Update Dates 1203

1203 * *How to build your own 3-D camera
* *Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
* *Large Scale Video Database
* *UCF-iPhone
* *Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis
* 3-Dimensional Building Details from Aerial Photography for Internet Maps
* 3D craniofacial reconstruction using reference skull-face database
* 3D face reconstruction from images under arbitrary illumination using Support Vector Regression
* 4D Statistical Model of Wrist Bone Motion Patterns, A
* Accelerated Hypothesis Generation for Multistructure Data via Preference Analysis
* Accuracy Enhancement of ASTER Global Digital Elevation Models Using ICESat Data
* Accuracy of the Morphology Enabled Dipole Inversion (MEDI) Algorithm for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in MRI
* Accurate efficient mosaicking for Wide Area Aerial Surveillance
* accurate Harmony Search based algorithm for the blind deconvolution of binary images, An
* Accurate Object Recognition with Shape Masks
* Accurate visual word construction using a supervised approach
* Acquisition of NIR-Green-Blue Digital Photographs from Unmanned Aircraft for Crop Monitoring
* Action recognition via bio-inspired features: The richness of center-surround interaction
* Active Visual Segmentation
* Adaptive Artificial Immune Network for Supervised Classification of Multi-/Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery, An
* Adaptive Diffusion Scheme for Image Restoration and Selective Smoothing, An
* Adaptive multi-cue fusion for visual target tracking based on uncertainly measure
* Adaptive Perona-Malik Model Based on the Variable Exponent for Image Denoising
* Advances in Bio-Imaging: From Physics to Signal Understanding Issues: State-of-the-Art and Challenges
* Airborne Laser Scanning for the Site Type Identification of Mature Boreal Forest Stands
* Airborne Lidar: Advances in Discrete Return Technology for 3D Vegetation Mapping
* Airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) for Individual Tree Stem Location, Height, and Biomass Measurements
* Almost Local Metrics on Shape Space of Hypersurfaces in n-Space
* Alternating Least-Squares for Low-Rank Matrix Reconstruction
* Alternative Methodologies for LiDAR System Calibration
* Amplitude-Modulated Laser Radar for Range and Speed Measurement in Car Applications
* Analysis and Modeling of Urban Land Cover Change in Setúbal and Sesimbra, Portugal
* Analysis of ICP variants for the registration of partially overlapping time-of-flight range images
* Analysis of Land Use/Cover Changes and Animal Population Dynamics in a Wildlife Sanctuary in East Africa
* Animated panorama from a panning video sequence
* Anisotropic diffusion for image denoising based on diffusion tensors
* Antarctic Ice Sheet and Radar Altimetry: A Review
* Antialiasing Filter Design for Subpixel Downsampling via Frequency-Domain Analysis
* Apparel silhouette attributes recognition
* Appearance-based face recognition using a supervised manifold learning framework
* Applicability of Green-Red Vegetation Index for Remote Sensing of Vegetation Phenology
* Application of a Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) to the Study of the Séchilienne Landslide (Isère, France)
* Application of Microwave Remote Sensing to Dynamic Testing of Stay-Cables
* Application of Vegetation Indices for Agricultural Crop Yield Prediction Using Neural Network Techniques
* Artificial Neural Network Approach for Mapping Contrasting Tillage Practices
* Assessing Performance of L- and P-Band Polarimetric Interferometric SAR Data in Estimating Boreal Forest Above-Ground Biomass
* Assessment of Light Environment Variability in Broadleaved Forest Canopies Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Assessment of the Accuracy of Volunteered Road Map Production in Western Kenya, An
* Automated abdominal fat quantification and food residue removal in CT
* Automated Artificial Neural Network System for Land Use/Land Cover Classification from Landsat TM Imagery, An
* Automated Generation of Digital Terrain Model using Point Clouds of Digital Surface Model in Forest Area
* Automatic Assessment of Macular Edema From Color Retinal Images
* Automatic atlas-based three-label cartilage segmentation from MR knee images
* Automatic Bootstrapping and Tracking of Object Contours
* Automatic Detection of Buildings and Changes in Buildings for Updating of Maps
* Automatic detection of subcellular particles in fluorescence microscopy via feature clustering and bayesian analysis
* Automatic facial expression recognition: Feature extraction and selection
* Automatic Geographic Object Based Mapping of Streambed and Riparian Zone Extent from LiDAR Data in a Temperate Rural Urban Environment, Australia
* Automatic identification of Frankfurt plane and mid-sagittal plane of skull
* Automatic recommendation of classification algorithms based on data set characteristics
* Automatic Registration of Airborne and Spaceborne Images by Topology Map Matching with SURF Processor Algorithm
* Automatic Vegetation Identification and Building Detection from a Single Nadir Aerial Image
* Batch mode active learning for multi-label image classification with informative label correlation mining
* Bayesian Framework for Automated Cardiovascular Risk Scoring on Standard Lumbar Radiographs, A
* Bayesian Texture Classification Based on Contourlet Transform and BYY Harmony Learning of Poisson Mixtures
* Best linear unbiased estimator for Kalman filter based left ventricle tracking in 3D+T echocardiography
* Beyond Range: Innovating Fluorescence Microscopy
* Bidimensional Statistical Empirical Mode Decomposition
* Binarization of degraded document image based on feature space partitioning and classification
* Binary tree-based precision-keeping clustering for very fast Japanese character recognition
* Bio-driven system-based virtual reality for prosthetic and rehabilitation systems
* Biometric identification based on the eye movements and graph matching techniques
* Blind reverse CFA demosaicking for the reduction of colour artifacts from demosaicked images
* blob representation for tracking robust to merging and fragmentation, A
* Browning of Alaska's Boreal Forest, The
* Building Damage Estimation by Integration of Seismic Intensity Information and Satellite L-band SAR Imagery
* Building Extraction from High Resolution Space Images in High Density Residential Areas in the Great Cairo Region
* Building spatiotemporal anatomical models using joint 4-D segmentation, registration, and subject-specific atlas estimation
* Burned Area Mapping in Greece Using SPOT-4 HRVIR Images and Object-Based Image Analysis
* Butterfly Algorithm for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging, A
* c-Velocity: A Flow-Cumulating Uncalibrated Approach for 3D Plane Detection
* calibration method for paracatadioptric camera from sphere images, A
* Calibration of stereo fish-eye camera for Driver Assistance Systems
* Camera-Variant Calibration and Sensor Modeling for Practical Photogrammetry in Archeological Sites
* Cancelable PalmCode generated from randomized Gabor Filters for palmprint protection
* Canscan: An Algorithm for Automatic Extraction of Canyons
* Cascaded Direction Filtering for Fast Multidirectional Inter-Prediction in H.264/AVC Main and High Profile Compression
* Cereal Yield Modeling in Finland Using Optical and Radar Remote Sensing
* Chain coding streamed images through crack run-length encoding
* Challenge of Estimating Video Quality in Video Communication Applications, The
* Change Detection Accuracy and Image Properties: A Study Using Simulated Data
* Changes in Croplands as a Result of Large Scale Mining and the Associated Impact on Food Security Studied Using Time-Series Landsat Images
* Channel and Floodplain Change Analysis over a 100-Year Period: Lower Yuba River, California
* Class-Oriented Strategy for Features Extraction from Multidate ASTER Imagery, A
* Classification of Defoliated Trees Using Tree-Level Airborne Laser Scanning Data Combined with Aerial Images
* Classification of plant structures from uncalibrated image sequences
