Update Dates 0803

0803 * 3D Classification of Through-the-Wall Radar Images Using Statistical Object Models
* 3D Modeling of Optically Challenging Objects
* 3D Urban Scene Modeling Integrating Recognition and Reconstruction
* Accurate Low-Complexity Rate Control Algorithm Based on (rho,q)-Domain, An
* Active Learning Approach to Hyperspectral Data Classification, An
* Activity Modeling Using Event Probability Sequences
* Adaptive region-based image fusion using energy evaluation model for fusion decision
* Aerial Pose Detection of 3-D Objects Using Hemispherical Harmonics
* Agricultural Monitoring Using Envisat Alternating Polarization SAR Images
* Algorithms for Itinerary Planning in Multimodal Transportation Networks
* alpha-Trimmed lexicographical extrema for pseudo-morphological image analysis
* AM-FM Demodulation Methods for Reconstruction, Analysis and Motion Estimation in Video signals
* AM-FM Image Analysis Using the Hilbert Huang Transform
* Analysis of Resolution and Noise Properties of Nonquadratically Regularized Image Reconstruction Methods for PET
* Analysis of Sphere Tessellations for Pose Estimation of 3-D Objects Using Spherically Correlated Images, An
* Analysis of Tumor Vascularity Using Three-Dimensional Power Doppler Ultrasound Images
* Analysis of Two-Dimensional Non-Rigid Shapes
* Analysis Tool for Digitized Cervical and Lumbar Vertebrae Images
* Analytic image unwarping by a systematic calibration method for omni-directional cameras with hyperbolic-shaped mirrors
* Analytical Scatter Correction for Singles-Mode Transmission Data in PET, An
* Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery by Fuzzy Integral Fusion of Band-subsets
* Application of the UPRE Method to Optimal Parameter Selection for Large Scale Regularization Problems
* Approximating non-metrical Minkowski distances in 2D
* Architectural Modeling from Sparsely Scanned Range Data
* Automated 3-D Segmentation of Internal Hemoglobin in TEM Images
* Automated Detection and Analysis of Foraging Behavior in C. elegans
* Automated Facial Feature Detection from Portrait and Range Images
* Automated Geometric Correction of High-resolution Pushbroom Satellite Data
* Automated Region of Interest Detection of Spiculated Masses on Digital Mammograms
* Automatic Detection of Facial Midline And Its Contributions to Facial Feature Extraction
* Automatic Registration and Mosaicking for Airborne Multispectral Image Sequences
* Automatic Vehicle Detection Using Local Features: A Statistical Approach
* Bayes Optimality in Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Bayesian Foreground and Shadow Detection in Uncertain Frame Rate Surveillance Videos
* Between Classification-Error Approximation and Weighted Least-Squares Learning
* Bitstream-based Overlap Analysis for Multi-view Distributed Video Coding
* Blur Identification and Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction Using an Approach Similar to Variable Projection
* Border and Surface Tracing: Theoretical Foundations
* Building Illumination Coherent 3D Models of Large-Scale Outdoor Scenes
* Classification of Objects and Background Using Parallel Genetic Algorithm Based Clustering
* Classifier ensemble selection using hybrid genetic algorithms
* Coarse-to-Fine Segmentation and Tracking Using Sobolev Active Contours
* Comparative Study of Staff Removal Algorithms, A
* comparison of illumination geometry-based methods for topographic correction of QuickBird images of an undulant area, A
* compression algorithm for pre-simulated Monte Carlo p-value functions: Application to the ontological analysis of microarray studies, A
* Contour Line Recognition and Extraction from Scanned Colour Maps Using Dual Quantization of the Intensity Image
* Customizing Kernel Functions for SVM-Based Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Deblurring Using Regularized Locally Adaptive Kernel Regression
* Deformable Object Tracking Algorithm Based on the Boundary Element Method that is Robust to Occlusions and Spurious Edges, A
* Deformable Statistical Shape Model Applied to Three-Dimensional Lumbar Vertebra Images, A
* density-based cluster validity approach using multi-representatives, A
* Dependent Multiple Cue Integration for Robust Tracking
* Describing Visual Scenes Using Transformed Objects and Parts
* Detailed Real-Time Urban 3D Reconstruction from Video
* Detection of the non-topology preservation of Ma's 3D surface-thinning algorithm, by the use of P-simple points
* Detection of visual attention regions in images using robust subspace analysis
