Update Dates 9200

9200 * *Active Vision
* *Advances in Machine Vision: Strategies and Applications
* *Advances in Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition
* *Artificial and Biological Vision Systems
* *Computer and Robot Vision
* *Computer Vision and Image Processing
* *Geometric Invariance in Computer Vision
* *Groningen Image Processing System, GIPSY
* *IEEE Trans. Image Processing
* *Neural Networks for Human and Machine Perception
* *Spatial Vision in Humans and Robots
* *Vision-based Vehicle Guidance
* *Visual Form: Analysis and Recognition
* 3-D Landmark Recognition from Range Images
* 3-D Model Alignment without Computing Pose
* 3-D Object Model Synthesis in a Monocular Imaging System
* 3-D Shape Recognition by Active Vision without Camera Velocity Information
* 3-D World Model Builder with a Mobile Robot, A
* 3D CAD-Based Inspection I: Coarse Verification
* 3D Computer Vision and Applications
* 3D Computer Vision for Agrotics: The Potato Operation, An Overview
* 3D Dynamic Scene Analysis: A Stereo Based Approach
* 3D Facial Image Analysis for Human Identification
* 3D Model Acquisition from Monocular Image Sequences
* 3D Models from Contours: Further Identification of Unexposed Areas
* 3D Object Recognition System Using Voxel Representation, A
* 3D Object Recognition: Interpretation Tree Search on a MIMD Machine
* 3D Shape and Light Source Location from Depth and Reflectance
* 3D-Pose Estimation From A Quadratic Curved Feature In Two Perspective Views
* Absolute Orientation from Uncertain Point Data: A Unified Approach
* Abstract Processes in Texture Discrimination
* Active Detection and Classification of Junctions by Foveation with a Head-Eye System Guided by the Scale-Space Primal Sketch
* Active Egomotion Estimation: A Qualitative Approach
* Active Observer, An
* Active Photometric Stereo
* Active Vision With Two Differentiated Visual Fields
* Active/Dynamic Stereo for Navigation
* Adaptive Control Techniques for Dynamic Visual Repositioning of Hand-Eye Robotic Systems
* Adaptive Decimated Median Filtering
* Adaptive Ho-Kashyap Rules for Perceptron Training
* Adaptive Meshes and Shells: Irregular Triangulation, Discontinuities, and Hierarchical Subdivisions
* Affine and Projective Structure from Motion
* Affine Shape Representation from Motion Through Reference Points
* Algorithm for Detection of Dominant Points and Polygonal Approximation of Digitzed Curves, An
* Algorithm for Polygonal Approximation of Digitized Curves, An
* Algorithms for a Fast Confocal Optical Inspection System
* Algorithms for Constraint-Satisfaction Problems: A Survey
* Alignment of Objects with Smooth Surfaces: Error Analysis of the Curvature Method, The
* Analog VLSI Circuits for Stimulus Localization and Centroid Computation
* Analog VLSI Systems for Image Acquisition and Fast Early Vision Processing
* Analyse de Formes Deformees
* Analysis of Scanned documents: A Syntactic Approach
* Analysis of Swept Volumes via Lie Groups and Differential Equations
* Analysis of the Least median of Squares Estimator for Computer Vision Applications
* Analytical Results on the Quadtree Decomposition of Arbitrary Rectangles
* ANASTASIL: A System for Low-Level and High-Level Geometric Analysis of Printed Documents
* Anatomy of a Color Histogram
* Application of Binary Mathematical Morphology to Separate Overlapped Objects
* Application of Moment and Fourier Descriptors to the Accurate Estimation of Elliptical-Shape Parameters
* Arc Consistency: Parallelism and Domain Dependence
* Architecture and Automatic Task Planning for Sensor-Based Robots
* Architecture for Image Compression Through Wavelet Transform, An
* Architecture of the Knowledge Based Configuration System for Image Analysis Conny
* Arrangement: A Spatial Relation for Describing and Comparing Part Embeddings
* Artificial Intelligence In Vision
* Artificial Versus Real Neural Networks
* Assembly Planning Based On Assembly Illustration Understanding
* Associating an Image by Network Constraint Analysis
* Asymptotic Behavior of Morphological Filters
* Asymptotic Normality of the Morphological Pattern-Spectrum Moments and Orthogonal Granulometric Generators
* Attentional Prototype for Early Vision, An
* Attribute Grammar for Shape Recognition and Its VLSI Implementation
* Automated Inspection Of Machine Parts
* Automated Precision Measurement of Surface Profile in CAD-Directed Inspection
* Automated Recognition Of Architectural Drawings
* Automatic Acquisition of Visual Models for Image Recognition
* Automatic Data Acquisition from Topographic Maps Using a Knowledge-based Image Analysis System
* Automatic Detection of Targets Against Cluttered Backgrounds Using a Fractal-Oriented Statistical Analysis and Radon Transform
* Automatic Evaluation of Skeleton Shapes
* Automatic Inference of Textline Orientation
* Automatic Mesh Generation Using the Symmetric Axis Transformation of Polygonal Domains
* Automatic Printed Circuit Pattern Inspection Using Connectivity Preserving Image Reduction and Connectivity Comparison
* Automatic System of Quality Control of Hybrid Circuits by Image Analysis
* Automatic Vehicle Image Extraction Based on Spatio-Temporal Image Analysis
* Automatic vision system for final test of liquid crystal display
* Automatic Visual Inspection of Wood Surfaces
* Autonomous Fixation
* Background Primal Sketch: An Approach for Tracking Moving Objects, The
* Background Region-Based Algorithm for the Segmentation of Connected Digits
* Basic Puzzle Grammars And Isosceles Right Triangles
* Bayesian Methods for Adaptive Models
* Bayesian Treatment of the Stereo Correspondence Problem Using Half-Occluded Regions, A
* Behavioral object recognition from multiple image frames
* Behavioral Visual Motion Analysis
* Binocular Fusion Revisited Utilizing a Log-Polar Tessellation
* Boundary Feature Extraction and Structural Verification of Objects
