Journals starting with vcip

VCIP00 * Review of Image-based Rendering Techniques, A

VCIP11 * *Visual Communications and Image Processing:
* 3D ball trajectory reconstruction from single-camera sports video for free viewpoint virtual replay
* 94fps view synthesis engine for HD1080p video, A
* Accurate depth map estimation from video via MRF optimization
* Adaptive background estimation of outdoor illumination variations for foreground detection
* adaptive H.264 video protection scheme for video conferencing, An
* Adaptive integer-precision Lagrange multiplier selection for high performance AVS video coding
* Adaptive raster scan for slice/frame coding
* Advanced spatial and Temporal Direct Mode for B picture coding
* Bit-depth scalable video coding using error residual correction
* Challenges in 3D video standardization
* Compressive sensing based video scrambling for privacy protection
* Compressive sensing image recovery based on equalization quantization noise model
* Conditional Random Field Based Side-Information Fusion for Distributed Multi-View Video Coding
* Considering binocular spatial sensitivity in stereoscopic image quality assessment
* Content-adaptive encoder optimization of the H.264/AVC deblocking filter for visual quality improvement
* Content-based image quality assessment of natural scene image distorted by quantization
* Context-based adaptive zigzag scanning for image coding
* Contextual saliency
* Contour-based segmentation and coding for depth map compression
* Cross-view post-filtering for fidelity enhancement on asymmetric coding of 3D video
* Crowd instability analysis using velocity-field based social force model
* Data hiding based error recovery for H.264 video streaming over wireless networks
* Decoder picture buffer reduction based effective reference frame selection algorithm for multiview video coding
* Depth-enhanced compression for 3D video
* Distributed Markov decision process in cooperative peer recovery for WWAN multiview video multicast
* Distributed video coding: A promising solution for distributed wireless video sensors or not?
* Divider-free architecture for fast sub-pixel motion prediction in H.264/AVC
* double-filter design of deblocking filter for H.264/AVC macroblock adaptive frame field coding, A
* Dynamic video object detection with single PTU camera
* effecive night video enhancement algorithm, An
* Efficient dead-zone plus uniform threshold scalar quantization of generalized Gaussian random variables
* Estimating initial pose by utilizing symmetric property for real-time intelligent transportation system
* Exploiting inter-frame correlations in compound video coding
* Extension of Non-Local Means (NLM) algorithm with Gaussian filtering for highly noisy images
* Face recognition using an enhanced age simulation method
* Fast deconvolution-based image super-resolution using gradient prior
* Fast depth video coding method using adaptive edge classification
* Fast disparity estimation for Multi-view plus depth video coding
* fast encoder of frame-compatible format based on content similarity for 3D distribution, A
* Fast intra mode selection for stereo video coding using epipolar constraint
* Fast iterative search for motion and disparity estimation in stereoscopic video coding
* Fast mode decision algorithm for intra prediction in HEVC
* Fast mode decision algorithm for Residual Quadtree coding in HEVC
* FPGA design for image processing using a GUI of a web-based VHDL Code Generator
* FTV and all-around 3DTV
* Gauss-Laguerre keypoints descriptors for color images
* Graph-cut based antialiasing for Doppler ultrasound color flow medical imaging
* Hardware encoder and decoder for 3-D stereo video streaming applications
* High-quality image restoration from partial random samples in spatial domain
* Human and car identification using motion vector in H.264 compressed video
* Illumination-robust face recognition via sparse representation
* Image indexing using 3D model for image retrieval
* Image matting based on mutual information
* Image reconstruction from random samples with parametric and nonparametric modeling
* Image retargeting based on the sensitivity-tuned visual significance map
* improved automatic commercial detection system, An
* improved automatic initial snaxel selection with corner tracing for object contour extraction in medical image, An
* Improved rate-adaptive codes for Distributed Video Coding
* Improved spatial aided low delay Wyner-Ziv video coding by wavelet shrinkage
* Inferring users' image-search goals with pseudo-images
* Interactive object segmentation using iterative adjustable graph cut
* Interleaving-based error concealment for scalable video coding system
* Joint just noticeable difference model based on depth perception for stereoscopic images
* Learning of context-aware single image super-resolution
* Lossless integer color transform for four color components
* low complexity dual mode edge detector, A
* Low power parallel surveillance video encoding system based on joint power-speed scheduling
* Low-complexity intra prediction algorithm for video down-sizing transcoder
* low-complexity upsampling technique for H.264, A
* MixCast modulation for layered video multicast over WLANs
* Mode-dependent intra frame interpolation for H.264/AVC compressed video
* Motion compensated frame interpolation using skipped frame information
* Motion-tolerance contextual visual saliency preserving for video retargeting
* MPEG reconfigurable graphics coding framework: Overview and applications
* Multi-resolution 3D Mesh Coding in MPEG
* Multi-resolution texture coding for multi-resolution 3D meshes
* Multiple description video coding against both erasure and bit errors by compressive sensing
* Multiple-image compressed encryption and decryption by compressive holography
* Multiview encoder parallelized fast search realization on NVIDIA CUDA
* Muscle injury determination by image segmentation
* new global-based video enhancement algorithm by fusing features of multiple region-of-interests, A
* New image coding scheme with hierarchical representation and adaptive interpolation
* new package-group-transmission-based algorithm for human activity recognition in videos, A
* New stereo video coding in redundant wavelet domain
* novel high efficiency fixed length coding for video compression based on symbol probability estimation, A
* novel parallel encoding framework for scalable video coding, A
* novel video coding scheme for lossy networks with scalable bit-stream, A
* Observation quality guaranteed layout of camera networks via sparse representation
* One-pass encoding algorithm for adaptive loop filter in high-efficiency video coding
* parallel context model for level information in CABAC, A
* Parallelized deblocking filter for hybrid video coding
* Parsing robustness in High Efficiency Video Coding: Analysis and improvement
* Perceptual multi-cues 2D-to-3D conversion system
* Perceptual quality assessment on B-D tradeoff of P2P assisted layered video streaming
* pivot-based filtering algorithm for enhancing query performance of LSH, A
* Point cloud compression for grid-pattern-based 3D scanning system
* Prediction of DCT coefficients considering motion compensation error distributions
* Priority pyramid based bit allocation for multiview video coding
* Progressive adaptive correlation estimation(PACE) for WZVC
* Psychophysical assessment of perceived interest in natural images: The ROI-D database
* quality evaluation of image recovery attack for visible watermarking algorithms, The
* Quantitative assessment of 2D versus 3D visualisation modalities
* Rate distortion optimized transform for intra block coding for HEVC
* Real-time forward error correction for video transmission
* Real-time free-viewpoint DIBR on GPUs for large base-line multi-view 3DTV videos
* Real-time hand tracking on depth images
* Real-time multi-camera air surveillance system using a simultaneous estimation, filtering and rejection tracking algorithm
* Real-time Two-Stage SPECK (TSSP) design and implementation for scalable video coding on embedded systems
* Recent progress on perceptual video coding
* Recognizing human actions using curvature estimation and NWFE-based histogram vectors
* Reconfigurable Peer-to-Peer network Image Retrieval
* Reduced-complexity search for video coding geometry partitions using texture and depth data
* Region based motion vector prediction using data hiding and decoder side reasoning
* Region-of-interest segmentation based on Bayesian theorem for H.264 video transcoding
* Resource aware real-time stream adaptation of MPEG-4 video in constrained bandwidth networks
* Robust 3D object pose estimation from a single 2D image
* Robust Orthogonal Particle Swarm Optimization for estimating the fundamental matrix
* Screen-strategy analysis in broadcast basketball video using player tracking
* Separation of superimposed images with unknown motions using sparsity priors
* Spatio-temporal de-interlacing based on maximum likelihood estimation
* Stereoscopic video coding in AVS
* Subjective evaluation of transmission errors in IPTV and 3DTV
* Subjective quality analyses of stereoscopic images in 3DTV system
* Systematic evaluation of super-resolution using classification
* Three-dimensional television system based on integral photography
* time, space and color-based classification of different weather conditions, A
* Towards quality-oriented scheduling for live swarm-based P2P streaming
* Two view to N-view conversion without depth
* Two-stage method for salt-and-pepper noise removal using statistical jump regression analysis
* Unequal channel error protection of multiple description codes for wireless media streaming
* unequally protected Distributed Compressed Video Sensing algorithm, An
* Video deblurring algorithm using an adjacent unblurred frame
* Video object tracking using graph cuts and location-dependent appearance models
* Virtual support window for adaptive-weight stereo matching
* Vision field capture for advanced 3DTV applications
* Visual system using ray-based image sensors and electronic holography display toward ultra-realistic communication
* Weighted sparse coding residual minimization for visual tracking
* Wide-angle distortion correction by Hough transform and gradient estimation
* Wyner-Ziv video coding using progressive encoding and decoding
* Zero spectrum removal using joint bilateral filter for Fourier transform profilometry
* Zero-error watermarking on jpeg images by shuffling huffman tree nodes
142 for VCIP11

VCIP12 * *Perpetual video camera for Internet-of-things
* *Visual Communications and Image Processing:
* 3D depth map generation for embedded stereo applications
* 3D tubular structure extraction using kernel-based superellipsoid model with Gaussian process regression
* Action retrieval based on generalized dynamic depth data matching
* adaptive covariance-based edge diffusion image enlargement method, An
* Adaptive Depth edge sharpening for 3D video depth coding
* adaptive hybrid CDN/P2P solution for Content Delivery Networks, An
* Adaptive protection scheme for MVC-encoded stereoscopic video streaming in IP-based networks
* Adaptive rate control for High Efficiency Video Coding
* Adaptive rate control for Wyner-Ziv video coding
* Adaptive search range algorithm based on Cauchy distribution
* Adaptive use of systematic bits in distributed video coding with multiple puncturing matrices
* adaptive visual quality optimization method for Internet video applications, An
* Affine SKIP and DIRECT modes for efficient video coding
* Analysis of displacement compensation methods for wavelet lifting of medical 3-D thorax CT volume data
* Analysis of video codec buffer and delay under time-varying channel
* Assessing photo quality with geo-context and crowdsourced photos
* Automatic 3-D depth recovery from a single urban-scene image
* Automatic sports video genre categorization for broadcast videos
* Background modeling using Local Binary Patterns Of Motion Vector
* Bit-depth expansion using Minimum Risk Based Classification
* Canonical Correlation Analysis based motion model for probabilistic visual tracking, A
* Classification based on sparse representation and Euclidian distance
