu...
     with: Liang, P.P.: Towards Vision-Language Mechanistic Interpretability: A C...
     with: Liu, H.: Preliminary Results in Innovative Solutions for Soil Carbon E...
     with: Liu, H.: Soil Organic Carbon Estimation via Remote Sensing and Machine...
     with: Lu, L.L.: Monitoring Land Use Changes in the Yellow River Delta Using ...
     with: Luo, K.: Monitoring Land Use Changes in the Yellow River Delta Using M...
     with: Madgett, O.: Preliminary Results in Innovative Solutions for Soil Carb...
     with: Manning, S.: Preliminary Results in Innovative Solutions for Soil Carb...
     with: Martin Brualla, R.: Gelato: Generative Latent Textured Objects
     with: Martin Brualla, R.: Neural Rerendering in the Wild
     with: Martin Brualla, R.: Volumetric Capture of Humans With a Single RGBD Ca...
     with: McLaren, T.I.: Preliminary Results in Innovative Solutions for Soil Ca...
     with: McLaren, T.I.: Soil Organic Carbon Estimation via Remote Sensing and M...
     with: Meka, A.: Learning Personalized High Quality Volumetric Head Avatars f...
     with: Meshry, M.: Neural Rerendering in the Wild
     with: Nigam, A.: Real Time Object Detection on Aerial Imagery
     with: Orts Escolano, S.: Controllable Light Diffusion for Portraits
     with: Orts Escolano, S.: Learning Personalized High Quality Volumetric Head ...
     with: Palit, V.: Towards Vision-Language Mechanistic Interpretability: A Cau...
     with: Papandreou, G.: Volumetric Capture of Humans With a Single RGBD Camera...
     with: Pidlypenskyi, P.: Efficient 6-DoF Tracking of Handheld Objects from an...
     with: Pidlypenskyi, P.: Volumetric Capture of Humans With a Single RGBD Came...
     with: Piramuthu, R.: Cascaded sparse color-localized matching for logo retri...
     with: Qiu, D.: Learning Personalized High Quality Volumetric Head Avatars fr...
     with: Rasmussen, P.: Preliminary Results in Innovative Solutions for Soil Ca...
     with: Ritland, K.: Controllable Light Diffusion for Portraits
     with: Ruhnke, F.: Preliminary Results in Innovative Solutions for Soil Carbo...
     with: Sarkar, K.: Learning Personalized High Quality Volumetric Head Avatars...
     with: Sharma, R.: Real Time Object Detection on Aerial Imagery
     with: Singh, A.K.: Contrast Enhancement-Based Filter for Removal of Random V...
     with: Smith, C.: Preliminary Results in Innovative Solutions for Soil Carbon...
     with: Snavely, N.: Neural Rerendering in the Wild
     with: Song, X.F.: Soil Organic Carbon Estimation via Remote Sensing and Mach...
     with: Sun, D.Q.: HumanGPS: Geodesic PreServing Feature for Dense Human Corre...
     with: Sykora, D.: Controllable Light Diffusion for Portraits
     with: Tagliasacchi, A.: Volumetric Capture of Humans With a Single RGBD Came...
     with: Tan, F.: Learning Personalized High Quality Volumetric Head Avatars fr...
     with: Tan, F.T.: HumanGPS: Geodesic PreServing Feature for Dense Human Corre...
     with: Tan, P.: HumanGPS: Geodesic PreServing Feature for Dense Human Corresp...
     with: Tan, P.: Learning Personalized High Quality Volumetric Head Avatars fr...
     with: Tang, D.H.: HumanGPS: Geodesic PreServing Feature for Dense Human Corr...
     with: Tang, D.H.: Learning Personalized High Quality Volumetric Head Avatars...
     with: Tariq, A.: Monitoring Land Use Changes in the Yellow River Delta Using...
     with: Taylor, J.: Volumetric Capture of Humans With a Single RGBD Camera via...
     with: Tkach, A.: Volumetric Capture of Humans With a Single RGBD Camera via ...
     with: Tsiminis, G.: Preliminary Results in Innovative Solutions for Soil Car...
     with: Vecore, J.: Controllable Light Diffusion for Portraits
     with: Wang, S.Q.: Monitoring Land Use Changes in the Yellow River Delta Usin...
     with: Wang, W.J.: Soil Organic Carbon Estimation via Remote Sensing and Mach...
     with: Wu, W.J.: Monitoring Land Use Changes in the Yellow River Delta Using ...
     with: Wu, Y.: Soil Organic Carbon Estimation via Remote Sensing and Machine ...
     with: Xia, A.: Preliminary Results in Innovative Solutions for Soil Carbon E...
     with: Xia, A.: Soil Organic Carbon Estimation via Remote Sensing and Machine...
     with: Xu, Z.H.: Preliminary Results in Innovative Solutions for Soil Carbon ...
     with: Xu, Z.H.: Soil Organic Carbon Estimation via Remote Sensing and Machin...
     with: Yang, S.: Efficient 6-DoF Tracking of Handheld Objects from an Egocent...
     with: Yang, S.: Volumetric Capture of Humans With a Single RGBD Camera via S...
     with: Yao, Y.: Monitoring Land Use Changes in the Yellow River Delta Using M...
     with: Yuzugullu, O.: Preliminary Results in Innovative Solutions for Soil Ca...
     with: Zhang, Y.: HumanGPS: Geodesic PreServing Feature for Dense Human Corre...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Learning Personalized High Quality Volumetric Head Avatars ...
     with: Zhu, Y.Y.: Monitoring Land Use Changes in the Yellow River Delta Using...
112 for Pandey, R.