* Bounded and Unbounded Implicit Polynomial Curves and Surfaces, Mahalanobis Distances, and Geometric Invariants, for Robust Object Recognition
* Brightness Versus Apparent Contrast 1: Incremental and Decremental Disks With Varying Diameter
* Brightness Versus Apparent Contrast 2: Large-Field Asymmetry
* Brightness Versus Apparent Contrast 3: Blurred Disks and Concentric Cosine Gratings
* Bringing the Grandmother Back into the Picture: A Memory-Based View of Pattern Recognition
* Building up Templates for Non-Rigid Plane Outlines
* Camera Calibration Using 4 Point-Targets, A
* Camera Calibration Using Multiple Images
* Camera Self-Calibration: Theory and Experiments
* Caption-Aided Face Location In Newspaper Photographs
* Chain Codes and Their Linear Reconstruction Filters
* Characteristics of Digitized Images of Technical Articles
* Closed-Form Massively-Parallel Range-from-Image-Flow Algorithm, A
* Color Image Analysis By Varying Camera Aperture
* Color Stereo Matching and Its Application to 3-D Measurement of Optic Nerve Head
* Colored Interreflections and Shape Recovery
* Colour Image Segmentation and Labeling Through Multiedit-Condensing
* Combining Artificial Neural Networks and Symbolic Processing for Autonomous Robot Guidance
* Combining Image Processing Operators and Neural Networks in a Face Recognition System
* Comment on Consistent Integration and Propagation of Disparate Sensor Observations
* Compilation and Sufficient Representation of Object Models for Visual Representation
* Complete Structure and Motion from Two Monocular Sequences without Stereo Correspondence
* Compressing the Parameter Space of the Generalised Hough Transform
* Computational Approaches for Processing and Analysis of Tactile Information
* Computational Model for Binocular Motion Processing, A
* Computational Model for Recognition of Multifont Word Images, A
* Computer Vision Process to Detect and Track Space Debris Using Ground-Based Optical Telephoto Images, A
* Computer Vision, A Unified, Biologically-Inspired Approach
* Computer Vision, Models and Inspection
* Computer Vision, Theory and Industrial Applications
* Computing Curvilinear Structure by Token-Based Grouping
* Computing Discontinuity-Preserved Image Flow
* Computing Exact Aspect Graphs of Curved Objects: Algebraic Surfaces
* Computing Motion Using Analog VLSI Vision Chips: An Experimental Comparison among Different Approaches
* Computing Perceptual Organization Using Voting Methods and Graphical Enumeration
* Concave Fuzzy Set: A Concept Complementary to the Convex Fuzzy Set
* Connectivity graphs for space-variant active vision
* Consensus by Decomposition: A Paradigm for Fast High Breakdown Point Robust Estimation
* Constrained Implicit Function Fitting
* Constraints for Recognizing and Locating Curved 3D Objects from Monocular Image Features
* Constructing Object Models from Multiple Images
* Context Knowledge and Search Control Issues in Object-Oriented Prolog-Based Image Understanding
* Contiguity-Constrained Clustering for Image Analysis
* Contour Matching Using Local Affine Transformations
* Contribution to the Matching Problem in Stereo Vision
* Controlling Illumination color to Enhance Object Discriminability
* Convergence, Continuity, and Iteration in Mathematical Morphology
* Coordinated Motion Planning: The Warehousman's Problem with Constraints on Free Space
* Corner Detection And Localization In A Pyramid
* Correcting Chromatic Aberrations Using Image Warping
* Correction Of Line Drawings for Image Segmentation In Leather Industry
* Correspondence from Color Shading
* Counting Minimal Paths in 3D Digital Geometry
* Critical Survey of Music Image Analysis, A
* Curved Contours and Surface Reconstruction
* Deblurring subject to nonnegativity constraints
* Decomposition of Digital Clumps into Convex Parts by Contour Tracing and Labelling
* Deformable Region Model Using Stochastic Processes Applied to Echocardiographic Images, A
* Depth And Motion Analysis Machine, The
* Depth from Defocus and Rapid Autofocusing: A Practical Approach
* Depth Perception Using Blurring and Its Application in VLSI Wafer Probing
* Description and Tracking of Moving Articulated Objects
* Design of Morphological Filters Using Multiple Structuring Elements, Part I: Openings and Closings, The
* Detecting Relative Motion In Moving Point Patterns
* Detecting Wings in Quadric Surface Scenes
* Detection and Verification of Surfaces of Revolution by Perceptual Grouping
* Detection of Moving Objects in a Sequence of Images Using a Coarse-to-Fine Strategy
* Detection of Significant Points and Polygonal Approximation of Digitized Curves
* Determination of the Apparent Boundary of an Object
* Determining Holes and Connectivity in Binary Images
* Determining Location and Orientation of a Labelled Cylinder Using Point-Pair Estimation Algorithm
* Determining Motion of Non-Rigid Objects by Active Tubes
* Determining Three-Dimensional Shape from Orientation and Spatial Frequency Disparities
* Deterministic Approach for Stereo Disparity Calculation, A
* Development of a Segment-Based Description of Events in Image Sequences
* Digital Cartography
* Dimensionality in Image Analysis
* Direct Estimation of Structure from Non-Linear Motion by Voting Algorithm without Tracking and Matching
* Direct Method for Reconstructing Shape from Shading
* Direct Motion Stereo for Passive Navigation
* Directed Sonar Sensing for Mobile Robot Navigation
* Discrete Euclidean Metrics
* Discretization of Morphological Operators
* Discriminant Analysis and Statistical Pattern Recognition
* Displacement Errors in Surface Property Data
* Distributed Representations of Image Velocity
* Document Image Analysis: A Bibliography
* Dominant Views of Solid Objects, The
* Drawing Scene Perception Model Based On The Human Visual System, A