* color differentiated fuzzy c-means (CDFCM) based image segmentation algorithm, A
* Combination of SSIM and JND with content-transition classification for image quality assessment
* comparative analysis of local binary pattern texture classification, A
* comparison of fractional-pel interpolation filters in HEVC and H.264/AVC, A
* Compound image compression by multi-stage prediction
* Content-adaptive inverse tone mapping
* Content-adpative H.264 rate control for live screencasting
* Context-Aware Single Image Super-Resolution Using Locality-Constrained Group Sparse Representation
* control-theoretic approach to rate adaptation for dynamic HTTP streaming, A
* Dash in mobile networks and services
* DASH(HEVC)/LTE: QoE-based dynamic adaptive streaming of HEVC content over wireless networks
* Deblocking filter for artifact reduction in distributed compressive video sensing
* Demonstration of a multimedia player supporting the MPEG-DASH protocol
* Depth sensing with focus and exposure adaptation
* Discriminative structured set prediction modeling with max-margin Markov network for optimal lossless image coding
* Distortion-optimal receiver grouping for MD-FEC coded video streaming
* distributed context-free grammars learning algorithm and its application in video classification, A
* Edge modeling prediction for computed tomography images
* Edge-based method for sharp region extraction from low depth of field images
* Efficient depth video coding based on view synthesis distortion estimation
* efficient foreground-based surveillance video coding scheme in low bit-rate compression, An
* Efficient image/video deblocking via sparse representation
* efficient surveillance coding method based on a timely and bit-saving background updating model, An
* Enhanced moving object detection using tracking system for video surveillance purposes
* Error resilient video coding for systems with delayed feedback
* Fast and reliable noise estimation algorithm based on statistical hypothesis tests
* Fast disparity estimation for 3DTV applications
* fast multiscale framework for data in high-dimensions: Measure estimation, anomaly detection, and compressive measurements, A
* fast multiview video transcoder for bitrate reduction, A
* Gaze-Driven video streaming with saliency-based dual-stream switching
* Generalized MMSD feature extraction using QR decomposition
* Geometry based lip reading system using Multi Dimension Dynamic Time Warping
* Gradient-based fast decision for intra prediction in HEVC
* hierarchical mode decision scheme for fast implementation of spatially scalable video coding, A
* hierarchical signal dependent transform: Creating orthonormal basis that match local signal characteristics, The
* High-quality image interpolation via local autoregressive and nonlocal 3-D sparse regularization
* Histogram-Based stereo matching under varying illumination conditions
* HTML5 player for a gstreamer based MPEG DASH client, An
* Human attention region-of interest in I-frame for video coding
* Image registration by using a descriptor for repetitive patterns
* IMAPS: A smart phone based real-time framework for prediction of affect in natural dyadic conversation
* Implementation of HEVC decoder on x86 processors with SIMD optimization
* Improvement of normality and orthogonality in HEVC transform bases
* Improving spatio-temporal feature extraction techniques and their applications in action classification
* Inferring user image-search goals by mining query logs with semi-supervised spectral clustering
* Integrated camera and sensor networks: Algorithms, design, and applications
* Integrating stereoscopic image transcoding with retargeting for mobile streaming
* Intra coding for depth maps using adaptive boundary location
* Intra mode coding in HEVC standard
* Intra prediction based on statistical modeling of images
* Intuitive mobile image browsing on a hexagonal lattice
* Layered compression for high dynamic range depth
* Lightweight searchable screen video recording
* Local adaptive rational interpolation filter and its application for deinterlacing
* lossless color image compression method based on a new reversible color transform, A
* Low bit-rate video coding via mode-dependent adaptive regression for wireless visual communications
* Low-complexity and high-efficiency background modeling for surveillance video coding
* low-complexity screen compression scheme, A
* Mode adaptive reference frame denoising for high fidelity compression in HEVC
* Modeling power consumption for video decoding on mobile platform and its application to power-rate constrained streaming
* Multi-view video streaming over wireless networks with RD-optimized scheduling of network coded packets
* Multiple sign bits hiding for High Efficiency Video Coding
* Multiview super-resolution using high-frequency synthesis in case of low-framerate depth information
* New bounds on image denoising: Viewpoint of sparse representation and non-local averaging
* New distortion model for depth coding in 3DVC
* novel content-adaptive image compression system, A
* novel in-loop filter based on CLDT masking effect model for HEVC, A
* novel no-reference image quality assessment metric based on statistical independence, A
* novel particle filtering framework for 2D-TO-3D conversion from a monoscopic 2D image sequence, A
* novel scheme to code object flags for video synopsis, A
* Object-based coding for Kinect depth and color videos
* open source MPEG DASH evaluation suite, An
* Optimal intra coding of HEVC by structured set prediction mode with discriminative learning
* Optimization of generalized LT codes for progressive image transfer
* Optimization of resource reconfiguration for cloud-based multimedia applications
* Optimization of variational methods via motion-based weight selection and keypoint matching
* Optimized nested protection for video Region of Interest with Raptor codes
* Optimized rateless UEP codes for scalable video streaming
* optimized real-time multi-thread HEVC decoder, An
* Optimized tone mapping with perceptually uniform luminance values for backward-compatible high dynamic range video compression
* Optimizing JPEG quantization table for low bit rate mobile visual search
* Parallel AMVP candidate list construction for HEVC
* Parallel implementations of a disparity estimation algorithm based on a Proximal splitting method
* patch-based framework for detecting abnormal activities with a PTZ camera, A
* Perceptual quality metric guided blocking artifact reduction
* Proposal for VCIP 2012 tutorial on image database visualisation and browsing
* proxy effect analyis and fair adatpation algorithm for multiple competing Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP clients, A
* QoE analysis for scalable video adaptation
* QoE-aware resource allocation for scalable video transmission over multiuser MIMO-OFDM systems
* Rectangular partitioning for Intra prediction in HEVC
* Recursive bilateral filter for encoder-integrated video denoising
* Region-Based perceptual quality regulable bit allocation and rate control for video coding applications
* Residual coding of depth map with transform skipping
* Robust wheelchair pedestrian detection using sparse representation
* Segmentation-based view synthesis for three-dimensional video
* SEQM: Edge quality assessment based on structural pixel matching
* Shape-oriented segmentation with graph matching corroboration for silhouette tracking
* Simplified AMVP for High Efficiency Video Coding
* Sparse representation of texture patches for low bit-rate image compression
* Spatio-temporal ssim index for video quality assessment
* Stereoscopic video quality assessment model based on spatial-temporal structural information
* study on efficient compression of multi-focus images for dense Light-Field reconstruction, A
* Theoretical analysis on interframe predictive coding with subpixel displacement accuracy: An exhaustive approach
* Uniform probability model for deriving intra prediction angular table in High Efficiency Video Coding
* User-adaptive mobile video streaming
* Video processing techniques for 3D television
* Viewpoint-independent hand gesture recognition system
* Vision Guided Compression on low-bit rate channels
* WaveCast: Wavelet based wireless video broadcast using lossy transmission
* Wavelet domain image super-resolution from digital cinema to ultrahigh definition television by dividing noise component
* wireless video surveillance system with an active camera, A
* Zero-synthesis view difference aware view synthesis optimization for HEVC based 3D video compression
136 for VCIP12

VCIP13 * *Visual Communications and Image Processing:
* 3D-4D color space transform for efficient lossless image compression, A
* Accurate 3D reconstruction of dynamic scenes with Fourier transform assisted phase shifting
* Adaptive high-frequency clipping for improved image quality assessment
* Adaptive rounding operator for efficient Wyner-Ziv video coding
* adaptive texture-depth rate allocation estimation technique for low latency multi-view video plus depth transmission, An
* Analysis and approximation of SAO estimation for CTU-level HEVC encoder
* analytical study of subpixel-based image down-sampling patterns in frequency domain, An
* Anchor-supported multi-modality hashing embedding for person re-identification
* Apriori-like algorithm for automatic extraction of the common action characteristics, An
* Backward view synthesis prediction using virtual depth map for multiview video plus depth map coding
* bank of fast matched filters by decomposing the filter kernel, A
* Bayesian Chan-Vese segmentation for iris segmentation
* Bilinear decomposition for blended expressions representation
* blind high definition video watermarking scheme robust to geometric and temporal synchronization attacks, A
* Brightness preserving video contrast enhancement using S-shaped Transfer function
* coding unit classification based AVC-to-HEVC transcoding with background modeling for surveillance videos, A
* Color image guided locality regularized representation for Kinect depth holes filling
* Complexity model based load-balancing algorithm for parallel tools of HEVC
* Complexity-scalable video coding and power-rate-distortion modeling forwireless video chat applications
* Compressive video sampling from a union of data-driven subspaces
* control theory based rate adaption scheme for dash over multiple servers, A
* Correlation estimation for distributed wireless video communication
* Decoder-side Motion Estimation and Wiener filter for HEVC
* Decomposed human localization in personal photo albums
* Dense depth acquisition via one-shot stripe structured light
* Depth from defocus and blur for single image
* Detection of salient objects in computer synthesized images based on object-level contrast
* Distributed soft video broadcast with variable block size motion estimation
* Edge-preserving single depth image interpolation
* effective computer aided diagnosis system using B-Mode and color Doppler flow imaging for breast cancer, An
* Effective stereo matching using reliable points based graph cut
* Efficient active contour model based on Vese-Chan model and split bregman method
* Efficient depth map estimation method based on gradient weight cost aggregation strategy
* Efficient key picture and single loop decoding scheme for SHVC
* Endoscopy video summarization based on unsupervised learning and feature discrimination
* Enhancing coded video quality with perceptual foveation driven bit allocation strategy
* Entropy of primitive: A top-down methodology for evaluating the perceptual visual information
* estimation of the fundamental matrix using hybrid statistics, An
* Estimation of the primary quantization parameter in MPEG videos
* Exploration of Generalized Residual Prediction in scalable HEVC
* Expression-invariant and sparse representation for mesh-based compression for 3-D face models
* Face recogntion in open world environment
* Fast bottom-up pruning for HEVC intraframe coding
* Fast merge mode decision for diamond search in High Efficiency Video Coding
* Filter based alpha matting for depth image based rendering
* Frame rate versus spatial quality: Which video characteristics do matter?
