Update Dates 0712

0712 * *Photogrammetric Image Analysis 2007
* 3-D Depth Reconstruction from a Single Still Image
* 3D Object Retrieval Method Using Segment Thickness Histograms and the Connection of Segments, A
* 3D Posture Representation Using Meshless Parameterization with Cylindrical Virtual Boundary
* 3D Reconstruction of a Human Body from Multiple Viewpoints
* 3D shape metamorphosis based on T-spline level sets
* About Objective 3-D Analysis of Airway Geometry in Computerized Tomography
* Accounting for Signal Loss Due to Dephasing in the Correction of Distortions in Gradient-Echo EPI Via Nonrigid Registration
* Accuracy Estimation of Detection of Casting Defects in X-Ray Images Using Some Statistical Techniques
* Accurate Iris Boundary Detection in Iris-Based Biometric Authentication Process
* Adaptive Algorithm for Failure Recovery During Dynamic Service Composition, An
* Adaptive Bayesian Technique for Tracking Multiple Objects, An
* Adaptive Color Filter Array Demosaicking Based on Constant Hue and Local Properties of Luminance
* Adaptive Key Frame Selection for Efficient Video Coding
* Age Transformation for Improving Face Recognition Performance
* All-digital 2-channel parallel undersampling and reconstruction of band-limited signals
* Anisotropic Field-of-Views in Radial Imaging
* Application of Bayesian Network for Fuzzy Rule-Based Video Deinterlacing
* Approximate ESPs on Surfaces of Polytopes Using a Rubberband Algorithm
* Architecture and design of an embeddable system for SCAN-based compression, encryption and information hiding
* Attack Analysis for He and Wu's Joint Watermarking/Fingerprinting Scheme
* Audio Visual Speaker Verification Based on Hybrid Fusion of Cross Modal Features
* Authenticating Binary Text Documents Using a Localising OMAC Watermark Robust to Printing and Scanning
* Automated Topographic Segmentation and Transit Time Estimation in Endoscopic Capsule Exams
* Automatic Age Estimation Based on Facial Aging Patterns
* Automatic Detection of Human Fall in Video
* Automatic Estimation and Removal of Noise from a Single Image
* Automatic Guidance of a Tractor Using Computer Vision
* Automatic Image Segmentation by Tree Pruning
* Automatic landmark detection in cephalometry using a modified Active Shape Model with sub image matching
* Automatic Multiple Visual Inspection on Non-calibrated Image Sequence with Intermediate Classifier Block
* Automatic Reference Tracking with On-Demand Relevance Filtering Based on User's Interest
* Bayesian Kernel Methods for Analysis of Functional Neuroimages
* Bayesian-Competitive Consistent Labeling for People Surveillance
* Best wavelength selection for Gabor wavelet using GA for EBGM algorithm
* Best-match rectangle adjustment algorithm for persistent and precise correlation tracking
* Better Foreground Segmentation for 3D Face Reconstruction Using Graph Cuts
* Bimodal Biometric Person Identification System Under Perturbations
* Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging for Arbitrary Flight Trajectories
* Bit Plane Encoding and Encryption
* Blind Microarray Gridding: A New Framework
* Building highly realistic facial modeling and animation: a survey
* Cepstral Domain Teager Energy for Identifying Perceptually Similar Languages
* Change-driven data flow image processing architecture for optical flow computation
* Classification of fMRI Time Series in a Low-Dimensional Subspace With a Spatial Prior
* Classification of potential nuclei in prostate histology images using shape manifold learning
* Closed-Form Solution to Natural Image Matting, A
* Color Model based real-time Face Detection with AdaBoost in color image
* Combining Points and Tangents into Parabolic Polygons: An Affine Invariant Model for Plane Curves
* Compact Modeling Technique for Outdoor Navigation
* Comparison Between a Time Domain and Continuous Wave Small Animal Optical Imaging System, A