* Classifier variability: Accounting for training and testing
* Cloud Streaming Brings Video to Mobile Devices
* Clustering with proximity knowledge and relational knowledge
* clustering-based system to automate transfer function design for medical image visualization, A
* CMATERdb1: A database of unconstrained handwritten Bangla and Bangla-English mixed script document image
* Coding-Cost Framework for Super-Resolution Motion Layer Decomposition, A
* Cognitive Cars: A New Frontier for ADAS Research
* Coherence Pattern-Guided Compressive Sensing with Unresolved Grids
* Collaborative Vision-Integrated Pseudorange Error Removal: Team-Estimated Differential GNSS Corrections with no Stationary Reference Receiver
* Color balancing for change detection in multitemporal images
* Color Local Texture Features for Color Face Recognition
* Color space transformations for digital photography exploiting information about the illuminant estimation process
* Colour invariants under a non-linear photometric camera model and their application to face recognition from video
* Combining online feature selection with adaptive shape estimation
* compact association of particle filtering and kernel based object tracking, A
* CompactKdt: Compact signatures for accurate large scale object recognition
* Comparative Analysis of Clustering-Based Approaches for 3-D Single Tree Detection Using Airborne Fullwave Lidar Data
* comparative study of thermal face recognition methods in unconstrained environments, A
* comparative study on multiscale fractal dimension descriptors, A
* Comparing Accuracy of Airborne Laser Scanning and TerraSAR-X Radar Images in the Estimation of Plot-Level Forest Variables
* Comparing apples and oranges: assessment of the relative video quality in the presence of different types of distortions
* Comparison of Area-Based and Individual Tree-Based Methods for Predicting Plot-Level Forest Attributes
* Comparison of Grid-Based and Segment-Based Estimation of Forest Attributes Using Airborne Laser Scanning and Digital Aerial Imagery
* Comparison of Object-Based Image Analysis Approaches to Mapping New Buildings in Accra, Ghana Using Multi-Temporal QuickBird Satellite Imagery
* Comparison of shape descriptors for hand posture recognition in video
* Comparison of Three Geometric Self-Calibration Methods for Range Cameras, A
* Comparison of Topographic Correction Methods
* Comparison of Two Open Source LiDAR Surface Classification Algorithms, A
* complementary local feature descriptor for face identification, A
* Completely Automated Multiresolution Edge Snapper: A New Technique for an Accurate Carotid Ultrasound IMT Measurement: Clinical Validation and Benchmarking on a Multi-Institutional Database
* Comprehensive Utilization of Temporal and Spatial Domain Outlier Detection Methods for Mobile Terrestrial LiDAR Data
* Compressive Sensing and Unmixing Scheme for Hyperspectral Data Processing, A
* Computational Model for Context-based Image Categorization and Description, A
* Computer Simulations of a Humanoid Robot Capable of Walking Like Fashion Models
* Computer vision and image processing at the University of Waikato
* Computer-assisted segmentation of brain tumor lesions from multi-sequence Magnetic Resonance Imaging using the Mumford-Shah model
* Concatenated Block Codes for Unequal Error Protection of Embedded Bit Streams
* Concatenated edge and co-occurrence feature extracted from Curvelet Transform for human detection
* Content-adaptive deblocking for high efficiency video coding
* Context models and out-of-context objects
* Contour Interpolation Using Level-set Analysis
* Conversational Evaluation of Speech Bandwidth Extension Using a Mobile Handset
* coupled segmentation and registration framework for medical image analysis using robust point matching and active shape model, A
* Coverage segmentation based on linear unmixing and minimization of perimeter and boundary thickness
* Cross-View and Multi-View Gait Recognitions Based on View Transformation Model Using Multi-Layer Perceptron
* cubic polynomial model for fisheye camera, A
* Current work in multimedia imaging at UoA's Tamaki campus
* Dance motion analysis by correlation matrix between pose sequences
* Data-parallel intra decoding for block-based image and video coding on massively parallel architectures
* DBN-based structural learning and optimisation for automated handwritten character recognition
* DEM Development from Ground-Based LiDAR Data: A Method to Remove Non-Surface Objects
* Depth correction: Methods for approximating depth information in web camera depth maps
* Depth from dynamic (de)focused projection
* Depth Video Enhancement Based on Weighted Mode Filtering
* Depth-supported real-time video segmentation with the Kinect
* Deriving Fuel Mass by Size Class in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Deriving Ocean Surface Drift Using Multiple SAR Sensors
* Description and Performance of an L-Band Radiometer with Digital Beamforming
* Design and Development of a Multi-Purpose Low-Cost Hyperspectral Imaging System
* Detection and Measurement of Snowfall from Space
* Detection and Monitoring of Active Faults in Urban Environments: Time Series Interferometry on the Cities of Patras and Pyrgos (Peloponnese, Greece)
* Detection of Cypress Canopies in the Florida Panhandle Using Subpixel Analysis and GIS
* Detection of Multidecadal Changes in UVB and Total Ozone Concentrations over the Continental US with NASA TOMS Data and USDA Ground-Based Measurements
* Detection of regions of structural complexity within aeromagnetic data using image analysis
* Detection of Vertical Pole-Like Objects in a Road Environment Using Vehicle-Based Laser Scanning Data
* Development and Evaluation of a Cooperative Vehicle Intersection Control Algorithm Under the Connected Vehicles Environment
* Development and Evaluation of Phenological Change Indices Derived from Time Series of Image Data
* Development of a Network-Based Method for Unmixing of Hyperspectral Data
* Development of a New Ground Truth Database for Global Urban Area Mapping from a Gazetteer
* Diabetic Retinopathy detection using geometrical techniques related to the underlying physiology
* Diffeomorphic 3D Image Registration via Geodesic Shooting Using an Efficient Adjoint Calculation
* Digital Airborne Photogrammetry: A New Tool for Quantitative Remote Sensing?: A State-of-the-Art Review On Radiometric Aspects of Digital Photogrammetric Images
* Direct Georeferencing of Stationary LiDAR
* Discriminant Learning Through Multiple Principal Angles for Visual Recognition
* Discriminative Features for Image Classification and Retrieval
* Discriminative Metric Preservation for Tracking Low-Resolution Targets
* Discriminative Model for Age Invariant Face Recognition, A
* Displacement patches for view-dependent rendering
* dissimilarity space: Bridging structural and statistical pattern recognition, The
* Divide, Conquer and Coordinate: Globally Coordinated Switching Linear Dynamical System
* Document Rectification Approach Dealing with Both Perspective Distortion and Warping Based on Text Flow Curve Fitting, A
* Dust and Smoke Detection for Multi-Channel Imagers
* Dynamic All-Red Extension at a Signalized Intersection: A Framework of Probabilistic Modeling and Performance Evaluation
* Dynamic and invisible messaging for visual MIMO
* Dynamic curve color model for image matting
* Dynamic Privacy-Preserving Key Management Scheme for Location-Based Services in VANETs, A
* Dynamics of a Contrast Agent Microbubble Attached to an Elastic Wall
* EASE-Grid 2.0: Incremental but Significant Improvements for Earth-Gridded Data Sets
* Echo Model Analyses and Imaging Algorithm for High-Resolution SAR on High-Speed Platform
* Ecological Status and Change by Remote Sensing
* Edge Detection Filter based on Mumford-Shah Green Function
* effective GM/LM-based video error concealment, An
* Effects of Individual Tree Detection Error Sources on Forest Management Planning Calculations
* Effects of Percent Tree Canopy Density and DEM Misregistration on SRTM/NED Vegetation Height Estimates.