* From local representation to global face hallucination: A novel super-resolution method by nonnegative feature transformation
* Gaze pattern analysis for video contents with different frame rates
* HEVC interpolation filter architecture for quad full HD decoding
* High precision probability estimation for CABAC
* Image super resolution using saliency-modulated context-aware sparse decomposition
* Improved disparity vector derivation in 3D-HEVC
* improved image compression scheme with an adaptive parameters set in encrypted domain, An
* Joint image denoising using self-similarity based low-rank approximations
* Joint trilateral filtering for depth map super-resolution
* Joint video/depth/FEC rate allocation with considering 3D visual saliency for scalable 3D video streaming
* Laplace Distribution Based CTU Level Rate Control for HEVC
* Learning non-negative locality-constrained Linear Coding for human action recognition
* light-weight HEVC encoder for image coding, A
* local shape descriptor for mobile linedrawing retrieval, A
* Long-term background memory based on Gaussian mixture model
* Lossless predictive coding with Bayesian treatment
* Low complexity image matching using color based SIFT
* Low complexity transform coding for depth maps in 3D video
* Measuring orderliness based on social force model in collective motions
* Mid-level feature based local descriptor selection for image search
* Modeling the color image and video quality on liquid crystal displays with backlight dimming
* Motion vector refinement for frame rate up conversion on 3D video
* Motion-based depth estimation for 2D-to-3D video conversion
* multi-label classification approach for Facial Expression Recognition, A
* Multi-model prediction for image set compression
* Multi-scale face hallucination based on frequency bands analysis
* Multi-scale video text detection based on corner and stroke width verification
* Multiple target performance evaluation model for HD video encoder VLSI architecture design
* Natural images scale invariance and high-fidelity image restoration
* Neighboring block based disparity vector derivation for 3D-AVC
* new camera self-calibration method based on CSA, A
* New motherwavelet for pattern detection in IR image
* No reference image quality assessment based on local binary pattern statistics
* novel approach for combined rotational and translational motion estimation using Frame Projection Warping, A
* novel depth propagation algorithm with color guided motion estimation, A
* novel image tag saliency ranking algorithm based on sparse representation, A
* novel method for stereo matching using Gabor Feature Image and Confidence Mask, A
* novel motion compensated prediction framework using weighted AMVP prediction for HEVC, A
* novel R-Q model based rate control scheme in HEVC, A
* Object co-detection via low-rank and sparse representation dictionary learning
* Object Co-Segmentation Based on Directed Graph Clustering
* Objective quality assessment for image retargeting based on perceptual distortion and information loss
* On secondary transforms for scalable video coding
* Oriented geodesic distance based non-local regularisation approach for optic flow estimation
* parallel root-finding method for omnidirectional image unwrapping, A
* Perceptual grouping via untangling Gestalt principles
* Power aware HEVC streaming for mobile
* Power-distortion optimization for wireless image/video SoftCast by transform coefficients energy modeling with adaptive chunk division
* Progressive motion vector resolution for HEVC
* Quality assessment of 3D synthesized views with depth map distortion
* Quality degradative reversible data embedding using pixel replacement
* Quality enhancement based on retinex and pseudo-HDR synthesis algorithms for endoscopic images
* Rapid human action recognition in H.264/AVC compressed domain for video surveillance
* real-time fall detection system based on HMM and RVM, A
* Recognizing human actions based on Sparse Coding with Non-negative and Locality constraints
* Recovering depth of background and foreground from a monocular video with camera motion
* Repairing the sheltered human skeleton based on natural interaction
* Retina model inspired image quality assessment
* Reverse scan for transform skip mode in HEVC codec
* Robust partial face recognition using instance-to-class distance
* Robust texture representation by using binary code ensemble
* role of visual attention in the aesthetic appeal of consumer images: A preliminary study, The
* Rotational based rewritable data hiding in JPEG
* Saliency detection by adaptive clustering
* Saliency detection for stereoscopic images
* Salient object detection in image sequences via spatial-temporal cue
* Scene-aware perceptual video coding
* Seeing actions through scene context
* Serve receive-to-attack period extraction and histogram-based player localization in broadcast volleyball videos
* Shaking video synthesis for video stabilization performance assessment
* Simplified generalized residual prediction in scalable extension of HEVC
* Single image super-resolution via phase congruency analysis
* Soft mobile video broadcast based on side information refining
* Surgical motion task performance in a hand eye colocated digital stereo microcsope
* Temporally consistent adaptive depth map preprocessing for view synthesis
* Transform coefficient coding design for AVS2 video coding standard
* Tree-based Shape Descriptor for scalable logo detection
* Two HEVC encoder methods for block artifact reduction
* Ultra high-definition video coding using bit-depth reduction with image noise reduction and pseudo-contour prevention
* Universal and low-complexity quantizer design for compressive sensing image coding
* Unsupervised color classifier training for soccer player detection
* Video viewer state estimation using gaze tracking and video content analysis
* Visual quality metric for perceptual video coding
* Visually lossless screen content coding using HEVC base-layer
* Wavelet based smoke detection method with RGB Contrast-image and shape constrain
* What color is an object?