* Comparison Framework for Breathing Motion Estimation Methods From 4-D Imaging, A
* Comparison of DCT and DWT Block Based Watermarking on Medical Image Quality, A
* Comparison of Neural Network Boolean Factor Analysis Method with Some Other Dimension Reduction Methods on Bars Problem
* Computation of QRS Vector of ECG Signal for Observation of It's Clinical Significance
* computationally efficient evaluation environment for image segmentation, A
* Computationally Efficient MCTF for MC-EZBC Scalable Video Coding Framework
* Computer aided diagnosis of skin carcinomas based on textural characteristics
* Confidence Measure for Temporal Registration of Recurrent Non-uniform Samples
* Consequences of Land-cover Misclassification in Models of Impervious Surface
* Convergence of Map Seeking Circuits
* Correction of Attitude Fluctuation of Terra Spacecraft Using ASTER/SWIR Imagery With Parallax Observation
* Creation and selection of most stable discriminating features for on-line signature verification
* Cunning Ant System for Quadratic Assignment Problem with Local Search and Parallelization
* Curvature-based stroke rendering
* Cyclic Linear Hidden Markov Models for Shape Classification
* Data Analysis and Bioinformatics
* Decomposition Approach for Combined Heuristic and Differential Evolution Method for the Reactive Power Problem, A
* Deformable Object Tracking: A Kernel Density Estimation Approach Via Level Set Function Evolution
* Design an Aperiodic Stochastic Resonance Signal Processor for Digital Watermarking
* Design of a Medical Image Database with Content-Based Retrieval Capabilities
* Designing and Implementing Software Components for an Automated Mapping System
* Designs and architectures of filter bank trees for spectrally efficient multi-user communications: review, modifications and extensions of wavelet packet filter bank trees
* Detecting Misspelled Words in Turkish Text Using Syllable n-gram Frequencies
* Detecting Photographic Composites of People
* Detection and Classification of Human Movements in Video Scenes
* Detection of Anatomic Structures in Human Retinal Imagery
* Direct Ellipse Fitting and Measuring Based on Shape Boundaries
* Discovering Patterns of DNA Methylation: Rule Mining with Rough Sets and Decision Trees, and Comethylation Analysis
* Discovery of Process Models from Data and Domain Knowledge: A Rough-Granular Approach
* Dither Modulation in the Logarithmic Domain
* DRM: dynamic region matching for image retrieval using probabilistic fuzzy matching and boosting feature selection
* Dynamic Delaunay tetrahedralisation of a deforming surface
* Dynamic Network Loading Model for Traffic Dynamics Modeling, A
* Dynamic phase boundary estimation using electrical impedance tomography
* Dynamo: a runtime partitioning system for FPGA-based HW/SW image processing systems
* Effect of Different Coding Patterns on Compressed Frequency Domain Based Universal JPEG Steganalysis
* Efficient 2-D Grayscale Morphological Transformations With Arbitrary Flat Structuring Elements
* Efficient Biocryptosystem Based on the Iris Biometrics, An
* Efficient contrast invariant stereo correspondence using dynamic programming with vertical constraint
* Efficient Multi-method Rule Learning for Pattern Classification Machine Learning and Data Mining
* Efficient Phase and Object Estimation Scheme for Phase-Diversity Time Series Data, An
* Employing Spatial Metrics in Urban Land-use/Landcover Mapping: Comparing the Getis and Geary Indices
* Enhanced Quantum Evolutionary Algorithms for Difficult Knapsack Problems
* Ensemble Approaches of Support Vector Machines for Multiclass Classification
* Entropy Based Skew Correction of Document Images
* Equivalence of oblique and frontal illumination in perspective shape from shading
* Error Resilient Decoding of JPEG2000
* Estimating Basal Area and Stem Volume for Individual Trees from Lidar Data
* Evaluation and Comparison of the IRS-P6 and the Landsat Sensors