Pandey, R.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bajpai, M.K.: Novel Approach for Edge Detection of Low Contrast Satell...
     with: Ganesan, R.A.: DeepInterpolation: fusion of multiple interpolations an...
     with: Govindaraju, V.: Deep Secure Encoding for Face Template Protection
     with: Karmakar, S.: Improving Facial Emotion Recognition Systems with Crucia...
     with: Kota, B.U.: Deep Secure Encoding for Face Template Protection
     with: Ramakrishnan, A.G.: Improvement of Image Denoising Algorithms by Prese...
     with: Ramakrishnan, A.G.: Improving Facial Emotion Recognition Systems with ...
     with: Saha, N.: Improving Facial Emotion Recognition Systems with Crucial Fe...
     with: Singh, H.: Improvement of Image Denoising Algorithms by Preserving the...
     with: Singh, K.K.: Novel Approach for Edge Detection of Low Contrast Satelli...
     with: Zhou, Y.: Deep Secure Encoding for Face Template Protection
11 for Pandey, R.K.

Pandey, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akula, A.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Almasri, F.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Ardakani, P.B.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Asutosh, A.: Assessment of Recent Changes in Dust over South Asia Usin...
     with: Aviles Rivero, A.I.: Three-Stage Self-Training Framework for Semi-Supe...
     with: Beksi, W.J.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Busch, C.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Chen, K.F.: Comprehensive Multimodal Segmentation in Medical Imaging: ...
     with: Chou, F.C.: Multi-View Fusion of Sensor Data for Improved Perception a...
     with: Chudasama, V.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Dalal, A.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Dam, E.B.: Comprehensive Multimodal Segmentation in Medical Imaging: C...
     with: Das, B.K.: Semiautomatic Approach for Generation of Site Models From C...
     with: Debeir, O.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Djuric, N.: Multi-View Fusion of Sensor Data for Improved Perception a...
     with: Fadadu, S.: Multi-View Fusion of Sensor Data for Improved Perception a...
     with: Feng, K.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Gautam, S.: MVFuseNet: Improving End-to-End Object Detection and Motio...
     with: Goel, S.: Semi-automatic leaf disease detection and classification sys...
     with: Gutierrez, N.B.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Hegde, D.: Multi-View Fusion of Sensor Data for Improved Perception an...
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Text Driven Temporal Segmentation of Cricket Videos
     with: Kansal, P.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Kaur, S.: Semi-automatic leaf disease detection and classification sys...
     with: Ke, R.: Three-Stage Self-Training Framework for Semi-Supervised Semant...
     with: Khanna, P.: Clustering of hierarchical image database to reduce inter-...
     with: Khanna, P.: effective use of adaptive combination of visual features t...
     with: Kumar, B.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Laddha, A.: MVFuseNet: Improving End-to-End Object Detection and Motio...
     with: Li, N.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Mahapatra, A.: Semiautomatic Approach for Generation of Site Models Fr...
     with: Mehri, A.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Mittal, N.: Assessment of Recent Changes in Dust over South Asia Using...
     with: Nathan, S.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Nguyen, Q.H.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Palombo, S.: MVFuseNet: Improving End-to-End Object Detection and Moti...
     with: Patel, H.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Prajapati, K.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Radhadevi, P.V.: Semiautomatic Approach for Generation of Site Models ...
     with: Raja, K.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Ramachandra, R.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Ramisetty, R.: Assessment of Recent Changes in Dust over South Asia Us...
     with: Reddy, S.: Three-Stage Self-Training Framework for Semi-Supervised Sem...
     with: Rivadeneira, R.E.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Saibaba, J.: Semiautomatic Approach for Generation of Site Models From...
     with: Sankar, K.P.: Text Driven Temporal Segmentation of Cricket Videos
     with: Sappa, A.D.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Sarvaiya, A.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Schonlieb, C.B.: Three-Stage Self-Training Framework for Semi-Supervis...
     with: Sharma, D.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Shi, Y.: Multi-View Fusion of Sensor Data for Improved Perception and ...
     with: Subramanyam, P.S.: Semiautomatic Approach for Generation of Site Model...
     with: Sudheer Reddy, D.: Semiautomatic Approach for Generation of Site Model...
     with: Upla, K.P.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Vallespi Gonzalez, C.: Multi-View Fusion of Sensor Data for Improved P...
     with: Vallespi Gonzalez, C.: MVFuseNet: Improving End-to-End Object Detectio...
     with: Vandamme, T.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Varadan, G.: Semiautomatic Approach for Generation of Site Models From...
     with: Vinoj, V.: Assessment of Recent Changes in Dust over South Asia Using ...
     with: Vintimilla, B.X.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Wu, R.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Yao, J.X.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Yokota, H.: Clustering of hierarchical image database to reduce inter-...
     with: Yokota, H.: effective use of adaptive combination of visual features t...
     with: Zhao, Y.Q.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
65 for Pandey, S.

Pandey, S.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Janghel, R.R.: Automatic arrhythmia recognition from electrocardiogram...