133 for VCIP13

VCIP14 * *Visual Communications and Image Processing:
* 1-D dictionary mode for screen content coding
* Accelerated hybrid image reconstruction for non-regular sampling color sensors
* Accurate image noise level estimation by high order polynomial local surface approximation and statistical inference
* Accurate stereo 3D point cloud generation suitable for multi-view stereo reconstruction
* Adaptive frame level rate control in 3D-HEVC
* Adaptive segmentation-based filtering of reference samples for intra prediction
* adaptive symmetry detection algorithm based on local features, An
* Analysis and optimization of x265 encoder
* area-efficient 4/8/16/32-point inverse DCT architecture for UHDTV HEVC decoder, An
* Automatic denoising parameter estimation using gradient histograms
* Avoiding weak parameters in secret image sharing
* Blind Image Quality Assessment Based on a New Feature of Nature Scene Statistics
* case study for tele-immersion communication applications: From 3D capturing to rendering, A
* Communication-efficient multi-view keyframe extraction in distributed video sensors
* Comparative study of 8 and 10-bit HEVC encoders
* Complexity control of HEVC based on region-of-interest attention model
* complexity reduction algorithm for depth maps intra prediction on the 3D-HEVC, A
* Complexity reduction of depth intra coding for 3D video extension of HEVC
* Content-adaptive depth map enhancement based on motion distribution
* cost-efficient hardware architecture of deblocking filter in HEVC, A
* D-mago: A novel visual entity for storing emotional feeling with visual imprint
* Demo: DLP based anti-piracy display system
* Depth coding using depth discontinuity prediction and in-loop boundary reconstruction filtering
* Depth estimation by combining stereo matching and coded aperture
* Depth inference with convolutional neural network
* Depth map super-resolution via iterative joint-trilateral-upsampling
* Depth-map driven planar surfaces detection
* Derived disparity vector based NBDV for 3D-AVC
* Discriminative multi-modality non-negative sparse graph model for action recognition
* Disocclusion hole-filling in DIBR-synthesized images using multi-scale template matching
* DLP based anti-piracy display system
* Dynamic redundancy allocation for video streaming using Sub-GOP based FEC code
* Edge-aware depth completion for point-cloud 3D scene visualization on an RGB-D camera
* Effective H.264/AVC to HEVC transcoder based on prediction homogeneity
* Efficient depth propagation in videos with GPU-acceleration
* efficient framework for image interpolation using weighted surface approximation, An
* Efficient lossless coding of highpass bands from block-based motion compensated wavelet lifting using JPEG 2000
* embedded real-time hands free control of an electrical wheelchair, An
* End to end video distortion estimation with advanced error concealment considerations
* Face image processing by TV filter and super-resolution
* Fast Algorithm of Coding Unit Depth Decision for HEVC Intra Coding
* Fast and smooth 3D reconstruction using multiple RGB-Depth sensors
* Fast and viewpoint robust human detection in uncluttered environments
* fast background model based surveillance video coding in HEVC, A
* fast coding algorithm based on inter-view correlations for 3D-HEVC, A
* Fast CU splitting and pruning method based on online learning for intra coding in HEVC
* Fast hierarchical cost volume aggregation for stereo-matching
* Fast intra mode decision for HEVC based on texture characteristic from RMD and MPM
* fast intra optimization algorithm for HEVC, A
* Fast intra partition algorithm for HEVC screen content coding
* Fast mode decision method for all intra spatial scalability in SHVC
* Fast multiple-view denoising based on image reconstruction by plane sweeping
* Flexible CTU-level parallel motion estimation by CPU and GPU pipeline for HEVC
* Four-step algorithm for early termination in HEVC inter-frame prediction based on decision trees
* Foveation-based image quality assessment
* Full reference image quality metric for stereo images based on Cyclopean image computation and neural fusion
* Fusion side information based on feature and motion extraction for distributed multiview video coding
* GPU-aided real-time image/video super resolution based on error feedback
* Gradient based image/video SoftCast with grouped-patch collaborative reconstruction
* Growcut-based drusen segmentation for age-related macular degeneration detection
* hardware-oriented IME algorithm and its implementation for HEVC, A
* Hybrid modeling of natural image in wavelet domain
* Image transformation using limited reference with application to photo-sketch synthesis
* Implementation of fast free-viewpoint video rendering on graphics processing units
* Improved disparity vector derivation for inter-view residual prediction in 3D-HEVC
* Improved weighted prediction based color gamut scalability in SHVC
* Improving a vision indoor localization system by a saliency-guided detection
* Improving deep neural networks with multilayer maxout networks
* Independent uniform prediction mode for screen content video coding
* Information security display via uncrowded window
* Insights into the role of feedbacks in the tracking loop of a modular fall-detection algorithm
* Intra-frame coding with recursive intra prediction and adapted block transforms
* Intraband Wavelet-based coding of arbitrary triangular meshes
* Intrinsic flexibility exploiting for scalable video streaming over multi-channel wireless networks
* joint 3D image semantic segmentation and scalable coding scheme with ROI approach, A
* Joint depth and texture filtering targeting MVD compression
* Key view selection in distributed multiview coding
* Kinship classification based on discriminative facial patches
* Layer-based image completion by poisson surface reconstruction
* Learning adaptive filter banks for hierarchical image representation
* Lossless compression of JPEG coded photo albums
* Low latency DASH based streaming over LTE
* low-latency peer-to-peer live and VOD streaming system based on scalable video coding, A
* Multispectral demosaicking algorithm based on inter-channel correlation
* Multiview video representations for quality-scalable navigation
* new convex optimization-based two-pass rate control method for object coding in AVS, A
* new frame interpolation method with pixel-level motion vector field, A
* new framework for image impulse noise removal with postprocessing, A
* Non-separable mode dependent transforms for intra coding in HEVC
* novel distributed compressive video sensing based on hybrid sparse basis, A
* novel metric for efficient video shot boundary detection, A
* novel objective quality assessment method for perceptual video coding in conversational scenarios, A
* Online video object classification using fast similarity network fusion
* Optimal reconstruction for a HEVC backward compatible distributed scalable video codec
* Optimized spatial and temporal resolution based on subjective quality estimation without encoding
* Packet scheduling in multicamera capture systems
* parallel Huffman coder on the CUDA architecture, A
* Patch-based image deblocking using geodesic distance weighted low-rank approximation
* Person re-identification via region-of-interest based features
* Probabilistic chunk scheduling approach in parallel multiple-server DASH
* proposed accelerated image copy-move forgery detection, A
* Rate-distortion optimised transform competition for intra coding in HEVC
* Re-weighting the morphological diversity
* Real-time air quality estimation based on color image processing
* reconfiguration system for video decoder, A
* Reducing randomness of non-regular sampling masks for image reconstruction
* refined object detection method based on HTM, A
* Region-of-unpredictable determination for accelerated full-frame feature generation in video sequences
* Robust 3D LUT estimation method for SHVC color gamut scalability
* Robust image registration using adaptive expectation maximisation based PCA
* Robust rigid registration of CT to MRI brain volumes using the SCV similarity measure
* Sample adaptive offset filter hardware design for HEVC encoder
* Sample adaptive offset in AVS2 video standard
* Scalar-quantization-based multi-layer data hiding for video coding applications
* Sharpening filter for interlayer prediction
* Simplified depth-based block partitioning and prediction merging in 3D video coding
* single octave SIFT algorithm for image feature extraction in resource limited hardware systems, A
* Solving dense stereo matching via quadratic programming
* Spatial pyramid VLAD
* Spatio-temporal coherence for 3-D view synthesis with curve-based disparity warping
* Statistical metric fusion for image quality assessment
* Statistical reconstruction for predictive video coding
* Stereo correspondence using an assisted discrete cosine transform method
* Studying the added value of computational saliency in objective image quality assessment
* Subjective evaluation and statistical analysis for improved frame-loss error concealment of 3D videos
* Synthesis-guided depth super resolution
* Tag-based social image search with hyperedges correlation
* Tagged multi-hypothesis motion compensation scheme for video coding
* Temporarily static object detection in surveillance video using double foregrounds and superpixels
* Towards simple and smooth rate adaption for VBR video in DASH
* Two-dimensional histogram expansion of wavelet coefficient for reversible data hiding
* UDCT complex coefficient statistics based rotation invariant texture characterization
* Ultra high definition video saliency database
* unified framework of hash-based matching for screen content coding, A
* Using 3D structural tensors in quality evaluation of stereoscopic video
* Variable length dominant Gabor local binary pattern (VLD-GLBP) for face recognition
* Video compressive sensing via structured Laplacian modelling
* View synthesis prediction via motion field synthesis for 3D video coding
* Visual saliency guided mode decision in video compression based on Laplace distribution of DCT coefficients
140 for VCIP14

VCIP15 * *Visual Communications and Image Processing:
* 2D nonlocal sparse representation for image denoising
* 3D facial clone based on depth patches
* 3View deep canonical correlation analysis for cross-modal retrieval
* Accurate image specular highlight removal based on light field imaging
* Active appearance model search using partial least squares regression
* adaptive hierarchical QP setting for screen content coding, An
* adaptive inter CU depth decision algorithm for HEVC, An
* Adaptive local nonparametric regression for fast single image super-resolution
* Adaptive motion vector resolution prediction in block-based video coding
* adaptive search range method for HEVC with the k-nearest neighbor algorithm, An
* Ant colony optimization inspired saliency detection using compressed video information
* Automatic foreground segmentation using light field images
* Automatic multiview synthesis: Prototype demo
* Automatic multiview synthesis: Towards a mobile system on a chip