* Evolutionary Biclustering with Correlation for Gene Interaction Networks
* External Calibration of Multi-camera System Based on Efficient Pair-wise Estimation
* Extracting information from shadows in SAR imagery
* Extraction of Urban Built-up Land Features from Landsat Imagery Using a Thematic-oriented Index Combination Technique
* Face and Gesture-Based Interaction for Displaying Comic Books
* Facial Occlusion Reconstruction: Recovering Both the Global Structure and the Local Detailed Texture Components
* Facial Shape-from-shading and Recognition Using Principal Geodesic Analysis and Robust Statistics
* Fast Automatic Compensation of Under/Over- Exposured Image Regions
* Fast codebook searching in a SOM-based vector quantizer for image compression
* Fast Directional Image Completion
* Fast Matching Pursuit Video Coding by Combining Dictionary Approximation and Atom Extraction
* Fast Mesh Deformation Method for Neuroanatomical Surface Inflated Representations, A
* Fault Diagnosis Using Dynamic Time Warping
* FEM 2D Analysis of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury on a Child
* Finding structure in noisy text: Topic classification and unsupervised clustering
* Focus measure operator using 3D gradient
* FPGA implementation of real-time K-means clustering for color images, An
* FPGA-based accelerator for Fourier Descriptors computing for color object recognition using SVM, An
* FPGA-based architecture for a local tone-mapping operator, An
* Fusion Based Blind Image Steganalysis by Boosting Feature Selection
* Fuzzy Ordering Relation and Fuzzy Poset
* GA-Based Pruning Strategy and Weight Update Algorithm for Efficient Nonlinear System Identification, A
* GA-Based Robustness Evaluation Method for Digital Image Watermarking
* Gaussian Process Dynamical Models for Human Motion
* Gene Identification: Classical and Computational Intelligence Approaches
* General Data Hiding Framework and Multi-level Signature for Binary Images, A
* General Method for Sensor Planning in Multi-Sensor Systems: Extension to Random Occlusion, A
* Generalized Rigid and Generalized Affine Image Registration and Interpolation by Geometric Multigrid
* Generalized Tensor-Based Morphometry of HIV/AIDS Using Multivariate Statistics on Deformation Tensors
* Genre as noise: noise in genre
* Geometric Accuracy Assessment of QuickBird Basic Imagery Using Different Operational Approaches
* Geostatistical Solutions for Super-Resolution Land Cover Mapping
* Granular Support Vector Machine Based Method for Prediction of Solubility of Proteins on Overexpression in Escherichia Coli
* Grayscale Template-Matching Invariant to Rotation, Scale, Translation, Brightness and Contrast
* Hardware Implementation of Image Recognition System Based on Morphological Associative Memories and Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Hidden Markov Model Based Named Entity Recognition System: Bengali and Hindi as Case Studies, A
* Hidden Markov Models Applied to Snakes Behavior Identification
* Hiding Data Reversibly in an Image via Increasing Differences between Two Neighboring Pixels
* Hierarchical Fuzzy Case Based Reasoning with Multi-criteria Decision Making for Financial Applications
* hierarchical pipelining architecture and FPGA implementation for lifting-based 2-D DWT, A
* High Capacity Reversible Data Hiding for 3D Meshes in the PVQ Domain
* High Confidence Association Mining Without Support Pruning
* High Payload VQ Steganographic Method for Binary Images, A
* High performance FPGA-based image correlation
* High Throughput Hardware Architecture for Motion Estimation with 4:1 Pel Subsampling Targeting Digital Television Applications
* High-Capacity Invisible Background Encoding for Digital Authentication of Hardcopy Documents
* High-Resolution Three-Dimensional Radar Imaging for Rapidly Spinning Targets
* Higher Order SVD Analysis for Dynamic Texture Synthesis