* Effects of Spatial and Spectral Resolutions on Fractal Dimensions in Forested Landscapes
* Efficient bitstream switching for streaming of H.264/AVC coded video
* Efficient coding of sparse trees using an enhanced-embedded zerotree wavelet algorithm
* Efficient Hardware Accelerators for the Computation of Tchebichef Moments
* Efficient Object Tracking by Incremental Self-Tuning Particle Filtering on the Affine Group
* Efficient scan mask techniques for connected components labeling algorithm
* efficient signature representation for retrieval of spatially similar images, An
* efficient steganography method based on reducing changes, An
* Efficient tracking of ants in long video with GPU and interaction
* Eigentransformation-based face super-resolution in the wavelet domain
* Elastic symmetry analysis of anatomical structures
* ellipse detection method for real images, An
* Emotion recognition from color facial images based on multilinear image analysis and Log-Gabor filters
* Endoscopic Video Manifolds for Targeted Optical Biopsy
* Energy-Based Geometric Multi-model Fitting
* Enhanced Automated Canopy Characterization from Hyperspectral Data by a Novel Two Step Radiative Transfer Model Inversion Approach
* Enhanced computation method of topological smoothing on shared memory parallel machines
* Enhanced image saliency model based on blur identification
* Enhanced Patterns of Oriented Edge Magnitudes for Face Recognition and Image Matching
* Enhanced rail component detection and consolidation for rail track inspection
* entropy approach for abnormal activities detection in video streams, An
* Environmental and Sensor Limitations in Optical Remote Sensing of Coral Reefs: Implications for Monitoring and Sensor Design
* Erosion Relevant Topographical Parameters Derived from Different DEMs: A Comparative Study from the Indian Lesser Himalayas
* error bounded tangent estimator for digital curves, An
* Estimating Biophysical Parameters of Individual Trees in an Urban Environment Using Small Footprint Discrete-Return Imaging Lidar
* Estimating Crown Variables of Individual Trees Using Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanners
* Estimating Global Cropland Extent with Multi-year MODIS Data
* Estimating Single Tree Stem Volume of Pinus sylvestris Using Airborne Laser Scanner and Multispectral Line Scanner Data
* Estimating Speed and Direction of Small Dynamic Targets through Optical Satellite Imaging
* Estimating the spatial extents of geospatial objects using hierarchical models
* Estimation of a rotationally symmetric mirror shape from a frontal image of the mirror
* Estimation of the head pose based on monocular images
* Eucalyptus Biomass and Volume Estimation Using Interferometric and Polarimetric SAR Data
* Evaluating Airborne Multispectral Digital Video to Differentiate Giant Salvinia from Other Features in Northeast Texas
* Evaluating Potential of MODIS-based Indices in Determining Snow Gone Stage over Forest-dominant Regions
* Evaluating Principal Components Analysis for Identifying Optimal Bands Using Wetland Hyperspectral Measurements From the Great Lakes, USA
* Evaluating Spectral Indices for Assessing Fire Severity in Chaparral Ecosystems (Southern California) Using MODIS/ASTER (MASTER) Airborne Simulator Data
* Evaluating the Correctness of Airborne Laser Scanning Data Heights Using Vehicle-Based RTK and VRS GPS Observations
* Evaluating the Effects of Environmental Changes on the Gross Primary Production of Italian Forests
* Evaluating the Remote Sensing and Inventory-Based Estimation of Biomass in the Western Carpathians
* Evaluating the Utility of Driving: Toward Automated Decision Making Under Uncertainty
* Evaluation of a LIDAR Land-Based Mobile Mapping System for Monitoring Sandy Coasts
* Evaluation of motion analysis on synthetic and real-world image sequences
* Evaluation of real time stereo vision system using web cameras
* Evaluation of the effectiveness of head tracking for view and avatar control in virtual environments
* Evaluation of Three MRI-Based Anatomical Priors for Quantitative PET Brain Imaging
* Event-Driven Surveillance: Possibilities and Challenges
* Evolution of heterogeneous ensembles through dynamic particle swarm optimization for video-based face recognition
* Examining Spatiotemporal Urbanization Patterns in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal: Remote Sensing and Spatial Metrics Approaches
* Experimental Development of a New Target and Control Driver Steering Model Based on DLC Test Data
* Exploring Simple Algorithms for Estimating Gross Primary Production in Forested Areas from Satellite Data
* Extended Floating Car Data System: Experimental Results and Application for a Hybrid Route Level of Service
* Extracting Buildings from True Color Stereo Aerial Images Using a Decision Making Strategy
* Extraction of Building Roof Contours From LiDAR Data Using a Markov-Random-Field-Based Approach
* Extraction of Objects from Terrestrial Laser Scans by Integrating Geometry Image and Intensity Data with Demonstration on Trees
* Extraction of Vertical Walls from Mobile Laser Scanning Data for Solar Potential Assessment
* Eye Ball
* Face Feature Extraction and Recognition Based on Discriminant Subclass-Center Manifold Preserving Projection
* Face Recognition Using Hybrid Approach
* Face recognition using the POEM descriptor
* Face typing: Vision-based perceptual interface for hands-free text entry with a scrollable virtual keyboard
* Fast correlation technique for glacier flow monitoring by digital camera and space-borne SAR images
* Fast graph cuts using shrink-expand reparameterization
* Fast Mesh Interpolation and Mesh Decomposition with Applications
* Fast Mode Decision Method Based on Motion Cost and Intra Prediction Cost for H.264/AVC, A
* Fast planar object detection and tracking via edgel templates
* faster fast fourier transform, A
* Feasibility of Invasive Grass Detection in a Desertscrub Community Using Hyperspectral Field Measurements and Landsat TM Imagery
* Feature interaction in subspace clustering using the Choquet integral
* Featureless 2D-3D pose estimation by minimising an illumination-invariant loss
* fiber tracking method guided by volumetric tract segmentation, A
* Fiducial Optimization for Minimal Target Registration Error in Image-Guided Neurosurgery
* FIFO Rule Consistent Model for the Continuous Dynamic Network Loading Problem, A
* Figures of Merit for Indirect Time-of-Flight 3D Cameras: Definition and Experimental Evaluation
* Floating Car Data Augmentation Based on Infrastructure Sensors and Neural Networks
* Focus-score weighted super-resolution for uncooperative iris recognition at a distance and on the move
* For your eyes only
* Forest Assessment Using High Resolution SAR Data in X-Band
* Forest Roads Mapped Using LiDAR in Steep Forested Terrain
* FPGA-based processing pipeline for high-definition stereo video, An
* From TLS to VLS: Biomass Estimation at Individual Tree Level
* Function of Remote Sensing in Support of Environmental Policy, The
* Fusion of High Resolution Aerial Multispectral and LiDAR Data: Land Cover in the Context of Urban Mosquito Habitat
* Fuzzy Logic Based Autonomous Traffic Control System
* Fuzzy-Topology-Integrated Support Vector Machine for Remotely Sensed Image Classification
* General Formulation for Redundant Integration of Finite Differences and Phase Unwrapping on a Sparse Multidimensional Domain, A
* generalized 3-D Hilbert scan using look-up tables, A
* generalized correlation coefficient: Application to DTI and multi-fiber DTI, A
* Generalized Logarithmic Image Processing Model Based on the Gigavision Sensor Model, A
* Generalized Median String Computation by Means of String Embedding in Vector Spaces