* Development of a dual detector phase x-ray imaging system: Design considerations
* DEWS: A Live Visual Surveillance System for Early Drowning Detection at Pool
* Discriminative Approach for Wavelet Denoising, A
* distance-based separator representation for pattern classification, A
* Does the Brain Rest?: An Independent Component Analysis of Temporally Coherent Brain Networks at Rest and During a Cognitive Task
* Dominant point detection by reverse polygonization of digital curves
* Dual fractals
* Dual Frame Motion Compensation With Uneven Quality Assignment
* Dynamic Reference Frame Selection for Improved Motion Estimation Time in H.264/AVC
* Edge Enhancement Nucleus and Cytoplast Contour Detector of Cervical Smear Images
* Effective online unsupervised adaptation of Gaussian mixture models and its application to speech classification
* Efficient and Fast Block Size Decision Exploiting Boundary Information on Inner Block for H.264/AVC Intra Prediction, An
* Efficient Learning of Relational Object Class Models
* Efficient Multiclass ROC Approximation by Decomposition via Confusion Matrix Perturbation Analysis
* Empirical likelihood confidence intervals for differences between two datasets with missing data
* Energy constrained frequency-domain normalized LMS algorithm for blind channel identification
* Enhancements of an Adaptive Neighborhood Speckle Filtering Algorithm to Improve Analysis of Polarimetric SAR Imagery
* Error-Dependency Relationships for the Naïve Bayes Classifier with Binary Features
* Error-Pooling Empirical Bayes Model for Enhanced Statistical Discovery of Differential Expression in Microarray Data
* Estimating the minimum redundancy in stereo image pair
* Estimation of the Temporal Evolution of the Deformation Using Airborne Differential SAR Interferometry
* Evaluation of Localized Semantics: Data, Methodology, and Experiments
* Extracting Urban Road Networks from High-resolution True Orthoimage and Lidar
* Factorization-Based Approach for Articulated Nonrigid Shape, Motion and Kinematic Chain Recovery From Video, A
* Fast and Robust Approach to Lane Marking Detection and Lane Tracking, A
* Fast block mode decision algorithm in H.264/AVC video coding
* fast fixed-point BYY harmony learning algorithm on Gaussian mixture with automated model selection, A
* Fast Full-Search Equivalent Template Matching by Enhanced Bounded Correlation
* Fast image processing with constraints by solving linear PDEs
* Fast Inter-Mode Selection in the H.264/AVC Standard Using a Hierarchical Decision Process
* Fast MB Mode Decision Algorithm for MPEG-2 to H.264 P-Frame Transcoding, A
* Fast Optimal Motion Estimation Based on Gradient-Based Adaptive Multilevel Successive Elimination
* Fast pattern recognition using normalized grey-scale correlation in a pyramid image representation
* Fast Thresholded Landweber Algorithm for Wavelet-Regularized Multidimensional Deconvolution, A
* Fast Transformation-Invariant Component Analysis
* Fast VQ codebook search algorithm for grayscale image coding
* Finding Edge Features Using the Fast Level Set Transform and the Helmholtz Principle
* First Results in Perceptually-Based AM-FM Image Filtering
* Fixation Precision in High-Speed Noncontact Eye-Gaze Tracking
* Flying Laser Range Sensor for Large-Scale Site-Modeling and Its Applications in Bayon Digital Archival Project
* Foreword to the Special Issue on the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) Mission
* Foveated Object Recognition Using Corners
* framework for generating high quality digital elevation models in urban areas, A
* From Aardvark to Zorro: A Benchmark for Mammal Image Classification
* Fusion of Lidar and Imagery for Reliable Building Extraction
* Fuzzy Control Model Optimization for Behavior-Consistent Traffic Routing Under Information Provision
* GAFFE: A Gaze-Attentive Fixation Finding Engine
* Generic Model for Along Track Stereo Sensors Using Rigorous Orbit Mechanics, A
* genetic algorithm rule-based approach for land-cover classification, A
* Geometric pattern matching using dynamic feature combinations
* Geometric Rectification of Camera-Captured Document Images
* Global Elevation Ancillary Data for Land-use Classification Using Granular Neural Networks
* Global motion estimation from randomly selected motion vector groups and GM/LM based applications
* Graph Cuts Segmentation with Geometric Shape Priors for Medical Images
* Group Behavior Recognition for Gesture Analysis
* Guest Editorial Machine Learning for Vision
* H.264/AVC Video Coder Based on a Multiple Description Scalar Quantizer, An