Pandey, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Brune, C.: Self-supervised Learning Through Colorization for Microscop...
     with: Jain, R.: Event Mining Driven Context-aware Personal Food Preference M...
     with: Nag, N.: Event Mining Driven Context-aware Personal Food Preference Mo...
     with: Rostami, A.: Event Mining Driven Context-aware Personal Food Preferenc...
     with: Srivastava, P.K.: Integration of Microwave and Optical/Infrared Derive...
     with: Strisciuglio, N.: Self-supervised Learning Through Colorization for Mi...

Pandharipande, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Caicedo, D.: Adaptive Illumination Rendering in LED Lighting Systems

Pandharipande, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chakraborty, R.: Spontaneous speech emotion recognition using prior kn...
     with: Ghosh, H.: Indexing of multilingual news telecast using audio-visual k...
     with: Gorai, A.: Indexing of multilingual news telecast using audio-visual k...
     with: Khare, A.: Indexing of multilingual news telecast using audio-visual k...
     with: Kopparapu, S.K.: Indexing of multilingual news telecast using audio-vi...
     with: Kopparapu, S.K.: Spontaneous speech emotion recognition using prior kn...

Pandharkar, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bardagjy, A.: Estimating Motion and size of moving non-line-of-sight o...
     with: Bawendi, M.: Estimating Motion and size of moving non-line-of-sight ob...
     with: Lawson, E.: Estimating Motion and size of moving non-line-of-sight obj...
     with: Raskar, R.: Estimating Motion and size of moving non-line-of-sight obj...
     with: Velten, A.: Estimating Motion and size of moving non-line-of-sight obj...

Pandhiani, S.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahmed, A.N.: Using GIS, Remote Sensing, and Machine Learning to Highli...
     with: Cimpianu, C.: Using GIS, Remote Sensing, and Machine Learning to Highl...
     with: Ciobotaru, N.: Using GIS, Remote Sensing, and Machine Learning to High...
     with: Corodescu Rosca, E.: Using GIS, Remote Sensing, and Machine Learning t...
     with: Costache, R.: Using GIS, Remote Sensing, and Machine Learning to Highl...
     with: Diaconu, D.C.: Using GIS, Remote Sensing, and Machine Learning to High...
     with: Fai, C.M.: Using GIS, Remote Sensing, and Machine Learning to Highligh...
     with: Hong, H.Y.: Using GIS, Remote Sensing, and Machine Learning to Highlig...
     with: Linh, N.T.T.: Using GIS, Remote Sensing, and Machine Learning to Highl...
     with: Minea, G.: Using GIS, Remote Sensing, and Machine Learning to Highligh...
     with: Pham, B.T.: Using GIS, Remote Sensing, and Machine Learning to Highlig...
     with: Pham, Q.B.: Using GIS, Remote Sensing, and Machine Learning to Highlig...
     with: Popa, M.C.: Using GIS, Remote Sensing, and Machine Learning to Highlig...
     with: Vojtek, M.: Using GIS, Remote Sensing, and Machine Learning to Highlig...
14 for Pandhiani, S.M.

Pandi, R.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dauwels, J.: Generic GPU-Accelerated Framework for the Dial-A-Ride Pro...
     with: Ho, S.G.: Generic GPU-Accelerated Framework for the Dial-A-Ride Proble...
     with: Nagavarapu, S.C.: Generic GPU-Accelerated Framework for the Dial-A-Rid...

Pandi, V.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dash, P.: Classification of Power Quality Disturbances Using GA Based ...
     with: Krishnanand, K.R.: Classification of Power Quality Disturbances Using ...
     with: Nayak, S.K.: Classification of Power Quality Disturbances Using GA Bas...
     with: Panigrahi, B.K.: Classification of Power Quality Disturbances Using GA...

Pandian, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Udhayakumar, G.: Improved multiple sclerosis diagnosis with advanced d...

Pandian, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Sivasundaram, S.: Performance analysis of classification and segmentat...

Pandian, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Berlin, S.J.: Detecting A Child's Stimming Behaviours for Autism Spect...
     with: Jayagopi, D.B.: Detecting A Child's Stimming Behaviours for Autism Spe...
     with: Rajagopalan, S.S.: Detecting A Child's Stimming Behaviours for Autism ...

Pandian, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chilamkurthy, S.: Deep-aspects: A Segmentation-assisted Model for Stro...
     with: Golla, S.: Deep-aspects: A Segmentation-assisted Model for Stroke Seve...
     with: Ranjan, M.: Deep-aspects: A Segmentation-assisted Model for Stroke Sev...
     with: Sreenivas, P.: Deep-aspects: A Segmentation-assisted Model for Stroke ...
     with: Tanamala, S.: Deep-aspects: A Segmentation-assisted Model for Stroke S...
     with: Tarpley, J.: Deep-aspects: A Segmentation-assisted Model for Stroke Se...
     with: Upadhyay, U.: Deep-aspects: A Segmentation-assisted Model for Stroke S...
7 for Pandian, J.