* Centroid adapted frequency selective extrapolation for reconstruction of lost image areas
* Classification-aware distortion metric for HEVC intra coding
* Compressive sensing based image transmission with side information at the decoder
* Confidence indicators based pose estimation for high-quality 3D reconstruction using depth image
* Cross-modal correlation learning with deep convolutional architecture
* Deblocking strength prediction based CTU-level SAO category determination in HEVC encoder
* Decorrelation-stretch based cloud detection for total sky images
* DeepEmo: Real-world facial expression analysis via deep learning
* Delay-constrained rate control for real-time video streaming over wireless networks
* Designing a composite dictionary adaptively from joint examples
* Detail-preserving tone mapping for low dynamic range displays with adaptive gamma correction
* Discriminatively-learned global image representation using CNN as a local feature extractor for image retrieval
* dual structured-sparsity model for compressive-sensed video reconstruction, A
* Early SKIP mode decision based on Bayesian model for HEVC
* effective algorithm for motion estimation of human faces, An
* effective view and time-invariant action recognition method based on depth videos, An
* efficient all zero block detection algorithm based on frequency characteristics of DCT in HEVC, An
* Efficient background picture coding for videos obtained from static cameras
* Efficient image retrieval based mobile indoor localization
* efficient probabilistic occupancy map-based people localization approach, An
* Efficient SAO coding algorithm for x265 encoder
* Encoding scale into fisher vector for human action recognition
* Enhanced inter prediction with localized weighted prediction in HEVC
* Enhancing low-light color images using an RGB-NIR single sensor
* Enhancing nighttime surveillance video via gradient fusion
* Face recognition based on random feature
* Fast depth estimation using spatio-temporal prediction for stereo-based pedestrian detection
* Fast parameter estimation algorithm for sample adaptive offset in HEVC encoder
* Fast rate distortion optimized quantization for HEVC
* Fast super-resolution algorithm using ELBP classifier
* fast super-resolution method based on sparsity properties, A
* Fast Uyghur text detection in videos based on learning of baseline feature
* Fixation prediction through multimodal analysis
* Fusion of submanifold and local texture features for palmprint authentication
* Glasses-free 3D display with glasses-assisted quality: Key innovations for smart directional backlight autostereoscopy
* Glasses-free light field 3D display
* Gradient magnitude similarity for tone-mapped image quality assessment
* Graph based spatiotemporal saliency detection incorporating low and high level features
* Head tracked multiview 3D display
* HEVC to VP9 transcoder
* Hierarchical video summarization with loitering indication
* high-throughput deblocking filter VLSI architecture for HEVC, A
* HVS-guided approach for real-time image interpolation, A
* Hybrid angular intra/template matching prediction for HEVC intra coding
* Hybrid image retargeting
* Image denoising via sparse approximation using eigenvectors of graph Laplacian
* Image semantic quality assessment for compression of car-plate images
* Image set querying based localization
* Image super-resolution via nonlocal similarity and group structured sparse representation
* Image tag completion and refinement by subspace clustering and matrix completion
* Image-guided depth propagation using superpixel matching and adaptive autoregressive model
* Improving golf swing skills using intelligent glasses
* Improving tag matrix completion for image annotation and retrieval
* Improving VLAD with regional PCA whitening
* Incremental SfM based lossless compression of JPEG coded photo album
* Invariant image recognition under projective deformations: An image normalization approach
* Joint image compression and encryption based on alternating transforms with quality control
* Joint image dehazing and contrast enhancement using the HSV color space
* Kvazaar HEVC still image coding on Raspberry Pi 2 for low-cost remote surveillance
* Local feature aggregation for blind image quality assessment
* Markov decision based rate adaption approach for dynamic HTTP streaming, A
* Merge mode based fast inter prediction for HEVC
* MI3: Multi-intensity infrared illumination video database
* Modeling of packet-loss-induced distortion in 3-D synthesized views
* Moire Pattern Removal from Texture Images via Low-Rank and Sparse Matrix Decomposition
* Multi-phase joint reconstruction framework for multi-view video compression using block-based compressive sensing
* Neighborhood repulsed correlation metric learning for kinship verification
* No-reference video quality assessment by HEVC codec analysis
* Noise-aided dynamic range compression using selective processing in a statistics-dependent stochastic resonance model
* novel depth motion vector coding exploiting spatial and inter-component clustering tendency, A
* novel image quality assessment based on an adaptive feature for image characteristics and distortion types, A
* novel light field super-resolution framework based on hybrid imaging system, A
* novel SSIM index for image quality assessment using a new luminance adaptation effect model in pixel intensity domain, A
* Omnidirectional-view three-dimensional displays using multiple mini-projectors
* On comparison of intra line copy and intra string copy for HEVC screen content coding
* On display-camera synchronization for visible light communication
* On video source format of screen content compression
* optimized probability estimation model for binary arithmetic coding, An
* Optimized truncation model for adaptive compressive sensing acquisition of images
* Parallel intra coding for HEVC on CPU plus GPU platform
* Part-based deep network for pedestrian detection in surveillance videos
* Perceptual block merging for quadtree-based partitioning in HEVC using disorderly concealment effect
* Perceptual video quality assessment for adaptive streaming encoding
* Perceptually-aware distributed compressive video sensing
* Power-constrained backlight scaling using brightness compensated contrast-tone mapping operation
* Progressive pseudo-analog transmission for mobile video live streaming
* Q-learning based control algorithm for HTTP adaptive streaming
* QCCE: Quality constrained co-saliency estimation for common object detection
* Quad-tree based inter-view motion prediction
* Quality assessment for out-of-focus blurred images
* Rate control for screen content coding based on picture classification
* Rate-distortion based sparse coding for image set compression
* real-time head tracker for autostereoscopic display, A
* Rearrangement pixel granularity template matching for lossy screen content picture intra coding
* Reconstruction of videos taken by a non-regular sampling sensor
* Recovery of correlated sparse signals using adaptive backtracking matching pursuit
* Reducing HEVC encoding complexity using two-stage motion estimation
* Reducing search space for fast pedestrian detection
* Reference picture selection using checkerboard pattern for resilient video coding
* Reflection Removal for Stele Images via Sparse Signal Decomposition
* Region adaptive workload prediction for parallel view synthesis
* Region-of-interest based coding scheme for synthesized video
* Registration of under-sampled images via higher resolution spectrum restoration
* Registration-reliability based strategy to enhance multi-frame super-resolution algorithms
* Residual-Consensus Driven Linear Matching
* robust facial landmark detection method in multi-views, A
* Salient Object Detection Using HOS Based L0 Smoothing and Shape-Aware Region Merging
* SimDSR: Simultaneous detection and segmentation for repetitive patterns
* Single image super-resolution via 2D nonlocal sparse representation
* Sparsity-based joint gaze correction and face beautification for conferencing video
* Spatial complexity based optimal initial quantization parameter determination
* Spatio-temporal quality pooling adaptive to distortion distribution and visual attention
* Structure-aware priority belief propagation for depth estimation
* Subjective rate-distortion optimization in HEVC with perceptual model of multiple faces
* Super-resolution for mixed-resolution multiview images using a relative frequency response estimation method
* Supervised Dictionary Learning for Blind Image Quality Assessment
* Temporal trimap propagation using motion-assisted shape blending
* Time and energy modeling of an INTRA-ONLY HEVC encoder
* Two-layer optimized light field display using depth initialization
* Vegetation coverage detection from very high resolution satellite imagery
* Video denoising algorithm via multi-scale joint luma-chroma bilateral filter
* Viewable floating displays using simple secondary optical elements
* Virtual view distortion estimation for depth map coding
* Visual attention on human face
* Visual saliency detection based on mutual information in compressed domain
* Weighted rate-distortion optimization for screen content intra coding
* Weighted transformable spatial pyramid and scalable query for object retrieval
142 for VCIP15

VCIP16 * *Visual Communications and Image Processing:
* 3-D motion recovery via low rank matrix analysis
* 3D subjective quality prediction model based on depth distortion, A
* accurate eye pupil localization approach based on adaptive gradient boosting decision tree, An
* Accurate fingertip detection from binocular mask images
* Adaptive accordion transformation based video compression method on HEVC
* adaptive intra-frame parallel method based on complexity estimation for HEVC, An
* Adaptive PQ: Adaptive perceptual quantizer for HEVC main 10 profile-based HDR video coding
* advanced local offset matching strategy for object proposal matching, An
* Are you what you look like? Exploring correlations in personality type and their wearing
* Automated tree detection and density calculation using unmanned aerial vehicles
* Autoregressive image interpolation via context modeling and multiplanar constraint
* Background recovery from video sequences via online motion-assisted RPCA
* Background-foreground information based bit allocation algorithm for surveillance video on high efficiency video coding (HEVC)
* Backlight scaled contrast enhancement for liquid crystal displays using image key-based compression
* Backward compatible opto-electrical transfer function for HDR video coding based on rational quantization
* Bayesian rule based fast TU depth decision algorithm for high efficiency video coding
* Better region proposals for pedestrian detection with R-CNN
* Chinese sign language recognition based on trajectory and hand shape features
* classification method for estimating the illuminant of an image, A
* Cluster-based cross-view filtering for compressed multi-view depth maps
* Color guided thermal image super resolution
* Color image compressive sensing reconstruction by using inter-channel correlation