* HMM Parameter Estimation with Genetic Algorithm for Handwritten Word Recognition
* HMM-Based Approach to Recognize Ultra Low Resolution Anti-Aliased Words, A
* Horizontal Human Face Pose Determination Using Pupils and Skin Region Positions
* Human Gait Recognition Using Temporal Slices
* hybrid approach towards vision based self-localization of autonomous mobile robots, A
* Hybrid Approaches for Clustering
* hybrid image restoration approach: Using fuzzy punctual kriging and genetic programming, A
* hybrid PET-MRI: An integrated molecular-genetic imaging system with HRRT-PET and 7.0-T MRI, A
* Hyperspectral Change Detection in the Presence of Diurnal and Seasonal Variations
* Identification of Gene Regulatory Pathways: A Regularization Method
* Image Feature Extraction Using a Method Derived from the Hough Transform with Extended Kalman Filtering
* Image In-painting by Band Matching, Seamless Cloning and Area Sub-division
* Image matching device and method for motion pictures
* Image Quality Assessment Based on Perceptual Structural Similarity
* Image Reconstruction and Multidimensional Field Estimation From Randomly Scattered Sensors
* Image Registration by Simulating Human Vision
* Image Restoration Using Space-Variant Gaussian Scale Mixtures in Overcomplete Pyramids
* Image Retrieval Using Fuzzy Relevance Feedback and Validation with MPEG-7 Content Descriptors
* Image texture classification using wavelet based curve fitting and probabilistic neural network
* Image-Based Approach to Interactive 3D Virtual Exhibition, An
* Image-Based Refocusing by 3D Filtering
* Imaging of a Moving Target With Rotating Parts Based on the Hough Transform
* Impact of Surface Anisotropy on Classification Accuracy of Selected Vegetation Classes: An Evaluation Using Multidate Multiangular MISR Data Over Parts of Madhya Pradesh, India
* Improved 2D mass-spring-damper model with unstructured triangular meshes
* Improved error estimate for extraordinary Catmull-Clark subdivision surface patches
* Improved Image Reconstruction Algorithms for Aperture Synthesis Radiometers
* Improved Motion-Compensated 3-D LLMMSE Filter With Spatio-Temporal Adaptive Filtering Support, An
* Improved Reversible Difference Expansion Watermarking Algorithm, An
* Improved Tracking of Multiple Vehicles Using Invariant Feature-Based Matching
* Improving Coherence of Complex Image Pairs Obtained by Along-Track Bistatic SARs Using Range-Azimuth Prefiltering
* Improving quality of fractal compressed images
* In Vivo MR-Tracking Based on Magnetic Signature Selective Excitation
* In)Security of an Efficient Fingerprinting Scheme with Symmetric and Commutative Encryption of IWDW 2005
* Incorporating Domain Knowledge Into the Fuzzy Connectedness Framework: Application to Brain Lesion Volume Estimation in Multiple Sclerosis
* Incremental Perspective Motion Model for Rigid and Non-rigid Motion Separation
* Influence of background and surround on image color matching
* Information Just-in-Time: An Approach to the Paperless Office
* Information Visualization for DNA Microarray Data Analysis: A Critical Review
* Investigation and modeling of the structure of texting language
* Iranian Face Database with age, pose and expression
* Iris localization via intensity gradient and recognition through bit planes
* Joint Blind Super-Resolution and Shadow Removing
* Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision: SIBGRAPI 2006 Special Issue
* K-Nearest Neighbor Finding Using MaxNearestDist
* Kernel-Based Spectral Matched Signal Detectors for Hyperspectral Target Detection
* Keyword Extraction from a Single Document Using Centrality Measures
* Language Independent Skew Estimation Technique Based on Gaussian Mixture Models: A Case Study on South Indian Scripts
* Least Distortion Halftone Image Data Hiding Watermarking by Optimizing an Iterative Linear Gain Control Model
* Likelihood Ratio-Based Biometric Score Fusion
* Lip localization and performance evaluation