Pandian, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gummidipoondi, R.J.: Evaluation Of Catrosat 1pan Stereo And Resourcesa...
     with: Mohamed, G.S.: Evaluation Of Catrosat 1pan Stereo And Resourcesat Liss...
     with: Srinivasan, S.: Evaluation Of Catrosat 1pan Stereo And Resourcesat Lis...
     with: Swaminathan, S.: Evaluation Of Catrosat 1pan Stereo And Resourcesat Li...
     with: Venkatchalam, R.V.: Evaluation Of Catrosat 1pan Stereo And Resourcesat...

Pandian, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cho, W.S.: Identification of Amaranthus Species Using Visible-Near-Inf...
     with: Cho, Y.S.: Identification of Amaranthus Species Using Visible-Near-Inf...
     with: Daniel, A.: Procuring cooperative intelligence in autonomous vehicles ...
     with: Kadry, S.: Procuring cooperative intelligence in autonomous vehicles f...
     with: Kang, H.J.: Identification of Amaranthus Species Using Visible-Near-In...
     with: Lee, Y.H.: Identification of Amaranthus Species Using Visible-Near-Inf...
     with: Mahendran, R.K.: Procuring cooperative intelligence in autonomous vehi...
     with: Muthu, B.A.: Procuring cooperative intelligence in autonomous vehicles...
     with: Oh, Y.J.: Identification of Amaranthus Species Using Visible-Near-Infr...
     with: Rajkumar, N.: Procuring cooperative intelligence in autonomous vehicle...
     with: Ryu, T.H.: Identification of Amaranthus Species Using Visible-Near-Inf...
     with: Shin, E.K.: Identification of Amaranthus Species Using Visible-Near-In...
     with: Sohn, S.I.: Identification of Amaranthus Species Using Visible-Near-In...
     with: Subburathinam, K.: Procuring cooperative intelligence in autonomous ve...
     with: Zaukuu, J.L.Z.: Identification of Amaranthus Species Using Visible-Nea...
15 for Pandian, S.

Pandian, S.I.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anitha, J.: hierarchical algorithm with fast convergence spiral search...
     with: Bala, G.J.: hierarchical algorithm with fast convergence spiral search...
     with: Kuriakose, M.K.: hierarchical algorithm with fast convergence spiral s...

Pandian, S.M.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Handiru, V.S.: Intramuscular EMG classifier for detecting myopathy and...
     with: Jose, S.: Intramuscular EMG classifier for detecting myopathy and neur...
     with: Jothiraj, S.N.: Intramuscular EMG classifier for detecting myopathy an...
     with: Philip, J.T.: Intramuscular EMG classifier for detecting myopathy and ...
     with: Samuel, K.: Intramuscular EMG classifier for detecting myopathy and ne...
     with: Selvaraj, T.G.: Intramuscular EMG classifier for detecting myopathy an...
     with: Suviseshamuthu, E.S.: Intramuscular EMG classifier for detecting myopa...
7 for Pandian, S.M.S.

Pandit, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Banu, S.: 3D reconstruction of spine image from 2D MRI slices along on...
     with: Chakrabarti, A.: 3D reconstruction of spine image from 2D MRI slices a...
     with: Ghoshal, S.: 3D reconstruction of spine image from 2D MRI slices along...
     with: Mohite, J.D.: Investigating the Performance of Random Forest and Suppo...
     with: Pappula, S.: Investigating the Performance of Random Forest and Suppor...
     with: Sawant, S.A.: Investigating the Performance of Random Forest and Suppo...
     with: Sur Kolay, S.: 3D reconstruction of spine image from 2D MRI slices alo...
7 for Pandit, A.

Pandit, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dhodiya, J.: Molecular cancer classification on microarrays gene expre...
     with: Patel, Y.: Molecular cancer classification on microarrays gene express...

Pandit, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chan, C.H.: Algorithm to estimate biometric performance change over time
     with: Chilton, E.: Comparative Study of Different Segmentation Approaches fo...
     with: Heger, T.: Image fusion and wavelet analysis for 3-D reconstruction us...
     with: Kittler, J.V.: Algorithm to estimate biometric performance change over...
     with: Kittler, J.V.: Comparative Study of Different Segmentation Approaches ...
     with: Kittler, J.V.: Selection of Speaker Independent Feature for a Speaker ...
     with: Li, Y.: Comparative Study of Different Segmentation Approaches for Aud...
     with: Matas, J.G.: Selection of Speaker Independent Feature for a Speaker Ve...
     with: Meisner, R.: Image fusion and wavelet analysis for 3-D reconstruction ...
     with: Poh, N.: Algorithm to estimate biometric performance change over time
     with: Rackey, J.: Active Illumination for the Segmentation of Surface Deform...
     with: Rackey, J.: Automatic Generation of Morphological Opening-Closing Sequ...
12 for Pandit, M.

Pandit, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ben Arie, J.: Human Activity Recognition Using Multidimensional Indexing
     with: Ben Arie, J.: View-Based Human Activity Recognition by Indexing and Se...
     with: Gomila, C.: Adaptive reference filtering for bidirectional disparity c...
     with: Gomila, C.: Motion compensation based on implicit block segmentation
     with: Hegde, R.M.: Group Delay Based Methods for Speaker Segregation and its...
     with: Kim, J.H.: Motion compensation based on implicit block segmentation
     with: Lai, P.L.: Adaptive reference filtering for bidirectional disparity co...
     with: Nathwani, K.: Group Delay Based Methods for Speaker Segregation and it...
     with: Ortega, A.: Adaptive reference filtering for bidirectional disparity c...
     with: Ortega, A.: Motion compensation based on implicit block segmentation
     with: Rajaram, S.: Human Activity Recognition Using Multidimensional Indexing
     with: Rajaram, S.: View-Based Human Activity Recognition by Indexing and Seq...
     with: Wang, Z.Q.: Human Activity Recognition Using Multidimensional Indexing
     with: Wang, Z.Q.: View-Based Human Activity Recognition by Indexing and Sequ...
     with: Yin, P.: Adaptive reference filtering for bidirectional disparity comp...
     with: Yin, P.: Motion compensation based on implicit block segmentation
16 for Pandit, P.