* Color-guided boundary-preserving depth upsampling based on L0 gradient minimization
* Complex singular value decomposition based stereoscopic image quality assessment
* Complexity constrained representation selection for dynamic adaptive streaming
* Compressive hyperspectral imaging with complementary RGB measurements
* Compressive tracking with adaptive color feature selection and foreground modeling
* Content adaptive directional transform for high efficiency video coding
* Cross-modal face matching: Tackling visual abstraction using fine-grained attributes
* DC coefficient estimation of intra-predicted residuals in high efficiency video coding
* Decomposition and matching: Towards efficient automatic Chinese character stroke extraction
* Decompressed video enhancement via accurate regression prior
* Deep Convolutional Network Based Image Quality Enhancement for Low Bit Rate Image Compression
* Depth based two-step disparity vector derivation for AVS2-3D
* Depth map super-resolution via extended weighted mode filtering
* Depth map up-sampling with texture edge feature via sparse representation
* Depth recovery via decomposition of polynomial and piece-wise constant signals
* Depth refinement for binocular kinect RGB-D cameras
* Depth-based distributed multi-view video coding with hierarchical Wyner-Ziv frames
* Detection and estimation of supra-threshold distortion levels of pictures based on just-noticeable difference
* Diagonal motion partitions for inter prediction in HEVC
* effective post quantization rate estimation for HEVC intra encoder, An
* Efficient arbitrary ratio downscale transcoding for HEVC
* Efficient compressive sensing video compression method based on Gaussian mixture models
* efficient HEVC multi-rate encoding system based on H265, An
* Efficient low-rank supported extreme learning machine for robust face recognition
* Efficient object selection using depth and texture information
* Error models of finite word length arithmetic in CNN accelerator design
* Evaluation of beyond-HEVC entropy coding methods for DCT transform coefficients
* evaluation of HDR image matching under extreme illumination changes, An
* Exploiting neural models for no-reference image quality assessment
* Face recognition using training data with artificial occlusions
* Fast and simple text replacement algorithm for text-based augmented reality
* Fast CU partition for H.264/AVC to HEVC transcoding based on fisher discriminant analysis
* Fast encoder decision for dependent texture coding in 3D-AVS
* Fast genetic multi-operator image retargeting
* fast mode decision algorithm for HEVC intra prediction, A
* fast mode selection for depth modelling modes of intra depth coding in 3D-HEVC, A
* Feature-based depth refinement for view synthesis
* Feature-based motion detection and tracking on approximate 3D ground plane
* Fingertips Detection and Hand Gesture Recognition Based on Discrete Curve Evolution with a Kinect Sensor
* Frame rate up-conversion based on depth guided extended block matching for 3D video
* Frame rate up-conversion based on motion-region segmentation
* Full-reference quality assessment for stereoscopic images based on binocular vision model
* Geometry-based PSF estimation and deblurring of defocused images with depth information
* GUID-based mobile visual communication using NDN mechanism
* HEVC encoder optimization for HDR video coding based on perceptual block merging
* HEVC fast FME algorithm using IME RD-costs based error surface fitting scheme
* Hierarchical class-specific kernel discriminant analysis for face verification
* hierarchical fast coding unit depth decision algorithm for HEVC intra coding, A
* Hierarchical quadtree-based flexible block ordering in HEVC intra coding
* High bit-depth image compression with application to seismic data
* Highly parallel transformation and quantization for HEVC encoder on GPUs
* Human action recognition using spectral embedding to similarity degree between postures
* Hyperspectral Image Denoising with Segmentation-Based Low Rank Representation
* Image and video dehazing using view-based cluster segmentation
* Image classification with CNN-based Fisher vector coding
* Image co-saliency detection based on clustering and diffusion process
* Image guided depth map superresolution using non-local total generalized variation
* Image quality assessment based on the visual perception of image contents
* Improved entropy of primitive for visual information estimation
* Improved LCU level rate control for 3D-HEVC
* Interest points based collaborative tracking
* Internal-video mode dependent directional transform
* Interpolation-directed transform domain downward conversion for block-based image compression
* Investigation of mobile surroundings for visual attention based on image perception model
* iterative method for optical flow estimation with motion blur, An
* Joint iterative guidance filtering for compressed depth images
* Joint super-resolution and compression artifact reduction based on dual-learning
* joint visual-inertial image registration for mobile HDR imaging, A
* Just noticeable disparity difference model for 3D displays
* Keynotes: Deep learning for visual understanding: Effectiveness vs. efficiency
* Keynotes: From geo-referenced pixels to knowledge
* Keynotes: Multimedia-the past, today, and the future
* Light field image coding with hybrid scan order
* local-adapted disparity vector derivation scheme for 3D-AVS, A
* Local-constrained quadtree plus binary tree block partition structure for enhanced video coding
* Low complexity depth intra coding in 3D-HEVC based on depth classification
* low-complexity error concealment algorithm for video transmission based on non-local means denoising, A
* Low-rank and structured sparse subspace clustering
* Low-rank approximation based LineCast for video broadcasting
* Method to quality assessment of stereo images
* Mode-dependent transforms based on elliptical model for high efficiency video coding
* Multi-generation packet scheduling for live streaming with network coding
* Multi-level convolutional channel features for content-based image retrieval
* Multimodal retinal image registration using edge map and feature guided Gaussian mixture model
* New application of MV- and 3D-HEVC for multi-intensity illuminated infrared video coding
* new fast algorithm based on SATD for HEVC intra prediction, A
* new video denoising method using texture metric and adaptive structure variance, A
* No-reference image quality assessment based on global and local content perception
* No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Based on Local Region Statistics
* no-reference infrared image sharpness assessment based on singular value decomposition, A
* novel block compressed sensing based on matrix permutation, A
* novel low delay in-loop filtering WPP process for parallel HEVC encoding, A
* novel mode decision for depth map coding in 3D-AVS, A
* novel rapid and efficient video stabilization algorithm for mobile platforms, A
* novel scene text detection algorithm based on convolutional neural network, A
* novel selective image encryption method based on saliency detection, A
* novel technique for misalignment parameter estimation in double compressed JPEG images, A
* Novel visibility threshold model for asymmetrically distorted stereoscopic images
* Object localization by density-based spatial clustering
* Online multi-object tracking based on global and local features
* Online visual tracking via correlation filter with convolutional networks
* Optimal stopping theory based fast coding tree unit decision for high efficiency video coding
* Optimizing collaborative sparse dictionary for compressive light field photography
* Packetization strategies for MVD-based 3D video transmission
* Parallax-aware local alignment for image stitching under large occlusion/disocclusion
* parameter partial-sharing CNN architecture for cross-domain clothing retrieval, A
* Part propagation for local part segmentation
* Perceptual contrast enhancement of dark images based on textural coefficients
* Perceptual sparse representation for compressed sensing of image
* Perceptually optimized sparse coding for HDR images via divisive normalization
* Photometric stereo using mesh face based optimization
* PR-MPTCP: Context-aware QoE-oriented multipath TCP partial reliability extension for real-time multimedia applications
* Predicting the memorability of natural-scene images
* Pyramid stereo matching for spherical panoramas
* Q-DNN: A quality-aware deep neural network for blind assessment of enhanced images
* Quality assessment for dual-view display system
* QualityNet: Segmentation quality evaluation with deep convolutional networks
* Raptor codes-based energy-efficient screen mirroring system
* Rate control for consistent video quality with inter-dependent distortion model for HEVC
* Reduced-Reference Quality Assessment Scheme for Blurred Images, A
* Regularized fully convolutional networks for RGB-D semantic segmentation
* Revisiting visual attention identification based on eye tracking data analytics
* Robust view interpolation with mesh cutting
* Saliency analysis and region of interest detection via orientation information and contrast feature in remote sensing images
* Saliency-guided object proposal for refined salient region detection
* Scalable multiview video coding for immersive video streaming systems
* Scalable wireless video broadcast based on unequal protection
* Scene flow estimation through 3D analysis of multi-focus images
* Shape based co-segmentation repairing by segment evaluation and object proposals
* Shot boundary detection using convolutional neural networks
* simple but efficient way to combine VLAD with locality-constrained linear coding, A
* Single image haze removal using Gaussian mixture model and sparse optimization
* Single image super-resolution via projective dictionary learning with anchored neighborhood regression
* Smooth sparse representation for noise robust face super-resolution
* Sparse similarity metric learning for kinship verification
* Sparse unmixing of hyperspectral data based on robust linear mixing model
* Spatiotemporal super-resolution for multiview video in transform domain
* SS-OFDM: A low complexity method to improve spectral efficiency
* Stereoscopic images quality assessment based on deep learning
* Structure tensor-based WLS filter for adaptive smoothing
* structure-preserving image restoration method with high-level ensemble constraints, A
* Structured low rank tracker with smoothed regularization
* Tone-preserving contrast enhancement in images using rational tone mapping and constrained optimization
* Transform-domain in-loop filter with block similarity for HEVC
* Tutorials: 3D video processing techniques for immersive contents generation
* Two-stage patch-based sparse multi-value descriptor for face recognition
* Unsupervised person clustering in videos with cross-modal communication
* Use fast R-CNN and cascade structure for face detection
* Using independent component analysis and binocular combination for stereoscopic image quality assessment
* Visual attention analysis and prediction on human faces with mole