* Geo-Wiki.Org: The Use of Crowdsourcing to Improve Global Land Cover
* Geolocation on the iPhone by automatic street sign reading
* geometric analysis of ODFs as oriented surfaces for interpolation, averaging and denoising in HARDI data, A
* Geometric calibration of a camera-projector 3D imaging system
* Geometric Image Parsing in Man-Made Environments
* Geostatistics for Mapping Leaf Area Index over a Cropland Landscape: Efficiency Sampling Assessment
* Global salient information maximization for saliency detection
* Good match exploration using triangle constraint
* gradient: A powerful and robust cost function for stereo matching, The
* Graphical Method for Determining the In-Plane Rotation Angle in Geometric Calibration of Circular Cone-Beam CT Systems, A
* Ground Filtering Algorithms for Airborne LiDAR Data: A Review of Critical Issues
* Group context learning for event recognition
* Group Replicator Dynamics: A Novel Group-Wise Evolutionary Approach for Sparse Brain Network Detection
* GrowMatting: A GPU-based real-time interactive method for image matting
* Guide to Medical Image Analysis: Methods and Algorithms
* HDR Image Rerendering Using GPU-based Processing
* Head pose estimation based on extended non-negative matrix factorization
* Heritage Recording and 3D Modeling with Photogrammetry and 3D Scanning
* Hessian-Based Norm Regularization for Image Restoration With Biomedical Applications
* Hierarchical Scale-Based Multiobject Recognition of 3-D Anatomical Structures
* hierarchical shape tree for shape classification, A
* Hierarchical Statistical Shape Models of Multiobject Anatomical Structures: Application to Brain MRI
* High-Performance SIFT Hardware Accelerator for Real-Time Image Feature Extraction
* HMM-Based Lexicon-Driven and Lexicon-Free Word Recognition for Online Handwritten Indic Scripts
* Human attributes from 3D pose tracking
* hybrid image representation for indoor scene classification, A
* Hyperspectral Data for Mangrove Species Mapping: A Comparison of Pixel-Based and Object-Based Approach
* Hyperspectral Reflectance and Fluorescence Imaging to Detect Scab Induced Stress in Apple Leaves
* Hyperspectral Unmixing Based on Mixtures of Dirichlet Components
* ICESat/GLAS Data as a Measurement Tool for Peatland Topography and Peat Swamp Forest Biomass in Kalimantan, Indonesia
* Identification of Mangrove Areas by Remote Sensing: The ROC Curve Technique Applied to the Northwestern Mexico Coastal Zone Using Landsat Imagery
* Identifying Spatial Units of Human Occupation in the Brazilian Amazon Using Landsat and CBERS Multi-Resolution Imagery
* Illumination-free photometric metric for range image registration
* Image alignment for multiple camera high dynamic range microscopy
* Image composition with color harmonization
* Image congealing via efficient feature selection
* Image Quality Assessment by Visual Gradient Similarity
* Image Reconstruction in Magnetic Resonance Conductivity Tensor Imaging (MRCTI)
* Image Reduction Using Means on Discrete Product Lattices
* Image Registration Under Illumination Variations Using Region-Based Confidence Weighted M -Estimators
* Image registration using modified Local Ternary Pattern
* Image Registration: Principles, Tools and Methods
* Image Restoration by Matching Gradient Distributions
* Image Segmentation Based on the Poincaré Map Method
* Image Sequence Interpolation Based on Optical Flow, Segmentation, and Optimal Control
* Image watermarking with feature point based synchronization robust to print-scan attack
* Impact of Landmark Parametrization on Monocular EKF-SLAM with Points and Lines
* Implementing high resolution structured light by exploiting projector blur
* Implicit Reconstruction of Vasculatures Using Bivariate Piecewise Algebraic Splines
* Improved ASTER Index for Remote Sensing of Crop Residue, An
* Improved Feature Detection in Fused Intensity-Range Images with Complex SIFT (CSIFT)
* Improved Hybrid Model for Automatic Salient Region Detection, An
* improved Kernel-based Fuzzy C-means Algorithm with spatial information for brain MR image segmentation, An
* Improved marker-controlled watershed segmentation with local boundary priors
* Improved motion estimation time using a combination of dynamic reference frame selection and residue-based mode decision
* Improved Principal Component Regression for Face Recognition Under Illumination Variations
* improved regularization method for artifact rejection in image super-resolution, An
* improved retrieval performance with hybrid shape descriptor and feature matching, An
* Improved Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Using Side Match, An
* Improvements of a two-in-one image secret sharing scheme based on gray mixing model
* Improving Bag-of-Words model with spatial information
* Improving edge detection using particle swarm optimisation
* Improving Evolution-Constructed features using speciation for general object detection
* Improving Landsat and IRS Image Classification: Evaluation of Unsupervised and Supervised Classification through Band Ratios and DEM in a Mountainous Landscape in Nepal
* Improving realism of 3D texture using component based modeling
* Improving the Accuracy of Land Use and Land Cover Classification of Landsat Data Using Post-Classification Enhancement
* IMU-aided SURF feature matching for relative pose estimation
* Incorporating Top-Down Guidance for Extracting Informative Patches for Image Classification
* Incremental complete LDA for face recognition
* Indexing All Rooted Subgraphs of a Rooted Graph
* Indian Classical Dance classification by learning dance pose bases
* Individual Tree Species Classification by Illuminated: Shaded Area Separation
* Inertial Navigation Aiding by Stationary Updates
* Inference in Hidden Markov Models with Explicit State Duration Distributions
* Information loss and reconstruction in diffuse fluorescence tomography
* Integrating Quickbird Multi-Spectral Satellite and Field Data: Mapping Bathymetry, Seagrass Cover, Seagrass Species and Change in Moreton Bay, Australia in 2004 and 2007
* Integrating statistical and cognitive model for multi-object tracking in realistic scenarios
* Integrating Vegetation Indices Models and Phenological Classification with Composite SAR and Optical Data for Cereal Yield Estimation in Finland (Part I)
* Intelligent Environment-Friendly Vehicles: Concept and Case Studies
* Intelligent V2I-Based Traffic Management System, An
* Intelligent Video Surveillance
* Inter-Algorithm Relationships for the Estimation of the Fraction of Vegetation Cover Based on a Two Endmember Linear Mixture Model with the VI Constraint
* Interacting Multiple Model Filter-Based Sensor Fusion of GPS With In-Vehicle Sensors for Real-Time Vehicle Positioning
* Intrackability: Characterizing Video Statistics and Pursuing Video Representations
* Introduction and Assessment of Measures for Quantitative Model-Data Comparison Using Satellite Images
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Emergent Cooperative Technologies in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Introduction to Video and Image Processing: Building Real Systems and Applications
* Invariant representation for spectral reflectance images and its application
* Invariant representation of orientation fields for fingerprint indexing
* Inverse Dynamics of Human Passive Motion Based on Iterative Learning Control
* Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging With MATLAB Algorithms
* Investigation on the Patterns of Global Vegetation Change Using a Satellite-Sensed Vegetation Index
* IPTV Multicast With Peer-Assisted Lossy Error Control
* Is Uniqueness Lost for Under-Sampled Continuous-Time Auto-Regressive Processes?