Pandit, P.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jawak, S.D.: Mapping Velocity of The Potsdam Glacier, East Antarctica ...
     with: Joshi, M.: Mapping Velocity of The Potsdam Glacier, East Antarctica Us...
     with: Kumar, S.: Mapping Velocity of The Potsdam Glacier, East Antarctica Us...
     with: Luis, A.J.: Mapping Velocity of The Potsdam Glacier, East Antarctica U...
     with: Somadas, A.T.: Mapping Velocity of The Potsdam Glacier, East Antarctic...
     with: Wankhede, S.F.: Mapping Velocity of The Potsdam Glacier, East Antarcti...

Pandit, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Asadi, N.: Predicting Adversarial Cyber-Intrusion Stages Using Autoreg...
     with: Masceri, N.: Predicting Adversarial Cyber-Intrusion Stages Using Autor...
     with: Obradovic, Z.: Predicting Adversarial Cyber-Intrusion Stages Using Aut...
     with: Parker, E.: Predicting Adversarial Cyber-Intrusion Stages Using Autore...
     with: Rege, A.: Predicting Adversarial Cyber-Intrusion Stages Using Autoregr...
     with: Singer, B.: Predicting Adversarial Cyber-Intrusion Stages Using Autore...

Pandit, R.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Liu, F.: computer vision method to locate cold spots in foods in micro...
     with: Mikhaylenko, G.: computer vision method to locate cold spots in foods ...
     with: Tang, J.: computer vision method to locate cold spots in foods in micr...

Pandit, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Acharya, B.K.: Temporal Variations and Associated Remotely Sensed Envi...
     with: Betke, M.: Home-Based Physical Therapy with an Interactive Computer Vi...
     with: Borah, G.: Hierarchical Classification for Assessment of Horticultural...
     with: Cao, C.X.: Temporal Variations and Associated Remotely Sensed Environm...
     with: Dalu, T.: Numerical Assessments of Leaf Area Index in Tropical Savanna...
     with: Dube, T.: Estimating Above-Ground Biomass in Sub-Tropical Buffer Zone ...
     with: Dube, T.: Landscape-Scale Aboveground Biomass Estimation in Buffer Zon...
     with: Dube, T.: Numerical Assessments of Leaf Area Index in Tropical Savanna...
     with: Ellis, T.: Home-Based Physical Therapy with an Interactive Computer Vi...
     with: Gogoi, S.: Hierarchical Classification for Assessment of Horticultural...
     with: Goswami, C.: Hierarchical Classification for Assessment of Horticultur...
     with: Gu, Y.: Home-Based Physical Therapy with an Interactive Computer Visio...
     with: Gupta, C.: Hierarchical Classification for Assessment of Horticultural...
     with: Handique, B.K.: Hierarchical Classification for Assessment of Horticul...
     with: Jadi, R.: Hierarchical Classification for Assessment of Horticultural ...
     with: Jena, P.: Hierarchical Classification for Assessment of Horticultural ...
     with: Khanal, L.: Temporal Variations and Associated Remotely Sensed Environ...
     with: Mazvimavi, D.: Numerical Assessments of Leaf Area Index in Tropical Sa...
     with: Naeem, S.: Temporal Variations and Associated Remotely Sensed Environm...
     with: Nordahl, T.: Home-Based Physical Therapy with an Interactive Computer ...
     with: Raju, P.L.N.: Hierarchical Classification for Assessment of Horticultu...
     with: Ramoelo, A.: Numerical Assessments of Leaf Area Index in Tropical Sava...
     with: Saraee, E.: Home-Based Physical Therapy with an Interactive Computer V...
     with: Shoko, C.: Numerical Assessments of Leaf Area Index in Tropical Savann...
     with: Tsuyuki, S.: Estimating Above-Ground Biomass in Sub-Tropical Buffer Zo...
     with: Tsuyuki, S.: Landscape-Scale Aboveground Biomass Estimation in Buffer ...
     with: Xu, M.: Temporal Variations and Associated Remotely Sensed Environment...
27 for Pandit, S.

Pandit, S.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Guo, R.: Automatic Threshold Selection Based on Histogram Modes and a ...
     with: Guo, R.: Shape mensuration and recognition by DDS approach

Pandit, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Carmichael, Z.: Alps: Adaptive Quantization of Deep Neural Networks wi...
     with: Gustafson, J.L.: Alps: Adaptive Quantization of Deep Neural Networks w...
     with: Karia, V.: Alps: Adaptive Quantization of Deep Neural Networks with Ge...
     with: Kudithipudi, D.: Alps: Adaptive Quantization of Deep Neural Networks w...
     with: Langroudi, H.F.: Alps: Adaptive Quantization of Deep Neural Networks w...
     with: Zyarah, A.: Alps: Adaptive Quantization of Deep Neural Networks with G...