* Dynamic Map Building for an Autonomous Mobile Robot
* Dynamic Neural Estimation for Autonomous Vehicles Driving
* Dynamic Wires: An Analog VLSI Model for Object-Based Processing
* Edge Length Ratios: An Affine Invariant Shape Representation for Recognition with Occlusions
* Edge Linking by Using Causal Neighborhood Window
* Edge Tracing in a Priori Known Direction
* Efficient Data Management Method for Spatial Objects Using MD-tree-Experimental Evaluation and Comparisons, An
* Efficient Multi-Resolution Edge Detector Employing a Wide Range of Scales, An
* Efficient Multidimensional Transformation from Data Space to Parameter Space
* Efficient Representation and Transformation of Image Data on the Connection Machine System
* Egomotion Algorithm Based on the Tracking of Arbitrary Curves, An
* Electro-optical Orientation Sensor for Robotics, An
* Electromagnetic Models for Perceptual Grouping
* Elevation Modeling And Motion Tracking Using A Binocular Camera System With Seven Degrees Of Freedom
* Epipolar Line Estimation
* Errors in Digitized Area Measurements: Circles and Rectangles
* Estimating Motion of Constant Acceleration from Image Sequences
* Estimating Optical Flow from Clustered Trajectories in Velocity-Time
* Estimation of Time-to-Collision Maps from First Order Motion Models and Normal Flows
* Euclidean Gray-Scale Granulometries: Representation and Umbra Inducement
* Euclidean Skeletons and Conditional Bisectors
* Evaluating a Hidden Markov Model of Syntax in a Text Recognition System
* Evaluating Quality of Surface Description Using Robust Methods
* Evaluation of Comparison Levels in Iterative Estimators
* Evaluation of Edge Detectors Using Average Risk
* Exact Robot Navigation Using Artificial Potential Functions
* Example of 3-D Interpretation of Images Using Bayesian Networks, An
* Existence and Uniqueness for Shape from Shading Around Critical Points: Theory and an Algorithm
* Experimental Implementation of a Document Recognition System for Papers Containing Mathematical Expressions, An
* Expert Module To Recognize Injured Rat Footprint Images, An
* Expert System for Recovering 3D Shape and Orientation from a Single View, An
* Extracting Geometric Shapes from a Set of Points
* Extracting Nonrigid Moving Objects By Temporal Edges
* Extraction of Data from Preprinted Forms
* Extraction of Grid Patterns on Stamped Metal Sheets Using Mathematical Morphology
* Extraction of Line Drawings from Gray Value Images by Non-Local Analysis of Edge Element Structures
* Extraction of Shape Features and Experiments on Cue Integration
* Extrinsic Calibration of a Vision Sensor Mounted on a Robot
* Face Recognition Based on Depth and Curvature Features
* Face Recognition Through Geometrical Features
* Facial expression of emotion: New findings, new questions
* Families of Tuned Scale-Space Kernels
* Fast Algorithm for Local Minimum and Maximum Filters on Rectangular and Octagonal Kernels, A
* Fast and Adaptive Method to Estimate Texture Statistics by the Spatial Gray Level Dependence Matrix for Texture Image Segmentation, A
* Fast Erosion and Dilation by Contour Processing and Thresholding of Distance Maps
* Fast Histogram-Clustering Approach for Multi-Level Thresholding, A
* Fast Learning and Invariant Object Recognition: The Sixth Generation Breakthrough
* Fast Method to Estimate Sensor Translation, A
* Fast Obstacle Detection Method Based on Optical Flow, A
* Fast Recognition Using Adaptive Subdivisions of Transformation Space
* Feature Based Approach to Face Recognition, A
* Feature Extraction for Localization
* Feature Frequency Matrices as Texture Image Representation
* Finding Circular Shapes in an Image on a Pyramid Architecture
* Finding Face Features
* Finding Landmarks Autonomously Along a Route
* Finding Parametric Curves in an Image
* Finding Similar Patterns in Large Image Databases
* Finite Element Method for Determination of Optical Flow
* Flexibly Coupled Hypercube Multiprocessor for High Level Vision, A
* Formal Definition and Entropy Calculation of Hierarchical Attributed Random Graph
* Formal Definition of the Hough Transform: Properties and Relationships, A
* Formal Parallel Model for Three-Dimensional Object Pattern Representation, A
* Formulation and Error Analysis for a Generalized Image Point Correspondence Algorithm
* Frobenius Metric in Image Registration, The
* From Accurate Range Imaging Sensor Calibration to Accurate Model-Based 3-D Object Localization
* From Image Edges to Geons to Viewpoint-Invariant Object Models: A Neural Net Implementation
* From Partial Derivatives of 3D Density Images to Ridge Lines
* From Slice Data to Suggestive Parts
* Functional Programming Environment for Image Analysis, A
* Fusion of Stereo and Motion Vision for 3-D Reconstruction
* Fusion Through Interpretation
* Fuzzy Divergence, Probability Measure of Fuzzy Events and Image Thresholding
* Fuzzy Learning in Vicissitudinous Environments
* Fuzzy Mathematical Morphology
* Fuzzy Models for Pattern Recognition
* Fuzzy-Attribute Graph with application to Chinese Character Recognition
* General Dynamic Vision Architecture for UGV and UAV, A
* Generalisation of Renormalisation Group Methods for Multi Resolution Image Analysis, A
* Generalised Hough Transform in Object Recognition
* Generalized Cones: Useful Geometric Properties
* Generating Complete Depth Maps In Passive Vision Systems
* Global Interpretation Of Optical Flow Field: A Least-Squares Approach
* Graph Morphology
* Groningen Image Processing System, GIPSY, The
* Grouping Iso-Velocity Points for Ego-Motion Recovery
* Handprinted Digit Recognition Using Spatiotemporal Connectionist Models
* Handwritten Numeral Recognition Based on Hierarchically Self-Organizing Learning Networks with Spatio-Temporal Pattern Recognition
* Hidden Markov Model for Language Syntax in Text Recognition, A
* Hierarchical Analysis of Visual Motion