* Iterative Channel Decoding of FEC-Based Multiple-Description Codes
* Iterative search strategy with selective bi-directional prediction for low complexity multiview video coding
* Iterative segmentation and motion correction for dynamic PET images based on radioactive tracer kinetics
* Joint redundant motion vector and intra macroblock refreshment for video transmission
* Kernel analysis over Riemannian manifolds for visual recognition of actions, pedestrians and textures
* Labelling logical structures of document images using a dynamic perceptive neural network
* Large scalability in document image matching using text retrieval
* Leaf Area Index (LAI) Estimation of Boreal Forest Using Wide Optics Airborne Winter Photos
* Learning and recognizing complex multi-agent activities with applications to american football plays
* Learning Behavioural Context
* Learning features for streak detection in dermoscopic color images using localized radial flux of principal intensity curvature
* Learning of face components in coherent and disturbed constellations
* Learning reconfigurable scene representation by tangram model
* Learning Setting-Generalized Activity Models for Smart Spaces
* Learnt combination in object detector ensembles
* Leveraging Electronic Ticketing to Provide Personalized Navigation in a Public Transport Network
* Lexicon-free handwritten word spotting using character HMMs
* LiDAR Utility for Natural Resource Managers
* local evaluation of vectorized documents by means of polygon assignments and matching, A
* Localized adaptive learning of Mixture of Gaussians models for background extraction
* Localized Extended Kalman Filter for Scalable Real-Time Traffic State Estimation
* Long-Term Volcanic Activity at Shiveluch Volcano: Nine Years of ASTER Spaceborne Thermal Infrared Observations
* LOST: Longterm Observation of Scenes (with Tracks)
* Low-Complexity Image Registration Algorithm for Global Motion Estimation, A
* Low-complexity video coding via power-rate-distortion optimization
* M-Idempotent and Self-Dual Morphological Filters
* Machine Learning Comparison between WorldView-2 and QuickBird-2-Simulated Imagery Regarding Object-Based Urban Land Cover Classification
* Machine learning to design full-reference image quality assessment algorithm
* Machine Vision Handbook
* Macro-Class Selection for Hierarchical K-NN Classification of Inertial Sensor Data
* Mapping Bush Encroaching Species by Seasonal Differences in Hyperspectral Imagery
* Mapping Green Spaces in Bishkek: How Reliable can Spatial Analysis Be?
* Mapping Infrared Data on Terrestrial Laser Scanning 3D Models of Buildings
* Mapping Invasive Tamarisk (Tamarix): A Comparison of Single-Scene and Time-Series Analyses of Remotely Sensed Data
* Mapping Irrigated Areas of Ghana Using Fusion of 30m and 250m Resolution Remote-Sensing Data
* Mapping Irrigated Lands at 250-m Scale by Merging MODIS Data and National Agricultural Statistics
* Mapping Latent Heat Flux in the Western Forest Covered Regions of Algeria Using Remote Sensing Data and a Spatialized Model
* Mapping Myocardial Fiber Orientation Using Echocardiography-Based Shear Wave Imaging
* Mapping Topography Changes and Elevation Accuracies Using a Mobile Laser Scanner
* Mathematical Methods for Signal and Image Analysis and Representation
* Max margin general linear modeling for neuroimage analyses
* Mean Shift Trackers with Cross-Bin Metrics
* Measurement of Crown Cover and Leaf Area Index Using Digital Cover Photography and Its Application to Remote Sensing
* Measurement of Surface Displacement and Deformation of Mass Movements Using Least Squares Matching of Repeat High Resolution Satellite and Aerial Images
* Measuring face familiarity and its application to face recognition
* Measuring perceptual contrast in digital images
* Method to Better Account for Modulation Transfer Functions in ARSIS-Based Pansharpening Methods, A
* Metric Rectification of Curved Document Images
* Microsimulation Model for Motorway Merges With Ramp-Metering Controls
* Microwave Radiometer Resolution Optimization Using Variable Observation Times
* Minimal design of error-correcting output codes
* MMSE approach to nonlocal image denoising: Theory and practical implementation, An
* Model-Based Learning Using a Mixture of Mixtures of Gaussian and Uniform Distributions
* Modeling Forest Structural Parameters in the Mediterranean Pines of Central Spain using QuickBird-2 Imagery and Classification and Regression Tree Analysis (CART)
* Modeling semantic context for key-frame extraction in wildlife video
* Modeling Urban Land Cover Growth Dynamics Using Multi-Temporal Satellite Images: A Case Study of Dhaka, Bangladesh
* modified valley-emphasis method for automatic thresholding, A
* modular system architecture for online parallel vision pipelines, A
* Monitoring Global Croplands with Coarse Resolution Earth Observations: The Global Agriculture Monitoring (GLAM) Project
* Monitoring Urban Tree Cover Using Object-Based Image Analysis and Public Domain Remotely Sensed Data
* Motion Correction in Dual Gated Cardiac PET Using Mass-Preserving Image Registration
* Motion estimation and reconstruction of piecewise planar scenes from two views
* Motion modelling and motion compensated reconstruction of tumours in cone-beam computed tomography
* Moving object detection using keypoints reference model
* Multi-region competitive tractography via graph-based random walks
* Multi-Resolution Multi-Temporal Technique for Detecting and Mapping Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest, A
* Multi-STEPS: Multi-label similarity and truth estimation for propagated segmentations
* Multi-Temporal Land-Cover Classification of Agricultural Areas in Two European Regions with High Resolution Spotlight TerraSAR-X Data
* Multiframe Super-Resolution Employing a Spatially Weighted Total Variation Model
* Multilinear Supervised Neighborhood Embedding of a Local Descriptor Tensor for Scene/Object Recognition
* Multimedia Retrieval Framework Based on Semi-Supervised Ranking and Relevance Feedback, A
* Multimodal ranking for non-compliance detection in retail surveillance
* Multiple feature hashing for real-time large scale near-duplicate video retrieval
* Multiple kernel Gaussian process classification for generic 3D object recognition
* Multiple people tracking and pose estimation with occlusion estimation
* Multiple Targets Appearance Tracker Based on Object Interaction Models, A
* Multiple-Instance learning from multiple perspectives: Combining models for Multiple-Instance learning
* Multiple-shot person re-identification by chromatic and epitomic analyses
* Multispectral Remote Sensing from Unmanned Aircraft: Image Processing Workflows and Applications for Rangeland Environments
* Mutual occlusion between real and virtual elements in Augmented Reality based on fiducial markers
* Nano-scale particle classification using image histogram maximum value index of Rayleigh scattered images
* Near-Space Microwave Radar Remote Sensing: Potentials and Challenge Analysis
* New Approach for Co-Operative Bus Priority at Traffic Signals, A
* New Approach to Change Vector Analysis Using Distance and Similarity Measures, A
* new easy calibration algorithm for para-catadioptric cameras, A
* new frame for exemplar-based shape clustering, A
* New hope for recognizing twins by using facial motion
* new image encryption scheme based on a chaotic function, A
* New method and circuit for processing of band-limited periodic signals
* new method for video data compression by quadratic Bézier curve fitting, A
* new star identification algorithm based on fuzzy line pattern matching, A
* new upsampling method for mobile LiDAR data, A
* No-reference image blur assessment using multiscale gradient
* Non-parametric motion-priors for flow understanding
* Non-rigid image registration using electric current flow
* Non-rigid object tracking with elastic structure of local patches and hierarchical sampling
* Non-rigid surface detection for gestural interaction with applicable surfaces