Pandit, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hajiyev, E.: SEWA DB: A Rich Database for Audio-Visual Emotion and Sen...
     with: Han, J.: SEWA DB: A Rich Database for Audio-Visual Emotion and Sentime...
     with: Kossaifi, J.: SEWA DB: A Rich Database for Audio-Visual Emotion and Se...
     with: Panagakis, Y.: SEWA DB: A Rich Database for Audio-Visual Emotion and S...
     with: Pantic, M.: SEWA DB: A Rich Database for Audio-Visual Emotion and Sent...
     with: Ringeval, F.: SEWA DB: A Rich Database for Audio-Visual Emotion and Se...
     with: Schmitt, M.: SEWA DB: A Rich Database for Audio-Visual Emotion and Sen...
     with: Schuller, B.: SEWA DB: A Rich Database for Audio-Visual Emotion and Se...
     with: Shen, J.: SEWA DB: A Rich Database for Audio-Visual Emotion and Sentim...
     with: Star, K.: SEWA DB: A Rich Database for Audio-Visual Emotion and Sentim...
     with: Toisoul, A.: SEWA DB: A Rich Database for Audio-Visual Emotion and Sen...
     with: Walecki, R.: SEWA DB: A Rich Database for Audio-Visual Emotion and Sen...
12 for Pandit, V.

Pandit, V.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bolle, R.M.: Robust Fingerprint Authentication Using Local Structural ...
     with: Ratha, N.K.: Robust Fingerprint Authentication Using Local Structural ...
     with: Vaish, V.: Robust Fingerprint Authentication Using Local Structural Si...

Pando, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cuervas Mons, J.: Using Remote Sensing Methods to Study Active Geomorp...
     with: Dominguez Cuesta, M.J.: Using Remote Sensing Methods to Study Active G...
     with: Gonzalez Pumariega, P.: Using Remote Sensing Methods to Study Active G...
     with: Jimenez Sanchez, M.: Using Remote Sensing Methods to Study Active Geom...
     with: Lopez Fernandez, C.: Using Remote Sensing Methods to Study Active Geom...
     with: Olona, J.: Using Remote Sensing Methods to Study Active Geomorphologic...
     with: Rodriguez Rodriguez, L.: Using Remote Sensing Methods to Study Active ...
     with: Serrano, J.: Using Remote Sensing Methods to Study Active Geomorpholog...
     with: Valenzuela, P.: Using Remote Sensing Methods to Study Active Geomorpho...
9 for Pando, L.

Pandolfi, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Biondi, E.: SIT-REM: An Interoperable and Interactive Web Geographic I...
     with: Frontoni, E.: SIT-REM: An Interoperable and Interactive Web Geographic...
     with: Malinverni, E.S.: SIT-REM: An Interoperable and Interactive Web Geogra...
     with: Mancini, A.: SIT-REM: An Interoperable and Interactive Web Geographic ...
     with: Marseglia, M.: SIT-REM: An Interoperable and Interactive Web Geographi...
     with: Pesaresi, S.: SIT-REM: An Interoperable and Interactive Web Geographic...
     with: Sturari, M.: SIT-REM: An Interoperable and Interactive Web Geographic ...
     with: Zabaglia, C.: SIT-REM: An Interoperable and Interactive Web Geographic...
     with: Zingaretti, P.: SIT-REM: An Interoperable and Interactive Web Geograph...
9 for Pandolfi, M.

Pandolfi, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bergami, G.: Predicting Frailty Condition in Elderly Using Multidimens...
     with: Bertini, F.: Predicting Frailty Condition in Elderly Using Multidimens...
     with: Marchesini, G.: Predicting Frailty Condition in Elderly Using Multidim...
     with: Montesi, D.: Predicting Frailty Condition in Elderly Using Multidimens...
     with: Veronese, G.: Predicting Frailty Condition in Elderly Using Multidimen...

Pandolfi, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gerace, I.: color image restoration with adjacent parallel lines inhib...
     with: Gerace, I.: new estimation of blur in the blind restoration problem, A
     with: Pucci, P.: new estimation of blur in the blind restoration problem, A

Pandolfi, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bartolucci, F.: Comment on the paper 'On the memory complexity of the ...
     with: Bartolucci, F.: exact algorithm for time-dependent variational inferen...

Pandolfo, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Balletti, C.: Villa Stein-de-monzie By Le Corbusier (1926-1928): Conse...
     with: di Resta, S.: Villa Stein-de-monzie By Le Corbusier (1926-1928): Conse...
     with: Faccio, P.: Villa Stein-de-monzie By Le Corbusier (1926-1928): Conserv...
     with: Guerra, F.: Villa Stein-de-monzie By Le Corbusier (1926-1928): Conserv...