* Hierarchical Computation of Image Velocity from Local Phase Information
* Hierarchical Model-Based Motion Estimation
* Hierarchical Multiple-SIMD Architecture for Image Analysis
* Hierarchical Square Tessellation of the Sphere, A
* Hierarchical Waveform Matching: A New Feature-Based Stereo Technique
* Higher-Order Neural Network for Distortion Invariant Pattern Recognition, A
* Histogram Thresholding by Minimizing Graylevel Fuzziness
* Hole-Spectrum Representation and Model-Based Optimal Morphological Restoration of Binary Images Degraded by Subtractive Noise
* Human Face Recognition from a Single Front View
* Hypotheses Management for Scene Interpretation in a Multisensory Perception Machine
* Identifying Multiple Motions from Optical Flow
* Image Analysis Based Method To Evaluate Gravure Paper Quality, An
* Image Analysis On Massively Parallel Computers: An Architectural Point Of View
* Image Gathering and Processing for High-Resolution Edge Detection
* Image Matching
* Image Matching Using Corresponding Point Measurements
* Image Processing and Analysis
* Image reconstruction on hypercube computers: Application to electron microscopy
* Image Representation Using Vector Wavelets
* Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy Correlation
* Image Selective Smoothing and Edge Detection by Nonlinear Diffusion
* Image Selective Smoothing and Edge Detection by Nonlinear Diffusion, II
* Image Understanding Environments Program, The
* Image Understanding System Aiming At Analysis Of Biological Membrane Behavior, An
* IMM Algorithms for Tracking Targets that Maneuver Through Coordinated Turns
* Imperfect form Tolerancing on Manifold Objects: A Metric Approach
* Improved Algorithm for Labeling Connected Components in a Binary Image, An
* Incremental Estimation of Image-Flow Using a Kalman Filter
* Indexing Function-Based Categories for Generic Recognition
* Information Fusion In Image Understanding
* Initial Segmentation For Knowledge Indexing
* INTEGRA: An Integrated System For Range Image Understanding
* Integrated System for Active Exploration Using Contact and Non-Contact Sensors, An
* Integrating Intensity and Range Sensing to Construct 3-D Polyhedra Representations
* Intelligent Forms Processing System
* Intelligent Image Interface to 3D Images with 3D Image Understanding and Presentation
* Intelligent Mobile Robot Golfing System Using Binocular Stereo Vision, An
* Intelligent Navigation for Autonomous Robots Using Dynamic Vision
* Interactive Reconstruction via Geometric Probing
* Interactive Road Finding For Aerial Images
* Interpretation of Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Using Projective Invariants and Deformable Templates, The
* Introduction To Wavelets
* Invariant Architectures for Low-Level Vision
* Invariant Linear Methods in Photogrammetry and Model-Matching
* Invariant Surface and Motion Estimation from Sparse Range Data
* Invertibility of a Special Class of Mean Filter Operators
* IRS Image Segmentation: Minimum Distance Classifier Approach
* Issues In Parallel Tree Search for Object Recognition
* Issues In Selective Perception
* Iterative TIN Generation from Digital Elevation Models
* Knowledge Based System for Diagnosing Spinal Deformations: Moire Pattern Analysis and Interpretation, A
* Knowledge Engineering in Remote Sensing and Knowledge Based Systems in GIS
* Knowledge-Based Interpretation of Scanned Large-Scale Maps Using Multi-Level Modelling
* Knowledge-Based System for Satellite Image Interpretation, A
* Knowledge-Guided Visual Perception of 3-D Human Gait from a Single Image Sequence
* KOR: A Knowledge-Based Object Recognition System
* Labeling of Curvilinear Structure Across Scales by Token Grouping
* Landmark-Based Robot Navigation
* Large Scale Stereo Vision
* Lattice Framework for Integrating Vision Modules, A
* Learning 3D Object Descriptions from a Set of Stereo Vision Observations
* Learning Algorithm Based on Modified Structure of Pattern Classes
* Learning Knowledge-Directed Visual Strategies
* Learning of Patterns and Picture Languages
* Learning to Recognize Faces from Examples
* Lightness Constancy from Luminance Contrast
* Line Based Trinocular Stereo
* Linear Models of Surface and Illuminant Spectra
* Linear Octree by Volume Intersection Using Perspective Silhouettes
* Liquid Crystal Polarization Camera
* Local Association Based Recognition of Two-Dimensional Objects
* Local Characteristics of Binary Images and Their Application to the Automatic Control of Low-Level Robot Vision
* Local Decomposition of Gray-Scale Morphological Templates
* Local Symmetry Modeling in Multi-Dimensional Images
* Locating Objects from Their Point Features Using an Optimized Hough-Like Accumulation Technique
* Log-Polar Mapping Applied To Pattern Representation And Recognition
* Logic Gate Implementation for Gray-Scale Morphology
* logic of constraint satisfaction, The
* Low Resolution Cues for Guiding Saccadic Eye Movements
* Low-rate sequence image coding via vector quantization
* Manipulation of Multivalued Images in Image Algebra
* Matching Complex Images to Multiple 3D Objects Using View Description Networks
* Matching Conic Curve Segments
* Matching Stereo Satellite Images
* Mathematical Morphology on L-Images
* Mathematical Morphology: Extensions towards Computer Vision
* Matrice Fondamentale et Calibration Visuelle sur l'Environment
* Maximum Likelihood Unsupervised Textured Image Segmentation
* Maximum-Likelihood Classification of Image Edges Using Spatial and Spatial-Frequency Features
* Measuring the Quality of Hypotheses in Model-Based Recognition
* Method for Detection of Circular Arcs Based on the Hough Transform, A
* Method For The Recognition of Symbols on Geographic Maps, A
* Method to Design Filters for Image Smoothing, A
* Methods of Combining Multiple Classifiers and Their Applications to Handwriting Recognition