* Visual domain adaptation using weighted subspace alignment
* Visual information exploited hybrid digital-analog scheme for wireless video multicast
* Visual information measurement with quality assessment
* Wireless video traffic bottleneck coordination with a DASH SAND framework
177 for VCIP16

VCIP17 * *Visual Communications and Image Processing:
* Action proposals using hierarchical clustering of super-trajectories
* Adaptive anchor-point selection for single image super-resolution
* Adaptive difference modelling for background subtraction
* aligned bidirectional feature representation for person re-identification, An
* Assessment and classification of singing quality based on audio-visual features
* Attribute compression of 3D point clouds using Laplacian sparsity optimized graph transform
* Auto-flag the baseline for Mingantu Ultrawide Spectral Radioheliograph with LSTM
* Bidirectional LSTM for ionospheric vertical Total Electron Content (TEC) forecasting
* Bilateral filtering for video coding
* Bivariate statistics and binocular energy induced stereo-pair quality evaluator
* Cascaded convolutional neural networks for object detection
* Clothing retrieval with visual attention model
* CNN cascade for quality enhancement of compressed depth images, A
* CNN oriented fast QTBT partition algorithm for JVET intra coding
* CNN-based rate-distortion modeling for H.265/HEVC
* CNN-based text image super-resolution tailored for OCR
* Coding optimization based on weighted-to-spherically-uniform quality metric for 360 video
* Coefficient-group level modeling for low complexity RDO in HEVC
* common feature-based disparity control strategy in stereoscopic panorama generation, A
* Comparative evaluation of facial fiducial point detection approaches
* Complexity-driven rate-control for parallel HEVC coding
* Compressive gradient based scalable image SoftCast
* Convolutional neural network steganalysis's application to steganography
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Approach to Rate Control in HEVC Intra Coding, A
* Data processing and imaging for MingantU SpEctral Radioheliograph (MUSER)
* Deep discriminative network with inception module for person re-identification
* Deep fully convolutional regression networks for single image haze removal
* Deep hashing with triplet quantization loss
* Deep probabilities for age estimation
* Deep transfer network for face recognition using 3D synthesized face
* DeepCoder: A deep neural network based video compression
* Demoireing for screen-shot images with multi-channel layer decomposition
* Depth estimation for outdoor image using couple dictionary learning and region detection
* Depth map super-resolution via multiclass dictionary learning with geometrical directions
* Depth super-resolution via fully edge-augmented guidance
* Detecting closely spaced and occluded pedestrians using specialized deep models for counting
* Dictionary learning based high frequency inter-layer prediction for scalable HEVC
* Dual graph regularized sparse coding for image representation
* Edge-guided generative adversarial network for image inpainting
* Embedded binary tree for dynamic point cloud geometry compression with graph signal resampling and prediction
* Endoscopic video deblurring via synthesis
* Enhancing pulmonary nodule detection via cross-modal alignment
* evaluation framework for 360-degree video compression, An
* Exemplar-based framework for 3D point cloud hole filling
* Exponential decay sine wave learning rate for fast deep neural network training
* Extending HEVC using texture synthesis
* Facial age estimation through self-paced learning
* Fast encoding of surveillance videos based on HEVC
* fast intra prediction algorithm for 360-degree equirectangular panoramic video, A
* Fast multi-view people localization using a torso-high reference plane
* Feature based inter prediction optimization for non-translational video coding in cloud
* generic method to improve no-reference image blur metric accuracy in video contents, A
* Geometry-adaptive motion partitioning using improved temporal prediction
* Gram matrix based representation for image retrieval
* Graphic logo detection with deep region-based convolutional networks
* HEVC-compliant screen content transcoding based on mode mapping and fast termination
* Hierarchical piece-wise linear projections for efficient intra-prediction coding
* Human tracking by employing the scene information in underground coal mines
* Illumination invariant feature based on neighboring radiance ratio
* Image retrieval by dense caption reasoning
* Image super-resolution based on adaptive joint distribution modeling
* Improve object detection via a multi-feature and multi-task CNN model
* Improved intra boundary filters for HEVC
* improved MRF model for robust color guided depth up-sampling, An
* Improved tensor voting for missing edge inference
* Internal generative mechanism inspired reduced reference image quality assessment with entropy of primitive
* joint compression scheme for local binary feature descriptors and their corresponding bag-of-words representation, A
* Joint facial landmark detection and action estimation based on deep probabilistic random forest
* Joint multi-feature fusion and attribute relationships for facial attribute prediction
* Just-noticeable-quantization-distortion based preprocessing for perceptual video coding
* Learning a convolutional neural network for fractional interpolation in HEVC inter coding
* Learning biased distance metrics with diversity regularizer for person re-identification
* Learning discriminative supplementary features to attributes for novel-category classification
* Learning multi-view embedding in joint space for bidirectional image-text retrieval
* Learning robust latent subspace for discriminative regression
* Learning solar flare forecasting model from magnetograms
* LF-fusion: Dense and accurate 3D reconstruction from light field images
* LinkNet: Exploiting encoder representations for efficient semantic segmentation
* LLCNN: A Convolutional Neural Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Long-term video interpolation with bidirectional predictive network
* Low rank regularization exploiting intra and inter patch correlation for image denoising
* Low-complexity compression of high dynamic range infrared images with JPEG compatibility
* LSTM method for predicting CU splitting in H.264 to HEVC transcoding, An
* Machine learning for astronomical big data processing
* Mask-streaming CNN for pedestrian detection
* Modeling peripheral vision impact on perceptual quality of immersive images
* Motion compensated prediction with geometry padding for 360 video coding
* Motion energy guided multi-scale heterogeneous features for 3D action recognition
* Multi-class ranking based most probable prediction unit selection for HEVC encoding
* Multi-model based cross-component linear model chroma intra-prediction for video coding
* Multi-scale mutual feature convolutional neural network for depth image denoise and enhancement
* Multimodal 3D visible articulation system for syllable based Mandarin Chinese training
* Multiple direct mode for intra coding
* NDMP: An emerging MPEG standard for network distributed media processing
* Neural network-based arithmetic coding of intra prediction modes in HEVC
* new spherical hashing method in a low-dimensional isotropic space, A
* new underwater image enhancing method via color correction and illumination adjustment, A
* Non-invasive imaging based on speckle pattern estimation and deconvolution
* novel egocentric pointing system based on smart glasses, A
* novel image compression framework at edges, A
* novel subspace spatial-spectral low rank learning method for hyperspectral denoising, A
* Object localization in weakly labeled data using regularized attention networks
* objective assessment method based on multi-level factors for panoramic videos, An
* Objective quality assessment for video retargeting based on spatio-temporal distortion analysis
* optimal spatial-temporal smoothness approach for tile-based 360-degree video streaming, An
* Parameter-free hierarchical image segmentation
* Perceptual optimized adaptive HTTP streaming
* Performance assessment of point cloud compression
* Phase-based learning for micro-baseline depth estimation
* Polar square projection for panoramic video
* Portable information security display system via Spatial PsychoVisual Modulation
* QoE-based node selection strategy for edge computing enabled Internet-of-Vehicles (EC-IoV)
* Quantitative evaluation for dehazing algorithms on synthetic outdoor hazy dataset
* Rain removal via residual generation cascading
* Rate control model for high dynamic range video
* Rate control with delay constraint for screen content coding
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Scan for Point Cloud Color Compression
* Real-time deep image super-resolution via global context aggregation and local queue jumping
* Real-time volumetric reconstruction of Manhattan indoor scenes from depth sequences
* robust 3D visual saliency computation model for human fixation prediction of stereoscopic videos, A
* Robust object detection by cuboid matching with local plane optimization in indoor RGB-D images
* Saliency Change Based Reduced Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Scalable near-lossless video compression based on HEVC
* Scale-aware hierarchical loss: A multipath RPN for multi-scale pedestrian detection
* Segmentation quality evaluation based on multi-scale convolutional neural networks
* Selective face encryption in H.264 encoded videos
* SIFT-based adaptive prediction structure for light field compression
* Simultaneous physical and conceptual ball state estimation in volleyball game analysis
* Sketch-Based Cross-Domain Image Retrieval via Heterogeneous Network
* Spatial-temporal residue network based in-loop filter for video coding
* spatio-temporal deep architecture for surveillance event detection based on ConvLSTM, A
* SSIM-based binocular perceptual model for quality assessment of stereoscopic images
* Stacked Omnistereo for virtual reality with six degrees of freedom
* Standardization status of 360 degree video coding and delivery
* Subjective quality assessment of animation images
* Superpixel-based level set tracking by integrating appearance and motion
* Supervised hashing with extreme learning machine
* TC-CCS: A cooperative caching strategy in mobile transparent computing system
* Two-stream binocular network: Accurate near field finger detection based on binocular images
* Two-stream deep encoder-decoder architecture for fully automatic video object segmentation
* Weight-based bit allocation scheme for VR videos in HEVC
* Wireless image and video soft transmission via perception-inspired power distortion optimization
143 for VCIP17

VCIP20 * *Visual Communications and Image Processing:
* 3D-CNN Autoencoder for Plenoptic Image Compression
* 4D-DCT Hardware Architecture for JPEG Pleno Light Field Coding
* Absolute 3D Human Pose Estimation via Weakly-supervised Learning
* Adaptive Color Transform in VVC Standard