Pandorfi, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: da Rosa Ferraz Jardim, A.M.: Using Remote Sensing to Quantify the Join...
     with: da Silva Junior, C.A.: Using Remote Sensing to Quantify the Joint Effe...
     with: da Silva, J.L.B.: Using Remote Sensing to Quantify the Joint Effects o...
     with: da Silva, M.V.: Using Remote Sensing to Quantify the Joint Effects of ...
     with: da Silva, T.G.F.: Using Remote Sensing to Quantify the Joint Effects o...
     with: de Castro Teixeira, A.H.: Using Remote Sensing to Quantify the Joint E...
     with: de Lima, J.L.M.P.: Using Remote Sensing to Quantify the Joint Effects ...
     with: de Oliveira Junior, J.F.: Using Remote Sensing to Quantify the Joint E...
     with: de Souza, L.S.B.: Using Remote Sensing to Quantify the Joint Effects o...
     with: do Nascimento Araujo Junior, G.: Using Remote Sensing to Quantify the ...
     with: dos Santos, A.: Using Remote Sensing to Quantify the Joint Effects of ...
     with: Silva, E.A.: Using Remote Sensing to Quantify the Joint Effects of Cli...
     with: Teodoro, P.E.: Using Remote Sensing to Quantify the Joint Effects of C...
13 for Pandorfi, H.

Pandremmenou, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bentley, E.S.: Game-theoretic solutions through intelligent optimizati...
     with: Katsaggelos, A.K.: novel cumulative distortion metric and a no-referen...
     with: Kondi, L.P.: Game-theoretic solutions through intelligent optimization...
     with: Kondi, L.P.: Geometric Bargaining Approach for Optimizing Resource All...
     with: Kondi, L.P.: novel cumulative distortion metric and a no-reference spa...
     with: Kondi, L.P.: On the improvement of no-reference mean opinion score est...
     with: Lovstrom, B.: On the improvement of no-reference mean opinion score es...
     with: Parsopoulos, K.E.: Game-theoretic solutions through intelligent optimi...
     with: Parsopoulos, K.E.: Geometric Bargaining Approach for Optimizing Resour...
     with: Sankisa, A.: novel cumulative distortion metric and a no-reference spa...
     with: Shahid, M.: On the improvement of no-reference mean opinion score esti...
11 for Pandremmenou, K.

Pandry, G.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Atiampo, A.K.: Hybrid model of diffusion based on the Jeffreys-type eq...
     with: Loum, G.L.: Hybrid model of diffusion based on the Jeffreys-type equat...
     with: Oumtanaga, S.: Hybrid model of diffusion based on the Jeffreys-type eq...

Panduranga, H.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kumar, H.S.S.: Hybrid approach for dual image encryption using nibble ...
     with: Kumar, S.K.N.: Hybrid approach for dual image encryption using nibble ...

Pandy, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agostinelli, A.: How Stable Are Transferability Metrics Evaluations?
     with: Agostinelli, A.: Transferability Estimation using Bhattacharyya Class ...
     with: Ferrari, V.: How Stable Are Transferability Metrics Evaluations?
     with: Ferrari, V.: Transferability Estimation using Bhattacharyya Class Sepa...
     with: Mensink, T.: How Stable Are Transferability Metrics Evaluations?
     with: Mensink, T.: Transferability Estimation using Bhattacharyya Class Sepa...
     with: Uijlings, J.: How Stable Are Transferability Metrics Evaluations?
     with: Uijlings, J.: Transferability Estimation using Bhattacharyya Class Sep...
8 for Pandy, M.

Pandy, M.G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gray, H.A.: Mobile Biplane X-Ray Imaging System for Measuring 3D Dynam...
     with: Guan, S.: Mobile Biplane X-Ray Imaging System for Measuring 3D Dynamic...
     with: Keynejad, F.: Mobile Biplane X-Ray Imaging System for Measuring 3D Dyn...

Pandya, A.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cao, A.: Improved Telemanipulator Navigation During Display-Control Mi...
     with: Chintamani, K.: Improved Telemanipulator Navigation During Display-Con...
     with: Ellis, R.D.: Improved Telemanipulator Navigation During Display-Contro...

Pandya, A.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agarwal, A.: deep learning approach for classification of COVID and pn...
     with: Gupta, S.: deep learning approach for classification of COVID and pneu...
     with: Macy, R.B.: Pattern Recognition with Neural Networks in C++
     with: Patel, R.H.: deep learning approach for classification of COVID and pn...
     with: Sanghvi, H.A.: deep learning approach for classification of COVID and ...
     with: Sawhney, V.: deep learning approach for classification of COVID and pn...
     with: Uwechue, O.A.: Human Face Recognition Using Third-Order Synthetic Neur...
7 for Pandya, A.S.

Pandya, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Rathod, B.: recent survey on perceived group sentiment analysis, A
     with: Vanzara, R.: recent survey on perceived group sentiment analysis, A
     with: Zaveri, M.A.: novel framework for semantic analysis of an illumination...

Pandya, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Identifying Ragas in Indian Music
     with: Kumar, V.: Identifying Ragas in Indian Music

Pandya, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chhabra, A.: Land Use and Land Cover Mapping - A Case Study of Ahmedab...
     with: Rawal, D.: Land Use and Land Cover Mapping - A Case Study of Ahmedabad...
     with: Vyas, A.: Land Use and Land Cover Mapping - A Case Study of Ahmedabad ...