* Low Cost Virtual Face Performance Capture Using Stereo Web Cameras
* Low-Complexity TTCM Based Distributed Video Coding Architecture
* Low-cost solution to on-line color filter array demosaicking
* low-cost strong shadow-based segmentation approach for vehicle tracking in congested traffic scenes, A
* low-power wireless video sensor node for distributed object detection, A
* Markov Random Fields and Spatial Information to Improve Automatic Image Annotation
* Markov-Based Lane Positioning Using Intervehicle Communication
* Marriage of Cryptography and Watermarking: Beneficial and Challenging for Secure Watermarking and Detection, The
* Measuring Linearity of Ordered Point Sets
* Meshless Parameterization for Dimensional Reduction Integrated in 3D Voxel Reconstruction Using a Single PC
* Method and apparatus for implementing B-picture scene changes
* Method for extracting object region
* Method of encoding and decoding motion picture, motion picture encoding device and motion picture decoding device
* Method of separating text and graphs in digital image data
* methodology for resolving severely occluded vehicles based on component-based multi-resolution relational graph matching, A
* Mining conversational text for procedures with applications in contact centers
* Mixture-of-Laplacian Faces and Its Application to Face Recognition
* Model-Associated Forest Parameter Retrieval Using VHF SAR Data at the Individual Tree Level
* Modeling and Recognition of Driving Behavior Based on Stochastic Switched ARX Model
* Modelling Intermittently Present Features Using Nonlinear Point Distribution Models
* Modified 9DLT Matrix for Similarity Retrieval of Line-Drawing Images
* Modified Kernels-Alternated Error Diffusion Watermarking Algorithm for Halftone Images, A
* Mosaic Animations from Video Inputs
* Motion Compensation Hardware Accelerator Architecture for H.264/AVC
* Motion Estimation Applied to Reconstruct Undersampled Dynamic MRI
* Multi-target Tracking with Poisson Processes Observations
* Multicamera People Tracking with a Probabilistic Occupancy Map
* Multidimensional Waveform Encoding: A New Digital Beamforming Technique for Synthetic Aperture Radar Remote Sensing
* MultiK-MHKS: A Novel Multiple Kernel Learning Algorithm
* Multiple Domain Watermarking for Print-Scan and JPEG Resilient Data Hiding
* Multiple Scrambling and Adaptive Synchronization for Audio Watermarking
* Multiple Testing Correction in Medical Image Analysis
* Multiple Watermarking in Visual Cryptography
* Multiscale Boundary Identification for Medical Images
* Multiscale Change Detection Technique Robust to Registration Noise, A
* Multivariate Statistical Differences of MRI Samples of the Human Brain
* Mumford-Shah on the Move: Region-Based Segmentation on Deforming Manifolds with Application to 3-D Reconstruction of Shape and Appearance from Multi-View Images
* natural human hand model, A
* Neural Network Classification of Photogenic Facial Expressions Based on Fiducial Points and Gabor Features
* Neuro-Fuzzy Scheme for Integrated Input Fuzzy Set Selection and Optimal Fuzzy Rule Generation for Classification, A
* Neuromorphic Adaptable Ocular Dominance Maps
* New Approach for Fingerprint Verification Based on Wide Baseline Matching Using Local Interest Points and Descriptors, A
* new fast no search fractal image compression in DCT domain, A
* New Results on Energy Balance Analysis of Metabolic Networks
* Noise Performance of a Precision Pulsed Electromagnet Power Supply for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Nonlinear Dynamic Shape and Appearance Models for Facial Motion Tracking
* Nonlinear Kalman Filtering Algorithms for On-Line Calibration of Dynamic Traffic Assignment Models
* Off-Road Path and Obstacle Detection Using Decision Networks and Stereo Vision
* Offline Handwritten Devanagari Word Recognition: An HMM Based Approach
* On Color-, Infrared-, and Multimodal-Stereo Approaches to Pedestrian Detection