* Minimal Subset Random Sampling for Pose Determination and Refinement
* Mission Parameters Derived from Optical Flow
* Mixed Finite Element Based Neural Networks In Visual Reconstruction
* Model Based Image Analysis, Using Solid Modelling and Ray Tracing
* Model Based Region Segmentation Using Cooccurrence Matrices
* Model Dependent Inference of 3D Information from a Sequence of 2D Images
* Model of Human Estimation of 3D Shape from Shading Information Using Zero Crossings, A
* Model of Visual Motion Sensing
* Model-Based Approach to Representation and Matching of Object Shape Patterns, A
* Model-Based Calibration of a Range Camera
* Model-Based Characterization of Statistically Optimal Design for Morphological Shape Recognition Algorithms via the Hit-or-Miss Transform
* Model-Based Synthesis of Vision Routines
* Model-Driven Object Recognition: Complexity Issues
* Modeling Spatial Vision at the Threshold Level
* Modeling the Surface of 3D Objects Using Multiple Range Views
* Modification of Deriche's Approach to Edge Detection, A
* Modified Stereo Matching Suitable for Implementation on a Convolution Specialized Hardware, A
* Morphological Analysis of Discrete Random Shapes
* Morphological Methods for Detection and Classification of Edges in Range Images
* Morphological Template Decomposition with Max-Polynomials
* Motion Analysis of Articulated Objects with Applications to Human Ambulatory Patterns
* Motion and Structure Estimation from Stereo Image Sequences
* Motion of Nonrigid Objects from Multiframe Correspondences
* Motion Parameters from Right Angles
* Motion Recovery from Image Sequences Using Only First Order Optical Flow Information
* Motion Segmentation Using Singular Value Decomposition
* Motion Tracking on the Spatiotemporal Surface
* Moving Humans Recognition Using Spatio-Temporal Models
* MRF Approach to Optical Flow Estimation, A
* Multi-Resolution Texture Classifier Based on Multi-Resolution Tuned Mask, A
* Multi-Scale Analysis of Discrete Point Sets
* Multi-Scale Stereo Matching
* Multi-Specialist Architecture for Sensor Fusion in Remote Sensing, A
* Multilayer Massively Parallel Architecture for Optical Flow Computation, A
* Multiobjective optimization approach to image reconstruction from projections
* Multiple Motions from Instantaneous Frequency
* Multiple Object Tracking System with Three Level Continuous Processes
* Multiple-Baseline Stereo Method, A
* Multiresolution Edge Labelling Using Hierarchical Relaxation
* Multiresolution Image Shape Description
* Multiscale Analysis Model Applied to Natural Surfaces, A
* Multiscale Color Image Enhancement
* Multispectral Classification of Landsat Images Using Neural Networks
* Multistage Pattern Recognition with Reject Option
* Natural Object Recognition
* Navigation by Optical Flow
* Near-Automatic Detection of Arrow-Shaped Markers for CT/MRI Fusion
* Neural Network, Self-Organization and Object Extraction
* Neural Networks in Robotics
* New 3-D Surface Measurement System Using a Structured Light, A
* New Approach for Feature Point Classification, Aggregation, and Description, A
* New Chromatic Edge Detector Used for Color Image Segmentation, A
* New Method for Recognizing and Locating Objects by Searching Longest Paths, A
* New Method of Extracting Invariants under Affine Transform, A
* New One-Pass Parallel Thinning Algorithm for Binary Images, A
* New Surface Tracking Algorithm in 3D Binary Images, A
* New Visual Invariants for Obstacle Detection Using Optical Flow Induced from General Motion
* Non-Rigid Heart Wall Motion Using MR Tagging
* Non-Wildcard Matching Beats The Interpretation Tree
* Nondestructive Evaluation of Civil Structures and Materials Using Stereo Camera Measurements
* Nonlinear Filtering Structure for Image Smoothing in Mixed-Noise Environments
* Nonlinear total variation based noise removal algorithms
* Nonuniform Region Processing on SIMD Arrays Using the Coterie Network
* Note on the Paper The Visual Potential: One Convex Polygon, A
* Numerical Potential Field Techniques for Robot Path Planning
* Object Background Classification Using Hopfield Type Neural Network
* Object Detection in Outdoor Scenes by Disparity Map Segmentation
* Object Identification Using Modified Distributed Associated Memory
* Object Locating Based On Concentric Circular Description
* Object oriented image segmentation
* Object Oriented Representational System for Image Features and Their Relations, An
* Object Recognition and Pose Estimation with a Fast and Versatile 3D Robot Sensor
* Object Recognition Based on Moment (or Algebraic) Invariants
* Object Recognition by a Robotic Agent: The Purposive Approach
* Object Recognition by Flexible Template Matching Using Genetic Algorithms
* Object-Oriented Approach to Template Guided Inspection, An
* Obstacle Avoidance and Trajectory Planning for an Indoor Mobile Robot Using Stereo Vision and Delaunay Triangulation
* Occam's Razor and Bayesian Analysis
* Offline Tracing and Representation of Signatures
* On a Decomposition of 2-D Circular Convolution
* On Circles and Circular Arcs Recognition
* On Estimating a Robot's Motion from Laser Range Measurements Using the Distance Transform
* On Finding the Ends of SHGCs in an Edge Image
* On Improving The Accuracy Of Line Extraction In Hough Space
* On Local Linear Transform and Gabor Filter Representation of Texture
* On Parallel Recognition of Two Classes of 2-D Array Patterns
* On Shape Recovery From Two Shading Patterns
* On the approximation of free discontinuity problems
* On the Derivation of Geometric Constraints in Stereo
* On the Evolution of Curves Via a Function of Curvature. I. The Classical Case
* On The Perspective Projection Of 3-D Planar-Faced Junctions
* On the Recognition of Posture
* On The Reconstruction Aspects of Moment Descriptors