* Hierarchical initialization approach for K-Means clustering
* High-Performance Feature-Matching Method for Image Registration by Combining Spatial and Similarity Information, A
* High-Resolution SAR Interferometry: Estimation of Local Frequencies in the Context of Alpine Glaciers
* High-speed search of recorded video information to detect motion
* Hole Filling of a 3D Model by Flipping Signs of a Signed Distance Field in Adaptive Resolution
* Human Motion Parameter Capturing Using Particle Filter and Nonparametric Belief Propagation
* Hybrid Generative-Discriminative Visual Categorization
* Identical Projective Geometric Properties of Central Catadioptric Line Images and Sphere Images with Applications to Calibration
* Identification of Brain Image Biomarkers by Optimized Selection of Multimodal Independent Components
* Image capturing apparatus, main subject position determination method, and computer-readable medium storing program
* Image Mosaicking from Uncooled Thermal IR Video Captured by a Small UAV
* Image processing network
* Image segmentation for detection of soft plaques in multidetector CT images
* Image Stitching Using Structure Deformation
* improved cyclic beamforming method for signal DOA estimation, An
* Improved Physically-Based Method for Geometric Restoration of Distorted Document Images, An
* In-Scale Motion Compensation for Spatially Scalable Video Coding
* Incremental Learning for Robust Visual Tracking
* Independent Component Analysis for Vision-inspired Classification of Retinal Images with Age-related Macular Degeneration
* Influence of DEM Accuracy on Topographic Correction of Ikonos Satellite Images, The
* Information-Theoretic Data Registration for UAV-Based Sensing
* Infrared Target Tracking with AM-FM Consistency Checks
* Initial Approach to Segmentation and Analysis of Nerve Cells using Ridge Detection, An
* Integral Image Optimizations for Embedded Vision Applications
* Integrating Automated Range Registration with Multiview Geometry for the Photorealistic Modeling of Large-Scale Scenes
* Intelligent perception and control for space robotics Autonomous Satellite Rendezvous and Docking
* Intraoperative Laparoscope Augmentation for Port Placement and Resection Planning in Minimally Invasive Liver Resection
* Investigation of Using the Spectral Characteristics From Ground Penetrating Radar for Landmine/Clutter Discrimination, An
* Kinematic Design for Platoon-Lane-Change Maneuvers
* LabelMe: A Database and Web-Based Tool for Image Annotation
* Land-cover Classification Using ASTER Multi-band Combinations Based on Wavelet Fusion and SOM Neural Network
* Learning and Inferring Motion Patterns using Parametric Segmental Switching Linear Dynamic Systems
* Learning Probabilistic Models for Contour Completion in Natural Images
* Learning to Locate Informative Features for Visual Identification
* Learning to Recognize Objects with Little Supervision
* Lexicon reduction using dots for off-line Farsi/Arabic handwritten word recognition
* Lossless nibbled data embedding scheme based on difference expansion
* Low-Cost Pedestrian-Detection System With a Single Optical Camera, A
* MAC: Magnetostatic Active Contour Model
* MAC: Magnetostatic Active Contour Model
* Main flattening directions and Quadtree decomposition for multi-way Wiener filtering
* Map Registration of Image Sequences Using Linear Features
* Mapping Vegetation Communities Using Statistical Data Fusion in the Ozark National Scenic Riverways, Missouri, USA
* Markov Random Field-Based Statistical Character Structure Modeling for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
* Markovian regularization of latent-variable-models mixture for New multi-component image reduction/segmentation scheme
* Matching and Retrieval of Tattoo Images: Active Contour CBIR and Glocal Image Features
* Matrix-pattern-oriented least squares support vector classifier with AdaBoost
* Maximum Confidence Hidden Markov Modeling for Face Recognition
* Maximum Likelihood Wavelet Density Estimation With Applications to Image and Shape Matching
* Method and apparatus for MPEG artifacts reduction
* Method and system for improved internet color
* Method for identification of tokens in video sequences
* method for representing 3D tree objects using chain coding, A
* Method to Analyze Correlations between Multiple Brain Imaging Tasks to Characterize Schizophrenia, A
* method to test differences between additional parameter sets with a case study in terrestrial laser scanner self-calibration stability analysis, A
* Microsoft's Shiny New Toy: Photosynth is Dazzling, but What Is it for?