* nonintrusive system for behavioral analysis of children using multiple RGB+depth sensors, A
* Nonrigid Motion Modeling of the Liver From 3-D Undersampled Self-Gated Golden-Radial Phase Encoded MRI
* Novel 3-D Palmprint Acquisition System, A
* Novel Approach for Modeling Land Vehicle Kinematics to Improve GPS Performance Under Urban Environment Conditions, A
* Novel CBIR system based on Ripplet Transform using interactive Neuro-Fuzzy technique
* Novel data storage for H.264 motion compensation: System Architecture and Hardware Implementation
* novel direction-of-arrival estimation method for wideband signals, A
* Novel Geodetic Engineering Method for Accurate and Automated Road/Railway Centerline Geometry Extraction Based on the Bearing Diagram and Fractal Behavior, A
* Novel Lane Detection System With Efficient Ground Truth Generation, A
* novel simultaneous dynamic range compression and local contrast enhancement algorithm for digital video cameras, A
* Novel wavelet-based QIM data hiding technique for tamper detection and correction of digital images
* novel, smart and fast searching method for star pattern recognition using star magnitudes, A
* Object-Based Classification Approach for Mapping Migrant Housing in the Mega-Urban Area of the Pearl River Delta (China), An
* Object-Based Classification of Mangroves Using a Hybrid Decision Tree: Support Vector Machine Approach, An
* Object-Based Image Analysis for Detection of Japanese Knotweed s.l. taxa (Polygonaceae) in Wales (UK)
* Object-Based Image Analysis Method for Monitoring Land Conversion by Artificial Sprawl Use of RapidEye and IRS Data, An
* Object-Based Image Analysis of Downed Logs in Disturbed Forested Landscapes Using Lidar
* Oil Detection in a Coastal Marsh with Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
* On Combining Multiple Features for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification
* On Linear-Sized Farthest-Color Voronoi Diagrams
* On pedestrian detection and tracking in infrared videos
* On the Exportability of Robust Satellite Techniques (RST) for Active Volcano Monitoring
* On the Impact of Virtual Traffic Lights on Carbon Emissions Mitigation
* On-line inverse multiple instance boosting for classifier grids
* Online discriminative object tracking with local sparse representation
* Operational Ship Monitoring System Based on Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing
* optical testbench and atmospheric turbulence emulator for astronomical image restoration, An
* Optimal Aviation Security Screening Strategies With Dynamic Passenger Risk Updates
* Optimizing Pushback Decisions to Valuate Airport Surface Surveillance Information
* Optimizing the Vehicle Routing Problem With Time Windows: A Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization Approach
* Outdoor Scene Image Segmentation Based on Background Recognition and Perceptual Organization
* packet-layer video quality assessment model with spatiotemporal complexity estimation, A
* Panoramic video stitching in multi-camera surveillance system
* Parallelized Particle and Gaussian Sum Particle Filters for Large-Scale Freeway Traffic Systems
* Parametric non-rigid registration using a stationary velocity field
* Part-based motion descriptor image for human action recognition
* Particle swarm optimisation based AdaBoost for facial expression classification of still images
* Passive Markers for Tracking Surgical Instruments in Real-Time 3-D Ultrasound Imaging
* Patch Distribution Compatible Semisupervised Dimension Reduction for Face and Human Gait Recognition
* Pattern analysis with graphs: Parallel work at Bern and York
* Peak Geodesic Concentration: A measure of WM complexity in HARDI
* Pedestrian detection in images via cascaded L1-norm minimization learning method
* Pedestrian Detection in Video Images via Error Correcting Output Code Classification of Manifold Subclasses
* Pedestrian Detection: An Evaluation of the State of the Art
* Per-Field Irrigated Crop Classification in Arid Central Asia Using SPOT and ASTER Data
* Perceptual-based distributed video coding
* Performance Analysis of Adaptive Modulation in Multiuser Selection Diversity Systems With OSTBC Over Time-Varying Channels
* Performance analysis of massively parallel embedded hardware architectures for retinal image processing
* Performance analysis of multi-resolution symmetric dynamic programming stereo on GPU
* Performance Analysis of Zero Forcing Crosstalk Canceler in Vectored VDSL2
* Personalized Search Strategies for Spatial Information on the Web
* Perspective Shape from Shading: Ambiguity Analysis and Numerical Approximations
* Phase Angle-Encoded and Quantum-Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization Applied to Three-Dimensional Route Planning for UAV
* Phase congruency induced local features for finger-knuckle-print recognition
* Phase correlation using shear average for image registration
* Phase Transition of Message Propagation Speed in Delay-Tolerant Vehicular Networks
* Photorealistic Building Reconstruction from Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Pictorial multi-atlas segmentation of brain MRI
* Pigmented skin lesion segmentation on macroscopic images
* Pill-ID: Matching and retrieval of drug pill images
* Pipeline synthesis and optimization of FPGA-based video processing applications with CAL
* Platooning With IVC-Enabled Autonomous Vehicles: Strategies to Mitigate Communication Delays, Improve Safety and Traffic Flow
* Playing into the wild: A gesture-based interface for gaming in public spaces
* Point-less calibration: Camera parameters from gradient-based alignment to edge images
* Polyaffine parametrization of image registration based on geodesic flows
* Population Growth and Its Expression in Spatial Built-up Patterns: The Sana'a, Yemen Case Study
* Portable and Airborne Small Footprint LiDAR: Forest Canopy Structure Estimation of Fire Managed Plots
* Post-Disaster Image Processing for Damage Analysis Using GENESI-DR, WPS and Grid Computing
* Potential Species Distribution of Balsam Fir Based on the Integration of Biophysical Variables Derived with Remote Sensing and Process-Based Methods
* Pre-organizing Shape Instances for Landmark-Based Shape Correspondence
* Predicting good, bad and ugly match Pairs
* Predicting human gaze using quaternion DCT image signature saliency and face detection
* Prediction of Georeferencing Precision of Pushbroom Scanner Images
* Prediction of Transmission Distortion for Wireless Video Communication: Analysis
* Prediction-Compensated Polyphase Multiple Description Image Coding With Adaptive Redundancy Control
* Prioritizing Areas for Rehabilitation by Monitoring Change in Barangay-Based Vegetation Cover
* probabilistic approach to antenna location for large radio telescopes, A
* Product pattern-based camera calibration for microrobotics
* Prostate cancer grading: Gland segmentation and structural features
* PSO-based learning of sub-band adaptive thresholding function for image denoising
* PTZ camera network calibration from moving people in sports broadcasts
* Quantifying and Transferring Contextual Information in Object Detection
* Quantifying preferential flows in porous soils: An original imaging and image processing procedure
* R4-Syn: Relative Referenceless Receiver/Receiver Time Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Radiometric Calibration for AgCam
* Radiometric Calibration of Terrestrial Laser Scanners with External Reference Targets
* Rate-distortion optimization for progressive compression of 3D mesh with color attributes
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Cross-Layer Rate Control in Wireless Video Communication
* Real time moving vehicle detection and reconstruction for improving classification
* Real-time 3-D face tracking and modeling from a webcam
* Real-time aerial image mosaicing
* Real-Time Driver's Stress Event Detection
* Real-Time Lagrangian Traffic State Estimator for Freeways
* Real-time stereo and flow-based video segmentation with superpixels
* Real-time stereo matching architecture based on 2D MRF model: A Memory-Efficient Systolic Array