* Adaptive Resolution Change for Versatile Video Coding
* APL: Adaptive Preloading of Short Video with Lyapunov Optimization
* Application of Brain-Computer Interface and Virtual Reality in Advancing Cultural Experience
* Attention-Guided Fusion Network of Point Cloud and Multiple Views for 3D Shape Recognition
* Attribute Mix: Semantic Data Augmentation for Fine Grained Recognition
* Automatic Sheep Counting by Multi-object Tracking
* Bidirectional Consistency Constrained Template Update Learning for Siamese Trackers
* Chain Code-Based Occupancy Map Coding for Video-Based Point Cloud Compression
* Cloud-assisted Augmented Reality Streaming Service System: Architecture Design and Implementation
* CNN-Based Anomaly Detection for Face Presentation Attack Detection with Multi-Channel Images
* Compressing Facial Makeup Transfer Networks by Collaborative Distillation and Kernel Decomposition
* Content-aware Hybrid Equi-angular Cubemap Projection for Omnidirectional Video Coding
* CSCNet: A Shallow Single Column Network for Crowd Counting
* Deep Blind Video Quality Assessment for User Generated Videos
* Deep Convolutional Neural Network Based on Multi-Scale Feature Extraction for Image Denoising
* Deep Inter Coding with Interpolated Reference Frame for Hierarchical Coding Structure
* Deep Learning Based EBCOT Source Symbol Prediction Technique for JPEG2000 Image Compression Architecture
* Deep Learning-Based Nonlinear Transform for HEVC Intra Coding
* Deep Local and Global Spatiotemporal Feature Aggregation for Blind Video Quality Assessment
* Deep Near Infrared Colorization with Semantic Segmentation and Transfer Learning
* Deep Temporal Color Constancy for AC Light Sources
* DEN: Disentanglement and Enhancement Networks for Low Illumination Images
* DENESTO: A Tool for Video Decoding Energy Estimation and Visualization
* Dense-Gated U-Net for Brain Lesion Segmentation, A
* Discrete Cosine Model of Light Field Sampling for Improving Rendering Quality of Views, A
* Disparity compensation of light fields for improved efficiency in 4D transform-based encoders
* DOVE: Decomposition Oriented Video super-rEsolution
* Drone-Based Car Counting via Density Map Learning
* Efficient Light Deep Network for Street Scene Parsing
* Empirical Study of Emotion Recognition from Thermal Video Based on Deep Neural Networks, An
* Enhanced Saliency Prediction via Orientation Selectivity
* Enhancement of Underexposed Images with Blurred Reflectance, The
* Enriching Optical Flow with Appearance Information for Action Recognition
* Equirectangular Projection Oriented Intra Prediction for 360-Degree Video Coding
* ERP-Based CTU Splitting Early Termination for Intra Prediction of 360 videos
* Extending CCSDS 123.0-B-1 for Lossless 4D Image Compression
* FaME-ML: Fast Multirate Encoding for HTTP Adaptive Streaming Using Machine Learning
* Fast compressed sensing recovery using generative models and sparse deviations modeling
* Fast Geometry Estimation for Phase-coding Structured Light Field
* Fast Intra Coding Algorithm for Depth Map with End-to-End Edge Detection Network
* Fast Recolor Prediction Scheme in Point Cloud Attribute Compression
* Fast Video Saliency Detection based on Feature Competition
* FastSCCNet: Fast Mode Decision in VVC Screen Content Coding via Fully Convolutional Network
* FishUI: Interactive Fisheye Distortion Visualization
* From Low to Super Resolution and Beyond
* Fully Neural Network Mode Based Intra Prediction of Variable Block Size
* Geodesic Disparity Compensation for Inter-View Prediction in VR180
* Geometric-visual descriptor for improved image based localization
* Graph Grouping Loss for Metric Learning of Face Image Representations
* GRNet: Deep Convolutional Neural Networks based on Graph Reasoning for Semantic Segmentation
* HDR Deghosting Using Motion-Registration-Free Fusion in the Luminance Gradient Domain
* HDR Image Compression with Convolutional Autoencoder
* Hough-Based Multibeamlet Transform, The
* Hybrid Model for Natural Face De-Identiation with Adjustable Privacy, A
* IBC-Mirror Mode for Screen Content Coding for the Next Generation Video Coding Standards
* Icon Colorization Based On Triple Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Improving Compression Artifact Reduction via End-to-End Learning of Side Information
* Improving Robustness of DNNs against Common Corruptions via Gaussian Adversarial Training
* Interpretable and Effective Learning for 3D Point Cloud Registration, Classification and Segmentation
* Introducing Latent Space Correlation to Conditional Autoencoders for Intra Prediction
* Learned image and video compression with deep neural networks
* Learning Convolution Feature Aggregation via Edge Attention Convolution Network for Person Re-Identification
* Learning From Paired and Unpaired Data: Alternately Trained CycleGAN for Near Infrared Image Colorization
* Learning Graph Topology Representation with Attention Networks
* Learning Matching Behavior Differences for Compressing Vehicle Re-identification Models
* Learning Photometric Stereo via Manifold-based Mapping
* Learning Redundant Sparsifying Transform based on Equi-Angular Frame
* Learning the Connectivity: Situational Graph Convolution Network for Facial Expression Recognition
* Learning to encode user-generated short videos with lower bitrate and the same perceptual quality
* Lightweight Color Image Demosaicking with Multi-Core Feature Extraction
* Low Resolution Facial Manipulation Detection
* Machine Learning for Photometric Redshift Estimation of Quasars with Different Samples
* Marked Point Process Model For Visual Perceptual Groups Extraction, A
* Mining Larger Class Activation Map with Common Attribute Labels
* Mixed Appearance-based and Coding Distortion-based CNN Fusion Approach for In-loop Filtering in Video Coding, A
* Mono is Enough: Instance Segmentation from Single Annotated Sample
* Motion Estimation for Spike Camera Data Sequence via Spike Interval Analysis
* Multi-Model Fusion Framework for NIR-to-RGB Translation, A
* Multi-Scale Video Inverse Tone Mapping with Deformable Alignment
* Network Update Compression for Federated Learning
* New Bounding Box based Pseudo Annotation Generation Method for Semantic Segmentation, A
* News Image Steganography: A Novel Architecture Facilitates the Fake News Identification
* night-time outdoor data set for low-light enhancement, A
* NIR Image Colorization Using SPADE Generator and Grayscale Approximated Self-Reconstruction
* NIR Image Colorization with Graph-Convolutional Neural Networks
* No-Reference Objective Quality Assessment Method of Display Products
* No-Reference Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment Based on Convolutional Neural Network with A Long-Term Feature Fusion
* No-Reference Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment Based On Visual Attention Mechanism
* No-Reference Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment Considering Multi-loss Constraints
* Noise-Aware Texture-Preserving Low-Light Enhancement
* Novel Quality Enhanced Low Complexity Rate Control Algorithm for HEVC, A
* Novel Visual Analysis Oriented Rate Control Scheme for HEVC, A
* On 2D-3D Image Feature Detections for Image-To-Geometry Registration in Virtual Dental Model
* On Segmentation of Maxillary Sinus Membrane using Automatic Vertex Screening
* Optical Flow Estimation Between Images of Different Resolutions via Variational Method
* Optimization of Sliding-DCT Based Gaussian Filtering for Hardware Accelerator
* Optimized Video Encoder Implementation with Screen Content Coding Tools, An
* Orthogonal Coded Multi-view Structured Light for Inter-view Interference Elimination
* Orthogonal Features Fusion Network for Anomaly Detection
* Point Cloud Attribute Compression via Successive Subspace Graph Transform
* point cloud compression framework via spherical projection, A
* Point Cloud Geometry Prediction Across Spatial Scale using Deep Learning
* Power/QoS-Adaptive HEVC FME Hardware using Machine Learning-Based Approximation Control
* Prediction-Aware Quality Enhancement of VVC Using CNN
* Progressive Fast CU Split Decision Scheme for AVS3, A
* Quality of Experience Evaluation for Streaming Video Using CGNN
* Random-access-aware Light Field Video Coding using Tree Pruning Method
* Real-time Detection and Tracking Network with Feature Sharing
* Recent Advances in End-to-End Learned Image and Video Compression
* review of data preprocessing modules in digital image forensics methods using deep learning, A
* Robust Multilinear Mixing Model with l2,1 norm for Unmixing Hyperspectral Images, A
* Robust Visual Tracking Via An Imbalance-Elimination Mechanism
* Screen Content Coding in Recently Developed Video Coding Standards
* semantic labeling framework for ALS point clouds based on discretization and CNN, A
* Sensitivity-Aware Bit Allocation for Intermediate Deep Feature Compression
* Sparse Representation-Based Intra Prediction for Lossless/Near Lossless Video Coding
* Sparse Spectral Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images using Expectation-Propagation
* Spatial-Channel Context-Based Entropy Modeling for End-to-end Optimized Image Compression
* Spatiotemporal Guided Self-Supervised Depth Completion from LiDAR and Monocular Camera
* Special Cane with Visual Odometry for Real-time Indoor Navigation of Blind People
* Stereo Image Quality Assessment Considering the Asymmetry of Statistical Information in Early Visual Pathway
* Stereoscopic image reflection removal based on Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network
* Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of the SoftCast Video Transmission Scheme
* Temporal Action Proposal Generation via Multi-Task Feature Learning
* Text-to-Image Generation via Semi-Supervised Training
* Theory of Occlusion for Improving Rendering Quality of Views, A
* Towards Audio-Visual Saliency Prediction for Omnidirectional Video with Spatial Audio
* Towards Quantized DCT Coefficients Restoration for Compressed Images
* Two recent advances on normalization methods for deep neural network optimization
* UGNet: Underexposed Images Enhancement Network based on Global Illumination Estimation
* Unified Single Image De-raining Model via Region Adaptive Coupled Network, A
* Unsupervised Embedding Learning by Noisy Similarity Label Optimization
* Unsupervised Feedforward Feature (UFF) Learning for Point Cloud Classification and Segmentation
* Unsupervised Point Cloud Registration via Salient Points Analysis (SPA)
* Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Arrives
* Versatile Video Coding: Algorithms and Specification
* Video Anomaly Detection Using Open Data Filter and Domain Adaptation
* Video Super Resolution Using Temporal Encoding ConvLSTM and Multi-Stage Fusion
* Vision Based Fish Processing System, A
* Volumetric End-to-End Optimized Compression for Brain Images
* Wearable Visually Assistive Device for Blind People to Appreciate Real-world Scene and Screen Image
* Weighted Mean Absolute Error Metric for Image Quality Assessment, A
147 for VCIP20

Index for "v"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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