* Minimal Aspect Distortion (MAD) Mosaicing of Long Scenes
* Mining user hidden semantics from image content for image retrieval
* Modeling and Compensation of Ghosting in Multispectral Filter Wheel Cameras
* Modeling and Representations of Large-Scale 3D Scenes: Introduction to Special Issue
* Modeling Bottom-Up Visual Attention for Color Images
* Modeling, Clustering, and Segmenting Video with Mixtures of Dynamic Textures
* Morphology-based text line extraction
* Motion bias and structure distortion induced by intrinsic calibration errors
* Motion vector computation for video sequences
* Multiarray Tomographic Approach for Through-Wall Imaging, A
* Multidimensional Probability Density Function Matching for Preprocessing of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images
* Multilevel Framework to Detect and Handle Vehicle Occlusion
* Multilevel Image Coding with Hyperfeatures
* Multiscale Vascular Surface Model Generation From Medical Imaging Data Using Hierarchical Features
* Multisource Classification Using Support Vector Machines: An Empirical Comparison with Decision Tree and Neural Network Classifiers
* Multispectral and Panchromatic Data Fusion Assessment Without Reference
* Mutual Information-Based 3D Object Tracking
* Neighbouring Color Dependence Matrix for Image Analysis: Application to homogeneous and heterogeneous areas detection and characterization
* Neural-Fuzzy Gap Control for a Current/Voltage-Controlled 1/4-Vehicle MagLev System
* New Active Visual System for Humanoid Robots, A
* new graph cut-based multiple active contour algorithm without initial contours and seed points, A
* New Method for Registration-Based Medical Image Interpolation, A
* Next-Generation Automated Vehicle Location Systems: Positioning at the Lane Level
* Non-parametric Estimation of Mixture Model Order
* Nonparametric Bayesian Image Segmentation
* Nonrigid Registration of 3-D Multichannel Microscopy Images of Cell Nuclei
* Nonrigid Structure-from-Motion: Estimating Shape and Motion with Hierarchical Priors
* Novel Inter-Mode Decision Algorithm Based on Macroblock (MB) Tracking for the P-Slice in H.264/AVC Video Coding
* Novel Method for the Automatic Grading of Retinal Vessel Tortuosity, A
* Object extraction in photogrammetric computer vision
* Object-based classification using Quickbird imagery for delineating forest vegetation polygons in a Mediterranean test site
* On 3-D Point Set Matching With MAE and SAE Cost Criteria
* On the Design of Cascades of Boosted Ensembles for Face Detection
* On the Design of Fast Wavelet Transform Algorithms With Low Memory Requirements
* Online Learning Solutions for Freeway Travel Time Prediction
* Optimal Track Access Rights Allocation for Agent Negotiation in an Open Railway Market
* Origins of Aerial Photographic Interpretation, U.S. Army, 1916 to 1918
* Outlier rejection for cameras on intelligent vehicles
* Pairwise Matching of 3D Fragments Using Cluster Trees
* Parallel Hardware Implementation for Motion Estimation for H.264/AVC Standard, A
* Parallelizing the Hough Transform Computation
* Parametric Investigation of the Performance of Lidar Filters Using Different Surface Contexts
* Passive Polarimetric Imagery Based Material Classification For Remote Sensing Applications
* Permanent Test Field for Digital Photogrammetric Systems, A
* Phonovibrography: Mapping High-Speed Movies of Vocal Fold Vibrations Into 2-D Diagrams for Visualizing and Analyzing the Underlying Laryngeal Dynamics
* Photogrammetric processing of rover imagery of the 2003 Mars Exploration Rover mission
* Pixel Level Fusion of Panchromatic and Multispectral Images Based on Correspondence Analysis
* Predicting the Perceived Interest of Object in Images
* Probabilistic Wavelet System for Stochastic and Incomplete Data-Based Modeling, A
* Rate-Distortion and Complexity Optimized Motion Estimation for H.264 Video Coding
* Real-time and Simultaneous Recognition of Multiple Moving Objects Using Cubic Higher-order Local Auto-Correlation
* Real-time camera tracking for marker-less and unprepared augmented reality environments
* Real-Time Estimation of Travel Times Along the Arcs and Arrival Times at the Nodes of Dynamic Stochastic Networks
* Real-time Face-based Auto-Focus for Digital Still and Cell-Phone Cameras
* Real-Time Incremental Segmentation and Tracking of Vehicles at Low Camera Angles Using Stable Features
* Recovering the 3D shape and poses of face images based on the similarity transform
* Region-Based Feature Extraction Using TRUS Images
* Region-Based Hierarchical Image Matching