* Real-time stereo vision on the VisionServer Framework for robot guidance
* Real-time stereo vision system using adaptive weight cost aggregation approach
* Real-time tone mapping on GPU and FPGA
* Realistic Analytical Phantoms for Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Recognition of Simple Gestures Using a PIR Sensor Array
* Reconfigurable templates for robust vehicle detection and classification
* Reconstruction of HARDI using compressed sensing and its application to contrast HARDI
* Reconstruction of Kikuchi patterns by intensity-enhanced Radon transformation
* Recovering three-dimensional shape around a corner using ultrafast time-of-flight imaging
* Recovery of Forest Canopy Parameters by Inversion of Multispectral LiDAR Data
* recursive algorithm for calculating the relative convex hull, A
* Reduction of musical residual noise using perceptual tools with classic speech denoising techniques
* Reeb graph path dissimilarity for 3D object matching and retrieval
* Reference Target Correction Based on Point-Target SAR Simulation
* Reference-guided exposure fusion in dynamic scenes
* Region Diversity Maximization for Salient Object Detection
* Regional Assessment of Aspen Change and Spatial Variability on Decadal Time Scales
* Registration of Images With Varying Topology Using Embedded Maps
* Registration of unseen images based on the generative manifold modeling of variations of appearance and anatomical shape in brain population
* Regularized Discriminant Analysis for Holistic Human Activity Recognition
* Relationships Between Errors Propagated in Fraction of Vegetation Cover by Algorithms Based on a Two-Endmember Linear Mixture Model
* Remote Sensing and Mapping of Tamarisk along the Colorado River, USA: A Comparative Use of Summer-Acquired Hyperion, Thematic Mapper and QuickBird Data
* Remote Sensing Images in Support of Environmental Protocol: Monitoring the Sugarcane Harvest in São Paulo State, Brazil
* Remote Sensing of Channels and Riparian Zones with a Narrow-Beam Aquatic-Terrestrial LIDAR
* Remote Sensing of Environmental Change in the Antirio Deltaic Fan Region, Western Greece
* Remote Sensing of Irrigated Agriculture: Opportunities and Challenges
* Remote Sensing of Mangrove Ecosystems: A Review
* Remote Sensing of Vegetation Structure Using Computer Vision
* Remote Sensing-Based Characterization of Settlement Structures for Assessing Local Potential of District Heat
* Removal of ring artifacts in micro-CT imaging using iterative morphological filters
* Retraction Note: Texture-guided volumetric deformation and visualization using 3D moving least squares
* Retrieval of Coarse-Resolution Leaf Area Index over the Republic of Kazakhstan Using NOAA AVHRR Satellite Data and Ground Measurements
* Retrieval of guitarist fingering information using computer vision
* Retrieval of Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Soil Water Content (WC) Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing under Controlled Glass House Conditions for Spring Barley and Sugar Beet
* Retrieving Forest Inventory Variables with Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) in Urban Heterogeneous Forest
* review and evaluation of methods estimating ego-motion, A
* Rician nonlocal means denoising for MR images using nonparametric principal component analysis
* Riding Quality Model for Asphalt Pavement Monitoring Using Phase Array Type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR)
* Ridler and Calvard's, Kittler and Illingworth's and Otsu's methods for image thresholding
* Road sign detection method based on fast HDR image generation technique
* Robust Adaptive Extended Kalman Filtering for Real Time MR-Thermometry Guided HIFU Interventions
* Robust detection, classification and positioning of traffic signs from street-level panoramic images for inventory purposes
* Robust multiple-vehicle tracking via adaptive integration of multiple visual features
* Robust non-rigid registration and characterization of uncertainty
* Robust Online Digital Image Stabilization Based on Point-Feature Trajectory Without Accumulative Global Motion Estimation
* Robust optical flow for Driver Assistance
* robust region-adaptive dual image watermarking technique, A
* Robust Soft-Decision Interpolation Using Weighted Least Squares
* Robust tracking for interactive social video
* Robust Train Timetabling Problem: Mathematical Model and Branch and Bound Algorithm
* Robust tumour tracking from 2D imaging using a population-based statistical motion model
* Roughness Mapping on Various Vertical Scales Based on Full-Waveform Airborne Laser Scanning Data
* RPV Model Parameters Based on Hyperspectral Bidirectional Reflectance Measurements of Fagus sylvatica L. Leaves.
* Saliency Detection by Multitask Sparsity Pursuit
* Salient video cube guided nighttime vehicle braking event detection
* Satellite and Ground-Based Sensors for the Urban Heat Island Analysis in the City of Rome
* Satellite Remote Sensing in Seismology. A Review
* Satellite Remote Sensing: A New Tool for Archaeology
* Satellite-Observed Urbanization Characters in Shanghai, China: Aerosols, Urban Heat Island Effect, and Land-Atmosphere Interactions
* Sectional Curvature in Terms of the Cometric, with Applications to the Riemannian Manifolds of Landmarks
* Secure remote matching with privacy: Scrambled support vector vaulted verification (S2V3)
* Segment-Based Land Cover Mapping of a Suburban Area: Comparison of High-Resolution Remotely Sensed Datasets Using Classification Trees and Test Field Points
* Segmentation and Tracking of Progenitor Cells in Time Lapse Microscopy
* Segmentation of cam-type femurs from CT scans
* Segmentation of left ventricles from echocardiographic sequences via sparse appearance representation
* Segmentation of the Left Ventricle of the Heart From Ultrasound Data Using Deep Learning Architectures and Derivative-Based Search Methods, The
* Shared Kernel Information Embedding for Discriminative Inference
* Shark detection using optical image data from a mobile aerial platform
* Sharpness Enhancement of Stereo Images Using Binocular Just-Noticeable Difference
* Shoreline Change along Sheltered Coastlines: Insights from the Neuse River Estuary, NC, USA
* Similarity Measures of Remotely Sensed Multi-Sensor Images for Change Detection Applications
* Simple Algorithm for Large-Scale Mapping of Evergreen Forests in Tropical America, Africa and Asia, A
* Simulation of ultrasound nonlinear propagation on GPU using a generalized angular spectrum method
* Simultaneous inference of activity, pose and object
* Sketch Interface for Robust and Natural Robot Control, A
* Sketch-based robot programming
* Sky-View Factor as a Relief Visualization Technique
* Snakes With an Ellipse-Reproducing Property
* Snow Cover Monitoring Using MODIS Data in Liaoning Province, Northeastern China
* Spaceborne Differential SAR Interferometry: Data Analysis Tools for Deformation Measurement
* Sparse Occlusion Detection with Optical Flow
* sparse representation approach to face matching across plastic surgery, A
* Sparse shape representation using the Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunctions and its application to modeling subcortical structures
* Sparsity and scale: Compact representations of deformation for diffeomorphic registration
* Spatial and Temporal Land Cover Changes in the Simen Mountains National Park, a World Heritage Site in Northwestern Ethiopia
* Spatial dispersion of lesions as a surrogate biomarker for disability in multiple sclerosis
* Spatial Enhancement of MODIS-based Images of Leaf Area Index: Application to the Boreal Forest Region of Northern Alberta, Canada
* Spatial-Contextual Support Vector Machine for Remotely Sensed Image Classification, A
* Spatially Adaptive Block-Based Super-Resolution
* Spatio-temporal target-measure association using an adaptive geometrical approach
* Special Issue on Awards from ICPR 2010
* Special Issue on Awards Papers from ICPR 2010
* Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Segmentation Using Subspace Multinomial Logistic Regression and Markov Random Fields
* Splitting-Based Iterative Algorithm for Accelerated Statistical X-Ray CT Reconstruction, A
* Spread Spectrum Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Static Calibration and Analysis of the Velodyne HDL-64E S2 for High Accuracy Mobile Scanning
* statistical handwriting model for style-preserving and variable character synthesis, A
* Stereo disparity calculation in real-world scenes with Informative Image Partitioning
* Stereo-Camera-Based Urban Environment Perception Using Occupancy Grid and Object Tracking
* Stereophonic Acoustic Echo Suppression Based on Wiener Filter in the Short-Time Fourier Transform Domain
* Stochastic Filters for Mobile Robot SLAM Problems: A Review
* Street view goes indoors: Automatic pose estimation from uncalibrated unordered spherical panoramas
* Studies on the Rapid Expansion of Sugarcane for Ethanol Production in São Paulo State (Brazil) Using Landsat Data
* study of artificial speech quality assessors of VoIP calls subject to limited bursty packet losses, A
* Study on the Processing Scheme for Space-Time Waveform Encoding SAR System Based on Two-Dimensional Digital Beamforming
* Subliminal Persuasion and Its Potential for Driver Behavior Adaptation
* Subsurface Utility Extraction and Characterization: Combining GPR Symmetry and Polarization Attributes
* Sun Glint Correction of High and Low Spatial Resolution Images of Aquatic Scenes: a Review of Methods for Visible and Near-Infrared Wavelengths
* Super-Resolution for Facial Images Based on Local Similarity Preserving
* Super-Resolution Method for Multiview Face Recognition From a Single Image Per Person Using Nonlinear Mappings on Coherent Features
* Super-resolution reconstruction of diffusion-weighted images from distortion compensated orthogonal anisotropic acquisitions
* Super-resolved spatial light interference microscopy
* Supervised Classification of Agricultural Land Cover Using a Modified k-NN Technique (MNN) and Landsat Remote Sensing Imagery
* Supervised localization of cell nuclei on TMA images
* Surface reconstruction with higher-order smoothness
* Surface-Based 3-D Dendritic Spine Detection Approach From Confocal Microscopy Images, A
* survey of cast shadow detection algorithms, A
* Survey of H.264 AVC/SVC Encryption, A
* SVMs and data dependent distance metric
* Synthetic on-line signature generation. Part I: Methodology and algorithms
* Synthetic on-line signature generation. Part II: Experimental validation
* system to detect residential area in multispectral satellite images, A
* systems level approach to perimeter protection, A
* S_3: A Spectral and Spatial Measure of Local Perceived Sharpness in Natural Images
* target-adapted geometric calibration method for camera-projector system, A
* Task-Driven Dictionary Learning
* Technique For Removing Second-Order Light Effects From Hyperspectral Imaging Data, A
* Terrain Segmentation of Egypt from Multi-Temporal Night LST Imagery and Elevation Data
* Terrestrial Laser Scanner Resolution: Numerical Simulations and Experiments on Spatial Sampling Optimization
* Terrestrial Remotely Sensed Imagery in Support of Public Health: New Avenues of Research Using Object-Based Image Analysis
* Text-Line Extraction in Handwritten Chinese Documents Based on an Energy Minimization Framework
* This is SPIRAL-TAP: Sparse Poisson Intensity Reconstruction ALgorithms: Theory and Practice
* Three-Dimensional In Silico Breast Phantoms for Multimodal Image Simulations
* Throwable Panoramic Ball Camera
* tight bound on the performance of Fisher's linear discriminant in randomly projected data spaces, A
* Tools for richer crowd source image annotations
* Topology Preserving Brain Tissue Segmentation Using Graph Cuts
* Toronto's Urban Heat Island: Exploring the Relationship between Land Use and Surface Temperature
* Total variation blind deconvolution employing split Bregman iteration
* Toward a Unified Color Space for Perception-Based Image Processing
* Toward whole-brain maps of neural connections: Logical framework and fast implementation
* Towards benchmarking of real-world stereo data
* Towards the unification of structural and statistical pattern recognition
* Towards Unrestrained Depth Inference with Coherent Occlusion Filling
* Tracking and Pairing Vehicle Headlight in Night Scenes
* Tracking Environmental Compliance and Remediation Trajectories Using Image-Based Anomaly Detection Methodologies
* Tracking Pylorus in Ultrasonic Image Sequences With Edge-Based Optical Flow
* Transmittance of Airborne Laser Scanning Pulses for Boreal Forest Elevation Modeling
* Tree Species Detection Accuracies Using Discrete Point Lidar and Airborne Waveform Lidar
* Tumor-Cut: Segmentation of Brain Tumors on Contrast Enhanced MR Images for Radiosurgery Applications
* Two Efficient Solutions for Visual Odometry Using Directional Correspondence
* Two Linear Unmixing Algorithms to Recognize Targets Using Supervised Classification and Orthogonal Rotation in Airborne Hyperspectral Images
* Two-Stage Block-Based Whitened Principal Component Analysis with Application to Single Sample Face Recognition
* UACI: Uncertain associative classifier for object class identification in images
* Uncertainty visualization using HDR volume rendering
* Unconstrained periocular biometric acquisition and recognition using COTS PTZ camera for uncooperative and non-cooperative subjects
* Unified Approach for EIT Imaging of Regional Overdistension and Atelectasis in Acute Lung Injury, A
* Unified Spectral-Domain Approach for Saliency Detection and Its Application to Automatic Object Segmentation, A
* Unsupervised learning of spatial structures shared among images
* Urban Sprawl Analysis and Modeling in Asmara, Eritrea
* Use of Needle Track Detection to Quantify the Displacement of Stranded Seeds Following Prostate Brachytherapy
* Using a boosted tree classifier for text segmentation in hand-annotated documents
* Using a flexibility constrained 3D statistical shape model for robust MRF-based segmentation
* Using Urban Landscape Trajectories to Develop a Multi-Temporal Land Cover Database to Support Ecological Modeling
* U_Boost: Boosting with the Universum
* Value of Using Different Vegetative Indices to Quantify Agricultural Crop Characteristics at Different Growth Stages under Varying Management Practices
* variational model for normal computation of point clouds, A
* Variational Viewpoint of the Quadratic Markov Measure Field Models: Theory and Algorithms
* Vascular bifurcation detection in scale-space
* Vegetation Cover Analysis of Hazardous Waste Sites in Utah and Arizona Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
* Video face matching using subset selection and clustering of probabilistic Multi-Region Histograms
* Video fingerprinting using Latent Dirichlet Allocation and facial images
* View-Based Object Recognition Using ND Tensor Supervised Neighborhood Embedding
* Viewpoint Selection for Human Actions
* Virtual Interpretation of Earth Web-Interface Tool (VIEW-IT) for Collecting Land-Use/Land-Cover Reference Data
* Visible and Infrared Remote Imaging of Hazardous Waste: A Review
* Vision-based autonomous navigation in indoor environments
* Visual Attention Accelerated Vehicle Detection in Low-Altitude Airborne Video of Urban Environment
* Visualising 3D porous media fluid interaction using X-ray CT data and Smooth Particles Hydrodynamics modelling
* Volume-preserving FFD for programmable graphics hardware
* Wavelet Shrinkage With Consistent Cycle Spinning Generalizes Total Variation Denoising
* Wavelet-Domain Blur Invariants for Image Analysis
* Web and Personal Image Annotation by Mining Label Correlation With Relaxed Visual Graph Embedding
* Web-image driven best views of 3D shapes
* Weighted pose space editing for facial animation
* Wildfire Detection and Tracking over Greece Using MSG-SEVIRI Satellite Data
* Word spotting in historical printed documents using shape and sequence comparisons
754 for 1203

Index for "1"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.