* On the Uniqueness of Correspondence under Orthographic and Perspective Projections
* On the Use of Morphological Operators in a Class of Edge Detectors
* On Training Gaussian Radial Basis Functions for Image Coding
* Optical modeling of mathematical morphology: A link between convolution of images, dilation and erosion
* Optimal Discretization for Stereo Reconstruction
* Optimal Histogram Partitioning Using a Simulated Annealing Technique
* Optimal Linear Operator for Step Edge Detection, An
* Optimal Polarizations for Radar Detection and Recognition of Targets in Clutter
* Optimal Strategic Recognition of Objects Based on Candidate Discriminating Graph with Coordinated Sensors
* Optimization on Euclidean Distance Transformation Using Grayscale Morphology
* Optimum Rigid Motion with One Perspective View
* Order statistics in digital image processing
* Orientation Dependence in the Recognition of Familiar and Novel Views of 3D Objects
* Orientation-based Unique Representation for Planar Curves and Shapes
* Overview of Parallel Hardware Architectures for Computer Vision, An
* Pairwise Representations Of Shape
* Parallel 3D Shrinking Algorithms Using Subfields Notions
* Parallel 3D Vision System, A
* Parallel Algorithm for Analyzing Connected Components in Binary Images, A
* Parallel Algorithm for Color Texture Generation Using the Random Neural Network Model
* Parallel Algorithms for Geometric Connected Component Labeling on a Hypercube Multiprocessor
* Parallel Algorithms for Stereo and Image Matching
* Parallel Computer Vision: The VIS a VIS System
* Parallel Image Segmentation Using Modified Hopfield Model
* Parallel Implementation and Evaluation of a Motion Estimation System Algorithm Using Several Data Decomposition Strategies
* Parallel Linear Feature Extraction
* Parallel Method for Locating and Representing 2D Contours, A
* Parallel Recognition of High Dimensional Images
* Parallel String Search Algorithm, A
* Parallel Thinning Algorithm for Binary Digital Patterns
* Parallel-Hierarchical Image Partitioning and Region Extraction
* Parallelizing Object Recognition on the Hypercube
* Part Segmentation for Object Recognition
* Partial constraint satisfaction
* Path Planning for a Mobile Robot
* Pattern Classification Approach to Multilevel Thresholding for Image Segmentation, A
* Pattern Recognition of Binary Image Objects Using Morphological Shape Decomposition
* Perceptual Computational Advantages of Tracking
* Perceptual Grouping Using Global Saliency-Enhancing Operators
* Performance Assessment of Model-Based Tracking
* Performance Comparison of Line Parametrizations
* Performance for Thinning Algorithms with Respect to Boundary Noise
* Performance Study of Two Wavelet-Based Edge Detectors, A
* Physics-Based Modeling of Nonrigid Objects for Vision and Graphics
* Physics-Based Vision-Principles and Practice: Color
* Physics-Based Vision-Principles and Practice: Radiometry
* Physics-Based Vision-Principles and Practice: Shape Recovery
* Planning for Inspection Based on CAD Models
* Point Target Detection in Spatially Varying Clutter
* Point/Line Correspondence under 2D Projective Transformation
* Position Estimation for an Autonomous Mobile Robot in an Outdoor Environment
* Positional Estimation Techniques for an Autonomous Mobile Robot: A Review
* Potential Field Approach to Path Planning, A
* Practical Approach to Feature Selection, A
* Practical Aspect-Graph Derivation Incorporating Feature Segmentation Performance
* Precision of Camera Calibration and Stereovision Performed by Standard Cameras and Image Digitizer
* Preliminary Report on UNLV/GT1: A Database for Ground-truth Testing in Document Analysis and Character Recognition, A
* Primitives Chain Code
* Principal components, minor components, and linear neural networks
* Probabilistic Multiscale Image Segmentation: Setup and First Results
* Probabilistic Navigation Methods for Uncertain and Dynamic Environments
* Problem-Independent Control Algorithm for Image Understanding, A
* Process Capability of Automated Visual Inspection Systems
* Projective Duality and Recovery of 3D Straight Lines from a Monocular Image Sequence
* Projective Invariants for Curves in Two and Three Dimensions
* Projectively Invariant Decomposition of Planar Shapes
* PROMAP: A System for Analysis of Topographic Maps
* Properties of Energy Edge Detectors
* Properties of Some Euclidean Proximity Graphs
* Proximity Detection Using a Filter Tuned in Three-Space
* Quadratic Filters for Signal Processing
* Quadric Curve Based Stereo
* Qualitative Description Of Three-Dimensional Scenes
* Quantization Errors in Axial Motion Stereo on Rectangular-Tessellated Image Sensors
* Random Neural Network Model for Texture Generation, The
* Randomized Hough Transform Applied to Translational and Rotational Motion Analysis
* Range recovery using virtual multi-camera stereo
* Range-Intensity Histogram for Segmenting LADAR Images
* Real-Time Fingerprint Sensor Using a Hologram
* Real-Time Fingerprint Verification System
* Real-Time Smooth Pursuit Tracking
* Real-Time Stereo Vision with Multiple Arrayed Camera
* Real-Time Visual Tracking for Surveillance and Path Planning
* Receptive Field Assembly Pattern Specificity
* Recognition of 3-D Objects from 2-D Groupings
* Recognition of Polyhedra by a Mechanical Theorem Proving Method
* Recognition Strategy Generation for Pose Estimation of Multiple 3-Dimensional Objects
* Recognizable Picture Languages
* Recognizing 3-D Objects by Forward Checking Constrained Tree Search
* Recognizing 3D Objects from 2D Images: An Error Analysis
* Recognizing Corners by Fitting Parametric Models
* Recognizing Moving Objects From Orthographic Views
* Recognizing Noisy Patterns Via Iterative Optimization and Matching of Their Descriptions
* Recognizing Rotationally Symmetric Surfaces from Their Outlines
* Reconstructing Surfaces from Unstructured 3D Points