Pandya, M.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Darji, N.P.: Retrieval of land surface temperature from the Kalpana-1 ...
     with: Kirankumar, A.S.: Retrieval of land surface temperature from the Kalpa...
     with: Panigrahy, S.: Retrieval of land surface temperature from the Kalpana-...
     with: Parihar, J.S.: Retrieval of land surface temperature from the Kalpana-...
     with: Ramakrishnan, R.: Retrieval of land surface temperature from the Kalpa...
     with: Shah, D.B.: Retrieval of land surface temperature from the Kalpana-1 V...
     with: Trivedi, H.J.: Retrieval of land surface temperature from the Kalpana-...
7 for Pandya, M.R.

Pandya, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Al Hamadi, A.: Deep Facial Expression Recognition with Occlusion Regul...
     with: Werner, P.: Deep Facial Expression Recognition with Occlusion Regulari...

Pandya, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Pathak, P.: Sensor Placement Strategy for Comprehensive Urban Heat Isl...
     with: Sane, A.: Sensor Placement Strategy for Comprehensive Urban Heat Islan...
     with: Sengupta, R.: Sensor Placement Strategy for Comprehensive Urban Heat I...
     with: Shukla, S.: Sensor Placement Strategy for Comprehensive Urban Heat Isl...

Pandya, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agarwal, S.: Homography based Player Identification in Live Sports
     with: Aggarwal, A.: Face image quality for actor profile image curation
     with: Ahire, L.: Face image quality for actor profile image curation
     with: Nandy, K.: Face image quality for actor profile image curation
     with: Nandy, K.: Homography based Player Identification in Live Sports
     with: Sethu, M.: Face image quality for actor profile image curation

Pandyan, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ray, B.K.: ACORD: An adaptive corner detector for planar curves

Pandzic, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahlberg, J.: Learning Local Descriptors by Optimizing the Keypoint-Cor...
     with: Markus, N.: Learning Local Descriptors by Optimizing the Keypoint-Corr...

Pandzic, I.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahlberg, J.: Eye pupil localization with an ensemble of randomized trees
     with: Ahlberg, J.: Fast facial expression recognition using local binary fea...
     with: Ahlberg, J.: Learning local descriptors by optimizing the keypoint-cor...
     with: Beham, M.: Cross-table linking and brushing: interactive visual analys...
     with: Buhler, K.: Cross-table linking and brushing: interactive visual analy...
     with: Capin, T.K.: MPEG-4: Audio/video and synthetic graphics/audio for mixe...
     with: Doenges, P.K.: MPEG-4: Audio/video and synthetic graphics/audio for mi...
     with: Forchheimer, R.: Eye pupil localization with an ensemble of randomized...
     with: Frljak, M.: Eye pupil localization with an ensemble of randomized trees
     with: Ganuza, M.L.: Cross-table linking and brushing: interactive visual ana...
     with: Gogic, I.: Fast facial expression recognition using local binary featu...
     with: Gracanin, D.: Cross-table linking and brushing: interactive visual ana...
     with: Kalra, F.: Synthetic and hybrid imaging in the HUMANOID and VIDAS proj...
     with: Lavagetto, F.: MPEG-4: Audio/video and synthetic graphics/audio for mi...
     with: Lavagetto, F.: Synthetic and hybrid imaging in the HUMANOID and VIDAS ...
     with: Magnenat Thalmann, N.: Synthetic and hybrid imaging in the HUMANOID an...
     with: Manhart, M.: Fast facial expression recognition using local binary fea...
     with: Markus, N.: Eye pupil localization with an ensemble of randomized trees
     with: Markus, N.: Learning local descriptors by optimizing the keypoint-corr...
     with: Matkovic, K.: Cross-table linking and brushing: interactive visual ana...
     with: Ostermann, J.: MPEG-4: Audio/video and synthetic graphics/audio for mi...
     with: Petajan, E.D.: MPEG-4: Audio/video and synthetic graphics/audio for mi...
     with: Splechtna, R.: Cross-table linking and brushing: interactive visual an...
23 for Pandzic, I.S.

Pandzic, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Mihajlovic, D.: Assessment Of The Geometric Quality Of Sentinel-2 Data
     with: Pandzic, M.: Assessment Of The Geometric Quality Of Sentinel-2 Data
     with: Pfeifer, N.: Assessment Of The Geometric Quality Of Sentinel-2 Data

Pandzic, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alexakis, E.: Soya Yield Prediction on a Within-Field Scale Using Mach...
     with: Antic, A.: Soya Yield Prediction on a Within-Field Scale Using Machine...
     with: Crnojevic, V.: Soya Yield Prediction on a Within-Field Scale Using Mac...
     with: Lugonja, P.: Soya Yield Prediction on a Within-Field Scale Using Machi...
     with: Marko, O.: Soya Yield Prediction on a Within-Field Scale Using Machine...
     with: Mavrepis, P.: Soya Yield Prediction on a Within-Field Scale Using Mach...
     with: Mihajlovic, D.: Assessment Of The Geometric Quality Of Sentinel-2 Data
     with: Pandzic, J.: Assessment Of The Geometric Quality Of Sentinel-2 Data
     with: Panic, M.: Soya Yield Prediction on a Within-Field Scale Using Machine...
     with: Pejak, B.: Soya Yield Prediction on a Within-Field Scale Using Machine...
     with: Pfeifer, N.: Assessment Of The Geometric Quality Of Sentinel-2 Data
     with: Zhou, N.: Soya Yield Prediction on a Within-Field Scale Using Machine ...
12 for Pandzic, M.

Index for "p"

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