* On Digital Image Representation by the Delaunay Triangulation
* On the Complexity of Obtaining Optimal Watermarking Schemes
* On the Local Behavior of Spaces of Natural Images
* Online Extrinsic Parameters Calibration for Stereovision Systems Used in Far-Range Detection Vehicle Applications
* Online incremental random forests
* Online Multiple View Computation for Autostereoscopic Display
* Optic Disc Detection From Normalized Digital Fundus Images by Means of a Vessels' Direction Matched Filter
* Optimal MMSE Pan Sharpening of Very High Resolution Multispectral Images
* Optimal orientation estimators for detection of cylindrical objects
* Optimized Cross-Layer Design for Scalable Video Transmission Over the IEEE 802.11e Networks
* Optimum Histogram Pair Based Image Lossless Data Embedding
* Out-of-Order Execution for Avoiding Head-of-Line Blocking in Remote 3D Graphics
* Parallel Construction of Conflict Graph for Phylogenetic Network Problem
* PATH at 20: History and Major Milestones
* People Counting in Low Density Video Sequences
* Performance Analysis of SVC
* Phase is an Important Low-Level Image Invariant
* Phase Unwrapping for SAR Interferometry: A Data Fusion Approach by Kalman Filtering
* Pine Forest Height Inversion Using Single-Pass X-Band PolInSAR Data
* Pipelined 8x8 2-D Forward DCT Hardware Architecture for H.264/AVC High Profile Encoder, A
* Plane-Based Optimization for 3D Object Reconstruction from Single Line Drawings
* Point-Based Rigid-Body Registration Using an Unscented Kalman Filter
* Polynomial Weighted Median Image Sequence Prediction
* Polyp Enhancing Level Set Evolution of Colon Wall: Method and Pilot Study
* Possibilities of Fuzzy Logic in Image Processing, The
* Practical Error Analysis of Cross-Ratio-Based Planar Localization
* Practical Fuzzy Logic Controller for Sumo Robot Competition, A
* Practical Real-Time Video Watermarking Scheme Robust against Downscaling Attack, A
* Prefix-Suffix Trees: A Novel Scheme for Compact Representation of Large Datasets
* Processing of Azimuth-Invariant Bistatic SAR Data Using the Range Doppler Algorithm
* Procrustes-based shape prior for parametric active contours
* Progress in Multimodality Imaging: Truly Simultaneous Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Projection Onto Convex Sets with Watermarking for Error Concealment
* Proposition and Comparison of Catadioptric Homography Estimation Methods
* Quality Enhancement of Frame Rate Up-Converted Video by Adaptive Frame Skip and Reliable Motion Extraction
* Quick Knowledge Reduction Based on Divide and Conquer Method in Huge Data Sets
* Radial Basis Function for Registration of Local Features in Images, A
* Real Time Infrared Imaging System Based on DSP and FPGA, A
* Real-Time Color Image Watermarking Based on D-SVD Scheme
* Real-Time Hand Gesture Detection and Recognition Using Boosted Classifiers and Active Learning
* Real-time hardware acceleration of the trace transform
* Real-time image segmentation based on a parallel and pipelined watershed algorithm
* Real-Time Object Recognition System on Cell Broadband Engine, A
* Real-Time Technique for Spatio-Temporal Video Noise Estimation, A
* Recognition of Isolated Handwritten Kannada Numerals Based on Image Fusion Method
* Recognizing Facial Expression Using Particle Filter Based Feature Points Tracker
* Recognizing Human Iris by Modified Empirical Mode Decomposition
* Recognizing Patterns of Dynamic Behaviors Based on Multiple Relations in Soccer Robotics Domain
* Reconfigurable architectures and processors for real-time video motion estimation
* Reconstruction Method for Gappy and Noisy Arterial Flow Data, A
* Reconstruction of 3D Object Meshes from Silhouette Images
* Recursive Model-Reduction Method for Approximate Inference in Gaussian Markov Random Fields, A
* Registration of CAD mesh models with CT volumetric model of assembly of machine parts