* Reconstruction of 3D Objects by Integration of Multiple Range Data
* Recovering 3-D Wire Frames from Line Drawings
* Recovering Building Structures from Stereo
* Recovering Heading for Visually-Guided Navigation
* Recovering Shading from Color Images
* Recovering the Scaling Function of a SHGC from a Single Perspective View
* Recovery of Hierarchical Part Structure of 3D Shape from Range Image
* Recovery Of Superquadric Primitives from a Range Image Using Simulated Annealing
* Recursive Operations in Image Algebra
* Refinement of Disparity Estimates Through the Fusion of Monocular Image Segmentations
* Registar Machine: From Conception to Installation, The
* Registration and Region Extraction of Data from Forms
* Relative Neighborhood Graphs and Their Relatives
* Relative Positioning with Uncalibrated Cameras
* Relaxational Refinement of Intensity Ridges
* Replicated Image Algorithms and Their Analyses on SIMD Machines
* Report on the Accuracy of OCR Devices, A
* Representation of Range Data with B-Spline Surface Patches
* Resolving Ambiguity in Segmenting Touching Characters
* Ridge Points in Euclidean Distance Maps
* Right Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders with Symmetric Cross-Sections: Recovery of Pose and Shape from Image Contours
* Road Line Tracking: An Approach Based On Spatio-Temporal Surface
* Robust and Adaptive Segmentation of Noisy Images Using Gibbs Random Field Models
* Robust Disparity Estimation in Terrain Modeling for Spacecraft Navigation
* Robust Feature Evaluation For Multisensory Computer Vision
* Robust Focus Ranging
* Robust High Breakdown Estimation and Consensus
* Robust Image Processing Approach Used to ALV Road Following, A
* Robust Morphologically Continuous Fourier Descriptors I: Projection-Generated Descriptions
* Robust Morphologically Continuous Fourier Descriptors II: Continuity and Occlusion Analysis
* Robust Segmentation of Edge Data
* Roof Edge Detection: A Morphological Skeleton Approach
* Root-Signal Sets of Morphological Filters and Their Use in Variable-Length BTC Image Coding
* Rules and Algorithms for the Design of Templates for Template Matching
* Saccadic Object Recognition With An Active Vision System
* Saliencies and Symmetries: Toward 3D Object Recognition from Large Model Databases
* Sampling and Surface Reconstruction with Adaptive-Size Meshes
* Scale-Space Behaviour of Local Extrema and Blobs
* Scale-Space: Its Natural Operators and Differential Invariants
* Segmentation by Nonlinear Diffusion, II
* Segmentation of Bilevel Images Using Mathematical Morphology
* Segmentation Of Defects In Textile Fabric
* Segmenting Merged Characters
* Selective Scene Modeling
* Semi-automatic derivation of digital elevation models from stereoscopic 3-line scanner data
* Semi-Differential Invariants for Nonplanar Curves
* Sensibility, Relative Error and Error Probability of Projective Invariants of Planar Surfaces of 3D Objects
* Sensitivity of Feature Configuration in Viewpoint Determination
* Sensor Planning in an Active Robotic Work Cell
* Sensory Aspects of Robotic Intelligence
* Sequential Detection Framework for Feature Tracking within Computational Constraints, A
* Shading Flows and Scenel Bundles: A New Approach to Shape from Shading
* Shadow Handler in a Video-Based Real-Time Traffic Monitoring System, A
* Shape and Source from Shading Using Zero Crossings
* Shape Decomposition Based on Perceptual Structure
* Shape Detection Of Small Specular Surface Using Color Stripe Lighting
* Shape from Color
* Shape from Focus System
* Shape from Periodic Texture Using the Spectrogram
* Shape from Texture for Smooth Curved Surfaces in Perspective Projection
* Shape Recognition Using the Kohonen Self-Organising Feature Map
* Sigma-Tree Q A Symbolic Spatial Data Model, The
* Signature Based Recognition Of 2-D Occluded Objects
* Signature File as a Spatial Filter for Iconic Image Database
* Simple Algorithm for Shape for Shading, A
* Simple Direct Computation of the FOE with Confidence Measures
* Single Plane Model Extensions Using Projective Transformations
* Sketch Retrieval Method for Full Color Image Database Query by Visual Example, A
* skimming technique for fast accurate edge detection, A
* Smoothed Differentiation Filters for Images
* Smoothed Local Generalized Cones: An Axial Representation of 3D Shapes
* Space Efficient 3D Model Indexing
* Spatial Knowledge Representation for Iconic Image Database
* Spatio-Temporal Reasoning within a Traffic Surveillance System
* Spectral Fuzzy Sets and Soft Thresholding
* Statistical Analysis of a Stereo Matching Algorithm
* Statistical Analysis of Focal-Length Calibration Using Vanishing Points
* Statistical analysis of scale-space
* Statistical Image Segmentation
* Statistical Morphology and Bayesian Reconstruction
* Statistical Properties, Fixed Points, and Decomposition with WMMR Filters
* Statistics of the Morphological Pattern-Spectrum Moments for a Random Grain Model
* Status and Current Research in the Image Understanding Architecture Effort
* Stealth Terrain Navigation for Multi-Vehicle Path Planning
* Steerable Filters and Analysis of Image Structure
* Step Toward Generic Object Recognition, A
* Stereo from Uncalibrated Cameras
* Stereo Matching Technique Based on the Theory of Possibility
* Stereo Using the Displacement Representation
* Stereo without Disparity Gradient Smoothing: A Bayesian Sensor Fusion Solution
* Stochastic Puzzle Grammars
* Stochastic Segmentation of Ultrasound Images
* Strategies for Localization
* String Descriptor for Matching Partial Shapes, A
* Structural Analysis and Description of Curves by Quasi-Topological Features and Singular Points
* Structural Principles in Visually Guided Autonomous Vehicles
* Structure from Chronogeneous Motion: A Summary
* Structure from Motion Using an Active Vision Paradigm