* Registered 3-D Ultrasound and Digital Stereotactic Mammography for Breast Biopsy Guidance
* Relationships between the mineralogical and chemical composition of tropical soils and topography from hyperspectral remote sensing data
* Retrieving scale from quasi-stationary images
* Reversible Steganographic Method with High Payload for JPEG Images
* Rich Discrete Labeling Scheme for Line Drawings of Curved Objects, A
* Riemannian Manifold Learning
* Robust and Accurate Object Tracking Under Various Types of Occlusions
* Robust Foreground Detection In Video Using Pixel Layers
* Robust Lane Detection and Tracking in Challenging Scenarios
* Robust Object Detection with Interleaved Categorization and Segmentation
* Robust Radiometric Calibration and Vignetting Correction
* Scanning Depth of Route Panorama Based on Stationary Blur
* Scene Classification Using a Hybrid Generative/Discriminative Approach
* Seamless Warping of Diffusion Tensor Fields
* Segmentation of Rodent Whole-Body Dynamic PET Images: An Unsupervised Method Based on Voxel Dynamics
* Shape's Related 3D Objects Indexing and Image Database Organization
* Shape-based classification of spectrally identical objects
* Signal Processing Issues for the Exploitation of Pulse-to-Pulse Encoding SAR Transponders
* Significance of image representation for face verification
* Snakuscules
* Sparse shift-invariant NMF
* Special Issue on ITSC 2006
* Spectral Image Acquisition and Analysis of Omnidirectional Scene
* Stationary Wavelet-Domain Wiener Filter for Correlated Speckle, A
* Statistical behavior of edge detectors
* Statistical Model for Point-Based Target Registration Error With Anisotropic Fiducial Localizer Error, A
* Statistical Threat Assessment for General Road Scenes Using Monte Carlo Sampling
* Stereo-based Free Space Computation in Complex Traffic Scenarios
* Stereoscopic Phase-Differencing: Multiscale Synthesis
* strongest schema learning GA and its application to multilevel thresholding, The
* Subband Synthesis for Color Filter Array Demosaicking
* Subpixel Anomalous Change Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery
* Superquadric Segmentation in Range Images via Fusion of Region and Boundary Information
* SURE-LET Multichannel Image Denoising: Interscale Orthonormal Wavelet Thresholding
* System and method for audio/video speaker detection
* System and method for detecting obstacle
* Teacher-directed learning in view-independent face recognition with mixture of experts using single-view eigenspaces
* Technique for Evaluation of CCD Video-Camera Noise, A
* Texture Classification in Microstructure Images of Advanced Materials
* Texture Feature Fusion with Neighborhood-Oscillating Tabu Search for High Resolution Image Classification
* Theoretical Foundations of Spatially-Variant Mathematical Morphology Part I: Binary Images
* Theoretical Foundations of Spatially-Variant Mathematical Morphology Part II: Gray-Level Images
* Theory and reality of direct georeferencing in national coordinates
* Tiny surface defect inspection of electronic passive components using discrete cosine transform decomposition and cumulative sum techniques
* Topology Preserving Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Face Recognition
* Traffic-Responsive Linked Ramp-Metering Control
* Transformed-Domain Mode Selection for H.264 Intra-Prediction Improvement
* Turbo equalization of serially concatenated turbo codes using a predictive DFE-based receiver
* Universal Image Compression Using Multiscale Recurrent Patterns With Adaptive Probability Model
* Unsupervised Learning of Discriminative Edge Measures for Vehicle Matching between Non-Overlapping Cameras
* Unsupervised texture classification: Automatically discover and classify texture patterns
* Using colour, texture, and hierarchial segmentation for high-resolution remote sensing
* Validation of the ASTER Instrument Level 1A Scene Geometry
* Video Analysis Using Region Validation
* Video Behavior Profiling for Anomaly Detection
* Video-on-Demand Network Design and Maintenance Using Fuzzy Optimization
* Virtual strike zone
* Visual Fixation Patterns when Judging Image Quality: Effects of Distortion Type, Amount, and Subject Experience
* Voxel-Based Morphometric Study of Brain Regions from Magnetic Resonance Images in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
* Wavelet-Based Bayesian Image Estimation: From Marginal and Bivariate Prior Models to Multivariate Prior Models
* Weighted Adaptive Lifting-Based Wavelet Transform for Image Coding
288 for 0803

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.