* Remote Sensing: New Applications for Urban Areas
* Reversible Data Hiding Using Prediction Error Values Embedding
* Reversible Quantization-Index Modulation Using Neighboring Correlation
* Review of Geometric Transformations for Nonrigid Body Registration, A
* Robot having an imaging capability
* Robust Approach for Estimating Probabilities in Naive-Bayes Classifier
* Robust Audio Zero-Watermark Based on LWT and Chaotic Modulation
* Robust camera motion analysis for home video
* robust hole-filling algorithm for triangular mesh, A
* robust system for text extraction in video, A
* Robust Tree-Ring Detection
* Robustness through prior knowledge: using explanation-based learning to distinguish handwritten Chinese characters
* Rough Core Vector Clustering
* Rough Set Theory of Pattern Classification in the Brain
* Sampling Less and Reconstructing More for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Scalable Security and Conditional Access Control for Multiple Regions of Interest in Scalable Video Coding
* Scene analysis surveillance system
* Seasonal Sensitivity Analysis of Impervious Surface Estimation with Satellite Imagery
* Secure Video Multicast Based on Desynchronized Fingerprint and Partial Encryption
* Security identification system 2
* Segmentation of Scanned Insect Footprints Using ART2 for Threshold Selection
* Segmentation-Based Adaptive Support for Accurate Stereo Correspondence
* Segmenting Multiple Textured Objects Using Geodesic Active Contour and DWT
* Selection of DNA Markers
* Self Adaptable Recognizer for Document Image Collections
* Semantic Integration of Information Through Relation Mining: Application to Bio-medical Text Processing
* Semi-supervised Learning with Multilayer Perceptron for Detecting Changes of Remote Sensing Images
* Sentence boundary detection in conversational speech transcripts using noisily labeled examples
* Shape and structure for image matching and retrieval
* Shape-Based Image Retrieval Using k-Means Clustering and Neural Networks
* Shot Boundary Detection Using Frame Transition Parameters and Edge Strength Scatter
* Signal Resampling Technique Combining Level Crossing and Auditory Features
* Simulation of Automated Visual Inspection Systems for Specular Surfaces Quality Control
* Single and Multipinhole Collimator Design Evaluation Method for Small Animal SPECT
* Single-View Based Framework for Robust Estimation of Height and Position of Moving People, A
* SP Picture for Scalable Video Coding
* Sparse Decomposition and Modeling of Anatomical Shape Variation
* Sparse Representation for Color Image Restoration
* Spatial Topology of Equitemporal Points on Signatures for Retrieval
* Spatial Visualization of the Heart in Case of Ectopic Beats and Fibrillation
* Spatio-temporal Descriptor Using 3D Curvature Scale Space
* Special issue on Field-Programmable Technology
* Special Issue on Noisy Text Analytics
* Spoken Language Identification for Indian Languages Using Split and Merge EM Algorithm
* Statistical Background Subtraction Using Spatial Cues
* Steganalysis of Enhanced BPCS Steganography Using the Hilbert-Huang Transform Based Sequential Analysis
* Steganalysis of Multi Bit Plane Image Steganography
* Steganalysis Versus Splicing Detection
* Stereo Processing by Semiglobal Matching and Mutual Information
* Stochastic Framework for the Identification of Building Rooftops Using a Single Remote Sensing Image, A
* Structure-less object detection using AdaBoost algorithm
* Study of Zernike Invariants for Content-Based Image Retrieval, A
* study on partial face recognition of eye region, A
* Studying the GOP Size Impact on the Performance of a Feedback Channel-Based Wyner-Ziv Video Codec
* Sub-grid Detection in DNA Microarray Images
* Subjective Image-Quality Estimation Based on Psychophysical Experimentation
* Summarization of football video content
* Supervised Enhancement Filters: Application to Fissure Detection in Chest CT Scans