* Structure of the Aura and Co-Occurrence Matrices for the Gibbs Texture Model
* Structured Document Image Analysis
* Structured Patterns From Random Fields
* Structuring Element Adaptation for Morphological Filters
* Subpixel Edge Detector Using Expectation of First-Order Derivatives
* Subpixel Positioning of Edges for First and Second Order Operators
* Subsampling of Markov Random Fields
* Suggestive Modeling for Machine Vision
* Surface Griding with Intrinsic Parameters
* Surface Orientation and Time to Contact from Image Divergence and Deformation
* Surface Orientation From Random Texture With Directional Bias
* Surface Reconstruction (of Rough Terrain) in Range Image Shadows
* Surface Reconstruction Directly From Binocular Stereo Images By Multiscale-Multistage Regularization
* Surface Reconstruction from Derivatives
* Surface Reconstruction from Disparate Shading: An Integration of Shape-from-Shading and Stereopsis
* Surface Reconstruction Using Neural Networks
* Surfaces from Contours
* Symbolic and Knowledge-Based Signal Processing
* Template Guided Visual Inspection
* Ten Lectures on Wavelets
* Text Segmentation Using Gabor Filters for Automatic Document Processing
* Texture Based 3-D Shape Reconstruction from Multiple Stereo Images
* Texture Parametrization Method For Image Segmentation
* Texture Segmentation and Region Classification by Orthogonal Decomposition of Cooccurrence Matrices
* Texture segmentation based on a hierarchical Markov random field model
* Texture Segmentation by Minimizing Vector-Valued Energy Functionals: The Coupled-Membrane Model
* Texture Segmentation Using Topographic Labels
* Texture: Plus Ca Change
* Thematic Map Reading System, A
* Theory and design of interferometric synthetic aperture radars
* Theory of Reconstruction from Image Motion
* Three-Dimensional Location Estimation of Circular Features for Machine Vision
* Three-Dimensional Object Pattern Representation By Array Grammars
* Three-Dimensional Object Recognition Using Spherical Correlation
* Three-Dimensional Symmetry Measurement of Medical Entities
* Tools for Acquiring Spatial and Functional Knowledge in Aerial Image Analysis
* Top-Down Approach to the Analysis of Document Images, A
* Toward Stochastic Modeling of Obstacle Detectability in Passive Stereo Range Imagery
* Towards a General Framework for Feature Extraction
* Towards a Structured Document Image Utility
* Towards the Understanding of Printed Documents
* Tracking Image Features Using a Parallel Computational Model
* Tracking Points on Deformable Objects Using Curvature Information
* Tracking with Kalman Snakes
* Trinocular Vision System For A Mobile Robot, A
* Two-Dimensional Uniquely Parsable Isometric Array Grammars
* Ultrasonic Visual Sensor for Three-Dimensional Object Recognition Using Neural Networks, An
* Understanding Synthetic Aperature Radar Images
* Understanding Three-View Drawings Based on Heuristics
* Unification of Nonlinear Filtering in the Context of Binary Logical Calculus, Part I: Binary Filters
* Unification of Nonlinear Filtering in the Context of Binary Logical Calculus, Part II: Gray-Scale Filters
* Unified Approach to the Recognition of Expected and Unexpected Geon-Based Objects
* Unified Distance Transform Algorithm and Architecture, A
* Universal Knowledge-Based Imaging System for Hazardous Environments, A
* Using Complex Gabor Filters to Detect and Localize Edges and Bars
* Using Force Fields Derived from 3D Distance Maps for Inferring the Attitude of a 3D Rigid Object
* Utilization of Multispectral Imagery for Cartographic Feature Extraction
* Valley-Seeking Threshold Selection Technique, A
* variational method in image segmentation: Existence and approximation results, A
* Variational surface modeling
* Vector Quantization and Signal Compression
* Vector-Space Solution for a Morphological Shape-Decomposition Problem
* Verification of the General Position Assumption in the Practice of Stereovision
* Verifying and Combining Different Visual Cues into a 3D Model
* Versatile Multi-Modal System for Surface Profile Measurements Using a Wrist-Mounted Laser Device
* View Correspondence Using Curvature and Motion Consistency
* Visibility-Related Image Features
* Vision and Space-Variant Sensing
* Vision System For An Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, A
* Vision-Based Range Estimation Using Helicopter Flight Data
* Vision-Based Rendering: Image Synthesis for Vision Feature Extraction
* Visual Inspection of Machined Parts
* Visual Interpretation of Known Objects in Constrained Scenes
* Visual Motion Analysis under Interceptive Behavior
* Visual Observation under Uncertainty as a Discrete Event Process
* Visual Occlusion and the Interpretation of Ambiguous Pictures
* Visually Guided Mobile Robot Acting in Indoor Environments, A
* VLSI Pyramid Chip for Multiresolution Image Analysis, A
* Voice-Bandwidth Visual Communication Through Logmaps: The Telecortex
* Volumetric reconstruction from object silhouettes: A regularization procedure
* Voronoi Skeletons: Theory and Applications
* Walking On Two Legs: Alternate Use of two Representations of a Match During Object Recognition and Location
* Watershed and Skeleton by Influence Zones: A Distance-Based Approach
* Wavelets and Chirplets: Time-Frequence Perspectives with Applications
* Wavelets-A Tutorial in Theory and Applications
* Weak Lambertian Assumption for Determining Cylindrical Shape and Pose from Shading and Contour
* What Can Be Seen in Three Dimensions with an Uncalibrated Stereo Rig?
* Where to Look Next Using a Bayes Net: An Overview
* Why Progress in Machine Vision Is so Slow
* Width-Independent Parallel Thinning Algorithm, A
* Word Image Matching as a Technique for Degraded Text Recognition
* Word Shape Analysis Approach to Recognition of Degraded Word Images, A
747 for 9200

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.