* Support Vector Machine and Neural Network Classification of Metallic Objects Using Coefficients of the Spheroidal MQS Response Modes
* Surface modeling with polynomial splines over hierarchical T-meshes
* Surface Texture Using Photometric Stereo Data: Classification and Direction of Illumination Detection
* Surface-Constrained Volumetric Brain Registration Using Harmonic Mappings
* Survey of Non-facial/Non-verbal Affective Expressions for Appearance-Constrained Robots
* SVM with Stochastic Parameter Selection for Bovine Leather Defect Classification
* Taking Online Maps Down to Street Level
* Team MIT Urban Challenge Technical Report
* Text Region Extraction from Quality Degraded Document Images
* Texture features based on Fourier transform and Gabor filters: an empirical comparison
* Theoretical Approach to Modeling the Accuracy Assessment of Digital Elevation Models, A
* Theoretical Framework for Watermarking of Compressed Signals, A
* Theory Of Frequency Domain Invariants: Spherical Harmonic Identities for BRDF/Lighting Transfer and Image Consistency, A
* Theory of Refractive and Specular 3D Shape by Light-Path Triangulation, A
* Three-View Multibody Structure from Motion
* Threshold optimization of decentralized CFAR detection in weibull clutter using genetic algorithms
* Time-Domain Optimized Near-Field Estimator for Ultrasound Imaging: Initial Development and Results
* Topology Adaptive Active Membrane
* Towards a high quality Arabic speech synthesis system based on neural networks and residual excited vocal tract model
* Towards Human Level Web Intelligence: A Brain Informatics Perspective
* Trajectory Association across Multiple Airborne Cameras
* Treebanks gone bad: Parser evaluation and retraining using a treebank of ungrammatical sentences
* Two finite inverse Hilbert transform formulae for region-of-interest tomography
* Unbalanced Data Classification Model Using Hybrid Sampling Technique for Fraud Detection, An
* Unsupervised Bayesian Convex Deconvolution Based on a Field With an Explicit Partition Function
* Unsupervised information extraction from unstructured, ungrammatical data sources on the World Wide Web
* Unsupervised learning of video structures in videos using hierarchical statistical models to detect events
* Unsupervized Video Segmentation With Low Depth of Field
* Use of Ant Colony Optimization for Finding Neighborhoods in Image Non-stationary Markov Random Field Classification
* User's Search Behavior Graph for Aiding Personalized Web Search
* Using Biologically Inspired Features for Face Processing
* Using Coupled Subspace Models for Reflectance/Illumination Separation
* Using the Orthographic Projection Model to Approximate the Perspective Projection Model for 3D Facial Reconstruction
* Vegetation Mapping for Landmine Detection Using Long-Wave Hyperspectral Imagery
* Vehicle-Component Identification Based on Multiscale Textural Couriers
* Very Fast Concentric Circle Partition-Based Replica Detection Method
* Video Shot Characterization Using Principles of Perceptual Prominence and Perceptual Grouping in Spatio-Temporal Domain
* Viscosity Solutions of a Level-Set Method for Anisotropic Geometric Diffusion in Image Processing
* Vision-Based Guitarist Fingering Tracking Using a Bayesian Classifier and Particle Filters
* Voice Transformation by Mapping the Features at Syllable Level
* Watermarking for Authentication of LZ-77 Compressed Documents
* Watermarking, a Mature Technology: Retrospect and Prospect
* wavelet-VQ system for real-time video compression, A
* Weaknesses of MB2
* Weighted k-Nearest Leader Classifier for Large Data Sets
* Weighted Pseudometric Discriminatory Power Improvement Using a Bayesian Logistic Regression Model Based on a Variational Method
* Wide baseline stereo based on background modeling
* Wyner-Ziv Video Coding with Side Matching for Improved Side Information
407 for 0712

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.